The Stateless and Kurdistan

Hiwa Asadpour

Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany [email protected]

Fachtag Irak in Ulm am 27.10.2018 outlines

• History of the Kurds and Kurdistan • Geography of Kurdistan • Politics in Kurdistan • Linguistics in Kurdistan • Social issues in Kurdistan • Religion in Kurdistan The Medes

the late second millennium BCE (the Bronze Age collapse) 7th century BC Sasanian and Byzantine Empire Conquest of Islam on Sassanian Empire Seljuk Empire Ayyubid Dynasty Sunni Ottoman and Shiite Safavid Empires 1516–1922 Treaty of Sevres

Dersim genocide by Turkey 1937 and 1938 Establishment of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)

Abdullah (“Apo”) Öcalan in the late 1970s but the movement started a decade earlier.

This political party is divdided nowadaways into three more units with different ideas Republic of Mahabad

In August 1941, a general uprising wrested control of the Kurdish region from the central Iranian government. Declaration of Republic of Mahabad 1946

KDP and PUK establishment

KDP 1946 (heritage of Mullah ) PUK 1975 (heritage of Ibrahim Ahmad) Both members of The Republic of Mahabad The war between Iraqi Kurds and Saddam Hussein In 1988 Saddam Hussein won the war against the Kurds and started Anfal "Anfal," based on the eighth Sura, or verse, in the holy Quran meaning the "spoils of war." and Sardasht Chemical invasion

Kurdish regional autonomy

1991 uprising local government administrators were elected in 1992 parliament last met in May 1995 2003 US invasion on Iraq

Kurds supported US invasion in 2003

• Later Jalal Talibani became Iraqi president • Masud Barzani became the leader of Kurdish region • Population: 5,754,770 • Capital: (Kurdish: Hewlêr) • Economic: trade and oil export • Army: Peshmerga • Police: Asayish Referendum • In 2014 referendum has been planned and • ISIS came to exist the outcomes Language Kurmanji Gorani

Zazaki?? Hawrami?? Laki?? Kalhori?? Bezeyni?? Yezidi?? Semitic Indo-European Turkic

Arabic Persian Turkish Neo-Aramaic Armenian Azeri-Turkic Turkmen Educational differences culture

How is the women right in Kurdish societies?

• East Kurdistan (Rožhalat)=Iranian Kurdistan? • South Kurdistan (Başur)=? • North Kurdistan (Bakur)=Turkey? • West Kurdistan (Rožava)=Syria?


• Sufi and Derwish Kurds

• Alevite Kurds

• Jewish Kurds

• The new generation is secular,… Political parties in Iraqi Kurdistan

• KDP • PUK • Gorran • Newey new • Islah (Islamic party) The situation of journalist and academicians

In all Kurdish areas?