The Echo 04.23.14
SNU Storm baseball senior Teapioca Lounge: bubble weekend tea heaven Read on page 4 Read on page 9 April 23, 2014 Volume 85, Issue 26 6612 NW 42nd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 491-6382 SNU students Spring break at NASA Grace Williams, Business Manager told us about the competitions and Over spring break, Angela the work they do that is funded by Rhodes, Director of Career Ser- the Alabama Space Grant.” vices, and Mary Jo Galbraith, ju- The next day, they went to nior physics major, attended the the U.S. Space and Rocket Cen- NASA workforce development ter which houses exhibits on the trip to Huntsville, Alabama for space race, rocket development, universities participating in the construction and demolition and Oklahoma NASA Space Grant military equipment of the future. Consortium (OSGC). Trip partici- Galbraith and Rhodes got to see pants included students interested an IMAX film about deep space in aeronautics, space science and exploration. technology and related fields. Galbraith said, “My favorite On day one, Rhodes and Gal- part of the day was the giant game braith toured the Marshall Space of jenga that was played by a few Flight Center and later the Univer- of us in the construction/archi- sity of Alabama to see their Space tecture exhibit. We may or may Hardware Club. not have broken the record for the Galbraith said, “We toured sev- tallest tower built with their build- eral different labs and heard from ing blocks.” scientists working on projects for The final day of the trip was the Space Launch System, materi- a morning hike to Burritt on the als manufacturing, environmental Mountain which was Huntsville’s testing and so much more.
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