December, 1637 Stockholm, Sverige

By decree of Her Royal , Queen Christina, of all Sverige, and of Her , His Lordship Axel Oxensteirna, you are hereby ordered to commence preparations for the timely establishment of a trading colony in the New World. Her graciously extends to you the use of two ships, the Kalmar Nyckel and the Fogel Grip, for said purpose; and She commands you forthwith to outfit these ships according to your needs and to select and provision a crew of forty able­bodied men to accompany you on this most important venture.

It is Her Majesty’s wish that the colony be established by the spring of 1638 in that region of the New World at or near the 40th degree of latitude, a safe distance south of the Dutch settlements of New Amsterdam and north of the English settlements of Virginia. It is Her Majesty’s further wish that peaceful trading with the native population, as well as the thorough search for animal, vegetable and mineral resources begin with all due expediency; that our sovereign nation might continue to prosper and to compete successfully with those other European nations currently benefiting from the riches of the New World.

Thus, by Royal decree, you have until January 8th of this year to submit for Her Royal Majesty’s approval a crew register of both names and occupations; as well as a full and complete reckoning of all such provisions as you wish to secure which will, in your opinion, ensure the success of the colony in the wilderness you will find and in the face of possible enemies who may greet you, both native and European. This listing must include specific and separate accounts for food, clothing, shelter, tools, weapons and barter items.

In addition, you will be expected to submit a full and detailed account at a later date of your voyage to the Americas and, by the end of the first year, an account of all that you have found and accomplished. Further instructions on these reports will follow closer to the time of your departure.

Her Majesty expresses Her complete confidence in you and your abilities to fulfill the requirements of this critical endeavor; and to that end here affixes Her Royal seal that all may aid you as you may require.