CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Reviews and Articles 6 Books and Publications 16 Lectures 17 Affiliated Society Meetings 18 NOTICES Newsletter: Copy Date The copy deadline for the next Newsletter is 18 March 2016 (for the May 2016 issue). Please send items for inclusion by email preferably (as MS Word attachments) to:
[email protected], or by surface mail to me, Richard Gilpin, Honorary Editor, LAMAS Newsletter, 84 Lock Chase, Blackheath, London SE3 9HA. It would be greatly appreciated if contributors could please ensure that any item sent by mail carries postage that is appropriate for the weight and size of the item. So much material has been submitted for this issue that some book reviews have had to be held over until the May 2016 issue. Marketing and Publicity Officer LAMAS is seeking a bright, efficient and enthusiastic person to become its Marketing and Publicity Officer. The Society has 650 members world-wide, including many archaeologists, historians and conservationists, and plays a leading role in the protection and preservation of London’s heritage. Through its publications, lectures and conferences LAMAS makes information on London’s past accessible to a wide audience. This interesting and varied job will involve the promotion and marketing of all of the Society's activities and especially publications, at events and online. The officer will be responsible to Council and make periodic reports to it. Experience of online marketing would be useful but is not necessary. Enthusiasm for London's archaeology and history is essential. The job is unpaid and honorary, as are those of all of the Society's officers.