236 Congressional Directory OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA (Population 1995, 3,278,000) SENATORS DON NICKLES, Republican, of Ponca City, OK; born in Ponca City, December 6, 1948; graduated, Ponca City High School, 1967; B.S., business administration, Oklahoma State Uni- versity, 1971; served in National Guard, 1970±76; vice president and general manager, Nickles Machine Corporation; served in Oklahoma State Senate, 1979±80; cofounder and member, Oklahoma Coalition for Peace Through Strength; served on the boards of: Ponca City United Way, St. Mary's Catholic Church Parish Council, Chamber of Commerce, Kay County Council for Retarded Children; chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1988±90; chairman, Republican Policy Committee, 1991±95; assistant majority leader, 1996; member: Ro- tary Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes; married to the former Linda Lou Morrison; four children: Don, Jenny, Kim, and Robyn; committees: Budget; Energy and Natural Resources; Fi- nance; Governmental Affairs; Rules and Administration; elected to the U.S. Senate, November 4, 1980, for the six-year term beginning January 3, 1981; reelected November 4, 1986; reelected November 3, 1992 for the six-year term beginning January 3, 1993. Office Listings http://www.senate.gov/∼nickles
[email protected] 133 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510±3602 ............................... 224±5754 Administrative Assistant.ÐBret Bernhardt. FAX: 224±6008 Communications Director.ÐBrook Simmons. Press Secretary.ÐGayle Osterberg. Legislative Director.ÐDiane Mocry. Scheduler.ÐDarci Davis. 1820 Liberty Tower, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 ........................................................ (405) 231±4941 National Bank Building, Suite 206, 601 D Avenue, Lawton, OK 73501 .................. (405) 357±9878 3310 Mid-Continent Tower, 409 South Boston, Tulsa, OK 74103±4007 .................