CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers, Lower Level – 7:00 P.M. 611 E. Grand River, Howell, MI 48843

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Monday, May 7, 2018

COUNCIL - 1. Regular Meeting Called to Order MANAGER GOVERNMENT 2. Pledge of Allegiance (all stand) Council members and other officials normally in attendance: 3. Approve Minutes – April 23, 2018 Regular Meeting

1. Dennis L. Perkins 4. Citizens’ Comments (items not on agenda) City Attorney 2. Jan Lobur Council Member 5. Public Hearing – Public Safety Special Assessment Roll 3. Andrew Yost Council Member 4. Michael Mulvahill 6. Discussion/Approval – Resolution No. 18-09 Confirming Public Safety Special Council Member Assessment Roll & Levy 5. Shea Charles City Manager 6. Nick Proctor 7. Reports by Council Members Serving on Commissions Mayor 7. Jane Cartwright 8. Council Correspondence: City Clerk 8. Scott Niblock Council Member 9. Discussion – State Street Reconstruction Grant 9. Bob Ellis Council Member 8. Steven L. Manor 10. Discussion/Approval – Livingston County Solid Waste Challenge Grant Mayor Pro Tem 11. Discussion/Approval – Resolution No. 18-10, 2017/2018 Budget Amendments SEATING: Above list arranged according to seating 12. Discussion/Approval – Schedule 2018/2019 Budget Public Hearing and Truth in order; left to right. Taxation

13. Approve payment of bills ending May 7, 2018 in the amount of $533,506.95 and payroll to cover the period ending May 12, 2018

14. City Manager’s Report:

15. Old Business

16. New Business

17. Executive Session – Pending Litigation

18. Adjournment

Visitors are cordially invited to attend all meetings of the Council. If you wish to address the Council, you will be recognized by the Mayor. Please refer to the printed guidelines on the back of the agenda. May 7, 2018

Public Comment Guidelines Members of the public are permitted to address a meeting of Council upon recognition by the Mayor. Each person shall begin by stating their name and address and shall be permitted to speak once on each agenda item for three (3) minutes. Agenda item 4 allows for Citizens’ Comments on any non-agenda item. Where the Agenda provides Public Hearing comment, each person addressing the Council shall be limited to five (5) minutes regarding the specific agenda Public Hearing item. The Mayor may allow additional time at his/her discretion.

All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any member. No person, other than members of the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through the members of the Council. No questions shall be asked the Council Members, except through the Mayor. Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who shall become boisterous, while addressing the Council, may be requested to leave the lectern.

Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Council by written communication in regard to any matter concerning the City’s business or over which the Council has control at anytime by direct mail or by addressing the City Clerk, and copies will be distributed to Council Members.

Regular Meeting of the Howell City Council Monday, April 23, 2018 Howell City Council Chambers – Lower Level 611 E. Grand River Howell, Michigan 48843 517-546-3502

1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Howell City Council was called to order by Mayor Nick Proctor at 7:00 p.m.

Council Members Present: Robert Ellis, Jan Lobur, Steven Manor, Michael Mulvahill, Scott Niblock, Andrew Yost and Mayor Nick Proctor.

Also Present: City Manager Shea Charles and City Clerk Jane Cartwright.

Others in Attendance: Police Chief George Basar, Deputy Police Chief Scott Mannor, DPS Director Erv Suida, Finance Director/Treasurer Catherine Stanislawski, Community Development Director Tim Schmitt, IT Director Mike Pitera, DPW Operations Manager Mike Luce, Assessor Joey Lentine, WWTP Operations Manager Mike Spitler, Project Technician Matt Davis, Cemetery Supervisor Jason McClanahan, DDA Director Cathleen Edgerly, Main Street Outreach Coordinator Kate Litwin, John & Caron Davis, Ethan MacDonald, Howard Ziegel, Warner Frazer, Bruce Solando, Larry Rodwell, Lebrecque, Mary Cole, Tim Schnelle, Kyle Tokan, Mike Newman, Marc McKay, Ali McKay, Meaghan OBrien, A. Currie, Joanne Bellmard, Ben Peterson, Shawn Bourne, Jane Thierfeldt, Tammy Palmieri, Dominic Palmieri, Pam Stefanski, Nancy Gosselin, Ron Gosselin, Sandra Park, Michelle Tokan, Thersia Mendolia, Margaret Withorn, Joe Masters, David Dilworth, Bruce Porter, Lizzie Combs, Athena Smith, Sarah Lewis, Phil Lewis, Tami Hammac, Samantha Sprytzer, Mary Bethany Newman, Nancy Brehm, Joseph Perrone, Janet Kosiba, Becky Niblock, Matthew Brunn, Mike & Linda Dinoff, Richard Olrich, Dave Richard, Lois Richard, Nick Zurek, Jamil Czubenko, Laura Samkowiak, Steve Samkowiak, Ann Heins, Nancy Vorhoff, J. Pratt, J. Kraus, J. Kulman, Dorothy Mulvahill, Linda Deniston, Randy Hatfield, Helen Budd, Paul Wylie, Kathy Wylie, Tom Richardson, James Rutherford, Jim Smullen, Tom Austin, Rick St. Onge, J.R. Drick, Kayla Dougheny, Henrietta Olechowski, Nancy Mate, Arnie Rubin, Susan Kaba, Sandra Drown, Geri Arpino, Arlene Gates, Jennifer VanBrunt, John VanBrunt, Carrie DeLuca, Ada Gardiner, Ingrid Tanner, Robert Sprytzer, Bob Hackman, Lloyd Geroux, Elizabeth Garvey, Thomas Keenan.



3. APPROVED MINUTES MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Yost, “To approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held April 9, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Lobur, “To approve the minutes of the executive session held April 9, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Lobur, “To approve the minutes of the special meeting held April 16, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Mulvahill, “To approve the minutes of the executive session held April 16, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Mulvahill, “To approve the minutes of the work session held April 16, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

4. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS  Margaret Withorn, 509 E. Clinton, expressed concern about the condition of the water tower north of Grand River. City Manager Charles indicated it was a private tower however staff will take another look at it.  Rick St. Onge, 116 S. Chestnut, stated Executive Session is not recognized by the Open Meetings Act.  Linda Dinoff, 1167 Lakeside, questioned if there was going to be staff at the boat launch this summer. Mayor Proctor indicated approval of the Management Agreement for Howell City Park was scheduled on the agenda (refer to item 13).  Rob Hackman, 121 Madison, questioned the timeframe to make improvements on homes that need work. City Manager Charles requested the addresses of the subject properties and will have staff investigate; they may already be in process.  Jeff Kraus, 628 North, questioned if the City’s website was up to date on property assessments noting the rental next to him (622 North) shows taxes in arrears going back 3 years. City Manager Charles noted taxes could have been paid at the County level; staff will take a look at it.

9. APPROVED – CIVIC EVENT APPLICATIONS: (taken out of order) A. Farmers Market, May - October, 2018. MOTION by Lobur, SUPPORT by Yost, “To approve the Civic Event application submitted by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce for Farmers Market scheduled every Sunday May 6 – October 28, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

B. Michigan Challenge Media Night & Balloon Festival. MOTION by Yost, SUPPORT by Mulvahill, “To approve the Civic Event application submitted by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce for Michigan Challenge Media Night at Howell City Park scheduled for June 13, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0). MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Mulvahill, “To approve the Civic Event HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 3 - APRIL 23, 2018

application submitted by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce for Balloon Festival scheduled for June 22-24, 2018.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0). MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Lobur, “To approve the permit for fireworks display as presented by the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

5. PUBLIC HEARING – CONSUMERS ENERGY 30 YEAR FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Mayor Proctor opened the public hearing at 7:11 p.m.

City Manager Charles indicated Consumers Energy was the natural gas provider in the City of Howell and State law requires a franchise agreement. The proposed agreement mirrors the current 30 year franchise.

Mayor Proctor opened the floor for public comment. There was no response. Mayor Proctor closed the public hearing at 7:12 p.m.

10. APPROVED – ORDINANCE NO. 914, CONSUMERS ENERGY 30 YEAR FRANCHISE AGREEMENT (taken out of order) MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Yost, “To adopt Ordinance No. 914, Consumers Energy 30 Year Franchise.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

6. PUBLIC HEARING – PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT City Manager Charles thanked everyone for attending the meeting and provided an overview on the proposed public safety assessment. Public Act 33 enables communities to establish a special assessment district to fund police services and the assessments are based on a property’s taxable value. The process has steps and the public hearing tonight is on consideration of the district; not the actual levy. Each year as part of the budget process, Mayor & City Council will determine the amount of the special assessment levy. The proposed assessment for the 2018/2019 year is equivalent to three mills, an average of $202 per property owner.

City Manager Charles further described the four factors contributing to the fiscal stress experienced by the City of Howell and other Michigan communities, including lost State Revenue Sharing, 2008 Recession, Proposal A caps & Headlee Millage Rollbacks, and unfunded liabilities. Michigan is ranked last in general revenue growth from 2002 – 2012 and Michigan communities have lost $8.1 billion in State Revenue Sharing since 2002. Under Proposal A, the City lost 16 years of value and will never catch up. When the community starts to see growth again, the Headlee Amendment rolls the millage rate back down. The City’s pension system has been underfunded for years and the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) changed their actuarial assumptions and funding model in 2015 requiring all plans to be 100% funded by 2039. Even HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 4 - APRIL 23, 2018

though the City has always paid their annual required contributions, accelerated payments are now being required. Also reviewed were cost-cutting measures implemented since 2008 including reduction in staff, seven year wage freeze, negotiated health insurance benefits and cost sharing, elimination of retiree health care and lower tier retirement benefits for new hires, and additional employee contributions to the retirement system. The City has also collaborated with local communities on Shared Services and deferred infrastructure projects. The additional revenue will restore funding to maintain and rehabilitate existing infrastructure. The City did raise taxes in 2008 to fund road repairs and were able to utilize the 40% debt forgiveness under the Drinking Water Revolving Fund. Additional road rehabilitation that will be needed over the next ten years is estimated at $18 million.

The next public hearing will be to review the proposed assessment roll and the amount of the levy; the notice of that meeting scheduled for May 7, 2018 will include the notice of appeal process. Mayor & City Council did consider a Headlee Override however feel that the Public Service Assessment is the appropriate solution.

Mayor Proctor presented some background from the City Council perspective. This problem has been discussed at budget work sessions every year since he was elected to Council in 2013. One of the ideas looked at was eliminating the police department and contracting with the Sheriff’s Department which was not a popular solution. Council also discussed the option for a Headlee Override however got the sense that it would not be approved and then implementing the public safety assessment would not be an option. Council feels that this is the best way forward for the City. The special assessment would have to be renewed annually to stabilize the General Fund. The Charter requires the City to provide public safety which is the core of governance. Doing nothing is not an option; taxes are necessary to provide safety to the community.

Mayor Proctor opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.

 Ann Heins 212 Prospect. Read a prepared statement indicating that the special assessment process being proposed by the City to balance the budget and continue an existing service is illegal, and the process does not follow state law. Mayor Proctor responded stating the City was complying with State Law.  Sandra Park, 1133 Curzon, questioned why this issue was not put to a vote and why 7 people get to decide to raise taxes. She also stated her taxes have increased.  Jeff Kraus, 628 North Street, stated the City has mismanaged their budget, they need to come to the residents and ask when they need money, and he expects the City to be a lot more fiscally responsible. New employees should not be enrolled in a defined benefit program and the City should not be granting tax abatements.

Member Manor addressed the benefits of tax abatements and the importance of maintaining infrastructure. Mayor Proctor added the Council is in a tough spot HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 5 - APRIL 23, 2018

trying to do what’s best for our community, and also noted the City has an award winning finance department.

 Nancy Brehm, 311 State Street, requested the process for receiving public comment be moved along with more patience and listening from the Council’s constituency. She referenced decisions made in the past on the road project and questioned if the allotment toward the road project at that time could have gone to essential services. The citizens do have concerns and are all about the support for their essential services.  Janice Geroux, stated she owns multiple properties in the City of Howell, lives in Brighton Township; they don’t have a police department and do just fine. She was an Assessor when Proposal A was passed and it was a great way to keep taxes affordable; she is afraid the millage rate will go too high.  Ada Gardiner, 724 Cardinal Court, stated she was retired and this represents a 7% increase in taxes. She indicated the special assessment is a Headlee go-around; a reasonable increase might get a yes vote from the residents.  Wes Nakagiri of the Gadsden Center proposed contracting out police services with the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department noting he has communicated with Sheriff Murphy and he believes there would be significant savings. The City should reexamine how police services are delivered. He also stated per the Open Meetings Act people are not required to give your name and address to speak.

Mayor Proctor indicated the City looked into that option in 2017. With the City department, there is operational control and accountability. The Howell Police Department uses a community policing model; the Sheriff’s Department will not provide the same level of service.

 John Davis, 907 Meadowlark, stated he was very proud of the City of Howell and loves the community based police force. He is a pretty regular attendee at the Council meetings. If people want to give their opinion, they should be involved in the process.  Rick St. Onge, 116 S. Chestnut, questioned why his coworkers (non-residents) don’t pay to drive on City roads suggesting a road usage tax. He also questioned how much the event sponsor pays for police and DPW services to facilitate Balloon Festival indicating the City should not support the Chamber of Commerce.

Council indicated this has been discussed and the City will be considering a policy revision to charge back for a percentage of event services.

 Sue Kaba, 174 W. Caledonia, indicated she was born in Howell and the Melon Festival used to be about bringing the community together; now it is more about bringing people in from outside areas. Her street was redone not too long ago and it has more water now than prior to reconstruction.  Tim Schnelle, 121 Victoria Park, stated he works in property tax assessment and he can verify the problems municipalities are having. The State of Michigan is not going to be coming up with more money. The proposed method of funding is too HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 6 - APRIL 23, 2018

easy and there is nothing to prevent a future Council from raising the assessment to 10 mills.  Pam Stefanski, 116 N. Barnard, stated she rents her home and had a theft a couple years ago, and never received a final report on the case. Police cars drive around and around her neighborhood.  Margaret Withorn, 509 E. Clinton, stated she has called the Police Department many times and they are very good. She expressed concern with the speeding on Clinton Street; the police park a car in front of her house however do not seem to issue tickets.  Jill on Thurber, questioned if anything could be done to bring this issue to a vote of the people.  Ron Gosselin, owns properties in Howell, indicated the special assessment would represent $3,000 in additional taxes. He already pays the non-homestead rate and he will have to pass the increase on to his renters.

City Manager Charles indicated the additional taxes paid on non-principal resident properties go to the school district.

 Lloyd Geroux, stated he owns 5 homes in the City of Howell and the police force does a fantastic job. The City did not hide the use of the proposed funds and a Headlee Override vote would not be reversible. He would like to see some sort of limit on the number of mills levied with a specific time period. He also stated the City does a lot of good, he can absorb the increase, and he appreciates the hard job that the City Council does.  Brent Bender, 343 Bush, stated his biggest concern was that the assessment process was a Headlee walk around; the City should be asking the voters first however he understands the problems. Commercial vehicles from Oceola Township also use the roads.  An unidentified citizen questioned why calendars are being mailed; the City needs to tighten their belts.  Warren Frazer, 1375 Lakeside, questioned how many residents are senior citizens on fixed income. His 2018 taxable value went up $3,540, they received an increase from Livingston County to maintain the lake, and they have a higher assessment for being on the lake. The Headlee Amendment is in the resident’s favor, a good thing especially for senior citizens. The Council should either decide what needs to be cut or turn it over to the voters.  Mike Dinoff, 1167 Lakeside, stated he retired from the City of Allen Park and referenced some of the cuts they had to make. If the residents are willing to take less service they need to let the Council know.  Jim Rutherford, 311 Victoria Park, questioned the number of homeowners in the City that are 100% tax exempt. City Manager Charles indicated approximately 10 homeowners either through the Veteran’s or poverty exemption. He stated he has the Veteran’s Exemption, 100% service connected, and asked if the city was going to attempt to assess him. He wishes he could pay taxes; other residents should not have to pick up his portion. HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 7 - APRIL 23, 2018

 J.R. Drick, 505 W. Caledonia, was happy when he read the calendar saying a millage would be considered however he is now unhappy and objecting to the process. He has reviewed the City Budget for the last 2 years showing new revenue and a fund balance of $1.9 million.  Phil Lewis, 310 E. Washington, thanked the City Council for their service and the tough jobs that they do, keeping the city a wonderful place to raise a family. The improvements make a lot of sense. He does not necessarily disagree with the tax increase, he has an issue with transparency and not being given an option. He wants to agree with the Council and likes the Police Department, however the process matters in this case.  Richard Orich, 209 N. Tompkins, expressed concern with the parking lot improvements behind Heart of Howell and the purchase of the house on N. Center to increase parking indicating there have been some unnecessary expenditures. He stated if Council goes to the voters for an increase and the voters say no, that is their problem.

Mayor Proctor stated Council is not taking the decision lightly; they hear and understand the concerns. They didn’t want to go down this path, however they also didn’t want to make the large cuts that would change the community. In answer to a question regarding the status of vacant property owned by the City, City Manager Charles indicated there have been three different purchase offers on the property; it is currently under contract and the purchaser is in the due diligence process.

 Arlene Gates, 1073 Heather Heath, stated she loves living in the City (37 years) and loves the Police Department, however questioned if the increase had to be 3 mills or could it be less.  Ron Gosselin, stated he thinks the people would support a one time 2 mill assessment.  Larry Rodwell, 110 Riddle, stated that the equivalent of 1 mill each year for 3 years would be a lot easier.

Mayor Proctor thanked the residents in attendance for their comments and closed the public hearing at 9:48 p.m.

7. REPORTS – COUNCIL MEMBERS SERVING ON COMMISSIONS  Member Ellis reported on the Recreation Authority meeting held April 17, 2018. Approved budget amendments, reviewed quarterly financial reports, and the number of participants registered for programs. The Director is setting up four committees as a result of the strategic planning retreat.  Member Lobur reported on the Planning Commission meeting held April 18, 2018. Approved a Special Land Use for 1039 N. Michigan, and a slight site plan modification for 160 Catrell.  Mayor Proctor reported on the Howell Area Fire Authority meeting held April 18, 2018. Approved the 2018/2019 budget, received a $22,000 grant from Firehouse Subs to purchase a CPR machine, and are moving forward with the expansion of the main station. HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 8 - APRIL 23, 2018


11. APPROVED – RESOLUTION NO. 18-07 ESTABLISHING PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT & SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LEVY MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Manor, “To adopt Resolution No. 18-07 establishing a Public Safety Special Assessment District and setting a public hearing for Monday, May 7, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at Howell City Hall for the consideration of setting the 2018 Special Assessment Levy.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

12. APPROVED – RESOLUTION NO. 18-08 2018 ARBOR DAY MOTION by Niblock, SUPPORT by Ellis, “To adopt Resolution No. 18-08 in observance of Arbor Day.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

13. APPROVED – MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR HOWELL CITY PARK MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Manor, “To approve the Letter of Understanding between the City of Howell & Howell Area Parks & Recreation Authority to operate the City Park Guard Booth, Beach Front & Boat Launch for the summer of 2018 for a management fee of $45,000.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

14. APPROVED – SEWER INSPECTION AND TELEVISING EQUIPMENT MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Manor, “To approve the purchase of a Proteus Mini Camera System from Jack Doheny Companies for a cost not to exceed $54,216.” DPS Director Suida indicated the cost of the equipment is reimbursable through its use in part under the SAW grant. MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

15. APPROVED – RESCIND AUTHORIZED PUBLIC AGENCY, PART 91 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Ellis, “To rescind the City of Howell as an Authorized Public Agency under Part 91 of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

16. AWARDED BID/PURCHASE – 2018 PAVEMENT CRACK SEALING PROGRAM, CARR’S OUTDOOR SERVICES MOTION by Manor, SUPPORT by Ellis, “To award the 2018 Crack Sealing Program to Carr’s Outdoor Services, Inc., of Canton Michigan for the unit price of $1.12 per pound and in an amount not-to-exceed $72,891.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

17. APPROVED - PAYMENT OF BILLS MOTION by Yost, SUPPORT by Ellis, “To approve the payment of bills ending April 23, 2018 in the amount of $404,132.14 and payroll to cover the period ending HOWELL CITY COUNCIL MTG. MINUTES - 9 - APRIL 23, 2018

April 28, 2018.” Member Yost questioned Carlisle Wortman and Livingston County Information Technology. Mayor Proctor questioned the vandalism at the skate park. MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

18. BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS – OPERA HOUSE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION, GERALDINE MOEN & JACQUELINE MULLANEY, TERMS ENDING MAY 20, 2021 MOTION by Ellis, SUPPORT by Yost, “To reappoint Gerladine Moen & Jacqueline Mullaney to the Opera House Historic District Commission, terms ending May 20, 2021.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

19. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT  Friday April 27th is Arbor Day at West Street Park.  Sidewalk ramp rehabilitation has started.  A request to set the budget hearing for May 21, 2018 will be scheduled at the next meeting.  The paving company that resurfaced W. Clinton and Gregory will be completing some warranty work.

20. OLD BUSINESS  Mayor Proctor questioned if the remaining fire hydrants would be repainted this summer. DPS Director Suida indicated summer staff would be completing that work.

21. NEW BUSINESS  Member Yost congratulated Howell High School Principal Jason Schrock for receiving the MASSP award.  Member Manor attended the Spark annual meeting and heard a presentation from the head of the Robert Wilson Foundation. He talked about Michigan and its status, liabilities that we have, infrastructure and our educational system. He made the statement that “the greatest liability we have is fear of venturing out and making decisions to invest in your future; make your choices based on your hopes and not your fears”.

21. ADJOURN MOTION by Niblock SUPPORT by Lobur, “To adjourn the regular meeting of the City Council at 10:07 p.m.” MOTION CARRIED (7-0).

______Nick Proctor, Mayor

______Jane Cartwright, City Clerk NOTES



All lots and parcels of land within the City of Howell, County of Livingston, Michigan.

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of Act 33, Public Acts of Michigan, 1951, as amended, and Act 188, Public Acts of Michigan, 1954, as amended, a special assessment roll has been prepared and is on file in the office of the City Clerk for public examination. Said special assessment roll has been prepared for the purpose of assessing the cost of police protection services.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council will meet on Monday, May 7, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall, 611 East Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, to hear objections to the distribution of the special assessment levy.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that appearance and protest at this hearing is required in order to appeal the amount of the special assessment to the State Tax Tribunal if an appeal should be desired. A property owner or party in interest, or his or her agent, may appear in person at the hearing to protest the special assessment or may file his or her appearance by letter delivered to the City Clerk by Monday, May 7, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. and his or her personal appearance shall not be required. The property owner or any person having an interest in the property subject to the proposed special assessment may file a written appeal of the special assessment with the State Tax Tribunal within thirty-five days after confirmation of the special assessment roll if that special assessment was protested at this hearing.

HOWELL CITY COUNCIL Jane Cartwright, City Clerk

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Jane Cartwright - Fwd: Proposed tax Increase

From: Shea Charles To: Cartwright,Jane Date: 4/30/2018 12:55 PM Subject: Fwd: Proposed tax Increase

Shea Charles City Manager City of Howell

[email protected]

>>> Cathy Blight 4/26/2018 3:58 PM >>> Dear Mr. Mayor, Mr. Charles and City Council Members :

I was unable to attend Monday night's meeting due to illness, however I wanted to register my comments regarding the tax hike. My husband and I have been Thompson Lake residents for over 40 years. As a local Realtor, I am painfully aware of the effect property taxes have on the value of a home. It's challenging to sell a home in the city limits when a buyer can find a comparable home in the adjacent townships for roughly half the taxes.

If this 3 mil increase is enacted, will make the city of Howell the highest taxed area in the entire county. That will definitely have a detrimental effect on property values by making it even more difficult for sellers in the city to compete with sellers in the townships. As a matter of fact, as I write this, homes on market which are located in the townships just outside the city limits are often advertised as "All the city conveniences without the high taxes". And that's with the current millage.

I also have some concerns about how the city is going about this. By creating a SAD the city clearly avoids putting it on the ballot. But you already know that. Obviously, that's the best way to impose a substantial tax increase without the consent of the voters, and make it permanent. Not to mention the fact, the chart on the brochure is deliberately misleading. It only shows the cost of a 1 mil increase, not a 3 mil increase. The disclaimer in tiny type that says "Cost per year based on $1.00 per $1,000 value" really doesn't help. I can tell you from my own experience, I am constantly explaining millage to my clients. Most voters will have no idea that the disclaimer means the chart only shows the cost of a 1 mil increase, not 3. But I suspect you already know that too, or you would have presented a chart with the true cost that didn't require a disclaimer.

My final concern is where this money will actually go. It's a good strategy to tell the voters you're only doing this to protect their safety. But the paragraph in the brochure that states the tax revenue "would be used to sustain current levels of police service and offset current general

file:///C:/Users/jcartwright/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AE71244GWDOMAINCITHO_P... 4/30/2018 Page 2 of 2

fund allocations. The general fund would then be able to support additional and needed infrastructure repair and replacement". That says it all. This money goes into the general fund. Then the city can use it for police, road repairs, or anything else the city deems necessary. I doesn't appear you are required to allocate it all to the police. If that were the case, it would mean the police department budget increased a whopping $861,590 this year. And that alone is very troubling. This is a creative accounting move to increase the general fund, but it's deliberately misleading to the voters, not to mention a violation of the regulations regarding the proper use of a SAD.


Cathy Blight

Cathy Blight, GRI, SFR, ePro, HSR Lakefront Specialist Graduate Realtor Institute Certified Short Sale and Foreclosure Specialist ePro Certified Realtor Certified Home Stager

RE/MAX Platinum 6870 Grand River Brighton, MI 48114 [email protected]

Office Direct: 810-844-2294 Cell: 517-505-8958

file:///C:/Users/jcartwright/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AE71244GWDOMAINCITHO_P... 4/30/2018 From: Gary Jennings To: CC: Date: 4/28/2018 8:18 PM Subject: Appeal of proposed assessment amount to the Michigan Tax Tribunal

City of Howell,

I am writing this to appeal the Proposed assessment to the Michigan Tax Tribunal. I am appalled that this proposal is not going to a vote and feel betrayed by the city of Howell to raise taxes without a vote. My property address is 550 Roselane Dr. Howell MI 48843 and parcel number 4717-36-202-008. I do not support this proposal and am protesting it with this email. Please let me know what I must do to fight this. I will not stand for taxation without a fair and unjust process.

Gary Jennings, Property Owner 550 Roselane Dr. Howell Mi 48843 Parcel # 4717-36-202-008

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Jane Cartwright - Public Safety Special Assessment

From: Geoff Reinig To: "[email protected]" Date: 4/29/2018 9:45 AM Subject: Public Safety Special Assessment

Mrs. Jane Cartwright,

Upon receiving a letter from the city offices informing me that the purposed special assessment would cost me $447.30 based on my taxable value, let in be publicly known that I oppose and appeal this assessment.

I appeal this assessment for these reasons. We bought a cottage built in 1958 on Thompson Lake in Howell in August 2016 which we live in, but it still needs a lot of work including new windows, remodel kitchen, remodel bathroom, and new siding. When we bought the house we knew it needed the work but it was our dream to be in Howell living on the lake. After the purchase our property taxes more than doubled which meant our budget for home improvements would need to go to pay our taxes instead of the repairs/improvements. Nearly two years later we still need to do all of the work. Adding $447.30 to our taxes annually would put our improvements off several years. I also appeal this assessment based on the City’s statements about the tax value reduction from the Great Recession and the pension liabities. I too suffered in the recession and am still recovering, losing my job, having to sell my home for thousands and thousands less than I paid for it. Also, I do not have such a pension at my employment that is mentioned by the City, I have to personally save for my retirement. I simply can’t afford to pay $447.30 more for taxes every year on top of the normal increases the City imposes.

I know very difficult decisions will need to be made, but many of the residents of Howell, including myself, have been making difficult decisions with our finances for years.

If there is anything else I need to do to formally appeal this assessment please let me know upon receiving this email.

Thank you,

Geoff Reinig 1255 Lakeside Drive Howell, MI 48843

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Jane Cartwright - Public Safety Special Assessment regarding 1290 Byron Rd

From: Craig Whitney To: Date: 4/29/2018 11:12 AM Subject: Public Safety Special Assessment regarding 1290 Byron Rd Cc:

04/29/2018 Regarding the proposed Public Safety Special Assessment, first I need to express an issue that came about in 2013. In October of 2005 we sold our property in question to Sharon and Ken Vanord under a land contract. December of 2012 my wife and I were informed by the Vanords that they were claiming bankruptcy and further the land contract was voided and not honored. Upon investigating our situation we found the Vanords had neglected to pay the property taxes for 5 years and the statute of limitations had run its course so we were left with a devistateing tax bill that had to be paid immediately of over $70,000 or we would lose the property that had been in my family since 1973. Needless to say we were forced to solicite for a loan to cover the tax debt. The pressure of putting us in this position was never even considered for relief by anyone in the city or the state, even though the City acknowledged we were in the line of ownership under a land contract and should have been informed of the tax defiences. We made great attemps to get some relief but all our efforts fell on deaf ears and we were left to pay or abandon the property. To this date we are still being affected from this in a negative way and the taxes while being paid are still putting us in a negative financial hardship. My wife and I are not interested in seeing any assessment to increase our property taxes and want it to be known that our reponse to the appeal of the proposed assessment is recorded as a definite NO!

Sincerely, Craig and Nancy Whitney

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Jane Cartwright - Tax plan

From: Linda Berch To: Date: 4/30/2018 9:57 AM Subject: Tax plan

Hi Jane, I know that it is time for a tax increase but I object to using a procedure meant to raise money for police to be used for the roads. Many people will be confused. The city should not transfer funding in this manner. Perhaps you should allow us to vote on it. The people need a voice in how road money is spent. Many if not most dislike the roundabouts and may be skepical about development projects.

Thanks, Linda Berch

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Jane Cartwright - Appeal to Public Safety Special Assessment - 1015 Still Valley

From: Christine Turco To: Date: 4/30/2018 10:23 AM Subject: Appeal to Public Safety Special Assessment - 1015 Still Valley Cc: Matt Turco

Good morning,

We wish to appeal and have our property at 1015 Still Valley Drive removed from the special assessment imposed by city council on April 23, 2018.

This assessment does not offer any further improvements or enhance the value of our property and therefore should not be levied.

Please feel free to contact us if further information should be needed to pursue this appeal.

Best regards,

Christine & Matt Turco Property Owners: 1015 Still Valley Dr.

-- Christine Turco Tel: 248.767.2600 Email: [email protected]

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Jane Cartwright - Appeal 3 mill Safety Special Assessment

From: Butch Duty To: Date: 5/1/2018 10:38 AM Subject: Appeal 3 mill Safety Special Assessment

City Council,

I understand what a difficult job it is maintaing a budget. I was responsible for IT budgets at some of my jobs during my career before I retired. However - I didn't approve my own budget - the owner of the company did. I deeply feel this should be put on a ballot for the citizens of Howell to decide and NOT the city council. I'm retired with a fixed budget and the $219 increase on my property is huge. Is ther an expiration date or does this go on forever??

Also city council is discussing a community center projected at $10-12 million dollars. Does that include the costs to run the center?? More tax increases in the future.

So - I am AGAINST the Safety Special Assesment. Please do the right thing and put it on the ballot this fall and ask for 1 mill for the police department.

Regards, William Duty 1103 N Michigan Ave

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Jane Cartwright - Protest of public safety special assessment.

From: Helen Snelgrove To: Date: 5/2/2018 8:55 AM Subject: Protest of public safety special assessment.

My understanding of a special assessment is an improvement that will increase my property value like sewers or water and has an end to it.

The City Council underhandedly tried to sneak in a tax that is never ending with a potential to increase. Police are already funded through tax dollars. This is a shifting of funds for infrastructure and is not a solution, just a slap in the face to the voting citizens of Howell. The responsible thing to do would have been to state your case and put it to a vote.

Helen Snelgrove 1223 Thurber Drive Howell, MI 48843

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Jane Cartwright - Special Assessment Appeal Parcel 4717-26-102-152

From: sean fournier To: "[email protected]" Date: 5/2/2018 2:42 PM Subject: Special Assessment Appeal Parcel 4717-26-102-152

I would like to appeal the special assessment on my property that is being proposed by the City of Howell. Consider this my official protest of the 3 mills that are being levied against the taxable value of my home.


Sean Fournier 1231 Still Valley Drive Parcel Number: 4717­26­102­152

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Jane Cartwright - Public Safety Special Assessment

From: DANA SNELGROVE To: Date: 5/2/2018 4:37 PM Subject: Public Safety Special Assessment

I am writing in regard to the special assessment on parcel number 4717-25-405-012 at 1223 Thurber Dr. I protest this special assessment as it does not add value to the property or create a public benefit. The public safety funding is already in place so this assessment doesn't create anything. Originally, the city did not inform me that homeowners had the right to protest and appeal. They only informed homeowners of this recently after Doug Hines' letter pointed out the city's lack of notification. This assessment is simply a money transfer to enable the city to use general funds for other purposes rather than to pay for public safety. The Howell City Council and Mayor's attempt to tax us without putting it to a vote (Headlee Override) will be remembered in the next election. If the council feels the state has a broken municipal structure...... work to fix the structure rather than taxing homeowners without asking. A city tax increase of over 20% is just not fair to homeowners. I say take another look at the budget just as we must do.

file:///C:/Users/jcartwright/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5AE9E945GWDOMAINCITHO_PO... 5/3/2018



Attached is Resolution 18-09 confirmation of the Proposed Public Safety Assessment Roll. This action is taken pursuant to Public Act 33 of 1951 which enables communities to levy a special assessment for police and fire services. The proposed assessment roll is for $861,482, the equivalent to three mills on taxable value for all real property. The average residential assessment for 2018 is $202.

Attached is my memorandum and presentation from the April 23, 2018 meeting discussing the many fiscal factors impacting not only Howell but all Michigan communities. Since the April 23rd Public Hearing the City has received and seen a number of comments about the Special Assessment. Below are three issues that we have heard about consistently.

1. Is this a one-time assessment or will it be every year?

Based on current financial projections and direction from Mayor & City Council it is anticipated this Public Safety Special Assessment will continue for the foreseeable future. As required by state law the City will notice all property owners of the potential assessment each year and hold a public hearing.

2. Why was there not an appeal notice for the April 23rd Public Hearing?

The April 23, 2018 meeting was to establish the Special Assessment District, no assessment had been set at that meeting. Pursuant to state law, the right of appeal language was included in the May 7, 2018 notice of public hearing as the actual assessment amount is being is now being considered.

3. There is a rumor that the City could save $1,000,000 a year by contracting with the Sheriff’s Department.

No formal discussions between the City of Howell and Livingston County have occurred about the possibility of eliminating the Howell Police Department and contacting for these services. Based on cost sheets provided by the Sheriff a rudimentary analysis shows that to match the same staffing levels the City currently has there is a potential savings of $36,512. Please see the attached memo regarding this analysis.

If the roll is confirmed at the May 7, 2018 meeting then these amounts will be included on the July 2018 tax bills.


A motion to approve Resolution No. 18-09 Approving the Public Safety Special Assessment Roll and Levy for an amount of $861,482.

Shea Charles City Manager


City of Howell County of Livingston, State of Michigan

Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Howell, County of

Livingston, State of Michigan, held in the City on May 7, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., prevailing

Eastern Time.

PRESENT: Members:

ABSENT: Members:

The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member

______and supported by Member ______:

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Howell, County of Livingston, State of

Michigan, pursuant to Act 33, Public Acts of Michigan, 1951, as amended, and Act 188,

Public Acts of Michigan, 1954, as amended, has created the Howell Police Special

Assessment District (the “District”) to pay for certain costs and expenses of police motor vehicles, equipment and police protection (the “Assessed Costs”) and assess the costs thereof to the property specially benefitted by the police protection in the District; and,

WHEREAS, a special assessment roll has been prepared for the purpose of defraying the Assessed Costs; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed said special assessment roll, and, after due and legal notice, the City Council met on May 7, 2018, and heard objections to the distribution of the special assessment levy; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council deems said special assessment roll and special assessment levy to be fair and equitable.


1. The special assessment roll attached hereto as Exhibit A shall be designated

“Howell Police Protection Costs Special Assessment Roll” (the “Roll”).

2. The Roll, in the total sum of $861,482, is hereby confirmed and approved.

3. The assessments made in the Roll are hereby ordered and directed to be collected and the City Treasurer is directed to distribute the special assessment levy on the taxable value of all of the lands and premises in the District.

4. The City Council shall annually determine the amount to be assessed in the

District for police protection, shall direct the Treasurer to distribute the special assessment levy, and shall hold a hearing on the estimated costs and expenses of police protection and on the distribution of the levy. The assessment may be made either in a special assessment roll or in a column provided in the regular tax roll. The special assessment shall be distributed and shall become due and be collected at the same time as other City taxes are assessed, levied, and collected, and shall be returned in the same manner for nonpayment.

If the collections received from the special assessment levied are, at any time, insufficient to meet the obligations or expenses incurred for the maintenance and operation of the

Police department, the City Council may, by resolution, authorize the transfer or loan of sufficient money from the general fund of the City, to the special assessment Police department fund. This money shall be repaid to the general fund of the City out of special assessment funds when collected.

5. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.

AYES: Members:

NAYS: Members:


Nick Proctor, Mayor

Jane Cartwright, City Clerk

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, County of Livingston, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on May 7, 2018, and that said meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open

Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act.

Jane Cartwright, City Clerk


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount

405 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐023 MILNER, NONA TRUST 53,186 159.56 413 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐024 WRIGHT, KAREN & JOSHUA 73,818 221.45 421 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐025 HARRIS, MARTHA W & JERRELL V 87,091 261.27 501 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐026 CALMEYN, DENNIS M & DIANE L 78,808 236.42 507 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐027 MIMNAUGH, JOHN A & TIFFANY M MIMNAU 64,219 192.66 515 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐028 WILLIAMS, SARAH R 55,043 165.13 521 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐029 SCHLAACK, MICHAEL & SUSAN 58,320 174.96 522 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐030 MAHER, RAYMOND J & KATHLEEN M 57,446 172.34 514 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐031 COWELS, MARK & ZAJAC, PATRICIA 59,740 179.22 510 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐032 CLARK, SCOTT & DENISE 64,219 192.66 420 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐033 VAN HAAFTEN, LISA MARIE & GARRET J 97,500 292.50 408 ABERDEEN WAY 4717‐35‐401‐034 JONES, CHRISTOPHER 50,130 150.39 1605 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐124 OWEN, ANDREA & DANIEL 116,904 350.71 1611 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐125 FLOYD, TRAVIS & STEPHANIE 88,312 264.94 1705 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐172 HOWE, STEWART & JOANN 103,101 309.30 1803 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐173 BURKEL, SARAH R 89,885 269.66 1809 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐174 CALDWELL, RYAN & KAREN 97,841 293.52 1815 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐175 FIRESTONE, PAMELA AND JOHN 95,020 285.06 1821 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐176 HANKINS, SUSAN N 79,886 239.66 1827 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐177 HILL, ADAM E & KATE 88,633 265.90 1833 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐178 JOHNSON, MEGAN R 112,200 336.60 1839 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐179 MCPEAK, ASHLEY & JOANNE 86,286 258.86 1845 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐180 MORGAN, MICHAEL W & VICTORIA 88,207 264.62 1851 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐181 PRATT, TODD M & BRITTANY L 122,009 366.03 1905 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐182 KUBITSKI, HAROLD JR. 83,660 250.98 1911 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐183 PHILLIPS, GARRETT F & JENNETT, SARA 87,886 263.66 1917 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐184 CLAY, CHRISTOPHER A 97,420 292.26 1923 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐185 OWENS, JOSEPH & SONYA 103,090 309.27 1935 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐187 LE, CUONG & LU, PHUONG 94,926 284.78 1941 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐188 DREFFS, NEIL E & DUNHAM, PAMELA 88,312 264.94 1940 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐189 MCDONALD, KEVIN & HILARY 93,432 280.30 1934 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐190 BOWMAN, TIMOTHY 107,163 321.49 1928 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐191 TILSON, BARRY 123,000 369.00 1922 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐192 SCHULTE, ERIC & RHONDA 95,129 285.39 1916 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐193 DAVIDSON, ASHLEY & JOSHUA C BIGGS 119,200 357.60 1910 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐194 SHALOY, ROBERT D & PAMELA 87,141 261.42 1904 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐195 ARROYO, GUILLERMO & RIZA 93,271 279.81 1840 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐198 MARTINDALE, DAVID & TINA 100,589 301.77 1834 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐199 FORBES, GEORGE 141,200 423.60 1828 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐200 PARAS, RICO & MARY 98,186 294.56 1822 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐201 KELLY, TIMOTHY P & LAURIE 86,712 260.14 1816 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐202 SCHMIDT, MICHAEL & MARNIE 79,354 238.06 1810 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐203 LYONS, GLENN E & AIMEE E 99,751 299.25 1804 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐204 HERP, ERIC & CHRISTINA 82,127 246.38 1710 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐205 CLARK, SUZANNE H 96,611 289.83 1704 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐206 WALLNER, LANI A. 83,728 251.18 1616 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐207 TOMAR, ANIL K 113,637 340.91 1610 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐208 ANDRADE, DONNA LEE 120,784 362.35 1604 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐209 RUPAR, KIRK & DENISE 90,867 272.60 1929 ACORN VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐186 FLORY, ALAN D & KRISTEN M 17,500 52.50 318 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐117 WHITEHILLS APARTMENTS CO 368,929 1106.79 322 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐118 WHITEHILLS II APARTMENTS CO 367,949 1103.85 306 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐058 SHINN, STEVEN D 89,442 268.33


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 808 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐080 CRAWFORD, RANDALL S 59,523 178.57 812 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐081 WINES, SALLY 36,582 109.75 818 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐082 TITUS, ROBERTA 64,740 194.22 822 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐083 BASEBOLT, AARON 59,600 178.80 802 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐103 SHAW, BROOK I & CHRISTIAN JAMES 54,900 164.70 800 ALGER 4717‐35‐203‐104 THOMAS, JOHN K 68,000 204.00 823 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐082 SOCIA, LANA 66,662 199.99 817 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐083 GAABO, ROBERT 39,782 119.35 811 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐084 ROBERTS, LYNN R 51,000 153.00 807 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐085 RASEGAN, LINDA 46,822 140.47 803 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐105 GRAMER, MICHAEL & JAYNE 46,715 140.15 801 ALGER 4717‐36‐101‐106 BENSINGER, JULIE 53,327 159.98 121 ALMON 4717‐36‐404‐035 LATSON, JOYCE 47,344 142.03 212 ALMON 4717‐36‐404‐045 CHENOWETH, SUE 37,897 113.69 222 ALMON 4717‐36‐404‐057 DIXON, ANDREA 45,035 135.11 215 ALMON 4717‐36‐404‐058 MATTSON, SHANE & KATHERINE 45,035 135.11 221 ALMON 4717‐36‐404‐059 MAY, TRUDY M 36,217 108.65 513 ANNADALE LANE 4717‐26‐201‐029 GERRITS, BRIAN & MARGARET 106,551 319.65 519 ANNADALE LANE 4717‐26‐201‐028 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 507 ANNADALE LANE 4717‐26‐201‐030 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 124 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐005 GARLAND, RICHARD C 45,009 135.03 120 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐006 GULLEY, RICHARD R 37,648 112.94 105 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐013 MORRIS, DANIELLE 48,741 146.22 121 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐028 BUCHLER, AMY 47,355 142.07 209 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐034 RUGGLES, JACLYN L 54,508 163.52 221 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐042 WILSON, JOHN & NANCY 59,523 178.57 215 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐043 SMITH, TONY 42,448 127.34 314 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐060 LIVINGSTON LAND HOLDING LLC 58,234 174.70 320 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐061 RICHARDSON, BRUCE 42,768 128.30 139 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐079 CASTIGLIONE, CARRIE 53,435 160.31 138 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐086 WILHELMI, TERRY 37,862 113.59 132 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐102‐087 LAWING, GLADYS 42,130 126.39 309 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐103‐009 HELSPER, GERALD & KAREN 47,996 143.99 315 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐103‐010 RENO, CRAIG & JENNIFER 55,781 167.34 321 ARGYLE 4717‐01‐103‐011 TADRA, MICHAEL 54,181 162.54 1317 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐057 CHESTNUT DEVELOPMENT LLC 17,867 53.60 1319 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐058 CHESTNUT DEVELOPMENT LLC 17,867 53.60 1325 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐059 CHESTNUT DEVELOPMENT LLC 17,867 53.60 1327 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐060 CHESTNUT DEVELOPMENT LLC 17,867 53.60 1335 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐062 CHESTNUT DEVELOPMENT LLC 17,867 53.60 1309 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐055 TRINGAL, THOMAS 88,034 264.10 1311 ASHEBURY LN 4717‐25‐303‐056 SENDA, KIMBERLY 88,827 266.48 1625 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐203 QURESHI, FYZAH 97,600 292.80 1627 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐204 HARRIS, STEVEN R 99,000 297.00 1629 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐205 SMITH, SHARON 97,600 292.80 1701 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐199 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1703 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐200 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1705 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐201 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1707 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐202 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1631 ASHFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐206 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1722 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐008 DARBE, DENA L 63,995 191.99 1716 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐009 NAUMAN, DAN & MELISSA 72,741 218.22 1710 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐010 ZACK, MICHAEL 80,206 240.62 1830 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐036 TUCKER, MICHAEL 120,886 362.66


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1715 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐040 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 47,132 141.40 1721 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐041 PARROTT, JUDITH A. 71,246 213.74 1727 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐042 ARENDT, BERNARD E JR 71,034 213.10 1733 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐043 POTRYKUS, JAMES T 143,500 430.50 1803 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐044 EVANS, KYLE ROBERT 111,000 333.00 1821 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐047 MALARKEY, KYLE J 89,000 267.00 1833 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐049 ZERBE, JOHN B & KAREN L 127,200 381.60 1824 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐037 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1703 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐038 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1709 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐039 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1809 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐045 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1815 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐046 EL HOLDING CO LLC 10,332 31.00 1827 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐048 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1839 BAINSBRIDGE 4717‐26‐201‐050 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 306 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐040 BARNARD STREET LLC 60,048 180.14 227 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐300‐012 CURRAN ASSOCIATES LLC 192,912 578.74 202 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐006 SCHROETER, ROZALIA FODOR 77,495 232.49 121 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐307‐056 JUST GREAT HOUSES LLC 159,700 479.10 410 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐032 BUCK, ROBERT A & LIANG, GUIYING 59,086 177.26 416 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐033 LEKANDER, TODD 40,955 122.87 310 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐042 REAME, JAMES R 64,421 193.26 322 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐043 MESSINA, JAMES & JOANNA 55,382 166.15 323 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐050 CAHILL, JOHN & MARGARET 57,448 172.34 325 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐051 BRANT, KIMBERLY 47,323 141.97 327 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐052 CAMPBELL, GORDON & FLORENCE 49,475 148.43 315 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐081 ROLTSCH, JOSHUA & WHITE, MELINDA 94,800 284.40 604 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐058 DOEFER, BRIAN & CATHLEEN 71,209 213.63 610 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐059 SMITH, DANIEL 49,582 148.75 616 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐060 LANE, GENESSA C & DANIEL P 71,754 215.26 622 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐061 BOCHINSKI, DENISE M TRUST 72,960 218.88 710 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐063 ZERVAS, CHARLENE & STEPHEN 103,600 310.80 716 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐064 STONE, GERALD M & MARCELLA D 65,530 196.59 724 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐065 MYERS, HEATHER 76,748 230.24 703 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐070 MANION, PATRICK 66,839 200.52 621 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐071 THOMPSON, JAMIE & ASHLEY M 55,590 166.77 615 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐072 CARTER, RAIJA H 56,688 170.06 609 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐073 INMAN, DAWN MARIE 44,600 133.80 603 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐074 BAKHAUS, MARK E JR & BOTTUM, GLADYS 35,057 105.17 601 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐075 SCHULMEISTER, MARCUS 60,614 181.84 709 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐112 BURR, ANNE 79,839 239.52 715 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐113 MACBRIDE, JUNE JACOBS TRUST 84,261 252.78 507 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐201‐116 HABLE, SCOTT R & ANDREA E 144,100 432.30 209 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐004 MATEL, JEANINE & KENNETH 97,000 291.00 210 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐005 NIKOLAS, ROBERT JR 40,736 122.21 216 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐044 O'NEILL DRIVE LAND CORP 31,999 96.00 215 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐045 PRICE, STEPHANIE 50,348 151.04 221 S BARNARD 4717‐36‐306‐046 BUTSKY, GARY 67,300 201.90 110 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐041 SHOEMAKER, KATHY 62,147 186.44 115 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐058 ZAWACKI, CHRISTINE 48,872 146.62 116 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐059 K & A ESTATE MANAGEMENT LLC 67,575 202.73 122 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐060 TRIANGLE GROUP LLC 67,606 202.82 221 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐070 BEAUPRE, MARY 46,295 138.89 213 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐071 FISCHER, AMY 78,011 234.03 216 N BARNARD 4717‐36‐308‐083 216 BARNARD LLC 90,322 270.97


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount N BARNARD 4717‐36‐103‐041 METZ, JOSEPH ET AL 12,876 38.63 610 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐080 SCHIFFER, DANIEL L 86,926 260.78 616 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐081 SKRZYPEK, MICHAEL & STEFANIE 42,879 128.64 613 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐102 GILLASPIE, JASON A & GINA M 85,032 255.10 607 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐103 HANNAH, JOHN F. & DARCIE L. 66,450 199.35 621 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐105 HEADLEY, PATRICIA A & MERTON D 47,555 142.67 BATES 4717‐36‐201‐106 SCHIFFER, DANIEL L 6,283 18.85 926 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐031 DOUGLAS, DARLENE 74,500 223.50 920 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐032 MORALES, JUAN CG & HERNANDEZ, SUSAN 65,061 195.18 914 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐033 PODE, LINDA & MEADOWS, BRIAN 50,447 151.34 908 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐034 SHADAKER, LONNIE & GLORIA 56,848 170.54 901 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐036 SIMON, GARY T & REGENTIK, HEATHER 61,328 183.98 907 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐037 TURNER, WANDA & JAMES 57,061 171.18 913 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐038 WALTER, RALF & ALLISON 64,740 194.22 919 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐039 NAGLEY, KIRK & SUSAN 59,408 178.22 925 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐040 KENDRICK, HARROLD & PEGGY 52,902 158.71 902 BOSTON BLVD 4717‐36‐101‐101 STINEDURF, NICHOLAS S 61,967 185.90 1214 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐026 CLARK, KIRBY & CHARLOTTE TRUST 91,633 274.90 1136 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐036 PRAVATO, LAURIE 89,885 269.66 1133 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐037 JAMIESON, NORMAN 129,206 387.62 1121 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐038 DUBIEL, DANIEL 96,219 288.66 1109 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐047 MAY, DIANNE 83,591 250.77 1108 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐048 MACDONALD, NANCY I TRUST 91,512 274.54 1118 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐049 CHARTIER, TIMOTHY P & MARGARET C 66,875 200.63 1027 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐057 BURK, KEVIN B & WEI HONG 100,578 301.73 1015 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐068 SHIPMAN, ROBERT & PAULA 92,178 276.53 1014 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐070 HALL, SUSAN K 67,196 201.59 1004 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐071 DILWORTH, DAVID & REBECCA 79,994 239.98 1128 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐089 SCHICKER, DEBORAH S ET AL 76,978 230.93 1028 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐097 HABLE, STEVEN 103,800 311.40 BOWER 4717‐25‐301‐098 RUNYAN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO 17,500 52.50 1144 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐007 ROCKWELL, DANIEL & LAURA 92,580 277.74 1136 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐008 EISELE, MICHAEL & JENNIFER 67,168 201.50 1128 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐009 JOHN, VINCENT 54,821 164.46 1120 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐010 KING, ROSEMARY P 53,734 161.20 1112 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐011 COTTER, SARA 63,345 190.04 1106 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐012 PEARCE, JOHN L. & ARNETT, MARILYN 53,186 159.56 1060 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐013 WARFIELD, BOBBY J & JENNIFER L 61,610 184.83 1054 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐014 SIPPLE, JOSEPH S 41,829 125.49 1038 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐016 WITT, XAVIER D 82,105 246.32 1028 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐017 JAMROS, ALEX M 53,327 159.98 1020 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐018 SYPEN, JAY JR 49,803 149.41 1012 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐019 NIENDORF, LINDA 53,186 159.56 1002 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐020 RODOCKER, LORI 53,078 159.23 924 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐021 STEINBERGER, MARGARET 51,768 155.30 916 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐022 FUENTES, PAMELA K 60,152 180.46 1011 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐035 MCARTHUR, DIANA 50,348 151.04 1017 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐036 WILSON, DIANE L 50,456 151.37 1023 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐037 HAYES, CHANTAL M 62,580 187.74 1031 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐038 FUHRMANN, SARAH 50,130 150.39 1037 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐039 WILSON, PATRICIA J 73,967 221.90 1043 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐040 HOULE, JOEI L 52,096 156.29 1049 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐041 HOSKINS, MICHAEL 68,202 204.61 1057 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐042 WILSON, CHRISTIE A 88,300 264.90


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1103 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐043 OPEZZO, RAYMOND L 73,671 221.01 1109 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐044 ULMAN, GERALD K & ANDREA D 51,658 154.97 1117 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐045 LIGHT, ANGELA 54,171 162.51 1125 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐046 PACE, GARY 54,825 164.48 1133 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐047 BYRNES, KEVIN & LORI 58,998 176.99 1139 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐048 LAM, LUONG & LE, BICH 54,280 162.84 1147 BRAEVIEW 4717‐35‐401‐049 BLANCHARD, THOMAS M & ERIN L 67,396 202.19 494 BRIGG 4717‐26‐201‐225 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 304,832 914.50 330 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐075 OLECHOWSKI, HENRIETTA 86,785 260.36 332 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐076 MACDONALD, GENE G & FANNIE M 50,447 151.34 340 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐077 WARD, MARC D & NICOLL 108,500 325.50 342 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐078 COX, DORA E 85,196 255.59 350 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐079 SILCOX, CAROL A 102,916 308.75 352 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐080 SMITH, NANCY & JACK 91,890 275.67 402 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐081 FRITZ, RICHARD & MAGDALENA 94,468 283.40 404 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐082 ENGERSON, JOHN H & AUDREY A 85,196 255.59 410 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐083 LYNCH, VIRGINIA 106,700 320.10 412 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐084 CARTER WICHMAN FAMILY TRUST 108,500 325.50 420 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐085 PARUK, ANTHONY M 94,468 283.40 422 BRIGG 4717‐25‐101‐086 STACHOWIAK, THOMAS & JANE 81,524 244.57 710 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐018 MINTON, ROBBY 55,482 166.45 704 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐019 BRAUN, MARY E 53,315 159.95 622 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐020 KITTLE, LAYNE T 60,883 182.65 616 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐021 JEZOWSKI, MARK & ALLISON 61,622 184.87 610 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐022 KRAWCZAK, SALENA M 61,100 183.30 604 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐023 BROCKWAY, KELLEY M 56,027 168.08 522 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐024 LIBTOW, MICHAEL & PAMELA 51,658 154.97 514 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐025 INGLE, STEFANIE 48,635 145.91 310 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐029 TAYLOR, WILMA 39,207 117.62 304 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐030 JONES, PENNY AND DONNA KRAMER 53,704 161.11 303 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐032 KENNEDY, MICHAEL & THERESA 78,091 234.27 307 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐033 STRENG, PAUL 60,397 181.19 311 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐034 MUNSEY, SEAN 40,736 122.21 515 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐039 OSTROWSKI, MARK 70,000 210.00 523 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐040 VANVALKENBURGH, KEITH B & SHELLY A 58,213 174.64 603 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐041 HENSICK, EMILY 96,076 288.23 609 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐042 MALOUF, PATRICIA & NICHOLAS 65,200 195.60 615 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐043 JOHNSON, ANDREW &LORI 45,323 135.97 621 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐044 SCHLITTLER, ALLEN R & MICHELLE R 56,725 170.18 703 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐045 SCHLITTLER, STEPHANIE 54,061 162.18 709 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐046 CANFIELD, RONALD & AMY MARIE 52,969 158.91 715 W BROOKS 4717‐35‐404‐047 EISELE, DANIEL 42,702 128.11 310 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐019 KAISER, SCOTT M 62,882 188.65 316 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐020 JOOST, STEPHANIE C 53,078 159.23 318 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐021 FIEL, FRANCES MASTEJ TRUSTEE 54,388 163.16 324 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐022 MOYNE, MARY M & PATTON, KENNETH J 61,161 183.48 330 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐023 DOUG & MATTHEW HOME REMODELING LLC 82,548 247.64 342 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐024 FAIRBANKS, JONATHAN & CARRIE 120,500 361.50 348 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐025 ANDERSON, BRYCE E & DESIREE M 53,186 159.56 354 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐026 FINFER, ROBERT II & BRANDICE 91,340 274.02 360 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐027 BLOME, DAVID 40,517 121.55 364 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐028 ROLLIN, THOMAS & JUDITH 45,105 135.32 363 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐053 POMA, JOSEPH A 52,752 158.26 359 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐054 WILKINS, RICHARD 48,929 146.79


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 353 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐055 KILLINGER, GRACE M 61,646 184.94 347 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐056 PEDERSON, THOMAS & SUSAN 76,888 230.66 341 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐057 HEIKKILA, CHRISTOPHER 45,871 137.61 339 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐058 CUNNINGHAM, SHERRY K & HUMPHREY, J 43,576 130.73 335 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐059 TURCSANYI, ALICIA & VIANNEY WILLOT 77,500 232.50 331 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐060 EASTOM, DAWN 51,124 153.37 323 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐061 MUSSELMAN,VIRGIL & MCMANN JIMI 66,554 199.66 313 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐301‐062 SPAGNUOLO, ANTHONY R & VANESSA M 81,061 243.18 110 W BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐030 BARCUME, JOHN FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 50,554 151.66 231 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐033 SZYMANSKI, & BATLEMENTE 65,092 195.28 215 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐034 MOORE, ZACHARY & RACHEL S 70,651 211.95 205 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐035 GEER, VICTOR 74,875 224.63 119 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐040 SMITH, LOUIS & MARGARET 72,300 216.90 111 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐041 GARCIA, ADOLFO A 45,359 136.08 107 E BROOKS 4717‐36‐303‐042 FINCH, ROBERT J 47,240 141.72 316 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐001 GATES, LYNN A 95,200 285.60 322 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐002 DUNHAM, NATHANIEL 94,748 284.24 406 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐003 PARKHURST, CHAD & 84,886 254.66 412 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐004 MAAS, ADRIENNE & BARTON 104,300 312.90 418 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐005 JEZIORSKI, MICHAEL 70,008 210.02 424 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐006 MARSHALL, DEBRA 65,311 195.93 430 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐007 ARTS, JOSHUA A 65,202 195.61 436 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐008 MORAN, TODD AND MEREDITH 105,300 315.90 442 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐009 KEEFE, JOHN & THERESA 58,430 175.29 443 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐010 GRANT, WILLIAM & JUNE 69,025 207.08 437 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐011 REGNER, CRAIG & THERESE 68,588 205.76 431 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐012 PARKE, JESSE J 98,160 294.48 425 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐013 VINIC, NORA E 82,767 248.30 419 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐014 ROUSE, LISA D 67,058 201.17 413 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐068 GUBBINS, RICHARD A II 0.00 407 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐101‐069 MURAD, HAMID, ANTHONY I, MARYANN M 72,191 216.57 109 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐001 TIMMERMANN, AMY M & TIMMERMANN, NED 63,563 190.69 115 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐002 CALHOUN, PATRICK R & CAROLYN A 96,995 290.99 123 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐003 HONEY, ALLAN J 60,723 182.17 131 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐004 MARSHALL, SUMMER WILLIAMS 59,740 179.22 139 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐005 MACALUSO, PATRICK T & SUZANNE E 65,819 197.46 211 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐006 KETCHEL, JAMES P & KAREN J 51,549 154.65 310 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐050 NADEAU, MICKEAL & MARY 68,478 205.43 210 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐056 BOVEE, STUART & MARILYN 50,893 152.68 142 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐057 SCHULTZ, KIRK A & ABIGAIL G A 60,833 182.50 134 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐058 MIECHIELS, JANET A & DAVID 65,420 196.26 126 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐059 COOK, KEVIN & DONIE, ASHLEE 66,335 199.01 118 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐060 LEHMAN, STACEY AND LLOYD 79,229 237.69 110 BROWNING DR 4717‐35‐401‐061 COX, JAMES & MARCIA 76,451 229.35 1017 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐007 PEARSON, CHERYL L 104,419 313.26 1007 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐008 WYKOFF LIVING TRUST (ASA E.& ANN M) 79,567 238.70 1023 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐009 GRIMES, RICHARD & MADELYN 139,937 419.81 1133 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐017 ITSELL, DAVID 148,049 444.15 1132 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐042 SILVERTHORN, DUANE D & LORRAINE 136,081 408.24 1104 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐043 LIMBERS, MICHAEL & LAURIE 98,872 296.62 1036 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐061 WALKER, JENNIFER & JARED 85,355 256.07 1028 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐062 SCHLITTLER, ALLEN & MICHELLE 86,020 258.06 1016 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐063 HEIKKINEN, RICHARD & MARY 89,439 268.32 1006 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐064 FERRARO, JOSHUA R 86,187 258.56


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1108 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐078 ROCKEY, SUSAN 103,200 309.60 BURNS 4717‐25‐301‐021 BRAND, PATRICIA & DAVID 20,420 61.26 BURWICK FARMS PHASE I 4717‐26‐400‐062 MIMG CIX BURWICK FARMS LLC 4,291,200 12873.60 BURWICK FARMS PHASE I 4717‐26‐400‐073 MIMG CIX BURWICK FARMS LLC 1,675,400 5026.20 330 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐026 NEFFL ENTERPRISES LLC 152,251 456.75 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐059 KOMLOS, VALERIE L TRUST 12,700 38.10 205 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐012 VICKERS, VICKI L 59,740 179.22 320 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐027 NEW, LARRY & AMY 43,095 129.29 316 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐028 LAMB, TERRENCE & KIMBERLY 47,725 143.18 342 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐031 K & K AND SONS INVESTMENT LLC 48,208 144.62 343 BUSH 4717‐36‐401‐032 BENDER, BRENTFORD D & LAURA E 78,602 235.81 216 BUSH 4717‐36‐405‐046 COOK, TIMOTHY & JENNIFER 36,695 110.09 1230 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐004 1230 BYRON ROAD LLC 89,994 269.98 1250 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐005 KELLOGG REAL ESTATE LLC 974,064 2922.19 1290 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐008 WHITNEY, CRAIG R & NANCY R 136,600 409.80 1155 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐019 PIRO, GREGORY F DO PC 359,551 1078.65 1101 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐020 BETCHER, DAVID DMD 237,852 713.56 1191 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐037 1191 BYRON LLC 150,300 450.90 1221 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐038 SWZ REALTY LLC 283,822 851.47 1320 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐041 V & F INVESTMENT CO 220,999 663.00 605 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐043 BYRON TERRACE LLC 741,495 2224.49 1200 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐047 BYRON ROAD INVESTMENT GROUP 250,651 751.95 715 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐048 DENT SPEC BUILDING LLC 141,100 423.30 711 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐049 KIM, DONG‐SOO & SOOK‐HEE 117,964 353.89 1315 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐050 YANGA TRUST, RUTH 149,002 447.01 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐001 IHA HEALTH SERVICES CORPORATION 41,700 125.10 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐002 BUSH‐KELLY ENTERPRISES INC 86,400 259.20 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐003 MIAM LLC 60,500 181.50 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐004 LIMINALITY ONE LLC 37,329 111.99 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐005 WANDZEL, RICHARD & MARIA 43,301 129.90 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐006 MCPHERSON PROFESSIONAL BLDG CONDO 109,219 327.66 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐007 MIAM LLC 44,800 134.40 820 BYRON 4717‐26‐405‐008 MIAM LLC 42,000 126.00 1270 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐006 BOSS, GREG 57,595 172.79 1280 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐007 ENGEL, KURT & SANDRA 32,543 97.63 1301 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐011 FOSTER, STEVEN 40,102 120.31 1257 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐015 FORTNEY, THOMAS & VALORIE 47,675 143.03 1247 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐016 FORTNEY, THOMAS & VALORIE 53,435 160.31 1225 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐017 MILKOWSKI, EDWARD J 66,200 198.60 1220 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐039 1220 BYRON ROAD LLC 90,200 270.60 601 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐054 SCHAFER, STANLEY & JANE 99,291 297.87 613 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐055 SCHAFER, STANLEY & JANE 96,330 288.99 1293 BYRON 4717‐26‐400‐074 KNORR, NORBERT & PAULINE 95,604 286.81 120 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐006 HOARD, DANIEL & KATHLEEN 56,058 168.17 122 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐007 ACKERMAN, DOUGLAS & LAURIE 55,353 166.06 506 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐050 TRAFFORD, TRAVIS 21,649 64.95 410 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐052 MEREM, SHANE 65,925 197.78 320 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐053 THUMSER, STACIE J 37,581 112.74 304 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐059 HARMON(S), NICKESON & REMSING ET AL 45,978 137.93 310 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐060 HOARD, ZACHERY SCOTT 56,100 168.30 518 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐092 WICE, SHARI 39,260 117.78 512 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐093 HAGERTY, JOSEPH 37,161 111.48 222 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐099 SPAULDING, ROBERT A & JENNIFER 37,371 112.11 216 BYRON 4717‐35‐201‐100 MASTERS, ASHLEY 59,097 177.29


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 223 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐031 TRIPI, JOHN 54,395 163.19 215 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐032 MCDONALD, JAYMEE RAE 38,822 116.47 207 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐033 O'BRIEN, JAMIE 89,300 267.90 201 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐034 HELMINEN, ABBIE 60,200 180.60 423 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐066 RILEY, MARTHA A TRUST 44,232 132.70 415 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐067 DENNIS, FRANKIE 47,835 143.51 323 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐070 BUTLER, KATHLEEN S 41,610 124.83 319 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐071 GONIEA, LARRY TRUST 50,021 150.06 315 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐074 RUDOLPH, JASON K 73,554 220.66 311 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐075 POMEROY, KEVIN & TERESA 44,560 133.68 307 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐076 WILKINSON, JOAN ET AL 40,736 122.21 303 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐077 KNUDSEN, SEAN 64,767 194.30 527 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐092 KELLEY, DOUGLAS J SR & BEVERLY G 64,695 194.09 523 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐093 YANGA, RUTH TRUST 42,047 126.14 519 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐094 BORDERS, BRENDA K 43,140 129.42 515 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐095 KIVARI, MELINDA & HANS 77,500 232.50 511 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐096 KERN, LESLIE & ELAINE 41,610 124.83 505 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐097 COLE, MARY 44,341 133.02 501 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐098 FREELAND, JAMES & JEANETTE 62,252 186.76 403 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐105 O'NEIL, KAREN 56,464 169.39 411 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐106 K & K AND SONS INVESTMENT LLC 50,130 150.39 325 BYRON 4717‐35‐203‐107 WELLS, BARBARA 39,355 118.07 111 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐016 HERRINGTON, LUKE & RACHEL LYNCH 141,100 423.30 106 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐018 BERGMANS, TRAVIS J 117,483 352.45 308 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐020 FISH, ANNETTE 120,206 360.62 326 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐022 HOUGABOOM, KENNETH J & MELIA L 101,539 304.62 336 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐023 BURT, BRYAN M & MELISSA M 83,385 250.16 350 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐024 JONCKHEERE, BRIAN & CAROL 72,099 216.30 360 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐025 ZALESKI, DEREK C & JILLIAN M 86,070 258.21 420 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐027 BAUER, JOSEPH D 76,581 229.74 517 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐031 MURRAY, MICHAEL P. & LISA L. 119,283 357.85 505 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐032 DRICK, JAY R. & DEBORAH L. 86,938 260.81 433 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐033 ZIRKLE, ALAN & TANYA 59,029 177.09 349 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐039 GERMAIN, NATHAN 147,653 442.96 335 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐040 VUKONICH, THOMAS S. & MARYANNE C. 89,110 267.33 174 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐075 KABA, DANIEL & SUSAN 205,132 615.40 224 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐076 CLINK, WALTER & JUDITH 113,483 340.45 321 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐077 OSDRAS, PATRICK & PAMELA 78,820 236.46 421 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐088 LEEDS, ROBERT & NANCY 84,003 252.01 432 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐092 SPRINGER, RONALD P & GINGER S 116,131 348.39 504 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐093 THOMPSON, ALLEN & PAULA 86,938 260.81 516 W CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐301‐094 PRATT, NORMAN & JEANNINE 109,219 327.66 109 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐404‐011 LAMB, VICTOR 62,403 187.21 108 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐404‐012 VELKEY, BRIAN & MELISSA 79,785 239.36 120 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐404‐013 HAYES, KATHLEEN 68,341 205.02 115 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐404‐021 DEAN, JEFFREY 90,410 271.23 232 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐001 LOBUR, JOHN & JANICE 0.00 220 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐003 ASH, JAMES & IRMA 93,820 281.46 219 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐005 CRAWFORD, MADONNA 107,814 323.44 210 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐006 THAYER, SCOTT & CHERYL 94,901 284.70 225 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐026 STADDON, ELIZABETH 123,702 371.11 205 E CALEDONIA 4717‐25‐405‐027 STUBLER, RITA & KOSIER, CELINA 140,043 420.13 528 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐001 DWYER, TODD & ABRAMSON, JILL 120,206 360.62 540 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐002 HOSKINS, TY & LISA 108,368 325.10


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 602 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐003 SKRYPEC, MICHAEL & JOAN E 85,540 256.62 614 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐004 JOHNSON, WM G & LILLIAN M 94,179 282.54 627 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐005 TABACZYNSKI, THOMAS S 99,519 298.56 791 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐010 PINELLI, DAVID & DONNA 94,712 284.14 777 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐011 STAFFORD, JOHN & SUSAN 109,178 327.53 770 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐012 BYE, MATTHEW D & ROCHELLE H 110,926 332.78 782 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐013 FORD, TIMOTHY F & KIMBERLY A 95,576 286.73 794 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐014 ROSSOW, RICHARD H & DEANNA R 121,664 364.99 626 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐020 KANCLERZ, JAMES JR & LISA 104,526 313.58 638 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐021 BREIDINGER, SPENCER & KATHERINE E 112,419 337.26 650 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐022 CALANDRINO, FRANK & DEBORAH 87,343 262.03 662 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐023 NICHOLS, PAUL M & SARAH E 98,126 294.38 674 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐024 MAIN, PHYLLIS TRUST 115,405 346.22 686 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐025 SHAW, STEVEN & PAMELA 112,526 337.58 698 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐026 GORDON, LEE & MARGARET 102,072 306.22 710 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐027 DIONISE, JOSEPH & SHERYL 100,260 300.78 722 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐028 ARNOLD, DAVID & JUDY 113,059 339.18 734 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐029 WHITE, EUGENE M & BARBARA E 109,704 329.11 746 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐030 KING, EDWIN M & MARY L 124,819 374.46 733 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐031 RICHARDSON, THOMAS & KIMBERLY 115,298 345.89 705 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐032 LINDLBAUER, JAMES R 106,764 320.29 675 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐033 GILDEMEISTER, JUAN & AMY 108,898 326.69 663 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐034 HOGAN, JAMES & KIMBERLY C 113,526 340.58 651 W CALEDONIA 4717‐26‐402‐035 HANNER, JUDY K & PAUL B 118,400 355.20 711 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐033 TORSCH, HOLLY 52,969 158.91 717 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐034 BLANKENSHIP, RANDY & CAROLYN 53,952 161.86 723 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐035 TORMANEN, GREGORY & SHARYN 55,918 167.75 729 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐036 ROEHLK, RAYMOND W 66,400 199.20 700 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐068 HOUSE, ANDREW & STACEY 52,532 157.60 706 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐069 JONES, MARCIA J 52,205 156.62 712 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐070 GOULET, SEAN R 70,400 211.20 718 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐071 RIDAL, DAVID J 73,589 220.77 724 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐072 GARDINER, ADA 52,859 158.58 730 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐073 DIPIETRO, ANTONIO & DAWN 51,113 153.34 736 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐074 TANNER, WILLIAM & INGRID 46,634 139.90 742 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐075 BASA, ADAM 50,893 152.68 748 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐076 BRENNER, DEBORA 43,356 130.07 747 CARDINAL CT 4717‐01‐100‐077 OLSZEWSKI, BRIAN J 85,400 256.20 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐091 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐092 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐093 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐094 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 1704 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐087 GERARD, WALTER F & LYNDA M 43,354 130.06 1702 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐088 DAPOZ, JOANN TRUST 48,604 145.81 1710 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐089 MARROW, WILLIAM L SR 81,524 244.57 1712 CARLISLE ST 4717‐25‐101‐090 POTTER, CAROL M 94,468 283.40 160 CATRELL 4717‐36‐400‐040 HOWELL BUSINESS CENTRE LLC 198,887 596.66 301 CATRELL 4717‐36‐400‐034 CENTURION MEDICAL PRODUCTS CORP 1,856,388 5569.16 327 CATRELL 4717‐36‐400‐035 CAAZ INC 494,939 1484.82 317 CATRELL 4717‐36‐400‐036 CAAZ INC 178,335 535.01 CATRELL 4717‐36‐400‐008 DICKSON ‐ HOWELL ENT 35,065 105.20 216 N CENTER 4717‐36‐102‐034 BYRNES, KEVIN & LORI 69,745 209.24 222 N CENTER 4717‐36‐102‐035 SAUVAGE, BRIAN 60,992 182.98 204 N CENTER 4717‐36‐102‐041 NEWTON, DELMAR & WALTON 36,887 110.66


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 210 N CENTER 4717‐36‐102‐042 KENYON, PAUL & PLAZA, DIANE S 74,020 222.06 210 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐007 DEVRIES, KRISTI & AARON 82,900 248.70 215 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐019 HOYLE, MEGAN A 114,073 342.22 322 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐033 DUDLEY, RICHARD & BETTY 45,710 137.13 316 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐034 LAVENDER, FRED & JUANITA 49,654 148.96 315 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐035 OLIVERI, KATE 83,100 249.30 319 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐036 DENISTON, DONALD & LINDA 54,274 162.82 325 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐037 KULMAN, JENNIFER 82,500 247.50 401 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐038 DUNN, ROBERT JR 55,462 166.39 411 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐042 CONLIN, STEVEN & MARY 72,847 218.54 404 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐043 PETERSON, BENJAMIN 72,184 216.55 410 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐044 SMITH, RENE E 48,315 144.95 416 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐045 BEACOME, TINA 51,249 153.75 415 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐046 BRENNAN, LORNA M 102,600 307.80 515 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐051 LOSEY, GARY & MARY 71,887 215.66 425 S CENTER 4717‐36‐305‐052 DAVIS, NATHAN 88,034 264.10 1315 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐021 DELAMIELLEURE, ADAM C & DANYELLE 63,246 189.74 1335 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐022 SEVERS, MICHAEL 44,475 133.43 1357 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐023 KOIVU, JOHN W 55,462 166.39 1389 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐025 VERELLEN, CLINTON J. 36,369 109.11 1360 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐035 HM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC 66,234 198.70 1348 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐036 FRIEDLINE, LINDA SUE 75,554 226.66 1334 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐038 KAITNER, ATHENS 43,089 129.27 1379 CENTRAL 4717‐25‐402‐076 LANE, TARA & BRIAN 90,100 270.30 500 CHANDLER 4717‐26‐201‐227 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 829,929 2489.79 503 CHANDLER 4717‐26‐201‐228 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 1,083,289 3249.87 403 CHANDLER 4717‐26‐201‐229 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 51,663 154.99 401 CHANDLER 4717‐26‐201‐230 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 51,663 154.99 901 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐009 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 903 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐010 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 907 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐011 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 909 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐012 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 913 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐013 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 915 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐014 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 822 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐017 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 820 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐018 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 816 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐019 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 814 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐020 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 810 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐021 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 808 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐022 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 804 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐023 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 802 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐024 GOULAS, THOMAS & MARKOS 6,507 19.52 801 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐001 MUSZYNSKI TRUST, DORIS 51,963 155.89 803 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐002 JARVIS, CONSTANCE I 54,483 163.45 807 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐003 DUKE, CHRIS 46,610 139.83 809 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐004 STEVENSON, CAROL 53,749 161.25 813 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐005 ANTCZAK, NANCY 85,505 256.52 815 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐006 PEDERSEN, KAREN L 50,284 150.85 904 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐015 COSTELLO, MARTIN J & MICHALENE 47,765 143.30 902 CHELSEA RIDGE CT 4717‐01‐104‐016 HERBERT, MICHAEL J & DELEON, OLGA 85,814 257.44 122 S CHESTNUT 4717‐35‐202‐034 HODGE, SCOTT & ROBYN 59,088 177.26 116 S CHESTNUT 4717‐35‐202‐035 ST ONGE,RICHARD & MATHENY,DINA 63,017 189.05 316 N CHESTNUT 4717‐36‐102‐008 SCHULTZ, ROBERTA ET AL 45,769 137.31 322 N CHESTNUT 4717‐36‐102‐009 PERKINS, DENNIS 63,674 191.02


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 310 N CHESTNUT 4717‐36‐102‐016 DERKIN, ELIZABETH R 44,615 133.85 215 N CHESTNUT 4717‐36‐102‐036 HAVILAND, VERN & RAYMOND I 49,234 147.70 313 N CHESTNUT 4717‐36‐102‐044 SERENITY HAVEN TWO LLC 141,300 423.90 122 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐057 CMC ASSOCIATES LLC 183,134 549.40 118 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐068 CITY OF HOWELL 64,900 194.70 115 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐025 SCHLITTLER, ALLEN & MICHELLE 39,355 118.07 109 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐026 C & C PROPERTIES, LLC 137,271 411.81 105 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐027 C & C INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC 103,778 311.33 117 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐081 SCHLITTLER, ALLEN & MICHELLE 52,154 156.46 119 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐082 P & C BOWEN II, LLC 50,348 151.04 903 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐402‐062 QUALITY PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LLC 159,775 479.33 904 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐402‐047 SPRINGBORN, RUSSELL 42,500 127.50 503 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐016 SMITH, TREVOR L 60,135 180.41 515 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐017 PRY, ALFRETTA L. & LISA M. 39,681 119.04 521 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐018 FINLEY, LAURA & NATHAN 55,200 165.60 525 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐019 CZUBENKO, TAISA TRUST 32,017 96.05 603 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐020 LINDAMOOD, MARY 31,912 95.74 607 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐021 MCLEAN, KARRIE 39,098 117.29 611 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐022 MELOCHE, JOANNA ELIZABETH 70,500 211.50 627 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐024 BARRON, SANDRA 34,511 103.53 633 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐025 HORTON, FRANCES E 36,795 110.39 664 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐035 SAARI, KYLE 42,411 127.23 652 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐038 WALL, LEEANN & MICHAEL 63,722 191.17 648 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐039 CAMPS, ELIZABETH M 57,000 171.00 644 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐040 GEIHSLER, KYLE A 59,300 177.90 638 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐041 ANDERSON, LEAMAN & WILHELMI, CHERYL 39,676 119.03 632 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐042 DUBOIS, MICHAEL A 87,500 262.50 622 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐043 PARE, WILLIAM & SKY MARIE 58,379 175.14 610 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐044 STONE, ROBERT & MYRNA 56,464 169.39 604 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐045 UNDERHILL, THOMAS R & AUDREY K 78,808 236.42 528 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐046 DAVIES, LACY ANN & DANIEL WEISS 42,411 127.23 522 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐047 BROWN, JASON D & MARY CP 79,994 239.98 516 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐048 EMERSON, KAYE L & KENNETH C 61,300 183.90 510 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐049 GANGNIER, JEFFREY & GINA 42,594 127.78 615 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐110 PETERSON, COREY J 38,610 115.83 621 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐111 SUMMERS, STEVEN & CAROLE 52,640 157.92 658 W CLINTON 4717‐35‐203‐112 SCHUSTER, WILLIAM & CRISTINA 49,969 149.91 422 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐021 WRIGHT, ROBERT & DIANE 54,903 164.71 416 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐022 RICHARDS, KEITH & NGUYET 91,287 273.86 410 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐023 LEWIS, TIMOTHY & DEBORAH KELLOGG 104,563 313.69 404 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐024 MUSSON, LINDA 50,390 151.17 403 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐025 MITCHELL AND SHERWOOD ENTERPRISES L 62,357 187.07 409 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐026 MCPHERSON, ROBERT J. & DAWN 49,443 148.33 415 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐027 TROIA, CAROL 64,247 192.74 421 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐028 MILLE, ALBERT & DEBORAH 77,161 231.48 322 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐039 MILLER, BELINDA & TOPA, CHRISTOPHER 70,756 212.27 316 W CLINTON 4717‐36‐102‐040 KOLODZIEJCZAK, MATTHEW P & DONNA J 53,223 159.67 515 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐050 WITHORN, WM C, MARGARET M & DONALD 75,374 226.12 509 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐051 WITHORN, WILLIAM & MARGARET 76,047 228.14 503 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐052 LAURIE, CARL 129,300 387.90 425 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐053 KIDDER, ROBERT A & MARYBETH 51,088 153.26 421 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐054 MIFSUD, RENO 72,019 216.06 415 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐055 MACK, BEVERLY 61,622 184.87 409 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐056 WICK, DANIEL & ANN 100,546 301.64


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 403 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐057 FOGLE, DOUGLAS 63,197 189.59 321 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐061 PERRONE, JOSEPH 94,286 282.86 312 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐065 GRIFFITHS, COLLEEN 45,245 135.74 314 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐066 SPAULDING, ROBERT & JENNIFER 49,969 149.91 326 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐067 326 EAST CLINTON LLC 83,038 249.11 402 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐072 LEWIS, TIMOTHY & ANGELA 59,942 179.83 408 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐073 ATKINS, DONALD JR 48,499 145.50 414 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐074 GUARINO, DAVID W & STEPHANIE A 62,882 188.65 420 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐075 CAVANAUGH, TIMOTHY & JEANNE 86,397 259.19 430 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐076 ZAHLER, RICHARD & PETRAT, PATRICIA 52,205 156.62 504 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐077 ZAHLER, RICHARD & PETRAT, PATRICA 51,835 155.51 510 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐308‐078 AARDAL, HAROLD E 57,528 172.58 815 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐007 PERRONE LLC 64,100 192.30 809 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐008 BARRETT, MARIE 117,500 352.50 733 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐030 CHANDLER, ERNEST III 58,447 175.34 727 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐031 ALCOTT, DOUGLAS & BEVERLY 54,483 163.45 721 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐032 238 N NATIONAL, LLC 53,861 161.58 715 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐033 K & K AND SONS INVESTMENT LLC 53,853 161.56 709 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐034 SOJKA, BRIAN M & JENNIFER A 49,660 148.98 527 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐040 NYE, ANN (MUNSELL) 44,196 132.59 521 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐041 JR CAPITAL LLC 60,200 180.60 710 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐043 BERRY, KRISTIN 63,781 191.34 704 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐044 ALDRIDGE, RICHARD & TINA 72,330 216.99 622 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐046 HART, JENNIFER 69,900 209.70 616 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐047 TRACY, ALEXANDER J 51,228 153.68 610 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐048 HARLAN, TOBY ANN & 57,107 171.32 604 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐049 DEBOER, CARRIE BELLINGER 51,972 155.92 522 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐050 MAY, TRUDY 56,660 169.98 516 E CLINTON 4717‐36‐404‐051 MATHERS, KATHRYN 47,449 142.35 121 S COURT 4717‐36‐307‐060 POLLICK, MATTHEW & TARA 98,137 294.41 S COURT 4717‐36‐307‐061 LAURIE KAY REARDON TRUST 40,942 122.83 222 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐014 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HOWELL 41,885 125.66 229 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐015 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HOWELL 49,809 149.43 308 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐019 RICHARDS, KURT & MARLA 117,409 352.23 318 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐020 CONQUEST, AMY D 104,300 312.90 322 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐021 MANDERNACK, DANIEL R & LAURA L 99,700 299.10 422 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐025 STEVENSON, MICHELE J 100,800 302.40 417 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐026 417 COURT STREET LLC 97,699 293.10 409 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐027 LATREILLE, STANLEY 91,523 274.57 321 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐037 MOSKAL, ANNE MARIE & JAMES 159,000 477.00 309 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐038 HAIR, LEONARD R & GLENDA R 64,497 193.49 303 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐039 NASH, FRED & JUDY 126,692 380.08 227 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐046 LEWIS, LANCE B & ELIZABETH D 180,900 542.70 213 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐047 DORAN, MICHAEL 91,500 274.50 209 N COURT 4717‐36‐103‐048 MITCHELL, RUSSELL L & BEVERLY 67,941 203.82 516 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐031 THOMPSON, NOEL D 64,372 193.12 604 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐032 WYLIE, PAUL & KATHLEEN 77,999 234.00 616 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐033 KUZAWINSKI, ROBERT & LINDA 60,887 182.66 622 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐034 BRUHN, JAMES J 88,698 266.09 720 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐037 GATESMAN, PAUL C & LIZA B 64,666 194.00 814 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐040 DOUGLASS, TYLER 95,061 285.18 809 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐041 SLOAN, AUSTIN R 83,114 249.34 803 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐042 TURBIN, STEPHAN 61,817 185.45 721 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐043 HENDERSON, CHARLES 76,109 228.33


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 715 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐044 MILLER, CHARLES & JULIE 58,648 175.94 709 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐045 MCROBERTS, REBECCA A 67,500 202.50 621 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐048 KILPELA, DAVID & DEANNA 77,500 232.50 617 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐050 JIRASEK, JACLYN 81,700 245.10 609 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐051 LYSON, MATHEW W 72,121 216.36 603 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐052 RIVARD, JERRY & MARY 52,532 157.60 517 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐053 BACHELDOR, FRANK & MARY 58,373 175.12 504 N COURT 4717‐36‐201‐100 SCOTT, DOREEN 65,530 196.59 203 N COURT 4717‐36‐308‐064 GROSS, SCOTT P 97,700 293.10 710 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐048 DEWACHTER, RONALD TRUST 49,037 147.11 704 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐049 PRUITT, LORRIE K 48,929 146.79 620 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐051 MINOCK, DANIEL & TERRI 56,027 168.08 610 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐052 STOOPS, SHARON & OTT, JEANNE 76,998 230.99 604 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐053 BECKWITH, LEAH & JACOB 78,412 235.24 526 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐054 MORIARTEY, JURATE EVANS TRUSTEE 64,874 194.62 520 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐055 LIVINGSTON, JOHN & BETH TRUST 64,654 193.96 514 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐056 TESSLER, ANDREW E JR 65,639 196.92 416 W CRANE 4717‐35‐403‐060 CRAWFORD, WARREN & KRISTINE 59,418 178.25 403 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐002 DARE, MARY 54,388 163.16 515 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐007 CHEMBERLIN, LANNY & SUSAN 62,690 188.07 521 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐008 FOERSTER, JUDITH 65,092 195.28 603 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐009 CRITTENDEN, LARRY D & HARVEST 75,798 227.39 609 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐010 BRESLER, AMANDA M 61,582 184.75 615 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐011 KEITH, KENNETH A & KATHERINE 46,199 138.60 621 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐012 MACE, ELIZABETH 80,900 242.70 703 W CRANE 4717‐35‐404‐014 CICOTTE, JOHN & MYRA 54,388 163.16 214 E CRANE 4717‐36‐301‐006 BEDEN, PHILLIP 38,988 116.96 116 W CRANE 4717‐36‐303‐006 HART, CONSTANCE 39,996 119.99 101 E CRANE 4717‐36‐303‐019 DEPOLLO, ALEX 75,500 226.50 109 W CRANE 4717‐36‐303‐025 SABO, DAVID & MICHELE 47,675 143.03 312 W CRANE 4717‐36‐305‐032 DEAN, MICHAEL LEE 58,447 175.34 110 W CRANE 4717‐36‐303‐007 LEGACY REALTY LLC 12,158 36.47 1444 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐013 SMITH, JUDITH M 84,579 253.74 1443 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐026 MCKERSIE, FREDERICK 67,620 202.86 1461 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐027 WOLLENHAUPT, LISA 58,234 174.70 1452 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐029 CLAY, DAVID J 99,000 297.00 1462 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐039 ROSENHACK, DANIEL 102,300 306.90 1471 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐044 MUZIK, SCOTT 67,992 203.98 1472 CREST 4717‐25‐401‐047 SHIRKEY, KARRIE L (FKA WHITE) 68,550 205.65 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐017 SINDON, MARY 10,000 30.00 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐018 COLA, JOHN E & DIANE L 26,805 80.42 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐019 BACHMAN, GAYLE 38,024 114.07 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐020 HUNTER, JAMES 27,830 83.49 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐021 SWABON, DANIEL & ELLEN 26,805 80.42 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐022 ARCHIE, LYNN & JESSE 53,300 159.90 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐023 GOSSELIN, RONALD H & NANCY C 30,251 90.75 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐024 SHONER, NANCY R 27,718 83.15 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐025 WILLIAMS, MARLENE 26,805 80.42 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐026 CLARKE, SANDRA P & PATRICK J 41,846 125.54 1223 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐028 FORTIN, TIMOTHY M 34,131 102.39 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐029 IWANYSCHYN, GISELA W 27,631 82.89 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐030 VORHOFF, NANCY 26,805 80.42 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐031 HEARD, LINDA 27,830 83.49 1221 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐032 LEBARON, JAMES & ALICE 27,718 83.15


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐033 STREET, GERALD H & JUDITH K 36,266 108.80 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐034 CALLAHAN, CASEY 53,200 159.60 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐035 WYLIE, SUSAN M 27,718 83.15 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐036 HEWITT, DOUGLAS T & SHARON L 27,830 83.49 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐037 MEACHAM, SANDRA 53,200 159.60 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐038 WOODWORTH, ELAINE A 27,739 83.22 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐039 HARDY, SPENCER & LOUISE ESTATE 27,830 83.49 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐040 SUTHERLAND, VICKIE J 34,131 102.39 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐041 KOTARBA, ANDREW 47,500 142.50 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐042 PACE, BONNIE & PAUL 26,805 80.42 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐043 FRANK, CAROL 28,942 86.83 1219 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐044 MARION FAMILY TRUST 27,830 83.49 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐045 LYNN, RANDLE M & CYNTHIA A 27,631 82.89 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐046 MCLEAN, JOY L. 26,805 80.42 1217 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐047 KUSSER, ELAINE M 44,223 132.67 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐065 WELLMAN, KATHLEEN 20,000 60.00 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐066 HOORN, SHARON, TRUSTEE 27,146 81.44 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐067 HENRY, CAROL 28,173 84.52 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐068 YOUNG, RODGER 29,313 87.94 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐069 LYNN, RANDLE & CYNTHIA 54,200 162.60 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐070 TARNACKI, HENRY & JOSEPHINE & 33,592 100.78 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐071 FOURNIER, MARSHA C 56,665 170.00 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐072 DAILEY, PATRICIA 28,173 84.52 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐073 WETH, MARK 27,146 81.44 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐074 BROOKS, CHRISTIAN 48,300 144.90 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐075 GNEGY, BETTY 28,173 84.52 1139 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐076 JONES, JAMES 48,803 146.41 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐077 TRENT, STACY 46,353 139.06 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐078 SMITH, GERALDINE 27,146 81.44 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐079 FULTZ, JEFFREY 51,000 153.00 1137 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐080 KELLY, CONNIE & THOMAS 0.00 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐081 REBOK, MARY E 27,146 81.44 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐082 PREHN, JOHN D & ALICE M 40,795 122.39 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐083 GALMORE, ALICE 28,173 84.52 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐084 KAUPPI, RUTH ANN 35,272 105.82 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐085 WALTERS, SALLY A 33,062 99.19 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐086 HARRIS, MARTHA W 53,806 161.42 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐087 OCONNELL, MARY 34,768 104.30 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐088 MORRIS, MARY LOU & MACALUSO, SUZANN 35,168 105.50 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐089 SHEAHON, MAUREEN R 28,176 84.53 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐090 BUDD, HELEN J 27,146 81.44 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐091 NIXON, JOYCE 28,173 84.52 1135 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐092 ROE, CHAD 34,768 104.30 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐093 MINZEY, DANA & SHANNON 46,353 139.06 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐094 DEHATE, WAYNE & KAREN 27,146 81.44 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐095 MARGARET WALSH 28,173 84.52 1133 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐096 PARK, SANDRA S 29,377 88.13 CURZON 4717‐26‐403‐113 DECOCQ, PAUL & LAMOREAUX, AMY 1,138 3.41 1228 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐001 EATON, LOUIS C & REBECCA 66,294 198.88 1226 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐002 TOLOT, NELLIE M ET AL 65,748 197.24 1224 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐003 BOWMAN, NANCY TRUST 68,262 204.79 1220 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐004 RYAN, MARY & CHARLES 87,700 263.10 1218 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐005 ZURCHER, JUDITH 66,294 198.88 1216 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐006 BACHMAN, PAMELA L 68,262 204.79


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1140 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐007 GLASSEL, JON W & MICHELE G 86,329 258.99 1138 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐008 GESSLER, JOSEPH F & ANN 85,497 256.49 1136 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐009 RHODES, EMILY 68,916 206.75 1132 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐010 ANDERSON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 43,000 129.00 1130 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐011 BROWN, DUANE & ESTHER 66,950 200.85 1128 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐012 ZEMPER, LAURIE 68,697 206.09 1124 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐013 MYERS, BELLE 87,300 261.90 1122 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐014 MILLER, SANDRA & AARON 84,200 252.60 1120 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐015 SCOTT, LUCY L TRUST 69,788 209.36 1062 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐016 GUBALA, THOMAS W SR & PATRICIA D 86,329 258.99 1060 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐017 MCCARTY, GERALD D JR & DENISE 67,605 202.82 1058 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐018 HOUGABOOM, H JOAN 68,588 205.76 1054 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐019 HAGMAN, GERALD & KATHRYN 69,788 209.36 1052 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐020 BROWNLEE, HELEN 68,478 205.43 1050 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐021 PRICE, LEONARD JR & GRACE 69,788 209.36 1046 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐022 PALAZZOLA, FRANK & BETTY LOU 69,788 209.36 1044 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐023 SMITH, DOROTHY 67,822 203.47 1042 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐024 COPELAND, VALERIE 69,353 208.06 1043 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐025 WITMER, LYNN 100,546 301.64 1041 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐026 AULETE, SHIRLEY ANN 87,500 262.50 1035 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐028 MCLAUGHLIN, MARILYN W 70,444 211.33 1033 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐029 KOBYLARZ, LAWENCE P. & JOAN 69,243 207.73 1031 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐030 KOIVU, DAVID & ELSIE 70,444 211.33 1018 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐031 ROGGENBECK, JOHN & ANNE TRUST 70,336 211.01 1016 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐032 CLARK, RICHARD & NANCY TRUST 67,933 203.80 1014 CURZON 4717‐26‐404‐033 HARVEY, JOHN & LOIS 71,803 215.41 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐001 GOSSELIN, RONALD H 26,805 80.42 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐002 ALT, SUSAN 26,805 80.42 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐003 STEYSKAL, WALTER 0.00 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐004 COVA, MARY BETH 27,830 83.49 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐005 JACOBS, JANINE & WILLIAM 53,200 159.60 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐006 KOCH, LORRAINE 52,683 158.05 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐007 SHELTERS, FLOYD L & PRISCILLA E 28,857 86.57 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐008 ADAMS, LOUIS M & JANET M 44,503 133.51 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐009 CUTRIGHT, LAWRANCE F 27,739 83.22 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐010 MORLEY, JULIA 26,805 80.42 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐011 BELL, WILLIAM 28,857 86.57 607 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐012 MOYER, MARILYN 27,830 83.49 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐013 LOSKILL, JOANN TRUST 26,805 80.42 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐014 SNYDER, BARRETT E 26,805 80.42 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐015 MOORE, KAREN 50,000 150.00 605 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐016 MEYERS, SARAH 27,718 83.15 1223 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐027 CURZON COURT CONDO LLC 46,497 139.49 1217 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐048 SEBASTIAN, JANICE 28,942 86.83 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐049 MILLER, STEPHEN H & KAREN S 38,105 114.32 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐050 HILIS, EVA 62,700 188.10 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐051 SPENCER, PAMELA 25,207 75.62 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐052 LAFONTAINE, MARIE A 30,609 91.83 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐053 THOMAS, PAULETTE 27,146 81.44 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐054 BAILLIE, ROGER 27,146 81.44 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐055 DOUGHERTY, H JEAN 28,173 84.52 613 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐056 KULAS, ALANNA B 46,976 140.93 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐057 PRICE, GARY M & SUE 30,001 90.00 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐058 KILLEBREW & MACZIK & BONK, MICHAEL 30,001 90.00


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐059 BURR, BETTY 25,207 75.62 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐060 FRAKER, MALCOLM W & HEATHER L 33,891 101.67 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐061 GELARDI, ANTHONY S & RHONI M 27,146 81.44 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐062 KRAM INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 28,067 84.20 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐063 SCHMIDT, AMY B 50,900 152.70 609 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐064 PARKER, DONALD S & ROBERT E 28,402 85.21 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐097 KENNEDY, ROBERT J & HELEN J 40,898 122.69 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐098 GRAHAM, KAREN A & MICHAEL F 53,602 160.81 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐099 ROSS, KARON 28,173 84.52 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐100 SCHWOCHO, DAVID C & MARY E 28,173 84.52 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐101 STREBBING, DOLORES JEAN 27,146 81.44 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐102 MILLER, RODNEY & VERNA ET EL 27,146 81.44 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐103 ZUCKERMAN, CHERYL 29,377 88.13 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐104 ATKINSON, CARL & MARY 28,173 84.52 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐105 CROWLEY‐KURASH, SHARON M 27,146 81.44 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐106 EVANS, PATRICIA 27,146 81.44 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐107 CRAWFORD, MARY ANN 29,377 88.13 620 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐108 SCHACHT REVOCABLE TRUST 28,173 84.52 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐109 ZAHN, KENNETH & SANDRA 27,146 81.44 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐110 ROZAN, DEBORAH 27,146 81.44 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐111 LYNN, CYNTHIA A & RANDLE M 48,803 146.41 618 CURZON CT 4717‐26‐403‐112 JONES, SONDRA J 28,173 84.52 1039 CURZON CT 27 4717‐26‐404‐027 DEBURTON, EILEEN A 89,200 267.60 622 DEARBORN 4717‐36‐303‐062 FRANKLIN BODY SHOP 119,244 357.73 627 DEARBORN 4717‐36‐301‐087 MAY AND SCOFIELD COMPANY LLC 335,815 1007.45 942 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐038 AAM RENTAL SIX LLC 52,795 158.39 936 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐039 CLARK, RAYMOND JR & ELLA 32,423 97.27 922 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐040 RENTON, SARAH 39,035 117.11 916 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐041 WORRALL, KATHI 26,236 78.71 805 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐057 EBERHART, ANTHONY D 70,100 210.30 815 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐058 KAROLAK, NANCY 90,450 271.35 821 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐059 CHURCHES, KELLEY 66,962 200.89 820 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐090 CHRZANOWSKI, DENISE 46,295 138.89 814 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐091 CARL, ENOS 34,722 104.17 808 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐100 BERGIN, RACHEL A 77,473 232.42 802 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐102‐101 VOGEL, MATTHEW & VERONICA 77,265 231.80 903 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐001 BRYANT, MEREDITH 65,000 195.00 909 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐002 THEISEN, JOHN 48,102 144.31 921 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐003 PARKER, KENNETH J & AKSTEN, LYNN M 63,826 191.48 927 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐004 HAMMAC, CAROLYN & 50,982 152.95 933 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐005 MORROW, DEAN E 89,337 268.01 939 DEARBORN 4717‐01‐103‐006 SQUIRES, MATTHEW 55,248 165.74 612 DEARBORN 4717‐36‐303‐063 LYONS, JAMES S 36,914 110.74 654 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐037 MEDELIS, JANIS L 59,392 178.18 684 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐043 SCOTT, VICTORIA L 51,866 155.60 664 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐044 BENSON, RALPH & MARJORIE TRUST 54,799 164.40 605 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐045 DUNHAM, KATE L & NATHAN J 75,821 227.46 633 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐046 KNOBLOCH, FAUSTYN 64,101 192.30 651 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐047 MOORE, EDWIN & LYN 56,793 170.38 663 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐048 DAVIS, EARL & LELA 54,821 164.46 675 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐049 DEROSA, DAVID & LAURA 53,008 159.02 677 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐050 CARSWELL, DIRK 36,689 110.07 674 DETROIT AV 4717‐25‐402‐074 GOLPHIN, STEVEN & BETHANY 60,154 180.46 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐095 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐096 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐097 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐098 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐099 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐100 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐101 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐102 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐103 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐104 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐105 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐106 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐107 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐108 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐109 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐110 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐111 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐112 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐113 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐114 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐115 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐116 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐117 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐118 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐119 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐120 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐121 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐122 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐123 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐124 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐125 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐126 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐127 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐128 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐129 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐130 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐131 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐132 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐133 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐134 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐135 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐136 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐137 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐138 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐139 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐140 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐141 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐142 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐143 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐144 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐145 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐146 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐147 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐148 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐149 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐150 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐151 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐152 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐153 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐154 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐155 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐156 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐157 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐158 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐159 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐160 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐161 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐162 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 214 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐061 RUTH, DELPHINE 110,100 330.30 220 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐062 RUTH, DELPHINE ANN 107,900 323.70 232 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐063 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 129,900 389.70 226 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐064 MALCOLM, DONALD 129,000 387.00 302 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐065 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 45,200 135.60 308 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐066 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 101,700 305.10 320 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐067 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 44,600 133.80 314 DORCHESTER DR 4717‐25‐101‐068 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 104,700 314.10 117 N ELM 4717‐36‐404‐009 SCHUMACHER, KEITH 48,395 145.19 227 N ELM 4717‐36‐404‐015 DODD, DORIS 42,023 126.07 110 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐007 LESSNAU, KENNETH & MARY 37,897 113.69 122 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐018 DOLE, COREY M & MCCARTY, COLLEEN S 55,278 165.83 114 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐019 WILSON, PENNY 43,904 131.71 121 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐020 MURPHY, MICHAEL L 69,113 207.34 115 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐021 WICKS, JESSICA L 60,942 182.83 205 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐027 HARVEY, DONALD & JACQUELINE 74,875 224.63 210 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐029 DRAGONOV, JOHN & NICKI 42,157 126.47 220 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐040 220 ELM STREET LLC 44,996 134.99 213 S ELM 4717‐36‐405‐052 ALEXANDER, MICHAEL 67,728 203.18 506 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐070 GACH, MICHELLE A 42,662 127.99 622 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐087 AJN REAL ESTATE LLC 47,996 143.99 610 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐088 GRAY, DONALD W JR & LINDSAY S 40,941 122.82 604 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐089 JOHNSON, CATHERINE 57,500 172.50 516 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐090 BERTSOS, MARK ADDISON 40,700 122.10 512 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐091 ELIAS, DRAKE 55,732 167.20 528 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐107 ROLAND II, ROGER R & BETH ANNE 52,475 157.43 522 FACTORY 4717‐36‐101‐108 BROWN, KYLE 55,630 166.89 315 FAIR 4717‐36‐401‐052 HARTER, DALE 49,694 149.08 303 FAIR 4717‐36‐401‐054 TIMKO, JASON P & CLAIRE M 59,631 178.89 307 FAIR 4717‐36‐401‐065 CHAPMAN, DEBRA 90,759 272.28 215 FAIR 4717‐36‐403‐005 MCGAFFEY, LAURA 34,073 102.22 235 FAIR 4717‐36‐403‐006 HAGMAN, PATRICK 45,230 135.69 209 FAIR 4717‐36‐403‐023 HANVEY, ROBERT, MARIE, DAVID 66,058 198.17 1531 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐003 NIENHUIS, MICHAEL C & JESSICA 91,028 273.08 1539 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐004 PREUSS, MARK 34,236 102.71 1545 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐005 PRUESS, MARK & BRENDA TRUST 69,754 209.26 1550 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐007 LOUNSBERRY, MARJORIE ET AL 52,489 157.47 1542 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐008 GROSS, AMY K 64,629 193.89 1536 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐009 RACHEL AMBER HOLDWICK 40,635 121.91 1530 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐010 SCHAUER, ROBERT C 61,646 184.94 1450 FIRST AV 4717‐25‐402‐011 KIRBY, BRUCE & SHERYL 44,930 134.79


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 310 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐004 BRIDEAU, THOMAS & VICKI 42,266 126.80 322 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐005 FONTAINE, ANN L 54,076 162.23 311 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐013 FONTAINE, ANN 64,854 194.56 319 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐014 SPENCE, JEFFREY & ROXANE 60,750 182.25 325 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐015 EGNER, SUSAN 60,177 180.53 403 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐016 CAVANAUGH, MELISSA J & MICHAEL J 77,000 231.00 409 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐017 IFCC CORPORATION 56,480 169.44 415 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐018 TAYLOR, TIMOTHY 38,901 116.70 501 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐063 EDDY, THERESA M & ROBERT 56,246 168.74 507 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐064 NICHOLS, DONALD & VICKI 59,304 177.91 515 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐065 ESCH, DANIEL & KRISTINE 55,370 166.11 521 FLEMING 4717‐36‐301‐066 DAVIS, EARL & DAVIS ELDEN 56,792 170.38 522 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐038 POMA, DENISE 82,300 246.90 516 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐039 MALAFOURIS, BETH E 77,908 233.72 603 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐058 SWIFT, ANDREW M & REBECCA M 89,007 267.02 609 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐059 RICHARDSON, RUTH 39,863 119.59 615 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐060 OGDEN, RICHARD & ELIZABETH 34,292 102.88 627 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐061 CHOUINARD ENTERPRISES, LLC 43,685 131.06 616 FLEMING 4717‐36‐303‐072 AUTOMATIC HOME PRODUCTS 51,113 153.34 907 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐011 KSN MANAGEMENT LLC 184,400 553.20 915 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐012 TLM INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC 111,352 334.06 810 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐015 SELECT GLOBAL HOLDINGS LLC 93,859 281.58 818 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐016 SELECT GLOBAL HOLDINGS LLC 63,246 189.74 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐017 SELECT GLOBAL HOLDINGS LLC 24,606 73.82 803 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐006 WRIGHT, THOMAS T & STAFFORD, AMY E 45,434 136.30 809 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐007 TEDDY, JEROMY 52,785 158.36 815 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐008 LITTLE, DIANNA M & BILLY K 38,007 114.02 823 FOWLER 4717‐01‐100‐009 PRZYSIECKI, BRIAN 47,141 141.42 328 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐029 GORDON, RICHARD J II 83,900 251.70 322 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐030 KANDT, ELIZABETH 79,401 238.20 316 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐031 LUETHY, BENJAMIN J & AMANDA M 80,766 242.30 310 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐032 ODETTE, MATTHEW 51,986 155.96 215 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐042 BURTON, REED A JR 40,955 122.87 221 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐043 NOLAN, JOHN & MARY 51,768 155.30 331 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐048 HUBERT, LORENE 53,406 160.22 337 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐049 VOGHT, NATHANIEL J 52,752 158.26 416 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐076 MORRIS, RACHELLE L 82,855 248.57 422 FOWLER 4717‐36‐301‐081 STRUHAR JR, JOSEPH 90,000 270.00 403 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐004 SMALL TOWN PROPERTIES 403 LLC 52,489 157.47 515 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐011 GOSSELIN, RONALD 48,300 144.90 531 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐013 SMALL TOWN PROPERTIES 531 LLC 29,359 88.08 539 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐014 KARNES, SARAH A 42,812 128.44 509 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐023 CARDINAL RENTALS LLC 49,037 147.11 501 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐024 CARDINAL RENTALS LLC 49,037 147.11 512 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐028 SHAVER, VALERIE 37,023 111.07 409 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐033 SMALL TOWN PROPERTIES 409 LLC 57,758 173.27 210 FOWLER 4717‐36‐306‐001 MAHER, BRIAN 41,391 124.17 222 FOWLER 4717‐36‐306‐049 SCHOEBERLEIN, MINDY 54,588 163.76 FOWLER 4717‐36‐302‐035 GEROUX, LLOYD & JANICE 5,269 15.81 413 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐009 ALLIS, ANTHONY 33,597 100.79 411 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐010 SOVA, SHAUN 37,200 111.60 411 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐011 RUSSELL, ADAM 21,864 65.59 417 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐012 ANSCOMBE DEVELOPMENTS 32,764 98.29 419 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐014 BURTON, BRANDON J 30,500 91.50


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 423 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐015 BENDZ, MICHAEL K III 48,422 145.27 421 FOWLER 4717‐36‐309‐016 MASTA, SASHA 49,200 147.60 1138 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐006 MILLER, BRENDAN 98,220 294.66 1132 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐007 ROBERTS, GLENN H & SALLY M 105,289 315.87 1126 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐008 SODERBERG, CHRIS & KRISTEN L 99,940 299.82 1116 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐009 EICHEN, KAREN 85,873 257.62 1111 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐015 MURGA‐ZAMALLOA, CARLOS A 150,444 451.33 1119 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐016 HASTIE, WANDA BAAD 111,992 335.98 1127 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐017 SCHAVE, MERYL 102,144 306.43 1133 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐018 LIESKE, CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA 103,139 309.42 1139 GALLOWAY LN 4717‐26‐402‐019 ADDISON, MEGAN R & SCOTT J 96,995 290.99 1801 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐014 EWING, PAUL A 76,154 228.46 1837 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐063 SUTHERLAND, DONNA 131,000 393.00 1807 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐243 CROSKEY, JOHN M 110,676 332.03 1813 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐244 OSSA, DANIEL H & KELLY 153,400 460.20 1819 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐245 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 82,732 248.20 1831 GARFIELD 4717‐26‐201‐062 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 203 GAY 4717‐35‐202‐082 CIAK, GARY A & JOHANNA 72,388 217.16 222 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐058 BAKER, JASON & CONNIE 60,581 181.74 216 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐059 MASTERS, JOSEPH & CINDY 45,542 136.63 210 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐060 SMULLEN, JAMES WILLIAM 80,276 240.83 204 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐061 BEARD, RANDALL & KATHLEEN 50,129 150.39 128 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐062 CARPENTER, PHILIP C 62,907 188.72 124 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐063 DUKES, JOHN & CHRISTINE 60,783 182.35 116 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐064 REYNOLDS, DAVID & YVONNE 55,354 166.06 110 GEORGE 4717‐35‐202‐065 MONTESANTI, A & MURRAY,K 69,075 207.23 315 GEORGE 4717‐35‐403‐021 ROOSE, JOSEPH & ANNE 66,853 200.56 415 GEORGE 4717‐35‐403‐050 BARTKOWIAK, MICHAEL & SUSAN 60,614 181.84 502 GEORGE 4717‐35‐404‐013 MCCULLOCH, STANLEY B & ANDREA L 76,560 229.68 1830 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐022 BRODSKY, GAYLE R 69,754 209.26 1824 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐023 HUETTEMAN, LAUREN & PAUL 113,300 339.90 1818 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐024 MCCURDY, PAUL 126,100 378.30 1812 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐025 DEMTMER, MICHAEL A 124,562 373.69 1806 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐026 WOODS, BRYAN & SHAWN 93,433 280.30 1800 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐027 SCHAFER, MICHAEL & MEGHANN 144,675 434.03 1821 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐031 JABLONSKI, JASON & VERONICA L 71,246 213.74 1827 GILMORE 4717‐26‐201‐032 HACKENBERG, ROYAL E JR & JAMAE R 92,906 278.72 1451 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐018 OTLEWSKI, MARY J 50,447 151.34 1462 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐020 CODY, ROSANNE M 75,620 226.86 1450 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐021 WYKES, DAVID L 84,990 254.97 1461 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐035 CHANDLER, JASON & MANDY 62,777 188.33 1430 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐038 PORTA, JASON E & LAURA A 70,927 212.78 1472 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐045 BEYREIS, PATRICIA 62,821 188.46 1475 GLEN 4717‐25‐401‐046 ADAM, DANIEL & ELIZABETH 71,700 215.10 601 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐252 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 607 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐253 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 613 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐254 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 619 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐255 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 631 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐256 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 637 GRAFTON LANE 4717‐26‐201‐257 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1360 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐26‐300‐006 MCLB MARK GATESMAN PROPERTIES LLC 126,072 378.22 1372 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐26‐300‐012 EDWARD & JUN KELLOGG FOUNDATION INC 0.00 2444 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐27‐400‐011 FERNCO DEVELOPMENT LTD ET AL 643,000 1929.00 2205 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐34‐200‐007 MCDONALD'S CORPORATION (021‐1325) 466,214 1398.64


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 2225 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐34‐200‐008 MCANDREW, ROBERT R & JOHN T 291,506 874.52 2325 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐34‐200‐009 MARSHALL'S EXPRESS 244,660 733.98 1333 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐100‐050 SUNNY KNOLL APTS LLC 266,998 800.99 1333 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐100‐051 SUNNY KNOLL APARTMENTS LLC 357,720 1073.16 1333 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐100‐100 HOWELL ACQUISITION GROUP LLC 4,479,546 13438.64 824 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐015 NEVILLE, LORETTA J & LEWIS, ANGELA 181,837 545.51 401 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐033 MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION 123,410 370.23 415 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐036 TERESA'S STYLING SALON INC 63,029 189.09 421 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐037 SZYMANSKI, JAMES & MARSHA 98,265 294.80 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐057 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 1,639,030 4917.09 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐092 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 24,775 74.33 528 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐008 HENSICK, TIMOTHY & MARGARET 83,833 251.50 422 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐102‐030 MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION 112,166 336.50 408 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐102‐031 BUTTREY, JAMES D A & JEANETTE 112,523 337.57 402 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐102‐032 MITCHELL & SHERWOOD ENTERPRISES LLC 115,086 345.26 107 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐004 TGP MANAGEMENT LLC 132,481 397.44 109 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐005 109 GRAND RIVER LLC 181,215 543.65 111 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐006 SHU, HSING‐AN & CHING LU KUNG 235,398 706.19 113 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐007 SCHAFER, STEVE & KAREN 164,566 493.70 117 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐008 BARTON, DANIEL E & YOUNG, SHELLEY K 116,653 349.96 119 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐009 LIVINGSTON ARTS COUNCIL 109,399 328.20 201 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐012 SHIPPY, MICHAEL & VICKY 140,470 421.41 203 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐013 WING, JOHN H & KAREN M 106,658 319.97 205 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐014 DSHBC HOLDINGS LLC 68,474 205.42 209 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐015 COUNTRY SQUIRE FIREPLACE & LIGHTING 144,880 434.64 101 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐023 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 779,795 2339.39 105 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐024 VAN WINKLE, PETER 102,371 307.11 107 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐025 DK & DE HOLDINGS LLC 141,109 423.33 109 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐026 DK & DE HOLDINGS LLC 123,298 369.89 111 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐027 FRANK AND SONS LLC 123,383 370.15 113 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐028 FRANK AND SONS LLC 145,818 437.45 115 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐029 COOGA COMPANY LLC 60,295 180.89 117 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐030 CLEARY'S BUILDING COMPANY INC 151,425 454.28 207 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐032 RAJCC INVESTMENTS LLC 121,459 364.38 209 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐033 MAZARIS, ALEXANROS & NANCY 111,032 333.10 211 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐034 TERAN INVESTMENTS LLC 218,400 655.20 213 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐035 MERKEL, ADAM 144,431 433.29 215 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐036 215 E GRAND RIVER LLC 128,748 386.24 217 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐037 LAMB, JAMES 87,993 263.98 303 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐038 LAURIE KAY REARDON TRUST 158,923 476.77 307 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐039 REARDON, LAURIE KAY TRUST 98,765 296.30 309 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐040 THE PEARL BUILDING LLC 228,193 684.58 315 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐041 FILMTELL LLC 155,300 465.90 401 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐043 FPD PROPERTIES LLC 137,100 411.30 407 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐044 WR INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC 60,154 180.46 527 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐047 CHANDLER, ERNEST E III & KELLY A 75,299 225.90 521 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐050 BLONK, ALICIA HOLBROOK 78,210 234.63 515 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐051 BRAUER, DAVID W 81,806 245.42 505 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐054 SHAMOUN INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 326,909 980.73 219 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐070 CDG HOLDINGS LLC 179,300 537.90 223 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐071 CENTER STREET PROFESSIONAL BLDG LLC 221,638 664.91 323 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐072 FEDERATED PUBLICATIONS, INC 512,919 1538.76 119 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐073 FRANK AND SONS LLC 176,665 530.00 201 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐074 DOWNTOWN HOWELL PROPERTIES LLC 364,549 1093.65


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 101 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐307‐078 MLW ENTERPRISES LLC 429,844 1289.53 102 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐001 BLANKS, CHARLES 149,684 449.05 104 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐002 FONER, FRONA & ROSS A 142,816 428.45 106 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐003 CHOATE RENTAL PROPERTIES LLC 189,961 569.88 108 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐004 NORTHSTAR VENTURES LLC 139,254 417.76 110 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐005 DOWN HOME PROPERTIES LLC 150,924 452.77 112 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐006 DISTEFANO, GARY DDS 146,700 440.10 114 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐007 RICHARDS, KURT 104,025 312.08 116 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐008 RICHARDS, KURT 107,499 322.50 204 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐013 ROCK BISCUIT PROPERTIES LLC 428,200 1284.60 208 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐014 PECAJ INC 79,778 239.33 210 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐015 GUS'S CARRY‐OUT HOWELL INC 71,461 214.38 212 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐016 DOYLE, BERNICE 54,502 163.51 214 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐017 BOUCHEY, RANDAL H & DENISE D TRUSTS 125,660 376.98 216 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐018 KOMLOS, VALERIE TRUST 116,043 348.13 218 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐019 KOMLOS, VALERIE TRUST 151,910 455.73 102 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐031 BRENNANS LLC 140,150 420.45 106 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐032 MOEN, GERALDINE 174,495 523.49 108 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐033 SANCH, JACILYN A & GUZDZIAL, JUSTIN 129,230 387.69 110 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐034 BADA BING LLC 165,117 495.35 112 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐035 CORNERSTONE JMD LLC 128,737 386.21 316 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐038 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOWELL 288,621 865.86 322 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐039 GRIFFITH, MARY TRUST 88,740 266.22 404 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐042 S L A, LLC 97,579 292.74 422 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐045 CHOUINARD ENTERPRISES, LLC 80,313 240.94 502 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐046 WITT, SALLY FAMILY TRUST 116,793 350.38 516 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐049 SOCIA, LANA 78,073 234.22 124 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐084 MCPHERSON OIL CO 88,145 264.44 602 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐086 J. BACKHUUS & ASSOC. L.L.C. 109,431 328.29 416 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐087 FUHST‐WYLIE, PATRICIA TRUST 113,805 341.42 120 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐089 HEART OF HOWELL LLC 58,401 175.20 1250 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐400‐001 GOLDEN PROPERTY LLC 431,576 1294.73 1305 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐400‐022 AMERICA RUS, INC 215,910 647.73 1104 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐400‐032 YEE'S PROPERTIES, LLC 204,300 612.90 1202 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐400‐033 1202 HOWELL LLC 197,600 592.80 1026 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐400‐041 THE SOAPY BUCKET LLC 155,000 465.00 843 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐401‐004 HUKKALA, PAUL M 54,061 162.18 833 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐401‐006 KOSTROUCH, TOMAS 80,659 241.98 861 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐401‐053 861 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL LLC 247,800 743.40 920 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐001 BRAMLETT, RITA & MICHAEL 162,600 487.80 1002 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐060 RITE AID CORP 519,014 1557.04 910 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐065 LARE ENTERPRISES HOWELL LLC 185,000 555.00 1018 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐069 ABE'S AUTO GLASS INC 293,300 879.90 921 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐001 HOWELL‐GRAND RIVER LLC 273,000 819.00 901 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐002 HOWELL LANES INC 423,387 1270.16 1245 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐013 HOWELL PROMENADE LLC 878,221 2634.66 1009 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐016 MARSHALL'S MOVIE WORLD INC 99,607 298.82 1025 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐019 POPOVOSKI, MENKA 82,700 248.10 1015 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐403‐020 SIBLEY STREET SHOPS LLC 145,502 436.51 846 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐005 HOOGLAND 2014 CHILDREN 367,445 1102.34 710 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐025 710 LLC 88,740 266.22 714 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐026 MCCULLEN, BRUCE D & SUSAN K 141,024 423.07 722 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐027 HATFIELD, RANDY & CHARLENE 122,152 366.46 726 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐028 KJSGR HOLDINGS LLC 83,000 249.00


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 804 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐069 CHANDLER, ERNEST & CAROL 56,902 170.71 810 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐070 JWM VISION CENTER LLC 120,030 360.09 828 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐073 JKR REAL ESTATE LLC 172,200 516.60 840 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐074 2N PROPERTIES LLC 393,679 1181.04 704 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐075 PARKER, ROBERT E & DONALD S 72,420 217.26 821 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐002 PURE CHIROPRACTIC PLC 91,500 274.50 815 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐003 RUNYAN HOLDINGS LLC 149,642 448.93 809 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐004 RUNYAN HOLDINGS LLC 124,472 373.42 803 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐005 DRESDEN, ROGER & NANCY K 91,523 274.57 721 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐006 NORMAN, BARTLET & MAUREEN 72,519 217.56 611 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐500‐001 HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK CORP RE 253,800 761.40 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐34‐200‐010 DICKSON, STEVEN & BERKSHIRE LTD 14,003 42.01 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐34‐200‐011 DICKSON, STEVEN & BERKSHIRE LTD 51,393 154.18 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐100‐048 FMW INVESTMENT COMPANY LLC 160,418 481.25 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐100‐101 LAKE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INC 138,500 415.50 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐021 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 26,681 80.04 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐022 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 14,292 42.88 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐023 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 10,481 31.44 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐056 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 29,540 88.62 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐001 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 25,728 77.18 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐002 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 15,246 45.74 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐003 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 14,292 42.88 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐004 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 26,681 80.04 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐026 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 19,057 57.17 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐027 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 16,199 48.60 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐028 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 11,434 34.30 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐029 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 9,528 28.58 645 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐030 645 ASSOCIATES LLC 22,869 68.61 322 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐040 GRIFFITH, MARY TRUST 14,500 43.50 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐308‐047 WITT, SALLY FAMILY TRUST 20,200 60.60 861 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐401‐003 861 E GRAND RIVER HOWELL LLC 29,700 89.10 839 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐401‐005 HUKKALA, PAUL M 14,100 42.30 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐055 ABE'S AUTO GLASS INC 2,664 7.99 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐402‐066 HOOGLAND 2014 CHILDREN 69,300 207.90 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐001 PURE CHIROPRACTIC PLC 28,700 86.10 709 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐009 SHARP, ALBERT 20,200 60.60 703 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐010 SHARPSPOINT #1 LLC 20,200 60.60 1225 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐102‐001 SIMPSON PROPERTIES LLC 67,606 202.82 1225 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐102‐002 SIMPSON PROPERTIES LLC 67,606 202.82 1225 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐102‐003 SIMPSON PROPERTIES LLC 68,971 206.91 1225 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐102‐004 SIMPSON PROPERTIES LLC 68,971 206.91 1348 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐26‐300‐007 NEWTON, DELMAR 63,141 189.42 1330 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐26‐300‐008 EASTCOTT, JASON R 127,800 383.40 738 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐001 VYLETEL, JOHN D & SANDRA M 106,400 319.20 732 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐002 ZACNY, JOHN & MUIR, KRISTIN 119,300 357.90 722 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐003 WHITE, RONALD & KATHERINE 73,905 221.72 814 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐016 METZ, TAMMY FRMLY ACKERMAN 88,393 265.18 940 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐019 KESSEL, JOHN & SHERRI 117,500 352.50 1000 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐074 KOMLOS, VALERIE L TRUST 103,033 309.10 906 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐084 YANGA TRUST, RUTH 104,740 314.22 708 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐098 JAGDFELD, JAMES & JUDY 76,635 229.91 803 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐001 HOXIE, STEVEN & ELAINA 130,385 391.16 819 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐002 MATHIS, SLYVIA & THOMAS L 83,177 249.53 503 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐038 THOMAS, WILLIAM A 80,721 242.16


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 509 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐039 PALDAN, DARRYL & SANDRA 75,674 227.02 515 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐040 ELLIS, ROBERT W & MICHELLE M 48,815 146.45 521 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐041 BURNS, ANNE & DARRIN 51,941 155.82 527 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐042 JIRASEK, JONNY & LAURA 64,772 194.32 603 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐050 JOHNSON, MARK D & SARAH E 73,699 221.10 607 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐051 RICKELMANN, JILL & GERALD 58,000 174.00 611 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐052 VINCKE, KYLEEN M 62,841 188.52 703 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐066 PHIPPS, PAUL J & TUCK, KATHRYN A 70,021 210.06 713 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐067 YOST, MICHAEL 64,562 193.69 719 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐068 TSCHIRRET, SCOTT S & DEBORAH 116,055 348.17 903 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐202‐080 PARRISH, DOUGLAS & LYNN 165,238 495.71 624 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐005 PRADEW, GEORGE & BLODWYN 50,390 151.17 606 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐007 PEREZ, EDWARD A & LAPRAD, LINDA 100,360 301.08 522 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐009 SREDZINSKI, LEON & IRENE TRUST 58,234 174.70 516 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐010 MERRILL‐FRANCIS, LYNNE TRUST 52,909 158.73 510 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐011 FRANCIS‐MERRILL LYNNE & EDWARD 58,981 176.94 816 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐001 FIEL, JOHN R & FRANCES 57,584 172.75 734 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐404‐029 MYERS, ERIC 119,611 358.83 715 E GRAND RIVER 4717‐36‐405‐008 SAFADI, ISKANDAR & JENNIE 60,661 181.98 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐004 JAGDFELD, JAMES & JUDY 10,301 30.90 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐009 WHITE, RONALD & KATHERINE 791 2.37 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐201‐082 YANGA TRUST, RUTH 14,716 44.15 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐35‐203‐012 FRANCIS‐MERRILL LYNNE &EDWARD TRUST 2,574 7.72 428 GREENWICH DR 4717‐35‐203‐114 GREENWICH VILLAGE APARTMENTS 817,042 2451.13 527 GREENWICH DR 4717‐35‐203‐115 SAM CASSAR COMPANY 1,761,843 5285.53 322 GREGORY 4717‐35‐403‐061 MANNELA, GINA 68,300 204.90 318 GREGORY 4717‐35‐403‐062 GREGOR, PHILLIP & AIMEE 50,021 150.06 410 GREGORY 4717‐35‐404‐001 SCHROEDER, KAM & DEBORAH 18,783 56.35 416 GREGORY 4717‐35‐404‐031 HOUGABOOM, P DENNIS 42,812 128.44 921 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐027 POTTER, VIRGINIA 45,542 136.63 925 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐028 BATES, CHARLES & DANIELLE 72,000 216.00 934 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐039 MINER, MONICA 60,800 182.40 928 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐040 FLYNN, DAVID JR & CHRISTY 39,786 119.36 920 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐041 OBRIEN, MEAGHAN & ANDREW 58,600 175.80 916 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐042 HAGER, BRYAN M & ELIZABETH M 78,204 234.61 825 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐201‐054 MELENDEZ, JESUS 40,300 120.90 736 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐001 BRENNAN, DEBORAH 29,708 89.12 734 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐002 NADOLNY, MICHELLE M 35,088 105.26 732 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐003 SWESSO, ELLEN MARIE 47,700 143.10 730 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐004 COX, RUTH 36,369 109.11 728 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐005 HAASE, BARBARA 37,115 111.35 726 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐006 MACKEY, JILL E 35,088 105.26 724 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐007 KELLY, CAROLYN 29,863 89.59 722 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐008 DUPUIS, DENISE 44,600 133.80 721 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐009 WINES, JOLEEN 40,840 122.52 723 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐010 SELASKY, GERALD 35,088 105.26 725 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐011 LETASZ, JEAN 35,088 105.26 727 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐012 ALTIMUS, ROGER & JOLAYNE 37,115 111.35 729 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐013 SCOTT, JENNIFER 44,301 132.90 731 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐014 SELBERG, JANICE 45,739 137.22 733 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐015 MINER, JEFF T & KRISTINA H 35,088 105.26 735 GRISWOLD 4717‐35‐204‐016 PETERS, CYNTHIA A 29,708 89.12 934 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐022 LOCAL LEASING LLC 44,262 132.79 803 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐029 CUTAJAR, NANCY 59,422 178.27


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 815 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐030 SHIPLEY, HENRIETTA & MERKLE, JAMES 40,316 120.95 821 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐031 LOUKS, NATHAN 53,419 160.26 915 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐035 WELLINGER, BETTY 40,316 120.95 935 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐037 SMITH, FRANK & GWEN 68,262 204.79 904 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐066 904 HADDEN LLC 49,276 147.83 914 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐067 SAWMAN, SCOTT A 46,181 138.54 921 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐077 BURKE, JOHN M 48,955 146.87 925 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐078 MURTHUM, HAROLD E II & REBECCA A 54,659 163.98 820 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐085 HOFFMAN,SHALOM & RAMSEY, ERICA 58,767 176.30 940 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐088 WEEMS, ANTHONY & LISA 58,555 175.67 810 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐092 POMA, GARY & DENISE 47,569 142.71 804 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐095 FAZEKAS, GARY M 60,000 180.00 922 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐098 ROMSEK, LANA & TIMOTHY 58,503 175.51 928 HADDEN 4717‐01‐102‐099 FURNARI, BLAKE J 73,400 220.20 1135 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐017 BUKOVINA, CALLY 63,455 190.37 1129 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐018 ALEXANDER, JASON R & KATHLEEN L 89,728 269.18 1123 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐019 LONSKEY, HAROLD & DEBRA 65,748 197.24 1117 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐020 FRISKE, RYAN A 74,767 224.30 1111 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐021 REIFERT, DONALD & SUSAN 75,687 227.06 1073 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐039 GATES, ROBERT L & ARLENE M TRUST 70,991 212.97 1067 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐040 ZIEGEL, HOWARD W. AND ROSE MARY 68,807 206.42 1061 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐041 BREWER, LEISA 65,202 195.61 1055 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐042 STOREY, JOHN & CHAPMAN, LYNN M 61,051 183.15 1049 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐043 VIANUEVA, GARY H & KATHLEEN M 65,748 197.24 1043 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐044 GRULKE, GALEN & PATRICIA 67,168 201.50 1037 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐045 HYDEN, WILLIAM & JANE 65,092 195.28 1031 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐046 LANGE, THOMAS E 67,168 201.50 1025 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐047 HOUSE, SCOTT A 59,414 178.24 1019 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐048 MASON,MICHAEL & RIMINI,ROBERT 68,807 206.42 1013 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐049 MAKI, ROBERT E & TONYA M 73,389 220.17 1012 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐050 NORRIS, CONNIE 84,509 253.53 1018 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐051 PARSONS, SHERI 74,954 224.86 1024 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐052 PAGELS, ROBERT & KAY 64,438 193.31 1030 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐053 NOEL, DAMON A & JANICE 75,906 227.72 1036 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐054 BARNWELL, SARA E 80,413 241.24 1042 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐055 KOSAKOWSKI, MICHAEL & DEANNA 62,580 187.74 1048 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐056 BEERBOWER, JANET K & NORMAN 102,000 306.00 1054 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐057 NOEL, DALE THOMAS & MARY 67,168 201.50 1060 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐058 GONIEA, EMERY & NANCY 63,455 190.37 1066 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐059 ACKERMAN, DOUGLAS & LAURIE 67,168 201.50 1108 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐061 FARMER, DUANE & TERESA 63,080 189.24 1114 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐062 GALLAGHER, KATELYN & THOMAS 102,100 306.30 1120 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐063 HOWE, TAMARA & WILLARD 93,500 280.50 1126 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐064 MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER A & TERESA L 65,639 196.92 1132 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐065 MILLER, KERRI R 75,142 225.43 1138 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐066 VELIANOFF, PAMELA 68,370 205.11 1144 HEATHER HEATH DR 4717‐35‐101‐067 BROTHERTON, RHONDA & JAMES 101,800 305.40 414 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐001 WITT, MICHAEL B & KIMBERLY A 39,142 117.43 419 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐108 BIGGS, ROBERT A JR 60,261 180.78 425 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐109 LINGENFELTER, DANYA 63,407 190.22 431 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐110 MILES, MICHAEL & DELLA 72,099 216.30 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐111 FONER, ROSS A & FRONA H 13,121 39.36 HENRY 4717‐01‐100‐112 FONER, ROSS A & FRONA H 18,370 55.11 228 HESSE 4717‐36‐308‐079 FURMAN, SHIRLEY 51,663 154.99


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 304 HESSE 4717‐36‐308‐080 WOELDERS, CORNELIA 47,462 142.39 216 HESSE 4717‐36‐404‐052 GULEY, KEVIN P & BURGE, KIMBERLY D 99,412 298.24 222 HESSE 4717‐36‐404‐053 ETAPA, CHRISTINA L 66,346 199.04 215 HESSE 4717‐36‐404‐054 CHAFFEE, CLYDE L 59,627 178.88 221 HESSE 4717‐36‐404‐055 PAISLEY, TREVOR M 64,772 194.32 309 HESSE 4717‐36‐404‐061 ZERBEL, HANNAH 41,990 125.97 110 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐003 HAMELL, MICHAEL & SUSAN 94,764 284.29 204 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐023 PENNALA, CHARLES & MARIJANE 66,564 199.69 216 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐024 STRITZINGER, JOHN & ALICE 144,717 434.15 304 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐028 ANDERSEN, DAVID 78,091 234.27 316 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐029 STEWART, RON & DENISE 82,723 248.17 320 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐030 JAC PROPERTY ENTERPRISES LLC 60,257 180.77 328 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐031 F & E LLC 46,600 139.80 321 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐044 OSLER, M DOUGLAS & SAMI R 89,800 269.40 315 HIGGINS 4717‐36‐103‐045 DALEY, DANA TRUST 39,098 117.29 108 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐001 CROSSROADS TOWN STATION LLC 1,670,600 5011.80 120 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐002 CROSSROADS TOWN STATION LLC 772,872 2318.62 138 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐003 CROSSROADS TOWN STATION LLC 956,697 2870.09 132 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐006 ANFANG PROPERTIES LLC 325,713 977.14 126 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐007 FLAGSTAR BANK, FSB 240,286 720.86 114 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐008 CROSSROADS TOWN STATION LLC 310,961 932.88 525 W HIGHLAND 4717‐26‐400‐057 MIMG CIX BURWICK FARMS LLC 3,040,900 9122.70 1311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐36‐500‐005 AMERITECH CELLULAR & PAGING 36,000 108.00 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐100‐005 JS EVANGELISTA DEV LLC 290,500 871.50 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐100‐006 CROSSROADS TOWN CENTER CO LLC 72,245 216.74 228 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐004 TCF NATIONAL BANK 72,861 218.58 202 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐005 CROSSROADS TOWN CENTER CO LLC 72,245 216.74 106 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐011 CROSSROADS TOWN CENTER CO LLC 34,620 103.86 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐012 CROSSROADS TOWN CENTER CO LLC 49,819 149.46 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐300‐017 JJT PROPERTIES LLC 82,800 248.40 108 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐010 THE KROGER CO 1,352,156 4056.47 106 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐102‐013 CROSSROADS TOWN CENTER CO LLC 459,500 1378.50 1311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐26‐300‐014 SBC TOWER HOLDINGS LLC 48,700 146.10 206 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐300‐022 CIRNE‐AMARO, DAWN & OSVALDO 108,700 326.10 320 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐006 SLYFIELD, ERIC & CHERYL 48,315 144.95 664 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐053 Ryzak, Matthew & Michelle Finnerty 68,202 204.61 600 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐057 SPENCER, JAMES & LINDA 48,422 145.27 594 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐058 BUTLER, SHIRLEY 52,909 158.73 650 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐073 SCHOECH, DOUGLAS K & SHARI L DAVIS 47,449 142.35 E HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐402‐072 SCHOECH, DOUGLAS & SHARI 4,010 12.03 W HIGHLAND 4717‐26‐200‐003 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 217,500 652.50 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐001 SMITH, DIANNA L 24,401 73.20 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐004 ROE, LINDA L 10,810 32.43 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐005 SHONER, DOROTHY TRUST 10,810 32.43 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐006 SLETTEN, TERRY 10,374 31.12 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐008 MORLAN, NORMA M 14,823 44.47 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐009 NEUMEIER, PHILIP 30,400 91.20 407 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐010 THOMPSON, THOMAS 13,970 41.91 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐012 MORLAN, NORMA 10,810 32.43 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐014 GEORGE, MICHAEL 10,154 30.46 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐015 TOFT, MARIE 10,810 32.43 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐016 DUKE, JEFFREY & MICHELLE L 24,912 74.74 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐017 SMITH, JEFFREY A 14,485 43.46 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐018 PAKDEETEVA, SOURAWAT 19,012 57.04


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐019 ALCHIN, CORY J 25,422 76.27 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐020 SMYTH, JAMES E 10,919 32.76 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐021 MILLER, JULIE 10,374 31.12 409 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐022 BOAL, TROY AND TIMOTHY 19,321 57.96 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐023 HARTWELL, JEREMIAH 15,115 45.35 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐024 IVES, KENNETH & DIANE LLC 10,810 32.43 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐025 BLACK, LAWRENCE R 14,504 43.51 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐026 SILCOX, CHARLES & WALLNER, CARISSA 19,941 59.82 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐027 DIAMOND, SANDRA 20,250 60.75 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐029 SMITH, KAREN & JEFFREY 25,500 76.50 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐030 BOLESKY, TRENT & CARRIE 24,912 74.74 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐031 GALLAHER, BRIAN A & HOLLY R 10,810 32.43 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐032 AKIN, EDWARD JR 10,810 32.43 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐033 WILLIAMS, THELMA D & LINDA L 10,919 32.76 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐034 KERSTEN, THERESA 10,919 32.76 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐035 MARSH, CAROL 10,919 32.76 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐036 SLETTEN, TERRY 10,919 32.76 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐037 SLETTEN, TERRY L 10,919 32.76 505 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐038 MCCREA, SARA J 26,000 78.00 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐040 MIKKOLA, CARL R 24,401 73.20 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐041 MAROUDIS, SHARON A 10,810 32.43 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐044 MYER, NANCY 10,810 32.43 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐045 GNEGY, JAMIE&LORI, GNEGY, BETTY 10,810 32.43 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐048 NASCO, BRIAN 26,000 78.00 507 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐049 KRALJEVICH, LINDA 10,919 32.76 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐050 GALLAHER, BRIAN A & HOLLY R 10,810 32.43 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐051 GALLAHER, BRIAN & HOLLY R 10,810 32.43 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐052 FORSS, ERIC C 10,810 32.43 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐053 DELONGCHMAP, DOUGLAS 24,912 74.74 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐054 GOJCAJ, MARK 24,912 74.74 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐055 HANSHEW, ELISE 10,810 32.43 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐056 FALDOWSKI, JOSEPH & BROWN, SHARON 10,810 32.43 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐057 IVES, KENNETH & DIANE LLC 10,919 32.76 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐058 COLE, TY & MARI 26,000 78.00 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐059 MILLER, MARILYN 10,919 32.76 515 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐060 COLONE, KIMM & COLONE, GEORGE 10,919 32.76 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐061 WINES, DONNA R 10,810 32.43 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐064 777 PROPERTIES LLC 14,504 43.51 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐065 GEORGE, MICHAEL B 14,610 43.83 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐066 GEORGE, H GAYLE 10,810 32.43 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐067 T311 INVESTMENTS LLC 10,154 30.46 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐068 O'DOHERTY, CHRISTOPHER & SUSAN 10,154 30.46 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐069 SWITZER, LUELLA M 10,810 32.43 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐070 TOBEL, ADRIENNE LYNN 24,912 74.74 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐071 M GORO PROPERTIES LLC 10,919 32.76 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐072 WEBSTER, CHRISTOPHER & SANDRA 10,919 32.76 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐073 HARTSIG, ROSEMARY 10,264 30.79 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐074 SHEWELL, JOHN & ANTOINETTE 10,264 30.79 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐075 CARUSI, MARY SUE 10,919 32.76 311 W HIGHLAND 4717‐25‐302‐076 CRONKHITE, BRYAN & RICHARD/KAREN 14,823 44.47 1311 HIGHLAND RD 4717‐26‐300‐016 AT&T MOBILITY LLC 45,691 137.07 808 N HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐27‐400‐004 CITIZENS INSURANCE CO 5,718,324 17154.97 325 S HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐35‐100‐099 TG HOWELL LLC 3,296,082 9888.25 152 S HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐36‐500‐004 NEW PAR DBA VERIZON WIRELESS 47,500 142.50


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount N HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐27‐400‐010 CITIZENS INSURANCE CO 179,456 538.37 HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐27‐400‐012 FIRST RURAL HOUSING PARTNERSHI 27,381 82.14 152 S HIGHLANDER WAY 4717‐34‐200‐013 NEW PAR DBA VERIZON WIRELESS 39,700 119.10 124 HOLIDAY LANE 4717‐02‐200‐010 KENSINGTON INN 599,336 1798.01 125 HOLIDAY LANE 4717‐02‐200‐005 JAPPAYA DEVELOPMENT LLC 113,029 339.09 307 HOLLY HILLS 4717‐35‐100‐034 PINE HILL HOWELL LIMITED PARTNERSHI 909,243 2727.73 307 HOLLY HILLS 4717‐35‐100‐035 PINE HILL HOWELL LIMITED PARTNERSHI 1,129,411 3388.23 307 HOLLY HILLS 4717‐35‐100‐037 PINE HILL HOWELL LIMITED PARTNERSHI 545,168 1635.50 603 HUTSON 4717‐26‐201‐080 TOWN COMMONS DAYCARE LLC 123,298 369.89 609 HUTSON 4717‐26‐201‐251 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 535 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐009 INDIAN OAKS DEVELOPMENT LLC 7,725 23.18 533 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐010 INDIAN OAKS DEVELOPMENT LLC 7,725 23.18 531 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐011 INDIAN OAKS DEVELOPMENT LLC 7,725 23.18 529 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐012 INDIAN OAKS DEVELOPMENT LLC 7,725 23.18 527 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐013 INDIAN OAKS DEVELOPMENT LLC 7,725 23.18 551 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐001 SWALLOW, PETER & ARIA, MARY ELLEN 64,386 193.16 549 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐002 LEAHY, JUDY I. 61,501 184.50 547 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐003 HART, MABEL L 51,100 153.30 545 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐004 SHYMAN, ADA S 49,860 149.58 543 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐005 KEYANCHUK, MICHAEL & JEAN 62,429 187.29 541 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐006 BEUTLER, JOEL E & JANELLE D 65,107 195.32 539 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐007 ANTOUN, CHRISTOPHER A 65,107 195.32 537 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐008 BEUTLER, JOEL E & JANELLE D 62,429 187.29 530 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐014 EVANS, VERONICA 61,089 183.27 532 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐015 KOPINS, HOWARD & JOYCE 63,871 191.61 534 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐016 BURNS, JUSTIN W & JULIE L 59,647 178.94 536 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐017 TAYLOR, CAROL A. 60,678 182.03 538 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐018 DAWSON, JAMES JR 45,533 136.60 540 INDIAN OAKS DR 4717‐36‐105‐019 LUKE, JOHN E 46,460 139.38 699 INDIANA 4717‐36‐202‐012 MILLER, THERESA A 55,742 167.23 704 INDIANA 4717‐36‐202‐013 NEWMAN, MICHAEL & MARY B 179,973 539.92 2140 INDUSTRIAL 4717‐06‐101‐001 AMICO HOLDINGS LLC 179,600 538.80 2040 INDUSTRIAL 4717‐06‐101‐003 LANAVILLE FOUNDATIONS 67,988 203.96 2135 INDUSTRIAL 4717‐06‐101‐006 PROPERTY HOLDING ONE INC 17,908 53.72 INDUSTRIAL 4717‐06‐101‐007 MATEM LLC 1,531 4.59 2112 INDUSTRIAL 4717‐06‐101‐002 HULBERT, VERONICA 116,684 350.05 139 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐010 NIBLOCK, SCOTT & CHRISTINE 119,362 358.09 129 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐011 MCKENNY, ANNE 86,063 258.19 224 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐013 GOETSCH, KATHLEEN M 102,606 307.82 130 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐014 KROZEK, DEREK J 149,963 449.89 100 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐015 HARRIS, MICHAEL & JOHNSON, STEPHANI 125,700 377.10 318 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐044 LADNER, ROBERT 86,580 259.74 328 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐045 SCHROCK, EDWARD & JUSTINA 113,800 341.40 346 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐046 DECOCQ, PAUL & LAMOREAUX, AMY 106,924 320.77 422 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐050 CONNELL, JOHN & GEORGIA 104,850 314.55 421 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐053 DOUGLAS, HEATHER & DANE 110,600 331.80 433 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐054 RYAN, MARY E & KEVIN 89,060 267.18 432 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐056 HARDESTY, SCOTT & JULIE 82,233 246.70 345 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐058 LITTLE, THOMAS & JUANITA 98,978 296.93 333 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐059 VAN BRUNT, LAURA M 112,098 336.29 317 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐060 ST PIERRE, BRIAN & JO ANN 125,111 375.33 444 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐079 BROWN, JOHN 78,308 234.92 516 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐080 KATONA, DAVID P & JANICE C 85,032 255.10 445 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐084 POTRYKUS, KATELYN M & AULETTE, KYLE 80,203 240.61


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 457 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐085 BURNS, DARRIN & ANNE 78,719 236.16 214 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐090 MECH, ROGER & ELIZABETH 102,665 308.00 140 INVERNESS 4717‐25‐301‐091 STOYAK, JON & ANGELA 132,900 398.70 821 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐067 SCHOFFLER, MENDY 50,319 150.96 815 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐068 REMENAR, LORINDA & STEVE 48,635 145.91 809 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐069 WALKER, DEBORAH 49,381 148.14 803 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐070 MILLAR, DALE & BONNIE 45,755 137.27 751 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐071 JOHNSTON, MATTHEW 65,210 195.63 745 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐072 HARRIS, DALLAS L 42,875 128.63 739 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐073 LYBRINK, PATRICIA 46,181 138.54 733 ISBELL 4717‐35‐100‐074 LAKO, CARL 46,822 140.47 124 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐016 CRANDALL, JASON & JENNIFER 55,043 165.13 132 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐017 WALKER, PHILLIP & MELANIE 73,612 220.84 216 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐019 KL HOLDINGS III LLC 57,275 171.83 115 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐069 SWITNEY, KRISTEN E 52,261 156.78 121 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐070 BOUTELL, DUANE & MARY LOU 69,180 207.54 127 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐071 DELUCA, CARRIE L 70,861 212.58 133 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐072 STUART, MICHAEL & MARIA 65,716 197.15 203 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐073 FISHER, DAVID N & NANCY L 55,995 167.99 209 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐074 HOLSEY, CHRISTIE 51,963 155.89 215 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐078 KANANEN, NANCY & TODD M 85,559 256.68 221 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐079 LAFORD, SUSAN D 81,487 244.46 210 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐086 BAIRD, SCOT M. & DEBORAH S. 60,723 182.17 204 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐087 HALL, MARIE R 77,327 231.98 116 ISBELL 4717‐35‐202‐090 WOLF‐MEYER, JOHN & NICOLE 81,379 244.14 304 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐001 PROCHASKA, THOMAS & NANCY 76,900 230.70 310 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐024 KELLY, KAREN TRUST 59,408 178.22 316 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐025 MACHNIAK, RICHARD 45,114 135.34 322 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐026 BURTON, REED A & ELIZABETH A TRUST 42,982 128.95 404 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐027 GOULD, NANCY 54,288 162.86 410 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐028 JOHNSON, ASHLEY L 79,100 237.30 416 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐029 BAILEY, CHARLES & DARLENE 58,447 175.34 422 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐030 POPOVCZAK, ROBERT M. 62,928 188.78 504 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐031 KALAKAY, DEREK 66,756 200.27 510 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐032 MCGLINNEN, THOMAS 40,848 122.54 516 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐033 DUKES, JAMES 43,089 129.27 600 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐034 JEFFRIES, DELORES 73,488 220.46 608 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐035 PESHL, DARREN A 57,243 171.73 612 ISBELL 4717‐35‐402‐036 SCHAUER, MICHAEL & SUZANNE 58,874 176.62 303 ISBELL 4717‐35‐403‐018 GLENN, JAMES E 75,615 226.85 419 ISBELL 4717‐35‐403‐047 LEKANDER, DEBORAH 72,956 218.87 317 ISBELL 4717‐35‐403‐066 WOODRUFF, ROBERT H & CHRISTINE M 64,634 193.90 503 ISBELL 4717‐35‐404‐015 RAIVIO, JEANNE 50,663 151.99 607 ISBELL 4717‐35‐404‐048 SWEET, LAWRENCE & DIANNA 61,328 183.98 509 ISBELL 4717‐35‐404‐077 FRATZKE, WALDEMAR & BETTE 56,741 170.22 521 ISBELL 4717‐35‐404‐078 HOCKING, SARA L 61,101 183.30 ISLAND THOMPSON LK 4717‐36‐200‐007 MUNSELL, FRANK 1,030 3.09 140 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐027 K & K SONS INVESTMENT LLC 50,982 152.95 121 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐043 WORDELMAN, NICOLE 49,062 147.19 127 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐044 MIKULA, RICHARD & DEBORAH 66,731 200.19 134 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐045 KRAUS, IAN & NANCY 56,246 168.74 128 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐046 MCGURK, JAMES & MICHELLE 49,759 149.28 122 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐047 PEASLEY, WALTER & LINDA 71,428 214.28 116 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐048 CRAWFORD, LISA 49,062 147.19


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 112 JEWETT 4717‐35‐202‐049 DIXON, ANDREA 53,853 161.56 210 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐005 STUDEBAKER, KEVIN H. & TAMMY 58,892 176.68 204 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐006 TOWERY, CHERYL 65,650 196.95 220 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐028 DICK, ELIZABETH 79,000 237.00 311 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐036 VINES, ROBERT & KAREN 48,422 145.27 320 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐057 CODY, DOROTHY & CHAPARRO, HORACIO 91,851 275.55 315 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐058 MCKEE, PETER 84,947 254.84 321 JEWETT 4717‐35‐403‐059 BIELANIEC, ANGELA & GARRET 91,400 274.20 403 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐003 SEATON, DUNCAN J & AUDRA 59,313 177.94 409 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐004 HERTRICH, NIKOLAS K 51,963 155.89 410 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐005 YOUNG, JOSHUA 68,916 206.75 404 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐006 THORNLEY, JAMES & NANCY 80,384 241.15 422 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐026 KL HOLDINGS III LLC 52,902 158.71 415 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐027 WALKER, ANDREW J & DREMA G 51,549 154.65 421 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐028 421 JEWETT LLC 44,013 132.04 503 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐035 VERNIER, ROGER JR 67,471 202.41 509 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐036 ZIELESCH, CARRIE & ROBERT 71,163 213.49 510 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐037 COY, BRET & KATHLEEN 44,668 134.00 502 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐038 HUDSON, ELIZABETH L 73,143 219.43 515 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐059 LENAHAN, JOHN M 57,010 171.03 512 JEWETT 4717‐35‐404‐080 SCHMITT, NICOLE M 84,166 252.50 951 JONES 4717‐01‐100‐097 GS HOPE LLC 299,030 897.09 923 JONES 4717‐01‐100‐119 HARPER, CARL 88,344 265.03 931 JONES 4717‐01‐100‐120 RUTKOWSKI, JANET & JOHN 95,100 285.30 939 JONES 4717‐01‐102‐065 LAMB, TERRENCE & KIMBERLY 65,956 197.87 903 JONES 4717‐01‐103‐012 AILING, TYLER J & APRYL 61,169 183.51 909 JONES 4717‐01‐103‐013 KLUG, KRISTOPHER & TRICIA 54,076 162.23 921 JONES 4717‐01‐103‐014 SHAW, REBECA L & EGLITIS, JENNIFER 46,929 140.79 927 JONES 4717‐01‐103‐015 BARBARICH, ANDREW 53,542 160.63 611 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐020 CHARLES, REID S. & BARBARA A. 80,846 242.54 605 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐021 CHRISTOFF, JOAN 119,559 358.68 523 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐033 LYNCH, ROBERT J & VICTORIA A 126,900 380.70 517 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐034 GILLETT, DOUGLAS & EDY 99,607 298.82 511 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐035 BACON, CHRISTOPHER & SHANNON 62,821 188.46 498 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐051 RAUSER, MICHELLE 120,478 361.43 502 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐052 BERG, LESLIE K 108,226 324.68 508 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐053 WEBB, BRIAN G & LAUREN 95,679 287.04 514 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐054 PAXTON, GALEN S & SARAH L 80,527 241.58 526 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐056 KIRKLAND, GRAYDON 114,400 343.20 532 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐057 MESSENGER, TODD & ZEBARI, LEIGH 110,472 331.42 612 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐059 PIEPHO, JASON & HEATHER S 78,393 235.18 618 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐060 PIEPHO, JASON & HEATHER 20,000 60.00 624 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐061 LAYER, LISA J 138,800 416.40 619 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐246 STEIN, MARVIN & KATHRYN 123,000 369.00 520 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐055 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 606 KIMBALL 4717‐26‐201‐058 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 325 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐034 CRAWFORD, PAUL D 90,867 272.60 321 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐035 REDILLA, DANIEL & KARYN 62,690 188.07 313 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐036 FRIDAY, SALLY JO & PAUL A 128,900 386.70 403 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐058 GARVEY, ELIZABETH 89,121 267.36 409 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐059 PFEIFER, KELSEY 76,100 228.30 417 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐060 ANDERSEN, STEPHEN 72,534 217.60 427 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐061 RENIS, REBECCA L & SMITH, SPENCER K 92,613 277.84 433 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐062 MCLEOD, JULIA M 45,105 135.32


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 521 LAKE 4717‐36‐103‐066 LEE, CARRIE 53,952 161.86 106 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐011 POZNIAK, JOSEPH & JEANNETTE 81,359 244.08 210 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐029 SAUVAGE, BRIAN 77,265 231.80 308 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐054 308 LAKE LLC 110,700 332.10 312 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐055 BERNTSEN, JEFFREY J & SARAH E 63,563 190.69 320 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐056 AUGUST, JUSTINE & ALLEN 149,100 447.30 328 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐057 SHAW, SUSAN 99,731 299.19 422 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐079 WATT, WILLIAM & CATHERINE 42,484 127.45 504 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐089 HEAP‐SCHMIDT, ERIN 70,021 210.06 514 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐090 WAY, DORCAS RUTH 66,662 199.99 416 LAKE 4717‐36‐201‐107 THOMAS, TODD B 60,833 182.50 206 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐300‐008 JEHLE, JAMES C & RAMONA J 108,479 325.44 203 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐300‐010 LANGOHR, ASHLEY MEGAN 37,266 111.80 210 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐001 MOORE, JAMES W & SANDRA D 142,176 426.53 220 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐002 MATTSON, LEONARD & LAURA 131,617 394.85 230 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐003 BEEBE, MICHAEL & ISABELLE 111,469 334.41 234 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐004 MCCANN, NORMA J 97,904 293.71 238 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐005 DIXON, JOHN F & MARGARET A 143,968 431.90 240 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐006 ALLGOOD, SANDRA L TRUST 90,446 271.34 244 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐008 FETNER, CONSTANCE & RICHARD 188,800 566.40 246 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐009 DAVIDSON, KENNETH W JR 119,351 358.05 250 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐010 O'DONNELL, THOMAS & JOYCE 108,490 325.47 257 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐011 BRYAN, ERIK & MEGHAN 60,795 182.39 249 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐012 HAYSE, ELLEN J 67,513 202.54 245 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐014 SKAGGS, MARGARET A 86,712 260.14 258 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐030 SPRYTZER, LORRAINE & ROBERT 154,100 462.30 219 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐031 HANBA, THOMAS 60,048 180.14 211 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐032 WARREN, SHEILA 60,048 180.14 1452 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐001 BELLINGER, TINA L 64,386 193.16 1444 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐002 ABBOTT, MARYN & MARC MANSFIELD 60,700 182.10 1408 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐012 HEIKKILA, CHRISTOPHER 59,102 177.31 1390 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐013 HISSONG, ROBERT 49,276 147.83 1360 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐015 SCHROETER, ROZALIA 58,472 175.42 1350 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐016 MCKERNAN, HOWARD 90,052 270.16 1330 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐017 NORTH, JUNE 71,354 214.06 1308 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐018 AROLD, KEVIN & BECKY 57,735 173.21 1304 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐019 MICHALUK, NATHANIEL & ALEXENDRA 103,000 309.00 1380 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐402‐068 SCHLINK, SANDRA 67,081 201.24 1095 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐001 TRENDLE, DARLENE C TRUST 0.00 1113 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐002 LETARTE, DANA 85,219 255.66 1131 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐003 MAJEWSKI, ALAN J & RHONDA 110,712 332.14 1145 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐004 MITCHELL, DOUGLAS & DEBRA 101,112 303.34 1167 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐005 DINOFF, MICHAEL D & LINDA L 133,804 401.41 1173 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐006 SUMMERS, ROBERT 91,785 275.36 1201 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐007 DALTUVA,JUDITH & MARY 56,721 170.16 1215 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐008 SPRINGER, NICOL & RONALD 152,100 456.30 1225 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐009 SOCHACKI, THOMAS C & KIMBERLY A 87,343 262.03 1245 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐010 HUBER, GAIL & JACOBS, LEE 47,466 142.40 1255 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐011 REINIG, CAROL M & GEOFFREY A 149,100 447.30 1269 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐012 SCOTT, FRED & DOREEN 111,458 334.37 1275 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐013 FREITAG, RICHARD & DENISE 119,944 359.83 1319 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐015 BLIGHT, RONALD & CATHY 112,132 336.40 1325 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐016 WOOD, JEFFREY J & SUSAN M 108,478 325.43 1335 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐017 HANLEY, MARGARET & THOMAS 267,200 801.60


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1345 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐018 DOUGLASS, JACQUELINE & JEREL 165,583 496.75 1363 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐019 BULGOZDI, ZOLTAN & ROSALIND DUMA 104,550 313.65 1375 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐020 FRAZER, WARNER E & DIXIE L 172,147 516.44 1381 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐021 KUHLMAN, MATTHEW 109,320 327.96 1409 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐023 MELENDEZ, CARLOS A & BONNIE L 105,165 315.50 1441 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐024 HAMEL, JUSTIN 187,075 561.23 1270 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐035 LYNCH, DONALD P & RUTH A 104,740 314.22 1254 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐037 REICH, CHARLES G & JAN L 73,864 221.59 1224 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐039 OLINIK, GERALD W 173,748 521.24 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐044 MITCHELL, DOUGLAS & DEBRA 9,545 28.64 1146 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐045 HOCKING, MICHAEL P & DENISE H 152,055 456.17 1136 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐046 WORRALL, KATHI 79,674 239.02 1131 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐047 MAJEWSKI, ALAN J & RHONDA 20,690 62.07 1120 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐048 O'NEIL, ROSE 61,434 184.30 1114 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐049 O'BRIEN, GREGORY 66,875 200.63 1212 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐050 MCEVOY, WM III & JANINE 111,673 335.02 1176 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐051 CARLSON, WILLIAM & KATHLEEN 88,136 264.41 205 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐300‐009 MOORE, JAMES W & SANDRA D 12,876 38.63 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐037 HAWTIN, WILLIAM & INGEBORG TRUST 13,020 39.06 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐041 ALLGOOD, SANDRA L TRUST 2,765 8.30 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐401‐042 FETNER, CONSTANCE & RICHARD 10,000 30.00 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐034 DIACONO, MARIE A & DENNIS 40,000 120.00 LAKESIDE DR 4717‐25‐403‐038 MCEVOY, DORIS L & WILLIAM B III 40,487 121.46 915 LIBERTY 4717‐35‐201‐035 SMITH, KATHLEEN L 78,100 234.30 921 LIBERTY 4717‐35‐201‐036 PERRIN, PATRICK 45,700 137.10 931 LIBERTY 4717‐35‐201‐037 LIMBERS, JODI JEANNE 51,332 154.00 922 LIBERTY 4717‐35‐201‐048 MARTIN, JOHN S 80,869 242.61 920 LIBERTY 4717‐35‐201‐049 MEINKE, BERNARD A & JENIFER N 39,425 118.28 209 LINCOLN 4717‐35‐403‐010 SMALL TOWN PROPERTIES 209 LLC 40,941 122.82 316 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐067 FIEL, FRANCES MASTEJ TRUSTEE 52,902 158.71 328 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐068 TRIERWEILER, CHRISTOPHER & CURTIS 54,076 162.23 416 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐069 POMA, DENISE 48,191 144.57 422 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐070 POMA, GARY 55,300 165.90 428 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐071 RICHARDSON, DAVID & NYLA 45,650 136.95 434 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐072 BARNUM, ANGELA 50,982 152.95 440 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐073 NEEDHAM, KENNETH & LISA 45,542 136.63 444 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐074 THURMAN, MARGIE 41,938 125.81 403 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐077 SCHIESSER, KARL & PAMELA 33,746 101.24 407 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐301‐078 LUCAS, DAVID D & PATTI S 32,423 97.27 439 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐018 BROCKWAY, DANIEL E & MANIACI, CAROL 38,834 116.50 435 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐019 SZKRYBALO, GLENDA 54,825 164.48 427 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐020 WIEDBRAUK, DANNY P 38,334 115.00 421 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐021 MOWATT, BRANDON & MARIE 39,098 117.29 415 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐022 PHILLIPS, SHERRI L 49,694 149.08 443 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐025 WARNER, NADINE L 37,862 113.59 447 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐026 BLAIR, TERRY M 47,835 143.51 457 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐302‐027 JANN, DENNIS JR & PAMELA 45,432 136.30 315 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐303‐056 DOCK, STEVEN 36,368 109.10 319 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐303‐057 ERISMAN, CHARLES D 37,023 111.07 221 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐303‐064 VANSICKLE, JOSHUA & BONNIE 43,468 130.40 215 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐303‐065 WARDEN, C GERALD 58,767 176.30 121 LIVINGSTON 4717‐36‐303‐073 RICHARDS, ELMER & DIANNE 0.00 645 LUCY 4717‐06‐100‐002 BROCKWAY, VERN 405,753 1217.26 101 LUCY 4717‐06‐101‐004 WYLIE, JOHN A & JEAN C 45,323 135.97


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 199 LUCY 4717‐06‐101‐005 BROCKWAY, VERN 105,165 315.50 945 LUCY 4717‐06‐300‐002 645 LUCY RD LLC 134,666 404.00 LUCY 4717‐06‐100‐005 LUCY ROAD RESOURCES II LLC 146,300 438.90 LUCY 4717‐06‐300‐004 645 LUCY LLC 105,979 317.94 LUCY 4717‐06‐300‐001 PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPELINE 69,407 208.22 LUCY 4717‐01‐200‐003 HANSEN, JEFFREY & KELLY 9,291 27.87 1303 LUCY 4717‐06‐300‐003 KOVANIS, LOUKAS 22,972 68.92 100 LUCY 4717‐36‐403‐017 HANSEN, JEFFREY & KELLY 141,109 423.33 426 MADISON 4717‐36‐200‐005 KONTKIEWICZ, TERESA 57,119 171.36 416 MADISON 4717‐36‐200‐008 PROCTOR, NICKOLAS & KATHERINE TRUST 111,992 335.98 508 MADISON 4717‐36‐200‐009 JOHNSTON, JOHN 83,563 250.69 121 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐019 HACKMAN, ROBERT J 67,679 203.04 210 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐021 CATRON‐RICHARDS, DOROTHY 48,491 145.47 202 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐022 COMISKEY, JOSEPH 52,593 157.78 213 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐038 DUPLEX MADISON LLC 84,088 252.26 220 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐039 SWAN FAMILY TRUST 65,311 195.93 406 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐067 WOLVERTON, CARRIE LEE 133,300 399.90 405 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐068 CHRISTENSEN, DONALD & KAROL 65,822 197.47 421 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐084 KANDT, ANTHONY 57,930 173.79 415 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐085 GAZDECKI, SHANNON 49,597 148.79 503 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐086 LAMB, HOLLY M WARD‐ 81,148 243.44 521 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐096 ARNDT, THOMAS 56,246 168.74 320 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐114 REILLY, ROBERT 117,200 351.60 MADISON 4717‐36‐200‐010 VINCE, JEFFERY & KAREN 15,498 46.49 MADISON 4717‐36‐201‐115 DIXON, EUGENE & GEORGIA 18,027 54.08 622 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐049 HEANEY, COLIN & JAMIE 60,942 182.83 610 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐050 STONE, THOMAS & SHARON 59,195 177.59 604 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐051 DARROW, MIKE 61,489 184.47 522 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐052 ARTS, JENNIFER 100,847 302.54 516 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐053 KERSANTY JR, FRANCIS J & CAROL L 67,463 202.39 510 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐054 HEMMING, MARK 43,670 131.01 504 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐055 CUPPS, APRIL 90,244 270.73 322 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐060 WRIGHT, MICHAEL W & ANNE C 48,499 145.50 316 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐061 HOFFMAN, JILL A & TERRENCE E 53,119 159.36 310 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐062 MCLEARON, AIDEN & JENA 63,563 190.69 304 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐063 KREEGER, MICHELLE 60,257 180.77 313 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐065 JENSEN, JOHNNY L & KAROLE J 46,290 138.87 321 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐066 JONES, KEITH M & TANYA C 47,945 143.84 329 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐067 ZUREK, NICHOLAS G 59,254 177.76 335 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐068 STODDARD, DANIEL B & PAMELA 75,119 225.36 417 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐069 LEKANDER, TODD II 120,117 360.35 421 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐070 MCINTOSH, MATTHEW & CARLA 77,653 232.96 427 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐071 KARNES, BETTY 51,334 154.00 505 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐072 BRUTON, CYNTHIA C 38,988 116.96 511 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐073 SCOTT, ROBERT & GLENNA 43,904 131.71 519 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐074 NORMA J HAYDU TRUST 43,985 131.96 424 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐075 AUSTIN, THOMAS & RUTH 118,207 354.62 416 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐076 GOFF, PEGGY L 83,177 249.53 404 MAPLE 4717‐35‐404‐079 HOEMKE, DEBRA FKA KIME 72,191 216.57 361 MARION 4717‐01‐100‐122 LIVINGSTON FEED AND SEED 75,181 225.54 139 MARION 4717‐01‐102‐096 HETES, MATTHEW 49,062 147.19 MARION 4717‐01‐102‐010 CONSUMERS ENERGY 8,031 24.09 515 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐002 LSREF3 SPARTAN (DENMARK) LLC 1,738,443 5215.33 515 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐006 LSREF3 SPARTAN (DENMARK) LLC 563,383 1690.15


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 515 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐008 LSREF3 SPARTAN (DENMARK) LLC 917,511 2752.53 124 MASON 4717‐36‐304‐040 GILLETT, MEL & SUSAN 185,100 555.30 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐015 HARKLESS, HOWELL, & HOWELL TRUST 4,815 14.45 MASON 4717‐35‐300‐005 HARKLESS, HOWELL, & HOWELL TRUST 10,927 32.78 715 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐001 CONSUMERS ENERGY 18,009 54.03 251 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐011 AVENUE MASON ROAD LLC 461,429 1384.29 115 MASON 4717‐01‐101‐002 LOWE, DANIEL 52,676 158.03 253 MASON 4717‐02‐200‐015 BEAUPRE, CHRISTOPHER & 70,361 211.08 1492 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐009 RIVERA, SAMMY R & BETH 37,800 113.40 1486 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐010 MUNSELL, FRANK 17,150 51.45 1474 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐012 MAHER, CHARLES E 21,801 65.40 238 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐029 REYNOLDS, PHILLIP & JENNIFER 47,141 141.42 244 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐030 GARDEN, DEREK & MELISSA E 48,872 146.62 256 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐032 JONES, ANTHONY 43,729 131.19 250 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐033 WAHL, JOHN 43,729 131.19 262 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐060 DUNN, ROBERT & ALICIA GLENN 65,400 196.20 304 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐061 MAXWELL, JASON A 68,300 204.90 310 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐062 CZEWSKI, JAIME 44,581 133.74 316 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐063 LANTZ, KATHLEEN E & DAVID M 48,872 146.62 322 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐064 MAXFIELD,DAVID &JOBIN,JENNIFER 43,516 130.55 328 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐065 HOSKINS, JAMES E 47,034 141.10 334 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐066 FRY, JOSHUA & LINDSEY M 49,803 149.41 130 MASON 4717‐36‐304‐007 MAHER, RAYMOND J & KATHLEEN M 43,802 131.41 140 MASON 4717‐36‐304‐008 BONFIGLIO, DAWN M 24,530 73.59 MASON 4717‐01‐101‐004 MCPHERSON MGMT INC A MI CORP 3,018 9.05 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐011 MAHER, CHARLES E 823 2.47 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐014 PREECE, MATTHEW 514 1.54 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐044 WALLACE, SONIA 2,574 7.72 MASON 4717‐35‐100‐045 MCCURDY, JOHN 514 1.54 MASON RD 4717‐02‐200‐007 M‐59 INC 500 1.50 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐076 SCHROEDER, KAM & DEBORAH 8,546 25.64 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐034 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 14,913 44.74 520 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐046 BULLION, CHRISTOPHER 60,851 182.55 514 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐047 GOLEMBIEWSKI, JOSEPH S JR 37,459 112.38 510 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐048 GOLEMBIEWSKI, JOSEPH S 79,736 239.21 603 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐066 UNIFIED BUILDING CO 65,716 197.15 615 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐067 SCHROEDER, KAM & DEBORAH 49,256 147.77 509 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐088 MCBRIDE, MADELYNE & CASEY 98,500 295.50 521 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐303‐089 RICHARDSON, ANGELA & COLLINS, NANCY 61,861 185.58 210 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐012 THIEL, DENNIS & JANICE 34,073 102.22 204 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐013 BRACKEN, BRANDON S 49,969 149.91 222 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐032 O'CONNOR, MICHAEL & LISA TRUST 61,597 184.79 218 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐033 ALLRED, DAVID L & FERGUSSON, LAURA 57,137 171.41 215 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐035 PLUEDDEMANN, LAURA 49,582 148.75 221 MCCARTHY 4717‐36‐306‐036 GRAENSER, SCOTT 45,760 137.28 934 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐030 RODWELL, LESLIE & DIANA 59,086 177.26 928 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐031 SUIDAN, GEORGE & CASEY 70,979 212.94 824 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐057 ATTANASIO, SANDRA 82,700 248.10 816 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐058 DROWN, MICHIAL 38,736 116.21 801 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐062 ZAWACKI, ANTHONY J & CHRISTINE 49,449 148.35 809 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐063 FLOURY, DEAN A 36,322 108.97 815 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐064 HAMMOND, MICHAEL 32,332 97.00 904 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐086 NIBLOCK, KENNETH R & REBECCA L 50,348 151.04 924 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐088 TOMS, CHARLES W II & KELLY 51,249 153.75


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 916 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐089 PEDDICORD, WILLIAM & DIANE 50,893 152.68 1004 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐201‐095 DEVANTIER, DARIA & JEFFREY 69,353 208.06 725 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐203‐036 BOWHALL, KENNETH & MARY ELLEN 53,515 160.55 732 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐203‐078 VOLK, CHARLENE & CORY THOMAS 90,400 271.20 720 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐203‐079 MAZUR, MICHELLE 95,000 285.00 719 MCPHERSON 4717‐35‐203‐113 EDWARDS, WILLIIAM A 86,795 260.39 760 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐093 DB DEVELOPMENT LLC 373,311 1119.93 772 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐094 TANTRUM PROPERTIES LLC 328,424 985.27 1450 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐008 1450 MCPHERSON LLC 700,045 2100.14 750 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐041 WM OF MICHIGAN INC 206,706 620.12 1302 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐091 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY 89,771 269.31 1215 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐096 NOVARES US LLC 1,719,766 5159.30 1445 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐097 CHEM‐TREND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 842,535 2527.61 755 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐098 PBG MICHIGAN LLC 2,635,986 7907.96 1460 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐300‐008 THAI SUMMIT AMERICA CORP 545,060 1635.18 1480 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐300‐009 THAI SUMMIT AMERICA CORP 7,926,906 23780.72 MCPHERSON PARK 4717‐35‐100‐090 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY 58,045 174.14 919 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐023 WEAVER, AMY M 80,663 241.99 913 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐024 DIBBLE, DUSTIN & SHEPARD, TIFFANY 72,937 218.81 907 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐025 DAVIS, JOHN & CARON 53,078 159.23 901 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐026 GOLD, DAVID 53,297 159.89 831 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐027 KRAFFT, JODI 55,142 165.43 825 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐028 CAMELET, TRACY 76,500 229.50 819 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐029 NOLEN, DANIEL & SARAH 45,542 136.63 813 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐030 HOCH, TAMARA M 73,040 219.12 807 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐031 CARPENTER, THOMAS & CORINNEA 61,923 185.77 801 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐032 GARDNER, MATTHEW J 67,992 203.98 1020 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐051 SEIBERT, KAREN 79,469 238.41 1014 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐052 SMITH, ANGELA M & KOLCH, MICHAEL 76,214 228.64 1008 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐053 JORGENSEN, RICHARD 62,144 186.43 1002 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐054 CUNNINGHAM, HEIDI 70,154 210.46 932 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐055 VUICHARD, TIMOTHY R 73,799 221.40 926 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐056 SNEYD, SANDRA 51,658 154.97 920 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐057 LINDENMUTH II, LARRY 85,800 257.40 914 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐058 LENDRUM, JAMES & VERONICA 59,959 179.88 908 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐059 BAHL, MICHELE 51,986 155.96 902 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐060 LABELLE, SUSAN 48,163 144.49 826 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐061 HIBBARD, MICHAEL & DARLA 47,618 142.85 820 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐062 AGNEW, STEVEN & KAREN & HEIDI 75,945 227.84 814 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐063 MILLER, NORA 52,969 158.91 808 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐064 LOCKWOOD, MICHELE 44,341 133.02 802 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐065 KOLAR, DEBRA & CHARLES W 72,328 216.98 704 MEADOW LARK LN 4717‐01‐100‐067 MEYER, DEBRA 53,952 161.86 1195 S MICHGAN 4717‐01‐100‐102 SPEEDWAY LLC 360,800 1082.40 121 N MICHIGAN 4717‐36‐103‐009 MAN REAL ESTATE LLC 334,300 1002.90 111 N MICHIGAN 4717‐36‐300‐008 MILLER HOLDINGS LLC 152,202 456.61 113 N MICHIGAN 4717‐36‐300‐009 MILLER HOLDINGS LLC 131,617 394.85 110 N MICHIGAN 4717‐36‐308‐029 HEIKKINEN, RICHARD A & MARY K 127,743 383.23 101 S MICHIGAN 4717‐36‐307‐077 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOWELL 46,200 138.60 1175 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐100‐098 LMC PROPERTY HOLDINGS INC 280,775 842.33 1031 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐100‐106 TACO BELL 273,900 821.70 938 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐017 NG PROPERTIES LLC 80,113 240.34 934 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐018 ALL STAR CONEY 192,808 578.42 1009 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐103 SOFT CLOTH CAR WASH 355,366 1066.10


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1196 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐200‐004 SAM INVESTMENTS PROPERTY LLC 258,900 776.70 1140 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐200‐009 JAM HOWELL LLC 560,846 1682.54 1100 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐201‐002 JPK PROPERTY LLC 185,480 556.44 1004 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐202‐001 LOURIA PROPERTIES LLC 321,900 965.70 1022 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐202‐002 PELLIGRINO PROPERTIES 352,562 1057.69 1485 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐300‐024 JONNA ENTERPRISES LLC 1,018,256 3054.77 202 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐102‐059 CD OKEMOS 10 LLC 193,773 581.32 315 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐004 MACDONALD, BRIAN E 353,600 1060.80 119 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐010 WILSON, KIMBERLY & MATTHEW 122,230 366.69 207 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐083 LORELLI HOLDINGS INC 498,659 1495.98 915 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐200‐001 MCPHERSON MANSION LLC 664,427 1993.28 115 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐300‐010 115 N MICHIGAN LLC 99,218 297.65 117 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐300‐011 HOWELL M STREET LLC 149,995 449.99 312 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐001 LEGACY REALTY LLC 261,700 785.10 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐090 SCHROEDER, KAM & DEBORAH 220,517 661.55 716 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐016 D19 HOWELL LLC 211,292 633.88 721 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐018 ZELLA, MARTIN D & ROBERTA 121,063 363.19 727 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐031 A+ U‐STORE IT MINI STORAGE 134,200 402.60 729 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐032 CATALANO, GREGORY 153,057 459.17 746 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐034 HASLOCK ENTERPRISES LLC 214,400 643.20 763 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐037 CD OKEMOS 10 LLC 790,500 2371.50 732 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐304‐038 732 BUILDING GROUP LLC 128,310 384.93 209 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐017 MASSEY, JAMES W & MASSEY JAMES W II 40,513 121.54 201 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐019 CHAMBERLAIN, VICTOR P 107,300 321.90 214 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐020 PAGACZ PROPERTIES LLC 125,976 377.93 208 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐021 CLEO'S HOPE LLC 48,635 145.91 206 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐022 CLEO'S HOPE LLC 48,635 145.91 202 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐023 ETHAN PROPERTY LLC 78,629 235.89 220 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐028 SNEDICOR'S CLEANERS LTD 97,077 291.23 215 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐050 WASH TUBS CO LLC 111,391 334.17 120 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐308‐028 CHAPERON, MICHAEL 80,206 240.62 116 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐308‐030 ATIYEH, FREDERICK M 121,800 365.40 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐100‐124 DICKSON,STEVEN & BERKSHIRE LTD 183,328 549.98 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐100‐130 CORNERSTONE RG LLC 257,000 771.00 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐003 MCPHERSON MANAGEMENT INC 23,300 69.90 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐005 MCPHERSON MANAGEMENT INC 28,400 85.20 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐009 AVENUE MASON ROAD LLC 50,993 152.98 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐010 AVENUE MASON ROAD LLC 16,997 50.99 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐020 MCPHERSON MANAGEMENT INC 34,400 103.20 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐102 GILLETT, MELVIN & SUSAN 44,047 132.14 1066 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐200‐013 DYMOND, ROBERT & ROBIN 14,216 42.65 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐200‐014 DYMOND, ROBERT & ROBIN 14,216 42.65 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐078 MACDONALD, BRIAN E 11,100 33.30 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐008 LEGACY REALTY LLC 12,500 37.50 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐018 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 19,009 57.03 604 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐300‐014 DIAMOND CHROME PLATING INC 203,555 610.67 828 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐006 LANGLEY, DONALD 42,569 127.71 904 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐007 BAKER, STEPHANIE 39,366 118.10 910 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐101‐008 HARAN, MATTHEW 55,072 165.22 809 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐002 TEGGERDINE, DAVID 35,837 107.51 815 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐003 DAVIS, DUANE E 47,800 143.40 821 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐004 CALDWELL, WILLIAM 59,600 178.80 909 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐014 MAINE, JULIAN F & JENNIFER D 40,774 122.32 915 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐015 SORVALA, SWEN 39,142 117.43


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 921 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐016 STADLER II, RUSSELL J 40,102 120.31 927 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐017 WOODS, KATHRYN & GRANAT, JEFFREY 63,252 189.76 933 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐01‐102‐018 CARPENTER, JOSEPH P 52,800 158.40 1062 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐02‐200‐012 DYMOND, ROBERT & ROBIN 48,096 144.29 1016 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐301‐002 KELLY, SUSAN 86,828 260.48 1026 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐301‐003 LYNCH, JEREMIAH R & ASHLEY N K 108,389 325.17 1040 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐301‐004 BOWEN, CHARLES A II & WILLIAM L 82,229 246.69 1019 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐003 MELVILLE HOMES LLC 67,186 201.56 1103 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐006 DUTY, WILLIAM R 73,162 219.49 1207 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐014 SHARICH, DIANE M 63,302 189.91 1213 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐015 GEORGE, NORMAN & LADAWN 76,888 230.66 1219 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐016 NAGEL, RICHARD 97,400 292.20 1225 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐017 BEACH, DONNA E ET AL 44,930 134.79 1109 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐020 NAGEL, RICHARD D 92,200 276.60 1015 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐022 SAMUEL, SAMSON P & LOUISE 169,228 507.68 1029 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐024 BIGLIARDI, LOUIS A & JENNIFER J 84,596 253.79 1017 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐025 REED, WILLIAM T & SALLY 95,741 287.22 1307 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐405‐023 PEARCH, CLYDE & REBECCA 148,966 446.90 330 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐002 STEWART, GERALD 57,002 171.01 336 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐003 PTAK, JOHN & TERESE 60,992 182.98 406 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐004 LYONS, BRENT F & TRACY A 52,795 158.39 414 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐005 TOMASZEWSKI, LESTER & IDA 58,874 176.62 420 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐006 SHERMAN, JANET K 54,395 163.19 426 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐007 CARLSON, ANDREA & TODD 72,200 216.60 604 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐009 WIDMAYER, WILLARD D & ESTHER M 63,034 189.10 610 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐010 MOREHEAD, LAVERNIA G 58,061 174.18 616 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐011 COONEY, ANDREW M 50,768 152.30 620 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐012 FARR, BRIAN 49,500 148.50 628 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐013 THOMAS, KEVIN & RHONDA 48,528 145.58 704 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐014 ROBERTS, CURT & AMY 55,462 166.39 710 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐015 THOMPSON, GEORGE 56,373 169.12 716 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐016 DIBELLO, JUDY L 66,335 199.01 722 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐017 COLEMAN, JAMES M 48,290 144.87 728 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐018 ALDEA, FLORINI 68,300 204.90 810 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐020 CUSICK, MADISON 63,500 190.50 816 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐021 DEAKIN, AIMEE 51,700 155.10 822 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐022 KNAPP, TOMMY L & CHRISTINA A 51,440 154.32 904 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐023 PORTER, MICHELLE & MARK ABBENANTE 107,700 323.10 912 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐024 CLARK, JOHN & LIESL 83,514 250.54 914 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐025 MCCARTER, LAURENCE 53,119 159.36 926 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐026 FINCHAM, GLENVAL E & JUDY A 67,922 203.77 428 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐096 WINEGAR, GEORGE & LOIS 64,847 194.54 804 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐102 WOLFE, ROBERT & DENISE 51,544 154.63 419 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐001 HILBERT, SCOTT & KATHLEEN 111,403 334.21 407 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐103‐002 BROOKS, JOHN & PEGGY 76,635 229.91 815 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐001 EDMONDS, RANDOLPH 65,650 196.95 809 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐002 DOWN, MICHAEL & GAYLE 88,975 266.93 803 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐003 JOHANNINGSMEIER, DANIEL & AMY 61,489 184.47 721 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐004 WILSON, RICHARD & MICHELLE 84,297 252.89 711 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐005 SMITH, TODD & RENEE 76,451 229.35 705 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐006 GARLOCK, CHARLES & ELINOR 78,852 236.56 617 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐007 RALEIGH, RICH & ASHLEY 103,119 309.36 615 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐008 RAIMI, DENNIS TRUST 84,643 253.93 609 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐009 RENTON, BARBARA 76,888 230.66


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 603 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐201‐010 FLEEGER, KENNETH R & MARLENE A 59,195 177.59 411 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐020 TANIS, NICK R 78,191 234.57 419 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐021 KIEFER, ERNST 66,839 200.52 402 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐024 SPAULDING, ROBERT A LLC 69,496 208.49 422 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐031 MAY, GERALD 54,692 164.08 416 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐032 NASH, JENNIFER & NASH, HOLLY 53,647 160.94 503 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐043 LAVALLEY, COLLEEN & AMANDA 59,900 179.70 515 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐044 VENTURA, BRANDY 48,491 145.47 519 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐045 TILLEY, STACY M (FKA NIXON) 47,725 143.18 502 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐049 RAMAGE, STEFFAN 74,300 222.90 522 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐053 COUTURE, DONALD & JACQUELINE TRUST 72,628 217.88 516 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐054 LEACH, JOSEPH D & SHARI A 47,248 141.74 510 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐055 DAVIS, CLINTON D & MICHELLE E 80,869 242.61 615 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐075 SCHROEDERS BODY SHOP LLC 8,183 24.55 603 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐080 RAMAGE, STEFFAN 85,006 255.02 222 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐306‐027 SNEDICOR'S CLEANERS LTD 79,767 239.30 1039 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐404‐005 BEAN, JACKIE M 15,000 45.00 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐25‐405‐024 DOUGLAS SR., CRAIG A & SMITH, KATHL 11,860 35.58 312 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐101‐001 MACDONALD, BRIAN E 14,216 42.65 S MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐303‐081 RAMAGE STEFFAN 12,876 38.63 211 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐001 LAFOND, DAVID C. & PATRICIA M. 42,047 126.14 211 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐002 TONER, DALE I & PATRICIA L 76,739 230.22 211 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐003 CHATTELS ENTERPRISES LLC 45,561 136.68 211 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐004 MICHIGAN AVENUE VENTURES LLC 64,983 194.95 217 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐005 COPELAND, VALERIE 42,047 126.14 217 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐006 FOSTER, TIMOTHY E 76,739 230.22 217 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐007 ZHANG, JING & HUAXIN LI 42,047 126.14 217 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐008 HOYES, BRADLEY T 64,983 194.95 223 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐009 CHATTELS ENTERPRISES LLC 48,149 144.45 223 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐010 COPELAND, VALERIE A 64,654 193.96 223 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐011 RESTUCCIA, CYNTHIA D 68,611 205.83 223 N MICHIGAN AV 4717‐36‐104‐012 KEATING, JOSEPH M 65,092 195.28 147 MORGAN DR 4717‐01‐100‐114 GOOD YEAR TIRE 374,459 1123.38 190 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐003 WELTER, MARCELLA A & EDWARD J 104,631 313.89 315 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐067 GARDNER, SHARRON & JOHN 81,700 245.10 217 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐021 BONISH, JUDITH TRUST 96,094 288.28 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐056 ABE'S AUTO GLASS INC 15,200 45.60 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐003 HOWELL LANES INC 22,317 66.95 340 S NATIONAL 4717‐01‐200‐010 CLUCKEY, MARCUS J 82,517 247.55 324 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐401‐048 SHAW, DARLENE 50,130 150.39 308 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐401‐049 RICHMOND, DEANNE 44,668 134.00 330 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐401‐068 GUTZKE, RONALD 56,660 169.98 204 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐004 NAGEL, LEROY & FANNY TRUST 29,813 89.44 212 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐005 ROJBOONSONG, JAGAPUNT 35,953 107.86 226 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐006 SREDZINSKI, CHRIS A & JULIE L TRUST 23,463 70.39 232 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐007 O'BRIEN, DONNA 12,806 38.42 238 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐008 238 N NATIONAL LLC 27,836 83.51 244 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐009 CURRIE, FRANK 10,000 30.00 248 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐010 JURRIES, MEAGAN 57,839 173.52 410 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐017 GORSKI, RYAN 46,700 140.10 421 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐020 AMBROSE, STEVEN & JEANNETTE 57,392 172.18 307 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐024 KENDALL, FREDERICK D 54,076 162.23 303 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐025 SREDZINSKI, CHRIS A & JULIE L TRUST 19,516 58.55 249 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐027 SREDZINSKI, CHRIS 41,200 123.60


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 247 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐028 LAITY, RODNEY & DENISE 29,756 89.27 231 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐031 FIELD, SUSAN 33,915 101.75 223 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐032 SAWALLICH, ALLEN 31,675 95.03 219 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐033 SAWALLICH, LIZZIE TRUST 46,609 139.83 215 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐034 MICHELS, RICHARD & HOLLY 31,782 95.35 211 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐035 MCKINNON, BRYAN & SCOTT, KAREN 36,262 108.79 416 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐057 AMBROSE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC 62,500 187.50 425 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐070 AMBROSE, STEVEN & JEANNETTE 106,009 318.03 241 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐071 TRS ENTERPRISES LLC 90,452 271.36 237 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐072 TRS ENTERPRISES LLC 73,967 221.90 235 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐073 WHEATLEY, RUTH ANN 95,200 285.60 232 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐009 TERVO, STEVEN LC 21,983 65.95 234 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐010 MAJOR, ELIANA 34,511 103.53 230 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐011 PERRY, ROBERT 44,580 133.74 210 S NATIONAL 4717‐36‐403‐012 LONDON, HENRY & LAURA 35,057 105.17 S NATIONAL 4717‐01‐200‐007 CLUCKEY, MARCUS 17,867 53.60 S NATIONAL 4717‐01‐200‐008 CLUCKEY, MARCUS 17,867 53.60 S NATIONAL 4717‐01‐200‐009 CLUCKEY, MARCUS 17,867 53.60 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐026 SREDZINSKI, CHRIS 15,315 45.95 N NATIONAL 4717‐36‐402‐058 AMBROSE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC 19,800 59.40 755 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐001 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 757 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐002 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 759 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐003 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 817 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐010 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 819 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐011 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 821 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐012 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 823 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐013 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 838 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐014 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 836 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐015 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 834 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐016 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 832 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐017 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 828 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐018 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 826 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐019 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 824 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐020 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 820 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐021 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 818 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐022 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 816 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐023 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 814 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐024 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 6,507 19.52 801 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐004 WILKINS, MARY E 79,044 237.13 803 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐005 DOLATO, GLORIA SUE 53,406 160.22 805 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐006 MANGAN, BEULAH C 79,044 237.13 809 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐007 OEHRING, STEPHANIE J 90,300 270.90 811 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐008 SANDERS, BONNIE J 86,100 258.30 813 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐009 EDGINGTON, VICKIE 67,500 202.50 810 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐025 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 28,707 86.12 808 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐026 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 29,807 89.42 806 NELSONS RIDGE DR 4717‐01‐201‐027 MLS HOLDINGS LLC 34,607 103.82 727 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐042 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY 79,458 238.37 913 NORTH 4717‐36‐402‐011 BURKE, JORY & MARY 24,743 74.23 905 NORTH 4717‐36‐402‐013 905 NORTH STREET LLC 36,369 109.11 901 NORTH 4717‐36‐402‐014 SMITH, DANIEL & DEBRA 29,497 88.49 615 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐056 THOMAS, EVELYN & BEATTIE, ELLEN 55,952 167.86 709 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐060 ST PIERRE, CHRISTOPHER 72,300 216.90 604 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐062 SMALL TOWN PROPERTIES 604 LLC 41,276 123.83


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 610 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐063 SMITH, PATRICK & MARGARET 54,692 164.08 618 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐064 PEDERSON, THOMAS & SUSAN 57,914 173.74 622 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐065 PEDERSON, THOMAS & SUSAN 50,238 150.71 628 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐066 KRAUS, JEFFREY & LUCINDA 28,973 86.92 704 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐067 ONTIVEROS, JAVIER AGUILAR 53,539 160.62 710 NORTH 4717‐36‐404‐068 LOUGHLIN, SHAYNA 50,600 151.80 828 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐005 HARRISON,PATRICK & KATHRYN 0.00 822 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐006 FELLOWS, STACIE 81,061 243.18 816 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐007 LEON, MICHAEL & ANDREA 78,820 236.46 810 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐008 COVE, DAVID R & KRISTEN S 85,844 257.53 804 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐009 JOLLY, RICHARD & CLAUDIA 85,646 256.94 801 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐010 FOSSHAGE, KEVIN J 96,632 289.90 807 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐011 BURTON, ROBERT & HOLDCRAFT, TERESA 91,940 275.82 813 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐012 TROSPER, DAVID S & ELLA D 92,793 278.38 819 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐013 STYES, STACEY L 78,927 236.78 825 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐014 STRINE, KEVIN 79,354 238.06 831 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐015 HOLMES, DAVID & KIMBERLY 82,340 247.02 903 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐016 KENNEDY, DENNIS 93,052 279.16 909 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐017 MOORE, STEPHEN & DEBRA 81,167 243.50 915 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐018 BOWEN, TODD & AMBER 80,740 242.22 1003 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐019 SCHUBBE, SPENCER & ANITA 76,154 228.46 1009 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐020 DOWNING, DAVID & LOIS 84,261 252.78 1015 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐021 MILLER, RUSSELL & LEE ANNE 87,246 261.74 1021 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐022 NELSON, SYDNEY SALDOO & ROBERT 116,500 349.50 1020 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐023 PEMBERTON, MICHAEL P 111,500 334.50 1014 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐024 BOUSE, MICHAEL L & LARA R 86,392 259.18 1008 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐025 MUKAVETZ, JOSEPH & TRACY 82,127 246.38 1002 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐026 YOUNG, TYLER E & JENNIFER K 99,194 297.58 914 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐027 BELKOWSKI, MARK & DEBORAH 75,727 227.18 910 OAK CLUSTER CT 4717‐26‐101‐028 CORSTEN, DANIEL & JEANNE 82,874 248.62 803 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐001 GREENE, RANDALL W & REBECCA J 84,579 253.74 809 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐002 EK, RONALD R & BONNIE J 84,046 252.14 815 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐003 WHITE, WILLIAM & DIANE 84,579 253.74 821 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐004 ODOM, BRANDON D & JESSICA A 89,273 267.82 901 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐029 BLANKENSHIP, PAULA L 105,186 315.56 907 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐030 LUKOVICH, KATIE A 101,487 304.46 1001 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐031 BOULANGER, MICHAEL J 84,971 254.91 1006 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐032 DUNCAN, JOHN & JOY ANN 85,006 255.02 908 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐099 MILLS, JOHN E & LAVONDA J 90,340 271.02 902 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐100 MACKIE, JOSEPH & KATHRYN 0.00 820 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐101 RUSSO, JOHN & LISA 86,926 260.78 814 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐102 VANDOMMELEN, PATRICIA 88,312 264.94 808 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐103 PANFIL, ANDRA J 75,620 226.86 802 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐101‐104 CHASE, THOMAS & DENEEN 79,994 239.98 1007 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐105 KELLY, WALTER & MARY 91,299 273.90 1013 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐106 SHAW, JAMES & DENA 89,699 269.10 1019 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐107 MITCHELL, ERIN (NOW KERBER) 77,220 231.66 1101 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐108 KRAFT, MARY E TRUST 85,190 255.57 1107 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐109 RIGENHAGEN, RICHARD 102,040 306.12 1113 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐110 BOYD, ROBERT & NICOLE 89,340 268.02 1119 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐111 LE, TAM‐THANH & THAO‐PHUONG 97,641 292.92 1125 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐112 GEYER, ANGELA & JORDAN L 108,500 325.50 1131 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐113 SPEZIA, ALEX M & JAMIE 102,880 308.64 1207 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐114 WINKEL, JAMES & JANEAN 125,583 376.75


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1213 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐115 TATE, BRADFORD S & LINDSAY B 81,367 244.10 1216 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐116 SIMMONS, RICHARD M & SHARON K 109,526 328.58 1210 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐117 HESS, BRIAN & TINA 96,985 290.96 1204 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐118 MORGA, VINCENT & JULI 92,153 276.46 1126 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐119 DZIERWA, EDWARD & JANICE 91,512 274.54 1120 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐120 KING, GEORGE & LINDA 90,446 271.34 1114 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐121 GUTIERREZ, CHRISTOPHER G & REBECCA 92,580 277.74 1108 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐122 EVANS, DANIEL L 86,282 258.85 1102 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐123 MCMILLAN, ELIZABETH 97,533 292.60 1018 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐210 HAJDUK, MICHAEL & AIMEE BROYLES 107,000 321.00 1012 OAK CLUSTER DR 4717‐26‐102‐211 GEBAROWSKI, JON J & MARCIA C 85,219 255.66 1810 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐072 PASINI, STACY & SCOTT 86,063 258.19 1812 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐073 GOEBEL, MICHAEL J 91,226 273.68 1815 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐074 SUNDARAVARADAN, PARANTHAMAN 82,127 246.38 1821 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐075 LONG, JEFFREY A & ANDREA C 86,606 259.82 1827 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐076 ARKING, CAROLYN & JONATHAN 104,754 314.26 1834 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐077 GREGORY, BOBBY & DEBIE 83,619 250.86 1828 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐078 HENNEMAN, KRAIG & SANDRA 84,153 252.46 1822 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐079 MC CREIGHT, ORVILLE & KELLY 92,686 278.06 1816 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐080 SNYDER, MATTHREW 86,286 258.86 1808 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐081 RODRIGUEZ, EVERARDO A 95,157 285.47 1802 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐082 ABDOO, JOHN L 102,349 307.05 1716 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐083 GIESA, JOHN & MELANIE 75,374 226.12 1710 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐084 PARKS, HOLLY & JOSHUA 142,100 426.30 1704 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐085 KOKKONEN, SAMUEL P 82,233 246.70 1610 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐086 SETLAK, MATTHEW & KRISTIN 95,993 287.98 1604 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐087 GLEICH, THOMAS & MELISSA 112,514 337.54 1601 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐088 RITTERSDORF, LINDSAY M 104,980 314.94 1607 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐089 GRAHAM, MARK J & SARAH E 106,211 318.63 1613 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐090 WLADISCHKIN, PAUL & DEBORAH 92,365 277.10 1701 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐091 LOWE, STEPHEN & DEBBIE 71,354 214.06 1705 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐092 RISTENBATT, EDWARD L & ELIZABETH A 95,576 286.73 1707 OAK SQUIRE CT 4717‐26‐101‐093 LOGE, MARC & PATRICIA 85,113 255.34 1603 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐033 GUILMETTE, THOMAS J & KIMBERLY S 83,407 250.22 1609 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐034 HALL, BRANDON 93,952 281.86 1615 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐035 STRAND, AARON & LAURIE 82,978 248.93 1703 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐036 HANLEY, DONALD & LOIS 67,087 201.26 1709 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐037 RUSSELL, PAMELA K 107,139 321.42 1801 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐038 FOLTZ, BRENDA 90,540 271.62 1807 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐039 PUMFORD, LAWRENCE & LORENA 77,433 232.30 1813 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐040 SHINABERY, KENNETH W & MEYER, DEBOR 84,685 254.06 1819 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐041 HAMMAC, TAMI S 106,100 318.30 1825 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐042 WOLFE, MELANIE & DAVID & VERONICA 79,778 239.33 1831 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐043 IMMEKUS, KURT & JANET 75,620 226.86 1837 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐044 REA, GINA 84,088 252.26 1903 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐046 BROWN, KRISSTIE & JASON 92,686 278.06 1909 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐047 MCGLINCHEY, JOHN 73,381 220.14 1915 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐048 CAMPBELL, CHRIS & JENNIFER A 78,073 234.22 1921 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐049 HARRELL, KEVIN W 101,997 305.99 1927 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐050 MCHENRY, BRIAN P & LEWIS, ANDREA L 61,646 184.94 1933 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐051 OLSCHANSKI, MICHAEL J 104,500 313.50 1938 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐052 ESKESEN, STEPHEN T & KAREN L 99,825 299.48 1932 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐053 KEYES, BRUCE & LISA 79,140 237.42 1926 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐054 DOBB, MARK & JENNIFER 92,153 276.46


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1920 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐055 MCNETT, IAN M 104,346 313.04 1914 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐056 YANKOULIDES, VINCENT & LORI 75,299 225.90 1908 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐057 ZONCA, ALICIA & MATTHEW 99,200 297.60 1902 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐058 LACEY, DAVID R & TONYA M 93,113 279.34 1832 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐067 POERTNER, PETER B & JENNIFER S 86,500 259.50 1826 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐068 LAWSON, DAVID W 82,373 247.12 1820 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐069 MELLAS, RYAN 93,128 279.38 1814 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐070 VERDUZCO, MICHAEL & KIMBERLY TRUST 74,980 224.94 1806 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐071 TRUEMAN, THOMAS C & PEGGY A 87,656 262.97 1708 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐094 PRIOR, JEFFREY 115,500 346.50 1702 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐095 ZUCCHETTO, DAVID J & MICHELLE A 78,499 235.50 1614 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐096 MOORE, TERRY & HEATHER 93,381 280.14 1608 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐097 WINNINGHAM, MEGAN L 91,192 273.58 1602 OAK SQUIRE LN 4717‐26‐101‐098 KINIRIA, MARK & DEBBIE 75,727 227.18 850 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐001 CORSON, PAULA J 34,012 102.04 848 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐002 EMERY, EUGENE A & MARILYN J 31,125 93.38 846 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐003 DELVERO, MARY JO 32,423 97.27 852 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐004 BLAIR, JOWN M 40,000 120.00 834 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐005 CARBARY, ELAINE 31,569 94.71 836 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐006 SMITH, KENNETH 30,251 90.75 838 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐007 WILSON, STEPHANIE S & RUSSELL 30,142 90.43 840 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐008 KSP1144 LLC 27,083 81.25 826 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐009 HOPPE, LEWIS & JOANN 31,125 93.38 824 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐010 KRUZMAN, JEFFREY 31,125 93.38 822 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐011 KLANN, BARBARA 32,636 97.91 828 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐012 CRIBBS, DAVID A. 26,982 80.95 810 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐013 SAMPSON, JERRYANN 32,744 98.23 812 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐014 SULLIVAN, JENNIFER A (KEEHL) 31,671 95.01 814 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐015 BURACZEWSKI, BOZENA 31,671 95.01 816 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐016 ROBERT, DANIEL F 41,800 125.40 811 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐017 KROMER, TOMMY 31,889 95.67 813 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐018 O'NEIL, AMY C. & NANCY A. 31,889 95.67 815 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐019 VARESI, ROSARIA M 49,314 147.94 817 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐020 SIMANCA, DENNIS J 34,613 103.84 823 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐021 KLENDER, NICOLE C 31,889 95.67 825 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐022 HALSTEAD, PHILIP G II 31,889 95.67 827 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐023 JOHNSON, PATRICIA 33,169 99.51 829 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐024 JONCAS, SARAH M 27,730 83.19 835 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐025 COXON, CHRISTA L 31,889 95.67 837 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐026 CAVERLY, WENDY C 31,889 95.67 839 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐027 TORBICO, SUSAN A 33,915 101.75 841 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐028 KILPELA, THOMAS 39,716 119.15 847 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐029 LAHO, JAMES P III 42,677 128.03 849 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐030 LEHMAN, APRIL 31,889 95.67 851 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐031 MENDOLIA, THERSIA TRUST 33,915 101.75 853 OAKWOOD 4717‐26‐401‐032 DORAN, COLLEEN M 27,730 83.19 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐036 KOMLOS, VALERIE L TRUST 72,388 217.16 806 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐033 REVENAUGH, KATHERINE 74,737 224.21 717 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐038 BAUER, ANNETTE 45,350 136.05 725 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐039 EVANS, CURTIS 28,369 85.11 731 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐040 KREGER, MARTIN & COLLEEN 46,087 138.26 805 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐042 LEHMAN, LEE & LINDA 55,583 166.75 813 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐043 GOSSELIN, RONALD H & NANCY 45,567 136.70 821 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐044 BINDSCHATEL, RYAN 66,034 198.10


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 835 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐045 TISSLER, MARK S & DEBORAH L 50,982 152.95 718 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐058 DUDEK, KENNETH D. 112,312 336.94 820 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐060 HOLMES, BRADLEY 46,199 138.60 826 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐061 SHAPTER, TRACEY J 38,224 114.67 741 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐066 BENNEFIEL, JACK S JR & MARY LOU 40,517 121.55 751 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐067 ROGGENBUCH, KELSEY & ADAM 80,500 241.50 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐037 CONELY, JOHN & JENNY 514 1.54 OCEOLA 4717‐36‐401‐056 LEHMAN, LEE & LINDA 10,446 31.34 207 E PARK 4717‐36‐404‐010 KETCHUM, ANDREW 65,100 195.30 211 E PARK 4717‐36‐404‐011 SMYTH, MARK & CAROLYN 41,990 125.97 217 E PARK 4717‐36‐404‐012 CUFFE, DAVID 65,401 196.20 225 E PARK 4717‐36‐404‐013 KENDALL, MELISSA 10,000 30.00 218 W PARK 4717‐36‐404‐014 HENDERSON, LYLE & CAROLYN 53,115 159.35 210 W PARK 4717‐36‐404‐016 DUCHENE, BRIAN J 43,566 130.70 206 W PARK 4717‐36‐404‐017 DALEY, CHRISTOPHER J & KAYLA M 84,500 253.50 202 W PARK 4717‐36‐404‐018 HAGER, SEAN R & JOCELYN N 62,147 186.44 529 PARK AV 4717‐25‐402‐026 GOTTSCHALK, DARYL & ANGELA 46,609 139.83 PAULINE 4717‐25‐405‐029 CLELAND, MICHAEL & NANCY 7,088 21.26 205 PAULINE DR 4717‐25‐405‐028 CLELAND, MICHAEL & NANCY 111,087 333.26 605 PERE MARQUETTE 4717‐26‐201‐234 VISTA SPRINGS TOWN COMMONS 1,466,223 4398.67 611 PERE MARQUETTE 4717‐26‐201‐235 VISTA SPRINGS TOWN COMMONS PROPERTI 112,300 336.90 604 PERE MARQUETTE 4717‐26‐201‐247 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 704 PINCKNEY 4717‐36‐304‐001 SEAS LLC 75,142 225.43 718 PINCKNEY RD 4717‐36‐304‐039 DIELENHEIN, SUSAN L TRU 84,509 253.53 712 PINCKNEY RD 4717‐36‐304‐002 SEAS LLC 39,987 119.96 663 PRIVATE DR 4717‐25‐402‐054 EDWARDS, EVAN & HORSTMAN, LATRICIA 34,327 102.98 645 PRIVATE DR 4717‐25‐402‐055 KLETZKA, JEFFERY A & LAURA J 56,420 169.26 603 PRIVATE DR 4717‐25‐402‐059 DAVIS, EARL & LELA 7,840 23.52 605 PRIVATE DR 4717‐25‐402‐060 CULVER, CHARLES W & CARMEN M 28,476 85.43 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐021 CONSUMERS ENERGY 15,394 46.18 321 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐029 MANGANELLO, ADAM J 78,100 234.30 415 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐038 DAVIS, DOUGLAS & PAMELA 44,232 132.70 509 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐047 FRECH, EMILY 71,500 214.50 204 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐076 ROBERTS, IAN 67,168 201.50 212 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐077 HEINS, DOUGLAS & ANN 68,042 204.13 222 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐078 PUSHIES, GEORGE & COLLEEN TRUST 52,313 156.94 205 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐096 NEWELL, WILLIAM D SR & CAROL A 74,267 222.80 215 PROSPECT 4717‐35‐201‐097 SCHRADER, MARY JOAN 81,300 243.90 108 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐019 MELVILLE HOMES LLC 49,276 147.83 119 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐047 XIE, NAN QIN & YU, TZU TING 31,597 94.79 127 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐048 REID, RYAN & KATHERINE 42,875 128.63 129 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐049 MCLELLAN, JEFFREY A. 45,434 136.30 227 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐052 ELLIS, JEFF 38,610 115.83 303 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐053 LOY, MICHELE 42,023 126.07 309 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐054 MASSEY, JAMES W & MASSEY JAMES W II 34,555 103.67 315 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐055 BJORGE, RONALD C 67,167 201.50 126 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐068 KRZECZKOWSKI, RYAN & RANIA 46,098 138.29 136 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐069 ALBRIGHT, ROBIN S & REECE 60,363 181.09 213 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐071 MARTIN, NICHOLAS V 43,301 129.90 221 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐072 MCKAY, ANGELA 10,000 30.00 157 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐075 MOORE, JASON 47,888 143.66 205 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐076 VANVALKENBURGH, ROBYN 37,662 112.99 335 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐081 MACDERMAID, STEVEN & DEERING, CHRIS 48,847 146.54 327 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐082 ROUSE, ALEXANDER J & DIANE M 59,902 179.71


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 144 PULFORD 4717‐01‐102‐089 HOLLEY, JASON S & RACHEL E 49,062 147.19 308 PULFORD 4717‐01‐103‐007 ROBINSON, LEE & LESLIE 46,929 140.79 314 PULFORD 4717‐01‐103‐008 HOPPE, STACEY & ALFRED 86,800 260.40 415 RAILROAD 4717‐36‐102‐010 PYBUS, CAROLYN E TRUST 60,368 181.10 110 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐001 RODWELL, LARRY & LUCILLE 89,806 269.42 142 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐006 PALMIERI, DOMINIC & TAMELA 100,640 301.92 320 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐065 DUBAY, DOROTHY R. 73,699 221.10 332 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐066 BUSHREY, NORMA A 86,712 260.14 344 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐067 GORECKI, TIMOTHY M & KATHLEEN M 57,036 171.11 352 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐069 MURRAY, CARA & EDWARD 81,400 244.20 420 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐072 AARON TRUST NANCY 108,968 326.90 444 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐081 COUSINEAU, STEPHEN & KRISTI 81,500 244.50 432 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐082 KENNEDY, ROBERT & KIM 75,031 225.09 124 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐086 KASSUBA, BRADLEY J & LORI L 100,808 302.42 132 RIDDLE 4717‐25‐301‐087 HOBBS, KENT & VIRGINIA 96,632 289.90 624 RIDDLE 4717‐26‐400‐029 GOLDFISH PROPERTIES INC 42,875 128.63 618 RIDDLE 4717‐26‐400‐030 MCKEE, SALLY ANN 56,101 168.30 610 RIDDLE 4717‐26‐400‐031 GREENE, GLENDA 47,569 142.71 604 RIDDLE 4717‐26‐400‐032 PEITZ, JONATHAN D 67,200 201.60 615 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐084 STREET, DONALD 48,422 145.27 621 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐085 K & K AND SONS INVESTMENTS LLC 54,395 163.19 627 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐086 MORROW, LARRY & PAMELA 55,995 167.99 809 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐089 VEALEY, RONALD & SALLY TRUST 44,232 132.70 815 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐090 LIBTOW, GLENN P 65,700 197.10 821 RIDDLE 4717‐35‐203‐091 WINEGAR, ALLISON 47,220 141.66 123 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐027 SCHROCK, JASON 71,997 215.99 133 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐028 SCHEMANSKI, LEONARD TODD 88,600 265.80 137 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐029 SANCHEZ, MAURICIO P & LISA B 58,665 176.00 141 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐030 CHIAPELLI, KATHERYN 75,400 226.20 203 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐041 CHUFF, BRIAN C 82,311 246.93 209 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐042 HAGMAN, DARRYL & CERVANTES, SHERYL 41,062 123.19 215 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐043 OLSEN, CHRISTIN M 47,034 141.10 219 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐044 ARMSTRONG, BROOKS & KELLY 47,675 143.03 315 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐045 KARABELSKI, BRADFORD L 47,569 142.71 319 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐046 MASSEY, DAVID E & KELLY M 106,211 318.63 323 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐047 GARLOCK, GABRIELLA L 81,700 245.10 329 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐048 CLELAND, CHAD 48,422 145.27 335 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐049 SHAW, DAVID & MARY 62,288 186.86 341 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐050 MARCINKOWSKI, JAMES & NANCY 58,874 176.62 345 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐051 STINER, LESTER 71,887 215.66 351 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐052 GEHRING, BRITNEY & NICHOLAS JIRASEK 95,500 286.50 357 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐053 ZOLMAN, TRACIE 92,200 276.60 409 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐075 STRYKER, STEVEN & TAMMY 50,234 150.70 415 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐076 MENLEN, STEVEN W & KRISTA N 45,863 137.59 421 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐077 SITAREK, KYLE 63,500 190.50 427 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐078 HORTON, GAIL 48,184 144.55 509 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐079 YORK, LAURA 52,804 158.41 515 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐080 LONG, LYDIA J 79,015 237.05 503 RIDDLE 4717‐36‐101‐081 EVANS, MICHAEL & SHERRILL 63,674 191.02 323 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐400‐014 NORTH ROOSEVELT LLC 246,770 740.31 409 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐400‐013 TECO (MICH) INC 291,846 875.54 518 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐103‐067 BIDDLE, CHARLES 42,157 126.47 514 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐103‐068 VENTURA, MIKE AND BRANDI 49,492 148.48 604 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐201‐091 SENYCZKO, MICHAEL T & JACQUELYN S 20,636 61.91


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 612 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐201‐092 REUTTER, MARK A & DIANA 86,072 258.22 619 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐201‐098 LINAHAN, FRED F. & JULIE 91,541 274.62 712 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐201‐109 CHUBB, WAYNE & R MARIE 86,083 258.25 316 ROOSEVELT 4717‐36‐404‐071 CAMPOS, ROBERT 41,489 124.47 522 ROSELANE CT 4717‐36‐202‐003 JEFFERS, HUBERT JR 60,363 181.09 536 ROSELANE CT 4717‐36‐202‐005 LINDEMANN, CRISTY 55,114 165.34 540 ROSELANE CT 4717‐36‐202‐006 CAMPBELL, IAN & SUSAN 58,367 175.10 526 ROSELANE CT 4717‐36‐202‐031 RUDOLPH, SUSAN 61,891 185.67 530 ROSELANE CT 4717‐36‐202‐032 TERVO, STEVEN LC 43,182 129.55 524 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐001 BOEKHOVEN, CALVIN & RUMMSEY, ANNA A 69,325 207.98 538 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐002 HOENIG, MARK T & STEPHANIE E 71,915 215.75 542 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐007 WICKS, FREDRICK 49,234 147.70 550 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐008 WOLFE, ANNA 66,137 198.41 558 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐009 HEIKKILA,C&HEIKKILA,P&GASCOIGNE,S 48,604 145.81 566 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐010 MOWERY, MICHELE 70,755 212.27 578 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐011 HORVATH, MICHAEL A 49,969 149.91 601 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐016 SMITH, GARY A & CHERYL L 124,611 373.83 585 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐017 EHLERT, GEORGE R & GEORGANNE D TRU 114,529 343.59 577 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐018 CARTER, MICHAEL & PAMELA 103,368 310.10 567 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐019 BANFIELD, AMY 156,900 470.70 561 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐020 FRANSWAY, ISABELL M & MICHELLE M 106,812 320.44 549 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐021 LEECH, DONALD & BEVERLY 110,605 331.82 555 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐022 GUNNING, KIRK & JULIE 118,754 356.26 543 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐023 GILMER, CAROLE 154,658 463.97 537 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐024 SIBEL, RANDY & LOUANN 108,364 325.09 531 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐025 ST CHARLES, RONALD SR &JUDITH 111,992 335.98 525 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐026 PERSHA, SEAN & EVA 115,831 347.49 515 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐027 BONKOWSKI, LORRAINE & KEVIN 149,200 447.60 605 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐030 CLAFFEY, JAMES & PATRICIA 162,578 487.73 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐028 MUNSELL, KELLY 23,318 69.95 ROSELANE DR 4717‐36‐202‐029 AMBROSE, STEVEN & JEANNETTE 17,828 53.48 1523 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐027 KEESLER, CLAYTON & VIRGINIA 53,115 159.35 1535 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐028 FRIEDLANDER, SAMANTHA 80,148 240.44 1584 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐032 PROWDLEY, ROBERTA 42,662 127.99 1566 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐033 DAVIS, CHRISTINE & MICHELE KINNEY 38,856 116.57 1530 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐034 WARD, DANIEL & MICHELLE 61,967 185.90 1571 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐070 CALDWELL, EDWARD II 72,899 218.70 1561 SECOND AV 4717‐25‐402‐071 SCHMITT, JACOB 57,403 172.21 233 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐007 ALTERATIONS BY ROZI LLC 23,585 70.76 727 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐024 NEFFL ENTERPRISES LLC 171,109 513.33 227 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐008 HOWELL, JOHN R II TRUST 29,009 87.03 215 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐009 HOWELL, JOHN R II TRUST 25,783 77.35 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐014 KOMLOS, VALERIE TRUST 28,582 85.75 109 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐015 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 31,042 93.13 214 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐059 THE PEARL BUILDING LLC 65,752 197.26 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐403‐022 METZ, JOSEPH & MARYELENE 15,500 46.50 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐403‐024 HOWELL LANES INC 15,200 45.60 804 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐020 CLARKE, BURTON P & KATHLEEN F 51,941 155.82 518 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐026 DERNBACH, DAVID J & NANCY D 82,311 246.93 440 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐028 THIVIERGE, JODY F & SATOMI 49,595 148.79 436 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐029 HEWITT, DOUGLAS 85,000 255.00 428 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐030 CHADWICK, CHRIS 126,400 379.20 424 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐031 MCKENNEY, RYAN 66,962 200.89 420 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐202‐032 LOVE‐JOHNSON, FIONA 57,278 171.83


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 401 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐001 SARGENT, MATTHEW & TINA 60,069 180.21 409 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐002 FOUBARE, HERBERT & HELEN 74,814 224.44 415 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐003 MCNENLY, PETER & COOPER,DAWN 68,697 206.09 421 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐004 TRIMMER, BRIAN & TRACI 52,795 158.39 509 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐007 NICOLETTI, MICHELE E & PASFIELD, TR 60,467 181.40 517 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐008 KLEIN, ZACHARY 47,555 142.67 521 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐009 BRASHEAR, KAENDALL 73,512 220.54 603 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐011 REX, THOMAS 51,088 153.26 609 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐012 HICKS, ROBERT & PATRICIA 67,058 201.17 613 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐013 QUADE, ELIZABETH R 67,265 201.80 621 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐014 MCCARTER, JASON E 51,515 154.55 703 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐015 ROTH, CATHY & FOSTER, RUSSELL 66,294 198.88 709 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐016 LAMB, TERRENCE M 67,396 202.19 715 W SIBLEY 4717‐35‐403‐017 GETSCHMAN, DAVID & DARLA 70,991 212.97 511 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐034 CHUBB, NED 29,487 88.46 505 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐035 DIXON, ANDREA 71,265 213.80 501 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐036 BROWN, PATRICK R & BETTY J FISHER‐ 78,218 234.65 421 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐038 CARPENTER, JAMES & JANICE 38,224 114.67 415 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐039 FENELON, MARGARET A 45,432 136.30 409 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐040 WHITE, MICHAEL W 64,118 192.35 403 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐301‐041 GOODWIN, ROSE 46,306 138.92 209 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐004 WENZEL, CHERYL L 57,345 172.04 215 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐005 FIEL, JOHN & FRANCES 53,405 160.22 221 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐006 CLOVER DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 96,267 288.80 303 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐008 BRUNN, MATTHEW A & TINA K 75,689 227.07 309 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐009 JACOBS, DAVID 45,434 136.30 315 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐010 DUGGER, DAVID & ALWILDA TRUST 78,393 235.18 321 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐011 DUKES, DOROTHY 54,395 163.19 329 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐012 PACKARD, MICHELE & CHARLES 90,765 272.30 335 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐305‐013 LOVIN, BRAD L 71,911 215.73 321 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐002 CHIESA‐CALL, MARJORIE 60,942 182.83 301 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐306‐003 MORAN, SARA 57,556 172.67 216 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐018 CHING LU KUNG SHU & HSING‐AN SHU 59,621 178.86 428 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐049 COLOMA, RICARDO A & NANCY 47,134 141.40 422 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐052 MCBEAN, TERRI L 72,431 217.29 416 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐053 KLING, KARL & DEBRA 45,650 136.95 212 W SIBLEY 4717‐36‐307‐069 EGELER, EDWARD L & DARIKA 47,355 142.07 734 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐401‐007 KEENE, JACQUELINE R 43,029 129.09 740 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐401‐008 MARVIN, LAINIE A 36,803 110.41 744 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐401‐009 GREENE, DONALD & SANDRA 52,902 158.71 604 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐015 LLOYD, SCOTT 50,021 150.06 616 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐017 BARRETT, MARIE 50,566 151.70 716 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐022 NIBLOCK, MARY 35,196 105.59 728 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐023 SOLANO, KELLY 78,600 235.80 721 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐025 DORSEY, MAMIE 31,999 96.00 715 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐026 GOODWIN, GARY & MELISSA 49,256 147.77 621 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐028 BARGEN, KRISTOPHER J & EMILY K 106,400 319.20 615 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐030 RADZILLE, LAWRENCE & MARY 45,760 137.28 609 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐031 KOLBERG, THOMAS 65,900 197.70 603 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐032 VESTICH, LISA 93,727 281.18 541 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐033 BROCKWAY, VERN 55,699 167.10 533 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐034 MOSSOIAN, PAUL G & JAVOR,TIFFANY L 62,429 187.29 529 E SIBLEY 4717‐36‐405‐035 HAIRALD, RANDY & TAYLOR SHELBY 71,288 213.86 115 SOUTH 4717‐36‐405‐016 LLOYD'S HOMES INC 86,484 259.45


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 713 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐008 MCKAY, MARC & ALEXANDRA 93,800 281.40 719 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐010 BUTLER, CHRISTIA L.M. 35,604 106.81 725 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐011 HAYSE, TIMOTHY & BOZIN,DEBORAH 58,213 174.64 807 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐012 STUHRBERG, JOHN & SHERRI 54,799 164.40 813 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐013 GARBACIK, ALYSHA M 68,761 206.28 922 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐023 BURGE, DELMAR & SHIRLEY 75,470 226.41 830 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐068 REED, LESLIE & JANE 45,978 137.93 822 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐069 HILL, SUSIE G 36,040 108.12 812 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐070 BYINGTON, ELIZABETH 85,093 255.28 804 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐071 BATSCHE‐MCKENZIE, KIMBERLY 38,841 116.52 919 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐090 PARKER, CHARLES TRUST 103,101 309.30 931 SPRING 4717‐35‐201‐091 SABA, GEORGE & LAURIE 68,478 205.43 112 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐001 ALCODIN LLC 119,885 359.66 116 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐002 116 NORTH STATE STREET LLC 89,133 267.40 114 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐003 LEWIS, DONALD 64,453 193.36 118 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐004 LEWIS, DONALD E & PAMELA D 64,940 194.82 120 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐005 LEWIS, JR, DONALD E & PAMELA D 70,927 212.78 122 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐006 LEWIS, DONALD & PAMELA 68,474 205.42 124 STATE 4717‐36‐300‐007 HANSEN, JEFFREY W & KELLY I 77,220 231.66 321 STATE 4717‐36‐103‐016 MACDONALD, BRIAN E 40,193 120.58 311 STATE 4717‐36‐103‐017 BREHM, NANCY 68,150 204.45 303 STATE 4717‐36‐103‐018 FTIR PROPERTIES LLC 73,671 221.01 419 STATE 4717‐36‐103‐022 SAUVAGE, THOMAS & NANCY 88,603 265.81 504 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐012 PAPE, GLENN & CINDY 71,595 214.79 510 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐013 BROOKS, KARL JR & CELESTE 83,667 251.00 620 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐015 SANFORD, LARRY & EUNICE 74,954 224.86 714 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐017 LEKANDER, LYNN 96,300 288.90 722 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐018 PIETY HOUSE LLC 78,852 236.56 717 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐023 MCKENZIE, LORNE & KIMBERLY B 104,957 314.87 703 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐024 PORTER, BRUCE & CAROL 87,811 263.43 619 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐025 MARTIN, WILLIAM L & KARRIE E 99,415 298.25 607 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐026 MESSER, JOHN & DIANE 107,725 323.18 509 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐027 COXON, CHRISTA 66,077 198.23 501 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐028 SARPOLIS, NANCY & KEVIN 119,200 357.60 604 N STATE 4717‐36‐201‐110 LUKAS, RACHEL & KEVIN 116,100 348.30 610 STATE 4717‐36‐201‐111 CUTTING, TIMOTHY J & SUSAN L TRUSTS 77,327 231.98 222 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐013 TRINKLE, LORI J 70,600 211.80 222 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐014 MILEWSKI, FRANK D & MARILYN 77,684 233.05 222 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐015 NAPIER, RYAN 70,600 211.80 222 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐016 BEAN, JACKIE M 67,548 202.64 216 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐017 SPAGNUOLO, ANTHONY & VANESSA 42,047 126.14 216 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐018 TONEY, JEROME L 94,340 283.02 216 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐019 GLASSEL, JON W & MICHELE 45,561 136.68 216 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐020 WILCOX, LAURA L 87,566 262.70 210 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐021 BONK, RENEE 45,561 136.68 210 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐022 SMITH, DIANA 94,340 283.02 210 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐023 TUROWSKI, WILLIAM & CHARLEEN K 45,561 136.68 210 STATE 4717‐36‐104‐024 GONZALES, ANNA MARIE 94,238 282.71 1003 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐045 STEELE, WILLIAM G & LAURA L TRUST 92,472 277.42 904 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐059 DERVISHI, SOKOL 86,712 260.14 810 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐060 JERUZAL, CHRISTOPHER & KATIE 89,273 267.82 804 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐061 ISON, SCOT E & MARY J & KRAFT, MARY 99,936 299.81 803 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐062 SADOWSKI, PAUL 97,968 293.90 809 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐063 SHINNERS, DAVID 85,646 256.94


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 903 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐064 GIORDANO, MATHEW J & JAMIE D 85,646 256.94 909 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐065 DECEUNINCK, KEVIN A & ADRIANE J 100,855 302.57 915 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐101‐066 KOZARIAN, ALAN & KIMBERLEE 96,419 289.26 1201 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐147 FARON, BRANDON 130,075 390.23 1207 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐148 LOWE, RONALD R & ROSA M 99,415 298.25 1213 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐149 TOMASZEWSKI, ROBERT & KIMBERLEE 90,540 271.62 1219 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐150 HIGHLEN, MARK R & TRACEY M 105,469 316.41 1225 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐151 SHAW, JULIE 94,646 283.94 1231 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐152 FOURNIER, SEAN J & SARAH 89,121 267.36 1237 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐153 WILSON, NICHOLAS C & HEATHER D 82,874 248.62 1238 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐154 STRASSER, ALAN & NICHOLS, LINDA 95,893 287.68 1232 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐155 BRENNAN, HUBERT F & BRENDA M 82,021 246.06 1220 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐157 DIEGEL, NATHANIEL C & RACHEL 100,976 302.93 1214 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐158 MULLALLY, EDWARD & COLLEEN 95,672 287.02 1208 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐159 KELLOGG, BRIAN M & TANIA N 93,489 280.47 1202 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐160 VANDERPLAS, NICHOLAS 88,138 264.41 1104 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐161 DELEON, ALAIN & NELLY 95,565 286.70 1009 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐196 SLOBIN, ROBERT & ANNE 95,459 286.38 1015 STILL VALLEY DR 4717‐26‐102‐197 TURCO, MATTHEW D & CHRISTINE L 85,020 255.06 122 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐016 FIREK, ALFRED L & TERI J 87,972 263.92 216 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐035 THIERFELDT, JANE 76,319 228.96 222 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐036 VOGT, ROBERT & KATHLEEN 72,855 218.57 304 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐046 GOSSELIN, RONALD H & NANCY 59,600 178.80 310 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐047 O'BRIEN, DENISE 55,918 167.75 309 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐049 BRIDON, MATTHEW E 49,694 149.08 320 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐062 GOSSELIN, REBECCA G 91,171 273.51 415 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐082 WILLIAMS, LEON & FRANCES 53,297 159.89 418 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐083 HELLWEGE, MICHELINE 75,480 226.44 504 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐087 GONIEA, WILLIAM ET AL 54,063 162.19 521 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐093 HOLMES, BRADLEY V 49,475 148.43 509 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐104 LAURSEN, DAVID & SHIRLEY 50,284 150.85 522 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐108 TUCKER, SHARON K 45,978 137.93 SUMMIT 4717‐36‐201‐094 LAURSEN, SHIRLEY 10,767 32.30 1100 SUTTON 4717‐36‐400‐004 VCF FILMS INC 685,075 2055.23 1045 SUTTON 4717‐36‐400‐006 1045 SUTTON LLC 106,211 318.63 1115 SUTTON 4717‐36‐400‐007 DICKSON ‐ HOWELL ENT 274,955 824.87 1033 SUTTON 4717‐36‐400‐039 UNIFIED INDUSTRIES 410,107 1230.32 111 SWANN 4717‐35‐202‐053 MARY K KING 67,283 201.85 115 SWANN CT 4717‐35‐202‐054 BLDG, LLC 50,599 151.80 127 SWANN CT 4717‐35‐202‐055 MCGURK, JAMES & MICHELLE 76,998 230.99 920 TANAGER TR 4717‐01‐100‐046 POFF, JACOB B 78,900 236.70 812 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐039 TROSHAK, DENNIS & MARILYN 52,313 156.94 818 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐040 RODRIGUEZ, DOMINIC ANTONIO 75,800 227.40 824 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐041 REED, SANDRA L 51,113 153.34 830 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐042 CADLE, CASSANDRA A 48,208 144.62 902 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐043 CANFIELD, DAVID & CUBR, PATRICIA 59,414 178.24 908 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐044 BLIGHT, TONY & JILL 54,716 164.15 914 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐045 MILLER, JOANN 57,167 171.50 938 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐047 WILHELMSEN, CYNTHIA 57,446 172.34 1006 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐048 DENNIS, DAVID & CORTNEY 61,817 185.45 1012 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐049 SZKRYBALO, JEFFERY M & JULIA L 63,455 190.37 1018 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐050 COULIER, GARY & PAULA 56,027 168.08 741 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐078 DUNN, KURT & MICHELE 51,658 154.97 803 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐079 MARTINEZ, OCTAVIO & GARCIA, MARIA 52,969 158.91


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 809 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐080 KANTOLA, GLEN & KARLA D 64,785 194.36 815 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐081 HABEL, BRIAN F 46,199 138.60 821 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐082 YANKO, DAVID J & PATRICIA A 76,358 229.07 827 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐083 SEAGRAVES, JODY A 85,900 257.70 903 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐084 COOK, KEVIN & JOAN 60,942 182.83 909 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐085 DRAGAN, DIANE L & NICOLE S 45,105 135.32 915 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐086 ROCHOWIAK, EMILY L 79,015 237.05 921 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐087 KREMHELMER, SARAH & LUKE A 81,800 245.40 939 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐088 BEDEN, RUTH 52,969 158.91 1001 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐089 BATDORFF, RODNEY & KARON 61,960 185.88 1007 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐090 MONROE, JOSEPH C & NANCY A 57,666 173.00 1013 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐091 FUCHS, MARK 51,004 153.01 1019 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐092 BLIGHT, JUSTIN & HILKOWSKI, MELISSA 74,954 224.86 1025 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐093 MORAN, DOUGLAS E & COLLEEN E 55,809 167.43 1031 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐094 FLEISCHMANN,SIEGFRIED & BETTY TRUST 61,708 185.12 802 TANAGER TRAIL 4717‐01‐100‐101 SOUTH MICHIGAN GROUP HOMES LLC 82,131 246.39 1715 TARNOW 4717‐26‐201‐249 SHUMUR, TERRY R & ANNA R 120,600 361.80 1713 TARNOW 4717‐26‐201‐248 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1717 TARNOW 4717‐26‐201‐250 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1435 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐051 VAN ZWOLL, MARY BETH 46,609 139.83 1425 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐052 RICE, SAMANTHA & ANTHONY PARADISE 89,745 269.24 1420 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐062 MICHELSON, REBECCA A 67,407 202.22 1410 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐063 GOW, JAMES M. & SHANNAN M. 58,264 174.79 1404 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐064 CASSELMAN, CHRISTOPHER 56,900 170.70 1380 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐065 ITSELL, DENNIS 42,023 126.07 1330 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐066 LLOYD, WM JR & GERHRINGER, JANE 43,566 130.70 1310 THIRD AV 4717‐25‐402‐067 CROWE, CATHERINE 41,331 123.99 1430 THIRD AVE 4717‐25‐402‐061 ZAWACKI, ANTHONY J & CHRISTINE 58,617 175.85 316 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐200‐003 COOPER, SUSAN E 135,425 406.28 220 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐200‐012 LAMB, JAMES & PENNY 187,105 561.32 270 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐200‐013 TSCHIRRET, SCOTT & DEBORAH 55,300 165.90 310 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐200‐014 RIDSDALE, ROBERT & CORRY 122,827 368.48 115 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐201‐020 HALKEY, CHRISTEL & KARL A 126,400 379.20 THOMPSON 4717‐36‐200‐004 COOPER, SUSAN E 26,372 79.12 525 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐402‐020 MINOCK, JOHN J & KRIS 58,767 176.30 601 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐402‐039 NOWOSAD, MICHAEL & CAROL 53,435 160.31 641 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐402‐042 BROADBENT, ROBERT W & JENNIFER L 111,157 333.47 625 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐402‐077 GRIFFIN, WILLIAM & JILL 97,735 293.21 704 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐025 WEST, MICHAEL & LYNN 126,656 379.97 654 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐026 GROTH, ANN V 82,127 246.38 644 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐027 DARE, THEODORE 63,669 191.01 636 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐028 CZAPSKI, DAVID II 99,086 297.26 530 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐030 POTERACKI, DAVID & JULIE 87,033 261.10 522 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐031 POTERACKI, DAVID & JULIE 63,302 189.91 514 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐033 ROSS, STANLEY JR & PAMELA 122,855 368.57 THOMPSON LAKE AV 4717‐25‐403‐032 ROSS, STANLEY JR & PAMELA 15,997 47.99 1220 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐008 RANDALL, JOYCE 84,297 252.89 1205 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐009 BEACHUM, JIMMY & KRISTINE 129,498 388.49 1207 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐010 PIWOWAR, DANIEL J & NANCY A 254,443 763.33 1217 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐011 PFAU, ALAN R & BARBARA A 186,015 558.05 1223 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐012 SNELGROVE, DANA & HELEN 201,615 604.85 1235 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐013 GODWIN, VERONICA & FRANKLIN 152,200 456.60 1241 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐014 VANBRUNT, JENNIFER A 119,900 359.70 1249 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐015 WITT, SALLY FAMILY TRUST 142,563 427.69


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1257 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐019 CALDER, ALAN & KORTH, BRENDA 230,734 692.20 1265 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐020 ROE, GARY & LINDA TRUST 164,694 494.08 1273 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐022 LEDFORD, CYNTHIA J 146,552 439.66 1212 THURBER DR 4717‐25‐405‐025 INCH, DENNIS M & ROSEMARY 103,945 311.84 121 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐014 GROVER, YVONNE TRUST 40,205 120.62 220 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐020 MNC DEVELOPMENT LLC 74,003 222.01 210 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐025 MILLER, RICHARD E 69,705 209.12 320 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐026 BEAN, DARYL 77,100 231.30 310 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐033 GREGORY, LESLIE A & MESSER, DIANE M 36,845 110.54 422 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐034 TOMPKINS PROPERTIES LLC 32,857 98.57 402 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐043 GRIX, JAMES & JONI 48,819 146.46 410 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐044 WALKER, THOMAS A & BURKE, LISA 47,835 143.51 416 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐045 MEYERS, AARON E 30,182 90.55 315 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐055 GOSSELIN, RONALD & NANCY 42,812 128.44 309 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐056 HOEFT, SCOTT T 76,500 229.50 221 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐065 RUSSELL, CHRIS A JR 38,947 116.84 215 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐066 CZUBENKO, JAMIL M 37,371 112.11 209 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐067 UYTTENDAELE, CANDICE 52,592 157.78 140 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐005 ZIELKOWSKI, ROBERT & SCHOTT, CHERYL 85,219 255.66 148 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐006 RECK, JOSEPH & MARY 82,874 248.62 221 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐009 HARRISON, MANDY J 142,694 428.08 145 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐011 LACOMMARE, STEPHEN & KATHERINE 59,621 178.86 137 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐012 MARTIN, CARRIE L 51,620 154.86 121 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐014 BELLMARD, JOANNE E 68,368 205.10 115 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐015 WARREN, ASHLEY & YOPP, NATHAN 60,678 182.03 124 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐081 DREW, DARYL & TERRY 120,843 362.53 209 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐083 BACHMAN, DIANA C & AARON S. 147,000 441.00 218 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐084 SNOW, SUZANNA & BRETT 100,578 301.73 222 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐085 FARRAND, GREGORY & MARTHA 77,273 231.82 208 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐088 DUNN TRUST, LOIS KATHRYN 53,014 159.04 202 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐089 TODD, CHARLES D & SCHMID, BARBARA R 89,806 269.42 127 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐202‐091 BARNWELL, LINDA M 95,778 287.33 305 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐002 DE VRIES, CAROL 72,953 218.86 304 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐003 RIGOTTI, HARRY & DOROTHY 53,115 159.35 312 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐004 MATTHEWS, JODI R 65,595 196.79 322 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐005 LEEDY, JAMES & SARAH 54,609 163.83 408 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐006 BYRNES, KEVIN & LORI 69,938 209.81 416 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐007 FINNEY, BRIAN & SAMANTHA 51,515 154.55 424 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐008 MAGRO, SHANNON 63,462 190.39 504 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐009 FELLOWS, JOHN & MARY 99,406 298.22 512 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐010 MCKINLEY, KATHLEEN & ROBERT E 94,500 283.50 522 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐011 MICHAELS, ROBERT & MARY 53,755 161.27 527 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐013 BROCKWAY, SHAWN 65,700 197.10 521 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐014 CORBAT, ALICIA & JOSEPH 83,926 251.78 515 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐015 COLES, MAURICE 47,569 142.71 509 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐016 CHAPMAN, ELIZABETH 45,009 135.03 503 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐017 TOLSDORF, PHEBE J 49,168 147.50 425 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐018 WIK, TERRY I & CAROLYN S 61,861 185.58 415 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐019 LOSEY, DONNA TRUST 64,207 192.62 409 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐020 KERRY, JESSICA L 102,600 307.80 403 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐021 TIDWELL, BRANDY 65,595 196.79 315 S TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐402‐023 DEAN, DENISE 90,971 272.91 N TOMPKINS 4717‐35‐201‐085 YANGA TRUST, RUTH 15,452 46.36 1601 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐231 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 416,617 1249.85


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1600 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐232 CPI APARTMENT FUND 16 LLC 416,617 1249.85 1707 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐001 GREENEISEN, GEOFFREY 93,433 280.30 1713 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐002 FORBES, PATRICK 94,533 283.60 1719 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐003 HUDSON, RUSSELL G & KATHLEEN J KLIN 86,606 259.82 1725 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐004 FURMAN, ANDREW 90,340 271.02 1737 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐011 LACH, ADAM P & KRISTINA A 138,353 415.06 1761 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐013 MOXIE, TIMOTHY V 75,940 227.82 1722 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐064 BALLENTINE, GARY D & SHIRLEY M 79,994 239.98 1728 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐065 WILLARD, WILLIAM & SHEILA 92,365 277.10 1734 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐066 ARGYELAN, WHITNEY & ALEX 121,000 363.00 1740 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐067 DEWULF, DAN R & PENNY K 121,499 364.50 1746 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐068 RICKETTS, DEBRA J PAKULA‐ 119,967 359.90 1752 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐069 MORSE, MARY ELLEN & DAVID L 93,006 279.02 1764 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐071 SCARFONE, SHELLEY J TRUST 132,791 398.37 1770 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐072 FERRIS, CRAIG & SUSAN 78,820 236.46 1753 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐012 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1758 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐070 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1776 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐073 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1700 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐193 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1702 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐194 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1704 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐195 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1706 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐196 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1708 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐197 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1710 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐198 TOWN COMMONS HOLDING LLC 10,332 31.00 1609 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐175 FORD, MICHAEL F 71,972 215.92 1611 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐176 BOSS, ROBERT J 68,697 206.09 1613 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐177 STARLIN, JENNIFER K 87,566 262.70 1615 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐178 LANCASTER, AYESHA TRUST 72,519 217.56 1619 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐179 SENYCZKO, MICHAEL & JACQUELYN 59,195 177.59 1621 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐180 LACK, GARY & SHELLY 68,713 206.14 1623 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐181 ARNDT, KAREN 44,232 132.70 1625 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐182 CHAMBERLAIN, VICTOR P 70,876 212.63 1627 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐183 WILSON, KELLY & ROBERT 83,211 249.63 1614 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐184 HA C PHAN 94,571 283.71 1616 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐185 HEARD, DUANE L & KIM C 69,968 209.90 1618 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐186 SCHOENHERR, RONALD N. & MARY 66,276 198.83 1620 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐187 BROWN, KENNETH R & EMMA L 69,355 208.07 1624 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐188 WALKER, ERIC P & ALISON R 57,010 171.03 1626 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐189 DUNHAM, MARY S 43,468 130.40 1628 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐190 RYBA, SCOTT & KATHLEEN 73,275 219.83 1630 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐191 BOLESKY, TRENT R. & CARRIE L. 48,272 144.82 1632 TOWN COMMONS DR 4717‐26‐201‐192 VITALE, FRANCES 93,800 281.40 404 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐022 ROGERS, JEREMY & JILL 91,340 274.02 410 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐023 BROWN, DAVID 65,857 197.57 416 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐024 VAN BUHLER, DONALD & PATRICIA 69,461 208.38 422 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐025 KECK, MICHAEL & MARJORIE 64,110 192.33 428 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐026 MICHELOTTO, DARCI & DAYTON, CAROLYN 67,058 201.17 434 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐027 HANG, JULIE CHIE 64,219 192.66 440 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐028 DEVET, BRIAN & DEBRA 66,077 198.23 446 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐029 MOORE, STEVEN A 93,115 279.35 452 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐030 RACKOV, JOSEPH & NANCY 65,748 197.24 453 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐031 SMITH, WILLIAM T & HOLLY B 73,913 221.74 447 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐032 PARROTT, WAYNE R, KAYLA & JUDITH 72,411 217.23 441 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐033 HASH, DENNIS & STACEY 65,857 197.57


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 435 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐034 PLOSKY, PATRICIA L & WALLACE 97,800 293.40 429 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐035 SCHILLINGER, DAVID & AMANDA 93,820 281.46 423 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐036 WOOD, SHARON 60,177 180.53 417 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐037 GILBERT, DERECK G JR 69,220 207.66 411 UMBERLAND CT 4717‐35‐101‐038 KAMINSKI, KAREN & WILLIAM E 100,800 302.40 1113 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐126 HUFF, THOMAS & SHARON 89,885 269.66 1119 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐127 BROWN, CYNTHIA A & DELGUANTO, ANNA 71,994 215.98 1125 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐128 RIZKALLAH, GEORGE Y & CYNTHIA T 96,739 290.22 1203 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐129 FREIER, MARK R & DEBBIE S 107,511 322.53 1209 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐130 HAMLIN, JOEL & JENNIFER 96,206 288.62 1215 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐131 HACKE, APRIL M 88,099 264.30 1221 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐132 BROWN, HEATHER M & SLEEPER, STEVEN 83,193 249.58 1227 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐133 GOODWIN, MATTHEW 87,778 263.33 1228 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐134 CRAFTS, RAYMOND & KATHY 84,046 252.14 1222 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐135 ATHAR, AIZAZ 76,793 230.38 1216 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐136 MARSHALL, DAVID C & PATRICIA C 107,289 321.87 1210 VALLEY FOREST CT 4717‐26‐102‐137 MUNDINGER, MICHAEL C & GRIFFORE, V 100,480 301.44 209 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐013 KRESS, KENNETH L & PATRICIA B 92,591 277.77 211 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐014 DAVIS, KENNETH & PARKER, KATHLYN 97,526 292.58 215 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐015 CLAY, RODDY & MARY JO 99,310 297.93 217 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐016 RUEDINGER, DONALD J & MARELLA 126,300 378.90 221 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐017 RICHARD, LOIS & DAVID 105,500 316.50 223 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐018 ROSE, ALICE 87,607 262.82 227 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐019 BONER, GERALD W & BARBARA A 115,100 345.30 229 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐020 KOLODGE, LAWRENCE & JACKIE 100,270 300.81 233 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐021 SCHUSTER, MICHIAL T & SUSAN E 97,631 292.89 235 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐022 KOCEMBO, LYNETTE C 100,569 301.71 239 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐023 SWINDELL, RANDY D & SUSAN E 98,100 294.30 241 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐024 FLATTERY, WILLIAM & SANDRA 87,151 261.45 245 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐025 ZIEGENFELDER, PHYLLIS M 96,370 289.11 247 VICTORIA PARK CT 4717‐25‐303‐026 ROUX, MARY 112,310 336.93 101 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐001 SCHOEPS, ELENA 96,048 288.14 103 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐002 NORTON, RAYMOND W & MARIE E 89,851 269.55 107 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐003 TANNER, MARALYNN N TRUST 87,151 261.45 109 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐004 LOCH, THOMAS A & NORMA P 118,102 354.31 113 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐005 MCFETTERS, PATRICIA & JOHN 109,700 329.10 115 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐006 FORD, KATHERINE & ALLEN 111,000 333.00 119 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐007 MECHAM, ERNEST JR & ROBERTA 96,848 290.54 121 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐008 SCHNELLE, TIMOTHY J & CHARLENE 97,001 291.00 125 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐009 FICA,THEODORE JR & MALLON,PATRICIA 98,050 294.15 127 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐010 GATTO, CHARLES A & SHARON M 98,155 294.47 131 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐011 SAHS, MARY 99,100 297.30 133 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐012 SCOFIELD, WILLIAM B & JOY O TRUSTEE 97,631 292.89 303 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐027 ROUSE, EDWARD & JOAN 87,607 262.82 305 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐028 BRIGHAM, JUDITH A & CHARLES R 118,500 355.50 309 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐029 SUTTON, MARILYN 110,560 331.68 311 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐030 RUTHERFORD, JAMES E & BECKY 0.00 315 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐031 MESZAR, MARGUERITE E 91,018 273.05 317 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐032 ALBAUGH, JAMES & GLORIA 97,759 293.28 321 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐033 PRUITT, BEVERLY & CHARLES D 97,600 292.80 323 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐034 JOGWICK, LINDA C 89,652 268.96 327 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐035 HOOIE, SHANES & JANIE 91,752 275.26 329 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐036 KILCAWLEY, LAUREL 99,000 297.00 328 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐037 KENNEY, KATHLEEN TRUST 100,900 302.70


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 326 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐038 MOORE, SANDRA TRUST 98,890 296.67 322 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐039 ALBRANT, LYLE H & SHIRLEY A 121,200 363.60 320 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐040 MARDIS, BARRY & LOIS 99,471 298.41 316 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐041 ARENS, CORNELIS & ELIZABETH 118,600 355.80 314 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐042 SIMKINS, MARY M 118,309 354.93 310 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐043 SHEPPARD, ROBERT & COOPER, SUSAN M 99,702 299.11 308 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐044 SEIFRIED, ROY D & LINDA M 99,357 298.07 304 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐045 KECK, MARIE & JOHN LEE TRUST 117,200 351.60 302 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐046 GRANEY, THERESE B & GERARD P 127,200 381.60 210 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐047 RESTAURI, DONALD 97,106 291.32 208 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐048 HENRY, RICHARD W & JANET S 100,569 301.71 204 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐049 KOSIBA, JANET 89,662 268.99 202 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐050 MILLS, PATRICIA 89,545 268.64 130 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐051 BAKER, GEORGE W & GAIL M 100,800 302.40 128 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐052 ROBSON, GLENN F TRUST 99,929 299.79 124 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐053 RONEWICZ, RONALD A & ELAINE A 89,546 268.64 122 VICTORIA PARK DR 4717‐25‐303‐054 WOLFF, ELAINE A 87,836 263.51 W GRAND RIVER 4717‐27‐400‐015 FIRST RURAL HOUSING PARTNERSHI 37,798 113.39 234 WALLACE WY 4717‐25‐401‐022 DAMICO, RACHEL 83,299 249.90 233 WALLACE WY 4717‐25‐401‐023 AHRENS, RACHELLE R & JOSHUA S 116,200 348.60 239 WALLACE WY 4717‐25‐401‐024 LEZOTTE, ANNE T 64,313 192.94 240 WALLACE WY 4717‐25‐401‐025 BARNETT, HEATHER A 91,017 273.05 708 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐021 LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH 67,801 203.40 214 N WALNUT 4717‐36‐102‐067 HOWELL LAND DEVELOPMENT 293,741 881.22 745 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐304‐004 EH INVESTMENTS LLC 113,629 340.89 112 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐307‐011 GRIFFITH, HARRY TRUST 19,943 59.83 120 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐307‐075 DC REAL PROPERTIES LLC 63,400 190.20 114 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐307‐076 DC REAL PROPERTIES LLC 62,000 186.00 111 N WALNUT 4717‐36‐308‐085 SINGER, DENNIS & MARCIA 20,582 61.75 N WALNUT 4717‐36‐102‐066 HOWELL LAND DEVELOPMENT 87,500 262.50 513 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐051 DIAMOND CHROME PLATING INC 8,884 26.65 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐052 DIAMOND CHROME PLATING INC 27,381 82.14 722 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐020 LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH 28,973 86.92 728 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐052 LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH C & MARHOFER, SAN 57,842 173.53 734 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐053 POMA, DENISE 44,047 132.14 740 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐054 HOSKINS, TAMMY 44,581 133.74 748 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐055 BOWHALL, WILLIAM E & LINDA L BOWHAL 40,635 121.91 754 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐056 LEVI, DAVID J & SONDRA A 43,409 130.23 760 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐057 REID, JOAN 44,262 132.79 766 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐058 DAILY, KELLIE 47,888 143.66 772 S WALNUT 4717‐35‐100‐059 COLLOPY, SHIRLEY 41,489 124.47 305 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐003 BATTEN, MICHAEL & ANGELLE 74,875 224.63 315 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐004 KLINEBRIEL, TINA L 98,056 294.17 323 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐005 PEDERSON, THOMAS & SUSAN 61,817 185.45 401 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐026 BRIGHAM, WM & BRIGHAM,DENNIS 66,341 199.02 409 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐027 HILLIER, CHERYL 82,905 248.72 415 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐028 FULTZ, J D & JANICE E 66,554 199.66 421 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐029 LUCIER, ERICA & NATHAN 99,000 297.00 503 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐303‐050 BUKER, ERIC D 69,434 208.30 733 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐304‐003 LIEBERMAN, CHERYL L 53,419 160.26 751 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐304‐005 DOAK, KEVIN D 73,300 219.90 757 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐304‐033 LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH 36,000 108.00 210 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐002 MODAK, LAUREN SALEM 112,500 337.50 204 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐003 MYERS, JONATHAN C & AMANDA A 94,136 282.41


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 218 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐023 SABUDA, BRUCE E & DIANNE 72,540 217.62 304 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐024 MULLANEY, JACQUELINE L 96,685 290.06 324 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐039 CRICHTON, GLEN & RUTH 71,566 214.70 312 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐040 STRICKLER, SCOTT L 105,923 317.77 404 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐041 EMERSON, GARY B & MARILYN E 123,036 369.11 416 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐047 KABEL, JON M & LINDA J 84,418 253.25 424 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐048 GELARDI, NICHOLAS & PEC, KRISTEN 99,618 298.85 502 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐049 ALLBRIGHT, ROBERT LLOYD 53,435 160.31 506 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐305‐050 SOUTH WALNUT LLC 54,928 164.78 219 S WALNUT 4717‐36‐306‐025 JAEGER, DEREK D & FOREMAN, JENNIFER 106,520 319.56 600 WARBLER WAY 4717‐01‐100‐100 COUNTRY GLEN APARTMENTS 469,831 1409.49 710 WARBLER WAY 4717‐01‐100‐066 LLOYD, WM W & SHARON L 49,256 147.77 335 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐084 ARCOLA ASSOCIATES INC 272,268 816.80 123 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐303‐085 HOWELL AREA CHAMBER COMM 392,829 1178.49 110 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐051 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 149,429 448.29 822 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐402‐022 HEILMAN, JANICE 53,008 159.02 704 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐020 WRIGHT, RODNEY & CHERYL 62,690 188.07 622 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐022 MORLOCK, SADIE 56,899 170.70 616 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐023 LAWRENCE, KATHLEEN E SHAW 108,016 324.05 610 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐024 PESEK, JOHN & LUCY 66,077 198.23 604 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐025 FRANCZAK, ANGELA 55,848 167.54 522 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐026 NIMS, KEVIN R & LORINA M 64,062 192.19 516 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐027 SMYTHE, JOYCE TRUST 64,110 192.33 422 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐029 KEITH, KENNETH & NANCY 61,413 184.24 416 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐030 GADWELL, KAREN M 45,454 136.36 410 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐031 DONALDSON SCHEELS, KRISTINA MARIE 100,600 301.80 403 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐032 O'DOHERTY, KEVIN W. & LAURA L. 57,914 173.74 407 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐033 SCHIMMEL, ROY & VALERIE 76,949 230.85 415 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐034 PATTON, SCOTT M & GUDRUN 76,581 229.74 423 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐035 SICHENEDER, EMILY W 62,900 188.70 501 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐037 WOLFF, THOMAS 30,470 91.41 509 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐038 ARMSTRONG, KELLY E & JEFFREY M 92,800 278.40 515 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐039 CAMPBELL, BRUCE & SARAH FAMILY TRUS 59,837 179.51 521 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐040 LEONARD, AUBRIE A 102,700 308.10 603 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐041 HERTRICH, HANS & VICTORIA 85,627 256.88 615 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐042 DOERSCH, RUSSELL G & MARLA J 77,895 233.69 621 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐043 NICKLIN, JOHN & AMY 55,675 167.03 703 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐044 PREUSS, MATTHEW 105,400 316.20 715 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐045 SPEHAR, JANE O 66,950 200.85 721 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐046 MULVAHILL, MICHAEL & DOROTHY 72,224 216.67 710 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐063 CLARK, LARRY W & ELIZABETH 83,114 249.34 716 W WASHINGTON 4717‐35‐403‐065 HERMANN, THOMAS & LYNN 80,164 240.49 207 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐001 DAVIS, JAMES & EMILY 48,163 144.49 215 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐002 LAITURI, MICHAEL & KIMBERLY 45,542 136.63 221 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐003 SAMKOWIAK, STEVEN 79,355 238.07 323 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐009 KNIGHT, KATIE M & LEATHERMAN, JEFFR 55,043 165.13 315 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐010 CALLAGHAN & PHELPS 65,420 196.26 309 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐011 BACHMAN, DWAIN & JUDITH TRUST 0.00 303 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐012 MIYEON LEE 45,223 135.67 341 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐301‐083 PERKINS, JAMES W 67,988 203.96 109 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐303‐002 CHO, EUGENE 68,794 206.38 326 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐014 HALLER, JOSEPH P & BONNIE E 43,889 131.67 322 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐015 SOVA, MATTHEW & SHEILA 74,875 224.63 316 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐016 SELIS, AARON J & MEGAN R 72,845 218.54


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 308 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐017 MATE, NANCY TRUST 71,141 213.42 304 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐018 RUBIN, ARNIE & HARRIET 85,113 255.34 222 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐020 FTIR PROPERTIES 56,741 170.22 214 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐021 FTIR PROPERTIES 49,168 147.50 210 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐022 PRENTICE, HAROLD R & BARBARA L 81,044 243.13 211 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐025 YOCUM, AMY M 53,749 161.25 221 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐027 BOURNE, JOY 91,752 275.26 303 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐028 WHITE, JOHN 83,459 250.38 309 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐029 RUTKOWSKI, MICHAEL & VALERIE 60,152 180.46 313 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐030 KERESZTES‐FISCHER, FERENC & MELISSA 116,925 350.78 319 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐031 KOMLOS, VALERIE L TRUST 52,699 158.10 215 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐305‐053 LABRECQUE FAMILY TRUST 62,501 187.50 110 W WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐026 GILLIGAN, JAMES ROBERT 73,700 221.10 116 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐031 THIEL, DENNIS & JANICE 41,501 124.50 210 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐037 LEWIS, PHILIP & SARAH 73,040 219.12 216 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐038 MONROE, JOSEPH C & NANCY A 51,549 154.65 218 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐039 REED, ROBYN E 70,545 211.64 224 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐040 FIEL, JOHN & FRANCES 77,081 231.24 230 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐041 STEVENS, KEVIN 67,692 203.08 234 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐042 KITCHELL, PHILLIP A & HIBNER, KAYLA 37,897 113.69 238 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐043 SMITH, AARON J 71,787 215.36 310 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐047 HASSAN, SHANNAN M 40,588 121.76 316 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐306‐048 BURTON, REED A & ELIZABETH A TRUST 50,566 151.70 721 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐017 JOHNSON, ANGELA DENISE 67,386 202.16 715 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐018 SPENCER, THOMAS III & BRENDA 55,482 166.45 709 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐019 HAYES, DONALD & CHANTAL 63,235 189.71 703 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐020 GAMBLE, TRAVIS 47,506 142.52 627 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐021 KAISER, JEFFREY 57,556 172.67 621 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐022 CURTIS, JON A 47,975 143.93 615 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐023 BLAIR, JUSTIN 43,794 131.38 603 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐024 PARK, CONNIE 51,332 154.00 725 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐063 RICKARDS, DANIEL J & ELAINE L 76,900 230.70 731 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐064 WOOSLEY, GERALD & DIANE 60,505 181.52 910 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐403‐007 COGGINS, JOSEPH A. & SHARON 38,224 114.67 918 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐403‐008 TERVO, STEVEN 28,039 84.12 610 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐038 ZYSKOWSKI, ANGELA 50,238 150.71 618 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐039 ALDRICH, NATHAN & MEGHAN 69,124 207.37 714 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐042 ALLEN, KEITH & HELEN 39,753 119.26 722 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐043 HARPER, ADRIAN JR 55,217 165.65 728 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐044 HIBBARD, BERTILE 42,920 128.76 732 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐047 HASENBUSCH, REGINAL & ROSE 68,687 206.06 540 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐049 MCCRIRIE, GLEN & CAROL 64,421 193.26 604 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐050 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH 47,180 141.54 704 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐405‐051 SMITH, JACK & LADONNA 42,920 128.76 E WASHINGTON 4717‐36‐401‐029 SPENCER, THOMAS 3,203 9.61 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐037 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐038 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐039 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐040 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐041 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐042 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐043 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐044 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐045 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐046 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐047 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐048 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 7,500 22.50 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐069 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐070 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐071 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐072 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐073 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐074 V & R BUILDING CO LLC 25,000 75.00 1621 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐001 EDEMA, DOUGLAS A TRUST 27,303 81.91 1623 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐002 LIMONOFF, CARLYN (NKA WISURI) 29,436 88.31 1625 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐003 BURKE, FAITH ANN 33,092 99.28 1627 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐004 JARZEMBOWSKI, JOANNE & THOMAS 63,000 189.00 1629 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐005 MCCOWAN, MICHAEL 50,900 152.70 1631 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐006 BUCCIERO, JOSEPH A. 27,411 82.23 1633 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐007 PRICHARD, LAUREN 27,411 82.23 1635 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐008 PETERSON, LORI 50,900 152.70 1637 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐009 JELSCH, LAWRENCE M 31,999 96.00 1639 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐010 SEQUIN, NANCY 65,600 196.80 1641 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐011 MATHES, BARBARA J. 26,974 80.92 1643 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐012 VANTARAM, JOANNA R (FKA MILLER) 27,303 81.91 1649 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐013 GLATZ, MICHAEL F & SHERRI L 27,303 81.91 1651 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐014 MILLER, CAROL SUE 51,500 154.50 1653 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐015 GARRARD, ROBERT 65,600 196.80 1655 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐016 CHAPPELLE, THOMAS L & ELIZABETH E 31,999 96.00 1657 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐017 RATKA, RICHARD & LORRAINE 26,756 80.27 1659 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐018 HAGOPIAN, TODD 27,411 82.23 1661 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐019 CALKINS, KATHERINE 45,772 137.32 1663 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐020 KAISER, SCOTT M & JENNIFER 26,756 80.27 1665 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐021 SZOSTKOWSKI, HELEN 31,999 96.00 1667 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐022 DAUS, JULIUS & PATRICIA 33,092 99.28 1669 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐023 BOHINSKI, ANDREW J 26,974 80.92 1671 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐024 CONN, ERIC P & CHRISTINA 27,303 81.91 1701 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐025 NOLAN, LUKE L & JENNIFER 27,303 81.91 1703 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐026 RUNYAN HOLDINGS LLC 29,436 88.31 1705 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐027 DANCER, RAY VANCE & JUDITH A 65,600 196.80 1707 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐028 THOMAS, VADA C & DAVID G & JOAN W 31,999 96.00 1709 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐029 MOSIER, ANDREW T 26,756 80.27 1711 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐030 MAXSON, DEBRA M 27,411 82.23 1713 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐031 MITCHELL, JESSICA R 27,411 82.23 1715 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐032 ZENG, HUA & KAN SHENGNAN 50,900 152.70 1717 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐033 MEDELIS, JANIS 63,000 189.00 1719 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐034 WEN, WEIJIAN & WANG, SHU 56,155 168.47 1721 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐035 CLOWERS, KYLE J & RICHARDSON, KELLY 51,500 154.50 1723 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐036 HARTER, LACY 29,756 89.27 1761 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐049 ENTRUST GREAT LAKES LLC 27,303 81.91 1763 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐050 HENNARD, JONI & MICHAEL 51,500 154.50 1765 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐051 PETCHELL, DIANE 35,000 105.00 1767 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐052 DONALDSON, GERALDINE RITA & ROGER 63,000 189.00 1769 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐053 BECKER, RACHEL A 50,900 152.70 1771 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐054 AVERY, KEVIN D 52,400 157.20 1773 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐055 BOSAK, JR, ANDREW & MARSHA R 45,772 137.32 1775 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐056 TEMPLETON, AMANDA 50,900 152.70 1777 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐057 ACKERT, WILLIAM & JOYCE 31,999 96.00


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 1779 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐058 SCHRIEBER, RONALD F 42,830 128.49 1781 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐059 SCOTTI, JENNINE M 51,500 154.50 1783 WELLAND ST 4717‐25‐101‐060 YORK, DEBORAH J LEWIS 45,464 136.39 110 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐013 JEBRAIL, ALICE 54,388 163.16 114 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐014 SOUTHERLAND, KEVIN & TINA 36,475 109.43 122 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐015 FOLTS, DAWN 38,947 116.84 204 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐050 RIDGEWAY, THERESA J & TERRILL L 42,200 126.60 216 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐051 SCHWEMMIN, ELLEN J 53,958 161.87 222 WEST 4717‐35‐203‐052 SCHWEMMIN, ELLEN J 47,344 142.03 525 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐058 LANGLEY, CHARLES & SUSAN 39,052 117.16 521 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐060 THIEL, DENNIS & JANICE 58,211 174.63 513 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐061 SIMMERMAN, CRAIG 75,087 225.26 427 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐064 REECE, SCOTT 56,800 170.40 421 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐065 ROGERS, RUSSELL 58,472 175.42 616 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐072 FULTON, DEBBIE 53,435 160.31 632 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐073 SAARI, KEITH 43,469 130.41 638 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐074 BEEKMAN, JAMES & PAMELA 52,261 156.78 401 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐092 JL2 HOLDINGS LLC 101,790 305.37 422 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐094 K & K AND SONS INVESTMENT LLC 52,799 158.40 428 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐095 SHOPSHIRE, KEVIN & BETH 54,483 163.45 409 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐099 JL2 HOLDINGS LLC 63,485 190.46 527 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐100 FAIR, PAUL T & MCCREA, SARA H 57,800 173.40 637 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐103 CLUCKEY, TAMMY 39,052 117.16 619 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐109 GRIMSTEAD, WILLIAM D JR 89,442 268.33 625 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐110 CZARNOWSKI,JUSTIN & FALERIOS,KANDRA 65,061 195.18 451 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐111 ENGLAND, MARY S 41,139 123.42 435 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐112 BROCK, KIMBERLY & TIMM 108,216 324.65 321 WEST 4717‐36‐102‐011 TELIAS, MEFAIL 52,671 158.01 115 WEST 4717‐36‐102‐029 GORMAN, STACEY 60,152 180.46 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐059 THIEL, DENNIS & JANICE 8,031 24.09 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐098 ROGERS, RUSSELL & JACKLYN 9,639 28.92 WEST 4717‐36‐101‐104 CLUCKEY, TAMMY 8,192 24.58 509 WETMORE 4717‐35‐203‐053 NEWBERRY, DEBRA A 41,571 124.71 515 WETMORE 4717‐35‐203‐054 GIEVER, SHARON L 45,235 135.71 521 WETMORE 4717‐35‐203‐055 LICHLYTER, CLIFFORD 57,423 172.27 525 WETMORE 4717‐35‐203‐056 HEIKKILA, CHRISTOPHER 43,250 129.75 605 WETMORE 4717‐35‐203‐057 HOLSER, MICHAEL & RYAN 101,266 303.80 510 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐005 EMMONS, MILABEL 54,588 163.76 504 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐006 FREDENBURG, ALAN 48,709 146.13 420 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐012 MACE, JESSICA R 79,800 239.40 416 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐013 PERVA, MARY K 50,188 150.56 410 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐014 HARWOOD, LYNDA 59,627 178.88 404 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐015 PAWLUKIEWICZ, DAVID 56,268 168.80 403 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐017 ALBERT, HARRY JR & SUSAN 69,915 209.75 409 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐018 MANNELLA, MICHAEL 53,327 159.98 417 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐019 SNYDER, MARK A & KELLY M 58,990 176.97 421 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐020 AVERY, SUZANNE 41,885 125.66 321 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐037 MILLER, SUSAN E 47,029 141.09 315 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐038 GOSSELIN, RONALD & NANCY 44,510 133.53 322 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐045 MANOR, STEVEN 48,604 145.81 316 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐046 WORTHINGTON, JAMES & RACHEL 80,595 241.79 310 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐047 ANDERSEN, STEPHEN & COLETTE 65,507 196.52 304 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐048 GUBACZ, ANTHONY H 68,195 204.59 526 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐064 SMATHERS, KARL & LAURA 120,100 360.30


Number Street Parcel Name 2018 TV Amount 518 WETMORE 4717‐36‐102‐069 WILSON, CHRISTOPHER L 111,274 333.82 1707 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐138 BACKMAN, CAROL & STEPHEN 124,200 372.60 1813 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐139 CASCARELLI, MARK 88,794 266.38 1819 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐140 GETZ, JOHN & SALLY 87,673 263.02 1825 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐141 SWANSON, NILS E 94,270 282.81 1831 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐142 STONE, CAROL 87,374 262.12 1837 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐143 WILLIAMS, JEREMY 119,967 359.90 1843 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐144 SCHUKNECHT, STEVEN & PATRICIA 98,077 294.23 1849 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐145 ZAPATA, J R 101,900 305.70 1855 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐146 YOUNG, DAMON & ALICIA 92,260 276.78 1856 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐162 PSILLAKIS, MIGUEL & ANA CHRISTINA 101,354 304.06 1850 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐163 MYERS, ROGER & JANETTE 102,883 308.65 1844 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐164 GEORGE, BRIAN 91,086 273.26 1838 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐165 ARNOLD, JOHN D 84,643 253.93 1832 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐166 GURKA, ERNEST & CAREN 134,500 403.50 1826 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐167 BRIGHAM, CATHRYN R 98,160 294.48 1820 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐168 D & S BROWN HOLDINGS LLC 102,304 306.91 1814 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐169 SPOLSKY, ARTHUR J JR & AMY 105,571 316.71 1808 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐170 MORAN, DAN & ANN MARIE 81,367 244.10 1706 WOODED VALLEY LN 4717‐26‐102‐171 DILLEY, DOUGLAS B & CAROLYN 99,497 298.49 523 YORK 4717‐26‐201‐005 GOHL, NANCY 105,600 316.80 517 YORK 4717‐26‐201‐006 ELDER, VICTORIA D 67,513 202.54 511 YORK 4717‐26‐201‐007 ZYSKOWSKI, STEVEN 88,732 266.20 1025 YORKSHIRE 4717‐27‐400‐002 1025 YORKSHIRE DRIVE LLC 109,763 329.29 1504 YORKSHIRE 4717‐27‐400‐013 YORKSHIRE APARTMENTS 2,510,436 7531.31 1516 YORKSHIRE 4717‐27‐400‐014 YORKSHIRE APARTMENTS 836,846 2510.54 4717‐06‐100‐006 LUCY ROAD RESOURCES II LLC 23,500 70.50 Total Parcels 3,104 1 287,160,674 861,482

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During the April 7, 2018 Council meeting Resolution 18-06 was adopted setting a public hearing for April 23, 2018 to consider the establishment of a Public Safety Special Assessment District to fund a portion of current police services. The proposed assessment of 3 mills will generate an estimated $861,590, about 34% of the Police Department Budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. The new revenue will allow current general fund resources dedicated to fund the Police Department to be used to maintain current services and enable the City to restore funding of maintenance and updating of existing infrastructure.


During the Great Recession starting in 2008 the City of Howell, as with almost all Michigan communities, saw significant declines in its taxable value. From 2008-2013 the City’s total taxable value declined by 27.6%, resulting in a loss of $1.6 Million annually in property tax revenue. The resulting loss led to the City taking extraordinary steps to manage these fiscal challenges including the following:

1. Reduction of staff by 25%. 2. Seven year wage freeze (2009-2015). 3. Negotiations of new health insurance benefits and employee cost sharing. 4. Elimination of retiree health care for new employees. 5. Negotiations of lower tier retirement benefits for new hires. 6. Additional employee contributions to retirement system. 7. Shared services agreements with Livingston County and City of Brighton for facilities maintenance and IT services. 8. Consolidation of Parks & Cemetery Department with Public Works. 9. Bidding out Refuse Collection services resulting in cost reductions and a five year rate freeze. 10. Deferred a number of infrastructure and major maintenance projects.

This is not a complete list, but provides an overview of just some of the steps. Each of these steps was taken in such a way as to minimize the service impact on our residents. A significant part of the strategy was to defer assorted infrastructure projects including road, sidewalks and building improvements.

As the economy has recovered over the last few years the flaws in the way the State of Michigan funds its local governments is becoming painfully apparent. In Howell’s case overall assessed (market) values on property have risen 24.6% since 2013. However, due to the limitations of Proposal A, which limits the growth of taxable value to the rate of inflation (CPI) or 5%, whichever is less, the City’s property tax revenue is not recovering even as the economy continues to grow with total taxable value growth of 5.36% since 2013. Fundamentally Michigan’s property tax system is designed to fall easily, but will never have growth that matches the economic recovery.

Assessed Value vs. Taxable Value $500,000,000 $450,000,000 $400,000,000 $350,000,000 $300,000,000 $250,000,000 $200,000,000 $150,000,000 $100,000,000 $50,000,000 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total AV Total TV

Compounding the slow growth in taxable value are the interplay of the Headlee Amendment, Proposal A, and the state law governing property taxes, which actually drives down millage rates in a growing economy. How does that happen? When a property sells, its taxable value resets to match the assessed value. This is referred to as “uncapping” and, due to the number of properties that have “uncapped”, has forced our City to reduce its millage levy. The City of Howell’s general operating millage has been reduced from 15.9443 in 2015 to a projected 15.4998 in 2018, resulting in annual revenue loss of $138,000. With the millage rollbacks and relatively low CPI over the last four years, City property owners who have owned their property since 2015 will pay just 0.45% more in taxes than they did in 2015, despite CPI growing by 4.9% during the same period. During an economic downturn it is understandable for taxes to go down, but in a good economy one would expect revenue to keep pace with inflation and that has not happened in Howell. The chart below illustrates what has been happening to a sample home in Howell. It shows that the home’s taxes declined in ’16 and ’17 and the increase in ’18 was just $8 more than paid in 2015.

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 Millage Rate 15.9443 15.8135 15.5636 15.4998 CPI 1.60% 0.30% 0.90% 2.10% Taxable Value Example $100,000 $100,300 $101,203 $103,328 City Taxes $1,594 $1,586 $1,575 $1,602

In addition to structural flaws in the property tax system the State of Michigan has balanced its budget on the backs of local communities with the virtual elimination of Statutory Revenue Sharing. Overall the State of Michigan has shorted communities by $3.1 billion since 2003. The City of Howell has lost $3 Million in revenue since 2010 and looking forward will be shorted $400,000 annually.

Revenue Sharing - Actual $1,200,000






$0 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017

Constitutional Statutory

Howell Revenue Sharing - Full Funding








$0 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017

Constitutional Statutory Underfunded Amount

In 2005 the City began producing a multi-year financial forecast that identifies fiscal trends for the General Fund. Since 2013 the forecasts have shown the city will have structural deficits beginning approximately in 2018. The City defines a structural deficit as normal operating expenses exceeding revenues. In Howell the 2017-2018 normal operating budget included a structural deficit of approximately $250,000. Once infrastructure projects were added to the budget, the General Fund’s fund balance was going to be reduced by $441,257. Although that left a fund balance of 22%, which was within the target range set by City Council, the bad practice of spending our savings to continue operations only lasts until the savings are all gone. Over the last three years Mayor & City Council have explored different options for addressing the structural fiscal issues. During these meetings it was determined that there is not significant savings to be found internally without reducing overall city services. This led to a decision to maintain current service levels and raise revenue in order to address some of our infrastructure and operational needs.


All Michigan communities can only raise revenues that are authorized by the State Constitution and State Law. Howell is in a unique position due to its population size that allows it to raise revenue through a public safety special assessment under Public Act 33 of 1951. The special assessment is on the taxable value of all real property within the City, functioning similarly to a millage. Patrick McGow, Miller Canfield, has provided the attached legal opinion stating the City is allowed to utilize this funding tool.

The City has taken the first step of establishing a Special Assessment District by setting a Public Hearing for April 23, 2018. This special assessment can be implemented by just a vote of the City Council although a vote of the electors can be required if owners of 10% of the land in the special assessment district submit a petition before the establishment of the district.

The proposed 2018-2019 Police Department Budget is $2,626,960 which is 100% funded by the General Fund. During the February 2018 Annual Retreat Mayor & City Council set a target of 3 mills to be assessed, which will generate $861,590 for the 2018-2019 budget. The assessments, if approved, will be incorporated in the July 1, 2018 tax bills.


3 mills 3 Total 861,590

If the assessments are approved the new revenue will off-set existing general fund dollars which will be reallocated primarily to fund infrastructure projects. Without the additional revenue the City will have to defer most of these projects for the foreseeable future.


A motion to adopt Resolution 18-07 Establishing a Public Safety Special Assessment District and setting a public hearing for Monday, May 7, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at Howell City Hall for the consideration of setting the 2018 Special Assessment levy.

Shea Charles City Manager

Founded in 1852 LLER Kalamazoo• FLORIDA: Tampa ILLINOIS: Chicago IELD NEW YORK: New York PATRICK F. McGow Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, P.L.C. CANADA: Windsor TEL (313) 496-7684 150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500 CHINA: Shanghai FAX (313) 496-8450 Detroit, Michigan 48226 E-MAIL [email protected] MEXICO: Monterrey TEL (313) 963-6420 POLAND: Gdynia FAX (313) 496-7500 Warsaw• Wroclaw

January 30, 2018

Mr. Shea Charles City Manager City of Howell 611 E. Grand River Avenue Howell, MI 48843-2388

Re: PA 33 Special Assessments

Dear Shea:

You have asked us to advise the City of Howell (the "City") on whether the City is authorized to levy a special assessment for police and fire protection pursuant to Public Act 33 of 1951, as amended ("Act 33"). Based on the information and analysis below, the City is authorized to levy a special assessment pursuant to Act 33 and any references to a township in Act 33 also include the City and references to a township board in Act 33 mean the City Council.

Act 33 authorizes a township and certain qualified cities and villages to levy a special assessment to purchase police and fire motor vehicles, apparatus, equipment and housing and provide funds for maintenance and operation of police or fire departments. Section 1(3) of Act 33 states "The township board, or the township boards of adjoining townships acting jointly, may provide that the sum . . . for purchasing and housing equipment, for the operation of the equipment, or both, may be de.frayed by special assessment on the lands and premises in the township or townships to be benefited, except, beginning in 2002, lands and premises exempt from the collection oftaxes under the general property tax act... " MCL 41.801(3).

Although most of the language in Act 33 references townships, Act 33 also allows certain qualified cities and villages to exercise the powers granted to townships. The title of Act 33 states that it is "An Act to provide police and fire protection for townships and for certain areas in townships, certain incorporated villages, and certain cities . .. " This is clarified in Section 10 of Act 33 which states:

(1) This act applies to townships and acijoining townships and incorporated villages and qualified cities. If reference is made in this act to townships, that reference shall apply to townships and incorporated villages and qualified cities. If reference is made in this act to township boards, that reference shall apply to township boards and the legislative bodies of incorporated villages and qualified cities . .. MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C.

Mr. Shea Charles -2- January 30, 2018

(2) As used in this act, "qualified city" means either of the following:

(a) A city with a population ofless than 15, 000.

(b) A city with a population of 15,000 or more and less than 70,000 located in a county with a population of more than 200,000 and less than 235,000, if the question of raising money by special assessment and the amount of the special assessment to be levied annually under this act is approved by a majority of the electors in the special assessment district.

MCL 41.810.

You have indicated that the City's population is currently less than 10,000 residents. Thus, the City meets the requirements for a "qualified city" under Section 10(2)(a) of Act 33. This also means that the City may levy the special assessment without the approval of a majority of electors in the district, as it can be done by proceedings approved by the City Council, unlike cities that qualify under Section 10(2)(b) [e.g. the City of Saginaw] which was required to hold an election before being able to levy the special assessment.

All of the special assessment proceedings relating to the special assessment under Act 33, except as provided in Act 33, are "required to conform as near as practicable to proceedings provided for townships in Act No. 188 of the Public Acts of 1954." MCL 41.803. It should be pointed out that Act 33 provides that the question of raising money by special assessment must be submitted to the electors of the township/city if the owners of 10% of the land in the special assessment district petition the township board/city council for an election.

I also wish to point out that in the past decade, many Michigan qualified cities and incorporated villages have used Act 33 to generate additional funds for police and fire operations. In the last legislative session, there was a bill that was introduced that would have changed the definition of a qualified city to allow any city over 15,000 residents to qualify if the assessment was approved by the electors. That bill was not approved by the Legislature.

I have set forth a brief outline of the proceedings for a special assessment under Act 33 that combine the proceeding requirements of Act 33 and Act 188. MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C.

Mr. Shea Charles -3- January 30, 2018

Hopefully this addresses the questions that you have asked us to address. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Patrick F. McGow

Cc: Dennis Perkins, Esq.


City of Howell Preliminary Schedule of Proceedings Regarding Establishment of Act 33 Special Assessment District

Date Special Assessment Process Currently City determines proposed boundaries for special assessment district and estimated costs to be paid from special assessments 4/9/2018 City Council adopts Resolution 1 Calling Public Hearing on Establishment of Special Assessment District 4/11/2018 City publishes first Notice of Public Hearing in the Press and Argus (at least 10 days before hearing) 4/11/2018 City mails Notice of Public Hearing to all record owners of land within proposed special assessment district (at least 10 days before hearing) 4/15/2018 City publishes second Notice of Public Hearing in the Press and Argus (at least 5 days before the hearing) 4/23/2018 Public Hearing on Establishment of Special Assessment District 4/23/2018 City Council adopts Resolution 2 Establishing Special Assessment District and Calling Public Hearing on distribution of Special Assessment Levy 4/25/2018 City publishes first Notice of Public Hearing in the Press and Argus (at least 10 days before hearing) 4/25/2018 City mails Notice of Public Hearing to all record owners of land within the special assessment district (at least 10 days before hearing) 4/29/2018 City publishes second Notice of Public Hearing in the Press and Argus (at least 5 days before hearing) 5/7/2018 Public Hearing on distribution of Special Assessment Levy 5/7/2018 City adopts Resolution 3 Confirming distribution of Special Assessment Levy 6/11/2018 Thirty-five day special assessment appeal period ends ------Subsequent Note: Act 33 requires the City to annually determine the estimated costs, amount of the Year’s assessment, distribution of the assessment, and to hold an annual public hearing Steps: regarding same.

30696395.1\042007-00037 5/3/2018

Public Safety Special Assessment HOWELL CITY COUNCIL ‐ PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 23, 2018

Public Safety Special Assessment Public Hearing Agenda ◦Meeting Protocol & Emergency Exit ◦What is a Public Safety Special Assessment? ◦Why is the City considering this now? ◦ What happened? ◦ What has the City done before this? ◦How does it work? ◦What will the City do with the Money? ◦Questions received before the meeting

1 5/3/2018

Meeting Protocol & Emergency Exits Public Hearing ◦ City Council Rules allow 5 Minutes per speaker ◦No trading of time. Emergency Exits

Public Safety Special Assessment What is it? ◦Public Act 33 of 1951 enables communities to establish a Special Assessment District to fund police services. ◦The Act authorizes special assessments to be based on a property's taxable value.

2 5/3/2018

Public Safety Special Assessment Process ◦Two Step Process ◦ Establish a Special Assessment District after holding a public hearing. Required just the first year. ◦ Determine the amount of annual levy after holding a public hearing. ◦Going Forward ◦ Each year, after holding a public hearing, Mayor & City Council determine the amount of Special Assessment Levy.

Public Safety Special Assessment 2018‐2019 Special Assessment Levy ◦City is considering a levy that will generate $861,590 in 2018‐2019. ◦This levy is equivalent to three mills on the taxable value of all ad valorem real property within the City. ◦Average Home Owner will pay an additional $202 in 2018.

3 5/3/2018

Why is the City considering this now?

What Happen ◦Four Factors contributed to the City’s fiscal stress. ◦Each of these are attributable to outside forces and demonstrates Michigan’s broken municipal fiscal model. ◦Lost State Revenue Sharing ◦2008 Recession ◦Proposal A caps & Headlee Millage Rollbacks ◦Unfunded Liabilities

4 5/3/2018

Revenue Sharing The City receives two types of Revenue Sharing from the State of Michigan Constitutional and Statutory. ◦Constitutional is distributed to all communities based on population as mandated by the State Constitution ◦Statutory is appropriated each year with the amount determined by the Michigan Legislature. Since 2003 the State of Michigan has reallocated Statutory Revenue Sharing to balance its budget.

Revenue Sharing Excluding the potential PPT reimbursement, overall Revenue Sharing is expected to increase from $878,849 to $894,788. As a matter of perspective in Fiscal Year 2002 the City received $1.035 Million in combined Revenue Sharing and if fully funded the City would receive about $1.3 Million.

5 5/3/2018

Revenue Sharing

Revenue Sharing ‐ Actual Howell Revenue Sharing ‐ Full Funding $1,600,000 $1,600,000

$1,400,000 $1,400,000

$1,200,000 $1,200,000

$1,000,000 $1,000,000

$800,000 $800,000

$600,000 $600,000

$400,000 $400,000

$200,000 $200,000

$0 $0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Constitutional Statutory Constitutional Statutory Underfunded Amount

But the Recession hit everywhere else? It can’t just be a Michigan thing!

6 5/3/2018

Growth in Municipal General Revenue 2002 - 2012







‐10.00% York Ohio Iowa Utah

Texas Idaho Island Jersey Maine Alaska Illinois

Hawaii Kansas Florida Dakota Dakota Mexico Indiana Oregon Nevada Virginia Arizona Virginia


Carolina Carolina Missouri Alabama

Vermont Arkansas Colorado Montana Michigan Kentucky Louisiana Nebraska Delaware California Maryland Wyoming New Wisconsin Oklahoma Tennessee Minnesota Mississippi Hampshire New

Connecticut Washington New Rhode West South North South North Massachusetts New








7 5/3/2018

Howell $3,510,924 Ann Arbor Sterling Heights $45,712,771 $44,448,884 Pickney. Center Line $648,457 $4,246,179 Fowlerville $8.1 Billion Brighton $1,168,763 In Lost Revenue Sharing Since 2002 $2,573,502 Warren Eastpointe $58,435,205 $15,330,822 Lansing Grand Rapids $71,535,780 Detroit $92,951,633 $918,264,673

Property Tax Structure In 1994 Michigan adopted Proposal A • Created Assessed Value and Taxable Value. • Assessed Value grows & shrinks with the market. • Taxable Value can only grow at the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is less. • Taxable Value (TV) and Assessed Value (AV) only match when: • a property is sold and becomes uncapped • Assessed Value declines so much it drops to Taxable Value.

8 5/3/2018

Other impacts of the 2008 Recession Taxable Value 2013 was the first year that overall taxable value began to grow in the City after the on‐set of the 2008 Recession. From 2008‐2012 the City’s overall taxable Value declined 27.6% and since 2013 we have only recovered about 7.21%. Assessed Value vs. Taxable Value $500,000,000

$450,000,000 Total AV $400,000,000

$350,000,000 Total TV








9 5/3/2018

Michigan’s Broken Fiscal Model Citizens Research Council released a report December 13, 2018 discussing the impacts of Proposal A. Report demonstrates that unless you are a high growth township your community is still well under previous TV highs. (page 36 of the report)

Michigan’s Broken Fiscal Model

10 5/3/2018

Proposal A & Headlee Impacts Even with new growth it does not necessarily result in large increases in revenue. ◦ Previous Michigan Tax Tribunal rulings on industrial properties act as guidance for values assigned to new construction. As property sells and becomes uncapped the City will continue to experience millage rollbacks due to the Headlee Amendment. The Headlee Rollbacks have reduced property tax revenue in 2018/2019 by $132,981 as compared with previous millage rate of 15.9443

Proposal A & Headlee Impacts Year Millage 2015 15.9443 2016 15.8135 2017 15.5636 2018 (projected) 15.4998

11 5/3/2018

Proposal A & Headlee Impacts Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 Millage Rate 15.9443 15.8135 15.5636 15.4998 CPI 1.60% 0.30% 0.90% 2.10% Taxable Value $100,000 $100,300 $101,203 $103,328 Example City Taxes $1,594 $1,586 $1,575 $1,602

Revenue History 2000 to 2018 Property Tax & Revenue Sharing Assumes Growth in Tax Revenue Equals CPI starting 2005/2006 2009/2010 Actual Revenues 8,000,000 $6,480,435 20.00%

7,000,000 15.00%

6,000,000 10.00%

5,000,000 5.00%

4,000,000 0.00%

3,000,000 ‐5.00%

2,000,000 ‐10.00%

1,000,000 ‐15.00%

‐ ‐20.00%

$7,842,382 Rev w/CPI & RS 2001/2002 Actual Revenues Revenues with CPI & RS Revenues with CPI $7,224,045 Rev w/CPI $5,123,005 Actual Revenues CPI $6,118,117 Actual Revs

12 5/3/2018

MERS ◦ City’s retirement system is through the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS). ◦ MERS is established through state law and oversees retirement systems for 735 Michigan communities. ◦ City of Howell retirement system has been underfunded for a number of years. ◦ In October 2015 MERS formally announced a change in actuarial assumptions and thel goa to have all plans 100% funded by the year 2039. ◦ Previously MERS used 30 year amortization period and would “refinance” any unfunded liability every 20 years. ◦ Changes in approach has led to a significant increase in the City’s Annual Required Contribution (ARC), which will grow rapidly over next few years.


Based on the 2016 Actuarial Report the City’s outstanding liability is $10,289,467 with a 59% funding level. The growth in this liability is due to MERS allowing the City to provide enhanced benefits while being previously underfunded. The City has always paid the required ARC payment. In 2015 the City paid an additional $100,000 into the system in an effort to mitigate the growth in future payments. 2017‐2018 included an accelerated payment of $142,000 (all funds) into the system. These payments are showing an impact on projected future payments.

13 5/3/2018

History & Projected MERS Payments 3,000,000


2,000,000 Payments & Orginal Eval 1,500,000 2015 Eval

2016 Eval



0 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2043 2045

What was done during the recession…… ◦Reduction of staff by 25%. ◦Seven year wage freeze (2009‐2015). ◦Negotiations of new health insurance benefits and employee cost sharing. ◦Elimination of retiree health care for new employees. ◦Negotiations of lower tier retirement benefits for new hires. ◦Additional employee contributions to retirement system.

14 5/3/2018

What was done during the recession…… ◦Shared services agreements with Livingston County and City of Brighton for facilities maintenance and IT services. ◦Consolidation of Parks & Cemetery Department with Public Works. ◦Bidding out Refuse Collection services resulting in cost reductions and a five year rate freeze. ◦Deferred a number of infrastructure and major maintenance projects.

What will we do with the new Revenue? Assuming City Council approves the Special Assessment District the additional $861,590 in revenue will be transferred into the General Fund. The new revenue allows General Fund dollars to be reallocated to restore funding to maintain and rehabilitate existing infrastructure.

2018‐2019 Proposed Road Projects Total Sanitary Total Water Road Segment Total Road Costs Costs Costs Grand Totals National Street (E. Sibley Street –S City Limit) $226,950 $74,850 $88,950 $390,750 Chestnut Street (Grand River Ave – Clinton Street) $64,250 $0 $0 $64,250 Warbler Way (Fowler Street –Meadow Lark Lane) $92,900 $0 $0 $92,900 East Brooks Street (Isbell Street –Gregory Street) $444,400 $117,000 $228,100 $789,500 TOTALS $828,500 $191,850 $317,050 $1,337,400

15 5/3/2018

City has identified the following roads in need of rehabilitation in the next ten years. Mostly resurfacing work.

Estimated cost of road projects is $18 Million

Starting in 2008 the City did complete rehabilitation of the following streets as part of the Howell Multi‐Year Project

16 5/3/2018

Questions that have come up Someone has stated that the City’s process is flawed as there was no notice on how to appeal your assessment. ◦ The City is only considering the establishment of the assessment district. The next step is to determine the amount of the levy which will be May 7, 2018. The notice of that meeting will include the appropriate appeal notice. Why not a Headlee Override? ◦ The Mayor & City Council did consider this step and ultimately determined the Public Safety Assessment is the appropriate solution. How do our Police costs compare?

17 5/3/2018

Police Budget Comparisons ◦Howell $2.6 Million ◦Brighton $2.8 Million ◦South Lyon $2.8 Million ◦Fenton $2.5 Million ◦Lapeer $3.1 Million

Police Officer Wage Comparisons Patrol Officer 2018 Wages –Base Year & Longevity ◦Howell $64,646 ◦Livingston County $63,621 + 2% Longevity = $64,893 ◦Brighton $68,641 ◦Hamburg Township $71,013

18 5/3/2018

Total City Budget $19,704,137

Equipment Pool 3.1% Dept. Public Services 1.7% Cemetery Perpetual Care 0.0%

General 40.9% Other Funds 0.0% Public Safety 4.4%

Water 13.3% Major Street 4.5% Local Street 5.4% Rubbish & Garbage 3.3%

General 40.9% Lucy Road Park 0.1% DDA 2.2% Sewer 15.1% Debt 5.1% Construction 0.9% Sewer 15.1% Water 13.3% Construction 0.9% Debt 5.1% Equipment Pool 3.1% Public Dept. Public Services 1.7% Major Safety DDA 2.2% Street 4.4% Cemetery Perpetual Care 0.0% 4.5% Lucy Road Park 0.1% Other Funds 0.0%

Rubbish & Garbage 3.3% Local Street 5.4%

19 5/3/2018

Investment Income, 0.1% General Rental Income, 1.6% Other Revenue, 1.0% Fund Charges for Services, 2.9% Transfers, 0.6% General Fund Revenues Revenues

Property Taxes Intergovernmental, 13.4% Personal Property Reimb. Public Safety SAD License, Fees & Permits License, Fees & Permits, 4.4% Intergovernmental Charges for Services Public Safety SAD, 11.0% Property Taxes, 61.1% Rental Income Investment Income Other Revenue Transfers

Personal Property Reimb., 3.8%

Mayor & Council City Manager 0.4% 2.4% Mayor & Council General Fund Clerk/Elections 1.9% City Manager Finance Finance Expenditures 4.7% Information Technology 3.4% Clerk/Elections City Attorney/Outside Council Information Technology City Hall 1.6% Transfers Out 3.2% City Hall 27.1% Personnel 0.6% City Attorney/Outside Council Cemetery Personnel 3.4% Forestry/Conservation Cemetery 1.1% Forestry/Conservation Tax Tribunals Public Works 0.3% Public Works 6.9% Police Undesignated Parks & NBHD Comm Devel 0.4% 4.2% Engineering

Comm Action/Promo Comm Action/Promo 1.5% Parks & NBHD

Engineering Undesignated 0.5% Comm Devel Tax Tribunals 3.7% Police Transfers Out 32.6%



During the ongoing debate regarding the Public Safety Special Assessment, questions have arisen about the possibility of contracting with the Sheriff’s Department for police services. Mayor & City Council in the past have discussed this concept at a high level, deciding ultimately to maintain the current level of service from the Howell Police Department. It is come to my attention that potential costs are being shared amongst different individuals interested in this subject. The basis for these costs come from Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy and his statement to interested parties that his Department can provide the same level of service at a much lower cost (see attached e-mail between Sheriff Murphy and the Gadsden Center).

Mayor & City Council have not expressed an interest in disbanding the Howell Police Department nor have any formal conversations occurred between City staff and Livingston County Representatives about contracting for services. However, based on numbers recently provided by the Sheriff to the Mayor a rudimentary analysis shows that to provide equal levels of staffing with the Sheriff’s Department would cost the City an additional $1,248 in 2018-2019.

The City of Howell’s 2018-2019 proposed Police Budget is $2,691,920 with revenues of $135,000 for a net cost of $2,519,960. The budget provides for following organizational structure.

The staffing level allows for a minimum of two officers on the road plus a sergeant to supervise each team. The funding also allows for two administrative support staff to process records, answer phones and handle walk-in traffic, a detective, an officer dedicated to the regional narcotics team and a School Resource Officer.

The cost sheets provided by the Sheriff on April 27th states a Road Patrol Deputy costs $135,569 per year (attached). According to the Sheriff’s notes the City would have to pay the cost of four deputies in order to provide one on the road 24/7 at an annual cost of $542,276. To equal our current level of two dedicated road deputies would cost the City twice that amount (8 officers) for annual cost of $1,084,552. The Sheriff’s Department runs on 12 hour shifts, as does the City. Providing the same level of shift supervision as our current structure would require four sergeants at $147,796 each for an annual cost of $591,184.

The City funds a detective, dedicated officer to the regional narcotics team (LAWNET) and a School Resource Officer (SRO). Funding these three positions adds an additional $406,707 annually. It is appropriate to price all three of these positions as they provide dedicated services to the City.

The final cost the City needs to include is providing direct supervision of these deputies, a roll that is now fulfilled by the Chief and Deputy Chief. These duties include overseeing and supervising the 24/7 road patrol operations as well as coordinating activities between the LAWNET officer, detective and SRO. The estimated cost of a Lieutenant, based on 2017 costs extrapolated to the Sheriff’s recent numbers, is $159,333 for 40 hours a week.

One of the costs the City will have regardless of contracting or retaining our department is the unfunded pension liability and retiree health care. Based on our 2016 MERS Actuarial Report the annual payment related to the unfunded police pension liability is $267,240 and the budgeted retiree health care premium is $75,000 for 2018-2019.

All these costs added together totals $2,459,611, an additional cost of $1,248. Some argue that simply putting two deputies on the road equals the same service level that our current department provides. Additionally some may argue that all other functions can be absorbed by the Sheriff’s current organizational structure. Respectfully, I disagree with that assertion as the Sheriff Department’s service model is tailored to a mostly rural population. Their model is predicated on limited funding and trying to provide a non-mandated road patrol service.

This is a very rudimentary analysis but shows that in order to equal our current staffing levels there is no significant savings to be had within the Sheriff’s cost structure. Mayor & City Council have stated consistently their desire to maintain the current level of City services within the Police Department as well as all City Departments.

Shea Charles City Manager Page 1 of 2

Shea Charles - FW: Howell Special Assessment District

From: Mike Murphy To: "George Basar ([email protected])" , "npr... Date: 4/12/2018 1:48 PM Subject: FW: Howell Special Assessment District Cc: Jeff Warder Attachments: Contract Rates 18 - 22.pdf


Please see the attached email string.

I tried to be as vanilla as I could. Didn’t mean to ruin your Thursday.

In God We Trust Murph

From: Mike Murphy Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 1:41 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: RE: Howell Special Assessment District

Mr. Nakagiri,

Question 1: I can’t speak for the City of Howell as to whether they have considered contracting with the Sheriff’s Office as a means of saving money.

Question 2: I have had some very loose conversations with the city regarding our contract pricing.

Question 3: Yes, I believe the Sheriff’s Office could provide the same level of service for less money.

Question 4: That is a tough question because it is truly ala carte. I have attached our contract rates to this email. Should you have any questions, please let me know.

In God We Trust Sheriff Mike Murphy

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:40 PM To: Mike Murphy Subject: Howell Special Assessment District

Dear Sheriff Murphy,

file:///C:/Users/scharles/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5ACF63CBGWDOMAINCITH... 5/3/2018 Page 2 of 2

The Gadsden Center has become aware of the potential formation of a Special Assessment District (SAD) in the City of Howell.

Our review of documents posted on the City of Howell website indicates policymakers are planning a 3 mil property tax increase to provide funding for the police department. This 3 mil increase amounts to nearly a 20% increase in taxes for all property owners. The total tax increase would amount to about $860,000 per year.

This $860,000 tax increase would be used for increased funding for police, thereby allowing $860,000 of current revenue to be diverted elsewhere in the budget.

I recall that the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department has contracted out for police service to townships in our county. Has the City of Howell ever considered this as a means of saving money? Has the City of Howell ever approached anyone in your office about this?

The City of Howell currently spends about $2.6 million/year for police services. Could your organization provide these same service for less money? If yes, could you provide me with a ballpark estimate of what the savings might be?

Our organization is targeting to completed at least a preliminary analysis of this SAD before the April 23 public hearing. As such, I would appreciate any help you could provide in expediting this cost estimate.

Best regards,

Wes Nakagiri President The Gadsden Center, Inc. 10246 Crouse Road #841 Hartland, MI 48353 810­207­1867

file:///C:/Users/scharles/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/5ACF63CBGWDOMAINCITH... 5/3/2018

Cost Comparison Howell Police Department vs. Livingston County Sheriff's Department May 3, 2018

LCSD Costs ‐ Per Sherriff ‐ 4‐27‐2018 2018 Deputy $135,569 Sergeant $147,969 Lieutenant ‐ Estimated $159,333

Road Patrol Deputies 2 ‐ 24/7 8 $1,084,552 24/7 Sgt 4 $591,876 LT 1 $159,333 Actual Cost Total $1,835,761 Discount Cost $1,376,821

Other Positions Detective (1 @ 40 Hours) 1 $135,569 SRO 1 $135,569 LawNet (1 @ 40 Hours) 1 $135,569 Actual Cost Total $406,707

Total ‐ Equal Staffing LCSD $2,242,468

City on‐going costs MERS ‐ Unfunded Liability Payment $267,240 Retiree Health $75,000 Total $342,240

2018‐2019 Howell Police Budget Revenues $134,200 Expenses (Dept 301 & 747) $2,654,160 Howell PD Net Costs $2,519,960

Net Costs LCSD Estimated LCSD Costs + On‐Going Howell Costs $2,584,708 Howell School Reimbursement $63,500 Net LCSD Cost $2,521,208

Howell PD Net Costs $2,519,960 Net LCSD Cost $2,521,208 Difference Howell PD vs. LCSD ‐ Savings (additional cost) ‐$1,248 HOWELL, CITY OF (4702)

Employer Contribution Details For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2018

Table 1 Employer Contributions1 Payment of the Computed Computed Employee Unfunded Employer Employer Blended ER Blended ER Employee Contribut. Accrued Contribut. No Contribut. Rate No Rate With Contribut. Conversion Division Normal Cost Liability4 Phase-In With Phase-In Phase-In5 Phase-In5 Rate Factor2 Percentage of Payroll 01 - Non Union - - - - 36.14% 33.79% 4.64% 02 - Police - - - - 22.99% 21.18% 5.00% 10 - Gnrl AFSCME - - - - 19.49% 17.95% 5.00% 12 - Nonunion/Admin/Sup 7.98% 0.17% 8.15% 8.07% 36.14% 33.79% 4.64% 0.91% 13 - Public Service Uni 5.90% 0.01% 5.91% 5.81% 19.49% 17.95% 5.00% 0.78% 20 - Chiefs Lts Sgt - - - - 5.00% 21 - Patrol Officers af 6.68% 2.12% 8.80% 8.77% 22.99% 21.18% 3.68% 0.84% Estimated Monthly Contribution3 01 - Non Union $ 4,962 $ 24,885 $ 29,847 $ 27,747 02 - Police 2,874 9,293 12,167 11,006 10 - Gnrl AFSCME 4,717 11,602 16,319 14,891 12 - Nonunion/Admin/Sup 2,771 59 2,830 2,803 13 - Public Service Uni 2,218 5 2,223 2,187 20 - Chiefs Lts Sgt 3,649 12,977 16,626 15,594 21 - Patrol Officers af 2,036 647 2,683 2,674 Total Municipality $ 23,227 $ 59,468 $ 82,695 $ 76,902 Estimated Annual Contribution3 $ 278,724 $ 713,616 $ 992,340 $ 922,824 1 The above employer contribution requirements are in addition to the employee contributions, if any. 2 If employee contributions are increased/decreased by 1.00% of pay, the employer contribution requirement will decrease/increase by the Employee Contribution Conversion Factor. The conversion factor is usually under 1%, because employee contributions may be refunded at termination of employment, and not used to fund retirement pensions. Employer contributions will all be used to fund pensions. 3 For divisions that are open to new hires, estimated contributions are based on projected fiscal year payroll. Actual contributions will be based on actual reported monthly pays, and will be different from the above amounts. For divisions that will have no new hires (ie closed divisions), invoices will be based on the above dollar amounts which are based on projected fiscal year payroll. See description of Open Divisions and Closed Divisions in the Appendix.

CBIZ Retirement Plan Services / 17199 Laurel Park North, Suite 405, Livonia, MI 48152 / rpc_id: 12887 Page 15 of 44 received 4-27-2018 received 4-27-2018 NOTES



As Council is aware, after the Great American Main Street award for Downtown Howell, Staff was approached by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) with a funding opportunity for the State Street area reconstruction project. We had previously submitted this project, which included reconstruction of State Street as a festival street, reconstruction of the Peanut Row Alley, and utility work throughout the area, as part of the Infrastructure Capacity Enhancement (ICE) grant funding round in early 2017. At the time, we did not have a successful application, but the State was able to find a source of funds for the project at this time.

The process will be similar to the ICE grant submission. We have attached the basic application and main attachments for the City Council’s review. A public hearing will need to be held on the application after an initial review by MEDC staff. City Staff will have the full application available for the Public Hearing once it is scheduled. Staff will also be specifically reaching out to the adjacent property owners to receive their input on the project.

The 2017 ICE grant required applicants to provide a minimum of 10% of the project cost as financial match and all design costs were to be paid locally. In this round of funding, design costs incurred after the grant award can be counted towards the City’s match, per Staff’s conversation with the MEDC. The City’s only costs based on the budget we are submitting will be the construction and design engineering for the project, which currently exceed 10% of the total project cost. In terms of timing, this project will be a 2019 construction job, as there is substantial application work that will need to be completed and reviewed by various State agencies this summer and fall.


Shea Charles, City Manager

Community Development Block Grant Infrastructure Application

For eligible activities administered by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)

on behalf of the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF)

Refer to the separate Instruction document when completing the Community Development Block Grant Infrastructure Capacity Enhancement (CDBG) Application. The review of the proposed project will be based solely on the Unit of General Local Government’s (UGLG’s) responses and attachments. The MEDC will not seek clarifications. The numbered sections below coincide with the numbered sections in the Instructions.


FUNDING SOURCE TOTALS Unit of General Local Government City of Howell CDBG $ (UGLG)

Street/PO Box 611 East Grand River Ave UGLG $ City Howell Other $ County Livingston Other $

State/Zip MI, 48843 Other $

Chief Elected Official Name Nickolas Proctor Other $

Chief Elected Official Title Mayor Total $ Chief Elected Official Email [email protected]

UGLG Project Contact (PC) Name Timothy Schmitt (Refer to Section 1(C) of the Instructions) Community Development UGLG’s SAM# UGLG PC Title Director 5EW23 611 East Grand River Ave, UGLG PC Address (Refer to Section 1(D) of the Instructions) Howell, MI 48843 UGLG’s DUNS Number (Dun & Bradstreet link) 021093828 UGLG PC Telephone Number 517-546-3861 UGLG PC Fax Number 517-546-6030 (Refer to Section 1(E) of the Instructions) UGLG’s Federal Tax Identification Number UGLG PC E-Mail Address [email protected] 38-6004624 (Refer to Section 1(F) of the Instructions)

UGLG’s Fiscal Year End 6/30

2. STATE GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION Senator Name Joe Hune Senate District 22

Representative Name Hank Vaupel House District 47


Representative Name Mike Bishop Congressional District MI-08

Infrastructure Application March 2018 2


Signature and Date:

Name and Title Nickolas Proctor E-Mail Address [email protected]

5. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS A. Check all eligibility requirements that apply (To qualify, all must be applicable):

The UGLG does not have an open infrastructure grant at time of application; The UGLG has a committed cash match equal to 10% of the total project cost; The UGLG has clearly demonstrated that the proposed project benefits the entire Low and Moderate Income Community (Question 11B); The proposed project is located on property owned by the UGLG and/or only an easement is needed; The proposed project includes eligible activities for upgrading or replacing an existing public infrastructure system such as water, sewer, and wastewater and any associated infrastructure replacement and associated engineering; The UGLG has a maintenance plan for the proposed project (Section 12, Attachment E); The UGLG has a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and the proposed project is specifically identified within the CIP as a non-maintenance capital expenditure (Section 12, Attachment J); and The UGLG has a set of project plans and specifications (Section 12, Attachment M).


Infrastructure Application March 2018 3 6. PRIORITIES A. Check all priorities that apply:

The need for the proposed project has been clearly defined (Question 10(C)) and supports one or more of the following concerns (check all that apply): Health, Sanitation, and Security; Aging Infrastructure; Sustainablity; The use of Green Infrastructure has been clearly defined (Question 10(D)) and supports one of the following specifications (If applicable, check one): The project maintains the post-development project site runoff volume and peak flow rate at or below pre-settlement levels for all storms up to the 2-year, 24-hour event. The pre- settlement levels are based on the estimate of soil type and land cover existing before the first recorded construction on the site; The project maintains the post-development project site runoff volume and peak flow rate at or below the pre-development levels for all storms up to the 2-year, 24-hour event and at a minimum provide a reduction in current runoff volume. Pre-development level means the runoff flow volume and rate for the last land use prior to the planned new development or redevelopment;

Comments: The project will remove lead jointed pipes from the City's water system, some of which are nearly 100 years old and cannot support the necessary fire flow for downtown buildings, replace failing storm sewer that is nearly 70 years old and is causing flooding issues on surrounding buildings, replace and refurbish sanitary sewer lines that are nearly 50 years old, and reconstruct the roads and alleys on the surface in a more pedestrian and environmentally friendly way. The proposed drainage between the buildings will be reduced by 40% with the pervious pavement being utilized.

State Street will be reconstructed as a festival street, which has been a long term goal of the City, serving all residents as the City's event hub. The farmer's market, which serves low to moderate income residents, the Veteran's parade, the pink party, the Melon Fest, and countless other events use this area. By creating a barrier free space that drains effectively, all residents will be able to enjoy the City's events. The alleys will be reconstructed with a pervious pavement strip down the center, pulling water away from the buildings and allowing more natural infiltration.

The City has been a Master Main Street community for 12 years. We are close to implementing the entirety of our RRC recommendations from the MEDC, giving us full certification.

Infrastructure Application March 2018 4 7. ADMINISTRATION

A. Identify who will be responsible for administering the proposed project (Check One):

NOTE – Administrative contracts cannot be signed until authorized by the MEDC.

A MEDC CGA will administer the project. The CGA has not yet been selected and the contract amount is unknown. The contract has not yet been signed, the MSF will fund the costs, and the administration line item on the CDBG budget (Attachment A) has been left blank.

A MEDC CGA on the staff of the UGLG will administer the project. These costs are not eligible as match or CDBG reimbursement. The administration line item on the CDBG budget (Attachment A) has been left blank. Provide the name and contact information for the MEDC CGA person at the UGLG who will be responsible for administering the proposed project: Name: Business Address: Phone #: E-mail:

Infrastructure Application March 2018 5 8. UGLG CAPACITY AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST

A. Does the UGLG have open CDBG grants, including CDBG housing grants?

Yes No

If yes, please provide the grant number(s): MSC 216025-CDF

B. Does the UGLG have any unresolved CDBG grant issues and/or findings? Yes No

If yes, please provide the grant number and explain the issues and/or findings:

C. Check all that apply: Employees, agents, consultants, officers, elected or appointed officials of the UGLG will obtain a financial interest or benefit from a CDBG assisted activity or will have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect thereto, or in the proceeds hereunder, either for themselves or for those with whom they have family or business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter. Officials and staff of the UGLG will be a party to contracts involving the procurement of goods and services assisted with CDBG funds. No conflicts

D. UGLG has a contractual relationship with (check all that apply): Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development Michigan Farm Bureau Fifth Third Bank Gentilozzi Real Estate Greenstone Farm Credit Services JM Longyear Michigan Department of Treasury Michigan Economic Development Corporation Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Springfield Commercial Roofing Trustcott Rossman No conflicts

Describe the nature of any relationships.

Infrastructure Application March 2018 6 9. UGLG FUNDING SOURCES

A. Check the specific funding source(s) that the UGLG’s committed cash match will be comprised of:


General Fund Road, Water, and/or Sewer Funds DDA or other like district Funds Bonding (See instructions for limitations) Currently, Community is RRC Certified Other

Describe other funds:

B. Check the specific funding source(s) that the “Other” committed cash match will be comprised of:

Other grants and/or loans where agreements are in place and the funds are immediately available Act 51 Funds that are immediately available Other public and/or private cash that is immediately available Other funds that are immediately available

Describe ALL “Other” funds:

Infrastructure Application March 2018 7 10. PROJECT SCOPE AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS

A. Compliance Requirements. Check all that apply:

The project will impact historic properties or archaeological sites and districts. The project will impact wetlands. The project is located in a floodplain and/or will impact a floodplain. The project is located in a coastal zone. The project will require local, state, and federal permits. The project will result in the acquisition of easements. The project will result in the demolition or conversion of residential dwelling units, both occupied and vacant. The project will result in temporary or permanent relocation of businesses, non-profit organizations, homeowners, or tenants. The project will result in special fees (i.e., tap in / hookup fees, special assessments). None of the above

Describe all that apply: - Project will require MDEQ permits for the new water main and sanitary sewer main. - Project will require acquisition of grading/construction easements from Livingston County and adjacent property owners for the construction. No permanent easements are required. B. Provide a clear and concise description of the overall proposed project.

Project will involve the removal of one of the last areas of lead jointed water pipes in the City of Howell, under State Street and the Peanut Row alley. The water lines will be completely replaced with safe, modern pipes and technology. The sanitary sewer line in Peanut Row alley will be replaced and the line in the adjacent north/south private alley will be slip lined to extend its life. Storm sewer will be replaced throughout the project to assist with drainage in the downtown. There are currently occasional issues with wet basements in buildings in the area where drainage structures are not functioning properly. Electrical service lines in the area will be buried, removing two dangerous and potentially irreplacable power poles in the alleys.

Given the extensive underground work and the need to regrade much of the area to drain, the entirety of the pavement in the area will be removed and reconstructed. The Peanut Row alley and the north/south private alley will be reconstructed to include centerline pervious pavement, allowing water infiltration in smaller storm events. State Street will be reconstructed to a barrier free/handicapped accessible 'Festival Street' cross section. The sidewalk, parking, and travel lanes will be integrated together without steps or curbs, allowing unimpeded pedestrian access during events that are held in the street, which serves as the location of the City's Farmer's Market and other events. New landscaping will be installed, with structured soils to allow further infiltration of storm water during small rain events. New streetlighting, bollards, and electrical connections for the Farmer's Markets are included as incidental to the main project, along with an electric car charging station, an item that was raised at our pubilc hearing for the project.

Infrastructure Application March 2018 8 C. Based on the priority criteria selected in Section 6 (A), clearly describe the need for the proposed project.

Health, Sanitation, and Security; The City discovered during a 2016 water main break on State Street that the main running down State Street still contained lead jointed connections. The other pipes in the area were built at the same time and are assumed to be lead jointed as well. These pipes need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Aging Infrastructure; The water pipes are from the mid-1930's and have begun having failures. The storm sewer is as old as the 1930's and the neighboring buildings have begun experiencing water infiltration in their basements, due to poor drainiage and pipes. The sanitary sewer is from the 1970's and is in need of refurbishment before a major collapse happens between buildings that are 14' apart.


D. Based on the Green Infrastructure priority criteria selected in Section 6(A), in the opinion of a licensed professional engineer (P.E.) confirm and include supporting evidence as Attachment N, that the plans put forth in the application meet one of the following specifications:

Project maintains the post-development project site runoff volume and peak flow rate at or below pre-settlement levels for all storms up to the 2-year, 24-hour event. The pre-settlement levels are based on the estimate of soil type and land cover existing before the first recorded construction on the site.

The project maintains the post-development project site runoff volume and peak flow rate at or below the pre-development levels for all storms up to the 2-year, 24-hour event and at a minimum provide a reduction in current runoff volume. Pre-development level means the runoff flow volume and rate for the last land use prior to the planned new development or redevelopment. The project will reduce the storm water flow rate for the alleys by 40%. See Attachment N for specific calculations.

The proposed project does not involve Green Infrastructure E. What is the square footage of the public space being improved or reactivated? 28,135

Infrastructure Application March 2018 9 F. In the below space, provide an overall project schedule that includes the anticipated start and completion dates (attachments are not acceptable).

Activities Start Date End Date

Design Engineering 6/15/18 9/30/18

Easement acquisition, if applicable 6/1/18 7/31/18

Bidding 10/1/18 10/31/18

Construction 4/15/19 7/16/19

Comments regarding timeline (i.e. Design Engineering was completed prior to this Application; Design Engineering will be paid locally and will be completed prior to the Grant Agreement BUT ONLY with MEDC’s written authorization; easements will not be required, etc.):

Design engineering was started prior to application, paid locally, and will be completed prior to the MSF Board approval, only with MEDC's written authorization. All design engineering will be paid locally.


A. What percentage of the UGLG is comprised of low and moderate income persons?


B. Explain how the CDBG funded improvements will benefit the entire low and moderate income area.

This project will remove one of the last two areas of lead jointed pipes in the City, which ensures that all residents will have safe drinking water moving forward. Although the City currently does not have any issues with lead in our water, removing all potential lead sources is of paramount importance.

State Street will be reconstructed in a barrier free design, allowing all persons easy access to the businesses, Veteran's Memorial, and the Farmer's Market. The area will get enhanced drainage and electrical accessiblity, supporting the local businesses and Farmer's Market, which serves the entire community from May to October, including residents on the Snap and Double Up Bucks program. This is an important hub for community events in the Commuity and improving the area will ensure that it continues to be important to the entire City.

Replacing the storm sewer in the area will ensure drainage is improved, lessening damage to surrounding buildings and roads. This will allow road dollars to be diverted to reconstruction elsewhere in the community, where it is desparately needed.


Attachment A - Project Budget (Use template Attachment A provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment B - Authorizing Resolution (Use template Attachment B provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment C - Independent third party preliminary cost estimates

Attached? Yes

Attachment D - Detailed map showing all project activities

Attached? Yes

Attachment E - Maintenance Plan

Attached? Yes No If not explain:

Attachment F - Community Development Plan

Attached? Yes No If not explain:

Infrastructure Application March 2018 11 Attachment Gi – UGLG Public Participation Certification (Use Form Attachment Gi provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment Gii - Published Public Hearing Notice (Use Template Gii provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment Giii - Brief description of the public hearing

Attached? Yes

Attachment H – Certifications (Use Form Attachment H provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment I – Assurances (Use Form Attachment I provided)

Attached? Yes

Attachment J – Capital Improvement Plan

Attached? Yes No If not explain:

Attachment K - Anti Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan (Use Template Attachment K provided)

Attached? Yes No If not explain:

Infrastructure Application March 2018 12 Attachment L – Evidence of Need (Section 6 Priority and Section 10, Question 10C)

Attached? Yes

Attachment M - A copy of the project plans and specifications (Section 5 Eligibility)

Attached? Yes No If not explain:


Attachment N – Green Infrastructure Supporting Evidence (Section 6 Priority and Section 10, Question 10D)

Attached? Yes No, supporting evidence is not available

Attachment O – If using bonds and/or Other Resources, evidence that the funds are available at the time of the application (Section 9, Question 9B)

Attached? Yes No, local match will not consist of bonds and/or the proposed budget will not consist of Other Resources

Attachment P – If applicable, identify any other applications related to infrastructure that includes a Federal or State agency as a source of funds.

Attached? Yes No, UGLG has not submitted other application for infrastructure funding to Federal or State agencies.

Infrastructure Application March 2018 13 Additional Comments:

Infrastructure Application March 2018 14 ATTACHMENT A – PROJECT BUDGET TEMPLATE



1. Applicant: City of Howell 2. Project Title: State Street Area Reconstruction

3. Project Cost Elements 4. Project Funding Sources (Identify all other funding sources) General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund

Activities CDBG Local Other TOTAL construction $1,729,179 $0 $0 $1,729,179 (includes 10% contingency, per normal construction procedures) $0 engineering $0 $320,000 $0 $320,000 $0 easment/acquistion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 administration $0 (Admin is left blank as CGA is not yet known, but UGLG is requesting MEDC to fund) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL $1,729,179 $320,000 $0 $0 $2,049,179


WHEREAS, the City of Howell intends to apply for CDBG Infrastructure funding; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Howell desires to request approximately $1,729,179 in CDBG funds to reconstruct State Street as a handicapped accessible festival street, reconstruct Peanut Row Alley, replace lead jointed water lines in the area, replace or line aging sewer and storm sewer lines, bury electrical service lines, and generally enhance the State Street area as the City’s event hub; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Howell commits local funds from its General Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund in the amount of approximately $280,000 for design and construction engineering; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed project is consistent with the local Community Development Plan as described in the Application; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed project will benefit all residents of the project area and 54.9% percent of the residents of the City of Howell are low and moderate income persons as determined by census data provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and,

WHEREAS, local funds and any other funds to be invested in the project have not been obligated/incurred and will not be obligated/incurred prior to a formal grant award, completion of the environmental review procedures and a formal written authorization to obligate/incur costs from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation; and,

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on May 21st where all residents and taxpayers of the City of Howell were afforded an opportunity to be heard regarding the State Street area reconstruction project; and,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Howell hereby designates Mayor Nickolas Proctor as the Environmental Review Certifying Officer, the person authorized to certify the Michigan CDBG Application, the person authorized to sign the Grant Agreement and payment requests, and the person authorized to execute any additional documents required to carry out and complete the grant.

Adopted by the Howell City Council May 21, 2018. ______Nickolas Proctor, Mayor

______Jane Cartwright, City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Resolution No. XX-XX, adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, Livingston County, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of May, 2018 and that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed is compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this 21st day of May, 2018.

______BY: Howell City Clerk City of Howell State Street Renovation Engineer's Estimate April 25, 2018

Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Cost

Division I - State Street Mobilization, Max. 10% 1 Lsum $ 73,000.00 $ 73,000.00 Color Audio/Video Route Survey, Special 1 Lsum $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Tree, Rem, 6 inch to 18 inch 10 Ea $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 Dr Structure, Rem 2 Ea $ 300.00 $ 600.00 Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch 75 Ft $ 8.00 $ 600.00 Curb and Gutter, Rem 540 Ft $ 10.00 $ 5,400.00 HMA Surface, Rem 1,450 Syd $ 8.00 $ 11,600.00 Sidewalk, Rem 623 Syd $ 12.00 $ 7,476.00 Sidewalk, Clay Brick Pavers, Rem 103 Syd $ 15.00 $ 1,545.00 Utility Pole, Rem 1 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Exploratory Investigation, Vertical 20 Ft $ 50.00 $ 1,000.00 Station Grading, Special 3 Sta $ 5,000.00 $ 15,500.00 Subgrade Undercutting, 1 x 3, Special 30 Cyd $ 50.00 $ 1,500.00 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop 4 Ea $ 100.00 $ 400.00 Project Cleanup 1 Lsum $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Aggregate Base, 4 inch, Special 741 Syd $ 6.00 $ 4,446.00 Aggregate Base, 8 inch, Special 1,650 Syd $ 10.00 $ 16,500.00 Maintenance Gravel 50 Ton $ 40.00 $ 2,000.00 Geogrid, Special 150 Syd $ 5.00 $ 750.00 Sewer, Cl IV, 12 inch, Tr Det B 81 Ft $ 60.00 $ 4,860.00 Trench Undercut and Backfill 20 Cyd $ 40.00 $ 800.00 Video Taping Sewer and Culv Pipe 81 Ft $ 2.00 $ 162.00 Dr Structure Cover, Type D 2 Ea $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 Dr Structure Cover, Type K 2 Ea $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 Dr Structure, 24 inch dia 2 Ea $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Dr Structure, 48 inch dia 2 Ea $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 Dr Structure Tap, 12 inch 1 Ea $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Underdrain, Subgrade, Open-Graded, 6 inch, Special 300 Ft $ 15.00 $ 4,500.00 HMA, 5E1 3 Ton $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 HMA, 4E1 3 Ton $ 350.00 $ 1,050.00 Conc Pavt, Misc, Nonreinf, 8 inch, Special 1,010 Syd $ 60.00 $ 60,600.00 Colored Conc Pavt, Nonreinf, 8 inch, Special 457 Syd $ 80.00 $ 36,560.00 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det C1 140 Ft $ 18.00 $ 2,520.00 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det C2 27 Ft $ 20.00 $ 540.00 Valley Gutter, Special 490 Ft $ 18.00 $ 8,820.00 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch 4,500 Sft $ 6.00 $ 27,000.00 Colored Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch, Special 1,800 Sft $ 9.00 $ 16,200.00 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 6 inch 250 Sft $ 8.25 $ 2,062.50 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Furn 6 Ea $ 50.00 $ 300.00 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Oper 6 Ea $ 5.00 $ 30.00 Minor Traf Devices 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Furn 25 Ea $ 15.00 $ 375.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Oper 25 Ea $ 1.00 $ 25.00 Traffic Regulator Control 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Post Hole Through conc for Steel Post 6 Ea $ 200.00 $ 1,200.00 Pavt Markings 1 Lsum $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Rem Curing Compound, for Longit Mrkg, 4 inch 500 Ft $ 3.00 $ 1,500.00 Water Main, Rem, Special 240 Ft $ 6.00 $ 1,440.00 Water Serv, Special 300 Ft $ 30.00 $ 9,000.00 Curb Stop and Box, 2 inch, Special 10 Ea $ 200.00 $ 2,000.00 Water Main, DI, 8 inch, Tr Det G, Special 311 Ft $ 120.00 $ 37,320.00 Water Main, 4 inch, Cut and Plug, Special 1 Ea $ 375.00 $ 375.00 Fire Hydrant, Special 1 Ea $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Gate Valve and Box, 8 inch, Special 1 Ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Water Main, Connection, 8 inch, Special 1 Ea $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Light Standard and Luminaire, Rem and Salv 6 Ea $ 1,150.00 $ 6,900.00 Light Std Fdn, Rem 6 Ea $ 350.00 $ 2,100.00 DB Cable in Conduit, Rem 650 Ft $ 0.75 $ 487.50 DTE Lighting - 6-Fixtures 1 Ea $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00 Twp - Panel and Receptacles 3 Ea $ 6,500.00 $ 19,500.00 3-#2 + Grd 325 Ft $ 11.00 $ 3,575.00 Car Charging Dual Station 1 Ea $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00

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Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Cost 3-#10 + Grd. 65 Ft $ 2.90 $ 188.50 Tree Pedestal Receptacle 6 Ea $ 500.00 $ 3,000.00 2-#10 + Grd. 550 Ft $ 1.50 $ 825.00 Quazite Pull Box 1 Ea $ 950.00 $ 950.00 Equipment Rack 1 Ea $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 400A, 120/208, 3-Phase Panel 1 Ea $ 7,750.00 $ 7,750.00 CT Cabinet 1 Ea $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 DTE Meter 1 Ea $ 500.00 $ 500.00 4-# 500 KCMIL 50 Ft $ 52.00 $ 2,600.00 Rigid Galv Steel Conduit, 2 - 4 Inch 25 Ft $ 125.00 $ 3,125.00 Schedule 80 PCV Conduit, 1 Inch 450 Ft $ 3.50 $ 1,575.00 Schedule 80 PVC Conduit, 2 Inch 1,095 Ft $ 5.50 $ 6,022.50 Transformer Concrete Pad 1 Ea $ 16,500.00 $ 16,500.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 2 - 4 Inch 240 Ft $ 15.00 $ 3,600.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 3 - 4 Inch 165 Ft $ 18.00 $ 2,970.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 4 Inch 650 Ft $ 9.00 $ 5,850.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, Sweep 4 Ea $ 250.00 $ 1,000.00 Precast Concrete Pavers, Non-Permeable 700 Sft $ 16.00 $ 11,200.00 Concrete Planter Curb, Colored 200 Ft $ 15.00 $ 3,000.00 Tree Grate 15 Ea $ 2,200.00 $ 33,000.00 Bollards, 35" ht. 45 Ea $ 1,500.00 $ 67,500.00 Bollards 39" ht. 14 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 14,000.00 Benches 6 Ea $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 Trash Receptacles 6 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 6,000.00 ADA Solutions Truncated Domes 7 Ea $ 800.00 $ 5,600.00 Structural Soil 155 Cyd $ 150.00 $ 23,250.00 Irrigation System 1 Lsum $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Ulmus americana 'Princeton' 15 Ea $ 675.00 $ 10,125.00 Planting Mix 55 Cyd $ 35.00 $ 1,925.00 Bark Mulch 12 Cyd $ 45.00 $ 540.00 Sodded Lawn 135 Syd $ 4.00 $ 540.00 Speaker System 6 Ea $ 750.00 $ 4,500.00 Tent Pavement Anchors 1 Lsum $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Pavement Markings, Painted 1 Lsum $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Vehicle Charging Station 1 Lsum $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Salvage and Reset Pavers 50 Sft $ 10.00 $ 500.00 Salvage and Reset Existing Farmers Market Sign 1 Lsum $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Salvage and Reset Existing Bike Sculpture 1 Lsum $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00

Total Construction Cost - Division I $ 798,955.00

Division II - Peanut Alley Mobilization, Max. 10% 1 Lsum $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000.00 Color Audio/Video Route Survey, Special 1 Lsum $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Dr Structure, Rem 4 Ea $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch 126 Ft $ 20.00 $ 2,520.00 Curb and Gutter, Rem 21 Ft $ 10.00 $ 210.00 HMA Surface, Rem 18 Syd $ 10.00 $ 180.00 Pavt, Rem 185 Syd $ 10.00 $ 1,850.00 Sidewalk, Rem 25 Syd $ 9.00 $ 225.00 Sidewalk, Clay Brick Pavers, Rem 96 Syd $ 20.00 $ 1,920.00 Utility Pole, Rem 1 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Exploratory Investigation, Vertical 10 Ft $ 50.00 $ 500.00 Station Grading, Special 1.5 Sta $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 Subgrade Undercutting, 1 x 3, Special 10 Cyd $ 50.00 $ 500.00 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop 3 Ea $ 100.00 $ 300.00 Project Cleanup 1 Lsum $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Aggregate Base, 4 inch, Special 25 Syd $ 10.00 $ 250.00 Aggregate Base, 8 inch, Special 281 Syd $ 15.00 $ 4,215.00 Geogrid, Special 50 Syd $ 5.00 $ 250.00 Sewer, Cl IV, 12 inch, Tr Det B 131 Ft $ 80.00 $ 10,480.00 HDPE, Perforated, 6 inch, Special 181 Ft $ 55.00 $ 9,955.00 Roof Conductor, Special 7 Ea $ 1,200.00 $ 8,400.00 Roof Conductor, PVC, 6 inch, Special 63 Ft $ 55.00 $ 3,465.00 Trench Undercut and Backfill 10 Cyd $ 50.00 $ 500.00

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Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Cost Dr Structure Cover, Type R 3 Ea $ 600.00 $ 1,800.00 Dr Structure, 24 inch dia 2 Ea $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 Dr Structure, 48 inch dia 1 Ea $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Dr Structure Tap, 12 inch 1 Ea $ 800.00 $ 800.00 HMA, 5E1 3 Ton $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 HMA, 4E1 3 Ton $ 400.00 $ 1,200.00 HMA, 2C 4 Ton $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 Precast Concrete Pavers, Permeable, Special 450 Sft $ 20.00 $ 9,000.00 Conc Pavt, Misc, Nonreinf, 6 inch, Special 44 Syd $ 50.00 $ 2,200.00 Colored Conc Pavt, Misc, Nonreinf, 6 inch, Special 216 Syd $ 80.00 $ 17,280.00 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch 20 Sft $ 10.00 $ 200.00 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Furn 3 Ea $ 50.00 $ 150.00 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Oper 3 Ea $ 5.00 $ 15.00 Minor Traf Devices 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Furn 15 Ea $ 15.00 $ 225.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Oper 15 Ea $ 1.00 $ 15.00 Traffic Regulator Control 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Water Main, Rem, Special 195 Ft $ 20.00 $ 3,900.00 Water Serv, Special 72 Ft $ 50.00 $ 3,600.00 Curb Stop and Box, 2 inch, Special 6 Ea $ 300.00 $ 1,800.00 Water Main, DI, 8 inch, Tr Det G, Special 195 Ft $ 200.00 $ 39,000.00 Gate Valve and Box, 8 inch, Special 1 Ea $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Water Main, Connection, 8 inch, Special 1 Ea $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Sanitary Lead, PVC, 6 inch, Special 72 Ft $ 150.00 $ 10,800.00 Sanitary Sewer, PVC, 8 inch, Special 136 Ft $ 160.00 $ 21,760.00 Sanitary Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch, Special 133 Ft $ 40.00 $ 5,320.00 Sanitary Structure, 48 inch dia, Special 1 Ea $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Sanitary Structure, Rem, Special 1 Ea $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 4 Inch 150 Ft $ 9.00 $ 1,350.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, Sweep 6 Ea $ 250.00 $ 1,500.00 Demo 112 G. River, 106 State St. 1 Ea $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Demo 110 G. River 1 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Demo 108 & 106 G. River 1 Ea $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Demo 104 & 102 G. River, 109 Michigan 1 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Secondary Bus Enclosure Concrete Pad 1 Ea $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 Secondary Bus Enclosure 1 Ea $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Tap Changes 13 Ea $ 325.00 $ 4,225.00 Transformer Disc. 5 Ea $ 3,750.00 $ 18,750.00 112 G. River, 106 State St. 1 Ea $ 23,000.00 $ 23,000.00 110 G. River 1 Ea $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 108 & 106 G. River 1 Ea $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 104 & 102 G. River, 109 Michigan 1 Ea $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 2 - 4 Inch 265 Ft $ 15.00 $ 3,975.00 Decorative Lights 1 Lsum $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00

Total Construction Cost - Division II $ 408,985.00

Division III - Private Alley Mobilization, Max. 10% 1 Lsum $ 34,000.00 $ 34,000.00 Color Audio/Video Route Survey, Special 1 Lsum $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Curb and Gutter, Rem 28 Ft $ 24.00 $ 672.00 Pavt, Rem 225 Syd $ 30.00 $ 6,750.00 Sidewalk, Rem 8 Syd $ 15.00 $ 120.00 Exploratory Investigation, Vertical 10 Ft $ 50.00 $ 500.00 Station Grading, Special 1.8 Sta $ 25,000.00 $ 45,000.00 Subgrade Undercutting, 1 x 3, Special 10 Cyd $ 50.00 $ 500.00 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop 3 Ea $ 100.00 $ 300.00 Project Cleanup 1 Lsum $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Aggregate Base, 4 inch, Special 8 Syd $ 20.00 $ 160.00 Aggregate Base, 8 inch, Special 233 Syd $ 35.00 $ 8,155.00 Geogrid, Special 50 Syd $ 5.00 $ 250.00 HDPE, Perforated, 6 inch, Special 180 Ft $ 85.00 $ 15,300.00 Roof Conductor, Special 8 Ea $ 1,500.00 $ 12,000.00 Roof Conductor, PVC, 6 inch, Special 72 Ft $ 100.00 $ 7,200.00 Trench Undercut and Backfill 10 Cyd $ 100.00 $ 1,000.00

Y:\201610\20161073\04_Design\Project_Docs\Cost_Est\Engineer Estimate.xlsx 3 of 4 City of Howell State Street Renovation Engineer's Estimate April 25, 2018

Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Cost Video Taping Sewer and Culv Pipe 169 Ft $ 2.00 $ 338.00 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1 2 Ea $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Dr Structure Cover, Type R 1 Ea $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Precast Concrete Pavers, Permeable, Special 355 Sft $ 50.00 $ 17,750.00 Conc Pavt, Misc, Nonreinf, 6 inch, Special 27 Syd $ 250.00 $ 6,750.00 Colored Conc Pavt, Misc, Nonreinf, 6 inch, Special 131 Syd $ 180.00 $ 23,580.00 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det C4 28 Ft $ 25.00 $ 700.00 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch 7 Sft $ 8.00 $ 56.00 Steps, Conc 50 Ft $ 165.00 $ 8,250.00 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Furn 3 Ea $ 50.00 $ 150.00 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Oper 3 Ea $ 5.00 $ 15.00 Minor Traf Devices 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Furn 15 Ea $ 15.00 $ 225.00 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Oper 15 Ea $ 1.00 $ 15.00 Cured in Place Lining, 8 inch 208 Ft $ 60.00 $ 12,480.00 Cured in Place Lining, 12 inch 169 Ft $ 75.00 $ 12,675.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 4 Inch 300 Ft $ 9.00 $ 2,700.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, Sweep 3 Ea $ 250.00 $ 750.00 Tap Changes 13 Ea $ 325.00 $ 4,225.00 Transformer Disc. 5 Ea $ 3,750.00 $ 18,750.00 Demo 111 & 113 Michigan 1 Ea $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Demo 115, 115 1/2 & 117 Michigan 1 Ea $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Demo 112 & 112 1/2 State St. 1 Ea $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Demo 114, 116, & 118 State St. 1 Ea $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 111 & 113 Michigan 1 Ea $ 27,500.00 $ 27,500.00 115, 115 1/2 & 117 Michigan 1 Ea $ 22,500.00 $ 22,500.00 112 & 112 1/2 State St. and lug box 1 Ea $ 22,500.00 $ 22,500.00 114, 116, & 118 State St. 1 Ea $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 Conduit, Schedule 80 PVC, 2 - 4 Inch 495 Ft $ 15.00 $ 7,425.00 Decorative Lights 1 Lsum $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00

Total Construction Cost - Division III $ 364,041.00


Y:\201610\20161073\04_Design\Project_Docs\Cost_Est\Engineer Estimate.xlsx 4 of 4 T S E C E LI T NT A ON T S ST N

Private Alley work: - Reconstruction surface with pervious pavement strip and concrete - New stormwater line - Slipline sanitary sewer pipe

E V Electrical work: A N Bury primary power line and provide new A surface equipment G I H C I M

N W G RA ND Peanut Alley work: RI VE - Reconstruction surface with pervious R A VE pavement strip and concrete - New stormwater line - New sanitary sewer line State Street work:

E - New water line, replacing existing lead jointed line V A - New santiary line N - New storm sewer line A G I - Road recontructed as a handicapped H accessible festival street C I M - New landscaping, bollards, and lighting




Livingston County has funded $15,000 for the 2018 Challenge Grant for projects and programs that target solid waste management from communities and non-profit organizations within the County. Non-profit organizations are required to submit their grant with one or more local units of government as a partner. Recycle Livingston Inc. is requesting a partnership with the City of Howell for the submission of a grant to assist with site improvements at the Catrell street facility.

Recycle Livingston has completed the project application and has met with City staff to go over the details. While the City will act as the Primary applicant, matching funds and any hard costs associated with the grant will be borne by Recycle Livingston. The requested funds will help support the site improvement for Recycle Livingston Inc. who provides recycling opportunities not only to the City of Howell but all other surrounding Townships within Livingston County. Staff feels this is an extremely worthy project as Recycle Livingston desperately needs the improvements they are proposing. The service that they provide to the area is critical in Livingston County meeting the goals of the Solid Waste program.

At this time, Staff is only requesting action from Mayor and Council to submit the application as the Primary applicant along with Recycle Livingston Inc. If the project is selected and approved by Livingston County, Staff will bring the grant agreement to Council for authorization. If we are successful, the grant agreement will be presented to City Council at the first meeting in July, based on the time line provided.

ACTION REQUESTED: A motion to authorize the City of Howell to submit, as a partner with Recycle Livingston Inc. as the Primary applicant, for the 2018 Livingston County Solid Waste Challenge Grant Program for the new Recycle Livingston Volunteer Center and authorize the Mayor to sign the application, if needed. REVIEWED & APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION:

Shea Charles, City Manager



Title of Project: Recycle Livingston Volunteer Center

Objective of Project: To make necessary site improvements and replace the existing Recycle Livingston office trailer with a multi-functional, handicap accessible volunteer and office center.

Where will the project take place and who will be affected by this project? The focus of the project is Recycle Livingstons Collection Center located at 170 Catrell Street, Howell. All Livingston County residents will benefit from the proposed improvements as they will allow Recycle Livingston to: (1) Attract and retain the volunteers that are the life blood of the organization (2) Increase educational outreach to the greater Livingston County community and (3) Continue to expand recycling services for County residents to further reduce the flow of solid wastes to Michigan landfills.

Why is This Project Needed? Describe any previous incidents that may have prompted this project. The existing office trailer, donated to Recycle Livingston in used condition in 1990, is rapidly deteriorating. The issues are far too numerous to list, and the repair options are neither cost-effective or likely to meaningfully extend the useful life of the trailer. Further, the trailer is not handicap accessible and is no longer secure due to issues with the door frames.

The project is critical to Recycle Livingston maintaining its’ regular operations, as well as to the continued growth of the organization and the important services we provide to County residents. As a long-standing member of the Livingston County community, Recycle Livingston constantly works to identify potential markets for hard to recycle materials such as electronics, latex paint, clothing, and Styrofoam. Materials not accepted by curbside programs. Our goal is to continue to augment and supplement the curbside programs, for those Livingston County communities that provide this service; as well as providing those communities without a curbside program an alternative to landfills. Finally, Recycle Livingston offers a “safety net” should local trash haulers end their curbside programs due to the challenging economics of the marketplace for recyclable materials. Names and titles of those directly involved with the project and their roles as they pertain to the project:

Recycle Livingston – Julie Cribley, Executive Director John Boris, President, Board of Directors Their role, as the lead members of the Board approved Construction Committee, is to manage the Project and directly participate in (a) vetting potential project vendors, (b) reviewing bids and selecting project vendors (c) tracking project progress and costs vs plan and budget to ensure timely and on budget completion and (d) making all project related decisions on behalf of the Board

Kellogg Family Foundation – Dr. Thomas Kellogg and Sarah Tottingham, Board Members – The Foundations’ role is solely as the major sponsor of the Project, providing 70% of the funds required through a Grant to be managed by Recycle Livingston.

Lindhout Associates – Piet Lindhout – Architect, CEO - role is to provide the architectural services for the Project, including design, site plan, regulatory approvals, permitting, vendor bidding/selection and general 2 project oversight to ensure timely and on budget completion of the Project

City of Howell – XXXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX – The role of the City is not only landlord, but as a long- time partner and supporter of Recycle Livingston without whose support, over the past 30 years, the organization would not have been able to provide recycling services to County residents. For the Project, in addition to the lease extension, the City will continue to provide ongoing site maintenance services (i.e. lawn mowing, snow plowing, grading, etc.), all at no cost to Recycle Livingston.

Has this project been completed in previous years? If so, how many? No

How will this project be implemented? What will be done to ensure that unnecessary costs are avoided? The project will be implemented in two phases. Phase 1 – site improvements and construction of the new building, during which time the existing office trailer will continue to be used to support the normal operation of the Collection Center. Phase 2 - initiated immediately following completion of the building and occupancy by Recycle Livingston staff and volunteers. Phase 2 involves the decommissioning, removal and recycling of the existing office trailer.

The Recycle Livingston Construction Committee, together with the architect, will review bids, select vendors, manage and approve all Project expenditures to ensure costs are consistent with the Project budget and required for successful completion of the Project.

How will you count the number of participants and the volume of material recovered?

Recycle Livingston will continue to collect and maintain a record of the number of vehicles bringing materials to the site day, as well as, the recyclers community. In addition, records of household and business memberships, including addresses, are maintained in a database. This information can be queried to identify the number of members, by community, across the County as well as the utilization by community.

The volume of material, by type, is also tracked and recorded. This information is reported to the Board of Directors monthly and is available to our members and community partners upon request.

It should be noted that in 2017, over 460 tons of material was collected and recycled; with over 20,000 vehicles visiting the site to drop off those recyclable materials. Eighty percent of the vehicles bringing materials to the site were from County communities other than Howell.

What items will you collect? What will you exclude?

The attached brochure lists the materials Recycle Livingston currently accepts. Our recently introduced year- round confidential paper shredding service, along with our VHS/DVD/Cassette recycling, will be further expanded once the new center is completed with an increased secure storage area.

In addition to the collection of recyclable materials the new building will allow us to offer on-site educational classes for all ages. In addition, composting demonstrations along with worm farming will be set up in the area currently occupied by the office trailer. Finally, Recycle Livingston will be able to host other recycling groups, from across the state, to further expand our knowledge of the latest developments in recycling as well as expand our network for the identification of new options for hard-to-recycle materials.

3 How will you advertise for your project?

Local media (Livingston Daily, Fowlerville News & Views, WHMI), the Recycle Livingston website and Facebook page, as well as emails, flyers and targeted written communications have, and will continue to be used, to keep our members, partners, donors and the Livingston County community informed and up to date on our Project and progress. In addition, these mediums will continue to be used to solicit community and partner support in the form of cash donations, in-kind donations and services for the Project.

How will you educate participants of the benefits of waste reduction, reuse, recycling and proper disposal?

Recycle Livingston, in addition to continuing to provide for the recycling needs of County residents as we have for the past 30 years, will use the new facility to expand recycling education programs for County residents. In addition, Recycle Livingston will continue to distribute informational brochures to government offices throughout the county; provide recycling information and education through our recently upgraded website; and provide quarterly email newsletters, and special event flyers to our members and to all County residents through links on the Recycle Livingston website. Finally, Recycle Livingston will continue to announce special events, to all County residents, through WHMI, Fowlerville News & Views, Livingston Daily, and other communication mediums available to us.

Recycle Livingston has and will continue, to speak to school classrooms, church groups, environmental groups, and others. Planned speaking engagements currently include Howell Rotary, Cheryl Stockwell School in Hartland, Cornerstone Charter School in Clawson, and the Howell Senior Center.

Recycle Livingston also will continue to expand its’ network of recycling resources across the state and was recently asked to speak at the Fellowship for Today in Lansing. Recycle Livingston is also an active member in the Michigan Recycling Coalition (MRC) with our Executive Director serving on the MRC Policy Committee. The MRC efforts are directed at increasing the amount of recycling throughout Michigan as well as working diligently to educate residents on potential legislation and changes in how we recycle.

Please provide any additional information you feel is necessary to describe your project.

A person who will be authorized to enter into an agreement with Livingston County must sign below to certify that the information provided in the application is accurate.

Signature of Authorized Person Date

Print Name of Authorized Person



Attached for Council’s review are the third quarter revenue and expenditure reports for the nine months ending March 31, 2018 and 2017. I have also listed the proposed budget amendments. The amendments consist of:

1) Additional Building permit revenue. Current projections reflect additional permit fees of $25,000. The additional revenue also will require additional consultant fees of $5,000.

2) Deferring to 2018/2019 the Core Network Switch costs of $17,000.

3) The costs for the 3rd floor renovation. We will be using the remaining insurance proceeds from the basement project $15,000 and $33,000 from the East Wall bond proceeds to fund this cost.

4) Reduced Argyle Park play structure costs of $15,000.

5) The frigid winter really hit our Street funds. Both the Major and Local Street funds expended $60,000 more than budgeted. The increase was mitigated by a one-time distribution from the State of $62,000.

6) Deferring portions of the SAW grant projects to 2018/2019. Due to timing issues some activities will carry over to the next fiscal year.

The funds are tracking the same as projected at the budget review work session. The adjustments result in a fund balance percentage of 25.90% which is a minimal increase over our previous percentage of 25.51%.


A motion to adopt Resolution No. 18-10, Budget Amendments.


Shea Charles, City Manager

- 2 - RESOLUTION NO. 18-10

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the FY2016/2017 Budget on May 8, 2017 to go into effect on July 1, 2017; and

WHEREAS, additional information is available and actions have been taken affecting the financial condition of the City,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the budget for the City fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 as recommended by the City Manager and as revised by the City Council, and as described in summary as follows:

GENERAL FUND REVENUES CURRENT AMENDED Dept 000-GENERAL 6,759,067 6,774,067 Dept 301-POLICE DEPARTMENT/PUBLIC SAFETY 319,850 344,850 Dept 751 – RECREATION/PARKS 27,050 27,050 Dept 966 – TRANSFERS IN 132,727 132,727 Dept 999 – USE OF FUND BALANCE 226,357 194,757 TOTAL REVENUES 7,465,051 7,473,451 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS Dept 101-MAYOR & COUNCIL 33,043 37,043 Dept 172-CITY MANAGER 184,577 188,577 Dept 191-FINANCE 389,513 389,513 Dept 215-CLERK 134,133 134,133 Dept 228-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT 279,599 259,599 Dept 247-BOARD OF REVIEW 3,850 4,850 Dept 248-CABLE COMMISSION 400 800 Dept 262-ELECTIONS 20,395 20,395 Dept 265-CITY HALL 263,748 286,748 Dept 266-CITY ATTORNEY 121,500 131,500 Dept 270-PERSONNEL 23,275 24,275 Dept 276-LAKEVIEW CEMETERY 289,147 289,147 Dept 284-HOWELL MEMORIAL CEMETERY 33,123 26,123 Dept 285-FORESTRY/CONSERVATION 92,978 92,978 Dept 286-PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE 39,105 41,105 Dept 301-POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,659,742 2,659,742 Dept 350-HOWELL AREA FIRE AUTHORITY 50,200 50,200 Dept 371-BUILDING DEPARTMENT 86,905 91,905 Dept 443-STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE 7,113 7,113 Dept 444-SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE 158,146 158,146 Dept 445-DRAINS-PUBLIC BENEFIT 30,000 30,000

GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS (continued) CURRENT AMENDED Dept 447-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 43,014 43,014 Dept 448-STREET LIGHTING 350,000 350,000 Dept 722-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 221,537 221,537 Dept 747-COMMUNITY ACTION PROMOTION 124,131 124,131 Dept 751-RECREATION/PARKS DEPT 232,598 232,598 Dept 757-PARKS/NEIGHBORHOOD 86,749 71,749 Dept 895-UNDESIGNATED 32,200 32,200 Dept 899-TAX TRIBUNAL REFUNDS 5,000 5,000 Dept 966 – TRANSFERS OUT 1,469,330 1,469,330 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,465,051 7,473,451

OTHER FUNDS CURRENT AMENDED APPROPRIATIONS Lucy Road Park Fund $15,000 $15,000 Rubbish and Garbage Fund 657,209 657,209 Major Street Fund 968,223 919,223 Local Street Fund 939,205 854,305 Drug Law Enforcement 0 0 Police Training Fund 3,000 4,000 DDA Fund 449,780 479,180 Loop & D-19 Road Debt Retirement Fund 111,662 111,662 G.O. Bond Debt Road 530,864 530,864 2015 City Hall Debt Fund 20,473 20,473 City Hall Debt Retirement Fund 157,335 157,335 North Parking Lot Debt Fund 139,841 139,841 Cemetery Perpetual Care 68,000 68,000 Sewer Fund 3,583,141 3,467,141 Water Fund 2,454,733 2,454,733 Department of Public Services Fund 482,491 482,491 Equipment Pool Fund 816,725 816,725 McPherson Park TEDF Grant 8,470 8,470 2016 City Hall Construction 37,012 37,012 Lucy Road Construction Administration 400,000 400,000 Reserve Fund 0 0 M-59 Utilities Construction Fund 40,586 40,586 West Sibley Construction Fund 21,345 21,345 Façade CDBG Grant 448,531 448,531 Parking Lot # 1 Construction 5,891 5,891 Page Field Improvements 0 0 North Parking Lot & Alley Construction Fund 50,0000 50,000 Public Employee Health Care Fund 0 0 OTHER FUNDS TOTAL 12,409,517 $12,190,017 ALL FUNDS TOTAL $19,874,568 $19,663,468

BE IT RESOLVED, that such amendments to the FY2017/2018 Budget are adopted.

Adopted by the Howell City Council this 7th day of May 2018.

______Nick Proctor, Mayor

Jane Cartwright, Clerk

CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of Resolution No. 18-10, adopted by the City Council of the City of Howell, Livingston County, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of May, 2018 and that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this 7th day of May 2018.




Revenues 000 GENERAL 6,295,067 6,759,067 4,842,432 71.64 5,108,823 6,774,067 ‐ Insurance to be used on 3rd Flr $15k 301 POLICE/PUBLIC SAFETY 173,850 319,850 250,750 78.40 185,358 344,850 ‐ Bldg permit rev $25k 751 RECREATION/PARKS DEPT 27,050 27,050 18,635 68.89 20,758 27,050 966 TRANSFERS IN 132,727 132,727 106,672 80.37 68,676 132,727 TOTAL REVENUES 6,628,694 7,238,694 5,218,489 72.09 5,383,615 7,278,694

Expenditures 101 MAYOR & COUNCIL 33,043 33,043 17,817 53.92 18,573 37,043 ‐ SAD mailings $4k 172 CITY MANAGER 184,577 184,577 141,151 76.47 139,143 188,577 ‐ Adjust fringe $4k 191 FINANCE 380,513 389,513 286,212 73.48 270,298 389,513 215 CLERK 129,133 134,133 101,664 75.79 93,276 134,133 228 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT 216,599 279,599 221,407 79.19 168,689 259,599 ‐ Remove core switch cost ($20k) 247 BOARD OF REVIEW 3,850 3,850 3,934 102.17 4,155 4,850 ‐ Adjust $1k 248 CABLE COMMISSION 400 400 766 191.54 739 800 ‐ Adjust $400 262 ELECTIONS 13,395 20,395 16,321 80.02 19,807 20,395 265 CITY HALL 250,748 263,748 198,167 75.13 206,872 286,748 ‐ 3rd Floor improvement $23k 266 CITY ATTORNEY/OUTSIDE COUNSEL 71,500 121,500 91,548 75.35 59,511 131,500 ‐ Additional fees $10k 270 PERSONNEL 23,275 23,275 15,348 65.94 21,649 24,275 ‐ Background checks $1k 276 LAKEVIEW CEMETERY 288,147 289,147 217,969 75.38 160,794 289,147 284 HOWELL MEMORIAL CEMETERY 33,123 33,123 21,911 66.15 14,535 26,123 ‐ Defer irrigation to 18/19 ($7k) 285 FORESTRY/CONSERVATION 92,978 92,978 46,315 49.81 58,981 92,978 286 PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE 38,105 39,105 35,048 89.62 17,322 41,105 ‐ Plowing $2k 301 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,620,742 2,659,742 1,957,928 73.61 1,756,458 2,659,742 350 HOWELL AREA FIRE AUTHORITY 7,200 50,200 48,916 97.44 5,832 50,200 371 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 68,905 86,905 75,503 86.88 46,617 91,905 ‐ Professional fees $5k 443 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE 7,113 7,113 6,996 98.36 7,846 7,113 444 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE 56,146 158,146 107,122 67.74 24,330 158,146 445 DRAINS‐PUBLIC BENEFIT 30,000 30,000 28,908 96.36 23,069 30,000 447 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 43,014 43,014 32,618 75.83 10,694 43,014 448 STREET LIGHTING 350,000 350,000 253,632 72.47 263,716 350,000 722 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 216,537 221,537 162,047 73.15 157,088 221,537 747 COMMUNITY ACTION PROMOTION 121,131 124,131 92,117 74.21 64,093 124,131 751 RECREATION / PARKS DEPARTMENT 195,598 232,598 164,707 70.81 148,816 232,598 757 PARKS/NEIGHBORHOODS 86,749 86,749 30,485 35.14 33,974 71,749 ‐ Reduced Play structure cost ($15k) 895 UNDESIGNATED 32,200 32,200 30,693 95.32 29,692 32,200 899 TAX TRIBUNAL REFUNDS 0 5,000 3,643 72.86 11,484 5,000 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 1,475,230 1,469,330 1,136,906 77.38 1,017,733 1,469,330 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,069,951 7,465,051 5,547,797 74.32 4,855,787 7,473,451 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (441,257) (226,357) (329,308) 527,827 (194,757) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,130,624 2,130,624 2,130,624 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,689,367 1,904,267 1,935,867 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 454 STORM & SEWER MAINTENANCE 825,331 825,331 488,057 59.13 368,296 820,331 ‐ MDOT dist $62k/Defer SAW grant to 18/19 ($67k) TOTAL REVENUES 825,331 825,331 488,057 59.13 368,296 820,331

Expenditures 454 STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE 47,546 48,546 38,972 80.28 35,983 48,546 458 STREET RESURFACING 18,485 18,485 15,080 81.58 24,760 18,485 463 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 143,407 144,407 62,830 43.51 222,609 144,407 474 TRAFFIC SIGNS 51,229 56,229 43,454 77.28 31,539 56,229 478 WINTER MAINTENANCE 67,172 68,172 93,609 137.31 55,930 98,172 ‐ Adjust to actual winter costs $30k 482 ADMINISTRATION 23,325 23,325 22,758 97.57 22,379 23,325 486 STATE/SURFACE MAINTENANCE 60 60 0 0.00 78 60 488 STATE/SWEEPING & FLUSHING 3,060 3,060 1,130 36.93 1,114 3,060 490 STATE/TREES & SHRUBS 110 110 0 0.00 43 110 491 STATE/DRAINAGE & BACKSLOPES 2,750 2,750 0 0.00 13,478 2,750 494 STATE/MARKINGS/SIGNS/SIGNALS 200 200 0 0.00 0 200 497 STATE/WINTER MAINTENANCE 7,175 7,175 12,639 176.16 5,829 13,175 ‐ Adjust to actual winter costs $6k 538 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 292,213 292,213 36,130 12.36 21,593 207,213 ‐ SAW costs defer to 18/19 ($74k)/Equp rental ($11) 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 92,491 303,491 292,868 96.50 51,114 303,491 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 749,223 968,223 619,471 63.98 486,448 919,223 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 76,108 (142,892) (131,414) (118,152) (98,892) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 286,660 286,660 286,660 ENDING FUND BALANCE 362,768 143,768 187,768


Revenues 454 STORM & SEWER MAINTENANCE 509,719 509,719 192,416 37.75 128,692 424,719 ‐ Defer SAW grant to 18/19 ($85k) 966 TRANSFERS IN 216,486 429,586 261,000 60.76 25,000 429,586 TOTAL REVENUES 726,205 939,305 453,416 48.27 153,692 854,305

Expenditures 454 STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE 85,075 86,075 38,911 45.21 63,598 77,075 ‐ Reduced sump line costs ($9k) 458 STREET RESURFACING 23,460 258,460 232,220 89.85 14,798 258,460 463 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 114,591 90,591 38,704 42.72 70,631 90,591 474 TRAFFIC SIGNS 34,104 34,104 25,622 75.13 20,161 34,104 478 WINTER MAINTENANCE 78,244 79,244 110,152 139.00 66,266 103,244 ‐ Adjust to actual winter costs $24k 482 ADMINISTRATION 10,700 10,800 10,765 99.67 10,612 10,800 538 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 337,540 337,540 32,305 9.57 17,660 237,540 ‐ Defer SAW grant to 18/19($100k) 966 TRANSFERS OUT 42,491 42,491 31,868 75.00 26,114 42,491 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 726,205 939,305 520,546 55.42 289,840 854,305 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 00(67,130) (136,148) 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 000 GARBAGE MILLAGE 367,290 367,290 1,425 0.39 200,000 367,290 528 WASTE/REFUSE/GRASS COLLECTION 158,700 175,700 106,168 60.43 121,990 175,700 966 TRANSFERS IN 122,219 114,219 0 0.00 0 114,219 TOTAL REVENUES 648,209 657,209 107,593 16.37 321,990 657,209

Expenditures 528 WASTE/REFUSE COLLECTION 511,740 515,740 386,441 74.93 373,508 515,740 529 LEAF/BRUSH/GRASS COLLECTION 136,469 140,469 123,153 87.67 119,343 140,469 899 TAX TRIBUNAL REFUNDS 0 1,000 260 25.99 806 1,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 648,209 657,209 509,853 77.58 493,657 657,209 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 00(402,260) (171,667) 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 15,000 15,000 13,158 87.72 9,689 15,000 TOTAL REVENUES 15,000 15,000 13,158 87.72 9,689 15,000

Expenditures 290 GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION 15,000 15,000 13,158 87.72 9,689 15,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,000 15,000 13,158 87.72 9,689 15,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 375,000 375,000 375,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 375,000 375,000 375,000 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 728 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 410,860 410,860 274,251 66.75 253,513 434,022 ‐ PPT $5k, Peanut Row funding $18k TOTAL REVENUES 410,860 410,860 274,251 66.75 253,513 434,022

Expenditures 728 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 191,983 191,983 141,879 73.90 139,450 221,383 ‐ Admin wage $6k/Adj exp to actual $1.4k 729 MAIN STREET PROGRAM 130,000 130,000 130,000 100.00 63,909 130,000 & Peanut Row $22k 899 TAX TRIBUNAL REFUNDS 1,000 1,000 0 0.00 965 1,000 906 DEBT SERVICE 99,809 99,809 99,809 100.00 99,128 99,809 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 26,988 26,988 7,500 27.79 7,500 26,988 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 449,780 449,780 379,188 84.31 310,952 479,180 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (38,920) (38,920) (104,937) (57,439) (45,158) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 82,634 82,634 82,634 ENDING FUND BALANCE 43,714 43,714 37,476 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 665 INVESTMENT INTEREST 0 0 23 0.00 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 23 0.00 0 0 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 002300 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,325 5,325 5,325 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,325 5,325 5,325


Revenues 543 MI JUSTICE TRAINING ACT 302 3,000 3,000 1,533 51.10 1,636 3,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,000 3,000 1,533 51.10 1,636 3,000

Expenditures 301 POLICE DEPARTMENT 3,000 3,000 3,943 131.44 1,990 4,000 ‐ Adjust to actual $1K TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,000 3,000 3,943 131.44 1,990 4,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 00(2,410) (354) (1,000) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,258 1,258 1,258 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,258 1,258 258


Revenues 665 INVESTMENT INTEREST 300 300 393 131.06 207 300 TOTAL REVENUES 300 300 393 131.06 207 300 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 300 300 393 207 300 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 40,522 40,522 40,522 ENDING FUND BALANCE 40,822 40,822 40,822 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 111,662 111,662 111,600 99.94 112,845 111,662 TOTAL REVENUES 111,662 111,662 111,600 99.94 112,845 111,662

Expenditures 906 DEBT SERVICE 111,662 111,662 111,600 99.94 112,845 111,662 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 111,662 111,662 111,600 99.94 112,845 111,662 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 157,335 157,335 157,735 100.00 152,640 157,735 TOTAL REVENUES 157,335 157,335 157,735 100.00 152,640 157,735

Expenditures 906 DEBT SERVICE 157,335 157,335 157,735 100.00 152,640 157,735 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 157,335 157,335 157,735 100.00 152,640 157,735 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 530,864 530,864 530,968 100.02 534,074 530,864 TOTAL REVENUES 530,864 530,864 530,968 100.02 534,074 530,864

Expenditures 906 DEBT SERVICE 261,046 261,046 260,900 99.94 263,405 261,046 907 DEBT SERVICE ROAD PH II 193,068 193,068 193,218 100.08 192,919 193,068 908 DEBT SERVICE ROAD PH III 76,750 76,750 76,850 100.13 77,750 76,750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 530,864 530,864 530,968 100.02 534,074 530,864 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018


Fund 384 ‐ 2015 CITY HALL DEBT FUND

Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 20,473 20,473 20,473 100.00 20,403 20,473 TOTAL REVENUES 20,473 20,473 20,473 100.00 20,403 20,473

Expenditures 906 DEBT SERVICE 20,473 20,473 20,473 100.00 20,403 20,473 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,473 20,473 20,473 100.00 20,403 20,473 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 966 TRANS IN GENERAL FUND 139,841 139,841 139,691 99.89 0 139,841 TOTAL REVENUES 139,841 139,841 139,691 99.89 0 139,841

Expenditures 906 DEBT SERVICE 139,841 139,841 139,691 99.89 0 139,841 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 139,841 139,841 139,691 99.89 0 139,841 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 728 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 448,531 354,040 78.93 0 448,531 TOTAL REVENUES 0 448,531 354,040 78.93 0 448,531

Expenditures 728 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 0 448,531 338,850 75.55 0 448,531 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 448,531 338,850 75.55 0 448,531 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0 0 15,190 0 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 516 CONSTRUCTION 0 400,000 374,414 93.60 0 400,000 TOTAL REVENUES 0 400,000 374,414 93.60 0 400,000

Expenditures 516 CONSTRUCTION 0 400,000 374,414 93.60 0 400,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 400,000 374,414 93.60 0 400,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 000 00 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0

Fund 465 ‐ 2000 M‐59 UTILITIES CONST FUND

Revenues 665 INVESTMENT INTEREST 0 0 46 0.00 39 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 46 0.00 39 0

Expenditures 548 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 40,586 40,586 0 0.00 0 40,586 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40,586 40,586 0 0.00 0 40,586 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (40,586) (40,586) 46 39 (40,586) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 40,586 40,586 40,586 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 665 INVESTMENT INTEREST 0 0 324 100.00 00 675 DONATION ‐ THAI SUMMIT 0 100,000 100,000 100.00 0 100,000 TOTAL REVENUES 0 100,000 100,324 100.00 0 100,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0 100,000 100,324 0 100,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 00 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 100,000 100,000


Expenditures 516 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 21,345 21,345 0 0.00 0 21,345 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,345 21,345 0 0.00 0 21,345 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (21,345) (21,345) 00(21,345) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 21,345 21,345 21,345 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Expenditures 516 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 5,891 5,891 0 0.00 0 5,891 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,891 5,891 0 0.00 0 5,891 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (5,891) (5,891) 00(5,891) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,891 5,891 5,891 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018


Fund 489 ‐ 2016 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION Expenditures 516 CONSTRUCTION 40,747 37,012 1,483 4.01 66,208 37,012 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40,747 37,012 1,483 4.01 66,208 37,012 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (40,747) (37,012) (1,483) (66,208) (37,012) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 37,012 37,012 37,012 ENDING FUND BALANCE (3,735) 00


Revenues 675 TEDF GRANT 0 0 0 0.00 191,560 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 0 0.00 191,560 0

Expenditures 516 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 0 8,470 59,898 0.00 183,090 8,470 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 8,470 59,898 0.00 183,090 8,470 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0 (8,470) (59,898) 8,470 (8,470) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0 8,470 8,470 ENDING FUND BALANCE 00 0


Revenues 698 BOND PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0.00 2,070,534 0 699 TRANS IN WATER FUND 0 0 0 0.00 175,347 0 699 TRANS IN SEWER 0 0 0 0.00 120,207 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 0 0.00 2,366,088 0

Expenditures 516 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 0 785 785 100.00 394,630 785 518 PARKING LOT # 2 0 48,902 49,625 101.48 862,849 48,902 539 WATER MAIN REHAB 0 134 134 100.10 175,776 134 548 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 0 179 179 99.92 120,780 179 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 50,000 50,723 100.00 1,554,035 50,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0 (50,000) (50,723) 812,053 (50,000) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0 104,780 104,780 ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 54,780 54,780 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018


Fund 590 ‐ SEWER FUND

Revenues 536 WATER OR SEWER SYSTEMS 2,838,620 2,838,620 2,096,799 73.87 1,781,669 2,703,620 ‐ Defer SAW to 18/19 ($135k) TOTAL REVENUES 2,838,620 2,838,620 2,096,799 73.87 1,781,669 2,703,620

Expenditures 536 WATER OR SEWER SYSTEMS 1,220,114 1,474,114 628,730 42.65 373,078 1,358,114 ‐ Camera $20k/ Defer SAW to 18/19 ($156) 537 INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT 47,023 47,023 27,545 58.58 31,611 47,023 564 TREATMENT PLANT 1,389,160 1,793,160 1,387,807 77.39 757,420 1,793,160 906 DEBT SERVICE 268,844 268,844 268,190 99.76 314,342 268,844 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 0 0 0 0.00 120,207 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,925,141 3,583,141 2,312,271 64.53 1,596,659 3,467,141 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (86,521) (744,521) (215,472) 185,010 (763,521) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 1,701,092 1,701,092 1,701,092 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 1,614,571 956,571 937,571

Fund 591 ‐ WATER FUND

Revenues 536 WATER OR SEWER SYSTEMS 2,236,505 2,249,505 1,885,859 83.83 1,763,918 2,249,505 TOTAL REVENUES 2,236,505 2,249,505 1,885,859 83.83 1,763,918 2,249,505

Expenditures 290 GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION 157,287 160,287 123,281 76.91 110,953 160,287 536 WATER OR SEWER SYSTEMS 415,884 591,884 382,659 64.65 365,930 591,884 564 TREATMENT PLANT 1,176,211 1,238,211 756,731 61.11 682,846 1,238,211 906 DEBT SERVICE 464,351 464,351 464,351 100.00 467,476 464,351 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 0 0 0 0.00 175,347 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,213,733 2,454,733 1,727,022 70.35 1,802,552 2,454,733 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 22,772 (205,228) 158,837 (38,634) (205,228) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 1,210,779 1,210,779 1,210,779 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 1,233,551 1,005,551 1,005,551 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 441 PUBLICE SERVICES DEPT 30,600 30,600 37,809 123.75 39,756 30,600 966 TRANSFERS IN 626,918 626,918 518,809 82.76 504,851 626,918 TOTAL REVENUES 657,518 657,518 556,618 84.65 544,607 657,518

Expenditures 441 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT 716,895 735,895 449,554 61.09 388,200 735,895 906 DEBT SERVICE 63,125 63,125 63,281 100.25 65,103 63,125 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 17,705 17,705 13,279 75.00 10,881 17,705 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 797,725 816,725 526,113 64.42 464,185 816,725 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (140,207) (159,207) 30,505 80,422 (159,207) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 717,475 717,475 717,475 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 577,268 558,268 558,268


Revenues 441 PUBLICE SERVICES DEPT 9,000 9,000 10,881 100.00 8,506 9,000 966 TRANSFERS IN 354,093 354,093 265,572 75.00 217,616 354,093 TOTAL REVENUES 363,093 363,093 276,453 76.14 226,122 363,093

Expenditures 441 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT 553,191 480,191 287,707 59.92 236,691 480,191 442 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,300 2,300 2,575 111.95 1,743 2,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 555,491 482,491 290,282 60.16 238,434 482,491 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (192,398) (119,398) (13,829) (12,312) (119,398) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 269,914 269,914 269,914 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 77,516 150,516 150,516 04/24/2018 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2018



Revenues 000 GENERAL 22,000 22,000 16,964 77.11 21,708 22,000 TOTAL REVENUES 22,000 22,000 16,964 77.11 21,708 22,000

Expenditures 966 TRANSFERS IN/OUT 68,000 68,000 58,127 85.48 0 68,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 68,000 68,000 58,127 85.48 0 68,000 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (46,000) (46,000) (41,163) 21,708 (46,000) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 490,031 490,031 490,031 ENDING FUND BALANCE 444,031 444,031 444,031


Revenues 665 INVESTMENT INTEREST 0 0 1,346 100.00 776 TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 1,346 1.00 776 0 NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0 0 1,346 776 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 134,382 134,382 134,382 ENDING FUND BALANCE 134,382 134,382 134,382 CITY OF HOWELL QUATERLY INVESTMENT REPORT AS AT MARCH 2018


HUNTINGTON GENERAL FUND CHECKING 7,779.41 LIQUID 0.40000% WATER/SEWER/ RUBBISH 1,760,488.89 LIQUID 0.40000% DDA 68,221.82 LIQUID 0.40000% COMBINED 903,976.21 LIQUID 0.40000% TAX 1,504,019.64 LIQUID 0.40000% LOCAL STREET 73,220.44 LIQUID 0.40000% M‐59 CONSTRUCTION FUND 40,626.31 LIQUID 0.40000% MAJOR STREET 130,245.70 LIQUID 0.40000% CUSTOMER GUARANTEES 14,882.34 LIQUID 0.40000% SEWER BOND RESERVE 269,972.89 LIQUID 0.40000% TAX CHECKING 263,990.18 LIQUID 0.40000% 5,037,423.83

FIRST NATIONAL BANK UTILITIES/ CEMETERY 1,290,719.97 LIQUID 1.49350% (Collaterized) COMBINED 547,830.30 LIQUID 1.49350% SEWER 1,117.41 LIQUID 0.25000% WATER 1,000.00 LIQUID 0.25000% 1,838,550.27

PNC BANK WATER 140.82 LIQUID 0.74000% MAJOR STREET 50.52 LIQUID 0.74000% SEWER 87.39 LIQUID 0.74000% EQUIPMENT POOL 101.26 LIQUID 0.74000% PAYROLL 142,428.31 LIQUID 0.00000% DRUG FOREITURE 7,348.69 LIQUID 0.74000% COMBINED CD 258,876.68 181 DAYS 1.70000% WATER CD 240,182.62 181 DAYS 1.70000% SEWER CD 149,060.84 181 DAYS 1.70000% 798,277.13

MBIA MI CLASS GENERAL 6,560.38 LIQUID 1.72000% PUBLIC EMPLOYEE HEALTH CARE 135,727.91 LIQUID 1.72000% PAGE FIELD 100,324.42 LIQUID 1.72000% RESERVE FUND 36,112.04 LIQUID 1.72000% 278,724.75

FLAGSTAR SEWER 260,602.79 90 DAYS 1.38000% GENERAL 357,061.09 30 DAYS 1.20000% 617,663.88

MORGAN STANLEY MS US GOV'T MM TRUST 251,754.55 LIQUID 1.38000% 251,754.55

TOTAL 8,822,394.41 ONE MONTH T BILL RATE 1.60000% ONE YEAR T BILL RATE 2.03000%

HISTORICAL DATA@MAR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ONE MONTH T BILL RATE 0.150% 0.050% 0.050% 0.040% 0.030% 0.050% 0.180% 0.750% ONE YEAR T BILL RATE 0.380% 0.260% 0.180% 0.130% 0.120% 0.260% 0.580% 1.030%



Pursuant to the Howell City Charter the 2018-2019 Budget must be adopted by May 21, 2018. I am requesting the Mayor & City Council proceed with scheduling the required budget hearing and truth in taxation hearing for Monday, May 21st at 7:00 pm. We will publish the notice with an operating millage of 15.4998 mills and a Garbage Millage of 1.115 Mills.

ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to set a public hearing to consider the 2018-2019 City of Howell Budget at 7:00 pm, Monday May 21, 2018 at Howell City Hall.


Shea Charles, City Manager

CITY OF HOWELL 5/8/2018 Name Amount Description M E R S $73,451.93 EMPLOYERS SHARE

TOTAL $73,451.93


TOTAL $533,506.95

pay ending 4-28-2018 $138,259.94 ****** 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 1/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 53-RD DIST 53-RD DISTRICT COURT 04/26/2018 18-03108 GEN SHOW CAUSE HEARING - CARUSONE JR 79386 204 S HIGHLANDER WAY 05/08/2018 N 311.00 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 04/26/2018 N 311.00 PD CK# 88621 04/27/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 311.00 A-1 RENT A-1 RENT ALL STOP 04/26/2018 23355 GEN TENT RENTALS 79502 1305 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 605.00 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 605.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 605.00 AALPHA BUS AALPHA BUSINESS PRODUCTS 04/23/2018 11170 GEN MAYORS PIN 2018 79503 P.O. BOX 677 05/08/2018 N 1,351.96 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48844 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,351.96 Open


AALPHA BUS AALPHA BUSINESS PRODUCTS 04/28/2018 11178 GEN BUSINESS CARDS FOR SCHMITT 79504 P.O. BOX 677 05/08/2018 N 77.50 04/28/2018 HOWELL MI, 48844 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 77.50 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,429.46 ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/05/2018 8082809555459 GEN BATTERY FOR #16 79442 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 101.83 P.O. BOX 742063 04/05/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 101.83 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 2/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS BOTH JOURNALIZED04/05/2018 AND UNJOURNALIZED8082809555459 OPEN AND PAIDGEN BATTERY FOR #16 79442 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 BANK CODE: GEN N 101.83 A/P P.O. BOX 742063 Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref04/05/2018 # AddressATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 CK /Run / Date PO0.0000 HoldN Gross Amount0.00 Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc.05/08/2018 Date Disc. % SepN CK Discount101.83 InvoiceOpen Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount


ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/28/2018 8082810641433 GEN FITTINGS 79444 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 30.89 P.O. BOX 742063 04/28/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 30.89 Open


ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/17/2018 8082810739070 GEN FILTER 79445 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 45.84 P.O. BOX 742063 04/17/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 45.84 Open


ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/17/2018 8082810739071 GEN OIL & AIR FILTERS 79446 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 116.71 P.O. BOX 742063 04/17/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 116.71 Open


ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/23/2018 8082811341865 GEN AIR FILTER FOR UNIT #77 79447 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 21.20 P.O. BOX 742063 04/23/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 21.20 Open


ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/26/2018 8082811642014 GEN FILTERS FOR LIME COLLECTOR 79465 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 189.00 P.O. BOX 742063 04/26/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 189.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 3/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID ADVANCED A ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 04/26/2018 BANK CODE: 8082811642014GEN GEN FILTERS FOR LIME DUST COLLECTOR A/P 79465 AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 05/08/2018 N 189.00 Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description P.O. BOX 742063 Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice04/26/2018 Date City/State/ZipATLANTA GA, 30374-2063 Disc. / /Date Disc.0.0000 % SepN CK Discount0.00 Invoice Notes Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net 189.00Amount Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 505.47 ADVANCE DI ADVANCED DISPOSAL 04/30/2018 V20001812188 GEN SOLID WASTE ROLL -OFFS 79505 SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, LLC - V2 05/08/2018 N 375.93 P.O. BOX 74008047 04/30/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60674-8047 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 375.93 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 375.93 ALCHIN'S ALCHIN'S DISPOSAL INC 04/24/2018 84001169 GEN RUBBISH WWTP 79466 P O BOX 950 05/08/2018 N 85.00 9900 WEST GRAND RIVER 04/24/2018 FOWLERVILLE MI, 48836-0950 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 85.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 85.00 BIOTECH BIOTECH AGRONOMICS INC 04/30/2018 1919 GEN LAND APPLICATION OF BIOSOLIDS 79462 1651 BEULAH HWY 05/08/2018 N 69,485.70 04/23/2018 BEULAH MI, 49617 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 69,485.70 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 69,485.70 BOOMERS BOOMERS CRANE SERVICE 04/30/2018 1084 GEN REMOVE LIME TANK FOR WAS ODER CONTROL 79463 7627 ANTCLIFF 05/08/2018 N 375.00 04/19/2018 HOWELL MI, 48855 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 375.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-564-930.007 REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT 375.00 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 4/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount

VENDOR TOTAL: 375.00 BS&A SOFT BS&A SOFTWARE 05/01/2018 117337 GEN PROGRAM UPDATES AND SUPPORT 79458 14965 ABBEY LANE 05/08/2018 N 6,440.00 05/01/2018 BATH MI, 48808 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 6,440.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 6,440.00 C&D HUGHES C & D HUGHES, INC 04/13/2018 PAY#6/20160036.09GEN 2017 ROADS GREGORY/CRANE 79416 3097 LANSING RD 05/08/2018 N 2,063.00 04/13/2018 CHARLOTTE MI, 48813 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 2,063.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 203-458-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 1,031.50 591-536-967.013 PROJECT COSTS - MAIN REHAB 474.49 590-536-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 557.01 2,063.00

VENDOR TOTAL: 2,063.00 PERF/BONDS CHEM-TREND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 04/25/2018 PB16-086 GEN 1445 MCPHERSON PARK DR 79379 1455 W MCPHERSON PARK DR 05/08/2018 N 500.00 04/25/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 500.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 500.00 CONTINENTA CONTINENTAL LINEN SERVICES 04/30/2018 20626 GEN UNIFORMS AND SUPPLIES 79487 4200 MANCHESTER 05/08/2018 N 183.94 04/30/2018 KALAMAZOO MI, 49001 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 183.94 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 5/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 590-564-741.002 UNIFORMS/CLEANING/ RENTAL 183.94

CONTINENTA CONTINENTAL LINEN SERVICES 04/28/2018 20630/5/2018 GEN FLOOR MATS 79449 4200 MANCHESTER 05/08/2018 N 58.54 04/28/2018 KALAMAZOO MI, 49001 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 58.54 Open


CONTINENTA CONTINENTAL LINEN SERVICES 04/28/2018 20631/5/2018 GEN DPW UNIFORMS 79450 4200 MANCHESTER 05/08/2018 N 469.48 04/28/2018 KALAMAZOO MI, 49001 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 469.48 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-564-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 56.92 101-265-775.001 JANITOR SUPPLIES 114.92 640-441-741.002 UNIFORMS/CLEANING/ RENTAL 30.00 641-441-741.002 UNIFORMS/CLEANING/ RENTAL 267.64 469.48

CONTINENTA CONTINENTAL LINEN SERVICES 04/28/2018 20632/5/2018 GEN UNIFORMS WATER PLANT 79451 4200 MANCHESTER 05/08/2018 N 68.56 04/28/2018 KALAMAZOO MI, 49001 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 68.56 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 780.52 CORRIGAN CORRIGAN OIL COMPANY NO II 04/27/2018 6597721-IN GEN FUEL 79467 775 N SECOND ST 05/08/2018 N 412.30 04/27/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 412.30 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 412.30 CORRIGAN CORRIGAN OIL COMPANY NO.II 04/24/2018 6595171-IN GEN FUEL 79468 775 N SECOND ST 05/08/2018 N 5,263.26 04/24/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 5,263.26 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 6/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceCORRIGAN Date City/State/ZipCORRIGAN OIL COMPANY NO.II Disc.04/24/2018 Date Disc.6595171-IN % SepGEN CK FUEL Discount Invoice79468 Notes 775 N SECOND ST Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net5,263.26 Amount 04/24/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 5,263.26 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 5,263.26 CRUISERS CRUISERS INC 04/19/2018 38429 GEN 315 DVR REPLACEMENT 79417 5977 BRIGHTON PINES CT 05/08/2018 N 235.31 04/19/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 235.31 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 235.31 CUMMINS BR CUMMINS BRIDGEWAY LLC 04/26/2018 006-61039 GEN GENERATOR FOR CITY HALL 79393 #774494 05/08/2018 N 1,915.17 4494 SOLUTIONS CENTER 04/26/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60677-4004 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,915.17 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,915.17 D&K TRUCK D & K TRUCK COMPANY 04/26/2018 787875 GEN FUEL FILTERS FOR 29 & 36 79394 3020 SNOW RD 05/08/2018 N 200.64 04/26/2018 LANSING MI, 48917 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 200.64 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 200.64 DELTA DNTL DELTA DENTAL OF MICHIGAN 04/25/2018 RIS0001844238 GEN DENTAL INSURANCE MAY 2018 79380 16082 COLLECTION CENTER DR 05/08/2018 N 5,388.35 04/25/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60693-0160 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 5,388.35 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 7/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 101-000-083.001 DF FORMER EMPLOYEE/HLTH INS 823.49 101-290-714.000 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL INSURANCE 4,521.57 101-270-804.006 MI CLAIMS TAX 43.29 5,388.35

VENDOR TOTAL: 5,388.35 DORNBOS SI DORNBOS SIGN INC. 04/23/2018 INV37957 GEN STREET SIGNS 79469 619 W HARRIS 05/08/2018 N 55.59 04/23/2018 CHARLOTTE MI, 48813 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 55.59 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 55.59 DET EDISON DTE ENERGY 04/25/2018 MAY2018 GEN CITY UTILITIES - LAKESIDE 79381 P O BOX 740786 05/08/2018 N 59.70 04/25/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45274-0786 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/25/2018 N 59.70 PD CK# 88619 04/25/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 59.70 DUBOIS-COO DUBOIS-COOPER ASSOCIATES INC. 04/30/2018 1065650 GEN REPLACE HOUR METER AT LAB 79470 905 PENNIMAN 05/08/2018 N 169.50 P O BOX 6161 04/01/2018 PLYMOUTH MI, 48170-0161 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 169.50 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 169.50 FASTENAL FASTENAL COMPANY 04/23/2018 MIBRG99323 GEN SAFETY GEAR FOR SUMMER HELP 79506 P O BOX 1286 05/08/2018 N 238.21 04/23/2018 WINONA MN, 55987-1286 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 238.21 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 8/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 641-441-740.026 OPER SUPP/SAFETY EQUIPMENT 238.21

VENDOR TOTAL: 238.21 FERGUSON FERGUSON ENTERPRISES #2000 04/26/2018 0042276 GEN REPAIR BANDS 79395 P.O. BOX 802817 05/08/2018 N 540.00 03/30/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60680-2817 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 540.00 Open


FERGUSON FERGUSON ENTERPRISES #2000 04/26/2018 0043105 GEN CURB & TOPS 79396 P.O. BOX 802817 05/08/2018 N 468.00 04/10/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60607 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 468.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,008.00 FIRE SYST FIRE SYSTEMS OF MICHIGAN INC 04/30/2018 181655 GEN EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 79472 26109 GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 192.00 03/30/2018 REDFORD MI, 48240 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 192.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-564-930.007 REPAIR & MAINT - PLANT 43.00 591-564-775.000 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 25.50 101-265-931.000 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 49.50 101-751-931.000 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 10.50 101-276-931.000 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 6.00 641-441-740.026 OPER SUPP/SAFETY EQUIPMENT 57.50 192.00

VENDOR TOTAL: 192.00 FIRST ADVA FIRST ADVANTAGE OCC.HEALTH SERVICE 04/24/2018 2510531801 GEN EMPLOYEE TESTING 79384 P.O. BOX 404064 05/08/2018 N 111.83 04/24/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30384-4064 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 111.83 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-270-835.000 PHYSICALS / MEDICAL EXPENSE 111.83 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 9/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount

VENDOR TOTAL: 111.83 FIRST IMPR FIRST IMPRESSION PRINT & MARKETING 04/30/2018 70138 GEN SIGNS FOR ARBOR DAY 79473 907 FOWLER ST 05/08/2018 N 252.00 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 252.00 Open


FIRST IMPR FIRST IMPRESSION PRINT & MARKETING 04/24/2018 70167 GEN COFFEE WITH A COP SIGN 79383 907 FOWLER ST 05/08/2018 N 46.00 04/24/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 46.00 Open


FIRST IMPR FIRST IMPRESSION PRINT & MARKETING 04/24/2018 70181 GEN ARBOR DAY BANNER 79474 907 FOWLER ST 05/08/2018 N 145.00 04/24/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 145.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 443.00 GAMETIME GAMETIME 04/26/2018 PJI-0080531 GEN PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT ARGYLE PARK 79398 P O BOX 680121 05/08/2018 N 10,900.00 03/16/2018 FORT PAYNE AL, 35968 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 10,900.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 10,900.00 GEO SHACK GEO SHACK INC. 04/24/2018 53-9046534 GEN CALIBRATE / CLEAN AND INSPECT 79476 2307 SPRINGLAKE RD 05/08/2018 N 157.50 SUITE 514 04/24/2018 DALLAS TX, 75234 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 157.50 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 10/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID GEO SHACK GEO SHACK INC. 04/24/2018 BANK CODE: 53-9046534GEN GEN CALIBRATE / CLEAN AND INSPECT A/P 79476 2307 SPRINGLAKE RD 05/08/2018 N 157.50 Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description SUITE 514 Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice04/24/2018 Date City/State/ZipDALLAS TX, 75234 Disc. / /Date Disc.0.0000 % SepN CK Discount0.00 Invoice Notes Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net 157.50Amount Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 157.50 GHD SER GHD SERVICES INC. 04/26/2018 920569 GEN METHANE & GW SAMPLING 79397 P.O. BOX 392237 05/08/2018 N 2,538.82 04/24/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15251-9237 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 2,538.82 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 2,538.82 GORDON FD GORDON FOOD SERVICE INC. 04/24/2018 758153663 GEN ARBOR DAY 79475 PO BOX 88029 05/08/2018 N 475.93 04/24/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60680-1029 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 475.93 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 475.93 GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/11/2018 83086 GEN TREE PRUNER 79438 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 31.99 04/11/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 31.99 Open


GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/25/2018 83119 GEN GARBAGE BAGS 79399 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 19.98 04/25/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 19.98 Open


GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/23/2018 83123 GEN WATER LINE REPAIR 79400 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 16.30 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 16.30 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 11/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceGRUNDYS DateAC City/State/ZipGRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE Disc.04/23/2018 Date Disc.83123 % SepGEN CK WATER LINE REPAIR Discount Invoice79400 Notes 1250 E GRAND RIVER Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net Amount16.30 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 16.30 Open


GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/23/2018 83130 GEN ODOR CONTROL 79478 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 34.95 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 34.95 Open


GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/24/2018 83141 GEN ARBOR DAY 79477 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 116.91 04/24/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 116.91 Open


GRUNDYS AC GRUNDY'S ACE HARDWARE 04/27/2018 83149 GEN POWER CORDS FOR ARBOR DAY 79432 1250 E GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 269.93 04/27/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 269.93 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 490.06 HACH CO HACH COMPANY 04/23/2018 10924754 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79401 2207 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR 05/08/2018 N 454.89 04/23/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60693 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 454.89 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 454.89 HAVILAND HAVILAND 04/27/2018 275913 GEN PLANT CHEMICALS 79433 421 ANN ST NW 05/08/2018 N 341.04 04/27/2018 GRAND RAPIDS MI, 49504-2075 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 341.04 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 12/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceHAVILAND Date City/State/ZipHAVILAND Disc.04/27/2018 Date Disc.275913 % SepGEN CK PLANT CHEMICALS Discount Invoice79433 Notes 421 ANN ST NW Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net 341.04Amount 04/27/2018 GRAND RAPIDS MI, 49504-2075 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 341.04 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 341.04 HEADWORKS HEADWORKS INC. 04/23/2018 17-1212HOW2 GEN REPLACE SCREW CONVEYORS FOR AUTO RAKE 79479 11000 BRITTMOORE PARK DR 05/08/2018 N 13,305.60 04/23/2018 HOUSTON TX, 77041 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 13,305.60 Open


HEADWORKS HEADWORKS INC. 04/30/2018 18-0409HOW1 GEN AUTO RAKE REPAIR 79480 11000 BRITTMOORE PARK DR 05/08/2018 N 12,525.00 04/09/2018 HOUSTON TX, 77041 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 12,525.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 25,830.60 HI-TECH HI-TECH SAFE & LOCK COMPANY INC 04/30/2018 29133 GEN REPAIR CITY HALL DOORS 79481 122 W CLINTON RD 05/08/2018 N 2,117.00 04/24/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 2,117.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 2,117.00 HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/11/2018 90513 GEN PIPE CEMENT 79439 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 7.68 04/11/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 7.68 Open


HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/11/2018 90541 GEN CURZON ST LIGHT REPAIR 79440 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 6.99 04/11/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 6.99 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 13/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/11/2018 90541 GEN CURZON ST LIGHT REPAIR 79440 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 6.99 04/11/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 6.99 Open


HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/13/2018 90611 GEN REPAIR HOT WATER HEATER (BANK DRIVE THRU) 79441 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 48.15 04/13/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 48.15 Open


HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/24/2018 90748 GEN ODOR CONTROL 79482 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 13.99 04/24/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 13.99 Open


HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/26/2018 90776 GEN ODOR CONTROL 79484 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 31.49 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 31.49 Open


HOW HARDW HOWELL HARDWARE 04/26/2018 90782 GEN ODOR CONTROL 79483 1076 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 16.48 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 16.48 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 124.78 HOW PARKS HOWELL PARKS AND RECREATION AUTHORI 04/27/2018 220.0427001 GEN BEACH & BOAT LAUNCH 2018 AGREEMENT 79501 925 W GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 45,000.00 04/27/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 45,000.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 14/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceHOW PARKS Date City/State/ZipHOWELL PARKS AND RECREATION AUTHORI Disc.04/27/2018 Date Disc.220.0427001 % SepGEN CK BEACH & BOAT LAUNCH 2018 AGREEMENTDiscount Invoice79501 Notes 925 W GRAND RIVER Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net45,000.00 Amount 04/27/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 45,000.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 45,000.00 USPS HOWELL POSTMASTER 05/02/2018 WATER2018 GEN ANNUAL REPORT POSTCARDS (2249) 79448 325 S MICHIGAN 05/08/2018 N 579.85 05/02/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/01/2018 N 579.85 PD CK# 88625 05/02/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 579.85 HOW SOFT HOWELL SOFT CLOTH CAR WASH 04/26/2018 042618 GEN CAR WASHES 79485 1009 S MICHIGAN AVE 05/08/2018 N 250.00 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 250.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 250.00 HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 0159807 GEN WATER MAIN GIS MAPPING 79387 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 1,345.34 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,345.34 Open


HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/25/2018 0159858 GEN LOOP RD ENGINEERING 79382 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 133.48 04/25/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 133.48 Open


HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 0159859 GEN PARKING LOT #2 79391 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 525.62 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 525.62 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 15/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 0159859 GEN PARKING LOT #2 79391 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 525.62 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 525.62 Open


HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 159809-14 GEN SAW GRANT, SANITARY AMP, STORM AMP, GRANT ADMIN 79388 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 17,299.73 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 17,299.73 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-536-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6,609.93 590-564-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,158.84 202-538-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,765.48 203-538-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,765.48 17,299.73

HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 159857/159856 GEN 2017 PAVING IMPROVEMENT 79390 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 1,490.33 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,490.33 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 203-458-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 447.10 591-536-967.013 PROJECT COSTS - MAIN REHAB 447.10 590-536-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 596.13 1,490.33

HUBBELL HUBBELL ROTH & CLARK 04/26/2018 159860 GEN 2018 PAVING IMPROV SURVEY 79389 P O BOX 824 05/08/2018 N 5,986.06 04/26/2018 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI, 48303-0824 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 5,986.06 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 203-458-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 3,471.91 202-458-967.000 PROJECT COSTS 2,514.15 5,986.06

VENDOR TOTAL: 26,780.56 IMAGE ONE IMAGE ONE 04/28/2018 437351 GEN TONER AND COLOR CARTRIDGES FOR COPIER 79453 13201 CAPITAL 05/08/2018 N 152.48 04/28/2018 OAK PARK MI, 48237 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 152.48 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 16/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount InvoiceIMAGE ONE Notes IMAGE ONE Due04/28/2018 Date 437351 1099GEN TONER AND COLOR CARTRIDGESNet FOR Amount COPIER 79453 13201 CAPITAL 05/08/2018 N 152.48 04/28/2018 OAK PARK MI, 48237 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 152.48 Open


IMAGE ONE IMAGE ONE 05/01/2018 437787 GEN PRINTER CONTRACT APRIL 2018 79459 13201 CAPITAL 05/08/2018 N 483.73 05/01/2018 OAK PARK MI, 48237 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 483.73 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-172-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 71.37 101-191-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 110.76 101-301-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.72 641-441-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.75 591-564-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.68 590-564-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.45 483.73

VENDOR TOTAL: 636.21 INCH INCH MEMORIALS 04/24/2018 80548 GEN COMPLETION OF COLUMBARUIM C96 79385 580 SOUTH MAIN ST 05/08/2018 N 16,992.00 04/24/2018 NORTHVILLE MI, 48167 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 16,992.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 16,992.00 INGSTRUP INGSTRUP GARAGE DOOR AND CONSTRUCTI 04/13/2018 7135 GEN REPAIR GARGE DOOR 79486 12350 E GREENFIELD RD 05/08/2018 N 468.50 04/13/2018 LANSING MI, 48917 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 468.50 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 468.50 KELLY HANS KELLY HANSEN INTERIORS 04/18/2018 3024 GEN DESIGN FEE 3RD FLOOR RENOVATIONS 79370 124 N STATE ST 05/08/2018 N 975.00 04/18/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 975.00 PD CK# 88592 04/24/2018

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 17/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceKELLY HANS Date City/State/ZipKELLY HANSEN INTERIORS Disc.04/18/2018 Date Disc.3024 % SepGEN CK DESIGN FEE 3RD FLOOR RENOVATIONSDiscount Invoice79370 Notes 124 N STATE ST Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net 975.00Amount 04/18/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 975.00 PD CK# 88592 04/24/2018


KELLY HANS KELLY HANSEN INTERIORS 04/18/2018 3044 GEN 50% DEPOSIT 3RD FLOOR CARPET 79371 124 N STATE ST 05/08/2018 N 9,074.44 04/18/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 9,074.44 PD CK# 88592 04/24/2018


KELLY HANS KELLY HANSEN INTERIORS 04/18/2018 3052 GEN 3RD FLOOR OFFICE FURNITURE DEPOSIT 79372 124 N STATE ST 05/08/2018 N 3,612.30 04/18/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 3,612.30 PD CK# 88592 04/24/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 13,661.74 L.E.O.R.T. L.E.O.R.T.C. 04/25/2018 5240 GEN RESIDENTIAL CRIME PREVENTION - CHARLICK & SAWYER 79434 MOTT COMM COLLEGE-SOUTHERN LAKE CN 05/08/2018 N 130.00 2100 W THOMPSON RD, ROOM 1403 04/25/2018 FENTON MI, 48430 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 130.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 130.00 LASHBROOKS LASHBROOK SEPTIC SERVICE 04/30/2018 A-39975 GEN PORT A JOHN RENTALS - PARKS 79488 4895 CURDY RD 05/08/2018 N 345.00 04/30/2018 HOWELL MI, 48855 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 Y 345.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 345.00 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 18/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount MISC LIBERTY TITLE 04/24/2018 04/24/2018 GEN UB REFUND FOR 542 ROSELANE 79374 225 W GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 0.00 04/24/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 05/08/2018 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 69.21 Open *UB REFUND FOR 542 ROSELANE

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 591-536-643.000 1205-5/8 W RTS 36.96 226-528-635.000 3601-RUBBISH 17.65 591-536-644.000 1000-WTR USAGE 14.60 69.21

VENDOR TOTAL: 69.21 PERF/BONDS LIMBERS, JODI 04/23/2018 PB18-045 GEN 931 LIBERTY 79422 931 LIBERTY 05/08/2018 N 250.00 04/23/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 250.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 250.00 LINDHOUT LINDHOUT ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS AIA P 04/26/2018 2018-0243 GEN DPW INTERIOR REMODEL 79392 10465 CITATION DR. 05/08/2018 N 927.50 04/26/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 927.50 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 927.50 LIV AGGERA LIVINGSTON AGGREGATE INC 04/30/2018 4838 GEN FILL SAND 79489 1335 BARRON RD 05/08/2018 N 214.31 P O BOX 645 04/30/2018 HOWELL MI, 48844-0645 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 214.31 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 591-536-775.000 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 107.15 590-536-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 107.16 214.31 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 19/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 214.31

VENDOR TOTAL: 214.31 LIV CNTY R LIVINGSTON COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 04/25/2018 5443 GEN SALT FOR FEB & MARCH 2018 79435 3535 GRAND OAKS DR. 05/08/2018 N 28,420.19 04/25/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 28,420.19 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-265-740.018 OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING 233.47 101-276-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 43.77 101-284-740.018 OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING 43.77 101-286-740.018 OPER SUPP/LANDSCAPING 2,130.31 101-444-740.000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 116.73 101-751-775.006 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES / PARKS 160.50 202-478-740.007 OPERATING SUPP/SALT/SAND/CHL 12,606.74 203-478-740.007 OPERATING SUPP/SALT/SAND/CHL 13,029.89 202-497-775.000 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 55.01 28,420.19

LIV CNTY R LIVINGSTON COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 04/13/2018 5444 GEN COLD PATCH 79414 3535 GRAND OAKS DR. 05/08/2018 N 485.93 04/13/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 485.93 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 28,906.12 LIV FEED LIVINGSTON FEED & SEED 04/10/2018 12208 GEN GRASS SEED 79408 361 MARION ST 05/08/2018 N 63.99 04/10/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 63.99 Open


LIV FEED LIVINGSTON FEED & SEED 04/12/2018 12214 GEN GRASS SEED 79409 361 MARION ST 05/08/2018 N 121.58 04/12/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 121.58 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 20/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P VendorLIV FEED Code VendorLIVINGSTON name FEED & SEED Post04/12/2018 Date Invoice12214 BankGEN InvoiceGRASS SEED Description Ref79409 # Address361 MARION ST CK05/08/2018 Run Date PO HoldN Gross 121.58Amount Invoice04/12/2018 Date City/State/ZipHOWELL MI, 48843 Disc. / /Date Disc.0.0000 % SepN CK Discount0.00 Invoice Notes Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net 121.58Amount Open


LIV FEED LIVINGSTON FEED & SEED 04/19/2018 12221 GEN GRASS SEED 79407 361 MARION ST 05/08/2018 N 63.99 04/19/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 63.99 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 249.56 LOWES HOME LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC 04/28/2018 925248 GEN LIGHT BULBS 79456 P O BOX 530954 05/08/2018 N 34.12 04/28/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30353-0954 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 34.12 Open


LOWES HOME LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC 04/28/2018 925334 GEN WEED BARRIER 79454 P O BOX 530954 05/08/2018 N 56.94 04/28/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30353-0954 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 56.94 Open


LOWES HOME LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC 04/28/2018 925335 GEN STRAW BLANKETS FOR COLUMBARIUM AREA 79455 P O BOX 530954 05/08/2018 N 18.99 04/28/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30353-0954 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 18.99 Open


LOWES HOME LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC 04/28/2018 925340 GEN GRAVE MAINTENANCE TOOLS 79457 P O BOX 530954 05/08/2018 N 189.78 04/28/2018 ATLANTA GA, 30353-0954 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 189.78 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 21/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount 101-276-931.001 CEMETERY MAINTENANCE 189.78

VENDOR TOTAL: 299.83 LUCY'S ST LUCY'S STEEL & ALUMINUM SALES 04/30/2018 7273 GEN REPAIR FOR ODOR CONTROL 79490 2440 W HIGHLAND RD (M-59) 05/08/2018 N 35.05 04/30/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 35.05 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 35.05 EMPLOYEE MCCLANAHAN, JASON 04/20/2018 5-2-2018 GEN MILEAGE 79507 05/08/2018 N 127.53 04/20/2018 , / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 127.53 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 127.53 METRON- METRON-FARNIER, LLC 04/04/2018 25875 GEN 12' CABLE/ ANTENNA 79410 5665 AIRPORT BLVD., SUITE B 105 05/08/2018 N 43.26 04/04/2018 BOULDER CO, 80301 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 43.26 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 43.26 M A P MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PLANNING 04/30/2018 28941 GEN SPRING INSTITUTE TRAINING SESSION 79460 1919 WEST STADIUM BLVD STE 4 05/08/2018 N 150.00 04/30/2018 ANN ARBOR MI, 48103 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 150.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 150.00 MILAN SUPP MILAN SUPPLY COMPANY 04/20/2018 823666 GEN WAS TANK ODOR CONTROL 79493 P.O. BOX 309 05/08/2018 N 180.70 04/20/2018 MOUNT PLEASANT MI, 48804-0309 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 180.70 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 22/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount MILAN SUPP MILAN SUPPLY COMPANY 04/20/2018 823666 GEN WAS TANK ODOR CONTROL 79493 P.O. BOX 309 05/08/2018 N 180.70 04/20/2018 MOUNT PLEASANT MI, 48804-0309 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 180.70 Open


MILAN SUPP MILAN SUPPLY COMPANY 04/24/2018 823923 GEN WAS TANK ODOR CONTROL 79492 P.O. BOX 309 05/08/2018 N 416.11 04/24/2018 MOUNT PLEASANT MI, 48804-0309 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 416.11 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 596.81 MILLER CAN MILLER CANFIELD PADDOCK & STONE 04/04/2018 1392489 GEN LOOP ROAD DEVELOPMENT 79411 P.O. DRAWER 640348 05/08/2018 N 1,120.00 04/04/2018 DETROIT MI, 48264-0348 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 Y 1,120.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,120.00 OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/23/2018 124447954001 GEN VACUUM BAGS 79402 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 32.18 04/23/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 32.18 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 125990658001 GEN CREDIT RETURNED FILES 79429 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N (52.59) 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N (52.59) Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 125992697001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79426 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 296.28 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 296.28 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 23/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 125992697001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79426 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 296.28 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 296.28 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 125992845001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79424 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 7.98 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 7.98 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 126051397001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79427 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 61.53 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 61.53 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 126051715001 GEN HAND SANITIZER 79428 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 24.90 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 24.90 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 131240397001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79430 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 70.83 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 70.83 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 131240554001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79431 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 8.39 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 8.39 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 24/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P VendorOFFICE CodeDEP VendorOFFICE nameDEPOT Post04/13/2018 Date Invoice131240554001 BankGEN InvoiceOFFICE SUPPLIESDescription Ref79431 # AddressP O BOX 633211 CK05/08/2018 Run Date PO HoldN Gross Amount8.39 Invoice04/13/2018 Date City/State/ZipCINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 Disc. / /Date Disc.0.0000 % SepN CK Discount0.00 Invoice Notes Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net Amount8.39 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/20/2018 131533390001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79494 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 63.74 04/20/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 63.74 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-564-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.99 641-441-727.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 35.75 63.74

OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/26/2018 131533552001 GEN COMPUTER CABLE 79495 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 31.20 04/26/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 31.20 Open


OFFICE DEP OFFICE DEPOT 04/13/2018 131867881001 GEN OFFICE SUPPLIES 79425 P O BOX 633211 05/08/2018 N 56.28 04/13/2018 CINCINNATI OH, 45263-3211 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 56.28 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 600.72 OMEGA WELD OMEGA WELDING 04/26/2018 8620 GEN REPAIR PUMP HANDLE ON LEACHATE PUMP 79497 627 S DEARBORN 05/08/2018 N 45.00 P.O. BOX 2207 04/26/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 45.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 45.00 OSCAR OSCAR W LARSON COMPANY 04/26/2018 SRVCE00000634452GEN FUEL PUMP REPAIR 79496 10100 DIXIE HIGHWAY 05/08/2018 N 190.00 04/26/2018 CLARKSTON MI, 48348 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 190.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 25/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount InvoiceOSCAR Notes OSCAR W LARSON COMPANY Due04/26/2018 Date SRVCE000006344521099GEN FUEL PUMP REPAIR Net Amount 79496 10100 DIXIE HIGHWAY 05/08/2018 N 190.00 04/26/2018 CLARKSTON MI, 48348 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 190.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 190.00 PERF/BONDS PADDOCK HOME BUILDERS, LLC 04/23/2018 PB16-080 GEN 235 N NATIONAL PARTIAL REFUND - FAILED INSPECTIONS 79421 450 SOUTH CHRUCH ST 05/08/2018 N 1,330.00 04/23/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48116 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,330.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,330.00 PAYROLL PAYROLL FUND 05/01/2018 04-28-2018 GEN PAYROLL ENDING 4-28-2018 79443 05/08/2018 N 138,259.94 04/28/2018 , / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/01/2018 N 138,259.94 PD CK# 88623 05/01/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 138,259.94 PERKINS PL PERKINS, DENNIS, PLLC 04/30/2018 APRIL2018 GEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79508 528 W GRAND RIVER 05/08/2018 N 5,248.50 04/30/2018 HOWELL MI, 48843 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 Y 5,248.50 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-266-826.002 LEGAL FEES - RETAINER 1,050.00 101-266-826.003 LEGAL FEES - CRIMINAL 1,763.50 101-266-826.004 LEGAL FEES - CIVIL 2,179.00 101-266-956.000 MISCELLANEOUS 256.00 5,248.50

VENDOR TOTAL: 5,248.50 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH 04/24/2018 2018 BEACH/BOAT GEN START UP FUNDS 79376 05/08/2018 N 300.00 04/24/2018 , / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 300.00 PD CK# 88617 04/24/2018

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 26/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount InvoicePETTY CASH Notes PETTY CASH Due04/24/2018 Date 2018 BEACH/BOAT 1099GEN START UP FUNDS Net Amount 79376 05/08/2018 N 300.00 04/24/2018 , / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 300.00 PD CK# 88617 04/24/2018


VENDOR TOTAL: 300.00 PROGRESSIV PROGRESSIVE SWEEPING CONTRACTORS 04/23/2018 087523 GEN STREET SWEEPING SPRING CLEANUP 79403 5202 ENTERPRISE BLVD., SUITE B 05/08/2018 N 14,224.00 04/23/2018 TOLEDO OH, 43612 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 14,224.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 202-463-804.003 CONTRACT SERV - SWEEPING 7,104.00 203-463-804.003 CONTRACT SERV - SWEEPING 5,532.00 202-488-804.003 CONTRACT SERV - SWEEPING 1,588.00 14,224.00

VENDOR TOTAL: 14,224.00 USPS RESERVE ACCOUNT 04/24/2018 4-24-2018 GEN POSTAGE METER REFILL 79377 P.O. BOX 223648 05/08/2018 N 5,975.09 04/24/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15250 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 5,975.09 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-101-730.000 POSTAGE 1,449.46 101-172-730.000 POSTAGE 85.55 101-270-730.000 POSTAGE 118.30 101-262-730.000 POSTAGE 531.34 101-276-730.000 POSTAGE 6.20 101-301-730.000 POSTAGE 193.12 590-536-730.000 POSTAGE 454.64 591-290-730.000 POSTAGE 454.64 641-441-730.000 POSTAGE 51.37 101-722-730.000 POSTAGE 444.10 101-191-730.000 POSTAGE 2,186.37 5,975.09

VENDOR TOTAL: 5,975.09 SPICER GRO SPICER GROUP 04/04/2018 190408 GEN ANNUALNPDES PERMIT FOR 2017 79412 230 S WASHINGTON AVE 05/08/2018 N 2,052.00 04/04/2018 SAGINAW MI, 48607 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 2,052.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 27/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount InvoiceSPICER GRODate City/State/ZipSPICER GROUP Disc.04/04/2018 Date Disc.190408 % SepGEN CK ANNUALNPDES PERMIT FOR 2017Discount Invoice79412 Notes 230 S WASHINGTON AVE Due05/08/2018 Date 1099N Net2,052.00 Amount 04/04/2018 SAGINAW MI, 48607 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 2,052.00 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 202-538-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,026.00 203-538-801.004 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,026.00 2,052.00

VENDOR TOTAL: 2,052.00 EMPLOYEE SPITLER, MIKE 04/26/2018 05012018 GEN ADMIN CONFERENCE 79498 05/08/2018 N 223.55 04/26/2018 , / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 223.55 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 223.55 PERF/BONDS STERLING HOMES & IMPROVEMENTS 04/23/2018 PB18-026 GEN 607 BATES ST 79423 5435 SILVERTON DR 05/08/2018 N 250.00 04/23/2018 GRAND BLANC MI, 48439 / / 0.0000 Y 0.00 05/08/2018 N 250.00 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 250.00 LINCOLN NA THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 04/18/2018 MAY 2018 GEN LIFE INSURANCE 79361 P.O. BOX 0821 05/08/2018 N 4,211.28 04/18/2018 CAROL STREAM IL, 60132-0821 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 04/24/2018 N 4,211.28 PD CK# 88611 04/24/2018

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 101-000-081.000 DF OTHER GOVERNMENT UNITS 284.07 101-000-081.001 DUE FROM REC AUTHORITY 365.54 101-290-714.002 EMP DISABILITY / LIFE INSURANCE 3,561.67 4,211.28

VENDOR TOTAL: 4,211.28 TIDEWATER TIDEWATER PRODUCTS INC 04/13/2018 5453 GEN POLYMER 79415 P.O.BOX 23181 05/08/2018 N 3,572.40 04/13/2018 TOLEDO OH, 43623 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 3,572.40 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 28/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount InvoiceTIDEWATER Notes TIDEWATER PRODUCTS INC Due04/13/2018 Date 5453 1099GEN POLYMER Net Amount 79415 P.O.BOX 23181 05/08/2018 N 3,572.40 04/13/2018 TOLEDO OH, 43623 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 3,572.40 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 3,572.40 UNIVAR UNIVAR USA INC 04/13/2018 DT813557 GEN PLANT CHEMICALS 79413 13009 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR 05/08/2018 N 1,016.79 04/13/2018 CHICAGO IL, 60693 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 1,016.79 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,016.79 VSP VSP 04/19/2018 MAY 2018 GEN VISION INSURANCE 79418 05/08/2018 N 216.20 P.O. BOX 742788 04/19/2018 LOS ANGELES CA, 90074-2788 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 216.20 Open


VSP VSP 04/19/2018 MAY 2018- E GEN VISION INSURANCE 79419 05/08/2018 N 932.02 P.O. BOX 742788 04/19/2018 LOS ANGELES CA, 90074-2788 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 932.02 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,148.22 VWR INT VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 04/17/2018 8082017643 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79405 P O BOX 640169 05/08/2018 N 268.41 04/17/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 268.41 Open

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 29/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID BANK CODE: GEN A/P Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description RefVWR #INT AddressVWR INTERNATIONAL LLC CK04/17/2018 Run Date PO8082017643 HoldGEN LAB SUPPLIES Gross Amount Invoice79405 Date City/State/ZipP O BOX 640169 Disc.05/08/2018 Date Disc. % SepN CK Discount268.41 Invoice04/17/2018 Notes PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 Due / Date / 0.0000 1099N Net Amount0.00 05/08/2018 N 268.41 Open


VWR INT VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 04/17/2018 8082025088 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79406 P O BOX 640169 05/08/2018 N 220.24 04/17/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 220.24 Open


VWR INT VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 04/19/2018 8082048637 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79404 P O BOX 640169 05/08/2018 N 85.55 04/19/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 85.55 Open


VWR INT VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 04/17/2018 8082076329 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79436 P O BOX 640169 05/08/2018 N 52.02 04/17/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 52.02 Open


VWR INT VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 04/26/2018 8082124312 GEN LAB SUPPLIES 79499 P O BOX 640169 05/08/2018 N 843.83 04/26/2018 PITTSBURGH PA, 15264-0169 / / 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 843.83 Open


VENDOR TOTAL: 1,470.05 MISC WRIGHT, KAREN & JOSHUA 04/24/2018 04/24/2018 GEN UB REFUND FOR 413 ABERDEEN WAY 79373 9174 NORTHPOINTE RDG 05/08/2018 N 0.00 04/24/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48114-4990 05/08/2018 0.0000 N 0.00 05/08/2018 N 24.88 Open *UB REFUND FOR 413 ABERDEEN WAY

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/03/2018 02:30 PM INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR CITY OF HOWELL Page: 30/30 User: Daus EXP CHECK RUN DATES 05/08/2018 - 05/08/2018 DB: Howell BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN AND PAID MISC WRIGHT, KAREN & JOSHUA 04/24/2018 BANK CODE: 04/24/2018GEN GEN UB REFUND FOR 413 ABERDEEN WAY A/P 79373 9174 NORTHPOINTE RDG 05/08/2018 N 0.00 Vendor Code Vendor name Post Date Invoice Bank Invoice Description 04/24/2018 BRIGHTON MI, 48114-4990 05/08/2018 0.0000 N 0.00 Ref # Address CK Run Date PO Hold Gross Amount 05/08/2018 N 24.88 Invoice Date City/State/Zip Disc. Date Disc. % Sep CK Discount Open Invoice Notes Due Date 1099 Net Amount *UB REFUND FOR 413 ABERDEEN WAY

GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 590-536-643.001 2205-5/8 S RTS 13.20 226-528-635.000 3601-RUBBISH 6.17 591-536-643.000 1205-5/8 W RTS 5.51 24.88