Frogger: Game Design Document

Christopher Morales partner with Jason Jin


Gameplay Reference History Background Gameplay Overview Icons How to play? Gameplay Controller Type of Enemies References

Gameplay Reference: We are building Frogger (Emulating) the original arcade by . We gonna use ROM emulator, so we can look how the game look like and feel by playing it. Here is the link below as references for how the game is going to look like on Unity.

Assets We gonna use sprite on this website as reference:

Sounds Effect Sound Effects: Video Game Sounds Tones and Sound Effects Co.

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Others: Not sure, but we might find another resource like on the unity website, if we need help to code the game.

History Background:

About Frogger:

Frogger is a 1981 developed by Konami. It is also regarded as an classic from the golden age of video arcade games. Licensed by /Gremlin. The game have been many remakes and sequels to Frogger. Brief background: Konami was going to name the game “Highway Crossing Frog”. Sega wanted the name to be something unique so it was named.As with most other arcade games developed at the time, Frogger is available in both one and two player modes. The first Frogger port became available on home computers, with another port for the original becoming available soon after. Frogger was released for the , and several other Atari video game consoles by the mid-. , Sierra, and Cornsoft purchased development rights to Frogger, which allowed them to port the video game to even more computer systems, arcade machines and home gaming consoles.

Gameplay: OverView The Users (Players) takes control of Frogger and must get him past the cars and trucks. Jump on the turtles and logs and into one of five holes . One of the five holes might contain either an alligator or snake. Catching bugs and escorting lady frogs will give extra bonus points. Many ways dying can include, hit by traffic, falling into the river, eaten by alligator or snake or riding a log or turtle all the way to the edge of the screen, may also include Time-Out. On the game, each user will receive 3 life points at the beginning of the game. They are 10 levels in Frogger, which are relevant when it comes to formulating a strategy. After you finish levels one to five, you should be able to identify the pattern that is established within the next five stages. Cars are the biggest enemies of Frogger, but they are not the most dangerous. Each stage has five lanes of traffic that players have to hop across in order to get to the first safety zone. Snakes and crocodiles also periodically appear on the highway.



Frogger – Frogger is the main character ​ Turtles – Although turtles aren't really an enemy, they can cause you to lose a turn if they go ​ below the surface. Use turtles to get from one point to another.

Snakes – Snakes are a crafty, fast moving enemy group. Watch out for them lurking on logs as ​ well as the median.

Crocodiles – These enemies have a tendency to spontaneously appear at various points in the ​ game. While crocodiles don't really attack Frogger, making the slightest contact with the head area always results in instant death.

Logs – Frogger uses logs of varying lengths to make it across the river to the bank. ​

How to play?

At the very beginning of the game, you should see Flogger positioned at the bottom of the screen. Going from top to bottom, there will be a five lane highway, a concrete median, a river and a swampy marsh. Car traffic will go from left to right, but enemies such as the crocodile will be moving in the opposite direction. On the river, the log, crocodiles and turtles will be floating from the right to the left. There are three varieties of logs in Frogger; short, normal and long. Be aware of the fact that logs are not safe spots to rest. Snakes can instantly appear on any log, at any time, including before, during and directly after you jump.

Turtles are useful 'stepping stones,' but they also come with risks. Some turtles periodically dive beneath the surface of the river, causing Frogger to drown and lose a life.

Cars also come in three different versions. Slower cars usually travel in the same lanes, but this is not always the case. There will be more cars that move at a normal speed during the initial stages of Frogger, but as you progress they will become less numerous.

Gameplay: Emulating Controls and Hardware

We gonna built the OSX and Windows PC, also we provide that the game is gonna be play with Playstation Controler (Hopefully or Might).

Gameplay: Enemy Types:

-Cars = trucks, busses, vans, taxis and bicycles -Snake = will try to eat the frog. -Alligator = Swimming in the river and will eat the frog.


Documentation Process and Update:

Saturday October 15, 2016

Over the weekend we work on in Collision: This include make frogger by hitting a car or move to the water (if able to destroy) and going left or right border on the screen except down. Also we work with moving car and log between left and ride while looping Adding the destroy animation of Frogger.

Next thing coming: What do we need to work on for next: - Adding sounds to frogger step (this include car sounds, background music, and destroy song). - Life points (maybe) - Moving time - Adding the goal, when Frogger reach to the top - Points - Working with Controller or PS4 for the (but on OSX)

Iteration 3 (Wednesday, October 26): Fidelity

Overall from Process Oct/15/16/ - Oct/26/16 • Are sprites and sounds authentic reproductions or appropriate substitutes? By moving frogger using the GetKey Input, it can walk (animation) and sound can listening by the different frame while frogger is moving. Using sprite the cars, turtles, logs are able to move according to their time speed. • Did you implement the core mechanics with attention to Detail? Movement and Enemies Frogger can jump, reach to the goal. Did you choose a subset of features that combine to make a fun, coherent game? The good thing frogger is able to move left, right, up and down, and also can be hit by cars and it can be sink by going to the water. Also this include the animation such as, frogger is sinking and by going to the border (it can also die except going to the bottom of the scene. • Did you add any polish features, such as high scores, a start menu, or sound? The game itself has the original frogger music on the background and frogger itself can be listen each time it move. For the high scores was difficult to input, and also start menu (to make the intro automatic and start the game). But the game is playful. It only include just the first level of Frogger there is no other next level. Did you produce a detailed, thorough design document for your chosen game? A little bit, we got the frog to interact in the scene, we try to input using the joystick with PS4 or controller, but unfortunately didn’t work.