The Most Rev. Richard F. Stika, D.D., Bishop The Very Rev. David Boettner, V.G., Rector May 19, 2013 Pentecost Sunday 711 S. Northshore Drive • Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 • (865) 588‐0249 • Solemnity of Pentecost • May 19, 2013 Readings for the Week of May 19, 2013 Sunday: Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 The community of Sacred Heart Cathedral welcomes you and we are delighted that you have joined us for Monday: Saint Bernardine of Siena, Priest Mass. If you would like to become a member of our Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93; Mk 9:14-29 parish community, you may register on our website at, or you may also pick up a Tuesday: Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, registration form at the parish offices, Monday through and Companions, Martyrs Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37; Mk 9:30-37 Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. For questions, feel free to call us at 865.588.0249. If you are just visiting Sacred Wednesday: Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious Heart Cathedral, know you are always welcome! Sir 4:11-19; Ps 119; Mk 9:38-40 Clergy of Sacred Heart Cathedral Thursday: Sir 5:1-8; Ps 1; Mk 9:41-50 Rev. Randy Stice,
[email protected] Friday: Sir 6:5-17; Ps 119; Mk 10:1-12 Diocesan Director of Worship & Liturgy Saturday: Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest and Doctor of the Rev.