Mason merchants offer YCl/uCJb(e prlzos f? shoppers next woo~ encl e' n g am MCJson iunlor class presents "Slrmrgu Th I h' COunty News Bom·clers" tonight oncl fr/cJay l'lrllety·t:rgluh lear- No, 15 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April II, 1957 4 Sections- 28 P.sgos ' Jealous Lover 9 Young-sters Lasf Time Shoots Rival At·a Nickel Supervisors Await Are Rescued For 10 YI'IU'!i the lng·ham County Nm\'H has been tJ·ylng From Ambush to hold tho lhm al fic1 I'm• news· From Squalor :slund sule~. 1\lalwrs of JllllH'l' and In!{ h11v" iwt C'OOJH•ruh~d. State Tax Board's El~hl f'iiilrlrcn arc In bonnllng ' ' Donald McMann, 2R, of Holt, Is Ne!Xl WCC!l{ t.lw single l'OJIY homPH, lh~ mntlwr Is in Unlvcr· In jail facing a murrler charge, lll'ic•c• wlll advtLnc·e to 7c•. llen,lamln Bennett, 2'1, nf Mason Hity hospital, a :J-months-old hahy Is dr•ad, shot from ambush, Miss Is in nnnther hospital, and the 'l'hls wel'i{ Is tlu• last time enrol Slllwy, 17, Lansing, Is In a slcp!athr!J' anrl 2 JWighhnrhood lli'OIIIIcl fC)I' IL nlclu•(, Assessment Figure Lansing hospital recovering from males are In Jail. Another man IH n sevcrPd artery In her· nl'ln. on the lam. Last scl'n, he was Ml'Mann, forrnel'ly of Mason, headed for Kent ucl CDllndl oozcrl into it, officers said. 022. Friday elate on· the assumption, pulice. In~~harn deputies went to The school hoard now operates llw McMann horne In Holt and He sucr·eecls Alfred Forclw, let's. Lymw, 9, is a third grader accepted the llir! of Braden Con· The familY had been pi·ovidcd On circuit judge the official rna· Supervisor Card Sflid, that the who was mayor for 2 years. and :l_{athy, 5, iS' in kindergarten. struclion of Lansing for building wltll J;:ood clothing and blankets jority of Sam Street Hughes over on a sch<;dulc which automatical· ordered McMann to come out. He r·ounty board would be in session ly jumps teacher's wages $100 or Richards started his seC"onrl Councilmen v o t d another 2,GOO lineal feet of curb and gut· hut the'· had received no care. Judge Theodore P. Ryan was 10,. did, without a struggle. He told c all the week. more each year of instruction up · · · ter on Kathcryn street. The Brn· J 701. The official totals were 25,- officers he hac! not intended to year on the couneil Monday mg 1Jl. change at the nrgamzal10na1 They we.. r" filll_Jy,_many. of them 494 foJ· tile v· cr and 1'1,793 foi' The meeting bel ween supc1 vi· don bid was $1.69 a lineal foot. 1 11111 to 10 years. From then on, under Lurl the girl or her escort, only He is office supervisor at Wyeth meeting. Nc Is !~err I by took over los.·secl mlo stmkmg [Jiles, Cap- JLtllge RvaJJ. scrs and the tax commission the board's plan, salary increases E. Lor:lnvonrl & Son submitted a J scare them. Laboratories Inr:. He is active in the duties as mayor pro tcm from lain Babcocl< smd. The youngsters V t t f p 'b't' rc•prcscntativcs is scheduled to are on a merit basis. 'The system As a boy, McMann lived east of the Mason Baptist church and has H.lcharrl Morris, who has held the bid of Sl.SO and Kutchins com· \\'ere also dirty and unl~crnpt, the , o es cas or ro 111 1 Ion can· start at 10 o'clock Friday mnl'll· begins in the seventh year io'r Mason nn Howell road. He served been Sunday school supcrlnten· job for 2 years. Morris ami Ferri· pany of Lansing bid $2.30. officer said, 1 drdatcs ranged between 375 and ing, non-degree teachers. with the U. S. army in Knrca and dent for the last 1 years. I by were the only 2 nomina tell Monday night marked the las: 1\Jrs. Doris 1\luclgctl, matron at 535. New Snpc•t·visors Sl'alc•d In addition to the salary in· was decorated for hio part In the The Rieharrls mover! here from Monday night. Fcrrihy won the meeting for Councilmen BPt':wrrl the detention home, corroborated James B. Mcintee, Bunker Hi!!, Tuesday was gcl·aCflllainted creases, the board will also hire aelion at Pork Chop hill. He had Belle Center, Ohio, fi years ag•' offlc~ with a 4'1. vote with the Carly and Clifforrl Walcott. the captain's statements. The 8 Mrs. Eleanor Smith of Lansing day or old-acquaintance day for 3 and maybe 4 teachers £or the !Jpcn employed on a Lansing when vVycl!.J Laboratories Irw., camlldatcs abstalmng. Neither was a candidate for l'C· !Joys and girls were thoroughly and Harry Spcnny of Mason 10 supervisors. Under· Lansing's proposed enlarged Cedar Street 011 freight dock closed out its subsidiary plant Before the reorganization or ~lcction. ·~aldng th.ei!· places sonkell and scrubbed at the de- make up the hoard of county can· new charter 5 new supervisors school. They will cont an addition­ Bennett was employed at Lan· there. He was head af'countant the council the old council the cnuncii are GI!son Pearsall IP.nlion. home before they were vassers. They completed their took their places. They were al estimated $16,000, sing Oldsmohile. Mrs. Glenn Ben· ------,.----- •,'mrl ~be Cohn. C1ty Attomey ·outfitte~, wlth clean clothing .and work Friday; Yl'iunger has taken Joseph F. Lavey, city uttorney; The board signed ft contract for nett and the Silkey girl are sis· Howar_d McCowan gm•e the oath a~signed to hoarding homes. liis seat in the state senate. The Robert E. Sanderson, city cornp· &rchitcetual servicas with Stan· t(•rs. Bennett went to Ills brotll· Rura·l Bible Mission ~work of office to the newcomers _and The baby was in such critical \'ictory of Hughes has not yet 11 ollcr; Lester N. Pressley, as· ert, Pratt, Bulthuis, Sprau & cr's house Sunday afternoon and to ex-mayor Forche, who gamed condition that he was tally pick a ·successor at the next the stepfather and 2 other men and borrowing on 1958 taxes, Besides the parents, he is sur­ White Oak, James McClure of vived by 5 brothers, Glenn and school board members cm·bed his Iheard him in action at the school. meeting. to jail. Supt. James II. Vander Ven said. activities Thtrrsclay night when Many youngsters loa!< .forward Aids Ob'servers Meridian and Dorr Eckhart of Earl, Lansing; Dean, Nashville; Prior to handing over the may· Captain Babcock reported that Aurelius, winners of township they learned of a protest of Mrs. to his visits, he said. or's gavel to Richards, Forche ex· Mrs. Margaret Forgoine, a juve. Francis, Webberville; and Carl· Pilots of hostile pia nes will be battles, took their seats, as did Clare LoU over the preaeher'$ Jll'essed his appreciation to th2 nile caseworker, was appnlled at ton, serving in the navy; and a Vander Ven explained Rev. more easily detected at Mason, Millon J. Stc!Tes of Williamston. presence at school during school council aml city employes for l11e conditions she found when sister, Mrs. Effie' Lambert of Brooks has a regular route in Civil defense installed a sound de· He was elected to the Williams· Accused Slayer hours. their cooperatinn during the pasr she visited the hovel and Shaftsburg. . which he visits many of the rtmil ta!l<;e~l teclor Tuesday. The delectm· is ton city council April 1 and was Supt. .James Vnnrler Vcn sale! 2 years. with the children. Services will be at Gorsline· schools in the Mason system. He in the ground observer corps chosen mayor Monday night. As Rtmciman in Lansing Frida)' that Mrs. Lolt had demanded added that this is the first com· Walcott threw some praise in tower at Cedar Street school. Will Face Trial Brooks' ouster from Douglas mayor he sttcceecls K. G. Brown fo1·enoon at 10 o'cloc!<;, with plaint he has received about the Forchc's direction before he went Manuel Vasquez, 29, Leslie, Is school because oi the time he New Inhalator Arrives With doors· of the tower closed, on the county board. burial in Glendale cemetery, Olridgc, was Baptist church will officiate. The board ruled Rev. Brooks for the city and for the council calls was received at tile sheriff's and jets, reported Mrs. Reva San· charged with the murder of his cific creed. ·he past 2 years. seated for the clay in place of should refrain from visiting n!'ficc TucRclay, It has dual units born, chief observer. With the Supervisor Alva Cronl

··~ ',; .. Sycamore PTA meeting. 'A .fifmj and !rimily Qn ",\· way ... Mi.nute "Safe As You 'l'hlnk," was shown. from a soutl1ern vncatto·n. 1.; .:,g~~fs.llincfspree 9n o~Mr history- Ground The second grade room won the Lois Bnrndoller of Wayne was at ten dance banner, and !lrst grade •also a guest. The Krafts i!Xpect ~nd you•re the wanner! s·teak mothers Wl!re ho~tesscs. their eldi!st daughter, Carol, 10 for ·Beef None Finer !tome -!rom Whenton college, FOODS Club Is Orp;nnlzecl Wheaton, Illinois, this WC!ek en!l Starts Monday - Continues Through May IS The Future Nurses club or Holt More than 100 fathers and sons Come in and Save During Our Big 99c high school has recently organ- attended the Congrogationnl fa· ized with Laurn Stuart ns prcsl· ·ther-nncl-scn banquet. at Fellow­ dent;· Marilyn Bartlett, vice· ship hall. Wecfnesclay, May 8, is presid,i!nt; Carol Mills, seeretary; the dntl! for the mothet· anrl MILKI . and ·Joan. Cornelius, trensumr; daughter bnnquet in F'eflowship ami Miss Eleanor McCarthy, hall. 112 Gallon sponsor. LAWRENCE WELK COJlN , "'"~•umu•~ nave Jlteetill!l' Weat/ler Ca.r~on v · ·Holt · I\iwnnfans ·met Tuesday Butter evening at Holt Bakery and Grill. hO·.ot· not to be, pM· .· 303 Site 99·c l The program was f~rnisherl l1y pie arc beginning to' wonder. The, I . 7. Cans · the chm·ch committee. Hev, Ver­ weather of the past few weeflilnleers ill ilns lwcomc urgent, Ingham 1111· tension office nnrl circuli. cou1·t. til!l report set forth. ~erv<• In t'll~l' of dlsast er. trninlng hi Northern Illinois , College of Optometry. pervlsors Jenmcd Tuosday. A I'C· Necderl. at Mnsoq for rcconl i\faJ'I' Study tn conw l'ollco Chief llnrry Clwnrller, port or tile slceJ'Ing eommlttcc stornge alone Is 5,000 squam feet, WhPn Supi'J'Vlsor Pntrlnrciw who Is 11lso dvil rlefcnss in flrsl nid. the family attends ihc Method­ ist church. quarler·s for tlw civil defense of· grounds. The building at Holt sing':; C'lly hall Is 1wnrlng PO.Ill· OIIH!I'K, srs will he All pupils from outside the rlls· considered. Is nccdcd Jor the judge of Jll'rl· he ~Inter!. Ire ('allcrl the prlee starlrorl wilhin n row rlnys, CIHtiHI· Wind at Riga Anderfion & Sons, Inc. liquid i'et'tilizer plant at Riga in Lena­ lrlct who are now enrollcrl nt The steering commlttc~c was hate, county clct·l<, friend of rcnsonahle, yielding a savings to lc•t· s:tlri. Cost Andersons wee county. The building was leveled and some of the fit­ Haslett will be pr.rmlltcrl to con· authorized to continue Its s1udy court, vetemns counseling eentcJ', taxpayers. 'l'lwrr. arc 4ul[ puhllc Mason's grounrl observer sl.l· tings to the big tanks were t wistecl off. There were also losses llnue through gmduatlon. of building needs. Tile commit teo prosecutor, circuit: murl nnd pm·idng spac·es available within a Copies of the resolution, adopt· of stJperviHDJ's will meet with a hcalth department. Thc lJOnrd of hlocl1 and a lwlf of the bullciln~, tioi1 Is linlwd in a rarllo nl'lworl< of liquid fertilizer which is lwpt under pressu_re.. . will1 dvii rlr•fr!nse cenlers in nll1er About $40,000 eel unanimously by the HasleLL comn'llttee of the Lansing city social welfare hns room enough Hicks said. pnrls of the ('Ollnty anrl with the The building was Jess than 3 years old. It was 64~114. Los~ Lo the bwichngs w~s esti­ board, were scnt to school boards council within n few dnys to dis- for the present, the commllice l'C· 'I'he slcerln~ committee, how- 1 lJ. !'i. wealher htil'l'llll in East mated at ~25,000. The Andcrsons, whose home base JR ~t DanRVll_le, ha~c been. wol'lung the cuss joint building plans. porter. ever, c·allcrl the Mrmtgomr.r·y Lnnsing. clock ai'Ound at Riga to clean up the debds ar;d ~et baek m operatwn. 1J1ey Will be able to of the Marble, Carl, Branch, Hnr· Committee ContlmwM Study Prcllmlnary studies of thr. Ward building- inadequntc for supply liquid fertilizer fi'Om the Riga plant w1tilm a few clays .. Tile Ande1·sons have an an- mon, Hart, Shaftsburg, Olwmos On the stecrlng committee of steering committee poinlerl to the eount;• needs. and Corcoran districts. the former hoard were Supervi· responsibility of the city of l"an· If :i new jail Is !milt nt Mason, hydrous ammonia station at Eden. . . , . . ,•. sors C. G. Carr! and .John M. Pat- sing to provide fot' the circuit the prescni jail could be used Jor Windstorm losses at Riga were covered by a policy ll1 the Mm yland Casudlty Co., Wilt­ Haslett has accepted no outside rlarchc, East Lansing; Max E. court. 'The county elcrk's brunciJ cnunly oflire[;, mc•mbcrs of the Ro!lin Dart Heads ten through the Dart Insurance Agency at Mason. pupils for the sixth and seventh Murninghan, Lnnslng; Dean 'fay. office should be housed nearby, stccl'in~ rommillel'1 said. grades In 3 years, saicl H. M. lor, Mason; and Berton L. John· .supervisors said. 'J'iw l\'lir·IJigan Mutual building Cancer Fund Drive • Murphy, school superintendent·. son, Wheatfield. Johnson was not Other offices fot· the county on North Cnpitnl has also been . H. hi d S ervtcemen Prcsently there are only 43 out- a candidate for re-election. The hcnllh clcpartment, friend of the eonsirlercd by the stec•:·tng com. Hollin Dar I, chairman of tile side pupils In the· district, 33 in others returned. They will con- court, probate courl, vctcrnns miller'. Aequis!Unn oLthat huild· Aml'l'i('an Cancer Society funds Mason Stops lg an ers S(.ln,votf. MWI~.~~.~tallmtl .wlt.'s.AWnc.leLr.soAnn,cl2e2r··' hiTghl•:cphool~JclyanwdalsO,"Idnoplhleellg, rSatdiPcst.· tlnuc to serve until committees counseling center anri prosecutor In~ would cn~l. Uw Potmly a rent­ rlrive in Mason Ibis year, is urg­ ' 1r ~ " for uie 11ew board arc appointed could well bc estnhllslwd a! the a! of $:1.20 per squa rc foot, ac. ing lirwncial a>sistance lu fight • d son, 321 W. Washln[!ton St., Murphy explained, to malw room In Mny. Chest Hospital Bile, the eommil· cording 1o the t·epnt'l, while the wlml lw rleelares is one of tlw s ~~on Greenville, recently completed 8 for the Haslett district's own At Muson, the reporl disclosed, tee reported. highesl renin! nnw· paid by tho worsl diseases slill not unllcr T0 0Pen DIamon ea ~ weeks of basic combat training pupils. Suburban development in more room is needed for the coun- Some immediate storage spael' counly in pt·lvate hullcilngs Is Jf,f'diml cnntml. Dart said n drive with the 9th Infantry Division at the area has been rapid, l~e said, ty surveyor, dmin commissioner, could be miulc available at Mason $3.Hi. wnulrl be condu('led in 1lte husi· Mason opened the baseball se~­ sixth inning Mason broke loose Fort Carson, Colo. Anderson and school enrollments arc climb· _judge of probal ndvanced Highlanders bnck to the hcnch Mollsen, a mechanic, entered the going a bath and shampoo before ltimsetr otlt of danger. In the Mn· with strilr!, pmsirleri rl\'1'1' the llll'l'ling. Com· c ~ l,, ~ ;: jj : : : ! ~' ·• ;, ,; '•·' ./ Ilwmwr 11s r•o·C'Ilil inn an. Tld of Mr!i. it11ilr>l'l J.r•,·hlilrwr, Anita Ferguson, yo Ull g e s I S, Hl:lli, All l'ilC! 'nllrndanls of Ihe I I j', l'Ccrmtiy rutumeri from Finricia, :l20H llliliror ronrl, Lansing. ,, ~ramidnughler of tile Fergusrms, a weddings :10 yeiii'K ago are still 'I Jrcfiidml at lire f.(lll~sl rl'gisler. living. r,:::: ::: : ~i- I

II I la1nes Ilelmkers Celebrate I ,, !· I I Easter . ,, 50th WetJ,ding Anniversary ' I ~ I , .. Mr. anti lllrs. ,Jamf's llc!lmlwr I roll, J~erTil'n !';prings, Lansing, . Fashions of Holt l'C'e<'ived r·ongralulatlons I low~· II. r.rand Lc:clg<•, i•'owlel'l'illn

; I •' ;mri he,;! wisllPs from mnl'f' !Iran and Ifoll. !. ' 200 friPnds nnrl rPinliws at 1111 Thf! IHI!Hll'l'ri COli pi I' l'l'l'l'll'l'ci open house Sunday, in observancn L! muny gifts, Mrs. Ueiml\t•r was Dresses n[ their Glllh wt•ciriing nn11iVl'l'· pr'!sented with an on·illrl eor~;a,:c• sary. The party was given in llolt fmm 11 gmndson, L:tWI'Pilr'<•lTI•!m By Br.lty B,,ct,,y Mel!1odisl ehurch social hall. l'cr of Grand Lr·rl,~r·. Alwtltf'l' Hosts at the optm housr• wen: gr11ndson, Louis ll!!llllkl'l' of l loll. Sizo• 7-15 the coupit•'s sons and rlnughlr•rs· tPillit•rl till' pltnnngl'i'Jlil, whid1 Drcssos b'l Forovcr Youncorated cal;r> BETI! HONO]{fo:D io ,, crippled children's fund. The hal's will be worn in Mu$on as well as in neighboring towns. wcriciin~ [\AUFI~I\'JAN misses dross sizes I0 to 2b. Slimming style with clasl·icizcd mar. ll ,· :: flanked hy c·anriclabra eenler·cll Mr. and Mr•s. Hcuilcn Kauff1111111 li •." girls tackled tf1e hats as a community project. Malcrial was furnished by the Easter Seal So­ •he serving tublc. Miss BPrniro entertained at dinner Turosr!ll)' q•JiscHe front panel, satin elastic back panel. Side zipper. I i.1 $12.50. t 'l ,J:: cid'f. In th" picture ar·e Judy Strayer, Harriet Himhaw, Elilinc YanStcelan'd, Judy Emens, Nancy Dell of !"lint. nicl'!' of liw HPim· evening honoring ihc first hirlll· I I,. Ji' • Bray, Bonnie Lenon, Loretta Craddock and Virginia EvcreH. (Ingham County News photo.) lwrs, nnri Mrs. ~Clare Hclmkf'i' day anniversary of their rlau,~h· BERI

··- uscrl mngilzines uwiur· I'111g com ·res. 1 '1'1 w s! U< 1cnt counc1·1 w1'II . b e ·111 were mounted em n hcnrl-shapr>rl Some of tile midway }~i\, * Corsages- Buds Mr. and Mrs. Hobert J. Mmirc Coterie met with Mrs. Clarence Inexpensive, Yet So Right for Ea5ter Giving! Eifert Monriay evening. The and family left for North Dakota + New Slide Projectors + New Leica Cameras .· .::(~:~.~j.) f\l;otip played perlro during the lo spenrl lhe summer. Mr. Moore evening with prizes going to Mrs. is Mrs. Carol Herrguth's nephew. "'" j + New Rollei Cameras + New Black and White Film •""..l. .. ,'' .Jamr.R Hulett and Mrs. C. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jncohs Ask fer Bcehe. Mri'. Jay Coffey won tli'e entertainer] nt n family dinner wl1itc elephant and Mr~. Walter Sunday in honor of Mrs . .Jacobs' + New Tape R~corders + New Viewmaster Reels Miehsgcm·Grows1 Giclner was awarded the guest mother, Mrs. Florence Peek, who priz.e. Mrs. Burnett Coffey of 1 Flowers Holt was a guest at the meeting. ~~~~e}~er~~~~~~~;~~~ d<~i~~t ~rs-l~: + New Japanese Cameras + New Stereo Viewers Mrs. Eifert served gingerbread law. and their families, ,Mr. imci and whipped cream, tea and c,of· Mrs. Maurice Peck and children + New Binoculars + New Screens Iee. of Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs.·Mur· ray Peek nnd children of Farm­ Garth A. Richey, freshman, son ington and Mr. and Mrs. William + New· Argus Lens + New Personal Movie Cameras Reiy on Yo~r of Gleim Richey, Mason, was re· Peel;; and family. ccntly plbdgerl to the Tau Kappa Mrs. A. V. Smith attehded the + New Gadget Bags Epsilon fratemity at Albion col· convention of the Michignn Feel· New Tripods Jer,c. eration of Music Clubs in Kala· Mrs. I:fenry .Jessop of 'Royal mazoo from Thursday till Satm· + New Color Processing .FLORISTS\' . Oal; spent Wednesday at the Law. day. She was a delegate from the renee Parker home. Stanley Par·k· Lansing Matinee Musicale. + New Travel. Slides Area cr left Tuesclny to spend a few Walter C. Hinl wit!} . Mrs. !Pngth of the tnhlc. Calws shnperi on Sunday, April 7. 'l'he Weavers Mrs. Cnriyic Waltz 1yas rrogram Mason Phone OR 7-6131 M1·s. Zola 13ashrorri D:u·l and tho Ma:·vin Lott. Mrs. Delmar Kram· Farewell Party IIJ(c Enstcr baslwts were served have named t hci r cia ugh ter Mar· ehalrmnn. . TIH! program ine!urh•rl se!r.l'· 1ievolinna!s by Mrs C. N. Smith. cr is !.he co-hostess. Prcpnrntion~ with 'ten nnd coffee. . thn Shlrccn, Mrs. Ailwr·t Iiurnpill·c:y will will he discusser! for the mother'· Fetes Burgesses Mrs .. Raymond Nnrton, pro· lions hy lim MPiio·Dears from I, ALL SHOO!< UP- E. Presley- RCA On Mondny, April 8, a daughter opl'n her hnnw In momhr:rs of anri-rlaughlcr hnnquet, Tuesday, Mr. am! Mrs. F'ioyr! Burgess gram chalrmnn, gave the lnvoca· Dansville, acenmpanicrl by Mrs. 2, LITTL~ DARLING - Diamonds- Mere. •.vns born to Mr. and Mrs. Vonn Dorn Diehl. Sally Thompson, .Till Clrele :J nl ~ p. m. Mm. ltilY LolL May 16. Devotionals nrc in were guesls of honor at a farr.· lion. Mrs, Russell Robbins nnd 3. COME GO WITH ME.- Dell Vikings- C'!Jt Ammerman· at Mason General Briggs, Sally Nrmer and Narlf',\' Mrs. El he! Urowno illlfi Mrs. l~ri Evnns plr.ycd Enstcr 4. ROUND A~ID ROUND-- P. Como- RCA mu~ic on their violins. Mrs. hospltnl. She hns hccn named W!ii supper at 7::10. Cards and A white cross, a white brarteh Lanslr,rg. 10. I'M WAITING JUST rDR YOU- P. Ooono- Dot ;•!lrl Mrs. Diehl. Frl'ri BurTrHIJ.:hs, Mrs. !Ucha!'ri Bible was presented lo the em· visiting IUI'Ilistwd the evening's ricpicting new life, ami a toy iumb Mr. nml Mrs. Leo Founlain arc II. ROCI{ A BILLY- G. Mitchell- Col. Aft~r the )Jror~I'illll, Mrs. Glen Mills, lvlrs. lvlinnit: 'l'horbllrn nnd press of ,Jnpnn. Devotionals arc c n t e r· t a In rn cnl. '!'he honol'ed formed the setting for devotions, parents of a daughter, Cynthia 12. 99 WAYS- T, Hunter - Dot ~:lwn!n, Mrs. !loy Cllrislenscn, Mrs. KPlllwlh llrnwn m·r: l'n·hm;l· In charge of Mrs. Edward Camp· guests were presenter! a purse of which were given by Mrs. Her·· Ann, bom Sunday, April 7, al 13. I'M WALI, assisted by her 1t. Lawrence hospital, ·Lansing. 14. BUTTERFLY-- C. Gracie- Cc1moo ...... ·-····--·---- wmth Brown and i'vl rs. Howarti The Burgesses lmve sold I heir, Mrs .. Dean Warner of The Fountains have a son, Billy, Smith served refreshments. 15. THE SHIP THAT HEYER SAILED- B. Vaughn- Dot farm on Wil!onghhy road anri Holt, Mrs. Don Todd of Onondaga 1111! a daughter, .Annetta. SHERIFF' -WIFE ENTER'r AIN Ill Oil t· 16. WHO NEEDS YOU- Four Lads- Col. 1.!1cy pian to move litis week enrl nnd Mrs. Arthur Canton of Stm· Stork Arrives Sheriff and Mrs. Willard Bnrnes flt•lrl. Tiley sang Eas1CJ• hymns. 17. BAD BOY- Jivebombo!·s- Savoy c·ntct·talnerl 46 supervisors nnrl I o the house they pmchnscd at I B. TOWERS TROT- D. Jacobs- Coral ,111 W..:st Maplr: street. A lllrsiness meeting conciu!lcri Jolly 12 Members f'flllllty oiTidals nl a perch rlinnet· I he day's aellvith:s. 19. ~!.UE ECHO- C. Aik:ns -·RCA 'I'L•esclay. Assisting Mrs. Barnes . ~· .. Pythians (-lave During Shower • • • Meet at Kerr Home 20. YES TONIGHT JOSEPHINE- J. Rc1y- Col. were Mrs. Roy Roilprt,~ of Olu~- 1 mns, Mt·s. Lawnmce Dflllson, 'l'lwsr!ay for X·l'RY I'X I ua Inner ning. She is granrl trustee nf · n[ Lansing received lirst prize, YOUNG LOVE-S. James- Cnp. or Dansville anrl Mrs. Glrnn !lice Torn Christensen, son of Mr. aminal.ions. She is expe~lerl to he 3. anrl Mrs. Roy Christensen, is In the ilospitnl for several days. Members of Alphn chnpter Michigan anrl district deputy 'Mrs. Mary Simms· won second, 4. WALKIHG AFTER MIDI·~IGHT- P. CLINE- Dec, While gJrc•sl:; gai!Jel'l'd at tlw l~ta spending his spring vacation from of Beta Sigma Phi sorority made grand chief. Mrs. Robert Robson, and low went to Mrs. William E. ' I'M TIRED,- W. Pierce- Dec. IH1111e of Mrs. Clare Slwwcnnar. 5, !he University of Michigan at his Richarrl Wilcox of Millville un· plans for their ritual dinner most excellent chief of the Mason B. Smil h. !I Irs. Simms also Willi 6. TOO MUCH - E. Prosley - RCA Jor the ocr·a~ Mr. and Mrs. Mason Green of Mary and Billy visited rciativ2s Mi~s Mary Lou Silnwerman. · ing the past wcei; were Mrs. on "The Connoisseur," ami Mrs. Holt anrl Mr. nncl Mrs. S. A. Mot'· in l' ami Beulah over ncr gue~t Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt and Mrs. Wallace Jim Brown spoke on the subject rison attended the industrial ex· the w~:ek cnri. Reno Mrtchcll. Bnrby of Leslie; Harold Miller of "Tonis ror the Art of Speech." ecutivc club dinner at the Oids In· Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dean ar·· Chesley Drug Store Mrs. Keesler Retires Mr. and Mr~. Walicr Carven !Williamston; Mrs. Fr· Dack Tl~c hostess, assisted by Mrs. dustrial building Thursday· evt:· rived home this weci< from Fori n:lurnccl to ti~etr home Thursday of Onondaga; Harold Gervin and Lavts, served refreshments. ning. Lauderdale, FIDrida. Mason Phone OR 7-6131 Mrs. Sylvin i\eesiPr, who hns nrght after wmtcring on the cast Connie and D 0 n n a F 1am me, '' " " worlwd nt I ill' Mid1igan depart· coast of Florida. '~hey had plea~· daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Walter SUPPER DATE CHANGED rnr•nl of lwailll f11r the past 13 nnt weather all wmter. On thcrr F'lamme, of L.ansing; and Mrs. The dale for the potluck supper Ingham County News Aprilll, 19.57 Page 5 )'t•ars, will relin• Frirl;1y. Two way h_orne . they encounte~cd William Muench, Herbert Howe, of the Methodist adult fellowship . hunrln•d employes of tile dep,art· storms 111 OhiO and. saw _extensive Mrs. Richard Bartlett, Mrs. Ron- has been changed to Wednesday, menl allenrlcd an O(H!ll house for damage there. TillS wrnter Mr. alrl Craft, Mrs. Donald Horton April 2'1, at 6:30, instead . of li'IJ'H, Kr.csler Tucsda"o and !ll'C· CHrvcn fiJS I1cc I f or Pea.I Stirn ~ at1d and Lois and Valerie Baumgras, t J1e prcvwusiy· announced date ;enter! lwr with a purse of money. not as 11 husmcss. He and Carl daughters· of Mrs. Barbara Baum· of April 17 .. The supper will !\Irs. 1\c!•siPI' resides al I 11. West Miller had owned a fishing boat gras, all of Mason. be in the social rooms of the SJTnmnre. ShP ;;aid {hat she tcgcther anc_i for several years Ersil Rohdy was transferred •;l~urch. Dr. a'nd Mrs. R. R. Rob· cl~>esn't have any special plans. had sold their catch o~ ti~e mar· from the Mnson hospital to a vet· brns and Mr. and Mrs. William ''' • * 1\pt. Mr. Carve~ !iOld hts mterest erans hospital at. Ann Arbor. Sc_hwar~waelder are 'on ttw com· I\Ir. anrl, Mrs. Jack Ca~anmrgh 1 m_the boat .to Ius partner an.d thi~ Phillip Yowaish, 9·month·old m1ttee. ol Lake George spent Saturday fished only for pleasure. son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Yow- • '' " night. with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mrs. Hazel Carrigan and daugh· aish, was taken to Sparow hos· Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dart re· lv~o.rnson. Tl1e Cavanaughs also tcrs, Laura and Sally Ann, of De· Jlitai, Lansing, from Mason Gcn· tumcd this week after spending Vtstlcd his ]larents, ]\1;" and Mrs. Witt visited Mrs. Clara J. era! hospital Wcclnesrlay. Mr. most of the winter at Fort Lau· L. D. Cavamugh, ~>! h.:slctt Sun· Whipple Sunday. Yowaish is employed at the A & p dcnlale, Florida. day, where a family dtnncr hpn· Mr. and Mrs. George Cham· store. Mrs. Joel Richert and children ore!! L. D. Cavnnnugh's birthl~ay r:a"nC and daughters of Lansing Glen Dunn, Jr., returned home of Denver, Colorado, are visiting anniversary. · visited Mr. ancl Mrs. Frnnk Wy- Monday after undergoing surgery her parents', Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. ami Mrs. Claude Laws and I the Sunday evening. Sunday din· on his nose at an Ann Arbor hos· W. Jewett. Dr. Reichert is attend· ·stock Up at George,'s Now! Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Tacrltey am!· ncr guests at the Wythe home pita!. He entered the hospital last 'ing a medical meeting in Boston. Lmda spr_•nt liJc week cnri with were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham· Thursday. He expects to be back He plans to join his family here tile Ivnn Wcthys of Traverse mond and childr·en of Flushing. at work in a few days. Saturday and they wlll return to City. Mrs. Oscar· Lee visited the Wy· Mrs. Lawrence Whiting is in their horne at Denver AprillS. ARMOUR'S Chunk or Sliced Mr. and Mrs. ::..ester Palmer I thes Monday morning. Mrs. Sparrow hospital for treatment Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kauffman spent the wcei' end in Detroit. Champagne, Mrs. Hammond and of infected tonsils. If her concii· and family entertained Mr. and While there they attm'Jdcd the. Mrs. Lee ·arc daughters of the lion improves she expects to un· Mrs. Emerson Shepard for dinner Horne Builders show. Wythes. . dergo a tonsillectomy Friday. Sunday. .lb 39c Mr. and Mrs. Mer! Greene of Lai-ge Bologna I-Inslett were dinner guests of Mrs. .Tames Hulett Saturday noon. The Grecnes were enroute home after spending the winter months at Bradenton, Fla. Mrs. Cut From Small Veal Legs Greene and Mrs. Hulett are sis· tcrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morrison · We know you'll love our new modern were climier guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Foley of St. Johns SteakorRoastSib store . , . new fixtures, new modern Veal 59c Sunday. ways of displaying the very latest in Dr. Donald Cail'lls and Dr. women's fashions! We have closed George Glint:on arc in Chicago the doors on our old shop and are this week to attend a medical Nabisco Lcn·ge Sh:e now. anxious to greet you in our new meeting of the American College Manor House of Surgeons conference. spacious showro11m at 344 South Jef­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender, DROP .SUN KIST NEW· fer~on avenue in Mason. We're ex­ .Timmy· and Carolyn spent the· Just 1n Time for ·Easter 1 cited about our modern-store fea- wee!' end at Lake George. Mrs. Ruth Bateman and Celeste COFFEE • Accessories tures. We knowyou will be, too! Christian spent Sunday with Mrs. COOKIES ORANGES· CABBAGE Bateman's daughter, Mrs. Don'na Reg. or D1·ip Glo•tes ... Hats ..• Costume Jewelry , , , MtF'ar!and, of Lansing. Lb Pkg. Dozen 2 Lb all timed br Easter wearing,· but possessing .Tim and Tom Clarl,, sons of Dr. the good taste for spring and summer accents and Mrs. William E. Clarl>, are as well. home for spring vacation from their studies at the University of 49c 49c 19c 99c Michigan. Mr. anrl Mrs. Clare'nce S!, llhonc Lanslnr,: J:D 1 c•utllng alfn!fn MtH. 11nn lltl!, Weer! Sptayl'rs l5wlp lng farm In the Ins! year. 'l'elr· I 7 77:1H or Wllh.unstnn WIF!i. ,. :JJ:i:i Okrmos t·onrl, phone Lnn· Dow SfirilY Mntl'rlal' -. ------195!i CIIEVROLET 210 •I c!nnt·. V· phone PR 2 GG!ll. Dir·ltse Leghorn Livestock 1 l!iw2p sing- ED 7·7RJ!J. 7wtf Fct ti!lzl'r Spr!'.trlet:-~ .TOliN DEEHT~ Mmlel B tractor, I 8• shift Nl!•e, r,u·m, Zeeland, Mtdtlgnn. BOYS' !-lUI'!' II o'.JilH' ll'lltn HI• ilman lltollH•ts ,lfld I'm o[ STHAW--:JO(} j ~~ ;f st;r~w, a5c• ·-- --.- .• ~------Klengnde Products 1!l~l, powertrol, l'Dllo·mailel fetlnr: it fnt only :j;JO Thr• still 1~ .. , 1111I A ·I· , . MR. FARMLit .. . . Nnlv l''fO l:lalr..t·•· with two-tow r·ulllvntor, power 19:il CIIEVROLRT Del Ray, Michigan Pet hulr · A so gt co gtaml Now is the Jtmr. to lop-dtrss ~ . ,, , lift. In good concl!l!on. 300 gallon sharp. EASTER BUNNIES -!nus just l!lw nPw .tnd wonld mnt(l• " wonderful l~.tstr'l nul ftt !<11 ) 11111' la.t.rrl ~!'rtl.'lz(•r W.tynr. Ilttmplon, your wltPat rnrnrtnws and pas-, Lomhnrcl Chnm fi,tws overhead fnlln gns tnn!t 4 sl.l!l sizes ancl colors, for sale. W7fi0 Arlificial Breeders Jh,!IJ I.!(• road, l'h.nne ture with- Cover Bnm rts for Most Plows milking pnt•lor·, complete. 12x•IO SPECIAL OJ<' TITE •vr·~E.!~ Churchill roatl, Rives .Junction. hoy Jt's Jlghl hlur•, SIZI' Iii, ollld IS L( II ~ TlJ !l --2'"1 1llv~ ' •c- • Pltone Hi1•es ,Juncl!on 2<1 F·21 l'ienncrl .IIlii tr tdy Ill WPIII Yott C / 'H ' • ' "''· _ _ • ' '' • , Lincoln Welders & Sllftplirs Smith silo, aluminum roof, nl· 1 ~ can't go 1\ rong Photu• J\1o~son {)Jt d 1 n B· 1ln() it'LY nlfalfn art 1 1!l:1 t PLYMOUTH Savo," 2 rlnot·. 15w2p' O·Op IIrA Y-- BaiN! C'IIIVC'I' hny, t:ic: hair.. LI qu I l~lmstone'Tjres IIi OS lkW. • ~ ' ' < ' ( _, 7·2111. l:iwl '101' I'll! I« f 11 1 1 M 1 l 11 r.7 • hwmr, •cvetnl hundred. L F, Loader! with economy ancl Sa\ NFW JIYLT-NE--1-;,3--1-- . ' • "' n ·~ Jlrc•r s, £'~~-~ Mts. !Lu'lilr !tor trrg-, .1 h F t'l' Chorelloy Mllltet· Pat·ts ings 'l'h s r' .11 ., • • ~ ~ ayrts gtvc li<'I'S lnrr•rl thr•tr rnws rot' $l.ILamb road phOil(' Milson Oil er ttzer Mnyrnth glevatnr Nir.rg.uth, •10_1!1 Dahle> roarl, Olte . . I ]liCe WI no 1 (lrt'mlt you even better perfotllllllCI' LP.Jlll hrtw ~·nu !':Ill hrmme a 7 OiHO. 15w2p 1 mos. 15w1 tlus f!ne_ ('ill' to he olV.tilallh' than pl't:!VIOUS IIy·Lht£! 100 serl£!s nu'mhrt·, Inn. Every dollar spent for proper Wagons & UnJo,Hlezs I .. - -- ·----·------long. $7!1 1 no. layers. For· plrmty ol Pggs nnr! BALED WIIRAT STRAW- Call fertilization wtll ll'turn nt lea~l King·WYFC Elevators C'RAWLRR TRACTOR - Wilh nne! excellent feed efi'lctency, or· .:· Charles E. Brown Sailll'rlays only. D.rvlrl C.· $3. Consult us about Roil testmg c u I II vat o I' Good condition 19ri4 BUICK Century !Iarrltnp, A der Jiy-Lin£! 123 chicks now ftom BOYS' SUITS-; wool gnh.u·· 1ty, 21192 Dietz tmtcl, phone Wtl· for spring fertilizer needs. Otu· USED EQUIPME:NT Tmde fm· Ford tractor or sell f01 h~nttty Gulliver's Tiatrhrry, En ton Hap· rlino nnrl one gr,t~ stz<' II Iii l'honl' Mason CJ!t 7 •lri:Jl illamston57!l,T. ' 14wp prices .tre c·ompctitive. 19">1 Olivm·:-18 $:i2:1. Phone Mason OR li 15R7. ids. J5w1 ExcPilent condttton, :l whtiP AMI HIC'i\N mu:J•:DI:rt loi\'t;,;- 2 yen!~ old~Goo;t-clual· Anderson Jo(hlrllitDive,"ctlr'l('l' II With loar!Pr and ])WI 19i:l CHEVROLET Club COU[l~. ------shirts ~izc 1:ll.l'"; otlso 2 Jl•lll' " Slanrlar·rt shift HOMWALTER LEGHORNS for rust and h!ege litwrl dt.tJH's, H2" srmvrc1: I' ity. l<'tt lor seed. Claude Co1mjl·, N H 11 1 B 1 FENCE - iOO feet of hen\y top egg pror!uC'!Ion plus l'arly and 37" long lHO!l N r:r·nr•sf't', lti'JI, HIO Snede South Eighth street, · doo: SloltHI,ud shtfl. COAT 1 Sl1rs ptovr•d In pmdm•e htgh HAY- Alfalfa hay fo1· sale, fltst 1 Gram Dl'lll /Lansing, phone LOc· per hale. Large 300 hales left. Milton Larsen, . ~nu lVer < ' - o, _. ) . _rw! olJlJH lite Of' s nne genu me G.:iii21. 1 :iw1 lite I'VI'I. ng, 1 o~ll anrl I'll mrni' hairs. Call Clarence M. holes, Mn· S!JG Columbia road, phone Mnson lf.i mile north of Mason on US·127 h~ICI!£e _:~ ~0~-----:~J~~ •rnucJ~s II~· Ltnc C'!ttl'!;s, Culltvcr's Hatch· YOUTH SUl'l' mcdnJJll ltgltl !J!Ltr, oitt !'.uly lhP nrxl motnlltg son OH 7·23G1, llrst farm sol~th!OR 7·59q-t lOwtfJ Phone OR·7·5971 r. ELEC'rPIC Ti'ENCER _ Al"•J " • cry, phone Enton Haplds 5381. 0[ Masotl on Ui"i·127BR, cast .std". ------·------~ l.Jiv1 - ' '' . ·• !!l-3 J'OltD s D llwlf smooth fintsll g.1h.u ritlll' Joil'lll'l, ~ b I 20 I II f I "' ' et 1olll c 1I \'Cl; I I ( o~ll of the old htJ,:hway. 15',\ 1 BALED JUNE CLOVER HAY, a Dll e ec· ·rc CJ~'f!. pos s sh,trp- ltg. ------I po~nls clnr 1 h uc IVJih light llrrlt. ------~ 250 wrre hales, nevct wet, llCll BULK MILK TAN!~-- Dar 1 I I~-~ I'I'Il IIAMI'S!IIRI'' •,- ' ' ' '· 14Wif· ------orAttreJJus16''4P tone 15V] dUIJl'Sllx28.MountedonF'Hl'lll AI R'JCe Ch• evroetJ egg 1Jy-Linc layers hold OVCL' l!'iwl' · Yf'.trllng Jio,u Russell II Lock, . ____ ·-· _ -~ ______·------_:_ _:_ -· -· ___ _'_ all F-20 wheels. Will sell lite:; goor! LPghorns. Shows high llv r)nll OH 7Rlll. 1 1wtf • HAY -- Baled alfnlfa, 40c. Also Available Now DuPONT explosives !ctynamiteJ alone or mounted, $25 each. Opc>n Friday NlghtB .lluilt). Pxc·ellent feerl eff1ctency BOYS' LIGIII' Glti\Y 2 Jlii', phone D,rnsvtiJp MA 19 _ ------5 Jl. m lo 7 P 111 , 8·5 Saturday~ 19 CHEVROLET for sale, new • ff 3 2fl72. l 'ill I 1 TWO IIAMPSITIHE YORKSITIRE AI~~~y;ll(t~~~~ntlw;~~d w~~~~ Mason Elevator. Co: 12 w:1p I Automot"•ve nc~,;~s~;~~s \\~;~~~ arrf;~~:'Fo.,. bl~1(, ;'t I Frmts- Food stu s GIRLS' CLOTHING Stzr:o 8 ld r·ross ~ows, rlue to fairo~v soon ducl>s, $l:i.OO per humlred Also ;econd car Thts ts a good piece' . Coat, ].tcl\l'l. r)l(•,srs hlousPs I 345 ~vtllt sPconrl lttlrr. L .w. Cheney, cludtllngs. Field and garden seeds W. Colum!Jia I of transportation. Also large [.'RESII HOLLS-.-f-1-ot-!rom thr Also womo~n's rlrr.~sc•,, stzr. Iii, 1 11 1 111 6 734 ~ mtlr•s ~v·;~~ ~ ~, ~ lc sou,th of and fertilizer and seed potatoes · --·- Pho~~~ .;; l!l!Jfi CHEVROLET-,-hh1-cJ~, B~l store safe for· sale End of i\l,t!ne oven. Order them lor your men's wool p.tnl~. size ~13fi. LPn 0 1 JACK .tson .t '-r · " ege roar 'l at 'l'om!insons, Phillip G6 Service! COHN SILAGE-Also baled al· A1rc spnrt coupe, slandmd Court on 1igl1t sid£! of street nnrties ot· JUSt plam good eating LaLonde, 390G llomcmnod L.111 _ t~l\'::' Innd Freel, Bolt. 14wtf falfa har. Maurice Oesterle, hansrntsston wtth powet· pac Phone Mason OR 7·68(,1, Valerie Brown, phone Mason OR smg, phone Lansmg TU 2 fil(i(, REGIS l'ERED Jlerrfmd Bull, 27 i~IELD·-SEEJiS--;;;:--;t(;;~liv~ 1220 Dietz nld(l, Wehber;;tlle, and rMlio, heater, oil filter, EZI, new 15wll6-ri528. 45wtf l:iwl· months olrl Jll'Oven stre, first pn'ces StJect'als·. DuPuit alfalfa, ll_lhone •16F13_.__ ---- 1;)\\'lp whitewn!l tires, plus.othet· extms BOYS' SUIT, stzP 15 1\lrs Lrslie 't'on Call r.· h r·rJ DUMP TRUCKS --1951, 1951 and DRESSED BEEF' - Half 01 plo~r•e J!Pt pfoJ'(] hull .tt Ingham $36·, brome grass, :>·17 fiO cwl. ·, La· BALED flAY' - Secon() CLtttt'nr,: E~xce II en I conel l t .tc• a Btuno, 341 E South, 1\!.t nr-r I l II ·I" Battlctt, Mason 7·6592. 1950 Chevtolets, 2ton, in good quarlerdtes~e Ztmmer 1oad, Wtl· 1!1!13 CHEVROLET 2-ton stake. I! actor, wide gauge. Phone Holt Onondaga, phone Onondaga LA Jenkins .mel Son, :l722 E Cava- 1vtlle. 14w2 liamston. 15w2p Sale 30,000 actual miles on truck and OX 9·2796. 11wlf 8-32•11. 15wl naugh roar! phone Lansmg ED,------· - - · ·-- - -- 7-7651 J5wl BALED HAY, flrst and second BALED STRAW-Also ear corn only l,OO(} on new molin, steel EGGS, fresh nnd !Jtg white eggs. House h0 ld G00 d S ------·--· cutting alfalfa ami btome; also Donald Jones, 1,~ mile east of bed, gram rack, excellent lUbber. Fred My.tll, 2 rntles east o! M<~ IJORSE -- Small blnck geld mg. baled .Tune clover hay. Allen Shaflsbut•g 011 Beard road. 15w1 booster bt altes. For sale bv own- son on Co Iumbra roacl, phone 1\lil ______. ____ real gent Jc [Ol clttlrh en Also I Frederick, 1 mtle south of Mason ------cr. Nem Jy $1,500 mto it. Woulrl son . ~ g \ on 7 6 7 151 1 SEWING MACHINES-· Convert blad~ wrstl'rn snrlrllr, m.u·tingalc, I on US·127, phone Mason OR IIAY - Fl!st and second cutting For every Jill there's a Jack take $1,1!lii P,nt! Mason, :l7H(} your treadle tnt,) an e!C'C'tric brielle anrl blanket. Wtll sell' 7·0111. lwtf alfnlfa. Ralph Guile, 4990 N. Dennis road, phon£! Webbervtllo EGGS, 35c per dozen B. V. Fruin, portable, $29.ri0 A II makes rc· evetythtng fot $200 See Sharon ---1 Oltemos road, East Lansing. We have the .Jtlls ami wnnt the 76-F-23. 11w2 2 miles east of Mason on Dans­ Lamphere at 721 w Center, Ma· Nitrogen I Phone Lansing ED 7-7830. _ . Jack ------~ .._____ · --- paired and servtcerl Also used villr JO,lr\, phone Ma~on ORchar cl port,tble machines for snle srm, ot· call on ti i701 cvclllngs lowlp 1955 BUICK Special, 4-doO\, hatd· 7 G883 15wl 2 Woorlnrd Si!wmg :\1ach111e St:!l'V· niter !i fl m __ 1 ~_11' 1 R r~s.~:~b~~-D~~t~~gnm BALED-1-IAY-Ftrst cutting~·!· New 16xl7 Fluteci·Feerl Grain top, Dynaflow, heater ancit·adio, ice, phone Ilolt OX 9 2215, •1665 17 HAMPSI1IH8 EWES, Hiarlmg I Phone Ln!Jslng ED 7·7279 falfn and first und second cut- Drill, clouble poWerllft, foot· White wall ttrcs. Howatd Pontm~. Dress Up Kt en tal Ave , ITo lt 33wlf to l,unb, and one ram, some ting clover. Also baled wheat bonrds, grass seeder j M,1son, phone OR 7·1801 · 15w l for Easter AiAY-;AG LAUNDHY registered. Phone Lanslllg ED Cook straw. E. J. Benne, southwest Nepwull2·try·opwe Corn Planter, tractor 11954 c.IIE.V_ROLET Bel Aire ,1;. Trailers I c_~ulp~cn~ 7-749fi. J5w1 corner of Cavanaugh and Okemos lN A 1937 FORD sales .tnd SCI Vl~c Stlsby Itn· ------N't 0 n 5 . tonds, Lansing phone ED 7·7372. New 200·TW Manure Spreader . doOJ, t!tes, etc. In g?ocl cone!.· We have a well h.tlancecl stock SEI: THE NEW ~LASTI~ plement Co,:: Slate olrcct, Mnson, REGIS'I'EB.ED !Iampslllt'e Boar I r ge erVJCe 15w2 on rubber ' tt~n, for a r_;asonable prtce. P2lotw 101 your ~electwn. Tu:lots, !~or- Champion trailer homes. Out·! phon_:~ 0~ -~·0_1~11 __ _ __9w!f and haled h.ty. Richard Ells· AL COOK New Platform Lrfts for Fnst Muson OR r-4093. l;:,wlp dol's, Hardtops, Statton Wag· slandmg a wonder· BABY 'I'ENDA CHAIR _ Metal: worth, 199G Kane mac!, 7 miles 2186 E. Cavanaugh SEED OATS-- 500 bushels Obeg- 1titch I bcautie~ Als~ northeast of Stocl\bi'IC!ge. Phone Route 4, Mason weit seed oats, germination Used F-14 Tractor, $135. Will run 1955 CHEVROLET-Want a buy· ons. ALSO ful lm~ of. Vv .lttman ~ renowe!l, Mrs. Wal!'en Thompson, JtJ07 Stockbriclge UL 1·4365. l5wlp 14wtf tested. Frank Launsteln, first Used Papee Hammer Mill with er for 1955 ChevJ•olct 210 Del­ Late Model Fords, Chcvrolets, used, trallt:!rs. Buy ftom. Wht,t· S. J,lcltson road, Dansville Plwnc _,______·---- _ farm south of Hawley school, 50·ft. Belt, $125 ray, $1,475. Phone Leslie JU Pontlacs. Cars ,\nd Statton !nan s and be sure. Whrtman s Dansville MA 3·38:i!). 15w I 9 2264. 1!iw2p rrmler Sales, one mtle east of ______RECJISTERED Yorkshtrc Boar, 2 ALFALFA HAY, first and second 'phone Mason OR 7·7673. " John Deere 2.battom, 14-lnch ' years olrl. Wayne Bullen, phone cutting. Will deliver. Butler 1;)wlp Tractor Plow for remote con· Wagons East Lansing on US·16. Phone WALNUT DINING TABLE wrth 'I tsott OJ' ~ 'l2"6 1"w1 Bros., phone Mason OR 7-1786. 1956 FORD Fairlanc town sedan, PLUS Lansing ED 2-1817. Swti' pad, and !Juftct, $?.0 E·,·t·-J 1 11 Earlier Models m Good Condttton. ------• " '. ' ' ~-----__:'- lwtf JUNE CLOVER SEED. Also siz~ trol, $165 r.: radio, heater, Porclomatic. Priced to Move Nichols, cornet of Ntchols and PONIE~- \\'r•lsh gclclmg srottetl, - 14 pink party dress, and other Grain.. prm, is, $:>0 . Phone Mason OR 6·5704. 15wl ?s IIURRY 1953 I·JOUSE TRAILER - 3-pc. Onondaga road~. phone Mason t'Pal gentle for any chtlrl; al~o .TUNE C'LOVi~R HAY - 2,000 arllcles in clothing. Burton Cof-1 No .. 6~ Intemationnl Combme hath, one bedroom. Excellent OR 7 3 ~~ 1 F Chotec Selection · 2!12. 1•1wlf n. Shrti,Jt r1 pony Qum lcr horsr., 1 b~les In good condition. Claude fee, 1673 s. Tuttle road, Mason, Wlth engine and ~.cour cl~aner FORD - 1955, Victoria hardtop, •or a eondtlton, $700 takes my equity. ___ ------mute and gclrlmg Will ttmle. 'l't•ro ISmtth, Rol!te 2, Box 2, Leslie. phone OR 7.a165. 15w1 New Hollnnd PTO F!Cld Har V 8, Forclmnattc, ra!lto, heater, Balance on easy bank terms. A. BEDROOM SUITE-3-piecc wnl· Johnstone,, The lMrn 15 .tt 211:10 Phone Leslre JU 9-8211. 5wtf 1 . ---~ vester with hay and corn white walls and other extra~. A. Ewers, 714 E. Race St., Leslie. nut becll•oorn SllllP, bed, vanity Roy Christensen Eo~st Stntc road. Phone Lansing,.------f T I heads, $750 Sharp black and white 2·tone 12wtf and chest, inclmling mattress <~nrl Sncriftce for quiclt sale. Terms springs; studio couch, loung£! .LV 9·~~2 ~~=-=~~nings___ 15\l~ Wanted 00 ~~~ ~he~:e~~~ Feeder Wagon 210 State St. Phone OR·7·9tlll arm s arranged. Call anytime, Mason 195•1 30·FT. HOUSE 'fRAILER chn!r, small ta!Jles, floor lamp Mason .~Ep HEIFER TTOLSTEINS for / Sevet a! Progres~ive Farmers In - --- Box, $890 OR 7-8568. 15w1p with 3·ptece bath. Excellent and 3 wall mnTors. Mt s. I rent:! Open Evenings Till 9 - s,lie. One has JUSt freshener!. this vicini!~ to lest I\LEIN'S TRACTOR, 1<'·20-P!ows and cui· 32·ft. Cardinal Elevator, $290 condition Lived in about a year. Franklin, 304 E. Elm, M.tson, Also pllt'ebll'ri Lmdr:H e hont'' PLANT FOODS on their own tivalor. Goocl rubber. Edgar SK-5300 Kramer Sprayer, $127 DODGE _ 1953, 2-cloor Cot·onet, Tandem axle and electric brnl\es. phone OR 7-G8711. 15w1 at~rl open gtlt Gemg-P Moulton, 1 farms. We wan to compare Ecl\h,trt, 620 Nicholson road, Moclel 621 Kramer Boom E\pray· com 11 1etelv equipped. Excellent Wayne Taylor, 2 miles north of 5 m1lP (•ast of Holt on Holt road. KLEIN'S with all other hrands Fowlerville Phone Webberville et·, $225 condttton. By owner'. Best offet Building Materials Dansvrlle on corner of W illlams· FRIGIDAIRE, 7-ft. reft·tgetator1 'Phone Holt OX 9·2397. 15wt of fertilizer on hundreds of fam1H 6-P-32. 13w3 Holst-Hydraulic Wagon Hoist, accepted Call Mason OR o.1031 ton and Columbia roads. Phone >ears old, $100; Kenmot c I $131!.50 15wU REDI-MIX CEMENT and mortar. Dansville MA 3-2,175. 13wtf wrmger-type washing machine, 3 j):~H.EFORDS . .3 hrecl cows and 2 lhls year on al cr·ops. Just be McCORMICI<·DEERlNG in:>mtre Knoedler l{P-70 Dual Capacity ------Just the thing for small jobs. years old, $25; EuJeila·WIIl!amR • sure to usc the same analy~is 1 a Mill itl t1 h 1 · . bred lletfr>rs Also bred Angus and equal rates of application pet' spreader, 4-wheel, w th •. siuh urr w 1 magne c op· MOTOR; G cylinder, from 1942 Add water only unci it's J'eady to sweeper, 2 years old, $40; daven· 1ler yard; 5-bag, $13.75 per yard; of Mnson. Phone M~son OR .. et·, 1948 American 27·ft. house ,..------·--- and yt:!!low ceramic lamps an,J G-1788. 15w1 Fowlet'V!lle, M!ehigan trailer, A·l condition. Dexter steel basement satih, $3.25 each: ADMIRAL TV nml Appliances- shades, $5. W. A Bergtn, 215 W. mot·tar, $1.25 tJer bag, delivered I Phone CAstle 3·8732 'l'hornton, 3 miles south of Wil· Sales & Service. Stlsby Imple· Ash, Mason, phone Mason_ Implement Co. $1.30; n complete llne of lumber, 0~ 1 HOLSTEIN HEIFER - Fresh. 15wtf llamston, first house west at 1730 ment Co., State street, Mason, 7-GB3l. l:Jw lJ :~;;Allyn Frecler!cl\,- 1 mile south O_A_T_S_f----",--~--b-t-•t Holt road. Call after 5 p, m. or 214 State doors and windows at the same 1 9 36 1 phone OR 7·0141. 9wtf REFRIGERATOR- 10% cu. ft. ofnMnson on US·127. Phone Ma· rom OJ:J crop, · e~ SaturdaY. 1&wl Phone Mason OR 7-0141 low rate. Charge nceounts are 's'on OR 7-0111, 15w1 Wt:!ight. Also first and second --::--''·---:-:-:--'---'---­ available. Wilson Brothers, Rives General Electric Perfect comlt· cutting alfalfa hay and clover FORAGE HARVESTER-1955 de· 15w1• Junction, or 5 miles south of Les­ ROSS' RADIO & TV SERVICE. tion, $50; l!J.lG Chevrolet truck C'ows - 2 Holstein cows, one hay, all wlre·tied bales. I-1. R. luxe. Excellent for shredding ---- lie, phone Rives Junction 23·1f·13. Let me get your cnt• radios and with grain box; 4·6 yard dump fresh, on£! springer, extra good. Eberly, 585 B,utton road, phone corn stalks, green chopped hay ' , 14wtf portuhles r·eady for• spring.• Ross !Jox, complete. Adam Swldrislt!, Call Stocltbrldge UL 1·4886 be· Lansing ED 7·7105. 15w2 and straw. Phone Lansing lV Richmond, phone Holt OX 9·2428. 3186 Howell road, Webberville, tween 7·9 a. m. 15w1p 7 5880 4 GARAGE DOORS - Well-bullt 14w3 phone 2Jll. 15w1p HAY - 500 bales of first and sec· -=~·-::-::-:· ===-=~====--:12,-,wt~f nnd in gdocl condition, some ·------· Otld CUtting allalfa I 1\ay, }iart•y I storm windows and screens, up· USED TELEVISION-21-inch Ad· A P A R T M E N T·SIZE e,leclric Van Attn, 2 miles uot1h of US·16 rlght plano and otltet• articles. mira!, mahogany table model, stove, apartment-size gas stove, on Van Atta Toad, first house B~d' s Auto Parts Must clear my garage. Cheap for very good condition, $89 .. Lavis 2 bottle gas stoves, small pi! ~ west on Tihart road; phohe Lan· cash( 111 East Elm street, Ma· TV Sales & Set·vlce, 655 North burnm', shallow well pump. Holt sing FE. 9·8851 nftcr 5 p. m. or scjn, phone Mnson OR 7·8681. Lons!ng road, phone Mason OR Stnndnt'd Service, phone Holt OX on week_ c~do~ 15w2p , l!iwlp') 6·1762, 15wl 4·9081. • 15wlp For Flowering Results· Call MasOn ORchard· 7-9011

Ingham County News April II, 1957 Page 7

Used Appliances '1 V - TIANGES TIEFniGERA'J'OHS WMHIEHS Conventional nnrl Anlnmnlic Silsby Implement Co. Mnson Phone OR 7 0141 F.ASY WASHER, wringer typt:, lUll~ nne! wen l

FR!GIDAlR~' HrfligrJ,tlm 7 t II It $'i0 Also l21lll1ss Snlnnti .tee archon, ex< client e ondctwn $'i0 Ludrll \V c h!'IW~, 127 S CollC!g<' 1 o 1d :Vto~srm l'hmw M.t son OR 7 71Hl l AMERICAN h6 111111 C.tllmr.t Stnh, douhlr comp.utnwnt 2 rlt.un ho 11 ds, was $189 9i NOW $1 )fl!l'i CROSLEY 10 Ill! h full~ .Ill tom I t 1e H mge, w1pllfllloll hade m offc1s Plulco Hefngetator ~ UP 'I 0 $20() BU!LT\Jl' HOOt'S .11111 Jtloflng Mason rep, 11 ltr< esltm.llts C.1!l col· luI Jlnlt OX 'l 2 Ji I Don Potte•r Home Appliance l01Vtl 0 120 M.tple, M,tson Phone OH 7 'i9JJ

!3UFI E I - Vet y good concllt1011 1121 S J,td ____l~JW~ !NCO ME '[II' 1\S',TS r IlNCE - OftPIPcl to JllfllVicll!.liS, r.umers and eleclrJcJty at lots, paved road 80 ACRE mdus!rtnl s1te wt!h Jail· uul IHISIIH 'llllll lllso bnol~ltcep· Plants-Shrubs Close to gener,tl ~tmes, school road and main highway :front bus at door. Grave! I frC!e and foot· age, 80 acJC (arm fm suhchvullng lllg !lid iJIISilll'S •etVltl' JTaJlic WANTED '1'0 RENT-10 to hO Ilatl 000 1 Ill u 1 bl $42 000 JUST LISTED - 96 acres north· can mow lawns, wasonabiC! Jntes 70<13 w 151\2p CUSTOM SAW JNG. Will get l9g~ last 2 years. Nights after 5 P m. a otc to own, ., c own w ... rzcec Jeasona e at , , WANTED TO BUY - 2 doors of handle C L Johnson AgenC\', terms Also 130 acres, all ttllahle, east of Mason 3 he1hoom home, Phone Mason OR 7 0912 14w2" coin stlage Robert D1 oscha, and saw lumber Also slab ~r S~turdays ogly. Pia~ 01;dt"f by call Mason OR 6 5786 15w1pldahy set up with good btuldlngs large barn, Jive c1 eek goocl pro· t -'---'-'-~~' SPECIALIZED In permanent wood rJUnlt Will cl, first farm e 1 ep 10ne m a vance. o ce ver ------at only $26,000 A 0 G1 eenouglt, ductlve land Full pJlce only $16 WANTEtl- C.:trpenter wotk and 1322 Okemos ro.1d, phone Mason wavmg For that pel sonahwd OR 7 8770 15wl south of II,u pe1 school on us,J:,27 les. All PJ,;lllts msfected ~llld guar 380 ACRI~ DAIRY FARM - Pen Dansville, phone Dansvzlle MA 500 All farm tools If desired at a repair WOlk. IIem·y Fries, S1 , hair do get yam appointment now at But let's gas st,ttlon Phone an~eecl,r: 2 J-$1 • OJO~'lll nO, 100- type barn, Surge! mlll\lng pm 3 2291 1'iwlp teal bmgaln TaltC!S $5,000 to 132 Rayne! street, Mason, )>hone bC!forc Easter. Jean's Beauty Lansing IV' 4·9291 20\Vtf $2.J0, OJ00-$9, 1,000-$17 Pien lor, 2 houses 200 acJes can be handle or will tJade for good 2· Mason OR 7·1151. 5wtf Shop, membcJ of NHCA, 190 I ------...... -- tice AcJes, 2767 East Mt Hope ~old sep:natcly Call Glenn Oes· HOL'l' MASON AREA - Are you bedroom home m Mnson. C. L Maple sheet, Holt. Phone Holt WAN',l'ED- Woman with practt· 1 road, mtle west o£ Ol ' Phone Lansing ED 2 8127 12w<1 Paul B ChC!ney Real Est.tte Jll'Operfy? What have :vou at OR 6 578G. 15wl ' cal n!ll'slng ex~rlcnce to ~lcl what ~Ia you nel!d '' Cont~ct Hours STARK BROTii_E_R-S,-NURSER· 15wl YOU ARf~ INVI'l ED to 0,\IF Geotge William Pt~rker, reijre 3·BEDROOM HOME, h Jlng ro~Jm, Wol'id champ1011 trees, LOT ancl basement house at !!06 Easlm opC!n house, Palm Sun· ms - senting Vnn ' :Antwerp Dunham large modem lutchC!n, 4·plecc day, Api Ill I, 2 6 p. m Sec Slll'lng· shrubs, bulbs and dv.arf fruit N Mason street' and small 2 I'C!alty, phone Holt OX 9 211G or bath, !at ge ullhty 1oom. All new llmC! 111 colm Smith Flol a! Cb~, trees Algen "AI" EweJs, land· h t 9 0 N Ma Lansing IV 9 5681 15wtt• hlterlol', just 3 years old Full scape advlsol' and rept·esC!ntauve, room ouse a 1 · son. 1121 E Mt Hope, Lansmg 714 East Race street, phone Les· lie JU 9-9366 47wtf

) Miscellaneous EXTRA HEAVY l, 2· -capartment gas tank Cl~o Swift, nhonc Alll'ClliUS 504. 15w2 '' "Want Ads Legal Notices Stockbridge Ingham County News ORDER AI'I'OINTINO TIME I'OR ORDER FOR PUilLiei\TION Rites Scheduled 'J BEARING CLAIMS AND FOR GeNERAL Apr1 II, I9 57 Page 8 DETERMINATION or HEms t.EISURE-Mov a, 1os1 __ ----- I·OUEMAN-Juno 18, IU67 }llutu nf Mll!hhwn, Thu P1nhnto Co111t For Mrs. Chapell ______d ___ . !if1lln nf Mll'hhmn. 'l'hn 1'1nhntu Cmut foa· the Cnunty uf Jnuhnrn. (UJ' Lhu Cuunty nf Irudwrn. At 11 HUHHifm nf ltnld Cuml, hul•l ut I•'uneJ•al services will beJ OS t n f oun At IL llf'I1Hinn nf IIUirl f!nllrl, holrl ul the thu Pwhnto Olflcn In thu CitY of I.~nn- clucled Snturr nnlh lt IH OlfleJ'i'd, 'J'hut thu Blh dny or ll!'l p~t~vidt•d by Htnlule, tn Htilll Cnutl nt utwn cemetery, SloC'idJJ'iclgc. Muy, A. J), lllfi7, nt :.!::111 o'clocl' In the Sunday, 3wlf tht• l'ndttdt• Ollie u, In Lhu City nl Mutwn, nfl,•t tlfHL!l, ut the 1'1 nbntu Olflc•c•, ~ON Mlc•hhcun, tilt n1 hufolP the• IH!h tluy nr IlnlliHlt•t Blth~;., J.nnulru.{, Ml<•hhmn, Ill' .lunt•, A II. 111;,7, nt nln" rmty-llvc DOGS--Rrpo1'1 nwn OJ' slmy ring;; nrul lH ht•l't l!y umwlntcd fell h~Ctll'iiiJ.{ n'tlnPk lu tin• fntlllllllll, 1Hdd limo und mlrl 111 tlllnu; lo Clay IIulell, e•ounly ring wnr tdnr, lt~•ln~c hf'IPhY fnt• Herrick thu It IH l+'utthur Otrll'ted, 'fhnt1111hllc nn· t :wtntllntlun and aHIJuHtnlf'nt of ull r IHimH den, OR 7-5R:m nr to shPiifJ''~ ltcc IJu•luof hu J..clVJ•rt hy flllhlic'lltinn or II 1\II·II. J.t~et. Mrs the tlnw nf hi~ dcnth f'iltltlt·d 1(1 inlwt!l Nl WtJ, u nuwHruqmr· lll'lntcd nnd clrcu· blrlhdny party Tucsduy lwn tlw t•Hlllll• D( \\hiPh Lhu tll•cuaHod dlml Jntucl In twlcl <.:uunl y, Vnn('P Kcnneely, phone• 1\ln•·on Ht•i~.l I], Linda's birthday anniversary.'J' I, llftAJCI~, DR 7-0HOI. l, play with California's Darlene Hard ot Miami Beach, Fin, The LOST -- 'l'nn CnciH'I' Spnniel, in thtt•t• t;\JI'I't nii!Yt• 'o\.l'f'i•tJ IIII•VIUIIt! ln HI tid last Frlelny. IIer mother, duy of h(Jni'IIIJ!, In thr• Jng-hum Cnnnty blooper !ailed to upset the Bloomer girl-she won the match, vlJPci, 'l'hnt th1• :lid dny rd At n HCHsion or Hnid Colllt, lwld nn Apt•il Ill, I'Jli7. 161, 163·486; Isabelle Whyte, 176· ' IH Iluruhy Glvlln, 'fhut the fH!­ send, 153-'130; Helen Ware, 165· R titton uf I~. A IJ1 nnmorc, J!llllt dian of Organizations neral home for lilclr t'fll'e nl our ~->Hid r•nutL, 11L H.1id tillll' unci rrlul..!u, In 415; Margaret McLean, 157-410; school, .Qansvillc, G. E. baby, Sue HPneP, who dJerl Feb­ :;hnw CllliHI• ~~ hy II lie <'!lilt' to IH'II till' 111dd r•Htult•, p!'Hyln~ fot· the nllo\\ nncc superintendent; 11:15, lntt 11•HL or Hnid 1 Hlnlf! In H<~ld rrnl ~e 1tntc of hiH fnwl 1u:cnttnL, nnd fn1• tho n~Hhm­ Marian Murray, 407; and Harri· Mason Rebekah lodge will ha\'C ruary 2(i, ][)57, HPv. E: 1!. Cum­ Hhrndd not lu• gr unfed, mt•nl llflfl dh;ttibullon of the I'CtlidUP of ettc Silsby, 156-403. a regular meeting Wednesday, service a L Dansville wi t)1 mings of tl1c Lnnsing 2nd Free It IH Fu1lluo1· Oidt'lltl, 'J'h,ll. pnhltc nn· Hulcl t•Ht.ntc, will lu htli.JI'd nn APIII :w, April 17. ' sage by the pastor; 10, !!11 lhi'II'Uf Jw giVCil hy llUhliclltinll of II I 'lfi7, ut ten o'r lru k In tho fotennnn, ut Team standings arc as follows: Adults -- $1 .25 Methoelist clllln:II fo1 his comfOJI· t•OWV of thJH nJtil'l, fHI lhl'f't• Hllf'l'f UiiVL lht Pt uhnlt• OJflr..:u, in Llw Gtty or MIIHOII, service at Vantown; 11, chLI MH•hlt•.ut: I W L Pythldn Sisters P,tst Chiefs Jng words nne! prnycrs, the \\I t>k~ (II! VII!\IH In tildli tluy or hPHrlnl-{, Ill ~:.chool, Mrs. Carroll Glynn, th•· InJ.Chnrn CtHtlllY Ne\~M, n ne\\srmJu•l ll IH 01d1•r1 d, Thnt notice lheten( h•• Wayne Miller Sales ...... 78\6 29'1:: club will meet at llle home of Church of the Naznrcnc, and tile J..nvcn h~ puhiJcntton uf 11 cupy hPJeor perintcndcnt; 7:30, M. Y. F. se fllllllf'll und c·ill'lilulrd In t-tntd t'ntlnty, Ware's Drug Store ...... 58 50 Mrs. Maurice Ricldy Monday, Children Under 12 - 75c friends, neighbors, relativPs for nncl tho! twttl petJIHIIHI .J.OVe knn\\11 fm• till f C WCI!kti COil!lecutJyeJy Jll'eY]OIItJ ice. inlt•l ~CHtt•cl Jllltlit•H culdttionnl nntlcu nH ln fillid rluy of h~ul'in~. tn the Inghnm Dart Bani\ ...... 58 50 April 15 There will be a potluck thcit· many acls of kindness ICflllilld hY lav., County NI..'WH, nntl thut tho (lctltlonm· Dansville F1•ee 1\Icthodist, AI Rice Chevrolet ...... 56 1/:, 51 11~ supper at 6:30. shown during otn· rce ent bereave­ nOJn;nT L. unAim. cHUHe n r.urw of thin not!cl! to he twrvcrl snnrl:1v1 upon unc)l knm\ n pnrty In lntcrct1t nL 1 H. E. Moore, pastor. 10, ment. We apprecinlc tlwse who A 1'!111' ['npy: Judj.{t ur 1'1 ohute IGA ...... 56% 51 /:, Okemos commumty council will r;. llllldt• Tell tel' hiH luHL known ncldrcMH hy rci-:'IHlt!led Dancer Co...... 16\6 91% meet Monday, Apnl 22, in the school, Genevieve Freer, super· [llanncd and served meals during llcrmly HP!-!h>tt·r· of l't•nhnlt!, mnil, 1 (JtUI'II rer:etJ•t demnnded, at lenHt Jntendcnt; 11, preaching service; Sponsored by the Milson Kiwanis Club (alii lt•en ( J 4) dnYH Ill ioJ' to HIICh hCIII'• high school gymnasium at 8 this time and the mnny messages pt•rt~unnl HCIYtce 6:45, F. M. Y. service; 7:30, eve­ lnl-!, m· hy ut lettHt five ~ 1 ORDER FOR PUilLICATlON l\lason Enrlybi1'11s o'clock. Dr. Paul Love IS the pro· of sympathy exlcnclccl to tis cltJr· FINAL ACCOUNT (ii) duyH flllOI' to KliCh helll!n)..:". ning message; prayer AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS ROBERT 1-. TlHAKE, Mason Home Appliance was grnm chairman. Topics for the lng this time. The family of Sue A T!'Uo CnJIY: Jud..:c or Probntu Wednesday evening, 7:30 at Renee Cnmeron. . 15w1p MUI!RAY-May 6, t957 llavid C Bcntty poundjng the pins Wednesday program will be ' "Schools and church, · Strll•· of MichiJ,.wn. Tllf' 1'1 nltnLt• Cnu1 L Ht•~-tbh•l or PI nbnle evening to take 4 big pomts from Financing." feu lhf C'ntlllly nr ilwhnm. HEINS-I wish in this way to AL 11 t;t SliiOil nf HUitl Cunl t, he lei Ctll Mills store. McCarn O!ds was Phillips Mothers club will meet 1 ORDER AI'POINTINC TIME FOR relative~. Apttl 11. 1 t:,7. HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR also at a pace to take 3 points with Mrs. Robert Fuller, West express my lhanl\s lo l't'<•Hf•nl: liON, flOIII'ft'l' !., llltAI([;, friends and neigl1bors for their DETERMINATION OF liEIRS from I· At n IWHIIion nf Mntd Comt, held .1l IIIHHI Mnt'VIllt•t ~1. \Vylif·. E:-.f•c•ntr·lx woJ·kcrs illld the lROilATE OF WILL nnd demundH HJ.t'lltnHL tmid dcceiUICCl, nnd Commerce permite ~~ will ANDERSON -In loving memory AND DETERMINATION OF HEinS rna the ndjuclicution nnrl dt•lorminntlon Mason Home Appllance 74% 37lh D 'II 1 · · 10 nf the hell~ nl law of l'!ltd doceUKCd nl M c ·1 ansvt e, Jegmmng at a. m. of Katie A. Anderson who God OTTO-M"y 10, 1957 c arn Dlds ...... "····65 % 46% Mason Junior Child Study'club State or Mit lwmn. 'l'h1 t,a·nhutt• Cou1·t the time of hit~ df:!ulh untltlrJd to lnlturlt 59 culled home April 10, 1!l5,1, be· fo1· Llw Gnunty o£ Ingham llw etllntc of which the dccctLMecl da!d Lindy's ..... · ...... S3 · ' 1J t W 1 I A II 17 Kcu:crl. Mills store ...... '';'' mcc cc nesc a;y, pr , at you cause It was his will, hut In OLII' At I t~esslf)l\ or HHid Cnut•l, held nt lhl2 34 78 save the loss of both time It h l"ut thur Ot•del ed, Thnt Jlllblic no­ lwarts she liveth still-Our mol h· P!·ulmto Olfice !II tluo City or Mn:-.on, ltl Kean's store ...... 29'1:. 82\6 t.1e home o~ Mrs. Vtctor Brcnn_cr. :iHHI County, on the 11th day of Arnil, tic<• thun•nf ho 1-dvcn by publication of ll Presbytcrmn church executive er Thus a price f01 growing olrl· A ll. I !lf,7. ~OilY of this oJ•dcr· once euch week fot· l'JI•><•IIt, liON I!CJBER'l' L. DRAKE, tlucc t~ucccHKivc \\celtH rtrevlnut~ to suld board will meet at the church ci' everyone of us must pay. From rlny of hcmlng, t,n the lnghnm County ~llk~Oll 700 and money. .Jmlg-c of P1olmil'. NcwH, a ne\\ tlf111Jter Jlrinted nnd clrcu­ Thursday evening, April 11, at 8 the roll of those we cherish al· In the Mntt~..:r· nf the EHlutc of JES­ In a very close match Davis lntud In t-mid county, nnd lhnt the fiduci­ ways some nrc called away. Time sn; e. OT'l'O, D~ccuned. 1 Jl. m. men J. Otto hnVII\1-\' hlt!d in iUlicl nry of Hnid cHtHte ~-CIYe known lntCI'I!Hled Clothing salvaged 2 A: points in llllrtieH .uldtllonul nnticc llli IOIJIIh'cd by Jean R. Anderson post of the leaves the number fewer though 1.20111 t hitJ petition ptnyinJ.:" tl1.1l n f..! Cr .. their bat tie with Roy Christensen lnw. Veterrms of Foreign Wars wtll affection may be deep no\ wtt h tuin in:Hr·umr.nt In wt·ltln~, p\II"IHlllinl-:' Ford Sales. Thorburn Lumber & ln ht the ln:-.l wi11 nnd LeHtumenL or tmicJ JtOI!ER1' L. llRAI(E, A •r1ue CollY: sponsor a pnncalrved all lhny the U. S. treasury dcparlrnenl. transfers to nr for yotu• use on a nnllonally !mown dry. Al ilJnt Cl' wns Ilnrr·y Gwaltney, of the lnlnin[l and operating n non·prnf· OJ' nftoJ' .January 1, 1fl56, nt·e de· time the sixth dlstt·ir!t took In the l\1ilwnulwo Joul'llal, former na· ~lltl cut of pnncniws nnd ~nusage '!'he ruling of the treasury dt!· II r•lrat·ltnlrlr. hospital in the city unri coffee wtth tho lndlvlr!unl do· pnrtrnent says: "On DPcl'tnher 2:1, ciucllhlP In romptttlng the vuluo present :1 counties of Ingham, tiona! pt·csldent of the classi!lccl of 1\laHon, Mll'irlgan, for llw UHe of t!Jc tnxaillo estate or a dcccn· Livingston nnrl Gencsac and also advertising managers organiza­ nations of $1.25 going to the cnm· 1!)5:;, your articles or lncorpnr·a. and hcneflt o[ tire general publrc. palgn fund for the hospltnl. lion wen• amcnrlcri to JH'ovidc dent fot• !Pdern I lneome tnx pur­ Oaltland nnd pnrts of Wuync. It tion. "It Is out· opinion, bnscrl upon poses In llw marmet• and to the was the most populous crmgrcs· More than GO newspaper men Members of !Vift8on high that your net Income shall not the r!virlotwe [JJ'csentPrl, that he· school's Key cluh have volun· Inure, directly or lnrllrcPtiy, f11r oxt en I pmvlrled ily sel'tions 2055 sional dlstrlcl' In the United and women attended the confer· ginning ,January I, l!l:lli, you nrr! and 21 OG o [ the 1 n:lc1 em! e. teared to help sell the ticket~. 'the Jwnefit of any private lndi· States. Person wns clccterl In con· cncc Including Mrs. ,Joseph liar· exempt from fedcml lneomc tnx "Gil'IH of property In or fot· IWMAIN n. DAVIS, prominent --·---··-- vlrlunl ot· member, hut shall be grcss In 1!130 but lost 2 years vnth, Mrs. Norma Jewett and Jim Aurelius farmer and Mason and ns an orgnnlznllon dest'l'ihed in your use on m· after January 1, userl exclusively for lhe benefit Inter when Franll!ln D. Roosevelt St~y • 11. l't•rso Drown of the Ingham County Leslie business man, died Satur· section li01 te) (.1) of the Inter· 103li, nre tlcrltwtlblc In computing I 1110111 11 of the residents or the eity of led Democrats In vlelory. • News. day from a heart ailment. nal Hcvenuc Code of 1!J:;.J, .1s It Is taxable gifts for· federal gift tax Person wns nn outstnmling Besides the widow there sur· Boys Plan Sale Mason anrl sutTotJJuiing nrca to si10WII that you an• organized nnrl llllrposes in the manner and to "Newspaper advertising Is the provide general hoiipltal fadlit!Ps lawyer'. lie was retnlnerl by many vlvcs a sister·, !\•Irs. Wylie B. greatest vnlue In advertising to· OfJPI'aled exl'iusivcly for charll· the Pxtent pr·ovidcd hy section 1 In the community, and that if clio· ahJt:> [liii']IOS!'S. big cnl'JHlrnlions, l~hor orgnnlzn·Jn.utlcdr::e of Washington, D. C. day and want ads are the most Of Baked Goods 2~22 of tile 1n51 code." lions anri had a wrrle repu.tatlon IShe Is !he widow of a foJ•mcr cconomlcnl of all," dcclarcrl Romain D~ Davis ns a rl!!fensc lawyer In cmnlnal Gwaltney. Mason Boy Sr·outs will have a trials. He had practiced law In member of the U. S. supreme "There's no close competition baked go01ls snle Snlurrlay to Dies in Hospital raise money foJ' their summer Lansing since 1!101. court. to classified-the user pays so ·court House Wiring and .Fixtures little to have his ad set In type, camp fund. The sale will bent liH• printed and distributed to the Of Heart Ailment Western Auto Store, starling al Mrs. Margaret Evelin, 86, hundreds ancl thousands of sub· D n'cio!'k In the forcnrJOn. scrihcrs," he pointed out. After n sickness of 2 years, Ro· 'fhe Mason Scouts have made Would Cost $51,300, Expert Says arrangements 1o camp at Ludlng· "Business is going to he good main D. Davis, 63, dlr.d Saturday ton from Au!(ust 2:1 to 31. Fails fo Re·cover from Fall for everyone, generally, in the in Sparrow hospital, Lansing, of It will now tnlw onr.·thirrl iiS new fixt 11res am! $3,50() fot· a fire morlcl'll wiring system using a heart aliment. Three weelts be· Mrs. Marr::arcl Claude Evelin, Mrs. Glotta nnrl Mrs. Evclin lived nrxt decade," he predicted. much to rt:>wire the court lwusc alarm system. Deducting those metallic <'oiHiult, fittings and fore entering tile hospital he and and install new fixtures as WiiS 2 itc!ms the t•ost of rewirin!( to 8G, rlicrl in Mason General hos· in the oirl home until a few days The United States, he said, has ,il!nl'tion boxes. Mrs. Davis returned from a vaea· required to huillius Centt•r. Slw list church officiated. Wellington R. D. Davis and Hallie Wells Rena Abravancl, a Fulbright be eliminated. The $51,300 est!· Tlw survey report Jahcicd ns on ench floor. was born Augw.l 2:1, 1870, in the Orr, George Green, Charles J-Ic· Davis, He grew up on an Aure· scholar at Michigan State, greeted mated total includes $13,500 for ohsoiete the fliSP panels anrl RO•,: Outrioot· !ioodlights would be first house north of where slv~ ------of I he \Vi ring. Tile wiring is 80',; mans, John Parlter, Fred .Ten· !ius Jarm and a farm near her mother in Salonika, Greece, lnstallcri to Illuminate all walls spent he1• Inter years. She wns the Cancer Increase nlngs and Merton Collins were Springporl. He went to Sprin'g. on the mother's birthday anni· . A h knob ami tube with insulation of the building. Such lloocllighling widow of Dr. Arthur El'clin, be· pallbearers. port high school ami after grad· versary. Miss Abrnvant!l was on Mason rc ers ,!~ of Mason crine Waggoner. before placing the cail. On the The meeting will be in the Con· set fort !1. Civics Teacher flees in Lansing and Jackson will son, director of the biological were married October 21, 1!l1!l, Mrs. Evelin was a member of Salonika end of the line the Ja- Stlmcr~ Power Co. annex build· The entire system is a lo[lgled· be npcn Saturday, April 13, 8 a. division of Michigan State uni· upon his return from France. 1her and mother went to his busi­ Aurelius Baptist church ·and of ing on West Ash street cast u( tip me~s. said the experts, except Now Practices tlw Onondagn chapter of 0. E. S. m. to 2 p. m., to assist taxpayers \'ersity's college of sC'!ence and They spent their married life at ness office where there are cxten· Lansing street. arts. lie addressed the Ingham tile farm home on Columbia rom!. !or the 3·phase Bcn•icc and wiring in filing their l!l5G income tax re· sions so both he ami his wife Lynn Bullen, temporary dwir· .Tames Ml'Ciur·e of Haslett is on Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. county cancer crusade kick·off Mr. Davis was a member of recently installed and which Jing'- on research' con· Icne, died in 1927 at the age of toll charges. Vacancy Is filled Income tax deadline is April sttpcr·visot· in Meridian ancl won York Friday will be Barbara Nor· gram ami at the officr. nected with cancer. 7. Two brothers, Rev. Bruce Mrs. Mildrecl L. Flower of Lan· the election. All incllviduals who must file Being Sli[Jervisor of such a rap· ton of Mason and .Jamie Ann of the Methodist Board of Mis· Continued support of research Davis and Ray Davis, preceded WOI\IAN ,JOJNS S'I'AFI~ sing began full·time cmplr,yment 15. l!l3G income tax rctums can strh· icll.l' growing township as Merl· Bullock of Leslie. They will be sions and at Friendship Press, to find ways to halt cancer is one the Mason man in death. Mrs. Stanley Co!'llwcll has at the probntc office in the t11e Easter show at Radio City members of a group of 36 Meth· of the major goals of the county Services were Wednesday after. joined the staff of the extension court house Thursday morning. mit them so as to be received by dian is too big a job for a sideline, and g~neral sights~cing. oclist youths of the Michigan· con· cancer crusade to raise $44,900 noon at Ball·Dunn funeral horne service in the court house. Mrs. When Miss Martha Thayer re· the district c!irector of intel'llal and so is teaching school, Super­ fe:rcnce who will participate in a Ti)e last 3 days of the seminar during April, according to Vln· with burial in MapJe·Grol'e. Rev. Robert Thompson of Dansville is tired after 35 years of service, I'CI'cnue, Detroit, by midnight, visor McClure derided. So he has United Nations-Washington sem· cPnt McKouen, Ingham drive Raymond L. Norton of Mason 1 1 1 · resigned as teacher of civics to 't'ill be in Washington where the also on the office staff, having at Jer emp oyes movec up 111 rat· April 15 without bein"' subject have a whil'i at practitioner of Jnar next week. The group, with group will take a night tour with chairman. Funds also will he Methodist church officiated. Car· started work several weeks ago. ings. Mrs. Flower was hired to j · '. .": · · 4 counccllors, will leave by bus worship nt Lincoln Memorial, used for educational work and lyle Waltz, Paul Rowe, Collins fill a vacancy. to penaltres for late frhng. civics. Friday afternoon, sched ulecl to breakfast at the supreme court services to local cancer victims. Huntington, Walter Ganaway, At- ntTive in New York Saturday l1uilcling restaurant, visit the The cancer crusade, part of a bert Smith and Chellls Hall were • noon. Smithsonian Institution and meet nationwide campaign, is span· pallbearers. • In New York the schedule calls Michigan senators and congress· sored by the Ingham county, unit ----- for a boat trip amund Manhattan, men. Visits have also been ar­ of the American Cancer Society. Planners Reappointed Palm Sunday services in River· ranged lo American university, One of the society grants for re· Supervisor Dean Taylor of Ma- side church, an oratorio in Christ Methodist Board of Temperance, search was made to MSU. son ancl Victor Leyrer of Lansing church · where Dr. Ralph Sock· embassies, the state department, McKouen said first returns were reappointed to the Tri·Coun· man preacl1es, a morality play on Mount Vernon nnd Arlington. from a county-wide fund appeal ty regional planning commission Palm Sunday night, a conducted On the Friday before Easter directed to 70,000 Ingham citizens Tuesday. Appointment was made the Michigan delegation will visit show widr.spread public support by Chairman Earl Leeman of thP tile White House. 'fhc travelers but more funds are needed to Ingham board of supervisors, and· will reach their homes the clay sponsor the broadening figilt confirmed by the board. The com· 17 Valuable before Easter. against cancer. Th~ disease mission is made up of represen· 'fhe tour is designed as an ad· claimed 232 Ingham lives in 1956, tatives from Ingilam, Clinton and McKouen said. Eaton, Prizes venture in Christian citizenship. Barbara Is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Norton. She Former Cheboygan Editor FREE was recently clcctcrl chairman of Christian fellowship for the Micil· In M•son Thursdoy, Friday, Saturd•y igan conference of Yottth Fellow­ Dies of Hearl Ailment April JO·t9·20 silip of the Methodist church. One of northern Michigan's Weber was an authority on hunt· Soo Full Story in .Jamie is the daughter of Rev. and most widely !mown men, AI J. ing and fishing, He made trips Mrs. John Bullock. The father Ingham County Nows Next Week Weber, 86, died Saturday of a to Alaslm and northern Ontario is pastor the Leslie Methodist oi heart attacl<. For many years he and knew ai:l'out every square foot church. was editor· and publisher of the of land in the upper peninsula of Barbara is a junior in Mason Cheboygan Observer, a weekly Michigan and the nortilern part high school, Jamie a sophomore at Leslie. n e w s paper. At of the lower peninsula. I one time he pub· The widow, Fannie, survives. lished a Lal1e 0 d e s s a paper and was credited S T r. T b with launciJlng' wartout a11es renton Jo the Alto Solo. He Chuck Swartout started worl< had served as Monday morning for Grieve cloth· mayor· of Che- lng store in Trenton. Swartout I boygan. He was sold Neely clothing store to Art The Sweet, Smooth and Sassy '57 Chevrolet. •• . a past president and Chat·les Grieve a year ago. of the Michigan The Grieves closed out the Mason P r e s s Assocla· store last weelc. The Mason man Here's a car designed to put the sparkle. ENTER CITEVROLE';l"S tl<:in and was long on Its board will stay in Trenton. Just as soon back into driving. or directors. as the Mason school is through $275,000 ,.LUCKY In addition to his newspaper for the year the Swartout family Chevrolet, you know, won the Auto work and political activities, Mr. will join him the1:e. .it likes Decathlon-a ten-way test of handling 'l'RAVEI.ER" CONTESTt to with qualities. Chevy also walked off .the Pure Oil Performance Trophy at Daytona Beach fo~ "best perfonning s·ook Fair .Is Schedul.ed U. S. ·automobile." flex those big How do you like to drive? There's a Chevy combination to suit every - - At Holt School Library. motori!lg mood, from the, thrifty Six· to lUSA the terrific "Corvette ·vs," from the CHEVROLET 'fhe Holt high school library is New and popular boolts of 1957 sports car close-ratio stick shift' to the having a book fair to which will be displayed by represent.a· "'Corvolte engine, closo·rotlo ·new muscles I lransmission, Turboglldo ()(' school administrators, teachers, tlves of publishers. No bpoks will free-flight feeling of Turboglide or Powerglide aulomallc ,drift librarians, :students and parents be sold. Exhibitors will discuss Powerglid~t'· Sample one S?On. optional at oxlra cost, arednvited. It will' be in the high the new. bo£?1Xhihils iltHI 11lso hr.lpcrl land, not evm·y roar! rouhl hC' so Billboard Backer Roman Catholic church's festival honor at a rllnnm· at. rhc home of wilh lhr. judginJi. prolt!ctell. Bu I II wrr nr·r some , IlL · EaHfer, with the lnst 751 yearsh Mr. anrl Mrs. DcWaine Bien;: flurhnra Hoil /.' J'IH'llfll!l'aling Lets g 1ve CI'I!C 11 t. w 1li!I'C erec !S virtually all Protestant c llll'C cs Wednesday evening ceichrating that. coulrl. clue!, I admire :myonc who can arc observing Easter. her 82nd hlrtlirlay anniversary. fr•nrn a dog hilt• on her anlrs. J.'or sev- for a person to puhllsh his he· lowing In ~he s~m? e p.tth of un· rlay evening guests of Mr: anrl F'rlrlay dimwr guc!:;ls of Mr·. and C!l'lll thousand years, hoys huve Jlefs nml sllclt 1o them! faithful I~Taclltes, Mrs. Richard Jarvis and family., FHA AND GENTLEMEN'S WEEK at D~nsville Agricultur.:~l school includes many activitills. Sun. Mrs. Merton Hir:1!. hel1avcd like- boys. And evr.n now, If my Christmas ad happens What then docs the person do M p 11 c 1 · t 1 day the group attended the m-orning worship service at the Millville Methodist church. They were ac. Nnney Hcncsliet lins been sick olrlm· rl(iers not infrequently obey lo run over through New Year's that desires to offer worship in a rs. o y oo' spen. severa companied b'{ their advisor, Mrs. Margie Briggs. anrl out of :;chon! the past weclc ~ the iJ'rlplllse that leads to n haclt· or my name Is accldcntully left days last wee!< visiting at the pure way? Well he !mows the home of Mr. and Mrs. AI Thayer Monday a red rose and ,a white carnation were presented to the high· school faculty. The rose is Mrs. Selclon 1\Innroe and Mrs. wnrri Joolt. out, there is a good excuse for Bible rule, "What fellowship does L · and family of ansmg. the FHA flower and red and white are the club colors. Allen Nemer attended a shower· Anrl If the driver were it. Eilher the boiler blew up that light have with darlmess?'~ and he Mrs. Esthet· Bodell is spending Tuesday morning the girls demonstrated the meaning of FHA by the usc of a bulletin board which given in honor o[ thr. former'~ llni·onr.r.t•rtf'd about lhe fate of tile morning and caused havoc with will follow God's command to I I . 'ti M I l\1 daughter, Mrs. Paul, at the the press or some catastrophe oc- "Get out !rom among them and th s wee c vrsr ng r. nne rs. they made. Those participating were Margaret Ph3lps, Cheryl Grandy, Nancy Breslin, Maralyn Vo,s homr. of Mr·s. Clare Shnwermnn hny, why rlirl he smash his own cttrt·ecl witt'ch nlade tite proper J h Jaclt Wright and daughter in and Winifred Warner. A style show preview was given in the assembly. Carol Graf acted ~s narrator separate yourselves, says · e O· · J Saturday night. Ccl on hi:; rirnl'? This week, April 8·13, ls na11on· thing." And if you aslt what dif· Bible study group of Grace Nemer and Sandra Nottingham. cousins at IJolt Saturday nlghl. OLD-TIME CYCLIST al sign weclc. I feel it is my duty terence does It malcc? The Bible Baptist church met at the home of Thursday morning the FHA girls sang their club prayer song as a morning devotion, and in the eve. Mr. anrl Mrs. L. P. Williams to take a stand !or the biJiboards. will answe-r for you. For us· to Mrs. Bernice. Martin Wednesday. ning the style show for the public will be presented in the school gym at 8 o'clock. Friday morning r::tllcrl on Mr. and Mr.~. Arthtll' There nre many mediums of ad· share with Jehovah and try to Mrs. Alice Dult Mrs. Earl Moyer of Tompldns. Televis I On employers -arc reqt1ired to suh· , in ·a wild blizzard going home. I Mr. and Mrs. DeWaine Bienz nnrl nidlze the unemployinent com pen· p ' ...... !H I'd . hud a friend several ciays later dau.~hters were. _Sunday evening sation cos~s or unst~ble industry, , agan_~ , C!) .I ays drive me -up to get the car. T~·e gtlests of. the Ba.;.tons. could .become· a s·ertous obstacle! , ;. . , : . '· "' ·,··! :, . dr.fve between Salt River Canyon " to nttt:acling the most desirable' ."We' un·:.seem·'.tb' have a one- r.nch s66w.low' arid Phoenix ·IS not.-all 'peopie' feel aiJout children ldnds of employers to our state.. track miri(J, alcohol,' poll tics, cap· s'cenic. There nrc acres of orange, as "Interested Driver" does-the ·:'!here were nearly $35,000,000 !tal punishment, and mine seems hlue and yellow wildflowers in very "unpredictable-ness" of chil­ in reel· balances built up in about to be pagan holidays·. bloom now among the cactus. cli·en Is why we should alway.> 2,900 employer accounts in the 12 I'm not really interested in Those who want- more watch out for them when they months ended June 30, 1956. holidays but in the ·t.rnth, ·"The tion about the canyon should ask are on the road. If "Interested 'l'hes'e red balances were one· third truth will make you free," our Mrs. Dewey Ireland of Groven: Driver" will kindly let all of us of_:all the benefits paid during Bible tells us-free from what'! burg. Jcnow when' they would liltc to 14~inch Sets $99.95 that· year, although only 117 of From false ideds and false prac· We are thankful we hadn't use these roads I'm sure all we - the ·employers were involved. tlces, "For there is a· way that :started far· Michigan when that parents who have children, here­ Three employers cpused over seemeth right unto a man, but bud storm ·struck the Plains abouts, will see to it that out• chi!· half of these- reel balances. the end thereof are the ways of states. We felt the effects of It dren are well away from the road Because It is neither practical death." So ·Jef us-"Let God be here. The government is furnish· at that time. 17 -inch -Sets $119.95 nor desirable at this· tlme to malce found true, tho every man he ing grain for the cattle ami sheep As for anything else that was - these- "'red balance" employers found a liar~"'· here. 1'he 1·ancher or farmer must mentioned in "Intc!'ested Driv­ pay their own way 100 per cent, It was at the old Jewish pass· pay the freight and transporta· er's" Jetter we thin!< the letters

the bill wlll increasc their maxi· over that Jesus tlon to the ranch. The Indians 1 of last week were very good an· mum tax rate by l!J% per year, "Keep doing this until I come have large ftoclts of sheep and swers, except for the fnct 1hat starting in 1960, so that It can again, In remembrance of Me." they do not undet·stand feeding you just can't Joclt your chilclrc11 reach 5% in1963. These increases No excus!! this time to cele· grain and they-lost many of theft• In a back room away from the 'will apply only to employers who brate a false. god or pagal) · holl· naclts, by feeding· tlieri1 foci much world· of growmt'ps · and expect: Many Other TV MQdels consistently overdraw their ac· day for this date Is lmown, Nlsan. grain. · them to ever know how to act counts in the unemployment It falls on April 14 this year after There was another bad storm In when they, have to go out into . . fund, and not to those who have a 6 o'clock. Tcxas1 and Oklahoma last night this wot•!d by themselves. After n single bad year. This wlll' help re· The word E11stel' does appear so we will stay n few days long· child is of. school age we parentf; 21-inch Embassy Table Model ~169.95 duce the amount of red balances In the King James version- of the er. / • must tr-ust in many others to help which. muse be' subsidized by Bible at Acts 12:4. But we find 1 • GUY McCUE, watch out for them to get. them other employers. that this Is 011 error _ln,translatlon I Holt· safely to manhood or woman- The Democrats In the house of since the oi·lgl.~aLwo~d;"Pascha" hood. 21-inch s·wivei-Base Consolette _$189.95 representatives earlier Introduced simply means pasS"Over. · . GERALD AND MARION a bill which would increase taxes Since E~ster is not authorized ROBINSON, Holt . '~ on· employers up to 40%. This by the B~ble, ,!~Vher,e dl~ It get would be done by taxing the first Its starF' ~i~tory, tell~. us .Jl~at 21-inch Imperia~ 400 $349.95 · . $4,200 of wages earned by each ~round_ 325~A. );>. long after.~ th~, Enthusiasm has been defined· employe ·In a year, where the resurrection of- Christ, the pagan as the poor man's wealth. It will present law 1axes only the first emperor Constantlne, who ·was r.mvmve'1 win where everything else gives IJ3 000 chief priest .of the Fl,oman, pagan DeZeEiUW up Jn despair. ' ' religion·, wanted. harmony ..In l'C. . Because the cmployers Wh() llglon for political' reasons. So , opera~e only part of the year the council of Nicea the 2, · .. would get off scot·free slnee their faiths were, bllfnOed and the de· We Have Severa' Used TV Sets · employes do not put fn .enough· cree went fortli, "That every· 117 Valuable· ·:. .time In a year to .earn $3,000, where the great feast of Easter thl~. Democratic scheme would was to be· obse11ved."...... Prizes · p_enau.ze .. the . employer _wh(! p~ys The~ pagans· ~re·:."J.UIo·, uan~ .. lllx- !or yenr·around work. they had long .been. · · .FRE.E.-> .the Democrats would worship ota springtime goddess steady employer to of fruitfulness ... or : fertlllty .. To ':lore of the cost · of the Greeks arid "Roman~ she:: was s~i,ilportlng the unernp!oyment "Astart!!.'~ Babylonl!llis hl!d wor· ''; Iemen* 1 Imp . Co ..... the .ma~orlty-mem· shipped her as "Ishtar' and. 1lte Silsby seeking to reduce that Phoenicians 'by the name , bllrden. · ·. . torcth.'~ · · - ...... ··:Pho"e· OR 7·0141'·. RALPH H. YO:UNG, In the · SUite Represcnta'tlve Fe!ttlv.als'_!_,c.., ::.:JO~~,,,, .. •, :' ~ :'.:' ... •: .' "!. • • ;. '. ! . ! l, ~ 7 ' fnoliam. ~oliotv. N~ws . April 11, 1957' l'LAVORFUL COFFEE TREAT." Sunny Morn La 85c IGA FANCY I ,'J'"..:.~;.oou. NYLON rruil , C:OC:kl.aiJ) 21/2 Size 39c SAlLE ARMOUR STAR Corned Beei'Hash 16-oz. 33c 2 ~~~rs $1.09 ··-. ( SNO·KREEM PURE l

51 I:,3n ier Shortening · 3 LB I •. , 83c .· 15 Gaugo AUNT CLARA, TASTY Fig Bars . .· ...... yy Easter , "' I . Hi Nelghbo~!L _ . . Candies t· The man who owns a business in your : .' . community, such as your IGA Store Owner,' Baskets / has to keep his prices right if he expects to · •• ~the stay in business. Right prices are competi·' Egg Dyes tive prices on quality items. IGA store 1 owners h(lve 1heir life savings in.vested in' Plants their stores. They strive to protect that in·' 1 are in t vestment. Compare IGA PRICES-.- See ~o for yourself the savings are in the TOTAL! . ' TOTAL! ,,·1 -·· ···-·: ·--·· 1 ! ,, ,, c .. J!o·u~GeljApRE~(IGA. !I . . I llGA_XTRA __ WHIPPED: - ··: ~Suludr c PETERS 3-lb Bag . .. I (----·-- .•.,

1 :: •• Dr·e·ssin·g Qt...... ___ _ $ 15 '

LB SLICED BOLOGNA 3 $1,15 BEE·F SHORT RIBS· 10 LB $1 ENDS - PIECES , ~ s·LICED BACON La 29c FRESH PIG HOCKS Ls33c -----..:.------=----· / \ c BEEF OR PORK LIVE.R La 29c BEEF TONGUE· LB 23c BEEF HEARTS .·La 23c CENTER CUT ARMOUR CRESCENT .;~ ..., ., ...... ,.r-··-·~ ·-·- ~-. PORK CHOPS LB 59c .'1 I SliCED. BACON .La39c SHOULDER CUT SLICED FRESH You Get MORE .. atlGA·! . ' SIDE PORK . LB:39c VEAL CHOPS LB 39c I Green Giant LEAN- SMALL CHOICE BLADE CUTS ,...:...._.....;._SPARE RIBS ______La49c____ BEEF ROASTS· LB 33c 'Niblets' c Cut Up Pan Ready Whoie Kernel for FRYING or STEWIN'G .· GROUND BEEF Corn or CHICKENS GRADE 1 SAUSAGE You Get M.ORE af IGA !· tb 3 9c . 4 tb $1 : I . ASSORTED .. . . ·FR. ·ESH·--:~::;:F--RUIT. S" and· ·VE. ·G··.. :E···r·'·:J .•;i,_B•·:··&·. ·s·:..(!;>:,::>f.~ ·1· .:,~ Gerher.'s·~ c· ·. _.., · . . · ·.·... .-~ I. · .. .'-'~:A~~.: 1' i '•"'\:· BA:aY for • I -~~~ FOGDS . -~~~ BANANAS ...... _ __ ~. l.·'lb:_1_9c

' . A .Typico/ IGA Vo/ue! 1 TOMATOES PlasticTubePack . 2.'9c . Beet , Greens l · Radishes . · ·Fresh - Tender ....·:· ·. Instant· c 1 ·Large &unch · .. ..- .: LB ..ltf!· . 6-oz. ·Cello 5C BROCCOLI .l9C 39c Bag . . · , .. I ' I• Jar .' . Coffee KIDS! GET COMPLRf - snono ' '

·, ..

·ENTERI ' ,- SW-AN:SDOWN; • ,- , ·', .' ·, ' · IROZEN _r_OOD' . / ';·~ . ··-;··-.--l'f~ CIMZ\t·· . 1GA DELICIOUS . · P1llsl:i~ry ·. CAKE · BAKI:NG. ·c()NTEST. ~i~ ·orange . ~ ~ ·- . llour \ . Juice 6 · ·6 g;.~s· ~ il~ ·.Many ~ See~ De·tails ·in Ad on 89c ·.: .. · _· .·.Prizes~ .. ·.·. :·Pag~;· 4.: :Part· 2 · I.Jins, H, Dull on; 1111!1 MttrHhu Balwr, 13, Donn!~. Gaining the honor roil fm• girl nnd boy projcwts were: Jnnlco J{lels, 11., lsluml; MnJ'Y .Jo Loll, 12, nnrl June LoU, 10, Whmtll!eld; Social~ ,Jean Vorce, 14, and ,Judy Yorl<, • • • 1<1, Wchbcrvi!IIJj Mnrjorlt! Whit· moyer, 12, North Williamston; und Ray Dodge, Ul, Lurclt Street. Qulnlng the lmnrtlemfl honor 1800 Attend 4-H Achievement Program roll were: First year, Glen Graf, 1 I, White More pcnpln went to Sl'l! !1101'1~ · Onl<; Sterling 'l'horhurn, 10, tJ.IJ exhiil!ls lhun evc!r br•fore, Ex· • Alalcdon LumherJacl\s; I•'orrcst hlb!ts WPr'e on display in llw Ma· , Bennett, 11, Lnbr.t'tlmux; Doug son sclwol gym Friday aftl'l'llOOn English, 10, Jolly •l-ITers; Roger ami night and Salllrday mornln!~· Pavlik, 11, Alvin Pctm'Hflll, 12, 'l'he dress !'!'VIII' progmm Willi and Gortlon Cramer, 10, Okemos; Saturday aftut'JHJnn in t lw sl'ltool Da!Jas 'fhornton, 12, unrl Tom aurllturlum. 1·~Yxlllll1ls i11 l!nnw impmvL'· roads; Daryle RahlrlotiX, 11, Dex­ mont, plto(llgraphy, c~:.:g produe· ter Trail; and Darlene Droscha, lion, !Jealth nJHI liilft!ty, nnt! jun· 12, Aurclitls. lor Jr.;Hiersllip. 1 Third year, Larry Crib\ey, 1!3, Ann 1\ahn•s, 17, rJ;lllgllter I Dexter Trail; ,Jon Sh!rl(•y, 13, of Mr. and Mrs. (:cor:~~~ Knit res 1 IBunlwr; and Bruec Dnnsby, '14, nf Holt; nnd Di;nw Felton, Hi, and ,John Partridge, 12, We.-;t daughll!l' Mr. nnd !\Irs. MalJI'it:t! nr Locl, Almedon Ltimber.]adts. BOYS WON THEIR SHARE OF GLORY at tin winter projects achievement day for Ingham 4-H !' 4-H duh wee!\ al Mkl!igan Stntc Fifth yem·, Marlow Sltld<, 14, next July. 1 ·Lnnslng; Dor~on Drm;cJw, 16, clubs at Mason Friday and Saturday. Terry Brook·, left, and D11n Snapp were umong tho top ex­ Placed 1111 tl11• 1!1:17 l'lltllll.l' style 1 1 1Aurellus; ami Kenneth Waite, hibitors in handicraft. Torry is a member of tho DJnn·Nichols club and Dan exhibited under tho Joll\ ; revue 1wiHJI' 1'1111 w"r": .Jr., 14, West Locl:>:ro:HJ~·; ~ally Cro~sroarls. IVIH!atlll'id; and Joan Young, Sharnn Fox, ·10, Crossroads. W!1ile Oak; Joan Upton, 1'i, On electrical prnjer:ts for state mrwi•· pmir•c-ls those on the hnn·IFitdthur;..:; ltolwrt Steadman, lll, NePrllwm, 1:i, Str!: Grace Ba i!ey, 1-'i h·l!nl !\lit!'· won the J. C. Penny ;-pecial 11,· Onondaga; .Judy Ballard, 13, rna Jean Preston, 17, West Locke. Those on the county ilonor roll n:; 1 Keel\, 14, North Wi!!iamstnn, 15, all of Not'lh Willi:nnston; M;tr·' Fir~t, $111.l'JJ, trJ \Vest Lodw, jorie Clark. t.larh!P; Patril'ia ilJirl awat·d of a trip to Chil•ago. West Loc!w; Leis Scimeebcrge:·, .Jean Carl, 19, Crossroads, for clectl'ical pmjects were: Wi!­ Tn dolhing 1 those gaining the 11, Canaan; Janice Spo\'l:rlll. lead:!!''>;, " Nottingham ami Cill'ol Gra[, Mary Lumianski, 11, Sandhill; 11, Island; Judy Powell. 12, nnrl 14, Wchbervillc, gained the han- Ferris; Gary Warner, 14. Sheri· 11~11\ Stl:iilll Baughn, 10, West Locke; Rnsalyne Boyce, 12, Happy Jiw;t.. or roiL Bonita Lou Taylor, 12, dan Road; Ralph Dansby, 13, Gaining the photns(rap!ll' llllllr~· Blynn Doclgt~,Jr., 1G, Ferris. lhirrl, $:i.l11l, to Soutliwr~:l Lr.s\1!', roll were: Genild Hamilton, 11. on 1110. crHJnly honor roll fnr Clair Anrii'I!WS, .Jr., il'ad~·r. i'f,ftSSWJZ\Illf~riiiwm Dennis F'e!lows, 10, Jolly 4-H'crs; lers; J;tnet DeCamp, ll, La her- We,st Loc! s which , wlll Mrs. Ellsworth Brown, Mrs. a hospital bed or wheel chair tr mal1e cooking easlm:- arid more Leonard Carter and Mrs. Lyman loan to those Jn need of one in fLm. The cool\ books range all the Freshour, leaders; and Joelien the community. Anyone may con Now· on Our· Racks way from basic books to the most Bullen, 'junior leader, presented tribute articles for the sare. by pins and ·certificates to the girls. contacting Mrs. Berton Johnson for Your Selection! Handicraft boys had a display co'mnnmity service chairman. of their work. Mr. and Mr~. Leon· · WSCS meets Thursday; Apr!' 17 Valuable nrd Bateman, leaders, . and .Bob 18, at 10:30 a. m. · with Mrs Steadman, Jr., presented · them Marie Gregg.· Program lcaclcr: $29.98 to 's49. 98 Prizes with pins·' and certificates.' are Mrs. Dora Bird and Mrs Fred· H. Northrup entertained Jennie Copeman with hostesses the group with plano- musle. Mrs. Mrs. Virginia Launstein and Mrs FRE.E George Van Demar!<. Carter and daughter, Sluiron, J :Jn Mason Thursday, ·Frid~y, Saturday ·vefreshments. · . 1 April 18·19·20- · :1 next meeting will be ·sat· · · Soo Full Story in · ·- · 4, at .Vevay to.wn hal!, ·of new, members. .\' Ingham County No_ws 1':1~•1, Woo~···.·. '·' lnghar11 County News April II. 1957 Page 6 ·,Grovenburg' News S·toe~

UonH Dls!'lllls IJrlvlng 'l'm>t Culture Club Directors of the Llonts club met n I llw home of Dnvld Hills Tues. rlny, '!'he gmup discussed an Has April Meet "rconomy run" car dl'lvlng test, hy IIH! l~l•'A. Plans were rnnde for !lome Culture duh hurl lis white Pnnt• · wccJ(, 'rhe next regu. PJH'Il Inl'l!lln~ last !•'ririJII, nnrl Lurlln Beeman. A potlud( 13, at B p.m., according to the p11stor, Rev. Herbert Cherry. The 'I fill!' It fi•I,·,Jr·ltrl', flt·s.·l Vl't·P·Jli'Pslclr•lll, • t th bl' sUJIJWl' wn~ served to 1g mem·r program 1s open o e pu 1c. Vlolu Willinnm; sPewul Vif'f'·Jll'es· hers. A Holy Wcclc dr.vollonal The choir will be under the direction of Professor Chester Burl GIVE TO FIGHT CANCER- President Dwight D. Eisenhower points lrl!•nl, 1\'Ja)•llr!ll llnwlcll; I:Pr:relary S • h h h 1 d h out one of the way a to control cancer Ia to give to the American Cancer pmgram was arranged hy llw m1t , w o as specia ize in c urch music, having been a p11stor for :'nd I'I!IHJI'Ii•r, JleiPll B!•t•man; nnrl II D 1 D 1 a& 1 10 Society, During April, which the Pre1ident proclaims Cancet Control 11·nas 111 ·"r, r:Jmlys Myrt•s. A un: 111 • prr.s cnl, a sy anccr, IV niHo several years. He is a graduate of Taylor university and Westminder Month, volunteers rnlae lun~s for a program to help save 70,000 lives inHtlls lmllol was msl fnr all. Till' planned the fun pnr·t of tlw ·mrel· theologicbl seminary 11nd has had speci11l training in choral and vocal ••om c1oncer In 1953, surn nf $1.1il was rlnnaiPd In llw lngi music in the Peabody conservatory at Baltimore, Maryland, and'Jor- JimYPl' fLIIHI. don conservatory in Indianapolis. · Mt·. and Mr~. Bert Br.I'J.:, of Mllnn fliJI'It ll:ill gaw 11 papPI' nn Club Jo:hll·ls Olfli'Pr. .;. The choir, composed of 31 young people, includes trios, quartets Sunrlny. Pollok School "Lillie 'l'n•asury of Silvr•1·." Sr•v· Morlrl'll Mnthrrs Chilrl Sillily and instrumental numbers on the program. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgson Nalnwmlwrs ll!lll silvr•r hcirlnmn dull haH do~ed llHl ye

Tho~;) whose conduct gives room for talk ilrt' ulways !he first to 11ttack their neigh­ bors. Jean Baptiste Moliere SAL AYOUBEE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canad11 113 W. Michigan, L.ming Phone IVonhoe 9-9031

Ma.son ·Junior Chamber of Commerce ANNUAL Broom Sale 17 Valuable Prizes FREE TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY

•; I ."• ~:·: ,• See Full Story l,, ln~ham County News Next Week April16-17 Arrangod lor by tho Mason Chamber of Commerce

Salesmen Will Sell Door~to-Door' HEY ·KIDS I . Everyone B~nefits froni Scile of TAKE A LOOK. AT THIS! Blind-Made Products! .Get Your Funny ·Face The Buyer The Sponsor. ., The Blind Easter Egg Decals For Those Service Groups Who Must' Raise Funds ' lJt\XIer Uunal 1'1\l't'm•ms Th\s Plan Offe~s the People You Solicit- Have Mom Ask Any Mason Dairy Salesman for a· Dexter high school's bnnd of Oote'n of Our 60, unrle•· the direction of Hubert Goods Valued in Excess of Money Paid . A. Bearss, plnyccl an exchange concert at Stoclcbrldgc high Useful Goods They school last weelc. Bearss was a All Need Farmer Mueller· Egg·s fac(J!ty mcmbet· of the nalional The_y're Always Fresher .and. It Keeps Blind Workers Employed SET OF FUNNY FACE DECALS INSIDE EVERY CARTON You May Order Br.oc~ns ' . .! Absohdely F.. e.e By.· Phone - Just Call of Every. DoHar Will Be Used Helps the Blind Fer ~.ommunity Farm or Mueller's Eggs Are Gra~ed,. Candled ··Mason ·OR 6·5586 Betterment ~nd · Guaranteed .Fresh lngha111 County News April II, 1957 Page 7 North Mrs. Robert B. Welch

Willi< Is holng !lunr S II Ill days on tlw new clllll ch Women o[ the llnnch Hctl'l rllnncr nt the pm

Where Will YOdJ S~er~d the Next 2 Stnnda~'s?

Why D1d Jesus En'cr Jerusalem at Th1s T1mc 7 COME PALM SUNDAY AT 10 A M AND SEE!

What Docs the Scnpture s~y A bou llapt1sm 7 Who Should Be Bdphzed ana Why7 COME SUNDAY AT 7 30 P M AND FIND OUT' First Baptist Church Mason CLARENCE ROOD Pastor "'I/ D r Famous-2-:.Way. 00 /!\'\ I • 1 South Aurelius and PH I LCO Automatac North Onondaga .• ! ENTERTAINMENT SECTION "/low alld Where to Elljoy Yourself''


FOX rtltlng 2 pr;lnts, Buster's l.oolt all ------T-H--E--A---1 RE-- HJTS ____ -, ~~~1111ch~:. rft~~::ulny nnd Tuesday I fl•om Hnrtley·~. Holt Recreation ··oak 3 points from AI Rice and Ve·rmr..uJtwollc ~~b:JUH::s Plans .Joyously dr!dlcutcd to the faet 'v!cissncr's toolt 3 from Melville . lhnt llahlcs sllll come In tho same High games and series were: FOX cr nnrl shnols ll1c old mnn nld·fasiJionc:>d way, "FuLl of Life" Vera Stlcnlmrn]Jf, 191, 167, 17:1· For Annao@l Svrrdoa~ G~estival Flrlit 'I'I'IIVI'lillg Snh•slnlly through tho cl1cst, llllt 'l't·nce Is lls a truly surprising comedy to i31; Pat Bailey, 181, 168·459; Mur· Everything IH In remlitll':;s for I J,,,;lival Jli'OJ.:ram hr'glns at !l::JO. Jrl'lclny unci Hnt.m•clity slwt In llw sirle by Ben Hlnrtc· !ins), foi'Crnun of rntghly human performances of 1111, 172, 179·493; Elsie Lee Ban· fcst.lvnl Salu!'rlay of tills week. 'lhr: <'1'11\l'llinr: of lilt! qUPI!n al '11. First 'J'mveilng Salr!slaily offers ,. R S tt .Jurly Holliday as an; :lura, 176-432; Bette Rice, 172·461; Thel'!!'ll he Plllll'alws, SYI'llp, 'I'll<' grilllrl pararll' is ut:! wilh the plenty of laughs. Stru·rpd In liw llw ,,ullon anc 11 · • ll ·on, 8 1111 mol her and Richard Conte as· her Shirley Pugh, 168-3!10; Irene snusnge nnrl r•offen snrvt!rl ill li1r flilll<':llw dPrby s<'lwrlull'rl to strut 'J'eehnlmim fent11ru nre Glndr!l' alive, ordc!rs 11 senrdJ IHII'IY Ill harussr.rl husband are topics ol Howell, 162, Hl0·417; Mary ;Jnnr. hlgl1 scllrJI)I from !l in lhe forr'- al a. A jnmi11Jl't;e laicml. show is Rogers nnd Barry Nelson. !melt dow11 Trnee nnrl l 1Sl\lp IIom· wherever "Full o[ Life" has been Mills, 161·149; Ellene Lenon, Hl0- ·······~··--· \ 11 11! hP holh ~ltl'ia] and HCJLIUl'C - 'J'he Uul'lling IIIlis elerl, henrls the party, Meanwhile, SC'I'oened, so delightCul do they 404; Lavina Parltcr, 159·438; Mnr· dancing. \Vmhwsduy nnd 'l'hurs11ny Trace guides his lwrsc to the appear. jorle Duling, 154·406; Maxine Edru Skating News I \'t'l'fllllnlvlllr•, fo:alon Hiiplris nnrl Mizner, 153·409; Hope Somers, Trace ,frmlan !'l'ah llli!ilt!l') dis· OJH!nlng of an unclent mine. FOX Monday, April l:i-. 7::lii-III::IO p. Nasltvilll' :;r·l1ord lw11i.~ will 11lny 151·387; and Lu White, 152, 153- m. Hives, Vanlown and While' duri11g lilt• ri:~_l'. llill l\ll'l'lt!n's r;er· covers Ills hroliH'r .Johnny 1 Dalt! Maria !Natalie Wonrll, n hen uti· Odnngn 411, Van Sleklid shol. in lhP ha•·l\, tie [ul Anglo-Mexican girl, clismv~rs F1·icluy unci Suturduy Oak communltlcs. man band will IH! 1111 added fen­ •reurn standings are: lure.; Johnny liil~ IH!f'll IIlli I'· I 'l'rac<• .. siw dresses his wound an:i Among the tense and breath· Werlnr.sduy, April 17 7::11). Buster's Food Mnrlwt ...... 79 1,1, S~'I'Up IIIHI llliiplt! Sligar• prorJ­ rlcrecl !Jy llw nwn who wol'it Jor tells hun she'll bnng food. When less Incidents nf "Odongo," which 10:30 p. m. Opt•n nigl1l Willi Hartley's Midway ...... 73 mNGEit nomms, one of II!'is will lie 1111 s:r!c• ill l){)ofhs. Joe Sutton !Hay Teall, l'lllhk~,; she returns to her home, she WiiS Jllmecl in the Kenya jungles, America's film favorites, will np· Seottt guest,; from Pir•;,;ant lal;r· Holt Recreation ...... 71 '1. CrnssriJIIrlS t'.llll~SI'IIIt!nts Will cattle harnn ..Jordan tells Suu.on flnrls llle Sulton gang there, hut nre such cxcil.cmcnts as the pear at the Lansing Drlvc·In und Jacl CArmY and Kessler Construction Co ...... 51 Is also featured in Ihe movie. !rom his riesk hut .Jordan is fasl.· !lilrly. tribal vengc: cliamplonshlp by taking 4 point.' The WMC met Thursday, April 'rhn \\ 1 1·on~:· l\lun frorn Cummings Barber Shop the '1, at Childs Bible church with 5 Sunday and llfmulny final night of howlln;::. members present. H is douhlful that any other High games and series were: Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Dunn's son [iimmalocostcr·Tony Cur!is·CincmoScopo.Color 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Monroe Bowling Tom and Jerry Cartoon Cc1rnival have returned home after spend· EDRU ROLLER SKATING ARENA B-·Happy All Color Tom ,,nd Jerry Cortoons-8 s·CREAMING EAGLES ing the winter months in Florida. l\lason 700 Davis Clothing, Roy Christcn- South of Traffic light at Holt ~----lll'lll~!llillli·1.1ll:.~t!£-t'..tti!MFWJ1!.7~lmfi~d!WIM & Shown at 7 and 9:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jasdofer sen Ford Sales and Court Cafe were ln an accident in Kentucky each won 3 points from Thorburn Wednesday- 7:30-10:30 P.M. cnroutc hnme from Florlrla last Lumber & Coal, Mason Dairy and Friday-Saturday - 8-11 P. M. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball·Dunn Furnilum. With one Saturday-Sunday - 2-4:30 P. M . .Johns went to Kentucky and weel> remaining in the regular bt·ought them home Sunday after- season, Davis Clothing has cinch· PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT noon. 1erl the first place spot. The Cloth- We're Open for Partie• on Sunday, Mond•y, Mrs. Roland Graham attended Ijng team will howl Thorburn Tuesdoy ond Thur~d•y Nights Shown at 8:25 Only a council ·meeting at Rowliffe Lumber & Coal, winners of the Kitchin's last Wednesday. first round, for the league cham- Call Holt OX 9·2436 for Clm Schedules Mrs. James Orsborn retumed 'pionship. Sunday-Mollday APRIL 14-15 1 home last Tuesday. . High counts ln Monday night's Sidney Fulton Is seriously sick bowling were rolled by Harold ' Mnn. "tue. Wed. Tl•ur. 2 Show11 from 7 P.M. at his home. W1;r·e, . 217·565; .Wayne Barker, l) Alfred Hitchcock, master creator of suspense, presents Band mothers served the Lions 536; Bill Cummmgs.' 528; Bob ~'·------F-·r-ld-ay_Sunday..~s~l-ll~u-dn_y_. shows continum15__ •l_••_"_•_l_r•_m (rom__ G:-30 3 __P. P_._M_._____ M. ' club supper lus't Monday evening. Ware, 525; Ron Wh1te, 515; and DANCING r Henry Fonda in Fier VanDamme, 500. = Some movie people get divorces At Its- Best! Friday & Saturday, April 12-13 when they really don't need the . lHasnit Eul'lyblrds THE WRONG MAN publicity. Mason Home Appliance . ami EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Sunday Shows at 5-7-9; Monday at 7:30 Only Good Fami~y ~m~teo·tai111ment McCarn Olds l>eglers were right Music by Bill Sova and His Ranch Boys at it Wednesday evenlng to take Plenty of Laughs with 3 points each from Kean's Store anrl Linrly's. Christensen Ford ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING Ginger Rogers-Barry Nelson in 17 Valuable Sales split points with ·Mills Prizes Store. · . CREST High team game and series was AMERICAN LEGION Friday and Saturday rolled by McCarn Olds with 718 Drive-In Theatre FREE and 2039. US-16- 5 Minute Ride MOVIETHON. In Mason Thursday, Friday, Saturdoy ·High individual game and Free Easter Hams in Technic6lor East of lho Campus April 16·19·20 series were chall\erl up for· Bobby 2 Easter Hams Will Be Given Away Saturday Night SECOND BIG HIT Bryde, '190·506; ·.Tulia Banister, Seo Full Story in 150, 17HG9; Helen Lyon, 156, 187- North of Mason off US-127 Aomission'75c Ingham County News Next Woak · From Kenya to the Congo ... Over. 7 Hours of Entertainment Heathman,<153; Billie 151-441;Horstman, I-Ielcn 150; Barls Sandwich Saa Foods ·' Wayne Miller Sales lost 4 points Sun.-Mon.· Tue., April 14-lS-16 tb IGA, AI Rice Chevrolet won 4 points ft·om · Dart Bank, · and 1 Plus The heck with modest claims ••. this is a grettt movie •.• ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ware's Drug Store 1won. 2 points much more fun • . • · AFRICAN MAN HUNT at 7:27 ,• and lost 2 to Dancer Co.' . · High team game and series Judy Holliday-Richard Conte THE BEAST OF HALLOW MOUNTAIN "COME HUNGRY · was rolled by Wayne Mlllcr Sales, Hot. Chocolate Cooper in DALLAS cit II :58 AND EAT .ALL 691-1928; YOU WANT." : High individual games · SEA OF LOST SHIPS at I :34. series ·were: Clara Chandler, THIS Full of Life 166·472; Bea Badura, 159, 169·436; WEEK. Cartoon-Featurette-L.:~test News ., SUNDAY AND MONDAY- 2 Color Hits Country Style J~rry Chauncy,. 162·430; Beryl ONLY 30c .For Both! \ . Marion Brando-Gienn Ford · Towtis!)nrl, 160·429;. Hazel Whip· •/ Country· Kitchen pie, 170·403; Marlon Murray, 403; Wednesday. &:T.hursday; .April·17-18 in Isabelle Whyte, 402; Lavora Lee, SEE OUR ICE CREAM .·. . ., . 1003 N. Lansing Mason 155;·imd Eileen Fry, 150. · DISPLAY . . . ,· The mixed-up girl and the awkw.ard kid! Tea. House. of th:e August. Moon~ · ,, Phone OR 7·2701. · Team standings are as follows: • • 1 ~ • ' • • • • · . · .. ' ·.. ·w L. . Chuck Full of Many N.ew Flovors of Quality . Tab Hu~t~r-Natali~ Wood ' . SECOND ' ' Wayne Millar Sales· ...... 78¥.: 33% ·\ ·. · . ' Herv,in's Ice,! . . · . , r-E~TlJRE 1 ,qtiARCO.U. BROILED AI Rice Chevrolet :...... 60 /:: 51%' I;·, G:, A· ·.... ,.. :: ...... ;.. :.. 60 1h 51% .TRY SOME TODr\X! ' ' . /".r Ware's Drug Store ...... 60 52. ... . ,t. The·· BurnifQg. Hills ·steaks·.and Chicken Dart Bani\ ...... ,...... ~.58 .. 54 Danc~r Co. ·...... ~ ...... :.. 181h 93% Sportsman's Holid~y Ca1·toon ·MCJs()nJ)~iry Bdr . : ' 142, w.' ·~~pi~ . · · rnr io. April II, 1957 The Ingham Co.unty News Part 3 ·

Dean Gains Honors Dr, ,John D. llyrier, rlr!llll of thn Mrs. Hopkins Dies Supervisors Study County Reports college of engineering nt Mklli· gan Stair! unlvnrslty, Is to J'e· In IHirlltlon to olhrr· httslncss crml $l~,liOn for salary nf dog $22:i,2!J7 on pur·dtnse of new cars, $2•11,<124 wus spent, averaging ct•ivr! a rllstlngnlsherl alttmnus Of Heart Attack Ttw~rllly, surwr·vl.~orll h11d plenty ,warden nnrl ltnlmal slwlter· costs trucks, gr•mle1·s and other rna· $<150.50 per mile. nwarrl Mn.v nt Ohin Slate unl· or n•arllnr: matter. 'l'l11•y wcrr and $2J,DK5 in otlwr rlnf:( funrl a Mrs . .John f!opltltrs, 42, rlir!d nf cltlnPry. A mntm· gruricr cost .. Pnr·lt ltcpnrt 8uluniU.f'd vet·sity. Ohio St nt e'H college of en· n lwarl uttnck In Detroit: SntUr· Jlle!;cntnrl with vnllltnluous an· cor;ts. fo'uJ•nwr•s were paid $:i,R.1!J $1•1,Gfl0 nnd a fl'rlnl end !nuder '!'he report of the! prtrlt hourril gliwcJ·ing mnfers \lis nwar·ci upon 1111111 r·cports of llw county elerlt, for damage done lfl llvestoelt by duy, 'Siw had been In apparent cnst $10,1A7. Big Items were !;IIOWI!CI expenditures of $1.7,712.!l:i alumni whn nchlcl(e "nutstnnrling good .heal I h. · r·ounty I masurf't' 1111rl hnarrl of cln[(s, ~i92,GGfl Cor 11 mixing plnn,t, and on li parks nnrl u dump main· clistlnr.!!inn In the profcsslnn ,.,r l'llnrl £'ommissioners. They harl Arproprlatlrms to vnrlous state $W,845 for a dlt!scl generating tnlned by lite county. Mrs. Hnpltins wns Geruldlne engineering unci ulllr.d fields,'' Sawyet• of Mnson before her mnl'· IJt'lef t'r!pnrls fmm tlw hoard nf plant. Expenditures wcrn reported as: Dean Hyder, riean al Mlr!hlr.:nn r·otutty pnrlt r.· n m m 1s s 1 011 crs, lln(l county Institutions eamc to rlage, She was n cinughter· of tho 'l'ownsltlps contributed $141,. Rnynl!r park, Mason, $4,677.12; State :;lnce lfl5·1, received his late Trent Sawyer und Mrs, Snw· which is also the roar! eommls· $11H,.H~a. Opernling eir·euil courl Hili. Lansing led the list with Ferguson ut Ol;LJo;C'L'EJ) vcrt.ible slashed in 'I places when pointing not only the geographl· Dr. llolanrl L. J.'lschet•, ltssist· Out. of !he county's gcrwntl Some of the other totals were warns Prof. .Warren W. Chase, "CLirlously, he seems to ]mow he started to elimh into It. Sallll'· Attend Classes funrl was paid $1 ,228,GGH. ~·~ 1' f .. ll JTI f chairman of the department of about how high to hullri his house cal anrl jmpulalion centers of the ant pJ·ofc~sor of entomology 111: 5 7 8 11 0 0 In nrldltlnn to cash in hani fighting this t.lme of year. In young arc horn In early May. chapter, Mic!J igan Soeiety of Pro· The school wns conducted hy ' ri~>g lkrmses, $12,50~! in justic:e expcnrlilurc of $4,0'IH,3JS last fact., in late winter some of lhem Usually in lite spring of the year fessional Engineers, will meet in Hal Nutt, direetor of lite life in· cnurt co,.;ts, anri $10,1i~~ from ab· year'. are so harlly scarred from inces· the male and female muskrat live Ute YWCA auditorium Tuesday surance institute at PurrlLie Uni· straC't companies !or photo Most nf the monev came fmm sanl stt•ifc · that the fur isn't close to eaeh other, often in the night at. 8 to discuss flood con· versify, anrl Erl Chilrls, assistant copies. thr. statr•--sl,afl7,82n: worth anything to the trapper." same house. There will be an trnl plnns on the Grand anrl Red, director of lhr! institute. Null anrl Major riisbuJ·sr•ment items cov· The road commis~ion spent Gelling hack to lhat big moLtSP average of 4 or 5 young. Moe· Cedar rivers. · 1 Childs arc considered 2 of the out- ·----~------in the window·well; Professor La lily is high, however, so by fall Col. Peter A. Hyzer, Corp's o[ standing life insurance instruc Chase advised sntting up a slant· there are often no more thnn 5, Engineers, DP.t.roit, and Vernon tors in the cmmlry. · ing board mvercd wllh burlap or including the mature ones, in on~ Goclzer of the U. S. engineers Sixty Farm Bureau agents a rug so he can climb out. house." ltydraulic Slfl.ff, will particiJtnle in qualified to allend the 2-d;ty scs· WA VNE and LUXAIRE' He described the muskrat as The muskrat is one of the most the panel discussion. sion. almut the size of n small house widely distributed animals in cal. It is dark brown on the upper. North America. They arc found parts, silver tipped ll 11 the belly. from the Atlantic to the Pacific Home 1-leating Eq11ipment The small, bead-like eyes at·e al· d most hidden in the thick fur. Tho.! an from the Gulf of Mexico to large hind feet .mal OUTBOARD 1\10· . Buoyancy of Tide,' and a glorious ne\v ease of handling. T~RS. Comb~ne your boating "bug" ~vith rcasonabl~ and fair bani( finan· · . ·17 Valuable ,.Com~ let tliis 1lzctgl1ificent nerv Bui~k do 'its own talking. cing. Our loan!ng officers b~vo studied tliis field of finanCing and are t)re· . . . . ' . You'll find it swcet.listenii1g_,right dowi1 to the price-talk ' ~L . pau·Cd to extend t•ror-.l•t ancl conveni~~t terms wlui~ecvcr good credit st~ci- . Prizes· WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES. ARE BUILT *New Arlvrmccrl Vii~lalJ/a Fitch Dynaf/oiv ,iJ ilw ouly Di,rwflnrv 11/llck builds ing is pres~nt. . · . . · . · . . · · BUICK WILL BUILD THEM torlay.Ii Is slrmrlanl on Roarlmastar, Sul'cr.and·Ccritury- opllollul at mod rut . ·' .FREE. extra cost 011 tire Special, . I · · -· .- ..~ lo~h-l.lui Couniy New~ Aprii ii, 1957 Paqe 2 du 'ii'Lil'nilillli, juilll!i·j l)lt• gl UliJI, A ci•rY of rvrr, ••rut Mr~. Or to l~•~llmv~ IHll{t: ~ale wu~ t•lilllfl!!ci lu1· t•'J'i· 111 L1rn~ing-, Growing Elk I-Ierd riu>'• April "1!.!, f1lllll fi to II p. 111, ,J Williamston \Vygnnt.'H mnrlar:lc snn, 'l'he program conflsted of a Mr. and M1·s. 'I'hmna6 f\urlz Spanow hospltnl. In M•son 'fhursd•y, Frldo~y, Snh11J•y .. With him In his new VnllY Mrs. eorrling t·o the Ottawa Hills Home "Jlicl lii'C!S," SAN EX Rlltll Silliman last \VI'rlnr.stlny Ownr.r·s ·IISsociat ion. Mrs. Utll'l on Lake, vk·c·presi· evening. The Tngl1am county nJI.Jeaguc dent conduclr!d the 'J'ucsr.Jay night Mr. anrl Mrs. l{oiH•rl Bliss of lwnqur.t wns Thursrlay evening mcctinA' In llw absenr·r~ nf Mrs. ihe Plr.nsnnt. · Cl·aflr!rs on IJS·ll< visit l1ig reln­ Mrs. Wlllinm Camernn nnd TlfJwen, .Jr. "Sculpture" wn.~ !he IIV!'s In Ann Arlmr. ri;lughtr•J·, Penny, of OtJawa Hills, !" toplr: lyn on S. Waverly roncl last Wayne Gecr Tuesday evening well. Part!)', it's becattse the frame is sturdier. Partly, week. Lynn represented Okemos with 27 boys and girls cnrollcrl in it's because the wheels are smaller. Partly, it's t.hc way l:igh school. · 8 cli!Terent projects. Officers frotlt and rear suspensions tal((i tilt out of tums., Ol~'." rine Sales had diRpiays at the Wilson; vice-president, Belly Hile; going "Inner Ford." annual Eports show at ·Lansing secretary, Pat I(unzclmnn; treas­ Civic Center. urer, Roge1· Gc . , .. Churl's Manor on US-16 last week end .. .. The. comfort is greater •·. Mr. ancl Mrs. Thomas Vidro of G1·anrl Rapirls were house guests (You've never had it so plush) of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carpen­ ter rif Ottawa Hills-last wee!,, You sit in the lap of luxury. '£here's head 1'00111, hip Miss Lorraine Rinehnrt and room, leg room galore. And wait till you get a I oad of Bn l'hara Wcidemnn went to Jaclt­ those JJCW upholsteries and color schemes! son last' wee!' for a visit. Ol'cn10i .itinlor cla·s~ will pre­ I sr:nt a · differeitt and drama tie The body is "beefier" , piny, e'ntitlcd "The Recnm·lmhlc l ncident at Carson Corners" by (Up to 9 inches longer. :{. inches lower. with .I Reginald Rose, oit April 12 and full head room, full r.oad clearance) the ·NE~V d.~ 13. The Youth Talent Exhibit re­ From top to floor, front to rear, thi~ bocly is built like rL .. ROTARY MOWER cently at the Oirls Engineering "battleship.'! You ride surround~rl by new strmtgth • .building in Lansing had winners • Your best buy in Power • Trim olot on left. side for from Oltemos. They wet·c: Carol Mowers. culling wllhin fraction .:af Avery, second in' clot hlng con· o Safely approved, oasy · incti of garden walls. slructiOJ); Jack Weiss, first in to sl)ap on and off handle. • Large, steel, rubber tire. sc:ulpture; . Jean Miller, tliird in dotltlng construction; Gary Ta· . • Fuli powered 4-cycle 'Vheoh-staggered In front to av.oid ~calping • ller, honorable mention in wood· . onaino-ocoil slarler~. ~~·~andI:Jestqf allits the-lowest P-_riced~­ . Lo-T one muffler, · · · · • Cuh mowing time in worlt; Denise. Downing, clothing c:onstrttctlon, hon01:able mention; • Grnss is discharged in half-saves back-aching work. Penny Emery,_ second in £culp· smooth even spray from lure;· and Mary Beth Taylor, hon· ofthe low-pl'ic~ three -! front discharge chute on • Leaf ntulcher included at or:lble mention in clothing con· right-hand <\de. . : . · no extra charge; \ . ~Wuction. Gayle Cutler of Ottnwa r Hllls_served as on~ of· the judges. Ask for an Nalioryally )ohnslon Rotary Mower with big 4·cycle.....-·~ . Jack . McConl,ey, . superinten­ Action Test i_n Advertised and recoil slorloc- . · . · dent of schools for l'vler·lrllim Dis· In . . · ID·Inch culling wldlh 69,95 . trlct N7: 7, will become superln· the new kiud of ' · · . 21·1nch tendent of schools · at Stanton,­ FORD cu~llng ~ldll; 109,95 July 1, succeeding E.-.c~- Hensen. m:· ... G•n~rou1 ltodo~tn aliawan.te; served as suporlnten. at1d ronvenTe11t rttnu or tay.aWiy ,-. years· and before. that .: l:.OS1' . .' · · was. a teacher and· junior high I, '··I·.'.,, school principal in Dansville. · O)iemos Swinging Squm·es wlll have a dance ·at Cornell school We. Service· ·and. Repair All_ Types· ~f La~n. Mowers and Out. Snturday, April.13. . board Motors. ' ·- · ·; Mr. · MrE. Warren Pruim of .,· . the have.unnounccd "that . · BO.ATS FOR SALE . their·. of . business' has not · ... 1:...... been by Wlnn Schuler, . ·,·.-.;,.: ...<;: IJI'I~VIOUISIY .reported. . , . Ingham County News April II, 1957 Page 3 Churd1 Schedules Mr. nnrl M1·~. flolph Silsby 11nrl Clll611 l'IUIIM l'I'Oifl'lllll . Hedg len's Fete Sharon of Mnsnn woro ::ltillrlny 'l'hn prlmar,v clr:put·Jment of lhe Special Services cllnnm· guests of Mr. 11/Hl Ml'fi. Melltnrllsl St!IICiay sdronl Is plun· llny Glover unci Mrs. Ollw nlng a progrnrn for· Pnlm Sunduy, Goocl F't•ldny MI!I'VIces will lle l"osjer, conrlueted nnxl Ji'rlrlay afternoon Mrs. Emerson They will havo ns guests ntcm· Vlel\y unci Dougla~ Wolfgang br,r·s of the tlltrsery rlepnrtment News nl the F'me Mcthorllst church, It Mrs. Lnwtnn flcdglon wns hnn· Dansville Hltrl nlsn those 1n Mrs. Musolff's of Lansing spent Sunday with ' Is an nimunl service sponsored ored gUI!HI Simduy cvonlng at the 1 their llnr·onls, Mr·. nnrl Mrti, r~l· duss. 1\htsiP for I he pl'Ogram Is Helen Young, MA 3-3931 hy the Mcthmllst. and Free Melh· hmne .of Mr. nnd Mrs. Or·vlllc ocllst elnlt'l:hcs. '!'he scrvlc:e will lll'ldgc Wolfgang, tinder· thp diroellon nf Mt·s. Hob· Emerson In hotHII' of her birthday l!rl Thompson anrl Sully Thomtl· llnw•il:•• C:lnh l\11'1!1~ begin at I :30 p. m. Ml~s Carol West WilH 1111 over· anniversary. sn11. Pat'PiliH of llw chlldren muy 'l'lw mgulur sol'lnl nwntlng of Hev. Cl1nrlr!s Klngslc!y of Spring 'l'hc'Y nllenrlc•cl !he Spr·lng Ar· night gnost of Louise l'ert•itw 4-H Club Elects Sunday. nlso ntlend. lhll Booslct' duh wns c:nrHiucJecl Arhnr, director of the Light und IHll' a eapella l'iwir SIICI'C'cl r~Oili'Crt Mr. and Mrs. Luwls l•'n•Pr' nnd Wc•drwsdny evening at the Mclh· Life Men's f•'ellnwshlp of the D'mc 111 the Ccntml F'rec Mcllwdlst family Wl!l'r! Sunclny visitors of New Officers nrllst ehurch, Mr. and Mr6, Ollis Methodist r:hurch, will he :;peal(· cin!l'ch nf Lnnslng, I'IHns 1\huli\ I'm• l'ulm H111111l1y Mr. and Mrs. Hoy l'l'rllins 11f On l'ulm Suttrluy, April H thm:e Corrll!ll ancl Mt·. nml Mrs. Dnvld cr. Rev. Kingsley was n chaplain On llwlr way home I hny 'l'lw sr!c•ntHI nwcting of Ill!! Wllllnmstnn. Diehl were In charge nf the ill'· In tilt! U. S. nit· fnree rlurlng f]topperl 111. tlw Emerson home und will hP a spednl wot'shlp service Dansville •I·II dull was eondtleled Rend I Oot•inthiuns 13:8-13, Mr. ancl Mr·s. Alton Polloi\ and rangements. A plnnnecl supper World Wat• II nnd was stationer! l'eft·oslmwnl s of snndwlehes, Jel· nl D;ursvllle Methodist. ehureh. al 1111' town lmll laHt 'l'uPsday eve· 1\fnlw love your nim, (I Corinthians H:l. RSV.) sons nf Perry were Sunrlny vis· Them: will also he bHptlsm of In· was sm·vecl, after which there In ,Japan severn! months. lie wn~ In, r.nlt dl'inl<, and never president.; Sandra VanD;mrme, Mrs. Wll!lltrn MusoiiT and Mrs. Ilatter's grnndfnlhct•, Eugl!nc! Mr. and Mr:;. Roy Hartshorn be special music for the occuslon. went out for pleasure without her, · SI'C't'C!Iary; Harhar·n Cool;, ln!ns· .Joe !Iul~lnson uttenclerl the nn· Compton, nl. Big Rapids Wedn!!s· wore ditliH!r gl/eiits Sunday of The offering lalwn at till' sc:rv· urer; C11rnl Wing, rcpnrll'l'i anrl She said, "Do you thinl' it hurts me because he cannot nual sprtng meeting of I he rlls· dny afternoon, Mr. and Mr·s. A. D. Sunders·oll of. Icc will he used fm• the expenses SI!Hlc Willdn~on, I'C!c•rc•at in11. Letter Winners give me fine clothes, when every day he tells me I am the best trlct Woman's Society of Chris· JV!rs. Lmut Bettma11 n[ Lr·s. The spealwr day evening at tl1c horne nf Mr. eleelecl as sr;c•retary of supply \VPI'P :-;PJ'\'l'd l>y ~,lnJ'IPIW S\van, Indeed, all virtues are included in love. Faith is its founda­ for the evening was Coach F'orrl· worl(, ancl Mrs. Lloyd Harr of 'l•'lon•tH'C Supimn and Ahlrlc: May­ und Mrs. Dol'll Diehl. Mrs. David tion, hope its incentive. Love believes to the uttermost, and ri.l' Anderson of Mlchlgnn State Munith was eleetec.l pt·esidenl. villi!. university. Diehl, chairman of the member· always hopes for the best. The next meeting will be Tues· ship and evangelism eommlssion, l'RAYlm '!'hose fmm Dansville who at· ~lovl" Shown at Sl'irnnl d11y, Mny 7. presided over the meeting. Durn Our F11ther, we lli'IIY th11t 1'hou wilt she1l Thy lnvcl In out• lulllrl~;. Jcndcrl were Larry Soule, Jerry Diehl, chairman of tlw cnmmis· The movie, "Hcmo- 'flw Mag· Usn us to l'.lll'lllll'age mul hmd nHwt•s !o Htll!lc unci l'hrd 'l'lwe nlso. Wing, Don McCabe, Orville Emer· sinn on finance, presided at. their niflcent," was shown Thut·sriny to ·Our Investment Has.' l11li1• us 1111 tu ll•tu•n t~• IOVIl 'l'hee with. he~ut 111111 mln!l 1111!1 soul an!l son, Kaye Dougln.Y, Carl Minnis, meeting. pupils of Dansville scl10ol. Tllr' Calvin Chelf, Gerald Balter, Mar· str·enlJ'Ih, nnd om· neighbor us om·snlvBs. In ,Jesus' nnme, Amen. film was put out hy Mlc•higan Doubled and MYF Selects j vin Gauss, Warren Brool(s, John WC'I'U Will 1\11:1!£ THOUGHT FOR THE DAY B1~1l 'l' company. lt ex· Tripled • • Phelps, nncl Coaches Francis Cap· Tl1e regular nwcling n[ the "Love is the fulfilling of the law." plainr.d tilc dr·culatory ~ystem, p;,pr·t, Vince Carlen anrl Searl New Officers Wnmnn'~ Christ ian 'l'l!mpera n1•r! Sydney Rowe (0n1;iriol tilc IJlomllqHI heart. , .• and this makes your sickness shorter, your lifo Briggs. Union will he Mnnrlay evening, I longer. For drugs now take the place of time in The r·c•gulnt· monthly husl ness April 1!i, nt tlJC hnme of Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence l'urtis FIPid Wnt'lllll' Cnmhll'ts ~ll·et the hospital, and much nursing and doctor care. mcr•tlnJ.( of t!H• ~.1. Y. Jo'. was Sun· Mr. 11nll Mrs. Holland nnssln Rosa Amlersnn. The meeting will were Sunday dinner guests of Club Has Meeting Twelve! members of Dansville ri 11 ~· eVPning at !Ill' l'ilurdt. Thr: and family of Chicago Falls, begin at 7:30 with Mrs. Clyde Melhodlst Sunday school mel at Mr. nnrJ. Mrs.• Taek Cut·tis of Dire· wrm;i1ip servl"" w<~s h•d hy tlwir Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. and Curlis in charge of devotions. At Town Hall We .now carry more drugs in stock than over be. sponsor, Mrs. 1-'h•t 1 VanDamme. 1\lrs. David Mrs. Kenneth the home nf Mrs. Lewis Woods mos. Mt•s. Lawton Heclglcn is in charge 'l'llt'r·t".".ll m"n1her." r1f til" p,·t."t 1 Mr. nnd 1\lrs. Hex 'l'ownscnrl foro. Many arc products of unusual and compli­ DllrinJ.( tiiP hwdtH•ss ~Pssion, Slussr•t: of Leslw spent Wedm•s· of lire pmgram. "" , ., ' " T lUI'sclay aflernoon nnrl evP.ning. • 1 I' 1 Matron~ ami Patrons club had The meeting was !or the leader· and family were! Stl/H ay r tnner niTi<'f'I'S wrt·e <'l<'<'it•rl ru 1· till' l'Oill·! day With_ her parents, M_r. ancl cated procedures - and might be called oxpcn· 111(,1•1• r·cgtilar meeting Tltursday 1 . t . f guesls of Mr. anrl Mrs. I foward ing :r·ear. They \\'<~I'P: ,Jc!antw: Mrs. Davtcl Ba~cr. Mrs ..L~ns Bal\· Howard Mcrinrlorf, Boh Curry, f; 11p rant 1ng eourse or teae 1wrs Townsend of Northwesl Stod\· sive -for our investment is great, ();unan, president; Dilvicl Man-: and. 0 Wtllmm.ston Lnwrenee Swan, Duane Hart and l!Vening at the lnwn hall. nnd was cnncluclerl hy Mrs. Nella ~r dnughte~. ~ MI .. •"11ll Mrs. Met'!" Swar1 ,"ncl • fl 1· 1 llrirlge. ning, viee-pn•sidc•nl; M a r I c: n r• 1• 111cl, Mr · at~rl Mr 5 • l':v~rell B.tiulf( was taken Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dllwlinn Suncis 1 2-buckle WORI\: RUBBERS $3.49- Other Rubbers ...... ~ 01!'1~ 1---::----:----:--:---- Sunday visitors of Mr. and l\IEN'S DRESS SllffiTS were $3.98 some $3.50. All now ...... $1.99 Paint Specials Mrs. Halph Glynn of Vantown. MEN'S DRESS or CASUAL WOOL PLAID Fruit of the Loom lnsido _ Outside Kenneth Lewis· of Portsmouth, 100% Wool Shirts1 $5.98 elsewhere, at P. X ...... $3.98 FLAT- ENAMEL- VARNISH Ohio, Is visiting at t11e home of l\IEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS, Fruit of the Loom, $2.98 Now ...... $1.9l.f ALL COLORS FRIGIDAIRE his uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. E. Manning. CIIAMBRAY SllffiTS Regular $1.49- Now ...... 9!lc $5.?8 Valuo• - 99c Qt. Mr. and Mrs. David Diehl nnd family were Sunday dinner ~~~ ~~:~~tf.1~~~8.~~to~;~~~WEf~~vri~i:·$ii'ij5':::: ~~:~~ s2.88 GAL guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. l\IEN'S 10-oz. Zip Fly DUNGAREES $1.81, Button Fly ...... $1.58 1------Consumers Is Making a Sensa· Keen!! of Detroit. WORK SHOES :tlrcady at P. X. Low Prices $2 pr. Discount ALL Miss Gloria Ott and Ross Green MEN'S T·SHIRTS, 'S·lU·L ...... 2 for $1.00 COLEMAN STOVES - LANTERNS You of Michigan St.nte university were tional Money Saving Trade-in Of· $2 Discount Per Item Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. fer Cnrroll Glynn. MISCELLANEOUS FISHING GEAR on this 1957 Super I 0 cu. ft. Frigidaire Wessels Bohnet attended the PAINT BIWSimS ...... 25% Discount Bait Buckets- Rods- Reels Save 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. PAINT ROLLERS AND PANS.r Save 70c ...... 89c Reduced Regularly Priced at $279.95 and Mrs. James Helmker at Holt 1'ARPS AND TENTS ...... ~{, OFF 1------:--:----:------Methodist church Sunday after­ RINOCIJT,AUS ...... ,...... Vi Off Asphalt- Asbestos noon. Mrs. Nellie Cline of Lansing During I HOUSEHOLD IT~MS ROOFING' TAR This and Mrs. Roy Hulliberger of Wil· '!amston were week end gu'est:.; IRONING PAD AND OOVEU- $4.95 Value- Now Just ...... $1 mwh Heavy - Regular $4.98 Spoc.ial of Mrs. Ilnh Bramnn. Mr. and HEAVY CANNON. TOWEI... s, 20x40 ..... ~ ...... , ..... ~ ...... E:t. 39c 5 Gal $2 88 Offer Only S198~P · Trado Mrs. Pnul Reynolds of Coldwa­ CANNON SliEETS, 81x108 ...... $1.!1!~ • • v ter lnlre were Monday guests of PASTEL SJIEETS, Yellow or Green ...... ~ ...... $1.98 1------B--y--.___ ....;,_ Mrs. Braman. Oases to Match ...... 99c 0 5 Mr. nnrl Mrs. Wynn Boyce and noT PAD 1\IITTENs- 49c eiscwhcm ...... zc;c •laughters of Stoci(brlrlge wen~ Ret~· Shoes-Oxfords Cannon or Dan l~ivcr SJmETS 81x99 Cello Pacluld ...... l~:t. $1.79 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs·. Melvin Batllge. . . FAOI~ WASil OL01'HS Oannoit, 12x12, elscwlwm 15c at Ute P. X. Only !)c up to Mrs. Lawton Gauss was a Fri· trf,ANNI~L SIIEJt:T BLANimTS- Colm·s, (i0x7fi ...... $1.1.1 ca. rhty vlsilor of her sister, Mrs. · Colors, 70x80 ...... $1.37 cu. .$2 Discount Per Pair Lyle Schray, of Willlnmston. . White 80x180 ...... $1.99 ca. .This is Mrs. Irene Braman was a WOOL COMBED BLANI\.E1'S fine peppQt'el pastel colors, sillt ctlgcs, l'llal Thursday guest at the home of classy and wat·m $8.95 elsewltm·c ...... ;. $4.99 your c~ance Mrs. Nettle Baul of Ovid. Other DISH TOWELS- New style Tu,rltish, large size, twice us absorbent- 69c Dress Materials ~uests were Mrs .. Myrtle Whitney elsewhere ...... ·: ...... Now 39c each at P. X. Remnants from Latest Style and Mrs. Beryl Sweet of Lansing, . ~hicago Dress Cuts to own Mrs·. Eleanor Henderson of East Lansing and Mrs. Mary Rich· FOR BOYS SPECIAL PURCHASE America's monel of Grand Ledge. They wert1 . i~LANNEL SIIIRTS ...... : .... Some at $1.29- oth9rs at 99c all members of the graduating . BOYS' PAJAMAS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, JACI\.ETS, SOX, CAPS $1.49..-.$1. 98-52.29 class of Sparrow hospital. They . SS% Discount · . \ f. Per 4·Yard Cut· •nest honored .the birthdny nnnlvet·· SLEEPING BAGS, CAMPING EQ1JIPl\IEN1', SCOUT EQUIPMENT, sarles of Mrs, Sweet and Mrs.· , KNIVES, CANTE~N~, MESS KITS, IIATOIIETS, COMPASSE~, · . Thoso m•torials would cost 2 or 3, limos u much if I. 11 purchAsed elsowharo. Stock includes Shantung, , ETC...... 25% D scou t Gabordino, Crapo, Orgnndy, Jarsoy, Linen, Ray'\n,·· . i Refrigerator .. Mrs. Blanche McLachlan of ' .~ . Evart wns n weelt end guest at ARMY WOOL BLAN~E~S for camttors, Scouts, etc...... Now $4.9a Cotton ond Nylon. · .· . the home of her brotl}er, Arthur I .at tremendous Brool(s, · LADIES 51 GAUGE MEN'S FLANNEL RUBBER Mr. and Mrs, William Mitchell CIGAREnEs: . .. 1 ···savings ·· · and family of Lalte Oclessn and· ··NYLONS , KNEE. BOOTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dowling Carton . First Quality Reg. $1.49 ··SHUlTS. : 1 " S~ve $1.1 B were Sunday dinner guests of t~ you.! Mi'; and Mrs. Ru'ssell' Dowling of $1.94 Mason. In _honor of the. 51st wed­ 68c $1.29 .$4.81. ding anniversary of the A. C. . ) ..Don•t:\Vait- Buy. Now. Dowlings. · · · . · ' . , Mr. nnd Mrs·, George Merlndorf' and son of Eden were dlimer ,Sunday-of the en.ts, Mr. and •·••••· .. -·-··· Wiilllllm:s .. ·Mrs .. I

1ngbam County News Apnllt 1~57 Page 5 Canvass of the Votes Casf At the Spnng Elcc;tioll hold on Mond.oy, the l~t Day of Apnl, 1957 Legal Notices \ and canvaued QY tho Do11rd of Co~nty Convouer1 of lngh11m County Michigan

l~IJ!)7 Uf 1'01t1 01 ltii'OHI Ol CONDIIION 01 Dart National Bank The Farmers Bank 01 MASON 01 JIA:sON, ~IICHIG:\N In the Stute of l\lwluguu, ut the close o! lmsmt ss on !Uut 1 h 11, Hli7 at the close ol bns1111 ss ;\lluch 11, 1957, a Stah lmnldng mstltutlou l'nhtbhed in ICSJIOIJSC to Cllll llllldl by IOillJltlllliCI ot the I llliCilO mgnnizt 1lund ntttlutlng unl1~1 the bunking luws ol th1s Stnte untliL nndtt i'il cllon i.! II U S Itt' tscd i'itututes munllt 1 nf llu It d• 1ul Itt stJ H Syston Publislwd in uccm dunm• ASSIAS w1t11 11 1 nil mndt h~ the :stnte llnnl,lng Authorities 111111 hy tht• Fed era! Ut stJ' 1 111111, ol th1s H1sh 1e! $1 i2G 8 t9 gn Ai'SSIJIS C tsh balances w1th othet banks mduchng tesetve 1 610 70 I !l I bnl,mce nnrl cas 1 1Lems m [llOtess ot collectiOn $ !127131 j(j 2 Umtcd St ties Govmnme 1t obligntwns direct 25 791 09 and gUll an teed 3 Obhg lions of States and pohlical subchvis10ns 12 ono oo 1 Othet bond"' not J, mrl clebentmes 2 96G O!ll 1- 5 Cot pot 1te stoclts ( llll;ltldmg $i fliO 00 stoclt of l'cdcr II Resm vc oank) 6 Lo ms tnd cltscounts l!ncludmg $564 01 ovctdraftsJ 7 B tnk premises ownccl $5 000 00 furm Lm e and ftxttu cs $9 91 '5 00 11 OlhCl nssets IOfAL ASSETS 12 lOIAL ASSETS 1 IABILIImS UABILI'l'lf'S Demand depos1ts of melt\ Idulls pm Lncrshtps 13 mchv!dunls pm Lner:slups and cotpoHttions f1me depostts of mc!ividuals partne1slups I and corporations 3 0984GA fh Deposits of Umtcd States Government


ltal Stocl< 26 Sutplus Ccl Common stoclt 27 Undl\ Jclcd Sulplus Undivided profits .!0 101 AL CAPIJ AL ACCOUN fS Reset ves

30 TO f AL LIABILITIES AND TOIAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 'This bauk s capital consists of Common TOTAL LIABILITIES AND stoci, wtth total JlOr value of $100 000 00 CAPlfAL ACCOUN'IS $7109171 90 JUt~JUORANDA ~IE!UORANDA Assets J>lcclgecl or assigned to secme liabilities Assets pledged 01 assigned to secure llabihtles and ancl for other put poses $ for othet purposes $ 144 000 00 Deposits of the State of Michigan (Included Cal Loans as shown above Ute after clcductlon In Item 16) 14 886 99 of reset ves of 63 691 G9 I L R WHirE ca~hier of the above named bank, hereby ccr I, A A HUMPHREY Executive Vtce President of the above tlfy that lhc above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge named bani<, do solemnly swear that the abme statement is true and belief to the best of my lmo\\ ledge and belief cashiet A A HUMPHREY Exec Vtce President CORREC r- ATTEST D C DAR1 E A DENSMORE

W F DART J Directors YIIN'IIlll Ml', llllci LIH'Oil :'Hie! nnrl wscf; Clte!lif\l'h illllt• I lt~":ilt1UI'I'~' JHr~. ~lt•i!/lilll' Th' I R' h" w· I wl\h til" lltlt~~ r• 1111111 hr•· 'l'u ,·cr'VC!, lift tlw slko of. nwa1 Hdrool chllrlren mny get the shots De•nsnwrCJ, or MtlKilll. warr\. IY!rs ..l!mwul' Aruol!l will ht! if tho menl f,; to h;• served Ito!, IWCH~II thmn. Till' s'lrllt:llll'l! of \a:lll'f't!ll the lip of the Inrl> tiJld fol' 50c, nnd nclu\ls for $1 al lite . Mr. unrl Mrs. F. C. Anderson In elwrgt! n! the prngrnm. arlvisc~d I;'ayf' 1\lnr\et·, fon!l:; pro· rnPnt mulCt•:; il r!nslPr to r:ttl ()(). lltr• lmifC' hlarle. 'l'ht! c:hol1~e Pet'· srconcl cllnlc. nncl Christ.lrw spent Sunday with fesstll' al Mlch\gatl Stalt• unlver· tween tlw 1\hers; llu:rdnrc• tlw lions of siC'Ilils and roasts llfl(i Mr. and Mrs. Hrmeoe Arnold nnrl Mr. and Mr·,;. Hnrry Boughnt:r· slly. All tlw Jlortlous for lire \nr\lvidtinl portions mlty Ill' e!aHily thr• whllf' and rlarlc mm11 o! JloUI· Mrs. Maurice Monroe ancl fam· family of 131\sstlcld. They nlsn nne\ fnnmy of LnnHing wem Sutt· table should he c·;,rvr.r\ lwfow eut with an nrrlltHli'Y ellntll'r lllllfP. try should \Jr rllvlr\!!rl nmonr: all lly of Webberville nnd Mrs. 'l'IJCr· went to Bllss11rld Friday Pvenlng rlny cl\nuer gti!Jsls of tho lnlter'H serving nnd t\wre s!Jrnt\rl he room When r•nn•\itr~, push 1111! fork lltrwe set veri. nn Llllywhili! ,were Sunday Vlfi· to inspect 1\w rlamngr. In lhoil' parents, Mr. ancl Mrs. Irn Bailey, on lite platlt!t' In plnc•c tlw slic·e•s -----·---·------­ !tors of the former's [larcmts, Mr. fr.rllliz,·t· pla~ll en used hy a IOI'· •In' of the jlirthday annii'C'i'·l '.'11 top of each oiiH·r. its tlwy are 1 and Mrs. A. C. Berger. 1nado llwl aJirl'llnnn. lsnry of Mr:<. Jlmtglmcr.. :cut. If IIH! plalle,t· 1s not Jargc' lnqham County News Aprilll, 1957 Page 4

Mrs. Mat·y Weilw\, :n, of D!!troil -- mothot· of 7 c:hlldren -Is ORDE~ YOUR EASTER HAMS and TURKEYS MOW ••• crownerl "Mrs. Michigan of 1!1~7" by Paul· HcrJtolshelnwr (left), ex· c!eutive assistant lo vicf'·Jll'es\dent of DeSoto division, Chrysler Corp.,· nne\ Frcrl A. 1\ulser•, vJce.preslrltml unrl sales mnnagl'l', Mlchlgnn Con· To assure receiv~ng ·the desi.-ed size and 'lariety sollrlalrcl Gas Co. The 2 firms co·sponsor I lie contest. Mrs. Weil.r.e\ willreprc~cnt Mlchignn11l 1'110 ".''vlrs. America" finals In l"orl Lauder· c\nle, I~loridn, May '1'1.. CHO~CE SHOUUlK:R CUTS-CUT FROM GRAIN FED BEEF Leslie News Mrs. Clara Strange LB. the hascmcnt anti fiJ'sl floor of the GAH hall painter! at. r1 cost of Leslie Is Host approximalr!l.Y $:i:l5. • M ·t The nssessmcnl roll wns lH'·I At Spnng ee veple•cL Rc!a\ IJHiate valm•s nfl ~:J,ll7,2:ill and Jlcr·sonal properly Le~lle plnyeri host to ~ forensic 1 values of $281,700 were list eel. FROZEN FILLIE'rS . LEAN, BONELESS HYGRADE, SMOKED teams In lhc spring distl'lct mort Tire Coundl moved to ca\1 1 last wecl1. Coadws attenrled wilh Ayers, Lr•wis, Norris and May, 1 4-oz. 29c :m pari icipants. Tile East J;Jd\mn conntllanl engineers of Ann Ar· OCEAN PERC~i Stew Beef Chipped Beef PI< G. team has Wiillcr· vl'e;tver as hnr ·whn were relunce lution p:tsscrl at lit!' council mcrf. Sophomores )wrl I heir "sprin;:: 46~oz. ing Thursday. Eckert rrr.cived fever" dante Friday. Sponsors CANS Clean Sweep Brooms EA. 99c Salad Dressing I J~i 35o spc•ei:tl trninin1~ in c:ivil defense were .Jerry Dawson, Ma\!'olm Me· .. . STRAINED-ALL VARIETIES ANN PAGE, NEW LOW PRICE during the. war. He was rr•eom· Kcm~ie nnrl Mrs. Inr,a Miller. 2 lllt!nrlrrl by ll;tlrih Strope of !VIa· LB. JARS son, county ctcfen~-:r. rlirr.clot'. Baby Foods 5 49c Ground Black Pepper CAN 45c A second resolution was passer! DIETS 1, 2; 3 by I he muncil to nicl and assist Dansville L&M, VICEROY, WINSTON in civil defenf~ work wherever 16-0Z. JlOKKiiJJC, (Continuctl from Pa)l·e a) Daily Dog Food 6 CANS 49c Filter Cigarettes The counr:il gave the 'propet·ty l"'rA llnlm S1dt~ i.~ Sulm·du~· MARVEL 125-FT. c•ommille•c aulltorizntinn to have Dailsvillr PTA will sponsor :.1 Culrite Wax Paper 2 ROLLS 49c A&P Instant Coffee· ' . . '•. ~.o~'.·~·.· ,. .. llalw sale Saturday, April 13, at I ,. . • 'I • . PHIt Week er-ir;.Jaw, Ml·~. rtobert Smith.' Mr. ntul Mrs. Arthur B!'OOI:s 17·0Z. Arronged for by the and Dian!! anrl Mrs. Blanch Me· 6.9 Tee Shirts MEN's 75c sovs· 59c Green Giant Peas· 2 CANS 39c M•son Chamber of Commerce L<\chlan sp~nl Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. To~

This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the ~s a Public Service by the Fellowing Firms and Individuals Following firms and Individuals

Holt Bowling Lanes Bement Feed & Supply Service Holt Mason

Mason Dairy Van's Service - Sindair M11son Mason

Morse's Restaurant Dart National Bank Mason Mason

C. W. Glenn & Sons The Farmers Bank CHEVROLET & BUICK Mason ~tockbridgo Robart Nursing 1-lome Mason George's Food Market Mason Collins. Electric Stockbridge Da. t Manufacturing Co. Mason Ace Propane Gas South Cedar Stroot Consumers Power Co. Laming

Wilde'~ Super Food Market Mitchells' Dept. Store Stockbridge Lc1lic 1 I The Ferris Company Lindy's Drive-In Mason Mason Heighhi Estes-Leadley Funeral Home The Peoples Bank Holt - Lansing of Leslie Wolverine Engineering Co. MARATHON Mason Ken's Marathon Service South Cedar Street and Eifert Road _A. A. Howlett & Company Lansing ONE FRIDA~~ Mason

J,tlslhl f:onl;'l'f'(;'lttlonnl Ch•·ls· tiun, Samuel B. Wengf'r, minister. · When we . become. mired . in the ·routine. of life, one day is 1I 1\luson lllttll isl., Clar~IH'C 11nr.lrl, Palm Sunday, April 14. Christen­ like any other. This was just another working-day for most Jliislor. Worship s!'l'viee hllgins ing of children, sermon suhject, THE CHURCH FOR ALL •.. pmmplly at 10 a. m., .m~ss11ge by "The .. 'rriumphs of Jesus." Joint: of the people in Jerusalem. tile paslor, spc~!'i;J] music hy tlw services with local churches at ALL FOR THE CHURCH youll1 ehoir; 1 I :1:'i a. 111., Sunday sm·vices ApJ·il 15·18 inclusive at Three men died on Calvary Hill. · One· of them was the sehool unrlcr· tlw supcrint.enrlcnt, the Arcade theater from 12::lfl. The Ch.urch is the greatest factor on earth for Paul Hicharrls; li::JO p. m., Bap. 1:15. Rev. Charles Hastic of 011. Galilean! th~ bulldmg of character and good citizenship. list YnLIIh Pcllnw;;hiJl; 7:~0 p. m., vet will speak Wednesday eve· II Is a storehouse of spiritual values. 'Without a lmptismal service; 8:30 p. m., Jci· strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization nln~,:· with Mrs. Donna Coppens Business as usual in Jerusalem. Unless we understand the lowsliip perinrl in honor of th,; giving ·a solo. All Leslill chureh con survive. There ore lour sound reasons why haptismal canr.lid;rtcs; Wcrln~s­ ""' women may attend a s~crificl;tl whole. significance of what is happening we pay little every person should attend services re.gularly rlay, n::~o p. rn., youlh el10ir rr· luncheon Tuesday, April •16, at attention ... and support the Church. They are: (I) .For his hcarsal; 7::30 p. m., [ll'aycr and Fell.' B1ii1ke.i• 11111 · .: Fr. : Walker: .. ·•· ·1:30. p.,m.; .·coilf~!!slons,jl · lot' .7,11;· dur~ · .'Co•nfe:S'SI.~rmlatlun L1111t yenr'a tlcl1cts producer! 1 more limn $!00,000 lncomC! fm• ------often lost when a generntion dies, ---·:------·------~------.....,------:-----.....,------Another !noll nt: Mlchlgnn'~ WnterJnrd townshiJ>, Lofurgy's justke of the pence machinery The lll>rary sends u fot·m rlireet· group hus en tared ·Into thC! 6 share reached $33,202.10, AAA Iy lo "picked" personullties. This Regulat~ons Are Changed months training . he is then de· ocCUlTed when Fmnels E. Ban•on, snys, includes infnrmntlon nncl photo· a Howell attorney, recently !nyed from the draft and If serv­ • • • gr•nphs of historleal importunce, Ing satisfactorily in his Iocul re· r.hurged that ju~1tlccs often con· "In my opinion, such courts • • • Under Army Reserve Plan serve unit after his return 1t•om duel n "raelcct system" to collect 6 monillS' active duty )le Is tur• fines nne! costs. . are not courts nt all, but merely 'fhe collecl!on is more than a Savor·al Important changes 1r'1 1 n mclwt system for• collecting Michigan "Who's Who." 'fhe goal tlve duly training within 120 clays thcr delayed from selectlvC! sr~rv­ The justice of the peace opera· the Reserve Forces Acl of 1055 after enlls~mont, lllld are required lcc cal!. flnas anrl cosls f01• the benefit of IH to preserve records direct from bacnme offectlvC! on April 1. lion has been controversial pre· the ,justice nnrl lhe townsl!lp," persons who have contributed to to snt!s[actorl!y purl. cipu te in Adclltlonnl lnfor·matlon rlliJ(rd· v!ously. Usually I he Issue In· Changes affect primarily young weci

You th.ought tlmt going to trhtl wra~ the only lega11 means of settling 11lsputes, But a trial is not the only per­ missible way to reach agreement on disputed issues. Actually, there· are other methods. For instance, the parties to the dispute can, by themselves or through counsel, negotiate a set· 1' tlement. That settlement, if prop· erly handled, is binding on th~ parties. Arbitration is another effec­ tlvC! method o£ putting an end to disputes. We'.ve all read of labor· management contracts which pro­ vide for arbitration machinery to settle differences that otherwi~·2 would reach the courts. It worl{s out particularly well In such dis· putes. An arbitration decision of· ten will talte into account factors and testimony that might not be admissible evidence In a lawsuit Arbitration Is particularly use· .1lhe Choice '1lhat is Challenged.,:! \, Neve~ ful when· the problem is special· ' ,• !zed and the arbltt•ator chosen is . . . ,, 'I ~: a person who is equipped with Drive a Cadillac over any period of time you wish Who could driiJc. a new Cudilla~ and not pr~~ specialized knowledge. If the arbl· -and the odds m·e that. no one ever questioai tratlon is properly conducted, the will nounc.c it the crowning achievement of automotive award arising out of such arbltm­ your choice of a motor car. engineering? · tlon 'becomes final, complete and For a.Jmost everyone understands the instincts . certain. Usual1y, there Is no ap· And who-lmowing of Cadillac's many econo• · peal . from the arbitrator's deci­ fhat lead a man to Cadillac> Rare is the motorist, mics of ownership could f~il. to recogauze it as the sion.· . in fact, who does not have. his 01111~ hcaa·t set on finest investment in all motordom? ·· In this respect, arbitration dlf· ' .the "cal' of cars", . . ' . . fers from the settlement of a dis· "' * "' pute a lawsuit in a trial court. Certainly, this is as it. should be. For Cadillac's Indeed, thc:l·easons fot•·choosing Cadillac are as·. The of a trial court Is · ·vit;tues a;·e ,simply too niunerous to be ovedoolted nv1~c:uw.u,,., to a higher court. The valid as· they are nun\ emus-and we ut·ge you ·to Buy 'NOW and SAVE!. appeal, however, , Is . limited· In ':"'"arid too appm·ent to be misunderstood. . visit yom· dealet• at your fir~t oppodunity and scope, and should :not be thm,tght disco~er all of them for yourself. · · In Addition. LIBERAL TRADE-IN'\.. . . - of as a retrial which it is not. The . Who, for instance, could be/wid a n~w Cadillac ·. ALLOWANC~ FOR YOUR OLD RANGE · appeal Is designed .to test whether imd not proclaim it 'the .most beautiful and Why not spend an hour ~t the wheel-and select · the trial-was conducted according majestic of automobiles? to laW arid whether the decision , yom• fnv01·ite Cadillac modei as your. own? ..• ,, · Is ·legally correct. The appell'ate Who cotild rt"de. :in a new. Cadillac and not You can rest assu1·ed-thc whole wo1;ld wllf apt· court •can decide "judgment af. recosnize its extraoi·dinary ·iuxury and. comfort? p1·ove you1· · choice I · · · tlrined"-·whlch · inea·ns. that ·the . . '· ' • trial court's: judgment stands or "j u d g m ~ nt · revers~d~' ·.. which the party who 'lost ~s now thl!'w·tnrrer. )

/Etiiiutiais fF====!===-==-~======-~-=="="-=~~~·!!:•~-~!!:L..=:-.:.-"'--""""""·'=-='=-~==:!:!!:==2'fjl t111n11hnous SllPIJOl'i. fm• 11 r.,solu- logilam County New~ April11. '1957 D b th 1 lion urging the state llq111lr con- OWn Y e tml commission 10 nx ·tr n'clonl( ;-----~~------~------'"':. ·:The Aprill Mandate · p, m, us closing limo fnl' hc1w . ' ·S Y CAM 0 RE pa~l~~~:.~ nrc U~'l men nnd 154 Governor G. Mennen Wllllulns claims 1.hnt the oittcmile women employml on Ingham Wr'A pro;jlli!IH, 'J'he roliH uUVI! o{the Aprill elec'tlon is !i cleat· mandate of the people to theh• Twenty-five htincl!·ecl yenrs ago 1 fr•ul(· plclwrl with thoh• own handu hrr.n frnm 2,18[) men nnrl leglsln.tors .to do li.R the govemol bids. Pluto · 8et up qunllllcatlons for tile rlny hefom they left. F'lorlrlrt 287 wonwn n ycnr ngn, · The1'e wns only onG legislutlve contest on . th(, ballot Ingham county's newest. circuit fat• home, They were rh>llelous-­ Supm·vlsol'll llJl!ll'ovcrl tho pur· .Aprll1, That \vas the election of a senator in l:M 14th dis· judge, Sum Street Hughes; "The even the 3-pomulcr that wn,q on chRRC of n Photostat ffilll'hlne to trlct to fill the Vllcancy caused by the death of Senator Hat·ry judge should not hr. young; he rllsplay at the offlcn ll[ tho Ing­ rln II WilY wfl h hnml-rcenrrlfng In should have learned to lmow evil, ham County 'l'hur~rlny, 1~1'1- 1lw office of t!w rcglstCI' of rleecls. :F: I-IIi±Je of Ingham. 'fhe people chose the Repul>llcall candl· not fi'Om his own soul, but. from .date ·fJto 1. Tlwy gave no mandate to him to do as the gov­ llay nnd SntLmlny, Ingham highways were hloclwrl I Inletancl long observallon of the qgaln April H wllh the henvlrst el1l0l' ·tlemimd::;, nature of evil In others: lmowl­ Paulrt l'llmt·~lacl who wH.Jt ,Jm·•·l snowfall or llw year. : ' With the exception of Senator-Elect: Paul C. Younger of l!clge shoulrl he his guide, not per­ DilyH i1m•fornwcl wllh Hllr 1h 1\'1'111\ll' 'this distdct, the people chose their lcglslntm·s Jast Noyember. ROnal experlcmco." nncl nglllf.y ut thtl 4-U show In HO Yenr11 Ago-111~11 J Suprt•vlsors re-eleclcrl William They chose Democrats and Republicans not as l'Ubber stamps A hunrlreri ytinrs before thnl In l\nwn 8uhu·duy 18 Utn youngr.c• H. LoveJoy of Loclm as clllllrmnn. and this 'but as men and women who would Rt:udy state needs and mmmentlng on outlm lal.ry that Maple Grove.IJurlaiR· youth.refugee fromfmm PrussiaBavaria visitedand thefor trainmen were Injured, one en­ :field township which at vnrious times haye been proposed as wer1' belng'made north imcll!outh quite a spell. gine wns wreclced and rail trnffl•· was halted for 6 hours. sites. tiR weu· as east· and west, tlu!y l.etterwrlteJ•s to the Tnghmn Michigan Centml fares will go Boys don'tnin away.ft·om Vocational schoolin droves be- 111ulu1ti lu~ve been toitlabout Dlo­ to 2c per· mile after September w w LJ . cause It happens to be in Lansing. They mn'away because of !\'Piles. "Um·y on iuy fiiW," he County News ure In exalted com­ MEMBER me pany this week, Wilson Compton, 15. FEDERAL DEIPOSJT the lax discipline at. the school, because of the lack of security ~n:rd, "bec~ttL'le In a llt.Uo · wlrlle wlto agreed with a l'ecent mlltor· A strike on the .Jncl

. .-:·.; . ·mm·~ .. at lh"&·ht;)rthern resort ho· Milson councilmen re-elected t~ls~. ·Raymond .. Bell of · Mason Alfred Forche as mayor. Oh! What Might Have:Been!.:· ... : ill!l_re,ct: .. th.~ vi~lln · and· RusseU ·Nels lfelTihy won over Erie ·B~t?,Wn of ·Mason: played the saxo- Spe'nny to resolve the tie forMa­ pnone In the· band: Bob son councilman. The 2 r.andfclates U1e :offiCe Frl~l~y, : hls first vlslt ih·ew lots. bnck'· to .Mason ·1n .35 ·years, He . ·came· to.lenrri ·about·Rtissell.'Bob ·Mrs. Howard Schllcler is the ls···.now: meillcal· director of the new president of Mason PTA. Mifssadtusetts ·at Tau·n; 10 Years Ago-1947 · · · .. me'ntally Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Graves '""u

•lowest' P,iced Car with lri-Power Car~uretlon/·

~ ~ · · Po~ac'started 'em all talking ~Y tagging this eye-popping Chieftain below 30 models of the low-price three. Now Pontiac has ) tossed another firebracker into the low~price field . . . with

Tri-Power C!lrburetion available at ext.ra .. post 1>n any model. Pontiac ( alone at so low a- coat offers this 6ensational track-proved* carburetion system' that has officially outPerformed supor•ohcirged .J 00 PONliACS and fuel injection oc1rs. Hei:e~a·hi)\Y it.worlcs: For n~rrilal driving, only one of three double-barrel'parburetors is in operation. When FREE! you want a safety-surge of power, presa your toe and prontol-the . Drive the Champ : other fwo carburetors pour out ~ bonus of go a.s long as you need .it. Ease up .. ·• and you're baok·to the gas-saving economy of Contest one-carburetor operation! In short-yo'ur i1ew Poil.tiae Chieftain Here's all you do .•• oan be tame o~ terrific-at the touch of~ toel Try it, and you'll .Go to your aulhorlzed Pontiac aee wliy they're bitinq their nails in the low-price field; Check the 1dealer during April and test drive Yalaable . oar ... check the price .. '.·and c&.bets are that you'll graduate to · the '1957 Ponllac • .17 · · Pontiac.with' plenty:lt,ft. over ih your budgettoc~lebrate the occasion! .Fill ou/ the official entry blcmk 2 and deposit it· with your dealer .•• . · !:." Priz•s. ·· that's.all there Is to It! ·. ','hat might talw ~cvcml have an effect on the development debate In the house over n corn the cat• while she pic){S up beer bottles. The couple tlon has been developed at MSU assembly of root trusH member•s. yenrs of uhovc-nol'!nul moisture. of red color In apples. They (l·icd bll! last month, It doesn't seem canvassed Oltemos road from Mel'idlan to Cavanaugh by agricultural engineers Boyd, for Hl57 wlll he sclectcel, will be red varieties of apples out under probable the senate version will And the last pngo shows how nt Mlehlgan Stnto unlvm·sity .!'h , Tlw condlllon of the soil won't Sunday afternoon and collected 372 beer bottles worth M. L. Esmny, nnd B. F. Cargill In to put rnof truss units onto the nllow moisture to flP!Wirate nor­ rllffcrent wave lengths of light, get fur, but at the encl of lust cooperation with West Canst May 7 nnd 8. r . frnm red to bluc·vlolct. They say weel< there was doubt about this. $7.44 plus other cnst-offs which boosted the gross take supporting walls mncle of fl'lllnc County princesses from 35-­ mally, Although slwblc ummtniH Lumberman's nssocla!lon. construction, 13oyd salcl. o[ rnnlsturt•, fulling as ruin en· uach variety. turned red fnstest There could he a very close vote for the afternoon to something over $10. Her waistline Mlchlgan count lcs will spend .,1c Is a tt·im 24 -down 5 inches from when she first began Plans for package farm utility Plnns for this type of llcxlhlc, snow, hll lhls pnrdwrlrll'l!:t, much when exposed to tl)o red light of In the house, bullellngs have 2-way flexibility 2 clays nt Kellogg Center cnmpct· the spectrum. the beachcombing hobby, It takes about a month for stanrlnrdlzed, fnrm utility bullcl­ lng for· the lwnot• to represent of the wniPI' COitldn't sm1k In hr.­ • • • engineered Into them, There are lng arc nvallabfe from most lum­ ennsc of the sun-balw!l soiL [( .. • * Herschel Newsom, muster of another $10 crop to grow. Meanwhile there are count­ 4 choices of building widths: 24, Mlrihlgan's dairy Industry during the Natlonnl Grange, says feeling less other rows to harve13t. ber dealers or from agrlcultul'fll the year. - will lal week may Just vide Indemnity to dairymen for Warmer Weather Threatens Details of f,·amc construction Moin Offico-415 S. Cochran harely make the grade. The bill culling herds; Idea Is to put s 'f f Sf d c Furniture Sets - Clocl\ Radios - Watches - Jewelry calls ror 1957 corn acreage allot· brakes on cxpandlng milk output. pOl age 0 ore orn Charlotte, Michigan mctlls of 51 million acres. To get ...Five million people or 10% of Green Veterinary Hos)tital -TER!\IS:-Cash a corn loan of $1.36 a bushel, non-agricultural work force arc - Free Prizes to AJI! Office Uours: 7·8 p. m. 1\lon.· farmers would have to plant with· engaged In getting food from Spollage of stored corn Is a These will help natural air move- Fri. - 1·3 Jl, m. Sot. ======~==:.:..~:.,:..__.... .:_ __ 1 farmer to consumer.... Fresh strong posslbillty this year. This ment for drying, fruit and vegetables deteriorate spoilage is likely to develop when County agricultural agents \. NOTICE as much In one hour at 90·degree warmer weather comes. . have full detalls. They have bulle­ Dr. M. J. Green Hall of Distributors l{t~adt!l's- Hcsichmts- Voters- Taxpayers temperature as in a whole day at Corn spoilage Is expected by tins that are' available without 50·degrees or a week at 32 de· Robert L. Maddex, agricultural charge that show and · explain 752 N; Cedar, 1\loson Thr. eulirc Nursery Industry ha11 gone on record na _oppoalns grees, according to a U. of Call· engineer at Michigan State uni· various drying methods, Maddcx Phone OR 7·9791 the buildinl! of nrtnlhcr nursery in Southern MichiRnn by the Michlgo.~ G. K.. SMITH, Manager Con~ervatioi; Department, Furcstr·y Division, for the following rco.aona: Comm1!tci:tl nurseries in the snmc temperature zones can and will furnia - moisture levels of corn put into ~ IJI'C'ducr. 11 11 the stock Jwcdcd-withaut sJ>Cndlng one cent of tux money• ~ud~ v~~~because~rclatlvcly h~h :~;i;d~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michirrou1 Conscr\'ation nurscricfi nlrciidy sell over 75'?n of the alack pro· storage last fall. duccd by tltcrn to the Jmblic-somc 30 million, As long as growers have corn Pl"i"nlc nur!'icrymc11 feel it is a waste of money for the to lncrcnu in cribs that arc-no wider than 6 )ll'oduction one-third or to •10 million, The co:st of n !ilnte built nursery is too hi~h; $181,000 o( Soil Bnnk money thru the Clarkc~Mc:Nary Act will fee.t, he said, there will probably he r,tOHlti~d :mel govcrruncnl pilyrolls will be expanded. be enough air movement for l1u!.inc~!in1Cn dotim they ci\n build the snmc production fucJliUM for natural drying. aJlproximt~tcly 25% of the i\ntount Willltcd by the alate nnd &omc nura!!ry .. Leading Broods IJlCJl c,IIJ r.xpancJ fo1• :$10,0£10. , ' WlliTE ROCKS If moisture levels do not drop, All thr: nua·~cry~nr.n wunt to do hi to stay In business without govern~ Hatcblnr AD .Summit' or if cribs are wider, then grow­ IUI'tlt c:ompctitlnn, while paying lmccH. ers wlll have to employ assist· U you don't yeti !\hould help your neighbor plant trce5 wJth your t;u mcnr.y, write Lo ynur Rcpl'c=tcntntivc, c/o The Houu, Lnn11lng, Michigan ance. This help can be secured and your Scawtoa·, c/o Tlw Scnalc, Lane;ing, Michisnn. A poatcmrd will do­ LOWDEN FARMS with a fan. ' hut do it nnw! A small one-horespower fan HATCHERY with a 24·1nch diameter blade is Ht~half of: l\liehigan Seedling Growers ancl the Nursery Pboae Jockaon ST 2·4809 · 1 h t dry 1 000 bushels Indnstr~· b~· Gm·don lUcCurdy. 4020 E. Darry Rd. at Honrlolla arge enoug 0 ' I -a. 1, Rlvo, Junction according to Maddex. - In temperature ranges of from 60 to 65 degrees,. this type -fan Having sold my farm, I will sellut llllblic auction at thll place 51;{> miles can remove one per cent moisture east of Eaton Ra}tids, on the Plains road, or lmile south and 1~ miles west in about 10 hours of operation. of Aurelius, on • When used during warm after· for a week; growers can He's Secure Now! expect a drop In moisture levels of 2 to 4 per cent, claims Maddcx. As a substitute use any power take·off fan-a sprayer has one­ Saturday,. April 13, 1957 and O)lerate on warm afternoons How About. for a week. Then, have grain Commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following described property: tested for moisture level. 'rhere Is no accur·ate way to determine how much moisture these substl· 18 Years tute fans will remove except by FARM E9UIPMENT 'testing grain aftet· some drying. HOGS There should be no more than 1951 John Deere "A" Tractor 6 feet between flue and. crib side. 50 Head of Feeding Shoats from Now?' Then, this l2·1neh diameter flue, S-bottom 14" Oliver Radex Plow- bottom resting on tight floor, 2.year-old 18-hole John Deere Van Brunt Grain going up cente1· of crib will gen· Drill with seeder attachment erally give adequate ventllatlon John Deere 12-A Combine with PTO FURNITURE for natural drying. A flue golng all the way to top John Deere 2-row Corn Planter Electric Table-top Range, 4 burners · of grain wlth trough at bottom Nearly new International 45 PTO Baler Frigidaire Electric Refrigerator is of little value from a vent'ila· Nearly new Oliver Tractor Manure Spreader White Steel Cabinet tlon standpoint, he said. ·intomo.tional 7-foot Mower · · 2 ;Kitchen Cabinets Substltu te flues can be made with potato era\~!!, or with wire Eight foot Oliver Disc Round Oalc Table, 6 chlth•s and buffet covering. a triangular · .... u ...... 1 Nearly New Papec 10" Hammer ~fill Walnttt Dining Room Suite, buffet to match Two-wheel Stock Trailer · · 4-section · Book Case IIISTORIC PJ,OW ADDED 28:inch Mounte'd Buzz Saw; all steel The extensive farm machinery Tractor Grass Seeder. Wheel Barrow SeCl}er 17" Console TV aud Rotor collection owned' by the Michigan navenitort and 2 Matching Chairs . university museum has a 2 Surge Milking .Units 20 Milk Oatts new addition In· a replica of the ·. 275-gallon Overhead Gas Tanl( 3 Glass-to!J . Coffee· Tables · orlgln!ll John Deere. steel plow 2 10-hole Hog Feeders i Plant Stands Lamps first built in 1837. The plow's 20 foot Log Ohain 50' Endless Belt Library Table ' s,hlney steel blade is credited with S Elcetric Chicken Brooders an'd Fecder11 · Sewiug Machlne­ having helped open up · new Pile of '2x4 Lumber · Pipe . Rocker , . Pictilrcs · prairie areas to farm cultivation. · 24-ft. Universal Elevator with motor- ·· Single Day Bed, Sitrings and lUattress . ·S -H. P. Electric Motor Folding Spring Bed · I Balboa, dlsc~vcrer of' the 1 Blishel of Alfalfa Seed clflc, was beheaded by the .Throw Rugs ·Dishes Pots of Spain on his return home: .... ·1 ton of 8·12·12 FertUizer ~5-ft Upright Amana Freezer · 500. Bales of Mixed Alfalfa Brome Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention ,., ...... ~.---....---· -·--~~------_...... ______...... ;.____ _ Thi5 boy wi II b~ re~dy for coll'oge or· s~me other form .of training 18 yo~rs from · 17 ·valuable · . No removed until settled for Not res(Jonsiblc. for, accident&' .. . TER~~~-cash.' go~~s. . . ' . ' now, It will take a planned savincjs program on tho port of the parents and the boy · ~imself to ease !he finarnci~l p~in ,of. providing t~e m. oney n_ei:essor.y for t.hat school~ . P.. izes tng. Open ~ s~V'tngs 11cco~nt for htm now. . .·. _. _ .· ·__ -• . · _· - : · •. • '.· 1 ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ·" ·,FRE,E ·.~ .. : In Mi1on' Thrirad1y, Friel•~, S•lurdly · · . April 18·19·20 ... , " ARCHIE .FULLER, Proprietor _:WA'YNE.G. · ·· - FEIGtiNERi:Au~~i~~eer . .,· , · :_.\ -' -.-<.oil-. ·· · ·· . .-- ·· · ; .. ·.· · ··: · .. ·· .... · .' ' '

.,.. •• 1 ,r· ,-···------··----.----.:..--,-~---~·-··-··-•-··-" ·-r·--·-~ .. ~ .. - ...... - .. ------···· ··--. "'"····---·····- ... ·----··•···-.,-~ .. _,_ ...... ,._~..,... OVCI' Si'Wtll'8~' Wn1'01' Iii' gn;; f•I])OS dillli£0l' OJ )'t'llll5 1it',Yili~ ollli', Go Slow ·oyn~mife Blasts Are Easy· H this mn he nvoiclecl, Avolrl l(oop l'llrtls wet rlllt'lng 1111 iil On ,Alfalfa Way to Get Cl~an Ditche-s Dig the holn for tho tt·eo before hrnndHls tn givr. l.lli,! rc!rlitr!'ri plnntlng. This wi1J rr.rlucG the I roots 11 chnnc~r. In ft•r.rl the Iup . .·This Spring- Draining Wc!l lnnrl Ia gnarl lntsl· rnnchlncry would hog rlown, anrl nr.s11 (OJ' the fnrmer tlllrl !here are on johs where the. nmount. or . Jnghfllll {l)lllll,\1 flll'llWI'S Rl!OUlrl Bf'vernl ways In rlo IL One way e/ll'lir to he mover! Is not cnouglt lnghilm County News Aprillt, 1957 Pngc 4 r:onsiricr mt:l;ing alf;tlfit sP.erllngs I~ In mnlw nn oron drnlrmge rlltelt to pny to move In n rlreclglng rna· .------. In Augll/;1 ttslng tho l1anrl secnl· across !he field. 'I'hc excess water· chine, Anolhnr· nrlvantnge of: lng nwtli,Hl ratiH>J' tlritJJ ;rltcmpl: clrnlns out of the· snll Into tlw d,\'11!lll1ltc Is the nhsencc of n Eyes Exam(ncd - Glasses Fitted .to sr•l'd Itt Wlli'HI this Sj'J:'ing, HLIJ!,· ditch anrl ruits otr. !flrgc soil 11ilo nlong the cjllch . r:P.sts t'r'y, .Many of these clrainage rlltches Dnnnr.II used the propngutlon nr~ clug with n drnglinc dredging Vent-Air Contact lenses Tin 1J()I11::; nut 111111 w;tllllt.: good 1 s)'Htcrn Cot• blnstlng the ditch. machine. Another method IB by onl~· · slanrls 11f nlfnlfa In wheal lrns aJ. "This method can he user! the use of dynamite, 'fills is th11 he WIIYS !Ji•f'JI il III'Ohif!Jll, Alfalfa In wet. soils," snld. method Stephen Donnell, Alale· A 50'/n strnlghl nitroglycerin rlor.Htt'l dlw tltP lrrnvy ~lrndlng of ) don townshl!l fnrrner, is sltfiWil dynamite ~peclnlly rlr.slr~ncrl for Dr. Harold A. Shnider whritl wltlf'!r lias il ltmrd start liHing In the pictures at the lllft. clllch hlnstlng wns user!. By !he In the :.prlit~~- And llrP. lwnvy ap· pi!C'IIIlnn nl tdlrogrn lliat.'s usual· -Where nppllcablr., there arc use or IQst shots, he found the Optometrist severn! advantages of ditching stlcl slt;irling P.VP.n with dynnmlle as compared with placer! 12 lnl'!JP.s apart. anrl -1 othet• metlrorls, nccordlng to Mel· ltr.nvlr!r. 'l'lw f'I)Jll}JCtltinll i~ thP.n' inches below the ground surface No Appointment Nooded .lll~l too 111111'11 for alf;ilfa, es-1 vin Stroud, Ingham soil conscrvn· to get the cleslrecl sl7.e clltch. Test p2dn1J;,· on tlw llghlrr• :;11ils. lion service, Il Is possible lo runs are a rnusl, Dnnnrll ~ald. Opon Evenings Mondny, Thursdny, Frid,,y d!lcll with dynamlt.e under almoHt Besides fal'lning, Donnell rlor.s i\ gontl solution In llrr. alfnlfn EM~GENCY AFTER-HOURS OPTICAL SERVICE nny condition, but usually It Is ~ommerdn! hln~llng. £P.r.r!lng fll'nh!Prn mny he Jo plow economical only for mal1lng small Donnell coopet·atcs with the Phono Office IV 7·5358 Ro1idonco IV 5·3998 illllliPIIIiilf'iy ;tfll'r c·nmliinlng fl/111 dlldws or cut-offs In stream chan· Tnghnm Soli Cnnset•vatlon Dis-'------~ JH'rparr• th'P soil for the August twls In soils other than gravel !-'f'r(iillJ~, sugg0~;ls M. H. '/'Psa:·, lrlcl. The drainage survey and dry sands, he points o11t. made by a technlc~lan ·of the was,------.Soil !lOlls spr•t•lallsl at. Mklilg;ur Staie unlvr·rsltv. With hatrrl serrling, nl· Dynnmllc Is suited for ditch· ConRet·vatlon Service as part of n fiilfn sPrilln.L;s m:tr!c• ttpln ;\trgust lng In soft. grounrl where heavy romplr.le soil conservation plan. H _.,...... ,·:'

· :11 ·""' " ; will usual!)' lw lwllf'r liwn , ...... , .... .::· .....;~;~~ ;. ~- .' · srr.rllni(s nHicl<> in wheal in lilt! ·- '. swing. If till' Atrgust sPeciin>: Tim~ lclra rlnrsrt'l fit in willr the farm· Right to Plant Trees IIllo( S,VHI.PIIl, ll'lill\P. lllf' ;tlfillfil NOT AN ATOM BLAST, this mushroon is the result of dynamite blasts on the Steven Donnell sP.rr!lni(s lir n111s or· lmr!Py in tlrr• farm on Willoughby road in Alaiedon township. By careful positioning of dynamite sticks, Donnell was Is Before ·Leaves Appear spring, Avc•r,v said. able lo blast a clean ditch with a minimum of expense and effort. On the olhPr hand, .June Ol' ·. Ft·om now until leaves appear scarlet oalt, mountain ash anrl medium I'C!fl clrll'l'l' doesn't sePnt is the Ideal time to plant trees, sweet gum, 10 rnlnrl tiw lll'Hvy shading fmm Seed Oats Need according to Harold Shick, exten· Small size (20 to 35 feet) - hr.avlly·fr•rt ilizr!rl wlwiil, Gonrl sion specialist in pari< manage· ironwood, amur maple, tatat·iar.l stnnds f"'/111 usually llr nlltalnc>rl Germination Test men! at Michigan State univer· mapc, flowering crahs and cher· with rnrl dowr tlluler r•oiJclitlons slty. rles, hawthorn, althea ancl flower· maly coffee tree. Arranged lor by the Medium size ('10 to 50 feetl­ l~•olulcly sure of. . Mason Chamber of Commerce yield . . Sale Eacb ' ·----- Norway maple, little leaf limlen, Wednesday Chick·s and fggs ginglw, English oal<, pin oak, Are ·On Upswing Fc\\·cr· new pullets· and smallct· egg supplies arc inrllcn ted by re­ Icent repm·ts on baby cllicl' hatch· . ings, according to farm ccono· j n:tist.s at Michigan State univcr­ SAU~ S'l'Ait'l'S AT 2:30 ·SJ!y, In January and February, 1957, 1 f70B Belden Road hatches were 26% below the figures for the same 2 months Jackson, Michigan rast. year. .. Phone ST 4·1 el3 As a result·, prices to producers More profit to ynn hf'cnwm o( Jeu may fall in the range of 'IDe lo 1hrlulmge nnd lower hnulh•K coRtR. 50c per dozen for large eggs in NO SPOIL BANKS TO LEVEL. Donnell is shown measuring his Bonded !nr $50,000.00 nnd WCt arc lite last. 'I months of 1957. It's pos­ muck ditch after the blast. Ditch is 31f2 feet deep with a 4-f.oot bot. now P.quippr.d to "ell dnh·y nnimals, Diw·to the d1\alh of my husband, I will sdl at public auction at the fal'llJ located 7 mil1•s northwest. of' .nn well us hrd cuttlf':1 f~edcr pigs, sible that prices might mnve tom and a I Q.foot top. The original earth was spread over the sur­ bore, ,;hecp nnd cnlve!i. above 50c per dozen for a short Stocldn·idge ou DPxtl'l' 1'•·nil to Grimes road, norlh ~~ mile OJ' -M mile norU1 of' Northwrst Stoehhridl!;l' ehu•·d• on rounding field leaving no spoil banks. The 320-foqt ditch required Grimrs J'O:tll. ~------'' period, say MSU ecrmomists. about $75 worth of dynamite. [Photos by Melvin Str.oud), • ilt- 0 DDTWorks Come in and take our D I:OOP.M. I:OOP.M. On Moths. SATURDAY, APRIL·13 I "PERFORMANCE. TEST". Most effective treatment ·for .•. I European shoot moth is DDT, re· ports M. H. Avery, county agri­ Phone Phone cultural' agent. Entomology and forestry re­ Price Brothers searchers at Michigan State uni· Mason Stockbridge verslty came to this conclusion after testing DDT along with sev· OR.6-5754 Auctioneers Ul 1-3342 em! new. organic insecticides at Kellogg forest ncar Augusta. The tests revealed that ernul· siflable and wettable powder for· ·Farm Machinery- Equipment: ;;:ii mulations of DDT were equally CATTLE · effective in summer treatments Guernsey Cow, 2 3·enrs old, fresh in Januat'~'• hrl'd \ (made June 22), Avery said. in March 1946 li'ord-FeJ•guson Tmetor iHIDWI~ver, the emulsifiable formu· Guernsey Cow, 3 years old, tlue in June Fe•·guson 2-U Plow Iation was slightly more effective Guernsey-Holstein Cow, 2 years old, fresh and O)lcn Ferguson Manure J.oatlm· I I for the spring treatment (made . Guernsey Cow, 6 yem·s old, frtlsh in FcbJ'tHtrr, open Uca1· Eml 'l'••actor Cmuc 2,1), ·he a deled; f I J.7 ., Guernsey Cow, 6 years old, b1·ed 1\larch 13 International F-30 'fJ•aeto•· and Cultivator Aiso, summer applications Guernsey Cow, 5 ycat•s old, fresh in February, OJH'Il ' ' . made at lO·clay intervals were ·Guernsey Cow, 2 years old, due in ,June International 2·14 Plow on l'llbber more effective than . a single ,John Deem Forage llar\'ester \,•ith com and h ny spray. Guernsey Cow, 3 years old, fresh mul 011en llolstein Bull, 18 months old attachments Both the spring aml .summer applications controlled the moth Jlolstein Heifer, 17 monf;hs old, O)len .John Deere Blower, 50 feet- of pi)lc mui lmil'c when carefully timed wit.h com· Guernsey Heifer, 17 months old, bred sharpener · · · I plete covernge of susceptible Allis-Chalmers 60 Combine At . shoots. 1 1\lassey~Harris 3-seetion Harrow, goo!l eontlition Recommended concentration is Corn - Hay - Straw International 7-ft. Tractor Mower 2 to 3 Jb of actual lnsecticlcle as 400 Bushels of Corn an emulsion 01' a wettable powder 300 Bales df Mixed Hay International 4-section Jlari·ow in 100 gallons of water or tlW 100 Bales of Stl'aw ' David-Bra(lley 10-inch Hnmm1w Mill equivalent In smallet· quantities 100 Bales of Timothy llay. International Sitle Ralw dependir:g on type of sprayer Truckslor.;vory lob, from the world's mast complete truck line- l'l·ton pickups to 90,000 lb. models. used, Avery explained. With hand Double Cultipaeker Potato Digger sprayers it may be necessary to Dump Rake ,' Grain Bhl(lct• Increase the concentration. Household Goods .., We earnestly beli,eve yo~'ll find INTERNATIONAL the best per• GE Electric Iron Piano a1itl Stool 50-ft. Drive Belt ;Craftsman Bench Saw forming truck you've ever driven. Avery urges Christmas tree plantation owners t9 nialm pro. Rocking Chah· , Cement Mlxet· Wall Post Drill ' But we don't wont you to take our word for '"this- we want you visions for roadways for .move· :J4·size Bed ' 8x:13 Rug Turning Lathe .. ; to fmd out for yomself! · ment of spray materialS' . and Quantity of Other Housellol(l Al'tieles Arbor aml Grhuler equipment. l /.· Phone or drop in to see us and we'n arrange for you to "per­ Black & Decker V:!·in. Drill formance test" rut INTERNATIONAL 'll11ck. While yoft have tlrls · · : \ ,Dairy. Equipment · 1 H. P. Electric Drill · · truck out; do usn favor, please. Forget how s!Jiny and gcioil-look· Prices on· Cattle Rite•Way .Milking Machine, double !llllt, new single 2 Gas Barrels · ing it is. Don't baby it. ·will Be. S,teady unit Quantity of Small Articles. 'Thke it off the road. Give it the works. And notice how comfort­ . A, relatively .'stable ·price level able you ore, how easy the truck handleS. seems likely for beef cattle· dur· TERMS:~Cash lng the next . few · months. Don I' . ', ·.Not· Responsible for Accidents Keep in mind, too, that this very performance and ruggedness ·-. · Stark of the agriCultural 'cconom·. keeps operating and· nuziritenance costs down over tile years) ics department at Michigan· State No Goods ·Removed Until Settled ·_For . . • . ' ' I I ·stopin·soon! ·· .university •ma\tes this .prediction· after 'studying the factot's '· ..... ··· are llltl!ly· to influence the ma'rket . · · Stark sriys. shipmt:tilts of feed· Qver the:~'~are I"J.RNATIONA,L :TR_UC:KS·,. .'· .. er steers are runnlilg :below: last '.·' · ·. year, but calf shipments ni·e up a. ~o'st least 'to own:('( anrforvnere'·c~~t~ec~l'dlproveit) '' ·.. little,· Since. calves. also made .up • • • • • • • • • .' • 1 • 1 ' . . . the total number I, •. , 1,.',, ' , ' ; 1 egal Notices .)··school Board Leslie lions· ;·Asks Officials Elect Officers :Jo Return For .Next Year PROFESSIONAL·. · 1' .' ' (Crowdod Out Loot Wook) (Crnwdoll Out L•.,l Week) :.. At 11 special meeting ,of Lcsllll Morris R e In h a 1•.t has been BUS·INESS~S·ERVICE IJchool board, II was voted to In· elected president of Leslie Lions vltc the superintendent ot club for the coming year. I uchools, Clarence VanderLinden, His ·supporting ca8t of oiTicers and the high school principal, elected ut the same time nrc: Foo'ds ' Otto. Hcclarl Ior the Congregation church ut. Beauty Service still to be appointed. "We· Barbecue In the 'storci' Wlllmit Guaranteed Hosiery Prescriptions custodian, George Blgg. Blgg hns Western Michigan university, The main pro,lccts of the Leslie l!()rvcd as head custodian for the Kalamazoo, He spol, SPECIALTY SPRAYING Bud's Auto Parts Multi-color Flecl< Painting Qlirt'Y Howell, Da!wln Shaver, Available Everywhere "Cent ml Mlc:hlgan's Largest Homes -'- Rooms - Offices Dealer ill Le~le Model Salvage" Furniture Phone OR 7-2311 Phone OX 9·2154 Free Estimates 246 W. Maple Street South of Holt · 2 Miles · North Walt or Jack Hetzer Mason of Mason OX 4-2861 OR 7·8701 r------• Office and Home Linoleum Floor Tile Bookkeeping_

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