Watton - N&NU Hospital - 3 Watton - - Norwich 6

Monday to Saturday except: NS NS S NS S 3 6 6 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6

Ashill, Millfield . 0653 ...... Shipdham, opp PO 0628 | 0653 0703 0713 ...... Watton, Post Office 0645 0710 0710 0720 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 Carbrooke, opp Flying Fish 0650 0715 0715 0725 0735 0805 0835 0905 0935 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 1305 1335 1405 1435 1505 1535 1605 1635 1705 Hingham, Bus Shelter 0700 0726 0726 0736 0746 0816 0846 0916 0946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1216 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 1546* 1616 1646 1716 , opp PO | | | 0746 0756 | | | 0956 | | | 1156 | | | | | | | | | | | Barford, B1108, opp Cock Inn 0711 | | 0751 0801 | 0858 | 1003 | 1058 | 1203 | 1258 | 1358 | 1458 | 1558* | 1658 | N & N U Hospital 0723 | | 0805 0815 | 0910 | 1015 | 1110 | 1215 | 1310 | 1410 | 1510 | 1615 | 1710 | Earlham Road, Fiveways 0729 | | 0813 0820 | 0916 | 1021 | 1116 | 1221 | 1316 | 1416 | 1516 | 1621 | 1716 | , Cherry Tree | 0734 0734 | | 0824 | 0924 | 1024 | 1124 | 1224 | 1324 | 1424 | 1524 | 1624 | 1724 Wymondham, Melton Road | 0738 0738 | | 0828 | 0928 | 1028 | 1128 | 1228 | 1328 | 1428 | 1528 | 1628 | 1728 Wymondham, Cross, NatWest | 0750 0750 | | 0840 | 0940 | 1040 | 1140 | 1240 | 1340 | 1440 | 1540 | 1640 | 1740 Wymondham, Norwich Rd, Waitrose | 0753 0753 | | 0843 | 0943 | 1043 | 1143 | 1243 | 1343 | 1443 | 1543 | 1643 | 1743 , B1172, Steeple Tower | 0757 0757 | | 0847 | 0947 | 1047 | 1147 | 1247 | 1347 | 1447 | 1547 | 1647 | 1747 Newmarket Road, opp Town Close Road | 0806 0806 | | 0856 | 0956 | 1056 | 1156 | 1256 | 1356 | 1456 | 1556 | 1656 | 1756 Norwich, Bus Station 0741 0818 0813 0830 0830 0903 0930 1003 1035 1103 1130 1203 1235 1303 1330 1403 1430 1503 1530 1603 1635 1703 1730 1803

Norwich - N&NU Hospital - Watton 3 Norwich - Wymondham - Watton 6

Monday to Saturday except: NS/A NS 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 6A

Norwich, Bus Station . 0745 0820 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 1545 1615 1645 1715 1745 1815 1900 Norwich, St Stephens Street (stop BR) . 0746 | 0846 | 0946 | 1046 | 1146 | 1246 | 1346 | 1446 | 1546 | 1646 | 1746 | | Newmarket Road, Albemarle Road . | 0823 | 0918 | 1018 | 1118 | 1218 | 1318 | 1418 | 1518 | 1618 | 1718 | 1818 1903 Hethersett, B1172, opp Steeple Tower . | 0831 | 0926 | 1026 | 1126 | 1226 | 1326 | 1426 | 1526 | 1626 | 1726 | 1826 1911 Wymondham, Norwich Rd, Waitrose . | 0836 | 0931 | 1031 | 1131 | 1231 | 1331 | 1431 | 1531 | 1631 | 1731 | 1831 1916 Wymondham, Cross, Big Fry . | 0843 | 0938 | 1038 | 1138 | 1238 | 1338 | 1438 | 1538 | 1638 | 1738 | 1838 1924$ Wymondham, Melton Road . | 0845 | 0940 | 1040 | 1140 | 1240 | 1340 | 1440 | 1540 | 1640 | 1740 | 1840 | Earlham Road, Fiveways . 0755 | 0855 | 0955 | 1055 | 1155 | 1255 | 1355 | 1455 | 1558 | 1658 | 1758 | | N & N U Hospital 0735 0804 | 0904 | 1004 | 1104 | 1204 | 1304 | 1404 | 1504 | 1610 | 1710 | 1810 | via Barford, B1108, Cock Inn 0745 0814 | 0914 | 1014 | 1114 | 1214 | 1314 | 1414 | 1514 | 1620 | 1720 | 1820 | Attleb Barnham Broom, opp PO | | | | | | | | | 1218 | | | 1418 | | | | | 1725 | 1825 | | Wicklewood, Cherry Tree | | 0851 | 0946 | 1046 | 1146 | 1246 | 1346 | 1446 | 1546 | 1646 | 1746 | 1846 | Hingham, Market Place 0755 0825 0900 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1230 1255 1325 1355 1430 1455 1525 1555 1631 1655 1736 1755 1836 1855 | Carbrooke, Shire Autos 0802 0833 0908 0933 1003 1033 1103 1133 1203 1238 1303 1333 1403 1438 1503 1533 1603 1639 1703 1744 1803 1844 1903 1957 Watton, Crown 0812 0845 0920 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1250 1315 1345 1415 1450 1515 1545 1615 1650 1715 1755 1813 1855 1913 2005 Shipdham, PO ...... | 1805 1823 1905 1923 . Ashill, Millfield ...... R . . . . . See following page for Sunday and Public Holiday times and Codes. Codes: NS Not Saturdays. S Saturdays only. R Continues to drop off customers if required. A On school days operates via Carbrooke village (0806) then Shire Autos (0810), Wayland High School (0820), Watton Post Office (0825). * On schooldays this bus starts from Wayland High School at (1525) and operates via Carbrooke village at (1538) then running 5 minutes later at stops marked *. $ Stops at Wymondham, Cross, NatWest not Big Fry

Watton - N&NU Hospital - Norwich 3A Extra journeys on schooldays only: 3

Sundays & Bank Holidays Watton, Norwich Road, Blenheim Grange 0830 Watton, Post Office 0930 1130 1330 1530 Watton, Junior School 0840 Carbrooke, opp Flying Fish 0935 1135 1335 1535 Hingham, Bus Shelter 0945 1145 1345 1545 Watton Junior School 1520 Barford, B1108, opp Cock Inn 0955 1155 1355 1555 Watton, Norwich Road, Blenheim Grange 1530 N & N U Hospital 1010 1210 1410 1610 Earlham Fiveways | | | | Roundhouse Way 1014 1214 1414 1614 Newmarket Road, Town Close Rd 1018 1218 1418 1618 Norwich, Bus Station 1025 1225 1425 1625

Norwich - N&NU Hospital - Watton 3A

Sundays & Bank Holidays

Norwich, Bus Station Stand 1030 1230 1430 1630 Norwich, St Stephens Street stop BR 1031 1231 1431 1631 Newmarket Road, Town Close Rd 1034 1234 1434 1634 Roundhouse Way 1039 1239 1439 1639 Earlham opp Fiveways | | | | N & N U Hospital 1045 1245 1445 1645 Barford, B1108, Cock Inn 1056 1256 1456 1656 Hingham, Market Place 1108 1308 1508 1708 Carbrooke, Flying Fish 1117 1317 1517 1717 Watton, Crown 1125 1325 1525 1725

Route 3A runs via Roundhouse Way and Newmarket Road between the N&NU Hospital and the city centre, not Earlham Road.