4 Book of the Month BIBLE BOOK OF THE MONTH AMOS Lesson #2

AMOS -- Chapter 1 1. Amos prophesied during the reign of ______and ______. Two years before the ______.

2. What would happen when the Lord roared from Zion?

3. Why was Damascus to be punished?

4. What punishment would Gaza receive?

5. Why was punishment to be sent upon Tyrus?

6. Why would not God turn away the punishment fro ? 1:11f

7. As part of God’s punishment upon , what would be done with its king and princes? 1:13-15 2 Bible Book of the Month Amos -- Lesson 2 3

AMOS -- Chapter 2 1. Why did God plan to punish AMOS -- Chapter 3 ? 1. Would God allow the fact that Israel was his chosen and beloved family keep him from punishing their iniquities? 3:1f

2. What were some of the sins of Judah that were to bring punishment down upon them? 2. What main thing is necessary if two people are to walk together? 1)

2) 3. Was the Lord merely telling the people how to trap animals in vv. 4- 3. What were some of Israel’s sins? 2:6-8 8?

4. Where was God’s warning against his people to be published beside 4. What had God earlier done to the ? 2:9f (Numbers 21:24- in Israel? 26)

5. The remnant of Israel left behind after God’s judgment are described 5. Israel had done what to the Nazarites and God had raised by what figure in 3:12? up?

6. What would happen to the altars of and the fine houses of the rich? 6. What did God mean by the statement in verse 13?

7. How does God stress the certainty of punishment on Israel in vv. 14- 16?