EDITION 1 2012 MYSTERIOUS MALE CLAIMS NURSERY SPACE DARWIN SHADOWS IN THE PICTURE BRIGHT FUTURE AWAITS DESERT ROCKERS FEATURES REGULARS 6 NATIVE ANIMALS 3 From the THRIVE WITHOUT Vice-Chancellor BUFFEL GRASS TE’ WRAPS 8 OSCAR’S STORY 4 Snapshot IN CLAY AND FILM FIONA’S FRAME 31 Limited Edition 11 OF SHADOWS PUTS DARWIN IN THE PICTURE Q & A ENGINEER SIFTS 34 14 THROUGH NZ’S RUBBLE AND RUIN 36 CDU Art Collection MYSTERIOUS 17 MALE CLAIMS NURSERY SPACE MAKASSAN MAP 20 CONNECTS SCIENTISTS AND COUNTRIES SHELVES DO THE 22 TALKING TO PROMOTE HEALTHY FOODS FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR 24 TO PROBE NEW ERA IN RIVER RESEARCH ALBUM, TOUR AND 26 BRIGHT FUTURE AWAIT DESERT ROCKERS GIANT FROG HAS 28 HYDRATION ALL WRAPPED UP RESEARCHERS 32 AUDIT WATER USE IN TIMOR-LESTE Origins is produced by Charles Darwin University’s Offi ce of Media, Advancement and Community Engagement (MACE). The Offi ce of Media, Advancement and Community Engagement is grateful to the following people and organisations for their contributions and assistance in compiling this edition: Anita Angel, Gavin Bedford, Tim Berra, Sue Carthew, Te’ Claire, Bryan Davies, Michael Douglas, Martin Dziminski, Karen Edyvane, Cain Gilmour, Amy Kimber, Frances Knight, Tania Paul, Chris Miezis, Jen Pinkerton, Steven Reynolds, Christine Schlesinger, Timor-Leste Dive Photo Contest, Chris Wallace, Dion Wedd, Dave Wilson. CONTRIBUTORS Opinions and views expressed in this edition do not necessarily refl ect those of Charles Darwin University. Reproduction of any material appearing in this edition requires written permission from Robyn McDougall
[email protected]. PENNY BAXTER Freelance writer Penny Baxter tells the story of Published June 2012 an ancient hand-drawn map of the Makassan Charles Darwin University, NT, Empire that may help protect the biodiversity Australia and resources of the Arafura and Timor Seas.