YORKSHIRES PREMIER AVIATION SOCIETY 5A-DKN Antonov AN.124 of Lybian Air Cargo Pictured by Andrew Barker at Manchester International on 16/05009 while operating a United Nations charter. N449J Agusta A.109S of Jay Industries Inc. Pictured by Mike Storey at Coney Park on 16/04/09 This is a brand new aircraft replacing an A.109E which carried the same registration but is now in service with the RAF. C-GOGW BOMBARDIER CL-215-6B11 ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESSOURCES MUSKOKA, CANADA IAN MORTON www.airyorkshire.org.uk £2.50 OK-CED Airbus A.321-211 of CSA Pictured at Prague/Ruzyne International by Martin Zapletal The aircraft carries the EU logo which represents the Czech Republic Chairmanship of the E.U. Council. VOLUME 35 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2009 SOCIETY CONTACTS HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT Mike WILLINGALE AIR YORKSHIRE COMMITTEE 2008/2009 CHAIRMAN David SENIOR 23 Queens Drive, Carlton, WF3 3RQ tel: 0113 2821818 e-mail:
[email protected] SECRETARY Jim STANFIELD tel: 0113 258 9968 e-mail:
[email protected] TREASURER David VALENTINE 8 St Margaret’s Avenue Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RY tel: 0113 228 8143 Assistant Treasurer Pauline VALENTINE MEETINGS CO-ORDINATOR Alan SINFIELD tel: 01274 619679 e-mail:
[email protected] MAGAZINE EDITOR Trevor SMITH 97 Holt Farm Rise, Leeds LS16 7SB tel: 0113 267 8441 e-mail:
[email protected] VISITS ORGANISER Paul WINDSOR tel: 0113 250 4424 DINNER ORGANISER John DALE tel:01943 875 315 SECURITY Reynell PRESTON, Denis STENNING, Brian WRAY RECEPTION/REGISTRATION Jill MYERS/Jess MYERS VENUE LIAISON Geoff WARD Please note:- MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES should be made to David Senior(Chairman) EDITORIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION ENTRIES should be sent to the Editor Following my plea a couple of months ago, I would like to thank everyone who has sent in articles for Air Yorkshire Code of Conduct: a member should not commit any act which would bring publication.