f* c -=r tr> 1959 :or Private School Pupils THE 3J; c r - arents Urged SOUTHERN COLOR. )

r» o Support Bill THEsHSKaan*® OFFICIAL CATHOLtC hffiWSPAPER O f THE DIOCESE ( (Nam , Resriatercd in the U. S. Patent Office) is n Bus Rides VOL. XIV. No. 31. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1959 ■ Utters from Catholic parents Uve, whose assistancc Is re- needed to help pass a blll quired to get the bill out of the illow bus ride» for private committee and into the Housc. Colo oot students. 'according to a Mrs. Teck urges that Ietters be Parish Observances Urged irr from Mrs. Betty Kirk written to Mrs. Gaylord request­ |«t. »tato representative. She in g her help in this matter. i tetters ahould be sent to Mrs. West States that she has . Msdgc Gaylord, state repre- made the bill as comprehcnsive inlstive. asking her support aa posslble. staying within the }{ouse Bill 54. limita of the State Constitution. Diocese to Mark |onr of the main projects of Stresses Th ree PoinU Pueblo Dcanery unit of the Mrs. West is stressing three wresan Council of Catholic points in this bill. lomcn. according to Mrs. Lewis! (1 ) Help to the children. President, is to endeavor rathor than to the parochial and ohtain public bus facilitics for private schools; (2) that the leg- ate school ntudcnts. In a let- 49th Birthday of JMI islation is permissive, not man- reccived recently by Mrs datory; and (3) that it permits Charles J. Murray, SJ.; Richard Simpson. Wil­ Mrs. Wett says this pro- decent, Christian, unselfish ac­ New Knightsof the Altar ;‘.stp h’s,J-' liam Stine. Raymond Mattorocci. Leroy Garcia, may soon materialize. tion as far as the Legislatur« is Blende, plctured with their pastor are (left to and Tclesfor Trujillo— (Picture by Jay Phillips To Plead for Bill permitted to authorize. right) Eioy Gutierrez, Fred Garcia. Na- Studio) Mrs. West has made consid- j ranjo, George Garcia, Clementi. the Rev. TV biU hat been referred to erable headway in this matter.) Scouting Feb. 8 rdticalion committee snd according to Mrs. Teck, insofari - f 4 * + + t rhairman has promised Mrs. os obtaining an appeal before j 'cst that she will be allowed to Scout Sunday will be observed Feb. 8 on the 49th anniversary of the birthday of the educatlon committee. and inl the Boy Scouts o'f America. The Rev. Clement Wozniak, diocesan director of scout­ »pear before this committee procuring help from members 10 Boys Made Knights of Altar KET id piead for the bill. Favorable of the committee in other arcas ing, asks that the diocesan-wide observance of this day be stimulated by the boys »mmittee action is necessary in an effort to get this bill to and men in scouting, and that parish Scout troops, Cub Scout packs, and Explorer rforr the bill can rcach the jthe floor for consideration. She units attend Mass and receive Communion in their scout uniforms in their parish of ihr Stale Letulaturc h„ ataled, however, that’ für- In Ceremony at Blende Chapel church on Feb. 8 r final action. The decision of ther asaistance is needed and the He also prespnts the following resumeof the Catholic scouting program. rommittee is dubious at this most practicaI way of doing that ES (St. Jmeph’s Chapel. Chapel are. under the dircc- Knights of the Altar lo teach + + + + ’ + l: ; me. Mrs. West aays. is for each and every Catholic Blende) tion of Sister Hilary of the other younger Servers their Two committee members, man and woman to send cards Ten boys were made Knights Benedict ine Sisters of Yank- prayers and the proper man- Paulists to Start prexentative» Howell and j and Ietters to Madge Gaylord. of the Altar in a solemn vest- ton. S. Dak. She uses the ncr of serving. >hn*on, have co-sponxored the asking her suppori to favorable ing ceremony in the prescncc BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 11 uith Mrs. West. The onlyl action on H. B. 54 when it is of the whole congregation in n t AN CISCAN IN CHARGE Mission on Feb. 8 local member is Mrs. requested by Mrs. West.— (Mrs. St. Joseph’s Chapel. The ccre- 4 9 th ANNIVERSARY I9 S9 sdge Gaylord, state rcprescnU- J. F. Skubc. Correspondcnt) mony preccdcd the 9:30 a m. ON WARD FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY At St. Leander's Sung Mills Sunday, Jan. 25. Mens Mission W ill End After an cxplanation to the OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT WEEK POSTER (SL I^eandcr’s Parish, Pueblo) \ssurription Altar Unit's congregation of the privilcge + + + A mission conducted by the of serving the priest at the In Canon City Jan. 31 W haf Is Scouting? sec in all objccts, in rules, in Paulist Fathers will begin in virtuos, in beautiful things their allar. the boys came into the Scouting is a game for boys, St. Leander’s Church, Sunday, own true value, their own true sanctuary to be vested pub- ' Canon City. — Mission serv-j Sunday, Jan. 25 (o Joseph James a game to be played by boys in Feb. 8, and end Friday, Feb. 'lew Officers Revealed splendor in the light of the lldy with cassock and sur- ices conductcd for the men byjGron, infant of Mr. and Mrs. boys' gangs under boy Icaders, 13. Parishioners will be ex- Oar 1 jdjr of the Assuroption ments were Mmes. Lena Gama, price, and to rcccive the the Rev. Conrad Loftus. O.F.M., Stanley B. Gron, and to a game with a purpose, the pur- Divinc Son.“ pected to attend the exercises Scouting does not claim to bc Parish, Pueblo) Pat F ellio n . Gila Espinosa. hadge of the Knights of the which bcg&n in Sl. Michael’« j Bryan McBcth, infant of Mr. posc of hclping boys to become and have been invited to bring more than an auxiliary aid to Mrs. Pattle F e 111 o n was Sarah Galiant. Lena Pecoraro, Altar from the Rev. Charles Church Sunday. Jan. 25. will bei and Mrs. John McBeth. men—men trained for Citizen- their non-Catholic friends. and Lucy Munoz. This group J. Murray. SJ.. pastor. the Church, the homc. and the cc:ed President of Our Lady of concluded Saturday. Jan. 31. j Requiem for Trafflc Victlm ship— for citlzenship in two Corporate Communion e ALsumption Altar Society in supervised the cleaning of the The ceremony closed wilb Devotions are being held this A Requiem Mass was ccle- school. Its founder modestly worlds. this world and the king- The women of the parish will rrrent meeting of the group. church and sanctuary and cared the recitalion of the Knights’ weck for the students of SL brated Wcdncsday moming. dom of God. claimed that it is “capable of filling up certain ebinks." receive Communion together in (irr officers elected werc Mrs. for church tinens during the pledge of dedication to the Michael’» School. The Blcssing Jan. 21, by Palher Glentzer for n j8 „ program for boys under month.— (Mrs. Hctea Dominlck, Service of the altar. of infants and small children Cardinal Montini of the* Vati* the 8 a.m. Mass Sunday. Feb. - wphme Snider, vice President; Carolyn Mary La Cruc, 17-year- boy leaders chosen by the gang, Correspondcnt) The Servers at St. Joseph'« was to take place Thursday Jan. can Secretariat of State wrote 1. The front pews will bc re- v Josephlne Dioncse. secre- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. guided by a man who is backed served for the occasion. iry; .Mrs. Lucy Munoz. treas- 29. at 11 a.m. Joseph La Cruc, whose death to Archbishop Louis Martinez of by other men of the community The members of the Altar rer; Mrs. Argie Caporicci. cor- • f occurred öfter injurics rcceived Mexico City on the occasion of Miss Anna Blei and Mrs. —a program of physical and and Rosary Society, together spondlng secretary; and Mrs. the S e c o n d lnter-American Mark Richordson were co-host- in a traffic accidenL A Rosary mental h c a 11 h and moral with all the women of the par­ rlcn Dominlck. reportcr. CCD Action £>cout Conference that the Holy esses to Ihc Catholic Ladies was recitcd in the church Tucs- strength. of handicraft and skill, ish. were invited to attend the Corramttee chairmen includc Father thinks of the scouting Card Club in the homc of Miss day evening, Jan. 20. Miss La and of servicc to God and coun- annual covered-dish luncheon to mes. Gila Espinocta, Nora Cruc was an employc of St. movement as “ an original train­ In Southern Colorado Blei. A social hour was spent try and to fellow man. It has be served at 1:15 p.m.. in the no and Katherine Ottino, Thomas Mare Hospital. In addi- ing System that, based solidly THROUOH HUI AND WITH Smith. Mrs. Arelene Brach, am öfter the games. Awards were as its objectives charactcr build on the Gospel, gradually de- parish hall Thursday. Jan. 29. r. Mrs. Lena Genova and tion to her parents sho is sur* IHM AND IN H1M ON THE Mrs. Sylvia L&rralde. inade to Mmes. Mario Meyer, ing and elüzenship training. velops the Personality of the!Mrs. Stophen Mikitynski was »ances Segona. cdnrales- vived by nino brtrthcrs and sis- WESTERN SLGPE Mary Vielem an, Esther Hcnnes* Wc can picture scouting more boy. taking advantage of his in Charge of arrangements.-Car ; Mme*. Dorothv Kieker, Through l i m «JÜOM , nd NeIlie ters and her grandmother. casily than we can define it. itonlo Gellego«, snd Vicky Two trained and aclive exeeu- men. under the dlrection ot Th„ „ noblest inclinations.’’ games were scheduled for the The sacrament of Baptism Aunl of Nnn Dies It is boys hiking. boys Camp­ sociai hour.— ( Mrs. J. H. Baum, Wan, merabership; Mm«. tive boarda on the Western their pastors, Christ is viewing Scouting should be used to In­ was ad ministe red by the Rev. Father Glentzer celebrated a ing, boys tracking and trailing, Correspondent) Pecoraro, Sarah Galiant Slope have diligcntly leamed the parochial situations, organ- terpret supernatural living to Harold Glentzer, O.S.B., pastor. Requiem Mass Thursday morn- boys rendering scrvice through sl Kose Reeve*. social pro- the will of Christ which they izing the forces at hand and ef- boys and to men. Catholics who ing. Jan. 22. for Mrs. Helen first aid, boys seeking skills, try- sms Mmea. J o s e p h in e HcienUy warring against the participatc in scouting should be are carrylng out to the best of Salyer, who diod early Monday ing out new activities, explor- recht o. Minnie Mastronardi. their abllities. They are iocsted powem of religious ignorance in Members Enrolled made to realizc the spiritual val- morning, Jan. 19. ing trails for life with the force Durango Society xi Argie Caporicci. Sergeant at in SL Joseph'* Parish. Grand the parishes. ues that are inherent in the Survivors includc two sisters of religion to challenge them ms. Junction. and Sacred Henri Par­ This is a tributc to the mem­ InCandle Club Given Scout Oath and Law. Mrs. Vincent Donahuc and to sonctify whatever walks of Pius XII also paid tribute, “To The Res. John O’Flaherty, ish. Fruita. bers of the Confraternity of Mrs. Harry Van Alstyne, both To Accept Three J, moderator. extended con- Christian Doctrine on the West­ Includcd in the list of mem­ life they choose in the arts, the seek, to find, to enjoy, and to In Grand Junction the mem­ of Canon City, and a brother, Durango.— (Sacred Heart Par­ stulaüooa to the women on ern Slope. bers enrolled in the Candle Sciences, the crafts, the trades, praise God in His works; to sec bers are Clayton Langlais, Sam Eimer (Bud) Bower of Man­ and the professions. ish)— Three new members will xnr ehoice of officers and ex- Club are Mr. and Mrs. V. Paul all creation in the light of God; Doak. Miss Gencva Poulson. THE MIND OF CHRIST is hattan Beach, Calif. this constitutes the basis of the bc initiated into the Senior Holy ■wsed gratitude to the out- Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James Sa- Scouting is fun. adventure. Name Society Sunday, Feb. 8. iry Howard Shults, Mrs. Lavern ever more corapletely dominal- bo. Robert Kirchgraber; Mmes. Other survivors are two life of a Scout." nt z officers for their hard ing the mlnds of aduits in SL comradeship. It is a game! They are Andrew Duran, Ben Langlai«. Mrs. Margaret ­ Angela Gcmina. Johanna Men* nicces, Sister M. Josephinc, “Scouting aims to give the boy That is what scouting does; r»*ii fi r/rk and accomplishmenU dur- Joseph’« and Sacred Hcart Par- Chavez and Wilfred Martinez. 0 . son, Mrs. Leons Sybrant, Mra. drick, Julia Mikus, Estelle Min- O.S.B., of St. Scholastica’s Acad­ a practical idea of the responsi that is what scouting is! Uatr' i their terra of office. He Uhes. emy and Mrs. Betty Cbess, both The ceremony will also bc ac- tked member* to continuc the Lncille Crurabaker, Mra. Louise ata, Frank Bayuk, Floyd Ciruii, bilitics of life before,him” wrotc c i . l S l Schumacher. Mrs. Mary Prin- A training coursc for discus- of Canon City; three nephews, Icompanied with initiation into mr < o Operation as in the past. Louis Corel. Clara Romma, its founder. Baden-Powell, “ and t the Junior Holy Name Society, ster, and Mrs. Dorothy Hartin- sion club Icadcrs was given in Gracc Gavata, Laura Gavata, Joseph Van Alstyne of Canon endeavors to inculcate the prac A film on canccr was pre- the Grand Junction Catcchetical City, J. Gordan Bower of Or­ Deanery Meeting j whose members are recruited ated by Mrs. Martha Marke!, ger. Rose. Jorsin, Marie Mönchen, and ticc of his rcligion in his every- Center in Octobcr and Novem­ ange, Calif., and Larry Bower from Lhc study club and from AL tretnr of the Cancer Society. In Fruita they are Wallacc Agnes Beatty; Misses Mary day life and doings.” Catholic students of Ignacio ber. Trontel. Sally Beatty, Charlotte of Manhattan Beach. Mr. and His religion will give him a ooestion-and-answer period Moon. Walter Garlitz, Mrs. Mary Mr». Bower came here for the Of CCW Attended High School. « ronducted by Dr. Ralph M. Favorcl. Eugene Thomas, Mrs. At present 12 discussion clubs and Lenitu Woolsey: sensc of God as well as a sense I The first formal official elec- are meeting regulariy ln St. Jo­ Tlic Rev. Paul Mendrick, Wal­ funeral Services. of responsibility. Through reli­ r*xler. Ella Moon, Mrs. Lila Garcia. the Senior lloly Name Colo. seph’«, and 120 aduits are rc- senburg; Mrs. A. Raymond Mey­ A Rosary was rccited in the gion hc will be enabled to see By Blende Group! -ion of Hostesses serving refresh- Mrs. Leons Arcuby. Mrs. Alice church Wednesday evening, Society took place at a meeting freshing themsolvcs with the er, Delta; Raymond Pichardo. how the faithful discharge of (SL Joseph’s Chapel. Blende) of the group Jan. 25. Pete Val- Hoily; and Miss Mary'J. Kostelc Jan. 21.— (Mrs. Sara L. Holden. light and truth that come from his dutics as a Citizen must bc des was choscn President. Other BENEDICTINE CHAPEL of SaUda. Correspondent) Despite unfavorable weather Christ alone. related to the Service of God. conditions, 13 womert of St. Jo­ officers are Thomas Garcia, vice Mrs. Margaret Jacobson. Chair­ The late Pius XII, speaking to seph's Chapel area werc present President 3nd counselor; Al- 3 Formerly of Diocese man, has done much toward the 4.000 Boy Scouts at Castelgan- for the first quartcrly luncheon- fonso Maestas, secretary: Fidel succossful Organization of these Candle Blessing Rites dolfo, said, “Scouting reveals to meeting of the Pueblo Deanery Herrcra, treasurer, and Ross clubs. youth and puts into action all Unit of the Diocesan Council of Silva, marshal and counselor. The Rev. Francis J. Bottler that is nnturally good. noble, >217 Catholic Women Jan. 20. The Rev. Peter J. Verd, C.R.. Recife Vows as Sisters has reported that eight discus­ hcalthy: Simpiicity of life, love Thosc making the trip wereiasaisiant pastor, is spiritual di- Three former resident« of the School. Sister Mary James is the sion clubs are contributing Set at Pius X Parish of naturc, love of country, the Mmes. William Treanor. An- rector of the group. ^hlu D io c e s e pronounced daughtcr of Mr. and Mn. Del much toward building a stronger sentiment of honor, sclf-disci- thony Schmitt, Henry Mudd, Jr.; j ------spiritual bond among members (SL Pius X Parish, Pueblo) Bltar. Four Servers are used in * lr vows as Benedlctine fino Vigil, Aguilar. She was plinc, obedience. dedication to J. B CarmichaN. Trun.nn Fr,- Maryknoll General m the chapel of Mt. SL formerly a member of SL An­ of his parish. The blessing of candles will each Mass. two from the sixth the service of others. grade and two from the seventh zier, Melio Combatto. Sam Cor- T - n,* - rtiolajtica, Atchlson, Kans., thony of Padua’s Parish. THE FEET OF CHRIST have take place previous to the 8 “ Scouting aims at bringing lese. Nick Pinto, Joe La Prcsti.l W a i t t e d T l t U l C i r and cigbth grades. nen ts o Monday, Jan. 2«. Sister M. Carmela attended h**en rclentlcssly pursuing the a.m. Mass Monday, Feb. 2, the Order and right mcasurc into Frank Vince, Frank Granato.j Among the dass of 16 newly ML SL ScholAslica College, At­ children known to bc absent Feast of the Purification of the 300 Attend Chili Supper human life. Scouting gives to Pete DeLuca. and Ralph Wil-|| ■cfr.Lsed-were Sisters Angelo chison, for two years follow- from religiou a in stru ctlon Blessed Mary- Approximately 300 guests at­ the worship and Services of liams. Bishop Wright uazar. Antonito; Mary James ing her graduation from La classes. Blessing of throats will be tended a chili supper in SL Pius God that pre-eminent place that Miss Pal Pinello. 16 Lasi«« m ■ « L Aguüar. and M. Carmela Jara High School. She is the The work of CCD fishers ia held after the 8 a.m. Mass Tues- X Hall Jan. 25. The Home and it ought to have in human life, « iL U Jara. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Sofio needed! day, Feb. 3. the Feast of SL (T u rn to Page 3 — Column 6) and this itself disposes boys to ceivedVeg^ the.u°'°^d0 cedar ehest kSp.ri.nKS', displayed - Iransterred to Suter Angelo ia the daugb- Ortiz, La Jara, and was a mem­ The work of CCD fishers is Blase. Blessing of throats will by the Christian Mothers of St. ■ L C n o( Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sala- ber of St. Joseph's Parish be- alrcady bearing much fruit! also bc perform cd at 3 and 7:15 AT ST. PATRICK'S Joseph's recently. The teachers; Y IT^TSDUrQll 366 1r. Antonito. She is a gradu- forc entering the Benedictine Children from the various p.m. the same day. and students have expressed * ol Antonito High School and convent. areas come in steadily increas- Meeting Schedule apprcciation for funds received Washington, D. C. — Bishop **.* member of SL Augua- The 13 other memben of the ing nurabers to sweil rcligion The Holy Name Society will Tabernacle Unit Slates from the project to bc used for John J. Wright of Worcestcr. Parish before her en- dass are from Kansas, Iowa, classes, becousc of the gencr- rneet in the rectory Monday. library books in the school pro­ Mass., has been transferred to rjre into the convent. Nebraska, Missouri, and Illi­ osity of Mrs. Dorothy Hartin- Feb. 2, at 7:30 p.m. Thosc in gram.— (Mrs. Henry Mudd, Jr., be Bishop of Pittsburgh. Father A gmduate of Aguilar High nois. (T u rn to Page 3 — Column Q) Charge are looking forward to a Communion Day Feb. 8 Correspondent) John W. Comber. Superior Gen­ largo group in attendance at eral of the Maryknoll Fathers. LENT HEARING this meeting. (SL Patrick's Parish, Pueblo) Officers elected for the Corn­ is named Titular Bishop of The Altar Society will meet at The members of the Taber­ ing year in a meeting of the CCD Fishers Course Foratina. Both appointments 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. in nacle Society will rcccive Com­ Tabernacle Society are Mrs. were announced by the Apos- the church. munion in the 8 a.m. Mass in Paul Lindvay. President; Mrs. W ill Begin on Feb. 2 tolic Delegation hcrc. sh Wednesday, Easter Come The executivc board of the SL Patrick’s Church Sunday, Walter Howard, vice President; The second thrce-week course Bishop Wright was bom in Confraternity of Christian Doc- Feb. 8. The front pews will bc Mrs. Warren Valentine, secrc- of instructlon this year for thosc Dorchester, Mass., in 1908, and trinc will meet in the rectory reserved for the group. tary; Mrs. Anthony Simony. intorcsted in the fishers’ divi- ordained in Rome in 1935. Hc n This Year on Early Dates Wednesday, Feb. 4. Final plans Covcred-DUh Luncheon treasurer; Mre. William Trai­ sion of the Confraternity of became Auxiliary Bishop of for the parish census will bc the The annual covered-dish ner. membership; Mrs, Thomas Christian Doctrine will bc given Boston in 1947, and Bishop of main business on the agendo. luncheon-mecting sponsored by by Sister M. Cläre of tho Mis­ Worcestcr in 1950. He is a no- Although it majr »cem that can possibly come (March 22). Easter will again fall on March Palko, Publicity; Mre. Mary 29 in 1964, but Ash Wednesday Slxth Grade Servers the Tabernacle Society will be Swartx, altars; Mrs. Matt Plutt, sion Helpers of the Sacred ted scholar, Administrator, and öv*nt Is just finished. the ar- Although the latest posslble The boys of the slxth grade Hcart Classes will begin in the orator. dato for Easter (April 25) will will fall on Feb. 12. A Jcap year held in the gymnasium Shrove sewing, and Miss Mary Amado, k ,ScJtÄÄe8ima Sunday on are beginning to serve at the Catcchetical Center, Jeffcrson Bishop-elccl Comber was bom fall in the year 2038, the most causes the Ash Wednesday dnte Tuesday, Feb. 10. at 12:30 p.m. convalescenL , • 1 * loud warnlng that and Routt, Pueblo, Monday. Fob. in Lawrence, Mass., in 1906, and extensive colendar projection to advancc by one day in rela- The women of the parish have * ,eu°n of Lcnt is Just 10 Membership Drive 2, at 7:15 and last until 9:15 ordained for Maryknoll in 1931. '>■» away. listed in the World Almanac tion to Easter. Legion of Mary Curia hecn invited to attend and bring An announccment has been p.m. He was a missionary in Man- A*h Wednesday and hence (1901-2100) has no March 22 for Easter was first regularized a covered-dish item for the oc­ casion. The program will in­ made by Mrs. Lindsay that now Upon completion of the six- churia from 1931 to 1943, and y!pr tbis year come on two of Easter. by the Council of Nlcea ln 325, W ill Meet on Feb. 3 which dedded that Easter «hall clude a guest Speaker. is the time for a membership hour instruction period«, candi- was interned ln a Japanese eon- e vefy earllest dates on which Other dates in this Century ln be the first Sunday following A meeting of the Pueblo A games party will be held drive by the society, She said dates will bc qualified to re­ centration camp from 1941 to ren posslbly come. Feb. 11 which Ash Wednesday has fal­ the Paschal full moon, which Curia of the Legion of Mary Tuesday, Feb. 3, by SL Pat­ membership enveiopes will bc ceive a certificate from the Most 1943. He was rector of the r Ash Wednesday and March len on Feb. 11 or an earlier hoppens upon or next after will take place Tuesday, Feb. 3. rick's Grade School Parcnt- distributed to all the women of Rev. Bishop Joseph C. Willging Maryknoll major setninary from 1 Easter. dato include: 1910 (Feb. 9), March 21. The Paschal füll at 7:45 p.m. in the Holy Family Teachers’ Club. A jewclry set the parish Sunday, Feb. 1, in graduation ccremonies to 1944 to 1953 and superior of f t ^ Other Times 1921 (Feb. 9). 1932 (Feb. 10), moon is the 14lh day of a lunar Parish Hall at 2825 Lakeview. for men and one for women which are to be rcturned with take place next May. Maryknoll Missionen ln Chile UR»y seven other Ümes in 1937 (Feb. 10), 1940 (Feb. 7), month. rcckoncd according to This will be the 200th time that will bc exhibited at that time. $2 enclosed for dues, or they Sister Cläre States thosc who Crom 1953 to 1956. He has been Century have thosc two 1948 (Feb. 11). and 1951 (Feb. ancient Jewish computation. the Pueblo Curia hns mot. Rcfreshments will bc served. may be brought to the luncheon found it impossible to attend Superior General since 1956. come io early. LeAding 7). U not the full moon of the The report will be made by All parents and friends bave Shrove Tuesday. She has asked the entire three-weck course Bishop-elect Comber i« the !Ul WM 1913, on which A»h Lote Eoster ln 1962 calondsr. If the Paschal full Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesid- been invited to attend and that the drivo^bc the biggesl just concluded, and missed onc fourth Superior General in the •^nesdoy came on Feb. 5 and ever. — (Mre. Georgia Scolere or two instruction periods. may biatory of tbc Maryknoll so­ Three years from now (1962) moon falls on a Sunday. then ium of SL Leander’s Parish.— bring a guest. Tbc place is SL ^ rm,, r 0n M,rc^ 23- 71118 WÄS oitc Patrick's grade school gymna- and Mrs. T. Palco, Correspond- roake up the time in the classes ciety, foundcd in 1911. All su* ••• k u rj« one day later than the EMtcr will fall on on« of iu Eaator will fall on th« next Sun­ (Mre. Irene Prijatel, C - spondent) sium at 7:30 p.m. ents) to begin the comipg weck. periore have become Bishops,^ *11 date on which Easter very latest dates (April 22). day.

■ H i Fridoy, Jonuory 30, 193» PAGE TW O THE SOUTHERN COLORADO REGISTER , Ja r SHRINE OF ST. THERESE HNS SPONSOR RESPUESTAS Excellent Opportunity Pre-Lenten Dance Planned Feb. 7 Fuentes De Revclacion [ cnsenanza aposlölica tiene cl obrado ilieitaincnte, y habria rc- Catholic Men and Women with cars to call on the sultado falsa la garantia de 1 mismo valor que la Sagrada tra. No advance sale of tickets John Peterscll, food; Mrs. Alice Catholic Families in Pueblo and Entire Surround- D ivina Jesucristo de que su Iglesia (Shrinc of St. Therese, Pueblo) La mayoria de las sectas aca ! Escritura y debe creerse de la will be made. An admisslon fee Bergis, serving and awards. ing Area. Thls Is one of the largest Catholic Maga- seria protegida contra el error. A pre-Lenten dancc is boing tölicas profesan que la S a g r a d a nnsma manera jror los toles. planned for Saturday, Feb. 7, by of $1 per person will be taken All parishioners and their zines in clrculation today. A permanent Position Escritura es la ünica regia de 2- 11 Tm *• *4.: Tcn £°r Sucesion Apostolica the Holy Name Society. Danc­ up at the door. Light re/resh- friends are invited to both offered and excellent compcnsation to those who fe. la fuentc unica de la revela- modelo la sana doctrmn que has iQue cs lo que se quiere dar ing will begln at 9 p.m. in the ments will bc served during the events. qualify. ciön divina. ^Conto d e m u e s tra oido de nu. . Guarda ese rico a entender con la fräse: Suce- parish hall. Music will be für* evening. Order of Martha usied la verdad de la proposi- Ideposito por medio del Espintu ______siön Apostolica? Un periödico nished by a well known orchea- Society Plans Party St. Therese's Household of W rit. Box 2-A SOUTHERN COLO. REGISTER I-COLA ■' cion catölica de que la Tradi-; Sauto. que habita en nosotros or rui 3. II Tm. ii. 2: "Las cosas que ja/irmaba no hace mucho que los A luncheon-card party is the Order of Martha will meet 1426 Grand Pu elilo, Colo. d« !do ml ha™'öiio delantc de mu « H g . * » - * «* W r ' .«dc- being planned by the Taber- ln the Newman Roorn at 9:30 | P a « h a k a.m. Thursday. Feb. 5. Members EsSÄSSrfT Ch6s teatigos, c o n « ,. » . hon,-1 Letter nacle Society to take place in have bcon asked to attend and *ro Sc Fi Para quien sc guia por la Sa.;brcs fie l« , J P » «a n Jdöneos the parish hall Thursday, Feb. Hl***» — bring linens. : I grada Escritura unicamcntc la para euscnarlas t a m b i f n - F||| , (an aflliar su 12, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Will Ul To Editor Parishioners have been ra* | prueba raas contundentc del! otros A Tickets at $1 per person may bc .imm ,W L valor de la Tradieiön se encuen- 4. Gal. i. 9: "Os lo he dicho ya . , j *• P Thonks obtained through members of mindcd to fill in registration j forms and return them to the!- The Knights of Columbus tra cn la Biblia misma. Sc en- y os lo repito: Cualquiera que os ■^ t S a JhIrEah!L ^ Box 201, Penrosc, Colo. the so^iety. Special and indi­ vidual table awards will be church Sunday, Feb. 1. j* cuentra csta doctrina expresada anuncie un evangelio diferente tcncr ,a Succsi6n Apo tölica. Jan, 22. 1959 Announce the Most Complete Life Insurance Pry- cn numerosos textos. He aqui’ del que habeis rceibido. sea ana- La Sucesion Apostälica con- made during the afternoon. Religious Instruction classcflli The Southern Colorado Register for students attending public ^ gram in their History! Adult Male and Female,, Ju­ algunos: teraa." jsiste en la transmisiön de la Mrs. Victor Ursick will lead F e t l c 1426 Grand Ave. junior and high schools are venile Male and Female. 1. San Pablo eseribc a los 5. Por los evangolios mismos. jmisiön y de los podercs conferi- Pueblo, Colo. a committee on arrangements, held each Sunday after thc 8:30 " cristianos de Tcsalönica: "Asi San Juan Evangelista. con hi* dos por Jesucristo a San Pedro To the Editors: with Mrs. T. F. Mihclick as co- FOR FREE INFORMATION CONTACT | I’RF.E que, hermanos mios. estad fir­ perbole maestra. afirma clara* y a los Apöstoles, y por ellos al chairman. O thcr com m ittee a.m. Maas. I want to inform you of an Skating is held every Fricfay [)plivery mes, y mantened la tradiciones mente que las Sagradas Escri- p«pa actual y a los obispos, en J od . . h * chairmen arc Mrs. Carl Occhi* RAYMOND E. ENRIGHT 90B N. C*dor St. que habeis aprendido. ora por turas. su Evangelio precisn- forma ininterrumpida” lAft- aaurcss nanßC ato. tickets; Mrs. Donald Crea- evening from 7 to 9 p.m. in thc medio de la predicaciön, ora mente, no contienc ni todas las water. Catholic Dictionary, p. 1 want t0 wc «njoy thc ger and Mrs. William Rusnick, parish hall. Admission is 15 Ph. MEIrose 4-1049 Colorado Springs, Colo. por carta nuestra” (Ts. ii. 15). icnsenanzas ni todas las obras 33). 1 Register very much and find it tables and cards; Mrs. Joseph cents per person.— (Mrs. Aug­ HOI Con estas palabras San Pablo del Salvador. Dicc asi: Muchas Jesucristo vino al mundo para very informative. Starika and Mrs. Louis Caricalo. ust Burin. Correspondent) fftNC. — CMEA pone la trndiciön oral en cl otras cosas hay quo hizo Jesus: salvar a la humanidad; para Sinccrely, favors and prlzcs; Mmes. Har­ mismo plano con la tradieiön,Que si se cscnbieran una por e l,0 muriö cn |a cruz a JAMES CHIARO* old Kennedy. Joseph Madie, and' V) « A M I escriU (la Biblia), y dicc que la ; una. mc parece que no cabrian apöstoles. con San Pedro a la I Pj«. Scdar ------cn cl mundo Ins Ubrwque sc cabeza, la misidn de adminUtrar You Are Cordially Invited mcjI Lew * l‘ * 1 dri* n quf escnblr (Jn- « * • a las almas de los sercs hu OWE) 120!* . - . 'manos. y asi transmitir a tra- Letter From To Attend As.mismo. se comprueba por vfa dc. los slgIos hasU )os os cvangchos y por cl l.bro d e , lrcmos dc| mundo Ios cfcctos de The American Beauty Showing Ith " |los Actos de Los Aposlolcs que|su sacri(icio. ^ ap6st0,Mi The Editor The John P. jJesucristo no escrlbio para la|qulenes fucron ,os primcros of Lynbrook Cottons posteridad ni ordenö que sus;0bjSpOS> recibieron los podercs j Information magazinc is one of those small pre-digesied lit* Daleiden Co. iapöstoles escribieran. En cara-!actuaics in h e ren tes a sus'!crary capsulcs trying to give the rcader a fast bird’s eye view of! Miss Cvnthia CuIIen, Miss Colorado of 1959 Ros< bio les dijo: “ Prcdicad el c%*an-i almas. , de confeccionnr - los sac-'the1 most important facts he nceds to •know about • current prob-| - 1 Will Model in Our Store. Religious ; gelio a toda crcatura.” La pre- ramentos. los medios de la gra-llems. To me personally thc value of such reading is open tp; Ar ticles Idicaciön apostolica dijo Jesus, cia divina, y el poder de con- questlon but there is little room for question regarding thc tiene que ser escuchada y rcci- Church Supplics sagrar a otros ministros del | points made in an articlc in Information’s last issue on what ; bida por los que la oyen, bajo evangelio, los cualcs, a su vez. j Catholics can learn from Protestanis. FRIDAY, JAN. 30TH ipena de condenaciön (Mt. x. 7; Edgar Gcrken, continuarian la obra de snlva-, The answer is "plenty." The magazinc well bring« Home xxviii. 18-20; Mfc xvi, 15). Al 11:45 A.M. and 7:15 P.M. Rep. No deja de ser muy significa- ci« n- ithesc truths. "Among the things (wo can learn from Protestant] Los poderes reales que fueron are their manncr of church support. their congregational sing- COnAGE 1120 Broadway tivo el hecho histörico de que la Modeling also, will be Gayle Smith. Kay Kyte. Bar­ Iglesia existia antes de que se otorgados a los apöstoles' cran ing, their charitable friendliness. their wholesome respect for KE 4*8234 bara Buchanan. Beverly McMichacl. Mary Ann cscribiesc cl Nuevo Testamento. indispensables para la adminis-; temperance in drinking liquor, the extent of lay participation CHEESE Denver. Colo. En vista de que, la Biblia no traeiön sacramental. y tenian in thc operations of their church affairs and their dedication Rusovich, and Mmes. Jack Seavy. Cliff Gibbs, Rob­ podia ser la ünica regia de fe. qüe sc transferidos validamente to reading the Word of God.' Al Your Slorr or ert DeLuca and Harold Woaber. . De lo contrario, la Iglesia cn su a otros obispos consccutiva- Any one of these points can fumish mcal for investigation primera i n f a n c i o hubicra mente, sin interrupeiön. a fin de on the pari of Catholics. W‘c have already begun ln thls dioccsc For Home Delivery Rr/reihmenU Will He Serred preservar para los fieles cl to imitate the Protestant hobit of dcccnt church support, hut wc Call U 2-1103 modo de rccibir validamente los .still have a long ways to go before wc will reach their ideal o f ; An Addcd Altraclion Will Be a Trunk Sltowinft saeramontos. La Sucesiön Apos- tithing. We are. however, tuning toward the right beam and if jtölic3 cs, puös, la linea Intacta we keep following it wc will bc better church members in the of Out.lan.iin, leallier Goal, and Suita by a traves de los siglos del poder future. MR. FRANK BRITTON. HO ,y autoridad de que estän inves* About being friendly to one another: It scems to mc that ; tidos cl Papa y los obispos. Catholics attending church on Sundays are just about the most Usted mendona como la sccta smug and unfriendly group of human beings that could ever be 117 W. Ilh Sl. .de Filipinas intenta conscguir encountered. Information magazinc makes ils argument hold up : sucesiön legitima. En vano pre- with the following story: "An elderly gcntleman entcrcd St. Pal- riNI D A IK Y ro oos D ial 1.1-344173 tende conseguirla de la Iglesia ricks Church. genuflectcd and knelt in his pew. He forgot to HI episcopaliana. ya que esa orga- romove hm hat. however. and an usher quiotly stepped over to nizaeiön, aunque tuvo obispos him and asked him kindly to remove his hat. LiuL legitimos hasta la mitad del "The man in the pew beamed. took off his hat. and shook i M !rHA.RD ^iglo xvi, viciö el rito de la con- thc üsher’s haml. *You know,’ he confided, Tve been a member 5. Santa Fe sagraeiön y desdc cntonces no .0f this parish for four years and you are the first person who r j ha habido sucesiön apostolica has ever spoken to me.’ ” i r entre los cpiscopallanos. It is my personal opinion that this story is not in the least For Tops in Quality bit exaggerated. Catholics attending Maas just are not friendly aunque no reconoce la" suprema- to each othcr. As a matter of fact, they are not even friendly to * In Your Last Will ASK FÜR da papal, tiene obispos genui- their prlcsts, not to mention othcr lay people. For well over 17 n & s nos; Ja Sucesiön Apostölica en­ years now I have been Crossing thc samo Street every day lo say' tre los ortodoxos no es plena o Mass. Of nccessity, while 1 am Crossing this Street I must meet CK.NTEI 7 W 9lli I F. & J. FOOD PRODUCTS complcta porque la iglesia orto- numerous Catholics coming from and golng to Mass. Those who Al Your Favoritm Croc*r? Store doxa estö separada de Roma. say “hello" to me arc rather rare and exccptional. Of course, I • SAUCES • RELISHE5 • CAN FOODS and Testament i Dogmas E Infalibilidad may be one of those peculiar Personalities who is hnrd to greet. D. E. Bi • SPICES • PICKLES • SOFT DRINKS but I do not think so and ccrtainly try not to be. Papai PREPARED AND PACKED BY My argument about thc innate unfricndlincss of Catholics Remember to include God as one of your principal Ya qne el dogma de la Con- 3ttending Mass verges around this fact that if lay people do not SCAFF BROTHERS cepciön Inmaculada de Maria greet a priest whose Mass they attend, frequently receiving Holy Beneficiaries, in Gratitude for His constant RO- LA JUNTA. COLO. Santislma fue definido por el Communion from his hand, then how would they ever greet | and eountless favors to you. Papa en 1854. y la infaJibilidad each other? - . NTRAL S papal no fue definida de fe There are pricsts who stand outsidc the doors of their Remember that without the means He has provided hasta el ano 1870, ^hubiera sido churches and greet their parishioners as they comc oway from there would have been no worldly success Mass and this is a good praclice for pastors. It is not rccom- Lc H a hcreje cl Individuo que no creia for you. cn la infalibidad del Papa cn mended for assistant pastors, but it Is a praclice in which the. Re.J I « Mn 1869 si es que no hubiese acep- Catholic pastor may well imiläte thc Protestant minister. It is tado la doctrina de la Inmacu­ not without its dangers. however, is those people who for one Remember particularly the Needs of Religious Educa- lada Concepciön? rcason or another (usually a poor rcason) will not remain in the tion for our Youth. Additional buildings are church until the Mass is ended are bound to draw some right- Sf. Aunque la ignorancia po­ required for Parish Grade Schools and Inter- F0 fully. disapproving glarcs from their pastor as thc thought runa dia eximir al individuo de here- Parochial High Schools. By contribuüng to jia formal, hubicra sido cierta- through his mind, "Leaving early?” KIND! mente un hcreje material, cs do- Young, W illing Catholics for Micsions these you will be serving God, the Church cir, cs trataria de una negaeiön Thougn not mentioned by thc magazinc, another point on • and the State for a better Christian leader­ VI Fm tb» FinoU In Print*d and which Catholics could Imitate Protestants is in volunteering per­ Encravad Wt

PUEBLO Sister-Poet Teils Story Chancery Lists CCD Action in Southern Colorado i the ( Continucd From Page One) Imind. no matter how limited, ton, Mrs. JoAnn Desroaicrs, »und- O f 'M y Campus Family7 Mission Gifts ger. chairman of fishers, and| THE LIPS OF CHRIST co/i- Mrs. Edna Wheelcr, and Mr». laga- Phallie's, Ine. her co-workcrs: Mrs. Joseph! linuc to utter »sacred c^octrine to Lucy Rouse, as catechists. duon “Since I have tradcd niysclf with whom shc has come in Bonsignore, Mrs. Sylvia Walker. hungry souls in thc many reli­ St. Ann's Palisade, has Mrs. Rock*—Jowtlry Gertrudc Huber. Mrs. Cccilia who LopifUry Equlpmtnr, in to God for all potential contuct. Mrs. Stella Hearn, and Mrs. gion classcs conducted by the Book» And Fitting» daughters, Ho has given me To girls she says: From Parishes W. E. Haldane. Mission Hclpcrs of the Sacred Mooncy, Mj*s. Elizabeth Emer­ THE HEART OF CHRIST, pa- Heart and trained catechists. son, and Mrs. Mary Cole as Phone U . 2-5237 this family of American girls “ I try to convincc St. Mary’s RcsulLs of Lhe Mission Collec­ ..fM-tom buttuno co 228 Broadway tient and tender, inakes its love Monday after school in Sacred tcachers. STER r or ru«BLO by the hundreds and thou* girls that they will never be tion taken up last October are sands.“ declarcs Holy Cross morc intelligent thsn they arc feit in thc lives of thc excep- Heart Parish. Fruita. classe:s are The TAC, Grand Junction. Colo. announced this weck by the tional children in the State held in thc church basement has Mrs. Frances Baughman as Pachak Ifard- PRICE Sistor M. Madclcva. President in College. They will add U> Chancery Office as folloys: of St. Mary’a College. Notre Training School in Grand Juqc- and in the rectory. teacher. their stature by puttlng over Sacred Heart Cathcdral* $332.94 ar<- & FaniU nrc CLEANER AND DYER Dame, Ind., writlng in the the denominators of their in- tion. Tuesday is devoted to the Wcdncsday finds thc sisters I ■ ■ HbbIb o Assumption _____ 110.00 lu*a February issue of the Sign, na- tclligcncc the numerators of Many of the children in this teaching of junior high school driving to Palisade, where chil­ r Harry L. Saand«r«. Prag» Christ the K in g ---- 128.05 sw*-- lion.nl Calholic magazinc. expcrience. This * will changc school are Catholies enroiled pupils by thc Mission Helpers, dren arc fcw but their instruc- ..„ .mra »ft« Um I««« **»«• Holy Fam ily------85.25 HAT BLOCKINC throughout their entire live«. in thc CCD religion classcs. using St. Joseph’s School after tions are graded and efficiently Srtrthu Cwk “ He has given me this family Holy Rosary ______13.80 I BUY SELL AND TRADE Daughters of God Mrs. Agnes Svaldi, Mrs. Lucy! classes havo bcen dismissed. presented with the aid of gen- US of girls to live with and for, and Mt. Carmcl ------190.48 SorTham u U I « » * *«•»•« 625 C w rl St. Di«l LI. 3-4027 “ I ask them to helieve the boy Rouse, Mrs. Mathilda Dcsrosiers, Tcachers in St. Joseph's, erous catechists. to love,” the nationally known St. Anthony’s . 111.15 Pr'v Monds who teil them they are and Howard Shults make no ex- Grand Junction, arc Mrs. Peggy Thursday is lhc day when a poct says in an artidu cntitled St. ’s 350.00 beautiful. Only the boys can- ceptions when religious instruc- J)oak. Mrs. Ivenore Belluchie. rccrcation centcr bccomes a . Ju- "My Campus Family.“ “All bul St. Iocander’s ...... 353.27 Federal Liquor Store not know how beautiful they tions are conccrned! and Mrs. Margaret Sherry; and religion ccnter. Two Mission six of my first 70 years have St. Mary’s ------297.55 .it Sacred Heart. Fruita. Mrs. Helpers transform the South- been «pent in school. morc than arc why. Being God’s daugh- Putting aside the many activi- FREE *£ ^*„ApJ::r FREE St. Patrick's ___ 400.50 Tony Servc, Miss »Ann Scrvc. sidc JAC Building, presenting in boarding school, livlng U®rs '^c>' must rcscmble Hirn, lies thal might add pleasure to 50 ' ~ 'M M Ü I ' St. Pius X’s ____ 104.86 and Mrs. Maragaret Hess do the Christian doctrine to the fifth »clivery 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Parklap withi. breaking bread with Anusr-1 Bocause He is bcauty, they must their Sunday afternoons, these Shrine of St. Therese 274.20 catechists go lo the cxceptional teaching. lo cighth pupils that gather r St. Dial LI 3-1874 ican girls.“ bc beautiful.' 29th »»4 Eii«*b«lli Sistcr Madclcva imparts this PARISHES OUTSIDE PUEBLO children and present simply and Immaculate Heart of Mary, after school. Col«. 1.000 Girls; 7.000 Boys thought to the boy friends her AND MISSIONS jbeautifully the truths of our Grand Junction. has Mrs. Rob-| Saturday is no holiday from HOLST CONOCO SERVICE The Wisconsin born nun who Student» introduce to her: Aeuilar St Anthonv’s 34 io ifailh* 50 nccessary for every! ert Hoyr, Mrs. Joseph Wething- religion classcs. The children of i ■ ■ nur. - GBtASHio — fla t «Erxnts - accbsjobibs - b e p a w i Alamosü, Sacre.l Heart. I S I T O ^ , ----- ~ ~ - - . _ Immaculate H.art of Mary. U :■*««»______r*i* R»kl______<Ü> A GUa4aU hoads the womcn’s College near “Thinkmg of Sir James famed Notre Dame University Bridie's ‘Tobias and the Angel/ Antonito. St. Augusttne'a eo.97 k j o » « / I ( 1 r \ f - A f ■ ■ p F ^ rand/ un« ' 1“n, receive mstruc- 1959 RAMBLER 3 asserts, “ Somctimcs. when asked wc put the-boy friends in com- Buena VUta. S( Roses 15.8' J' Coopcr of St. Francis de church feil in. This led to the Ham Dinner ■«FAIR WORK A STKCIALTT of Louise Passarelli. report for thc directors, prais- Nucla, Our Lady of Sales’ Parish. Lamar. building of a more substantial A ham dinner with all the church. Father Donnelly of La 13 320 N. 3 ..I. F# A * a DUI Oftc« LI. 4-*357 Credit l ’nion Supper ing the co-operation of the Sorrows 28.50 According to her memory. a trimmings will be served by the The potluck supper for mom- members and tho work of the Trinidad- bond for a deed from Vicente Junta had been a house builder members of the Holy Name and • ROOFI^G • IIMSULATIOM conunittccs, and tho excellent Holy Trinity 286.31; YigU. Ceran St. Vraln. and oth- before hc became a priest. Hc Altar and Rosary Societics at rni«h*it Dul U t-iu: work of thc treasurer in keep- Ml. Carmcl ...... 104.60 crs t0 Roberl E- Carr w“ SUP- planned and hclped to build a the annual pre-Lenten dance NTRAL STATES Roofing & Insulnting Co. Westcliffe Group ing rccords that drew special St. Joseph’s 32 50 PO*®** to convcy. the title to the frame structu re. the church set for Sunday. Feb 8. rommendation of thF hank cx vincland. St. Thcrcscs 65.50 land on which 1110 Pre5cnl com' building heing financod by The dinner will be served Le Master'* Janitor Supply Co. nmlner on hb annual Inspcc Avondalc. Sacred Heart 40.00;! munity of Las Animas is situ- many non-Catholics as well as from 6 to 8 p.m. at a prlcc of I/sfs Hostesses Walscnburg, St. Mary’s 469 32:alccl The deed waa filed Nov. Catholics in the Las Animos $1.50 per person. Live music Red Le Master -t- FBom.-n“ Pueblo|302 w_ ,fl|h Hc expressed his pleasure in Westcliffe. Assumption 23.25 1. 1873. area. will be furnished by an ensem- For Next Meet announcing the threc per Cent pUeblo. St. Mary- Mony Title Suits The first priest« who camc to blc from 8 to 11 p.m. This dividend on all saving». and Corwin H otp iU l___ 25 00 A scrics of lawsuits followcd Las Animas were Father Pinto, dance is planned for parish­ Westcliffe.—Hostcssc* for a called attention to the fact that Thc Rev. Stephen S. thc settlement of Las Animas, i mentioned above. and the Rev. ioners. wi{h only out of town FOR THE FINEST IN ALL meeting of Our Lady of As- two other benefit« were enjoyed Murawski ______20 00,as therc were disputes over thcjJoseph Montenarelli. S.J. Thoy guesfs invited. “Since the d.'ince tumption AlUr and Rowry So­ by all members at no expcnsel ______1 titles to the land which had were really missionaries. ______is limited to 400. be surc to get KINDS 0 F BUILDING MATERIAL ciety to takc place In February to them — Insurance on their been settled under the old Mcx-j On the oceasion of several jyour tickets early from any will b« Mn." Ann Filkonberglxavings »nd Insurance on their n » | U n r t o f f n i A l l ican land grants as against the later visits Bishop Machebeuf: member of the socielies," is a VUli Our Niew Rcniiliful Store and Mrs. Charles Plquelle. Mrs. loans. V B ® nVHG UniOII titles of pcople who had re- was entertained in the Murrayjwarhing by members of thc Wilbcr Vickerman nnd Mm. Joe Mr. Crawlcy xummarizcd thc * P%0 4 J jjee ive d U.S. patents from the homc. ^hc committee.— (Mrs. Tom Beck will be in Charge of work of the year, praised thc Q e d a r e s D i v i d e n d patcnt 0Wicc in pueb,°' Horse* \n Church carlson, Correspondent) Ladd Lumber & Mercantile Co. churoh clcaning next monlh. officers, and 1 Congres. pasxcd » l.w requir-l ,n ,hc oriEina| church by thc Mrs. Beck and- Mm. George apoke with «nthuaiaam of thr N'orlf “ ^ four por-conl; ,„K confinn.Uon of lhc title* whlch w u lhe building IRHI W. 6th S«. — Pueblu Dial .1-1951 ___ b dlvidend HolvihnlH Byrne were hostcase« in a meet­ credit...... Union movement,...... uwhichr dlvidend wasw m declared bv by Holy; hcld nnrfnr under fh#» the Snamsh Spanixh and j e Jo^/eiaimed . . . . .thc pär ’ . . h Name of Mxry Parish Credil Mcxican land grants. Sonic of 1 Jon' s cla,mea' par,sn ing of the group held ln |he he said, strcsseial 2-32‘X) wclcomed as a new member. bers aitending the annual meet tcc. Eleven students from South­ 1874, we read thc following: Mroes. Phil DeGrec and Falkon- ing a bnllpolnt pen, bearing the The threc members of the ern Colorado arc participating “ Rt. Reverand Bishop Mache* berg and «Miss Patsy Ulsh rc- Inscription "St. Anthony Parish Supervisor? committee are Sam­ in thc observance of thc “ Rush Credit Union insurcs my sav- bcuf visited Las Animas accom- es, celvcd glfts.— (Mr*. Anton Blei. uel Gonzales, Floyd Archulcta, to thc Rockies“ Centennial at Corrcspondent) ings— It pays to aave." «nnd Mrs. Lawrence Martinez. A panied by F ath er P in to of Loretto Hfcights College, Den­ rs THE SUMMIT PRESSED BRICK program was presented and re- Pueblo. The Bishop spoke to a ver. They are Diane Vanotti, freshments were servred. large audicnce Sunday evening Cathy Spanglcr. Pat Williams. in the Baptist church. Hc was Holy Family Officers Josephine Vialpando. Babette Sammy’s Super and THE COMPANY Bake Sale Plans Readied ln an election of officers by entertained by many non-Cath­ Hollenzer, Aleen Clinc, Sallv. olics.” Service RALPH J. WELTE. Pre*. the Holy Family Society Jan. Beatty. all from Pueblo; Loretta Top W 4th St 8ridCf 25, Mrs. Fred Garcia was Later Apostle of *:l Paso Maldonado. Trinidad; Betty Jo Aimnu/arturur* of By Grand Junction PTL elected President; Mrs. Pete Vi­ Father Pinto was the Rev. Love. Rocky Ford: Ann Thuli- Brniwl High Grade Prc*wd Brfek gil, vice President; Mrs. Joe I). Charles Pinto. S.J.. first resi­ meyer. LaJunta; and Barbara Romcro, sccretary; nnd Mrs. dent priest of thc city of Stevenson, Grand Junction. SIX Rough Face Brick, Stiff Mud Hrick Grand Junction.— A bnkc aale Parishioners have Wcen re- will bc conducted in thc Grand minded of lhe onnunl card party Max Atencio. treasurer. The Pueblo. He also waa the first An open house featuring dis- and Hollow Building Tile Avenue City Market by the Par- sponsorcd by thc mothers of the group receivcd corporate Com- Jesuit pastor of Holy Trinity plays and demonstraiions by Knlghta of the Altar to bc held munion in the early Mnss Sun­ Parish, Trinidad, and later in every department of the College G ltO V E 3|h »nd Erle Pueblo D iel U 241278 ent-Teachers League of St. Jo­ seph’s School Saturday, Feb. 7. in St. Joxeph’s Holl at 8 p.m. day. will bc held Feb. 1. DRUG STORES I® The women of the parish have Friday. Feb. 0. A donation of A meeting of the Altar So­ The open house is one featuro been asked to ddiver bokery 50 cents per person will bc ac- ciety was to be held in thc pnr Candle Blessing of thc College’» weck-iong ccle- To S e r r « Yoo in Puablo JOE E. TEZAK item« to the störe anytime after leepted. ish house at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 29.— bration. As a pionecr cduca- • PHOTO SUPPLIES 8:30 a m. that day. I Mardi Gra« Planned (Josephine Silva. Correspond tional institutioli ln Colorado, • COSMETICS Contractar 2125 E « » l O r o u R — Dial 3-1758 Loretto Heights will offer a pub­ A donation of 5100 will bei The. College Newman Club ent) Rite at St. Pius X • FOUNTAIN lic lccturc serics on thc theme mado by tho PTL to Sialar Mar> wl" !ponsor > Martli .Gras..f?r I (Confinued From Page One; Threshold to tho Future.“ • DRUCS Leonard to enoble four students thc entire College Fridny, Feb O f f i c e r s E l e c t e d School Association sponsorcd Southern Colorado Register' 6. Peggy Vandenbert is in f S £ * e c J « a Featured in the lccture se­ • Proscriptlon Spocialltt» to go to Denver to compete in thc event and will usc the funds Charge of arrangrnnenls. A I W o l y £ c x m iiy rics, which begins Feb. 3, arc Official PubllcatJon of th* Dioceso of Pueblo tho nation-wido spelling contcst to benefit the school. to n meeting o fth e Newman Dr. Mortimer Adler, direclor of Member of tb# Calholic Pres* Aaaocfation DUcnxsion Groups Organized (Holy Family Parish, Pueblo) Mm«*». S. Philip Cablbt. WlUlXm G. Club Sunday cvlnfng, Jan. 25. cDonald. and Ralph J. Welt« were thc Philosophical Institute, San Publlahod w«akly by tho Cjiüjoüc Pres» Socioty. Inc. Dlscussion groups in the Con- James Carter, Catholic nttorney- New officers elected by Our chalrmcn. Cömmltleo member* *a- Francisco; Dr. H. Marshai Mc- LEO'S Lady of thc Rosary Circle of the xiRttnu were Mmcs, Jot» Marteil, Har­ I® 8«nd all nawicopy. corroapondence, chango of addresa, fraternlty of Christian Doctrine nt-iaw and former state leglsla- old Hcmsbchn, James I. Glcaaon, Luhan. St. Michael’« College. ItKAUTY & STYLE were organized in a reccnt tor, spoke on the «ubjcct of Ladies of Mary are Mrs. Pete John Pollmlller. Uobort SchUllnjc, Toronto; Col. Paul Blosingamc, snop «dvertising to Tho Southern Colorado Rogistar, 1426 meeting of the PTL. These “The Role of tho Catholic in Apodaco, President; Mrs. Ed Kdunrd Bradtih. Jamc» Bufflneton. Air Force Academy; and Dr. Walter Lynch, A. J. Miller. Don 303-305 W . 3r4 rtn'l Ava., Puablo. Colo. group discusslons will take thc Polltics/' Pavllch, vice President; and Mrs. Pcaker. William West. W illia m Yves R. Simon, University of ShonU, Vcrnon Malm. Nick But- Phon. Di.l LI 2-6372 Subacrlptton Ritii •> per year. place of program« for tho bal- Tho Junior Newman basjcct- Dallas Bordeaux, secrotary- kovlch. Raymond Warflold, Jamea P. Chicago. Dr. Christopher Daw Most' R«v. Joseph a Wlllglng. D.D....President ancc of the school, according to ball team has participated in trcasurcr. O'Connor. Jamc« Cowen. France* P. son, now at the Harvard Divin* Mrs. Victor Cruinbaker, who thrce league games this ficoson. The members of Queen of ran, Raymond' J Sulllvnn. JohnJohnDu Ity School, has postponed his 7^-. Nosslsnor Palrleh 0. Sl.ul-r, M.A. Ull-tl.. Purk. Anton Holub, and Robert Com- Kdlior and Hn*lr»e** was instrumental ln planning winnlng one and losing two. Hcavcn Circle met in the homc mUkey. Thla «mup wn* olded by part in, the series to a date later of Mra. Rose Gurovich Wedncs- the room mother* of tho »chool. in ,thc spring. X o r l h w i d e K «v. J in m It. « • ! » . ü B r J n r , M A...- A . . o . l . t . EJItei the projeet. The Rev. James -Friel nnd the Thd women were a»»iated by Ilal The mothers of thc third boys have exprcjised their aj>- day, Jan. 28. Queen of Angels J. Welte. Kenneth Hin*. S. Phl'lp Included in the weck’s event« K e i l e o t John J «.II». Ij.T_*4»*«BUsS preciation to Dick Ruperts for Circle mombers were tö mect in Cabtbl, Garolh Seamnn^J. L. Grlf- is the dedication of a new $1,- H a r d w a r e b n n d CU.. M.tlss sl Fo.1 um«». Osi>.»r. Ceto. graders served as lioslease« at fln, Joo Neelan, John bark. Urban I tho meeting. The third grade sacriflcing his timo and hclp in thc home of Mrs. Bob Spinuzzi Setter.“ — Arthur Socler,tmui«, Ray ***7, Tbj W S ---125.000«-— • -— residencc---- — ---- hall.- Arch- ——- Your Friendly Hardurar« Store ' ' « M l S r i CotUm t.tum-S an«., fo. »IIS so I« P. O. Bas 1SI*. was awordcd the attendancc coaching the tenrn.-— (Mrs. John Thursday, Jan. 29.— (Mrs. Tony «on. P«I1| ebne. Tow sv*i6o. Km- htshop Urban J. Vehr of Denver 7035 Eli«. Dial U 2-4012 Denver. Colorado prlxc. ¥ L. Rice, Correspondent) v. Gagliardl, Correspondent) SS? 5S^rt*S?o>TOpi»3«Kir' wUI nfficlate at tb* dedicatlon. ------— ------* ------Friday, Jonuory 30, PAGE FOUR TH E SOUTHERN COLORADO REGISTER NEWS FROH THE GRADE SCHOOLS Mexican Dinner Planned Pueblo Junior GRAND JUNCTION Porochial League Pupils Continue Race in Reading GAMES FEB. 1 By Las Animas Society Sacred Hcart Home Book reports were asaigned to took part ln n spelling bec. CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. 5 p.m.~St. Plu» X '» v«. SacroU By Janl« Bol»» and John Polklawics the reading dass of the eighth Kathlecn Comifky. grade seven, Heart Home. First grade and kindergarten Las Animas.—A dinner spe-; Jasper Cortinez, Henry Le- 6 p.m.—St. Mary** va. Mt. Carmel grade. These reports are to be and Mary Marjorie Housman, CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBIIE - CADILLAC | team. students are continuing the rac6 cializing in Mexican dishes will Moynier. Donnita Wilson. Igna- on historical or biographtcal grade eighL were the winnere. 7 p.m.—St. Thereae'a va. St. Lean­ against time in reading. Law­ Sales and Service be served by Our Lady ofjcio Enciniaz. Philip Montoya. der *s. novels. They will be written in The fourth graders have St. FrancU’ vr. SL Patrick*! ort- rence Lucero is in the lead. Guadalupe Society in the parish • Robert Tanner. Fermin Vela, the form of a newspaper with learned to multiply with two 235 Main Grand Junction 304 North «Inalty »choduled for thla (late la The third and fourth grade hall Saturdav evening, Jan. 31. and Miss Catherine Simon. betnt; renchcdulcd becauae of St. scctions *for human internst numbers. In the second grade Patrick*» particlpatinje in the Denver pupils are learning the shapes reading group onc, nine out of The Rcv. Daniel Huber, pas- Serving as ushers during the Cathollc Krade achool toumament storics and cditorials. and form« of many artides in 11 rcceived perfect grades in tor, administcred Ihe sacrament nionth were Dr. William Des- thla weck cnd. P a tro n lze AU eames are playcd ln the Pueblo drawlng, dass. They also are SL Leander’s School their teste. TOM CLARK of Baptism recently to Ralph' mond. Leo Davey, Miller. Cathollc High School ftymnaaium. By Marianne Duke, Karen McGulre. learning to sketch landseapes. Terry Jaquas, and Anthony Nlccoll Onc of our great American These Kenneth Macstaa. son of Mr. I Tony Sena. William Tanner, RESULTS JAN. 25 and Mrs. Edward Maeslas, and; John f etk. Isa Baea. M^ciano The fifth and sixth graders As a perfect Valentine gift the pocts says, if you wish to make MUSIC C0. St. Patrick*«, 29; St. Leander'« 14. are busy on the maps of many sixth grad ers are saving their headwoy in any learning you Advertlners Raymond Lee Tafoya. son of Lucero, August Weber, Robert Cathedral team, 23; St. FrancU*. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tafoya. Smith. George Sisneros, Albert St. Joseph*«. 30; St. Plu« X. " countrics, and of the world. pennies to save a pagan.baby. must, 520 Main Grand Junction Each child draws and colons his James Scott has adopted a baby “ Review, review review, re- Sisneros, Ray Thompson, Ed STANDINGS Alter Committee Announced Melchior. Joe Barela, Sr.: Joe own map. already, and has named him view, review, review, review.” WURLtTZER PIANOS RED DIVISION ‘James.” Students at St. Pius X think Rendy-Mix Conen Mrs. Adam Miller will be Barela, Jr.; Frank Reisinger. Cathedra! tc a m __ The seventh and cighth grade HAMMOND ORGANS chairman of the committee car-jllivor Alvarez, Simon Martinez. SL Patrick*« ...... have receivcd during the past this little Jingle, read with the Delivorod to Your J St. Francla* ______St. Mary's School proper emphasis. expresses more BALDWIN PIANOS ing for the altar and sanctuary j and Joe Rollman. SL Leander*«...... weck booklets in history, cn- By Joan Miliar, and GRAND JUNCTION BL in Fcbruary. She will Ih» as- Choir Dircctor Leasing St. Therese’« ___ titlcd History of America. Rotamary Latronica than apptears at first sight. They A rcortU tn k Tm c M i i i S f l l « MATKKIALS CO.. In, GREEN DIVISION The winning teams on the re- took the words of the poct to sisted by Mm es. Glenn Shinn. Wert Roberts, director of St. MamtIm Csnlnar. Mfr ML Carmel tcam .. St. Francis Xavier School views were Richard Russ and hcart. and. for a wholc weck be- PHONE O l 2-5872 Durbin Cover. John Ferandez. Mary’s Choir. his wife and four St. Joseph*» ------9IO S. lOth Ph. O l : John Lopez. Abc Malouff. Pete childrcn, will leave soon for! St. M ary'« - By Carol Skuba and Kathv Pachek Jimmy Hund in the seventh and fore examinations. reviewed and St. Plu« X The fifth grade chiidren are Montano. Bruce Swcezy. An- Shrevcport. La., wherc he has Sacred Hcart Home eighth grades. Their prlzo was Ircvicwed. tonio Mondragon. Martha Davey. bcen promoted to director of making oral book reports. These an evening without homework. RESULTS BANTAM DIVISION Shrine of St. Therese Alphonse DeLaToree. N. A. volunteer activities by ‘the Vet-! reports are biographies of fam The R ous people. St. Patrick’s Grade School By Kathy Klkel and Madelyn Padula LA JUNTA Dietrich. Daniel Ferandez, Al­ erans Administration. By Mauraan Sullivan and The second grade chiidren |.\i P»n»L Mmes. Roy Gardner. Joe Mar- Law, chief dietitian in Fort In their arithmetic classes studying chiidren from other LA JUNTA. COLO. Morniji quez. Buford Stine, Alex Ubelez, Lyon, will join her husband as Teams Set for Tourney this past week the third graders IF IT IS ELFCTRICAL lands. Articles have been CAU. US. WE CAN FIX f Gnlde MirvCarwi Carmen Ortiz. Pete Quintana. soon as her replacement Ls have learned how to borrow in brought in from all around the Werner Finken. Leo Droste. found.— (Miss Catherine Simon. Two grade school teams from of athletic participation and the subtraction. world such as shoes. dolls, 7Tie R, Louis Lopez, Albert Sisneros. Correspondent) Pueblo, the Cathedral Cardinais Cardinais of Pueblo are cxpect In geography the fifth grad­ scarfs. kimonas. blllfolds. and H r.fl Horm and St. Patrick’s Junior Sham- ed to have little troublc in dis iere are studing about the North books. The Ri posing of them. The Cardinais Central States and bringing rocks, will take part in the ninth In commomoration of the cele- HorpiMl. Ti annual' Catholic «täte grade are leading the Pueblo Junior their maps up to-date. bralion of the Rush to the L AM AR ALAMOSA school toumament being playcd Parochial league and so far have The seventh graders have Rockics Centennial, the cighth B f ofdi in St. Joseph’s gymnasium, Den­ not been beaten in loop play. St. Pamphlets on clectrical appli- grade cla&s is preparing to ver, this weck. Approximately Patrick’s has lost only to the ances in the home. present a one-act play, “Centen­ VALLEY CONCRETE CO. 32 teams are taking part, the Cathedral team. The following cighth graders nial of Courage.” written hy great majority of them. of What the schcdule of games have given reports in hlstory: R««dr MiiMl Concrot« — Boildi«! Block* Mrs. Jean Porter. It is a story L e e Ufr. KIT CARSON'S TRADING POST course, being from Denver and for the Pueblo teams will be on Lucicann Sands on President about the development of Trini­ vicinity. Saturday, Jan. 31. depends upon Rooscvelt: Ricky Sajbcl. Chiang dad, Colo., in 1899 and the cour- A Concrtl« Li««4 Ditck Soon Pmya for lUolf HOME FURNISHINGS The Sacred eHart Cathedral what the results of the games Kai-shek; Pat Farmen. Stalin; age and determination of a Ste­ LAMAK. COLO PHONE team is scheduled to play the are Friday evening. Tom Syrotchen, Adolf Hitler; S e r v in g ifi« Son Luis Fatlmy ter of Charity. Cure d’Ars Cobras Friday eve­ The two Pueblo teams enter­ Maureen Sullivan, President The cast te as follows: Cindy Fumilurc — Floor Coveringo — Appliancea ning. Jan. 30, at 8:30 p.m.. and ing the Denver toumament Eisenhower; and Carol Kraso- Nolan. Mrs. Simpson: Martin St. Patrick’s of Pueblo is slated madc some changcs necessary vcc, Mussolini. Faricy. Chief Two Bears; Joy to meet SL Louis’ of Englewood in the regulär schedule of the SL Pius X’i School Gust. Steter Eulalia; Frank Por- MONTROSE the same evening at 9:30 p.m. Pueblo Junior Parochial league By Mary B u»«r and Mary Hautman recco. Mr. Simpson; Joc Delll- This is the Cobras’ first year games of Sunday. Feb. 1. I The seventh and eighth grades CANON CITY quadri, Manuel; Kathy Kikel, The Store Sister Blandina: Mary M. Caf- faro. Prtecilla Koller, and Ce-J of Friendly Service P alro alzr New Method Laundry & Zoric Dry Cleaning celia Waltere, Spanish danccre;; Two-Way Tie Sports Writer to Speak Dorothy Dolif, Judy Isele, Suel-1 W. D. Austin These Mario we do all good work Bill lyn Cooper. Ilene Kuhn, school-; girU; Joe Sullivan. stagedriver; I DRUG STORE Adverliser* For Top Spot At Dinner in Walsenburg Madelyn Padula. Mre. Martinez; > W D AUSTO f Sam McKec, Dusty; Arthur: >PHHNS IM DELTA Walsenburg. — (St. Mary’s Mother Auguste vteited rc ßrady. Larry: *nd Richard Con-| To Be Broken High School) — C. J. Zccha, cently in SL Mary’s Convent. cn cialdi. Billy the Kid. sports writer and feature writer route to St. Lucy’s Prior>*, Gien- Report cards were distributed ROCKY FORD Canon City. — (The Abbey for the Register in Denver, will dora, Calif. Several sister« in to Ihe students of the school PETERS0N DRUG School)—A two-way tlc for the be guest Speaker at the annual the convent here are attached Monday. Jan. 26. Complete Home press banquet sponsored by SL to the Giendora Priory. Ste­ top spot of the Southern Colo­ Furntihers Ueiia's Walgrten Agency Mary’s High School Wednesdoy, tere Francita. Thcophila. Mary Sacred Ileart Calhcdral C atholle rado- Parochial League will be Feb. 4. Tom Solomon, recently James, Perpetua, and Ludovica, By Jam «« Stallay and Mac Irwin Holland Drug Store The first grade classroom te Schmidt Hardware Your Friendly Drtiggtei broken Sunday, Feb. 1, when retired sports writer for South­ at present in St. Lucy’s. have all Bayers’ dccoratcd with snowmen made Pretcriptions ■ •f Wr«tmcbo«M* the Abbey Bruins travel to ern Colorado publications, will taught in the school höre in the PRESCRIPTION SERVICE by the childrcn. Every time a Trinidad for the Canon City be a special guest. past years. P k o . « 52 R ocky F o rd Galde Fr. Mendrick in Hospital Annual Retreat child knows bis reading lesson school’s third loop game. Ab- he gets a star on his snow man. bey’s Coach Jack Majore will be The Rev. Columba M. Staun- The Rev. Theodore Diener, ton is acting assistant pastor of O.S.B., of Holy Cross Abbey. The childrcn also drew picturcs counting on his two big boys, of their homes. ROCKY FORD AUTO PARTS DURANGO Charles Bocock and Bob David­ St. Mary's Parish during the ab- Canon City, conducted the an­ scnce of the Rev. Paul Mend­ nual retreat for SL Mary’s High The fourth grade pupils have Ittmtrneto Service A Repoir son to carry the bhint of the been studying the Netherlands 1009 Elm Tel. 23 Roekf For attack. rick. wbO is recovering from in- School students Friday ond Sat­ juries receivcd in a rocont auto­ urday. Jan. 23 and 24.— (Judy in geography dass. They made Jerry's Super In the Abbcy-P.C.H. contest mobile accident. Dalla Guardia. Correspondent) Dutch shadow boxe* that con- i C.O.D. Laundry j Jan. 25 these two co-captains tain windmills and other sccnic J High Grade Dry Cleanin* J accounted for 38 of the Bears* fealures of Holland. SALIDA M arket lallies as the Abbey came out Linen Supply Oufango i Lar^rtt ano How-owrm. The cighth grade students are JOHN L FLECK J ComoUt* Linr of Groceri« on top of a 51-46 score. The dif- Requiem in Durango dcveloping litcrary skills by \ 1177 M ain A r a . Ph CH 7-I47V( and M aat« fercnce between the two teams 426 6lh Ara. Oumn;c writing compositions. This week B a n d Box was the Abbey’s superiority at they complctcd two: One on the Cathollc the charity linc. Cuban Revolution and one on (LKAMIIS The victory pulled the Bears For Bertha Ann Kelley Church History in Colorado T in a * A r * m n Bayers* into a tie with Holy Trinit/s Durango. — (SL Columba’s group attended Rosary and fu-|**nc* I I . M O n Q u ill*« Tigers, each tcam now carrying Galde Parish) — A Requiem Maas was neral scrvic«. ] « " • j WkltM Wkit« — Colon Brtfhl a record of two wina and no celebrated by* Monsignor Fran­ Hostesses serving for the, 11t U. m F St_ BalMa losscs in league play. The Bears cis P. Cawley, V. F.. pastor, in ORINK olles to Chu had previously turned back SL St. Columba’s Cburch Wednes- Mary’s of Walsenburg. 45-40. salo Wcdncsday, Jan. Ä Cub Pack Planned uy». With day. Jan. 21. for Bertha Ann Mmes. James Cummins. Richard I G tC ßS SAUDA PLUMBIN Graden’s The box scores of Abbey’s Kelley, long-time member of the Gallavan, Margaret Baird. and IH BOTTLES AND APPUANCE DUHÄNGO S LEADING two loop eontesLs follow: parish. who died in Mercy Hos­ Ward Lee. The säte has been re- By Salida Parish Sisters Abboy Pueblo Cathollc pital Saturday, Jan. 17, follow­ ported a success by those in Salida Coca*()ola fo ft p f High fg H p » ing an extended illness. Charge. — (Mrs. Dwight Dilloy. Salida. — Plans are in the HtU Point Appilnnea DEPARTMENT STORE Bocock 6 8 SIPlc*e I t 2 making to organize a Cub Scout Botlling Co. 12t E. 2od S«i>4 Suilard 0 3 2 lloclund 4 2 4 Born in Ouray, Miss Kelley Correspondent) S100 f Arlaa 1 1 5?Hochevar 3 7 2 spont her chiidhood in Mancmt. pack in St. Joseph’s Parish. Davidson 7 4 4 .Montciongo 2 3 1 Henrion 0 0 0 Balla« 1 0 I Coming here she was employed Robert Fcrraro te director o f Wliere Yon Cnn Shop With 0 1 2 McGo« 1 3 2 the project. Col. John Powhlda, 1 2 SIMcrwIck 0 3 5 by the Western Colorado Power 0 0 2 Mnnjfuio 0 0 0 Company for 15 years. She left Story to Be Told 1 diocesan lay director of scout- CONF1DENCE 0 2 0 Spitzer 0 2 3 here in 1937 and spent five ] Ing of the Pueblo Diocese. spoke TRINIDAD • to parish member* in St Jo­ Total« IS 21 251 T o U l» 14 18 20 years in Denver. Upon her re- Of Joyce Kilmer VMfl) ,uppl> Score by quartera: turn to Durango she becamc ac- seph’s Schoo! Sunday, Jan. 25. fl 16 13-51 tive with the county welfarc de- On Sundny. Feb. 1, Father Immaculata Circle of the W E G l VE &K GREEN STAMPS 13 12 9 12—46 partment. and for the past 10 Patrick Pcyton’s Marian Thea­ Daughtera of Isabella mcl in St. Counfry Club Motel A b b a y |$t. Mary*« Joseph’s School Friday, Jan. 23. lg «P * years was office assistant in' ter will featore screen star, Priool* SKowor« - Trinidad’« Fin«*l - Stricll? Modrr» Bocock 6 1 IIIIViKll TV Mercy Hospital. MacDonald Carcy, starring ln Card games provided divereion Suilard OiPlncda for the aftemoon. Hostesses FABÜLOUS MARTHA-LEE S Alias 5 3 2 TcMltora 7 1 4 She is survived by two grand- Song for a Long Road. The pro- were Mrs. Helen Cortese. chair­ N o * » Cocktail« Morehart Chevrolet Davidson 5 1 21 Medina 3 1 0 nieces, Mrs. Norma Jean Le gram will be heard over the Door W o n d o r f a l F o o d Mary's Liquor Store Hexan 0 0 3iRomero 3 0 3 Desma ^nf Denver and Miss stetions of thfe Mutual Network. man: Mmes. Louise Koachman. McLennan 3 2 3 Mardlne 0 1 1 Thelma Reho. and Marmie Wit- Prem Delivery and Co. Patrick 0 0 ljlbancx 0 T 1 Linda Kay Harms of Golden. Sofig for a Long Road te the Friendly Service B02 2nd A ... CH. 7*2121 I Man u na res 0 2 3 Miss Kelley was a member tie. Anderson Plumbing Marl« and Virginia Royce dramatic story of one of Amer- Entertainment was arranged Durango, Colo. ^ Total» 19 7 12! Total« 1« 813 and trustee of SL Anthony*« ica’s unforgettable heroes and Ph. U i 7-0702 Score by quartem: by Mre. Fannie Post, chairman; & Heatin« Co. MARCO'S 519 Main Are. Chevrolet — Oldsmobile Court of the Catholic Daughtera patriote — Joyce Kilmer. Mac- Abbey ______15 12 8 10— 45 of America. Members of the Mmes. Rose Lanari. Sam Reno. ISS P I». Sl Pt,. >• 20! Market 5 Grocrry SL Mary « ...... 13 8 7 13—40 Donald Cärey will portrny the Susie Rcno^ A. Kelleher, and rolc of the soldicr-poct. Berletta Spino. Awards were r-mr (.na. Will I, ( h u G r ernte rt Aaset Q uality Foods Kilmer’s poetry and the story made to Mmes. E l i z a b e t h Teachers for Overseas of his heroic sacriflce on the Thompson. Post and Roy Coun-j HEATING VENTILATION COOLINC Frozen Foods Lowry Air Force Base in Den Tour of duty for teachers in field of battie have merited him terman. a guest. Other guests: ver has been named “Teacher overseas assignments is 12 a special place in the hearts of were Mrs. Howard Wcrtsbaugh. ( n l h o l i c and lee Cream Recruiting Center” for Colorado months with nine months Se­ his countrymen— never nehieved and Mre. Francis Spino. (Elea- P h o n - - V l S-2223 and Wyoming as the Air Force mester work and travel time to by another. nor Pasquaic, Correspondent) Ba.vera’ Phones. v , g.2224 announces plana to fill school and from overseas arcas, or for WE DELIVER teacher requiremente in 16 of its possible summer empioymenL Galde 600 E. Main SL overseas arcas for the 1959-60 Salaries for clementary and school year, according to Col. secondary teachers average Sacred Heart Aid Unit's MUe* A. Connor, wing personnel 5415, and the salory ränge for officer at Lowry. administrative personnel te from Triangle Chevrolet Co. The procuremcnt program, 9498 to $585 per month. In Vice Presidents Named • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS jo u a some overseas arcas teachers are After J L . ^ . O liqsüi. duc to the neceasily of replac- «hip thi ing teachers who have com- also paid cost-öf-living wages. Vice presidents of the Sa­ are Mre. Joseph Carmichael. St. Transportation to and from cred Heart Home Aid Society Joseph s; Mre. Mike Neclan, SL «flticall pleted their tour of duty in the «he Euc SHEET METALS miiitary dependent’s schools the overseas nrca and free hous- have been selected from the Cathcrinc’s, B e u la h ; M rs . ing accommodations or quarters Pueblo partehes and ou(lying Charles Trujillo, Sacred Heart, WALSENBURG I tfon, an and to fill new requiremente, •hip rat 120 E. löth St. CH 7-1249 will begin in Denver; with Inter­ allowonce is fumisiied by the arcas to serve the coming year, Avondale; and Mre. W. J. Ro- government. according to Mre. Gladys Mc- ley. SL Aloysius’, Rye. r*mcnt views Sterling Feb. 4 and when sp throughout the month in other Appllcants must be between Gowan, President. These vice presidents work DURANGO, COLORADO the ages of 23 and 60 and sec­ Mre. John Garino will repre- in conjunction with the Sacred FURPHY MORTUAR' r«mcmb< localions. loved oi ondary and elementary teachers sent Our Lady of the Assump- Hearr Home 1 Society and organ- Interviews are slated at «he Ccm must possess a bachelor’s degree tion Parish; Mre. Michael Jim- izatlons within each parish. Dignified Services AU Type« of General Sheet Metal Work Lowry Feb. 4, 5, and 6. and in and valid stete teaching certifi­ inez, Sacred Heart Cathedral; Membcrehip cards have been Those Pueblo Feb. 20 and 21, Col. Con­ AMBULANCE SERVICE cate. Mre. S. Philip Cabibi, Pius distributed to the women named »<*k w nor stetes. Principal appllcan ts must X’S; Mre. Ray Kern, St. Mary’s; above. Anyone deslring to par- Phone Day or Night 120-W Walsenbu h Application form» may be ob- posseas requiremente of ele- Mre. J. Kielbach, SL Francis tidpatc in the spiritual bene- W«ry Ki tained from the Colorado State rtientary or secondary teachers Xavier’s; Mrs. CJarence • Daber- fits derived from prayers and FRIGID AIRES T>ppnro FLORENCE Employment Service or at any ln addition to a master’s degree kow. Shrine of SL Therese; Mre. good works of the stetere and Electric ApfAlonce Renoirins Pritcbard Lumb«r Cl Taneik < U. S. Post Office. in education. Rose Mulay, Our Lady of Mt. chiidren Tnay do so by contact- fam nl.tr RulUln. Swtk-i Moüie MAYTAG WASHERS ol Uie . Qualificd applicante should All candidatcs must be U. S. Carmel; Mre. Claude Robinson, ing vice presidents of the par­ Zenith Rodln* PKA Tttla t * t U m indude all necessary Informa­ citizens who are currcntly teach­ St. Leander’s; Mrs. Theodore tehes. tll flnipoinl AppliBnre* «rc .nc FLORENCE Cathollc tion on these form» and rcturn ing or who have not bcen out of Lindvey, SL Anthony of Pa- Mre. McGowan has announced J. & L ELECTRIC Phon« 390 WaUaobu hütende M0RTUARY them to: Overseas Placement the education profesaion for dua’s; Mre. Pe^e Baccarella, the next business meeling of in Mala Walaoabarg ... Mr. Fruli V Will. Bayern’ Officer, Mre. Dorothy L. Bren­ more than a year. Holy Family; Mre. Fred Mar- the society will be held ln the Ambulanee nen, Civilian Personnel Office, Complete Information may be llncz» SL Anne’»; and Mre. Sacred Hcart Home at 1:30 WALSEMBVR« CREAMERY Guide Lowry Air Force Base, Colo., Dellu Romero, Holy Rosary. p.mn Thuraday, April 9.— (Mre. »•yon Service obtalned by contacting the Over­ PwteurUed Milk — Ice Cre*m — Btll'rr W thei DUdley 8-5411, Extension 7694. seas Placement Offi-er at Lowry. Out-of-town parish women Grace Gavato, Correspondent) Bom . . f Mountain Dairr Proiturl.