FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 AYefBfe Daily Net PreaB Roi PAOB TWENTY lEupuiitg For The Week Ended October 7, 1967 TWe WlckDwiB and WBd^Werb The Rev. J. Sbanlboni Oono- MlancllKelter AstsemlUy, Order president; Carolyn Byran, vice Members of the American Le­ Ohfb d Oonnieidtilqift will hlave Ver, paisibor olf Bblttm Oongre- of RlalnbOw tor dills, will re- president; Kim Anthony, secre­ gion Auxiliary have been invit­ 'k CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS it 15,375 About Town a dance DoMontyw trom 9 p.m. guiUionall Church, win cfcmduct hdaime tomomoiw alt 9:30 a.m. tary; Edward SposMo, treas­ ed tomorrow at 8 p.m. to a joint a servfice Sunday alt 8:16 a.m. alt MQaHonic Temple. AIB Officers urer. Installation of the Oray-Dickln- Combination Windows and Doors Two memben of Sunset Re- bo 1 a^n. nt llie Ametfcon Le- gSen Han, oasiabonbury. The on radio dUaltlxm WlNiK. The are reminided Ito alttbend 'the son Post and Auxiliary at Pal- bckoh Lodge are attending a pnogram Us sponsored by the medtling. Miembeim are remind­ isndo Ave., Windsor. Door Canopies, Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 18 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) OMOlon of the Rebekah Aaaem- event is spcniaored by the The Newcomer’s Club of the Re-covered. Take Down Service and Storage. Boat Canvas Re­ Ameottoan Legilun Pbelt and is MlancIheSter OouncU of Church- ed to ' bring aritliiclles for the Manchester YWCA will sponsor paired or Made New To Your Pattern. AJl Work Costom Uy of Maine at the Eastland GcOdwilll Iniduldtriss, a chiarity Hotel In Portland. They are open to the pubOc. a Rummage Sale tomorrow Made. Grommets — Eyelets — Fsstenein. Storm Pwiels for proijeiclt, bo the home of MSsb from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mott’s Engineering Supplies Jalousie Units. Waterproofing Compound For Tents, Boateovers M n. Beverly Jenkins, past and bistruments The American Legion Auxil­ Chapman Court, Order of Beth Ferris of 32 Gerard St., Community Hall. and Canvas. We Do Reacreening of Alnmlnum Screens. district deputy president; and aiasocdate ladviiisor. Aianchester Blueprint Heavy Duty Zippers. Mrs. Maurice Waddell, past iary will sponsor a Rummage Amaranth, will meet and and Supply, Ihc. DAYTON, OhU) (.AP) -- noUe grand. Before returning Sale Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the initiate candidates tonight at The Women’s Volunteer 690 iW tford Rd., Riatg Wave been lapdUbed at home they will visit Mrs. Jen- post home. Those wishing ar­ the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Mary Members of ’ Bennet Junior League of Lutz Junior Museum Manchester, Conn.—649-8698 MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Ihe Mtontgamery County kin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ticles picked up are reminded to Levitt will head a refreshment High School's Library Club will sponsor a Bake Sale to­ Rockville Exchange Bctard at He'allUi heiadquar. Manley Bean of Dover-Foxcroft, caU Mrs. CUffoid Walker of 76 committee. Officers are re­ hhve elected officers for the morrow at 10 a.m. at Burton’s Ent. 1495 EST. 1949 — 195 W. CENTER STREET — 649-8091 ters and Dr. Robert A. Vo­ Maine. Phelps Rd. minded to wear white gowns. year as foUowws: Karen ClSLrke, on Main St. gel, the county IheiailtTi com- mlsailoner, says lie ta doing E'omething abouit ft. Vogel said thiat as he was Downtown Main Sf, entering the buUdling re­ FREDERIK8TED, V.I. (AP) cently he spoibted a slx-dnch- —The democrats lost the final Manchester... long one on the porch. "I naval battle to the Republicans B-l-G ANNUAL threw ft rook and Wit him but contended they won the po- HOUSE k HALE square." I'tical campaign as the natlon’.s Dave Peden, direcitior of governors wound up the busi­ environmental health, said ness of their seaborne con­ the lats “ai'e healthy look­ ference without acting on n p i l H I l ing." Vietnam resolution. f&bul€>Lts FALL SALE "Nobody ia immune to Although some dissident dem­ WVfWvfllvaIaaima IVvfvUmnm I lata, not even the Health ocrats Joined GOP state ex­ Departmenft," Pedein added. ecutives In knocking down a ■ "I gues's we've got a dem- proposal to support the tax In­ onatialtlion going on rat con­ crease President Johnson has trol.” recommended to combat In­ flation, the Democrats stood sol­ idly together In a test vote on THE COATS THAT CO OUT the Vietnam Issue. Prevented Pope Facing by Gov. George Romney’s veto Special Sale! from getting executive commit­ tee approval of a strong war­ INTO THE COLD Problems of supporting resolution, the Dem­ MEN'S 100% WOOL WORSTED ocrats tried to bring a watered down version before the last Church Shift conference general session Fri­ By DAVID MAZZARELLA day. ____ It would have committed the VATICAN CITY (AP) — The conference to saying that “be- currents of ch^ge sri loose In question of approval the Roman ^tholic Church by disapproval of the strategic topcoats the Vatican Ecumenical Council decisions which are converged in a torrent this week our responsibility, we stand on Pope Paul’s doorstep. The upheaval In the two years dom and self-government of the since the end of the council people of South Vietnam.” came to a head In two parallel gov. Calvin L. Rampton of assemblies—the Synod of Bish- Utah moved to bring It up under o n ly 3 5 '° ® ops and the World Congress of a rules suspension that required This seven-foot chain link fence, topped by barbed wire barriers were set up to keep the antiwar dem­ Laymen a three-fourths favorable vote. Compare at ^5! wire, was e re c ts yesterday north of the Pentagon^ onstrators within assigned limits. (AP Photofax). The two assemblies could be Oh the tally 18 Republicans where demonstrators are to assemble today. The compared to upper and lower were against acting on it. One, houses of a Church parliament. Gov. James A. Rhodes of Ohio, established to advise the Pope. joined 25 Democrats in voting to Tremendous value on cold weath­ Catholic laymen from more bring up the resolution, but this than a hundred nations put up a was six short, er wear of 100% wool worsted Pentagon Defenses Brace 27 Guilty week-long clamor for more pow- Rampton and Gov. John Con- fabrics. Handsome split shoulder er alongside the Church’s once nally of , Texas taunted the topcoats. Solids, herringbones, In Greece aloof hierarchy of clerics. Republicans with the charge The 200 bishops of the synod they were not supporting the plaids. which ends later this month re- war. Tlic Democrats felt that For Antiwar Protesters' Coup Try viewed some of the burning Is- they had put their foes on a po- WASHINGTON (AP) — The warned that unlawful conduct department and challenged the sues raised by the council and litical spot. Pentagon bristled with un­ would not be tolerated. government to arrest them. ATHENS (AP) — A special projected themselves toward a Rhodes said he broke the GOP precedented defenses today for Ten men representing draft One of the leaders, the Rev. military court today convicted greater role In Church govern- ranks because he had con- a huge antiwar demonstration resisters piled whht they said William Coffin Jr., chaplain of 27 of the 38 persons accused in a ment. sistently supported the war ef- Imt at its doors, the spotlight event were the draft cards of 992 Yale University described the mass trial of trying by violent At the center of the swirl of fort and U.S. troops In Vietnam, in a weeklong series of protests young men on a Justice Depart­ incident this way: “Here was an means to overthrow Greece's ideas^ declarations and de-' Gov . John A. Volpe of across the nation against the ment dekk Friday. Department officer of the law facing military regime. mands for liberalization was Massachusetts, elected new Alaska Governor Walter J. Hickel finds the climate 0 Vietnam war. officials refused to accept the evidence of an alleged crime The court acquitted the other Pope Paul VI. chairman of the national con- at Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomae, yirgin Islands, Estimates were that up to cards but they were left on a and refusing to accept the ev­ 11. The Pope is an absolute ruler, ference, supplied clear In- For 16 of the defendants the since 1870 Roman Catholicism’s dlcatlon of Republican political quite a bit warmer than at home. Hickle waits for 70,000 persons would march on conference table. Later a idence. He was derelict in his his wife to return from a shopping spree. (AP Defense Department headquar­ui^uai' opvspokesman said they had been duty.” court ordered prison sentences infallible teacher. All the ex- uneasiness when he told a news ters. The Pentagon, one o^^b«.^^givigdven to the FBI. . To insure that today's dem­ ranging from 2 to 20 years. Sen- hortations to quicken the conference he thinks several of Photofax). worldis largest office buildingsidings, \ AAfter leaving the cards, which onstrators remain peaceful; the tences for the other 11 convict- aggiornamento or modernlza- his party members may Issue s o n s is a symbol to peace groupsups of ‘tnfe;y said had been collected government flew in 6,000 ed, ranging from 1 to 2 years, tion of the Church—or to slow It statements to clarify their po- U.S. military Involvement In around the nation, the men troops—and word ^ was that were suspended. down—eventually reach his sltlon. Vietnam. spoke to about 600 of their sup­ another 20,000 wele at the It was the largest single trial desk. Criticism of policies or Rampton said during the de- A Justice Department official porters gathered outside the ready. Dave Dellinger, chair­ In Greece since the military people In the Curia, the (Thurch bate that the views of the gover- man of the march, said the dem­ selzed power In the coup d’etat headquarters, also gravitates to nors were being “stifled by a Auto Strike Talks c onstrators had been instructed exactly six months ago today. him. gag rule” imposed by the Charge to be firm but not provocative, The prosecution accused the When the bishops called for Republicans, •!S> but added: entire group, made up of stu- drastic liberalization of the Gov. Ronald Reagan of Move to Details Accounts “We're realists—we realize dents, printers and workers, rules on mixed marriages, their California replied that no one Truckers to Decide we can’t control everyone. It DETROIT (AP) —With most tradesmen among the 160,000 would be foolish to think there (See Page Fourteen) (Se<' Page Fourteen) ((See Page Fourteen) major pieces stitched Into place. strikers. Cordially •SS* are not people coming In who United Auto Workers union and Tentative contract gains won On Strike Proposal are not total pacifists.” Ford Motor Co. bargainers by the union also Included fatter Invited! Any incidents, he said, would moved today to tie off the loose pensions and pay increases in T ends of a contract to end a PITTSBURGH (AP) — Strlk- trucking firms would give the be provoked by the police. Two Already Jailed the second and third years of "We want to confront the 48-day strike, thlrd-longest in the contract bigger than those ing steel haulers vote this week- Independent owner-operators auto history. Already wrapped end to accept a compromise $13.70 an hour after waiting four warmakers, not the police of provided to the last two years of set the pace with your own distinctive style up, an Industry source said, the previous pact. their leader calls “lousy, or re- hours at steel mills to be loaded Washington, he said. We Trucking firms would like to encircle the Pen- were enough big items to make The items won by the UAW, ject It and continue their violent and unloaded Await Sentence in Rights Slaying the package probably the larg­ the source said, also Included strike grinding through Its third would get about $3.70 of that for tagon, block entrances and make it clear that the work of est settlement ever In the the er-year-old union chief’s pet month. bookkeeping. MERIDIAN, Miss. (AP) — automaking Industry possibly project—guaranteed annual in­ Strike leaders from the eight Earlier, the drivers accepted the Pentagon must be stopped." Warren Christopher, the num­ Two white men convicted of cne of the richest ever to any come, or a form of It. futr trtmm&d coats states where the highway ship­ a two-hour free waiting time conspiracy to the 1964 slaying of industrial field. ment of steel has come to a vir­ proposal with $10 an hour there­ ber two man at the Justice 'fhe cost-oMlvtog escalator in­ Department, said the derm three civil rights workers re­ But among the unresolved GROUP i> tual standstill agreed In Cleve­ after. Trucking firms turned It mained to jail today while five creases or reduces the pay of big ekmee land, Ohio, Friday to submit the down. onstrators were issued a permu matters was the oost-of-Uvlng wi rkers according to movement "because we deeply believe In others found guilty were free escalator clause, highly prized at only values to $88 plan to the rank-and-file without William J. Hart, Pennsylvania awaiting sentencing. ill the cost-of-livlng index. Dur­ secretary of labor and Industry, the right of peaceful assembly by the UAW. ing the last three years It added official recommendation. An U.S. Dlst. Judge Harold Cox answer is expected by Monday. issued an ultimatum before Fri­ and the right of expression UAW President Walter P. IK cents to workers’ hourly guaranteed by the Constitu­ ordered the two jailed for Reuther was thought to be striv­ v/age. See our magnificent collection of mink trim coats in flattering fabrics and styles. Truckers in the day's meeting warning, “making some very loose talk" area, the first reported to have “There’s no room for compro­ tion." ing for a few more Im­ Reuther has said the UAW With alt wool interlining. Luxuriously furred in Ranch, Dawn, Silver or Autumn But he added: about his Instructions to the provements to bring to $1 an will allow “no tampering” with ^luxury tailored by "STEWART DOUGLAS" voted, approved the plan Friday mise.” jury after It reported Itself Haze*. All coats are designed in the newest silhouettes. Beautiful colors, sizes 6-18, night. Specific figures were not "They've got everything we “Let no one be mistaken—the hour the value wage and fringe the clause, „ which the UAW granting of a permit is not a li­ deadlocked. benefit gains would have over 16Mi-24%. 1 3 ^ 9 given. It was rejected In the So- can legally get for them," said Held without bond were Dep­ originally won at General Mo­ A- MUTED PLAIDS merset. Pa., area by a reported Hart, who headed a seven-state cense for unlawful conduct." the three-year contract period. tors to 1948. Ford, offering to The demonstrators were as­ uty Sheriff Cecil R. Price of The source said Reuther al­ guarantee a minimum hourly values to $18 68*3 margin. mediation panel. “They stay out Neshoba County and Alton A- STRIPES David Haugh, spokesman for till hell freezes over” If they signed the North parking lot for ready had won wage increases wage gain of three cents to the their rally. The 40 doors to the Wayne Roberts, a onetime that would, over the three last two years of the contract, strikers In the Pittsburgh area, turn It down. "There will be no nightclub bouncer who now sells more meetings." Pentagon were sealed off to years, range from 43 to 59 cents proposed a celling of eight cents You'll bs smiling and otHSrs will smilo ■A HERRINGBONES believes It will be turned down mobile homes. In western Pennsylvania. Hart said the four-hour wait­ anyone not having business for most workers and 79 to 95 4 - there. The judge said, “I understand cents for the 20,000 skilled (See Page Foprteen) best selection pt you in on# of theta bolmocaan or The and most handsome col "I don’t know anybody willing ing time—the key issue in the there was some very loose talk values to $55 to work' eight hours a day with­ The small army of policemen, now! shirt style oil weather coots. Both stylet lection we'vs ever presented to you. strike—would be the only plan marshals, paratroopers and oth­ to the halls.” If you think you You'll find yourself way ahead ef the out pay," Haugh said. "And acceptable to the Interstate can Intimidate this coilrt you hove zip out linings. Choice of navy, that’s exacUy what they’re ask­ Commerce Commission. KXJ er protective manpower was crowd, this season after making your assembled primarily for the pe­ are mistaken.” He said dy­ Genuine hand wgven Harris Tweed beautifully tailored Into these quality coots. All ing us to do." namite had been mentioned to a green, block, or rust. Sizes 10 to 18. selection. Choice 100% wool fabrics. The plan approved by 180 (See Page ’Hilrteen) riod Immediately after the park­ ■ With Millium lining for worm comfort though lightweight. In sizes 6 to 18 in both ing lot rally. At that time, ac­ conversation to the hall of the 2 regular and brief lengths. Your choice of a fine assortment of soft, rich colors. See Zip Out Liner 4 A A Q cording to the demonstrators' courthouse. Navy Planes Sink Style J i 9 e 9 0 GROUP 2: The ail-whlte jury of seven th u lovely group of coots at this special sale price. timetable, those who wished to do so would turn to acts of civil women and five men returned disobedience. The nature of guilty verdicts Friday against Four Torpedo Boats Two Houses Head these acts was not spelled out in seven of the 18 defendants. Special Sole ! 100% Wool Worsted advance. Those convicted also included In Washington, across the Sam H. Bowers Jr., described SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Navy east of Quang Trl City, capital I’otomac River, the Capitol and as Imperial wizard of the White bomber.s pounced on six torpedo ol South Vietnam’s northern­ Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. most province, and 19 miles "FALCON" ZIP-OUT LINER For Clash on Cuts White House were closed to boats near the North Viet­ flannel ‘slacks FAMOUS BRAND tourists. The convictions marked the namese coast today and pilots south of the demilitarized zone. WASHINGTON (AP) — A The Senate Committee ap- President Johnson, scheduled first time any jury to Mississip­ rejMrted stoking (our of them. Farther south along the coast, 2 pair head-on collision between the proved, 16-4, a resolution that a full working day at the White pi had returned a guilty verdict The six. enemy patrol boats, troops ol the U.S. 1st Air Caval­ nationally advertlsad at $35 Senate and House seems to be would simply extend imtll Nov. House. to a major civil rights case one of the largest groups of ry Division reported killing 75 e a c h n s shaping up over cuts In govern- 16 the spending authority of A rally at the Lincoln Memo­ since Reconstruction. torpedo boats American filers Communists to a series of small MO Quality 100% wool and wool/moholr ment spending. departmenU whose 1967-OT ap- rial—where in 1963 some 200,000 No date for sentencing was have spotted, were attacked one actions to Quang Nam Pro'vtoce « The Senate’s AppropriaUons proprlatlons are still ^ n t ^ . set. regularly 12.95 pair fabrics. All new patterns for Foil gathered for a civil rights dem- mile east of the mouth of the about 365 miles northeast of Sai­ Cbmmlttee t^^ased from a This was a victory for the ad- quitted, among them Sheriff Thanh Hoo river, to the central- gon. Perfect compliment for your blazers, sport coots. Pre-euffed, '67. Superb styling, expertly tailored. House-passed resolution Friday mr.;“stra«on: B^Tu was scored ^m^e'rniroh to Lawrence A. Ratoey of Neshoba part of North Vietnam, a U.S. One American soldier was re-, so there’s no waiting for alterations. Choice of charcoal, olive, only after a spending cutj In colors that come olive. a directive to President Johnson the Pentagon. rence A. Rainey of Neshoba spokesman sald^ ported killed and six wounded. . grey. Waist sizes 29 to 42. ”. to reduce expenditures by $6 bil­ proposal by Sen. Karl E. Mundt, County. 2 1 . 8 a R-S.D., failed on a 10-10 tie vote. Washington police ctfnceled In South Vietnam, American lion to $8 blUlon in the current all leaves and had some 4,000 The jury, which deliberated Up and down the country, Sizes: Regular 36 ta 46 Mundt trifd to write Into the ■and South Vietnamese troops re­ American and South Viet­ fiscal year ending next June 30. National Guardsmen on more than 14 hours, reported a ported killing nearly 300 of the LonceK' — Permanent Pressed Shart 36 ta 42 resolution a directive for a 5 per hand. The Pentagon was to be ,, deadlock to the cases of three namese troops moved Into compare at $35 It also wiped out other spend- others, including Ethel G. enemy in hard fighting Friday blocking positions to protect the Lang 38 ta 46 1:, ing restrictions the House had otoer^* a ^ ‘’‘"Red by military policemen "Hop” Barnette, Democratic to the northern provinces. voting Sunday for the new ^ t t e n into a resolution to pro- required by la ^ “" I U S. marshals for the dem- nominee for sheriff of Neshoba In t(ie largest of these actions, 137-member House of Rep- vide temporary spending j^e national sch^uled arrival some 400 South Vietnamese In­ resentatli)es. Traditionally styled with split authority for government j after 1:30 p.m. Troops, tnclud- County, where the civil rights workers were killed on a back- fantrymen supported by armor, There has been lees terrorism •houldert, hacking pockets. Zip- departments whose regular ap- forced a cut- ‘"K woods gravel road June 21, 1964. artillery and air strikes re­ A ' proprlatlons have not yet been ^ 4 billion in were held In rekerve-but of- than during any of the four pre­ out orton pile liner. Latest Iri­ /r'ee custom Judge O x declared a mistrial ported 197 Viet Cong killed to 20 vious political campaigns to the voted by C o n ^ss. ______sSe'n'diti in the current fiscal for Barnette, 47; Edger Ray KU- hours of fighting east of the descent shades of solid charcoal, Chairman George H. Mahon. past two years but the allied 2 pair year, but Individ^ Items to ^ tlghT? Ito a sSent S s to len, 42, a part-time bapUst "Street without Joy,” a strip of forces were taking no chances. brown, olive, natural, block and alterations D-Tex., of the House Ap­ coastal highway which got Its propriations Committee, M uSt Washington to attend the raUy. minister, and Jerry McGrew The (our North Vietnamese elive plaid. Reg. 34 to 46, short n z Sharpe, 24, manager of a pulp- name during the French war. torpedo boats were bagged by promptiy premeted the House „ fpr ‘ ^®. ‘ Neshoba County, Miss., Deputy Sheriff (Jecil R. Government losses were put 94 to 42, long 36 to 46. Price, right and Alton Wayne Roberts of Meridian wood supply company to Phil­ two A4 Skyhawk pilots from a Famous Koratron finish keeps thern,pressed—never need will stand firm, P” ’" his proposal to the Senate and “P “>e adelphia, Miss. at 18 killed and 107 wounded. \ carrier to the ^onkto Gulf, Lt. •PEN 6 DAYS peist of a deadlock U the Senate he would win. ®d to see what it looked like. stride into the basement of the Hinds County jail The battle was fought to a ironingl Pre-cuffed. Light or dork tones. Waist sizes 29 Appropriations predicted he would win. to 42. Sizes 44 to 50 . . . $1 more. backs up its (See Page lUrteen) in Jackson, (See Page Fourteen) coastal wasteland nine miles (See Page Fourteen) Committee. (See Fage Fourteen) guaranteed tor I full yaor THURSt. NIGHTS fill 9KK)

i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 PAGE THREE ^ V iM B T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 Memorial Gift Hospital Notes As His Fame Increases Police Arrests Sheinwold on Bridge Of Han^ Bells Cat Gets Bravery Award Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Business Bodies PLAYING BRIDGE PORT ELIZABETH, South. the c«(t strode back to the tree ill all areas excepting mater­ ’Three youths were arrested BUILDS CHARACTER Given Church Africa (AP) — A white and and calmly went back to sleep. nity where they are S:M to 4 after a fight at George For So Does Tenor’s Tension South dealer c h i e f o p e r a t o r ginger tomcat, which saved the Mrs. A.M. Henderson, presi­ p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and pri­ Teens off Tolland Tpke. last By ALFRED SHEINWGLD Both sides vulnerable Hand bells, given in memory lives of two young Port Eliza­ vate rooms where they are Miss Ann K. Pantaluk of 98 dent of the Eastern Province Bjr BfAKY OAMPBIXL night. They are Carl Gilberto, NORTH of Richard Haldane Sperry, will beth Children by attacking a 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors are It takes a certain amount of Charter Oak St. has been pro­ Cat Club, said the bravery of AP Mewafeatores Writer 17, of 145 Birch St., Marshall 4 J876 be presented (o South Methodist cobra ready to strike, was requested not to smoke in pa­ character to refuse a finesse. the cat had been brought to her McHaney, 10, of East Hartford, C? K942 moted to group chief operator awarded a medal for valor by Haw YORK (AP) —Franco tients’ rooms. No more than two You can’t rely on merely Church tomorrow and dedicated attention. The committee and Leonard J. Sadosky Jr., 20, O A3 in the Manchester office of the Eastern Province Cat Club ‘agreed to make its first award OorelU, tall, romantically hand- visitors at one time per pa­ putting the finesse off in the at the 9 and 10:46 a.m. services. of East Hartford. ♦ AQ5 at its championship show. for bravery to the cat. tient. hope ’ that it will go away if The memorial gift is given by ■ome, dramatic tenor, probably Gilberto was charged with W E ST E A S T Leoloe, the cat, was lying in you pay no attention to it. The his widow, Mrs. Richard H. the highest paid tonof in the breach of peace, while Sadosky opponents may force y o u ' to 4A10 3 4K92 the shade of a tree at the home Patients Today: 304" and Leonard were charged with Sperry, president of the WSC3S of Mr. and Mrs. Boetle Grass- trorid, with undoubtedly the ADMITTED YESTERDAY: make up your mind. C? 8 5 10 6 Hoover Dam Highert breach of peace and resisting GJ 10 97 0 8 6 5 4 of South Church, and his four man, in suburban Westering, largest following of fans, was Mrs. Catherine Allan, East Opening lead — Jack of Dia­ arrest 4k J872 4 , K943 daughters. while their son Frederick, 6, RENO—^Hoover Dam, on the Hartford; Mrs. Wilma Barker, monds. tense and nervous during the Donald Covllle, , of 65 Ver­ Mr. Sperry, who died in Oc­ and daughter Jennifer, 4, were Colorado River in Nevada and 88 Declarer took the first trick SOUTH 86 Falknor Dr.; Debra Brown tober 1966, was an active mem­ playing in the garden. Arizona, is the highesit (726 days o f rehearsal before his non Ave., Rockville, and Thom­ in dummy with the ace of dia­ ♦ Q 5 4 Brewster St., Coventry; Har­ ber of South Church during his Suddenly a flve-foot-cobra feet) and third largest ooncrete first a j^ aran ce this season at as Rychling, 24, of Coventry monds and drew trumps with (3) AQJ73 vey Brown, 268 Skinner Rd., seven years in Manchester. He slithered between the children. dam In the United States. It were charged with intoxication the ace and queen. Then he 0 KQ2 the Metropolitan Opera. Rockville; Daniel Oeam er, was an associate lay leader, Jennifer tried to kill the snake contains enough ooncrete to last night. ’They were arrested led a low spade,' losing dum­ 4 k 10 6 -The opera was Charles Gou East Hartford; Mrs. Shirleen a member of the program com­ by stamping on it. She stood on build 1,400 miles of two-lane at 613 Main St. my’s Jack to the king. He hOK South West North East nod’s “Romeo et Juliette,’’ pre­ Cunningham, Thompsonvllle; mittee of the Methodist Men’s its tall and the cobra reared for highway eight inches thick. The Gerald P. Slagger, 28, of 521 ed to set up dummy’s fourth 1 <3? Pass 3 ^ Pass miered 100 years ago and last Robert Ferguson, 40 Brent Dr., Club, and taught the Senior Hi Engaged attack. dam contains 4.4 milHon cubic Vernon; Howard Fillmore, 172 Main St. was charged with in­ space to get rid of a club. Ilien 4 <0 All Pass Fo)Tim. done at the Met 20 years ago. Official Visit toxication this morning. He was Leoloe, seeing the danger, yards of concrete. Corelli sang with the pert, ap­ School St.; Mrs. Gall Guilford, he wouldn’t need the club fi­ 'The hands bells, which were arrested at the Center and spent The engagement of Miss Vir­ leapt up and charged the snake. pealing soprano IRrella Freni. Ijaura Dr., Hebron; John Ha­ Mrs. William Fischer of Iowa, nesse. cast and made at the White the night in a cell at Pollch ginia Ruth Nettleton of Man­ Swiftly the cat pounced on the , ZIL GOING HOME Many opera houses offer Cor­ ger, 12 Diane Dr.; Raymond national president of United East returned a diamond to Chapel Foundry, England, will chester to Lawrence Michael Headquarters. ponent has the king of clubs. cobra, biting it behind its hood. WASHINGTON (AP) — Wash­ elli his choice of operas if he Halliwell, Storrs; Robert Hor­ the king, and South ruffed the be presented to the church by Ogledzlnski of Hoboken, N. J., Spanish War Veterans Auxil­ John H. Mlnney, 18, of 250 W. good queen of diamonds in dum­ The defenders are forced to The children dashed into the ington’s only Soviet-made will only sing for them. La ton, 63 Princeton St. Wells Case Dennison, chairman has been announced by her par­ iary, is making an official visit Center St. was charged with my to lead a spade toward the lead spades since any other re­ house to call their father. limousine, a sleek black 1062 Zll Scala and the Met, where he Also, Mrs. Emily Ivanlskl, 19 of the board of trustees, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. queen. This did no good, since turn lets dummy ruff while The snake eluded the cat and that has been the showpiece of sings regularly, also sometimes Terrace Dr., Rockville; Mrs. this weekend to the Department breach of peace last night at accepted and dedicated by the Nettleton of 370 Bidweil St. West won with the ace of South discards a spade. If an headed after the children. Once the Soviet Embassy, Is being ask him what he wants to sing. Penny Kerin, ForestvUle; Car- of Connecticut, and will make the George For Teens off Tol­ Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw, pas­ Her fiance is a son of the late spades and led a club. opponent starts the spades more the cat attacked, prevent­ shipped back to the homeland. As well as singing the standard roll Lovett, 22 Seneca Dr., Ver­ her headquarters at the Hotel land 'Tpke. tor. With the gift of the Rich­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ogledzin- Now South could no longer South can easily limit the spade ing the snake from chasing the Embassy sources indicated Italian repertoire, Corelli likes non; James Lovett, 656 Grif­ America, Hartford. He was arrested after he be­ ard Sperry Memorial hand bells ski of Hoboken. ignore the clubs. He tried a loss to two tricks, and this is children. The cat kept the snake that beautiful as the Zll was, it to find operas to’ revive and he fin Rd., Wapping; Mrs. Joyce Mrs. Mary Jane Mathieu of, came verbailly abusive with an­ «'■ Miss Ann K. Pantahik South Church will have one of finesse 'with the queen but lost all he needs for the contract. Miss Nettleton is a 1965 grad­ at bay until Grossman came was tough to maintain because does research into mood and Mertan, Middle Rd., Elling^ton; 166 Main St., past national pre­ other youth, police say. the most extensive hand bells, to the king. South still had to Dally Question The' Southern New England uate of Mancheater High from the house and killed it with repair parts had to come half­ more of these operas’ histori­ Mrs. Josephine Mozzer, 40 sident, will be the hostess for . All accused are scheduled to collections in New England. lose a spade trick and was As dealer, you hold: Spodea, Telephone <3o. School, and a graduate cf Crea­ a stick. The excitement over, way around the world. 2 Crestwood D r.; Mrs. Adella appear in oourt on Nov. 6. cal periods. This revival was his the occasion. She will be as­ tive School of Hairdressing, Pariseau, 369 Woodland St.; - 5-WiiUtom R. MlcKitmiiey n , 18, therefore down one. J-8-7-6; Hearts, K-0-4-2-; Dia­ Miss Pantaluk began her idea. He says; sisted by Mrs. Gladys Ridolfi, Hartford. She is employed ait G. Albert Peralll, 98 W. Main St., of 118 Paarl St. was charged Not Far Enough monds, A-S; Clubs, A-Q-S. telephone career in Manchester “ I like this character of Ro­ Department historian. Catholic Ladies Fox and Co., Hartford. Mr. Og- Rockville; Lois Piccarello, 96 with disregiandiing a Stop sign South had the right idea when What do you say? meo. I like the music. It is very The national president will be ami wae a supervisor at the ledzlnski, a 1960 graduate of Maple St.; George Poltras, An­ Thursday momdng. He was ar­ he tried to avoid the club fi­ Answer: Bid one club. Most *!"' time of her recent promotion. romantic. Gounod’s best mo­ honored tonight at a dinner giv­ Collecting Books Hoboken High School, attended thony Rd., Tolland; Mrs. Hel­ rested after police aay he was nesse, but he didn't go far experts avoid an opening bid In ments are during the duel of the en by past Department presid­ Wagner College, Staten Island, en Scarpello, East Hartford; observed failing to stop for tlie enough. After drawing trumps. a very weak 4-card major suit. second act; the music is very, ents, and tomorrow at a De­ POSTAL AWARDS Members of Glbbotis Assemb­ N. Y. He is serving with the Robert Singer, 110 Northvlew sign at Summit and Henry Sts. South should cash the king and (Some experts would bid one very strong. Some of the rest is Franco Corelli on the actual “Juliet’s balcony." partment dinner at the Hotel . Three clerks and one carrier ly, Catholic Ladies of Columbus, U.S. Navy as a machinist’s Dr., South Windsor; Richard queen of diamonds to discard heart, and others would bid one too sweet, too soft. ’There is a America. of the Manchester Post Office mate 3.C. aboard the destroyer ’ Steinberg, Pine View Dr., Ver­ HOUSE FOR HIPPOS the low club from dummy. Then notrump on this hand.) If you are collecting books for a li­ unson^s beautiful love duet. Mrs. Paul Bramhall of Andov­ received superior performance Miaonor NaKHan AgusftltaelDI (teflt), Rotieilt ChauiSse (center) and Flaul Gcttrwcld laolc over USS Willard Keith out of Nor­ non; Mrs. Ella Sturtevant, Lake (AP) — Her­ he leads a club to the ace and open with one club, you are brary In Lima, Peru, a project “We are working very hard a year is dangerous for the performance has increased with er will accompany Mrs. Fisch­ Some btf Gie merdhandilse ait the meet department o t the PubUb Market elt 803 Main Sit folk, Va. St., Vernon; Pamllla Whitney, man and Joanle have moved returns the queen of clubs. ready for any response and can awards recently. because ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is nc^rves. I believe all artists need his fame. er Monday when she visits Hart­ Chauisae and Griawioilid took over the market reoeintily, and the Gtiore had an offteiail grand' sponsored by the Catholic La­ An August 1968 wedding is 169 Avery St.; Mrs. Marjorie into a new $373,000 hip­ If you’re going to refuse a find a good major suit fit if The clerks are: Howard F. an opera also for the actor. We a rest every year. A month is When he made his debut at La ford area veterans hospitals. openling ithliis wteek. (Heraild phntlo by Finto.) dles of Ctolumbus of Connect­ planned. Yates, Colchester. popotamus house equipped with finesse, this is a sure way of there is one. Pitkin, Nicholas H. Pagani, and Candy Kitchen must act very well because ev­ the least you need.’’ Scala, in Luigi Spontlni’s “ La Mrs. Fischer will leave Mon­ icut called “ Books Build BIRTES YESTERDAY: A son a 40,000 gallon pool. doing it. Copyright 1967 Thomas J. Martin. The carrier Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Dally erybody knows the story.’ ’ Corelli will also sing in Vestale," he arrived at the the­ day night for Harrisburg, Pa. HOTEL CONTROLLER PROMOTED Bridges.” Spauldiii£-Tupper to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mau- The African Nile hippos—both South doesn’t care which op- General Features Corp. is Joseph G. Thvaronite. - But that still doesn’t explain productions of Gounod’s “Ro­ ater at 8:45 p.m. “ I was certain Kenneth L. Klein of the Ver­ The Student Council of East The engagement of Miss Bar­ lucci, School Rd., Bolton; a 6 years old—outgrew their old The Superior Performance Two Manchester area resi­ Choose From Over 2«0 Varieties ndiy the Italian tenor is nervous. meo et Juliette’’ this season the performance began at 9 non Gardens, Vernon, was ap- Catholic High School, with the bara Jean Spaulding of Bad , daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Davis state health commissioner. The quarters at the Baltimore Zoo. award is made periodically to dents have been promoted in Coielll says it’s because his with the Philadelphia Lyric Op­ o’clock. But not that night. Ihe support of the Rev. (Charles Mich., to Bruce P. Tupper of Lane, 1080 Avery St., Wapping; shortages are not serious how­ Herman and Joanle are ex­ i 5.7,;’ a i the casualty- property depart­ No Halloween party to complete without our voice has become so well known era, Seattle Opera and Hartford performance was broadcast, so ever, he said. the Hotel America in Hartford. ment at The Travelers Insur­ Shaw, principal, collected 600 Manchester has been announced a son to Mr. and Mrs. William pecting a baby next July. GGGD FGOD-4HK)D MUSIC—GOOD DRINKS tied in an above average man­ that audiences expect to hear a Oi>era. In November he will it was beginning at 8:46. I got He succeeds William J. Thor books for the project. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley, 462G Woodbridge St.; ner for a sustained minimum ance Companies. peak of perfection every time he sing in Verdi’s “ Requiem" for ready in 10 minutes, but being ALL ADD UP TO A who was transferred to the Ho­ John C. Spaulding of Bad Axe. HALLOWEEN CANDY a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Ar- period of six months. The award Robert W. Warren of 6 Mur­ English classics and standard sings. “ The higher you go the the first time, with the Lios An­ late was a tragedy for a radio 1 tel America In Washington, D. mon, East Hartford; a son to NOW thru SUN.! NOW thru SUN.! r ray Rd., Wapping, has been titles, including paperbacks, are Her fiance is a son of Mr. Black and Orange Peanut Butter Kisses, Choco­ consists of a Superior Perform­ more the public asks. You be­ geles Philharmonic. station. C needed for the library, exclud­ late Halloween Pops. Foiled Pumpkins and Owl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allain. GREAT TIME! ance Certlhcate, which is suit­ named systems manager in the and Mrs. Blon Tupper of 78 Ash­ come a slave of your career be­ Asked whether he is the high­ ’"The director, an old man, ing murder mysteries and west­ Pops, Assorted Halloween Mixes. Walnut Dr., Hebron. TWICE THE FLINT , Boris A T T H E able for framing, and a check. Klein Joined the Hotel Ameri- systems development group; worth St. cause of the responsibility that est-paid tenor in the world, Cor­ later said terrible words to me. DISCHARGED Y E S T E R- FOR EVERYONE! „ ______ca staff as assistant controller and Newton R. Emerson of 9 ern’s. Miss Spaulding is employed it puts on you. Many days in the elli shrugs. '”The important He said, ‘Not even Caruso would DAY: Henry Saucier, Broad LiCarlofff V 1" -January 1967, cotoing from Village St., has been named as­ Those wishing to donate books as a laboratory technician In W unlocks man’s ' program, the f o l l o ^ recel^ ^ ^ winter I go out only to g;o to the thing is when the public is satis­ come as late as you did.’ Brook; Kathy Sunderland, 2 MS COBORN CRYSTAL LAKE RAUROOM sistant supervisor for punch and may contact Mrs. Richard Post Michigan. Mr. Tupper is serv­ W oldest secrets ed awards for their adopted i, v,„ theater; I don’t want to catch fied. When there are sold-out ‘"This is true. But I was very Bancroft Rd., Rockville; Mrs. ROUTE 30—ELLINGTON, CONN. was manager of cost tabulating in the actuarial di­ of Gerald Park, Coventry, Gib­ ing with the U.S. Air Force at LEEJ.C0B8][/Jlli/iL£ ' and exposes ■ suggestions this month: Car- cold. And if I talked with oqly houses, consequenUy there is young and I did not have to de­ Marion Moberg, Storrs; Jack accounting. Prior to that he was vision. bons Assembly chairman of the the Port Austin AFB, Mich. one friend, maybe I would the money, but the most impor­ featuring Bob & Rich and the ' riers Bernard J. Von Hboe Sr fend my name. I didn’t even Sanson, 85 Hamlin St.; George cost accounting supervisor for A graduate of Manchester project, or Mrs. John Jaslowskl No date hats been announced speak and speak and the voice • and Stanley A. Ruganis; Main tant thing is that an artist sings believe at this moment that Shaweross, Bolton Branch Rd., M ondo Balprclo„ De Soto, Inc., a subdivision of High School and Ohio Wesleyan of 35 Utchfield St. for the wedding. would go out. HARMONY KINOS ORCHESTRA } Office clerk Rickard J. Mori- so truly there is rapport be­ singing was my work. I Vernon; Mrs. Vyrling McNeill, authtnm ti*nei ol life «• lh«

\ PAlOHBSIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 Manch ester evening h erald. Manch ester, conn.. sAimDAY, October 21, 1967 PAGE SBVBII

BLOOD IS Woman Tribal Chairman Leaves Swe^^g USSR Celebrating § T A R Area Churches St. Francis of Assisi H i m o By CLAY R. POLLAN- Jehovah’s Witaesses Sacred Heart Church (MJsunlciMCltiek- win Unaugu- C h u r c h e s Kingdom Hall Rt. SO, Vernon 678 Ellington Rd., guRalbe lbs leaifHaweepUng' on Your Daily Activity Guido South Windsor APR. 20 According lo'tho Start. ’’ Hartford I^ke. Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor M!onlday, wVUh piiclcuipls then Soutti Methodist Ohureh Church of the Assumption Second CongreKational CSiurch Rev. Patrick Sullivan Rev. Gordon B, Wadhams, Seeking a New Seminole Image Consumer Gets New Break To develop message for Sunday, Rockville on thb foUowiing' ckreritk. In B«v. i . Manley Shaw, D.D. Adams St. and Thompson Rd. 385 N. Main St. 7-12-24-34 4- 6 - 1 9 ^ ^ Assistant Pastor Pastor B y BEVERLEY WILSON the event of rain, itSie pick­ EDITOR’S NOTE—In the with advanced Western coun­ suits. In 1966 Soviet warehouses Paiitor Rev. Francis J . Mlhalek i>'45^-78 read words corresponding to numbers 484840-901 SDaml Herald Staff Writer Rev. Felix M. Davis, Minister of yCur Zodiac birth sign. 0.1 - 9 a.m.. Public. talk “A Re­ Rev. John E. Rlkteraltls, ups wSW be mode on Tues­ red-hot passion of Communist tries but Edso with some East had $6.66 billion worth of such Rev. Rldiard W. Dnpee Pastor Rev. C. Ronald Wilson, ^ TAURUS Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 EUid Assistant Pastor day. Ideology, romEuice reached its APR. 21 velation to Benefit the Congre­ HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) — European Communist nations. unwanted goods. Aaeodate Pastor Rev. Ernest J. Coppa Associate Minister 1 A 31 Off 61 You OCT. 24 ( MAY 21 gation of God” by W. Zlemba, 11:46 a.m. F fo e S t. zenith when the boy fell in love The foreign visitor who does, Stalin said there weis no hous­ Rev. Ctory S. Oortiell 2 Keep 32 Clear 62 It NOV. 22 Tksfist Behind a modern desk sur­ 0^30-41-42-71 3 Comprofn!$a 33 Partners Expensive Watchtower Society representa­ MEisses at 6:45, 7:45, 9, 10:16 E ^ Sb. with his tractor—and anything not know how much worse ing shortage and so there 1822-334! m r i n m y rounded by busineasUke file Aaaodato Paator Masses at 7, 8. 8:15, 10:30 10 a.m. Morning Worship. ^74-77-83-89 4 Travel 34 A 64 Give tive. St. Bernard’s CSiurch Eind 11:30 a.m. Nieiw St. else WEIS wasteful nonsense. Silk things were a few years ago can WEisn’t. But during his time and 11:45 a.m. 5 Don't 35 Anxious 65 People 64-7! mssSfi cabinets Eind “In” Eind "out” ChOrch School, Nursery through 66 Ber^efits 10 a.m.. Study of Oct. 1 Is­ St. Bernard’s Ter., Rockville OhieMnult St. stockings? Decadence! And so still be appalled by the quality 6 Only 36 It's MOITTARIUI' bEiskets in the U.S. Department industriEillzation swelled Soviet 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship Ser­ Grade 8. Sermon by the Rev. 37 Fun 67 Steodfostly Second Congregational Church Ohuiich St. on. But now, Eifter a hsilf- 7B e sue of Watchtower. “Finding Rev. George F. X. Reilly of the Interior’s'Bureau of In­ of goods in Soviet stores Eind the cities, prerevolutionary housing vice. World Order Sunday. Re­ Mr. Davis., “From Insight To 8 Concerning 38Todoy 66 Postpone NOV. 23 Rt. 44A, Coventry Undlen Sit. century of communism, the So­ St. Bartholomew’s Church 69 Recreation EYeedom with Jehovah’s Visible Pastor CAll RfU CROSS • MAKE A DATE absence of many things taken deteriorated and World War n Action.” 9 Cash 39 Is Otd. 22 dian Affairs In Hollywood, Sem­ viet Union is instituting a new ception of new members. De­ Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor 10 Approval 40 Possible 70 Impatience Organization” pg. 686. Bov. Jam.egiiH. Royle Robert K. Bechtidd, Minister inole Betty Mae Jumper is out WSnter St. (Giairden to for granted In Western stores. destroyed many buildings. dication Service for the Rich­ 4:30 p.m.. Junior Youth Fel­ 11 A 41 Possible 71 To 111-1825-37^ Rev. Anthoiiy' Kuzdal Oemlber.) five-year plan which is aimed at Despite complaints, shortages Rev. Edward M. LaRose 42 Due 72 And t46-5869 ^ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Group The bloodmobUe unit visits create a new imsige for Semi- In 1913 the average Russian ard Haldane Sperry Memorial Assistant Pastor lowship. 12 Patient 9 :30, Church School. S t JlEtoUeis SL dispelling some of the drabness and poor quality of current 13 Day 43 More 73 In CAPRICORN discussion In the Bible aid “Life Concordla Lutheran Church on nd® women. city dweller had a space 8)^ by Bells. The Rev. Mr. Dupee 6:30 p.m.. Senior Youth Fel- 14 Slight 44 Of 74 A DEC. 23 Everlasting In Freedom of the Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30, 11 — Service of Worship. Seri Otl8 SL from Soviet life and giving the five-year plan allocates only 8% fee t squEtre to live in. This 15 Be 45 Wish 75 You Pitkin St. Monday from 1 :46 She is the first woman elected E9m St. citizen some frills. • preachli%. Sermon: “Revolution Masses at 6:46, 7:46, 9, 10:16 lowshlp at Center Church. JAN. 20 Sons of God.” 11:46 a.m. mon: “RepEiiring the Defec­ 26.8 per cent of investment to dropped to 6)4 by 6)4 feet before 16 Good 46 And 76 Eogerly p.m. to 6:80 p.m. chairman of the Tribal Council Hiain a t. The Judgment of Gtod.” Church and 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Mission 17 Secret 47 Move 77 Mon's ' tive.” of Florida’s 930 or so Seminole housing, public utilities and it began to rise slowly as hous­ 18 And 48 Necessory 78 Money 1-1829-40/C. Fbrk St. By HENRY BRADSHER School for two-year-olds through committee. 5862-76 Talcottville Congregational St, Matthew’s Church, Tolland 6:30 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fel­ IndlEins. *' public services. In the first 40 ing conitruction increEised. Grade 12. Nursery for babies I9 lf 49 Might 79 Can Lounefl Sit. Associated Press Writer years of communism, mostly St. Bridget Church Thursday, 7 p.m.^ Stewardship 20 Don't 50 Accept 60 Coils Church Rev. J . Clifford Curtin, PEistor lowship. The nation she helps govern At the beginning of lEuit year, and toddlers. 21 Bite 51 Then 81 Easy-going Garden S t MOSCOW (AP) — Life is get­ Stalin’s era, 30.6 per cent went Rev. John J . Delaney, Paator committee. Rev. Truman O. Ireland, Meeting Sundays In New Church 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ has citizens whose concerns the 125 million Soviet city dwell­ 10:46 a.m.. Senior High For­ 22 Of 52 Con 82 The About Town Myiitlie! St. ting better for the long-suffering to them, and Nikita S. Khrush­ Rev. Robert J. Keen 23 Too 53 Moy 83 Flnonciol ■ Pastor ship. range from Keeping the Great ers had an average space each um will view the film, "The 24 Concerning 54 Result 84 Chew Membera of the American LlocustSt. Soviet citizen. chev pushed it up to 34.7 per Rev. Kenneth J . Friable Calvary Church 14-26-3849^' Masses at 7 :30, 8 :30, and 10:30 Monday, 7:30 p.m., Budget Spirit’s secret deerskin medi- measuring almost 9 feet by 9 Hangman." Discussion led by 25 For 55 in 85 Needed Gomuin PQ. After years of being second cent in the last plan period. In (Aaaembliea of God) 26 Accident 56 Ahead 86 Groups 59-6870 9:46 and 11 a.m.. Worship Ser­ a.m. committee. T dne bundle with its burden of feet. The official goal is slightly 87 Picture Lkurel FO. best to a metal-working lathe, the bigger pie, the ruble amount 647 E. Middle Tpke. 27 Ronxintic 57 About PISCU vice. Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.. Frag- under 10 feet square. m ^ Meth^.^%o„th Fo, =15, 10:30 in 28 Happiness 58 Stimulating 88 Lift ^ animal Oak P I he Is getting a little more at­ Rev. Kenneth L. Ouatafaon / FEB. 20 9:45 a.m.. Church School. ment Society. ™ parts, to preventing their teen- is bigger now but the con­ 1 ^ Si » church. 9:16, 10:30 and 12:00 29 Opening 59 Occur 89 Progress Unitarian Meeting House on Leonard St. FVweisIt Sk. tention. sumer's priority is lower. The average room housed 2.33 towsWp for G ra^ s 8 and 9 wiH auditorium, 30 Joy 60 Through 90 Visits MAR. 21 Nursery through Adult CIeiss. agers from drag-racing on the Paator 50 Bloomfield Ave., Hartford DlirecltJor off Publilc Wtonks Industrialization and defense person.s and half of all apart­ view the film, ni,e Hangman.” ______2821-3I-43M^ 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. Despite widely heralded plans Good (^^Adverse ) Adverse £ )N 'c °u 'ta Rev. Nathaniel D. Lauriat St. Peter’s Episcopal Church . ments had two or more families Senior High Methodist Youth 5141-79^51, Adult Bible study group. Women’s Auxiliary of the WtIUSlam O’NeiiU hlaa alsked remain top priorities in the So­ to increase car production from 9:46 a.m., Sunday School. Sand HiU Rd. Mrs. Jumper takes in her squabbling over shared kitchens Fellowship for Grades 10, 11 St. Jamea’ Church Room 6. Mcmchester Midget Emd Pony hiomeiowinelrs to rake their viet Union, now celebrating the last year’s 201,000, only a tiny 11 a.m.. Worship. 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service, Wapping amiable stride the dramatic gap and bathrooms. and 12. Adult Discussion Class, Magr. Edward J . Reardon, Tuesday. 8 p.m.. Religious FootbEdl Association, Inc. will leaveis liinito th e gultitieils, to 80th anniversary of the Bol­ fraction of the public will own 7 p.m.. Family gospel service. Rev. Jam es A. BirdSEill, Vicar between the old Eind the new form a wdnidrow the length Topic: “Foundations of Chris­ Paator education committee. Room 6. Nursery and Worship Church meet Monday at 8:30 p.m. at shevik Revolution. But com­ private cars by 1970 or for years Things have improved only a Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer ways of life that invEmlon by off the pnopeilty. Thle naktag, munism’s economic pie has got­ tian Faith.” Rev. Joaeph E. Vuja WecLnesday, 11 a.m.. Ladies’ School. the home of Mrs. jUlen Krob, after. A Soviet car costs from very little since then—later service. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. the white man’s 20th century he Isold, Gh»uld be done on ten bigger Slid there is more to Monday, 7:30 p7m., Policy Rev. Thomas Barry Missionary Society. 119 Maple St. Oo-hostesses are three to five years' wages of the statistics unavailable—and still 10 a.m., ■ Morning Prayer. hEis brought to her three reser­ th e dlay before th e pickup. go around now than there was committee. Rev. Vincent J . Flynn My Window on the World 8:00 p.m.. Deacon's meeting. Bolton Congregational Church Mrs. Ernest Wolfram and Mrs. vations. average worker. have a long way to go. Church of Christ Church School. Nursery. He Was Bxtvfised homeown­ in the grim days of building up Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Adult dis­ Rev. J . Stanton Conover, James O’Reilly. The great excess of demand About 66 per cent of all city Lydall and Vernon Sts. By Rev. Clifford O. Simpson Room C. Saturday, 9 a.m.. Feast of St. “It’s a chEdlenge,” she said ers tto make certain that no the Soviet Union to the world's cussion g^roups. Topics: “Found­ Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:16 Minister over supply has created a sell­ housing now belongs to the Eugene Brewer, Minister Friday, 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fel­ Simon and St. Jude., Apostles. simply, echoing every ambitious foreSgn objerta, such as second industrial power. ations of Christian Faith,” the and 11:30 a.m. Part of the fascination of for- Later as we strolled through Miss Nancy HEiscup of 132 ers' market mentality that both government and is assigned to lowship will sponsor a dEUice Holy (Communion. woman new to her job. She met atones, branches, cans a.nd Having arrived at that po­ elgn travel is the variety of ex- the week-end crowd with Its 10 a.m.. Church School. Wor­ Mountain Rd. hsis been nam­ producers of things like faulty tenants through their places of Rev. Mr. Dupee, Leader; and 9:48 a.m., Bible classes. for Junior High Young People Monday through Friday, 7:45 her first challenge years ago Betty Mae Jumper outside her office. dieibrte, are pIBaced in blie sition behind the United North Metiiodlst Church periences that await aroimd tihe holiday atmosphere, we looked ship Service. Sermon “God ed to the dean’s list for the ______refrigerators and retailers are work. Rents are very small “Preparing for a New Day,” 10:46 a.m.. Worship. Sermon a; the church. p.m.. Evening prayer. when she became the first Sem- piles of leavea. They jam States—a long way behind—the the Rev. Mr. Cornell, leader. 300 Parker St. next comer, or, in some cases. In on a group of men In a beer- Speaks.” spring semester at Cazenovia inole to get a high school diplo- having a hard time overcoming. since the government gets its “Parent-Child Relationships.” up the equipment and cause Soviet Union is softening some But on the horizon is the need to Membership seminar with the Rev. Earle R. Custer, Pastor In the next hotel. It was Im- garden. They were singing a First Congregational Church 8 p.m.. Middle high class. money from Indirect taxes, 5 p.m.^ Youth meetinfiT. Eastminster United (N.Y.) College. ma, over violent opposition chickees, ew ducks Eind roosters don’t take such sacred rituals as delays in the pickups, he of the bleakness of life for its sell things, and with that is Rev. Dr. ^aw , leader. Terry R. Candee, United Church of Christ 7 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship. ------from her family. keeping wages low, and other 6 p.m.. Worship. Sermon: “To possible for us to got hotel res- hearty^une. All with Interlock- Presbyterian Fellowship and Ein occEisional flamboyant green corn dEuiCes seriously Eind Eiaid. people. Things are still pretty developing advertising. Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Adult Pastor in Training ervatlons through the usual ing arms were swaying back Andover James E. Dieterle, son of Mr. “Woman have never held po- ways. Be Or Not To Be.” " " " ’ George E. Slye School peacock waddle past. who prefer the white mEin’s bleak by U.S. standards, but at A government advertising discussion group in Susannah ------channels when we went to Dus- and forth in a typical German Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr., Avery St. The 35 per cent privately Tuesday, 10 a.m., Ladies Bi- Kingston Dr. off Oak St. *“ inoea. "^ e need street Ughtslights and a doctors to the tribe’s few re- least more effort is being made agency weis formed two years seldorf, Germany, because of a way, each with a “tyrolean” Pastor owned housing includes Wesley Hall with the Rev. Mr. ® 10:30 a.m.. Worship Ser- ble clEiss. Christian Reformed Church Esist Hartford reppivpd a tM ta r nf pnmm Men have been the chiefs, the lighted recreation Eirea for our mEilnlng elder medicine men. To Arm Restored to meet oonsumer needs in­ ago with the announced inten­ “fair.” rakish Euigle. It is dif- antiquated wooden cottages. It Dupee. leader. Topic: “The Life ' ’fco. Sermon: “What meaning, Wednesday, 7 :30 p.m., Mld- 661 Avery St. Rev. Gordon S. Bates, received a letter of commenda- medicine men, thethinkers who voune- oeoole to keen them off the vounaer adults she snenks stead of scoring them Uic way tion of learning from Madison Hoplng that there would be a flcult to convey in words the 9:46 a.m.. Church School. Oo„ M .niM S.^ool ,or g,v.„.d Wo™.„ h.v .,uok k. DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. also includes new cooperative and Teachings of Jesus Christ.” Baptism.” week service. South Windsor Minister Stalin did. Avenue and similar centers of 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. Re­ his Eu;hlevement in the National (AP) — Maurice Thomas’ right buildings. The nicest new apart­ 10:30 a.m.. Story Circle lunch­ 9 a.m.. Church School. Nurs­ room available somewhere, we hilarity and contEigious merri- Rev. James A. Bonnema, the planting’ the clothes making Jumper said. “Compared to the drawl, Soviet officials concentrate capitalism. Little seems to have ception of new members. Ser­ Merit Scholarship examins' arm, restored to his body two ment buildings in Moscow are eon, Wesley Hail. ery and Grades 4 through 8. Jehovah’s Witnesses flew in from Hannover, rented ment which affected partlcl- Minister 10 a.m., Worship and Churdi. and xiiuu child raising,raising,” saiasaid methe 4 44- 4 - ,j^iute .^^llite population, our juvenile Her third child, fifth-grader months a^-o rPivipiAdiv publicity on what has been ac­ been learned so far, possibly be­ 10:30 a.m.. Church School. a car at the airport, drove to pants Eind on-lookers alike, mon by the Rev. Mr. Bradley, tions. tiiosc put up by cooperatives of 3 p.m., Class for retarded chil­ Kingdom Hall School Sermon: “The Acid Test ^ar-old mother of three. She is delinquency rate is low, but it’s Boettner, is luimed for Ein ad- jn^ and eood b^ood olrpulfttlnn complished in recent years in cause production of consumer g e y err. ment officials and dren, Jesse Lee House. Nursery, Kindergarten and the center of town, and there Germany at the moment is In “Proclaim The Kingdom of 9:46 a.m., Sunday School for of Discipleshlp.” Mrs. Moses Jumper to neigh- thp whup pp^ p ,r,irp.i whitp mpH.Poi sppIpp circulation 726 N. Main St. ManchesterM-anPhPPipp MemoriEiliicprvippiai Hos-Hpo borsX at k herX native Okalee Indian rising. The white boys come mired white medical doctor. now. building more housing, produc­ goods generally has not yet Con'imunlst Party bureaucrats. 7:30 p.m.. Joint meeting of the Grades 1 through 3. Sacrament found a registry of nearby ho- what might be called a mild God.'- all Eiges. ing better clothes, providing reached a level to make weis 7 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship. pital has scheduled free Asian Village here. The arm was torn from its Rural housing is still in the Commissions of Christian socisd Baptism. tels where we were able to find recession. This the opln- 11 a.m.. Worship Service. our youngsters to drag race.” language. I knew I had to learn more of many things that people advertising seem very worth­ XT X, ^“Wlc Bible dis- accommodations. Ion expressed by a professor Tuesday, 10 a.m.. Study Union Congregational Church socket Aug. 14 while Thomas, 19tl: century, village wells and concerns, education, member­ 7 :30. .{!.m North Methodist course “The Flood—Ancient Nursery. nlov^npvl^wp^ tS p in!f pfii” 1 **x Young people are getting to read Eind write English if I want. This is fair. while. Cadre. We were sent to a "quaint” speaking before the American group. Rockville 21, WEIS working in a laundry. outdoor toilets included. And in ship and evangelism, and mis­ Myth or Prophetic Reality?” 7 p.m.. Evening Service. t i Z »?P include presiding over the p ^ - u,g gjg^ discipline! wanted to help rny people,” The urban housing problem is There are special cases, olher ways of Importance to the Monday, 8 p.m.. Commission n nuteihotel U'UUUILabouit tenteu mutssmdles UUUout Ul of theWIC Club inait Dusseldorf. The VAua/club 8 p.m ., TrEilning session for Thursday, 10 a.m.. Women’s Rev. Paul J . Bowman, Minister The arm was wrapped in a tow­ sions. Reception Hall. Rev. Lyman D. Reed, I s m i Z P the tribal elders used to enforce Mrs. Jumper said. ’’I h ^ to go el and taken to the hospital with being overcome as more fam­ however, in which production lOf million consumers in the Friday, 7 p.m.. Grade 7 Meth­ on education. of the Watchtower magazine ar- Ratlngen. is an organization of both Amer- stewEirdship callers. Bible study, nursery provided. now that they are in public West to school because Indians him ljrcto rs'Z ^ k eT ffv rh m ira ilies get their own apartments runs wild because of poor plan­ Thursday, 9 a.m.. Study Assistant Minister countryside, rural areas lag. odist Youth Fellowdilp will view ^esday, 7 p.m. Christian VO- tide “Finding Freedom with Je- if 'm u c h '" Z and Wednesday from fare ^ d betterment of the na- gg^ools. didn’t go to Florida schools at to^eif^he a m C k on instead of sharing them with ning and then advertising might “At times there are shortages Ltlons Find scholarships com- hmmh’o vi=iw« -• on a narrow cobbled street top- Its atmosphere is much like Group will leave for Norwich 1:30 to 3 p.m. tion. She works easily with new- *Fiof drck on. the. film, “Countdown, M YE.” cations ana scnoiarsnips com- hovah’s Visible Organization. First Evangelical Lutheran She worries sometimes about that time. Doctors expressed cautious other families. Styling and be useful in helping clean out of the most basic products, that ped with red-tiled roofs. Every our service clubs with riEune State Hospital visit. 9 a.m., CSiurch School, Grades ly-elected president Joe Deui ^ ^ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Group Church of Rockville 5 through 10. her own son, Moses Jr., who “My grandmother was sure optimism Friday that the limb quality of clothes and shoes warehouses. Sewing machines is to say, the necessities of life,” 7:30 p.m.. Commission on fin- discussion of the Bible aid “Life sound funneled its way up to tags, small tables, a kind of Rev. Richard E. Bertram, Campbell Council, KofC, will Osceola, 30-year-old social xp., xip-x opXppi tm pprpp tp x„pp. p,ippu ..x ‘ ------^ ----- ...... have Improved. Shops generally and electric razors are ex- Concordia Lutheran Church Vemoii Methodist Church 10:30 a.m., CSiurch School, In­ have a lecturers nleht uroeram worker who oversees the $13 *^® *'**'*' ^ d come to harm mingling with will survive. They said Thomas a Soviet newspaper reported on our room from the cllppety-dop camaraderie, introductions of PEistor have more goods in them. Eiimples. Production of them got 40 ntkln St. Everlasting In Freedom Of 'The Rt. SO fants through Grade 4. S a v a r g 'Z m a t K o r c Z u o n le m ir i! ^ rZ ra tio n motorcycle and whlt^, as the women to her had no use of the arm. but is rural slorss. In one sample 8 p.m., Christian Faith group sons Of God” at the following of heels, the grinding of second visitors with applause, and But it is also true that the So­ several years ahead of demand Rev. Joseph E. Boorret, Pastor Rev. Morton A. Magee 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worship Home. A film “CIews of—” and just as T smoothly . Z t o , v with ^ T w^^^ white “is own car to family had. She th oV h t the able to twitch muscles and the area, people “hardly ever see 1. tocatiZ 'l8 ChTmZq*”'4r " 72B in traffic, and the clunk- the inevitable speaker. 9 a.m., Sunday School. school. only fit life for sin Indian girl viet people remain -and will re­ and had to be halted. Rev. Louis E. Bauer Jr., Service. Sermon topic: “The featuring Andy Griffiths, Vic civic leaders and U.S. Interior arm is warm. oilcloths, light bulbs, kerosene, Wednesday, sixth Grade m Main St 287 Onkinnd ^ crashing of the trash I sat next to the Consul Gen- 10:30 a.m.. The Service. Fourteen-year-old daughter was helping her with her corn, main for the foreseeable Sometimes consumers simply Assistant Pastor 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service Whole World In His HEmds.” SelxEis Eihd George B. Swainsbn' Dejiartment officials, For the time being, Thomas is furniture or fashiona^ily styled Class. L HD Blu;fleW S r in Scarlett Marie (“named for bean Eind jiumpkln garden until future—deprived of the comforts refuse to buy things like Ill- clothes, not to mention necessi­ Elach householder buys uni- him Eind from a later conver- and child CEire. Church School, The Rev. Mr. BowmEin preach­ will be shown. The event Is open Other squaws, who are learning to write with his left Thursday, 7 p.m Senior Chester. Also; 144 Griffin Rd. Our Savior Lutheran Church Scarlett O’Hara” her mother I married.” hand. of life by comparison not only fitting shoes and poorly made ties.’’ 9 a.m., Hdy Communion, form rubbish barrels that fit sation with the Consul General Nursery and Kindergarten. ing. begrinning to believe a woman’s Church School and Nursery. youth study group. in South Windsor. 239 Graham Road, Wapping to the public, Eind refreshments pointed out proudly) wants to be ------into the two mouths in the in Stuttgart, as well as from 10:30 a.m.. Church School for 7 to 8:15 p.m. Senior Pilgrim will be served, place isn’t always In the chick- 10:30 a.m.. The Service, 8 p.m., CSiristian Faith groups Rev. WEilter L. Abel, Pastor either a nurse or a secretary. WON’T BE BAD EGG SUFFIELD MAN KILLED 2 and 3. truck which automatically talks with other members of all other clEisses. Fellowship. ee, warm to her unpretentious Church School and Nursery. Church of the Nazarene But unlike the children of oth- BISMARCK N.D. (AP) — SUFFIELD (AP)—A 43-year- Friday, 8 p.m.. Missions con­ raises each bEirrel, shakes it, the Consulates, I hEid a brief 7 p.m.. Junior Youth Fellow- 11:30 a.m.. Pastor’s Instnic- 236 Main St. sliip. 9 a.m.. Early Worship. Sun­ United Methodist Church “ “I* reporter ^^^..Qur ^^woZn^^'^'Ze ®r ethnic groups being absorbed Five youths, 18, who pleaded old West Suffleld man died Fri- cerns commission. and returns it to the ground insight into both the difficulties for ithe 12tii Circuit Court, Men into the American culture, guilty to throwing eggs in a day night when his car hit a tion class. Rev. Robert J . Shoff, Pastor 8 p.m.. Adult Bible cIeiss. day School. Rt. 44A, Bolton X * --w* eaual riehts .-xi.iciixkh xuhuic, Bumy lo uiruwing eggs in a uay night when his car hit a without Einy smell or dust In and the innumerable services 10:30 a.m.. Late Worship. the process but with consider- provided by these unsung ser- Rev. Hugh A. GllUs torras‘‘;r ^ duW !^th PrVjudlcI against them is on the Semlnoles are theater were ordered by Judge utility pole on Mounta9n Road, Zion Evangelical 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Sunday School. for resei^e duty with the U. S. decline," beeline ’’ she olbserved.olbserved “'"“b ^“‘amongoiib their Geraldueram G,u, Glasronasr tolo pay $10jiu fineslines police said. St. Mary’s Episcopal Oiurch able noise. vants of America. From my Vernon Assembly of God Church Minister Army. Bowln will spend the Lutheran Church Classes for eiII Eige groups. The tribe’s myriad interests P®°P*®' '^*'ey don’t want to leave apiece and to write 1,000 times They identified the dead man Church and Park Sts. To have a bath in this hotel contacts with these people I NortheEist School next six months at Ft. LeonEird (Missouri Synod) 10:46 a.m.. Worship Service. Wesleyan Methodist Church have become big business, re- the reservations, the council ”I will not be a bad egg." as Edwin C. Phelon. Rev. George F. Nostrand, we had to get a key, not for the came away grateful for their Intersection of Rts. 30 and 31 9:30 a.m., Church School, Wood in Missouri. Bowln has chEdrman believes. Rector Cooper and High Sts. MessEige by the pastor. Nurs­ Crystal Lake Rd., Ellington Morning Worship. quiring active support of both Rev. Walter L. Abel, bathroom, but to turn the water part in international relations Vernon bean.qourt reporter in Manches' “What we need are more arts Rev. James W. B^^qssr- ery and Children's Church. Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor 11 a.m.. Morning Worship; Interim Pastor n tn Tiininr iroiintiraViir. i** i**® toucets. In our next a"*! an Increased respect for Rev. Mlchellno Ricci Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman 6 Junior Fellwshlp, ^ j jj. necessary to eet their patlende. Sermon: “Fishers of Men.” 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, replbcea by Bertha Dalgbaault. „ d S 't a and^ralu Ibl Rev. Stephen M. Price Teen and Young Adult Fellow- chambermaid No one would be aware of a 9:46 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel- 8:45 a.m., Sunday School. Di­ Classes for all ages. Tho dAnior VAiiMi WoiiAtiraiiiT. dustrics, land development, a tecM ques so they earn a Planning A 7 urn Evangelistic service °»-der to get Into the bath- recession as he walks down the 11 a.m.. Worship Service. lowshlp; Topic: “UNICEF.” 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. vine Worship conducted by the 7 p.m., LVMgeiistic service. Konlgallee in Dusseldorf. Some 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Nur­ Monday, 7:30 p.m.. Member­ , . ' ft ^ Seminole village and CEimplng ®»^^ living, Rev. William H. Wilkens of Cov­ room Eind we found later that 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. of Center Congregational Hollywood open to Mrs. Jumper sn’t hanging by 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer Message by the pastor. call this the “Fifth Avenue' sery. ship and evangelism commis­ entry. Wednesday, 7 :30 p.m.. Prayer Church will meet at Second the public waiting for her peo- Halloween Party? (Family Service). Crib CIeiss, WedSesda'y, 7:30^p:m.. Pray- each bath was entered on our o r '^ Je r r a n r T h e 'Z p ^i^do^s 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. sion. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Bible In­ and Bible Study. Congregational Church tomor­ Nursery suid KindergEirten in er, praise and Bible study. hotel bill with a charge of three 6:30 p.m., FEist and Prayer. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.. Official In her campaign, Mrs. Jump- P*f„J® become rich from the $40 stitute at Wapping. marks (76 cents). The charge gleam, invite, and compel you row at 6:30 Miss BarbEira PLACE YOUR CIDER ORDERS EARLY Old Church. to come in EUid (buy. The prices 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. board. er ran into surprisingly little for a double room may be eis First Congregational Church Hlgble will give an Illustrated opposition from inem “They Washington, D.C., has 9:60 a.m.. Church School. The Salvation Army are not low but the products Wednesday, 7 p.m., Prayer Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Edu­ KEG and SPIGOT—SALES and RENTALS low Eis $3 per night but there of Vernon Service and Bible study. talk on a Youth Conference held voted for me, didn’t they? I had Seminoles are due. Grades 1 through 12. Center Congregational Church 661 Main St. are of a very high £p*ade. The Rev. John A. Lacey, cation commission. Vt GALLONS—GALLONS United Church of Christ MaJ. Kenneth Lance are mEiny “extras”. last February in Puerto Rico, strong supporters working ^°*‘® Immediately, she visits 10:46 a.m.. Morning Prayer. wide avenue has a green strip Minister The event is open to all students hard ’’ older people, sympathizing llilllllllijl' (Family Service). Sermon by a 11 Center St. Offleer in Charge A variety of experiences await down the center, flUed with St. George’s Episcopal Church Rev. Besty F. Reed, in Grade 11 and 12. Her shj^ friendly smile and ‘belr Miccosukee language (a the Rev. Mr. Nostrand, rector. Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, the traveler. Our hotel near flowers, exotic plants, trees, Rt. 44A, Bolton BOLTON CIDER MILL Minister of Christian Education ----- generbusly-proportloned figure blend of Indian tongues and Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Holy Minister Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer Break- Bonn provided “my window on fountains, and water flowing Rev. Douglas E. Theuner, ROUTES 6 and 44A—BOLTON Cub Scout Pack 261 ot Ver- became familiar sights as she idioms) with their dis- Communion. Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, fEist. the Rhine” looking out upon a between carefully cultivated Vicar GOSMETIGS E. S. SILVERSTEIN, Prop.—TEL. 648-6880 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Morning plEinck School will meet Tuea- stumped Etiong the chlckee huts “'^er the youngsters who 7 p.m.. Dally, Evening Pray­ Associate Minister 9:30 a.m., Sunday School shifting scene of puffing and banks. We found an excellent Worship with baptism at both WE CARRY ALL 8 a.m.. Holy Eucharist. THE TOP LINES day at 7 p.m. at the schcibl. and newer concrete block and ______er. Miss Antoinette Bierce, (ClEisses for Eill ages). panting tugs and barges with restaurant overlooking this services. The Rev. Mr. Lacey 10:16 a.m., Morning Prayer Boys interested in joining the frame houses of the Okalee, Big Church is open daily for pray- “ ^ e ^ r of Christian Education 10:46 a.m.. Holiness Meeting “The Seven Hills” in the back- shopping center. will preach. Child care is avail­ and Church School. Pack may attend ^ e meeting Cypress and Brighton reserva- ...... , er. (nursery provided). groUMdv Beneath our little bal- After we had been ushered to able ai both services. ARTHUR DRUB ' ; Wednesday acCompanled b ^ ^ t least one tions. 9:10 and 11:00 a.m.. Worship 6:16 p.m.. Open Air Meeting, cony was Ein historic wine ter- a table the head waiter brought 8 p.m.. Holy X .b V"" •' t ^ ■■■ 6 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fel­ Eucharist. ... t, ___ .. Service. The Rev. Mr. Steere, 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. race owned by the same family over an AmericEin flag to re- lowship. psirent. Her platform was much like Emanuel Lutheran Church Saturday 10 a.m., ' ------that of any civic-minded mother preaching. Gospel Hymn Sing. 7 p.m., SalVEition Meeting. for over two hundred years. It place the VEiSe of floweis. Such 7 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Fel­ Holy Church and Chestnut Sts. Eucharist. (Feast Orf<^ Parish Chapter, concerned about juvenile delin- Coffee’soclal after 9:16 service. Monday, 6 p'.fti., junior Song- was in this hotel that Queen 1® ith® of those who wish lowship, Fellowship Hall. of St. Simon Rev. C. Henry Anderson, and St. Jude.) Daugtaters ot the American Re- quency, better education and Church School. Crib ' Room at aters. Victoria met her husband and to fade Into anonymity, nurish- Tuesday, noon. Library com- Pastor 9:16 only. volution, will meet Tuesday at welfare programs, better 8 p.m.. Friendship CSrcle. it weis here that they returned the illusion that they look initiee luncheon. Library. Rev. Eric J . Qpthberg, Unitarian Fellowship 1:30 pm . at the home of Mrs. housing, irrigation and creation 7 :30 p.m.. Handbell Choir Tuesday, 2 p.m., Home for their honeymoon. xiialtilves! 1 p.m.. Adult study group. Assistant Pastor ' Academy Junior High School FALL Hermann TiemEUin, 189 S. Main of more industry. Workshop, Narthex. League. Here Heinrich Helnie wrote this same street we saw Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.. Adult Main St., Glastonbury St. for a CEUxl party and Christ- Concrete blocks and frEime Tuesday, 1 p.m., BazEmr com­ 6 p.m.. Corps Cadet ClEisses. some of his poems, one of which the distinctive custom of tum- Study Group. 9 and 10:46 a.m., Divine Wor­ mas SEde. Hostesses are Miss houses are replacing the old mittee, Robbins Itoom. 6:46 p.m.. Senior Songsters. jg about the hotel! It was here cartwheels. Boys from 8 to 7 p.m.. Youth Membership ship Eind Church School. Nurs­ 10:30 a.m.. Morning Meeting, SPECIALS Jessamine Smith, Mrs. Herbert open-sided thatched roof chick- 8 p.m.,, Family Life Commis­ 8 p.m.. Senior Band. that Konrad Adeneur came for a are taught how to do this Class. ery for infants. Sermon by Pas­ Sunday School, and Nursery. Robb, Miss Nellie Lull, Mrs. ees and the open campfire sion, Religious Education Of­ Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.. Sun- rest. His signature along with pcr«0Jim wiifch dexterity on 8 p.m., Board of christlEin edu­ tor Anderson, “Our Giving and fice. Speaker: Dr. Norton CSiaucer, on Wells W. Pitkin and Mrs. Les- kitchens, but not eis rapidly as God's Forgiving." beams. those of many other famous peo- cation, Mrs. Reed's office. Wednesday, 9:30 p.m., Chll- Thursday, 6 p.m. Junior ed to gdve them a penny for Thursday, 6:30 p.m.. Men's director of the Health Depart­ lie Spencer. Tliose needing she’d like. Sewing mEichines dren's lenten school. Federation Band. pie, is Inscribed In a highly ment of Hsirtford and West ALUMINUM transportation are reminded to whir In even the primitive trcEisured guest book that I was this performance. (I-IOQ of 26 Club, Fellowship Hall. Room. cents) The undocumented Hartford. Topic: “Social Unrest CEill Miss Marlon V. W ashburn,______7 p.m., Open Air Meeting. permitted to see. Friday, 7-9:30 p.m.. Junior origin of this practice came dur­ in Hartford.” m D O O RS 36 N. Lakewood Circle THE 7 :30 p.m.. Mid-week Meeting. Almost directly across the Pilgrim Fellowship Halloween The Presbyterian Church ing a wedding procession.. A party. river, high on one of the seven • W IN D O W S IMAGINE! 43 Spruce St. wheel became looisie and The Koffee Kitifters Group of BIBLE Community Baptist Church hills, we could see the hotel Rev. George W. Smith threatened disaster. A ten year St. John’s Episcopal Church • C A N O P IES the YWCA will meet Wednes­ 686 E. Center St. where Hitler Eind Chamberlain Underwood-Olivetti day at 9:30 a.m. at the Com­ 16 FOOT...... CUSTOM CUAFTEU KITCHEN SPEAKS Minister Rev. Walter H. Loomis, „ . . . . ^ supposed to have Rt. SO near Hillside Ave., " f a Y first met before the historic )..orri forward, putting his • A W N IN G S munity Y, 79 N. Main St. Work Minister Vernon 21 by meeting In Munich. thumb and fist Into the hub. will completed on paper moche 9:16 a.m., Sunday School Rev. Jam es L. Grant, Rector Portable Typewriter • JALOUSIES FAIRWAY, Eugene clEisses for all Eiges. On top of the seventh hill an tiien rotating with the wheel Jewelry for the annual YWCA 9 a.m.. Church School for eiII Christm^ ]^Eilr. Hostesses are r / n S T with Bronzgiow Birch Gahinets Brewer __ 10:30 a.m.. Worship * Service -xrx*. aees theUlv exoanded OCOSlVtJlsession Xl/ifor ®’*^^’^e”ed castle hM been con- until the journey was complet- 7 :46 a.m.. Holy Ctommunlon. Oeui handle Euiythlng from For Free Estimates verted Into an outdoor eating ed. The Elector gave the boy 9 Holy Communion, Ser­ homework to a novel. Mrs.^J^eph'KEuninskl Eind Mrs. p ie Rev. Mr. Smith preaching. Nursery through Grade 4 con- —Call— for halloweea maaka ^ Jeremlaih proplijeaied a 70- Sermon:: ;;As My Father Hath tinuing during the worship ser! “ geld,en ducat - so goes the mon, classes, babysitting. Only Yale Typewriter Serv­ Russell'Gt-Rowell. TTie event is open to Edl interested women year captiivity for Israel to Sent Me vice. legend. The traveler has many 10:46 a.m.. Morning Prayer, ice sells at the right price Babylon. In 6(>i6 B.C. Nebuchod- 2:30 p.m.. Laurel Manor ser­ 10 a.m.. Worship Hour. Top. on a cog-rEiil that reminded us fascinating experiences await- and Seimon. with One Year Guarantee. COMPLETE WITH APPLIANCES! nezzzar first moved against vice. of Mt. WEishlngton. ing around the next comer. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.. Holy Don’t delay. Bill Tunsky Jeruastiem, Eind to 536 B.C. Cy­ ic: “A Challenge to Growth.’ rus the G ri^ perznittted tliie fir^ 7 p.m.. Evening Service. A nursery is provided. Communion. Morning prayer YALE vmave of returnees, wiho rebuilt 8:16 p.m., RPYF. 7 p.m., Senior High Youth Fel receive the crown of life, which The Rev. Mr. Swensen preaoh- group after service. 649-9095 FOR the temple under the encour- Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.. Group lowshtp will meet. Topic: Vlo- the Lord hath promised to them ing; Sermon: “The MEin Who 7:30 p.m.. Prayer group. Typewriter Service Regular TeL 640-4986—Mancbeater agjemj^ of the prophets doctrine study at the Manse, lence.” Junior High Youth Fel that love him.” Lives — In Response.” Nursery. Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., ONLY $907.00 Value! Zedhariah Eind Haggal 80 years 7 p.m.. Stockade for boys 8 lowshlp will meet. Topic: “The Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Testimony Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid- Bible class, babysitting. PLEASE GO AWAY!! 5 6 7 later Ezra led another group to 11 years of age. Battalion Mentally Retarded.” meeting. week Bible study. Friday, 7 p.m.. Junior Bible back. About 445 B jC. Nehemlab meeting for boys 12 to 18 years Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. The Readily Room is at 749 Friday, 6:30 p.m., Annlvers- class. HERE'S WHAT YOU GETi was allowed by Arataxerxes to bring a third group of exiles Board of deacons will meet. MEiin St. EUi'd is open to the ary banquet. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Pray­ public Monday through Satur- — ^------Rockville Methodist Church Where? Puerto Rico’s El San Juan Hotel • Modem Bnilt-fai Wall Oven • 16FL of Scheirich Bronzglow home to rebuild thie walls of Birch Kitchen Cabinets Jerusalem, wlUi iMalachi a con­ er meeting Eind training ses­ First Church of Christ, day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 142 Grove St. remember the (Goa or Electric) temporary, thus concluding the sion. Scientist Thursday evening, 7 to 9 ex­ Adults Expelled Rev. Willard E. Conklin, Pastor (Md 'Itestament. cept on legal holidays. • IMbdem Built-in Counter Top 447 N. Main St. Range (Gas or Electric) • Copper Tone Hood over Range United Pentecostal Church WASHINGTON (AP) — One 9:30 a.m.. Church School, McKin n e y f u e l per person 400 yeans later the events of of the first actions taken by the New Tieetament began to 72 Center St. 11 a.m., Sunday church ser­ Gospel Hall Nursery throug^i Adults. double occupancy • 21” X 24” Sink with Faucet^ 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. • Installation Arranged By Our unfold. During the toterteista- (Orange Hall) vice, Sunday School, and nurs­ 416 Center St. youngsters at a nationEd con­ Mc Kin n e y f u e l c o .' 2 7 0 Spray end Straiiier Own Trained Craftsmen m ental period no dUvinely in­ Robert B^er, Pastor ery. ference on juvenile delinquency Sermon: “The Church In the World.” spired books were added. The “Probation After Death” is 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. was to order all the adults • 6-Foot Formica Counter-top Jews pnaaed to Medo-Pensia 10 a.m., Sunday School. the subject of the Lesson-Ser­ 11:45 a.m., Sunday School. Nursery through Grade 4. Included:— present to clear out. m c k in Ne y f u e l C O . finom Babylon, and then to Al- U a.m.. Worship Service. mon, the Golden Text from 7 p.m., Gospel meeting. Monday, 7:16 p.m.. Prayer • LIMITED OFFER—ACT NOW AND SAVE • enxander the Great about 830 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. James, 1: 12: “Blessed is the Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer meet' Outnumbered 200 to 80, the and discussion time. Round trip jet fair from Hartford, 8 days and B.C. Upon his death they be­ adults withdrew from the meet- Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Commis­ . . . for fhe best in oil service! • NO DOWN PAYBIENT—LOW BANK TERMS • came the buffer between Syria Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Bible man that endureth temptation: tog. study and Worship. for when he la tried, he shall Friday, 8_p.m., Bible read- but were admitted later to sion on membership Eind evEui- 7 niffht& Breakfast and dinner daily (unlimited . ■ / and iElgypt. Under the "IXeioeBr THIS IS JUST ONE'OF THE MANY VALUES FROM bean fiai^y Israel eecured a ing. the day after the young pehple gelism meeting. la rg e measure of independence had had a “youth caucus.” eberioe o f m enu), rum cocktail p arty with hors to the second century B.C. But St. John’s Polish National The youths, representing Wapping Community Churiih groups from 20 states, said the Congregational d’oeuvres and complementary bottle of champagne. the following century aaw them FOUR CHURCHES OF BOLTON Catholic Church Corlwration abaorbgd tote the expanding Rev. Walter A. Hyszko grownups were expelled be­ Rev. Roy R, Hutcheon, Minister Roman terrltorlea In 31 B jC. Will Present Home Improvement PEistor cause they were dominating the Division rtau u ^ r Augustus became the discussions Euid making a 9 Euid lo!8o a.m., Worship Ser­ OPEN first emperor. Under him Herod “farce” of the conference. vice. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. X-PLUS MEisses at 8:30 and 10:80 a.m the Great, a Jewleh-Xdumean, The Fribourg Choir Office and Showroom Open Every Day fcelnJlng Sunday—8 A.M. to 10 P.M. served as king of the Jews. OF SWITZERLiAND Hutcheon, “Not For SEde.” TyisiM w tij., Trinity Covenant Church HALLOWEEh^ SWEETS Church School. (TemporEuily 986 BURNSIDE AVE. \ EAST ^ARTFORD at Hackmatack St. near'Keeney St. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — The held In South Windsor High ALL DAY Tiw el Agency, Inc. CHURCH OF CHRIST ST. MAURICE CHURCH^BOLTON V 'Rev. Norman E. Swensen, Essex County Dental society School.),. Lydall imd Vernon Streets Bastor has recommended that trick- 6^7 MAIN ST MANGHESTEB CALL Phone; 648-2517 . FRIDAY, NOV. 3 8:30 P.M. ------, or-treaters" not be -given .CEUidy St. Maurice Church, Bolton Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Paator SUNDAY PHONE 648-9571 NOW Bible Classes, 9:45-a.m . 9:80 a.m.r Sunday School with on Halloween, 2 8 9 -7 7 7 8 Benefit of American iLeproay Missions classes for every age group A diet low in sweets Is ope of Worship, 1,0:45 a.m., Donation: Adults gl.OO Children 76c from age 3 through adult. the cardinal rules of good dental Masses at 7, 8 :30, 10 Eind 11:30 6 :0 0 p.m. 10:46 a.m., Morning Worship, care, the society said. a.m. All Medicinal Services Available


Title on Line Sports Viewing Seven in Row USINESS g)ERVICES iPJiRECTORY SAirUBDAT Palmer Benched aoBdhmAnt alesgr tt* «>- ItOO (80) BowUng beaden paUi yeateefiifln wua Next Friday Ikwl OattoUe BgMi en m SffiO ( 8) Wide World of aam try team. The hanlen 4t00 ( 8) M«AA FootbaU, By Hogan Edict trimmed ImM iwsat Oslh e- At Mt. Nebo IlcL 18-«k et WMdMm Fufc Texas vs. Arkansas HOUSTON (AP)—The great Arnold Palmer was on H IG H G R A D E 5:00 ( S) BMse of the ae Jim TwniBn set the CAMPING Race for regular season the bench when U. S. golf professionals went out to try pace In Uffifi. .f t waa the CAR LEASING championship laurels in the W e ^ EQUIPMENT OtOO (80) Let’s Go to the to widen their lead over the British today in the seveaMi straight vlatecjr. PRINTING MMchester Midget Foot­ second phase of the 17th biennial Ryder Cup matches. Beat grabbed Iha ftrst 18 Tents, Cots, Sleepinig Bags, Baoes On 1 or 2 Job and Gonunerciel ball League becrane more lOtSO ( 8) NFL BgliUghts Palmer, one of the „stars I n ------spots wUh Boa PeBsHar aad Air Mattresses, Stoves, Printiiifir snuied than ever following Ui4S (80) Roller Darby America’s strong start Friday Thomas-Tony Jacklln, Brit- Rlok BlocI foOcwlBg Pera- YEA R PLAN Lanterns Prompt and Hlfflclent last night’s play at Mt. SDNDlAY in the twp-haU foursomes, was Sanders vs. Gardner gaUo aoroaa the flaal Haa, MANCHESTER Ndbo. liOO ( 8) NITj Interviews surprisingly dropped from the Dickinson, United States, va. J, PeragaMo I M I t First In Manchester. New Printing Of AU Kinds Hie Patriots, leaders since Ilne-up for the four morning ^ ^ a n Huggett-George WUl. SURPLUS SALES CO. ( 8) Tale FooOian 2, PSUetter (D)i 8, Bleel cars, full maintenance, fully the opening game, were trim­ HlghUgfata—Tale vs. four-baU tests although slated to Britain. (B), 4, VeodeCta (E )j 5, insured to reduce your prob­ 169 N. MAIN ST. Gommunity Prats med by the OiEuits, 20-6 uid the return to aoUon In the after- matches with revised MoOcMmlok (E )i •, laB aB a at Depot Square Oolnmbia lems and worries. For full Giants rolled over the hapless ItSO ( 8) NFT. Green 1*0®**- line-ups foUow in the afternoon. (B): 7, Oomi^ (B)i ^ Open DaUy to 9:00 P.M. 9 East Middle Tpke. information, call Jets, S6-0. Bay va. Giants The decision was made by the The series, which the United Shea (B)i; 9, Weaver (N )t J. FARR — 648-7111 Telephone 643-5727 As a result, here’s how the ( 8) Notre Dame strict U.S. captain, Ben Hogan, states hat, lost only three Umes 1(L Anton B), Paul Dodge Pontiac standings look today; Football—Notre who didn’t think it was neces- m « years, ends with 16 singles Giants 8-1-1, Eagles 8-1-1, Pa­ sary to give an explanaUon. tut* Sunday. INC. Dame vs. nUnoia MANCHESTER CUSTOM MADE triots 8-2 and Jets 0-0. 8i00 (80) AFL-^Oskhuid “He la not playing because I pnimer and Gardner Dlckln- 873 JL\IN STREET DIOR’S CANVAS AWNINGS Thus, the Giants, and Eagles vs. Boston say so," Hogan told a newe con- won , two matches Friday. Fire Official Phone G49-2881 moved Into a deadlock for the 4:00 ( 8) Sports Speolsl Icrence. "I am the captain and beating O’Connor and AUiss 2 MEMORIAL CO. SHELL first spot and the Patriots 4ffi0 ( 8) Ctedsbout Gaddis I say who plays." jjjnl j ^^d then trouncing young We Frge You To Support A reporter asked if there were Malcolm Gregson and Hugh With Eagles Opposite East Cemetery Your Car Needs Winterizing drc^iped down to third place. The Lutz Junior Maseum SERVICE Hie regular season ends Fri­ reasons. Boyle 6 and 4. Palmer made a It is getting to that season of and he can and does do work day nlgM with the usual double- “Yep," said Hogan. fantastic shot out of the woods A fter R ift 2 Quality Memorials 653 CENTER SITIEET I, 2 the year again—time to have on all makes of cars. He does header. Paired will be the Jots “MAy I aJk what they are?” for the key shot of the morning Over 80 Years’ Experience your car winterized and tuned front end work, rebuilds ball Larsons Experts in Printing MECHANIC ON DUTY I,- and Eagles In the opener and the reporter pressed. match. Fine putUng by Dickln- PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A up for the cooler weather that Joints, tie rods, etc. AT ALL HOURS the Giants and Eagles In the “You may ask, but I don’t son wmi the second. rift between Ed Snider and Gei^ WATKINS-WEST Call 649-5807 lies ahead. The place to go? Of course Mr. Plen is known There has to be a reason why it is hard to detect from en­ nightcap, which will decide the have to tell you,” Hogan re­ Pott and Nichols also won eral Manager-Coach Joe Kuhar- FUNERAL Reuben Plen's Texaco Station, far and wide for his work on so many business firms depend graving. The price difference Starters, Generators, championship. plied. two points, beating Hunt and ich apparenUy is one of the tea- A. AEVIEm, Prop. 381 Main St. When you have transmissions and this is a spec­ solely on Community Press between raised printing and Carburetors, SEE US FOR: GETTING THE LEGS into football, Southern California halfback O. J. Simpson The league’s leading scorer, In eddlUon to Palmer, the Coles 6 and S and Alllss and O’- sons vriUch provoked owner Jar- SERVICE Harrison St., Slanchester your car winterized here you ialized field. There are relative­ to do their work for them. Also regular Is so slight that most Domestic - Foreign Cars • Aluminum RoU Up ( u i^ r left) tumbles into end zone for touchdown. Diving for first down is Colo­ Steve SamioUs continued his world’s all-time leading money Connor 2 and 1. The other U.S. ry Wolman to fire Snider Hum- can be sure that it wUl be safe ly few mechanics who qualify there must be a reason why people are turning to its use. 643-7008 Awnings rado’s William Harris (upper right). And with legs kicking from all sides, New heavy work by scoring twice winner, Hogan also ordered the full point came on a 1-up victory day as operating head of Um ORMAND J. WEST and when they put in Texaco as an expert in hydramatic so many individuals go to Com­ It is important to remember • Door Canopies York Jet Pete Lammons clutches a two-point conversion pass as Houston’s Mil­ as the Eagles Jumped out fnmt 47-year-old Julius Boros to sit by Boros and Casper over WUl National FootbaU League’s Director anti-freeze they guarantee that transmission work. He will look munity Press when they have that extra tlmo is necessary • Storm Doors ler Farr and Garland Boyette fall in heap. early and gained revenge cut the morning matches. and Huggett, who played the PhUadelphla Eagles. PARKADE if you lose this anti-freeze, they your car over and give you an anything that requires printing for raised printing and at least MANCHESTER a Combination Windows against the Pats. The schedule was this: BUI same pair to a standstlU for a The bitterness between Ku- 142 E. CENTER ST. will replace it free of charge. honest appraisal of what needs service. Well, there is a reason eight days notice must be given Manchester Awning Co. SamiotlB scored twice in the Casper-Gay Brewer, United half In the morning. hariefa and Snider broke out They are so thorough In their first period on runs of 50 and States, vs. Peter AUlss-Christy Jacklln and Thomas were during a news conference Fri- .Manchester’s Oldest BARBER SHOP doing to put it in A-1 shape. and a very good one. First of —more if possiible. 195 WEST CENTER ST. check-up they can really guar­ Many tliftes it is not necessary all, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lar­ 26 yards and Taggart added a O Conner, Britain; Bobby Nich- Britain’s heroes, winning twice, day night after Snider, WOlman With Finest Facilities Business firms, professional Telephone 649-8091 Manchester’s Most Modem antee this to their customers. to have an entire transmission son are experts in the field of men use raised printing for S e a f o o d Established 1949 third Eagle tally In the third ols-Johnny Pott, United States, They beat Sanders and Brewer and co-owner Earl Foreman Barber Shop with Excellent All hoses and connections are job done; some times just the printing. Second, both Mr. and their stationery, business cards Giants Point to Upset canto, a 20-yard caper. Skip vs. NeU Coles-Bemard Hunt, 4 and ? and Llttler and Gelber- met tor 45 minutes and faUed to 6-Chalr Service! checked and they use a pres­ seals need replacing. Whatever Mrs. Larson take a very per­ and announcements for they CHOICE VARIETY Shaw grabbed a pass from Rich Britain; Gene Llttler - A1 Gel- ger 3 and 2. Jacklln U Britain’s resolve their dispute over Sifi- OPEN 8 AJVI. to 6 P.M. sure test on the cooling system Mr. Plen recommends you can sonal interest in seeing that find its use gains favorable at­ Upholstery Everding in the fourth quarter berger. United States, vs. Dave 28-year-old rookie. der’s dismissal. so you know you are safe. be sure will be an accurate aj>- their clients work Is done to tention. Commnnlty Press also Q u a lify to complete a 60-yard play and ______Kuharirii started the ex­ When it's time to (Closed Mondays) Mr. Plen recommends the and P N Shop avert a Cutout for the Pats. MANCHESTER pralsal of the job. their utter satisfaction. ’Third, print many flyers and if you change when he needled Snider use of heavy duty flush by Tex­ With power steering It is more their pride in fine workmanship, are interested they will gladly S e a fo o d RE-UPHOLSTERING SamioUs, Dave Berube, Bruce SHOPPING PARKADE aco to clean the radiator and difficult to tell when the front attention to detail and their quote rates. * Modern Furniture With Packers Sunday Taggart and Dan Oiamp play­ JeU Hold One-Game Lead ZS Lower Level, (rear) 43 OAK STREET ed well for the Eagles rust inhiblter and Texaco anti­ end is out of alignment so regu­ vast and varied knowledge 'of Offset printing has Increased and Antiques from his position behind news­ MOVE PHONE 649-6850 freeze. Of course when this is lar checkups are really Impera­ the printing business is unrival­ greatly and Community Press TEL. 640-9937 with Shaw, Everding, Marie An' men. done you will need a new ther­ ed. s store Stools and Booths NEW YORK (AP)—The stumbled a week ago; Chicago rated a one-touchdown pick over gill Peoples best for BOB Hie grim looking Snider Expert tive. These checkups will save has a Platemaster made by the • Custom Furniture tdaar Vm-lr Cianffl will hnvA visits Cleveland; Philadelphia la the defense-minded Bears. lo-,-. KENNEDY mostat installed to insure com­ you money In the long run. Community Press is most con­ Itek Business Products Divi­ snapped, "Maybe next time It • Moving CAU Slipcovers and Draperies K S thTSvTif awr! Washington at ^ s Kcker Jim Bi^en, St. Louis’ ^he Jets were badly outclass- Namath Faces Miami, fortable warmth inside your Not only do you get the best veniently located at 9 E. Mid­ sion, Photostat Corp. of Roches­ Made to Order lugn nopra^n^aw oi aver DaUas at Pittsburgh, pioUfic point-producer, could . , never save un wUl be your party Joe.” MANCHESTER car, no matter how cold the in service at Plen’s Texaco Sta­ dle ’Tpke. and you can drive ter, N.Y. ’This completely auto­ Reuben Plen’s Complete Selection of The repartee started when 643-6563 weather. a g ^ and Fran Tarkenton in Orleans at San Francisco make the difference for the Car- oManS^ve RUG CLEANING tion but he gdves you an extra right up to the door and park. matic offset plate processor Materials ® quanta at Detroit. dinals against PhUadelphla. Kennedy Anxious for Repeat Foreman, executive vice preel- Of course there are other bonus of S & H Green Stamps. Never any parking problems produces two plates per minute Texaco Sfafion FREE ESTIMATES dent and secretary as- well as a MANCHESTER COMPANY problems that cold weather here. National} Football League m the American FootbaU Both clubs come off tough loss- Stop In and get acquainted. from which five to ten thousand Lower Level of the Parkade League, it’ll be New Tork at es. the Eagles having bowed to S iL i ! S S i NEW York (AP) — Joe Namath’s affair with the M '^T'oeiiT s t ^ u i ^ r to~t^ 15 HANNAWIY ST. presents, your car battery for If you are not familiar with copies can be printed on offset 381 Main Street 649-6324 Clash Green Bay. 12 The Packers figure to have Miami, Oakland at Boston, San San Francisco by one ^Int, the ^ intercentlon. ^ Miami Dolphins’ secondary resumes Sunday and the Eagles, dUwioeed that Snidsr one and if your battery is not the proper way in which to printing .presses. Appointed New York Jets’ quarterback hopes the flame hasn’t had a i5-year contract with Um MOVING AND Phone 643-0012 too strong the first really cold too much of everything else. But Diego at Denver and Houston Cards to Cleveland by ^otir. wiMin scored on a re- lay out your printed message, This is an entirely new con­ Phone 643-9149 theyu be stewtag carefully Kansas aty. Tne Redskins ^ pin their -lohn W l^ s^r^ on ^ gone out in the three weeks since they’ve seen each other, club Asked when it waa dated, snap will mean your car may the Larsons will gladly help you. cept In making offset plates, BOY SCOUT Hydramatic Transmission when they make their first visit The Packers, 8-1-1 after last upset hopes on the p a i^ of ^ Namath riddled the DoliUUns Foreman said he bcfUeved it was TRUCKING CO. 3-DAY not start. At Reuben Plen’s Both of ■ them know just how and through its use Communi­ tor 415 yards and 28 completions 1966. Texaco Station you will find Repairing GLASS to Now York since 1962 Sunday’s 10-7 loss to Uie Vlk- Sonny Jurgenson to Charley *»“ ® ^ »®®!^ Manager league with four Interceptions, messages should be laid out, ty Press Is able to offer 24 While the Giants’ forhinea ‘"K®' quarterback Taylor, the league’s taU , ^ ^ e action Houston 24 of 37 passes for 864 yards. patrol leader, led the pledge of At Community Press they the following day. This 24-hour beaten the Giants 11 Umes in a slve unit Is as toug^ as ever, the rugged Steelers, but back-up ^ Andr^Ryan, Leone, dent and seorsta^. Wobnaa, not become acquainted with alleg(iance to the flag and the Chicago Cubs wlU be their man- «,**'*« San Diego is the AFL’a only ESSO are set up to do all kinds of service applies to one side on­ PAINTS „row in - regular-season, . , exhlbl- however, and Tarkenton, whoee man Craig Morton came oSrds: Mailnooid. Hunt. B. Oal- wt» holds 62 per cent of the them you are missing some­ G L A S S C O . ager^OifC* 8* they UlDjr make JSMWaw it av to w the ma- ^ O bbb. I.B * undefeated UIIUCAD»lOU team CUlUand IV8M8B leads theUID scout oath. Clyde R. Miller, printing, job and commercial — ly; if two sides (the reverse tlon end cha^ion^p playoff and running have led through for the Cowboys against k . Makmey, Pitkin, p. stock, also wasn’t talking, lltsjr 405 MAIN ST. thing. Try Fire Chief the regu­ scoutmaster, gave a welcoming and this is one place that gives side) is to be used, it requires 31 Bissell St.—TeL 649-7322 FOR BEST RESULTS con^tition. The Giants w e Qiants to three victories In New Orleans last week. Rookie corooran, Hager CoUa. move to Oakland next season said they agreed not to dtsouas TEL. 649-5533 lar gas or Sky Chief high test speech to the parents and as much attention to small 28 hours; the extra time allows The Dolphins’ defense was City last week. JOhn Hadl had the matter with newsmen either gas. You will really notice a overdue to break the speU, but decisions, might wind up quarterbeck Kent Nix, who his fifth straight 200-yard plus friends of the scouts, and pa­ jobs as to large ones. If you the first side to dry thoroughly. the Packers soUd favorites gj-iambling for cover. The possl- sparkled In last Sunday’s 27-24 ^^Balc£B:®a^iniiotiiD, 8. Pryor. * Tune-Ups difference in your car’s per­ trols demonstrated their skills are looking for a place to have At Community Press you will last week and that caused Wil­ formance when you use Texaco in knot tying and first aid. printing done, you could not find find the latest and best in equip­ PAUL'S mi**** t, O H fh n iH *‘*‘'*"‘ place-kicker Pete loss to New York, tries to snap MiJ5Sta**CoBfPov«. Siiaiw, he had signed Kennedy to a two- only three times all year. gas. TURNPIKE Elsewhere Sunday, the Balti- Qogolak could give the Giants the Steelers out of a tour-game jiMguson. _ , contract as the veteran son' to make hiin eMttia * Engine Cleaning In a candlelight investure, a finer place than Community ment for this is a thoroughly PAINT SUPPLY “TTiere comes a time,’’ the Denver has a five-game losing It Is most important to use Dallas Dodge and Roger Dupre Press. modem plant. Coupled with the an^dded offensive weapon. slide. ^ ^ watoheTS^^ooWe^wor?^^ streak but was off last week and Scholastic * Minor Repairs 645 MAIN STREET TEXACO unbeaten string on the line at with Johnny Unltas In top The winless Saints face an qimjUs : Tyetdy^Adamy, C. Saun- „ coach said,, "when excuses run a high grade oil and the next received Tenderfoot Scout All kinds of printed materials Larsons’ real, interest in serv­ out.’’ no AFL team coming off a bye * Stamps time you have an oil change try Awards. are using raised prlntli^ over ing the public to the best of Tel. 649-0300 Minnesota, where the Packers torm. the Colts are heavy favor- uphill march a^lnst Sm de™.^^»u«e«^Rsy. Kennedy, a coach tor the has lost this season. Coach Lou Open 24 Hours A Day Ites to whin Mnnesota for the cisco’s balanced attack, which Peoplea, FarroU, Bablneau, Ander- nravM IbbI B*nann was Wilson also said he would A rea Notes Texaco’s Havollne oil, one of Merit Badges were awarded the regular kind and with much their ability thiS is a really un­ start Bob Griese at quarter­ Saban hopes the Broncos will the oldest of the fully tested to Gary Roberts, athletics; success. Of course wedding in­ beatable combination. Take Firestone Tires ------.'XO. om. to «Co™ton «»1 .tototol Utot^K “StoSr&fiP'i.'to,. L«., keep that string Intact. remain the league’s only un- as Keniven Willardwuiara andana Gary«ary Lewisluewia r . 'ive«die.iveedie. „ , ~ h-id im the announcement back. Rick Norton has been Scholustlo sports aeticn yes­ oils on the market today. More Mickey Miller, Dale Roberts, vitations and announcements your next print job here and Quality Line Products Ex-Charger Steve Tenei, ac­ terday saw Rockville mgh’s and more people are learning Robert Rice, canoeing. have taken advantage of rais­ you will be convinced that they beaten entry. Unltas needs jurt combUied tor 142 rushing ya^ Eagg^ 'o o o until the American League had w ^ori^ljf^ quired for Denver’s top draft O s f r m s k Y THE i Tool Equipment Gen. Repairers License eight completions to wipe out Y. and John Brodle passed for an- in>: b 6.. SamlotieSanidiotis 2. -rassari, shifting the ^ h l e e ^ fe r M i ^ t the fine soccer team blank Wind­ that you cannot go wrong when Also, Whit West, markman- ed printing for some time, for turn out superior work. an injured shoulder against the choices In each of the next two sor, 2-0, on goals by Mkrtoe- you use Texaco products. A."’nttle’s‘ all-time mark of 2,- otoer 21C. from Kansas City. DEALER IN WASTE shlp, camping; Peter Haskell, Comer Broad and 118 Mel F arr and Nick Eddy, De- ouato n, rk'IKTaJIO'Neil. Hotavn, 'c. r* ' T.aKavLeber. ca w ,, visit Kansas City. Beathard, game Eastern swing at Boston.; ping a 21-84 deciaion to WUaon SCRAP METAL and, Goodyear snow tires and erts, Mickey Miller, swimming Cleveland, with the home club tied Washington last week. Wal*. Watehlng the rwWes wmK i^jaitiing the OUee offense, Oakland, which beat Buffalo 24- High of Middletown. Mark In r- Entertainment Nightly you will also find re-cap snow A recruiter band was also re PTA Room Mothers Listed EQUIPMENT out, Kennedy called the AtWet- completedoffiy four of 18passes 20 last week, trails San Diego by aon of Rockville sat the paoa tires at Reuben Plen’s Texaco celved by Miller. UON WILLIS donla,**Swyer, O'bcAI. Oortur, T. . Ics . a * promising . . club » . ». . . With againstg a in st the JetsJetl last week one half game In the Western lit 12:67 over tha 2.8 mils oouras. and PAPER in the Gibson Lounge Station. Mrs. Donald Holbrook, PTA Tom Carpenter, Mrs. Meloche; 935 CENTER STREET MbOonvUle. l o U o f y ^ Went Just waiting p. ^ the race, Certificates of office were Mrs.' 'Behmke’s room, Mrs. B acks: 'D. llcO onvlU e. S. W in in . Also In cross country. South 860 Main St., East Hartford On July 16, 1962 Reuben Plen awarded to Samuel Krutt, room mother chairman, has an­ MANCHESTER Jets (•) I to grow Into the Job " Windsor High trimmed BUtaif- 731 PARKER ST. Alton and Mrs. Green; ^Dream Come True Ends: n cMnnsn, John arorin, TeL 643-S735 or 643-5879 'Ifolephone 289-4359 took over the Texaco Station at scribe; Whit West, quarter­ nounced the list of room moth­ 649-2062 GARAGE GslUchamt, HtfCinB. In his ld-year major-league------^------ton Hi|Ji. 18-48, as Skip Brown its present location and to say O’Rourke’s room, Mrs. Cher- ‘Tacides: O N ^ Bob Roy, R. ifiaylng career Kennedy played „ „ s .x iin J master; Richard Haskell, Flam­ ers for Bolton Elementary 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 Stavedra, Ificirin, Kanehl, D. Bimve- se: the pace In I8:8t. that he is busy is a definite un­ merka and Mrs. Highter. for the Chicago White Sox, PrO Bashetboll RoUUdup Also, a loser in eoooer was ing Arrow Patrol leader; Whit School for 1967-68. She has ex­ Grade 5, McCarthy’s room, fmlf * ■ derstatement. His reputation for West, Viking Patrol leader; Specializing in $100,000 Contract Ouatos: COsavant, Dettomlnicls, aeveland. Baltimore, Detroit Ellington High, downed hy Suf- ^ BUY, SELL giving fine service and beinc a pressed her appreciation to all Mrs. Azlnger and Mrs. Chick; Pierce, BombenUer. • and the Dodgers. He had a Ufe- Gary Roberts, senior patrol Miss Pongratz’s. room, Mrs. BOSTON (AP)—Carl Yastrzemski, baseball’s newest Centers:^ PontsrelU. Duane, Dlng- field High. 6-2. Jim Emery tal­ PONTIAC WOinS TRADE top-notch mechanic has brought leader; Steven Vaiciulis, Peter those who returned their slips AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SERVICE ~ Anderson, Hoy, time batting average of .256 as Qick, Qick of Turnstiles lied both Ellington gonle. saying that they would be room Flano and Mrs. Webb; Cos­ superstar, says his 1968 contract for an estimated $100 a first baseman, third baseman AND • Layaway Plan more and more motorists Haskell and James Whitesell, to his station for all kinds mothers. tello’s room, Mrs. Baircomb and Front End Alignment 000 is a dream come true. - and outfielder. • One of the largest inven­ junior assistant scoutmasters. Mrs. Holbrook. SUPPUES Joked with Yastrzemski and tories in New England of repair jobs. You know that he The mothers and their rooms “This Is the kind of figure I talked to writers at the signing ‘TD: OortW 3. J wMn After managing Salt Lake Greets G>lonels in Kentucky Soviet Athlete Steven Vaiciulis assisted by are; Grade 6, Dougherty's room, always dreamed about as a berg. city In the Pacific Coast League TEMPEST • SuppUes and Accessories has to do good work when he Peter Haskell conducted the General Repair Work ceremonies. guarantees all work done here. A.M. Kindergarten, Mrs. Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Llt- PLUS boy,” the slugging outfielder “There is no measuring what viu^'*'ioim’TOl!^n In 1962, Kennedy piloted the Chi­ The pleasant click, click, click second half shots and wearing Wins Gold Medal SALES and SERVICE closing ceremonies with the Mack’s room, Mrs. Lynch and vdnskas; Lesnlaksl’s room, Mrs. who led the Boston Red Sox to cago Cubs to seventh place In of the turnstiles greeted the down Chicago with their aocura- MEXICO CITY (AP)—Soviet CONNECTICUT All kinds of work on cars is members of the troop repeating MACHINE SHOP Plays Today Carl meant to us and to New done at Reuben Plen’s Station Mrs. Landrey; Mrs. Flnegan’s Sohlavetti and Mrs. Davds; Mrs. the American League pennant England baseball this year,” the National League in 1968 and Kentucky Cotonele udiile the St. cy. strongman Ian Talte has given VALLEY COIN CO. a Scout Law as each candle was room, Mrs. Noren and Mrs. Anderson’s room, Mirs. Murro SERVICE DuPO N FS said at the signing ceremonies eighth in 1964. Louis Hawks preferred the The Bulla had led by 11 after Russians tiielr 17th gold PAUL DODGE put out. Two (XJIL football con­ Yawkey said. ” . . .Carl did Fairly Leading 97 Center St,, Manchester Hoffman. and Mrs. LuchenbiU. Friday. things for us this year that other He managed Albuquerque In swlrii, swish, swish of the bas- the first quarter and Mayed ^edal In the Pro Olympic 643-6295 P.M. Kindergarten, Mrs. Stop ’n Go tenders, Manchester^ The Red Sox, in keeping with PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) 1966 before Joining__ the Braves keU. with the Hawks until the tiilrd (jgmee with a world record per- PONTIAC, INC. Burning Permit players could not do.” —Ron Falriy of the Loe Angeles gg g coach l u t season, Dally 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Bring Your Clothes, Huge Memorial Mack’s room, Mrs. Winkler and Residents are reminded that High and Maloney club policy, did not make any Some of the things Yastrzem­ The Colonels Introduced period when St. Louis, led by lormanoe In the wrigMUftiiw Monday Closed Gowns, Suedes, Drapes, Mrs. Taylor; Mrs. Finnegan’s MANCHESTER High of Meriden clash formal discloeure of the figure. Dodgers headed into today’s fl- ______American Basketball Assoola- Len Wilkins, Joe Caldwell and competition, 373 Main St.—Tel. 649-2881 The Mt. Rushmore Memor­ ■they must obtain permits for Atlantic Service ski (Ud included winning the Tri­ nal round of the Baseball Ce­ Thurs. and Fri. till 9 P.M. Bedspreads, Slip Covers room, Mrs. Ciscon ahd Mrs. burning. Although it has been at Memorial Field to­ But General Manager Dick O’­ ple Crown by leading the league tion competition to LoulevlUe Zelmo Beaty, hit on IS of 18 Talte bettered hie own worM For Quality Cleaning ial in South Dakota is larger Martin. AUTO PARTS Prop: “Rudy” DuPont Connell said the - contract lebrity <3olf Tournament at the Ky„ Friday night, with 10,427 shots from the floor, opening an mark m ;(iis clean and in k To The than the Sphinx of Egypt. The a wet season, the leaves and day at 1:80. Both have in batting at .826 and rune bat­ Canyon Country Club with the High Booters Grade 1, Mrs. Whitehead’s grass are becoming dry, and 270 BROAD ST. 128 East Center Street won three of four “makes Carl one of the best ted in with 121 and tying Min- fans turning out to tee Indiana 88-78 lead. event Friday nljht by hefting sculptured heads of the me­ paid players in Red Sox histo­ low total among the diamond rap Kentucky 106-99. Caldwell had 28 potifie, Beaty 428 pounds en route to the mld- room, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. ■bruMi fires can easily occur. On Phone: 649-6977 starts. Ken Ough, nesota’a Harmon Klllebrew in stars—222 for 54 holes. Blank Meriden Dube Tool Co. PARKADE morial are so large that Lin­ ry.” And most guesses were homers with 44. He also played In the National Basketball 24 and WUklne 22 while Bob ,]io heavyweight title. Fish; Mrs. Llcitra's room, Mrs! days that are safe for burn­ Featuring a complete line of above, will be at one of Fairly scored a 72 Friday and Drill Jig Bushings coln’s nose is longer than the Leneri and Mrs. Hoar; Miss OPEN that hie estimated $46,0(X) salary spectacularlycuuu-iv inm leftloii fieldiieiu all ^ m a Single talUes 'bv Scottv Mac- .Aseoclatlon, the Hawks shot a Boozer’s 19 topped Chicago. ©n a day devted of oompetl- Steel and Carbide GLEANERS entire face of the Sphinx. ing, permits can easily toe ob­ Atlantic Products plus MoweTs room, Mrs. Brown and the tftokle slots with for 1967 was upped to the $1(X), geuson,season, maklngiiiokuib numerousiiuiiicixnui bill-’ •n.iii. tnr- *^!**«*®1” rHnoln. ’ Leani.«da *** Jimmy Manning powered buri^ Chl^go Where you get low PLENTY OF SNOW COMING lic is idle and Rockville pact. luiti Rods. ______In other ABA action Friday, gers to Cincinnati for viynn theater where the lifting com- .030 thru .500 in Steps of .001 Grade 2, Mrs. Stark’s room, Paul Maneggia, Steele Cross­ ners out at the plate in several The lowest round of the day H|Kh’8 soccer team Meyer Steel Plug Gages prices and a ' 10% BOSTON (AP) — Hornets, treks to Middletown Owner Tom Yawkey was key situations. e KmMt rm ^ oc me oay " ov«r” Malon6v Oakland beat Denver 112-102 at Robinson and two draft choices, petition was held and saw Talte bees and the O ld^arm er’s Al­ Mrs. Radlon and Mrs. Bates; ing Rd.; Peter Massolini, Notch In Steps of .001 Bonus Card . . . To Mrs. Friedman’s room, Mrs. High. beaming with pleasure as he But Yawkey said he meant WM. shot ^ Boston s Iton Meriden yesterday atf- San Jose, Calif. In the NBA, San Rodgers scored seven points for boost the Sovtete’ gold medal Carr Lane Jig and Fixture Parts manac predict plenty of snow Rd.; Mort Harlow, Bolton Cen­ ro l^ a 69 for a three-day total gf '^rid ^ Diego topped Seattle 121-114 Chicago Friday night. margin over the Uffite dgtates Save With! Reed and Mrs. Gagnon; Mrs. ter Rd.; Les Harlow, Tolland “off the field as well as on It." Ball Lock Pins this season for New England. “Dick Williams, our manager, “ “ 6. —The success ------was the seventh Indiana won Ite third straight WUlls “Lefty" Thomas scored to 17-4, Borite Boring Bars—Carbide According to scattered reports, Potter’s room, ^ rs . Minicucci Rd.; Don Tedford, Rt. 85; Hugo Painfing— Decorafing and Mrs. Latulippe; Mrs. Houn- does not believe in 'team cap­ In nine starts______— and seventh_____ ga*R®> with Roger Brown scor- 18 points os Denver stayed wlth- East Germany picked up a Travet In Style, Elegance Also Representing Other the bees and hornets are build­ Broda, Bdrch Mt., and John COMMERCIAI, • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL tains, so he did not have one," EABLY BIBDS — Betty stroi^t-^or Coach'Dtok'Dan- “ P®*®*® Dewls 21, in two points of Oakland, 54^0. gted in free pistol shooting when ing their nests higher off the sell’s room, Mrs. Aldrich and Garibaldi, Box Mt. Rd. And Comfort By Quality Manufacturers GU N LIFFE Mrs. Potterton. MANCHESTER Yawkey said. “But Carl waa the Genovese 187-849, Jan Cushing letaon’s crew which recovered Darrell Carrier had 80 and in the first half of their game Elhlmut Artelt posted a s o o n o f 6 John, East Hartford—280-6469 ground than normal, a sure sign Interior—Exterior—Color C j^l^ting Service leader. He helped the v->—--er 128-129—861, Vlvl Bayer 129, So- nicely from two opening de- Stewart Johneon 21 for Ken- watched by Just 668 fans. But 560 points out of a pontiMe 600. CADEIAC LIMOUSINE of heavy snow according to New Grade 3, Mrs. Carlson’s room, WIDDINGS A SPECIAL OCCASIONS MOTOR SALES Mrs. Moonan and Mrs. Mur­ Complete Insurance Covera£:e players and he Inspired the en­ iffiie Welffiy 841. feats. tucky. Oakland hrid him to Just eight Fencer Adam Usewdd of Po­ England lore. SPCRTMNEirS ASSOCIATION tire team." TTie crowd was the best of the in the second half, Including a land captured the day’s only Call M..(hMt(r 649-7853 But the U.S. Weather Bureau doch; Mrs. Williams’ room, Radio Today Est. 1915 EXPERT AUTO BODY and Mrs. Shorrock and Mrs. Sinon; MOSSBOW BOAD — NOiOH COVBNTBY ------season for the new ABA, single foul shot In the final other first-place award with a 8- FENDER REPAIRS refuses to make any snow pre­ WDBC—1360 The NBA Hawks won their quarto^ and pulled away for the 1 victory over Hungary's Eaador Read Herald Ads dictions. Mrs. Patrick’s room, Mrs. Min­ 1:00 Mike iMiHlard ENAMEL and LACQUER er and Mrs. Waddell. 4:00 Lone John Wade fifth straight, hitting on 80 of 48 victoi^ Ssabo in the men’s InffivMual KEFINISHINGS "You just can't predict that 8:00 Dick Robinson ' WM. DICKSON & SON toll finals. far ahead,’’ one forecaster said. Grade 4, Dzlcek’s room, Mrs. 1:00 News, Slen Oft HAS OPENED THElA REhlSONABLE PRICES WBCH—910 Tel. 649-0920—Manchester, Conn. Weightlifting thus far has ae- 1:00 Matinee countsd for seven worid reoords RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. 4:30 Hartford Highlights TyicwjdhjLdJtsUL Joa& jtjnm & jtiU iA, 7:00 New.s SKEET HELD FOR THE SEASON at the Games. Just Above the Traffic 7:30 Gaslight THOMPSON SPEEDWAY 12:00 Quiet Hours INVITE A ll MEN TO OUR Circle WTIC—1080 Starting Tfane Sunday'—10 AJd. OFF RTF 103 THOMPSON. CONN. FRIF PARKlN(. 'TEL. 643-0016 1:00 News Bowling 1:15 UConn vs. Maine NEXT REGULAR MEETING PLYWOOD CENTER 4:00 Monitor Ereiy Sunday Hietcafter Until Furthm* Notioe GARDEN GBOYS — 6:00 News,'Weather m a U D AT Fldler 148. Olga OoUa 188. Tm m iim tlw Job. . . we Imv. just the rM t Dtt Pont 6:20 S trictly Sport.'* ’ BfgimiHSt Novioea and SidUed Shooters Ptiotforit . . in colors to match anything! Havo ■ Lapp Plaza 6:30 Monitor IONA HALL ^ R£GENT ST. ~ MANCHESTER Artens Noske 188-188-194. . flOWKOTf ' ^ 11:00 News Invited To Uae Our Fagilities question on color?. whst to use?... how to do It? VUeTLiiNdl United RtiiM UA. Route 83, Vernon 11:16 Snorts Final Monday Evoning, OefobGr 23 — 7:30 P.M. lA U VS lor onpert help on your next paintini job. 875-4304 11:30 Other Side of Day PABKADB DU8TY — Joe W POP—1410 Tniloey Shoot This Sunday For furHwr dotails, ccdl 643-A68S SokoU 800. Everett Bmfth 811. 1:00 Woody Show 'EVERAIUS 358 BURNSIDE AYE. 6:00 Lee “RnW’ Simms Show Free InstructiooB For Beginnefa AMo D’i^ipoUanlo 8M, Ed jm m / IT’S W INF—1230 Refreahmcnta Available , Spence 811, TOm Griffin lOdL EAST HARTFORD 1:00 News \ tGLYlOO-LAFCIszsicI ^ M J tJ tn s o n RAINT CQ SEZ 1:10 .Tack D rees on Sports ------■a»a_aaaa» » * | Rifiand Smith 881-871, Bob Ave^ HERE \ ■ \ ' 289-6333 1 :16 S o e a k r Up 111 801, Ed Tourims 888-8gA Run 7M MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-4501 m m 6:10 World .This Week DiieetionB: Take 44A to Agricultural Experimental rOR HIT HR IISTINING. THINKING SPEAKING Power and Hand Tools You’U find the finest plywood 6:90 Weekend Custer 888. BUY THE PAINT THAT’$ WORTH THE WORK Painting ahd Decorating 7:00 News ' K Station fci NOTth Coventry, turn qprth on North QUAUmiM . paneling, cabinet plywoods, Idtoh- 7:10 Snorts Time River Road ahd IMlow id ^ to Maneheater Sporte- Tools en cabinets and Armstrong oelUngs 7:16 .Sne»k Un Hartford I ROUND J HOWAT AND MOSOHiai Garden and Land Tools' 8:10 .Tack I>reea M l for tki pH ni a id n s.. . MeboMirs' ev en t ' 2d0 P.M.I . . . Open Thurs., Fri.. 9 P.M. for men’a Aaaodation Sheet FMd. Tima Mlkotowsky lU , Jean Baby, Household, Party 8:15 Sneak Up Hartford 46 Vy EST c e n t e r STREET Tarca 1 1 8 . and Banquet SuppUes your convenience. 9:00 News » PAINTS 9:40 Sneak U p H artford InvaUd Needs 11:30 Barry Father SILVER U N E EXTENSION 12:00 News


BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB PAGE ELEVEN STOP EATINQV NEVER TOO BUSY BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C O m , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1967 0 U 6 $ i HBl.Pl V EH, I wAseerriN(3^ V>DU S U R E S P E A K AW/8EHE'! A snack: and AND GET ME HELP A FRIENDJ WHAT'S \THE Lir^GQ MfKSOR /) M Y M A N »^DOC? MV TIE GOT ,OUT OF HEREi AotomobllM For Sak 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Holp Wanfod— Mate 36 Holp W onfoci Mok 36 CAUGHT IN THE /KU3DERN ART SIMPLY I3E-' PERSONALLY, THE, t COULD Antwtr ta PravioiM Fiiiito COfAIN'/ EMPHASIZES R3RM TD BRINO] ONLY A R T WORK I U S B THE- PART-TIME, 4 - 6 hour rillfts WAREHOUSEMEN — night ELMER S> WEFWIGEWATORI SLAjCj Notable Names 1864 PONTIAC V-8 Lemana, 2- US CLOSER TO ULTIMATE T LIKE IS CDUGHA available for men, 7 a.m. - shift, good working condiUons door hardtop, 4-apood transmis­ W nATt TUE WEATHER LIKE 1 1 0 .8 6 7 Bur VMEN IT OOMEG TO THE WEATHER (Reality:CLAUDE.''SOME o p and benefits. O aer Brothers, 146 PRODUCED AT AGhOfS 8 Diapateh b eam CLASSIFIED 6 p.m. I^ ss operators, pack­ sion, power steering, radio, MILff f 1H£ EXp IIr i G CAN TbGHT AROUHO THE CORMf WELL~> THE ARTISTS /W\Y CARRY ers, spot welders. Apply Eas­ Rye St, South Windsor. THE USMINT.' 1 Actor Tnron heater, wtiltewalls, excellent THIS PHILOSOPHY OVER IKflD 4PlaywilfbL PREPIc r ITTP A “T" —______tern B oiler, 00 LAomls St., SPuaUo condition, $1,200. Call 644-1094 THEIR PERSOHAL 6A R B . b u t . ^B cnunf — Manchester. iBjU^Jigrcr nhoahonean after 6 p.m. THATS A MINOR MATTER.'^ Indian NHEH OUR ASTRONAUTS LAND OH THE ADVERTISING lOOH 1H0I WIU. FIND A TEMPERATURE $$ EXTRA CASH $$ c lailniiMr’c 'ATaliaman 1968 CHBVROLE7T B el A ir — MAN FOR tire ’ service work, ------^ direction -7 Once mlatad. good pay, all benefits, must CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 2-door sedan, tan, 6 oylindor, OF a S lT ATMOSPHERIC ISToi^ot (ooU.) ' BEachawa be steady worker, experience comes easy when you sell SRolatod, nan 8 AJML to 5 PJIl automatic transmission, excel­ PRESSURE WILL re KNAPP SHOES. 2 sales ISCcrtSta itOTT lent condition. Beat offer. 843- 27, G! MUMIPHV helpful but not ^essential. Ap­ ^ nUwajri (mUL) 10 Nauheal term B <& -A ZERO! SUHLIGNT ply Niehols-Manchester Tire daily will make you over 9121. laPotlyirorkc 11 Promontory COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. In c., 208 B road St., M anches­ (miMlc) 17 Root vocatablo 38 Indivldualf 43Bagonai WlLLBE IMTEHSE* $180. m onthly. On the spot 19 Indlnathm 48 S ^ d bearing B PJML DAY marOBI!: p u b u o a t io n ter. ISNcMl i^cnini 29Finaat 1962 CHEVROLET Im pala ~ commissions plus bonus. 20Ptnivlnn 23 Puta thioufh a BlExtt 44CMri'a DamUlne U tt Sstnrdny and Monday U 6 p.m. Friday. 4-door sedan, 6 cylinder, econ­ A L L Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN mounUInc certain kitdian 88 Tanning eDMUetion <#> Free samples and training. 31 M o r i material 46 palmar omy engine, powergUde, posi- WELL, WHAT \OH, I JUST YOU GAVE UPTH' lYEP/ X WHAT'P OL' / OH, I'M PRETTY THAT PEPENDS 23 Makci mliUkct 88 Argumantathra 47Rambla tracUon, radio, heater, 2-speed SHORT ORDER COOK Contact John Kay, Mgr., 84 BRINSS VOU ] PECIPEP TD - OF yP IP N T KING BAZ V. SURE HE y THEN THAT ON WHETHER 24Fomlnln« 28 Amcan atraam traatlaa 48 Actor, Rldiard PLEASE READ YOUR AD w iper amd washer, padded Barbour Rd., New Britain, back t o J c o m e HOME! lEANPER- THINK HAVE rS A V \ AOREEP / OUGHTA MAKE VtXI WANTA •ppcllotioa 28 Waatam cattle 40 Arboreal homaa LANPP > r ITiPFtT.' ABOUT THAT? ( WITH M E/f IT PRETTY . FIGHT OR GO SeiuiiSo 37 Mocked 41Propoundt 80 Oriental porgy Olaaailtod or "Want Ada" are taktn over the phone aa » dash, seat belts, extra wheel, 7 a .m .-4 p.m ., 11 a .m .-8 p.m . 225-2007. u n a n im o u s ! 27Dcfnud oonvenlenoe. The advertiser ahonld read hla ad the FIRST one owner. Immaculate. Excel­ RSHIN7 r " r r r 1 1 shifts. Chance for advance­ MOffleUl Md } 1 1 r IT DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in for the lent mechanical condition. $1,- 82 TrlconoiRttrie next Inaectlon. The Herald Is renponnible for only ONE Ineer- ment into management. ? ? IT II 096. RockvUle, 878-8290. •function 14 reet or omitted Innwtlon for pay advertlaement and *»«—« only Contact Mr. Cunningham, WASH man for laundry, steady 34Athlnxpawnod Knudsen’s Country Fare, II II to the extent of a ‘U iSe good" Inaertlan. Brroin irikldi do I960 SUNBEAM Alpine, 1725cc, work, good pay. Apply New SSMiuiieu ctudlM If 1100 Burnside A ve., E ast SSWolghtof IndU not leaaen the vahie of the adverttaement will not be oorieoted 4 on the floor, radio, heater. System Laundry, 44 Harrison, II by "make good" InaertloB. H artford. ji«fciiiMii,Tnn»n 87RoU flue IT u A rally winner. $1,898. 644-0629 Manchester. 39HUO 40 Roman emperor M 41Mocculn 1960 CHEVROLET, 4-door se­ OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAN8 42 BottoMc of tho SI ss 643-2711 875-3136 dan, standard transmission, STEEL HANDLER — prefer­ PASTE-UP ARTIST foot $106. Call 648-8886. ably experienced with raw 48 Acquire BT fEoekvOle, Toll Fkee) material and records. All bene­ 49 Support! under VOUC8WAOEN sedan, 1966, ex- LtiNIS Graphic Arts Department of HE WAS GREAT TOnAV.' RAM WEU.,1 JUST WISH railroad ralla 34 fits. Apply Dean Machine Prod­ 10 *21 THROLISH THEIR LIME UKE WATER > X PIPMT HAVE TD 51 Ship'! racotd cellent condition, radio, white- iNPtANA HM90R,' ucts, 165 Adam s St., M anches- commercial printing com­ THROUSH A SIEVE, SCOREP TWO SEE WHATTHE 82 Diamountod or t r w alls, $1,860. 828-5805. tau «. A Nt Oa^-*6 iklNi /A/P, ter. pany in West Hartford TOUCHPPWMS, BASSEP FOR AM* OTHERTEAM ' disembarked Trouble Reaching Our AdverNror? needs full-time imaginative, OTHER, ANP KICKEP A FIBLP PIP TD HIM/ 83 Skin affliction 1964 CHEVROIiET B el A ir sta­ experienced artist - drafts­ D A V Y JO N ES BY LEFF and McWILLlAMS GO AL/ BOY, I J U S T WISH YOU 54 Unde Tom’a MAN FOR GENERAL cleaning 24-Hour Answering Service tion wagon, V-8, powergUde, Holp Wontod— • man to design eind prepare COULP HAVE SEEM WHAT HE favorite IS 43 44 IT * r Building— Suslnuss Opportunity 28 and maintenance work. Part- THAT'S STRANGE. p e r h a p s THAT CRAZY MAYBE HE'S IF H E 19, 1 HOPE DIP TD THAT OTHER TEAM/ ^ 58 Hardv heroine power steering and brakes, ex­ Fomok 35 time mornings. Apply manag­ camera-ready mechanicals M A N . . . TH AT THERE'S NO TH E PO O R TOOL WANTS T R Y IN G TO WE'LL BE ALIVE 88 Egyptian w Free to Herald Readers cellent condition. 049-0838. ' Contraefing 14 PHILLIPS Petroleum Co. has a (or multi - color press work. CHOPPER'S LANDING SPOT G U V 'S IN T o H U N U S T E L L U S TO SBT THE Boodcaa 11 er, State Theatre. 643-7832. modem 3 bay service station WOMEN, IF YOU WANT $$$$$ ExceUent pay, benefits, f l y i n g R E A L C L O S E B V . TROUBLE. O F F T H E s o m e t h i n g . MESSAGE.' 57 Low haunt Want Information on one of onr elanaUled advnrtlaamentar 1961 OBEY PLAOON station CARPENTRY — concrete steps, LOW R O A D ; ET 14 for lease. Excellent opportu­ for Christmas. If you want a hours. For appointment call DOWN wagon, automatic transmis­ floors, hatchways, remodeling, 1 Adolcacent No anawer at the telephone Uatedt Simply eaD the nity, paid training program. new Interest. If you want a Chris Larsen. 236-6884. BT u it sion, 4-door, good tires plus porches, garages, closets, ceil­ 2 Capital of 1 CaU 236-3770 after 6 p.m . or weekly income. If you can sell The Norway snow tires. C ^ l 644-1686. ings, attics finished, rec rooms, 1-201-377-8100. NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. EDWARDS formica, ceramic. Other relat­ a product advertised on TV and C \ 1961 CHRYSLER Newport, con­ ed work. No Job too small. Dan leading magaaines, call Avon H a rtlO rd C ^O U tant ANSWERING SERVICE vertible, power steering, Moran, BuUder. Evenings 649- Schools and Ckssot 33 CosmeUcs today. Wo will show ^ brakes, $860. 640-4289. 8880. you how you can earn up to EXPERIENCED $6 an hour. Call 289-4922. New England’s fastest T M V . 649-0500 875-2519 FORD 1031 kfodel A rum ­ HOMES, OARAGES, porches, ABLE AMBITIOUS MEN growing newspaper has the ble seat, excellent condition. rec rooms, room additions, following opening in its Bridgeport Operators and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser New England Tractor Trail­ PART and full-tim e aide, 7-3. || ^iCa 875-2761 kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ er Training School approved Circulation Department In Jig time without apendlng all evening at the telephone. Call 649-4619. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER eral repair work. Financing by the Connecticut State De­ 55 hour week. available. No down payment. 1669 BUICK-4-door, autom atic partment of Education, GI WANTED —Woman to riiorten wmmmamsssmm Automoblkt For Sok 4 E conom y BuUders, In c. 643- Approved. We train on all Newspaper boy BY KEN MUSE transm ission, $78. Call 649-9139. two pairs of ready made lined Apply WAYOUT 8150. types of transmissions, 40’ drapes. 643-6433. 1963 FORD — Country Squire boxes Sind tank trailers. HERALD QUALITY Carpentry—Rooms, Counselor THOSE ELEMENTARY MAN,THOSE JUNIOR THOSE TEACHERS’ wagon, standard shift, 6, one Placement assistance upon GENERAL CLERK. Apply First E. & S. GAGE CO. owner, new valve job, muffler, dormers, porches, basements, t h o s e high s c h o o l ' TEACHERS REALLY HIGH TEACHERS HAVE REALLY Truckfr^Troetors 5 graduation. Budget plan Manchester Office, Hartford DUTIES Consist of working 10-31 battery and shocks, clean, $876. reflnished, cabinets, bullt-ins, Mitchell Dr., Manchester TEACHERS REALLY HAVE IT SOFT.' , REALLY GOT IT SOFT.' HAVE IT SOFT.' emM*NIA.b.. DOX LETTERS available. Full or part-time National Bank and Trust Co., with our newspeperboys or- WHY AAOTHERS SET GRAY Call 648-6690. formica, aluminum, vinyl, between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HAVE IT SOFT.' 1967 FORD truck, F250 with 11' training. Excellent Income ganlzaUon in ttie servicing F or Y our steel, ceramo siding William in the trucking Industry. cam per. Call 878-2477. Robblna Carpentry Service. HIGH SCHOOL Juniors and of present and prospecUve Ftor inform ation ca ll Hart­ subscribers In the M anches- MEN — part-time, evenings for SH O RT R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL Infoim atloD 640-8446. Sophomores who are 16 years VO-YO CHAOS ford 247-1888 anytim e. ter-Bolton area. janitorial w ork. Cadi M anches­ JUNIOR old for waitress work, part- ter Window Cleaning Co., 46 Elem en t ary t h e h e r a l d w iu n ot ★ ★ SP ECI ALS^A" 1948 FORD — platform truck, ADDITIONS, I'emodellng, gar­ HIGH time, 3 days week and some APPLICANT Must be qual­ disclose the identity of $128. Call 644-0209 after 6 p.m . ages, rec rooms, battuooms Oak St., 649-6334. weekends. Good hourly rate ified to work with youth, any advertiser using box HARDTOPS tiled, Mtohens remodeled, ce­ Holp Wonftd— plus gratuities. Apply in be a high school graduate LANDSCAPED laborers — no letters. Readers answer­ '66 FORD Ltd $2,165. ment work, cellar floors, pat- Fomok 3S person, Brass Key Restaurant. with good driving record experience necessary, $2.25 ing blind box ads who '66 FORD 1.495. T ralkn — olB, rooiflng. C all Leon Cels- desire to protect their (automobile furnished). per hour. CaU Orantland Nur­ lynsM , BuUder. 649-4291. EXPERIENCED hairdresser identity can foUcw this ■64 FORD 1,096. Mobik Homos 6-A RN or LPN, 11-7 shift, full or sery, 643-0669 or 648-4781. WITZEND '63 FORD 796. part-time, room and board wanted, hours 9-8 :S0, full or WE OFFER Pleasant work-> procedu re: NEWTON H. MOTH ft SON — HIGH '68 CHEVY 1,895. 1966 TRUCK Cam per, excellent furnished, 649-4619. part-Ume. Apply Marlow’s ing conditions (Inside and Remodeling, reiialrtng, addi­ E ncloselose your reply to the '64 CHEVY 1,298. condition, reasonable. Cali 875- Beauty Salon. outside work), paid vaca­ tions, rec rooms, garages, box in an euveicm — '63 F85 895. 1710. CLERK-TYPIST for modem tions, CMS, Blue Cross, Ma­ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE porches and roofing. No Job SALESLADIES for Christmas addressedeased to the Claasl* '68 RIVIERA 1,898. East Hartford office, salary jor Medical and pension MILK DRIVER fled Manager, Manchester 1967—10V4’ space age Camper, too smaU. Call 649-3144. seUlng, possibly continues it '68 CHEVY 996. and fringe benefits, for ap­ plan, annual salary Increase PLEASE, JIM, HMMM/ ..'.NEATH WHISPERING PALMS coon.'’ THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE 60\N6 TO GET Evenii^ Herald, together ; sleeps 6. Also ton Ford pointment call 289-^1. desired; mature, responsible, ANP A7URE SKIES... ABOARD O l’ BUPPY-BOY...ANP ALL AT UNCLE SAM'S EXPENSE. commensurate with ability. SALESMEN CANT YOU OUST 1 SU P P O SE w ith a memo listing Oie i SPORTS CARS truck, completely equipped to will train, part-Ume 8 to 4 days OHCE GIVE ME YO U W AN T A PALATIAL YACHT. / — « . IO-J.1 compares you do NOT | accommodate camper. Excel­ GENERAL OFFICE work, typ- f ^ '60 CORVETTE $1,095. Roofing and including Saturdays, 1-8:30 or A. NICE NAVY TO LOLL \N N O W 1 1 want to aee your letter. lent value. Call 876-1720. ing necessary, full-time, varied 1.9 Christmas period. CaU Mr. H a rtto rC l C ^ U ra H t TOP WAGES Y O U 'R E 1 3 Cl 1W 8f HUa lac TJA. l4'UAfot. < Your letter will be de- ] ’66 T-BIRD 1,296. ASSIGNMENT THE TROPICS., KLIIN i U Chimnoys 16-A duties In sm all pleasant o ffice , Shapiro, ahanlro. 643-2128 o r annlvapply In ^ WHERE I CAN TALKINGJ p stroyed if the advertiser j ’61 CARVELLE 498. Apply Ka-Klar Toy Co.. 60 Hll- PAID HOLIDAYS EE WITH MY JIM is one you've mentioned. i Gorogo— Sorvleo— ROOFING - Specialising re­ person Casual Village Shop, Mr. Hammond, Manager hard St. 056 Main St. WIFE? If not It win be handled | SEDANS Storogo 10 pairing rows of all kinds, new _____ Paid HOSPITALIZATION in the usual manner. ’66 COMET $1,296. roofs, gutte: work, chlnmeya WAITRESSES — housewifes, EXPERIENCED stenographer 808 Main St. ’63 CHEVY 995. cleaned and repaired, 30 years’ PAID PENSION PLAN MANCHESTER — garage for high school girls, fuU or part- typist. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Manchester ’63 OLDS 996. rent, for car, boat or storage, experience. Free estimates. time, experience not neces­ Monday through Friday. Call APPLY Lost and Found 1 ■64 FORD 798. $8. per month. 1-638-9067. after CaU H ow ley 648-6361, 644- sary. Apply in person on­ fo r Interview between 10-12 and /O'J-I 649-6261 HOAlf ’61 LINCOLN 1,095. 5. 8333. ly. Howard Johnson Restau­ 1-3, M onday through Friday, Labrador KNUDSEN BROS. DAIRY m UW W HU, he TM »w. UJL M: ea. LOST — black ’63 M ERCURY 696. rant, 394 Tolland Tpke. 643-8240. 10 weeks 1100 Burnside Ave. g ie s t a treiver, male. ’68 CORVAIR 896. EXPERIENCED machine shop Call 649-6116. Motoreyeks— East Hartford I S iS tA "I didn’t learn ANYTHING in fchool today! Teacher ■62 FALCON 496. M lllln o r Y i CAPABLE clerk-typlBt wanted, inspectors, 45-60 hours per baking ’62 FAIRLANE 698. BIcyeks 11 part-time, hours flexible. Con­ baking CQ kept ue too buey etudying!” LOST — Passbook No. 88410 Drossmaklng 19 DRY CLEANING week, liberal benefits. Centre- ’61 FORD 298. tact Manchester Public Health m atics C orp., 200 W est Main Savings Batdc of Msinchester. 1949 H ARLEY Davidson m otor­ WEST HARTFORD PuUishlng M IC K Y F IN N •61 PLYMOUTH 296. ALTERA'nONS on all clothing, Counter Clerk, Full-Time Nursing Assn, for interview. St., RockvUle. CaU M r. Pan- BY LANK LEONARD Application made for payment. cy cle, needs w ork, asking $325. Co. — (P ublisher o f 20 coUege zippers repaired, etc. Reason­ Steady Work 649-6389. ciera, 876-8317. An equal op­ or best offer. 649-4829. and school newspapers) needs PARPON ME,SIR.' IT'S ^ PEPENPING UPON WHERE YOO'VE. LOST —Passbook No. 100888 CONVERTIBLES able prices. Call 648-074i. portunity employer. BOTHAVE WE MET POSSIBLE- BEEN.' HOW'RE THINGS AT a person fuUy experienced In THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBBRG Savings Bank of Manchester. ’63 FORD $896. APPLY SOMEWHERE? CUNCY'S THESE PAYS, J \ K O O K Ie l 26" BOY’S red English type bi­ Holp W onfod— M olt 36 cold type and offset production Application made for payment. ’63 M ERCURY 996. cycles. 8-speed, hand brakes, CARPENTER — experienced, SHERIFF? ^ ^ ' '62 FORD 696. 777 MAIN ST. to be production manager of t - — ' good condition, $20. 648-0280. SCHOOL BUB operators for steady work, top wages. CaU f o u n d Moving— ^Trueklng—- the School publications Divi­ I'LL BE IN BY LETfe MAKE THE GENERATION G A P — mongrel, brindle '62 T-BIRD 996. after 6:30, R.E. Miller, Build­ color, puppy, male. Call Dog Storogo 20 One Hour Martinizing 1067-1068 school year. Houriy sion. ExceUent opportunity, l:50 A.M., THAT l : 15 / GETS WIPER. ON 1967 TRIUM PH TR650, green rate $2.43. Silver Lane Bus er, 049-1421. W arden, 643-4181. STATION WAGONS and white, 4,600 miles. Must fringe benefits. CaU Chris Lar­ OKAY ? WEEKEND5 .* BDtNCHESTER Delivery—Ught Line, In c., 49 Bralnard P lace. •66 CHEVY $2,196. sell, best offe r. 742-7104. JOURNEYMAN electrician, Im­ sen, 286-6884. POUND — shepherd type pup­ ’64 CHEVY 1,096. trucking and package delivery. mediate steady employment py, bltusk and tan, female. Call '64 RAM BLER 796. Refrigerators, washers and RN OR LPN, 3-7 p.m . or 7-11 Wilson Electrical Co., IM9-4817. YOUNG MAN with driver’s D ^ W arden, 643-4181. ■63 CHEVY 796. Buslnou Sorvkos stove moving specialty. Fold­ p.m . CaU 649-4519. license alternate nights and ’63 VALIANT 896. ing chairs fo r rent. 640-0762. ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED — experienced man weekends. Apply in person Offortd 13 l^P^RIENCED sales person. ’63 COLONY PARK 1,096. to take down two trees. CaU W estown P harm acy, 469 Hart­ Apply in person. M arlow’ s, 867 Announcunwiits 2 '62 SQUIRE 596. STEPS. SIDEWALKS, atom 649-9290. ford Rd. Main St. Man with restaurant exper­ *62 COLON Y'PARK 795. walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ Pointing—Vaporing 21 ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ ience has outstanding op­ ’62^F88 896. races. All concrete repairs. ers, sales and service, bonded PAIN“^ G , Interior, exterior, PART-TIME typist and clerk portunity for advancement ’ 61 LANCER 396. Reasonably priced. 643-0861. representative. Alfred Amell. free <:jtlmate8. Contact Gerald for office in Manchester. Fa­ with new restaurant chain. ■62 COMET 396. miliarity with statistical typing MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 647-1710 o r 648-4918. ATTICS and cellars cleaned, A. Stratton, 643-8748, 648-4887. Fringe benefits, etc. Con­ ’62 CHEVY 896. helpful. Call 646-2206. trash hauled to the dump, tact Mr. Cunningham, ) iw? >T Nia, iM. m «M. ui-fa. ew. PAINTING—Interior and exte­ Knudsen’B Country Fare, I NEED COMRANY— ITHINK t h a Ts f u n n y - h e d o e s n Y s e e m TRUCKS light trucking, rea.sonable. 643- rior, very reasonable, free es­ VERY GLAD TO SEE ME! P u n e n o b 6846. 1100 Burnside A ve., East S IG H — I G E T I l L GO V IS IT A4R. /ABERNATHY •64 FORD PICK-UP $1,296. timates. CaU Richard Martin. ELECTRICIANS FOR A WHILE! •60 CHEVY PICK-UP 496. H artford. AWFUUY MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVALU WANTED — Ride from Lyim- T RiniB E X P E R T — T rees cut, 649-9285. RN’S — LPN’S $5.35 An Hour Plus Fringo Bonofifs wood Dr., Bolton Lake, to Man­ '63 ECONOLINE BUS 796. bulkUng Iota cleared, trees top­ LONESOME INSIDE-outslde painting. Spe­ Must Have 5toto LIconso E-^2 LIVING W ELL, W HY D O N 'T v/HB^youFioueB chester 7:48 a.m., return 8 •61 DODGE PICK-UP 395. ped. Got a tree problem? WeU (Manchester Areal p.m . 648-7826. cial rates for people over 66. OUTSIDE WORKERS — Full­ Apply IN T H IS IZ N ^ . you TIB IT7 OCSTHCWIU worth phone eaU, 742-8263. Call my competitors then caU Many Others to Choose From F or Class " A " 120 bed nurs­ time and part-time mornings. f is h b o w l . TIB A enOELACB LOOKING for someone travel­ m e. E stim ates given. 649-7888, H£Y, FtOe-TER. WfTHONBHANDy SALES AND Sendee on Ariens, ing home, holiday pay plan, Laboring on pipe work and NATIONAL ELEOrmCAl ing to WUllmanUc daUy to car­ Hahn EcUpse, Jacobsen lawn 875-8401. no rotation, free meals with yooR L E T M ^ K N D W . NO MONEY DOWN tanks, drive small and medi­ ry small package of dental mowers. Also Homelite chain 'SHOELACE le INTERIOR and exterior paint­ paid meal time. Top wages. um trucks. Interesting work, goods. 529-8241. saws and International Cub pleasant conditions. McKinney UNTIED. Bank Financing ing and papering. Call Phil CONTBACTORS ASSN., Inc. Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ Bros. Septic Tank Co., Mitchell RIDE or carpool arrangement Denoncourt, 742-6178. CENTRAL CONNECTICUT CHAPTER WE TRADE DOWN THE MEADOWS Drive, off Parker St., 8:30-9:80 to P and W, K building, first ment and sharpening service 758 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD, CONN. on all makes. L A M Equip­ JOSEPH P. Lewis custom a.m., 4:80-6:30 p.m. 10-3.1 shift, from vicinity Oxford St. — To Serve You — 643-1174 Union Affiliated Eqiwl Opportunity Employers ment Oorp., Route 88, Vernon. painting. Interior and exterior CaU 648-5810 after 6. ORIN MILES JR., Mgr. 876-7609 M anchester Exchange paperhanging, waUpaper re­ 8:80 AJM. to 4:00 P.M. WINDOW CLEANER wanted, PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER RIDE WANTED from ToUand __Bd (Jomelluson —E nterprise 1945. moved. Wallpaper books on re­ m ust be reliable. Call 049-6384. St., East Hartford to West Mid- ■ Harry Hagenow Jr. quest. FuUy Insured. Free es­ FULL-TIME sales clerk from TELEPHONE S25-2649 n 1/-^ THIS YOU'RE aa^ die Tpke. Manchester between YOU ARE A-1, truck is A-1. tim ates. Call 649-9658. now till Jan. 1st. Apply Shoor f i R A B D O N 'T l e t H IH ' ------' B E T T E R B E .CMAUJ AUTOMOBILE parts man, no RIGHT, 4 and 4:30 p.m . 643-4061 after Cellars, attics, yards and smaU Jewelers, 917 Main St. %\M{ ^H A ZE L.’.. M Y L A S T ® n o >T WIA. Uc TJ4. «.» UJ. Nl. ew. SOLIMENE MOTORS trucking done A-1 right. Call expert* nee necessary, good 6 r.| ■ ' e e T ^ A Y / S E A S O N . ______Tremano Trucking Service toll PLEASANT WORK to care for wiages with all benefits, apply COMES' O F P R O 367 Oakland St. 643-0607 Hoor Finishing 24 semi-lnvalld, must include Mr. Birties, Ted Trudon Volks­ ROOTBALL YOUR CHURCH or group can free, 742-9487. II CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER raise $40 and m ore easily, FLOOR SANDING and roflnlsb- weekend m ornings. 646-0310. wagen, 649-2838. 8HARPE.VINO Service —SawA quickly. Haye 10 m em bers 1964 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 278, Ing (specialising In older Are You A TH' CHAP NEXT POOR usTArap "S i-p ASK HIM T0«Ne.-ayr each seU oiUy ten ol my in­ knl'iws. ixes shears, skates, floors), cleaning, waxing iMviTiwe you in f o r A j OUR CELL BLOCK ] HE WldHT SUe$4 Ml S t^ C T 4-speed transmission, must rotary blades. Quick service. FRIENPLV &NACIC-. AWAKe SINeiNG ------spirational Prayer Grace Salt sell. CaU 649-9620. floors. Painting. Paperhanging. H'A4N»I and Pepper Sets, $1 each. Keep Capitol Ek]Uipment Co 88 Main No job too smaU. John Ver- WOMAN $40 lo r your treasury. No 1662 FORD O alaxie 600 convert­ St., Manchester Hours daily faUle, 649-5760. ROUTE 5ALE5MAN 7:80-6, Thursday 7:80-9, Satur­ money needed. Write Anna ible, automatic, power steer­ day 7:80-4. 648-7068. Wade, Dept. 886DT2, Lynch­ ing, $525. 648-1876. Good paying, established bakery route, outside Wifh An burg, V a. 24606. WELDING — hardfaclng, pro­ Sondi— Stoela— 1949 BUICK — exceUent condi­ M U l iy U ^ A 27 work, 5 day week, many fringe benefits provided. tion, low mUeage. 644-0209 a f­ duction, cast machinery repair etc. Bob’s Welding Service. ARTI5TIC FLAIR? 10-11. e HO >, WlA. Ik, TAI. tm Ul r*. Oft w-2t AutemobilM For Solo 4 ter 6 p.m . SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- Inquire In Person— See Arvid Marcuson s -Call 649-7678. limited funds available for sec­ I960 CADHjLAC, 4-door hard­ 1961 CHEVROLET Impala, con­ l i g h t TRUCKINO; moving ond mortgages, payments to ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS vertible, exceUent condition, The Herald has an immediate opening for stune- top, full power, very clean 646- and odd jobs, responsible, eve­ suit your budget. Expedient $596. Call 568-4278 between 6- VIKING BAKING CO. WHATS Keep POWN, ROBIN r TAKI'E 1088. nings. Aiiso burning barrris, service. J D. R ealty, 848-6129. one with imagination and keeness of eye. Opi»r- 8 p.m . &OIH& I e c y s ARB G IV IN G GORA S O im 1961 PONTIAC Catalina, pow er deUvered, $4. 644-1776. 500 OAKWOOD AVE.— WEST HARTFORD tunities are unlimited for a lasting and rewarding OK coMpermoN - ear t h e v 'l l steering, power brakes, excel­ WHJLJAMS Tree Service, spec­ Busliioss Opportunity 2B future. NEED Re|^JFDRCEME^ lent ruimlng condition, no rea­ 1963 DODOE, standard shift, 6 ializing In tree and shrub care. sonable o ffe r refused. 649-8089. cylinder $275. 649-5494. 648-8104. Look At The Benefits! LITTLE SPORTS B Y RQUSOM 1960 THUNDERBIRD, 2-door, n e e d c a r ? Credit very bad? JERRY’S Capt.*'67 Gae l faolHiat Ca

needs lots ONE OF THE FINER things of ASTRONOMIC SAVINGS 'Sing­ of bedroom .and storage space. Colonial, Uvlng room custom built Split Level, year try Uvlng at Its best.' Two new FIVE or 6 room apartment. In ily home of eight ibome. Three 8 room apartments, modem with fireplace, formal dining life —Blue Lustre carpet and er Sale-A-Thon sewing machine 0 ROOM flat, adults, centrally ■nus Immaculate home baa 4 ’round hbme, aluminum siding, S-bedroom Gold MedaUlon CLASSIFIED upholstery cleaner. Rent elec­ trade-ins. All reconditioned and Manchester. Call 649-0721. large rooms on first floor plus kitchen with built-ins, 6 years room, 1% baths, lovely well Ranches Just completed. Two located, available November 1, bedroomc, sewing room, fam­ magnlflceht view Of the lake. On Strike Proposal guaranteed. Portables from tile bath. . . five rooms and old, garage, central location, l ^ t yard, low 20’s. Owner, 648- tric shampooer, $1. Sherwln- $110. Call 643-8109 or 870-8806. ily room, den, formal dining FhUbrick Agency, Realtors, more ready soon. Built es- $8.88, consoles from $19.88. bath on second. Two car gar­ $28,000. Philbrick Agency, WiUlams Co. room, family size Mtchen. Tip 649-5847. peclaUy for the yoiuig couple (Continued from Page One) Singer Sewing Center Manches­ 4H ROOMS, heat, hot water, Aportnwnt BulMingt age. Large lot. d o s e to high R ectors, 649-6847. Just getting started. Large Iota difference between the .carriers ADVERTISING SCREENED LOAM for best ter. Telephone 643-8883. Open stove, refrigerator, iMurUng in­ school. AsUhg $20,900. T.J. top condition tor years of main- B’OUR r o o m OapA'if^iated on VERNON — 7 room Ranch, rules now call for a six-hour pe­ and strikers on the steel mills. For Solo 69 MANCHESTER — 4 bedroom qlth garden area and trees. lawns and gardens. Also sand, tenance free living. Bowers Imrge 141 large kitchen with dining area, riod without pay. Thursday till 6. cluded, nice location, $160. Call Crockett, Realtor, 648-1077. 1959 home. In excellent condi­ More water than you can u#e The source said the trucking CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS gravel and fill. George H, Grlf- MANCHESTER — investment school. Only $18,6M. Wolver­ U pstairs built-in electric oven and 649-0308 or 649-8989. tion, aluminum storms, 100 x SOLD 11 " John from Wgh output drilled wells. The estimated 16,000 strikers, companies were in agreemOnt fing, Inc., Andover, 742-7886. property, completely furnished SIX ROOM oversized Cape, 2 ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. H. Lappm, Inc. range,- VA baths, den with fire­ 8 A J ^ to 5 PJM. 200 well landscaped treed lot, 6494(281. Priced from $14,800 to $22,500. ^ Y c h e d e l ic a most of them Teamsters union with the first two-hour $10 pro- 39” MAGIC Chef gas range, DELUXE air-conditioned Town rooming house, rooms plus full baths, trees, large lot, MANCHESTER — Crestwood IMMACULATE place, hot water heat, base­ May be leased with option to members, have no strike fund. pc^al, but balked when the steel DARK RICH, stone free loam. good condlUon, $60. 043-8034. House, 2 twin siced bedrooms, apartment, ample parking, ex­ $28,000. Philbrick Agency, $20,700. Hutchins Agency, Real­ _ ^ 8 bedroom tessen Drive. Six room Cape, lovely ment 2-car garage. Extra large buy by qualified buyers. Lake Their rigs, worth up to $30,000 industry said It couldn’t meet CX)PY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. $15. Gravel, fill, stone, sand 1^ baths, large living room, cellent condition inside and Realtors, 649-6847. tors, 649-6324. Ranch with ground level fam- yard, trees, storms and lot, $19,900. Immediate occu­ and beach privUeges. See theee have been Idle since the dispute the time limit because of obso­ 5 PJM. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION patio and pool sand and ina dining area, kitchen, private out. Could show 20% return on uy room, huge kitchen with pancy. Tom Sanor, Broker, 875- lete loading feiUtiea. 40” ELECTRIC stove, $20, good MANCHESTER — executive MANCHESTER — 6 room screens, patio, 1,000 gallon un­ buUtnin oven and range. Lots before you buy. You wUl like began in Gary, Ind., and spread nure. 643-9504. cellar, patio, dishwasher, dis­ invested capital. Shown by ap­ 6042. He said the industry asked the DeadHne for Saturday and Monday Is 5 p.m. Friday. condition. Call 049-7239. neighborhood. Garrison Colon­ Colonial, one car garage, wood­ derground oil tank, radiant of cabinet space and formica the quiet surroundings. Call H. east, punctuated by shootings, posal, excellent closet space. pointment only. Call R. F. carries to increase the waiting MEN'S REBUILT SHOES for ial, 7 rooms, large family ed lot. Bowers School area. heat. Immediate' occupancy. counters. 20’ living room with COVENTRY — 6 room Raised S. Collins, owner and builder, stonings, and arson. Available Dec. 1. 643-2291. Dimock Co., 649-5246. The strikers have obtained do­ time to four hours. sale. Better than cheap new PHILCO stove and refrigerator, room with fireplace,-huge mod­ Call Earl Everett, 649-8688, 648- Call owner, 649-6886. fireplace, 1% baths, attached Ranch, on wooded acre lot. Columbia. Phone 1-228-9238. YOUB COOPERATION WILL n iA l 1 deluxe models, one year old, 5129. J.D. Real Estate Co. nations from tire and truck sup­ The drivers, who earn no BE APPBECIAIED VIMIa I I ones. Sam Yulyes, “ Shoe Re­ SIX ROOM DUPLEX, private em kitchen, screened porch, 2- garage. Won’t last. $21,500. famUy room with fireplace and EAST HARTFORD — 6 room pairing of the Better Kind',” original cost $500., moving cellar, parking, convenient lo­ MANCHESTEK — 7 room exe­ pliers, service stations and hourly wage, receive about 78 Business Property car garage, wooded lot, $34,- $ 7 ^ — 4 ROOM RANCH, Wolverton Agency, Realtors. sUdlng glass doors, IVi baths, Colonial with large living room 23 Oak St., few steps from must sell, $200. Call after 0, cation, $125. 649-8360 after 6. 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ cutive Ranch, flowering peren­ 649-2818. truck stops to support the walk­ per cent of the coet paid for bullt-lns, waU-wall carpeting, laundry room, garage, many and master bedroom, fire­ Continutd From Prtcedtng Pago Main. 643-7585. For Sale 70 tors, 649-5847. nials. schrubz and trees make out. hauling a load of steel. The attached garage, approxi­ extras. Low 20’s. Owner 742- place, garage, lot 77x160, high NEW ONE bedroom apartment, up the elegantly landscaped ATTRACTIVE 1961 7-room A source close to the negotia­ agreement would raise It to 79 UVING ROOM SET, 2 or 3 461 MAIN ST. — for sale or 6246. on hill. Asking $27,600. 649- PROCESSED GRAVEL for G. E. refrigerator, G.E. dis­ MANCHESTER—Immacidate L mately $1,600 down. $66.00 yard, stone walls, private Es­ home, famUy room first floor, tions blamed the two-hour per cent. pieces, $45 or $60. Call 643- rent, next to Post land 8538, 643-6129. J.D. Real Estate Holp Wcmtod— M o lt 36 Holp Wontod driveways and parking areas posal, i wall to wall carpeting. shaped 5 room Ranch, custom monthly including taxes. Atit- ther Williams swimming pool foyer, 2 baths, fireplace, ga­ ANDOVER — new custom built 8109, 876-3806. and building, ideal for used Mow or Fomcrio 37 at our screening plant or de­ Elderly couple preferred. Call built, breezeway, garage, beau­ ten Agency, Realtors, 648-6030. and patio are a few of the rage, acre, trees, $24,900. oversized Ranch, kitchen bullt- Co. CABINET MAKERS full-time or livered. George H. Gtiffing, car lot, etc. 643-2426, 9-5. BIG SALE — on back lawn of 643-0267 before 10 p.m. tiful large lot. Char Bon Real many quality custom features Hutchins Agency, 649-0324. lns, ceremic tile baths, high BOLTON — Lakefront, bathing, part-time employment, good PUNCH press operator, no ex­ Inc., Andover, 742-7886. LOroEN STREET — Attention Pentagon Defenses Brace private home, everyday, ex­ TAVERN— For sale or rent Estate, 648-0688. you will find in ithlB rare of------tree shaded one acre lot. 2-car boating, fishing may be yours wages, new shop. Phone Mr. perience necessary, 40 hour SIX ROOM duplex, children ac­ Investors, here’s an excellent cept for rain. October 21 to Owner retiring. Inquire Birch fering. Realistically priced at “ ANOTESTER — quiet street garage. Louis Dimock Realty, when you purchase this ador­ Osols, 649-5361. week. Gayle Mfg. Co., Inc. CARPETS A FRIGHT? Make cepted, Nov. 1st occupancy. TWO FAMILY in excellent money maker with 6 ■ apart­ October 31. Household items, Street Tavern, 20 Birch St. or $89,900. Hayes Agency, 646- ^ ®**Iy two feat­ 649-9823. able 8 room Cape. Newly de­ For Antiwar Protesters 1068 Tolland St., East Hart­ them a beautiful sight with 643-6421. condition, 4-4. Beautiful piece ments in a fine location. Here ures of this Immaculate 2-fam- AGGRESSIVE SALESMINDED appliances, good used cloth­ call 640-8110, 643-9506. 0181. corated, hot water oil heat, Blue Lustre. Rent electric for investment or owner is an opportunity to Invest your VERNON (Continued from Page One) young man to run small sport­ ford. MANCHESTER — 3 room ------Uy home. Five rooms, each shampooer, $1. Olcott Variety ing etc. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily. dwelling. Separate heating cash and make a substantial MANCHESTER — Vernon line, aluminum combinations, excel­ ing goods store. Must have 139 E. CENTER ST —Office floor, 2 new hot water heating benches and garbage cans, Store. 42 Washing^ton Ave., East ai>artment, heat, hot water, system, driveways and yards, profit. Call the Jarvis Realty 5Vi room Ranch, 1% baths, A Home For Children lent condition. A rare find only An Army colonel, learning ho good knowledge of sporting building, C-zone 120x200 lot. systems, perfect for owner-oc­ blocked Intersections, deflated ARE YOU WORTH Hartford. stove, refrigerator, disposal, $19,900. Wolverton Agency, Co., Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. large flreplaced Uvlng room, $19,900. Assumable mortgage. was assigned to the protective goods and must furnish refer­ ATTENTION Cribbage players! T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677 cupier, and rent free living. 9 room brick-faced Colonial tir tE and ripped Ignition wires $130. 649-6048. Realtors, 649-2813. built-ins, aluminum windows. 289-0939, 647-1973. ences attesting to honesty. $2 PER HOUR ON A A cribbage board in the form MOVING — must sell, gas COLONIAL — 7 rooms, 1% $24,500. Wolverton Agency, in choice residential area. force guarding the Pentagon, from cars. Call now. Hayes Agency, 646- Salary is negotiable. Call 668- of a table, 36” long, 12" wide, stove, refrigerator, sofa, table, SIX ROOM Ranch, breezeway, baths, extra large living and Realtors, 649-2813. First floor family room, 4 COVENTRY remarked with a smile: ‘.‘What Several hundred policemen fi­ BEAUTY SALON in Rockville 0181. PART-TIME BASIS? 18" high, custom made, will chairs, other miscellaneous dining room, large sunroom, 3 bedrooms, IVi baths, bullt- nally turned hack the screaming 6080 after 6:30 p.m. or week­ area for sale. 643-9022. 2-car garage, paneled recrea­ MANCHESTER —^Rocklege of­ THE PRICE IS RIGHT a thing to tell your grand­ items. Very reasonable. 649- Fam bhod © m ; br hea, Uc. crowd. More than 20 persons ends. We have hours available to fit stain to suit Individual taste tion room, large treed lot, $22,- bedrooms, garage, $23,500. Phil­ ELEVEN rooms, 4 room apart­ fers this outstanding Ranch In lns, fireplace, .2 car garage, and you can move right in children: 'I defended the South 3946. were arrested. At least 250 had anyone’s busy schedule: such as mahogany, walnut, Apartments 63>A CRYSTAL LAKE area — com­ 000. Hutchins Agency, Realtors brick Agency, 649-6847. ment, excellent condition, wall etc., etc. Over 2,000 sq. ft. to this cozy bungalow. A Parking Lot against hippies.’ ” excellent condlUon, nestled been arrested earlier In the Suggested Shifts: maple, etc. 876-3586. bination general store and gas 649-5324. to wall carpet, attractive barn, among trees and homes of fin­ $32,900. 649-6806. good starter home with 2 "Hey, M an— you got any Kosher LSD?" A chain link fence was thrown station for sale or will lease week. PILE IS SOFT and lofty, colors Musical Instruments 53 r o o m furnished apartment DUTCH COLONIAL — 4 bed- 850’ frontage, Hutchins Agen­ er quality. Three bedrooms, bedrooms, family kitchen around a sewage treatment COLONIAL BOARD CO. 3 to 7 — 11 to 3 — 5 to 11 with option to buy. Doing ex­ Legal Notices ■At Brooklyn College In New retain brilliance in carpets ______available Nov. 1. 643-6846. rooms, one full bath, 2 half cy, Realtors, 649-5324. large dining room, biMlt-lns, W and aluminum siding. As­ plant serving the Pentagon. KINSMAN electric organ with cellent business. Owner retir­ plenty of closets, 1% baths, 2- sumable FHA mortgage. Colls of barbed wire on top of Yoik, several hundred students 2 to 7 — 7 to 11 cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent baths, 24’ living room with OBOES OF NOTICE BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Skilled and unskilled, ex­ two full keyboards and foot ing. Tom Minor, Broker, 876- AT A COURT OF PROBATE, $23,900—7 room Colonial, large car garage. Call now to inspect Come see this $12,600 spe­ the 7-foot fence created a ver­ picketed to protest against the electric shampooer, $1. Paul’s fireplace, formal dining room, held at Mancheater. within and for living room, formal dining Manchester Parkade arrests of 40 students and cellent wages, full-time, 6 Clean surroundings, pleasant pedals. Ampeg bass amplifier, 5042. this nicely landscaped home, cial. Call 649-6306. Vernon itable stockade. Paint and Wallpaper. Business Locations finished basement, sunroom, the District of Manchester, on the room, sunroom, 3 bedrooms, Manchester 649-5306 two faculty members at a dem­ days per week, shift dif­ working conditions, uniforms one 16” speaker. Call 648-9409. 17th day of October, 1967. $27,900. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ Special wooden barricades open porch, 2-car garage, work Present, Hon. Jehn J. Wallett, 1% baths, 2-car garage. Mar­ onstration Thursday. The orig­ ferential, Blue Cross, CMS, and food allowance provided. CABINETS — good for stores, For Ront 64 tor, 649-4586. COVENTRY — country home were readied for use inside the Land For Sale 71 shop, large beautifully land­ Judge. lon E. Robertson, Realtor, 643- W inal protest was aimed against life insurance, paid holi­ No experience necessary. Ap­ storage, workbenches, 4-draw­ Estate of Roberta F. Schory, late beautifully landscaped, must School Menus IS ext Week building. Officials said riot con­ MODERN store, heated, 20’x70‘ scaped lot, $27,900. Philbrick of Manchester. In said District, de- 6968. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. the presence of Navy recruiters days, other fringe benefits. plications accepted Monday ers with formica top, $25. 643- Antiques 56 LAND FOR SALE, Merrow Rd., THREE-FAMILY, aluminum be seen to be appreciated, with trol chemicals would be avail­ 832 Main St., central. Call Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. siding, 2-car garage, con­ Manchester Parkade Skinner Road School: Mon­ wieJuets: Tunia fisih, cheeac, pea­ on the campus. Progressive and expanding through Friday 2-7 p.m. , 0391. Tolland, several acres. Call The ‘ adminlstnator having ex­ 4 king size room s, attached able, but would not be carried company. CLOCKS bought, sold, traded, 522-3114. hibited his administration account MANCHESTER — 4 family, venient location, over $300. Manchester 649-6306 day, ravioli, tossed salad, peas, nut buitter and Jelly; FrSdiay, no Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-Va., 876-9191. CONTEMPORARY Ranch, 8 with said estate to this Court for heated garage etnd rec room. by forces around the Pentagon. expert repairing. Colonial central location, 3 bedrooms sclhool. Deasert, milk and sand­ said in r Senate speech Friday FRIENDLY ICE CREAM STORE FOR RENT, Main St., rooms, large wooded lot in allowance, it is monthly Income. Gerard Agen­ Msuiy extras on a one acre Italian bread and butter; Tues­ Black Power groups, nor­ OIL BURNER with motor for Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. ORDEiRED: That the 31st day of each apartment. On $4,200. cy, Realtors, 649-0538, 648-0366. COVENTRY LAKE area — like day, meal loaf, mashed potato, wiches served with all meals- the Pentagon march was Burr Comers, Next to Caldor’s Manchester in State Theatre executive neighborhood, $43,- October, 1967, at ten, o'clock fore­ down earn a prime net return. lot with 6H acres additional to own your home or add mally aligned with opponents of sale, good condition. 649-2178. Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m. Houses For Sale 72 noon at the Probate'^Office in the spinach, peanut butter sand­ Eeiat Elementary School: the Vietnam war, urged planned with the help of COLONIAL BOARD CO. MANCHESTER building, reasonable rent. For 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ optional, $17,600. F.M. Goal another to your collection? 4% - 9 p.m. Simdays open till 5 Municipal Building in said Man­ 649-8638, 643-6129, J.D. Real ATTRACTIVE 9 room home, wiches; Wednesday, rice, chick- Monday, hamburg patties, but- Negroes tc stay away. One leaf- Communists at a meeting In Information please call theatre tors, 649-5347. chester. be end iuie same is as­ Agency, 643-2682 or Gall Green, room Ranch, ceramic bath, 615 Parker St., Manchester p.m., closed Tuesday and MANCHESTER — 2 family signed for a hearing on the allow­ Estate Co. bath and a half, 2-car garage, en and gravy, string beans, but- tered noodles, beets: Tuesday, demonstration was Washington last May. He called .maTiager at 643-7832. 742-7092 or Gay Blair, 742-6921. fireplace, stainless steel sink, Building Materials 47 Wednesday. flat, 2-car garage, near bus FIVE ROOM Ranch, enclosed ance of said administration account permanent siding, in most im­ tei sandwiches; Thursday, vege- grinders, cole slaw; Wednes- the demonstrators ■ "agents of — Mrs. E. S. Loftus with said estate, ascertainment of FIVE ROOM Cape, completely portant Ideal location. Great planned by "white-faced rats line and schools. Church of As­ breezeway, attached one car heirs and order of dlstrlhution, and SOUTH WINDSOR — new formica counters, p e e le d llv- gQup tuna sandwiches, Jel- day. sloppy Joe on roll, carrots; death.’ ’ MACHINISTS HARDWOOD plywoods, veneers WANTED TO BUY—antiques, remodeled, near schools and Ing room and dining room, ar.d Negro dogs.” STORE — 460 Main St. across sumption. Only $2,000. down, garage, fireplace, lot 123x350. this Court directs that notice of the potential for rooming house or Ranches, Raised Ranches and ly sandwiches; Friday, no Thursday, American chop suey, Sen. John Stennls, D-Mlss., and associated items for wood­ steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ time and place assigned for said bus line. Contact owner 643- thermopane picture window, Other Neg^ro organizations from Friendly. 643-2426, 9-5. $85. per month from your Only $16,900. 649-8538, 643-5129. hearing be given to all persons 2-famlIy. Show your Imagina­ Colc^lals all with a view. This school. Dessert and milk served green beans; Friday, no school. said the demonstrations "are Operators for First and Second working hobbyist and crafts­ er lamps, art glass, primitives, 8690 after 5 p.m. aluminum siding. Only $10,600. said they would attend the Lin­ EXPERIENCED automotive pocket. Call Earl Everett, 649- known to be Interested therein to tion. Can’t miss, $26,900. Wol­ is quality and value. Call for with each meal. Lake Street School: Monday, clearly a part of a move by the Shift: men. Wood Product Special­ any quanity. 644-8962. J.D. Real Estate Co. :ar and be heard thereon by coln. Memorial rally, then go OFFICE with private lavatory, 8538, .643-6129. J.D. Real Es­ verton Agency, Realtors, 649- Secondary financing available. Vernon Center Junior High ravioli, green beans, cheese Communists, especially the parts counter man. Call 646- ties, 30 Bartholomew Ave., a copy of this order in MANCHESTER —Near Center, details, Hayes Agency, 646- into the black community to walnut paneled and indirect tate Co. HANDYMAN’S DREAM — cir­ some newspaper having a circula­ 2813. Check this one for cleanliness. School: Monday, spaghetti with v/edges, fruit; Tuesday, beef in North Vietnamese government, 0440 or 872-0551. TURRET LATHE Hartford, 246-8272. tion In said District, at least seven Immaculate S-family home, 0131. spread the antiwar message lighting, paved parking at door ca 1780 Cape, 7 rooms, 2 stone Wolverton Agency, Realtors, meat sauce, tossed salad, gravy, noodles, rice, peas, Jel- to disrupt the war effort and ENGINE LATHE MANCHESTER — near bus and days before the day of sold heor- spacious lot. One 7-room apart­ door-to-door. Wanted— ^To Buy 58 with private entrance, $65 fireplaces, wide board floors, GLASTONBURY — Custom 649-2813. French bread and butter, fruit lo; Wednesday, chicken noddle discredit our government before CHUCKER schools, 6 room Cape on tree JOHN J. WALDETT, Judge. ment, two 4-room apartments. Lets For Sola 73 Some major church groups monthly, all utilities. Call 643- 6 acres, $12,900. Hutchins flreplaced Ranch, 2-car gar­ cocktail; Tuesday, shepherd’s soup, egg salad and peanut but­ the world.” OFFSET STRIPPER Diamonds— Watches— HOUSEHOIX) lota — Antiques, shaded lot, absentee owner One look will convince you. VERNON — custom 4 bedroom ako urged their members to BRIDGEPORT 5031, 742-8726. Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. UMITATION OBDBB age, wooded acre lot with pan­ pie with mashed potatoes, meat ter sandwiches, orange juice, bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, wants fast sale. Hayes Agency, AT A COURT OF I^BATE, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. COLUMBIA — one acre lot, half Ctolonial, 3 tiled baths, family stay away. DRILL PRESS Jewelry 48 oramic view. Leonard Agency, and vegetables, bread and but­ brownies. Thursday, sloppy Experienced stripper need­ glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ STORE FOR RENT — down 646-0131. MANCHESTER — 10 room 2- held at Manchester, within and for mile from Columbia Lake. room, double garage, lots of It was reported National the District of Manchester, on the HOME H im riN G ? Let us show Realtors, 646-0469. ter, peanut butter sandwiches. joes, potato chips, vegetable Yale Board Candidate ed for commercial printing 45-60 Hours Per Week WATCH AND Jewelry repair­ lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 town Manchester, State Thea­ famlly 6-6, bath and half each 16th day of October, 1967. George H. Griffing, 742-7880. trees, low 30’s. Hayes Agency, Guardsmen had moved into au­ Lake St., Boaton, 640-3247. DUPLEX — 6-6, new knotty Present. Hon. John J. WoUett, you 100 or more listings In your brownies; Wednesday, creamed sticks, fruit; Friday, No School, division of West Hartford Liberal Benefits ing. Prompt service. Up to $20 tre Bldg. Inquire Manager, side, excellent investment STONE WALLS surround these ANDOVER — new Raised 646-0131. ditoriums and basements of NEW HAVE N(AP)—William pine cabinets built-in range, Judge. home. Pictures and complete corn beef on bread, buttered ------News. Interesting and intri­ on your old watch in trade. State Theatre, 643-7832. property, excellent location, Elstate of Pierre C. Drapeau, late rural building lots, 2 lots sold Ranch, 4 bedrooms, family several other government build­ F. Buckley Jr. hopes to run WE BUY AND sell antique and dishwasher, carpeting, new of Manchester, In said District, de- desertptions of properties af­ corn, green beans, bread and ings as a precaution against cate work. Excellent oppor­ Closed Mondays. F.E. Bray, new heating system and per­ as one parcel. Call John H. room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car ga­ Electricians End Strike next spring for election to the CONTROMATICS CORP. used furniture, china, glass, 1,000-8,000 SQUARE feet prime baths, new furnaces, 2-ear ga­ fords you the choice of what Wanted— Real Estate 77 butter, cake with frosting: possible lawlessness. tunity, benefits, hours. Call 737 Main St., State Theatre silver, picture frames, old manent siding, $18,500. Wolver­ On motion of Elizabeth D. Dra­ homes you would like to in­ Lappen, Inc., 649-5261. rage, large wooded lot. Leon­ Yale (3orpotatlon, the uni­ 200 W. Main St. industrial space, new building rage. Hutchins Agency, Real­ peau. l&l Princeton St., (Mlanches- Thursday, hamburg on soft roll, HARTFORD (AP) -Thirty- District of Columbia marshals Guy Wilson, 236-5884. Building. coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold, ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. ter. Conn., executrix. spect. If selling your home, let ard Agency Realtor, 646-0469. USTINGS NEEDED, all price versity’s governing board. Rockville, Conn. in Vernon, minutes from park­ tors, 549-5324. ORDERED: That three months potato chips, cole slaw, wedge three electrical workers ended were given a six-hour course In watches, old Jewelry, hobby us list It In the MLS for a ranges. Call us for a quick sale, The 'former Conservative can­ way. Suitable for manufactur­ LAKEWOOD Circle N.—large from the 16th day of October, 1967. COVENTRY —. 4*4 room of cheese, jelly sandwiches, Jel- their two-week strike against techniques of self defense and Mr. Weaver 876-3317 collections, paintings, attic con­ MANCHESTER — Ranch, 7 be and the same are limited and al­ fast prompt sale. Chambers Resort Properly we edso buy houses for cash. didate for mayor of New York ing or warehouse. Call 872-0528, custom built Garrison Colonial, Ranch, country atmosphere, lo with topping: Friday, No the Connecticut Yankee Atomic crowd control. Preparations Fuel and Feed 49-A tents or whole estates. Fumi- rooms, large living room, lowed for the creditors within which Realty, Realtors, 643-2325. For Sole 74 Hayes Agency, 646-0131. City is a 1960 Yale graduate days. 6 rooms, laundry, 2-car gar­ to bring in their olaims against saU oil hot air heat, 1^ acres of School. Dessert and milk serv­ Power C-i. Friday night. were made to provide speedy An Equal Opportunity time Repair Service, 643-7449. kitchen with built-ins, family estate, and said executrix is direct­ and former chairman of the PART-TIME FIREPLACE WOOD, clean, age, porch. Call 289-9321 or 649- land^ underground barn and SELLING your home? For ed with each meal. The ',/orkers, members of court hearings for any persons Employer BRIGHT, modem office, 440 room on first floor, built 1961, ed to give public notice to the OVERSIZED BRICK Cape, LAKE HAYWARD — Colches­ Yale Dally News. pick-up truck load, delivered, 8590. creditors to bring in their claims sheds. Priced for quick sale prompt courteous service that Vernon Elementary School: Local 2239 of the International arrested. square feet, excellent location. half acre lot, $22,900. Philbrick within said time allowed by pub­ laiigo-rooms, 2 full baths, fin- ter, beautiful 3 bedroom sum­ He told the News Friday he $16. Call 232-0050. lishing a copy of this order In some $18,500. F.M. Gaal Agency, 643- gets results call Louis Dimock Monday, meatballs In sauce, Brotherhood of Electrical Work­ The W ashlngton dem- WORK AVAILABLE Rooms Without Board 59 $90 per month. Call 643-6396. Agency, Realtors, 649-6347. MANCHESTER — Priced for iriied recreation room, on mer home, large living room, would run for election to the newapaper having a circulation In kitchen with enclosed porch, 2682 or Gall Green 742-7092 or Realty, 649-9823. rice, kernel corn, pickled ers, were ordered to return to or.stration was billed as a cli­ quick sale. Beautiful 9 room said probate district within ten beautifully landscaped lot, $26,- beets, home-made rolls; Tues­ board. MODERN room, private bath, WAREHOUSE for rent on Main EIGHT ROOM older home, 1% days from the date of this order fully furnished on good size lot. Gay Blair, 742-6921. work at 12:01 a.m. today at the max to a week of anti-war ral- 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Also 7 -11 p.m. H E L P !! HAY — one year old, 30 cents Split Level, % acre lot, many 600. Philbrick Agency, Real­ day, spam and pineapple, mash­ parking, rec room privileges. St., approximately 800 square baths, kitchen and bathroom and return make to this court of Financing available, $7,000. F. film ’s Haddam Neck plant. lles-sem e of them marked by a bale. Call 649-3222. extras, $28,500. 643-9859. the notice given. tors, 049-5847. ANDOVER — clean 6 room ed potato, maamed corn, cole Call 643-9895. feet. Call 643-9678. have been remodeled, 4 bed­ JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. M. Goal Agency, 648-2682 or Officers Chosen The v.c ’’ers struck Oct. 6 violence, police intervention and We Need: Cape, central vacuum system, slaw, cheesd rolls; Wednesday, ULTIMA II APPLY IN PERSON rooms, ideal for large family, MANCHESTER — Large 7 Gall Groeh, 742-7092 or Gay at liie firm’s atomic reactor arrests—In several American ■niE THOMPSOrTHouse —Cot- TWO OFFICES, newly remodel­ garage, beautiful large treed ravioli, green beans, cole slaw, $19,900. Philbrick Agency, room brick home, 2 baths, new BiaUs 742-6921. By MCC Faculty cite over wages, union security cities. COSMETICS WAITRESSES Gordon— Farm— lot. Leonard Agency, Realtors, french bread; Thursday, ham­ tage St. centrally located, large ed, single or t^ether, on Main Realtors, 649-6347. custom kitchen, cari>eting and work assignments. Mort than 3,000 anti war pick- Dairy Products 50 pleasanUy furnished rooms, St. Call 643-9678. COVENTRY — lovely 2 bed­ 646-0469. New oflScens o f itlh» Mandhes- burg In roll, potato chips, veget­ ■ , P. . McDo n a l d ’s d r i v e - i n SALAD WOMEN throughout, large beautifully The $100 million installation, ets In Oakland, CalU. continued parking. Call 649-2358 for over­ MANCHESTER — 7 room MALE PRODUCTION WORKERS landscaped lot. . Leonard room summer home, fully ter Ooanmuniity Oolilegie Fswiuity able sticks, pickles; Friday, No one of the nation’s largest a virtual sfclge of the local draft PUMPKINS, gourds, turnips BEAUTY salon for sale, doing STAFFORD SPRINGS — 6 Association were elected at the WELDON DRUG CO 46 WEST CENTER ST. DISHWASHER night and permanent guest Colonial, fireplace, one car ga­ Agency, Realtors, 046-0469. furnished, screened In porch, room home, steam heat, large school. Home-made desserts or generators, was nearly Induction center. They hurled and live fowl. Graces Farm, rates. good business. Owner has oth­ group’s finsit fail toualneisB mecit> rage, rec room. Porter St. lo­ OPENINGS ON ALL 3 SHIFTS minute walk to beach. Priced porch, large lot, shade trees, fruit served with all meals. In complete and was undergoing stinkbombs, firecrackers, park APPLY IN PERSON 731 Hebron Ave., Glastonbury. er Interests. Write Box E, Man­ Ing tlhis ■week. cation, approximately 20 years BRETTON ROAD —If you are for quick sale, $6,200. F.M. garage, $16,600. Immediate oc­ addition to milk, bread and but­ FURNISHED room, kitchen chester Herald. Starting Rote $2.31 per hour and up tired of looking at Inflated Gaal Agency, 643-2682, or Gall They 'are Da\d)d Giidman of ter. GOOD OPPORTUNITY in ship­ GAS LIGHT APPLES- half bushel, $1.50 and privileges, garage. Gentleman, old with stone facing, nice lot, cupancy. Tom Minor, Broker, prices, check this down-to- Green, 742-7092, or Gay Blair, Ntew Hantford, ponealdent; How­ Northeaist School: Monday, ping department. 8 a.m. - 4:30 RESTAURANT up. Macintosh, McGowan, De- college graduate preferred. nice price. 649-8538, 643-5129. 875-6042. earth housing value. A 7 room 742-6921. ard 6 . Bergman o f Mandhesiter, beef and gravy, buttered rice, p.m. Apply Ka-Klar Toy, 60 30 OAK ST. iclous, Baldwin, Cortland, Call 649-2154 after 9 p.m. J.D. Real Estate Co. Excellent fringe benefits including major medical HilUard St. Greening. Also tomatoes and Houses For Rent 65 Cape with 4 bedrooms, ceramic BOLTON c e n t e r —looking ■vice pinealdent: Paul Clark of buttered carrots, applesauce; DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Business Zone insurance. 100% paid premium, eight pi^d holidays squash. Growers Outlet, cor­ THREE ROOM apartment, tiled bath, large lot, paint-free for that tranquil setting among Middletown, Beoretary; a n d Tuesday, pizza with hamburg FIVE room house, $140 month­ n , large lot, good location, 14 and generous vacation plan. Applications accept!^ Suburban For Sd * 75 PART-TIME maintenance man ner Tolland Tpke, Adams St., furnished, private bath and en­ aluminum siding. Call the Jar- homes of better quality, try this Frank HiounBdU o f Vernon, and cheese, tossed salad, fruit needed, flexible hours, good WANTED — taxi drivers, open­ ly. Two years lease. One month room 2-family, 6 garages, ^ 0,- daily, interviews Tuesdays. vis Realty Co., Realtors, MLS, CO'VENTRY — 4% room Ranch 6 room Ranch with beam­ tTeasuner. cocktail; Wednesday, meat loaf, opposit Caldor’s. trance, utilities, no pets. 226 in advance. Available Novem­ wages. Apply Ted Trudon ings 01, all shifts, full or part- Charter Oak St., 643-8368. 000. Philbrick Agency, Real­ 64S-1121. oversized garage with 2^ ed celling, raised hearth fire­ They succeed Mrs. (Mary LofU mashed potatoes, stewed toma­ ber 1. 643-9601. tors, 649-6847. ' Volkswagen, 640-2838. time. Must have safe driving A P P L Y TO acres on main highway. Only place, 2-car garage, set on Thd'beault, past pneaiident; and toes, buttered spinach, pudding; record. Apply 136 Oakland St. ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman $15,900. Pasek Realtors, 289- acre of land. Picturesque view Robert Dobson, post secretary- Household Goods 51 THREE room year ’round cot­ MANCHESTER — Lakewood Thursday, frankfurts in rolls, preferred, private entrance, mid 20’s. Paul W. Dougan, treasurer; .elected when the in­ tage at Lake Pocotopaug, Blast Circle, 6 room Cape, located Natural Charm 7476, 742-8243. potato salad, pickles, sliced SEWING MACHINE —Singei ample parking, centrally locat­ dependent essodotion organized PART-TIME Situations W onted- Hampton, all conveniences. ’v iman excellent area, extensive Realtor, 649-4636. ^ peaches; Friday, Tomato soup, automatic zig-zag ir cabinet, ed. 649-5271. Rogers Corporation last year. Call 649-5664. view, needs some repair. A tuna and egg salad sandwiches, Female „ 38 button holes, embroiders, hems Elegant Touch SOUTH WINDSOR — Immacu­ T7«e purpose of the group is Collectors for established good investment. Don’t be MILL & OAKLAND STS. — MANCHESTER, CONN, celery and carrot sticks, brown­ etc. Like new condition. Orig­ LARGE LIGHT housekeeping late 7-room home built 1966, to ifiostec closer contacts ameng routes in Hartford, East BOOKKEEPER — experienced. roomy convenient, for middle- disappointed. Call Now. War­ or Call Miss Banister— 1-774-9606 heated finished rec room, 2- ies; Friday, no school. Bread Save ^412 inally over $300, balance now. the flaculty and to generate Double entry, payroll, typing Suburban For Rent 66 ren E. Howland, Realtor, 643- and butter and milk served with I Hartford or Manchester. $64. Take over payments of aged gentleman, working days. car heated garage, aluminum ideas and make recommenda­ etc. Part or full-time. Rock- 1108. all meals. Customers want monthly $10. monthly. 522-0476. Call 649-7162 or 643-3951. VERNON — Redecorated 5> siding, swimming pool, large tions pertinent to the lifle o f the vllle-Vemon area. 875-6192. Maple Street School: Monday, room apartment located in at­ treed lot with brook, many ex­ coiUege. payments picked up. NO SINGER automatic zig zag sew­ JUST LISTED — 6 room Ranch spaghetti and hamburg, green tractive residential area, stove tras. For further Information SimUar independent faculty SELLING. Must have car. r e l i a b l e m o t h e r with ref- ing machine, excellent condi­ Apartments— Fkrfv— wall to wall carpeting, com­ M l beans, cole skuVv; Tuesday, .soal- O’ erences will care for children and refrigerator, adults. 646- call R.F. Dlmock Co. 649-6246. aasodations have been formed No experience necessary. tion, monograms, hems, but­ Tenements 63 plete aluminum siding, parquet loped potatoes with ham, corn ot working parents, full or part- 0311. floor in dining area, fireplace, at the other state community ALUMINUM tonholes, fancy designs, etc. ROCKVILLBl—2 story 6V4-room pickled beets; Wednesday, beef Average earnings over 53.50 colleges. » time. 643-8857. Originally over $300. Our price WE HAVE customers waiting extra cabinets in kitchen, split Young Man! house, fresh paint Inside and Jiv^jprefvy, buttereid noodles, peas, per hour. Call Mr. Thomas BOLTON —Attractive 4 room now, $54r or pay $9. monthly. for the rental of your apart­ heated apartment, hot water, rail fence on 90x105 lot, land­ out. New kitchen, reflnished oairot and celery stteks; Thurs­ collect New Haven, 787-0279. D ogs— Birds— Pets 41 Call 522-0931, dealer. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ fireplace, adults only. Call 649- scaping plus. One car garage, hard wood floors, garage, plus Business Staff day, chicken noodle soup, sand- A.. <-W ^ 41 ( tate. 643-5129. 0617. patio and assumable mortgage Looking For A Job With A Future? tool shed all on wooded acre w h it e miniature poodle, male, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, lot. $14,000. Three minutes SIDING 4 months old, AKC registered, 4% ROOM apartment, all uUU- m Named by LTM JANITORS — part-time eve­ 649-2813. from Route 16. Call 876-6896 TRADER “ P” tles furnished. Occupancy No­ Alcoa • Reynolds • Kaiser nings. Call 643-4453, 3-6 p.m. ideal temperament. 649-9365, Wanted To Rent 68 • IMMEDIATE OPENING • sifter 5 p.m. The business staff flor "How only. after 6 p.m. vember 1. 643-6341. $13,900 — 3-bedroom Cape, to OiMoeed in Business Without WHIST • SETBACK 14 cubic foot refrigerator- txTTtrri WANTED — 3 or 4 bedroom dormers, air-conditioner, neat Really Trying” has been re­ GROOMINO ALL breeds. Har- freezer, $125. Learn The Printing Business house, Manchester, prefer and clean. Hutchins Agency, VERNON leased ’rrr‘ Iteg ttlor SI CONCORD RD. — Beautiful 4 hers Owner trsmsferred ■'wants of Mandhesteir (I/PM) and busi­ DACHSHUm) puppies —^AKC, 30" electric ranges, several WANTED to sub-let unfurnished Ranch, laiige living rooijp, for­ Two Weeks Paid Vacation — Sick Leave action on this beautiful ness manager. The shiow will • Reliable Service % Fast growing Hartford Park Chestnut Garden Cape. Four rooms down, champion blood lines, 6 weeks. famous makes, $35. up or furnished apartment or mal dining roomj • cabinet he produced by 1/PM Nov. 2, one finished up. Excellent printing company has open­ 649-1767. house with 4 to 6 months left kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ Blue Cross and Life Insurance f #'h’f 3 and 4 at Bailey Auditortum, condition throughout. High ing for experienced press S-pc. Pecan dinette set. Occupancy first week of on lease. 4,5 or 6 rooms in tion room, landscaped yard. MandieStier High School. • Direct Factoty DALMATION puppy — 10 13 X 15 rug and pad, beige, $75. wooded lot, plenty of pri­ Staff memibera ore Joel man operating 25" and,22" Manchester. Contact Mr. Dau- Marlon E. Robertson, Realtor, Remembei^A Printer Is Never Out of A Job! weeks old, with papers and November vacy. Asking $18,500. T. J. Chaiaon. house manager; Mary Purchasing 12 k 18 rug and pad, just er, 289-1527, 643-2611. 643-5963. one color presses. Second shots ,$76. Call 649-7471, Mon­ Crockett Resdtor, 648-1677. BUiih, paitnon tdidtets; Jim Pren- cleaned, $60. shift. Insurance, paid holi­ day through Friday after 6, 1 bedroom, 3^ rooms $135 dergsst and Ahoe PouiUat. pro­ Sponaorod By !n»e • Helps cut cost of heat and days, overtime, night differ­ Saturday all day. grams; Ruth Rowley, publicity, French Club, Manriiester 9-pc. Duncan Phyfe dining 2 bedrooms, 4>^ rooms $155 • MOTIFS STAFFORD area — 7 room asSiated by Fkxrenoe Gietzewich; air conditioning in your ential. Call Don Vallera at ADORABLE long haired kit­ room set, 6 Windsor chairs Cape, Ihi battas, garage, 4Vi MONDAY. OCT. 23 with bamboo turnings. Heated, Hot Water, Oven Tom Ooodln, posbem; Julian home. Insulates in 'Winter, FT- New’s Press, 236-5884. tens, five weeks old, free to acres land, pond. Immediate ,.000 SQ- occupancy, $17,800. Tom lOn- Brownsbelin, television and ra­ 8:00 P.M. cooler in summer. TO good homes. 646-0244 after 3. Becker uptight piano; recon­ Range, Refrigerator, Parking UP or, Broker. 875-5042. dio; IBeitlty Lundbeig;, advertis­ ditioned and reflnished, an­ ORCHARD • Fire and weather ------FREE KITTENS — 7 weeks, ing, end Ann BaBantlne and ORANGE HALL tique Hitchcock red, WITH THC NCW y TRUCKER’S HELPER and houaebroken, half Siamese. 649- Resident Superintendent ■ (Colonial. Spotless, Ann IMiUer, Uctoeit oo-ohairmen, Public Invitod resistant. warehouseman for general 1755. tuned to concert pitch. FH0T0-6UIDE/^t 333 oms, 2 baths, dining assisted by (Marie Mullen and furniture warehouse work. Call ------!------Tel, from 9 to 6 527-9238 \LZ living room, basement Airne OonaJU. • Eliminates maintenance Ladd and Hall Furniture Co., GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 5 HEIGHTS 2018^ and repair problems. 33-46 rec room, also Included in sale Much . . . Much . . . More After 5 647-1871 20 Union St., Rockville, 643- weeks old, $86. No papers. 649- AVERY STREET—SOUTH WINDSOR The traditional shirtwaist has You can be elegant without dishwasher, garbage disposal, LIFETIME GUARANTEE 0690, 876-2634. 5642. 643-6568 returned to flatter the mature being extravagant — simply wall to wall carpet. Alumlnufn Now you can sov* as IN WRITING monogram your linen. These combination windows, near FROM THE MANUFACTURER MAN TO WORK on poultry TINY VraiTE toy poodles, AKC Lo o k i n g f o r anything in woman’s figure. Smartly styled A OPEN SUNDAY 6 Models lovely cross-stitch motifs are schools and transportation, ex- nevur bufor* on the fi­ farm, steady work for depend- registered, one male, one fe- real estate rentals —apart­ FREE features include an open neck­ CLEAN, USED refrigerators, ceUent buy at $23,900. Call ments, homes, niultiple dweU- line and contrasting collar and quick and easy to embroider nest quality Aluminum able man. 742-6232. male. Call 742-6441. ranges, automatic washers, 2 - 5 P.M. On Display Gaston Realty, 643-8110. ings, no fees. Call J D. Real cuffs. and add a soft touch o f color NO DOWN PAYMENT — IX>W BANK TERMS with guarantees. See them at Siding. Our warehouses - MUST GIVE AWAY 6 month Eatate, 643-6129. No. 1838 with Photo-Guide Is to linens. B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649- SAFETY CHECK COVENTRY — beautiful 8 bed­ are bulging with over­ old male Collie, good with chil­ in sizes 32 to 46, bust 84 to Pattern No. 2018 has hot-iron PIZZA-RArS Holp W an lo d — room Ranch, kitchen loaded 130 SPRUCE STREET dren, 849-8818. Mkin St. Call 643-2171. , 48. Size 84, 36 bust, monoUme, transfer for 1^ motifs; color stocked colors and our LIMITED OFFER M m or 37 with cabinets, hot water SINGER Sewing machine, good 4% yards of 45-inch. winter prices ore now in Custom built homes surrounded by an 85 acre park with To order, send 85 cen tu m baseboard radiation,,, heated WHERE QUALITY GOES ON INSPECTORS — Experienced condition. Formica kitchen set, To order, send 60 cents In FOUR KITTENS, 6 weeks old, panoramic view of the Vernon Hills. All lots are % acre FOR YOUR CAR coins plus 16 cents each, ' for breezeway and heated garage effect. In aircraft parts, all benefits. chrome legs, opens to 60". Call or larger, many wooded. Walk to schools and churches, coins plus 15 cents each for first- BEFORE PIZZAS OR GRINDERS GO OUT free. Call 648-5661. firat-class mall and special han­ 24x24, on lot over acres In I Dean Machine Products, 165 649-9429. 10 minutes by parkway to Hartford. Priced for you. Will class mail and special handling, size, $15,500. F.M. Gaal Agen­ The Extra Mile WIU Be A Mile Well Worth Driving CORPi ,build to your plans or ours. Financing immediately dling, to: Adam$ St., Manchester. to: ' cy, 643-2682 or Gall Green, 742- Hurry! This offer will not LIvo Stock 42 available. Sue Burnett, Manchester Eve- Anne Cabot, Manchester If Your Flzza Is Cold Wben You Get Home— X-PLUS SCHOOL BUS operators for 26” ELECTRIC RANGE, like 1150 AVE. 7092 or (Jay Blair, 742-6921. be repeated when these PRETTY SHETLAND pony, TUES- OCT. 24 nlng Herald. UX» AVE. OF ® v e n l^ H e^ d , U mo Try 1967-1968 school year. Hourly new, $50. Call 649-5166. DIRECTIONS: From Manchester take Oakland St. to NEW YORK, ore gone. Don't miss this C A L L N O W mare, rides and drives, good Avery St. Look for signs • From Vernon AMEBICA8 , NEW YOKK, N. OF AMEIUCA8 , TOLLAND — future develop­ rate $2.48. Silver Lane Bus N. V. loose. RAY'S Qook-Tliam-Younalf PIZZAS with children, $160. Four month APARTMENT size electric Circle take Kelly Rd., turn left on Avery Y. 16M6. ment potential may be realiz­ once in-a Ufetiiqe op­ line, Ine., 49 Bralnard Place. Print Name, Address with Print Name, Address with Zip W eT Make Hiein—^You Co6k 'Tbem A t Home old pony colt, $76. 649-3981. stove, $10. Maple chest, $15. Gracious Apartment St. ed with 24 acres of level land portunity. ^ Look In Monday's Herald Zip Cbde, Style Number and Code and Style Number. Hot Dee-Ucioiis Pizzas la Just 6 to 8 Minutes \ 289-7778 4P DRUG STORE clerks, over 21, Mahogany bureau, $15. Two living in Lovely Manchester You’ll want a copy of our new well endowed with trees. Ex­ V*' DELtJlW TOWN HOUSES Size. full or part-time. Hburs flex- kitchen sets, $5, $10. Caloric tras include (dder 6 room •> ArtielM For Solo 45 A t Moderate Prlc'es HATES AGENCT (Jet a head start on up-to-the ’67 Fall and Winter Album to C A U 6 4 3 ^ 3 1 OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY—7 DAYS A WEEK Ible. Experienced preferred. gas range with heating unit, see all the designs from which home, solid Chestnut (XHistruc- Rental Agent 56 EAST CENTER STREET For Details minute styling with the new Fall MANY IMITATE BUT NONE DUPUCATB Must be reliable. Driver’s li­ $100. Two coffee tables, $6., you can choose j'uuf needlework tion, plus out buildings. $29,600. J. D. REALTY 646-0181 and Winter ’67 issue of Basic cense. Good pay. No phone 15” SNOW blower. excellent $4. Portable shower, $8. Other R.J. Flagg Oo., 876-5962. 648-8129 • 643-8779 Fashion. Only'50 cents a copy. patterns. Only 60 cents. J Jk. calls. Miller Pharmacy. conditton. $60. Call 048-6832. miscellaneous items. 049-3946 V 1 I I I m \ 1 ■ 1 > « ' ) • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 PAGE FOURTEEN ilattrltPatfr lEvaning

ford, Donald Anderson of St. Pet­ Vernon ersburg,, Fla, and Oaorga And­ Man Wakens, Father, Son Satisfactory, erson of San Francisco, Calif.; Diplomacy Saves Two Houses Hcad two daughters, Mrs. Lucas Le­ ona of Devon, Pa., and Mrs. C. Thief Flees ^Hurt in 2-Car~Bus (^rash Oorttand W . Oom M. Osorio of Ottawa, Can.; two A Rpckville man and his Bresmer was charged with OOVaimtT-OortUnd Waldo slaters, Mrs. Athalie Dingwall of An intruder fled the home of eight-year-oldaiK»i.-.rcort on the structure of the President of Congress’ held to last year’s level—action il^thur Buckler of Manchester, mnv pall at the fii. PdUc® crulsers Checked the second car, Fred Gottier, 61, of Pope Jr., 50, o f 137 Oampfleld two town fire departments from responsibility for ap­ estimated to force k outback of It also adopted another limita- M rs. Beverly Cote and Mrs. Lola neral home tomorrow from 7-9 results. 37 Foster St., and his passeng- Rd. collided on W. Middle Ipke. insurance study group. propriations. Houses in the area were also gr, Mrs. Julia Purcell of Oak- near Rt. 16 ywslterday morning. ^ The report is not expected for And other senators said the It als oadopted another limita­ Ie,rs to 81 other applicants. Revere, Mass.; a sister, Mrs. As Girl Screams in those two years, the source dustries project. Naturalization Examiner Paul in the South dhina Sea. Jane Stratton of Manchester; 11 Three accidents and two ar­ said. Judge Clarie, last year, sen­ The total value of the package Moran, who had reviewed the grsmdchildren and 3 great­ rests were reported by state ’The screams of a 15-year-old Boy Scout Troop 91 will meet tenced David Mitchell to five be precisely determined Seven Await Dixon and Williams petitions, grandchildren. and local police in Vernon to- girl in Center Springs Park be precisely Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at years in prison. Mitchell had Jov J . J because the cost-of-livingg index Manchester Green School. Mem­ recommended their admission Funeral services will be held contended that he could con­ be- Thursday afternoon attracted tbe coming bership in the troop is open to to citizenship. He suggested to Monday at the John F. Tierney A cement mixer trailer Sentence in scientiously object to a particu­ the attention of two companions ^bree years boys 10% years or older. Pros- Judge Clarie that they be given Funeral Home, 219 W. Center came disconnected from lar war, such as the one In Viet­ and her assailant fled. Reuther has said that the un- pertive members are reminded a permitted alternate oath, St. ’Die Rev. Walter H. Loomis, truck pulling it on the Wilbur nam. Cross Highway yesterday af- ’The girl, who remains unlden- ion wculdn t settle for less than Rights Case to bring a parent to their first which waives the requirement pastor of Community Bai>tlst Judge Clarie said yesterday ternoon and it flipped over tified because of her age, told a per cent gain in wages and meeting. of an oath on bearing arms. Church, will officiate. Burial that he couldn’t, in one instance, guidraUs before stopping, state police she was walking through fringe benefits 80 cents an hour (Continued from Page One) ’The Dixons had noted in their will be in East Cemetery. condemn a natural born citizen police in Stafford report. ’There the park about 4 p.m. when the over three years, For those convicted, the max­ Manchester Chapter of petitions that they would not Friends may call at the funer­ like Mitchell for objecting to a was no cement in it at the time, man chased her, knocked her Under the old pact. Wages and imum sentence would be 10 SPBBSQSA will meet and re­ bear arms, but that they would al home tonight from 7 to 9 serve in a non-combatant capa­ particular war, and later ap­ PoUce charged the driver, to the ground and pinned her fringe benefits increased 87 years and a $5,000 fine, under hearse Monday at 8 p.m. at and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and city, if necessary. prove naturalization papers for 7 to 9 p.m. Alfredo lacono, 24, of South Nor-' there. cent.s an hour in the three years an 1870 statute making it a Bunce Center, Olcott St. The walk with faUure to register for The girl told police she bit before it expired at 11:69 p.m. felony to deprive a person of his group is open to all male sing­ Williams had indicated in his foreign-born persons who have petition that he would neither the same reservations. Mrs. Delor ’Trembley a four-wheel, two-axle trailer. his left hand but did not know Sept. 0. civil rights. ers interested in barbershop- COVENTRY — Mrs. Mary He is scheduled to appear in if this left any marks, ^ e man TTie two sides ended late Frl- The federal charge grew out style harmony. Louise ’Trembley, 76, of WUll- Circuit Court 12 Rockville Nov. is described as about 25 years day a 31-hour bargaining ses- of the slayings of Michael mantic, mother of Mrs. John 7. old, 140 pounds, with dark sloii without confirming or de- Schwerner, 24, Andrew Good­ Friendship Circle of the Sal­ Wilhelm of Coventry, died yes­ An accident later in the af­ brown hair. His hair was de- nying details of tentatively set- man, 20, both white New York­ vation Army will have a busi­ Cruise Talks Finish, terday morning at her home. ternoon at the corner of Rt. 30 scribed as “ greasy” but not tied contract provisions as out- ers, and James Chaney, 22, a ness and service meeting Mon­ She was the wife of Delor L. and West Rd. brought two tow overly long, and he was wear- lined by the industry source, Meridian Negro, near Phil­ day at 7:45 p.m. at the church. ’Trembley. trucks for both cars Involved, ing a light-weight blue jacket The UAW hoped to use the adelphia, Miss. Hostesses arq Mrs. Carl Peter­ No Viet Resolution Survivors also include 4 oth­ Mrs. Beulah Collins of 126 West and dark peunts. Foia contract as a pattern for All 18 defendants in the con­ son and Mrs. Thomas McCann. (Continued from Page One) er daugditers, 2 sons, a sister, Main St. was charged with fall- One of the other girls told setUemtnt at General Motors spiracy case were identified in ure to grant the right of way police she and her companion and Chrysler where UAW mem- 41 grandchildren, 3 great-grand­ testimony as members of the The American Leg;lon will was stopping any governor from of previous wars. He associated children; and several nieces after her car collided with a car came over a hill in the park bers have continued to work al- White Knights of the Ku Klux meet Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. at them with rioters and dr6ift card voicing his own views. But he and neg^ews. driven by Donna Loverin of 62 and heard the girl’s muffled though their contracts also ex- Klan. The FBI contended a Klan the post home on Leonard St. burners. He wound up by saying ' Funeral services will be held W’Ushlre Dr., local police said, screams. plred Sept. 6. plot led to the slayings. said that the proposal for a that there was "nothing par­ ’There were no Injiuries. Mrs. 'When the attacker saw the Any agreement is subject to Monday at 9 a.m. at the Bacon The trial ended after 91 hours Bill' Kiefer, Hartford Times blanket endorsement of Viet­ tisan" about the resolution. Collins is scheduled for court two girls approaching, he got ratification by union members, Funeral Home, 71 Prospect St., of testimony and arguments, columnist, will speak Tuesday nam policies constituted "an in­ here Nov. 7. up quickly and ran away, look- By Ford estimates, strikers Romney spoke up during the WUlimantic. during which the defense and at 7:30 p.m. at the Mental Aid An hour later a two-car ac- ing back several times. lieve lost $170 million in wages, troduction of partisan politics ensuing roUcall to say that the Friends may call at the fu­ the government presented 114 Fellowship Center, Hartford. cident on Hany Lane brought into the governors’ conference.” conference was no place for for­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9 wltnesaes. His topic is "Politics Today.” a written warning for unsafe " ' eign policy decisions. He siiid and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Convicted with Price, Roberts The group is limited to those That W6IS 61II Connally needed. backing to Dennis Taylor, 17, that past resolutions hiid been 7 to 9 p.m. and Bowers w ere: who have undergone psychiat­ He shouted a demajid for the of Hany Lane after he backed misued by the president as in­ Horace Doyle Barnette, 31, ric care 6Uid is spoi)sored by floor on a point of personal priv­ into the path of Joseph Ham­ dications of strong support by Mrs. Margaret Anderson who gave a statement to FBI the Capitol Region Mental ilege 6ind said he was personally merer, 45, of Enfield, police the governors for the course he Mrs. Margaret Anderson, 70, Navy Planes Sink agents describing the slayings Health Association. Dinner will affronted by the reference to said. There were no Injuries and was taking in Vietnam. of 387 E. Middle ’Tpke. died yes­ and later repudiated it. be served ’Thursday at 6:30 p.m. “partisan politics.’’ damage was minor. On the issue of government terday at a Manchester con­ Billy Wayne Posey, 30, a Phil­ before a program. Those wish­ Near midnight Patrolman He then proceeded to break spending and tiixation, Reagan valescent home. adelphia service station opera­ ing further information on the Four Torpedo Boats the rule laid down by Chairman won a victory by moving to Mrs. Anderson was born Oct. John Marshall arrested David tor. fellowship may contact the Men­ BarUett, 23, of 149 Taylor St. Jimmy Arledge, 29. a Me­ William L. Guy of North Dakota strike out of a pending res­ 9, 1897, in Shanghai, China, and tal Health Association at 217 barring discussion of the res­ after a disturbance at a local (Continued from Page One) the boats themselves. ’The roos­ ridian truck driver. olution languitge he said would h^ lived in Manchester eight Farmington Ave,, Hartford. olution’s merits. years,, coming here from San pizza ‘restaurant, police said. ter tails must have been 30 feet endorse Johnson’s proposal for' Fr nctaco, Calif. She was a Bartlett was charged with Cmdr. Wllmer. P. Cook, 33, of jugh.” Reagan tried to head off Con­ an Income t6ix surtax. 3 Guilty in Holdup St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh- nally by saying he didn’t mean coi luunlcat of St. Bartholo­ breach of peace. He was re^ Annapolis, Md., and his wing- The two pilots said antiair­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — Three ters of Isabella, will meet and to affront him personally. But TRAIN HITS BUS mew's Church. leased under the no cash baU j^en, Lt. (JG) Mitchell Watson, craft fire WM Intense, from the men charged with participating install officers Wednesday at the Texas governor persisted in Siuvlvors include three sons, compact for appearance in court 25, of Portland, Ore. boats 613 well m the beach. in a $25,000 bank holdup in East 7:30 p.m. at the KofC Home. ULMERS, S.C. (AP ) — A reciting a history of war dissent Vyvyan Anderson of East Hart- here Nov. 7. They attacked the boats with “ They were still shooting Haven April 28 have been con- Past regents 6ire In charge of freight train clipped the back of obviously compiled at the White Gilmtin White, 29, of 120 West 250 and 600-pound bombs. when we were well out of vlcted by a U.S. District Court arrangements. A buffet will be a school bus as it crossed tracks House and quoted ’ from Main St. was arrested early this "They were moving so slow I rtmge,’’ said Cook, who sank jury. served rifter the ceremonies. on a dirt road near Ulmers Fri­ previously by President John­ Pertional Notices morning Md charged with on- thought they were barges,” said another PT on Aug, 6, 1966. WllllarT)______Sasso,_ 27, of Water- Reservations close Wednesday, day, but the dozen children in eratlng a motor vehicle v Cook. But when we rolled In, With bad weather persisting Alfred L. Cappablanca, Nov 1 for a combined KofC, son the bus escaped injury. his license was suspended. Cou "v got under way with rooster over North Vietnam in the wake gg East Haven were found Ladles of Columbus and Daugh- Connally accused the Republi­ Sheriff A. L. StricklEtnd S6ild In Memoriam is set for Nov. 7 here. j (water sprays) as big as of Typhoon Carla, American pi- guilty Friday of robbery and ters of Isabella Supper, Nov. cans of sidestepping the Viet­ about a foot of the rear of the lots flew only 61 missions assault under the Federal Bemk 16 at the KofC Home after a nam issue. He likened some of bus was sheared off. He said the In lovinK memory of Martin Ua- kulis who passed away Oct. 21, 1961. against the North Friday, the Robbery statute. Memorial Mass at 6 p.m. at them, without naming any one, children were sitting toward the lowest number in six months. to the Tories and Copperheads front. Someone r e m e m b er s, someone Edward L. Reed, 29, of New St. James’ Church. Mrs. Joseph cares, All were confined to the south­ Haven was found guilty of lar- FalkowsUI of 68 Alton St. Is In Your name Is whispered in our MCC Hotel Students Plan ern half of the country. prayers, ceny. ' charge of reservations. A smile, a tear, a thought sincere, Pilots attacked storage areas, Bo often we wish that you were Sales Campaign for Inn truck parks, and gun positions here. in the painhtindle and just above For Your Eating Pleasure We Have:— The Makulls 'Family Twenty students enrolled in tor Inn in satisfying hospitality the demilitarized zone. Air Force pilots reported a Zone Rules Change Asked McIn t o s h a p p l e s a c o r t l a n d s Card Of Thanks Manchester Community Col­ needs of the areq. • RED DELICIOUS lege's new hotel mansi^ement The students will 6iscertaln large secondary explosiop and • ORAVENSTEINS a CRABAPPLES Mr. rmd

V' iKanrl^^ater iEti^mn0 Urralh OCT. 21 thru OCT. 27 ll^ralh

Turn On.. your TV Set and see the Beatles and Mia Farrow and Sophia Loren

and Jose Ferrer and Phyllis Diller and Yul Brynner and Charlie Brown and More Night” with the BeaUes 7:80 to 9:15 p.m. on NBC. . .“Kismet" with Jose Ferrer, Barbara Eden ed WHY rd and Ann Marla Alberghettl 9:30 Networks Get Out the Ax to 11 p.m. on ABC. ng Because a happy combination ir- THE NIKU8EN8 ble entertsiinment series, to take Nielsen handwriting ai^ared of “specials” and popular mov­ Wednesday: “The King and I By CYNTHIA LOWBT some chances that a few aUng almost from the very beginning. ies this coming week is produc­ with Yul Brynner and Debor^^ he NEW TORK (AP) — Televi­ shows will mend land, above all, “Dundee and the Culhane" ing these results: K err 7 :30 to 10 p.m . on ABC. .V, he sion network executives are to look over the bull pens for re­ was the first victim o t the N iel­ Sunday: “Johnny Belinda" “ The Phyllis Diller Happening’^ >r- shopping industriously for new placements. sens, given a death sentence by with Mia Farrow 9 to 11 p.m. 9-10 p.m . on CBS. . .“ With Love programs and huddling nervous­ Usually such frenzied activity « M a couple of weeks ago. on ABC. (See Page Two) en ly about ailing old ones. does not start tmtil. mid- ABC’s “Good Company" is not Monday: “Sea Worid” with In* The time has come, earlier November, but this year, with given much a chance to sur­ Danny Thomas and the Young by than in most years, to pro­ big, important movies capturing vive beyond December, if that A m ericana 9 to 10 p.m . on NBC. he nounce death sentences on fee­ the attention of audiences, the long. The future looks blacker ’Tuesday: "A Hard Day’s than little bighorn for its ^^Deg- tnt end of Custer.” NBC deiSes fu­ an riously a rumor that its “Ifoya" TEMPLE’S G a i^ to is not long for TV world! Iwt has nothing much to say aixmt 5S - & Floor CovoriRg the disappointing showing of ELECTRONICS ad “Accidental Family,” a new or' LABORATORIES comedy series, or “Star Trek,” American Made whose popularity has slipped Ceramic Tile Bathroom since last season. 1 2 9 .D S 277 BROAD It is certain that a number of A shows will be involved in com­ Installed Up To 100 o f plicated switches within net­ Sq. Ft. Material STEREO ^ks work schedules in efforts to r i - save shows. ABC’s “Hollywood Armstrong Inlaid in Palace,” for instance, has done linolenm Embossed TAPES X-PIUS CORPORATION poorly since it was shifted into a and Vinyls , L id Tuesday evening spot. It is he Your Local Home probable that it will be moved FOR he back to Saturday nights—and no Completely Installed Over he .Improvement Center one is prepared to say vdiat will Fretted Floor OARS iX m C E S k , SHOWBOfNNB happen to “Iron Horse,” which 986 BURNSIDE AVE, E HARTFORD, CONN. has been quietly dying in its 6U -0862 TEL. 289-7778 808 Main St.. Maaehester TV-Badlo, Sales and Servlee (Bee Page Three) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 P A G E T H R E E P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESl’ER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 Educational TUESDAY PROGRAM SATURDAY JU PROGRAM Mornine MONDAY JO PROGRAM JO marine port:. Guests are; 1:66 (D Best Seller 8:66 (26) Big Pictaro (G) Ron Harper. l:te (8) B eit SeUer <26) Hea la Space 8:86 (3) Bed Skettea Hoar .(G) ) Top < H(»an plays matchmaker and Part VI "This Earth is Mine” (22) H l^hts Comedian Don Rickies, sing- TV M rt I '60 "The Mountain (36) Combat • <8) The B ^ e o (C) Hwywood talent scout In at­ era John Gary andi Mlaitns Mc- Road” Major leads demoll- (46) The Fllatotoaes (G> (6-46) The Invaders (G) ’SF Jean Simmons, Rock. Tom Colton, host 8:66 (2652-36) Tnesday Night at (M> CmadleplB Bowlioc tempt to enlist valuaUe Swed­ TV ^ Hudson. (O (*0) MoBales Navy ^ „ Giveney and the Young Ameri­ Uon team charged with blow­ 5:16 (M) Scope 2:M (S) J o h u y Qaeot (C> ish scientist in service of (Z6» Film 6:65 <8) Sports — News and W o^k-. cans, Sbamu the IdUer whale ( WeOH, CLmncI 24) ing up roads anl bridges (48) Po4m Jcaalags News (G) Movies (G) (tP-KMt) Cool McCool (G> AlUes. and Google the elephant seal ahead ot Japanese advance. 6:86 (846) News — Spsito a^ "CiiiiderFella" '60. (Monday — Friday) (22) At Bouse WUh Kttty or . (O) Jerry Lewis In title role of (8) AmericsD Bsadstand (C> (28.22-88) Saturday Night at . (36) DivOree G out (40) Combat participate in program. James Stewut, Lisa lai. Weatiwr (G) the Movies (C> (35 Aady Griffith Show (C) (26) Film (28) K ea and toe GhaUenge modernized version of fairy 1:I8 (8) The Lone Bonrer ^ (40) The Fnidttve 6:25 (0) Stela Eriksen Show FUm "Mister Moses" 1:36 (3) As The World Tams (O) 6:56 (8) News with Walter C im 6:36 ,(3) Family Affair (C) (22) At Home WUh Kitty (22) Higklighta <2Z> Klay ot the Hill Bowltaw Rcbent KJitciuim and Casroll Brian Keith and Sebastian I News in Perspective (86) Divorce Goart Tom Colton, host cludes Ed Ann Maria Baker. Missionary’s daughter 6:46 (8) Moments ot'Gomtort and (2652-36) Let’s I b k e A Deal Uto <0> (88) MoBales Navy AlberghetU, Judith Anderson, berghetti, Geo Chaklris, oth­ Daddarlo, R.N. Gimmo and 6:45 (8) Visit wltt the Honslgnor (556) n e Newlywed Game (26-»i36) I Spy (C) I FasclaatioB of Driftwood ored Thing (G) T.J. Mesklll ( 8 ^ ) NM ob of Immigrants "Anastasia” ’56. Story of tte Robert (Julp and Bill Oosby. (2952-88) Days Ot Oar Lives (8) Fetor Jeaniags News (C) ers. Set in fabled city of Bagh­ 18:00 (S) MannU (C) 7:66 (S) News and Weather (C) (C) woman who ciaisns to be Uses for Driftwood - I (28) Social See silty la Aotlea dad it is romantic story of (8) Jerry Blavat Show (Z64M6) Today Show (C) Grand Duchess Anastasia, Robinson and Scott (tomb the Repeat at O ct 3H 7:00 pm (G) 3:80 (S> Biy S Theater (C> 10:38 (8) NFL East (O) 2:30 (S) Art Uahletter’s B o m Greek Islands for a space I Making Things Grow (8-46) The Newlywed Game (2258) Haatley-Brtnkley Be­ city's post-beggar HajJ who Highlights ot following games (8) Friends of Mr. Goober (ally surviving daughter of the port (G) mistaken for a magician is "Terror of Rome Against Bon (46) News, Weather and Sirarts agency mathematician who Acceid Fhmta (G) wlU be shown: New Orleans »»4 ^ 3 0 ) The Doctors (G) murdered Czar Nrch(das. mysteriously disappeared 2:88 (8) Art UnUetter’s Boase 8:48 (28) Nows elevated to Emir with respon- of Hercules" '64. Stm of 7:36 (3) Ualverslte of M le U m Ihfndd Bergman, 'Yul Brynner, Repeat of Oct 19, 7:80 pm Hercules is forced to fight at DfUlas; New York at Idtts- (8-40) Dream GW of *67 (C) while on vacation. I CoaversatloBs Party (G) 7:H (8) After Dinner Movie (G) sibUity of maMng certain the burg; S t Ibuis at Cleveland, 8:66 (3) Captain mmgnroe (C) 3:00 (8) To Ten The Tnitt (C> Helen Hayes. \ “We’re Not Married" '62. Oidlph married three Prinoess- four Roman Radiators at one (46) n r e e Stooges irinkl^^JiUiport (8-46) Long ChUdhood of Tim­ Maurice Chevalier (28-»56) The Dseton (G) time. Mark Forest, Elizabeth and Washington at AUanta. (20-2250) Another Weild (C) (26) Hantley-Bi my (C) Repeat of Oct. 18, 9:00 pm (849) Dream Glri ot ’87 (G) What happens when five es o f Atieibu instead, of un­ 18:30 (48) Tonlakt at Movies .8:36 (8) Hickey Monse (8-40) General Hospital (C) Special o f iwtddy-alcclalmod 8:86 (8) To Tell The Trath marriages are not legal. Mary Murphy. 9:66 (3) Hap Blohards Show (C) "Arrow Into the Air” Ginitor Rogers, Paul Douglas, 16:66 (8) CBS News Special (G) (ZS) Science Fiction Theatre (8) The Gypsy Bose Lee Show 3:30 (8) The Dick Van Dyke Show mentary about a retarded James Munro (Die Rich, Die (846) General Hospital "Frankenstein 1970" Boris U:88 (S4) News, Weather and (C) (2256-46) News — Weather child and the family's love Happy) 8:28 (I) News (G) Marilyn M on roe, DavH "Where We Stand in Vietnam” Sports (C) (C) .8:16 (S) The Dick Van Dyke Show Wayne. 11:66 (85-22-3646) News — Sports Karloff (20) FUm (20-22-30) Yen Don’t Say (C) 7:26 C and cate for him. E.G. Mar­ I CreativeUve Persea 2nd Feature: "The Day World 11:15 News, Weather and (8) Mr. Goober (O) ^ Z Z ^ ' n e Honkees (G) shall, noted actor is narra­ Interregnum: Geo Gross (G) (26) Hantley-BilBkley Beport and Weather (G) Sports (C) (22) Merv Gritfin Show (C) (8-46) Cowboy in Africa (G) (20) Tam BweU Show Ended” Richard Denidng and (36) That Beris PUbUn Show (40) Dark Shadows (C) tor. Updated segment includes Repeat of Oct 80, 8:30 pm (2952-36) Yen Don’t Say (G) Lori Nelson. (8) Festival of Hits 4:00 (3) The Banger Andy Show "The Adopted One” his progress in year of study (8) Mr. Goober (G) (8) TwUlght Zone 11:25 (S) Tnesday StarUght (C) "Panic in the Year Zero" (46) Jack L u su u e Skew Chuck Oonnors. A Lioness I N.E.T. Playhonse "Nightmare Child” "Forbidden” '64 (SO) Saturday Aftemoon at the 9:15 (S) 'WaUy Gator ’The widely acclaimed musi­ anne Dru. emotioits more devastating (46) Donna Heed Show 4:25 (20-22-80) News (C) ( The Man From UJf. 11:25 (3) Monday Starlight phony’ cal - oomedy - Oaniasy trac­ 11:36 (20-2156) Toalght Show (G) Squadron", an actlon-JUled Lucille Ball in “Crit­ (8) Flay Sqnare (O) "The Brotners Rico" '67. (46) Boso the Glosm (G) story of American volunteers than bomb Itself. ‘66 10:06 (3) Candid Camera C.L.B. "UtUe Giant” ‘46 for brothers of Slorida busP 4:86 (1) Big 8 Theater WW n . Robert Stack and Shlrakawa and Kenjl Shara. at a Caribbean gambling ca­ "Agabuit All Flags" ‘53. Liverpool to Loiulon the boys tbit — Gaideposto Hope Thursday 9-11 (20) Film (46) Dating Game Country bumpkin moves to sino Napoleon becomes target nessman. R t o b a r d Conti. I What’s New are entrusted with care of (SO) One O’Glock Beport — Diana Barrymore. 16:25 (26-22-36) News News Heodllaes, US Air I AnUqnes ing world champ Peggy Flem­ (28) Frank McGee Beport (C) (30) Boiler Derbtr (G) Squares (C) (40) FUntstones (C) coaches Force HellgiOBS Film and Sign Jewelry ing. (22) Let’s Go to the Baces 12:15 (48) News and Weather (8^0) Family Game (C) 5:30 (20) Film 0:00 (26-22-36) Danny Thomas Hoar on (C> N.E.T, Jonrnal 4:08 (S) Daktari (C) (38) Tales of Wells Fargo U:32 (48) UB. Air Force BeUglons 12:00 (S) Love of Life (C) (40) Peter Jennings News (G) (C) 1:16 (8) News and Weather (C) Right of Privacy (8-48) NCAA Football (C) 7:15 (8) Great Moments In Music Film and Sign Off (G) (2^22-30) Jeopardy (C) 6:00 (8-40) News — Sports and "Sea World' ' Musical tour Memeat of Medltatkm and Sign Beethavea Seaatas for Plano Texas at Arkansas 7:30 (3) The Jackie Gleason Show 12:45 (38) The Onter Limits (0) Mike Donglas Blatinee Weather (C) thru San Diego’s famous on nnd VMIn :S8 (S8) Biverboat (G) University professor discovers (40) Everybody’s Talking :88 (S) Bace of the Week (G) WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM (20-2Z.80) Maya (C) way to break down matter 12:25 (3) News (C) Tnesday, October 24 . Aqueduct — The Man O'War Adventures of two teenage into electrical energy and send 12:30 (8) Search for Tomorrow (C PM (28) Health is your Future boys. it to far oft planets. (20-22-30) :i^ e Guess (C) 6:66 Travel Time 1:66 (5) Best Seller plays a (Jomstock Mine own­ (26) Easlgn O’Toole (22) As School match Wits (8) Thunderbirds (G) 1:15 (22) Late Show (40) Girl (Auk Road to Adventure "The Mountain Road” '60 er who enlists aid of Dundee 11:25 (2) Wednesday Starilght (G) >:S8 (S) The B r ^ Davis Show (C) "Edge of Impact" "Jail breakers” VirgiiUa Graham 6:36 What’s New James Stewart. and CuUiane in legal mission "Saddle Tramp' ”60 (28-22-SO) 6.E . CoUege Bowl (48) The Dating Game (G) Robert Hutton and Mary :45 (3) Gnidlng Light (C) Repeat of 6:30 pm (26) FUm that leads to bizarre murder Irresponsible hoim becomes (C) 8:08 (40) The Newlywed Game (G Castle :55 (20-22-30)12-80) NewsN. (C) 7:66 Modera Supervisory Practice (22) At JOome With Kitty trial 1,000 feet beneath earth's unwilling guardian of four or- i:00 (3) News, Weather and 8:38 (3) My Three Sons (G) 1:45 (38) News and Sign Oft The Supervisor — the leader (86) Divorce Goart surface. hans. Joel McCrea, Wanda Sports (C) Fred MacMurray 2:48 (8) News, Moment ot Com­ of the team 446> The FagiUve (26-22-36) Bhb (or yonr Life g[endrix, Ed Begley. (20) Championship Bowling (20-22-30) Get Smart (G) fort and Onldeposts Repeat of 8:65 am and 4:00 pm 1:36 (3) As The World Taras (G) Beil Gazzara (C) 11:30 (20-22-36) Tbalght Show (G) (30) Let’s Go to the Baces (8-40) Lawrence Welk (G) 3:25 (3) Moment of Meditation and 7:36 Elliot Norton Bevlews (29-22-86) Let’s Make A Deal (8-46) With Love — Sophia Starring Johnny Carson 1:30 (3) CBS Saturday News with 9:00 (3) Hogan’s Heroes (G) Sign Oft 8:66 Greater Hartford Foram (G) (G) (840) Joey Bishop Show (C) Banking (8) I Love Lncy One-hour musical tour of ex­ 12:55 (3) News and Weather (G) PLANNING FOR 9:66 Antiques 2:66 (I) Love Is A Many Splead- citing habitats of Sophia Loren. Her guests are Marcel­ Moment of Meditation and 1968 ored Thlag (G) Sign OK ^ Repeat of Oct. 23, 8:30 pm (2652-36) Days Of Oar Lives lo Mastroianni, Jonathan Win­ RETIREMENT? " '9:S6 Tke Disscators (G> ters, Peter Seilers and featur­ 1:00 (8) News — Momeots of Gom- Daniel Watts (6-46) The Newlywed Game ing siiufiim voice of Tony Ben­ fort — Onldeposts 16:66 N.E.T. Jonraal (G) nett. Sopnla sings six songs (30) One O’Glock Beport — SUNDAY JO PROGRAM Enjoy family protection whil* Right of Privacy 2:36 (3) Art LInkletter’s Haase especially written for the pro­ Sign on Repeat of Oct. 23, 9:00 pm Party (G) gram. (40) News Headlines — US (26-n-36) The Doctors (G) 11:66(58-22-36) News, S p o rts Air Force Religions FUm and 7:30 (30) Agricnltnre on Parade "Green Bay at New York" (8-40) Sunday Night Movie you save for retirement (8-46) Dream Glri of ’67 (G) aad Weather (G) Sign o n (G) 7:45 (8) Sacred Heart (20) Frontiers of Faith (C) "Johnny Belinda''^ (C) Wednesday, October 25 3:66 (8) To TeU The Trath (G) 7:56 (3) Sign on and Prayer (22) Telesports Beplay Two-hour special TV adapta­ Call PM (29-2256) Another World (G) 8:00 (3) The Christophers (30) Sea Hunt tion of contemporary stage 6:66 Japan Today: (8-46) General Hospital .(8-30) This Is the Life 2:00 (20-22-30) Oakland Raiders vs classic stars Mia Farrow in STEREO A letter from Isabel 3:25 (2) News (G) A nthon y^ 8:15 (3) The Adventores of Gum- Boston Patriots (C) poignant drama of victimiz­ 6:39 What’s New 3:36 (3) The Dick Vaa Dyke Shew by (G) At Boston ed deaf-mute who lives in Q ulrlcl Repeat of 5:30 pm (G) (40) Uft Up Yonr Voices (G) (40) The Beatles strange world of silence. Co- 139 7:90 Modera Management Methods Networks Get Out the Ax 2:30 (40) Peter Potamns Changing Maiutgement Pat­ (29-22-36) Yon Don’t Say (G) 8:30 (8) Davey and Goliath (G) stars: Barry Sullivan, Ian M oon tain (8) Mr. Goober (G) (30) Boio the Clown (C) 3:00 (8) Off to see the Wlsaid (C) Bannen and David (^rradine. AND terns (40) Dark Shadows (G) 'vision—for four two-hour mervie 8:45 (8) Light Time "LIU" Part I. Musical ro­ 10:00 (3) Mission: Impossible (G) R oad Repeat of 8:55 and 4:00 pm 4:66 (3) The Baager Andy Show (Oontinued from Pa%e One) blocks captured spots in the (40) Dawn Bible Institute (C) mance. Leslie Caron with Mel Pemell Roberts plays presi­ 649-4830 7 :S9 Inadon Line (G) Ferrer, Jean Pierre Amount, 7:45 Variations on n Literary top-10 list. The other six shows 9:00 (3) Forest Rangers (C) dent of small countiy whose Theme (2952-36) The Match Game new late evening position. (8) Faith for Today (C) Zsa Zsa Gabor and Kurt Kasz- secret-police chief is plotting Y our (G) were old favorites—"The Lucy nar. Poignant and appeolUng his overthrow. Death There is talk of shifting (22) New Three Stooges (C) story of on Impressionable 8:60 International Magazine (46) Base tke Glown (G) Show,” “The Andy Griffith (SOI Cartoon Cotnps (C) (20-22-30) High Ghaparial (G) 9:66 Conversations 4:25 (26-22-36) News (C) around som e o f CBS's (H>medy 9:15 (40) Sacred Heart young French girl without Leif Erickson and Cameron 4:30 (3) Big 3 Theater. Show,” “Gomer Pyle,” “The home or friends who finds both Mjichelll. The Filibusteros” Peter Brook shows in salvage efforts. 9:30 (3) From The College Campus refuge and romance and the Metropolitan life 9:36 Beethoven Sonntas for Plano "Zero Hour” ’67. Veteran fly­ Dean Martin Show,” “ Bonanza” "St. Jos. College” (C) 11:00 (3-Z0r22-30-40) News — Sports A natnuunooMnurr er with emotional problem is All networks are stuck with magic wonders of camdval and Violin forced to take controls of air­ and “ The Ed Sullivan Show.” (8) The Christophers (C> puppet world. and Weather (G) 3S8 Bast Center St. Repeat of Oct. 23, 10:00 pm some faltering shows they (301 Uncle Waldo (G) (40) Linns the Llonhearted 11:15 (8) Festival of Hits (G) liner. Dana Andrews, Linda "Gentle Ben,” with a black (40) Insight (C) 4:00 (8) Sports Special (C) M anchester DarneU. would like to knock off early, 10:00 (3) Lamp onto my Feet "Affair At Ischia” COLOR Thorsday, October 26 (852) hDke Donglas Show bear for its star, was the high­ "Sportraits in Ebony" Tony Sailor and Eva Astor. (20) Harbonr Gommand but many of them' have firm (8) Dialogne (40) The Beagles (C) Devil-may-care adventurer en­ est rated new program—In 18th (22) Chalice of Salvation 4:30 (3) Biography I Travel Time (10) The FUntotoaes (G) commitments for 26 weeks— (30) King Leonardo counters excitement and ro­ Road to Adventure (401 MeHale’s Navy place. The "Carol , Burnett "Nikita Knurshchev” mance when he picks up a 0:4 ' (20) Dlscoveriag America practtcadly a full season—and (40) The Christophers (C) (29-22410) New York Jets vs former flame and together Repeat of Oct. 24, 6:00 pm Show” and “Ironside” were 21 10:30 (3) News Special (C) Miami Dolphins — at Miami— I What’s New (80) Gombat there is always the replacement "Masada" — A Struggle For they become involved In shady Our SPEEDY Specialty’ STANEK ELECTRONICS Repeat of 6:30 pm (40) The Fllatstoacs (G) and 22 respectively. This is a national game but business dealings of yacht sail­ 5:30 (20) Ladles Day problem . Freedom will be blacked in Miami. ing millionaire. '64 TRULY DELiaOUS Management by Objectives (8) Vidicon (C) (8) Gadabont Gaddis (C) 277 BRUAD STREET—PHONE 649-1124 Establishing Performance (40) Peter Jeaamgs Nows (G) ABC, unhappy about the way "International Zone" 11:17 (40) Feature 40 Criteria 6:00 (8-40) News — Sporto and BENNY SHOW The Flying Fisherman “Voodoo Island" “Off to see the Wizard” has (30) Catholic Ronr (40) Conversation With CHICKEN Repeat of 8:66 pm Weather (C Jack Benny’s only program (40) Faith (or Today (C) Boris Karloff, Nervyn Vye. SUMMER SCHEDULE—CLOSED SATURDAYS AT NOON I Making Things Grow (20) Lock - Up turned out will have to stay with 5:00 (3) Gnnsmoke (C) 11:00 (3< Camera Three (C) 11:30 (3) Movie Masterpiece Brown in 6 Minutes Dividing (22) Highlights the show for awhile, but already this 8eai8(m w ill b e tele'vised (8) Comments and People (8) Sunday Movie Itoectacnlar "The Last Wagon" '56. I French Chef Tom Oolton, host March 20 and will have Lu(fille Features on air pollution ef­ "Run Silent, Run Deep”» '58 [ Man on way to be hanged The world’s “finest eatin’ Vegetables for the birds ( l O l McBalcs Navy, Is playing down its title and forts in Connecticut and range Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster. Repeat of Oct. 23, 8:00 pm 6:05 (3) Sporto — News and WeaUi- Ball and Johnny Carson as Sub warfare off waters of tum.s hero when Indians at­ chicken” with incomparable playing up the film features that o[ careers In state employ­ tack wagon train. Richard taste. I Fonrtii Estate er (G) guests, NBC has announced. The ment will be seen. Japan revealing heroism cow­ Widmark, Felicia Farr, Nick I Sport ot the Week (40) Gombat will appear 'within its format. (22) All Star Golf (G) ardice and sense of respon­ Adams, Susan Kohner. College Football; Muhlenberg 6:25 (5) Stein Eriksen Show (G) new show will mark the third (SO) Sacrifice of the Mass sibility. (22) Notre Dame Football (G CAIX. IN ORDBB vs Lebanon Valley 6:86 (8) News with Walter Gron- CBS has an option on a new of Benny’s one-per-season pro­ (40) Bnllwlnkle (C) (40) Good Company Pick Up 10 Minutes Later IT DOES Make a Difference Where You Save! Ute (G) BriUdt-made series starring Pa­ 5:30 (40) Iron Horse Notre Dame at U of HI. gram s. 11:30 (3) University of Connecticut (30) Sunday Tonight Show (G) Friday, October 27 (8) Peter Jeaniags News (G> 6:00 (3) The 21st Century (C) Starring Johnny Carson (26) New Horisons trick M(K>oohan, late of “ Secret (8) Discovery (C) 6:30 (3) Bat Masterson (2 2 ^ ) Haatley -Brinkley Be Agent.” It may pull It out as an ■'Pirates and Sunken Treas­ (40) Post Time at the Baces Host to Vincent Price, Eddy DEGI’S DRIVE-IN I Japan Today RfWIN HOOD SHOW ure" Off Florida Keys a diver Arnold, Fannie Flagg and Bud 'A -ft A INSTANT port (G) emergency midseason replace­ 7100 (3) Lassie (C) and Cece Robinson. 462 CBNTBR ST.—643-2660 A Letter from Isabel 6:48 (26< News Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Noel works over the wreck of an (8-40) Voyage to Bottom of Repeat of OcL 25, 6:00 pm 7:66 (2) What to The World (G) ment. Jonathan Winters will old sailing ship hoping to find Sea (C) 12:50 (8) News — Moments of Com­ EARNINGS 6:36 m a t ’s New “ England" Harrison and Roddy McDowall many Million dollars worth of Crew of giant sub Seaview fort and Onldeposts SAVINGS Repeat of 5:30 pm (26; Haatley - Brinkley Be­ head a variety show to replace w ill star In an 90-minute mu­ silver and gold that still lies fight strange hallucinations 1:00 GW) Sign Off Beport —Sign Faseiaation ot Driftwood port (G) “ D undee." buried beneath sea. Also view and most powerful destructive I v OA l NI Uses of Driftwood —II (8) TwUlght Zone sical, "The Legend of Robin of an actual salvage operation force ever created. \ y / x % DivUend paid 7:36 Washington: Week in Be view "lOMM^rine" ABC, with more problem Hood” that NBC Is preparing for under water. 1:15 (40) News Headlines, US Air s O C T A T 1 O N The Dissenters (40) Discovery Discovers 7:30 (3) Gentle Ben (G) Force Bellgions Film and Sign RANGE and DRYER from day of d^osit. (26 36 46) News, Sporto and shows than the other two net­ this season. Fairbanks will play Dennis Weaver Daniel Watts Weather America Off (G) Repeat of Oct. 24, 9:30 pm works, cam fall back once again Prince Richard, Harrison Allan 11:46 (30) Sacred Heart Program (20-22^) Wait Disney’s Won- WIRING SERVICE v t M a s 4 times yearly. 7:36 (3) Lest In Space (G) derinl World of Golor (G) 1:30 (3) News and Weather — Mo­ Creative FerMB Guy WUUams and June Lock­ 12:00 (3) We Believe (C) ment ot Meditation — Sign Bismiilah Khan on the British-made “Aveng­ —A-Dale and McDowall Prince "Jewish” "Run, Appaloosa Run” Service Changes. Complete ■ AIICW66Tg>’ 6 6t966T rlWAlieiat IWSTITUTf, hart. An Indtaji girt recognizes Off (C) N.E.T. Flayhonse (26-2256) The VirglBiaB ers." It also has access to a new J(tim. (8) Optlonated Man qualities of greatness in new wiring Installattons in Old 1007 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER a ROUTE 31, CO'VENTBY The Tale of Oenji (846) Movie N l ^ Special science-fiction show, "Land of Author of new best-seller "Fall "The King and " (C) of Japan" William Craig is colt but tribal policy demands and New Homes and Busi­ 1 Giants,” and a new action- that she sell him. nesses. Yul Brynner and Deboiah guest. 8:00 (3) Ed Sullivan Show (G) Kerr. Brnm er won on "(Js- adventure series, “Magnificent (20) The Christophers car” as Best Actor for his WILTOirS SSS'p (22) Championship Bowling Guests: Lovin' Spoonful, vocal T h ief.” and Instrumental group, Rich­ Why Electric Heat Installations. portrayal as the stroog-wUled (C) fi •64 Main S t, Mandweter (30) Bing Aronnd the World ard Pryor, comedian. TURNPIKE Kuig of Siam whose desire National Nielsen ratings made (40) Addams Family (8-40) The F.B.I. for western culture for his public Wednesday and (x>vering "By Force and Violence” chUdren clashes with bis auto­ 12:16 (20) Living Word (Continued from Pag« One) MANCHESTER cratic ways. the first week in October once HUMMEL 12:25 (30) Focus Part I. Efrem Zimbalist Jr., TEXACO Dave Spiers has son of form­ 8:86 (8 )Beveriy HUIMUIes (G) again show that televised mov-, 12:30' (3) Face the Nation (G) Sophia" with, among others, Open 24 Homs A Day ' ' 9:88 (8)- Oreea Acres (0) FIGURINES (8) Way Out er prison pal kidnapped to ies are the hottest things in tele- (20) Insight force him to engineer multi­ Marcello Mastroianni, 10 to 11 OLDSMOBILES Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor. million dollar robbery. (285258) Kraft Mosic HaU (30) Jewish Life p.m . "Your OMsmobi* Dcohr" Firestone Tires (G) (40) African Patrol 8:30 (20-22-30) The Mothers-In-Law "Hie FhyUis XHMer Itoppen- t2:45 (30) Weekend Eve''Arden and Kaye Ballard. Thursday: "It’s the Great AUTOMLA'nC 12:55 (30) Washington Beport 9:00 (3) Smothers Brothers Gom- Quality Line Products ing'’ Phynis OUler is hostess Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” 7:30 to w im y and Cher, Mike Doug­ ATLANTIG FURNACE OIL DELIVERY ^n. A.A. Ribicoff edjr Hour (G) 512 WEST CENTER ST. - 64S-1511 las, H u ^ Masekela and spec­ 1:00 (3) NFL Today (C) Guests: Kate Smith, singer to 8 p.m.. . ."The Don Knotts Gen. Repairers License ial guest Bob Hope. Interviews. News and features and Simon and Gartunkel, vo­ Special” 8 to 9 p.m. on CBS. 9:86 (8) He aad She (G) 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE--«49-3701 (20-22-30) Meet the Press (C) cal and instrumental group. WILSON Paula Prentiss, Richard Ben­ (8) Yale Football Highlights (20-22-30) Bonaasa (G) Friday: "John Davidson at Comer Broad and jamin and Jack CassUy. Julie *Vale vs Columbia Lome Greene. "False Wit­ Notre Dame” with folk singer ELECTRICAL CO. Sommers guest stars. 51 BISSELL ST. I (40) American Bandstand . ness". Little Joe, Hoss .Can­ Residentlal-Comm.-lnd. Middle TlAe. West|Yes dy and young woman become Judy C ollins” 10-11 p.m . on NEW or USED 16:88 (8) Daadee aad the Galhaac 1:30 (8) Notre Dame Football (G) 649-4817 — 643-1388 Phone 643-217(176 (G) LT. WOOD CO. Phone 643-1129 Notre Dame at U ot III. targets for outlaws after they Guest star Ralph Meeker (3) NFL Game (C) witness a fatal shooting. ABC. . ,

. .. W. V A-

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B y T H E i •"Israel's i In bitter o d a y and E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHEST^. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 th ey expe nine” to a o f an Isra m a y have TH U R SD A Y JO PROGRAM first sea-to Isra e li ] Peter Jenninw Nwa is dectrocuted to ^ mvn E shk ol cal 1:1 I (S> Beat SeUer swimming p()ol Ironside dis­ Part m “The Mountain Road" (8-4«> News — Sports an^d covers that a aeries of num­ destroyer Weather , (M) Divorce Court 9:4 (3) Thursday Night M o v ^ launched (M) The Fnritive (30) McHales Navy "Critic's Choice" (C) 1:39 (S> As The World Torn^ (C> 6:05 (3) Sports — Nows and Weath­ Ckimedy concerns an Influen­ Bjgypt’s' C it 9 -t t ^ ) l « t ’s Mahe A Deal er tial New York drama criUc w arship v ncy (3) News with Walter Cnm- wife from writing a play. Bob 00 (3) lo v e Is A Many Splend- 6:30 Hope, LucUle Ball, Rip Tom, it. The e) ored Thing (C) 9:30 (20-22-30) Dragnet ’88 (C> M a rsh a l 1 (8-40) The Newlywed Game (22-30) HunUey-Brlnkley ^ (8-40) Peyton Place