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Revenuc Department, (lovernmcnt of (ioa, 521 it;;;,r;_ 03t1}flt2018.

Rcfr n1rc ORDIIR In partial modification ol'the orcler No. 30/1/2005-RI) (par-r) daled 04/0 6l2ol5. thc Govcrrllrcnl of (ioa is pleascd 1o rc-desigrratc thc lbllorvirrg ol ccrs cl' tlrc Directoratc o1'settlcr-rlent [.ancl pana;i & Rccorcls. in thc Statc of (joa. as lrublic Illlbrnlatiotl otficcrs/Assistant I)r-rblic Infbrnration olllcers and I.'irst Appellatc Authoritl' as rcguircd undcr Scction 5 o1'thc Right 1o Intbrnration Act. 2005 with irnntediate e1lic1.

Designation of Name I)csignation of I)csignation Sr. of thc the Assistant of Department the Public F-irst No. & Sub I'ublic ordinatc Offices Information Appcllatc Ofliccr Information C)fficcr Authoritl, I) irccro rate- ,.,f Siipcilntc,rctol ot' Assisiant I)l'. Dircitor Setllcmcnl and Land Survcl,& i.ancj Survcl &. (Adnrn. ) Rccords. Pana.ii Rccords. Panaii Scttlcntcnt

Qf!_ic.-^r, Pana.ii Otllce o1' thc Inquir.v Inspcctor ot IIeacl SLrrvcyor S Lrpcrintcndcnr. Ofllccr. Cit1, Survc-v. SLrrvc\, and l-and North. I'}ana.ji and Olllcc of Records" Clity thc Record o1' Rights. Surr,c1,. Pana.ii North. i'}ana.ii and Rccorcl of Rights. North. I'}anaji. 3. Ottrcc o1'the lnspcclor Inspcctor I of l lead SLrrveyor S uperintenderrl. o1' Survey and Land Survcl, and [.and North. Pana.ji. Recorcls. l'iswa<.li Rccords.'l'isiladi. 4. tltiicc ol'llrc lrrspccror. I Inspector o1' .l.,p"rulsor. Superintcndent. L)..-, o1- Survcy ancl Lancl Survey t.',(', and l.and North. Pana.ji o\'" Rccords. Ilardez Records. Bardcz '['alLrka and OlIcc -['alLrka 'tt\ of and Cf ity the Inspector ol' Sun cy'. Survcy and Land Records. City Survey. ou3.retr1 ou3,retr1 'sp.r0ro1 ' spiorou pLrs'l ouSruyl 'sp.r0JOU plrl?'l puu ,(o,r.rrrg n taf ('Ltutpy) pLrE AJ^lns puP'I puu ,(c,trng Io 1r.rc1-trc.yur,rcdnq ',(Ct .rotol.nC -lo :olcldsu I tl19pu-r1rlL1dng eLIl .lo cru.lo L ltl *ut rLrr loqrrtl '*.-v:-\ 'sp-roccu LU I oLI 3 I 's^P-roretl I fl (o,trng rluue.l'L[lroN plm'I plru pLlE'l pLrE ,rc,,urr5 .10 '1r-ropr-roluuodnq .roic,une p-x,lc1 .rolccclsu1 .rolocdsul 1 .lo rLll.lo Jtil.rO 9 LlreLr.rJd 'sproJou r.Ll3r-r.r3d'sp.roJcu 'qt.roN pLre'J pLrE rl'eue,1 ,(c,r,rng pLrE'l pLru .{o,uns .1t'r '1ucpuc1r-rr.radn5 ,ro,(s,r,rr-rg pr:c;1 Jo ,rolce dsul rolredsLry cqt -lo orllJo I usnduyl '{a,trng itr.l'sp.rooeg plre'l pllr? ,(c,t:ng usnduyl 'Ac,r.rn q lo ,rolccdsuy JLll (tl.l puc urnlu.l- .lo oi)rilo prru lllnllr.l. zrp.refl 'sp-ro3ou zcpretl 'spi())Ju rluuu.l 'LIl.loN puu'l puu ,ioa.rn5 puE'l plre *,\",0f ^c^rnq .10 ," .tL1 '1uopue1u r.rodng r(liI^ n-d!s lo rolcodsul .rolcodsLrl oLlt.lo oollJo I { rpu,,rsr j 'spio5-5 rlluMSr.l_'sp.roJeu 'rl'ur:u.1 'LI]-loN (c.,r.rng pLre'l pLrE ,(c,trn5 pue'I pLrP .1cr '1r-rcpr-rc1r-ruodng pu:1 '(' -ro,to,r.tn5 I l() :olcodsu 1 rolcedsul 3Llt.lo oolllo 'r l-uuc4 'q1.roN 's^lq3rg .lo p,rorou puB rl'eue,1 'l"litoN rl'ur-ru,1 '{o,ung 'slqiry -lo p.roroU rql ,rlt,l "sp.roc.lu Jo JorttO puu rt'uLru.1 rleure.l 'Lll-roN pLrl?'l pLlll ,lo,un5 '{c,r.rrtq itlJ'.r3Jrl.+o '.1Lropuclr-r ucdng ,ro,\3AJnq pccl I Jo .roloodsul ,t.rrnbu1 rr[t .lo r]r-].+o L r{i:ue,1 '.rcc1gg -t 's^p.rtlooI 'sp,roJOll lLrorlrolllss - yli:uu,1 rl'eLru.1 ('Lttttpy) ry ,(l,trn5 plru'I T ,(u:n5 pLrE'l puu lLtorLl.lll.s jo103.il0 J.lr.r.lolJJ.rr(l rc ]Lrelslssv .lo ]LropLnlr"rr.iedn5 lo I ] JJJUJO ,i1uoq1ny JJJUJO uorltsrrrJoJu sJrqJO rlBurpro cluyycddy I uorlBluJoJul 'oN Jllqnd qnS Jrlqnd cql 5t lucrul.rudaq 'rs ISJId 3ql rql rruuN yo uorluuBrsc6 luPlsrssv yo uorluuirsc6 Jo yo uorluu8rsaq

'11c.[.13 oJt? l psLr.rLu r

LII,u 96(), '.t3V Ltorlulr-r.rolLrl o1 1q3r6 cql .Jo c uorlcss .rcpull poJlnbc.r se ,(1uor1iny rlulltddv ls.rlrl pur? s.roorllg LrorJr?rr,lro1Lrl JIIqnd llrulsrssv/s.ro3Ll]O Llottutll.rolul orlrlltd su-po{) lo ctuts rLl} Ln rl'eue,1 'sp.roorl puu'l ry tllrLLrrluos.[o ril].rotlr-tt(l crll .lo s.tc3ll Jo 3r-rr,no11o-1 cql cler-rSrsrp-3.r ol peseold sr eo[) .]() lLrJLuLucAr)rJ JLll 'sl0a 90 lL) p.llrp (t.rr:.1) 11u-s00a,l 0! 'o\ .rcpio aLIl.lo Lrorlclrltpotr.t lrtl:ucl Lt1 8. oiti." ot'til. Inrp"itn, I nspcctor o f Ilcad Survcyr Srp.ri,-rtenJ.,ii. of Survey and Land SLrrvel, and Land South. Rccords. City Survey, Records. City Margao and Office of Survcy" Margao thc Inspector of and Record of Sun cy and l.and Rights. South. Rccords. Record of Margao R!gl,.,_t.q, QqL{h, N441gag (). Ofllcc o1 thc Inspector i,iip.iio, ot' I lcacl Surve yr Superintendcnt. o1 Survey and [-and Survct' and Land South. Margao Records, Morrnugao Records. and Ofllce of thc and lnspector of Survcy C-lily Survey. and Land Rccords" Vasco (iit1_, Surrrlcy. Vasc<> r0. Office o1' tlie Ii-ispcctor Inspcctor: nt Supcrinlcndcnt. of- Survcv and Land Survey and Land SoLrth. Margao Rgqglds, QLlqLeg -R9c,o1ds, Qqepgm 1t.- ofi,aa Idp.itni Inspcctor of .iupcrirrtcndc rt. "4il,t; o1' Sun,e), and Land Survcv- and Land South. Margao Rccol ds, Pollda Rccords. I)onda-- 12. Ol'llcc o1' thc Inspcclor t,i.p"iio. ;i Sr-rpcrinlcndcnt. 01' Survev and Land Sun'c.v and I-and Sor-rth. Margao Rccords. Clanacona I{ecords. Calig9,o_r11

I)1, Order ancl in Ll l-romc ot'lire rl'Coa

(Sudin f , i\atu) Under Secretar" (R.evcnue-l)

To: 1. l'hc Dircctor (l)rinting & Stationcry). Governmcnt Printins l)ress. I)anaii-Cioa n,ith a rcqlrest to pLrblish the above Order in the Ol'llcial C rettc and lurnish I popy of tlrc sanre to tl-ris Departrncnt lirr record. l. /'l'hc Dircctoratc ol-scttlcnrcnt & I-and Rccords" Panaii-(ic 'fhe 3. Sccretan,. Statc Infbrmation C'ornnrission. Shrarr-r Shal, i Blravan. Patto. I']anaji-. 4. l'lre Dircctor of h.rfbmration. iJdyog Bhavan. Pana.ji-Goa. -5. The lJnder Secretary (Pcrsonncl). Sccrclariat. Porvorinr-Gr r. -l'hc 6. Syslcn-r Analysl. NIC'. Sccrctariat. Porvorim-(ioa witl: L rcqucst to host the nar-rrcs ol'thc dcsignatcd ollrccrs on the Wcb site .