Holyhead Breakwater Refurbishment Scheme

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Holyhead Breakwater Refurbishment Scheme REPORT Holyhead Breakwater Refurbishment Scheme EIA Screening Report Client: Isle of Anglesey County Council Reference: PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 Status: Final/P01.01 Date: 30/07/2019 Project related HASKONINGDHV UK LTD. Honeycomb Edmund Street Liverpool L3 9NG Industry & Buildings VAT registration number: 792428892 +44 151 2362944 T +44 151 2272561 F [email protected] E royalhaskoningdhv.com W Document title: Holyhead Breakwater Refurbishment Scheme Document short title: EIA Screening Report Reference: PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 Status: P01.01/Final Date: 30/07/2019 Project name: Project number: PB9014 Author(s): Sarah Marjoram Drafted by: Sarah Marjoram Checked by: Jamie Gardiner Date / initials: 02/08/2019 JVG Approved by: Jamie Gardiner Date / initials: 02/08/2019 JVG Classification Project related Disclaimer No part of these specifications/printed matter may be reproduced and/or published by print, photocopy, microfilm or by any other means, without the prior written permission of HaskoningDHV UK Ltd.; nor may they be used, without such permission, for any purposes other than that for which they were produced. HaskoningDHV UK Ltd. accepts no responsibility or liability for these specifications/printed matter to any party other than the persons by whom it was commissioned and as concluded under that Appointment. The integrated QHSE management system of HaskoningDHV UK Ltd. has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 i Project related Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Proposed Scheme 4 1.3 Need for the scheme 5 1.4 Purpose of this report 5 1.5 Report structure 5 2 Description of the Proposed Scheme 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Description of the Construction Phase 7 2.3 Description of the Operational Phase 8 3 Requirement for Environmental Impact Assessment 13 4 Legislative and Consenting Requirements 14 4.1 Enabling Legislation 14 4.2 Other Relevant Legislation 14 4.3 Other Relevant Plans and Policies 19 5 Consultation 21 5.1 Public Consultation 21 5.2 Stakeholder Consultation 22 6 Nature Conservation Designations 23 6.1 Introduction 23 6.2 European designated sites 23 6.3 National designations 25 7 Potential Environmental Effects 26 7.1 Introduction 26 7.2 Coastal Processes and Geomorphology 26 7.3 Marine Water and Sediment Quality 27 7.4 Biodiversity 27 7.5 Fish and Shellfish Resource and Commercial Fisheries 30 7.6 Commercial and Recreational Navigation 30 7.7 Air Quality 31 7.8 Airborne Noise 31 7.9 Cultural Heritage 31 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 ii Project related 7.10 Maritime Archaeological Potential 32 7.11 Landscape/Seascape and Visual Setting 33 8 Habitats Regulations Assessment 33 8.1 Introduction 33 8.2 The HRA process 33 8.3 European Sites 34 9 Water Framework Directive 34 9.1 Introduction 34 9.2 The WFD Process 35 10 EIA Screening Conclusion 37 11 References 38 Table of Tables Table 4.1 Shoreline Management Policies for Holyhead and Penrhos, and Newlands and Afon Alaw 19 Table 6.1 Summary of qualifying ornithological interest in Anglesey Terns SPA 23 Table 7.1 Top three busiest port in Wales - tonnage handled per year (DfT, 2018a) 30 Table of Figures Figure 1.1 Location Plan 2 Figure 1.2 Holyhead Breakwater Structure 3 Figure 2.2 Outline Construction Programme - One Phase 9 Figure 2.3 Outline Construction Programme - Three Phases 10 Figure 6.1 European and nationally designated sites 24 Figure 9.1 WFD waterbodies 36 Table of Plates Plate 1.1 Cross-section of the Breakwater structure showing erosion of the rubble mound 4 Plate 2.1 Diagram of seaward side refurbishment using Tetrapods 11 Plate 2.2 Diagram of leeward side refurbishment options - ACBM 11 Plate 4.1 Waste hierarchy 16 Plate 5.1 Summary of interests in the Breakwater 21 Plate 5.2 Summary of concerns relating to the refurbishment 21 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 iii Project related Plate 7.1 Photograph of Solders Quay, looking towards the Breakwater 28 Appendices Appendix A – Consultation A1 – Public Consultation Responses A2 – GAPS Consultation Response A3 – NRW Consultation Response Appendix B – Level 4 Building Study of Holyhead Breakwater 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 iv Project related Acronyms Acronym Description ACBM Articulated Concrete Block Mattress AONB Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty AQMA Air Quality Management Area CD Chart Datum CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CIfA Chartered Institute for Archaeology CO Carbon Monoxide CROW Countryside and Rights of Way Act cSAC candidate Special Area of Conservation DfT Department for Transport EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPUK Environmental Protection UK EU European Union FSA Food Standards Agency GAPS Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service GAT Gwynedd Archaeological Trust GEART Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Road Traffic HAT Highest Astronomical Tide HER Historic Environment Record HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment IAQM Institute of Air Quality Management IoACC Isle of Anglesey County Council IROPI Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide LBC Listed Building Consent LSE Likely Significant Effect MCA Marine Character Area MCAA Marine and Coastal Access Act MCZ Marine Conservation Zones MHWS Mean High Water Springs MLWS Mean Low Water Springs MPA Marine Protected Area MPS Marine Policy Statement 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 v Project related MSL Mean Sea Level NMRW National Monuments Record of Wales NO Nitrogen Oxide NRW Natural Resources Wales OBC Outline Business Case PM Particulate Matter pSPA proposed Special Protection Areas RCAHMW Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales RNLI Royal National Lifeboat Institution RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds SAC Special Area of Conservation SCI Sites of Community Interest SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SPA Special Protection Areas SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest VHF Very High Frequency WeBS Wetland Bird Survey WFD Water Framework Directive WNMP Welsh National Marine Plan 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 vi Project related 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Constructed between 1848 and 1873, the Holyhead Breakwater provides an area of sheltered water for the Port of Holyhead and the New Harbour and provides protection to the surrounding coastline from coastal erosion and flooding (Figure 1.1). The structure is Grade II* listed and reaches a total length of 2.4km, for which there is no parallel in Wales (GAT, 2017). The Breakwater is formed by a wide rubble mound with a crest around the waterline, with a vertical blockwork-walled superstructure on top (Figure 1.2). Holyhead Port is a strategically important international ferry port, providing the main link between Ireland and mainland UK. The Breakwater forms part of the essential infrastructure for the operation of the Port, providing shelter from a more extreme wave climate to the berthing ferries and other vessels. Without the Breakwater it is likely that the wave conditions would increase to the point that the operation of the ferries is no longer viable, resulting in the closure of the Port and the loss of the international link to Ireland for Wales and England. The Breakwater protects and shelters approximately 260 hectares comprising the Outer Harbour, Port of Holyhead, and to a lesser extent the Inner Harbour against port disruption, flooding and coastal erosion. The Breakwater allows the marina, sailing club, coastguard station, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) lifeboat station, maritime museum and Port to thrive, supporting a significant number of jobs. The Breakwater supports the economy of Holyhead and the wider Anglesey and North Wales economies through its role in protecting the Port and the Outer Harbour, supporting opportunities for regeneration and development, and preventing flooding from wave overtopping. Since its construction, the Breakwater has been subject to considerable wave action which has led to the movement of the rock blocks that make up the rubble mound and erosion of the rubble mound itself (Plate 1.1). As a result, the rubble mound has been subject to regular, expensive, maintenance through the partial replacement of lost material. The vertical blockwork wall structure is also subject to periodic damage which is repaired on an ongoing basis. 30/07/2019 EIA SCREENING REPORT PB9014-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0062 1 390000 392000 Breakwater Lighthouse © Haskoning UK Ltd. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. Legend: Holyhead Breakwater Breakwater 5910000 5910000 New Harbour Soldiers Quay Client: Project: Isle of Anglesey Salt Island Holyhead Breakwater County Council Refurbishment Scheme Title: Location Plan Figure: 1.1 Drawing No: PB9014-101-001 5908000 5908000 Revision: Date: Drawn: Checked: Size: Scale: 01 31/05/2019 GC SM A4 1:25,000 Co-ordinate system: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 30N ROYAL HASKONINGDHV INDUSTRY AND BUILDINGS 2 ABBEY GARDENS GREAT COLLEGE STREET WESTMINSTER 0 250 500 Metres LONDON SW1P 3NL Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2018 +44 (0)20 7222 2115 www.royalhaskoning.co.uk 390000 392000 DRAWING No. PB9014-RHD-BW-XX-DR-YE-0063 DO NOT SCALE NOTES KEY FOOTPRINT OF THE EXISTING RUBBLE MOUND CONTOURS AT 1m INTERVALS Existing Lighthouse Sea Side Existing Breakwater Superstructure Existing Rubble Mound Foundation Harbour Side P1.0 16.07.19 SUITABLE FOR COSTING REVISIONS CLIENT 30 30 EXISTING SUPERSTRUCTURE EXISTING BATHYMETRIC SURVEY SOLDIERS POINT QUAY 20 20 RUBBLE MOUND PROJECT 10 10 HOLYHEAD BREAKWATER REFURBISHMENT TITLE 0 0 HOLYHEAD BREAKWATER -10 -10 STRUCTURE Honeycomb -20 -20 Edmund Street Liverpool, L3 9NG Tel +44 (0)151 236 2944 Email [email protected] Website www.royalhaskoning.com -30 -30 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED GB PS NC -40 -40 DATE SCALE REF.
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