Environmental Monitoring Report

Semi-annual Report August 2016

PRC: Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project

Prepared by Foreign Fund Financed Project Office of Shaanxi Province Transport Department for the People’s Republic of and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report #1

For Period Ending June 2016

Project: 46042-002 Loan Number:3294-PRC

Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project

Prepared by the Foreign Fund Finance Project Office of

Shaanxi Province Transport Department

August 2016


ADB – Asian Development Bank AEMS – Ankang Environmental Monitoring Station AMTB – The Ankang Municipal Transport Bureau DO – Dissolved Oxygen EA – Executing Agency EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMP – environmental management plan EMS – Environmental Monitoring Station FFPO – Foreign-fund Finance Project Office GDP – Gross Domestic Product GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism IA – Implementing Agency LIEC – Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant

NO2 – nitrogen dioxide PMO – project management office PRC – People’s Republic of China RR – rural road SCG – Government

SO2 – sulfur dioxide SPG – Shaanxi Provincial Government SPTD – Shaanxi Provincial Transport Department SS – Suspended Solid TPH – Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon TSP – Total Suspended Particulate


1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1





3.1 EMP AND MONITORING PLAN OBJECTIVE ...... 8 3.2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EMP AND MONITORING PLAN ...... 8 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING RECORDS AND REPORTING ...... 13 3.4 EMP AND MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS ...... 13 3.4.1 Project Component G316 ...... 13 3.4.2 Project Component S102, S224 and Eight Rural Roads ...... 16 3.4.3 Project Readiness Monitoring ...... 16 3.4.4 Clause on Environment in Bidding Documents and Contract Documents ...... 17 3.4.5 Effectiveness of Public Consultation ...... 17 3.4.6 Evaluation of Implementing Mitigation Measures ...... 18 3.4.7 Environmental Inspection ...... 21 3.4.8 Grievance Redress Mechanism ...... 21



1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1. Shaanxi Province is one of the least-developed provinces in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the Qinba mountain area is especially poor with a poverty incidence exceeding 30% in 2012. Both Ankang and , two prefecture-level cities in the Qinba mountain area, have strong potential for expansion of the agricultural, mineral, hydropower industries and for the development of tourism. However, lack of transport infrastructure is constraining economic growth and poverty reduction. Better road connections with improved capacity will enable southeast Shaanxi to realize its full economic potential.

2. Reported road fatalities and injuries in Shaanxi from 2008 to 2012 cost $5 billion. Ankang and Shangluo are experiencing road fatality and injury rates that far exceed the provincial and national averages. There is obvious and urgent need to improve road safety provisions in Qinba mountain area.

3. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) participation has supported three road projects in Shaanxi Province since 2001 to improve institutional frameworks and the performance of the road subsector. This project represents a new strategic direction for ADB’s support to the PRC road subsector. Successful implementation and subsequent promotion of the road safety project approach will encourage replication in other provinces of the PRC and serve ADB’s sustainable transport initiative goal to promote road safety and social sustainability as key strategic agenda.

4. Impacts of the Project will be reduction of road crash fatalities and serious injuries, and provision of efficient and safe all-weather accessibility in southeast Shaanxi Province. The outcome will be safer and more efficient trunk and rural road networks in southeast Shaanxi Province, in line with the demonstration project objectives and the 12th Five-Year Plan of the PRC.

1.2 Description of the Project

5. This Project includes four outputs, including (i) Output 1: trunk road upgrade. Three trunk roads (approximately 187km) in the cities of Ankang and Shangluo will be upgraded from Class III/IV to Class II/III standard incorporating major safety design enhancements; (ii) Output 2: rural roads upgrade. Eight rural roads (approximately 140km) in poor agricultural areas will be upgraded from earthen roads to paved Class IV standard, including improved safety design enhancements; (iii) Output 3: crash reduction program. Road safety only investment will be made on 25 additional rural roads (approximately 542km); and (iv) Output 4: institutional development. The capacity of the Shaanxi Province Traffic Bureau road safety agencies and local traffic bureaus will be strengthened, particularly in road safety management, implementation, and enforcement; the use of road safety equipment, software, and training; and public


awareness building. A road safety education and community awareness campaign will be conducted.

6. The trunk roads G316 (34.36km) and S102 (60.25km) are located in Ankang City, with G316 traversing Hanbin District and Xunyang County, and S102 within the Xunyang County. Trunk road S224 (92.45km) is located in Shangnan County in Shangluo City. Seven of the eight rural roads are located in Ankang City, and one is located in Shangnan County. Locations of the trunk roads and rural roads are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

7. The project cost totals $399.96 million, with $200 million or 50.01% funded by ADB from its ordinary capital resources and $199.96 million covered by local counterpart fund.

Figure 1 Trunk Roads G316 and S102 and Seven Rural Roads in Ankang City


Figure 2 Trunk Road S224 and One Rural Road in Shangluo City 1.3 Description of the Environment

1.3.1 Physical Environment

8. Shaanxi Province in located in northwest of China. Sitting in southeast of Shaanxi, Ankang City is located in the hilly and gully region of the Qinba Mountain, with and Yue River running through the middle of the district from west to east. Shangnan County is located at the southern foothill of the eastern Mountain range, characterized by low hills.

9. Major rivers in the project area include Han River, Xun River, Qianyou River, Xian River, Dan River, Xiang River and Tao River. Han River and the Xian River, Dan River, Xiang River and Tao River are Category II water bodies, and Xun River and Qianyou River are Category III water bodies.

10. Project area is in the subtropical to temperate transitional zone, with mild climate and distinct seasons under the influence of the continental monsoon. The average annual temperatures of the project area range from 12.2 degrees in Shangnan to 13.9 degrees in Xunyang and 15.7 degrees centigrade in Hanbin District. The average annual precipitation ranges from 799.3mm in Hanbin to 804mm in Shangnan and 943mm in Xunyang, with 42.5% to 60% falling in July to September.

1.3.2 Biological Resources


11. This project area is covered with rich vegetation. Vegetation eco-types in the project area of influence could be classified into five types: mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf woodland, deciduous broad-leaf woodland, shrub land, grass land, and planted vegetation, which include the species planted for economic purpose and agricultural species such as food crops, vegetables and fruits. Animals are mostly common birds and rodents.

12. There are no rare or endangered plants or animals in project area. There are no natural reserves or water source protection area within project area. The project area of G316 is located within Han River wetland, but is far away from the designated natural reserves.

1.3.3 Socio-Economic Condition

13. In 2012, there were 1,708,778 people in the three project district/counties, of which 99.8% were Han nationality and 77.8% were rural population.

14. In 2012, the total GDP in Shaanxi Province reached CNY 1251.23 billion. Xunyang County produced a total GDP of CNY 6.78 billion, or CNY 15,879 per capita, which was lower than the Ankang average of CNY 18,878. In the same year, the per capita GDP in Hanbin District and Shangnan County was CNY 15,735 and CNY 15,582 respectively.

15. By the end of 2012, total rural poverty population was 158,530 in Xunyang, 304,956 in Hanbin and 48,804 in Shangnan. The rural poverty ratio was 40% in Xunyang, 38.6% in Hanbin and 34.3% in Shangnan, higher than the provincial average 30%.

1.3.4 Cultural Heritage

16. As indicated by survey during EIA preparation and confirmed by local cultural bureaus, there are no protected cultural heritage or relics within the project area.

1.4 Purpose of this Report 17. During preparation of this Project, domestic environmental impact assessment reports (EIA) were prepared for the three trunk roads and environmental impact registration forms were prepared for the eight rural roads. Based on these domestic reports, consolidated EIA report including Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was developed as one of the legal documents. 18. EMP stipulates environmental requirements for all project implementation stages including design, construction and operation periods, and presenting particular environmental impact mitigation measures and monitoring program during construction and operation. Additionally, the Project Agreement also highlights some of the environmental requirements. 19. As required by ADB, implementation performance of these environmental requirements should be monitored and reflected in the Project Progress Report and especially in the semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report. Once deficiencies are identified in environmental implementation, follow-up corrective actions shall be required.


20. This is the first Environmental Monitoring Report, covering the period from loan effectiveness to the end of June 2016. 1.5 Report Format 21. This project comprises of four parts: (i) project background information; (ii) project progress; (iii) implementation of mitigation measures and monitoring plan; and (iv) conclusions and recommendations. 1.6 Report Preparation 22. This report is prepared by Foreign-fund Finance Project Office (FFPO) with support from the loan implementation environment consultant (LIEC) based on site observation and information collected from the Executing Agency (EA), Implementation Agencies (IAs), environmental supervisors as well as local environmental monitoring stations. This report was reviewed by the EA, Shaanxi Provincial Transport Department (SPTD), prior to submission to ADB.


2. Project Progress

2.1 Project Implementation Organization

23. Institutional organization has been well structured for environmental management, which includes SPTD/FFPO as the EA; Ankang Municipal Transport Bureau (AMTB) and Shangnan County Government (SCG) as the IAs; project management consultant (PMC) and loan implementation environmental consultant (LIEC), environmental supervision engineers (ESE) for environmental supervision and oversight during construction; and Ankang Environmental Monitoring Station (AEMS) and Shangnan Environmental Monitoring Station (SEMS) for monitoring of environmental impact during construction and operation. The institutional structure is illustrated in Figure 3. Environmental responsibilities of all the concerned parties are listed in Table 1.




AEMS ESE ESE SEMS Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring

Figure 3 Institutional Organization for Environmental Management

Table 1 Environmental Responsibilities of the Concerned Parties

Institution Responsibilities ADB Oversight over environmental performance during loan implementation in accordance with ADB safeguards policies. SPTD/FFPO Coordination and monitoring of environmental measures implementation, and reporting to ADB. PMC/LIEC Monitor environmental measures implementation, and report to FFPO. IA Overall implementation of the EMP, and reporting to the EA (SPTD/FFPO). ESE Supervision over implementation of mitigation measures by the contractor during construction, reporting to the IA. AEMS/SEMS Monitoring of environmental impact during construction and operation, and provision of independent monitoring results and particular corrective measures for deficiencies identified. Contractor Implementation of mitigation measures during construction, and reporting to the IA.


24. Under this structure, PMC and LIEC have been mobilized in June 2016. Environmental engineers have been appointed within each of the FFPO, AMTB, Hanbin PMO, Xunyang PMO and Shangnan PMO. Environmental Supervision Engineers have been engaged for G316 and S102 and it is expected Environmental Supervisor for S224 will be mobilized in mid October. The external environmental monitor is in place for G316, with contract for S102 monitor expected to be ready in mid October and contract for S224 still pending.

25. As advised by Shangnan PMO, efforts will be made to settle environmental monitoring contract in October. 2.2 Project Implementation Progress 26. Road G316 consists of three civil work contract packages for subgrade, pavement and greening respectively. Subgrade contract including bridge construction was signed on 1 April 2016, with construction commencing in May 2016. 27. Road S102 consists of six civil work contract packages for subgrade, pavement and greening. Three subgrade contracts including tunnel and bridges were signed in March 2016, and construction commenced since 25 June 2016. 28. Road S224 consists of eight civil work contract packages for subgrade, pavement and greening. Five subgrade contracts were signed on 13 June 2016 and construction will commence in mid August when the construction supervision engineer is in place. 29. Procurement of civil work contract packages for eight rural roads has not started yet. Contract award for these roads is expected to be in February 2017. 30. Implementation of crash reduction program has not started yet. 2.3 Updated Implementation Schedule 31. The project implementation schedule remains unchanged. 32. Civil works of these roads are scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2018. Overall construction progress is less than 1% by the end of this reporting period.


3. Implementation of the EMP and Monitoring Plan

3.1 EMP and Monitoring Plan Objective 33. This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Monitoring Plan are developed for the project. It identifies the potential project environmental impacts and defines mitigation measures and monitoring requirements for the design, construction, and operational stages of the project. It also defines the institutional arrangements and mechanisms, the roles and responsibilities of different institutions and procedure. The EMP seeks to ensure environmental protection activities during preconstruction, construction, and operation continuously improve in order to prevent, reduce, or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and risks. 3.2 Roles and Responsibilities for EMP and Monitoring Plan 34. The AMTB is responsible for implementing EMP of trunk roads G316 and S102, and rural roads (RR) 1 to 7. Shangnan County Government (SCG) is responsible for implementing EMP of trunk roads S224 and rural roads 8. Ankang Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station is responsible for implementing monitoring plan of trunk roads G316 and S102, and rural roads 1 to 7. Shangluo Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station is responsible for implementing monitoring plan of S224 and rural road 8. 35. Table 2 summarizes the environmental quality monitoring programs for the G316 in construction stage. Table 3 summarizes the environmental quality monitoring programs for the S102 in construction stage. Table 4 summarizes the environmental quality monitoring programs for S224 the in construction stage. Table 5 summarizes the environmental quality monitoring programs for the rural roads 1-7 in construction stage. Table 6 summarizes the environmental quality monitoring programs for the rural road 8 in construction stage. Environmental quality monitoring for air quality and noise was only undertaken for G316 from (k5+800) to (k36+370) with total fourteen monitoring points on 20 June 2016. The environmental quality monitoring for water quality was only undertaken for Nianzigou bridge, Caojiagou bridge and Zushimiao bridge construction. Table 2 Environmental Quality Monitoring Program for G316 Monitoring Item Monitoring Location Parameter Dust and noise TSP, LAeq At boundaries of all construction sites Air quality TSP; 14 locations (SO2 & NO2 Duanjiahe Town Health Clinic (K5+800) only if there is Duanjiahe Junior High School (K6+200) asphalt mixing Mingde Primary School (K6+250) within 500 m) Duanjiahe Town Kindergarten (K6+350) Longquan Village Health Clinic (K20+900) Zaoyang Town (K25+500- K25+700) Dongzhan Village First Group (K32+800) Chuangxin Vocational Training School (K33+000) Dongzhan Village Second Group (K33+850) Ankang City Children’s Welfare Institute (K34+500)


Guanmiao Town Central Health Clinic (K34+850) Jinxing Village (K35+000-K36+000) Tuanjie Primary School (K35+750) Hualian Vocational Training School (K36+370) Noise LAeq 14 locations Duanjiahe Town Health Clinic (K5+800) Duanjiahe Junior High School (K6+200) Mingde Primary School (K6+250) Duanjiahe Town Kindergarten (K6+350) Longquan Village Health Clinic (K20+900) Zaoyang Town (K25+500- K25+700) Dongzhan Village First Group (K32+800) Chuangxin Vocational Training School (K33+000) Dongzhan Village Second Group (K33+850) Ankang City Children’s Welfare Institute (K34+500) Guanmiao Town Central Health Clinic (K34+850) Jinxing Village (K35+000-K36+000) Tuanjie Primary School (K35+750) Hualian Vocational Training School (K36+370) [Note: night time monitoring not needed at #4, #13 and #14] Water quality DO, SS, TPH Set up 2 stations for water quality monitoring at each river/stream crossing bridge locations as follows: Control station: 50 m upstream of the bridge alignment Impact station 100m downstream of the bridge alignment (Note: if downstream impact station data > 130% of upstream control station data (DO <130%), mitigation measures are needed)

Table 3 Environmental Quality Monitoring Program for S102 Monitoring Item Monitoring Location Parameter Dust and noise TSP, LAeq At boundaries of all construction sites Air quality TSP; 20 locations (SO2 & NO2 only if Petrol Station Staff Dormitory (K0+050) there is asphalt Fengjingjiayuan (K1+200=K1+600) mixing within 500 Liuwan (K1+850-K2+550) m) Kanghuayuan (K2+350) Lido Estate (K3+500) Wangpo (K5+350-K5+700) Caoping Village (K6+350-K7+250) Qingniwan (K7+650-K9+600) Liu Village Primary School (K11+620-K11+650)) Muzhutan (K14+750-K15+600) Ganxitang (K19+250-K19+520) Jijiaping (K21+150-K21+870) Hongyantan Primary School (K34+220-K34+260)


Luduba (K37+250-K38+250) Zhaowan Primary School (K39+380) Tangxin Primary School (K46+480-K46+550) Liangheguan Primary School (K53+650-K53+700) Kangjiaping (K54+520-k54+850) Xiaohe Town (K56+800-K57+500) Xiaohe Middle School (K57+080-K57+200)Dongzhan Village Second Group (K33+850) Ankang City Children’s Welfare Institute (K34+500) Guanmiao Town Central Health Clinic (K34+850) Jinxing Village (K35+000-K36+000) Tuanjie Primary School (K35+750) Hualian Vocational Training School (K36+370) Noise LAeq 20 locations Petrol Station Staff Dormitory (K0+050) Fengjingjiayuan (K1+200=K1+600) Liuwan (K1+850-K2+550) Kanghuayuan (K2+350) Lido Estate (K3+500) Wangpo (K5+350-K5+700) Caoping Village (K6+350-K7+250) Qingniwan (K7+650-K9+600) Liu Village Primary School (K11+620-K11+650) Muzhutan (K14+750-K15+600) Ganxitang (K19+250-K19+520) Jijiaping (K21+150-K21+870) Hongyantan Primary School (K34+220-K34+260) Luduba (K37+250-K38+250) Zhaowan Primary School (K39+380) Tangxin Primary School (K46+480-K46+550) Liangheguan Primary School (K53+650-K53+700) Kangjiaping (K54+520-k54+850) Xiaohe Town (K56+800-K57+500) Xiaohe Middle School (K57+080-K57+200) [Note: night time monitoring needed at all the school locations] Water quality DO, SS, TPH Set up 2 stations for water quality monitoring at each river/stream crossing bridge locations as follows: Control station: 50 m upstream of the bridge alignment Impact station 100m downstream of the bridge alignment (Note: if downstream impact station data > 130% of upstream control station data (DO <130%), mitigation measures are needed)


Table 4 Environmental Quality Monitoring Program for S224 Item Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Location Dust and TSP, LAeq At boundaries of all construction sites noise Air quality TSP; 10 locations (SO2 & NO2 only if there is Xiangnan County Estate (K0+100-K0+400 asphalt mixing within 500 m) Erdaohe Village (K0+500-K1+100) Dongfan Estate (K3+700-K3+800) Sanjia⁰Chi Primary School (K7+700-K7+800) Dagudong Primary School (K31+100-K31+200) Xianghe Town Center Kindergarten (K37+260) Xianghe Central Health Clinic (K39+510-K39+560) Dongyuepo Village (K67+230-K69+300) Qianchuan Village (K77+400-K79+100) Bujiagou Village Nongtai Group (K82+420-K83+120) Noise LAeq 10 locations Xiangnan County Estate (K0+100-K0+400 Erdaohe Village (K0+500-K1+100) Dongfan Estate (K3+700-K3+800) Sanjia⁰Chi Primary School (K7+700-K7+800) Dagudong Primary School (K31+100-K31+200) Xianghe Town Center Kindergarten (K37+260) Xianghe Central Health Clinic (K39+510-K39+560 Dongyuepo Village (K67+230-K69+300) Qianchuan Village (K77+400-K79+100) Bujiagou Village Nongtai Group (K82+420-K83+120) Water DO, SS, TPH Set up 2 stations for water quality monitoring at each river/stream quality crossing bridge locations as follows: Control station: 50 m upstream of the bridge alignment Impact station 100m downstream of the bridge alignment (Note: if downstream impact station data > 130% of upstream control station data (DO <130%), mitigation measures are needed)

Table 5 Environmental Quality Monitoring Program for Rural Roads 1-7 Monitoring Item Monitoring Location Parameter Dust and noise TSP, LAeq At boundaries of all construction sites Air quality TSP; 17 locations on the following rural roads (RR): (SO2 & NO2 only if RR1: Longwantan Seventh Group (K83+200) there is asphalt RR1: Kangjiaping Fourth Group (K76+100) mixing within 500 RR1: Zhangliang Fourth Group (K66+400) m) RR1: Xiaohe Town Junior High School RR1: Xiaohe Town Center Primary ‘School RR2: Baiguoshu Fifth Group (K7+200)


RR3: Beigou Village First Group (K0+000) RR4: Pinghuai Second Group (K0+000 RR4: Zhangjiagou Third Group (K6+700) RR4: Caoling Primary School (K8+200) RR4: Shuangni Primary School (K11+750) RR5: Yanba Town Center Primary School (K0+000) RR5: Yanba Town Center Kindergarten (K0+300) RR5: Yanba Town Junior High School (K0+400) RR6: Zaoyang Town Qianjin Primary School (K0+000) RR6: Lianghe Village Sixth Group (K6+300) RR7: Maliu Village Eleventh Group (K0+000) Noise LAeq 17 locations on the following rural roads (RR): RR1: Longwantan Seventh Group (K83+200) RR1: Kangjiaping Fourth Group (K76+100) RR1: Zhangliang Fourth Group (K66+400) RR1: Xiaohe Town Junior High School RR1: Xiaohe Town Center Primary ‘School RR2: Baiguoshu Fifth Group (K7+200) RR3: Beigou Village First Group (K0+000) RR4: Pinghuai Second Group (K0+000 RR4: Zhangjiagou Third Group (K6+700) RR4: Caoling Primary School (K8+200) RR4: Shuangni Primary School (K11+750) RR5: Yanba Town Center Primary School (K0+000) RR5: Yanba Town Center Kindergarten (K0+300) RR5: Yanba Town Junior High School (K0+400) RR6: Zaoyang Town Qianjin Primary School (K0+000) RR6: Lianghe Village Sixth Group (K6+300) RR7: Maliu Village Eleventh Group (K0+000) Water quality DO, SS, TPH Set up 2 stations for water quality monitoring at each river/stream crossing bridge locations as follows: Control station: 50 m upstream of the bridge alignment Impact station 100m downstream of the bridge alignment (Note: if downstream impact station data > 130% of upstream control station data (DO <130%), mitigation measures are needed)

Table 6 Environmental Quality Monitoring Program for Rural Road 8

Item Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Location Dust and TSP, LAeq At boundaries of all construction sites noise Air quality TSP; 5 locations on the following rural roads (RR): (SO2 & NO2 only if there is RR8: Hongyu Village Eighth Group (K4+100) asphalt mixing within 500 m) RR8: Lianhuatai Primary School (K5+900) RR8: Shuigou Village Second Group (K11+800)


RR8: Balipo Primary School (K30+800) RR8: Qianjiaping Primary School (K39+600) Noise LAeq 5 locations on the following rural roads (RR): RR8: Hongyu Village Eighth Group (K4+100) RR8: Lianhuatai Primary School (K5+900) RR8: Shuigou Village Second Group (K11+800) RR8: Balipo Primary School (K30+800) RR8: Qianjiaping Primary School (K39+600) Water DO, SS, TPH Set up 2 stations for water quality monitoring at each river/stream quality crossing bridge locations as follows: Control station: 50 m upstream of the bridge alignment Impact station 100m downstream of the bridge alignment (Note: if downstream impact station data > 130% of upstream control station data (DO <130%), mitigation measures are needed)

3.3 Environmental Management and Monitoring Records and Reporting 36. The AMTB have signed the environmental monitoring contract with Ankang Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station for G316. 3.4 EMP and Monitoring Implementation Progress 37. The Ankang Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station has implemented water quality monitoring for three bridges construction of G316 and have implemented air quality and noise monitoring for 14 locations from Duanjiahe Town Health Clinic to Hualian Vocational Training School along G316.

3.4.1 Project Component G316

Surface Water Quality 38. Table 7 presents the monitoring potential water quality data collected in the reporting period. For G316, water quality at upstream and downstream of Nianzigou bridge (at K23+223), Caojiagou bridge (at K3+199) and Zushimiao bridge (at K2+049) was monitored. Water quality showed no excessive of DO and TPH during bridges construction. ADB adopted a “real time baseline” approach with an upstream “control station” and one downstream “impact station”, with the standard that the suspended solids (SS) levels at the impact stations should be lower than 130% of the SS level at the control station. It is indicative the no excessive of SS from Table 7. Monitoring results of DO, SS and TPH show that adverse impacts caused by bridge construction are insignificant, and water quality of the affected water bodies has been maintained within the required standards with DO and TPH meeting applicable standard limits respectively. Table 7 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Data for the Reporting Period Subproject Monitoring Monitoring Parameters Monitored Remarks Date Location DO SS TPH mg/L mg/L mg/L G316 2016-06-21 Nianzigou bridge 7.31 13 0.01ND* Category II


(K23+223) at 50 m standard upstream Han River 2016-06-21 Nianzigou bridge 7.24 12 0.01ND (K23+223) at 50m upstream (K23+323 ) at 100m downstream 2016-06-21 Caojiagou bridge 7.40 9 0.01ND (K3+199) at 50 m upstream 2016-06-21 Caojiagou bridge 7.37 10 0.01ND (K3+299) at 100 m downstream 2016-06-21 Zushimiao bridge 7.44 11 0.01ND (K2+049) at 50 m upstream 2016-06-21 Zushimiao bridge 7.35 10 0.01ND (K2+049) at 100 m downstream S102 Xuyang–Xiaohe There are no data as no bridge construction during the reporting period

GB3838-2002 II category 6 - 0.05 III category 5 Note:*ND indicating no detected, 0.01 is discovered limit number.

39. Downstream SS monitoring data is less or almost the same as upstream level for each of the three bridges, as no piling works started in June. Air Quality 40. Table 8 presents the ambient air quality data collected in the reporting period. Air quality monitoring of total suspended particulates (TSP) was in compliance with class II ambient air quality standards for TSP at the monitoring locations. As there is no asphalt mixing station within 500 m from sensitive Receptor in the reporting period. Therefore, SO2 & NO2 were not monitored in reporting period. Table 8 Air Quality Monitoring Data for the Reporting Period Subproject Monitoring Monitoring Location Daily Average TSP Remark Date (µg/m3) G316 2016-06-20 Duanjiahe Town Health Clinic 103 Complied with GB


(K5+800) 3095-2012 2016-06-20 K6+200Duanahe Junior 94 class II std High School (K6+200 2016-06-20 Mingde Primary School 90 Monitoring time: (K6+250) From 0:00 21 2016-06-21 Duanjiahe Town Kindergarten 108 June 2016 to 0:00 (K6+350) 22 June 2016 2016-06-21 Longquan Village Health 101 Clinic (K20+900) 2016-06-21 Zaoyang Town (K25+500- 105 K25+700) 2016-06-22 Dongzhan Village First Group 87 Monitoring time: (K32+800) From 0:00 22 2016-06-22 Chuangxin Vocational Training 94 June 2016 to 0:00 School (K33+000) 23 June 2016 2016-06-22 Dongzhan Village Second 91 Group (K33+850) 2016-06-23 Ankang City Children’s 69 Monitoring time: Welfare Institute (K34+500) From 0:00 23 2016-06-23 Guanmiao Town Central 74 June 2016 to 0:00 Health Clinic K34+850) 24 June 2016 2016-06-23 Jinxing Village 金星村 65 (K35+000-K36+000) 2016-06-24 Tuanjie Primary School 78 (K35+750) 2016-06-24 Hualian Vocational Training 81 School (K36+370) S102 There are no Complied with GB data. Bridge 3095-2012 construction class II std not started

GB 3095-2012 Class II std 300(µg/m3)


41. Table 9 presents the noise monitoring data for the reporting period. Noise levels at all the monitoring locations during daytime and night are in compliance with the applicable standards. Monitoring data shows that construction activities contributed very a little to noise level compared with baseline condition, although the sensitive receptors are not exactly the same.

Table 9 Noise Monitoring Data for the Reporting Period


Subproject Monitoring Monitoring Location Noise Level Remarks Date [Leq(dB)A] Day Night Duanjiahe Town Health 44.6 Complies with 2016-06-20 56.4 Clinic (K5+800) GB3096-2008 cat. Duanjiahe Junior High 46.7 2 std. Setting up 2016-06-20 55.1 School (K6+200) monitoring points Mingde Primary School within 500 from 2016-06-20 53.4 46.0 (K6+250) road construction Duanjiahe Town activities 2016-06-20 54.6 Kindergarten (K6+350) Longquan Village 2016-06-20 55.1 44.6 Health Clinic (K20+900) Zaoyang Town 46.9 2016-06-20 53.5 (K25+500- K25+700) Dongzhan Village First 42.8 2016-06-20 48.2 Group (K32+800) G316 Chuangxin Vocational 42.8 2016-06-20 54.5 School (K33+000) 2016-06-20 Dongzhan Village 53.1 44.2 Second Group (K33+850) 2016-06-20 Ankang Children’s 48.2 44.1 Welfare Inst (K34+500) 2016-06-20 Guanmiao Town Central 55.4 45.6 Health Clinic (K34+850) 2016-06-20 Jinxing Village 53.5 43.4 (K35+000-K36+000) 2016-06-20 Tuanjie Primary School 52.7 - (K35+750) 2016-06-20 Hualian Vocational 53.5 - School (K36+370) S102 No data. No construction during reporting period GB 3096-2008 Category 2 60 50 For within 35 m from road

3.4.2 Project Component S102, S224 and Eight Rural Roads

42. There are no environmental monitoring data for the project component S102, S224 and rural roads as the construction for them are not started.

3.4.3 Project Readiness Monitoring

43. The LIEC has assessed the project readiness in terms of environmental management based on a set of indicators (Table EMP-3) and reported it to FFPO. This assessment reveals that environmental commitments are being carried out and environmental


management systems are in place before construction starts to ensure that all requirements are met in the reporting period. 44. The project readiness monitoring indicators are summarized in Table 10. Table 10 Implementation of Readiness Monitoring Indicators Readiness Indicator Performance Update of EMP No need to update the EMP as project scope and components remain unchanged, although detailed technical design has been slightly changed for S102 to reduce land acquisition and resettlement. Compliance with Loan EMP has been made part of the contract documents. Covenants and EMP Environmental The PMC and LIEC have been hired. Each of the EA and IAs Supervision in Place have employed environmental specialist. Environmental consultants for G316 and S102 are in place. Environmental supervisor for S224 is under procurement. External environmental monitoring has been procured only for G316, and is under procurement for S102 and S224. Effective Public GRM has been well established for each of the project Consultation components.

3.4.4 Clause on Environment in Bidding Documents and Contract Documents

45. To June 2016, four civil work contracts for G316, and S102 have been commenced. All bidding documents and contract documents have included clauses on environment described in EMP. The information on contract awarded shows in Table 11. Table 11 Summary of Contract Awarded for G316, S102 and S224

Road Contract Contractor Construction Supervisor Environment Supervisor

Shaanxi Highway Traffic Shaanxi Bohou Construction Sichuan Road and Bridge G316 XALJ Engineering Supervision Environment Protection (Group) Corporation Ltd Consulting Co. Ltd Engineering Limited Company China Tiesiju Civil XXLJ01 Engineering Group Co. Ltd Shaanxi Huankeyuan Shaanxi Expressway Hebei Guangtong Road Engineering Supervision S102 Engineering Consulting XXLJ02 and Bridge Corporation Limited Company. Co. Ltd. Co. Ltd Sichuan Road and Bridge XXLJ03 (Group) Corporation Ltd 3.4.5 Effectiveness of Public Consultation

46. GRM has been in place and the contact information of all the GRM focal points were disclosed on local city and/or county government web sites. Bill boards were also


erected on construction sites and construction camps disclosing project information, environmental and safety measures, and complaint hotline numbers to the communities.

3.4.6 Evaluation of Implementing Mitigation Measures

47. As included in the EMP, mitigation measures have been developed for the stages of design, pre-construction, construction and operation, including common measures and particular measures associated with each project component. Design and Pre-construction Stage 48. Major mitigation measures developed for design stage include: (a) maximize reuse of spoil and old asphalt paving material; (b) disposal sites fully designed and approved by relevant local authorities; (c) retention/sedimentation tanks designed for G316 and S224; (d) survey of protected plant species; (e) raise Liangheguan Bridge of Xunyang S102 by 0.3m; (f) noise barriers designed for Liangheguan and Tangxing primary schools along S102; (g) pre-blasting dilapidation survey of properties for tunneling of S102 at Hongyantan, Yujiawan and Goujiashan; (h) protective guardrails to protect water collection sumps along S224; and (i) incorporation of environmental requirements into bidding documents and contracts. 49. Among these requirements, (a) retention/sedimentation tanks for roads G316 and S224 have been included in detailed technical design; (b) Liangheguan Bridge of S102 has been raised by 0.3m in detailed design; (c) noise barriers for Liangheguan and Tangxin primary schools have been designed; and (d) pre-blasting dilapidation survey of properties of S102 at Hongyantan, Yujiawan and Goujiashan will be done before blasting. 50. Although disposal sites for excavation earth have been designed and approved, most of these disposal sites are not yet made available for use due to land acquisition difficulties. Only one of the four disposal sites is ready for use for G316. For S102, three of the four originally designed disposal sites have been relocated and more disposal sites will be added. These new locations have been visited and agreed by relevant authorities including local EPB and Water Resources Bureau, and will be submitted for approval once the engineering design has been finished. 51. No soil borrow is needed for road construction as this is unnecessary with a surplus of excavation available for embankment construction. 52. As indicated in EIA report for G316, there are no protected trees in affected area of the project. Gingko trees and camphor trees planted along the road and near residential houses, particularly specified in the EMP, are not included in local catalogue of ancient and rare trees, which has very specific classification standards. Although these gingko and camphor trees can be deemed as general tree species and will not trigger regulations for special protection, removal or transplanting of these trees should be subject to approval of local relevant authority, and measures will be taken during construction to avoid damage to these trees. 53. Demolition of existing road pavements will be done for some sections of all the three trunk roads and several bridges will also be demolished. Consultation with the IAs indicates that currently no program for utilization or disposal has been developed for the demolition solid waste, including asphalt solid waste. Waste asphalt is not classified as hazardous solid waste but is general construction solid waste that can be either re-processed for reuse or disposed of at designated sites. Technical and economic examination will be done to work out an appropriate approach for disposal of these demolition solid wastes.


Construction Stage 54. As construction activities just commenced in May for G316 and in late June for S102 and no construction activities for S224, construction activities focus on site preparation. Measures were taken in initial construction stage, including preparation of construction camps, putting up signs, construction of material storage site and dust control along road during transportation, as shown in the photos given below. 55. Particular mitigation measures include, among others: ‹ Lease of local residential buildings as worker camp and utilization of municipal infrastructure for domestic sewage and solid waste collection; ‹ Watering on construction site and road to mitigate dust suspension; ‹ Availability of sedimentation tank in concrete batching station; ‹ No construction activities during night; ‹ Proper maintenance of equipment and vehicles; ‹ Posting of warning signs surrounding construction site, and ‹ No onsite fuel storage.

The Notice Board in Construction Site for S102


Contractor Environmental Management System for S102

Dust Control - Road Cleaning and Watering for G316


Materials Storage Site for G316 3.4.7 Environmental Inspection

56. Site inspection has been done by the LIEC and environmental supervisors. Field visits indicate that mitigation measures specified in the EMP for construction stage are being conducted and acceptable.

3.4.8 Grievance Redress Mechanism

57. The grievance redress mechanism (GRM), which is relevant to all aspects of project implementation and all concerned functional bodies, has been established in accordance with the various government agency and project implementation requirements. Structure of the GRM is illustrated as in Figure 4.





Level Mediation

Township Contractor Construction Site Township

Government Office Government

Hanbin/Xunyang Shangnan PMO PMO


Government and Functional Agencies Ankang PMO

Ankang Government Shangnan and Functional Government and

Agencies Functional Agencies

Higher Level Government/Agencies

Judicial Mediation or Judgment

Final Settlement

Figure 4 Grievance Redress Mechanism 58. Under this mechanism, complaints can be reported to any concerned body at any level and will be solved at appropriate level. 59. No complaints have been received related to environmental issues by the end of the reporting period as the construction activities just commenced. Complaints to be received in the future will be fully documented, including whether the compliant has been solved and how it was solved.


4. Conclusion and Recommendations 4.1 Compliance with EMP Requirements 60. Institutional organization for environmental management has been established. A GRM has also been established relevant to all aspects of project implementation, as required in the EMP. 61. Mitigation measures specified for design, pre-condition and construction stages have mostly been well implemented. 62. It is suggested (i) procurement of environmental supervisor and external monitoring for S224 should be accelerated to make sure these are in place prior commencement of construction activities; and (ii) efforts should be made in a timely manner to ensure the disposal sites would be ready for use as these are needed. 4.2 Corrective Actions 63. Construction of S102 commenced in June 2016, however the external environmental monitoring has not been procured, which is supposed to be in place before construction started. This should be done as soon as possible.