Physical restoration options to address morphology and flood pressures on the River Nith - a pilot study Submitted to: SEPA Developed by: cbec eco-engineering, Mott MacDonald & Walking the Talk Project Number: U13-1007 October 2013 T/F: 01975 564 492
[email protected] cbec eco-engineering UK Ltd 3 Aberdeen Road, Alford Aberdeenshire, AB33 8ED Company Number: SC385000 | VAT Number: GB111101405 fl ood risk | river restoration | diff use pollution control | fi sheries management | hydropower support PHYSICAL RESTORATION OPTIONS TO ADDRESS MORPHOLOGY AND FLOOD PRESSURES ON THE RIVER NITH – A PILOT STUDY FINAL REPORT Prepared for SEPA Erskine Court Castle Business Park Stirling FK9 4TR Prepared by cbec eco-engineering Mott MacDonald Walking-the-Talk October 2013 cbec Project #: U13-1007 Services provided pursuant to this Agreement are intended solely for the use and benefit of SEPA. No other person or entity shall be entitled to rely on the services, opinions, recommendations, plans or specifications provided pursuant to this agreement without the express written consent of cbec, Ltd., 3 Aberdeen Road, Alford, AB33 8ED. Executive summary The River Nith has been identified by SEPA as a pilot catchment for developing an approach to integrated, catchment scale management of water resources. The aim of the project was to identify achievable restoration and management options that provide the multiple benefits of moving water bodies in the Nith catchment to ‘good ecological status’ (under the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) and enhancing natural flood management (NFM), while also considering additional benefits (e.g., improved biodiversity, enhanced condition of specific habitats, socio-economic factors etc.).