A la I I - a. a a . -- To b rrer , 101 iortUf2l0&ataajJL. I QPji i okoharaa. J span. - All Ilk. llt.ll. hd ..i linliilB .f ii.AU.l t aaiwtftit-- vw at nij tide. ? j ' PlOIOXaSTEAM I .. . k ly-- n ' - &a4meiKU(,l!L5m65?Sfi25! la aow repared I rolklatilk''lowr.t,rlJj) TrraJBnpMMBM, tt t. Man In tntl Jail. i 1aajg5rff iW f A(, ltf.Vfrfe.ptoa? r.i I.il ' Candy Manufactory; ondjBakonf Xi I with a apwtal redaction .'.PyVJTiT-- j ,. .. iT- - - Vtiv- Yot a wife end family wit be f ed , TiT.fca HH.IiirMci.TmBjcMngyii i:iw l.l ' JLT 11 " pajri

GRTJXY EXPEP1TIOW. Honors to Greelf TIIE What an Armf OScr Raad UUi Olarla, THE KXrLOUER UtrOEE TIIE BMTIS1I 1st cfScma ortis Partj. AT 1IOKTBEAL. HawailanGazetteSiipiJloineiitOct An armr official who Iiaa recentlj read The president of tba association in introduc- portion of tho diariea of tlio Ureclr partr 3Trn 3iiBrrti5cmrnts. STati llirtrtisciucnts. ntcrat prrtienntnts. ing Lieut. Grcely, said that tbe geographical said Uiat llier rereal a more aerioaa couditlon of affairs tlio snrvirors will admit. It ection was farorod with the presence of a llun seems that from tbe beginning of tbe upedi-tio- n great traveler and sufferer, whose providential TO THE LADIES ! tlisre were diapatca tetwn members of tlelircrancc from the droidfnl fate of starva- "Pioneer" Line Sa tlie turtj. These led to a division, which tion had sent a thrill of gratitude through the N. SAOHS, existed at tho limo of tho reacne. When parties, one in charge Those sufferings, he added, foood there were two civilized world. FROM LIVERPOOL. of Sergeant Lon. the other in charge of ero sacred lo tho audienco and he could oul y Sergeant UraJDinl. anil thej were liTing- - as express its sympathy. It was au exploit of separate! as two tribes. Greelj while an ttep to mfoim oar that 3VflC, Lock-wo- U rrlmdssndcnrtomrri Av. ZVEellls) inTalid and durine; tho last few months of the utmost daring, since to Grcely and k hrrn appolntd bOLK AUENTH for (Successor to of planting tliUhtmcll knowu firm, sod hlttjr much Arctic life was in the party headed bj rd. belong the crowning honor plracnrrlD Inrttliic inpccilon of oar who cared for him dailj. Greelj and Taricd Atrorttncnt o' the American flag nearest the Pole. He re- larjr seems to Iuto been a Terr poor commander, ferred to the manner in which Greely and his lie lacked executive alii it y and coodjade. ponder- - - - - menu in leafing for the journey men had carried in their retreat their JAPANESE GOODS 104 Fort St., Honolulu ous pendulum as a eabhmo instance of devo- southward he took seven toes of coal in a abandoned, when tion to science. The American expedition has hacch. which he afterward done mucl to promote tho extension of hnman Jnti Imported, t,omprilnjj th fol lowing ho coald Uto taken seven ton of provisions, knowledge, and was entitled to the gratitude which would hayo supported his part until of the world. With these generous phrases Embroidered Silk Screens they were rescued. the president introduced Lieutenant Greedy, GRAND SUCCESS OF THE llio dunes show that stealing rations wss ho received from the audienco a welcome a common practice. One firs, that Dr. Favj that iuubI have gono far to compensate him for Arrival of the Iron Ship stole them whenever oppoituuiljr offered, and all the opprobrium which hideous scandal- that he sometimes took such as were appor- tion to tho indisposed members of the party. mongers in bis on country had heaped upon Bedspreads & Table Covers flushed with pleasure, and "CLAN GRANT." Ono of tho entries m the diaries rnns thus: him. His face LmiTotdrml fa titk by when he spoke it was with a modesty of dt JDei "Private has just died from starvation. A Variety vt Clearing Sale! Dr. Tavy stole and ate his food. won Stupendous rocanor and a manliness o.one that every heart. He began with brief reference t the Theo.H.Davies&Co At other limes when men were sent to international Polar scheme, aJ with an un- Vases! Vases! shoot birds aid successful, tho diariea Mr, equivocal expression of disscntrfrom his col- Have Received by this Vessel not all the birds wcro taken to camp, but some respecting the orcu Polar Uf llli Finest 1'orrcUla, rctairVablc for aulque-n- i were concealed in tho snow for the future use league's opinion .And other Late Arrivals, , in color tod ibane ALS- 0- that there was such a sea, of the hunters. sea. He belicrod Following : not navigable, but still open under favorable the Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Sets, NOW IN PROGRESS. No mention is made of cannibalism in the portions of tuo diaries that have been read, ci rcu instances. He described the geographi- Sets, Butter Dishes, cal work cf his colony as covering three de- An Asst. Dry Goods and the officer who haa seen them refuses to of (he grees of Iatitudo and 10 decrees of longitude. Ash Receivers, Silk Lanterns saj whether or not any other member of He outlined Lieutenant Loctwoods route and CONSISTING IN PAIil OF party than I'malo Henry is reported to have (Jrecly re- discoveries, which had resulted in adding lo lIorrock,s Long Cloths and other brand of Silk Embroidered Kimonos Tremenckms Bargains been shot. When the party was the charts a coast line of nearly one hundred Vhll Cottons, I uMeached Cottons, scued U was observed that lfraiaard looked miles beyond the farthest point seen by Ifcau-mo- Print, new Ktvlra. fast ntlnr better than the others. When asked about it, H 10 Easels, Carved Wooden Cabinets, of the English navy Greenland had JUeached and lirown Cottons, to uanrter . ho said: "0b! well, I could cat the d d J frown JjDeu Drills, title uncn liack. Trays, couldn't.' been carried forty miles northward and been Crown CanTam ItlacL Trench Merino, alt Hand Screens, Offered Departments. stuff and direst it. hut tho others in all Wheu Pavy asked for, Itrainard is given a greater extension in that direction than Gndcs , Water proof '1 weeds. Grey, IIne and Wall Pockets, Parasols, Fans, Dr. was been credited with He de- reported to have said: "He's all gone; I it has generally Paper Mats, Photographs, 3XTo. scribed the furthest point reached by d, 104 3?oirt street;. finished the last of him just before joq came.' the land Army officials say that the contents of the the configuration of the coast, Mixed Flannel OF JAPANESE SCENERY, Colored & Plain. nrospects as seen from an elevation of 2,000 Union and Cotton Lislados, Linen and Cotton diaries will not bo made public until an in- feet, the broad, level expanses of snow and Handkerchiefs, tt bite and Colored ohirts, A LAIMiE SELECTION OK vestigation is ordered. and the absence in the fiords of any ice Merino Undent irtf and Drawers, ice, Underwear, Ijincn ! "Separation" Method for Sugar- - or of any other indications tending Indies and Cotton lotcets, Bhubsbs IMIUSSES! TjiiiisshS! Tho Alt qualities and stylm . Victoni Lawns Japanese Bronze Jewelry in Tirnve their direct connection w llli tho Spltz- - "separation" method of sugar extract- Three Grades While Moleskin, CONSI3TINO Or Tho bergen Bca. Tho coast wss high, rugged and Imit. liitce Edirinc end Insertions, ing from tho beet, we are informed, has been precipitous, and the vegetation resembled that ltrooks' a yds. hpool Cotton, Coatcs' 400 jd. Sleeve' Buttons, Chains, Scarf Pins, Etc. adopted in several German factories with sat- Spool Cotton, lickmc. Itlae Intuis, isfactory results. Tlio present method Is com- oiunnneli Jana. Motiqaito Net tine U) A 100 inch US' Al M A rant! of buml uilaulc for Itu'itr prepara- TBACLS Or AMMAL LIF MQK IT. I)i posed of three operations; r'irst, the "ration tion of the caustic lime; second, tho formation He snoke of the abundant traces of ammal Rubber & Leggings Coats & ot the strtTje by precipitation; third, purifica- the eighty -- third parallel, ard of HOLLISTER CO. life above G. W. Macfarlane & Co. tho crack extending lrom Cape itfyaiu tion of saccbarate. the tidal Tbe caustic lime should be pulverised along the entire coast, running from iieadiaud Xloreo Blauls.ots, 1st. as soon aajpossible after leaving the limekiln; bcadland. and from one v ard to sev in varvinc tho powdered product is then thrown on a eral hundred in width. Inside the crack hum Bed Blankets, J.M.OAT.JB.aOII., where particles of , magnet izcJ surface, any mocky ice w as rarely scon, and outsidopre-Yail- d All Sizes, heights, Qualities and Colors A Large Invoice of the Celebrated Commander Markhsm's nalcocnstic iron in the lime are separated. Kvery pre- is taken to prevent the absorption of Ho referred to tho great depth of tho & caution ice. Velvet Tapestry, moisture from tho and for this reason the as Bounded by it was air Tolar ocean; various pulverizing operations tako place in 600 feet, and apparently no current ex- over Hugs and Slats, sealed vessels. The thoroughly isted. Ho explained tho extreme care with hermetically A FEW OF THE NEW STILE pulverized caustic lime is received in a weigh- the longitude and latilndcof the furthest and A'ows Dealers, TRUSSES which Stationers CELLULOID re- ing apparatus in this latter is placed a iwint were ascertained; he testified to the ex- traordinary accuracy of Lieutenant Deauruont's volving device emptying a given quantity for CENTRE RUGS llnnnllnu nrllr Illork.3T ilrrclmnlht. ono operation into tho saccharine solution. maps and staUd that the only correction nec Ilavr Hetelvrd ex MaHpoea, a Unc 2nd Tho precipitation of the saccharate is was Uie cape a Jail itlxol essary location oi unuuiui Assortment of Dii'QotProm' Pactoiy. an apparatus called the "cooling miles farther south. This was a quiet effected in few ! ! pipes Is Commander Markhams recent strict macerator." Ily suitable there circu- thrust at Bag's Bag's 2ST cooliog liquor by which tbe saccharine ures and skeptical declarations, and was en- STAT IO EEY, lated a We make tins ono oar and Have FACILITIES lor Adjusting TRUSSES. solution is kept at a very low temperature. even by the Englishmen present of A3JUNU UUICII MAY LFlrOUSUI We Especial joyed hare a Fall block of Above the cooler is located tho pulverized JOCftMriTS AM) uiscov j.niES. Ixltrr Taper Paper, caustic lime measurer and two reservoirs one jfn Grcely described his own and Note (be Lieutenant Sugar, Rice&Coal Bags Fool Cap, , for molasses to In worked, and other for T.ifMifrnant Lock wood's iournevs in the inte Ureal Cap, Nv. IIUI Cap, - water to dilute both the mol.iaos and l lie rior of Gnnncll Land and the phi sical condi- wasliiogs of the saccharate press. A Inch ve are Eeltuis at llollom l'xiccs. llroad aud narrotv, uytherrani; olotkcd, or by Qolre. Sd Co., tions which were revealed. Tho ice cap be MemoranilBm Ulockf, Ac, Ac, Ac, Hollistei certain quantity of molasses Is diluted until e tween Archer and urcclynords was pictured, cfc SplyT-wln- ItOfllilHi 25 hectoliters contain, 7 per cent of sugar. account was given of the dis- 3 ItIMC rniunil, and a detailed ENGLIMI. HAWAIIAN, AND tall rtoond. Hlf When the solution reaches a very low inland, and especially of tho bound to Pkate. Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nuuanu St. coveries made IM.STA.MISt in the cooling apparatus, the cauatio ascontof Mount Ailhur.from the crest of which, ltanters' Ijr?e, lUnken .'mall, limo ii added, 9 kilos, at a time; and in about 46,000 feet above the level of the sea, a grand AMERICAN FLAGS lufact, e tare InkeUnds for all. an hour nearly all the sugar is in the form of prospect was obtained. Vegetation in this jscams. saccharato with an excess of lime. compared with 3, 5. and 7 yard ; iosT orrici: iA7rvi:n region was loiunous as IMtM 3 TuriGcation of the saccharato. The that of Caje Sabine. There were val- CAirTEU'S Combine CopTlnjii Wrillnc, lUWOBGfiG'S ilfUMEfi. celling apparatus is duplicate in form; one i, pio'1 f leys affording excellent pasturage for musk FLOOR OJLCLOTHS pinttapd t vessel being emptied by an exhaust and force CAirTEIW WltlTINC rn.li, cattle which iced toward tho sea during the , pump, at a pressure of one to two atmospheres litm Heavy, Assorted Widths In q,aar(a. pint: Ilnta and eotirs summer and cradually withdraw inland as lolet Ink, qtl, ptf. i pinl b A. cones, into tiller presses, the other being filled In the the winter advances. liaised Itfacbc, marine Ladies' & Saddles, leliblc lnk,aatortrd meantime. From tho filter presses runs a liq- gave cvidcnco or recent Gent's AItC,Ml SMrltlnrr Fluid. to sugar. shells, and driftwood In quart. plnU, M pint 4 cotiea uor containing from four tiro per cent elevation above tho 6ca. At one place the A complete line which a are selling fcTArFOKDM In quart and pint. Perfumery This is not used, howorcr, but emptied into trunks oi coniferous trees were found; many Cheaper than Urcr. 7p(lt 1'crrnmrd Ink. Perfumery tho wasto pipe. Tho liquor which subse- surveyed, and the 31 1 'J I 1IK i la tilt, ptf , H pti ami cones, ! small glacial lakes were l'erfect Mncilce Bottle, Perfumery ! Perfumery quently comes from the presses is used, as aU configuration of ice caps and glaciers was Iron Bedsteads, 31 A VS Ol V ItlMl(S t readr explained, for diluting tho molasses to carefully observed Many native relics and 10x12 fall Ifoand and half bound. be mixed with the caustic lime. The saccha- Eskimo huts were ' Wall foil bound and half bound, the remains of permanent Galvanized Buckets, 3tann' Copjlns a per, rate remaining in the filter presses is white, found on the shores of Lake Uarcn. Tho rein- PUStl lllll.lll HS: IncreatTarictlee, and of groat purity. deer which have once been plentiful has cither Automatic rrnell, Coprlnz J'enril, The method of using tho saccharate. The Tinned Iron Sauce Pans Fahw'a renclls, IHton'l Pent II. Jtc, OIbIiXSTUR c?o., migrated or become extinct. In closing his saccharate Contains 100 parts of sugar and 130 by. graphic account of tho discoveries made Assorted Sizes , do Yry Taos, of lime. If tho molasses to be worked repre- indulgcnco LMlMH'lAi : his partv, Lieutenant Grcely asked n.AYINfiCAKDS: round corner plain, Have Received the I argest sents 5 per cent of tho weight of tbe beets, the for any imperfections in his presentation of the Butcher Knives, Knives & Forks, JIUniKlMM JI IKMJJi.Salirzeviriclr, t Just saccharate obtained is mixed with tho beet strength had failed for their elab- TIME POOKS, forted; C.ammrd JLatrcl. subject since Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, bblpplnz Tagf , Toeriet Tajs, juice. Incases wliero too molasses is to be to depend le oration, and he had been forced Galvanized Water Pipe, worxed atonce lor its sugar, is lounu uesir-at- larrelv mxrn memory, as all records and jour Invitation Paper & Envelopes to match, to eliminate from the saccharate the ex- nals of the expedition were in Washington. J Roundj and Square Bar Iron, cess of Hmo. This Is accomplished by mixing Pencils and Tatteli, PERFUMERY Call rrocri&imc Card. OF As be resumed ins seal mere was a great ourst LOT tho saccharato with weak juices. The MENU CAKDis, of applause, winch brought smiles to tho White Lead, Boiled Oil kim.i.om, toJU'itisiNG saccharate is transformed into a blushing face of Mrs. Grcely. Her husband LETTER PRESSES, LARGE & SMALL ; j;vi:k iju'oktkm into this and hyd rated lime, and this latter listened to throughout with intense j?orLtinc, easily separated by suitable filter presses. had been Tixr Robber Dands.allitici; is eagerness, and his fiuo bearing, serious face COBBUGATED E00FING, uisi: im.iA.pau, Tho liquor from tho latter apparatus contains and earnest manner created a most favorablo 411 Ilir.S andS(f)Iti:iIIMlI(St Odors of the Celebrated all the sugar and only 30 parts of lime to C, 7, 8 t. ; Galv. , Over Fifty Different impression. :l Gauze, and 9 f IouRth ItlKTIIIIlY CAlin-- 100 of sugar. The residuum is then washed, bcreir and Wankers Ualr. l'ldgins, 1'fKKl.T liMir.t, and from it is usually obtained 1 per cent of COMMEMB ON ailEtLY's W OIlE. - Yellow Sheathing Metal, and Nails And minx otber artlclca toosDmerooa lo mention. sugar. Scientific AmenatH. Admiral O'Many, one of tho veterans of Limdborg- Manufacture. recelrrd for anj Forclsn Arctic service, was tho first to express sym- Annealed Tence Wire, Fence Slaplcn, fatwr nr lUarrazlne nubllaliMl. at inr time A mi. lor Ilrook, (Enteral and admiration for tho American ex- W ire l'lant Goards and Arches, all tbe Local Pipert and Magazines bcaMdea, , OuTtrtiscmtnts. pathy clde. rami j Library, etc, always on band, and special Odor-Cases- Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c. plorers, and to congratulate them upon their number nent for to ordrr success. He heartily seconded Lieut. lUy'a C" bi'buiALiUrdcrf iceceirea lor uuui.;, tiJ. suggestion respecting a colon at tho magnetic STEEL RAILS, ALiO invited &d . pole, and cordially Lieutenant Grcely, With Fish Dales, llolls and tpilos, Co., TMIHIBSTII1I lioyal ! Hollister ia behalf of the Geographical Society, UKI) HUI)Ui:U STAMP U.KNCY to visit . Captain Pi ra followed with Portland Cement, and Amenta for the IHIiaxriallaxx DKJLxlscI om speech. Ho did not, he remarked, t Agents a ringing Fire Clay, Firo Bricks, nr All Iiland ordera fil.ed Proraptlj-- for feel called upon to criticise tho two papers. ; 159 Nuuanu St. and Cor. Fort and Merchant St Both Squarc!and arch CO., 1013 Lieutenant Grcely had taken his heart by J. M. OAT, Jr. & J0.T if UizzTTK Dlock, Merchant sterol, and ho had a brotherly feeling for him. Lump Rock Salt, bt He had rejoiced lo hear of his deliverance, English Belting, 3 12 WHITE and having gone through somo experiences of to inch Tndths; it the same kind, bad taken pleasure in assuring AS ASbOKTMENT OF Mrs. Grcely that her husband would get well and be as halo and hearty as himself. Ho ENGLISH GROCERIES PIlAOTIOAli was glad thai Lieutenant Grcely stuck to the A.. kind axd roirr streets. an open polar sea in tho Arctic bach as Worcestershire Saorc, Cream Tartar, KEAFT, theory of SoJs, Spices, Ktc Lie., Etc "0UANTITIES TO Ocean. He believed in the ojcn sea himself SUIW DRUGGISTS and Loped that Lieutenant Hay would come HT" We haTe also jost rcccinxl n as&t of.it3 CHARLES HAMMER I I round and take tho same view. After a hum- OPTICIAN, JEWELER and No. 13 & 15 FORT STREET HAVING rcfercoce to the pretty Eskimo girls, he orous AMERIGAH GOODS COOKE. IIEI-U- r.OElllChK SI IIIIEt KE'S, Ray.was the right man to send ASiilK l Itouglit Tor Cash, a Large .Stock said Lieutenant WATCHMAKER, c' AY to the magnetic pole, and that Lieutenant Amoncthcm S ' or Grcely could not be spared at present. Ho kubbeb' saiditwasnotpossiblo to fccak too highly Bleached & Brown Cottons And Dealer in Musical Instruments. First-Cla- ss Harness Fillings! of these explorers. The work should be con- 27 to 30 Inches wide ; natlnj: He nio red to more cotntnodtoaa quarter II Wo want tho Public to under- tinued until man should reach the Pole. There Fsncy 1'nnts, ltlae Denims, CaJnpbla Aw lock, Mrcbant Mreet, RICKSECKER'S tho British "avy ono atom of jeal- Flannels, Women's and stand that tho I nv ra.lh.tl lo ninifjctor. was not in Canton lien's. HIS RECEIVED. PER LITE IHPOBTJTIONS, ousy of American achievements. In tho Xavr Cbildrens' JlooU and bhoes, sizes and w Styles adapted to this market, Union Company, they were all brothers in blood and there ax Lare Additlona toi former Mock Feed IEJ3EtDF,XJVEE3S Tlio Boat :ECamoss no chance for envy. He congratulated Grcely AN ASSORTMENT OF If KeadjiailWilllDZ toFBtnlihal! th EVEB rnoDl'CED HERE, and hoped -- AND THE upon his successful achievements, 1?I3S3"E ! HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, c fcclrng great bpnehes GOODS 4c, that the warm between Shelf HARDWARE Ai COMMON SENSE Cheaper than any House Anglo-Saxo- n always con- sicn .. . IT MAT NEED of the race would Plantation nd Mechanics Tools, Also, IS TO S Captain Pirn's was roost vigor- One Iloby fc Co.'s - tinue. speech O- AT ously and eloquently delivered, and created a E3 S3V TS. 3L. Ft. S', THE LOWEST RATES. - we want uakexoem for a Large runciiASE, feeling of H-- IX SILVER, As to iTHrsiii- ESottlc. "uo.vt until stirring enthusiasm. 6 P. Portable Engine COLD. Ac block on tbe war. Trelawny Saunders took the platform to af-- TGI' HATE SEEN' HIS (JOOI)S." T(E4 CaTAII ordi ra pt imptly atUndcd to. Coodi dellrtrnl firm his belief in an open Polar sea, and ar- Ac A-c- Ac BENSON, SMITH & CO. the distribution G0LD& SILVER WATCHES ioi trVTolephono No. I75.-Mjr2- Fibp Slnrle aad liable lliraef . gued that of solar light by Ik? PATENT NOTICE. Incmil aad 3tl UrifM, the Pole Ci Plantation Mara sun about was a strong argument in a. ; of the ltnakr and finish, a Lite Ant of J. E. WISEMAN, Expreasd favor ol it. If Greenland were an island winmnAS rATiarr was LYONS & LrVEY. CrMtee. "Wfclp. Carry Come. it TV turdto kfoboiT Ji Jurii jo thfTin wsnn Ral atat Broker tt EmplffyBient Boreas Breifcas fpar PrfMfar ftr etc was probable that there was an onllying arch- i. hihf Vlnlatrrof tfaelatrtior nsdntl. twi fitnt Rooma Cotta-e- t, Ilooaea, aad rell and leave AUCTIONEERS I GEVL COIBISSIOJ RERCH1RTS f this Klordom. tar i nd Cratflnla- - Musical Instrunieiits, Real Eitate In ail parla of tbe t ipelago stretching toward the Pole. Ho ad- CaoeTrh - tlnsdota. Dearer Btscfc. Qara Street Ilonolata. Vutbk thii i lo warn sil ssaiapt an inTrin- From tbe moat Celebrated Man o fact artr fooad for tko aeckiaz work In all the Tarinva Mo Trioan vocated Arctic exploration in the interest of branchet of btulnr connected wit!. 16 we lalanda. or rrasrrcM, stock keal b state THE BEST IX THESaddles.ISLANDS - -- C&Ileetrf- salu physical science, and promised that tho Eng- trS- CUHIOS IK KKDLKS VAHIETT.-S- a tW X B Leral Docamenu drawl. BlIIl - aad General Uerdiaad..e propeTly attended to AjCOllOI - a Booka aad Arxovnta kept, and oCct work ry BepaIrfB2d.attWit aiaaaer.snd at Is lish Nation would not fall behind in the march iwiivifniK- a aollelted. moderates. Sole for American and Earoptan PrrJ O.CAittB.S(ri. Call and eiwlni fall extejialTS Stock, and tU ratrooaf Comntialoaa ients aUrwcatBatet Oafrllrittlaaa TVxea Eaetejrd toward the Pole. 1 1613, IMS jib lionoiBia, u row i Uoaolsls, Fbn7 sot fall to b pleaaed. il 9Sf I. I0U3 MEUCUA5DISE. isit w, f inr um m uu.i ,iimm 1 AusUn and Ills ot law, laiufciui; ui iii Am in aula twenty dollars, jj liiulii.iuuiiuithe rale, anchoring rrwk ontsido a ,, or successors to rroxl the form tlie few exception lo j;iomm Of course rou Iuto ecn doaTIioasai.u Uklllll lrrill fl.mnebtJnllirliortJairfi!inroRliaUl)C.I '. --J ' - -a- -, - ' - i - rrvTJTt- - i

OLD CALirORNIA MISSIONS. with winch tho fathers skillfully relieved tbs Central flfoMrtiscmtiits. Ctiural SUmtrtiscninits. (Ptntral llitifrttseintiils Ctntral tiriTtisc.ncnt3 of work and devotion Hence no Jnnlprro Scrrm'a Work routine it is wonder that some of tho aged Indians who may a., caarta. a r eaaaaa be To apprciato falljr the rk of TaJro now found in Southern California mourn NEW and STYLISH & the decay tbo WILDER CO. Joo.pero Scrn, wlucb llic ccntcnaiy cclcbra-lio- n over of missions and speak ot H.HAGKFELD&GO M. CARTER AND COMP'Y the days when the ruled tbe coast . at tbc old mission of Sin Carlos de Mon- Gooilg as of tbo Golden Ago of their iople LUilliiiery OFFKR FOR &ALE Importers and Sealers in , terey commemorates, one mast the laces K Klat M tlimolala, II I , I.,ull Peal; I U visit WHAT LED TO DECAY obsta- in In ce be la.xredand eco llie natural The history of tbo after Sena's Ladies' Underwear and anJ over- missions INVOICES OF NEW GOODS Firewood Coal Feed. cles which Lis genius cntbnsta6m death may be condensed into a paragraph For and came, llisatorj wrtsallj tbe story of tbc W I is twenty years tho missions grew with great Ghildens' Clothing JlSTKLCU.iDimt LUMBER e woal notify Ibe pnblle and boa ekr pern In founding- of tbo Cali- missions in rapidity. By 1601 nineteen missions all Ex tftmt Alannla and other Laic Arrival AM- tbttwekcrp an band and for rale la qnaa fornia a narratne of liardslup and privation in I- tltfe toait.t parthatrr and at luwt rattal l as were established, which were gathered 0 "KALE," lanowa catanr Buffered religion, unsurpassed in BARKS AND iiaruanann ..oouf Irnrtbt .lbar for tbe cause of Indians The Indians formed villages Ihuroal N 8 HrNeweailiolf, lotcli toal, tbo history of tbe Catholic Cburcb. No one " " and Ibe Celebrated elllazton illne in about thn buildings Tbcy al- H.1ILKINS0N MAZATLAN can other than a colorless narrative of mission were Mrs. W. ! iay coals, airo, write lotted land but unfortunately for them, tbev BUILDING MATERIALS lilac kmltbtt Coal. bis career bo bas failed to see this California FKOM BREMEN, can be ordered by received no grant of this land, nothing by w Inch THE lAMIIUNAI LE Tbboe ttlrnhone or ti4fitrU coafct country n. tbo disolato dry season and lm mediate de irery jrnaranteed. tbcy could prove ownership, or an) legal titlo lonelct.Dg Id part ot is follows or AILUIMIS. KAULT TIUALS OF TUI FATI1LBS to tbo improvements which represented tbo Milliner lYDrcss-tfakc- r GIVE A To this wild country inbal itcdonl by scat- bard labor of years Tbo feeling against the A Large Asst. of Dry Goods, US CALLI tered trils of Indians, carao tbe Padro Jcni-er- o rathcrs was grow mgln intensity The Spanish Or FORT STREET, KJKCJBI VKD Teltphone No. 305. Scrra and small bod, of bis followers civil and military authorities looked lustfully JUST lrouj Mexico. Tbcy bad been sent b tbo upon those leagues of lino estates. Tbey cir- lo inform tbe Ladles of JIodoIoId and Hie other Denima Urown Ilri LAIttjLbT and White Cottons, LI country culated charges llanla that thr hai nowra virwthe ami 1 Turkey U6Hf ' ALSO SLCH. A Franciscans to take possession of tbe of crucltv against tbo priests MOST ELLUANT liaorllDtnt of the Latctt btjlte of Drill. lckinc, Ac, kSW from which an.irapcnal edict bad ejected tbo in flogging Indians Tbey poisoned tho minds Jesuits Serra bad bad a bard noviciate n of tbc homo Government w itb suspicion of ue Millinery, Merinos.blackand colored.4 qualities ECciy ctiaca. founding for ambition of the to erect Oa.ts? Mexico, preaching and missions mission fathers Flowers. LATE ARRIVALS! California twenty years He tbe of an ecclesiastical kingdom far off California Ken CobonrRS, Alpacas, Italian Cloth, end and Jiew Zealand j ncarlr nai in prime in Feathers, pni, Whole and Grmined . Bran. life, full of enthusiasm for tbe salvation of tbe in which tho worst features of Jesuit rule Barltj, Vi hole , Bonnets, 8FVKRAL and Ground Wheat souls of tbe heathen, full too, of lbat simple should bo perpetuated Tho oar 1631 saw 'dd'" and other ) Hats, Di'ess Goods, Iced. unquestioning faith which bas almost ceased ttio missions secularized and placed under Etc, bLCIIAS FtT Order the ahoro thronsu to exist in any cburcb a man of iron control of tho civ il authorities This of course. To be Conn I In tbti tltr anil writ adai-lc- to the coming LARGEAND uonamj mrsc uooue wrrv cricrieti miih inrr, aim I CARGOES TELEIIOKO 003, will and dodged obstinacy, so earned away by 111 abf amsh country, ruled byracnsentontly ancjr rrint",TTTcnljrlTc cirt Mjlcs ha,i warrant qnick. the fervor of the tniseionar spinttbat hunger, the central government, meant spoliation and iIiTrrn, and IU veicbt. rrinted bAttoens, rompAdonnt, I'luids, wraers irora Uie other Islands thirst and bodily weakness bad no jrowcr to speed ruin Tho Governor was authorized GiDRhanifl, ictoriA Lawns, Satin btnpes. solicited. l onipriird In Mr W ilkinnon Muck mar be turn himfrom bis great i urj oso of evangel 12 to levy on tho missions for bis needs as upon found Irhcj htnpod Orenadinrfi I.AIUUV ITMIEitVVt FMCfjDEHVKnY ing tbc California Indiana Talon, one of bis any other Slate ropcrtj lit, Whitobitk Jitpanefie twills, Sergei 11 IMS AMI Hill Illtl h I'opliuB, bat in and Moire, M to all parts of the cilj. Itemeraber associates, wbo bas left about tbo only trust- nit woiik. of srolLiriON Itlack nnd Colored elrets, worthy materials for a 1 lography, recorJs tbe 82 KIbb Street, 1 Thus ten tho valuable herds which CLOTHING of all Descriptions, and Telephone Ne 81 raptutoof Scrra wbcu bo Mas able lo bartizo in )ears F1NU SILKS, OXa Iiad been accumulated under the care ol tho t, CUIiriUblNU an Indian child, and thus Bave a soul from Lad- Hand IHack, dwindled away, a largo Uook tout I,rath(.r arospTam. t ancy, Colored nnd btnred lr perdition Uon such a nature discourage. naftof rockrt IlarcKe.CreiWjAc. them siaugiitcrcif lor the hides and tallow tho Ladlri (n1d H roeiit and hardship b imply sen ed as a stimulus fin Lirrinfc ale Ac ALL UhUAL blQGK Special Notice Indians who at tho of the edict of secu- Hit: SIZhS lo new exertion Tbe story of tbe first trip time TA1I,0KS' GOODS. larization were estimated to number 20,000 in from Mexico 4 aus like the account of the ex ItacVRLinA, Diapiiaalft, Tweeds, IN The ndrrtlxned Proprietor a single decado wcro reduced to 0,000 Tbo AlAiTta'sortmenl of CfalMirtti cfaool Hair Cords, l of the (.oration ot a savage land, so barren was the ctj berccs, bilesia Doeskins, Casaimerefi, others retreated to their mountay, holies and Cbeap and a great vanctrof olhrrdooi toonomrr te SUANTLIN0. so I water, so overgrown onato mrrtttou to which the InfpecUon of the Lad if couulr), destitute resumed the PIOKT33EH. with tbo giant cactus which many laces precarious life from which tbo Is cordliltjlnvittd A in bad A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, TIUBKK, TLAHK, BOARDS, grew so thick that a roadway bad to bo ben ed priests rescued them few priests still cling to their old homes, but the heart was MRb DV1 tMtu Milliner is Woolen Mlxrd Calico Hickory Drnlm Ac) STEAM CANDY FACTORY through it After 1 early two months f hard- gono from their work The buildings were Mill known to the Ladica villi continnrs to rrrcldf in Merino ships tbo band reach od ban Diego and founded theTrimmlni'DeDartnient which it an asanrancf that and Cotton Undershirts, y allowed tofall intn decay, tbe fields wcro tilled will M bite UoBom bbirtA. Ac. Vxxcl X3rali.oi.-- there tbo Grst of tbe missions, 00 the Ladie Hare their Trlmmlnc done in the latrtt only by a small body of Indians, all tbe sys- and moet taFlt.onaulr fctjle bocks and btockin IIan3kerchie(s( ) ,'Xt0. 'aforavJil. palrona and . July IC, 17G9 No sooner was this mission V J V IN ally lb. bllcseaer tem which wrought such wonders tho pre- tonIards.GloTCS, JL,!0, OIV I that notwlthMamlinz the rrrrnt ,IUattroaa established and tbo establishment consisted in Call and See Novelties. I Bit. hi. half century was lost the V iitn ruurru of nothing more than tbe consecration of a bit vious in March, MIME IMOICKOFCIiOTJIINU I61C, under the P10 A Host Complete Stock of of ground bv a rudo bruth fence, corrc t rule of Governor A NEW FACTORY & enclosed the AS BAKERY where mass could be said, aud tbe of Pico, niisBion proi rety was declared liable PALAMA DAIRY FOR SALE erection to bankruptcy Pico sold r me lilack Cloth (rock Coals and I ants, S. "" 1c'e fiteaalre Kale ablrh la now In I tbe cross no sooner was this done than a many valuable tracts A FINE ASSUHTMENT h WALL PAPER opetalloo and vblrlmlllbeln compl.lo worklnr or" fur a sung, leagues of rich land bo gave Jlackakin books, l'ants and baits, wlcr b; an ,.,lj . o( w Mactlnerjand party of these eager proselttcrs set out for away elt. Mohair, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Tiol. to bis friends, right and left be scattered the t 1'anU, (And Is Monterey to found a mission on tbo dutiful Hojb blurts nnd Children's Jackets, now Prepared to Mannbctnre accumulations of tho 1 at hers Monkey aa.Tf.XT AT1IIA. bay which had discovered nearly in the few months - and bailor Jackets iscavno which remained before tho covrniMvu I Coats and LefinRS, Carpet Slippers two centuries befcre Tlicj made their occupation of tho it NAILS, Choicest couato by tbe United States Government Ho Hilkandl O. Umbrellas and I'arasols, LOCKS Pure Candies way op along tbe barren coast, receiving 500 HEAD OF CATTLE, raney and Trarehne hhawls, And will alaaja hate on ban I his Ilellciooa not only ruthlessly despoiled the missions, but IIESII many 1 resents of acorns from the Indians Cotton and Turkish Towels, BniTS, H1H0ES, it UE ue ten u legacy 01 iiligalton over talse titles Embracing MILCH COttb and other tattle W Fancy The) 1 assed ly the object of their search, hite and Qnilts, which has been one of the curses of tho State I elt I toes and Urnssels Car pe toiled over leagues ean J and made their way ns, line, BOLTS. S CHEWS, Vanilla of After tbe Horses, Lease ol Land, ttc Chocolate Creams, tli rough miles of cbapparal, until at last tbcy n.issions had been stripped of nearly Cocoanut all their lands and herds, a decision was KL',V1VK:DETS: Candles, reached of San 1 1 w as only with House and Etc. the bay I rancisco passed on a second expedition that Montcrcv was ly tbo United States Laud Commis- 1 torso Itlonketa, White and Fancy Blankets, RichNuCat,lnbam: Fnrther I artlcalaraai i Ijto found Tbcn tbo land and sea expeditions sioner, restoring tho church buildings and the or rtf raney btriped Woolen, two sizes. remnants of land to tbo Catholic Church But Co., Scarlet, Oraoge, White Woolen, 3 and 4 points. DRY REDWOOD! Sugar Roasted Almonds united in tbe consecration of tbc f pot, and a CONCHEE & they an now only sad reminders of llicir for- mil am Strexil. Threads, Tape, Elastic, bcarfs, Ac, huge cross was put up on tbe shore, which bas Tort bilk nnd civet CREAM CANDIES.grcat mer wealth and the churches Kibbons, Scantling, surface and rougli variety; beta renewed with ions care and still marks glorj, m ruin and Jfuflona for bhlrts. Coats, 1'ants, Dresses, Plank, decay and tho lands Marsh-Mallow- s, tbe place June 3, 1770, is tbedato of tbe worked by some liumlle ! Soft retainers of tbo onco pow crfifl --V 1" PKUrUMEttV, Boards, surfaced an 1 rough , Battens, erect ipi. of this cross the sign of tbo perma- mission Irish Damask FLOUIDA WATER, Cum Drops, Trthtne rickets, Fustic. Lattice, tda board. and nent ftothclil ol tbo ranciscans 011 tlio coast Gennino Lao do Cologne, I ohm's Litracts, Cum Fruit Bon or Toward the close of snmmcr cw ork Toilet bujpA, rhilocome. Hair Oil, Combs, Bona UAriD citowrn tiii mission1 in Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Ol State the minister passed one of his people Pipes, alldcctlntiona. Ml ho.e llomellada fre.n and Tbe years that followed until Sena's death I Jt llail, Harmonicas, J.Iank Hooks, pnretonlrctlona I acllalSOcmu per cleaning corn 'Oh, Mr. Johnson," said be AIJiU, t MIX It. lonnd. in 1761, were years of constant work 111 found- Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, RICH dry day lor corn parson, We Have Just Received WEDDIHG HUE OF THE FINEST FUVOR ing new missions, of frequent conflicts with "auue, "lcs, VIENNA rUKNirOBE. Pant and Whitewash Brushes the militar and small per-- 1 but death on tho wheat," cit day it was In ill Ue alwara on band, authorities, of no Elll FIVE AbMJltTMEVr OF - ujuri. 1.1 and ornamtnted lexities in keeping under control the large raining, and tho minister drove by Splen- Lxtcnsion Arm, Dining llooni and Tarlor lo tbe moat anlatlc aljle bodies of Indian rieoj bytes at tbe different did day for wheat, Mr John ton " "Ah, Chairs, bettoos, Ac, UlIITt 7IMT, acs," with a groan, "but death on tho corn!'1 haddles, Calfskins, Girth. blimp LcAtbers, MINCE PIES always fresh missions bo much work was needed to de- iAir.iii. AS ALSO velop tbo new stations that no effort could be Tbo Order of the Black Eazle of Prussia. Irish Double Damask, UKATi;3 OK ASSORTED CUOCKEIiV spared for cburcb --building, which afterward recently bestowed upon tho - Containing I Cops, METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS! Home Made became one of the chief ambitions of the 10 mo liussian lias, stuco its lounda. lates. Teapots, Howls, Mince Meat irown. ( hambcrs, IE ice Dishes and Bakers, tbcrs. After a tbe Indians tion 1701, to five ror Pale st 50 tenia per Pound starting mission, in tou given women, Demijohns, 3 and S calls , Sample Bottles, Glass. were iub true ted in the raising of grain, means nam el j, tho I'mprcsscs Llizabcth aud Cat TABLE LINEN asosand Glassware. Manila and Tarred Hope, mlUil.nj',!taP" Coll"l "" lalanteof luv new of irrigation were devised, fruit trees were herine of Itussta, tbe Duchess Augusta of Hemp and I It racking. Coal Baskets, ialt. e I lantcd, and temporary structures for residence nrtembcir, the Dowager Ouccn hlizabctb and worship were creeled Tbe pioneer labor of Prussia, and tho present Empress Queen DIItECT IKOJI - &iX&st? cLj JELloo Firewood. w as 1 cry heavy end in this rough work h athcr Augusta Of all sizes and qualities.Basa erj lieipecltall;, Scrra, who was made President of U10 missions, Coat Hags, Gunnies, Twine, Burlaps IT. 33TOHJXT. raaVo jbc Tho Kncll.h Prince Heidelberg DOORS took a hand, not disdaining to ad with at W oolpack and Twilled backing, Linen Hose, SASH BLINDS ITacUcalConfnllonrr A m.tij tool, 1I10 Indians, or to clear awsv paral BELFAST, ERELANTJ a-- TIIL OLD It may to well litre at onco to contradict - II HOTEL oT for tbo crops before bis death GllOCKUIES- AM.M17L, TM. nine missions tbo absurd .statements which have or lato ap- were fouuded, as follows San Diego Mori peared in ono or tnu of my contemporaries, - CoXSIbTItO OF - Sardines, In half and quarter bozes, Of Eastorn and California Make. tercy, ban Antonio dc Padua, ban dabricl, ban relative to tho mode of life Prince Edward H andl' Biscuits, Salt in jars, Capis-Iran- Castor Oil In G Luis 01 isrto, Sau Irancieco, San Juan would adopt Tins, Stearine Candles, 1, 5 and rOR bMI l QlUMITIEb TO MIT dorms stay at IIcidcllerg iuaicnes, uwoauai uu, tvasaJtiue, E. &; fcanta Clara, ban Honaventura uli Iiv'o O.Hall Par from there to great etyle, Hubbnck'a Linseed Taint Oil, Son two excet, lions these now mark the coins in II White Lead, missions and to delight tho German shopkeepers with TABLE HIUM abiUC IBIOli Rite of and large low GLOTHS, 4lIMITJilD.i cities ns, and give to tho lavish expenditure, tho Pnnco went for study geography of California tho sonorous bpanisli MQUOIIS : 'ox.zoxia10I and health mtd recreation, and his august IIALIIKHAIIa MlO Till H 11 element so leasing uf alt anil allUff of Dinlns Tabic I in comparison with the parents ery wisely sent him to the house of Ue.l Da Lafige fila and Bontcllcan Brandy, snd names 01 vVaslunglon rude Indian Oregon and a einii lc German professor, where lie could otber brands, Hall's Steel ! Territory or tbe profane titles bestowed by tbo obtain all these Kam, dm, bt. rant Hccr, Ale and Porter, Plows adrantages without being Port Win, bherry, Hhine Wine, J. T. cany miner ana adventurer Ul all these mis Waterhouse, tnttlncrromC In to IS tempted to ape the doinzs ofllo rrand lady 1 ino and Table Clarets, Champagns, la. sions, that cstal lishcd on tbo banks of tbe Car of Austria The Lnglish people will certain-l- Willi iVapkiiLslo Hatch O H Mumrat Co., Sparkling Hock, HILL'S HEAVY luel four miles from Monterey was r STEEL BREAKERS river, tho innch more aiprcciate tho courso the Dry Heidiwick, Monopole, Ch rarre, Ol Till. Cat onto of Padre Serra That be made bis wise Mosclla IITIJi:iM'i.frio Prince of Wales with regard to Ac, Ac Ut II IS and IS Inch headquarters and is pursuing to that be returned after bis his son's education than sympalhizo with tho Thee LINENS aie the FINEST Ever German Goods LLSOA NEW OP leriodical visits to tho sister missions which prcedy of Heidelberg, who feel Imported to this Market, and we Invito and Havana Cigars Following Just Received LIE so oitcn needed Uis aid and counsel Ihcrtt disappointed at their golden Plated Ware bjKJons, I orks. Cruets, 1 ea be ta, fine onlv chattel, dreams having our Friends to c;iv them an Inspection Hall's Steel was no cburcb then, a rudo failed to become lirc Caps, Ac Eock Breakers The eyes of Scrra never saw tbo beau- - LJ I.Tl4 llllll MM 1 II U and is Incb man) IIAKUWAKE tilul diuretics in wiucti tho devotion ot the The Kaisers Country Home. loiUlntoi all He ad,..l.IM , oln Dre,lcrI ranciscans incarnated lie died at tbe Carmcl G.W.Macfarlane&Go Pocket and Bdicner Km number ot new ImproTtmeM, all i Tbe ofUermanv res, baasors, , made Ihe mission, August 2b, 1761, and bis funeral was uincror is novt rcsiJmcr bheep hbears, iSecdles, bpuons, FlUs, Black French Merinos, C1RKAT MIILI-.I- ,.,,, l. tbe scene of great lamentation among tbc In- at uaocisuerg, ins laronto country liouse, bpars. Galvanized Basms, Hoop Iron. where lie will remain till September 10. when Keg Hirets, Hammers, (tent dians wbo regarded him as a father Ladica end fLmtirelUx, --J?SJ ho goes to tho Ilhino provinces fjrtho autumn tllow Metal and Composition Nails,! Llntn hretlnff Une bilk cuaiiACTtn 1 A I sar of Aimi sum manoeuvres llabclsbcrr. which i lint a larro lUbbilt Metal. Hagar Coolers, Ladiea an dent llralerr v Iron Tanks, Clarifiers Ac Also, Cmbroidertd Cloth Table Corrra Of berras character there bave been anous house, 14 id the modern castle style bo com estimates, lut nearjv all the historians bare mon in uerman, ami was bnut about forty Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, agreed 111 awarding him the zeal of a Loyola J cars ago Tbo rooms are comparatively Portland Cement. w itbont bis cruelty world to hiin was 1 Ibe a small, and are simply at must comfortably SAMUEL Clay, battlefield, be walked among type of evil and NOTT, tre Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks. Woolen fclCotton Shirts, furnished Thc oro hung wiih portraits of Tiles, Lmpty Barrels, Oak Boats, Ac, Ac , de of good, like llunvauV Pilgrim, even bis ordi- iuc iioucnzoiicn lamiiy and tlicir royal rela- Orders from ibe other ItUndi carcfnlly LAItl.! AVHI TIIT Or nary Idsiucss letters are cunouslv interlarded tives Thcro are very fine r icturcs ofllio Plumbijvg, with scraps of exhortation and jtcals for di- Qocen and tbe Prince Consorl and tho late Whito Linen Shirts and Collars, vine cuiJance Though of sligtil frame, and L.tar icuolaj Use room is Imic with land- from bodily Gas Fittinu, suffering much weakness, bo never scapes liy tho Crown Princess Tho grooods H.HACKFELD&CO. ia.vri.sr fiTii mi failed tocouductlbo long sen ice of tbo clmrcbv of liabclsberc are "bv far tbc nmcl nicturesnue I01S 9 and la bis sermons it was bis practice to beat of all tho numerous Koyal residences about & Wool Preta Uonlf bis breast with a stone 10 order to bis Tinsmith Roofer, Ladiea' Jlatfl trimmed and on trimmed impress louiiaui liiry wcro lam uut under the OHrlch Feat b ere bearers with tbo sufferings which awaited tho superintendence of Prince Puckler-Muek- CIGARS! CIGARS! unrepentant m 'the world to come. Ho suf- s (tbo original of Mrs I.eollunlcr'a friend. Edg-ing- and Insertions, COOJB. SVOVJES fered greatly also from a sore leg which be CouotSmontoik.) and sIoio to tho Havel, allowed to go without healing, accepting it, a. which here forms broad lake The adjoin-i- n 1IYI JOT 411 with tbe falso monastic idea ol that age, as a domain of Glciuicke is tbe summer re A NEW ENTERPRISE. cross which was put upon him. Tho records sidence of Tnncc J: red crick Charles S of tbe time show that bo enjoyed tbe sweets of SCOTCH TWEEDS, RA.INTQ-E- Iowcr, and while vcrj tender and considerate l!?ntfral 3l.Mrt.scmm Is vfthc converts, be could bo barsn and dicta- - J. W. HINGLEY CO., OFALLSIZESi tonal with the military, whom he regarded as Now Designed Prints, KITCHEN AND HOUhniOLD CTES8ILS-- intruders upon bis territory His dicam was 0I ! Manufacturers of all Grades of AnJ a tirttt Vaild ot lioth to urgauizc all tbo missions on the coast under Just Arrived allkluls, pLe pintual bead, and lo bare no secular in- jcr DuLof Abcrcora fonn LlvcioI PAINTS AND OILS-- of all kinds, terference The fair new territory lie held Goods &j3l.XjXU I CIGARS f! "lisli and American LtlBBICATINO OILS-b-est stoca lo tbs mailet. bad been earned ly tbc and to i.NX FOR KtBOTENE hoouihj 4 Lostrah tbera it should I giv en to rale as tbo Jesuits ONE MILE OF Fine Havana CIGARS bad ruled in Mexico a century before lledco SILVER PLATED WVUE-lr-oii l(eed4BartoD! A SPECIALTY be curbed tbe power of tbc rnililarv whenever EOLID BIMEnWAnE-fromtheOorbam- Co. was practicable, and aroused that strong Liglil I'ortablo Kailway Kails, it Uehava made SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS wltb POWDEIJ-a- M alnila, from Cala. spirit of antagonism to tbe w bich bore Tlxo Onlliorzila l'owderWorll missions 19 Jbc per aid . and 20 lech K"R 1th Batteni aad California AfenUloaappIr with tbe fruit id later years in their rapid decline and Fineit Hivinaand Connectleat Leaf Tobartn In the CAItUIAGE AND JUC1IIS E IJOLTS-- all sues , final ruin, lie was a sevrro disciplinarian, csrrcf crolajti. Srl OVES, JHarkrt. W aire prepam) l man afar tare ae PRODUCE & PROVISION GO. Arncie ai rancn iota tun ton 01 imponca (!tlari and expected of priests, neophytes and Indian Ilttlnz canildcredia tblf Ions needed want ) the AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS rommnnitr we hiTe encased f aMrlor mUliiKe from Sneir converts tbo same passiouatc devotion to re- Ketpettdll nollf (bo the RANGES, ban Frasciaco In making oai Clear. t ciarantee to PnbHclhit have ligion which be showed in bis every day life ratltf ererjotie who will daaacall OirniPi EalablUbed lhcnuieliea at There arc many stones of bis severity in en- factorj and More ! located in HARDWARE II This Iullwir taiKbte for.n.mircT forcing discipline, and in compelling tbe con- 73 Hotel Street, Honolulu. A Splasdid Aartamentt but those who bave bad any ALM FOR SALfc Lamps, Chuudclicrs, Lincoln Block, No. 108 King St, verts to labor, LEITHEU-- Or All experience rub tbe Cab forma Indians will not Mraicht MccI Kails H U. to the janl "Orders from th other lalaada avellelteil. anil mmth Is put of las premise occapled br llescrlpHons harshly. will ba oar beat care and prompt attention ar Good, o t judge him Naturally averse, like Fol(TJt Lo. .AKD ate tbn beat qaallt; FortbrtrUi.2ar3fMn John rill SRESOVICH, ORAT & CO. are ir.bo.rai anv savage people to continued effort, bora v and loteiaoam ike andcrilftied bettorcfrrto lot cb. al.ajr. new Fwparile.lar. J. W. HIHCLEY & Co., and .ereleroar anil his associates thought them tbe arts of JO ?prtcl Eq.,olpiTte)v11lc vtircatincli Tbert eaa be loaad a fOJIrLETE STOCK' taitomer TKIESD3 to OUR Ifw now la fall operation 1H building and agncnUuro-- Tbe Indians were mttt Honolulu. H. I. MTILOEUE, .nth we .end to iji, roirarLbrrpirt.tn.ftri apply l ssr ni ,!i assured of a good living, even in the long dry HOUSE FURNISHING calloa ereallasdeiamlneonrSplenaidSlockoOooda VI W L OEEE or AT OUR ' season, their, improvidence was kept in tueckj U and WAREROOMS. corner or rort and H lACrAIILE& 1.x. The Tourists' Retreat, Produce Groceries Klg Street, llonalala allowed y " Aggpl for Johg Fowlf r A Co llttw-atl- jojy tbcy were not to gamble aw the At Honnapo, Kan, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT earnings of a month in a single night, they bad Stamped Envelopes IlilBJiWAltE rr.oLRisr axd otiierm. iytcsoixu EXCHANGE ON CHINA 1 a borne from which tbev conld net be ejected JL op loviltlta Volcano, will Sod f Lowest Market Bates for CASH! the fancy the white intruder; the rich Till: DKMJMlXATIOXb Saddl Ilorse. at THE BETBXAT - it of at the PAEED TO DBiW o- Tlla! Ot I3asd 10Crata.caabc))intliaacd Tbo cUnat atMonupola thbetonlbe Iilandafor TEIEMOVE St 271. I " ceremonial of the Roman Catholic service ac- -' to one CAMPIIEl.L'a SEW" UHOCK, r, P0B0XK. robtodlCT la iByqlaBtitrfrom one taosfand Inialldf A fiat rfew U bad ol tbe lorroandlni Scene-r- Chartered Bank pealed to their imagination, and they were siaoaa rmamr mib ktuict uhbui FOBT STREET Oppntlle VUirr Co Inclndiar lb olcano. frtna tbe Iloase All order and commaalcatlons to be addieated of India, Australia and - ala.donj.ocui TEttllb MODERATE tF LAlaa. Hongkong;, of tL.fatJaadotLd.raMn.lr ci','lftomc. OBax.391 lOIa-I-r W W fd r M J. SMmilES PnrrwaroB wo. z. K. MYERS. Manager. " BISUOr A CO

VSrf&aai' Uf PTT&iz,"' --- - ntujn.i'j...T-qi-

Wj"Virj, J . oV jiJBvamnrxmxiitm htoaBBIlB tr 4Upor.lt Tjrs ' I w' 1 an in tp&jff'fi fl jf FCBUSDED r,T ! 3 'anaaaBW" oW( Loll atnr. U llr- AS-Wl- EQHK. E ' II akaaal. ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. r -- - aE wVaVeiK It S9 tee a v , 1'rery tTedHOTiday 71ornlti--- 1llF THrfoTOOBaTS oil ami JI iff W " 31 WMf mm SI a urn HI III Si ofW KT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM 0''"-- Sass-- i ss, i; ss as saaSisa PAYABLE .V IDrj.VCJ?. adVartaMjawst.whoarMoreharr4awMlBrrr. ,.-- rortlrn Setrl.v-rr- fCOS In A1nof :ff. 3 r ho aorHOfoaM . Which leliiipHCMprr' VwllMtawon IB. oar whoo Mom. to, or oo oufcroitt wIM h aoaoot Uwok TnoraaMoriharfMBroaTwiralaoooBtBavo ror Kmioto laMWtran oT3rlarnr.ora.o no; . I r!ttr ! OBm lit i w GMtUBiLildl&fi, 25 ud 27 WEDNESDAY, 1. 18S4. WHOLE No. 1020. HoMnaaaiarho Jhhilla,toaorlaraBol'.. Merchant Street. VOL. XIX.-- No. 40. HONOLULU, OCTOBER aaoMoaiao. A Conajaen TtXmXarj. 2Cotuts. Business (Tartis. Business Carlis. jllriljanual (Tarbs. illttljaniwl tffirts. Jn$wrantt iXotUfs. Jnsnrnnte II I time lo be born" Gcd raid, and there rame, nm the world, without t name, " - VliiUATIS, DIH03D ft C8. A mortal of tiny frame. W B. CASTLE, BXSnOF cfc oo.. CD. C ROWE Y ! Boston Board of Underwriters. UNION INSURANCE COMPART Honao PInter, Paper lUnter, As CONFECTH) NKR OEIVTS lalaada. Sllppln; anil ramlsslon MrrtkaaH' It 1 tint to Ifclnk. to look, and to crow. jTvaromrair BANKERS, and Sicn 4 rr the Hawaiian A.t and f4tr at law pmjly C. BttEWgR Jt CO. or rrtA.tciaco. To nkm wait, babe of nw," and Notary rabllf. Attesda all the Court of the IIOXOLVIA', I t 1 1 HAWAII AST ISl.ASDI !? No. 10? King Street. nonolalB. A ra nritrornutroi.Bartatric.ro !al4 a crandna, eoft and to. 791 Kingdom. ly DRAW EXCHANGE UN o. ;. . 3vtoiisr33aa3XfS" or XhSmrljao. ! lime to en :oi.i:.tiai. Philadelphia Board rndenrritrre. 7 W. H. CROSSSAH ft IOQ. It tan tender breaat. r.. AUAJ1N, : : : : SIUMKC1SC0. Ho. 71 boT Hotel St., Little oar, la thy dream robe dreat," j. P. tHEBmOFCILirOMU, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Fort St, ko Ilawallaai lalaaida. IHCOrtPOBATED, 1SS5 MEHCHANTS, XfiKXTS IV AGBNTS fr C CO COMMISSION a notbT("cone. tad reel." Auctioneer and Commhiloa Merchant, ARO TtlBIS Mtoelnc, rnrrlaare oeau KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND BREWER i le to and reaae to play." jaeea Mmet, Iloaolala. ' ly .lew York, llre die. & COOKE. ACENTS na anahwr Mrrrl. Row Terk. " It tine etndj, 1ll llnialloR IelIerT, of t beat Freocfc aad CASTLE W tb father boy one day, Iloaton, King Caatle Coatfa. ly Aa aaaortwat . NCIIAIIFER, I jraroraro-r- atl JE t'ooho. aa T VBmlooon, rrare to tie ItKl Shop on Mrret. neat Caltforala jnaaafactered A. I'lS ror tlao Itawallaai lalowala. i " If the voild'at be le when znj " EDWARD PRESTON, Paris. 4 UBlf Bremen Boararraaderwrltera, BW If. Attorney and Comnsellor sit Law, MISSUS. H M. ROTHSCHILD 1S0IS,: :LO00 JOHN NOTT. J . AxealTfof Dresden Board of VaderwTitera, aosTBumsR ahd kixcahtue It la tlnwto atraerle for mule plate. e( Vienna Board of To Mitre tb- - life race." Importer tuid Sealer in Store. Ravn. Confectionory Axeat CBderrtei8. SifVEEAlfCE, the llatafor cnl lr . tCaahaaiaaa Street, Ilonolala. Yt Which he offers for to tar trade .or at retail, lorl H.W. hald I youth with annnj face. The Commercial nankins Co. f Sjdnej.Londor. MrtaU. ltOM tale C1alnaacaIaalIaaaraHraCoBituialea wllhta the Iptturnnoo Oompnny TV. AUSTIN WHITTNO, China n are, rmre, nvrn . . diet loo of ta abora Board at L'aderwrltersaill aae or ijiirtox Koi.wBCiitiit. ll.iralUsCon?tt4 " It la time lo aln!"ta a demon thoacht, The Commercial Banking Co. of !rdney, Ejdnejr. rraai VViif AT REDUCED PRICES! to im cert)ld to sy ui abwt ApH w im btnMer dark with fitnjer fraaxht. Attorney and Counsellor The Kant of New Zealand, Auckland, and It eaild. rn it EslablMrtsd I BOO. wiERCHXaf Bat It haptr, cane to a a acta. Agent to tleAcl.aoHd'-emea- of IatnmteaU fur TO. OAT &. CO SAILMAKERS, commisaion lUancbes ia CfarMentirca, Ddnedln and IVetllnstoa. J. M--. a Tnatlttw, CU. M the leland of Uaha. r foot C rbM'allrortu 1 1 le time to love, Mid a lorn bnld. The Bank of BrUtth ColambU, Tortland, Otefion. LortlnA. r. Cooka New Balldlae, THE BEST BRANDS OK (HOICK fIRIRS Insnranco Notice. r.MT.i. 3,t,BNl lOJS No. btreet. Ilonolala. oITinaana Mrret. m BroX. T At be kitted rrrt llpa of a maltlne; mold. Kaahamana lyr The A tote and Sfadeira lalanda. ArrBB.Bt.tr4 aod la.o.t.4 rasd And rrhearred Iheptorj old." To be had in tho siarteL Kor MRS. M. MELLIS, Mcclnolm, Swedes. nonolala, II. I. riniK ioEST run the British A THE BEST ICE CREAM, SOD! WiTER CORDULS m. elfn Sfirlae laaeraoce Compaayi Lltnlted fcaa L'.'VUKIIAIIiTiBtl. IIATK nECY DR. JORDAN & CO. "Hit lime for jot." with an air of pride, TuelcaatlrTrdltatiL China, iM ria-- a of all dctrip..0BmideaBd repaired J ItAitTO Of - for lh Ltaadk brldegronm FaaMoiiaDle Drew vitd.ClooJr Maker, of Loodtn.Aaatnllaaad Wtliwl Uilnrtlnne In II ILt T'llK AURTa tndwlh bald a food. I hare won a bride, tf Ihe Tartfc. and araiaat Iro sn rtioraM. niiirTj iiv piinnvisoft 1 o be ere at mj (Ide. 101 Fott tlrert, TJo&alnla JT t. YoLohant, Japan. tji nWTTTTt STT!A M aaraac UIvhii Ilaoolala aad rrta t asd art aithorUnlto Ifira Wl ly AndtfanntlaUfperalDaaliaf m ly if now prepared in lime nmi- n iowei rara, Q tnrla rifrtlrhan fji " It U lime lo toll tot daily bread, Bomfr. Bakorv wtta a apveial rednetloai on rtvtat pr luimti, U.a la io pari l l Mnndf. m Moat lla. Candy Manufactory and 1L ao4 Ihoiw. w,.r iaVr.31ltrfo.o..oalrtaoloro, for awlfe and family neat be fed,' ii. i;..uci.vrYRi:fciiROTiii:u, V. O. t'Sim. UA.THrTos, THEO DAME9, aad Woodra B.lkttna. Mwchandt.OorTd By a bny was aald, x. noxwc y Iy As Br.t Mar. laa.Ca.. Llitt-- In: nwalHac Hoora and faraltBr. Tinbrr. t'ooM. I aliroiaU. oath. KITlSITW. bud GROCERY. PEED STORKniBAXEUX SMITH & THURSTON. Cemfectionjr. Paltry Cook Bakir, J. D. LANE'S Y. Shlpfl In harbor witbwlthootcarsooaorBoOVrrrpolr. MAimMin, aaniMAi. wKJtKXXaw.UT It i time to part. eald the children crown, Prictical ul and Fort Street-- ? Hiw ami Ti NaBanaaaidrarL lj imr.-Mi;- . IIOFrsCIILAEUlR A CO.. IMDa.Aaawur ilia rar. " Ni aaddaarkteraneed home of their own; foraer Kin e ATTORNEYS AT LAW. IPS HoMatrert,Vtweea UATiiiIiRfaii I. ass "FarrweilP'andtbeblrda had flows. vn ly v 7C No. 9 Mrhaul St.. Ifonolata. II. I. tf lit Arrnla for tho llawallaa lalaada ol..vr.or u EMMEXUTH & CO INSURANCE COMPANY. It la time to be lonely, the berate li J. FIEE TH x boob o or ftlll. iiorrciii.Ai:.-i;- c.. 1: ;. TJo.SNaaanq Street, oist htciin Hald aeeneth HIP r.i. Hitchcock, CNDFJWIUSCir IXAT1XU IltCN AP And they wept IKPORTEES AKD COMMISSI OK HEBCBAKTS rflHC - mlnvt thetr will. att0rnet.at law, hil0, hawaii. And Plumber. Dealera In StoTW pointed Ajtenta of the abore Company, are prr- New EnglandMotuallife Insurances. Ijr JI prorerillyeolleeled Tlnamltha X J2i - " It la Ue to It baa to paae,'" 3 lloaolala.Oaba.H.I. nilla If Raocea, Tin. Sheet Iron and Copier Ware. ktwpf to laaaia Baka Ire Ota U and Brlek r?- bald a oatm-tni- :am: ta atalnt DR. J.CQLL1S BRQWNES CHLOHMiHE. voice, "that beneath the ere, ROSA, i Manily oo hand a fall aewtmenj of Tlawar. jf Udtaic, aid oo Mef ehaodlae ttored Iheretn, on ororroxr!4Ass I nut hide mj love, alatt A. ii. iia:ki-i:l- co Iron and Lead Pipe. India Rubber Iloee, . k lied LICIIltroBArCD, TUB uRHolN M. aa--4 OSLT GtSUnX. i Une to die, co the preacher aallh, ITTORHET IT UW MD ROURT FOBUC, GENEEAL COKUItSIO B AGENTS, lun lr 113 Aad I ceattr rail thee new, ald Death, Qseen HoboIbIb. I. ly fjunntnev Atfetew M InvalMa fc thUln) W Mrect, II. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C 7 OUUtt Mutual Life Co in ft f f4et At be ttlfled an old tnaa'a Ofilet rit tUt Aitvrnt Cfmrrat. AtikAati Halt W. R. LAWRENCE, Pnrtlif ateep. frv ftoenVoaUcb. nrllef rroea --ia l; th Uniletl Slate. freahtaw a4 TJrrWarf tMIr 1003 ITctmlm. U. . iy JNO A.HASSENOER. atvcnlah. i retaa aa aaaax the wearj nroinji T Con Karnlahed for Wtwha of FIRE INSURANCE COOT All?, protretl taaao. lavcorat iW A(ent to take Acknowledeaaata to Plana and Eitlmalea Cevt a- - .VTTJ?th n--. $W 31. I)., 1 s . .faUei.) taamtd U matt fataraole TermaJ reaaUte ta rlnaUllaa nMeaae ol foa 2UaeoUaaiia. a. .TUVIIITKV, I. tract.1 for Zj.lor. ..t.aartlrtA or uAumma. mvM yoaraWf wttlt vU naaercllowa f Kooma oh Fort 2 treat. KviMatpio r oituBarika(totoArna5l4lt-oJoX- v fieaal JBl'rv , rjItcrtay)(tc.llaoial.- -. ly. dhfDe t An JjoiUUe finger-rin- g ia new. Tbo CIVff Englncorlngnnd Surveying' MEnOTAnwr. sHrttitr ii.t naa-- aa--t wfirt aha Oilier In Bren era. Block, corner Hotel and Fort ne1, TUKEiadaUctlBerylnfoiredajalnKrireomthorinsi. -- hkhhw. nee the r of t IILOWJOTSK. co., STRKET, e lO INSCRBPHKoTBAR!t-ORIISAR?tir- K aOiaWeTbT the profeeale-- a I b Ihe aaawt wMaVrflt ii rcilaiedl7ali(hnlhebind in or out of nw ly Eatraace.llotel Mrret. 1'. a. m;iiai:i'i:k a OFFICKon KAUWILA moat farorthlo term. I le r.r.cte W arehovae. ria.-.-- vatnahle reaaWf Cafeaxereal the MlUnc of tlie alone. Importorc At Wldemaa'a MARBLE WORKS, A. JACGCR,AealfortheIIawaHaaIflandi. AanaalpremlanieontlnneaPWtcy 3 data a4 rf A. A. A Co.. Commission Morchants Pyar rraaoaTj Cl.IUJIIOIt. VT7 lrlaodg. Vt P. O. EOT 101. iy 11 Wtfy rstk-- 4 yeara fULOROOTI U Mm beet fetCwatjht, m llonolBla. Ilanallan ly 10 rOHTTIlKl.T, SKA IIITKI.Iir. SAnaaalpreMlaaaaeonttan lldaya ltei Frames of white laco over tufted briglil iirorrtti no dulibs 3 Annual premlnma eontiaaa PoJiey yeara 71 data Cooanmpe BronebWa. Aetkaka. colored satin are the newest for the famtljr ozioxAlZaXoxrolxnxaclleso, FRANCIS M. HATCH. WILLIAM TURNER. ORIENT 4 Annul premla.ni eoatlaae rallry S yeara M daja ULORODTnC act- -. Ik arharatle tHanhom. & Aanaal preniama centlane reHry 14 yeara M day la Ihe eale eptrifc tn ke4ev DynmtTtT. jiTiotograpbi in tbo parlor. ICWT Comer tforrn and Kaahoinana Mrtta. ly Xaca-Txr- . Practical Watch & Clock Maker MANUFACTDRER OF MONUMENTS O a4 Attornoy vt Znauranoo ompAny rilLORUDTK offiMtaatls eaia aU attach . Arrow-ro- ot girea a certain riclme8 to JOH II. I'AXY, Wl No. 11 KaahamanB Street. lyt and Jewolor, Headstones, Tombs, Or KARITORD. CONTfECriLU T. AMot, t qio.noo.ooot pklaj. llvaartta, ralutlja a4 flpaema. saace which renders lest btitlcr rjcceacary ROT ART PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS Tablets, Marble Mantels, : : 1,194.41. ( nUlRUOTX ! rlUtlTe J SearaMa A; R3 Kin- - Street. Ilonolala. II. (opposite the CISHA55EISJUU1RIIST.IIW : JUi Umt mitl Ibronch 4ifrj, than if floor is nsed for thickening. For the Mate of California and New York. OlB.ee at U'li.mut co l.V U ItHtani RWaraail.ai. Ooart, AwTootharhe, J(etlarl, Corner of Fort and Cbcto Steeta, Ilonolala, Pioneer Carriage Factory ) Warhstand Tops, and it the lUnk or Elhop A CO- lionoiaia. ttjz iy t $40000 Daring fewer than 3561 per- teixhandlae.MoM-l.lner- !Trn)a A Co., rharaaaeatWaI tAewUta, MCt !st jear do umber, ralnu, Oilf, Kailt, Salt and Building - orderiattnd-dtolt- protnptneM and Black and nalldlaza, and Farnltareon rrom i.ai.-m-; rfr- Island Tiling in White Marble. A. JAEMEK. & COOKE, AGENTS cat llall, Hlaila. Jaaaarv 3, Ta T. Dweaport sona were arrested in London for assaults, co., 1 exery Oontla packed circMlly for tramlt. ""o. fawabllrma. CASTLE i. k IJ?ly Materlali tlad A era I for Ilawatlaa lalaada. Cq . M. ilmrt RnaaeH fttcC, Waoaaabnry. tanaaj. more or less eeriouB, npon the police. This lnt m THtS HAWAIIAN a. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & roil thrar ftr Wa?nihrae'' ihU piortaarae-aaaeaJ- an increase of only ten on Uio previous And IntNWtrra of aod Dealrara la Ilay. Uraln. and c .irn.iG, LYCAN CO., MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION tax ean "( "t,J Pa4 repauiloa 111 luW? wii Orneral l'rodoee. Ilonolala, II. I. ly pkalkks t WASHINGTON naetltelao. J i olH- - Urarawna luc Importer, Wholciale and Retail Dealer inntBTEBs airo MADB TO OR1TKR THE PACIFIC MUTUAL im4 lr CkkMT. jear. Mercluuidlee, PaUnUnca, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY haa rarnen for ilttf no ooljr la Uln4w.tar bntaH rrofcsaor Uoyal rLACaaraxciciJ). wa.Q.iawiv. in General Merchandise General Mualcal Aa a rraiaJrerwwal atttWy we watt Ball, the Aatrouomcr for Chromoa, ttc &o. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE KATES. wtmm0t. a t -- . More, King Enfavinga, to COMPANY iMllxa akwlkri brilrr unaattrJ lat taouaatl J. Ireland, in an address on comets; considered W3U IltWI. A CO., And China Good, In the Fire nioof coiner OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. LIFE INSURANCE we bear at ItMls optMOie and nnann streets. l The Cheapert place to Bay 4 ball bffaHtt" iu that the meteoroida aecn aa shooting stars in Sugar Factors and Commission Agents l'3 ami nrty Antlalw4un h.ieif Th nthee braaaa, wt ae IK HONOLULU. JtoHnment ril Ilentlotonr ClrHnel CaiuAli.tlJ.nnarTllt.llH. JUD3.J50.31. Ul beoaara.bn(, W L.A.THl'BTos. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE r.lLIIORAM. mmv is any. ara now rvtrtalfi i the native 166G were attaillj tbo remains of the tails of Jionoiain. ii. i. iii o. snmi Itevt. fata we la are their Iheeo FUTURE FRAMES of all klnda T.K.a Ul.ha Loaa or Vf Fire oo Dealre to Call the partlcnlar alteatlon of rtnybfJf, IoKtw tlMlral, Jew comets. & CO. W. O. SMITH & CO, to order. Ordere from the olhcr lalanda promptly attended lo. aialt Dln..ad FarBtlBrB oo allTbolMi man.rat We twM ntnltlple teataee JIOLLISTER made ItBtldlar. Mnrb.Bdli. U.hi..rj 4MmwmalKmriTmi4wi vAcacyW Dr. Cattlo Accord log to Professor WanUjn the manu- Real Brokers, farorable trrtnl. A. JAEI1EU. TO Til KIR t aad byaeatver. Drugrgsts &. Tobacconists, Stock and Estato HH7 So. 107 Fort M.. Ilooolaln. ltim Atrnt for Hawaiian lalaada. FTrowaa'a kloraalrne le PtarvbaM facture of gas from limed coal is a success, aa WS yo.M Merchant M, llonolBla. II. I, If lapaanM.t'ranipa, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, LACK, aenaUae, ihalhavaneewiea, sulphur TV. HONOT.ULU IRON WORKS CO. MRS. THOMAS I aa4 aa a awneral lMlRr it reduces the amount of comounds a. Nwn.nn bltvtU A cor rort A Mcttbuit fru. lira CLARENCE ASHTORD, Tbe City of lonrlon Fire In- Tontine investment Policies oaal abaarvaUon Oarta aaaaa peaea, now. an to three crams in the hundred cubic feet, and - tibo., MILLS St Ilonolala. btairtlwra. and evva tw Ue tank Wo NeaaaeT Cb-- r. VATi:itmn;si:. Attornoy, solicitor, STV.n KXGISK8, SftJAIl No. 10 Fort Co., Which coaUlnthHIudbpnUMClae,H aealtaalf. wa havn aUaaajaedaoIta avpfHnatreawwall. increase the yield of ammonia and tar by the jn.- OFFICE 13 Kaahamano Street, 2rt. Braaa aad Lead Cutfnra surance limited. GENERAL irT? Uellcra,Cjlr,Iro, .to Keertietloa on Travel or IteaMence, la power YVe bate woe need an aear twraa ot tbie abolition of the lime purifiers. IKrOKIF.R ARD DEALER IS IQIIJi I o tf .IlLlaallhnL'aiMaBrowM'a ftSB L'mftett XEBCHAXSISE. llnnolnln.il. Machinery of Every Description IMPORTER and DEALER Tre from Oaafer of For fetter Im j- that It la daeMaly alanftana aeao atf The Eogliab authorities aro once more n- -i ar- MaJ IX - CAPITAL. 810,000,000 tbnt.aed 41fC Sl JBW p btftft. HoBolalB, II. I. l :i::ii. iutowrt. lOrdr.B :::::: AUO we owe to th ofeeeton and tbo pnbfle, aa aeo ititutio ftctire measures to suppress bcttiog. ATTOHHET AHD COUKSELWK AT LAW, TarUcnlir sUcnlloii PiJ to Ship Blackimitnlng a4alon thai lae aabat4ettoa of aaf aAer lbaa 1MB IIII.I.l.-tiIIA.1-l J CO.. notice. Itt.1 ly Sowing Machines, and Conuino AX JUCMTAT The Emlcivfmrnt I'ollr and the Uraaar la aanaea Farrai war wa At LeicesvEr recently a publican named XOTABV ri'BLlC, nAtlTUIJar.tllLIHIII.il lalanda. ISb nndrf Ifrfit atutiuTim rarrnwr HARDWARE nee or tnn mianrr rtinuia Ilrough was fined X3 3 for permitting betting. mrORTERS AKD DEALERS IB AndAKentforualnsArlnowleilirinent.oflBitrBnienta BURGESS. Parta, Attachments, Oil alsnll, nrrparrdloarrrptrlika a;alB.ISron Jtnloal InuMmfnt ToUrja turn MTa arv. Jrr, faith falla vwart. At Co. Uotjd., Oil., .no Orn.r.1 for Uie l.laod of Oabo. N.r. 34arhfn.ry.on tho moat Mevabcra of tba of Sreat Brtfiu. Eta The detectiTes got ladders at the rear of the Callrrr. lrj l'.lnU .ltd " rnrnllaT., fbera. al? Mfrchindlvr, yo CamtbelllIloch.lerchanl,MllonolBla. ly OAnrKNTiiit. nunjr)nn. and Acccssorlos. farorablo trrraa. Kxcvllewrv lb- Vrvrev CbenOala premises, and watcucd tho Letting opera- lwr, fo. 3T J'ort btrrrt. Iluoolnlii. lr Shop on Kins .Mreet, opposite Roee'. re- - yon Losses I'romptlj Atljnstfiliincirajalilf Here. Thla Ihe naate trstaal tions. SARAH E. FEIRCE, M. D. ErllnialeaclTenon all klndo of bolldine. Vhrn Ax;Tr friiw taoaei mt rvllaWri fAl ftlkX iv bancWtae W fao Wo CARTER, np latent baa aitpcrler, and fewenaala. tettlee alt t'lalmc thai J l .NU Brawn waa, andwobred. the S.M. nnlrrd. Uffic and More littrd In the Eat White, Hew Home, 1' l. IlEJtUCII. bi y Hated lr Winter and wild beasts make sad work Acent U AcknowlodcmcnU to Con. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN. erntj1ra. K'palrin or erery dewrlptlon dona In promptly; aeta hwneatly and mrly a.l. lava! f i that the etorj ftbaef. Last-yea- tks maanf-r- . and at reasonable ratea. . ItaU 1, Ai..Bt for th Hawaiian l.la.d UT larnrmatlon, write lo. or call aa. daai i VMhrratw-t- anarae, wbhrb,, ha. arxm domestic animals in Itusiia. JN'o. ISthtwI tbe beat twelble Davis, Crown, Howe, and fevfaitter trnctt for Iiaber. Offlce and Iieldn.cc, O btrcet, l't.V ty rrrt1lr. tn ... kad tWWW WOfWl - Tb TtWMr' js Irom eno atonnp, Uffir T. M. 8. DocL. Honolnl., 11. 1. 1'ort and Emma. It it declared luat cold, l ErptD.df, Florence Machine', Provincial pari tlcnrral AgfaV ftw lh Hawaiian IUaH In II Vf and disease 5550 camels, 32,000 horses, II,-O- )ir OFFICE a. m., IT0lo3r. The tonilon and tiolil rf ht.lik- - - C4 M Vkt ed tM C. C. STRATEMEYER, th weed! UrJ-Cal- . i cattle, and 130,000 aheep perished, and Kn.T. LK.KKS. C It. COUkE. 5S1 Howard's Machino Needles, tnrb Nntir mihon i .tn. n it- ataaap. that 70,000 cattle were killed by tho wolves. 20I.3 ritACTICAL l!?tnfral HDwrlifltnunts. lltwur 'I"i'Hii i.maaeBi iii:AVi:u!t a. ansTACE. all kinds & sizes; niii i ii a, oeapenie lo Lx.ERf cooui:.A1)ic.ok, a FIH33 (. wi Xo one of my fellows can do that special tacccteotl (Formrrlx wltlj D. F. Vollea X Co.) WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER CorticalUSilk. ! t im t iw bed Inttiaitwe work for me which I hare come into the world IM0ETEES& DEALERS IN LUMBER Grocer, SIGN INSURANCE COMPANY lo do; lie may do a higher work, bat Ira can- Wholesale and Retail in all colors; DIES rwrw 111 Kind fcirr-r-t, undrr Ilarmoof Hall. . R.. it sir.. Ol. m 'in- tion flan not do my work. I cannot hand my work trti cr tutLOF 10. lB$T. djlnattocl.' Fill w r I'amtlr, Plantation, and Milpa' ttorea enppUrl at " CiailK.S 3IILK KMl.JIACHIXE IOTTOX. nTcr (oiiim, any more than I can band tliort notice ew (iooili hy crrrj eteamer. . 1 VII.I.I.V31N, MTi ocr AU'IIKU .S. IIAIITIVKI.I., fallhfolljr execotetl. Sltbscrilicil UAl'lTAI, my responsibility or my gifts. Raskin. tbe other Itland IHroRTEB. UAHnFACinBEB BPHOISTMEB AOEST FOK T-LAW, per" TELErilOSE .Vo. IIP. !"1 1y JL F. Dupoot in a paper on certain catbon-ifero- COUNSELLOR AND DEALEE IN Madame lirmnrr.t'a Rrliabln Cm Taprr 1'atterni, II,OOO.OOO.l limestones explains the formation of D. 11. HITCHCOCK fubkiturC of evert description and fnblicallima. Pralrr In OFr'ICE-OV- BAN K OF BISIIOI-- lo,-- J abo,B ConpaB, bav. now ..tabllali.4 at. the cider marine rocks of organic origin by Attorney at Law and Notary Fnklic, FnrnllnreWart!tiniaKo.6irorl Workshop at , and Snorting Gotida, Aerncy here, and nr prrpamttotaaBltlakf on f will prompt It Rlflra, rltlnlf danr, causes still in operation, and from this lloiiolol.. II. I. am llaiopenedanU.Hrelnllllo.where to tbc old ilani on Hotel blmt. rTfrj drwrlptlon wfthia th.o ltand attend lo all lnalnera rntrnated to falm. Mint, roniIrr,Caf. k Mrtalk Carttldurs. T WATERI10SE. Arrnl. and Orricra from Ita. otlirr Iilanili promptly attrnuef! lo. lltt, J. Jn.. & dedoces a fresh proof of tbo value of the JAMEM JI. JlOnSAllII.M, Will attend all the Terma of tbe Clrtnlt Court, ly WHITMAN WRIGHT, will atM attend tbe Local Clrcalt Coarta In Kan. IWI com parati to method applied to the study of Attornojr 31. ROSE). and Counsellor at Law. VVA SUUVEYINO IWM3 PKOMITLY lj KEROSENE STOVES! MnrcTMir to J. the put geology of the globe. rSpcdtl.tliliBn paid loth nrcotUIIon of Lo.fl.,') D. SIMPSON, In all iaee, 4 Conrr;nclD,BBil til nutter. aprr1.lnin; lo Ileal illCKERTOW, U. HOTEL STItEET, It is slated that sackcloth, or canvas, can II1CIIAWI i. tVHarlns teeuretl Ihe twice ol a I Irtt Claas una be made aa impervious to moisturo aa leather ATT 01. NET AS3 C0UN6EE0H AT LAW ar TKLEPHOSB Xo. 3 and Lockm(th and trtoroit;;h Mftbanle, I am now Carriage Manufacturers, Kotarr Fnbljo and Commiaaioner of Deed. d work In that Una, with iiromptaeaa and by Keeping m a decoction of ono pound of For bUXn o Will atlrnd Ihe Trriua of Conrtaoa tbe other AND CASFITTER lo it tbc Callfonila and Vtw VorL. Monre to It nd on Monr-- e of Freeholda. sfOKKICE PLUMBER aiapairn. taiaiDu nrurra hhitiihii sm oak bark witli fourteen ponuds of boiling rsrofflcf. No ia Vrrchinl L IIoboIbId, II. I. 'o.s:Jl(rthantbt.,5io.irBfroinDr.MansrnwaId,j. DEALER IS Meoir ILn 3m Wheelwrights and Howard water, this, quantity being sufficient for eight . and Tin, Sheet Iran and Coiner Beale Sis., nr . Storra Rancn, . AMI . . yards of stiufL The cloth has to soak tweoty-fo- . Mtl.-V- A. ' i:. IIAI.I. A: xii 1:0. 11. iavii:n Co. Copper Wan. . n.iroBjtlJi hours, when it taken out, passed ft Co J TUlfflEIIinnTOi Hvriivi-n- is UillTED. Latk Jabiox.Ubkcs Ker? C'ou.lantl on hand a tiBprrlor Aliaorttnrnt at through running water, and huog up to dry. AND COMMISSION MEECHABT5, W. IKrOKTZES AND SZAIEXI 1H HARDWARE IMrOETESS 7J2 Tin Ware, (lalianlrrd Iron and If ad pipe. If GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, K. TATLOJ. Tnfl. ;0IZTH XOOZZ. tin. This is bow corn pops: When pop corn is Mow, ral&lf, Olla asd Grarral SlrrcbandlM, J.KO ASIXTfl FOB VnTNS?RANCEpM Syr I "TI Llojd'aand ibeUrerpoolUaderKTitera. gradually heated, and so hot that tho oil in- ty- - Com.r Tort and King w Hf. IlrliUh and Fvrrien Marine laearanee Cowp-n- j, . William B. McAllister Cf LON00M,rjlGlANO T side the kernels turns tn cas. this gas cannot And INortiirrn Ucmpanyv JM 77. 70 nmt 81 Ii.ii;; BUILDERS Auannfe It . aELIjrniTJVTj I No. 75. St. Or STEJM MICHINE&f escape througu the hull ol the kernels, bat Donii. rnopiiiETon,HOTBIj, X33aVTIST, iltluVOI.Ul.t', II. i. jaiili . WISEMAN, IN AI . IT BRAM HEW when the interior pressure gets strong enough CORKEPI J. OF roT MD HOia STREETS. H0H01W.U. & Employment Bureau in it bursts the grain, and the explosion it so Tb. Al.a. Win., aad Llqaor Real Eatate Broker i'euuaxently located hosolclu. IS sobb.obo.l C0n.la.tl7 on band. M Koama CotUea. and aell and Icaaea. tho HaWn violent it shatters it in the most curious l1t LlTfryfeublraaltacbcd to tba Hotel ly If Hon,or Km ploy- - I'OI A. JAECEP. Alfntl.r I. Steamboat. Steambhlp, Land that Ileal EaUte tn all parta tho hlncdom. Ihe above lint. It avia pwrcfcel feaanlho Kaeenaor. thopc work Id all ration Molrl and Fort Slreeta.neer U.S. mm watt-I- t manner. ment found for lerLlntr tbe OmCECon.tr Ik. tatk aad ef lh a l GEORGE L. DAD COCK, bnalnrrs connected h Iheie Inland. Treglaan'a Clolhlni; More. Entrance on Hotel M. M HVHK, tranrheaof KINO AND STREETS. of the late J. eoollt of the AND Some very ancient ruins have been discover- - J (late ol Oaklaad, Cal.,) Iff X. drawn, llllla Collected, roRT LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE ENGINES BOILERS A kept. and ceneraloRlce work trana- - ed near aiagdalena, in aouora, .Mexico, mere Iluoka and oonla Atttntlon paid to restoration and cold . Toaohor on ZMnno Forto. aciitl. ratronaretollcfted. Comniletiona moderate. Dlltn-- n. Carriage Shop, in.) n pKR.HHtRE on rovprrvt. Is one pyramid which has a base of 4350 feel Addre.it Ljtan A Co Kort frtreet Ilonolala, II. I. HW INSURANCE CO. and to a height of 750 feet It has a Mra. Dodnlff. Beretanla ctreet. KM I(tlyinconpoIorLat reaaouable charge locals CHARLES HAMMER Wheelwright Shop, rics tbe "f lno UJI 3m - $31,101,000 atCE-t- alininaV. winding roadway from the,bottom. Hundreds C. & COMPANY, conhurnco HAVING Assets, Shop, TIX.r.l.iif lMlitaMa wtb EMPIRE HOUSE, BEEWER Blacksmith I alia of Wood, trm or rwatMM of rooms. Irom' five lo ten to sixteen or cich- - (LIMITED) J. UL1JS. t t 1 t t 1 t rroptletor. Bought Tor C'nsli, a Largo Stuck Claims Paid, $88,714,000 Shop, and -. teen feet square, hare been cut in the aides of Mercantile CommNiion Agenl, Paint OKni tftr tLH.MI.- rwpaanal wftea M tuu.M:K .ii,rA.tuA.'i)ii(Ti:i. sTntirrs. Oiicrnl k jVwilliams & go, CnTAnialNIIEn AH auemcy in ikt luis mountains, lticse are ot solid sione, (JUEEN STI1EET. 1I0X0LULU. II. I. or HAVE for the Hawaiian lalande, and the Trimming Shop, Ignrd are prepared to write rlrka la.lt t 1IIJI. Bnrfw aad HiaaaaTwaw ea with no entrance except at tho top, and no CHOICE AXES. WINES AND LiaUORS mi, 102 sTitKirr. asalntt now prepared lo reeetw order (W work at mteftaT NfKtn W.1 Ijr rmir Ate rvtaeeajcc km hiero- u.T or timcla.. First-Cla- Si in atwv atreelad wltk tbe Tlwd wWta ttVfJ windows. On the walls are namcrou ss Harness Fillings! FIIIE 0. DCILDIXGS, 3IERriI.UDlSK any of the oraMhea. j.n.KAWAuroi, T. C. JONES. IB rrldrst and Maaasrr Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. aro ta b enapbaprd Inaaafi aad draft ef glyphics. JONF.ril (1. CAltTEh . Trea.Brer aad Secretary IUVKLLINGS pd Acent to take Acknowledgments to Labor IIEM1V.MAV Andltor TmUy Cnrriaces. The Analyst says that pare creosote, not WOIIK KIN1SMEU IN I now rnabirtl to mannlactnrn On favorable term. IwIIlBa;Klafcai,HieelnIllr Contract. MKECTOBa. a period Phaeton, MTKAn riMlLKn. ratttewlae aUnntao tw carbolic acid, proves beneficial to consump- Kor of Koaa. DeUebeddellta;aaBdtralentalninTt-- for the Dl.trlet umceM.rcb.Bt fclreet, II. Hon. II. A. r. CAltTElt. Crayon. ptemlama advance. tao ajeatttp f the Mien! end twtkutWf, m4 tives and sufferers from chronie'eatarrh; it is o'o.He yallora' Home. Itttt ly Ilox. CIIAS. IllbllOr. Watcr.Colors, MUao DEtcvx'Xioss of three year, for two U tAt Du(fKlc, 7Iy India Ink, OH. Bost RiUnate! anil wajyublo hert. also markedly Tbo proper .r. nobtok. . a. kobtob or .rnitlrgap am - BlwilorJtCO. LYONS & IXVEY, , EVER TRODUCEII HERE, Hz pr . adult dose is from Li to 3 of a gram, two I.'. V. .MIIITUS A; l.'O'N Photo. Colored &c nlUtk niLUa A.ID MlUIUMAMI5iU RA. Omnlbua. atnda aftvr tba aaead apprwead plan. or three times daily. The maximum single Store, furore Raacb Dealer. In Cbolee Gro- IUCTIOKEERS J GED'L C0BB1SSI0N KERCHANTS GHItMAN LLOYI) 'lltr.RT riantaUon. The Only Complcto Collection o( Cheaper any House Breaks Aloe eft Hotter Iron Wnth enaaeetanl iberrwH. dose is 4 of a grain. It is lest given in cerica aod lronlon. and UeBcral Merebandie. Hearer DIocL, lneca btrret, Ilonolala. than . ly Marine Company of Berlin. - V pills, made by melting two parts of yellow SALES OF FCKSITUItfi, MTUCK. ItEAL ESTATE Islatul VIchh, IN TOWN. Insurance Trucke. WATKIt r t fc.rf Baff oe MMI ttea. el tef tv. .wax and one of creosote, to which any other E. S. CTJNHA, and General Mrrchandlre pnrerl7 alteoded to. FcriM, Mitlls, ned In anttabl Irnglb av nwaaalbna; taeMhee. mr UNTIL Milk Wagoni, abeeva paaxtwd aad packed fae ablpaatrat. ingredients desired may 1e added. Sole Agents Tor American anil Europraii "DON'T lTIlCIIASK, FO ItTUNA rlbd, Zlotnll w Cnrlolllei Ar. Plantation Wagon , Made tw bo rlvHed on tbe fjuaad. It is said thatglass is gradually beginaiog UNION lnoSALOON,Soalor. MERCIIANDISE. General Insurancejompany of Berlin. " YOU 1IAVK SEKX HIS (!00I)S." aUef w lo take the place of wood and iron in tho Ib tbe rear oflfae nawallao Gazette " baildins. J1 rrrOlinrcoa Modornto.JI'W Mnlo Carta. Oa Ceu-te- . ittnittt Lunii:ri.u. wi id & HAWAIIAN C A .1 4 4 tee ftp oandV hj tbi- - construction of bridges in Kogland. The in- ra No. 3 Mmhmt ly THE WESTERN Fine Mnfe and iHioblr Ham era, qiiiE Aitovn lit It E 0niA?IIIA labWabara. rved bf vonroru ana Junie jiarncM, X have eataMlahed a Ueneral Ajcrncy here, and tne Ilantl Carta, ftc4 Ac Ilpdrnntle Mack.arry. Ibvt naalHr ef wwtfc ventor makes blocks pf glass which he hard- XV. nDa(iIRBra,ueBrraia4ieBi,areaoiBoiurti 10 ua A. FEIRCE CO. INVESTMENT COMPANY, CEO. LUCAS, Expreraand TlanUlion llarnen. Made to the moat at bH4 far aaprthw in baal wck ens by a special process. In solidity it fs EBIF CHAHBLEXS k COKXISSIOrT MEECH4KTS Brldlrff, hlpa, Cnrry Combe, Illlt) asjalntDheDnulteraol the tVeaint tlie order la hort notke. aad on the moat favortMeferna. HIIII'WunM. and ! 'aptan said lo leave rothiog to be desired. The ex- aoEKTa roa fXjX3Bxxn?xi:D. llratirf, Spare, lrealnrs.cle..etc. and n tho thi. Wt & BUILDER Wot lraaaaUe Itatra. Wlaxbe. Attaad lr n n foaaa nuaie aflet the already made given surpris- Brand' Gum aud Bomb Lincre, Long Short Periods CONTRACTOR XaMt ui periments bare Money Loaned for or I'nvrableTerin BLACKSMITHING in all lis Branches, Haoal apa7wvrd plaa results, and tho cost is below that of UVrrj BitI.' Pain Killer. OMorsclcttaa. SadOloe, UW Iy K. A. SCIIABrKK CO., Ueneral Acrnta. ing Aeua-- P.mp. r.w fmgalloa orCtlp bridges of wood or Iron. Moreover tho glass Wi N'o. 40 Qneea bL.Ilonolala. ly ON APPROVED SECURITY. THE WEST IN THE ISLANDS. Pl'fln tmi tb taWbet-- d lHvp cannot be inj a rod by insects like wood, nor Apply lo W. I OHF.KN, w Rrn.lrlnv do. In llii htt rnaut.tr.and at the PRUSSIAN NATIONAL Carriage lVorl, Walav Worh parpawea bailt with -? J. IV. UIRTIX tV Miviuil Lowrat Batea. Only Fliat L'laaa Workmen Employed Valve Morion aMpeitlnanrtber peaip re 6 ted like iron. CommUsion ilercltani am! General Dealer OFFICE-Bca- ier Illotk. Fott Street. I"1? Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, TiiMiiriiueo Ooiiiiny Ilon.e lVork, AcohI for WwetMiad;twaa Dapita annaaa ' A paper reccntlr read before tho French (trneerlea. Hardvare.Malionery ) In Dry Goodi. FAUEKROSS, ornrirrTi.T '.Ship Work, Academy of Medicine expressed the writer's Tatcnt Xedlelnea, rerfnmery, aad VICTOR Esplanade, Honolulu, H. I. ' conviction that one in every S000 persons ia !WI MALM and JewEller, tHMl t t HalehatMitrk. ,UOtf,UOr Arlr.Ijn it'll ll'orl, buried alivo. Thit estimate, however exag- WA1LUKU. Practical Watchmaker 2iannr.c'nr,a all fclnda of gerated, is not calculated to allay an S. GRINBATJM ct CO, rpilK CXin:iWICXKI IIAVINt: Ur ?larhlnfrj rorlnv appreT K. No. 9 Kls hlrcet, Honolntn, opposite L lieenannolcleil a?ent of the alwri" t'onpaay for henaion which is conspicuous among the KronTXBJ or Mouldings, Brackets, J. T. Waterlioatc'a. the Hawaiian Idand la prrparrd lo aerpt rtika g French people, and which was laUl brought General Merduaadiao aad Commlnion Mer-- Window Framos, SAMUEL NOTT, azalt riro on llalldtax. Farattare, Mfrrhandlae, Horse-shoein- a Specialty. to public attention by tho declaration of the 1019 chanta, Honolulu. H. I. ly Watcbea of all kind Kepaircd In a tatU factory Blinds, Sashos, Doors iTvtince. saxar tiiiit,c..oa ina nmm. ia raum irrmi Vnncr and at Kraronable Trices. I dan J Ordrri at- WoodBork LOSSES PROMPTLY IDJUSTED MD PaTXBLC HERE. Tresident of the Chamber of Notaries that ex- M. S. GRINBATJM At CO Anil ill Llniliol Hnl.li. tended to a itb rromploesr, and all orL done bj na la II I.IKME.NSn.riKll.K.t. press instructions are given in cue will out Plumbing, At H'l Mer Co ' Gaarantred to Sal action. wt6l Scroll and Band iW Ijo of erery ten to have the testator's heart picrc-b-y Commission Merchants, plC lf Turning, Sawing! Order from Ihe "ther I lead in "T a qualified surgeon before the lid of tho No. 124 California St. San Francl.co.Cal U.S. .. .Bl.i. I. ami', ii. General Insurance Com'py. (W7 ly) Til tiiici;.ii, Gas Fitting, r ALLWOItKllaDMAtEKIll CUIWHUID. coffin is screwed down. iirunnxo ad mam t ricrciua Planing aud Sawing, .For Sen, Rlrer and La.nd Trsnaport Jf . a AND - - 4 'ft The natives of the Chloe Islands make use rr.B Tea Trrn 6TATI0NEB, NEWS AGENT, Morticing and Tenanting. of DRESDEN. riaa ?ie befr- putt ha in.- m 'rn'trt rs ef a curious natural barometer, to which, Acent to take AcknonrlodiEmenta to Con. PAPER HIJLEK. Tinsmith & Roofek, InseWnlirre Mrrcbant M. Campbeira niock, & Fort fcU near Hold, TO KSTAHLrKHHII AN from its having been first noticed by the Cap- tracts forldhbor OKVEKS I'JlOMI'TLr ATTENDED HAVI.NU Honolulu for Hawaiian trrlawd. ATTEMIQ.t GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. In Dl.trlet of Kona, Iflandol Oaba.at Ihe Office of UonolaU, Oihn, II. I. the re the ,tml Work llnarattleed. the Ueneral Ageel. are aathotlaed to lake - - tain of an Italian corvette, the name Water Worlr , foot of 'onann Hawaiian Almanac and Annua! oa- .tlit)lil!xr"ltlEII!- P- !.' a tbe llunolaln buret. AUo,ral)l!hcrof the aollcltcd. t has been given. This bbbb uaaaan, Urdrrs Irom th othrr Itlandi Araucano' IV . n fDla llnBJIolal aVTllVTVBVij aaw H"l m Will IlonolBln, MayS,18M. RIaka ajatnat the Danger of tide Seat at tbe norel weather guide is tho shell of a crab, VT. MeCHESNEY &. SON Th 'UrrrbantntrrrtStorr, The Fort atriet Store probaly tho genus M. will t deeoted to trnrral! embrace Flno tMatlanery, Moat Iloa.aona.1ila Ratoe. and on the WHITMAN & WEIGHT. one of the Anomura, of DEALERS IN Stationrrr. Illank Bookf.lRooLi, Artlrta Matrrtala, MMTlf. fjwduct. i. Ltthodea. It is peculiarly sensitive to at- Newt and uindinc utpan iioti anarancr uwwi, ffmntslir Moat TaTorable Toi-m- (Ranges. nearly tnenia Iy. mospheric It has a color Leather, Hides, & Tallow r. A hCHAErCH A t(l. as soon as wet ml W while in dry weather, but Altl KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION IWIy- - A seat for Ihe Ilanallan Illanda weather approaches small red spots are ex- MXtXtOZCAlVTH RAMSAY & LANS, aotV twni.Ml I nMl for iNlr la Beaver Saloon BT M COKbEISHOlT SMl.11 . hibited, varying in number and intensity w ith AGENT!) FOR CrOio.GXaX loaall parchaaera. by A.M)....Grocers I.aj jy t. Aruu. & the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. In Oomp'y. WILDERHonolnln, Itawalimi JInntU.CO.,Uen Ha J. NC'.TE, : ; ; : Proprietor. completely noynlVKS Ao. eiyneenSoapEC llonoiniB.il. 1. iy the rainy season it is red. SOfiP W0EKS! era A urn la of ttir The last contribution of modern chemistry M. THOMPSON. JPi'ovision DealexS) HAWAIIAN AU.67110T1.I.NT. I t t IIOXOUtlLC. anrf In Mnnorrrillax all otlirr Mran lUllcn. the production of quinine from mORHEMT-U- I SOLICITOR IK CHUICERT; Mutual Life Insurance Coinp'y Be, to aaaoaace to hie IrHnt' tl.. to science is pnaet In gnaarnl HCI.lt IT IS SORE gas tar. Professor Fischer, of Munich, has Practice In the Contif, and prepare Goods Delivered to Customer's Real nr. tE Died, Wnxa, MnBTflaiitaa, Llama, CojmutT. & or Tomi. opened the Saloon succeeded in obtaining from distilled coal a AtiRiiasvr. Etc aad nfrollatea denecs. Free or Charge. GREY CO., Largoat, Safott and Most That ho baa aboro Economical of Taol, while crystalline jwwder, which, so far as JtOXEYEfi LttASS. XVTES VQliTGAbES. Jaat Kecetvrd exlatearrlrala.a rrerhllnaof SfanufaclHrera and Dcalcra In where flrst-daa- e Rafreahmcnte action the human system, can- STOA5, HVMfS, .iU. Loao LI.Uo U EjoIoJo, regards its on ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO aYvej S (Ut m wnaWr thm OfffCE-Corn- er Garden Seeds & Fresh Groceries. 1H be fraaa a a. If p not be distinguished from quinine except that Fort and Merchant btret, ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Taaloror Tramoaoatati 1018 Hostuxxt'. H. 1. 3m - THE WORLD! it assimilates cveu more readily with the tir- ALL ORDERS FILLED WITH PROBPriESS. -- J l.clcn. King Street Honolnln. IN ImawHaK aapervlelM ef t'enftt CktfH Cbi4 efficacy reducing fever heal IhLANli OKDKBS SOLICITED Itref, Malt on and Coat Tallow wanted. Order left I stomach. Its in E. P. ADAMS, tf A Co', ijarra btreet.wtll meal villi prompt alt Cash Assots, ovor 800,000,000 THE fiSIST GRADES Of AND COSTS NO M0RE1 be remarkable, creo rendering the o. Queen FUeet, lloooUla, II. I.. S, g.CAtTUU 9. IU ATBEBTflB trillion. Wl ly STOVES, is said to It ar Kar lafatmallon atoarmlBt lk Cntananr. atsil aw Wall oVralon oao aow roo ho Mal3o4 o use ot ice unnecessary. The importance of A: for lUtea of Intarancc, apply to V 1LUER A Co Tobaccos, STOCK & REAL ESTATE BROKER CANTM. COOUI!. fien'I Aeenta. or such-- discovery as Ibis consists uot so much SHIPPING AHD COMMISSION KERCH aNTS iiirniM)i.iTA MAituirr. or ItANGES, J. K, WISEMAN, Cigars, pipos and W. C. ROWELL, Honolulu. in the actual fact achieved as in the atimulus villi! tsk AS In Acent. HoxoLtxc btvat Jt Uoxd Etciixai, C. WALLER, Proprietor. P-- lntt Bolkltlor rto. Aaosrs UawaMoa .given to scientific research, by Uie opening op Dealers In General Merchandise, Smoker's Sundries lasa. ro- Stocks and Bonds of all kinds Bought and King Mrret llonotntn. SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL new channel of investigation. The 'o. faO King Sunt, Honolnli. II. I. I feonea by a pereoaal Mlmttim fron tral elaae WHITE ofa Sold on Commiaalon. Choice ! MraU Irom Flneal Iferdi. Lamps, Chandeliers, haa been eMafsed. HI ft to ftato mance of gas tar is evidently far from being Telephone- No. IPS ly a4 ?. AGENTS FOR FIBE AM) HAKLXK INSUKANCE lime to time. exhausted. In addition to the ewectofrt scents, tf & brilliant dyes, the most powerful S. J. LEVXY & CO Tbc Kohala tagar 'o HaUtead, or WaUlaa SOLE SADDLE LEATHER. A1 COMPANIES OP NEW ZEALAND. Of of Braaewtak A Kalho'a the most The IlalkB riantation. disinfectants, and even prosaic acid are some Wholesale and Rotail Crocors, TbeAleiander Dald- A. II. fcmith Jt Co.. a Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins CAPITAL . 920,000,000 of the numerous and wonderful products of KURT bTKEET, llonotata. H. I. riantalinni loa.kaaal. i.TI.VOMIA.1(II AJIDKHIJIALE Gonoral , Culcbralwl Lilliard Tables riantation 4. M.Alexander.IIalkB. ttOHr the well kanvn Cal.mltrdLlaM.ityofSbarrVjMer-- Jtaalajf Joint Its decomposition Ion a a rolley. and Previa of all kindaon hand The Ilitcbeock to. jaaai. AVulmeat rannrry , 1'arhrr, QUANTITIES T0 SUIT or and received from Europe asd American I'lanutlon J. 1. HOUSE FURNISHING IJavia: ciUbllfbcd an Ase&e) at lloaolnln, for thi laenaeta4 with the aUbHkael where lower Most old people die from rerilulr Ifllo Tniinery, V.H. IjmaR. rroprletor.tr'r llawallBii; lalaiaila. lb aalrraivai nrebauoal to at- - of tao eae taa yarUerpat. WH or m 101a ai inc loarti marariraica. The Union lot aranea Conpanj of Saa Franclceo. vlra on ltalhllnza, Merc hand exposure. In old agt the resisting power anirauiinnda delinked to all of th cltr free of cbaire Company of r CLEGIIOUNJtCO.,Arnt. fpt rlka ajaiaat It, i tarla The New England Life Inenraare AH raranare. jaacamcria-- ,vn .a nwi urim the system is very greatly lessened, and a IMT Irand eden aIlclted, aod prompt attention The Blaka llannfacterinz Co.. of IWIott. will be gtm to he aame. aral ! degree of exposure or iodiscrelion which D. X. WHn'i ralMit Uentrif Harbmea. IIA1filWAKI Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- roa .UWEU The New York and Uonolata Tackrt Ua. Ralls l few steel borno with impunity a ;. w. and Can might havo been macfakii;aco The Mrrchaata Line. Honolnln rrancltca. JUST RECEIVED able Here ! PORTABLE OR PERMANENT cn. tmtry earlier in lire may bo sufficient to dis- IXFOIITESS AVD C0KKISSI05 MESC HANTS, Ir. Jajner ob' CJcl.ratcd Medldnen. NEW 1ILOCK, years Wilcox Ulbb'f. Mn-- er HanBractarlnsConpanf. aod CAJU'IlKTilS BUBillk vital machinery sufficiently to BEAVER BLOCK. Marine Kltfei on MerehaaJIin, TreleltU ! turb ihe 1012 UlieelerAmiroaa'Sewlnsilacblaea lr rORT STREET OppoilteWHdrf .Co. fatal results. Excess in eating ia per- Cat Fort and Qaeea Mrcet. tlooolala, II. I. CONCH EE& AH UNG and Tnuara. t Carrent Rata. Railways cause of hastening dis- atKT rt FOItT STREET, ABOVE KIKO, T.OBoa.OI. lOIHy U. BKLtiEB. 15 14 lba. to the haps a more general la of t. it, lengthti jard Wo wdnt tho Public to undoc ex- Tbe C row and litikolati Use Pactrta. pai faa Ifalun t.Uada. solution in the old than any other form of iabm A Co'a Ltrerpool and London FacLeU SALAMANDER FELTING ip, Jaat reeetvM per "Dai of Aoercora." liar SiJLU33. TUAai-ATLA.ITI- C stand that tho cess. The diminished bodily admty renders Tbe Walkapa ruautloa. New Goods of Various Descriptions FOB fren Mrerpool wants the The itpeneer rjaaUtia, Ullo, FOR PLAXT HBKKTOFOUK less food necessarv to supply Ihe of Plantation, HUo, Iir FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Vf.L or Union Feed CompaBj, taken is Hakalaa THE oa Ike V'CUAXr n.ASTATION.cemil.UiI rrtpplr Uttttlt body; and when the amount of food llrrleea,Talt WaUoa, Hacblaerj. Covering Tipcs ip iianntnu. U tt MJttrAKLAXC A ft.. I. Ilooo. ao4 WllHoo to rnraiih an raw be- Sheep Kancb Compear. loll ttoilcrvSicaw OVERSHOT IRON L A not proportionately reduced tho system Tbe rnsloa Chinese and Japanese Ware! OF MILL, Capital ef the Coaapaay lUeerec rlckaawrkOinjtm Axeatrnfor Jaow FMWjevAlo ETC., ETC. dlamclrr. with OATS, BARIET. BRAN. comes clogged, the blood gross, excited, and I1YMAA 1IUOM.. ALSO. LATEST STTLI Or J0 fcrl (ariB;; fUT, c., U . filled with imperfectly elaborated male rial; Savos 2G percent, of Fuel- - Coalrri, Crntrifasla. TnrHar Ol Total HVkhanart lTIjtW,na "" FOR SALE. IT 1IT N.KXB-- the ls are surcharged, and, in of Genera! Merchandise EUROPEAN NOVELTIES III JEWELRT ! Carbi, now., t arniBZ, larprauro. vonp.,. Importers aad Slackinttb. Toob. consequence, the liability to apoplexy or PBICE REDUCED TO $7,50 BBL. KOMX NORTH GERMAN AT THE LOWEST RATES. ISCLlDiati oa wUSIbz In ratarB to Patent v Tnm. wt..tia. .kaKaaad Fowler's Tramway, w taraaa taar faarn come sther form of paralysis is very grcatl atorda .ppcrtaaltj INSURANCE COMPANY, Aa want t ail' n ... FKAA'CB, ESGLASD, OERiUHY, ASD THEO. H.DAVIES & Co., CLAWS triad all own casctMi aaaiail FIEE tomtk nm Off war increased. Heavy feeding is absolutely dan- WO ApeaU. FINE SETS OF TIGElt of ao inall co.t. lr -dotnsal Trrr or itAMniBG. BOBB4 lUII. II Bonod Hall,t gerous for a man above fifty years of age. UK1TED STATES, Silk Handkerchief! (henitltcherl). SIT- inca Terj low bbo irrma raj. tpila!ofthCotpaayAReaeTT..lllhfinark3l''.ou myth uxuatfcdG. deHveeWl ls are weakened in old age, NOTICE. All color, and Qflalltlra. flxAif KIaTcmacai Coanoaalcw " SSiaiLOnn The So. IS (Jaeen Street, - UtmolllB. U. I. PATENT SALE! remarkable extent; and W-- A1SO rOH WithFatent Steel Sleepers sometimes to a very A PATKNT S a rrst AstokTXiST or Toul ..BelelitBiarltt.Ki"jW the faloess and congestion of the brain which BKOS., W1IKRHAS M. JarrU, oa the 30ih Jaaa EXCHAiiCEOHCHIfUt c IIYMAX Interior, nnder table are almost as arrlaai. br tha VlnUUrof the tie lave HOUSES AND LOTS csnEnAiujiciJ.tjrjii.nAi-AtJK.Tr- h retail from excess at the Kiasdoaa. for a Uaa and Caae Traah t.i Japanese Lacquered Ware rimn Oono Oara. T-K- COKIWIOKKO A?U; OROOBUt4, of lata very (Wlraale aad M. above tfcrco conpanlea for th t. JK-- leaden WUOLESA.LB warm all aa lafriBj- - It thai latloB. a( tho llanallae VKAW fatal aa a dose of strychnia or a bullet l lo peraonaasalnrt Abo, So. 1 Eire For hale. Sea. m Naaaaa Aee,10 aUaetera IlaadJJ ara oetnad la laanre SaittdJnM. rarnHara. olri X rtlWU TU OX 781 to be StanlllS Caliromla Street, valfclndrata e sad harbor. jfenhaidlMas4Pradac,3fachlery, Aa., m l BKXWIS o Excess in the use of meat is especially B C. BREWER Jt CdKPANT, ono If Umct Caartaract Sank af Iadiav A.mwtrmMm m6 - condemned Flesh food is Z0-- Terma ca fof wrtlcalar applyto aadBiRjllUa,andTeiMlslB tbe lurbor.azainiltoM h elderly Wrsofia. AH r BAB CIS CO. AeBU of Uc Jai lia FBrsaceCo - j. a, WOOD, nwt faeeeahle teer. 70I1 JOB WOltK EXKCITKU IS Uiaulating to cerebral circulation, at lb Fee 3, 0. Cabtxb, SecY. TOM I'JIINTIXG XKATiY EXE- I. erdanustlrrlfttthf the U lUlal ud .bl potat tSSi. IWI CITED li UutUe Offlca. two tf c is. ymtxxus. Wt J OHI"" same time it reduces a tendency to plethora. inir Heaolala.rbntai7e 9VWSfSJ

One thing is certain, that at VTber now I tb recent approved theory of mod- Bljipping, t$x Unwriisniitnts. pointment delegated to them, misuse that production. ern Geology? Tbat eupiose it proved, that the Sprtial Jv'ctitrs. rates of labor, the planters will be lo- J3n nUjaritn. power, the people are being swindled out present continents in geologic timta bar always been In O.F. is to we se COURT TIIK JQamaiian of their money, they are not getting full unable to cope with the future. It cality and outline, rabatsxttslly as them at n050UT.C, A5. ath, 1384. ! SUPREME In Trohata. In t Tortter r 6utft be hoped that the subject may receive full the present uay, onjy eniargea irora epocn w epwu. Notice the EtUie ef XAKCELLCS K, 4SWTO f Kahalal, value for the cash they pay out At the tentacular touch of science" the creat defeated, Before Chief Jvttica Jadd. at next meeting of tho Agent Safes. I Haul latrtute. KIT llOPrfl XK KBtJ8. The proper Tiew to be taken of men attention tho lacific Ocean continent ot tbe Hawaiian Hoard of Maxaeale&TJrbAJt On readlajt and CltnZ the petition f holding the subordinate and Planter's Labor and Supply Company. Genealogy u Drought op from deep sea soundings, statUcthat the Nerrton. widow al tho tald raaetf, ailed nff that WKD.VESDAV."bcfonKR 16SL tAke original Xaataut Jt Usui San 1 pnithased from you, aad WTMlClIifflBM Uarcellaa E. Newton of KaharaLAIaat. died laieatata IstCT-'- !. work thor- - and tbe Hawaiian mounUin their day or Septra ber. A. li, nffieen is. are thev doinr their eminence above all tbc vaunted mountain wklck west ttuoagh tkc lata disastrous fire la my at aald Kahalal,a the U B I NOTES. lofty eavlR--f ettate In tale Klajdom eerary lobn of, oughlyT arc they tho best men wc can get Alp store, my'rntlre 1 epeaed at Tire unfeeling manner in lxicli some heights of or Himalaya. Tbe old Hawaiian cave oot to aatlsfactloa. admlnlttered upon and prayta-th- letter? af admlalf. wny legend Maui' fishing up ocean the same rrcrnt cbanjs in the personnel of the to cio mis wort i n mey are, iu Ax exchange say tbat tb Louisiana sugar crop of tbe land from a the combination aad faaad all IU content tbc name remove them and replace is estimated to fall short at least twenty-Ji- per depths mast retire into the oblivion befitting tbe la perfect condition. Toars Trnly, On -t Tneeday h ttfc f Wctin, teetaed offices have been made, partial failure of dark ages of Hawaiian superstition, while modern them with less efficient because more inex- cenLowiug to the ntoonsand 15 T. A. DIAS. aald petition before the aald Chief Jiatwr, twtwmt KuUti and Waihane. Itlaadof Oahe, will be ptronpet cennre. TliOMwbo by floods. A shortage of twenty per cent, HawaiiAn tentacular science sublimely brings to for heart or tbe view which loss it la the Court Room or this Court, at HonoIn.a al eenlaj-- traBe darlac tee repalrter; ftthe oonntry daring perienced ment This imi the also expected in the, rid crop. light tbia Pacific Continent or the years past with FURNISHXD ROOMS Neat aacMlty rar Inter-Islan- ronerrned may ap bare faitbfnllj wrreJ the 35,800 above sea. d S.N.Co which time and place all pertoaa A. LUiYD, we point to IU peak feet tbe level of the It BUbed Kootat caa be had early appUcaUoa briex- tk ulan rtrm. T. manhood, tlewrre used to obtain here, and can braa at pear aad If aaylheyjiav whyUetaare " the best years of their Waahtngton i noticeable too, that tbat old legend of Maui and ( hweanf. Road few many a man "not in accord with the Tni Agricultural Bareai at bas XO. 4 OAROEX LASE. thoald not be trraated. aad that thla order he pnWIthed pome fnrtber consideration than a tbe assertion tbat cultivating sorghum sugar bis fish book, "now In tbe Government Museum," In thaEnslttB and Hawaiian Uiriar for three ane v tut f. Cabinet who retained his position under mad and AneJtM hours yjotioe that their services are no for profit north of tb isothermal line pawing has been edited tn a new version to toil th A CARD. TICKBTS TO THE cettlve weeka In the IUwaius urttm former Ministers. In fact there have been through Washington, la an idea tbat mnst be aban- srienoo of tbe Hoard of Genealogy milKOURII kid aewtpapera In IlonAtali. longer needed. "ot only are Hawaiian very tall- X VOLCANO UIMK t. r bf M, Dated Ilewolahl. IL 1.. 5rj,l. r3ih. 1WI. Licenses October, 19 4. active opponent retained. ITic present doned. Tb JerrVw CWnifar commenting, ia mountains tbe Hosnirur, rcby. SJth, lmt. Ike iB s. T..H.I. !" V. Zxplrtag in specimen height above .IB.f - A. JCDD. their step Ijackwam, and reply, says: "Sorghum sugar has bren vuecessf uUy est of such lifted the Miix. H. HcarEU AConosoLtxr. Hon.lul. rrr Um. Ubl. of tl. PLANTER, ' Chief Juttleeaf Government desire to place departure is a distinct On- common level of the earth, race Attrtl: th5apremCorrt, Ir the tnade, and profitably, even in the Proxinc of but the Hawaiian Uxab Sua: I hereby beg to tender ray alaerre UnJrt it riul... .Ib.BC. tr lUllnil 1. UniTW. Pepaty Cleft. ing at trTAtim. they will ortler their henchman to along with the mismanagement of our seasons. And rTen if it should is tbe very oldest In tbe category ot nation. "Th WBfT. linnet uid U.idt. will be l .ttfiiUlrt.. ts rtt' rart street bonds tario, for several Uaaaa for the Immediate liberal eettlemeol of the lo tiJpr. Br t teeth which widely known, will some during cer- New Zeaianders, or what are determined by them- lliliro.1.. Toerlmannukellie rool lT TNCUAMIIKIW- - CntCCIT.TCDCJK fcir Nassau street top wailing and gnashing of in finances, is now be a partial failure In loeabtie 1 1 IrttU, street bit selves, tbe are of very recent origin. Their attained tkreash the des traction by tre ot my place I d.T. ter1.lt Ike Volea.. X SJ Jadklal Dlrtrict, Hawaiian IaUnda. km York Kfc. see tar the failareof the matenauy lowering me esuma tain season, this is to bo expected and is true of Mnnt dT.rlBrTICKETS TOE TRIP. iacl.al.Z 4 fcraa season ll.. t r AArtrtitr. assist in extend from genealogy date from that of Uema, to th son of f bartaeaa In KohaU dailnj the nlfiat of the tfth last. rcK noL'MI lath matter af the Ettala t Wll. P. ALEIAX inert;, all crops. Tbe area for sorghum 1 UeMe. LndslBS. , wis Here aiitl will ttraightway tion in which Hawaii was once held. Aikanaka, Genealogy, coattdrr it my daty te recommend tba lararaaee Horn JlKl taS "v. nKftof Wallukn. 1anl,decrard. Ia Probate. t IViLlihi public to take Iwml. tbe central part of New England to tbe Gulf State of th Hawaiian or tbe J03th Company - ror ranker partJcaUt. eaqalreattke offlee and pctltioa ( J A tV rwi atrert coin is got in readi-n- descendant from Lailai, the first progenitor of tbe lor which you art the Areata to all pinlea Un rradias A'li the of Saut'l. T. Alex Tmt;tTHi e, eeaau Hit-- nee to it that their gold of the South." It behooves ns to keep our eyes derlrona of protecting tkeli property by Intarancc. andrr and other, ptaylna that the Will of lav lata than to HawaiiAn race. That story in the Christian 1 Honolulu, i ulnrQeev Kuaane H in incii quantities as to prevent n It is easier to plan campaigns open in Hawaii, when we see corapetiUon to our am. Dear Sirs. Kespeetrnlly l otn. d S. N. Co.. Rev'd. W. r. Alexaader of Wallaki, Xaal. deceated. aUnnaLe stri- -t slowly surely growing tn so Scriptures of the birth of Jesus about forty gener- vntm tSlsued.) admitted I"nbale and that tetter IxrllMllX gold. fight them. More than one writer has staple is but eten OEO. SANUERMAN. Of to P. JUKOAN, Votei.o llorta MJ he to tntameutarr Urnfiirkt A etree. premium on the diffi northerly Ontario. ation after Abraham, who was bora about twenty J. be Itraed to Jamea it. Alexander kewianpmlnIrl nabnTilAnliroldcnrrenCTtonieet in diain lose the rolitical p"1" with F1UDAT, October 10 inlMl(FHl Vtti . .. generations after Adam, bears no comparison Srpt- - 17th, Itlaardrrrdlhai lTlh,tLat KinUv11'. HiKelatree ,,t. "ri loan, wouiu.i culties of Hawaii, and to prescribe for lieoiEDixa the manufacture of glucose or grtpe these ethnological researches of tbe !!. a.mat the Court lioaaa la 'A'aUaha.b rat aa the r. the requirements of Uie tbere O. I for bearia2 aald petition aad ally jusaeaar aireer Know sugar, which has occupies so much attention of tentacular science of tie "Board of Genealogy of C BERGER, Esq. time and place p. Slllll'IMIfM lm more likeJibood that the Iwnds will le them. e have never prolesseu to MacneaUe ot urToaja Safea, f "tfTXilillK'S that mar be MTerrd thereto, -.- America, it is stated in a recent report Hawaiian Chiefs. We owe tbe preservation of Asnt fma as there i tbe eigbtest any specific remedy for ill government late in Dtia Sias I takr plea tare In adding my tstUmony ABK. FOIUCASDKR. 1' taken. Bat a long owing the unwillingness of mAnufACtnrer its interesting pieces of information to "Kamokn-ik- t I " liana. ra Mlj nnn resident that, to to the many la favor of the yiacsxALs A L'ssax Circuit Jud 3d Jad. Olttletfll. I. lliii. UlkfrAtV INIiiI ntiMninirnf lKi nbJlitv of the treasury It is useless to say that people to impart information, it is difficult to obtain a colleague in tbe same school with David San. Uhalna. trf't A (' mr frwrt X Qitn atreel gold its outstanding sihe hero onrht to recaird this as their perma trustworthy eUUstics in regard to tbe aggregata Malo, nndar th tuition of Auwaa, the great histo- Tbe on I parchated of yea some time ago for my Steamship Company W alter H While, klne street to redeem in however, Hot some tore at Lahalna, patted Ihroagb the ditactroas fire on vnu ue no me nent home, and not as a residence more or quantity produced. Latterly, price of rian. doobt is insinuated in regard to SiriMtmiK couht or tjik Hinckf llMMtwt certificate, tiiere cuancc lor low 'America, -, In Probate-- In the matter of 1.1 haasaka refined sugar biT fallen so in tbat the p. rfeet truthfulness of her genealogical work the 13th lmt- and oa opraln: the raroe wllhoat any the HhtI C. less temporary, in which to gain health or ' f XYKfJXJ. RosK, lateef Iloualula, Uahu, AMmfastitstreH bonds. it adulteraton with the com prodoct bas ceased from tbe discredit put upon David Malo's geneal- troable with tbe Combination foand that It had Ettate .Utm 4rfr.wlHrhard money; men 01 uauonauues heretofore. ogy. W from rrport Malo JjIMITUJJ deceated. At Cham beta betj Chief Jatllce J odd. nAI. IWt lf1 make tnai aii to be as profitable as Tbe cultivation learn this that David the book- papers; alao, cue watch, lo On rradlnr; aad tllnj thtTnetlUoai and aceowna of ' hajMlataeKtac street to thelesiility t proclivities production rugar there all other authors on genealogy 1lHtkr There is home question as to merre their home in of sorghum, and the of and the "commence my entire latlffactlos. Tours Truly, Frederick AaffuH Schaefrr. Exeeator of the Will of ll n Ma her,fceana s'raet position of the d Attorney combined under chosen leaders, to from, is still in an experimental stage. Tbe their genealogy at Kumuhonna, the 873d genera- Mynm J. Ko--e. lata a( Honolulu, Uahu, dreeated, " ' 1 A H r itFfWiw khte street of tbe tttrii a effort sngar industry continues to be of consider- from Lailai, in order to conform, a were, I'd 3m A. S. CLEUHORN. wherein ha atka to be allowed and tharjrra ' II A , Paul maple tion it $tl.ni.tri, aeon hHfe Wl ttret General. As far as wc can learn, Mr rescue Hawaii from its slough of despond: some Eastern a few as aprpoacbed Scnptars.1. htmtelf with and aika that the tame may b M ANansnu able imiKirtanoe in of the and as near can be to tbe or Hoxut.ru--, Sept. SU, move- W l"S. examined and approved. A f!'fttwll"rl. A Neumann has not resigned bis iosition, there ought to be regular iarty of the cetera btates, but tbere appears to be no Jewish chronological table of gcneraliooe. Hut itaneneer-f- rev Qtrfa that C. O. UEKGKIl, ESO. It ordered, IhitTTESDAT, the SPta day of AI vae Attorney which to found an estimate David Malo yielded to a temptation Route and Time Table. It - hine Jtewaua str1 Imt ia nt tlie tiresent moment ments under skillful and trusted party reliable data on of if such to before raid Chirr ften WntK. Neeaae street As long tbe quantity produced, lb btat of Vermont is falsify historical verities in tbe interest of a de- Agent City of London and South British tier, at Chamberr. In the Court at Ilnaolula, We , General of the Kingdom as he leaders. Jat 1 r A i "teasea etrrei perhaps tbe largest producer, the quantity now sired agreement with the record of other nation, and NationAl Fire Inswrmnoe Compaoty. be and tha tame hereby appointedHe tha lime i e 1.1 Ilka street his power ai aad bold that tuition, he baa it in But we have not as yet reached a state manufactured being eatimated at l.VW tons, the is it not probable that in the interest of modern Daaa Sia:-- I beg Ut offer mybet tbanka for tbe place for beartnsaald petition and acroeatt, and thai I'n. Nausea street i may - ( HJX to itpiwint a deputy himself, but an of things which makes such advice of the other States producing altogether about 5,000 tentacular science there may be some tampering prompt rrttlrmrot of lo I tatulnrd t broach the all peraonalatereated then and there appearand UnTMif.HtPU1rH KINAU how cause, tf any the bare, why ram aboald aac M with strict veracity in order to establish a claim STEAMER tha rtiilllf ACa. kaalMmauMre1 apiwintment is a totally different slightest practical use. ton. Arc which ocrnrrd In my (tore oa the 23d ef And thla enter. In h i w n frf superior berranled. that tha and ollrt t"ert etreel for lb antiouitr of the Hawaiian race? be publltheit In ' l affair. When Sir Armstrong went round There are objects for which there is The mongoose, which was some years ago genealogical Hawaiian lauacea, the Hawaii ix tart While discrediting tbe Jewish rrc aad pa printed aadpab-Ilthrdj-n ' ) A (fere tri brought from India to stop the ravage of tbe Tbe total amoant of Insurance I held la dlfferrnt KING. Commander. Uaiittb A'artoa newt pert - atft the world, he resigned bis as At sense working, ana wnen laiiy nnu tho HoDotulu.for three aueceaalvo Ilan fVn A street iition in e rat in Jamaica, baa increased In tbat 4 M La- weeka pniloaa yirn torney-Genera- step-tiinr-r people, Companira yoa reprrrmt waa th rrtelpt Xlll Irara Honolulu each Toeadar at P. - Hm nrttuiTtnaeaa was created Minister of finally obtained, they will as des- waiiAn the report also discredit another tl,600, rf fr to tha lime Iherrln appointed for aald hearlaz. fUrt street island to such an extent, and has become so I halna. Maalaea. Makrna, Mahukona Kawaihae. II. 1.. .iiwruey-GorlrriL- l Jewish tradition. We are told that "to Iho pre- which sum beg to acknowledge herewith. Dated at Honolulu, thl tMhday orsepL,A.n. JT1B UrktM. MreH ana Jlr. was mauo stones for iroinr further. Tho form to poultry and even to fruit and Tegebv and Hllo. Leave 11 Ho Thurtdaya at noon, 1SW. V K. JCDD. Mm Ktear in.l, llnbre slrre. rUt, tructive historic age o? tbe human species belong the myth- I remain, Dear Mr, d aAA-- . but it was then plainly healthy that it seems liable noon to become a Tent-abl- e touch Ins at the tame porta on return, arriving back Attest: Chief Jattlce Supreme Cvurt ' Thr Me. Hrni ation and the public expressing of ble. ologies or a universal deluge with the attending M. . nif kt( pw-t-. biQce from Europe, Vonrs refpectfatly, ?atnn!avaat3r . 1 Deputy Clerk. St aa Ft. street underRtootl tbat tbe appointment for which this being introduced catastropbies attributed to the anger of gods; will leave each Ilanar Sarrn. min frtimi scntement is the first object oug baa become very numerous a wild state the I PASkSUKK TKtIX from Xlulll J laaMlout. Ktftc vtrrtt tbe tn presumed having occurred particu- lW r. A. BIAS. 1 M . Klnau at Mahu could Im made lieoause 3Ir. Armstrong had has aimed. this regard, tho confining as in no other Friday at 1. to connect with the journal In in Australia, bat, instead of itself to spot bat one where tbe of all Sui'liKMK couirr or-- the ninAiAll. nnitoxntwl the Jim plague now lar destruction war THE FEOFLTS CYCLOPEDIA. In rrobate In tha mailer of .. Un Ma.iaaa nVirned. 3Ir. Kanena country sianus on a uigucr pnuiv subdsing the Australian of rabbits, it complete and none survived but those The Klnau U'l LL TOUCH at Hunokala and Taauhaa the Ettate of HKR KOTAL HIUHNEsri MART KI ebeen. weasel that the a. Is made from Mow LUt. KlIMll inter of Interior to act for him during his thim vpr lieforc cause a great slaughter of Tbe gods found favor. The evidence of those deep sea n doira tript tot raicn-er- If a ttnal UIKI EEKAL'LIKE of HonoJulu.Oahn. decrard. Hop stoat, which New Zealand people bare A NEW EUA IS CTCLOPKDIAM the thore. kaaatai absence on Kauai; that is jvrfcctJy iutel conducting public and the anundinca.il pparenUv contradicts such a notion. (retch inteitata. Before Chief JuMlee J add l.'f Corrunt methods of from England to keep down the rabbits, Steamer Klnaa will not take heavy t for and petition wf Lewera lLaA imported What a matter of .gratitude is tbat those obi Laapahnrboe.-fW - parkasea All On rradlnj Aline the Ilobert ' n KftMHtl ligible; it is Mr. Kapena'ts net which ho business are to be made unpopular so that rauHiidit'd so rapidly that the remedy t ex it tcamelntoezlrleiiteaa therrralS of Pablic Opla Llbi rreleM aad out. and C. M. Cook ef Ilonulala, Uaha. alietrial that IIp.V, bare mythologies are contradicted by the evidence of Ittn heavy frrkbt for the abort port will haUken by tbe ' l Mtadeatd, mik right to do. Had Mr. Neu- even peeled to become worse than tbe original afilic-tio-a tbat the maia of the people Deeded a L'yelopedla Mary Klnoikt hekaullke of Hoaolala afvrealddlei Wat)a4 hat a ierfcct no one will care to connive ai mem, these deep sea sounding'! Hut the Hoard pro- Lchuaand Kllauva llou. I at Honolulu, on Lm Lav kr. Tery time. It i yet too soon to better adaptrd to their want and meant. It has the ntettate tald tie "til day of January. apjKiinted the Minister of Foreign acquiescence. This is another in a short poses a substitute for sursti-tioo- a A. D. ISM. and thry ar creditor itiirAtK.iiA! mann bv silent upon the probabUitcs of tbe mongoose such nnfounded rream rrclopediaa that efth EaUUof aii. Affairs act "for him, that would also be now nearly comment notions. "The locality of catastrophe which of atl the giren In a Scholarly, raid Mary Klnolkl Kekaalikl.dccrated.aad prajlns life i. A a tltlft to grand step which thecountryis that were introduced into tbii country, although Manner; not a mere bnt letter of admin Irtration upon may paHiaHiaI'ftfl.X tbe ancients of these islands have often mentioned tlxlrton, the flesh and that tald rtUle JMtthttr knail perfectly intelligible. But that was far prepared to take. information regarding them will probably be blood of all the others. steawertlikelike; lrue. Tht thk in their traditions as meaning laorderrd FRIDAT.tbt day of A. 1" II Mr. Neumann's mind As the mat ter gained, that in forthcoming at tbe Planter' meeting. sea' It tbat l'lh lctober lttrrrtlfn,Takalkl. TaNa Inra The next point to le is lbe which di strayed the Kings are tho last Ithas Eighteen Thoitf sod topics more than D. IMUat 10 a. nu. be and hereby la appoint! for 1' Akika I'aaabfM. Hlki now MandH we tA o men through all vestiges a sub-- LORENZEN. Commander. hare btandin? in tellirent ana richt minded men of Savings of of former creation. Tbe first ' Five Thoatand lllattratloni; heart- -' tald petition before tald Chief Jattlce. In the panaana nwapa, kaa Is view the introduction of the Postal BidencCfprKaiakahinaalii (del ago) took place thU'Vuqrt, Honolulu, ' one pair of Mkx- - May he tbe shoes will country shall activelj concern sjyetam Islands, in Colored Map; One Hundred and Twenly-Flv- e 4apa Leave. Hnnoluln every Monday at 4 r. M. for Court Room of at at which time HaHi'kaa.lMlrM, Rlla out tho Ilank into tbe Hawaiian the tub reigu 1'alemo, wife, Haelo, and plare all pertoo concerned may appear and Mi W fcapula. N Kafcata lowing statiMtic rcl Alive to tbe development of the of Akahinalea and bis the and Diagrams. The map are lUllroad and County Kabalat, Keaaae errry nther weki thw ppllt. themselves, and be willing to give their 200th generation after Lalai. Tbe second htpahulu and .Nnu. Hrtnrnln; will ttop at the cauaelf any iney hare, why raid petition thonM nat : aittkMakBMtU.kfkaU system in Canada are by no means uninterest- at the liana, be pnhllthed Jr sacrifice of tbe reign otPapio Loilol wife, 40llh gen- Maps of the United Stairs. abrre porlt arrltlo; back rtarday moratna. be granted, and that thla order In thu '" A.mt kakaAafr, MataaitM time and money, and to hope ing: The of postAl savings banks and his the and Hawaiian for three hi I to bear how contented the total nurobtr The work Is complete ready re- Tor mall and pattrnsrta only. Eacllih lannaeea aortritlvt II kalialaaalLauaana, kslaia. I'aaa It ileaiing common good. That fis- eration after IiailaL The third in the reign of and now for delivery, ' II LaMMri. Hit officiid favor, for the In Canada is now 311 an increase during the weeka In the Hawaiian uaxxtti and A'nelod hins onuguee xmmigniiiiA tire, ouu cuu muru new accounts Liipau and Kaneiwa, bis wife, the W2nd generation tired aad all brought dawn lo 15SI. In Uonolula. - l there aro such men, was demonstrated at cal year of 41 Tbe number of -" m.TAII,- Ktl 41. tilensimr to know how well thev arc thriv opened daring tbe year was 3VjG, and tbe total after Lailai; and tbe list or final coIIapho took r rKICEH-$1- 7, Jjn aB4i tiuo ia different Dated Honolulu, II. I.. Sept. 17th. A. D. Vt, ,. session Assembly. Vie need place Kabikolumea, gen--. t, J tho last of the Accounts standing open end at tbe reign of the Wist bindings. MsttNf.rHrLLira Jt IlavTof New York are - Kr..IUaM. mg. A gentleman who has recently visited nnrntxr of at tbe of erAtion STEAMER- LEHUA," Attrtl- - Chief Jattlce of lbe fruprrme Crmrl, Alt karaia. Uhar more of them, and it will be a grand thing was Gfi.GSi system was after Lailai." the o J H pan. a larire numK'r of our tlantntions states the year The established Wonderful science, tlie rnbliibers. HK3 HiBT8iiTaf.Pepntj Clerk. VW 3t .!.. UalMa community to see them step to the in Canada in and from that year until 1874 is tentacular and notions for tbe !?. it verified by the rescarche of WEISBARTH. Commaudor. I It'll t.l1J. that sow theje is no longer any complaint was a yearly increase in tbe amount on de- teaches as truths rJV QUi'ItKMK COU IT OF TIIK IIA- - front. tbere the ot Genealogy of RARE BOOK! M, " Lkka Waia4v. Maaatl on Hcore of contracts, lwth planters posit. In that year and the three following the "Hoard Hawaiian Chiefs.' Learet Honolulu each Vonday.at 1 V. for O waltaa Itlaada. In Probate. In the mailer of tbe All however, comes in order of time Where now is the Hebrew Moses and the Haby Kohalalele OokaU. Knkalau. Honoblna. the Ettate oMWLLlAM HCCKLB, lata or Hoaolala, MaaaU. this bard times in Canada, well as in the United THE LlQl'OIt ritODLESI OF ' Wahoi Klalll.X kakala llf4i and laitorers underhtand tlieir reciprocal ai loniAn account of tbe flood ? Del ages aro not such ALL AUE8. BY DK. Hakatanand Onoinca. IEeturnlnffwIHarme Oabn. deceased. At Chambers before Chief Jatllce -- . before combined action under individual bUtcs, forced many depositors to withdraw their H n aMf Lmw;. ffaiH IImUI obligations more full v. and apiiorentlv all wonderful affair after all. Think bow many DOrxiIEMER, OF MASSACHUSETTS. back each !atarOay Judd. ' Man A rtrt. money bank, and in 1877 the Amount on account hiai U .. MIHia flirrt. llMH)la leadership. The latter stage of political from tbe there nave been in genealogy! On readlac and fllne the petition and ef I -- cause of friction has lieen removed. The was 2,GSi)U7. bine that year Hawaiian la it not Chartea It. Clark, admlnlttraior benu nee I he nae altaka Mail education demands a lone political experi deposit but f there pray wash away lilt book, the Problem of Uqeora rrrgreaa, la the ef d knlH.KHvk, Kaaa! m inefficiency of has been a steady and rapid increase, and on June about time to for another to all Ettate of William Buckle late of Honolulu, Oahu, de- f tmly trouble now is tbe between tbitnonsenre, to make this Hoard of Genealogy tandatd the world orer. Tbia written In hi HOU, Imn.caiK 1'a.aW. till- - ence, and that mutual confidence 30 tbe amount on deposit was 13.251 Tbe It bett STMR. KILAUEA ceated, wherein he atkt to be allowed SMI and Ali Hi A Aam Ctbtk kaa tbo iltftlrict jutlcvH ineemen.mmany f subside? Or to all the formerly enumerated alyle. It has Ninety Illnttralleus and It eharjrrt htmtelf with $3,6112, and atka that the same . a body and its tried and tested leaders. average amount to the credit of each depositor at Dlasram. incapable understanding what "causes for tbe decline of tbe Hawaiian race, ht may bcexamlneilaoIapprovrd.andlhataflDaI order lta4ata cam's fir0 of - tbe close of tbe 3 ear was K&d Daring tbe put to have a place Iu every family. McDOlNALD, Commander. dlttrtbntfon the property Wl',Sitiliikana, Itnawkaa, Hawaii WIUCU VUlJ VljK'neiKV nuu uiut- .iu f mnst we now add, last but not least, tho tentacular -- may be made of of r a1lnr - put W'fore them, and through bheer i'ir 3 ear amount dr posited reached $ 6,44t,lX). rattor Crnzan aaya, I have tnfflclentty Hart Ktt mNmiMAIJ wa . Ilmntala is dnce. tbe science of tbe Hoard of Genealogy? rxamlned Will leave Honolulu once eachwrek f.t tame ports tn fata banda to the pertona thereto entitled, Jotz. Dr.Dorcheftrr'a him and hit t are t let from all furtbrr in;M.nv SPIRIT. stnpiditr bavecausd trouble which ithas wo book, the Liquor Problem of all Ages, at the Lebna. In advocating tho objects which have llUDsTsrcTS' says that the Emigration to the to as inch admlnlttraior. . A !.', rirrt, required the effort of the Portuguese Tbe Diffusion Process. convince myself tbat It It or great valae. It It It It ordered.that FKIDAT.the SIHtday of October, A. . A lla0la outlined above, while we have always United States during the month of July shows a fI.tT ?,V. Kaaaaa otrt. packed fall of tUtlitlca not eatlly found elaeahera. It D.DVI. at 10 o'elocfcr a. mM before the tald Chief Jattlce, t.aaHranra. Mrr4ial irort. tllli. royalty or office, atill further decline compared with tb correspond. The AV OrtuiM Vtmocm gives some .nk HlalN avoided all fawning uixm Titt It vatnabte aa aa educator, and wilt be of lalrrrtt la all STEAMERfV10K0LII," alChambcreln the Court Honte, at Ilonolaln. henud Bi.TAiL-trini- lenal is concernei. tue i'ortti iog year. The number arriving at Interesting a profientv all attempts to condone or denyofficial month of last Information relative to this process who with to know the facta rrgard the tame heresy it appelated in um anu urolmblv doing bettoi than any and the principal ports in July was 35p52 as against from which we take a few extracts. MrMiuchm la to the Liquor place for hearlns tald and accounts, and that - llaffhulHc.lttr sabmi miew are chief of the traffic. appear W lltr short comings, whether in the 4&2J0 in Jaly, 1&3. Daring the seven months gives some which will be use McCRECOR, all vertona tnlrreateu mar then and there and t ttpruaii. Ibani iPmh tn Owing to statistics of to Commander. ahoakl . similar clas we also avoid ended 31 was 307,43. J tor Ogle says, MI hare examined the work and thow cause If any they kave why Ihe aame not II rtrra. W llWr Nkm nation or in subordinates, July tbe number of arrivals those or our planters who are now giving atten- Honolulu each Wednesday. ftr Kaunakakal, may to f I. IIMH tue finance or tbe oruer calling in the against daring the same period of last year. new process. take pleasure In recommend It, 'Learct bo rrantcd,aad prat rat evideate at who are llt- r.wipllui and mischievous tendencies 9SK5 tion to the nj Kami loo, Pukoo, Moanul, Halawa. WaiUu.Pelekuuu euuiieti to in taia property. .na iuul im ornrr, in rKM aaha. t akaa Nln foreign silver, the laborers Ijrougbt for Of the total number arriving at tbe principal porta It Is pointed out tbat banning diffusion or any The following pertotn are among tbe nambrr and Katasp3pa,retarnlns each Mwuday avenlu:. Hawaiian be publlthed In 1 r 4a UW. Bwylfff-aky- of a revolutionary character. tr the Enellih and lacxuas. during the seven month 21$,G2t arrived in New other method of extraction it is a rule, which can- th IlawaiiAi (Isiirri ami newtDar-er- a Iliwallaa I nanl their little boaids toha'.ethebad that have ordered S. C. Damon, II. M. Whltary, Her. A'aos i Jh Mrflmt. ltt In walking the middlo course which wo York; JUItimore comes next with 22.GD. and not be violated with hupanJtT.tbatat least evapor ptlnted and pnhllthed la Honolulu, for three tuccea-tlv- e i Ft i Mtta?.lwiaMrei HMri pieces picked out AliiKt every one had Geo. Wallace, 8. E Dlihop, P. C. Jones, Jr C.X. aUT Tbe Company will not be retpoatlble for any J JM, raatkrMi have marked out for ourselves, we do not lloston third with V0,10U. '1 hat the immigration ation sufficient to bring the juice to a certain point freight or packsces unlets receipted for, nor for Kr weeka prcvlom to tbe time therein appointed for Hrt from JjllWto SN avtl Tlie ren-so- of from Canada still continues ia evidenced by tbe be provided. Upon Maton, Sccfy. Y. M. C A.; J. II. A the rt on, Thns, O. plainly marked. Not retpoatlble said hrarinr. we shall compromise with eviL of concentration must this Mail unlets A.D. I ML nnuuMAu.Mrtftir. fear that lGJM parsons arrived Detroit and depend only Thrum, Daniel Logan, Ed. Itntlelln. 1US1 moneyla:aeor Jewelrj anlota placed la charge of the Dated at lloaniulu. It. L.toia 6th da; Sept. : M A their being so well off is probably to be fact that tn not tbe quantity, but the quality of for JCD1), Cnabaaat 1'. (a ttrrri A firm and correct conrso has no connec- 13,K04 at Port Huron during tbe past work. A. r ' II HarkfeW A Cn, MrrH way wmcu arrived the Attett- - Chief Jattlce of the baprcme Court. ara found irugai in seven against 35,112 daring per diffesion All poatiblecare will be takrn'ot Live Stock, but the tion with compromising methods. months the Kim In th process a nnniber of tanks are any of accident. Hisai SntTH, Deputy Clerk. Itgf at M1I.K. tliey liie Germans and Norwegians can- lod Germany send Xnu iirrtisciiifiits. Company will not a'tume rlk of last year. still continue to always connected with each other through valves 8 A U'L. U. WILDEK, lretldenti iriMn IVtn llaaiwlala on w satisfactory to more immigrants any country, 1 not little is ns other tbe pipes, so a pressure put upon M. COUllT OF 1IA? H ttfKrftkiwn Ihlft, llawnlata lite It Ax article upon sorghum as a source of thin and that one acta II. KUSE. Sccreury, THE arrivals being 107,171 against 112,119 daring the through aU diffasfon OFFICK-Cor- wallan matttr of th Ilankruplcy if- MtiuMi IIiMlaia bear so good an account of the 1'ortu simultaneously. In reality Tax-Appe- Fort and 0.ucen tttrertt. ltlandt. Ia the r sugar, lately published in the Pojmiar ccren months; England and Wales sent is nothing a stream water, beginning al ! Honolulu. Sept. HI. t"' of HENRY J. HART and KLUS A. IIAKT. m ..,!," Al llMn1a pst bat of at a Notice hereby thorredltor gut. Science Monthly, nero against 49,219; Ireland. 41G0 against ana ending a tower uoint. Notice it clven that araretlnjot deserves attention lor 4t,7; certain elevation ai PIIE HOARDS, OX who have proved debta agtlnit the ettate or Henry J. inti: Ank. full and valuable statistics put and bcotland, 5,lN against 13,00c. The total ar- and this stream, in its passage through tbe tanks and Ellis bankrupt, to tb amount of t" J..n l.UfcaMB. Ktia.taka ToEieat trait.' in which the present the very were 7C,17, X the Itlaed of Hawaii, for IUIo,Puna,and Kan, will Hart A.Hart A rivals from Great Britain or about filled with sliced cane, absorb very nearly alt the be In tratlon aa SHU or more, will be held at tb office of the Clerk, of t Jantlf4iUJr. koDk.Oaha money well known before the public in a comjjact form. from Germany followtt t . WVc,3(, KaM, Uaka Cabinet are in for are of the total arrivals sugar contained in the cane cells, leaving behind IN rrXA FKIDAY, October 3d, at the Court Iloute, tho Supreme Court In Alliolanl Hale. Honolalu. on of 17 A. Si E It kaaa. thaWa bytnery thoughtful citizen. If any con The questioJ of the practicability alone. Tbe arrivals from Italy show a very In them mere trace of sugar, bat a Urge propor- Poholkl. WEDNESDAY, the th dT of September, D. :i WKAaaaa in the United marled decrease for tbe seven months, baring tion of the impurities also contained tn the cells. IN October 11th, it the Coott Honte, from o'clock a. m. for tha purpose of electinj J, firmation is required. toopb need only raising their own bugar of the said banKrupt enisles, pursuant to the from in ISO to lOSM in 1891. Walohlnu. fully anrued, and the future pos fallen ?!,) This is entirely different from the Extraction by HENRY SMITH. ri:inu;u turn their attention to the many public Stales is which hAve cells IN and TTEtDAY, October anh Statute. if J lala, llaaMapn. kaa tbe mills to burst all the to let and 21 t. Deputy Clerk Supreme Contt. works which tanding idle, for sibilities are proved, at least on paiier. Tur report of the Inspector of Mines in New impurities ll iniAr. are watting tbeiaiceand out. pertons taLIn- - appeals from their aitett- - INTEE-ISLAN- D Paled Honolulu. Sept 3d. HW 'Jt j ne snows nrsi now iorgu me Sooth WaIcs for 1833. which bis been recently re- Time bad shown that beat greatly accelerated ppur ll. Xak) the needful cah to carry them on, need tout uiiuh aii urmij nuimni iv II tain unci aau an ria..L t'larl laaValaa, consumption of sugar isone sixth larger viewed in various financial papers, exhibits a ser- the extraction, and as it also protected the jaice placet, In their tevrral DUlrlctt. COUKT OF TIIK ai onlv enquire in projter quarters tonndex ious decline in of gold, the great against fermentation, meani were devised to keep F. S. LYMAN, Inlands. In Probate. In tba matter of rit. in 1KH" limn in IRK1. In 1790 thoaverairo thefrodnction CHAKLES T. DILLIXUHAM. late of . T T Ewwat, athaU, Vi.t actly what runt of money the Cabinet has drouth Laving interfered with prospecting and the juioo, as it flowed from tank to lank, constant- lOJiat Pretldrntol , STEAM NAVIGATION CO. the Estate of u Aka. koWha4i. UatM obtained by begging mercy of its creditors consumption was 9.C5 lbs. per head of the mining operations generally. Tbe mineral ly at u higher temperate.. A the sugar cane Honolulu, deceated. At Chambers Wfiwe Mr. Jattlce .'4 l inftWk, Ha. fl wall 18S2 was fifty colony were may be kept at a much higher temperature, And Aattln. and having bonds, which fell due tho population; in the amount of tbe in 181 the NOTICE TOJAX-PAYER- S On readme and fllln: the petition and accounts of IU f Jaa Kw. Kaal its largest item coal. coal il13,Z&5U) a cells are proportionately larger than Dillingham, Honolulu, f II kaak1n.kwlalaa,Uaka UVP pOUUUS llt'AlL. being Tbe area is its the F.DIlllnrhamandS.L. of Ad 1st of lat month, renewed for mi months, JHT square miles in extent, but only 2,500,000 tons cells of tb beet, it stands lo reason that tbe sngar mlnlttraiora of the Estate of CharleaT. DtlliBsbam, VIIMUJdl,!.. The sngar is obtained in tbo following HouoIuIj. wherein they ask to be al- . nrll knowing tbeinsvlvcK.if their unfortu were produced IasI year. The liefdof gold is re- cane Is in reality better adapted by nature to the Second Judicial District, H. I. late of deceated. It., A o tfarrn airrrt Ha 13 A sm lowed and charce tbrmtelves with JJtnj:t, proiwrtions: United States percent, turned at 1Z3,SU3 ounces, being 6,717 ounces diffusion process than the the greater SMajt, 4 - 4 t A fl. natecnslitors did not, tbat there would be short bttt. approved, rt lartalirvl output 1882. Last year 7,750 men were beat ooAguIates most of tho albumen in tbe cells, aad atk that lb aam j be examined aad IwraaVt o, MaaUa trrH no legal claim for interest at the cud of the Cuba 40 cent, Porto Rico and Spanish of the in and that a Inal order may be made of distribution of k"rlI icr rugaged mining on tbe New Sooth Wales gold and as some other impurities are less diffosable Maui, Molokal and Ianai. - ' Marshal Qarra atrrrt Possessions G per cent Dutch East Indies Stmr.PLA.IrTEIl tbe property remain! dj- In their hands to Ihe persona 1" k fiaK A Khm wrMasaaA Inrtal time, and tbat it may lie paid or not as the fields, of whom 1,008 vera Chinese. Export of than sugar, it is not difficult to understand why H.YTEH, Commander. thereto entitled, and dlttharifue them anil their snre If W iMn tarat-aa- a rtttv fancy takes them, which of course, will 1 rer cent. Hawaiian Islands 1 iht cent; fine tin and copper increased, but shipment of diffusion juice should be purer than mil! juice; ties from all further rrtpontlbllllyat inch Adminis- lp itfMtK A ' ACCOUNT OF THE CHANGE Luc kn la. 1WH airm mean whether the treasury happens to other tropical countries 4U per cent From ore decreased as uimpared with IttSi. Silver and this, indeed, bas been so fatly proven br rSV tn the Steamer Tlme.Table.tha notice elf en to iVill Unit Tor Komi mid Knu trators. !i Afwg NaaaMrrH showed an increase over 1882 of 30.417 ounces, and practice tliAt nobody thinks seriously or .warn, ann Itenlar It I ordered, that Til C It f DAY. th SHTt day October. A n Tail " this itwill be seen that a largo portion of the xoioaai lnai. oi ine IU M blat atrrrt bae some one else's Iwrowed money in it 'lbe silver belt is proved to be twenty five miles in ot disputing the fact. times and places when and where tbe Hoards ef A. D. at o'eksek A. before the raid t"i- A ItT- W" alrrr! tho suimlv comes from Cuba, and it is woald to hear Applets Le:iTe.i Uqiiululu at i p.m. on Juttlce,ll.at Chambers, In lb Court Hon, at or not extent. It pay to ship tbe ore to England for An exact analysis of Mr Minchin' cane Is sit Honolulu, be and Ike tume hereby Is appointed as tbe rNK ni'rt'iiijt. argued mat should Cuba fail to supply redaction, a profit of from Stoi.17 per ton being given, which for purpose, bad been divided TneMlir Jnrr 22 Taenia fsent't - 1IHM . A typical case of the chrome iuipccnni thu HAS BEEN ALTERED AS FOLLOWS: r t time and place for bearlnc said petition and accounts, Mbf Iron, antimony, lead and diamonds three nearly equal arts, consisting the Friday Aucuttl! Frida- y- 12 may ap- .' tvtVit HMrl IIatH in for one 3'ear there would bo considerable the result. into of and that all prf roue Intrretted then and tbee lion Hirrl, llnMiala ousness of the treaury is displayed tbc are likewise among tlie exports of New South butts, the middle and top pieces, tbe sake of At Court Honte, Wallukn October Itt Jt AI Tnetdar.... IT Turtilav...... s pear and thow caate. If any thry have, why tbe tame I Ali I the price of sugar for "Ml KitU.KtHI treatment of certain unfortunate road embarrassment and Wales. Tbe diamonds are small, but of fine water, brevity I shall give only tho averages of the entire At Court Home, Ma kawao.... October Jtb A 6th Friday should not be cranted. aad may preacnt evidence Alalia Walaaar.tiakii frightful hnp- - . Honte, liana October 10th 11th aa to who are entitled to said property. And (bat this mi would rx tin to a extent It procured quantities by were as muows: At Court Aaa. kaklkaf4, Hawaii menders on tbe inland After waiting for and ate in considerable which M Ian muse, he published lo A 4'N) 100 At Court House, Lahalaa October Sltt A IteiuniiuicToiitliiii!; .Uaalaea order. In the Eazllth tbe Uallaka.ataat more time, ens that Cuba has failed, that plantation washing; were recently obtained from IUfac bolnMe at new pa per printed and r Nkta, Haai their pay for a than ordinary loads Bhrr Watrr vullrii AlUourtHoure.Iukoi,Molokal.Oct3Tthd:CSth Hawaii Uaxittk a kai. has been abandoned and of dirt. T. And tbo prcvtoui notice la hereby cancelled. In Honolnln,for three aucccttlre weeks prcvloua Mia; ) r kv. Hairt HTrt llanvlahi they tiled aciws the Pali, and came to after plantation Arerarelulop 7"C3 Iltt ...Julj SlTneeday Sepl'r that bankruptcy is staring the planters of Avrta;e In inlduunza ADK. FOIENANDEK. Friday...... Auc oj Friday...... ,.. to the time therein appointed for tald heart u' I1II.I.IAKIS. town to make enquiri w personally They Tentacular Sclenco sndrooU... 8.17 ,191 rrrtldr&tof the Board of for the Tuetday.. .. lSiTuerday.. ... Dated at Uonolula. H.I this nth day Sept,, A.D 1L fi J.w vailtb Matapala X ki4la wero met with tbe reply that after the tho Queen of the Antilles and the planters Amre Id tbe whole Second Judicial District, H. I, Friday.... ja' BENJ. II. AUDTI.V. . Hum Moantala ar LalMlna.Sett.r.lh.1sm. WM at Attest: Juttlce foprtme Court. Ili.i kaaaaa .trrl of Barbadoes in the face. But this failure EmToBGtZETTt: The report of the Hoard of taoe eJ? 7G.3I 1IS8 " Jrtajtiiaf .rarta. Watlaka. Mil rival of the AUtmt there would K ilentv Genealogy grow And arrlvin at Honolulu, tbc tafia day at p m. litter ttarrn. Deputy Clrtk. 1MI ' J is evidently destined to famous. Tbe bagaPM consisted of: Fibre and cellulose, 4ik ofapfttWa, llaaall money, but that there was none to be has come from a totally different source succeeding won- On lbe onl trip, will touch oulr at the folio Ins ports of If the biennial reports are as 8.0; inorganic tulii, lime, 0.2; total, 8.2. THE BARK C. R. BISHOP Kona, kaltua, Keauhou, llookrna and lloopaloa. Kotice of Foreclosore & of I'.tiiK ri:iiiii.iKu, from what tho r&pvlnr Science an rhe- la Mortgagee's Sale. bad then. Oluicni to w satisfied with Mntlf derful productions of scientific reseirch and Tbe bagasse jast after diffusion wascurapusHed UNDKUSIOXKI). AI 1 this unsatisfactory reply the unfortunates Urinated, It is not any sudden drought torical lucidity as this first venture, we predict of: Mineral matter, 1133; fibre and cellulose, rpiIK JOllXlIl'It. such a demand from all quarters of tSe globe tbat X ItOW, hereby slvranoilce that In accordance with - t kMM. or any insurrection which has uj)set tho 11.17; bagasse proper, 11X0; sugar, 0.414; glucose, hint iiack again, returning- once mom to publication should be pot on the lists of our a power of tale contained in a certain mortrace deed the planters in tho islands if iu 0.006; water, 87.7UO. Stnxr IWALANI HTrntohln.br Mate. lukal Malterre and Leon E. hrAiti, the AUttmlt. calculations of firms, would go some ways i.m.tti tbe charge on tbe arrival of publiahmg the sales to As the cane Itself bad contained only 8.2 bagasse UAMKKOX. Cimai.ndcr. Malterre her hatband, dated Sept 34 h. A D. I'm, of . m-- is immense y faatkr--a MtWr. Alasl no cash had come and airain they mentioned: it tho strides wards meeting tue ruouesi expense 01 me jioara. proper in 100 pound, it will be seen than the record In tbe Hawaiian Kegl-tr- of Deeds In liber 81 single copies rrport he Intends to said MII.MIIX, with which tli manufacturers of beet sngar Even 40W, of tbe are held above loo pounds of diffusion bagn-s- e was in re- Leaves Honolulu! every Tuesday, at 5 p.m, folios foreclose mortgaAS returnwl empty jiockets. Our inform cariotOlies. for condition broken, to wlt-f- or or iaaM nalkr Vaal have taken, and tho consequent "glut" in at five dollars each, as mere literary It ality derived from lLS multiplied by 100 divided Arrived for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Elecle and addt-- ho Just Waimea, npon the debt thertby, ant tbat understood tbat tlie men would be of Interest secured and after rkH TTaltoka. Maal iileaiunt. if to balancn the list firms by 8.2 equtls 1 10 pounds of cane, which, if press- tha work-A- tho market Germany, this year has more beading "Itehef Hoard Leaves every expiration ol the time limited bv law will tell at pub- intended to stop x of expenditure, under the ed out by a mill of the ordinary capacity tfO per . A U Kauai. Ketnrniii. Nawiliwili A iur(iit:n. 500,000 tons larger Genealogy ," each as "monthly salary of tbe WITH CAIUIO lic auclon at the salesrooms of Lvon Lvrev, aa 4 Ataaa WaUaav. itaaa wiw rfiY www, from this small straw than surplus. This is of cent, j wooid nave innmneu uu twiiius oi uagasse. Saturday Evening. tlonrcra in Honolulu, all of lbe premises centered by v. .1 copying than tho entire crop of Cuba, and it is rresiaoai if3.u, i tjiu line j wi, Alter drj ing, ready to be uacd as fa?!, the e tald mortrase, vli: All of tbat parcel ot land on one can gather in what direction tho wind copying recording Kuan-ba- punchbowl easy to understand the effect of having Kuaobau mele $14, and contains from bi 17 per cent of water; the street In Honolulu, described by metes and is blowing, and just now it is tho very $1S0J75, draft Pre. I'oomaiLalanf. aondnes following nnalyais shows percentage NEW AND DESIRABLE bounds In tald mortzaze conlalntns an area of Aafaat It. IM of TVTAKFiE, portion 3, L' chill wind of ioverty which is whistling this quantity thrown onto the market fZO, ditto S0, ditto $r0, carpenter work $3G8.S8, matter tn this substance: Mineral matter, Stmr. JAS. of an acre, beln a nf Apacn K V. tfK, L. 'ci4aaMT aa Art m T.1", 15J, print- FKEEMAN. A. 901110 Kanaamoano Kanohal, convyed to said ha Ralalf lh"tamfj. The United States have not been slow translation ditto ditto Kltlt, engar, l.mniaader, te around the bare legs of the Cabinet Of grand Z3; fibre and cell close, 77.11; 2A"; glucose, Mas-- P. Malterre by deeder Kapalolo, dated June tipfrt'trd J at; ink. W ttatlrr l krMt; jWro that ing foJI.IO,," ctc etc making a total of cy.i;; gums, albumen, IJM: water, 13,000; total Leaves Honolulu every Thursday, at 3 p. m. 2M. ltki!, of record In liber 3, folio 157 course there has been no need this con- to see tho necessity of producing their At l. .Ulj hm tkl Aal-- r all for $10,000, wo Bliould find "receipts from sales $5 combustible matter, 82J?1I, EUROPEAN GOODS JOHN BURROW. 4y ailfr own sugar, and as the belts of lreet lands per cony,1 his wonderful ptmphlet of thirty for Eapaa & Kilauea. Returning, Leaves rsr4taK Httrt rMP nf Ikr lUatliaa dition of affairs: with finances proiierly for As far as e know, Miucbin uses nothing but By his Attorney la fact, W C Ptaeoek. are comparatively circumscriljed, great pacts. tooch-in- g Honolnla. Sept. fth. itrjn hinr4' sa4 oftW tahf 4 Malf . rnrfltrd conducted, no single official, howe hnm this dried bagasse for fael, and as the chips are Kanai every Monday, at 4 p. m, and tt alllbr it to One sentence of the report has already acquired rally morn body Of ETfqr Drmlption, Mhlch . Ill he Sold it th. lt. ai ihr at Ifcrtr nnmtint vahif tot ble, ought to be kept waiting an hour for attention has been given tho subject of gtne longer and have than the at Waianae both ways. Twatj la riraaacf great notoriety in thescieutifio and literary circle bagasse powerful Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure & of Sals, Hawaiian Cataa at tartr noaalnal Mirghuin. The Agricultural l)eiartmcnt ' from a very mill, they would ala. his money after it is due. They never of oarlittl Wand community: These theories, seem to be more suitable for fact than such heavi- Mfttwa 1 T tke Art alixHwMitkat rrmaa at Washington has had the matter in although considered speculative by tbo w nter, are piiKUNi)Eusu;NKn,c.niunv'Ki: were until tbe advent of tbo Great Sag ly crushed tmU bagasse. fc ) a A. Co.. Incorporated, astlirneeaaf a certain mott "nri Ikwwakw lal. JW. sW an all? tr ml a gestor. charge since 1879 and frill reports aro at but the tentacular touch of scieno in direction In tbat season about s of tbe Stmr. C. R. BISHOP, In former days, whatever criti tbAt may bring forth facts heretofore unknown." Very Lowest Prices Cijpdndc1rrn ty Ah Fat (utberwiae knowsas Apa than till ftf Ifcf 1 tillM MatP tfit the hand. A Special Committee was formed Bagar of the cane were obtained, when no bone DAVIS, Commander. to M. Rote, dated Aarutt Iirth. lfTV. of record la liber cislms may have bad to lie itassed on the We all know that modern science has mocb to say L!t-- akatl fc twrtvnl la tfct at bUck has used, and About of it with SI. folios A, hereby five notice that In accordance kiaKw Trraarjr heads affairs, there always to embracing a number of tho most active of its tentative methods; but w must confess to TO M'lT THE TIMES, BV tale contained In said mortgare a tair aot r&raattat tbrtr kallUa Tatar Unm-aarn- i of is this be chr. leaves Honolulu Ever? Tuesday, at 4 p.'m, witnaponrrof they 4ar- - tiatW awa Uip fr scientific men in the country and their re- something t Alarm ns well aa astonishment at Intend to foreclote the same for condition broken, te said in tlieir fa or. they kept the financial During another season they obtained about 5.G for JU. V. KAtP-NA-. port contains tho following: this "tentacular science of the Hoard of Geneal- per cent, in first sucar, 2Jt In second, and 4.2 in Kuknihaele, Honosaa and Paauhax He wll: of the debt secured thertby and alao ' credit of the kingdom in good order. ogy. It a regular devil fib, reaching out it failure lo cultivate th premises named In said e " Xiaiftrrf rintncr. is molasses; but in when, probably, they bad turning, arrives at Honolulu eury Sunday It Trading tbe good name of their Tbe cpirit of scientific inresticAtion which Jias In food for its omniv PI, In a workman he manner; and alter the time njwn tentacles tverv direction for learned to work to greater Advantage, or because H. HACKFELD & CO. Morn in limited by law will sell at public auction In Honolulu, lod tbe DepATtment of Acrienltsre IbroQcU its orous maw. This Hawaiian devil-fis- of science, 7. COVERNMEKT LOAJU the present Cabinet have lwn agronomic to they were compelled to work faster, tbe following all the property covered by said mortcaee, tbe same chemical and reeArcbes result of all atomach and no brain, has a most peculiar 10U HErAkTMKXTOK MNANCE, able to hold out financially until now, but aoch importance toward deTcluptoc a new indus- results were obtained from cane t tbe following belnza leateor acres of land at Luriku, Kaneehe, theory of development. Acknowledging tbat "tbe average description: Bagasse fibre, 9.0; water, Honolulu, irpt. 16lh,lSKI. HfcJT lm r OFFICE r th Company, foot of Kllaura btrecl Oahu. made by Charles L'. Harris to said Ap ter the Hjirn Aaj 25ln, good name uas neon worn try of naUouAl taIuo bas been liberally fostered Ikoard Geneal ot term or ID years, 1i ine tunvuluare, is limited b? law to the subject of 96J0; sugar, ot which 12 per cent, was glucoxeand nearlho PMSH Wharf. 977 tf a dated June lit. iT9, of record In liber V"tr .. intrttf cnT ihit fir an; by tb pjenerAl UoTerntuent, and to some client ogy SI, folio I'i!, and crops, bulldlstrs. It stock, tools and at4kalltw and the end must come. Alas! that the alone, it idea of the "touch of this 9 per cent, ash, 13.0 total, 100 pounds. In this patttfwt ot tkr OTritNSIEXT MtAXapta al by certain of tbe State. Tbe fruit of this 01 VALUABLE TRUTHS. improvement thereon. The equity of redemption of 'K' end should grievously injure the nation. science ucneaiogy is someuiing "tentacular. season about WHO tons (of 22IQlbs.) of cans were PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPAHT havloj- - - naw Trra-ar- puliej are already bcctnmtur. to abow tbemsclrea ia - you are tuffrrlog from poor health tald martrase been sold by said Ah let Ah 1UVHi- will ! rrctHvra at thr the "Connected to tbe subiect the l'livaiolocr. l'T- cut op and diffused, and it 9000 bags of "It who has attorned payment ti u tun ucvium iukch hiuou iu, v chohuv. I'hilolocv. l'AlaeontoIorv. Zoolosv. Hot- - from nr lansnltblns cn a bed or alckartt Sinn tbe of the ram. rai. if trlUfllt4at 9) Ml rtat Irt aanan vlactlon uhukuuwcommercial white sugar were made Each bag contained 9CI cheer, for C. BREWER CO.. It lx tbe present juncture of affairs, when of lacsx from aorrhutn. on a any, Ornithology and Choncology and other saen-tif- 'lake For San Francisco. i Jonas, lavatl aralAa1f,aatt Ik Itoad arT tmm Mcale few cases in which rules of good lbs, thus bringing tbe yield to 7.3 percent, of bvP'C Jr . President. it ript official heads in tbe tbe subjects pertaining to the HAwaiian Islands, Honolulu. Srpt ad. I i Umraurt Taira akatanrtrr. arc falling right and left, on practice, evolred eaprdally by tb reAcarche made pure white sugar. The weight of inasfe-cuit- IIot II literal will cure toh It it JXO M KAt'KXA, without which the work of the Hoard woold be 113G Tin: KPLExmn ntiuiijiiiii' account of the unfortunates not being in obtained was tons, equal to 12Jj percent of you ! r -- ail me laboratory oi tue uepAnmenioi Apncmtare incomplete. If you are (Imply allln;. If feel Executor's Notice "' xiainrr ai intact. IuUob-mI- . tbe weight of cane. If the molasses coming accoru wim ine powers, it i not un bare been intelligent r bamcienUr loll "ilocbwill drpend," mo Are told, 'npon tbe wis- from weak anu aitpir'iro, wunoui cKany returns from tb crop of 1532 bare already come dom, tbe first products, usually sent to tbe distillery, wins why. 1LXECU- - Deat interesting to note what careful journals liberal mtndednoss, and tbe Interest of our had been worked into sngar also, tbe total yield PIIK ITNIlEltHIGNKIl, ofHaa. Rafaa S. Wvoda. to iiauj to convince ns mai me muusiry is d Legislature these important Mt- - X tor ef the Will of MR. W. WENNER. or Honolulu, in the United States, non partitan jour- in tbe continuation of should hare reached between 9 and 10 per cent. Hop Hitters trill Itciivc yon. deceased, notiUes all persona having Wr to be a comniercial sdcccas. subjects." A or "analysis' is .claims aztlntt dip tb fnm tbv JVwrwtW nals, have to say on the "spoils" system. "cias! location, MirrouareaMlolitrr,audliarc over TUC M'LKXOIO.triUlISIIir tbe said estate to pre tent tbe same duly authenticated, Mf work recently produced by Profos-wa- r given of the subjects which the Hoard of GeneAl-ug- y A recent issue In a Sogar la Europe. taxed youroclf with your pa toral with oroper voocbert, whether Heuteuby mortcax The Hon llotsa I). Voudu, of MftMwcliaaHU, of ?rrffrrtf takes up the Collier of the Agricultural Depart proposes to take up. As this "analysis tran- daliea, or a Mother, worn out with care the nndertiened within t mouths from ibtd iKMncvliAt aotUfolj At biatodcinct InSjJnfT, question, argues tersely and with ability. scends all logical methods in its divisions and sub- The extraordinary growth of the sugar industry 'and work. date, or Ihevwlll be ferevar barred Notice Is alao KoiMlay T. ment, a table is given of the sorghum divisions, we would propose in beautifol analogy In of AUSTEALIAtiifiT. coniiAiiDi:n. hereby clren that 1 have this day deputised W, C. hrpt, dooHtaVd. In Eorom is larcelv doe to the introduction the Tlit Cotnjwuij with It appears that one Clapn has Iwen striv- Hup Hitters will Itcfltoro Orel;; to collect all munlet doe to above bU vif c mkl danctitcf' MMvin-- sugar produced in 18S3. Tho tible is with its "tentacular touch of science, to call it diffusion process. years in- toil the Ettate. and bad mada a ing to collect cash political Within ten it has WILL LE1VE HONOLULU FOR S1H FltlnCISCO H. K. McINTYRE, iruloQEvd tomt o Uw litiu-a- for the list of tomes, a classification, such a we Oulocura. UaTitut tern printed lelow, prtUtitt creased over 1,000,000 tons. The total product lf you aie a man of butlnett, or Executor or Will of WmWenaw. lor many ywar a uT by levying on A sec in individual of the species when their will 2,220,000 immense Uboorrt wrakened lbe train of Ircialator fa tbo Stal nuin SOUGHT SDUIB rBODCCXD VS 1SS3. .'tt, be nearly tons, and of this br On or abont Monday Oct. 27, Honolulu, Aazuft 13th, 6m OrJ UiuuariiQttttU, be Uwk Ihf er refused without theyrwirf.1 cariosity is excited by something new. Ala! it quantity Germany alone produces this year 900,000 roar erery-da- dutlea. or a man of Irt I1. crrlttxitvuUe ba.e of lert, tolling over your midnlgbt work. noWif aOalra. He Tintrd atl our inati. signing their names, hoping by this to Acoordicc to tbe atatement of tbe Preeideutof was energy wasted to call upon tbe Legislator to tons, oi wmen mors tuan iju,uuu ions, or more SYDNlfT IsUuoaandiHitol Ibe matMcrtnrnt uf tlirtu,and tbe MissiAnppi Valley Cane Growers AMoeiAlioa, iitrt before it committed itself to Any further ap- than tbe entire nugar crop ot Cuba, can be pared Hop IllticrawIlItitrcnirjhenTots. FOR VIA AUCKLAND! ttmaanuttod Urn wf&rial norU to Ibfrorraaixwd' avoid decapitation. This politician; in a tbere were orodoeeJ at tbe CbAmpabm tllltnoial propriations for tbe sustenance of each an organ-i- for exportation. And yet, notwithstanding tbia its ABtUontiea la Li fl tiatiTF Mate. Wr wrrr ar Washington paper, gnes vent to bis feel- tiwEUum Soct Works, from 1 H acres, t,t33 tons with each a "tentacular touch." For this and tb low price of four cents per pound for sucar If yon are tsfferlns Irom Anl (lie Hplrntllil Mlewrnablp D. F'UTM. W. C PUCOCl cane: and from 3.400 tons of ther were ob Hoard of GencaJocy wishes work embrace drluktnc. anr ladltcretlon ordlttt t elTM iudbtnl to bUu for tnMy talaaUe ings and denounces them for "refusing to of cine its "to ot standard quality, polarizing 93 and 9G, the rjowln tirri lG0,0U0poundsoi WJUJ) gallons of other subjects of equal importance. Tbe main a 'patloa.arcyouyouasand loo DdtriairtA, Ha vu alrrd and kiodlyol-art- aid the continuance of power the hands tained saxarand prosperity oi me uerman sugar inuaiujr is so 'fait, as t often the case. of ABattalutn aflair. AoaVvaa a in rnolAssea. divisions are: "I, rbysiologioai. 2, lycologicvl. great that tbe capacity of tbe old factories bas ZEALANDIA Lb boowtt and iraetieal Nw Knctand of the party which is tolerat:ng and feed The season it described as being tbe mot un- 3, lhUological. 4, Palaeontologiest &. Modern. been constantly extended from Tear to sar, and Hop Hitters will Heller you. ivi.nur.it. omi.ixiiKu, &. IwjtRlCtAB. ing them.' The comments on this preg- favorable for thirty jrara. C The Future." Coder division 1, we hare an this vear manv new ones will "be added to their If yoa ara Inibeworktbop, on the Freeth Peacock At Ilatolitnaon, KansAA, some 200.OJ0 ponnJ of enumeration of subordinate topics. - 1, Color; 2, number. These remarks are th gist of an article 'farm, at tbe ilea k. an vw here, and feel On or abont October 4th, 1884, UuTHatHdtUotxn4eirtUrTmMi.brrAlr.MiMdi. nant sentence are short and sharp, the G, raaaa-- , apply ieot month, Fuffar besides a UrceqiiAnUty of motASsa. Height, Shape; 3, Physiognomy, Head; Consti- on the subject of the sogar industry published in Ibatyour tjttem needs cleanfln. ten For Frechlanl to ilr a tbuat a j rat aro, at tar writer KansAA, or itlmnlatlnjr, without UtoxlCat-"las- . 101S It. HACKFELD Uotel LU sajs: At JSterUnc some 300,000 poandu of tution, Teeth; 7, Sensorial faculties; 9, S'umbers tb Mitctrty (Queensland) UtraUU ine, c CO... UnU. No. 23 Nuuanu Street, ou var to AnatralU. UU crutal besides molasses. knaAttt-tPi-K Tbeae of Cbairmao Clapp are, aa we Kocar, tbe children; 10, Natural selection; 13, Rat shooting; Uooila sr Mtitpmetit per Ateamer emu aiwtr and Inter Id llotwlola wij4e a&d etpmwiou nre-pro- llavatianaBainbroQcbt bare aaid, eitremrlr fnlereaUa. Ibey boldnp At l)ondev Kansas, 10,000 poands of ascar, ij. n and vessels, applied xnecnanicai: From tbe South. Hop Im Ton need. blorel,rree ol Cbarce.ln ilia btm lata txoqtiAiDUM waa mAhily drop which Acquired Itinera what near the HONOLULU, H. I. wtih many of 11 to tbe peyprie of tbe country tbe spoilsmen thooch tbeir product of babitsj27, Dnnks; l'8,UasUcatories.(?)' tTaretinae Hteatner IThstrr. uu dtimu. a rxpecUni; to 0,000 were niAde. Under divsioo 2, riycological, we find grouped I Nrws or If yoa are old and roar blood thin The Agents here are now prepared to rtaft llpnololn on bin of tbe dominant party "toleratinc and callon rats or si the Cm Sidsct. your acalo retant trip. Many ai At Kinsley, Kadjuu, 10,000 pound of and together: "33, Germs of Principle of Mechan and Impure, palte feeble, nerves frfettda UI tDOtun tbr lost of a Hum of andnJ fevdmc" tboae who hapten to bold office as pablie sasr the 'nnftcady, and your faculties wan Isnc Tickets to San Francisco and Itetorn, i ran In. Lich moral acrrant of tb Cnited hitatc GoTenusent. In a larce quantity of Atrop. ics; 11, liciigion; 43, Heaths;" as II la laisuawal-ia- n HxxnocBxt, Sept. 13. Tbe Legislative Council gttl. of $MiDrt4, aa wrll a nttoark-u- l KanAat. 10AX) pounds science, F0K K0UD TKIP. fc tact to mwtinjt tbia TifW, of oonrae, Ih Vor"t,mrMt t Imt mm At lAwrence. of eoear. tentacular dvtnc was a "DSTcoIcffieaT of Fiji ba agreed to tbat colony joining in the Hop Htiteratirlll nevr LITe Wine Spirit tuoat and manAcitu mrn of ttrif Kio Jfew Jersey, CS2.711 pounds of property of race, phrsiological pro- fstre jon arWi tAalM and ruMUoo Heartfelt aTmpaUnr ffYMf atwwmaar frtjf, nna Ar ymltte ijRrr At Grande, the and not a guarantee of 13,000, required by tbe Imperial nnd Ifonr. afe and .VkOOO of molasses a por- cess. Lnderdirisiou"!, ralaeontological," which Wooda, mrr wtk trkttk th wtetf fanlJf mrt I RneiT callons Ure Government In connection with the appointment an'etezanUheal-'thy.an- uriprcawlforMra. ibci left aloariaa ft f Ailing to ripen, owing to nnujaal we was a HUT HITTERS It FOR EUROPEVIAfiEW YORK fott Ian nd. rkraW, ! yfTfttitet tn I Jttt thmttj where Uiey tion of cane f tbe naa uinerto ignoranuy suppodeu depart- of a High Commissioner of New Guinea. refrethloslIarorinTr for sick l aeason, ment of Geological sci- wtU do tbe tooat Rood." It la eacb merely to Mwence,thetentacalar Mr. Service hm written to tbe Premiers of the 'room drinks, Impure water, etr, render-'in- s anaK trill state tbia conception to remark bow tar retnoreJ Tbe Secretary of tbe Kansas Stat Hoard of Ag- ence of tbe Hoard of Genalorr enumerates such them b armlet t, and weetrnln' the Cronorni A Hariatc BrcLTa riculture reports tbe foUowinc sammarr aubjecU as, "54, (Gene- - various colonies inquiring whether consideration it ia frott tbat at present entertained liy tbe best of the Origin of the llawaiiana, by Mr. 'month andcleantluztheitomacb. year 1SS3 for Kadsaj: by bas been given to the bill introduced Grif- ltrport aim t&Adr at tbr I'blior Htatlo on Um arnae of tb country. However well meant aiogy; Antiquity tradition: lArcaaeoiogT) Queensland psoridingfor i. Hound-ar- y fith in the Parliament, COMMISSION STUi a accord-io- 57, olcamc origin, Sjitem of irrigation, MERCHANTS ntL, by tit. J. V. Eatuary, impnrtur of a bit remark oaj be, and bowaTer proper Acre plinted In aorcbom 10G( inclusion of French criminals from that colony. y system. Under "6, Future, are men- tbe Cleanse, Purify and Enrich the crocerr tort on Ho4tl atrrrA, that hit 4aer of to tbe atandardA of tba pal, Uiey are Acres manufActured into sirnp. .. 43.271 The Service urges such CUNARD tioned oulr these: "39, Fears and hopes, care Mr. strongly tbe necessity for a LINE txuinea )ad twm viaitrd by bvrxUia donoc tbc repreaentatini of retrocrade ideas In oar iitics, Acres planted for forage.. 63,771 measure, and favours an imposition ot a differen- Blood with Offer d . of Foreign Immigration, their government for Sale at the nUrbt jimiwtti and that Uiej bad dcmped vttb a whtoh every citizen u concrrned ia Tons of can tnanof actnred 4I7.6.T3 and tial tonnage do on vessels trading with convict and entire cuotmta. rebttkinc. Cialloas of sirup made iX$iJ0& education, real and active measures; CO, Keriew, Hop Illcierw. Eatabll.hed 1840. aala settlements. sickness or affcrlu; Derntr taytun imnwdiatelTdfUilrJ tbtoBicer taiue oi sirup mAoe. w conclusion. If Pre. Princes PoomAikalAnT And yon will have bo or doctors' tsALe And this is wbai the proent head of fu,izi "touch of science "class- Telegrams from Penang state tbat the crew of bills to pay. Two n valda to inqvirra and eodraTut to obtain Tbe entire number of counties reportinc was 1. isu"tentucxdirMthi (who Sailings Every Week. Lowest Market Rates adottotbeUurrw and be drpartrd to tDajvct tbe Government, the Minister of Foreign ification and analysts' her native nam is marvel-o- n tbe steamship Nisero for several months HOP niTTEUS. and of tbeee sly past have been held in bondage by tb lUjab of an elegant, rieanaui ad liefreahln Flavourins for tbt pmufwa, TLe inipecUon of Uw rtYfuiaea Affairs is striving to thrust upon the conn significant, and ber "bead is nothing less ,oic A Ur--e 32 grew from W to 500 acre. than "divinely' brainy. fenom) bar been released, and bar arrived at driaka and Impure water, render) nr them i.iri:iiiuot.i and well selected Stock of tbe Choicest aboved tbat the tbierra probably UAdetbrlr try. The remarks that the system harmlett. aweetenln; the month, and cleantm; tbe From .tew Vork every VTedneulay, Um spoils' 20 " awtoijooo " This Hoard of Genealogy has a most peculiar Penang. and nest Favorite Brands ef on o! fence at tb rear, bad walked makes to stomach. Jonfl a narrow tauaacr way "till nndrr a window the govcmineni " fgttd tftLe f uoootoyxx) idea and method of conducuogitsinrestifatioas. Sir E. H. Malet, lal British Minister at Cairo, rrom uctin etery Saturday. Irading Into the atony Imva a qoatv 4 daaa ont ywrfjr, and that jxthlic pjkn tire 10 " ZfJOO to 3M0 It ba evidently oommitud itself at the outset un- bA been appointed British Ambassador to the Im- ar For Sale by XOOO to 4100 reservedly advocacy geological : CI HOLLISTEtt A CO . Hoaolala. of slab and oat window. WfA vAiVA rAvrw M to the of a and perial German Court, vice Lord AmplbiU. Ales, lb iUll tbe rutirt nd tmtti the vt twnabit art 4 4jOOOto800 - RATES OF PASSAGE, CnUanos waa Urns obUlned bold whlmwy, that is one of lbe crankiest and the bore eo, but mp(rtin U be tU'ttributH," well Mr. James Anthony Fronde, who has jast com HAWATTATi" -- - Um adxed tbe iron aafa or box, are Tea counties uroJuoed over 100.000 caUonsof specimens ever developed from oor modern Otblu. " MO, ! (i.4 wricblnc abont - pi etui bis "Life ot Thomas Carljle, will viit tin Beers. 100 lbt, la wnksh Hi- lUmary rataaUaa wvrt worthy of our consideration, bach a nnn- airuD each, and two counties rrodnced orer SlOO Tbe Board. "through tbe kindness Australia In November. iccordlas t. Accommodation. tt window OX warth of sirup eaeb, while seircnteen counties of Lieut. Jackson, late It. N..of tbebarveyor-Gen-eraT- oamod to tbc Uuvoch wbicfa ciple is not only against the common sense cbaUeoged Beach to row betur: tickets ox cbuxm in, and passed iTobiDiy produced oter ,J,uuu worm oi sirup. department, bad been lurnisbed wita a acnes Banian bas within favorable term; they It oot to otfaara of the United btates. but it is against the seven month for the championship ot tba Porters, of tbe cane who wrre uitinj; to recrive it. Tbe ice TAiue oi simp aTerngea iroai eacn acre of maps and illustrations of deep sea soundings. world. Book trrr.ee aj, Currr.r. common sense of the large. Gov- Phrase Good ccomnodatimi. caa be oa was diTtdtid world at It tlSJGX without counting tbe crodacl of seed. Tbc What ba all this U do wim Genealogy? "The Mr. Murray Smith U pressing tbe British al.av. .renrrd air wdebt bt a rale brine no tbroocb pllcillalo WILLUJIS DIMOSD tb bandies of tba aaie Una Allowing two prraona is a mot outrageous imng uiai me wmms yield averaged !L3 tons of Cine per acre. thanks of tba Hoard are due to Mr. C. Oi Herger, ernment to fulfil then promise of establishing a TUE CCDEESIOXEO HAVE JCST ICEB THE ftt. Wines, to band? it oombartably. petty tbe Secretary of Telephone and Tele- BnlUh protectorate over New Guinea and other JAS. ALEXANDER. and hatreds of a man and his few Our Hawaiian sugar rjlanters have here Cotapany or A calc In tbe rear of tb mniM leadiac to graphic of the Hawaiian JUda for tba islands of tberadfic rum hevised CDtnm the aute street, Beaton. male (and female) hangers on, should be considerable food for thought Of course soundings between the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Spirits, Fowler yird, vu barricaded with tome flTty or It Is reported tbat England will recognise tbe VEBSON CO- allowed to interfere in the efficient camr not Molotai, Oaba and Kauai." Tbe Ignorant publio II. BROWS - moracayoU eans: tbe tb rubbers removed this industry is going to spring into occupation of tbe island of llaiatra by France, if Bowlla: Giecn, St. York wttboat awAkenltic any vt tb manr alretwra In ing on of public business, should be existence in a day, but the thin end of bad supposed tbat these soundings bad cost the tbe latter will surrender IUpa, one of the Austral Hawaiian Phrase Book J Iiiqueucrs, lb IJtMfitlbartKXjd, toroe th cata and walked oot government 17.500, more or leas, tn order to pre- Islands, to England. to oust a man who has been a .tried the wedge is in and with the energy which pare th way for estimates of cost laying Notice to latea?.r. fmn akily with tbdr booty bx at It BQppoewd, aa et tbe of a "or Th ...tit. v. .t... public servant characterizes all enterprises the United cable connecting the different islands. Hat It seems Which they now offer tale at the M.faol.la C.avd Lin. .need. mot. thu Wason tbat wa is walling. in Hop Bitten give good digestion, active liver, fKlUtlr. t. ...! Etc,, Xtc. Tbei tala was found tb same day at lb qaarry warn in Heavens name is a JUnistry States we may expect to be lo hare bad its end in developing a curious bit of it rapidly -- good circulation and buoyant spirts. Iliad Adrb Block, 25 oT?.v..rlrly,sIl;fi!,llfffm'',,z,,'M' rmmlIw of Funebbowt atreet, tb lid brokan in and pntin power for? To serve the ends of forward. Speaking- - well within tentacular science, me report ininrro as that Gazette Merchant St 1 Xw Kauai channel "tbe decnest mrt is nearlv ona half ALLGOODS GUARANTEED IhveostmUcuo. dew baa y been obUinad its own factors f Assuredly not is put Enshed 75,000 n. uooaarcommtrtauM..i.a.trMTT. i lo tb ctllt) partJet. It acres are already devoted to of the greatest depression of tbe earth's surface at $ntfxa. 3.tmcTtisancnts. VEB50X II. BKOW5I CO.. in cliarge of a weighty trust The bono its cultivation; if successful, a few years Wr west longitude, lol west longitude, (un im J. 1L OAT. Jr. & Co. .. 4 Oewllae Oreea. Sew T.rk. "An Ord.nTiII.d Proa.jtlT.- - EarUiqwAAa Skoek. and sinew of a nation nav their taxes to will see an increase in arithmetical ratio, der tbe tentacular touch of lbe Hoa.-- of Geneal- ogy, this fact is thus developed; "Bring this de-- Executrix's Notice ! have the affairs of that nation properly KNOWLES' I One of tba awwrrat aboda of eartbqUAAaa that at least pnission above aUDdeU to to u same elevation as o. s. TELEMOSEit. ro.HlX3W. conducted. want economy west, rrilK UXDEUSIGNKD, KXKCIT- - tVSitmi naa been fdt at llilo for many year, ucearrtd on They men of ability and Nothinirbut the strictest will tba land at lancitnde 122' on tba American STEAM AND YACHOM POMPS JL trlxoftaeEtUteof Tetet A. rJarta. Ul of Hoao- coast, at longitude 112 east on Asian coast, lala, deceaaed, Carpenter SalordaT marainc Kn. SXhf at 37 minstet past integrity to carry on those affairs which enable us to meet successfully the compe- and lb hereby ctvea notice to all perrons TEl.irpiinwwandn mtBuilder eren o dock. It abook Uunn timenlly aad look "We parallel will be that when tbe sea which now is UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST harla;tlslmt aalutt raid EtUIr, la preaeut the tame they cannot, in the nature of things, tition before us. cannot say that we THE aU daly aathentlcated tbmwaaaaltAAruahfar hr of between the lsiAnds above menuonea was land or per Any Tsrsrr, from BVMtos, f at her retldeate, Emua ttrrt, 80ILD1RSS HOiED ARO WHO KILLS ERECT E but Ffkf Itintnutlmi Tlinf want tlm nffitM gwaraa-tee- months a W A. abieoldroasdanUereotboaewbobaT are not well warned. It behooves our a continent within An area of more than 1JOOjOUO there tele State which are d nlat,w1thla tlx from tba date -- Kuskt. A. P. fettmanja I t ba cfcaap aaAtctUx aay other thry will be forever barred, and an perron. Indebted r- IU " rniun "DOC,t which .they pay for filled by men chosen planters to be more than ordinarily watch- sonars miles, tbe btrheet neak reaching to the eJ- - taaa atria ef nepmirtns In all Hrwneiiaa. - pwnrp iMparteaj. We call tA auraHoa of plasters to aald XaUte ara reqaerted to nafce lasmedlate par. xoon. KYJOTETT Jt PTJTERSOTf. r, vati tn of 53,800 feet above tbe level of tbt sea." aaewt Xa usderf ";r """J".1" shop at Drowsine". btllkmnMax and wchtA, j for their ability and not for their politics, ful that they get the very earliest news of tlcstariytoth Vacara tamp, watch la Ins ronjpllft ihe X&9. A7A COSTA; rrrldeace, WatktU near Suaay Soath. Towi VX" imiss jjj Great it teatacaur scieno and the report of lb tatedaalDOTSservictiTflsUua oUrrpvtu&s. Xxetstrfz. , , -- , , ,, ATTOTAIf'tlTB Xii,Wy Hap IflUtt Always Utad AdrU land if those who have tbt power of ap any methods for cheapening the cost of j uiC laippisj once i a. r. lovkc, TtO.I aAAUi;jiiAjU afiM. cut. Board of Genealogy, wbich U Its mouUipieca! 1W M .u. UoBolara, ta, I'M. 10"5 H tioro Strict, liocoltls. jwi ly ViaiVat, BTKECT C tuath 1CW Hme,.i.atlT, Jt y ( li - 2m. mtmwwwyMm! PF ?rrf - , y&Kitftwmqpfsji wg!T'y''ivy" TUX: COTTTEST COMHEIICIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. the "People Cyclopedia a book o2 universal In Cilendr for th October Term of tk inu toatisniirnta, dwtion SolfS. Zaxltea Saks. formation. In 3 toK, S00 pagea, WW iUutation Cort Details of the Great ScwH lag Rao. ism. E2 large doable colored maps, and 125 other & Tixoc'r octobkbi 1WC1 TOW ice Ala. Jewnew McCtxxt, Paiaira-- NOTICE. Br irTons urvxT, Br s. r. ABAxa. j,caaBEfflhe VtlfT BMtffftblc la batlaet hlttfrUarr dira.nf lh Inxtiun lliautn maps and diagrams. J T WrraW pUcldllj neatloatd at lattwrUlaj: 11 UX. Vnatin Whiting, Deputy rr --ar "PIIKAXNUATjMKETiyG (IVTHK clrcW the taint bear ncnUj Mr Adams announced a large credit cale of fine Mr ne UIti1ptlBZB the prapccl ra .n fa Titrable Mr ttilhim roster, Clerk. At about 19 minutes past 4 the men pulled into X totk bolder ef the WADIK $ruRlOrT Captain Ilajlej ha been to a post In goods on the fth Inst. will be held al th eflle ef lh C paay, Walhve Sale for ttu a gcoowir f poatUoa on Charity Regular Cash Regular Gash SaJe tUMrt t tie Hawaiian Arm r ntwAtUM jcav ckihisalcasu. between tn jetties Chr sand jtani uiuiynii;ii io . it, r'jBUUoa artst and otbfr nrdr.i&aBrt Mr George Markham succeeds Mr Joseph Mor was blow w rin Itt rtrot a I let va Haul, penary Points, clone to tbo former The wind Walhee M.al October UfocrttTTnwtcl aajtjnj arrtnMchlae ra laiat I as Tort surveyor in tae jtoose. 1L 1L There is do truth in the that the Ion. II nil ctora v maiming ing hard, made II difficult to get boats to- fcenm la bailaft" Tat conoilloa et lnBt 11 rum hex Keenamoka, and the lora Whitney to be IVwt office. Math-er- a aMBtUliyittxn!fl TitotV a II hi M It moored frwn the Mr officially gether. Deach won tbe toes and choae tbe On Oct. 2d laa rt ta caplUvIiata ana olhrr Thi morning J.ILSofer, is iikwiti- -s Jtat Thursday, On Friday, Oot. 3d hM be I waad Kingdom vice bank. This gave him smoother water, while LOSTl of airaaa I la iUn tval ratal or landed binktr. Inker, Ink, Sink, bin, In Vmm tho twits as Marshal of tbe V.C l'arke. N HoItetalvsA F Koakans. covenant. Ur. V mU law! it pot UanIan in the wind, home- flv minute VltllU KAl'AUl aa, t Miwrtf aao inert U iBd a dvcldrd tnAeutjto to tbe holder of tbe iurietm rtrize-ba- j Mr Ilaah rrsigoeu for plaintiff were t)T All ckwXa H m)I- n- imnm - hj lh who areaattaalJT spent in becking and skllir,g shout to get th atlO. na.al 9lcRai will iI4 aianeiiee man. Hawaii Camsge Company ami Nhitmn J b. Kauniraan9vsawaniaeiai, ngni anu wnowasas aUna4aadwfcfMe actio U a lotfraaacrof cipftled Tbe in pUintiff, Mr. position distance, iianian. ,l(l tk InWtratM Metr Holokahiki and 1'bePoe for quick moose, caught once, as irauil nf !0 .til b fe. ..i.nitar bard tlaa- - WTlia the ralatlBr adm o Madame Cbra rrtorneJ to town on tbe STlh A Wright have consolidated their Interests in tbe as a the water be V K DRY GOODS AND CLOTHliK r condition of wbu iat with 1st R, Dole for defendant. thought Beach nod , un. I. BlILXT GOODS, caat f lath iher after & mot nrowf al tnp on Mai and Hawaii. carriage budding, commencing tbe Inst. rS. - . he raw bat th astralian VK3 m Wn.ll. M..I DRY CLOTHING, 1 thtiprtwat, the arilo-- a rf Saucier as l"nhl et al va banian et ai, ejectment. Mr. shook hmr4 for al his bead, and ths Canadian bad tod p -v riltpUyla- -; a decWrd wanlotctm- - K. fpr piiBuffs, Messrs. UoloKahtkt and Tawvra. U- ftw , well a le;tUloM Mr. Thomas Smsmahas now nMrlr curapleird The Band takes a vacation after tbe 11th inst.. Castle back. The men then took up another position DlTlilcml Kollcc. during me I'oepoe for aeieadant. closer to was of in IJn33QJLtujLe, race-bo- vl a month s duration, and tnai time shore. There another minute ctcaater Alameda aaila at work oa tbe new intended for the Kojal Jam- knr-il- al electment. Ml. Thv -- fcBfofn Sonar, the HotL the ontrvinc steamer, will be - ra I.tnVi rtal tense suspense, men got away The 3111) qrAltTERnY Fine Shirts, Handkerchief Pauls the arnal ear a f ar don tcatlc pro and then the T1IK M lantro,wli devoid sweet which the general pub- W A Kinney fer plaintiff, Mr J. M, I'oepoe for was mad with row r riTE DOLLARS Mf will t dme and n tiBWrat tte mail at tcr of tbe strains start a great rush, both men fLAfTATlOMk. . a Kranrl. -.r aboat Tbe M. b. b. 7ntmtim 1 doe here, from San are to hear from Iterger and lua "boys. ucientia- n- ing at 8 Between start- b Ik. HUwk k44d,ef U. TAIA Crockery & Glassware Ktc Abm. Zralaadia ladaefro the lic wont VT, stroke lo the mlaote. the m as f Frenciflco,r with W.C.AchivsKawaetal ejectment. Mr. lb. .Mm. L..U. nit.M.1. .. aaiwant 4th lau wllai. aaad mall date to Ike rih on the th inL, mail, and ncwi May their vacation be pent pleasantly for pleas ing line and the torn of Lhr's Point tbe pa waa (Klolm lit, t...E. X WAUI1 at la alo the il atrip frow a mv pot t with daleitto ditrt totbethnlt. antly have they performed their labors. II AiilU fnr nlaindff continued at 38, and Hanlan had about half a v Mr. E. Tr...r.r l VIRIKTT or the 1 titan. Mary 8. Ham Henry Smith, ejectment. boat of a lead, whkh be maintained on Ka TherviseTerjr prospect of a Iiretr competition i rtsum ior piainua, air a, o. nanweu iv GROCERIES! in tbe nbotncTaDb boiioraa. three The dividend seaaon as well as the qoarterty crossing the bay between Chr - and llocky Point. ! NEW PORT OF HONOLULU. IlanUlxm, Maui lkrth men slowed down about 5 on leaving PIANO TUITION beim; now in tbe field, lor poLUo laior bills, is at hand and the Fata Nakcrj ct W. Ilinardi, lo Books nnd Stationery appears to be the first in the field with a dividend Tryphsna al ts J. Fhr's Point, and watched ev4i other closely, tbe IJ.OFl3SOR KlMflaKU Ii ALK Mr W. 11. Castle for plaintiffs. Barrel Fmh Kalmo VsalUl-lftrs- ArrlrwL The Kev. h. Damon occanied Lhe rmlmt at the of fire dollars per share. In these dull times and Canadian being particularly keen in his obtierva prepared to tak rapt' tt th PUn. C Beach TIRMS-O- fc DOLLAR B Pearbora iBlokwIea Itethel Cctirch on laxt bandar, and traTe a Tery low prices of wgar. this speaks well for the man m irii. tion of movement- -. ir e hope W LK"0 Apply a salua. account o( his trip in the Last agement of Tela Plantation. to hear of W.a IchlrsNiuhaetal ejectment. Mr R. a King St. many otners acciarmg naewie. Castle for plaintit, Mcbvrs. C Drown and J.L. A the race paaeed on from IZocky Point toward iao 1 rt3-M3tIt- Sjdatj Ifaibwa oraal quarter!? natiTe for defendants. Blaxlanda'a 11DI11I turo, fco. The exhibition of th th water became very rough, tubed Stock-holilcr- Ftum aasumpstf. K. !? Khotars of local Sonday bcbooli took place at (liSwr Akliina uJe a visit to the habitation of M. Mokuhia ts m. McCaodles: by the wind dnvtngoutof tbe bays on the Con- Xolicc to r. ABAM.Alr. Port. evening TUk olL, Appeal from Intrrmedury Conrt, Mr Lv p Vmili In Aaanuxapui on an opium smoker on the of the J. cord aide, rough gave S MKCT- - vavau icnrca ice irva inst. dsfend- - and the water both men a rrHKANXUAliT.USI"l-i5- Square-To- Buggy. bat taueu to maae a capiaie, ni prrvrucB uhok for very aerer trUL In addition to this, the steamer L INU ef the mock hnldr f th II tit OKA 1 mM:Tnlnb,-rU- Ji News from Uamakna. Hawaii, la. that an indieatrd by a chorna of dogs whose rest he bad anUrwpondtnL he held - VT anacaasTSKX TVwIi which had anchored about half a mile 9CGR COJCPtMT will IkUPXED LT01S LETKT TBCTS DAY S7th same officer, ao at T A Eldorado, e&rthqaake visited tbAtdisinrt en the Sndnlt disturbed On the nlL, the Aluni inkinA( iitliw. dJon down from the start, on tbe north side ran doe lh13thOctobrvlSSJtat3P malth li.llr. Am hlp llamfhrrr and residents cenerally a hearty shake. officer Mehrtens, made a econd Hatch aud J. for ptaintiff.Deputy MtorneT- - np EkkseferJttvt 1 Ter or- t- te Mm fcttae Earr-h- Lee care coropamdbj l.all to the scullers in rettin? under war. and came t - ILRBKJB- freeretArv bk I. R Btrhvp attempt at eaptore, bat failed again. General fordefendanL o near Hanlan it was thought would "X HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE t.rt A vs that be be riowolala. Kept. 30lh fM lOJi SI'JIICI.Tj Am Mr George lahler. formerly AeiraFarco Co. Melelloltlua Keooekapa ejectment. Air r run down. Th eUnmcr' starboard bow came OSS U.arda, Jlwte The Gmitr tte4 tbat the largest well on Cnhu, is lreton for olaintiff Slemint. W. A. Kmney and F. within a few of ibe Canadian bat a; keeiratroTeltanchnrUriUtHm,MRTiL II t oru 1 1 oiai,i nil uiwu. uu uniouu vi uvut M Hatch for defendant. tho danger was fortunately averted Han- ot!cr kii. Chineae rice- - Mr. Castle Ibn Mi-ir- MEMORANDA. nor Kanoa, leased bv F. the KairaioUvsDenL eieclmenL t.lL lan showed a fine piece of tactial managemenL rJIRAXXUAlIlUSIK Evenirig Sale m Utyf O Atwater replacee Mr John bcoithiea and It is 313 feet ueep, and for plaintiff, Mr. J. L. KauIuLoa for defendanL It was getting near end ot first mile, X r Ihe ttockheMee nt lh PUlPIt JC Etanter vs the the IU Import ot 1e T b h Cilj of m accood clerk of tbe Interior Department- - Mr of 2D inches from a TV inch pipe. The tjueen Dowager Km ma KaleleouaUni et al where the pace ought to was sLIJtK MILL will b held fn th tsth 1 fvonntandet-blachaiT- ed aoey pilot pl at3.Vi tell ou his man if it TitLr.lT On Wednesday, October Atwater entered upon his duties on Monday last. next lirget well, also on the sarae property, is Commissioners of Crown Lands, eiectmenLMeMra. to tell at all. There had been a through Octber PJLatlOa.M-attk- v T chter iw.Td AacLUnd filst pt! al 10 3S pm flow. HartwcII, W.IU and F.M Hatch for stretch Co P ont II KKliB Sm. pm, IIS feet deep and has a JVinch A. S. Castle rough water a cross choppy wash that served ieTrr t rwm at lh lh tatw Aatiland pilot rptl.at tf T, will hold tiffs, Deputy attorney General for defendants Ilaaeiaia epuTna i i ma i RMc f P VetBT rV "Alrrtie' Lodfie No K of l plain both of them badly , tbe wind on the quarter had ON SATURDAY NIGHT 'HKT l rVfUaaU Strvft, I wlH aH ilw.Inln pilot rooms, tomorrow Com Vnnie K. W. Haines al; eject crid 7 tnaa freixht for Jlonolnla Had",'?"".freh bead regular meeUnc at the lodcc The electrician of tbe Mutual Telephone Kahal et al vs ft tested th nzbt arm . the tide had flowed and the u4-, "'I U, W.A, Kin- wind- aad an weaUter the lire ! eTemnc isiUnc brethern are InTtted to attend pany is bu sily engaged in getting things In order me- n- Mr b Dole for plaintiffs, Mr yet TVmX ! water vu slack, the pace, was last , the i OCT clock, ont THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURfHTM fur tiki commenccturDl of Imsineea by that Com ney for defendants. looming up bke a great wall thrmtcuing to over NOTIOS. ltb,al ai talroHH ior! Second lieutenant Oeorce F. MrXeod, of the panr I no wires in tneir leauen containers ais-- I Riker v W. CAchi assumpsit. Apjal PASSENGERS. onanimonMy A.l. whelm them all these things brought about a a oBl;BeB.i avart'tvof - A3 rutx llonolola I Jflfs has been elected lay a decidedly neat appearance and the working from the Police Justice ot Honolulu. Mr. crisis, when il seemed that a decisive stroke should To Whom May Concern! rur ort pontion of firstlientenant,rre J.U Fisher, to excellent, Castle anptllanL it Foe haaai. ria aUnae pee Ja MaLec brtt to the of instruments already in is Hid be for be made. l hair- - War a Wateal XS RtchardM-- a 11 C 3ltea( Kahalliopaa, Xai reaicoed. Ilnsineas will commenced by tbe Mo KelaetalvsJ U Faty; ejectment. Mr J ltussell br-- lwc lld probable be SUILU S 3USTEB aTBOXE. U4W B V h Plcinr i haaatvKnw. SIT H Mwa, jaiw fc. eiem w tuM Co. about January Ist.ISS'. pUiotiffs Mr W. IL CasUe for defendanL ACCOL"T OWINf; TO TIIK PLATED JEWELRY lion. K. b Clrfborn has Trarchawd the lot on fr Hanlan waa snUahed bv annv r & Trota Vaal and MoloLal MrLilcliLf Vpt S- J- U rax caiMMAL cases. the until the AM for th OitfU-- Kndlng JnneWHh, ffil Kmmi Sanare. owned br Mr O 1). rrreth. Mr rocuot water showed in on np Oriot- -r n tn p Wilder KladUBiaoop wiill Jftrt A Mwnaaj ura The nractios which a restaurant keener on King patches bis jersey almost to lWt If sot patd by isia win pie in Marble-To- Bedroom Set r W CIccborn mtcnd--i erecttnc a cottage residence for Hex vs J. It. Grant, aggravated assaulL enne me necx. was HINDS OIVA COLLECTOR. T A Ctt rhlldre. Mr Beater PAltrewer. Uf and chUd street near rort strett indulges in in keeping open ueacn auo much troubled, and I11KTIXI. tk. j u iriiiu. w4f Bud rklMrni Sir II Tread hi own use. place busmeas midnight on baturdiy fhanr- -I from toarth Circuit Court. onoe an anxious look came over his face aa the HBolala.lpt.r-l-h 11 " O Alwal-- r W II his of after Mr. . Castle naiBlai walir Ml --ra, W war "d thtd,A Bare.W K"? AtonemenL?or'ioni Kippor of tbe is a flagrant breach of the banday law and should lex vs h Hong perjary. IL for danger of sinking camo before his eyra. Hat he Xii XraKewtooaadTyaBt.KW ejrr Nit and Mat The "Da of -. Wntwx Tahlr tr--ln inl 4Uwwav. ; JewiUi religion was duly obserred on tbe Jitth nit. be stopped ty the pulioe is the restaurant defendant. handled his sculls splendidly and balanoed hi BRACELETS, STTJDS tetXfjm Folic presumable Hex ts Tarn Look, larceny 1st degree. Mr J. boat In fine style through tbe gauntlet of water. Klaaa, wim cioseu doors, neany toe enure within view of the btatlon it is Kits Salmon Bellies Fremwladaardrwta per vj riwi and his place are under police Kussell for defendant. wind, and Toniki, while yet rowing in good form, ParLer. w4fe aad child Hoa J Itlfhard-o- a Hlitl(. in this city that the proprietor v I (Juai. protect iod, lhT nssaolt and batlarr.PDealed and very strong. With Hanlan the necessity for from Police of Mr A. 8. "Wcitola Olialna, Stove &KitchenFnrnitnie Car J RRbertOB.Mia Mlaae ltobertfcoo Madame Tbe new steamer boilt to order for the tbe Justice Hondol. ueucaie nanuii g waa not quite bo presing, ior avijniUon Com puny i ex And now the worn out Quarters, which the bar for proeeeation, Mr for the come -- Cora,HV Molteao. 3UI K I! Pafc tad rlfcji Icter Island hteatn Uartwell J. time had for him to trv the temner of k. r B4X t Tret-r- years on r. J r to amre here frorn Francisco on or have been shoring for past their defendant. Beach s sinew, and in making his uaab the pace bo LOCKETS & CHARMS ItSoper lloa II hathelail Mra Wm lordr aad taltd about the 16th insL customers, will no more visit the Rex vs F. G FojJ, gnw cheat. pat on neipeu -- isuoai inrouga tne yeasty wasn. A. places that know them so well, this being their Rexva Vh bee. assault and batterr. Ipoeal from Hut straggle through tbo rough water gave him small Lot ASSIC.NEES SALE and Kerr II K lliuhcotk, Xra Taalabl, II Zabe we The low rates now offered by tbe Hawaiian Itell but day ot grace. Trade in tbe local gin nulls tho Police Justice of Honolulu. Mr. J.Koamlt for bis cue, and acting instantly on it, ho made a or THE U10VK iou.au niTTo'is rr rii' child. Telephone Company to sahecriUrs has been tbe wilL ot a be doll, because the general defendant appelUnt. supreme effort row down or W w to the last remnant of rokiat,irIeraUaiJept-Jlw- J Utker means of adding a farce nomber of ne names to public will haro few smooth quartern to exchange Kcxts AsenioJoiv, nelUng liquor without Ii stay tn hi opponent. He drew right away from -I O T e, DR.XJNTC3-- Lamahelh- aad ife, R rarmratrr, their already large lisL lor a mMilutinal cocktail or an evening beer. ceu Appo.il from the Police Justice of Honoln Tomki, away Beach EA,Tt. IIf wUaoa, atfe and r chlldrea F the and be drew from until kaitofra Mn Lee lo Mr J Lowell for defendant appellant. h had a lead of two clear lengths. The men were Received B h,alaaakaee,3lrKoch.A HanBeberc Vm Just t The MorntncbtjljdceK.of 1. isouknowu Itr Urn mail a namnhlfct cnnlaioin!! vs h ljuni, opium Appeal orhaeB(31rallrir-- t raye Abaca lnxtrliu Lev in poueasioo now lowing 3 strokes to the minute ibe gap .a-- ND UK S LK BV Retail Stock deUveredby in this city, notwithstanding the fact tbat tho lectarui upon physical edacnlioo from lolioo Jnstioe of llonolola John Kameli between me boata waa very diaUncL and HanUn Buttons, &c. From the Coloalra pnCitrof tidarr Srtjt organization are weekly men to IlQtchin4oa late of Honolulu and now of Wei Sleeve II Hall Cottoa,I Grrlc.Weaxle.J 31elpbr meetings of such an Dr for defendant looked as though be was about to pull away from J e N. came Tbe subject ot phy- TobaU J Teadale, Scabla aad W Hrera-- pmCrr turned by a local paper lingtou, 7, to hand. citix. bis man. Beach kept on steadily, without making & TEILMS CASH By-f- rr iDBEIN KOW CHOUti--." sical education was always a great favorite with cuks. CASTLE COOKE. tr lbi4 la traaalt for Frcio. H Holmes Ah Hong; assumpsit. Mr. W. any spurt to reach the chami ton, and although he LT01S 1 LEVET Do" U lUaar, NeptrJ-lta- M Her Maieictr the Qneeo. tbeir Itoyal lltchuesaM the IXictor. nnd hi two Icctarej contain much is rowing I will ll AactlwB. lorKahalal prrUVellkr ""Tpey, Kinney plaintiff was well within himself, tbe fear came twerriawfal rh4W Brwhrr Lambert. E MoMmaa, Lilinokalani and Frinoess Ukeliie, and valuable thought. Lrioa some poinU Dr Hutchin for upon us he was holding because norrlc Xla ! rrnicee Iridgte et vs IL IL Hind covenant. Mr. that in be could MwtmaA, II T Khoadff , Xrt II T IUilc 'tCT her little danchtcr hare been ppradinj; the last eon has somewhat modified his ideas Vm al was was Sftni tietttistnitnts. redoiiforpIUntiffs, Mr. r.M. Hatch for e not venture on a challenge. If that so, it few Oajs in 1'aioio t auey E.1 a hopeless case, for Hanlan was a good two lengt ha ! On Triday, October 3d tt lUtam l..itcliffc, a dtnueii of Foweirsyard,on idauL To MARRIED- - rowing such the Trade , Mr ahead, in a style tbat it looked like Lx Collector-Gener- Allen has been amootlurjc Maanakca street, came bi tbe police station on the Iltshop Co. v C Itolteetal assumpsit. L. officer Crnbbe ur Mr S.HartweII for de- the real end of the struggle, UMia thw Kali 4vh uf MrULK'S-TMU- 'Ie this city, tePt.ih at the the war for Colonel lankea. tbe newlr apfoinled night of the 2. thalL,and reported to 1'rcFton f iLuntiff, A KemaBdea. by Iter 11 II Utkrr been at entrance to tbe fend in ts Btsroiue. HENRY reldrwce of Mr. l. br aasistioc in the dotiesof the thit he had assaulted the MAY & Co. w to Mi . . .i showing wound in his right tfeint r . fLPatke. tresnass. Mr. IL hold on ! Beach is ever. A Ma. ruiaa MtOraa 3Ir ln oince oaruig toe.i pas wees said yard, a kni'e l. But here as stroru as Consignment of ! thigh Foe complainant could assign m reai Culls for Muts. C Hroarn and F. M. The mile beacon at Blaxland h passed at six General Merchandise DIED The residence of 1L SI. Fuller, on ineyard rI for the attack, as ho was a comparative atraugtr Hatch for defeiidCL minutes and nine second fine time H in Ian broken the 21th inst- in the city, and earned no money or valaabl-- s. An llen A. Uobinwn ts Ab Len et al, assnnipstt. still leading by two Ieuths,ycl the utrajian mtwilnig tw fatal hates ( vu into on the ereninc of - laintiffs. - HAIMtER- -I this city ept.lb Liu. ax Lee. a trunk broken open and about taken there- effort to nod tbe assaulting parties failed Mr r M. Hatch fori rows on with strength and race Ui every L (.) V a. KjO. o; Coal second daaEbier of John and ricllla from No cine to tbe thief U iiaciinane ntunoiwam-t- Ibe mile w passed. 1 here has been a bg Large Bags! ared If year aad T days Fp to yesterday aVlernoou the following persons asumiMiu Mr F M Hatch for plainuni. Air A. straggle in the last hair of IL The fight with the USUAL ASSOETMEMT Uodcan mail the Last pr atenmer AltmwJt registered as by the outgoing b. Uartwell for defendant. weather, and the approach of tbe steamer, has Just Received hath takm The for had pAsengers lfd 10 1) W Dan uu., cue -- A.D. used TO BE tjy-T-he faarral will take place lhtiWedoedaj) clofles at o'clock this moraine Tbe nsoal late stoamer tUtmJ CNeeneld Lyous, VkeonavsKoritUar ir. been to the beat advantage. That waa a family residence KnUl street. latter bag will be kept open until HJOo clock IL Mornll, Mrs. O la. W.H.BuIeyand Hartwellforihintiff splendid chance, and Hanlan used it well, he afieraooa from the J Kwou?. Mr. V. refpeclfally iBtlled t will sail promptly VZ. wire, Mrs. S, bcrimgeour and children, C. Ah (,hn tiSinu oJtCo.:CArf. made the best that coold be made out of thit com rrieDdsaadariitiiBUBcesar Tbe steamer at It. - defend-aut- Urrd orrath and wife. Miss Kate Grey, M. W. MeCbew- - b. Uartwell tor pliintirt, Mr J Knswll for binatiouot moral and physical influences, bat it Closed Below Cost COLBCRN Inthiacity bepurTlh aftera bort r II lli ley Eriq- - of ail oka, Maai will be ney, fir. 11 Xjose anu ennu aira. a i. orpin failed. The Australian hang on to bU wake with City & Clan Country Store broathltU,Ji M among tbe paMengers by tbe A fomwfa which learea berg J A Oallincer J D lacker. E.McIncrny( Clung Wat bun Wo Campany.asMimpsiL grtat determination, and rowed strong and easily, of Paris Grant cIMuciii aad Alice Colbara, aged Sjetrtandimonths Francwco Mr llailey will return Miss M Haskell from the Police Justice of Ilooolalo. Mr Jr. rhen wo becan to ace the chammon'a show lio B, H. H ACKFELD i. Co. for tan h. Haskell, ind Helen teeth la K r a H--a rwt to llonolola abont Not 15th. BonToyage M Hatch lurpiailim,-- ir it ik. uiane loruriru ing white, a they hid done serenl timw in the iOU. BOND EXCHANGE. tho ajtice which hai been offered by tho G danL last quarter mile, and people said " by, Hanlan'd HONOLULU STOCK AND If A x.oiri3oiN3". The Jvcretarr of the new boat club denies the t the nast few weeks, had been ful lUrue et al vs C K Makee, ejectment, laagbingT rhey thought it wan a sign mat the ! rrom Soaalen. 'WdiadyiSpt. 24th. 188. lalMnent made bv the 0 relalive to a pronpeo lowed, n. to enforce the law relalive to having S Hartwell for i laintiffs. Canadian had hia man ao will in band tbat be NOTICE VALUABLE LEASE tire incrctue in rowing stock to that club, and also the numbers on eiprew lanterns distinctly dis BA CO CASES. could afford to smile and coqaet with the contest, Kerr, but A F been would cool Cs. : ria. aw APRto states tbat the captain is not J 0 cernable, a clew might hare obtained lo tbe NawahinevsJjK Kaili divorce Vnval from July and presently he begin to hu bind in Orange Marmalade ltAOd. robbers who committed tbo burglary at ltamaej'. IL Kilaaakane for plaintiff, Mr W the water, and give exhibitions. Bat it was not so "- express In wbicu supDuscd term Mr.G was naika farm C - , also the, particular the V Ktnuev mat gieam oiwaiieieetn evidently caoeu The three planets. Jootter, enas andBatarn for deten lanL every body, Cruflno tt ItUckrrcU'a. Lobala baer t . sky, IOU1 Play loos pince m,waic inonic wucun do Uonveia vs L. lxka. exceptions from July by tho tension of muscle in the man From and After This Date The rrtBreriUe I Unt 1 are now Timbre in the Eastern just before cerned il and it stood there as a sign of saprome exertion. THE "OLD CORNER" t worth while to get up eirly, get a term Mr U lirown ior piainun, nr 4 i nau wailakabirarto . u sunns. It is Nearing Pntney, Hanlans stroke bad comedown Ciscfl nawArrlcaltaralCo - JU and enjoy a magnificent The names of two of His Majesty's Ministers tnkou for defendiuL llipbcrrjr Jam, breath of the morning air to 32, while Beach was rowing at 3u and gradoilly 1I Mak- - aaxar ' spectacle appear a J 1 WaterhoasoTsJ D preclels et al Appeal WE ILL Jnm( -- l- - atiacheu to lor tenders io repair pulling dp. Putney wharf, which Cibot btrnwbcrrj W almaaala t ar C. enlarge adwailing iu The roan nn ilinarrr from Jilv Term bunreme Court. It is ratber 1 2"w Indrew's Cathedral and A under amile and th-df- the titns 3 minute X Cnaen I'lura Ifenokaa (ajar Tbe congregation of St. ner in which the tenders are asked for Induces tbe Messrs. Preston nud S Hartwetl for plaintiff. wt luildiuf, ( UM per ehare paid ap) speak tery highly of tbe Iter. George allace's hone Messrs Tteuraionand ai listen ior ueienu second. CaacM 3lioc0 Meat, Le 1 . supposition that the lucky contractor may P t The Koloa tarar sermon at bL Andrew s Cathedral Iat banday off vita. rne rocL. REDUCE THE PRICES Rjort.r.1 IJCtrtrWtlllimr tlokaUHarar Co 1 lb way for further favors. This patting on and the dis buUnon Itatsms, EIM). r lb. .! f II IKT RrSOS, iM The text was Train np a child in the he specimen Bishop Co. va Crown Lands, Beach pulled his bo.il' stem level with Hanlan tai(ir. Ualbee toar dignity uf Minuter is another of the t Cjwjtm ...arwr1!. II .1 FabHe Aaclfn. a. racAc cmr Mill - should go." PmtMn character of the cibinet one dar beine exceptions from July term Supreme Court. Memrs. stern, and the two rowed on In tbat poMtion for Koir Co rran tn, kllaaea bafar to 1 " devoid of official cognomen ind tho next in full V S. Itirtwell and W IL natin for plaintiff. about two hundred yards farther, while a bot thrill llilea to " ttorney General Neumann as far as can be Deputy Utorney General for defendant. ran through ns as Beach made his challenge. Mexico, f nss and leathers. MONDAY, (Irene Pa act W. - 2 ST) learned has made do expedition to he is A O Ellis vsG N Wilcox eiceitionsfroinjuly What could it moan? There was Hanlin rowing OCTOBER 6th WaUaae(.o . . I engaged in frying a very different kind of fish in Considerable work is Ulng done for the Lpisco- - Term bapreme ConrL Mr. F M Hatch for plain- In each a stile tbat he might yet pull away, though Cs. Bottled Pie Fruits laloai Mill to IM ., Developments probably by tbe come paid v ban rrancisco tvu Church bazaar which is to on in Decern tiff, Mr A S. Uartwell for defendanL every aiuew was on tCe stretcb, and thorn white AtrS.fiV- l- ia th Ik Pr bar p. y Lcr work have shown to a trHl. OlewalaCo,f . - ...... steamer bpectmens of been Pn Witng va Kuug Chn et al, exceptions from teeth were showing nd a little tn the right waa Our Goods, 5UI and they promise W, Cases Mixed Var Mill to - . . prevalent toan&Luniiogcttenf Gatxtt- - rcprccntatiTe, July Term buprrme ConrL Mr A. Kinney for Beach, large and broad wim thorn big brows of I'tckt, I Ion - 1 Malarial fever is greatly tbe attractions of tbe fair Tbe respondent Messrs V. 8. Uartwell and his down liU eyes, eyes EatMaal Hiatal to. just at present and it behooves residents to be as in plaintiff, over and his in the boat, CnfM GheiLiD, LHaSE Oaomea I o 10 committee hope to hive numerous additions to W IL lustin for defendants, appellant. rowing in great and maklngnsy every stroke, 1 ar 14 possible preventing nncleanliness to style Taakaa to t careful as in tbeir present stock, and trndt that many will come Lvllichardson Appeal from a hi Cflrw I'lctlctl H'alnulu, the Term of & Months C !' yards. An ounce prevention is worth KaanaantetalvsJ bnddenly Hanlan stroke slackened and boat TOTHESAMESTANDARD For 5 Years 8 Reciprocity Ill exist in their of IO a. iiiem. W 1 wo Waianae. Mr way. came with shock W Laapaborbne 'carorar Co W a iound of cure lorwaru in pauiaj; ioiwsiu j ater Comiuuaionen of and lost It on as a hat np Gates Spanwh Olive, 1 W laudable an object appellanL T By Jove I give glasses.' nsaiakai Mill to E. Preston for defendant with Hanlan me the Co-i- French Cnperv. T TUB KKTTL UK 7 Mtt MOTTM. 1 of Immigration vs. Henito Texein de at him, he's done. L p came Beach, while VI nsfkspa bocsrto . It is a pleasure to witness the enjoyments that MarOinl lVrko after a service of about 3t years lloard "look tUUUEKLl . V jr Lstrello. piMsalfrora 1 bird Circuit. Hanlan showing signs ot exhaustion, handled his Ciscs French tram Uctofavr I ab art tba' varaaM. antamj a. lh. lUlaacarto 1 lae scholars ot toe innanon iTeparavory ocuooi in asked to resign his position. He has Iloooma racar Co pro- has been W Peacock vs. 11 Ixivejoy, writ of error. bxnt weakly, dropped back In the race Up 1 dolge in, dunng tbe recess hoars, the means King attorney General C J and Cases rrench Tata llsnutioe Co " IW Hi eerrrd under four a. lite Mr Mr Predion for defendanL went Beacb, atrong bold rein, lutmimui vided reminding a New Englander very forcibly of J tntertm asked for hu resignation last Saturday, Hatch for plaintiff, and as a lion, andneit Caos French Truflten, iii'.itt tcumtrr. own school days. received bis com- PIVOU.1S. instant bis right oar cro J Hanlan a left and WKLL MHUITt . TIIK Radlroavd Stocks i his but the Marfchil said as he had tbey ceased rowing lhoraulls wero qoicklyre CHAEGED BY TJS. Cases Pate Jo fui King, would wait till the King J.LvKaola-ko- a (7ra, sprinklers mission from the he J M Dugtevs Fanacwa Daiqlc. leased while some word pa&ted between the men Hawaiian R R Co " The location of tbe smmlr Pipe for tbe called his resignation. He received a letter plaintiff Cises Finnon II a JJock, Kahalal Rallr-a- d 3") streets, for for regarding the fool, and Beacb, who seemed rather to. on the corner of King and Noaana is not from tbe King on Monday morning Mr J tioper Maria hTmohai vs. Vlini(c) Mr Hotokabiki for compatible with the comfort of tbe public and annoyed and impatient at having been stopped BROWN ic CO. Caea Ki tiretl Hernogf, OLD soccwJi Marshal Parke plaintiff. this manner, into CORNER TelephoneStocks: should be removed, tra me nouef.oaysnmau Mr Holokahiki for plaintiff. in struck his wills the water ' AaikiTiLKaliula. and polled away from Hanlan. I bo Canadian aai Haw Telph . W bole exists on that corner borne little consternation was caused lately at Ilonolaln Ortobrr t.t l Itains lh Si Bell I rank Knos vs. Maria Fnaala. J W.Kalm for held hand to hi protest, rowed BRO a HtlllaraVron HawTrlf-- Co, Mst) "S Lihue Kami, by the report that two caws of np his record and talarl lO morning I lainliff a few strokes withoat any weight on tbem, as if CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS Hnt TV -i-Btl ti at Kaaal Telrpbone t Thellev George Wallace j reached the small iux liad been discovered at Moloaa Dr . Wehlani. Mr Holokahiki for Bnirrtl IUm.tlIawaUT.tTCo. Si Herman at the Anglican Cathedr! on the 2Sth nit In corornny with sheriff W iloox immedi ni be were not decided what to do nexL and bad not altera. plaintiff mocb with Hi oe His Ijorddiip the Bishop of Honolulu occupied the proceeded to the 1 icality mentioned as being j- etrength todoit aptara at Caac. Vnrmoatli lllonleris Immnilae-l- aft- -t ih nf (h I Miacwllaneens Stock atcly games n riut ts. jvamna urigni. mi or- tbii moment was tbat ot a man very much fagged. t paipitin tbe evening jtotnerraonswereiuoagui and nn examination of the sapected par 1 infected for i laintiff Meanwhile Beach got n leid of about seven lengths. 1 i -- Wk. Co y f ul, earnest discourses. proved that they were suffering on! from jR2lx:utrr llonolala Iron ties begin rowing bat tbe impression H C BrewreXComCBtlle . I IP f -- yfNr or native ilch Lvenbodv breathed eas- Narrow Eacape at Kohala, Hanlan again Casci banlinct, J nnd , latrr 1Ui4 S Co. l it M The Mtolden sands of Waikiki are well trod ier after tbe facts were ascertained became general that he completely beaten, Into mo V'torpptr, raMMaalMcckC-arnc- 1mi nnr tm Sntvlav a. naite a delecration of towns and peal of excited cheering rang fromatboa Ctuc. i Kra(B Cigarettes Kjtat Stock and Fixtures FOHill.voB (Urn Id! V 1K folk going thither on that day to take a stroll Last week the Etcumer mi, Capt. Cimerun, ed the cattle yard at tbo Kohala Plantation, Ja sand lips aero the witcr, while yet we could f ) Cue IdiIih Chutttet Wilder aMearaibtn to .. IW beach sniff tbe pure and wild cow Lira down aud dashed out at beliero that the grtnt sculler liul been - ,1" along tbe rorf bound and was on IbeManne Milway undergoing cleaning knocked hardly Cases I cibig'a Kxlnvct Meit, I1wla) lee Work- ill VI tlm tralo. ffeichin? oorner roreum rowed down. Dairy II unadaiienueu sea air aud painting, and did not leave for Kanai nntil nivn the bv the MnidUvD AM kto . pi meet Miss Hond on CafCri Muiliroom Cattop, KawalkM Ranch Co ! Wednesday. Notwithstanding the stoamer was Church just in time to Julia tub imia. T harru. aawl i lira ouaJatg Ra ( Mr t- 1 Adams sells to dav. at No St IntDiA 1. LmV Ft, ..u. natittjt at tli hnru mil Cases lt haJr. - a day behind her regular time, aho returned to The time for the second mils was J minntea sec bojer. Itcliab. TaMr -- ' street (near roncbbowi street ) me entire noaw-hol- bunday morning U nabbid him agtinst tbo fence, while Miss Hond onds, which Includes the del caused by tbe foul. 44 Ihrr aitel hmtmrngtrng Bond. port promptly on time on ly Caced Yorkshire ICrliab, t farnitnro of tbe late David McCartney Jr one of tbe ports of call on Kanai, the Captain, fell to the ground unconscious. Lev Mr. Hond At the Gladewille Jettr, Beach was still n good a rWMrarattl Il.WAn.X IrOTEasaryT Tbe SAle being without reaerve a good opportoni officers and crew had time, after attendmg to who wis tying his hore in front of tbe church, three lengths ahead Hanlan had sported, but Cans Celcr Still, f ty is offered to obtain bargains. themselves by heird the none, and rcnoinc to see what had cool S prr cent loading and discharging, to enjoy Beach, as and strong as ever, answered him, Cow. Celcrj Seet)t 1 r - Itnd some judging tbe fine caused the oommot ion, was confronted by the cow, soon Increased lend bv 14 rrlh-- rriMNrar- artT U lh War tax anneal board for the district of Houo doing tall fishing, and from and his another lensth. - U M t The brought up, they mast hare hid nre who knocked him down and ran at him a second Tbe men Appeared to be rowing easily, but were will present at Foliee Court rooms saiailes " free f C.or.Tn lata be the port. timo before be coold get op, bother wide spread reaiiy uoing wore, s was aoout - n ' exUtini; last naniin siroxo f Atn, - settling 7 " taontea Rood thtailaT- fnr the nnrmMOof Ul horns barely touched htm, leaving him unhurt. Beach Tho men Dr. Ridge's Infants Food itr. Allen and ing 23, and a stroke faster. kept on T " llaww arrt Co. PA dinValtes, Judge ltickerton, Herbert nothtr home industry has been sampled by the ii hue she waa prepanng ior a tuira assami, ut their way they Ind still n quarter mile before 4 vt me jtoiru MakXDA comimM tn.rtrtM attached to the Ga7tte Ofhoo Ibis lkinJ enine out from the church and with the aid inem. iteacu waa rowing sun oooi anu strong, oni Sale. timoa 51b package of preserved btnanas from cf others succc-e- d in dnring tbe animal away. he saw tbat Ibe race wis Hanlan rime on Cases Scotch Oilmen I, tlb. tma, Credit Id tharra Orove Ranch riantaUon The Fe Tie's Eccvclopolia, a notice of which ill Co of hi. Auction Sale ft$W the factory of tbe Vlden Fruit and faro Miss Hood was then removed to me ennren behind at a distance of newly fivo length. His Capc-- Tcarl lib. tion be seen oar advertising columns, is a very ex presented by tbeir local agent Houd being in attendance, and i Jtirlcj. , OaUlde Salea Reported. compass an Wailuko.Maui Drs. Wetmoreand course lay along a hue upon which a swarm of Pilafaarea raakaa Rim cellentwork It contains in a small Mr John A Palmer The fruit is a plcasantcou after recovenng cjncioosnei she vu gently boats, gathered near the Brother point, had en Case Tapioca, (lb. Um , d nrti imtnent-- ainoant of information and will be found great II hara bMo 64130 ex Oct. dlr nd. fcction, being sweet and poasessing a aim taken to her rcora, wuere sbe i grauoaiiy recover- crunched, and as he paised clotio to tbem he stop- TFITF1 U.'1- -l M Cases fcao, lib tins , II KIESENvCUEIDEK Secly inrainable as a work of reference ilanly in taste to preserved figs I here is no ing' from tbo shock ped a few strokes lo keep his car clear it was all 23BST. On Wednesday, October 8 tbe industry will be appreciated Cases bait in jam, W G doubt but that over with him. he knew, and few could bare looked 111 NNahMt-- M I The store rooms, occupied by Meters Irwin home and that, a soon as the Volcano House, Hawaii. Li?arrtl. fmokfr. .bo are williar la Dar a Hill. Caaos G ml am niff atcUwa t f both at and abroad The into tne quiet, pale face of the defeated sculler rou Cinnamon, a CraaUl Mad rnl-- A SUKDAY EXCURSION A Co, on the groand floor of Maome Hall build company are enabled to forward a supply of these .lore thaa lh. prlrc ebargetl for tbe oriliaarr ItaJe Url - kerf ti I; will noon Ko-L- anu see mere me painoi a great struggle ana a Cases t JW a ing corner ot ort and tjueen streets be preserved bananas for sals in open market, there A t will flod Ihe GroanJ AIIpKef pfhM f AadWbatCaneOnt Tacant, the present tenants removing to offices in great loss under the htm front of the Clcarrttr. PET CIOARETTES ti will be a good and constant demand. s Vn article in the Alnrtir athlete, without feeling a nut- - of nyrapathv with ywperior la all other. Tb.y are mad, from lh. .rry Caxca Grouml Clove, the bprcckels building on lort street recently cave a dipmncing account of tbe re UtTDoDCCTOBT him in his mighty falL Che Vaitrafian rowed on, IIHJllKaT LllT OOLU LEAF ro.ti la Mrr.ipl,. I Cs. Gcnamo Man lard, ! Daring week Dr Jaredbmithof Kolat, Hawaii, has been in ception, oue Onuthorhynchus. of a party from every cheer, FINE GOODS the past nearly erery in is chroDicle the death of Mi Hassm stroke to a fresh and he passed the I It sad to vited lo join the band of the resigned, and relin received at the hands of very are Bwegtaled for Ihelr delicate aroma aw rar. fra. C. Cajeooo Pepper, this citr has made mention, that Hi Maiestr took ger, daughter of Mr A.Haiuger Chief Clerk Honolulu, Til Punaluu, beacon nearly six lengths ahead Champion r II J qaish his post as physician of the Hoard of Health volcano boose. account may gra ate and are wllboata lelleratliMi ordrog. Ir-- i rot. LOWS a trip on tbe steamer jmjwiI, to Kahbi, on the Interior Department. Mia Uasincer has -- the host of tbe Such bculler of the World, nother round ot cbeenng abwlatrlr of tbe Sot being in accord" with tbe present ad minUt ra have been n statement of Parties I zlA UL I d lo this dale no change in EUtcment many months, was only eighteen strict If facta. arose on Ihe fall of tbe flic leach finish in X AND been ill for bhe of coarse he cannot heal the sick. dj bla- All, 1 know i ILLKX UINTER. Mi.rr.crre.ais HEMP, RAPE, CANARY SEED, has appeared and the dear, confiding general age untimely death tion from Hilo this past summer hire not very good style, and not at an uuirc&sed. as nan- - UUlmiond, a Cassimeres. years of at the time of her tant quack, however, who professes affection for a different to telL Fine Doeskins public ia lea astray, aa nsoai, uv tne soppohea cor of an exception, story u ctcub up maun h incuuiy aiu witu uia JfT- - Tbe abor. ( K1AIIETTKS A: Gibson A Co. is sore to poor healing balm on the waa one misfortune, as things generally go, re-A-Rl. rectnes of the poburhed event, intended to faith The bank of Ihshop Co delivered into the care It nana, io wnicn jianian repuea wun a nou inen IUIIS1LE AT Frjs.Chucula(e, (.'at an4 - I. lothisg (- portray the locality a ttacdav excursion unfortunate Government patient and no doubt to follow directly in tbe wake of two parties to thev were cheered bv occupant umpire 'an. folly of ef Itegislrar Pratt, on the afternoon of tbeStbnIU wilt a tbe of tbe s , made Hw Maiestr Now the newspapers that fStjOOU. but the poor native if bodies, prefer to die of the volcano this past summer, then, if ever, oue boaL good men waa abooted to ! Choootits Meks fur tlesaert. or the anm of There will probably be who be saved "Both them. MARCHANT'S, statement, were y is in "accord", rather thin would have looked for scanty fare and poor ac Beach acknowledged compliment. published the little delay la tbe parment or salaries this Ebysician Moliere s the Hanlan hpps (.ixoa, error, tbe tnp was not made to Kaltbi, bat far U not Jast aj Argantc in commodation Agreeably surprised then we were remained impassive, and having backed near tbe Slrool. Shoes Slippers in But tbe bonds t An. yes, tbat is coming lay to by the rules of Galen and Port bchiicilzcr'a and Deyona, vsi 10 reiave, preferred die a party oi seven, io nuu ciean oeu anu a ion tar umpire's steiruer claimed the foaL Mr. Clarke ii CVontins. I bn saved by a professor of the LUi- - rw-- I 4l- - iaa stabt ltesignation Aeek will be tbe historic name lippocrates, tbin der, from which the landlord held not hU hand. told htm that as it was his own fault in rowing Ifontljr il Palmer's Mtlk Ifiacail, nn H.L KrhWn new regime W which The swift and attjancli steamer II left which the last week of beptember, 11 will boar, toes and liquors were not there, for tbe into Beach water be would give tbe race to Beacb. Hantlv' A Palmer 8 -- 1st worthy O Beeraed lo sigh, and ruetbinks therein was offtcnl euding ot rt here at o clock on the morning of tbe and many a victim no doubt has muttered Mrs Love, one of the greatest losers by tbe late bach the the greatest aquidie was ac- wnacentarodenta to the cause of hi discon- - ever Visiting San Francisco PERFUMERY, it baring cm board His Majesty who "Come, resignation, spirit meek. fire street, has commenced the erection contest tbat Aastralia ha seen. The third JEWELRY by Howler Mr ouNouann for the boose is conducted ou strictly tem was done 5 17 companied Mr J F and Julias And me kiss thy placid cheek fine edifice on ber lot, wblcla tenL mile in minutes seomd making tbe -- C let of a bnck perance JU riNDTIIE Maccaroons & Cracknells bohmidt. tbe newlr created bonennlendeot of when completed, will be a decided improvement principle. time for the whole coarse minutes 28 secoud, Works. was the original intention to lake for like, leaving oat whit we did not have, according to tbe official time labile It Notwithstanding tbe departure of ? in that part of the city. Mr. 1 omaa. the builder, bare left Uonoltuo behind at I batacelebra and mentioning some of the things that in plenty Hawaiian Papers on File ajn., y with a Urge mail for bin Francisco, the ha tbe work in band and is using his best energies satisfy man, may MacVetiiio's Albtri Jtiscuila, Uan of a eilrer wedding bad had such charms that K wero set before ns lo the inner steamer I ty of bvtmfr which sailed from here on to have the building completed soon. glance at Miss Annis Montague. T THE (irrlCE OF THE A opon U tbe eoaseqoent latenesa of the final papers. serve to relieve tbo iniud of him who may inno- llryant Mav's Wax MaU&cs, Carpets, reted and 79t been to avoid Rugs the 23th uIU, carried letters tbe plan shows that care has taken start. 2U by cently have Ukcil the article alladed to as a cri Mis Anuu Montague and Mr Chark-- Turner, Quite a correspondence carried on this comma f utore causes of fire by baring the bakehouse and Ifrjant s safety Malebes, . . W- E5 B0UTT. terion. concluded their engagement at bydney, August t JIv Tim fl .! irrt. - f.trts nity ptcS separated by bnck walls from tbe front We tit I have fresh pork, chops, boiled and S. WrwlHfc, lr- -, Onceoataide the reef the brare tittle steamer stores, and concrete floors will be laid in the roon muL lutb. The Mvrmtttf UeralJ, ot Aogun lbth F. Merchant. rose swell establishment have fned, tongue lobster, plain and in salad, oyster. follow high of and fell to the gentle of the bloe l'aafic The printers of the Giotti -- ovens located, thereby removing the speaks in tbe in terms our fair and Day & Martin's Liquid Blacking. by thanr brother 'typo her the are clams, canned meats, fritters, potatoes, while and and aome of her pasaengers also rose and felL in been kindly remembered danger from the devouring element to a mtnimara talented omjmtimt Off fairer Vto$ Ink tilrrctntlfiand lBformatla on Wl Brown Cottons, Toioed wonSer William McGurn, wbo dolfed the robes of sweel taru, peas, corn, lomatous, fresh cucumbers haBiL Blankets their deep expresaipns of the that Mr pen oue oe -- ne -- Ibe popularity of Hl'tieuosndof tbe farou wind tbecloak of a Den complete, oi me biores win j and onions, pastry in vancty, pies, paddings, Montague, wan attracted tbrtr earnest attention o er tbe and donned Mrs Love, tbe sale of bread, et- c- as formerly, nte artiste Miis AonU aafheient to C. R. BUCK LAND. and bis the for cakes, etc., and excellent tea and coffee. I k. ward aide. Coming off tbe entrance to Kalihl edict on the 25th nit. To him tndi while the other will be fitted np as a restaurant. crowd tbe Theatre Ioy? loexc list eveniog Editor fc ProprltUr A. H. RASEIV1ANN, r. ahimi. Acr. harbor the order was giren to "keep her off and, "comps' send This i not a complete lut of the things we had with an audience so full of enthusiasm that every l"W AM. Tbe bakery will be supplied with the latest and purpose before intima- "S. r. MarchanU" after a abort apaoe the information was given oat improved machinery to Kit, it serves its as effort was applauded with tbe greatest warmth week past been moat for turning out bread. showing that one need not expect to starve Xtm nirftli3tmtntg. that the contemplated trio was to roond the dark The weather dunng the has cakes, crackers, etc ted of The singing of Alias Ann! Montague au charmed NOhCK ! and treacheroas shores of that point on which rather too warm for comfort, tbe mercury the body while enjoying a feast of the soul in eon tbe assembly tbat encore were frequently de- pre one of nature t. Jtooii. 15i,9i:it botn sauors ana lanasmcn nare loosed in ram xo in the shade, and light winds HtWAtL templating the grand display of manded; and although a portion cf Donizetti ON TIIK I V"MS showers shown Madame A. nt IILMLLLA IIVWIII will be ac see, erected a beacon warning the weary sailor at vailing On tbe JCth and 27lh in.it. rain flnnmnji most terrible forces as in Fcle "L-a- a was announced to follow the testbetio htnr iled had a uttra fihake an on the morning coHlnelalaw andalldo funnl on pid Lan-- l will "cheerless midnight" or any other hoar, of tle were of frequent occurrence during the days and 7 8 o domain opera, the Patience of tbe evening readily acceded v ot ihe JOth alt between the hoars of and clock. Doe allwanoo being made for the remoUne of rn" aiiirn it?i PAPER RULER in m t rurr tiaiuLtLl'. close proximity of Barber a Point, and thence to nights. en ects an eAiinqoake. to tbe request of her friend and repealed th XjXOV1C the rugged shores of Vtaianae. tbe oi the hotel, and tbe poor facilities for carting good -- Levels a plaintive song me dnct with Lady OXjO ItOtTMM a0-B- The Hawaiian jurors who are to do duty at tbe thereto, safe to say tbe accommodations and Notice. .HttKtT l(l Kf TKi Or t THE AkklTlL. ordered Hbavv ralnt hate been prevalent in and about it is Angela, and another of the airs allotted to the roUk Executrix's October term of tbe buprcrae Court are fare ot one pari; aad the testimony ot other received seme, magnificent FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTORS OpUin Nelson safely steered Lis swift steamer rooms on the first Ooorrei fir the past two weeks, and, a a con maid bbe also boo PJIK t'XDKKSK.Xni) IIA : designated, off to appear at tbe bnpreme Court parties from Jiilo this past summer f tho same, enormous of flowers acooUlM EiMBlrlx lh" l(r Blank Book Manufacturer to the point arming Nanaknli a pre- sequence tbe streams are much swollsn qoets and au wreath artificial J lufn Jnlr of EUte tt Oprra i i X k Monday in October, tbe Foreign jorori to be were all tbat coold be expected or aked by fair Ibe tat Hluwell (Inrarjr hercbv all i ikv wtmi Goreruient reaerration, at 12.10 and His Majesty Monday with streamers of ribbons and an American flag Jorph Nlf lrw B IBM! ' t Hi i sent at the same place on the second in m ,r w ondtwofncDdsdimmbarked. His Majesty strolled minded and aoprejodiced travelers. attached. The duet between Hantborne and Isuly pant tn prriOTii ciaiai g7..iMiucrn i - n ( I XnmpmrM Damon Mr Darl-- w(tlli, nr vh. lr along while Mr. Howler taking October. Reception to Mr. and Mrs F W UiIo,rpL !5th. isot Lo.crTT Jane was repented and a! song itr U wonthf from 41 lbj BLINK LI and BMIUbI l wrwil n . nn- - the beach, a brick Buutborne in will lie firuTT birrrtl andpartle owIdz Rf cons or D!H.Kinl01. layers hammer pocket inland thd first L Miss Montague and Mr Charles wlalr H air from his started Commander T. Aridji received on board ihe Last Thursday eveninz. Mr. KW. Damon and are tl tumaavlmmHIala yjttt to th atcoompanied by Herr i. bmith. All along tbe TMlla on tbe 33th uIL, His Majesty and party. hnJa. ami the Iter Dr. and Mrs Damon were ten Cholera Germs lurner completed thtir engagement at the Thea- aalJ DTil bajt-i- al bit oOfe Fancy and Plain Mlied Candlei, land of Nanakaji are acattered pieces of etooe, by crew, tre 1 loyal but night, and tbe occasion being a 4 INK E IUXEY to anoas evolutions were performed the dered a hearty reception by their Chinese fnend also Cf:n4r Ruled and Bound Order l SIT- - Almm4 tlraill aome, boulders of a great eizc, the two icland shoreward Dr. Koch the celebrated German physician, who benefit to the lady, the third act of Locia was rnlrlx J vph 3 IfiWfj after which the loy al party came again, at their Church nn Fort street, at which es Ki Et.e injSHH) riUfrri Fir Hmf J ptece off while, has been detotrog eo much time to the study of with very wish, Hoaolal H,pt3llh Will InlatM m Wapatch r- - traTellers knocked a once la a balutes were fired and the vessel drwvd in honor were delivered in Chinese and replied announced, thaL a nataral tbe 11 (. I Bm a consultation and examination held generally of Welcome cholera, has been lecturing on the disease. Though donna s last appo trance at the theatre should of tbe Tiwtors. to by Mr Damon, tn Chinese and ngun recomi Is no means Erima tlknh Bwiha Maf a Ta- - afcova Camllaw RatalliMt al WW reeoluns in tbe piece being thrown away he has discovered the cause, he by wilhap-irtt- which she had won i wm Ual - - mt!.. meeting at the tn hi f ipaIb in the Flower Kincxloni. which discovered cure la Sila (.! at Prfca 4w mm- t m tun fCIDlI The Gospel Temperance held marked bv hi satisfied as to having tbe Tbe ranch Livoar in the c loui-- The moj tie of th rtt rrif Conlinmng, the search party of two wandered Detfael Church vestry, on the evening of tbe 77th was listened to with attention S 1 7VtN sums up his lecture as follows The mad scene enable Mi Montigne FRENCH CLARET, LrKAf l r .. ChineM) t the conclusion Mrs Frank to exhibit VT.I rl(tlA n away from the Government land on to that known if vt nm( tnnMi. nnmber of those pres fnends. comma bacillus, or cholera germ, is believeJ to be her foil vocal power, tbe flexibility, range, and 27 Merchant St, (Gazette Building) r Dowaett i i A repetition of Damon sang a hymn in Chinese. half half animal It breeds only In tbe r i TAMILY GROCSni-- as Lnaloalii. owned by Hon James btt ent participating in tbe exercise. illuminated, fango, delicacy of tone with which shs Uan well endowed, II.ILK I Vtm Itowrlnln II I S. be same place, on next The Church was brilliantly and tbe intestine, not entenng the blood. By irritating It Ak leased by J L. lUchardson, Eeq, for the ttainae tbe service will held, at the large, including many of our most and the charm btr singing eiercuea on a very Co. Here, were attendance the inteatine, through tbe secretion of a specifie un- A bogar they fotned ty the Hon. batnrday evening Donng the evening a temt large number of her aubtors it is always J IAiar.B-- II Www fBtat Judge Kama (who lately obtained sachnnenTiAble prominent citizens. pulton or otherwise, it induces diarrhos and all satisfactory produce a nortion of an opera and m- was served tbe school room of tbe io - notoriety for some Fortajraese who were ii.ii,. jL,u.mj. - Jntfnh IL MomlL ex Tort collation in the other symptoms of cholera Through the for "Led to follow "Patience" was forcing a HTUigariau Tokay, rwuraiawna r imm arresting to which ample jwtioe was done. de- watering their vegetable garden on a bonday and boireyor of Honolulu, goes forward to his old Church, morbid action thus set up tbe blood is rapidly - strange contrasL The resolL however, proved the who was finally himself arrested and fined for hoiSe in Illinois for the purpose of recruiting hi A large gathering met last evening at me resi ot its watery basis, the circulation is merit of both, an! it tells well for the Lngluh wTongf si impnsoniBent ), aad two polioeoiscers, shattered health. Tbe departing official leave tr."nf 11 s If. lhman. tn veloome the arrival the characleristio lividity of tbe col- music that it stood the test of preceding Ionizetti CRYSTAL SODA WORKS laJDions of the law To the enrprvc of the Gaxtit many fnend behind who will wish him a safe ot Mr? and Mrs. W Damon In oar midst. The lapse atage i induced and eventually death i aoweiL Th choru aonutted them Informant, wbowascomfortaUyeconscdBpona journey and speedily recovered health. house and grounds were bnlliantiy luummateu rendered, probably by asphyxiation or dot la the selves remarkably well, and were sumptouuslT at- "C. lofty pAnnada of FUiohclo, tbe entire party joined with Chinese lanterns, and a large Jr-tw-e had valve ot tbe hearL tired. The florid mtuicln this famouisceca for Ex R. Bisliop," Oar GoodCare AckBowItdgeditbc But ' be- was sncceAs fully haolcd erectfd. bonatifollv decorated with ferns and Dr Koch researches show that in most . - in the search znoTenient, suitable uatenaUio Thaaehonner nI. the prima donna was ctven with all tbe old vicmr tr- IUKSALE IT-- S ing indicated was taken by tbe honorable lodge off the reef at Xaena, oo Una Island, by the staam evergreensln within, in which a sumptuous supper the bresxmpiion of a predisposition to choleraic and ability HO COBKS, and the policemen to the steamer and tJaord on ttJmt Afatr, and afterwards towed to this city was laio. among lae guesiv prxecn. were - k influences eiwt , That i to aay the disease d FOR THE COMPLEXION 1 board, boon a sufficiency was obtained and all by the steamer n '. Mr. Dower, who pur nnmlter of oar moat prominent alliens, profes by assimilation and selection. A perfectly bands returned to the steamer, the judge and oiS chased her as she was on the reef, will soon hare sional, mercantile and other Le. beallby intestine probably defies the comma-b- a iCtw nbctrtistmtiits F. A. Schaefer & Co.'s We Use Patent Stoppers cxaU although covered with sweat and dust from her repaired and in good running order again. edloSfbot when indigestion has already caused n.ix vsr 1'ishvi:tiok bacilli find cond- thisX i. tba xo. r r ririr.BKMiWX their (bon)day a labor yet forget not tbe homage Oar Hllo Letter. organic disorder the favorable .-uiuiiii- ft It- - Square on the even teaching one NOTICE la n r t4Ua flttilW t . Mf III, rar. m4 liars tnl a IrTlkalhr. doe to His Majesty on hi departure, which they The band concert at Emma ition. Tbe of thi is the familiar Ma.fMi I. it. .av t. .ail' ib qr.mu.r cave with that native nppleneM and trace so of Ingof theSJthulL, was quite a treat, tbe piece KnrroB Gizette Earthquake- - have been in that in cholera times especially, attention mast rpm: I'AIITXIII Willi' iu. Kino- - rail. I. 4.Krl il. uiN ay ten noticed tn the undulations of the 4&t played being of a character that induced a creasing here In freo-n- and seventy. On tbe be paid to the digestive organs, and no disorder L. fur. 1..Q? Lrt.e.a Jm 1. Palnrr ..4 FHUh II mivlltt rhOTai.t performances, notably so in tbe of the 2Dth a sharp shock was felt In them, however slight should be neglected. In II. Uoral.onlt t .r tbe LmsTAL Mr. L. B. KERR roB AI Oabl.ad.tal WaUX CAM or IT in the morning aliler mu. Ginger Ale but ours 1 8t - tr Homeward was now headed, the de- n,.llv - laaekr llrimde. which nromises to le- About a week prenoaa, two or three lighter dis short tbe eoccloMoa to be drawn 1 tbat cholera ODAUUUKS CU I. dtwred Vtm tMnat the Teasel K II HOLLISTER & Ce. parture being taken a few minutes past 1 o clock, come qoite pojTOlarand the dance, Aborigieea.' turbances, one oi intra a m- -i most be oct by individual far more than by col Th batian. .ill b. 4actMl b. Mr Wwk lattlf ctartltHl I ha inhabitanta. The OJttal serene while may wwtb .Ill ai.a .11 tbr laiMMidiM.. .1 tb 1.1. rou the desire being to reach the city beiwe dark. On r lectire action and that the community .b. A lUiLbH. iki Rmm TX mm ar Hemotmtm A been by a disease by tm. JMJ upward were bad lit Kifie. Ftr equanimity of the Uiloite has dutorbed be enabled to prtvent the spread of the 11 EETDENED SOTItK. the paawage several examinations -- 1 ELIJAH nUUUrlUKTII JUST mTttm-yUl'tffrt-- J. know that rf nlilana einnefanrv of ftometbinir more. TetWlth destroying the conditions which are necessary to of the stone obtained, bat the only remark that oat Iloaolala del .t-- gave any doe to the possible sac was one, " Trrfft a number of people desire to see Marshal Parke the easy going sereoencss of the Ialander, it is not tbe reproduction of the. bacilli, tbe prevention of ll OUR SOD AWATER Koloa Sugar Company, Incorporated. office, bat he was Marshal of the Kingdom when to oe woruiyoi morn uuu i tu an epidemic most depend to a great extent upon A. waiit jmtt m jrw-- f (wi m mmmmfvetmrnt tf the of generally lui 3IU. J PAUIEII I. aathorllM wkct all K From Great Britain mr r Jart ;.a4b PUcb raM tkl officer wi Kamehameha and yon digestive organa I. Br VfidUir hml Tirr Chats tall mf. Jlmmm C I was only a staff th remars. the state of health of the of those cat. tor m. alter thi. 4atr r th &x may bo certain that, be will never be asked to re The vnaiher ha a3in moderalfld and some who are at any time et posed to iafectioa. Ills E. II 1VOOUWOKTII cr ATTHri tNNl T. 3IKKTINCSMF HOME. A41U3T, seen moon Irvp Lrjrtaj VTorL. And will soon open with a lar-f- allcatlva Ut Uimi OraVn tto A t K0LUI IV. The teamer at the wharf in Honolulu sign, by me," grand cloud effects hive been on tains well to have this made clear, bat it id apparent lhU ali i wLMu allUK armed o , towar a i a great to ascertained before Ilaaala. Ilrt. I.t. 11. VK U b.U ai lli.al.la. Scat tb tt.1. ta. fafW.lv. aaaMl harbor at a few and His request bea and nouceaoiy btbiu k vb that deal remain be aa-- minute past 5 o'clock, it .! r,r-- the hmitmim has. at the week. medical .era Ut rn a.Mlublt M. Majcaly and fnrnds debarked, being soon per mot aay day of last it can bs said that science UJn position w L. X The Crystal Soda "Works, nBn .tfbll thestonc of several friends, coocladed to give a doOnz telerjhone i fast Dro- - to deal effectively with th cbotsra O. Sim Tara.ro. SELECTION of GOODS cwm b. .Mate. after carefully landed and aU traces of tbe eipe-dib- magrcat power--, o- -u W K AaU. roe. rnvbLnal fonnancc of her uciore grr-u- -g toward completion. The managet of tbe VT. O. SMITH CO, IIOSOLLLl U I Ifaos carefully coocaaled. Bat as mnit haa rhaiten the eventnrof r o coian X4H u company Mr A. Bcckwith, hopes to be moved Capt. i HUTADLE roR IUritf The bert laid plaato mea. the Mxnc Hall the J Brewer's Realnlscencea. Stock and Real Estato Brokers, baa It Cm k, Krrrrtarr nircaa the it- inst. as the occaozu new quarters by the Icth of October 15 II W Do efmatea sang a1ee. - reserved wU be on sale at into his ro Xo.3!XrTtk.tftiro.olaJ..H I OUE TZLEPHOSE HO 293 h mbartA TfflMirr place. Tickets for seats Another improvement the company has been mak Captain Hrewr, the forrader of the firm of fT ., tlKDM. So with this bunday nsnaL Brewer ComP-n- private ! IrUu. secret excursion, and what Wiseman's as lug is the setting np of higher posts in town, less A r. has had minted for WEAR t tWn A V K K, came C irUSTACE. GENTLEMEN'S SrOrVr.I-f- lth fsfe Co II AHirf.baaa4-a- fll CVUKt. of iL . t..M- t- thank station keeper dangerous to the equestrian from low hanging ra among intimate fnend of the family, tUtttt wlH rwel tMtWfllM M4 ...rwarr .1 ta. V. n Lis They irmsnl .Ilk I! r Ce4le . c. i.tn. oarTLmai r. tamed out on wire. afewot the remmweencesof lire are THE rt fof Baaaat. aa, at. .1. Bobberies of late are becoming unpleAJwnUy Crabbe, for not being lhfj? extremely dertl'-pen- z EXCmillO 25th an aUrm of fire The Fmm. ri4d n has fiaUhed discharging interesting as the character Retail Crocor, and all tbe more so as no captoxes are re- morning of the ult, y ht m - Wholosalo and OTIt K I bauffl brought tohh-b- and i now tkini; in snTarfroa WaiaA ea oi renuu km man. aoa contain moon inior is- 111 Klax BtrC aa4v liarBMaf liall f NOTICE ! ported of the thieves. News U oocaahMiAlIy ob the schooner -- upon matteri Jong since forgotten. Tbe tuUiTe. He lavasUgated nam, having taken from I paikon all that tioa r.nllr Plaauile. aad Fb)& Storrc taDDllrtl al rm. jr k tained of officers coins into outer districts and an exatcd "f'om?d erpectt to book is not one to review, written a is for - AL&KtrrrifofTiiKHTKi "VOT"r Id UKISKUi OtVKX to Capt lUlson it .ctlcc Xe. (rood, by CTrr eleaairr Vritrr r(w rfu- wtirr rqtt b't. tfc. cac-.- mt Mt making that there was do good causa pab-L- c fkI Latest Styls i 11 tbai Mllbr tb. Avi. mc !. a record but if they turned their talents to claax and sail on the TTLh. fiiendly eye, and not times of the general na lb. a41KT Ultftla lbWila n tTtti" boras would fire bewg only inapient and quicily lUnda f IMlr. ui t''" ' 1 Orau. Balk 8. BltUOr .III be Mmlbb sernoa they be better appreciated. It etirshea Eev A. O. Forbes filled Mr Baker mloit in Ta those well acquainted with tbe family the T m T II Za4w if D rtrbb. ffirlr. .a is a atigma on toe local white officer, tbe i""? 214-- Mr Baker book is doabtv foterestmc. and will no doubt be ll. It And Purchased byHimself f4rM7d.bt.ri.frarte.b.fb.'rr.rr.i4 Ia1-- the Foreign Church, Sunday the it srarkcr II lUCKriLtr .COL abUi-ic- t? s ih 1t arrived InthlSCity A laabmta, iatil.an. their defective show no good i amfferf-- from a confining eheru--ed as an heir loo by all of the bocse of TOD TWKINTIXC JfbATlVl EXE-- Barmn SrercUrr A Traaaarw frwalta. --Hth Mm an an fotrod10 totfae Is ff They abjoold adopt Pinkerton's motto, ...I xiuo, wpt -, ijrewerf LCTIU al Ibe burnt OSea. ,. in Person. Bra a x. ttxMxa, aecRUij wan a. Kwnst Haalat - on watch, we aerer aiep.w residents of town and courU sennl wrwo., mw , .- VULW" "S"x '."$ ""s&mGJ'U rnp,i.-1'.")-

- If-

riolic. He was recognized as among the iwittsrnimls. edge Thev shall make as many dividends be added to the joint slock for the ray Crntwl may think proper.nol ment ot joint cresuiora. most radical of the Republican members, 3hwttsrmrr.t. of said estate as they respects the position on tne womans oars gaiuaiianfiazcttt. exceed five, among the creditors who have Stcnos 27. In all other nis luursre to con tion an indication of his political proved their claims, without priority or proceeding as to partners shall by beinr I 5I - - leanings. He stood almost alone in WtBNKSUAY. OCTOREE however, that all UOCieu IU fc .w .. . - the preference, provided, "iw" j nau debts due the Hawaiian government shall commenced and prosecuted by or against advocacy oi uiis principle, xie a ui JUUbS Dn HuttjcriiD- - Ta II 1. - s!Ia.I It l4f nined liearing and commanding presence. I1VDIA RICE be paid in full before any dividend is de- one person, ii uie " v clared, and provided also that any em- than all the partners of a copartnership, wiui regular leainres, nond complexion servant a bankrupt shall Is? those partners who do not join shall be and a profusion of iron gray hair. ployee or of as entitled to receive m full not more than proceeded against in the same manner Mr. HattA.w Armtii a Aarie one month's salary or wages due him at in me case vv.. u. --- -- 5i!p55P .fcy. i show cause upon a creditor s Dr. Robert Lain Collier, writing in lbs Bos- 0 of the fadure or bankruptcy of leouired to " the time ton irniML rive an account of an iatervicw LiWMi. SF IrXvato 3Uponaryi employer petition. Bam .5MvtDiiA his of this Act with ilr. Matthew ArnoU, in liich Mr. Ar- LFjmjjpcnCxxMT Btmx Tauxcnca. Cu. --A 11 The bankrupt shall be di Stcnos 2S. The provisions - CWsilirtf by OaSAt a4 aa ww-- A sMA Stcnos , t . .:...... n.l Ml.., IT.A nold spoke ai follower f3 "w rarw Tested of all his title and interest in his snail appiy io wnviauwis, nun uj-- la - OF 1884. I Lave been aiked by reprf HoUtiTes of the FmiziWMtm OlArrt iiactaaiMa ftfJNMFtair?Sfc--- SESSION LAWS property from the day of Tiis failure (ex of anr officor of n cwwnilian Mtmm Ltiun mjr.raiJU.ca, pwrfcrt varUad m1 .l-l Selition of rail Mali Gai-f- r ami oilier London paper to al necessary clothing for himself ljr a Tote of tho Uoanl l?li3-t- r -- avni ynT.wl ammmt I 1 HT ! cejitthe Tit be "interviewed," and have always declined i .' jh ha iT iaaBsatl Ha u IR iHHftB&ilbto ptuvWfe ftA e n- - TViiatnna lnttTtT....--- .ItVial, Efe s nece-ari- not w fj W m ' AX ACT and family and such other uim'H3 the linnur, and timucinioro nave promiarsl xr. airts a)wllia CilM, i Umtm ouad value of three hundred dol- ly eallwl for that yanwrt or by tho assent Cr.tarjr, I fcUzm l.oiTkml, rimimnmmij nalrr,alaaampa 15itrnvi to exced the Knnwles of llie --VureeWi that if T" 1Viiw the Justice may designate) and writing oi a majon.j w w uvim will FS'afa!. 1xitiJ TBI HlAmS lars as in have an.Uiinjr, to ear about America I NERVOUS IJLM conveyance transfer Tnu-tw- as the ca xnaj N cr upon a 1 L-- everv assignment or or .end tl to linn. 11.1 have no present inten U Kibt una U ho - .lAtiKi-i- vnitilrt nnd Itnist'lltMl in MSH KSFiSSSiSfSS. B it Eaca I7 of his property made by him after shall tion eitlier to nte er say anything It waa r hit? oItlHwiiMlI'lls have become insolvent or committed an the manner provided this Act. the terv alieckinc to tee that miserable hoax legislator xl the Kinevlan as aCarwwM in Uie actot lankrnptry, except upon a good piloted in the Chicago purporting to Et hllfud ri i wMlt tM 4 5 1 iW consideration to a bona fide jmrchaser pronded in the cae of debtors. All the Eiveeonto criliciame 1 had7r,made lhroor.li the W.U -- . 1 rcrvm orag cause to believe him ITOTiMUlOVi - Pall Mall (eirrrr. Since its publication I have :(MMlivivTwkmkrnpNrmiMkMnMIltlC'. nJa aUrtuatN m - - m- Sicnos Etit having no reasonable ' MBitijMPitlkja pajfeaM wm cwta wlM U jjaoont of fire handreJ UoUats vim contem shall lo oac1 nnv eTWT officcr received many letters from menda la Chicago, & 111 FREMONT STREET U to l insolvent or bankrupt, or in toi, rPr. ItlMCwntTr,knairtTictbkilr4aeBUr mvwamd duacaHfaMa to ; 107, 109 shall refuse cr fail to maie jannrat ol aay insolvency or bankruptcy, shall of any corporation in relation to the Fame wl.i feel justly achieved that epch reflection. rr plation of rayarlaaw afca km granclnco. of his jast dnaands for ten Jap after the be void, and the property so transferred matters ctnceriuiigioecuipurvkiua mu ahoaU come from my pen. It ii almply pre i r mjnDctafAw9mX Snn Trho shall depart the . posterous to aappoae that I coold repay their M t B .irrianas "SIuVa a mIwi tin Dtraac CuuMintVfij fr jfg -- same hall laatcre, or and oUsposed of by the failswl at- f 1.1 v i mii i . .m i: 22 . i vteoi n: vrnr vi. maT be recovered CUT 1J 11 aa4 am41r raaUIUal. C'aawwaira bara In i- fE kk "i; KingdMn with the intent to hinder, delav assignees for the benefit of the creditors. bankrupt all its property and assets shall lioepiiamy anu lur j;ica. aiuuiiesa mrj iw.w my 3H8 r7irn It irtaf H T wtUaaretabMtIM(or who shall se- . roe by each criticism. Saeh an act oa DtlM x defranJ his creditors, or IS. I'pon the filing of a peti W U15UllAiM WilVUS ,w ,.n...-- 11 a kcavwawlwnaakrewaeai-ai- f. Ubt-- c DmUjttnn m ... Stcnos . wonld have been inonstroas and unpar- .i ... ''MilavrA.iatiiaoaJy. wnn m ibif - " -' his house to hinder. PUJCVemnil-uuiufc..- part J V. . 11- - " 5"'' r' ' " ' "' ""- ' crete himself, or keep tion as provided in Sections 1 and all SjtCrtOS J. Jll tr. AAtrw I" or aroU his creditors, or to i all of the approval of this Act shall donable. 1 met many most charming people in Yr delar. defrand cavil suits pending in relation io and the time 1 am "f sf Pad dj. of legsl pro- - and concluded under tho inovi Chicaco. aid have there friends to whom mags mnccuToa j-- enabled Largely ReAjce the Rates for the Htttag Cteawg hinder or delay the scrnce executions or attachments laid nponthe ba hnl for wear"; cam j Is is any or who shall deeply attached. It is true I did not care xlTca. tty prrreat- - all raaatarU Lonm (maltaijltta cuUection of debt cease, deter- sions of the law then existing. -. - - fur the bankrupt's property' shall Chicago; II loo "oew, ana as w woniu say . tuora Vf uetm. awawl-- U tla M or secret conTeyance however, is Us. winta ratiacaa Uka f i.1 W"- - Vr - JUU mate anv frandnlent mine and be stayed; provided, in England, "too proiperons." 1 tr.TirnBw iawca, ! J:.. 1 U VlKiV i TTULMN IKOMM- any or persons, XI of tho Laws of lstly Sk0-"- KSr--fa Mil tl of his property to person that any bankrupt may be arrested and inclusive and Chapter wonld not go to see tho at the " .wr--v 3J dis .CM .n.1 .11 1am .!.! VUlr4 nf IftWS COD f or make any secret removal or other imprisoned as a fraudulent debtor upon atuekvarda. Certsinlr not Whv should I ,,- - fiis of and position of property for the purpose the sworn petition of any creditor setting trary to the iaovisions of this Act be wish "to see Stilt, a 1 have said. defrauding his cre- repc-ueu- hindering, delaying or forth sufficient cause for such arrest and tne same are uereov nowhere uil l meel taora cnarmtnz people man "a - petition to any Jos 31 This Act shall take effect ' AMIMh Ita lXrilrr ditors, may, cpon the imprisonment Stcnos in Chicago. I liked Milwaukee and St Louis VWWSilS IvWklin-lklaW4r-- -- "- - l"UWl t.r Jll IB , AMI tice of tbe'Sopreme Court by any creditor Every bankrupt who shall and become a law from and after tho date belter as cities, but I prefer riuladelpbia to VV OnMaJta iilimlli Mw i.Ur . 0V?7 Stcnos It w likmisb C to the amount of two hundred and fifty have surrendered, discovered and delivered nf it TmbliratioiL any American city. Chestnut street is like dollars, be declared bankrupt over to the assignee or assignees all his Approved this 23th day of August A. D. Bond street Philadelphia is so respectable. lOltl Anv person owing debts to the There aro traces, certainly, of Quaker rijidity, Sktws property, real and personal, may, after lOiM juuiuu.u. ... II CONSIGNMENTS OF PADDY SOLICITED. the amountiof fire hundred dollars iihich expiration of six months from the date of but at the same lime creat refinement. hate not been created in consequence of his adjudication as a bankrupt apply to J.lua BttU'. N.lefcbor. 1 everywhere met with kindoessVaud affec. defalcation a a public officer, or executor, discharge from' all his tionateness, and came home feeling that the M. GREENWOOD. the Court for a Some year or so ago a sensation was very Win. administrator, guardian or trustee, or while debts, t'pon application for such dis Americans are indeed a tfc may literary world by the publica peoole. Mr wife and daughter were loth to GROSS COT TOBACCO Gen.nl Omall.a Mepht ui Pppricr acting in any other fidndarr capacity charge the Justice shall order notice to be made in the CU. -- country, so appreciative were they of INDIA RICE MILLS. Sa file h petition Tenfied by oath, before given by an advertisement of two weeks, linn nfabr. entitled JohnBullrtsMll.' quit the rrcl. of the Supreme Court and ask who was a clever work, tho author was a fair universal civiiuy auu vouoe Brown mem anv Jnst and also by mail to all creditors have It We enjoyed all wo saw, and the bankrupt, which petition observer, he made some amus- and myself. to le adjudged a proved their debts, to appear on the day nevertheless 1 must G-ood- s f apparently affectionate people most of all. Yes, shall bo heard and acted upon orthnth. appointed by such advertisement and ing mistakes. In retaliation aneclionate people. met Xew by Late Arrivals Any petition to declare a unom of aay they are an I becnos 3. notice, and snow cause, if any they have, an author under the de plume' 1 shall verified by oath, more social refinement than had expected. W. Dukes & Sbn, person bankrupt be why a discharge should not be granted "a brutal Saxon" has given hi opinions all have written of society in America SAN FRANCISCO. re- Stilt I FBOM and state the art or acts of bankruptcy to the bankrupt on France, based upon many years resi The Americans are a commercial accom knowledge Lolds true. lied upon, such petition shall be Stcnos 17 No discharge shall be f1.,nrn .nd n fhnrnmrh of Ian People, with the intellectual limitations of NEW YORK & ENGLAND. by a bond, the iwnaltv thereof to Twvml and country. We irive a . I 1... .- .1 pamed granted, or if granted be valid in any of SUCU. IDC (vmiuuD. uia&a wen a uimuciu.iTl Iw fixed in such a sum as the Justice may following cases: number of extracts. Of French morality people; tbej could not bo otherwise, sitnated AND CIGARETTES becondi the FOR PIPES think proper, which bond shall L If the bankrupt has willfully som he says : as they are. They have a vast continent, and all cost f pro- Basi-ne- by Castle & Cooke booed for the payment of falsely in his petition, schedule or inven It long ago passed into a proverb, that al! its recourccs are to bo developed. ss Received ceedings and dam&rea accruing to the tory or upon any examination had in the French literature was coarse and immoral ; absorbs the time and powers of the men AND party petowoed againt in case of failure proceedings in bankruptcy but ono must live in France and read as it docs not in Europe; consequently there ia ALSO. TO AKK1VE BY VESSELS DDE TROM ABOVE TOUTS. course of the to prove him bankrupt. 2. If the bankrupt has concealed any French to. thoroughly understand tho in America no dais of centtenien as in Ens- - Snmos L Tpon recwTmg such peti part of his estate or books or writings re degrading depths of filth that French wri land, althoosh everywhere there are individu BEST IN THE MARKET AT liUlVKST KATKS Hon and bond as mentioned in Section 3. tatim; thereto, or has been guilty of any ters descend to. As soon as ever girls and als equal to any cenlleman in the workl. To itiiSOJLD or when any per-o- shall be declared fraud the care, custody lioys commence to read they fly instinc- And tho ladies aro more charming. I never or negligence in takiogness. The young ladies are bankrupt upon his own petition as provided or delivery of the same to his assignee. tively to this class of literature, which met .such Section 2. the Justice shall issue an mutilated, them prurient almost before they most encacior. While many of the reollemen in 3. If at any time he has de renders speech order to the Marshal of the Kingdom or stroved. altered or falsified any of his have cast off their bibs. It is pitiable to have tho lone of feelirc and the of HYMAN BROS., to the Sheriff of an island ago will talk of r.ulisn gentlemen, mo lames are mucn more Plantations.Country Stores his Deputy, or books, documents, papers, writings or se- hear how girls ol tender English Suitable for the case may be. to take possession of shock sensitive ears, and to see enzacinc than ladies are better in as curities, or Las made or been rrivy to the things that formed aud more capable in conversation. It the debtor's store and counting house, Tn..lnm of any false or fraudulent entry how youths, while yet the down is on their tM! ia this takiogness or eng fineness io all Amer- Onlrrx KI1W at MiertiM Neticv All! ititli goods, chattels, property, books and papers m anv booL of account or other document cheeks are debased and debauched. This OrlVXlLll. until the election orap a pesti ican ladies Ibat really quite fascinated me Sole Agents. and hold the same with Intent to defraud his creditors or has national immorality is, as it were, the youcg ladies are so well posted and coo-- I I'turlu-tT- v. AtleHtHHi i I alM to Our assignee or assignees-rroTiJed- . the land poiBtmeat of an removed or caused to be removed any part lential blast that sweeps through verse so pleasingly. however, that in all proceedings of his property with the intent to defraud and blights. where any of the proiaTtr and effects of his creditors. T nnr heard a distinguished Kussian m tie discretion of the difficult to l&tncra! SUwcrtiscmints. Improved Paris PL O W the debtor ought 1 If the bankrupt has made any fraud nobleman say that it would be au- t . t rtA MUE rvUM.t.1 T TIli - itl Jasbce. to b sold and that such sale man or Tirtnous woman in tMIM KKI . i.u ulent iyment, gift, transfer, convey find an honest t . . -- - ( ft h. b i t i " Jrt.i tk would lie for the benefit of the bankrupt's ance. or assignment of any part of his all France. I am not quite prepared to ft t -- .jifc creditors said Mar-ba-l or his v t tJ, dMkl n.W r.i Hr. .. that the property, or has lost any part therof in indorse that but I fearlessly assert that G. BREWER & GO. !. or the Sheriff as the case may be. gaming" or has admitted a false or ficti immorality is a national vice. Yon see it ffjrrtrsTtLSirir::; shall, order of the Justice sell upon the tious claim against the estate staring you in the face on tho Boulevards HAVE the same and hold the proceeds of such 5 the bankrupt having knowledge at night; you see it in the cafes; in the or appointment of If sale, until the that any person has proved such false or brasseries, where women are waiters in ! an assignee or assignees fictitious claim, has not disclosed the same stead of men; in sculpture galleries, in JUST BEOEIVED IHSSTOVS CEIXBRATED SAWS AND TILES. ALL SIZES: 5. filing of Skthw After the the peti within- - galleries, in illustrated paiiers,in sjection&the to his assignee one month after picture ri.u Kll'AX taon and lundas jirovidedin knowledge shop windows, in the theatres; it displays Ml hearing the al such Justice shall fix a time for 6 If a bankrupt being a merchant or itself in the talk of the peoplo ana tuo ads kged bankruptcy, and notice of such hear tradesman, has not at all times after the of the people. Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardware ing and a copy'of the petition shall lie approval of this Act kept proper books of And this is tho way ho deals with the Bark Ceylon served upon the party jietitioned against account old French sarcasms about the large feet AVhenever person shall Section C any 7 If the bankrupt or any person on his n! llie Fjifflish : -- TIM roLLOHHU. Iv declared a bankrupt either upon hks behalf, has at any time daring the stage So far as my own limited intelligence own jietitwn or that of his creditor or cre- of the proceedings, influenced the action allows me to lorm an opinion ujwn iuis V J- 0R"'5r DO immediately file with the : - ii3 X O O O & ditors he shall of any creditor by any pecuniary consul question, I would respectfully beg leave MERCHANDISE ST Clerk of the Supreme Court a schedule of obligation ... i.Tnnn Hi nmiMBition that Ianre feet amounts due eration or MfOTT, all his creditors, with the 8 If the bankrupt has, in contemplation are not altogether a drawback. Mr OTtell, Wliicii will be Sold at J OHM such respectively which schedule countrymen, when creditors of becoming bankrupt, made any pledge, in common with all his LOW RAXES ! U1MCEKIKS, GoWt'ti GaU--, Star A SvrfiiK- - Hour shall contain all secured and unsecured payment, transfer, assignment or convey ho expends his Gallic wit njwn our feet, sI'l'LE accounts and if secured, the nature of such overlooks the anatomical view of the At the Old Stand. No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, ance of any part of his property, directly auite1 hie an inventory of . . ,. i ..i- - . r n.;n security, he shall also or indirectly, absolutely or conditionally, 6U0ject- - lie iiimsei.it ei.s-- Oil" assets including such as may be ex "" of "Electric all for the purpose of prefering any creditor and consequently a smallboned. race 150 J WATER WHITE. PATEKT Noule Csal For Kerosene Oil "We Offer THE PALACE, and Guarante empt by law or person having a claim against him, or people, while we, being Saxons, Xormans, Sktkw 7 Upon the adjudication by who or may be under liability for him, Danes, and Norsemen, come from a stock in & 10 lb. PAILS price: THE person as a bankrupt is LARD, 5 TIN, COFFER & SHEET IRON WORKER It cannot be beat for quality or also, the Justice, of any or for the purpose of preventing the prop- of large-lione- men and women ; and I tests the Justice shall order a notice to be pub erty from coming into the hands of the believe that it is adniilted by anatomists EXTRA PRIME VTJXCAK. a pood oil and above hshed in some newspaper, notifying the or of being distributed in satis that in a general way that people with of such bankrupt to come and assignees, creditors in faction of his debts. large and bony frames are more energetic, ;1 CELEBRATED PIANOS prove their claims before upon 9 the bankrupt has committed any more ueiermineu. suour aim l PLUMBING, in all its branches WOODWARD & BROWN'S such notice, and If LAJRiD Om. a day to be named in fraud in the contracting of his liabilities. than the races with small bones. iv ntnnELA A.vn cists . shall also cause the Marshal, his Deputy IS Any creditor who has This would seem to account for three The ( t.owl l'Uno. r Onrn l'arlor Orsa may or either of Stcnos sizes; hraM llrn or Shens as the case be, proved his 'TiJ opposing the discharge things. (1) Our superiority to the French Artesian Well Pipe, all them, to serve notices by mail upon the of anv bankrupt shall file a specification as a fighting people; (2) our superiority Tar and Pitcn, creditors of such bankrupt of such meet in writing of the grounds of his opposition, as explorers and colonists; (3) our having ing. and all creditors who Lave so proved and the Justice shall thereupon proceed worsted France in all our encounters with COAL their claims on the day named in said to hear and determine such objections and her, whether of a naval, military, or diplo- Use. STOVES AND RANGES publication and notice, may proceed forth specifications. matic character. In Casks for Family more of.said we No. 5 NUUAND STREET. HOXOLULTT. with to elect one or assignees Stcnos 19. Before any discharge is If the above deductions are correct sLlO.XrMIASn Unci. Sam, MeJillion, Kichmond. Tip Top, Palace, Rora, May, raciest, Grand ftto, bankrupt estate as hereinafter provided, sub- may fairly feel proud of our big feet l!uj N.w lUvaL Dcrbj.W rsn, DoUv. Ovp., Own, fanny, Army LanK,Ma(:Da thartr,Bici, granted, the bankrupt shall take and Oir. anj LannJrT MovM, and in case of failure of the creditors to effect that he has not suppose we turn ocr attention lor a Sutnor, Ua2o t. OaoSya, Aloeda cliwa. Chartti Uak. Nimble, InjtoJ scribe an oath to the Copper Boiltrs lor luncex. Graaito Iron Ware, Nictel ITaleJ and Plain ; Agents 'Superior' Stove elect an assignee or assignees on the day don, suffered or been privy to any act. to the small feet of our French ASftUBTCD HlZCSf Galvanlird Iron and for the named in said notice and pubHcation. then friends. Kit $ I matter or thing, specified as a ground for on the Justice shall appoint an assignee or wunnoiaing sucn aiscnare, or as inTaiiu It is pretty certain that some day there CUMBERLAND COAL Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, aU sizes. and laid at STOVES RAHGES assignees, who shall immediately give aticg the same if granted. will be mcladed in exhibitions of instru m notice by publication of such appointment 20 shall to the ments of torture "that modem instrument CARD MATCHES Stcnos If it appear Lowest Rates; Cast Iron and d Soil Pipe, or election. Justice that the bankrupt has in all things ot torture, a French boot A Paris chiro- ,;o Secttcw S Any creditor may object to some note once told me that FairbantVs Platform Scales, complied with the requirements of this podist of WARE OH HAND any claim !r -- SHEET MEM the allowance or proof of and Act and that under the provisions thereof seventv-fiv- e per cent of French people had k ?SgEr5i heanngshall had before the Justice, AMOBTED sIZEai kinds; .v2-j- OKI the be a the Court deformed feet. AVhether this had any ail M I Tf EB he is entitled to discharge, "- ' - ft i llil and anv creditor whose claim is so object not have never House Furnishing Goods, - - " ! iSr ?- shall grant him a discharge from all his foundation in fact or I gHyt. - ..,. ed to shall have no voice in the choice of dis- determine, but ...,n such been able to satisfactorily ASH 16, 18 I1 however, debts, provided however that OAKS, 17, ft -- 11SMS6' rU assignees, provided, that the crfr charge shall not apply to such debts as I am strongly disposed to believe it did KDUBEll UWsO-AI- MZES AND GR.VDES; - M' objection Lift and Force rnmps. Cistern rnmr. Galvanized Iron, bluet Copper, bhe.1 Lead, . - ditor or creditors making such emDezue-me- not fall far short of truth. For a French - J.- tn Ul1 rv have been created by Iraud or Axe Handles, Lead Tin t'Lltc, Water Closets, Marble blabs and IkrtU, Enameled Wish btuuls. . . v 'CW vukv file afSdavit that such objection 15 bona I'll, ..da an or by defalcation, as a public ofS man is eternally racking lus brain to try " - fide, purpose Pick Handles, ";3f ....mr.nmir.naitnrirtariiii.iu;.. and is not made far .the of cer, or while acting in any fiduciary ca and discover the very smallest possible depriving the creditors objected to of hav naatv amount of space into which his feet will Cotton Waste, ing a voice or vote in the election of assig Stcnos 21. Any person interested may compress. The result of this is, as every- Salt, Plaster, Chandeliers, Ianips, Lanterns vi' "J nes Either party or the assignees may except to any decision of the Justice in one has seen, that painfully mincing gait Montague Range, take an appesl from the decision of the proceedings tinder this Act and appeal so peculiar to x rencli people. A Choice Selection of M MIES IN Tt t Justice to a Jury, upon complying with therefrom to the Supreme Court in banco, He illustrates French vanity by the fol the requirements in regard to appeals con- lowin novel anecdotes. ! C1CUUS 0 PIKLS 0 WPUC1TKI provided Euch party give notice of his ap- not altoelher CHAIRS tained in Section SL peal within five days after the rendition But, as I have said. French vanity is a TELCFHOAE 811 Scenes V Creditors may prove their READY FOR HOUSE Ul SUCil UCOS2WI aim uie a IMUU W LUUll very real thing It yields to nothing or FDRIMIi chums, at any time before the discharge of said five days in the penal sum of one nobody And could this bo better exem Barrel Shocks the debtor, but shall participate only in hundred dollars with the Clerk of the plified than by citing the case of the EXCELSIOR, Co., such dividends as may be declared after Court, conditioned for the payment of all French Duke of Levis, who nsed to show BILLIMGHAM the proof of their chums. Debts not due represented one of costs arising from said appeal in case it an old painting, which mi Have Received a. Full of the Favorite may I1 proved allowing a discount for shall not be sustained. his ancestors, a rrinco of Judah, bowing JPhasto Vuvts line And all iiersoiu who are endorsers Stcnox The Justice may at any to the Virgin Mary, who says, "Convrez or surety forthedebtoi or who have de- J vous mon cousin V Then the well known , HANDY PHETONS, mands against him as drawer or endorser time upon the motion of one or more cred I Dillinsrliam Breaking; Plows ltors who have proved his or their clairis, family of Croy possessed a no less silly of any note. orBpouasy other demands picture, which showed Noah entering the New Styles of Carriages, or undertakings whatsoever, may be con require the assignee or assignees to file his or their accounts, and if he or they ara, ami exclaiming, ui sjdered as creditors provided that the btli, But thisi" OUltBjp.sin fiixiMiiim iiLxis(.imi have funds subject to distribution may re- in la matenn de Crnr." LYCAN bond, note or other contract be made be- quire him or them to distnbute them keeping with the expresssion of Madame I fore bankruptcy and that the debt de- ExiI"C5." Wjijjoiin PAKLOi; . forthwith. The Justice may remove any do laileUieraye, a cousin of Cardinal SETS, PIANOS fyiSQW PLOrtS, RICE FLOWS manded shall become absolute before the who, speaking of the Chevalier assignee at any time for cause shown, and Biehelieu, " T final dividend of the bankrupt estate uu-- . Ladies' Phaetons, DBD1100JI SBTd, j . OIIGANS, the assignee so removed shall immediately de oavoie, a man ot nisn uirui oui Srmoir 10. Upon the election or ap- rebuked, I I A tm 13 tMb deliver to his associate assignee or to the dissolute habits, who had been CIDER ODD CUAIRS, pointment of an assignee or assignees as said, uDepend upon it, Gal will think VINEGAR, aUITAKS,. be. Marshal, his assignee appointed in his place, all the ' the case mav the or De twice before damning a gentleman jf his HAND TABLES, funds, property, books, Touchers or secur- CARTS, DlNIIfO jp , ACCOKDEONS, r-- id Hdit (r ou win (vUtrrD the "tmi, JUOUNi. tlJiW HuKKd of bekmgra to the bankrupt estate in nnaTitr" TVr tU property may be situate, shall immediately ities also said. JlH kbr ItooMT wertcrn n Mapvucuic; uwl tkr Lriun AUK 11m his possession without charging or retain The Due de Clermont Sonncrre EASTERN MADE OXCARTS CEXTnE TABLKS, QO VIOLINS, LJJ deliver all property in his psesionor in speaking of himself. --God will never under his control to the asigope asg ing any commission or compensation for MATTltHSSBS, BANJOS, Cultivate rs. Horse Hoes, & Harrows, his services. dare to damn a duke and peer" noes, and the election or appointment of A neonle who can be cuilty of such silly SUGAR BAGS, Old Molinc Plows, 23. Preparatory to the final ac- Pattern an afesigneeer assignees shall immediately Stcnos vanity as this may almost be pardoned for TILLOWS, FLUTES, Plantation Tools, all kinds ; Test all property real, personal or mixed count and dividend, the assignee or assig stxu thinking all other nations inferior to BUGS, IIAMIOXICAS, Diflercntial Puller Blocks, of said bankrupt in such assignee "ras- - Dees shall submit his or their accounts to C. & j the Justice and file the same, and shall themselves BREWER COMPANY Buckcve Mowers. Hydraulic Jacks. 3IATTIKU, STRINGS, fodder Cutters, Garden & Cawal Barrows, bctks IX Claims shall be proved lie thereupon give notice to all the creditors senator Aathoar by the oath of the who have proved their claims, that he will fore the Justice credi this dis- Lubricating Oils. Turpentine. Kerosene Oils ton. and to entitle any creditor to have a apply for a settlement of such accounts The following short sketch of ! Tote and for a discharge from all liability as tinguished gentleman's career is interest Fftta Oi mmi mntmbmk SiMiUr upom. twfes sad Box. is the election of assignees, be must Just Arrived hf. Fte litifciiiMfcii Hu Fsnuflfctac 0ml. Lmpk 0Witn. Loscn. c c first prove his daim. All electioas for as assignee or assignees at a time specified ing: per Dk of AbrrttK. fvm Lirapoot, shall ballot and creditor in such notice At the hearing the Justice Rgaees be by no The "Father of the Senate" was born of A.TSTO .Xj33 1 to an amount less than one hundred doi shall audit the accounts and any person Quaker ancestors in Coventry. R. I. April POH lars shall be eatitled to vote A majority interested may appear and contest the 1. 1S15. He graduated at Brown Oliver ONE MILE OF in number and Talue of all the creditors same ine justice may inereupon at nis sity 1S33, and adopted the profession of accounts in REMOVAL. who have proved their chums shall be discretion pass the and order a journalism, in which he was successful Light Portable Railway Rails, LAINE & CO. estate re- necessary to elect an assignee or assignees, dmdend of any portion of the InlKK. he assumed the editorial charre OOMP'Y. U1UA LAIthL MOl'k Ul TI1K and upon a failure by the creditors to elect maining undistributed and shall discharge JTtrvttmetjrtrtna lie 10 JCr JX4. aHl SHaKl. CMS Wtli me ot tne wnicn ieiara l. y an assignee, the Justice presiding shall assignee or assignees. ed for many years. In 1&19, he was elect- A.. KRAFT, "Vox-- ZSoHt 24. costs of proceedings aprxxnt one or more assignees as ne may Skws The ed Governor of Rhode Island. Ha was re think proper The Justice may order the under tins Act, except in cases where the elected, but declined a third term, ttetir AND 10 UGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS and Hay, Grain, &o. assignee or assignees so elected or ap- pensioner tail io prove ine person peu ir (rem official life, he devoted himself OPTICIAS, JEMLKK pointed to give bond for the faithful per ttoned against a bankrupt, shall be borne enlarcing influ with renewed ardor and -- iftieMpiis, formance of his or their duty in such sum by the bankrupt s estate. ence to 'tis profession. In 1S5S he was IT B Tkt lUUwar HWe for Aslaul Fvwer. WATCHMAKEE, Lowest Market Prices as he may deemunicient Stcnos 23. The assignees shall be paid elected a United States Senator from At&O TOR SAUC Sectzo? 1 The assignee or assignees fire per cent upon all moneys received and Rhode Island as a Union Republican, to MimIsM Metl Balls II lb, t Ike jnl 8antMB w w on paid out by them and shall be allowed all and took AEID m Dealer w MhsiccI bstnineals. "' "" 2J? "" shall have full power in his or their own succeed Philip Allen. Democrat Forth wmrUttmtlttmrw fcsa TvmUt JtC. nB-- name or names to sue for and collect debts other reasonable expenses incurred in the his seat on the 4th of JIarch. 1K0 He aai IveoiBMiTt. tke laderitied z t ref r b cow "- ri AfcKSTMWBTHi- :- Rtn B.W rr ox trust. 1SGL 1S70, 1S76 and 1SS2. 4 u.aprwKeu .flispm&cMTiiM, wertaitcii doe the bankrupt, and also bring any suit aumnnstratioa tnetr was reelected in o is rail operftttotj Fjtciae Antiul LLCe Insurance Company, in Ins or their own name or names which Stcnos 26 Two or more persons who being each time returned with practically TmttrlttrpttitmUrr. tppij t UTE UTORUriMS, a KB KICEIta H8 has for its object the lecuieij of anv por-tio- are partners m business may be adjudged no opposition. Iu this almost unprece- .W L. ORE EX. or umvh An PICTURE Senatorial duty Mr FRAMES A M of the bankrupt's property. The as bankrupt, either on the of such dented length of . AgitU for tke "EOOVZE TELUE05X.' petition S92t AgytforJ4tBr UrtC mgnee or assignees mar dispose of all partners orany oneot tnem, or on inepeti thony served as a member of the Commit- . ! commshoser or DEEDS property beIocuur to the bankrsct of tton of one or more creditors of the part tees on Claims, Naval Affairs, 3Enes and HTHS'Iil GOODS Office most Tlio Oalllornla H'l I. LTPLItil whatever name, nature or kind at either nership, in which cas an order shall issue and 3fm;r and Fo6t His Xtl work, Or 47. pobhc or private sale Such private sales as nrovided bv this Acturon which all the notable committee fcorrrrer, was on PRODUCE & PROVISION GO. -- - -- IT rlUWJi Ji became - . a. J vr-- t- r "C7- However snail oevand only upon connrm joint stock and property of the partnership, the Committee on Frinimg He - t aban of the Court having jurisdiction of and also all the separate estate of each Chairman of that Committee immediately -- BROWN & PHILLIPS. the proceedings. If any assignee dies or partner shall be taten, except such parts on entering the Senate, and retained the UpxlUllT MUfj tke rsUic Ul tkr hn iur. becomes incapable of perf onmsg his dn thereof as may be exempt by law from position tminterruptedly ever since. Ub&tH UcaMcivn it IVTlDE RQLD & SILVER WATCHES practical plumbers, ties, the Jcsfcce may appoint some other levy and execution, and all the creditors At various periods Air. Anthony served TO "ORDER. person to nil his place Ine assignee or as- ot tne partsersnip and ibe separate credi- as President pro tern, of the Senate, his 73 Hotel Street. Honolulu. GASFITTERS AND COPPERSMITHS may any . .uw- - signees at time examine the bank tors of each partner shall be allowed to principal term as such being for four years Ia cut f tkm aceatlara ctaph4 y rapt upon oath before the Justice as to and assignee or as- from 1663; he was successively ejected to Tcrl-rnTnoTlTS-c. prove their , the 105 & 107 Vr.n'n.l IIBavn.II.l.H.BI such matters connected with lus bonk signees shall be chosen by the creditors of theiicetionmlS7LlS72andlS73. Ifhe SRCSOVICH. GRAY A CO., FORT STREET, roptcy he or they may yi, w fcg- out lus fifth term he a-- . ur.sm.rB. jiouse ana. oxup JOB w ors a ist- the copartnership; such assigneo orassig had fully served WWre STOCK of me ot xcey had a tenure equal to that of oabrft4aCOXrLr7E r. i interest the craiaors. shall nets shall keep separate accounts of the would have ECONOXmTJJLSU, X. trcnMnntaaruim-a- , T ""?"" ,T . have power to execute all docamentsna-de- r joint stock or property of the copartner Thomas Ifart Benton. Mr. Anthony was is:. JrT" seal or otherwise, necessary or proper ship and of the separate estate of each again elected President pro tern, of the Produce and Groceries a I property beginning of the last session lijirr"i. Ana atl Idas Planning Goods tococverthe sold by them to partner thereof; the net proceeds of the Senate at the WHICH WILL EZ SOLD Island - ! AT Orders irill Receive Stamped Envelopes w. jo.jlt.xch- thepcrccaser joint stock shall be appropriated to pay of Congress, but declined the place on ac- Prompt and Sxlxius 13. Theasarcee orasszmees the creditors of the copartnership, and the count of faffing health. Lowest Market Bates for CASE! Fottr-Room- shall xmmedi&telT after their election ox net ihB separate estate of each Mr. Anthony made a few speeches, bet ,-- Wanted. proceeds ol j"o-oxt- JJ;ifc..-- 4 - .' Collage file with the Clerk the to the committee TELzraoxexmsig ' - appouiimesl of partner shaU be appropriated tovar his always spoke paint In Carefulj .'"rSiKSLTS T.SJuStTSi TTrrnu tks Jirxm w alk Saprnse Court a list of all the assets that separate creditors, and if there shall be he was a leader whose judgment was) as 3"AllrtnwSnnmthiliMi l k. iSltfMS Attention. JEctt MmtMOHealHniCxtt tbtummac t? ita.rv3Tcrnc a;. and hare esse to their possesion cr knowl anybalines thereafter ssc& balance shall J generally sound as it wis quick pat r X. K. MYERS. Mancgsr. (1002) I

"meWSSffSif eWiiauTf. Tjjrimte LHmmwawBnaBBnnSBm - lLj II.- w BaMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmTlmm F ""'"" " - ammmmVv ""iBIJBBPBBPBBBHBB j Hp Lamr aammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnwanHffiil

i "" " " " --T3Xiee awrau'SraiKs. "" zrr 0bbbbbbb1 ylV - T" ' ri jsjk

f"-,- PUBLISHED IlY 'ttTfilTai.pl fanf oUsta-Wlr- Klu 9SklJRiW W U v 4 fl 4 . i aXdiMf - itfl II ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. .,$? jffl gk VW - SSSSSSS I I . VwflTlI W W TWIMl 8 BSVtW li IT IT A , .j ...... -- , Flit at H? w ,& Eii eti - QMnrfdhm fMff'ISS. I, ,tuuuuj sri hi - ,i hi as a m wis smmrn'mm tit ffi . ;':i ' r, ri ittm SMTiS WOO Z. t (.!' M uiar pi ffi Hi mi h it 1.1 aa - Turttafcoumv r..... !f- - ui fi , wd wm - hi ui ai ' m at vi vr nni.T. ..; per ann ia Saw &.V u &. ke. he. Will hs m,n wm &ri imiam r . iw kw i . A lile Tei 3W 3H ot ' ki ik ii TwoThiHClvnilsteiSMuirci.. woe am ci t: " il M PAYABLE IX A DrAXCE. T rxy yN Ny $ N N - N N XteL ' ' & Sls Cart bo rrrrnti JW mtnr r H mk Foreign 8nbrIbeM .05 In Atliitiifc, Of'1" ' IbwniadliieMntlremtsemrUrs.wMea: erf-- T ttU-- t at!rrt!startts. ars pars o cnarswi qmolnrr f X. & Alir.rs!eas4TOTaB.t. nras.n.at-- '. wtllh..ywB)nI.retl'r, Ba44ie. w 3ut jn udm. Tk.rai.reBarsarffeiTtnlHasorc, : rrailttaae., eastern c. Office In new Oaretie Bnlldln;t 25 and 27 XIX.--.N- o. ! , fee igxrt... ssrsrswasn'r t.4l Street. VOL. 40. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY-- OCTOBER lt 1884. IWHOLENo.1029. tcrtptlensaiaf be aa.4. V, baakbtn,el.er t'n Merchant a(.siaail.. A Common History. Business Carts. Bnsintss Cnrts. iUttljauitol illttljaniml tfftrts Jnsuroiut Totitrs. Jusnratitt SCotitts: &trtbffintf. " It I time to be born," GodtW, and there ramc, (farts. forttgn Intn the world, withont t nunc. W-- A morul of tlnj frame CASTLE, tte 33ISHOI? CO.. ED. C ROWI Boston Board of Undcnrrllers UNION INSURANCE COMPANY ; WHLIA1I3, BIHOSB & CO.. M ATTOHmiY ,VT IiA.Tr &a It l time to think, to tool, and to grow. Honso and Sign Painter, Paper Haneeri CONFECTIO NERY! A wilk, fair babe Ptiow,r' and Attend, tfae BANKERS. UESTS for the Havrallan l.Untta. Shipping and Comaislei MfrciHtlj To wstf n tod of Notir; rabllc. all Court of the IIO.NOt.VI.U. s : No 107 King Street, llonolala. twaly C.BHgWrgRACO sA.f bald a crandm, eoft and loir. yjl Kingdom. JIAWAHAKIM.AADS g1y I A of rittsciicu. j DRAW EXCHANGE UX ;. 3MoiisrDLT.i:iisr"5r Wl MSCallferaU Street, San Frsncisea-f- t It U time to lean on a leader , c. ZtjXnrlzio. breut. K. AIIAJIS. IHEBANHOF CALlFORRia. : FRHC1SC0. coixjia, Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. Little one, tn thy dream robe drrst. I. : : : JH BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST i.Ho. 71 Fort St., above Hotel St., . W H. CBdSSHAlT &Bxa. hald a mothr,come, and rrrt." Auctioneer and Commmlon Merchant. 15D THCin AGKKT8 IS for the Hawaiian 'aland., IHCOBPOBATED, 1803 Hnnc MiorlnR, Cnnlnce Tork. AORHTS C. BREWER A CO COMMISSION MBRCHAHTJi, It If time to ttndj, and reafe to play." VJll Qncrn bttect, Ilocolalo. ' lj- Sew York, nnrnlnerjr, Ac. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND riantallon CASTLE c COOKE, ACENT8 11 - Sald the father jrrare to the boy one day. Iloilan, 1(K1 Shop on King Street. neitCaftle A Cook.'., ly An assortment of the bet French and Cn.nsker Mtmt, 5ew- ?tU. ' thou woald'at wite when EDWARD PRESTON, V. A. SGIIAKFER. 102V If br cy." I'ntli. Calif crnia manufactured Varths Hawaiian hlandi, I jrrmw-Cast-le Jt Cooke, awl t. T Wtntli " Attomej and Counsellor Uaw, MESSRS. N M. ROTHSCHILD SONS.: :L0D0K JOHN NOTT, Doardof Vndcrwrlterat lyr It tlmeo itrnccle for minlr plate. at I 1 Affent of Dreaden Board of Underwriur. . JfOETHBSniSH AND MKBCA5TILE m To enter the llttc for the mand life race,, lr KaahnmanaSUftt. Ilonolnln. ntASKroCTJS-TU- MAIS. Importer and Dealer in Stores, Raages. Oo23LTeotioi3.ory Aent of Vienna Board of Underwater.. . Ha id a yontfa with annny face l5 Uood., CirKkery.ClaM and TV offcra or H.-W- The Commercial DanLins Co of Sydney, London. Metal, llonw Fnrnltliini hlch he for tale lo the trade. at retail. Claims Companies the n SlfVEBAlTCl., W. ATTSTTN WHITING, Mechanics, Ilonolnln, II. I. agaln.tlnfnranee within time to tint tra a demon lhoojlit, The Commercial Danklnz Co. ot Sydney, fcydney. China Ware. Practical of the abore Boardf of Underwriter, will hare OP LOXDOX A "ID lilt At-La- lOClly EDInCRUII. HsTfallaa Cousnl sad bin Wer dark with danger f raacht, Attorney and Counsellor The Hank ot New Zealand, Auckland, and It AT REDUCED PRICES! to be certified to by the abore Acent to make them Ilnl It. haply, came to nansbt. Agent to oflnptmnicnli tor ealld. trfflr late Aclnowrd;einrntg ttranches in Chritehnrch, Donedln and Wellington. J. M. OAT & CO., SATLMAKERS, ALSO Establlihod 1800, COMMISStOH MERCHANT ' It le the Ieland i! Uahn, time to lore," Mid a lorrr bold. The Haul, of tlrithh Colombia, Tortland, Oreson. in A. r. Cooke". Sew f Bnildins, foot CIGARS Cat Ae be kiflvrd ewcet Dpi of a ln "ltJi Ko. 1 Kaahnmaon btrccUIlonolqln. t yr Itt THE BEST BUARUS OF CHOICE Notice. CAPITAL C3,009,ra St.. San frntlseo. mH mold. The Aiore and Madeira Inlands. of TCnoann Street. Insurance RoomNoii. tr And rrhearwd the etory old. To be had is the market. Accnmnlated and Insetted Fnnd I,097SI O MRS. A. M. MnXIS, I btoctholm, bwedec. nonolnlD. II. I. AGEJT FOR. THE BRITISH " It is lime for Joy," with an alrof pride, "" f bald a bridegroom Foahlonable Dresa and.Cloalc Maker, TheChartercd Hank of London, Anetralla and China, a Fla- - of all dcicriptlong made and repaired . THE BEST ICE CRE1R, SODA WATER X CORDIALS THE Marine lnanrance Company (LlmltedV has rMir. , nrx.-- & fond. "I hare won a bride, recclTed Inatrnctiona to Rerlnee of In X appointed AdENTS for Sandwichiiatk Islands, DR. JORDAN CO. 1 q be ercr at my aide.4 i 101 lott Urcrt, Ilocolalo I. Hongkong, Yokohama, Japan. S tbe Kate ti Ji: -- gyCAI.1. AND TUT TIIEJI.-- snraac between nonolnln and Torts in Ihe Paciflcand anilareaathorfaedto Insnreaalnst Irs on Favorable 'J31 IT ' " Andtran.actaGeneTalDanUngBqginebe. trig ty PIONEER STEAM . I . lOTOBm PL'PIia OV PBOTEiSSOn. It Is time to toll foi daily bread, , la now prepared to Isane rollcle. at the lowest rates, Tm fy RICORD.of emtit, mnrleten er . Candy Manufactory and Bakorv with a special redaction on uteamers Risks fa or Islands on Stone For a wife and family man be fed,1 i:..iiciTvni:A:iiROiiii:K, tV, O.Jnirrnauf-.-- frelchper ter" taken ear pari tbe .aent of nai0m7 Can ee reasnltee fttr 'it. ...K'.W.A Ty.wr letter, fJfllce 21 1 Ueanr St.. !an Francises V Coals, I mr ralllornla. rath K1D5BT Vrpalr, flTi'10 XAIlOtm. iHMIMAX. WEAKTIE-IWf'-: nlMKASEtlOI'THE SRT ASD Aii UIMEAMKSOr JIEJt. A BOOK SKIT OS nscEirr C7 CKTT3. VI 38 - tW -. fe- CHL01W1THH. - . DR.J.G01USBR0.NES TJ1B oniOlS h aatl 0LT GBtrn3 AdTlc to Innlhlsv-I- I jo wish-- f obtaiis trsEet blnileep. fne from headache. nllf from n.a a4 tn calm and assuajr9 th weary kb..i rf protracted InTljpniv the neiron mrttlft, an rtffuhitetbe dl.etrcalatliM tystema f the bodr rmrri.? proTldejonrielf with that BUrTeHM ttnmtj&tw?T nlbrDr J ColllBmwiiMaMArmTMMlralltsT,t 1 ULOKUDTNS wthfc " which h the bm of and b-- Grool-r- . Is admittedteby th profefm t the mcvt wonder Honors to TUX GREELY EXPEDmON. and Tsluabto remedy na sHKOTtrcd. f. THE BBFOJtE THE BRITISH ASSO- What an Army Officer Read In the Diarla. UiIUJKODTNEUtK'wlrtMTf kiwwttforCcras, rXI'LOULIt G piemen Oonsaraptla. Brooehitis, Aathmtt. CIATION AT MONTREAL. n azette 1st of Some of tlo Party. Sap GULOKODTOK tik Dlarruca. Ha Ml tnd walia Oct acJurratB t Au arm official who lias recently read theonljfpeclUe in . holers 81'iUystmterr Tbo president of tbo aiBocialion in introduc- Trm portions of the diaries oftlie Grecljr part l CHLOROUrNE efffetsallr cui thm all altacka ing Lieut. Grccly, said that tbo geographical 3itucrti5rmriits. iXrui Jiuncrtiscmciits. cucral SUirjcrtisrmnits. Bpitepsr. IlyaterU. Palptuuor, iwlptcw. said that lliey reveal a mora serious coudilion CHL0R0DY3K my ptiltUHt ttt Tfenrslr'a cction was favored with the presence of a of affairs than tho snrrivors will admit. It Khenmatlsm, Goat, l aoccr, Tootaach, JfentajHi, providential seems that from the beginning or tho expedi- groat traveler aud Buffercr, whoso From Hyme Jfe Co , .Munnaenticat Ctherattsti, 3Xfrdi TO THE LADIES tion there deliverance from tho dreadful fato of etarva- - were disputes between members of txilUll, Simla, Janaafy X ttwt To J. T Davntport Pioneer" Line 1ST. tho party. These led to a division, which Ka 33, Great RnoeJUtreti HtosDbnr hempen, tion had sent a thrill of gratitudo through the Detir $r - W em bra- - this opport unity ot cowsnttnUts S. SACHS. existed at tho tinio of the rescue. When lug yea aptn th wide uprexl rvpatailoii tht Jst!y civilized world. Thoso Buirennge, noauuou, found there were two parties, one in charge exteerattl tnedklne, Vr J oIHa Brown tlilor'wy. FROM LIVERPOOL. of Sergeant has earned for ite.f notonlj In IflndoUnt hv.a.i wcro Bacred to tho audienco and ho could only Lort, the other in charge of QTcrtheEAsL Aaaremedyfestieral utilitT wemusi ICHI BAN - exploit of Sergeant lirainard, and they were living- as qowlrwi imported intothacniiBtrT express its sympathy. It was an we shallwhberbtftrbe glad ( bear of 'uSadia aplaenfa customers separately as two tribes. Greely while an aai the utmost daring, since to Grccly and Lock-wo- be? to luloini oar friends and that every AssIoIndUn borne The other brand w arw ui ha. i been appointed bOLK AUENTfa fur (Successor to a. 3a:. iVEellls) invalid and during Iho last few months of serr t say. are now relegated to the native baur. thin firm, and much belong tho crowniug honor of planting bavin: Arctic life was in tho party headed by Bra-ina- rd, jnusiex iron ufirMif, we laner ineir aomntiarenti pleasure in Inrltlnfr Inppecllou of oar Mr. winbebut BvanevLent Weeoukl maUJpIr Instaae tho American Dar noarest tho 1'olc. He re large and varied Aortmeut of who cared for him daily. Greely tut IttfmMum of thr rxtraordlnary Qteacyer Dt i tC'i seems to Browne ( hlorodynfi Drsesteor ferred to the manner in which Grccly and his havo been a very poor commander. is Plarrha. d IIo lacked cieculivo ability and good judg- Spasms. Cramp. Senralfi,lh VomiUnj of Prestuacy men carried in retreat thcii ponder- mndaaajeneral tedattiTe, that bav occued nndermr bad their 104 - - - - ment. in leaving for tho journey personal obtferratlon daring many years, ofdovo-tio- St., la bnlfi; sublimo instance n JAPANESE GOODS Fort ous pendulum as a Honolulu southward ho took soven tons of coal in a bfarrhira, and even in the more terrible form et fhtel to science. The American expedition lias era Itself, we hae wlinsased It mrprt.nify control! launch, which be afterward abandoned, when AVe promote of human Jati Imported. lumprUing the Followiaj tnz power bae itevef used any other torn of tfcf done much to tho extension ho could bavo taken seven ton. of provisions, medicine tHanColrtf Browne'-- , from a firm (.oaTirta. gratitude i dechlWy Ivtiowledgc, and was entitled to the which would liayo supported his party until that It ik best and also from a aenae f dstr generous phr.i6cs weoAt totheprofesflgn and the pobWe, a of of tho world. Willi theso they wcro rescued. opinion the of (hanCollir Grccly, Embroidered Silk Screens that aahfUiutlotT lnjothee tho president introduced Lieutenant GRAND SUCCESS OF THE Tho diaries show that stealing rations was the Browne' Is a iLiasaATE BMAtft or Aint am T received from tho audienco a welcome rjtRT or tu cuisirr to ajio wrtasr n ho Of iht 0101 Ueanlifiil Colore, and of Aetuui&hm;' a common practice. One rays that Or. Favy We are. Hlr, raithfallyrnicuinyours, him for Ucanty and Finish. alike. Ate. that must have gono far lo compensate Arrival Iron Ship stole them whenovcrop(,oiluuity offered, and Member of the Tharm Sxlety of Great Britlan BJt hideous scandal- of the Kxcellency he Vieeny Chenmti. all the opprobrium which that ho sometimes took as were appor- npon audi mongers in his own country had heaped & Covers r GRANT." Bedspreads Table tion to tho indisposed members of the party. Ims CAUTION 8if W Wnwl with pleasure, and "CLAN I CoIHe him. His faco flushed Ono of tho entries in the diaries runs thus: statrtl bat lr J Browne km, nndenbtrdrt the when ho epoko it was with a modest of de lioiiToldcfAiJ in bilk by Japanese In ren tor of fhlerfdyne: that tttestety uf (hedefea A Large Variety of "Private has just died from starvation. dant Freeman was deliberately untrue wbf h he mcanor and a manliness oPlono that won every Stupendous Clearing Sale! Dr. Pavy stole and ate his food." recretted loay. bad Weir warn "The Tim reference the Theo.H.Davies&Co ads JulyWtieii. tSe heart. Ho began with brief ti At other times, when men were sent to international I'olar scheme, and with an un- ! ! Sold In twtit-- r. at l !Sd la fid. and 11 shoot birds and successful, tho diaries ! Dr from his Have Received Vases Vases say, eeh None j'tnnlnr wiihenatha word ! f elj equivocal expression of dissent by this Vessel not all tho birds wcro laken to camp, but somo II Brown hlnnMtTi n 'he Uovernmcnt aCjunpi the open Or the I'inctt Porcelain, rrmarkablc for niilqui-m- t Overwheiminj t tumony ac ompanlea each opinion respecting I'olar And' other Late Arrivals, wcro concealed in tho snow for the future uso sea. Ho believed that there was such n sea, in color aud shape ALfefJ bottle of the hunters. anti-i- It F not navigahle, but still open under favorablo the Following : t war trar-- tend Tm.tsana Porcelain Figures, Japanese Tea Sets, NOW IN PROGRESS. No mention is made of cannibalism in the Sole Mannfi.fur' J T T)KNPlKT B. C SS. circumstances,. Ho described the geographi- KiiaocU mtvoi utoom buM mdon intv txi Tete-a-Tet- e portions of tho diaries that havo been read, t w covering thrco de- Sets, Butter Dishes, Mi cal orlc of his colony as An Asst. of Dry Goods and the officer who has seen them refuses to and degrees of Iongitudo. Ash grees of latiludo 40 Receivers, Silk Lanterns say whether or not aiiy other member of Iho Lockwood's and CONSISTING IN Ho outlined Lieutenant routo l'AUl OF patty than Private Henry is reported to have discoveries, which had resulted in adding to 1 lorrock, s Long Cloths and other brands of ! been shot. When the Grccly parly was re- the charts a coast lino of nearly ono hundred White Cottons Unbleached Cotlons, Silk Embroidered Kimonos Tremendous Bargains scued it was observed that lirainard looked seen by licau-rao- nt I'rintg, new MtIcs, fast colors : miles beyond the farthest point better than tbo others. When asked about it, English navy. Greenland had Welch ed nnd Urown Cotlons, K to 10 quarter ; Easels, Carved Wooden Cabinets, of the ho said: well, could cat tho d d northward and been Drown Linen Drills, While Linen Duck, "0b! I r. been carried forty miles Crown CanraB. Itlack Trench Merinos, all Hand Screens, Trays, stuff and digest it, hut tho others that direction than Offered in all Departments. couldn't." given a greater extension in Grades; Water proof Tweeds, Grcj, lllne and Wall Pockets, Parasols, Fans, When Dr. Pavy was asked for, lirainard credited with He de- is it lias generally been reported lo havo said: "Ha's all gone; I Lock-woo- d, Paper Mats, Photographs, scribed tho furthest point reached by :iX"o. finished the last of him before you came." or tho land 1041M6 just tho configuration coast, tho Mixed Flannel Port Street. Army officials say that tho contents of tho '8, an elevation of 2,000 OF JAPANESE SCENERY, Colored & Plain. prospects as seen from Union and Cotton Listados, Liucn nutl Cotton diaries will not bo mado public until an in- of snow and icct, tho broad, level expanses Handkerchiefs, White nnd Colored Shirts, A L.UMJE bELECTION OF vestigation is ordered. ice, and tbo abBcnco in tho fiords of any ice Merino Underbill rts and Drawers, ! Corner Beale and Howard Sts., or of any other indications tondiiig Ladies Underwear, Linen nnd Cotton lowels, rlis ! I'UVSSKS ! The "Separation" Method Sugar. AH XkussisS for nnd . Lawns, usus qualities etylofl Victoria Japanese Bronze Jewelry to prove their direct connection with tho Spits- Thrco Grades Wluto Moleskiu, SA FRAM isry i ALIKORStA bergen Bca. Tho coast was high, rugged aud Iinit. Lace Edgings CONSISTING or Tho "separation" method of sugar extract- and Insertions, W.H.TA7L08, Pres-- - and the vegetation resembled that JSrooks' 200 Spool 100 ds. ing from tho beet, wo aro informed, has been 5, J0SH MOOltK. a precipitous, 3tfc Cotton, Coatcs 3 Sleeve Chains, Pins, Etc. of GrinncllLand. Spool Cotton. Ticking, JIne Denims, Buttons, Scarf adopted in several German factories with sat- Mosquito Netting. W A 100 inch : com- es-- A Good isfactory results. Tho present method is TRACES OI' ANIMAL LIFE HIGH Vr. ALSO tarlcty of tollable for BUILDERS OF Dti oration. posed of Ihreo operations; First, tho prepara- STEAM M4CHlNBt v Ho spoke of the abundant traces of animal Rubber Coats & Leggings tion of the caustic lime; second, tho formation life above tho eight -- third parallel, and of G. W. & Co. HOLL1STER & CO. ol tho sucrjie by precipitation; third, purifica- IN ALL ITS BRAXCI1K" the tidal crack extending from Capo Bryant 33Xa,Ti 1g Macfarlane tion of tho Coi'so ots, (I0il If) saccharato. along tho entire coaBl, running from headland 1st. Tho caustic lime should be pulverized Steamboat, Stoomshlp, Land to headland, and varying from ono ard to bcv n as soon asjpossiblo after leaving the limokiln; V era! hundred in width. Inside tho crack Bed Blankets, AV HKfl tho powdered product is then thrown on a ENGINES AND BOILERS ico was rarely scon, and outsido pre- All Sizes, Weights, Qualities and Colors ; J.i.0AT,JR Vi) U$e J magnetized surface, where any particles of A Large Invoice of the Celebrated IIIU1I rRERHUTtE OR COMPrrWD vailed Commander JIarkliam's palcocrjstic iron in tho limo aro separated. Every pre- ice. Ho referred to tbo great depth of tho Velvet & Tapestry, caution is taken to prevent tho absorption of I'olar ocean; aB sounded by Lockwood, it was moisture from tho air and for this reason tho IS rem XtiMKl.Hit Ml kind. Imllt comnltto wi'h over 600 feet, and apparently no current ex- Rugs and Mats, various pulverizing operations tako place in IlaUs of Wood, trwi or t'mpolte isted. Ho explained tho extreme care with - hermetically OKm.KAKT KtJ 1.1 enffiponnded when ad ' A FKW OF XIIL- NF.W STVLi: scaled vessels. Tho thoruusblv fn which tho longitude and latitud&of the furthest SlalioniTS and News Dealers, TRUSSES .pulverized caustic limo is received in a weigh- - P able. CELLULOID w testified to the ex- Bar-- point were ascertained; he ing,apparatus in this latter is placed a re- tlif tfrKA.U ItLt'ItaUt. and tram Tu'a eor Ucaumont's to traordinary accuracy of Lieutenant CENTRE RUGS UnYiiilJnii (Jnfcltc Illock.aT Jlerclmnt fit. volving dovico emptying a given quantity for sifMtrd with reference the Trade in which they maps and stated that tho only correction nec- ono operation into tho saccharine solution. are to be employed. peert tonnage and draft of essary was the location of Cape Britannia a llae Just Itccched ex Maripos;., a Fine .iSPx'soxTa.' 2nd Tho precipitation water ptarantretl Assortment of Direct itliol KF'aotox'y. of tho saccharato is few miles farther south. This was a quiet effected in an apparatus called too "cooling MTKAM HOILElt.N. Paitkaier attention f-?- to ! ! . thrust at Commandor Markham's recent strict Bag's Bag's maccralor." By suitable pipes thero is circu- the qeiHty of the material and wotkmanthfp iM ures and skeptical declarations, aud was en STTIOjSriERY, lated a cooling liquor by which tbo saccharins nene bet flrt-ela- work ptnd ed Wo make this ono of our Siwcialties aud joyed oven by tho Lnglishmcn prcscut. AMONG WHICH MAY We Have Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. solution is kept AT(i navo a t ua block ol UrO(7KDJ at a very low temperature. ftl'UAH JIIM-- H HXOAlUHAHlMt tlX' JOURNEYS AND MSCOVERIES. Litter Taper. Abovo the cooler is located tho pulverized pes, CIII.ICRY spade after th mot aprove4 plans Lieutenant Grccly described his own aud , Jotc Taper. caustic limo measurer and two reservoirs ono Also all BoilW Iron Work connected therewith. Sugar, Rice & Coal Bags Fools Cap, , Licntcnant Lockwood's joumoys in tbe inte- Leal Cap, for molasses to bo worked, and tbe other for WATKIt PICK, of Botler or Sbees Iron, nf jdv it Land and tho physical condi- Dill Cap, water to dilute both the molasses and tho made In snitable leagth for tnnnecttnr; together or rior of Grinncll Which wo are scllins at Bottom Prices. tions which were revealed. Tho ico cap be- Uroid aud narrow; by the ream; blocked, or by fnire. Co., washings of the saccharato press. A Sheet rolled; poiwhed and patted for shlpmceC Menioraudnm Ulocks, Ac, 4c, Ac, & Hollister certain quantity of molasses is ready tf be riveted en the groaad- - tween Archer and Grccly fiords was pictured, diluted until dis- 1II.AMC HOOKS: 25 hectoliters contain. 7 por cent of sugar. IIYIIRAIXIC UI CTISO. Baaler Work and Wa- and a detailed account was given of tho Full Bound, Half ENGLISH, HAWAIIAN, AND solution roaches very tem- coveries mado inland, and especially of tho Bound to TIcaec. Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nuuanu St. When tho a, low fer ripe made by thl eataWNhment, rlnte V ascent of Mount At thur,f rem the crest of which, IM.NTAM..N: tiuuj perature in tho cooling apparatus, tho caustic &C. Hydraulic Rtrethta: MaeJifnery.thatqnalltr of work Bankers1 Lar;e, Bankers Smatl, limo is added, 5 kilos, at a time; and in about befnf far superior to band woik. 46,000 feet above the lovel of the sea, a grand AMERICAN FLAGS in fact, achate Inkstands for all. srMt Vegetation an hour nearly all tho sugar is in the form of f 1H11 Ship and I'apxtsn prospect waB obtained. in this VOisT OFFICII LETTER SCALES, ttOnU. iteam Keam region was luxurious as compared with 0, 5, nnd 7 j ard ; saccharato with an excess of lime. Wtnthe. Air and Irrnlaiing Piwnps made if rth of Cape Sabine. There were val- IMiM 3 Purification of the saccharato. Tlie IBS, meet approved plan that CAKTEK'b Combined Conrlns & Writing, cooling apparatus is duplicate in form; Pnmp- - C."- - leys affording excellent pasturago for musk FLOOR OJLGLOTHS In quarts, pints aud U pints; nmmm one WnVH. Vitrt AeUn r.r trr.arhm or cattlo which Iced toward tho sen during the CAKTEUh WHITING FLUID, vessel being emptied by an exhaust and force Water Workepurpofci hntltwirhth Vbrat dDary Extra Heavy, Assorted Widths ; summer and gradually withdraw inland as In quart,, pint, H pints and cone. iMii'i pump, at a prcssuro of ono to two atmospheres Valve Motion, mperiorto tnTothff pump Violet Ink, qts, pt. 4 pints & cones. into tiller presses, the other being filled tho winter advances, liaised heaches, mariner & Indelible Ink, asortcd. in the AseiiU for Worthlo4oM Dtiniax Steiwri shells, and driftwood gave evidence of recent Ladies' Gent's Saddles, AUNOLITS Writing Fluid, meantime. From tho filter presses runs a liq- KSI lamp. tf In quarts, pints, 1J pints fc cones. uor containing from fonr to five elevation above tho sea. At ono place the A complete lino which wo aro selling per cent sugar. oiarrui.u o in qaaris anu pinis. ! ! This not used, trunks ol coniferous trees were found; many Cheaper than Ever. iTptlan Tcrfmued Ink. Perfumery Perfumery is however, but emptied into saaaatfaaaTsTp 1 tbo wasto pipe. Tho liquor which subse- email glacial lakes were surveyed, and tbo ;tii;cii.A;i; In t, pis, H pts and cones, ! I'cncct ..ncuaiTC l0lwe, ! Perfumery quently comes from tho presses is used, as al- configuration of ice caps and glaciers was Iron Bedsteads, JIAaN.V.S COPY ItOOU.S : Perfumery carefully observed Many native relics and ready explained, for diluting tho molassca to amaalBBBBBBmrfiaaV " 10x12 full bound and half bound, ty. tho remains of permanent Eskimo huts were Galvanized Buckets, 10x11 full bound and half bound. be mixed with tho caustic lime. Tbo saccha- found on the shores of Lako Uarcn. Tho rein- Mann's Copy In Taper, rato remaining in tho filter presses is white, ri.MSA. JlOI.lil.K.S: In sreai varieties; es, f aaBBHaaaaBw' mh deer which have onco been plentiful has cither Automatic Ten el Is, Copying Tcncils. and of great purity. ti migrated or become extinct. In closing his Tinned Iron Sauce Pans Fabcr's Tcncils, l)lxons Tend Is, Jtc, & CO., Tbo method of using tho saccharatc. Tho DKWWM. lWjVMt: plain and mounted: HOILLISTElt :ltd. graphic account of tho discoveries mado by. saccharato contains 100 parts of sugar and 130 i anaBaVsaWaWaaKF ji ' Assorted Sizes j do Fry Pans, Manila Detail Taper. f Ins party, Lieutenant Urecly askcu indulgence r.NI.Lori-- S IM),000 assorted; of lime. If tho molasses to bo worked repre- JL, 1 r for any imperfections in his presentation of th: Butcher Knives, Knives & Forks, TLAYINUCAHDb: round corner plain, Have Just Received the argest sents 5 per cent of tho weight of the beets, tbo ?n:.MOKAMH:.M IIOOHN, a larc variety; - subject since strength had failed for their elab- Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, TIME BOOKS, assorted; Gunned Labclo, saccharato obtained is mixed with tho beet (iacl- oration, and ho had been forced to depend fcl.IppiiisTass,TourIt Tas, juice. In cases whero tho molasses is to bo Galvanized Water Pipe, worked at onco for its sugar, is found desir- IRK. largoly npon memory, as all records and jour Invitation Paper & Envelopes to match, nals of tho expedition wcro in Washington.! Round and Square Gar Iron, able to eliminate from tho saccharato tho ex- As lie resumed Ins Beat there was a great burst Ball Programme Cards, Tcndls and Tassels, LOT OF PERFUMERY cess of lime. This is accomplished by mixing of applause, which brought smiles lo tho MENU CAHDb, the saccharato with weak juices. The T. "White Lead, Boiled Oil saccharatc is transformed into blushing face of Mrs. Grccly. Her husband , COJILMUSINU a w L"j on.-t33.c- & HIP0KTED INTO THIS KINGDOM, ajjajiays,,B''i . had been listened to throughout with intense aJrurxa LETTER PRESSES, LARGE SMALL ; HVKU and hydrated lime, and this latter "ns eagerness, and his fino bearing, serious Itnbber Binds, all sizes: is easily separated by suitablo filter presses. faco HAM: II.W.I.S, and earnest manner created a most favorablo CORRUGATED ROOFING, Bat!, Tho liquor from thj latter apparatus contains pa 21 C, 7, (iClDKS and hCOIli: HOOKS, Different Odors of the Celebrated and 30 impression. Gaujo, 8 and 9 ft. Lengths ; Galv. IIIUTJIDAY CAICIKS, Over Fifty all tho sugar only parts of limo to Screws and Washers, (Jalr. nidging, I'OCUITT HXIVIA, 100 of sugar. Tho residuum is then washed, OREELT's COMMENTS ON WORK. and from it is usually obtained 1 per cent of Yellow Sheathing Metal, and Nails And many other articles toe numerous to mention. or. fVi aKSBHc5aa( g Ym Admiral O'Many, ono of tho veterans of Manufacture. sugar. ocienlifle American. received I any Foreign Lundborg Arctic service, was tho first to express sym- ot Annealed Tcnco Wire, Tcncc Sbinlcs, Taper or JIaa2lne published, at any time. AIo, for Is SiipercrillDi; all oilier Steam Boilers, pathy and admiration for tho American ex- Wire Plant Guards and Arches, all the Local Tapers and Magazines, Scaides, Brook , tiurai CUwcrttsrmciiis r. plorers, and to congratulate llicm npon their sides. Family Library, etc, always on hand, and special Odor-Cases- Fancy 33oxes3 Bottles, fec. HECAl.SE IT IS M0IIE success. Ho heartily seconded numbers- sent for to order. Lieut. Hay's S- SPECIAL Orders Kccelred for BOOKS, ETC. loon of Tnel, suggestion respecting a colony at tho magnetic Economical STEEL RAILS, ALSO pole, and cordially invited Lieutenant Greely, . Leu Liable ta Explode, inuehaUoftbo Koyal Geographical Society, With Fish Plates, Bolts and Spikes, & Co., tr the It ED llUBUEK AGENCY ! Hollister T0E1IPJBESM Easier of Transportation Tisit London. Captain Tim STAMP . lo followed with Portland Cement, :H:.a-va.it:ia- a ringtDg speech, llo iid not, ho remarked, Fire Clay, Firo and Agents for the Encyclopedia Britannlca, A.ge3ats lorn, AND COSTS NO MORE! feel called upon to criticise the two papers. Bricks, 53?" All Island orders fihed PromptlyS for Both Squarc!and ; Cor. Full desetrprlefli awl prsee, can be obtaltied bj Licntcnant Grccly had taken his heart by arch J. M. OAT. Jr. & CO., 159 Nuuanu St., and Fort and Merchant St far storm, and ho had a brotherly feeling for him. Lump Rock Salt, 10.7 If Gj.ZETTxB!ock,3Merchantbt. IpptXttren lo, He had rcioiccd to bear of his dcliv crance. English Belting, W. at. ROWELL, Honolulu. - . and having gono through- somo experiences of 3 to 12 inch widths; iESBj:o-7--a.iJ- WHITE tos paiy Hot. Agat Hawaiian ulsnda. tbe same Kind, bad taken pleasure in assuring AN ASSORTMENT OF ii WHITE Mrs. Greely that her husband would get well I Ull J rf'om and be as halo and hearty as himself. Ho ENGLISH GROCERIES was glad Greely PRACTIOAXi stuck lo the KINO AM) FORT STREETS. theory of an open polar sea "in tho Arctic Such as Worcestershire Sauce, Cream Tartar, A.. KRAJETT, Ocean, Ho believed in tho open sea himself Soda, Spices, Etc., Etc., Etc TIES TO SUIT Kay IS" We have also just received an asst. DRUGGISTS and toped mat would como oIfc: CHABLES HAMMER Et QUANTITIES TO SUIT ronnd and lako tuo same view. After a hum' OPTICIAN, JEWELER and No. I 13 & I 15 FORT STREET X orons reference lo tho pretty Eskimo girls, ho AMERIGAE, nAvi.vo said Lieutenant Kay. was tho right man to send 000DS ers & cooke. ySy DEfOT FOR i:OEl:l KE bCHREiKE'S. lsongjit for Cash, a """'" to tho magnetic pole, and that Lientcnaut Among them WATCHMAKER, Large Stock . Greely could not bo spared at present. Ho OF said it was not postiblo to speak too highly Bleached & Brown Cottons Anil Dealer in Musical Instruments. BUBBEB I of theso cxD.orers. The work should bo con- 27 to 30 inches wide ; First-CIa- ss Harness - EUBBB until man should reach tho 1'olc. There Harin? Bctdoi cd to more commodious quarters Fittings! l" VIZ ' tinued Fancy Prints, Hluo Denims, Campbell's Hew Block, Merchant fctrect, Wo want tho Public to under- f was not in the British Navy ono atom of jeal- RICKSECKER'S Canton Flannels. Men's, Women's and stand that tho Is now enabled to manufaetare Lrd Wo want tho Public to under- ousy or American achievements. In tho Xavy Childrcns' Boots and Shoes, sizes and HAS RECEIVED. PER LITE IMPORTATIONS, they were all brothers in blood and there was Stjles adapted to this market; Union 3EP DF" stand that tho Lare Addition to his former Hoci. Feed Company, JES IE. XT HUE E3 Ttio Bost no chance for envy. Ho congratulated Greely AN ASSORTJIENT OF IsRMdrandWllIlnztoFnrntiliall the S Blarnesa Compsuay, upon his successful achievements, and hoped EVER PEODCCED HERE, Union Feed ! ASD THE Read WUHoa to Fnrsrh all the that the warm feeling between great branches FIISTE GOODS HAY, OATS. BARLEY, BRAN, &c. &c I. an4 Anglo-Saxo- Shelf HARDWARE of the n race would always con- SUCH AS Cheaper than any House Plantation and Mechanics Tools, Also, IT MAY NEED COMMON SENSE HAY, OATS, BABiEY, HUN. to.M tinue. Captain Pirn's speech was most v igor-ous- ly &, Ono Itoby Co.'s IX TO S. MAT NEED'. and eloquently delivered, and created a JT E5 S7V :E3 3BL "2 AT THE LOWEST RATES. IT feeling of H-- stirring enthusiasm. P. I. As we want to make-roo- a Lanje " DOX'T PURCHASE, UNTIL 6 IN COLD, SILVER, for jiii'sii&g' AT THE LOWEST RATE. Trelawny Sanndere took tho platform to af- Portable Engine ic Stock on the way. Jlotlle. YOU At we wa to Male roeei for a Lar firm bis belicr in an open I'olar sea, and ar- 1021 Ac, Ac. ic. CS"AH orders promptly attended to. Goods delivered HATE SEEN HIS GOODS." Stotk ir th. Bx gued the distribution GOLD & BENSON, SMITH & CO. that of solar light by tho SILVER WATCHES 1013 t75.-Wxr2- ra sJaoaV dr NOTICE, Ho. Fine Doable Harness. rAHor!lspriprattedeniSfc son about tho Polo was a strong argument in PATENT 1015 Unresists- - Concord and Male Harness, of the Best raaVe and finish. A Asst. ; leg iHo. 5n favor ol it. If Greenland were an island A PATENT 1VAS Lare of J. E. WISEMAN, Express and Plantation Harness, 73." f it 11 Whips, Carry probable there to Klnr.bnrr JaxTi. on Ihe 3tli Jam. Estate Bxolcer & Employment LYONS & iEVET, Bridles. Combs. CHtHA ! was that was an ontlying ro th- - Real 23arean Brashes, tipars. EXCHAtWE Wl irrlasL.hr the Minister of the Interior under Intra Rent Rooms Cottages, Ilonscs, and and Dresslnrs, etc-- etc stretching toward tho Pole. Ho nrl. tht - Musical srll leases AUCTIONEERS GER'L COHHISSI0R RERCH1NTS - if foraUasandCaaeTrashConmmin- Instruments, Real Estate tn all parts of tbe Kingdom. Employ- I ; fui- Arctic exploration in EuiiiBcc luis is io warn an persons an ininng- - Bearer Block. Qncea Street, Honolulu. Tiu-- fSBEiwiciKKn aiu vocated Ihe interest of aminfi From th. mostCrl'ljrilcilMjnn.'actnrcrf ment fonntl for those seeldns work In all the Tarlona SEic3.c3JL.oe, JL I,lttAU w w aiiui vi die sani a aicm. branches of business connected with these SALES OF STOCK, KKAL ESTATE IHoacioaxx lu ... physical science, and promised that tho Eng- C. BUEWEH & COMPANY Islacds. FCRSmTRE. TIIE BEST THE ISLANDS. tST CTJEI0S ENDLESS VABXETY.-- J 57" 2f . B. Legal Docnmcnia drawn. Bins Collected, and General Merchandise proper! attended to. IS Ofeurteareet jateak ot India. Avttnlia. tusd lish Nation would not fall behind in the march Areata of the Juris FnraiceCo IS , - Per J O.CAirreivSec'y. Bocks and Accounts kept, andrencraloBce work trans- Efr Repairing don. In tbe best manner.aad at the Aana. Mjnaimc-..- toward acted. I'atroiije solicited. Cemmlssloni moderate. Sole Agents for American European a the Pole. Honolulu, February 1 .882. IWt Call and examine hi! extensive Stock, and Tin .rill and Lowest Rates, OnlrFlrst-Clas- Workmen Emplered not fall to be pleased. il 939 Honolulu, E. I. row IRQ MERCHANDISE. 101 t s r W ''-!-- " " " - - rmmtmrnmmmammmimtlammwrlUlra'1'm'a''''m'mmmmn,',' . ati rm mm it 77fj.ujumiimmmh hwhjmw i mmmmiMJUtimumn fllrotrttstTntnts. Had no Business In Europe. tntrol construction and intercsU of hi wife and children. To Roarf -- I equal portion for the tv I anainst this the deed inonin,De irrcvorauio. sir," said tho American millionaire, !!!l maintenance of the portion of the track bo 225, it "Tes, " Enteral SUlijrrtisnnrnts (gazette. In Jones vs. Clifton, 101, U. S. S. 0., as he consulted tho bill of faro in a Parisian inumiimt used jointly. , 1 J iL.t tV.A nnn-o-r nf rnVrV!ltlOn. thOTlEQ it a boy, shall apply to persons and cafe', "I delight in travel. Wbcn I was This Section cannot innre to the benefit oftotnre week, used to think what WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 188h companies as well as corporations. cxiit, working for $2 a I creditors, ana u is ncm nutu a " grand thing it would bo if I ha"d money and 4. Whenever said William B. ui asnignecskj" a t Section that case would not go to the donor's could travel all over the world. I resolved OTIAS Un ulljoritn. assigns or succea subse-qne- ,30ffDIA Austin, his associates, binVrnplcy, tho crftlitora all being rich would sea RICE in ther. if ever I became I i-- said railways or that sors shall elect to operate That power however, doubtless would ilia nnixl nlsr nf the rarili. Well. I made them in whole or in part creditors existing when HTt-lf- fl either or any of ennrc to the benefit of money, and here I am at Paree on my tour of -l 1 11 .. nmll(X Trim TOTM5 Or Cable voluntarysettle-rae- nt nf nn deed was made, and a - shall be the observation. Wlien an American ciuicn, rDR. LISB2G- and stationerj" steam engines, it without value could be set aside in their gets the travel fever on him, his country, big TllanAllMiryi- -- lawnu tor mm or uivm i ..,... as it is, is too small to hold him." j.ii..inrt jr 1 a cX flin niiinexn wife, were Mauu(TSIsxIT.BinJUrcBco.-Ai-tii .'. OH ana cicavauous il. - ...... 1tm if it country country, W and convenient trendies .1Uv.. - w . "Tees, votir ees a bic sod Smjeons--1 : .a1. ctrnnfs which he or . tt a nnxanf Hllfflr. In 811011011. TcT.arul hr Qnallflrt PlirlaM f rmriAr m said his French acquaintance, who sat opposi te W i M rvcnlAr Clradnlr. - ..- - or cable ; claim to dower, and she stood in im L.iniri ji.r Ott they proposo to place such ropo and an inchoate to him. penrc nfioin l c. OF 1884. . T J .MA1. (mnAliAc find AVPflTrl.-;- as a .F.SiBJ1.o'SVSJicx. 1 " SESSION LAWS i 10 iu mioi u.-u- .." - against Afong's csuie inongii creuuui. "Big country." exclaimed the American, im rare J and piaco tL 3 n.i.A.. aliA (inllt r.imn. nn alleeed tue tions all needful and convenient machin- in striking the table with his hand; "it is the claim was settled for by tho granting .,.-.o- AX ACT ery for operating aid railways in the bill, her biggest country in the world. son. wuir '""5J!J'.'S -- . 83 aforesaid, and ora vainauie lranieuiaiB auuiuijr. "Iv'n lieen there " said tuo trencuman: " P manner and by the means to "ii SS&!ftfSill CoMrEXSinox or Pilots at the embarrass this claim, and 5r.T.. riAkicK lMwttar. To m Tin: to erect and maintain nt convenient and To defeat or is full of wonderful sights, Niagara for in Poet or Honolulu. protect against it as fir as possible, the future - suitable points along the line of tho streets stance. tlio King and tlio Lezjs- interests ot his wife and children, were the said the American; "never Bo it Enacted by which such wire cables are placed "Never saw it," inn). wtwwj-- j 1 under objects in vie ir, and the motive for the strong. lativo Assembly ol uio iiawaii.iu".". -- i .! ntltnr omrinrHJ- null- - tVmfTS fll conld finJ time to visit it." Kingdom as- - bll'iuu OJiu wwiii .0...- ... .i i m;i.i war anrvtmnt. Whether anr Valley continued the ititbkIw in tho Legislature of tlio --i nnfl snffipient and to connect "And deYosemito ," rawer 3 -j i,! I. fr.wttvp iii'ainitt the danirer was . : Frenchman. """-.- s fAwUi thMtT nr uiumriihiuwuui' H semtiieu tho samo with said wire cables. All such question then most to be thought ti. i.t of the not the 'Never had a chance to go there, said tho CinWPririj"H2SES7fthworoiio.i!t';jlS til wTvJA KtlFtlUon Ui Section 1. Tlic coniiicnsntion and excavations sliall Do ucneatn . - :r.hwsi bo as trenches ine conBiucii.il"" w ...m.. American. f.VrjL shall ... Mots nt the Tort of Honolulu tho surface of the street, which surface ana FREMOMTT STREET steamers of one for this wile, uicse cnuuica. etu .uuu6.. "And de Yellowstone Park." 109 & 111 follows: For all mail hhall be securely supported so as not to legal or legitimate was ample. See find u nxo na 107, upwards. Mty held not "Heard lots about it but never could Mirv??rrvzzzSmrzz'BBwa m mkuii - bMricnn thousand tons register or impair the nso and enjoyment of said Bonn vs. Wiulhrop, I Johns Cb.lt. 329, 33 1. cwwitttteinT. t 1.1!. ilm tima to viiit it." "ijrjttzztzns.T. San Francisco. dollar in and samo out; for all transient t,1 --i- states ins uiu mav wucn me . hT. uucaiaoo. streets oy uio puonc .nuiuiuc The plaintill in "And cave of Kentucky." . . IL.,winditlI.I rv cm"i!iu - .. - n 11 X re- aUM rank ,f thonsand tons and tip . .1.a in lrlnAll tnrrt MnlOR fim believed ho slill wlUa-trrtt- for steamers of one trust was made, ho that "Blanied if I ever thought of visiting that." 1 VhVllmetSr a forfeit .lo SfMiM - - . - e samo m wards seventy-fiv- dollars in and shall bo constructed in a substantial tained the power of otherwise disposing of the de rim unuriLsuu, uuniurw placed "De palisades of Hudson" 1 9 ry. to 4 r. - to s rtfnm smxlan. J2z25v out; for all vessels of war two dollars per mauuur, uu mu trnst property. He may have had sucha intend them, always ru? and wortmaniiKo "Whewl did to sec but SLTiaVA. and out; lor paramount purpose then in : . J foot on draught of water in aperturo opening into such trenches shall thought, but the had so much to look after you know, and" .MUMitiMiuuiMi ma - Mvulnr tons ,.- - fltfon'A tlie Chinese a DlUEHGSiWUUrUlttflJAAWIIWMiua & Cleaning of Paddy. n :i: .nle 4wn linndred exceed three-fourth- s of an inch in nftnAl the scenery, magnifiquo at de White Reduce the Rales for the Hulling not :i mistook the "And Perminenur rrevnito U Crautarml I'roinlijjrsl'ni Is enabled to Largely one dollar and a half per foot m marriage. If as to other point, he Mountains " I register, special mistakes out; all other vessels and steamers 5. shall not bo lawful for law, it was not one of thoso "Never could find lime to take a trip there, and Section It the nature of fact which five cents per ton in and same out; for :.i "Mr;!!;.., 1? Anciin nni bis associates or law, partaking of lir cosh." am. M iir. ajii:i! exception to the rule, lgnoraxtia i anchoring vessels outside twenty, dollars, and nssigns or successors to propel the form the few I "Of course you havo seen de Thousand isU Iw t -- an ;:i:r!.ir.rrr,-iiii.,i- Ivmitrbt into lmrlmr this riharsre shall ,.( t.r.rfc lb. Fr.nci.eo u ii,.,,...rii. if NnJlnWtMlliritfMoI-SlnrliMUli- lllcr otic ia tn ih r mil . AX l Ml III KM '" vn.ll.S wllInlllSrf111 Qn.lllv of 3l111. lrr.hl.r- -. .ml IHrlini. ail. I .iVfu'rinllJ "llrt flmiilll""" .! rkrrf CONSIGNMENTS OF P.A Wm. M. GKRJ General Commlion Merc INDIA r

G-ood- s Li OLD CALIFORNIA MISSIONS. - ' with which tho fathers skillfully relieved tha (E:iicrfll CUiDtrtistmcnts. (general atacrtismunte. (Britrral SUrocrtisrmtnts. cnrral New by routine of work and dovotion. Hence it is no "Jnnlprro Serra'a Work wonder tint somo of tho aged Indians who may 8.31. CABTI1L, B. r. OttAHAH. SAN FRANCISCO, lifo-o- bo lonnd in Southern California mourn FROM To aiiproialo fully tlio rk ofl'aJro now NEW and STYLISH CO. ot H.H4GEFELD&G0 WILDER AND COMFY - over the decay of tho missions and speak Scrra, winch tlio ccntcnarj- celebra- S. M.CARTER Jumpcro the days when the Franciscans ruled tho coast NEW YOI do Mon- Crooilg tion at tlio old mission of Sau Carlos as of tho Golden Age of their people. Millinery OFFER FOR SALE Importers and Dealers in Si Kin- - St., Honolula, It. I , Kitail Deolr.llj , tho places terey commomoratcs, ono must vinit WHAT LED TO DECAY. in wliico lio labored and eeo tbo natural obsta- The history of tho missions after Scrra's Ladies' Underwear and INVOICES OF NEW GOODS Firewood Coal and Feed. by Cas which his genius and enthusiasm over- Received cles death may bo condensed into a paragraph. For of tho 11ECEIVED We vroaM notify the public and boakcpf In par came His story is virtaally tho story tw grew with Childens' Clothing JUST EElt LUMBER we - cnty cars tho missions great Ucnlar, keep on band and for In qnan- VESSELS DUE Cali- j that mi ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY F rounding of tho Franciscan missions in rapidity. By 1601 nineteen missions in all Ex btmr. Alameda and oilier Late Arrival;. AMI tltletoiultparcbaers and at hiweft ram Fntl at fornia a narrativo of hardship and privation AND follow: Hani and Soft oodf.cntanj ten tbn;Ubar- - were established, in which wcro gathered 20,- - BARKS "KALE," Lhtrtoal. N.8.W. Newcastle Coalr, :cofcli Coah, Buffered for tho causo of religion, unsurpassed 000 Indians. The Indians formed villages and the Celebrated el linn, ton Mine 12 fjOli No ono " MAZATLAN " Depart n Day 15 A.T in tho history of tho Catholic Church. buildings. al- H.1ILKINS0N re Coals, To 8I,I about thn mission They wcro Mrs. W. BUILDING MATERIALS! Itlarbamlth.' Coal.). writo other than a colorless narrativo of can lotted land, but unfortunately for them, thev FROM BREMEN, TbnaboTC can be ordered tr telephone or ofhttwUet GOODS his career i ho has failed to eco this California received no graut of this land, nothing by whicli THE iAbUIONAllLE and Immediate delivery gnaranti coast country ir tho desolato dry season. they could ownership, or any legal titlq Consisting la part of as follows. UP ALMS I MIS. provo I .HAULY TllIALS OF Till. rATHl.HS. to tho improvements which represented tho GIVE US A CALL Plantations scat- hard labor of Tho feeling against tho iliilliuci'iVDrciaker A Large Asst. of Dry Goods, Suitable for To this wild country inhabited only by years. Telephone No. 305. camo tho 1'adro Juni-pcr- o Fathers w as grovvingin intensity. Tlio Spanish KiSCJEI VED tered tribes of Indians, OP PORT STREET, SCCU AS JUST Scrra and a small body of his followers civil and military authorities looked lustfully (Inlcrs Filled ill Short! liczfl the other Or F.VM1UKS. lroin Mexico. They had been sent by tho upon thoso leagues of fino estates. They cir to inform the Ladles of Honolulu and Denim, llrown and White Cottons, ex H'JSf ALSO KEE1' IS bJSOCK cruelty priests Islands that Hie has now on view tne LAKUtsi and Drills, 'lickings, Turkey te"a, 40., rurcliastTS. Alt wit! Franciscans to lako possession of tho country culated charges of against tho MOhT E1XU AN'T Assortment ot the Latest btjles of laction to from which an.impcrial edict had ejected tho in flogging Indians. Thoy poisoned tho minds Jesuits. Scrra had had a hard noviciate in of the home Government with suspicion of tin-d- Millinery, Merinos, black and coloretU qualities ambition of the mission Fathers to erect Tlowers,, LATE ARRIVALS! California and New Jlciico. nrcachinz and fouudinc missions for Kepps. Cobonrgs, Alpacas, Italian Clotb, and Zealand ; the of an ecclesiastical kingdom in far off California Corn, Wholo and Groaned : Bran, Improved Pari nearly twenty years. Ho was in primo feathers, Barley, Whole in which tho worst features of rulo land Ground; Wheat. life; full of enthusiasm for the sanation ot tho Jesuit Bonnets, HKVUtlAL Middlings, and other Feed. too, simplo should bo perpetuated. Tho v oar 1831 saw i)ress .JiMin IlMX souls of tho heathen; full of that Goods, Order the above through I'lmrros lUBdnlMulinr U placed Hats, Etc., SUCH Ah Hf 11 t'.ni-Knl- mud. of liolflMltoofl unquestioning faith which has almost ceased tho missions secularized and under llwttJr. 11.K To he found iu this city and well adapted to the comiuj; LARGE AND TELE1"HONKNO.S06, - , 1I1M.11.1.. ;"";-"."- ' y; man of iron control of tho civil authorities. This of course, CARGOES u'x. Ho to exist in any church a were Care, and TvTcntj-FiT- C , , , , kRJu.Slol!li.rli.lPi'lqalll, Holidays. These tioouc beleeted with 1'jiicjr l'rinls, Acit, Stjlcs, .dmnl. n- - tmrnj will and dogged obstinacy, so carried aw ay by in a Spanish country, ruled by men sent outby well baited to the wants of the Ladies of Honolulu and and we warrant qmck itoliverp, and I'll neurit. .Jf.liw. the fervor of tho missionary spirit that huDger, the central government, meant spoliation and tho Islands l'rinted Sattccns, l'omrmdours, 1'laids, Orders from tho other Island solicited. l- lh-- T nd lnll UnbUer Mrt.l Ucr - Urlnp.. MJ1 no to speed ruin. Tho Governor was authorized Ginghams, Victoria Lawns, Satin Btrrpcs, , Jsle-il- do . thirst and bodily weakness had power n .i i. r ( oWrtor nd lclilll7 - Comprised in Mrs. Wilkinson's MocL. lua he fonnd Fancy ovangcliz-in- g to lev- on tho missions for his uceds as upon Striped Grenadines, FUEL' DELIVERY turn hirafrom his great purposo of I.ADIKV UMDEItHKAIC, Whito Silk Japanese, Twills, Herges CELEBRATED SAWS A3 ono of his any other Slate property . to all parts of the city. IJISSTON'S tho California Indians. Talon, UI'.ISI.S AM) 'IIII.llIti:H Poplins, Satin and Moire, m Itemcniber lUmmnrt- - for associates, who has left about tho only trust- lllack and Colored Velvets, mn-- Mnbh'i Film. Csrpjntt the wokk of sroiLArioN. mm, 82 Kinr; Street, and Telephone. Ko. 181- - J.. ud - lw linn"- nd ilalr Miof ll the ,.rai7i.l Nallf, worthy materials for a biography, records Thus ten years the valuable herds which CLOTHING of all Descriptions, SILKS, 9Ki to baplizo in FINE rapture of Scrra when ho was able had been accumulated under tho caro of tho COMrlllblNU thus o 60ul from Ladies Hand Bass, Mack, Grosgraiu, Fancy, Colored and Striped an Indian child, and sa a Franciscans dwindled away, large t of 1'ockct Book?, bcrt Lcathir. Iniprovements ir discourage- a pal liarcgc, Crepe, 4c, Latest perdition. Upon such a uaturo thcin slaughtered for tho hides and tallow: tho Ladies Uultl Bracelets, Special Earrings, c , Jtc Notice ll.ll.n . - " llnblKt.,hl.rm ment and hardship simply served as a stimulus Fine, ALL HIE USUAL S'lOCJC SIZES BLOIl.tT mm-i- and Indians who at tho tirno of tho edict ot sccu TAILORS' GOODS: , ManafsrMriiu: l lnl(ratlnt aaio to new exertion. Tho story of tho first trip Imported Hats and Bonnets, lattet btjles with Flo- . yrir. e.Bcliis Win OaUaniw-- liooSng. larizatiun were estimated to number 20,000 in IN The Imlrrsljincd. rmptlrtor of the I, riatn from Mexico reads liko tho account of the ex- wer, Feathers, Kibbons, ie, to match. Iluckskins, Diagonals, Tweeds. Cords, a single decado wcro reduced to 0,000. Tho A larre assortment of Uhildrcns School Hals.Vcrj Serges, Silesias, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Ac. !E-"S- ploration ot a sa ago land, so barren was tho Cheap, and a great variety of other Good, too nnmer SCANTLING. ' ID ? others retreated to their mountain homes and country, so destitute of water, so overgrown oris to mention, tottliichltic inspection of the Ladies '" PIONEER resumed tho precarious life from which tho Is cordially incited. STAPHSTlckinc. A A IlandlUllcatliijlaill with giant cactus which m many places A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, TIMBEM, TLAHK, B0ABDS, tho d. Itrllla. Linwi Mirrtlnc Mowinllo priests had rescued them. A few priests still ,n i ai.rt Ulracbi-- had bo hewod STEAM CANDY ,. "f hll. Flanrlj Al.n. grew so thick that a roadway to MRS DAVIS, whose excellent taste as a Milliner, is (Woolen, Mixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, Ac.) FACTORY t onmml hard-filiip- cling to their old homes, but tho heart was I1NC1NG 11(1 throuch it. After rcarly two inontlisof well known to the Ladies, still continues to preside in AM m gono from their work. The buildings wcro m Merino and Cotton Undershirts, -- tbo band reachodSan Diego and founded If. Trlmhitnn l)ann,lmnl la tl ttlllt k.iicl 33ls.oxy Golden Gal allowed to tail into decay, tue fields wcro tilled the Ladic ulu Have their Trimming done in the latest "White Bosom Shirts, &e.t GROCERIHS, to Inform-hl.-- there tho first of tho l'ranciscau missions, on ana roosi lasmonaoic Socks and Stocking1, Handkerchiefs, Dfiliei paIron" and the public zeaer-all- sr.lLE only by a 6inall body of Indians, all tho sys- aijie. orv .AIM J that notwUh'tanillnt; the recent lfl, liC'J. No sooner w as this mission iouiaras,uioTts, iLSO, II Haaatraw - alltornla Unil July tem w hich w rought such tho pre- are. .III rr Salmon lUyo Al.. consisted wonders in Call and See the Novelties. lit: ham Kiii.crr.n established and tho cstablishmcu. vious half century was lost. Finally in March, iuis A LARGE INVOICE OF CLOTHING moro tho consecration of bit A Host Complete Stock of Offer THE P of nothing than a 181C, under tho corrupt rulo of Governor Fio A NEW TACTORY & BAKERY Kerosene Oil We ground by a rudo brush fence, For of enclosed 1'ico, tho mission proprcty was declared liablo DAIRY SALE On a mach mere eitcnuivf and tho erection of PALANIA FOR scili whkhls now la fall for quality whero mass could bo said, to bankruptcy. Pico sold many valuable tracts Fino lilack Cloth Frock Coats and Pants, A FINE ASSORTMENT UL WALL PAPER operation, and whleh will be In complete working or cannot ueoeat dono than a llnckskin Backs, Pants and Sniu, order by an early arrival of new Machinery and Toole. it tho cross no sooner was this for a leagues of rich laud ho gave away prosolj tcro sot out for Boug; Felt, Mohair, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Pants, (And VULCAN, a good oil ai parly of theso eager to his friends; and left scattered tho Hoys' is now Prepared to Manufacture tho beautiful right ho Shirts and Children's Jackets, I.I A. Monterey to found a mission on accumulations of tho Fathers in the few months Monker and Sailor Jackets. MTlr Ml ViBcavno had discovered ncarlj COJiritlMNU bay which which remained before tho occupation of tho l.ti. mats ana ijceRines, uarpel suppers. Choicest & BROWN'S CE two centuries before. They made their toil- Bilk and I. C. Umbrellas ols, NAILS, LOCKS Pure Candies WOODWARD country by tho United States Government. Ho n'ar .And will alwaj- - havi on Ma some way tip along He barren coast, receiving 500 HEAD OF CATTLE, Fancy and Traveling Shawls, hand Delicious not only ruthlessly despoiled the missions, but BUTTS, JIADB Ni-- many presents of acorns from tho Indians. COWS HINGES, 1 In' Itrapi'M (Sootl l'lano; H"'" lie lclt a legacy ot litigation over false titles Embracing MILCH and other Cattle. White and Fancy Quilts, l iui They passed by tho object of their search, vv hich has been ono of tho curses of the State. Felt ltngsand Brussels Carpeting, BOLTS. SCREWS, Etc Vanilla Chocolate or Band and made their way ALSO-Wago- ns, Horses, Lease of Land, Creams. toiled ocr leagues After tho missions had been stripped of nearly through chapparal, until at last thoy Cocoanut Candies, miles of all their lands and herds, a decision was House and Etc. : bay of San Francisco. It was only with UL AJfKBTS reached the passed by tho United States Laud Commis llorso HlanleU, White and Fancy Blankets, Rich Nugat, In bars; . on a second expedition that Monterey was apply to sioner, restoring tho church buildings and tho or I'or Further Particulars Fancy Striped Woolen, two sizes, Sugar IMfflELUI expeditions I! Roasted Almonds J. found. Then tho laud and sea Co., Bcarlet, Orange, White Woolen, and 4 points. remnants of land to tho Catholic Church. But CONCHEE & STREE1 united in tjic, consecration of the spot, and a 11)13 3m Threads, Tape, Elastic, Scarfs, Ac., CREAM No. 5 NUUANU they aro now only sad reminders of their for- Port Stroet. HilV- CANDIES, great variety; huge cross was put up on tho shore, which has and Velvet Ilibhons, suifaco and rough mer wealth and glory; thochnrchesiu ruin and Shirts, Dresses, Scantling; Plank, been renewed with pious care and slill marks Bat tons for Coats, Vants, Marsh-Mallow- s, decay and tho lauds worked by somo humble ! Soft 4Su tho place. June 3, 1770, is tho dato of tho Boards, snrfaccd and rough ; Battens, for tne retainers of tho once povv crfdl mission. .y. K Irish. Damask PERFUMERY, 1'LORIDA WATER, Cum .Drops, and Agents perma- crcclipn of this cross tlio sign of tho Trilwic. Pickets, Pustic, Lattice, Clapboard. nent Rothcld ot tho 1'ranciscaus ou tho coast. Gcnaino Eaa do Cologne, Lnbin's Extracts, Cum Toilet Soaps, Fhilocome, Hair Oil, Combs, Fruit Bon Bona ItAI'ID OIlOWTn OK Till. MISSIONS. Toward the close d summer in New York Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Pipes. Of all description- - Ail tho.c Home Made freth arxt -- X-. pnre tontetllone, I 3(1 Tho cars that followed uulil Scrra's death Stato the minister passed ouo of liis people I. It. Balls, Harmonicas, Blank Books, Al.hO, I aell at centa per I'ovmI. J cleaning corn. "Oil, Mr. Johnson," said lie Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, Mlldl. in 1761, wcro years of constant work in found- We Have Keceived Brushes" RICH WEDDING CHE OF THE FINEST FLAVOR ing now missions, of frequent conflicts with "a fine, dry day for corn." "Yes, parson, Just Pant and Whitewash VIENNA FURNITURE: In all tUes always on band, anil the military authorities, aud of no small per- bnt death on the u heat." Next day it was OF re ornaBwaied A VEKV HKE AbbOltTMENT Extension, Arm, Dining ltoom and mil i.i:aii. la the most artistic atjle plexities in keeping under control tho largo raining, and the minister dn e by. "Splen- Farlor did day for wheat, Mr. Johnson." "Ah, Chairs, Settees, Ac, UlIirilZI.MT, bodies of Indian neophytes at iho different - MINCE PIES always yes," with a on corn!" Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, Stirrup Leathers, PAIM-dll- fresh missions. So much work was needed to de- groan, "but death tho Irish Double Damask. AS ALSO velop tho now stations that no effort conld bo Tho Order of the Black Easlo of Prussia, CRATES OF ASSORTED CROCKERY - churcli-uuildiD- g, altcrward rcconlly bestowed upon tho nt AND OTHER Home Made spared for which Containing Flates, Caps, Teapots, Bowls, METALLIC PAINTS! 'Mince Meat Fa- to became one of the chief ambitions of tho tho Kussian Urown, lias, since its lounila Chambers, Itico Dishes and Bakers, Kor i?ale at DO I cut, per 1'owmJ. thers. After starting a mission, tho Indians tion in 1 01, ticcn given to livo women, Demijohns, 3 and G galls ; Sample Bottles, Class. Will receive per Contoelo the bates of were iuslructed in the raising of grain, means namclj, tho hmprcsscs Elizabeth and Cat- Vases and Glassware, Manila and Tarred Hope, machinery of Ihe newest de.ljn ror maBafMt.rflnilR TABLE LINEN Hemp Coal descrlptlona j fruit-trc- and I. It. Packing, Baskets, of plain of irrigation woro devised, cs wcro herine of Itussia, the Duchess Augusta of Sail, t'andlea. planted, and temporary structures for residence Wurtembcrg, tho Dowager Queen Elizabeth r DIRECT FROM Firewood. and eolicltlnz a continuance of the urn '""W and worship wcro erected. The pioneer labor of Prussia, and tho present Empress Queen c3 Blco Bags Very ileapectfnlly, A Of all sizes and qualities, was cry heavy and in this rough work Father Augusta. . w as inado 1'rcsidcnt of the missions, Coal Bags, isioarHjsr. Scrra,w ho Gunnies. Twine, Burlaps DOORS SASH BLINDS 1'ractleal took a hand, not disdaining to mako adobo with Tho English Prince nt Holdelborg Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose, Confectioner A I'mU; UK. BELFAST, IRELAND cr THE OLD STASD, VI HOTEL ST TELEPHONE No 211 tho Indians, or to cloar awjj tlio cuapparal It may be well hero at onco to contradict GROCERIES : AI.LSIZES, Tor tho crops. Before his death nine missions tho absurd statements which havo of lalo ap Mon- - Sardines, in half and quarter boxes, wcro founded, as follows: San Diego peared in ono or tno of my contemporaries, COSblbTiaG OF Of Eastern and California Mako. terey, San Antonio de Tadua, San Gabriel, San H. and 1. Biscuits, Salt in jars, relative to tbo ruodo of lifo Prince Edward Oil S G FOR IX QUANTITIES TO SUIT Capis-tran- o, Castor in Tins.Stearino Candles, t, and SLE Luis Obispo, San Francisco, San Juan would adopt during his stay at Heidelberg: Matches, Cocoannt Oil, Wash Blue, E. ILLINGHA Santa Clara, San Bonaventura. With ASD AT O.Hall & Son Far from going Micro to livo iu great style, Hnbbnck'B Linseed Paint Oil, HWhito Lead, Have Received a Full Lint tw o exceptions theso missions uow mark tho and to dcliglr. tbo German shopkeepers with Whito Zinc Paint. 1.0T.V Bite of citicB and largo tow ns, and give to tho IU.ICHB- laisb expenditure, tho Princo wentforstudy LIQUORS : la- 1016 HA Vi; 1 Hit HAI.K A.M) geography of California tho sonorous Spanish OS THE HA y and health end recreation, and bis aujrust alUlicjllu.iiilall'.ji.ni of Dinln; Tabic;, clement eo pleasing in comparison with the ivisely Of Do Laago fils and BoutcIIcau U randy, and Dillinghara Brea parents very sent him to the house of other brands, ! rudo Indian names of Orcson and 'Washington a simple German professor, where bo could Hall's Steel Plows Territory profauc titles bestow cd by tho Bum, Gin, St. l'aul Beer, Ate and Porter, or the obtain all theso advantages without bciDg Port Wino. Sherry, Ithino Wine, -- nttln from , in to is m. early miner and adventurer. Of all those mis- tempted to ape tlio doings ot tho grand lady Fino and Tablo Clarets. Chamnacns. i Car-m- el HALL'S ii.i.iM.ti.n sion?, that established on tho banks of tho of Austria. Tho English ncoplo will certain With Napkinsto Hatch O. II. Mnmm it Co., Sparkling Hock, HEAVY STEEL BREAKERS Dry Ueidieick, Monopolc, ri er, four miles from Monterey was tho ly much moro appreciate tho wiso course tbo Ch. F.irrc, nviTiA;isri.criti or tiiu iUUSCUO O.C., IXC 1.', II. ii and in Inrh plows, favorito of 1'adro Serra. That ho inado his Prince of Wales is pursuing with regard to immw headquarters and to he returned after his tho ITNEST Ever LVLSO- thai ins son s education than sympatlnzo with tlio Theso LINENS aio Goods -A SEW LINK OF periodical visits to tho eislcr missions which German and Havana Cigars Followinn Just Received greedy rs of Heidelberg, who feel Imported to this Market, and wo Invito - Ware Spoons, Alrlnr.- bo often needed his aid and counsel. There disappointed at their golden dreams baviog our Friends to giro them an Inspection Plated Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets, Hall's Steel Eock la fino only rudo chapel. Cups, Ac. Breakers was no church then; a failed to become life. ex II. I' and li, ir.rb, Tho oyes of Scrra never saw tho many beau- Kvri:.ituiv.i.t:i HARDWARE Contalnlns all th. ad.ania. - of ther ! tiful churches in which tho devotion of the Tlio Kaiser's Country Home. Dre.ker. ., all from out own inltcrns by the nnmher of new i 1iWS are Pocket and listener Scissors, imp, ,rmr,, ., made tlacat JOHN 1IEEKE. lh 1'iouwr Western l'luw Jlnnufa Franciscans incarnated, lio died at the Carmcl G.W.Macfarlane&Co Knives, Black French. Merinos, "HEAT lr W A Mai Tbo Emperor of Germany is now residing Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files, JIOI.ISE VIAiW Co. th world. e lire Rents for this mission, Augnst-- S, 1761, and his funeral was Worta in at Babelsbcrg, his favorito country iion to Spurs, Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron. the sceno of great lamentation among the In- house, Hoes, & Harrows, whero ho will remain till September 10, when Keg ltivets, Hammers, Ladiea and Gent'a Cmhrellai . Aga Cultivators, Horse dians who regarded him as a falhor. Yellow Metal and Composition Nails, Linen Sheetlnz. Fine SUln. Molino Plows, ho goes to tho Khino provinces for tbo autumn Ladiea and Gcnt'a Hralery. Old Pattern CIIAnACTER OP 1'ADIIF. SEItnA. Babbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers, PlantationTools, all kinds ; manoeuvres. Iiabclsbcrg, which is not a largo I ron Tanks, Clarifi era Ac. Also, embroidered Cloth Table Cotcts Of Scrra's character there havo been various bouse, is in the modem castlo stylo Ed com- Difierential Pulley Blocl nearly all tho historians havo Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, Buckeye Mowers, . estimates, but mon in Germany, and was built about forty Cement. Cutte agreed in awurdiug him Iho zeal of a Loyola 3 cars ago. The rooms aro comparatively Portland 1'odder without his cruelty. Tho world to him was a small, and aro simply but most comfortably SAMOEL NOTT, Fire Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks, Woolen &ICotton Shirts, battlefield: ho walked among tj pea of evil and furnished. They aro huug with portraits of Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oak Boats, te.t Ac, &c Filgrim; his ordi- Lubricating Oils, Turpent of good, liko Buniau's even Iho llobeuzollcn family and their royal rela- Orders the leianda carefully LAIllli: AhIO jirixror curiously interlarded PliUMBIJVG, from other lAuitn. Finl Oil aiiaVraiJiM,Stuileb.l.erVno nary cosiness letters nro tives. Thcro aro cry fino pictures of tho attended to by I m titani.oiftbei. Hone rnrnnOiinc Goods. Lampi with scraps of exhortation and appeals for di- Queen and tbo Princo Consort and tho late White Linen Shirts and Collars, - ...l, colantl arritinj: - aim .! mxji vine cuidaucc. Though of slight frame, and Czar Nicholas. One room is lruiig with land- Gas Fitting, suffering much from bodily weakness, ha never scapes by tbo Crown Princess. The grounds H.HACKFELD&CO. LATEST .vral.KS: ' tho longscrvice of tho church, failcdtoconduct of Ilabclsberg aro by far the most nicturcsnuo Wool Dre Uoo.li, and luliTs sermons it was his practice: to beat of all tho numerous ltoyal residences about Tinsmith & Roofer, Ladiea Hati. trimmed and nntrlmmed . JELEHSLOTJL: his breast with a stone in order to impress his rolsuaui. lliey were laid out under the CIGARS! CIGARS! Otuich Feathert hearers with tho, sufferings which awaited tho superintendence of Princo Pucklcr-Muek- an unrepentant in tho world to come. He suf- (tho original of Mrs. Leo Hunter's friend, Edgings and Insertions, COOK SHOVES . . CRY fered greatly also from a soro leg which ho Count Smoritorl;,) and slopo to tho Havel, A.m KRAFT, allowed to go without healing, accepting it, which hero forms a broad lake. The adjoin- a ii?ri: lot or w ith the fatso idea of that age, as a ing domain of re- A NEW ENTERPRISE. OurLC monastic Glcinicko is tbo summer cross which was put upon him. Tho records sidence of Princo Frederick Charles. SCOTCH TWEEDS, .JEWELb'R and of tho timo show that ho CDJoycd the sw eels of nlMllUAiN, power, and while cr tender and cousidcrato RANGES l!?ciural rjcrltscnicnts OF ALL SIZES) of the converts, ho could bo harsh and dicta- J. W. HINGLEY CO., We torial with the military, whom ho regarded as New Designed Prints, KITCHEN AND WATCHMAKER, or HOUSEHOLD CTENSILS-- oI intruders upon his territory. His dicam was ! Mnnufncttirera all Grades of And a Oreit Vailety of both alUindi; to organize all tho missions on the coast under Just Arrived Dealer in Musical Instruments. PAINTS AND OIL8-- of all kindj Anil one bpiKtual head, and to havo no secular per "Duke of Abercorn'forraLiiupoot, .fyglish and American Goods LUBBiaiTINO OILS-b- Gin Tho fair new territory ho held XKT32) ! est stock In th.mariot; had been earned by tho Franciscan?, and to FOR KEEOSENE ier's, Noonday tLnatralf them should be given to rulo as tbo Josuits Fine Havana CIGARS LITE IKPORTMIOHS, it ONE MILE OF too jiiJirjtoLs to nranoj. SILVER WARE-fr- om HIS RECEIVED. PEB StaSlCI ml l'LATED lteed ct Bartoni had ruled in Mexico a century before, lledco A SPECIALTY. jh. Addllloo. Kilt. InrKT Mock ho curbed the power of the military whenever Ughl Portable Railway Kails, outiiu BILVEKWAKE-fromtheGorhara- Co. ou: it was practicable, and aroused that strong Wchave made SPECIAL AKIUNGEMENTS ilh SJlxo POWDEKS-- all kinds, from Cata. Powder Works ! Eastern and California to snpply ns with the California epiril of antagonism to the missions which XO 2) with Atnta GOODS lbs. per janl; and inch j;anj,e Finest llarana and Connecticut Leaf Tobacco In the CAUBIAGE AND MAaHNEBOLTS-allaii- eg. FINE - fruit in later years in their rapid dcclino and JUrket. We are prepared to mannfaetnre a Genuine PRODUCE & PROVISION CO. M. I II of tucUl enrrce . crtwtlnRf , final ruin. Ho was a sevcro disciplinarian, STOVES, j.nicie ai mncn tees inmn me cost m imponeu uijiri, Cattrnl Uaiinc considered thli want In the JSlxelT and expected of priests, neophytes and Indian CANE WAGONS jmmnnitT. ire hare enn?ed Banerlor assistance from "S'. AND 10 LIGHT SUGftR Beipectfnlly notify the Pnblic that they 0" e: The converts tho same passionate devotion to re- RANGES, ban Franclico ia making oar CI jar We rnarantee to hare w Ac- - ev ratisfy ereryone who will jrlve ni a call. Eiuhllshed thenueWes at OOLD, MtVEE. ligion which ho showed in his cry day life. tS TXUl SA.X3i2. xaciory ana store ia locaica in r. There aro many stories or his severity in en- rou HARDWARE elk i 1 i suitable for Animal Tower. S This forcing discipline, and in compelling tho con- Liil7 73 Hotel Street, Honolulu, A Splendid Auortmentf & SILVER WATCHES 0 ALbO FOK SALE Lamps, Chandeliers, Lincoln Block, No. 108 King St GOLD iS" verts to labor, but thoso who havo had any LEATIIEII-- 3Ordert from the other lilands lollclted, and, inch In put of the premises occupied by Or All Descriptions; A Ur- -t of i experience icith tho California Indians will not 14 His. Hie wmkfVnd Bl.b At. ce-O- Straight Steel Halls, lo jard will hare onr best care and prompt attention. &1 t3T-- 0 Goods are of ifc. 'u judgo him harshly. Naturally averse, like rail-v- .A2D b,,, ,MlltJ,. , 1( FortSUJ Tor the worLUs of Musts John Fowler & Co.a SRESOVICH. GRAY & CO, foruih;areslwaya new. any savago people to continued effort, Scrra and locomotive!, the midcriljriied bestoreTerto & i'orpartlcnUr..Trerefeter Instruments, J. W. HINGLEY Co., erutomers Husical and his associates thought them the arts of J. D. S jreckels, Eq, of Spreckelirlllc, where a line ll Gonoral Where can be fonnd a COMPLETE STOCK of and FR1ESDS to OUR 1EW DFV.mptlvr operation ion H. I. -- Ulch TiWlhVliiwtCelrbraW! aimfctnrrr. I building and agriculture. Tho Indians were now In tnil ' Honolulu, MTIUGUE. we will .end f .ny on. spnll Tor f nrtherpirtlcnlars, apply lo estlon. or on VAEIETY.1S5S assured or a good living, even in tho long dry HOUSE FURNISHING tallandeiamlneonrSpIendldSlockof Goods CTOIOS IK XHDEESS V. L. OnEEff, or AT OUR s'nd their, was kept in check; Co- The Tourists' Retreat, Produce and Groceries WAREROOMS. corner of fort 111 scason, improvidence O. W. MACFAEI.AXE -1 nd 0(1 Fowler & Co IIonolnlB. jpiT ,oimllithitrsniTrMocl JOT they were not allowed to gamble aw y the Agenti forJohn At Honaapo, Kan, Hawaii i WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT t. il (a arl.lmard. ir s ol 1 earnings or a month in'a single night, they had HJlKIIWAllE npocnisT-- axd otiieus. EXCHANGE ON CHINA! Envelopes Flrit-CIaa-mtesdiso a home from which they could not be ejected Stamped X to Tlilt the Volcano, will Sad a Envelopes OF Saddle IIoraes.2e at T1IT! rptrw Lowest Market Bates for CASH! Stamped Witt nt of the whito intruder; the rich THE it TIIK TJNDERSIOXKIl ARK OT OF 2. I, .1 and 10 Centa. can benrchajed al the CAMPBEIiI-'- XEAV BLOCK, The climate atllonnipolalhebeitonthelibindafor TEj.ErnosESo.Tnu r r.o.aoxvza. TO DRAW OH THE TTJK DEXCJinfATIOXS ceremonial of tho Roman Catholic service ap- Postorac In any qnantlty from one to one thojuana lncalidj. A fine Tiew ie had of the inrronndln- - Scene- - - other Chartered Ot pealed to their imagination, and thoy were Envelope renonn retidin- on the Itlandi cu FOOT STREET, Oppoiite Wilder A Co IFiiuuouiu: wi .uiuno, iruiam ilOOge. X3T All orders and communication! to be adaiejsed Bant of India, Australia and proenre them from the local 1'ostoBcet . also doraejtle WTEEfis StODEEATE. China, very fond of the fectu and other dirersione reply cards. " r.OBox.S)!. lOlS-j- set W. BJHTIUBS, PnorjurroE Honslrons. ul forclsii J. iocs Z. K. MYERS. Manager. WW BISHOP CO. IftlC W T f a trf- -- jASSMi:a FUBUSIISD 1ST ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. Ktci-j- - ".Vctlncmlny .lloinlnu. &TFIYE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAVAHLE IX ADVAXCE. foreign 96.03 In AiU.nrc, SVBulnese Cant tata frfttg-fi-r trs allowed sdUeeustfromlbeae rates, wbkB arontfrrfcr Which Include, postagesprepaia. aJrertlseeMTt. whets pabl or charted, ouarts- r- mssll If. IV All ferslrn adrtrtlescnars arsse so sr:psj-;- , 4 1 with lis way wtss ordersd in. ee so sntfes w. I uU: Uana. lj Office is new Oarettfj Bnildlnr;, 25 nnd 21 XIX.--.N- o. Iksrafesrchsrtesers!lrra1ntlia!oRftr ctl Street. VOL. 40.1 nesltbsews for trr Jtmtrlean adtsettisurr: St iirl Merchant HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I. 1884. IWHOLENo.1029. scrlptlesiuiarbo arad bybaaksill,eIeirt.l' A Common History. Business (Tarts. III time to be bom GotJ Mid. and there came. Business Carts. illciljanital Carts. fHttljantral Cfiros Jnsurmuc JTotitts. Jiisuraiut 2Cotifts: ftjerfistrntntsr, Into the world, witbont a name, fortign "W- - CASTLE, p A mortal of tiny frame R. :3ii3aQ:o-i- ED. ROtVX jv"i",romrajY xa.-- oo., a Boston or i WI1UAMS, DTS05B C0 - It It time to think, to look, and to grow. .a.t Ilcmso and Sicn Painter, Paper Hruser, &e CONFECT1QNKRY! Board Cndenrriters. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY ft To wsken and walk, fair babe of snow ," and Notary Public, Attcnda all BANKERS, tlEMTS Ilawallmra the Conrte of the : i t yo for the talanrls. Slilppln and Coaariseiait Mrrtfen-- I atd a grandma, soft and low. fji fkinuom. Jy noaon'i,u, jiAiVAiiAjr isumw KlOly 107 King Street, nonolnln. 1 JJL 10U9 1J C. BREWER A CO OK Sl.t ritA.lCISCU. la time to lean on a tender DRAW EXCHANGE ON ;. vn "38 Callforniai street, San Ffintf seo It lirratt. 3,, r.. c. coi,i.iiAr. Little one, in thy dream robes drest." P. ADAMS. IKE BXNKOF CALIFORNU. : : : : SIN FMHCISC0. Philadelphia Board of Cnderwrittr?. a BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Ho. 71 Fort St., above Hotel St., w. taid mother, "come, and rest. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, JIKD THEIR IGEVTB IT for tbo Ilarsallitn Islnnds, acati8saAirr& 120 , " IInric Miorlnc. Cnrrlntje Tork, AOE.1TS IHCOBPOBATED, 1809 It Is time to stodr, and erase to play. Wll Qneen btreet. Honolulu. Sew York, KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND C. BREWER A CO oomjiission ttsld the father to the boy one day, Hoston, l'latitnlioii Mnrblnerx. aire. jibrchaittd; 10-- s fit ' If thou would! t be wife when Cray 1 Sbop on King Street, neat Castle & Ceote'a. ly An assortment of the bf t Ftrnch nd CASTLE COOKE. ACENTS IIS Cnttnatser Mtreetv ear Torau EDWAKD PRESTON, F. A. KC,IIAi:Fr.R. HX. f t California jntnafictnrtd Par tho ItawalUn Islands. 1 It Is tlmeto itrurrle for manly place. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. MESSRS. N M. ROTHSCHILD SOUS,: aOKOON JOHN NOTT. of Bremen Bonrdof Underwriters, Rfftmt Castle A Tooke. and J T Waterftoss I J AGENT or or vn lyr To enter the lists for the gland life race, Jjr 9 Kaahnmann Street. Honolnln. lirjs FnANKFOnT-ON"-TH- JtAIS. Importer and Dealer In Stores, Ranee. Dresden Board Underwriters. H0HTH BSRISH ARO MEECA?TILE Said a yontb with annny face , Confectionery Asent of Vienna Board of Cndenrrtera. The Commercial Banking Co of Sydney, Londor. Mruls, Hnose Fumlshinr Uoods, Crockery-- Glass and Which be offers far talc to the trade, or at retail. TV. AUSTIN WHITING, Claims Companies within tho n " It is time to tin! lwa a demon thought, The Commercial Uankin; Co. of bydney, bydney. China Ware, l'ractical MrxanicsI Honolnln, U. I. asalnstlnsnrance Zpsuranoo Company blnlster dark with danger fraucht, Attorney and Counsellor At-La- of the aboro Boards of Underwriters will hat The Hank of cw Zealand, Auckland, and its I'Ullr to bo certlletl to by the abore to make them or Lo.tnox aid Ilaimllan Cotnnl aa-- I lint it, haply, came to nausht. lo UVc AcLnowredjement At REDUCED PRICES! Aient of Instruments for Ilraucbes in Cbrittehnrcli, Danedln and TVclllnton. M. OAT & CO- - SATI.MAKERS, ralld. WTlr It Is time to love, Mid a lover bold. the Island ol Oaho. J. EtstablUhod 1800. The Hank of BrilUh Colnmhia, Tortland, Orejon. A. T. CooLn'a Xew BolMInc, foot COMM1SSIOH NtEHCHA.Hr Ae be kissed sweet lips of a rasltin- - mold. Ilr-- TCo.P Kaahnmann btrcct. Honolnln 1 yr Lottln FlreTroor TUB BEST BRANDS OF CIIOICK CIGARS And rehearsed the "story old. The Azore and Madeira Islands, o(7?nnann street. Insurance Notice. CAl'ITAI. . . . . 3,000,0tO SUCallfornia St.. fan Fraaelsco. Cat To be had the marLtt. Acrnmnlated and Invested Fnnd ITS BoomKo.4. tr " MRS. A. M. MELL1S, btockholm, bwedec. Ilonolnlo, II I in l,tra7JI It la time for joy, with an air of pritc, Fashionable "Dress anrTLCloaJc Maker, AOE.1T FOR THE BRITISH bald a bridegroom fond. I harewon a bride, o.' London, Anitralla and China, S3 Flags of all descriptions made and repaired . THE BEST ICE CREAJS, SODA WATER 8 CORDIALS THE Marine Insnranee Companj fLImltetl) bas c.fi'EitsMj.tr.D nr.F.y o my 101 1. hate DR. & 1 be eTcr at aide. Fort street Honolnln JI1 Hongkong. Yokohamt, Japan. m rectlred lnstrncllnna to Ileilnep Ibe tlKlrm of In appointed AOEXTS for the Sandwich Islands. JORDAN CO. OT1 ly AXI TUT TlItSJI.-- suranco " AndtransactaOeneralBankluellnsinefcS IT'S ly PIONEERSTEAM between nonolnln and Torts in Iho Pacific, and and are aathorfxed to Insure azalnst fire on Favorable It Is time to toll for daily bread. HAr3 6m lsnowpreparettolssne Poliel" tho lowest rates, ov profzssob; For a w ife and i:.:iici-'TVR- i' at Terms !y rri'ixs family matt be fed," W O. Candy Manufactory and Bakorv with a special redaction on per steamers Risks any part nlcollD. of Paris, of j: lly ft busy man was Mid. ii. AiimoTiii'is. bnrra. U A.Thurstoi. fir taken In nf tbe Islands on Stone seem of Anatomy Cars be JT'. TIIEO 11. DAVIES. and Wooden Bnlidlnzs. ami Merchandlso stored there-I- coeraed tr. ' It time to part," eatd the GB0CERY. FEED STOEEniBASEUYI SMITH & THURSTON. HOHOT W IT letter t)f&ce3II0earyst.,Saiirraileie-s- it children croun, Practical Confectioner, Pajtrj Cook and Baker, D. LANE'S AjentBrit For. Mar Ins. Co Limited Dwelling llonses and Fnrnltare, Timber. Coals. 1 SMms and daughters need hornet 'Corner King and Fort Strecte?Ilow-lahi- l J. allfocnla. en the KID5ETT. UDll t V of their own; . w ATTORN EYS ltt5 "1 Hotel strcct.betwecn ynnannaadFort. Sly Ships In harbor with orwlthont earjroes or ander repair, HEMtTIAL "xarcwelll " and the blrdi bad flown. yjo ly r yu AT LAW. - AtIIOt)I, WEAE"IEra ' irrr 89 Merchant bt., Honolnln, II. I. if iiArtimiRuii. itiii:.iiK.- k. uorrsciiLAEGsn. Jt co.. IISKASPHOfTllE SKI" ASO ktt, It Is time to be lonely, the bonne la still. i J. EMMELTJTH & CO 5M lltra Areola for the Hawaiian Island DISEASES Or MBS Said a ample. 1111 i;i. iioir.sciii.Aiui:it-A- to., COMPANY. "It secmetb JirrciicocK, No. 5 Nnnann Street, FIEE INSPBANCE And they wept aralnet their will. IMPOETEES AHD COMMIESIOJI MEBCHAKTS ATTOBNETtAT LAW, T1IX A BOOR BEST OS BXC KIFT OP " i.. HIL0, HAWAII. time to mourn: haii PlamTben. Dealers Stores ODERSIUNED HAVI.tt) ItEE.V AP. His It coma to pa.a, ttlj Honolnln.Oahn.il. I. ly Illlls i.romptlr collected 1 Tinsmiths and in ald a qulnrlnc voice, -- Il Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, keep con pointed Asenta of the abore Company, are pre Kew England Mutual Life InsuranceCo. a; CETS. "that beneath the ress, parerf I matt hide my love, alasl A. ROSA. II. EI ACIil-I-.I.I- l A-- tut stantly on hand a fall assortment of Tinware, Galran to insure risks arslnst lire on Stone and Brlek There's a ized Iron and Lead ripe. India Rubber Hose, Ac, c. Boliaintcrs, and on 21 errtinnitl-i- e stored therein, on OF BOSTOX, SU3S DR. BROWNE'S CH10MBTH5, time to die." to the preacher tailh. ATTORNEY AT UW AHD ROTARY PUBLIC, GENEEAL C OMMISSIO H - the most faroraole terms, apple J. COUIS And I gently call thee now.'Vald Death, A0EKTS, 1WI ly rnrpartlenlars at the Ae stilted 'M tlnceii Mrcet, Honolnln. ly ociceof niiy r a.i.cilvefebaco. ixcoitruKarci), isss. THE ORIGINAL an be an old man breath. Office frith the Altorntv CtntrnU AVioUtMt Jltilc H.I. W. R. LAWRENCE, 05IT GSSntB VUrtland Lta&tr, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C Oldest Mutual 1003 HuhoIhU, 11. I. ly JNO A.HASSINGER, O IV 3X O H. . Ikt Purely Life Insurance Co in Advlca to InTa.iilit.r--it jon tfrh P btt!tx qalst w to O T Ji. T 3 the Unitetl Stales. frhlnsfl?p, fr frnin hfatUtbt rUef from mIb imt Slisoelljuinons. J. 31. tVHI ITMUV, .11. I)., It. 1 .. Afient take to Con Plans and Estimates Furnished for Works of Crat FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ansslfh, to calin and astaas th weary acbtat af Dentil Booms on Fort S treat. tra.ctafar Labor. straciloR. . Policies the mert protracted di .atlxonte the nern-- mnito, antt finger-rin- - OF HAMBURG. Iuned en' farorible TartntJ rirmUUn bwly wi.' An adjustable g i now. TUo sizo yttt?t .ltll'iw'e--H''ti'v--- ly -- rtffiilateth nrstfist vthm rm tlfficrin lire cr'a, Bloc., corner HolrJ and rorfetrcrlSJ CIVff fengiriecrlngand Surveying . provide yotirtclf ar!thuiatiaanHima tmr$y,Kfr is regulated by sliding Hie band in or out of iitj ly entrance, liotci atrect rtERCnAADMK. Fl'UNI. Rxample at ifon.forilfnre riass IbyDr J CoHtaBivTni0(UttArmTXMtral StasTu-f- I'. A. .SCIIAI'I'I'K tc CO., OFFICE on KAUWILA STREET, to BVILlII-i- Machinery against the setting of ttis stono. ncit Insnred Fire on the IS30REDDBJfQ-TEAR-OIUlAlr?'tIF- which he the urn. of 1 ULORODTTtB aadwk. Ji A. . A. Importors & Widcman's Brlct Warchonsc most faTonble terma. site CI.I'UMOIt.-- l Co.. Commission Morchants MARBLE WORKS, VLX-- I ladraUtrabxltiepn)fHlii tobethejmtwondnrfn. Frames or wliito lace over tufted bright JT7 Ilonolaln, Hawaiian Islands. ly o. ly A. JACOER, Asent for the Hawaiian Islands. and TalttW remedy oUcoTCted wrocTEns atco dealebs in ko r. box loi. laoronT-vrinstT- , Attnnat premium contlnnea Policy t?years 3 days trrt m:aiciiitci.8t. . aiuiy colored satin are tho newest for the family 'TaXoxrclx.cucxcU.so, FRANCIS M. HATCH. WILLIAM TURNZat, S Annual premiums continue Poliey 4 years 13 days CItLORODTNE la ew treriCremcilr known rorConc- - .'holographs in tbo parlor. Gouoral 3 Annual premiums continue Folley ftyearaST'daya ConiQmf ttMi, BroflchltU, Aithms. IWT Corner Queen and Kaahnmann btreelg ly r. ORIENT Xaax-cc- & I Annual premiums continue Folley eyearatAdays LULOSODT7E actoltka acharmiir Dtanrhsa, Aii Arrow-ro- ot gives Attornoy a.t Practical Watch Clock Maker manufactdrer'of monuments Annual premiums continne Peltey Vi years 5ft days a certain etiebness to II. ta the only a prcific .d l botrra and Draent-rr- j sauces wbicb renders less JOIin 1ATY, IfJ No. II Kaahnmann btrcct. lyr Znauranoo Company buttor necessary NOTARY PUBLIC and C0MM1SSI0NEE of SEEDS and Jeweler, Headstones, Tombs, OF HARTTORD. COWME'Jl'mUT. : niLOltODTS fffMtBallr el abort alt stUcU o AaotH, 1313,000,0001 JEpilpty. Ilyit-rrU- than if flour is used for tbickening For the California Nrw Office at iVH. IM'K A; CO., $2 Ivlit! Honolalu, II. (opposite Pa.piUtioir..adSpm4. bulee of and York. Ifu. blreet, I., the Tablets, Marble ManteU, MSH ASSETS JARU4RT : the Hank of Elthop JC ly Corner of Fort and Cocen Factory) ISTJ!M : : SUU.S34.4I. Iwesi tlironcb Aarener, CIILORODTS Uthe only paniitlt Daring last year no fewer than 3581 per- Ccllonolnla. vtl blccts, Honolnln, Woticcr Cairiajt Tops, tall llooln!n tn?nnlc!t. njaber, r Washstantl and Takes risks against Loss or Damage hy Bbnunallam. tiont. Cancer, TwHhacb SlntnHU Jts sons were arrested in London for assaults, &. Fainti, Oils, Naili, Salt and Building to prompttie Fire on $49,000 i.ai.m: co., . t?f Ielaml ortlcr attended with and Tiling in Black and White Marble. Baildins. Merchandiser Machinery and Fnrnilnreon tnora or lees serious, upon tbe police. This nw7jy Materials of every kind Good packed carefully for tranglt. PWq. farorahle terms. A. JAEUElt, From SynvwJtCo, PharmacvutlealClifriiatt, Vrzi COMMISSION MERCHANTS CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS cal Hall, Simla. Jaaaary a, 1SW, To J. T DaTvnpcwt . tot"! Asent for Hawaiian Islands. was an incroaso of only ten on Hie previous And Iratiortcrs of and Dcalcars lu llaj-- Grain, and c & IWt FOIITI1K IIAWA1IA.1 ISI.A.1U). Erxi.. 33, Orrst Kasaell trvet; Blacaaburr Lmdn, v , ,2 h .1 ii ni i ii Aionu. LYCAN CO., MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION -- year. JWfur ' U.UU..1..WUH.11... 11VIIULU.U.I1.1. MJ lrar Sir W embrar tbl opportonity of toorrataJatv Importer, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer IMPORTERS AND DEALEItS II WASHINGTON lag you opon tbe widespread repvtaUoti tbla jwC? 1'rofcsspr Ball, tbo Astronomer Koyal for cLAtaarnccKCU. W U.1BWIX. in Qcneral Mercliandise, In gat MADE TO OKUT.U THE PACIFIC MUTUAL esteemed medicine. Or J l ollla Browne Chlorodyae,, N Merchandise Gcnornl Musical Paint FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Ireland, in an address on comets; WMI. J . IK-tVII- Ac CO.. baa rarned for ittwlf not only In lllndeetaui tnttaU considered And China Goods, in the f fatore, cotner King EnRTOvinss, Chromw, &c&ct&c AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE EATES. over tbe East. MareMetfy,rorEiiev41 we the 101 and Nnnann ly atiU matt that mcteoroids seen as shooting stars in Sugar Factors and Commission Agents atreets. The Cheapest place to Day , OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY riaestlon whether beitrrla imported into tbo txmtir we 1600 wcro actually tbo remains of the tails of Honolnln. I!. 101 1 Vloiin men ( mnl IIrnlMoiic( and f hall begtadt? bear of lu finding apLaeofa I. W O. Smtth L. A.THtnsToN. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN HONOLULU. Clcnuctl antl Cash January 1st, 1834. . . A comets. 1,535,M0.34. 0 C.IHM1II.MA. every borftr Tbe other brand, we aro HOIXISTER & CO W. O. SMITH & CO I'lCTUIlE FRAMES of all kinds Ilr.cl. aory to My, are now relegated to th- - native and Jy Tales Risks ajlinjt Loss or Damarjo by Fire ou jodstnff their we According to Professor Wanklyti the manu- made to order. Orders from the other IHnds i.rompt attended to. Bnildlncs, Desire to call the parlfeular attention of eserybody. irvm Mle, fancr their aojoorn.bt then Druggists & Tobacconists, Stock and Real Estate Brokers, 10l Merchandise, Machinery and Fnrnltnre on wlllbnont ettiDFtK.ent We cooh malUply laiutnev facture of gas from liniod VSJ 107 !., favorable terms. A. JAEUKR, coal is a success, as WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL. N0.S8 Merchant M Honolnln, H.I If io. Fort Honolnln. TO THEIR at infinitum at tbe oxtraordlnary efflcacyor Dr t oWr it reduces the amflunt of sulphur compounds IW Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Hrowne'tf tit Plarrhaea d DTrtealccr aoSniianuhtrcct, cor Fort Merchant bte. lira MHS. nraht-a- to three grains in tbo i CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. THOMAS LACK, Spanma, Cramp, Si the Vemlilna of tttjctttatY hundred cubic feet, and i The City of London Tire In- Tontine investment Policies I and aa a general vedatlve, thai have orctued nfidrrottr increase the yield of ammonia and joiw X. tVAii:itnoi;ii:. Attornoy, Solicitor, ttc, oberrvatioa dorioe many yeara, 1 hotermJi. tar by tbo OFF1CE-- I3 Kaahumann Street, jTi:a.m i:.giaks. sic.au jiii.i.' No. 70 Fort SU Honolulu. Brtonal la abolition IMrOKTEK AHD DEALEB IH GEHEBAL S4yAw,ft. Hollers, Cuolsrs, Iron, Dran and Lead Caitlnej Co., VThlch contain theIndlspuUbloClanse," and eren in tba more tcrtlblo forma of t.ol-er- of tbo lime purifiers. surance Idmited. we hare MERCHANDISE. 10IKJ Honolnln, II. I . If Mo Restriction on Trarel or Residence, ltelf, wiiad lla oi;prltlBi.T cratr?!! English n- Machinery of Every Description IMPORTER and Inx power We haro lievef aued of Tbe authorities aro onco moro -i DEALER another form tbie Vol Qnccn btrcct. Honolnln, 11. 1. ly IIICOIVA. Made to Order. "TtS. Free from Danger of Forfeiture ttiedlelne iBan Browne front itflrt CooT.ct.wt stituting active measures to suppress betting. CCClI. 03" ix CAPITAL, $10,000,000 Colilf ATTORNEY AND C0DNSELL0E AT LAW, Particular attention paid to Ship' Blaciimlthlng :::::: tbat it Udecldlytkt brt andalaofrom sarseeefdntr At Leicester recently a publican .v AU.O weovre tothe profeealoo, end tho public ajwoarftot namod mi.i.iiNttiiAJi co., NOTARY PUBLIC, 1U.--I Urough fined 3 lj Sowing Machines, and Conuino IJSrAItLISIIKn A.N opinion that the Qb4tlon of any other thaatoi:: was 3s for permitting bolting. lurORTERS AND DEALERS IN IMBDWABE HAVIXU AllEM'T AT The Uepoll Is And Agent for .aklng Acknonlcdgmeutsof Inetfnmcnls for the Hawaiian the nnder-s!nr- Knilunmrnt l'ollcj aiiil Hie Browne a Bnsacs or Timt en Tail; The detectives got ladders at tbo roar of the Cntlerr, Dry (ooda. Faints and Oil, and Ocncrai for the Island of Oahu. N.F. BURGESS, Parts, Attachments, Oil Is rAarr or Tun iiuiiuti a TATfinr Merchandise. 4 prepared lo accept rl.LI a;aint tire on chksmt t premises, and watched tbo betting opera- irjj Camtibcll Block. Merchant, bt.. Ilonolnlo ly Hi DTJUjDBII, Fnmllnre. 3Iachinery. on the most rollcj. lUti We are, Mir, faith fully yonra Hje- - ft ( o. ll" No. 37 Fort blreet. Honolnln ly bhopon btrect.otiposlle Rose's. and Accessories. favorable terms. Membcra of ibe Pbarm Society of Great Brtiuaa Bia tions. KIiir Excellency the Viceroy Chemnla SARAH E. PEIRCE, M. D. gltcn kinds When Winter S. M. CARTER, Estimates on all of buildings. re. tossts Tromptlj AilJiistrdaniU'aj.ililcIIcrc. rhls Is one o: the relraMeCsHnpanlenellanl: and wild beasts mako sad work quired. Offices and Mores fitted up In the latest East SMt -- Agent to take Acknowledgment to Con. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, White, Hew Home, has no superior, and (swniualo. Settles alt Claims CAUTION VlceCbancellor ii W Pas Wood among domestic animals in Kussia. Last em styles. Ilenalrins of every description done in v o. ncuuEit, atated that Dr J Colli Browne was, nadoabtedtr year tracts for EaTbor. the best possible and reasonable promptly; acts honestly and faltly by t'X the it is declared tbat from cold, Uffice and Ilcsidcnce, Ko. O School btrctt, be niamier. at rates. Davis, Crown, Howe, and IWIly Alnt for the Hawaiian Islands. Inrentor of 1 hlerfrdyite that thaatory of tho oef-w- suoa storms, Onkcutr II. b. Dock. Eeplanade, Honolnln, 11 I. inccn i'ort and Emmi, 1J) ly QT For furtter Information, write to, or call on dant Freeman waa deliberately nntrne which, ha and discaso 5550 camels, 32,000 horses, 1 DW ly rejtretted oeew ea OFFICII 10URb-lV.a- 11:39a. m Florence Machine;, a W. U.MNE. to ry. had ineram-S- Tho 1 imee h, I:lo3r. IOih Ueneral Agent INil. cattle, and 130,000 sheep perished, and KOBT ,. The London and hoviuciiil for the Hawaiian IsUnds JolyiJ, Liwtu. c coorc. 3 TELEPHONE 20I.-- SJ C. C. STRATEMEYER, that 70,000 cattle were killed by the rr Howard's Machino Needles, . SoU in bottl-- r. it N tsd, J.9d-- , 4a W. and ! wocs. i. KM V each None t i:ivi: COOK C. HDSTACE- - I'llAUTICAL withmft the worda tr J Colt No one of my fcllon s can do that special bnccca tors to Lewebs & Dickson. I. all kinds & sizes; Central ClJiKcrtistmtnts. lla Browne- hlrolyu n (he JoTrinnicnk atamp work for mo which 1 have come into the (rorincrlj nitli B. V. Voile L Cu.) Orerwhrlmine tciTtmuny acompanlea each world IMo.0aTERS& DEALERS IK LTJMBEU SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER Corticalli Silk, FIRE bOltlf to do; ho nay do a higher work, but bo can- ! A And all kinds of lloildlns Materials Wholesale and Retail Grocer, INSURANCE COMPANY 1 ant urn Bf wtr. rr f3( jm$ tmitJ;on not do my work. I cannot band my work Fort blrett. 1012 ly Honolnln. 111 Kins Mroit, under Harmon Hall - in all colors; REAR OF 1,0. 83 KING ST. TO THE Sole Mtnnr.ui.ir 4 T AKttRT 33. Creal over (o him, any moro tbau can family, Plantation, and bis1 btorcs enppliitl at icJ- sn6no (Xjllllitocl.) Oil FH1T! Kifnl) Strr. t Btontn Um nduo tm tm I band o.cr fcliort (foodn . Ml ALIltliU s. ILVUTtVEI,!,, nvlic New lj ccrj eteamcr. Order ;. JIIU KMi,HACHI2K t'OTTOX. T " my responsibility or ray gilts. Itnskiu. :rom the oilier .elands faithful. 1:. wii.i.i.i-ii.s- AQF.ST W, IMT0RTEB. MAHUFACITJBEIl DPH0LSTEBEB FOIt Sutecrilieil CAPITAL ."),000,00 M. I'. Dnpont in a paper on ccrtaiu catbon-ifcro- us COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- tST TELEPHONE .Yo. IIP. Vii ly AND DEALEB IN limestones explains the formation of Madame l)rmorcsts Ilelfaljtc Cnt Taptr l'atterns, OFFICE-OV- D. H. HITCHCOCK FURNlTURrT 1,000,000.) tbe older marine of organic origin by EK BASK OF BIbllOl i. tO- - Attorney at Law and Notary OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and rnblicatinns. Draler In Public, s 61 ecr The above Company have now established an causos still in operation, Honolnln. II. I an Furniture Xo. Kort St. Workbhop at and from Ibis am Has opened Orcein IHlo, where lie will proinpCy the old stand on Hotel Street. Illflrs. riltols, (Inns, and Uportlns Goods, Agency here, and are prepared to take Risks on I'rop- - deduces frosh proof attend to all baetncea rntrnsted to him. eny a of tbo value of tbo JAMES W. Will Orders from the other Islands prompllr attended to. bttot, I'owdrr, Caps, A Mrtallc Cartridges. ni eTcry uescrip.ion within these isianus comparative MONSAKIIAT, attend all the Tcrma of the C'lrcnit Conrt.and IVia ,1 T WATEHHOSE. Jn.. Arent method applied to the study of Attornov and Canncniinp n n... will aleo attend the Local Circnit Court In Kau. 1015 ly WHITMAN & WRIGHT, the past geology of tbo globe. fSpcclalatlentlon paid Loans!) KX UHVEYINO DONE ITOMrTLY ly to the negotiation of KEROSENE STOVES! (Successor! to " ni Kcai V D. Jt. J. HOSE). It is stated that sackcloth, or cant as, can 1 Ertat7 " l'IerUlninr; to JSICKKXtTorV. SIMPSON, In all bize imperii lCICIIAlClr l NO. o3 HOTEL STKEET. bo made as ious to nioisturo as leather - -- tST Ilavins iecnrril the err vice of a First Qx$t Notarjr Public and Conunlasioner Doods ATT0ENEY AND COUNBEEOE AT LAW C9- TELErjIOXE Xo. 333 Sfl Gun by steeping it in a decoction of ono tri . of and Lockimflh and thorough Mechanic, I am now pre- iound of -Fur. mv utaite v, ft.tlf anai M'UI attend the Tertis of Courts on the other IfIrimIb pared oak ..!.. iniuuraia ztw lork. Money to Ii ltd ou of PLUMBER AND CASFITTER todn work in that line, with promptncnn and Carriage Manufacturers, bark with fourteen pounds of boiling Office. No Sit Moncascs FreehoIdt. JHFKICE dlgpateh 1017 T Merchant bt., nonololo. 11 I ! Itland ordrra toltcllcd. water, lttS) No. Merchant bt., x doors from Dr. btancntrald's. DEALER IN this qnantity being sufficient for eight ly IW, 3m yards cf stsufT. The cloth has to soak tweuty-fo- ur Stoves and Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and Wheelwrights i:. O. JIAI.I, A: XII 1:0. Ii. A: Co., Corner Beale and Howard hours, when it is taken out, passed i,vvii;s Copper Ware, ... A.M Sis., IJMITKH. M. Lite Jasio.v, Oreex &. Co. TISEOIIIBiSuuTDlU .... through running water, and bung np to dry. ticey Constantly on hand a Superior Asssortment of IMPOETEHS AND DEALEEB IH HAEDWABE IMPOETEES AND COMMISSION MEECHANTS. san rRAM rsro AiwonNiA This is bow corn pops: When pop tV-- Tin Ware. Oalranized Iron and lead pipe. ly corn is PJOWF. ralntf. Olid and Rrnrrtit JLXB JIOKKT9 TOR gradually W.H. TAY108, - heated, and so hot that tho oil 9s 'T CorttrrKnrt.ii.il Ulxe.'sir Llojd'eand the Llrerpool Undenvrilcrs. GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, ?r't. J05IPHM0013,I? the kernels turns to gas. this gas urlutm and rorcin Jlarine Inmrance Company, cannot Ay William B. McAllister Or"tOHD0rlEHgl-J,- " escape through tbo bull "ol And Northern ranee Ccropany. JS7 lv r the kernels, but L Nos. 77, 1 when the interior MMMAMit, CAJt?A'Aia.x 75, 7J ami 8 lilns; St. BUILDERS Or STEAM MACHIUHt pressure gels strong enough CORNER hotel. '""'OP FART IKn HfiTfl tTprrrc unirniinn J. E. WISEMAN, . it bursts the grain, and tho cxplosiou is so & iifXN'o raUx.tr, ii. 1. The AIcb, AVtncn and Llqnor conntantlr on hand. KcalEstnto Broker Employment Bureau I'EIIMANENTLY LOCATED IN HONOLULU. AU. ITS violcut that it shatters it in tho most curious Utl lt T.Ifai.ar fata 1.1a. ...! .". . Kent Itoomts Cottages, Hoases, acd veil and Icaeca, It IRAXMIES manner. Ileal Estate In all parts of the Kingdom. Employ- -' A. JAEGER. Agent for the llaw'n Is ment OFFICB-Cor- ner GEORGE L. BABCOCK, found forthoecfcckin work In ail the various llolel and Fort Streets, nrcr U.S. abose rrosn Stoomboat, Stoamahlp, Land branchcp of lmsine connected with tliete In land n. Ibe tim, hlg psnbssed the Efeentor. Some very ancient ruins bavo been disco. cr-- Trcr;loans Cloltilnr; store. Entrance ou Hotel St. sood-wl- u J flatenf nnVt,n.l f.l i t3T N. D. Legal Documtnia Dills Collected, the btock and of the busluees ea near dravn. KINO AND FORT oTIlEETS. YoNDON of the late JI KOHK. Magaaicna, m aonora, .Mexicu. TJicro Hooks and Accounts kept, and RciicraloQlee work trans- LIVERPOOL and GLOBE J. conshtlni; of the Is Tonolxor on Particular Alttntlun paid lo restoration andeold and ENGINES AND BOILERS one pyramid which has a base of 4350 feet .luurcr": i.)unIlanoVo., Fort btrectPorto. acted. 1'atronagc solicited, Commleeioas moderate. f" Honolulu, H.X lUOG lllllnss. Carriago Shop, . and rises to a height of 750 fccL It has a llltesldence. Mrs. DndoltV. BereUnla M) II101I PRESSURE OR COMPCrSD street. Keljlns on Rood work at reasonable charges to pain CHARLES HAMMER INSURANCE CO. winding roadway from tho bottom. Hundreds the C. BKEWER & COMPANY, confluence of the public lOil 3m 1IAVINQ - Wheelwright Shop, of rooms, lrom five to tcu to sixteen or eigh- EMPIRE HOUSE, Assets, $31,161,000 - an J OLDS, : : Prortlelor. (LIMITED) Blacksmith Shop, Hir..n VMr.L- of trade, boll ronplele wl'B teen feet square, bavo been cut in tho sides of ;.:-- II oils of Wood. Iron or Compoelte fOKSi:it UlJAUAVDIIOTi:i. ttTRKinS. Ucncriil Mcrcaiitllt: A. Coniiiii--iio- Agents, Kouglit for Cahli, a Largo Stock Claims Paid, $88,714,000 Ibis mountains. These aro of solid stone, Paint Shop, and 4 (JUBEN bTKEET, 1IOSOLULU. II. I. . WILLIAMS & CO, KSTAItLlSIIEI) A.V AUCXCY IS Olini.XAItT r..IJI.E-- eomooondedwhen auMs with no cntranco except at tho top, and no CHOICE AXES, a WINES AND LIQUORS of HAVE for the Hawaiian IsUnds. and the un- Trimming Shop. Me windowB, On tho j rl-- walls aro numerous hiero- or orncrns. dersigned are prepared to write asalnst N list Ate now prepared lo receive orders for rKAJI I.AIJ.MIIIJt Barje. St.sm Ta.'. eo glyphics. J. n.KAWATWTrr P C. JONES, and First-Cla- ss work or s. jb rrrsldcnt Manajtr PHOTOGRAPHERS Harness Fillings! FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MGRCIIANDISLW m any 01 toe aoore slrsete.1 Willi reference to ttse Tratle In tiictl Agent to ttvko Acknowledgments JOSEI'H O. UAUTEIi Treasurer and Secretary Leading of Honolulu. eranches. tey Tho Ancimt says that pure creosote, not to Labor IIENKY MAY Auditor sro to be employed Speed, toensjre and draft of "Lsontracta DUELLIiVGS Family carbolic ncid, proves beneficial to consump- MREcTons. 1OI!K FINISHED IN Is now enabled In mannfaetnre Carriages, water guaranteed. tives and sufferers F?L& P1.',"11.'..0' Kon"- - blnct, On fstTotablctcrm DnrllliicJtlsk-wnLHpcrlitm- from chroniccatarrh; it is oiiposllc Sailors Home. iftji ly llo.v U1IAS.K. lllbllur. Hos.ll.A.r.CAIlTEIt. WatcrColors, Crayon, DrtacliccI dwfUUiffit and contents inaaml for ptiod Phaetons, NTKAfl IKIILEIl. r.tltealar attention to also markedly "JTly OTfcx. of e"C Tbo proper !. XOBTOK. thrteyfr,fortnoprfmlnms In adrancv. the quslilT of the n. . xiinm. India Ink, or Oil. Sost BCarness promptly nml pnjnbte hrre. BuRglcs, malerlal and srorknunslilp and adult doso is from 1.1 to 3 or mljntt. a gram, two O. IV. VOKTO.-V A-- LYONS &. LEVEY, . EVKU PRODUCED IIEKE, y6ni , BISHOP .1 CO. none tmt first etas, work prseleesd. or throo times daily. Tho maximum singlo f.lt'x Photo. Colored &c Expresses. btore. (jta e Hanch Plantation, Dealers in Choice Grc-- AUCTIONEERS GEN'L COMMISSION MERCHANTS HtUAI.niLLHA.1IO UlAn-MAKl.tU HA. doso is 3--i of a grain. is I It best gtven in vvuiEHuui rurivionsano ueneral Jlerchandisc. Tlio Only Coiupluto Collection of GERMAN LLOYD Omnibuses. ntSftle after the most pills, made by melting two parts ICJ6 ly Bearer Block, Queen btrtet, Honolnln. Cheaper than any House CIIlf:ilY spprored plans of yellow SALES Ol' l'UKSITUKS, STOCK, REAL EbTATE Breaks. Also all Boiler Iron Work coo netted Ibersrwlth. wax and ono of creosote, to which any other Islam! Ylcns, IN TOWN Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. - E. S. CUNHA. and General Merchandise properly attended to. Tracks, WATKIl of Boiler or Iron, aov ingredients desired may bo added. Fcnin, Slirlls, ! Il'E. Sheet of .tie .Sole Agents Tor American nnd European J)0X'T made In soltabl. tenartlM for connecting together or is said Hotnil "W71ao "Ooalor, " PUKCHA.SE, l" O II Milk Wagons, It that glass is gradually beginning UNION SALOON, lUUi MERCHANDISE. Curiosities, &r. until T UNA Sheets rolled, punched and peeked for snipmen' to tako tho place of wood ready and iron in tho In the rear or the "Hawaiian Oazcttc" uoildinr. WCJllrn-sofS- i wioa T0U HAVE SEEN HIS HOODS." General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. Plantation Wagons, to be rimed on the ground. construction in- IVIociox.to. . of bridges in England. The " yo. a Merchant Street, ly THE WESTERN & HAWAIIAN l!TIltllI.!UTtI-it7ri.'VU- UMIer Work and tes- k Mnlo Carts, Ox ventor makes blocks pf glass which hard- Fine blnle and Donulc Harness, mm: snovr. (oih-a.iil- Carts. try bo A. & i.vsuit.wti: ter ripe made this rivaled he ens by a special process. solidity W. PEIRCE CO Concord and 3lnlr Harness, JL hare established a General Agency here, and the In it is SHIP CHAHDLEBS & COMMISSION MEKCHANTS INVESTMENT COMPANY, CEO. LUCAS, Express and I'lantatlon Harness, undersigned. General Agents, are authorized to take Hand Carts, &c, &c 11dmHc Illvetloe Maehlrwo.iheXi'utlltTor work said to leave, to thing to bo desired. The ex- Bridles, hips, Currr Made betoff AOEKTS TOR (IjIMITIID.i Combs. Illike ngaliml ihe Dnnjcen ol lire Kcai nt the to order, in the most manner, at far superior to bead troth periments already mado ha o given surpris- & Drnehes, apnrs. Dressings, etc.. elc. , short notice, and on the most favorable term, Brand's Gnna and Bomb Lances, Money Loaned for Long or Short Periods CONTRACTOR BUILDER Host Itensonalrle Ilntc-s- nutl on the till I" WIIIIU. Ihip and St.srrj t'spktans S'esia. ing results, and tho cost is below that of IirrryDarlsTaln Killer, Winches, Air and t Ptsmps 3VXo3clctax3. WcMt Fnvornblo Terms. BLACKSMITHING in all Irrulatinx made after tho bridges of wood or iron. Moreover tho glass J2J yo.40 (jneen bU, Honolnln. ly ON Saddles, 11M ly F.A iCHAEFEIlACO.,JlencralAEents. its Branches, most approved plan. APPROVED SECURITY. THE BEST IN THE 1M.AND3. cannot bo injured by insects like wood, nor rUMl?,. IMret Pump- - fur ,rar " IV. tST Apply to IV. L. OltEEN, Actio Irr oa or Cite rusted like iron. J. IKVin. 3IAXAUEK. tr7 Kepalrin done in the best manner, and at the PRUSSIAN NATIONAL Water Work, purpose, bmlt srirb th f If bratdlh.eT Commission Merchant and General Dealer OfKICE-lle- aer Blocl.. Tort Street. 101T Lowest Hates Onlr First Class Workmen Emplcjed Carriage Worl, A paper read before 1012 y Valve Motion mper 'ir to snv other pump rcccntlr tho French In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Stationery Inisur.'iucc Oomp'n-- Jlonsc Worl., lTorlhlra-(to- Academy of Medicino expressed tbo writer's Talent Medicines, rerfnmcry, and YICTOK rAGEHHOSS, or HTerrix. Aseiit lr Dnplex lilesun conviction that one in every MOO persons is Glassware. Esplanade, Honolulu, ll Is XSl tf C35XV73XjXfS7s3T3 ao-fj.- SIili Work, buried alivo. This estimate, howover exag- '" WAILUKU. MAUI. ly Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Cnnllnl i : Artesian Well gerated, is not calculated to allay an appreT M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. Slanufac'nrcsall kinds of Itclelismnrks o.uou.ouo. Work, bension which is conspicuous among tho IxroRTERs or o,S KloStrcHt Itonoluta, opposite UXIJKIWIGXKI) IIAVI'(; Mouldings, Brackets, TIIK anpoir.ted agent Or .llaclilncrj Forging. Frcoch people, and which was lately brought General Merchandise Mer-l- J. T. WalcrlioatcV. of the above Company for and Commission " Window Frames, the Hawaiian l'lanil. is prepared to accept risks to public attention by tho declaration of tbo chnnts, Honolnln, H. I. 1 y Watclict. of all kinds Repaired In a SAMUEL against Fire on llnlldings. Furniture. Merchandise, Horse-shoein- g President Blinds, Sashes, Doors NOTT, rroduee.gugar MlIK Jtc ,on Ibo most a Specialty. of the Clumber of Notaries that ex- M. Mtunci and at ICcajonable Trices. Island Orders at- far rable terms. S. GRINBAUM & CO., And all kinds of Woodvork Finish. LOSSES PROMPTLI press instructions aro given in ouo will out tended to with rromptucsr, and all work done bj us Is , ADJUSTED MO P1IABLE HERE We employ none hot Use most Skilful Mrchan'r. PlsUMBII-fG- 11 niEME.NSCHNKIIlElt, ami our of every ten to bavo tho testator's heart picrc-b- y Commission Merchants. Guaranteed to gitc Sat In faction. vc,t tt I rKlll.t I. Is l. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! Wi ? AtWlldcraCo.V BSe4 a qualified surgoon before tho lid of tho No. 124 California Orders SU San Francfaco. Cal A from the ntfw Islands resieetfully solicited coffin is screwed down. (KT7 ly) I.I. KINDS III' IXrvKTIXO ASD MA LFACTt IUKO Gas Fitting, General Insurance Com'py. The natives of tho Uhloo Planing and Sawing, AlLWOB'R&MARUl GUHMHItED. - Islands make use WILLIAM AULD, STATIONER. NEWS AGENT, AND .For Sen, River tuid Lnnd. Transport o cr a curious natural barometer, to which, to Acknowledgments Con- Morticing and Tenanting. Acent take to PAPER RULER, & or DRESDEN. Hesse rrlse u. a call before pnrcbestris or contra from its ha, ing boen first noticed by tho Cap- tracts for Labor &, Tinsmith Roofeii, Merchant hu Campbell's Illock, Fort bt. near Hotel, TO tain of an Italian "Bar-jjo-ct- In the District of Kona,Island of Oahn, at ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED corvette, the name ro the OIBccuf Honolulu, Uiht, U. I. Having an the Honolnln Waterworks, foot of nnanu btrcct. Also, PnblUhcrof Anil Wrlt t'tinrnnleeil. Honolnln for the Hawaiian Islands, ATTEHTIOi'l GIVER TO REPAIR WORK. Araucano" has been given. This the Hawaiian Almanac and Annnat the nndrrslgncd Ueneral Agents, are autholiied to tale J25 and Hawaiian Dlrectorj and Calendar, Ac. rtr Orders from the other Islands solicited. o ADUlIEiillI-EK'- - Vi) V HOI .VI libvcl weather guide is tho shell of a crab, t 1 i. M. W. McCHESNET & SON Tl The Fort ftrtet btore will Honolnln, May 2, IMI 111 dm ono of tbo Anomura, prebaly of tbo genus be devoted to General embrace Risks afenlnst tho Danger orthe Seas the DEALEIIS niii Fine btatlvncrr. at Lilbodes. It is peculiarly sensitivo tu at- IK .Stationery, Blank Eook,!Dookg, Vrtifts Matrrlal. glomcslir Most Reasonaule Rates, and on tho WmTmAN & WRIGHT. mospheric oranges. It bas a color nearly New and Binding Depart Toyi and Fancy Good?. IJiaduct. Leather, & rncnta SN ly Most Tavorablo Terms. notnfi while in dry weather, but as soon as wet Hides, Tallow F A bCIIAEFEtl CO. weather approaches small red spots aro ex- KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Jt MBItCKAIVTH RAMSAY & LANE, W lj gent for the Hawaiian Islands. hibited, varying in number and intensity with AGENTS ron Mill COMIMJ !. mill Tor snle in Saloon , Beaver tho amount of iinantlties tosnlt purchasers, Lr . moisture in tbe atmosphere. In Royivl Ooia.xTy .VXDGrooors !! ljr C. AFONO. the rainy season it is completely red. loa No Jt)neenSo.xSt.. Honolnln. II. I. ly & WILDERHonolnln, lln.vnilnn CO., H. NCLTE, : : : : Tho last contribution of ! lImilf.;vii J. Proprietor. modern chemistry M. THOMPSON. Provision Dealers, HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS Afztnl or the to science is tbe production of quinine from .TWRRET-HT-U- & SOLICITOR in CHANCERY; .NO.r.7 IIOTj:i..ST, 1 s : IIO.NOl.tll.U. rrl tar. Professor Is Hollers, gas Fischer, of Munich, lias Practice In the Conrts, and prepares Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi- Mutual Lifo Insurance Comp'y Bens to aanoonce lo bis Inesx. and lb. Snpertdlln; nil oilier Slum succeeded in obtaining from distilled coal a Deeds. Wnxs Moctoagees. Leases, Contracts. poMfe lo geooral Alresxevts, Etc and negotiates dences, or CREY & ll'?i Oa ,1Un YOItH. HiX'AlSE IT IS SOKE while crystalline powder, which, so far as StOXEYKI) Free Charge. CO., LOAXS. XOTKS, MOKTGAbES, Received Largest, That ho has opened "tho afaoro Saloon regards its action on the human ststcm, can- STOCKS, B0XV.1, Just ex lilc arrivals, a fresh line of 9Iauufactiirra nnd Dcmlera In Safost and Most Economical of Inel, ETC. irhere flrst-claa- s Refreshments not be distinguished from qutninoexccpl that OCFICE-Corn- er Fort and Merchant Slrcitt. Garden Seeds & Fresh Groceries. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO Less Liable to Eiplrxie, 1018 HONOU.1.C. II. 3m ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, 14 it assimilates cieu more readily with tho I. ORDERS rill be serred Iron 2 a. m. till p. a.., wxter the Eer ALL FILLED WITH PROMPTRESS. --S3 Ic!eo, Klnp Street, Honolnln- - Cnsler stomach. Its efficacy in reducing fever heat IN THE W0ELD! Immediate Mperrlsloei QmUint of Transportsilloa E. P. ADAMS, lOW IbLANI) ORDERS SQLICITEU tf Beef, ilntton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left a-- of a Competent Ckiftlt is said to bo remarkable, even rendering tho No. 16 Qneen Street, Honolnln, ourflsE Co's, (need btrcet. win mrat tvlth promptatt I II. I., . CASTIX. . Cash Assets, ovorS90,000,000 THE FIXEST 0BADE3 OF I use ol ice unnecessary. Tho importance of S. J. ATIIEKTOX tcntlon. ji ij STOVES, AND COSTS ft'O MORE STOCK & REAL ESTATE &. OerKor Information concerning the Company and sucba discovery as this consists unt so much BROKER ci.KTi.i; for Hates of Insnranee, ev Full dcoeriptrvrt and pets esn be obtained; bj' SHIPriHO AHD COMMISSIONcouiu:.MEECHflKTS lir.I'IVOI'OI.ITA .1URUKT. apply to WILDER & Co.. Tobaccos, in the actual fact achieved as in tho stimulus XEMBE&OP T11E Oenl Agents, or spplkatfen to, ASU given to scientific research by the opening up Ho.om.xu brucK Boxn Exchange, RANGES, J. E. H ISKMA, Cigars, pipos and W. E. Stocks and Bonds C.WALLER, Proprietor. lots m Soliciting Agent. ROWELL, Honolulu. of a new channel of investigation. Tho of all kinds Bought and Dealers in General Merchandise, Sole Hawaiian I.lsarls. Commission, No. bU Klnr- - King Street, Smoker's Sundries mtj Ateal of gas tar is evidently far from being Sold on btrect, Honolnln. II. I. Ilonoltiln. SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIOHAL exhausted. addition to the sweetest jC Telephone No. 72. lujs Jy ChoiceslJIeats from Finest Herds. Lamps, Chandeliers, t hosen by s pessooal seleetlon frost flrs4lass maun, WHITE In scents, agents ron factorle has been ftbtafned. and win be sdtled to from the most brilliant djes, tbe most powerful FIRE XSl) MAIUNE INSURANCE time to time. S. J. LEVEY & CO The Kohala Sugar Co. It-- Halitcad. or & - and even prussic Walalua SOLE SADDLE LEATHEE. - A2f I CXi'cm. disinfectants, acid arc some Wholesale The IlaiLn SnarCo. riantstion. COMPANIES OP NEW ZEALAND. Ore of Drnnawkk A Balke's BAXMSij of the numerous and wonderful products of and Retail Grocers, The Alexander & A. II. Smith Co- - Ko- - Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins FORT STKEET, Honolnln, H I. vln riantallons. loa, Eanal.i CAPITAL $20,000,000 -- its decomposition Hsmakus Plantation J. M.AIexandcr.IIail.n, t1ST..YrJ.VONIIAND ANI IOII HAIX )illiard .05 - - ?iA Fresh Groceries, and Prorlsions of all kinds on hand The Hitchcock Maul. CnllmitrdLlabllityorilbareholders. Issuing Joint Celebrated Tables peoplo from over-feedi- iCo.'i . Host old die or and received rejrnlarly from Europe and American riantatlon. IVnlmea rniinerj. J. Parker, Prop's-- HOUSE Policy. old age the resisting power of Ttbtch "Jill be sold at the lowest market ratea. i. FURNISHING Ilarlng esUblished an Agenc) at Honolulu, tor the Is eutUbUtfameBt QUANTif tES TO SUIT exposure. In Goods parts The Union Insurance Companj of San Francisco. IIIIoTminery. J. S. Innnn. Proprietor. Hawaiian Islsods, the anderstgned umnecUfl with th whete lover delivered to all of the city tree of charge is prepared to ae of Ibe toe can panic. pat iffW Uie system is very greany leucoea, ana a Dry If mnd orders solicited, and prompt attention The New England Life lnnranee Company, of Boston ""lWI lj A S CLEGlIonN.! CO., Arrets. cept risks against fire on Buildings. Merchsndlse indiscretion which w ill be given to hc same. My The Blafce lannfactnrln; Co . of Hoton Fnrnltnre. llachlnery.Jtc, on the most degree of exposure or D M. Weston Tatent Centrifugal faehmes. faTwable term.. with impunity a few . might bavo been borne . IV. .UACFAKLAiti: A-- CO.. The New York and Honolnln racket Line. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- E.&.1.& years earlier in lire may be sufficient to dis- The Merchants' Line, Honolnln and ban Francisco. Steelrou AEWEBS IIIFORTEBS AHD COMMISSION MEKCHANTS, Dr. Jarner & Son's Celebrated .Medicines. JUST HECBIVED sufficiently to pro- nv ! PORTABLE OR turb the ilal machinery BEAVER BLOCK, Wilcox Ulbb s. Singer Man nfacturin:; Company, and CAMFBEaTaVS HEW BT.OCK, able Here PERMANENT 101: Wheeler Wilsons Machines. 1 duce fatal results. Excess in eating is per- Cor Fort and Qnein Streets, Honolnln, H. I. Scwlns Marine Risks on Merchandise, EUBBEK haps hastening FOItT bTHEET Ocposile Wilder A Co. Freights ! a more cause of dis AOEKTS roR CONCHEE&AHUNG and Treasure, at Current Ratea. FOIST 1015-I- r Railways solution in the old than any other form of ex- Tbe Glasgow and Honolnln Line or Packets. STKEET, ABOVE KINO, T.OBox.UI John Hay Co's Liverpool and London rackets SALAMANDER C. O. DKIvUEI. 15 ft, lengths; 14 lbs. to the yard undeH cess. The diminished bodily activity renders The Walkapn Plantation. FELTING 1WI Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Wo want tho Public to New Goods of Various Descriptions Jest reteired per "Deke of less food necessary to supply the wants of the The bnencer Plantation, Ullo. " FOR FOR SatiE. TKASS-ATJ.AHT- IC Abercora.' stand that tho . body; and when the food taken is Hikslan I'lanUtion, Ullo-- IIKRKTOFURK from Llrerpool. amount of Mtrrlecs, Tall & Wauon, bngar Machinery. iy PLANT FIRE INSURANCE (lover THE on the NCUASU n.ASTATlOS.conslsUn . COMPANY. W. Coxnpamy, not proportionately reduced tho system be- The rnnloa hheep Itanch Company. loll ins Hollers, Steam Pipes F 1IAIIDI-IIR- t. (lUEES. or Union Feed comes clogged, the blood gross, excited, and Chinese and Japanese Ware! OF MILL, OVERSHOT IRON WATER-WHEE- L 0. W. MACrARLANE A Co. I Ileadr and WHUax to iara)ss air tho . IIV.11A. ETC., ETC Capital of the Com panyJcIEeserreJleichsinarkexiO ouo Wjfll filled with imperfectly elaborated material; BBOK.. ALSO, LATEST STTLE or 0 feet diameter, with Gearin- -; their Companies 10I,S50,(rju for Jno. rJcr Co blood-Tcsse- Fuel-PBIC- E HAY, OATS. BARLEY, BRA, 5f.e Jte tbe ls are surcharged, porCent. Water-Whee- l, and, in Importers of General Merchandise Saves 25 of Coolerr, Centrifnls. Torblne Ox ToUl Rrlchamarl. 1W.CW-J- 0 consequence, the liability to apoplexy or EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ! Carta. Plows. Farming, Carpenters. Coopers FOR IT MAT NIB FROM REDUCED TO BBL. and BUcksmltha Tools. SALE. Bomo other form of paralysis is very greatly $7.50 INCLUDIBO riOHS NORTH GERMAN increased. Heavy feeding is absolutely dan- GERUA JiY, To m planting oo shares and wishing In fntnre to AT THE LOWEST RATES. FHANCE, ENGLAND, AND THEO. H. DAVIES & Co., grind his own cane, affords an unnaoal oppcrtanlty Fowler's Putent Tramway, gerous Tor a man above fifty years "of Sao Arxnla. FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS this FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, A we wsnt to make room ror a Lar c: age. lj of so dotn at Terr small cost. Stock otr the war w blood-vesse- UNITED STATES, or The ls are weakened in old age, Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched), Cff Price Tery low and terms easy. iiAsmtmu. 11 pound Capital of poend Hails It Balls.! remarkable No. S3 Qneen Street, - - Honolnln, II. I, PATENT NOTICE. All colors and UeCompanyJbIleserTe..ReichsmarkSJS3l7,fJU AllordersprrarHlrsllndedto. Good. rTeUvenz sometimes lo a Terr extent: and finalities. u their Companies OLU,oor) IS-ae- ALSO-T- OR ! 1 the fulness and congestion of tho brain which A rATKSTT WAS d A A8SOBTMEXT OF SALE iofl lyTelePhone Mo. 73 ft IIYMAJV BROS.. to Kin;bnry K TarTit, 9a the 30th Jann . mil Total....-- .... Relchsmark tsjBBfm WithPatent SteelSleeers result from excess at tbe table are almost as cnil-- arr laL or the 31Initrof the Interior- - th ! EcHAPj-s- E m cmfw V fatal as a dose of elrj cbniaor a leaden bullet. WHOLESALE GROCERY. of thia Klnrdom, for a Gaa and Cane, Trash Conimnlnj; Japanese Lacquered Ware HOUSES AND LOTS U all person - At very desirable and fltllK CXBEBIO.ED.tlE.t.ItAl.Ai;i:.m Oano Oevra. - Excess in use of meat is especially to bo us and IIS California Street, Parnicr, ihts to trim t t an infrius- Xo. 1 KIce that location. JL or the abote tares companiea for the Ilavatlan i,IflilteU(.iBij arK jhk- the racni di uie iota Also, For Sale. 5os. IZland ITS Nsnana Arenac, 10 mlnntes Islands, aro prepared 4VJVI.I naoldtoeloseseoKsljnment. TJIK TO DKAW OX TH K condemned Flesh food iucdu coo to tnsorelulldlngs,7urolture. in elderly persons. is SAW r It AN CIS CO. C. BttEWEB COJIPAmr. it wallc from PostrOflce and narbor. derthandloasajrodnce, aiachlsery, Ac sIoSngar IMS V BHEWKRACO stimulating to cerebral circulation, at the AnU of the Juris FnnitceCo Terms easy; forparticnTars apptjlo sad RlceXIUs, and Teisels In tbe harbor, against loss CTuLrUred "aVmjs; of Iftttfa. Atwtralifl nrtd aa tho Vet CijaTKS, SecV. 3TKATI.Y - tC WOOD.t t3T rarUctuxiaUeirtiospaldlo Mllnj and ahlptlna 3. 0. TOB PIUNTiXG EXE- . II. or damage by tiro ,oa the moat faTonble terms. WOKK gUast, Keaitkeoac- - same time it reduces a tendency to plethora. IS33. IblS CCTED at the Office. ) I70II JO KXECrTKM ! ulsndsrtlera, 1010 ly Hosolaln.rebniar7f Guttle JBti orC. . WILUASts ly H. EACKTEUI CO. X WW BI1K'' - 'J

S3 jr st $$, trsav. KT35!H

pointment delegated to them, misuse production. Ono is Wh now fa Bn Jlntljoritn. that thing certain, that at the recent approved theory of nt power, tho people are being swindled out rates of labor, tho planters will be "n,,Geo!0rT? ?PP3 proved, tnat the Sprrial JTotifts. Shipping. rfjfll 26ixrtkh!iitiTif3 gaumiiau (BaH, of their money, they are not getting full with the Attar. is to It TiajB"JLAv value for the cash they pay out. be. hoped that the subject mayreceivo full day. 110S0LCLU, Ad- -. 3SiS, COtTRT OF yaHsSiBnBr- SSXtapStuu.psent ODjyraUiaknetoqSeS: 188t ! STfPKEME Trt EST MODUS IK IH.EUS. At In Probate. the nsarKt Tho proper Tiew to be taken of men attention at tho next meeting of tho "itentacalar tonch of acience," the ereat C O. BERGER, ESQ. 1 Notice XARCELLCSE Kakifu o( Agent theEsUteef SEWTOSof WKDXESDAY, 0CT0BEH I. 1891. holding tho subordinate and Planter's Labor and Supply Company. 0cefn,cntl,"lt auo Hawaiian xioara of Hirmila StTr Ima Safes. I Maul, deceased. Intestate Before Chief Jaslte JurM.' offices is, are they doing their work thor Si """ii". up irom aeep sea soundings, sUUnj thit the On reading and fling the petition of Mrs. Oltrsa and the Hawaiian mountains take their original & Uksm 1 Newton, widow of the said jeerued, alfMfew oughlyj are we ilneminence xxaiux San purchiied from you, and that The unfeeling manner in which some of tiey the best men can get NOJTES. lofty above aU tho which TITlSHfliBM MarcelliaE Newton of KahuIuL Mauf. sled IstesUlc vaunted mountain went through the late dimtross are la ray todo this workt they are, why in con- heights of Alps or Himalayas. The at said Kahnlul, 09 the 3d day of September, A D the recent changes in the personnel of the If Ar AvKntA tfajfa 4tatf 41a TI,E . old Hawaiian tore.cuie not to my entire 1 lam, estate In Klnclom necessary On and after Tuesday the 7th of October, the road science's legend of Maui' fishing up the land from ocean satisfaction. opened leavlne; this to be government offices have been made, name remove them and replace is twenty-r- e the same au the combination admlnlitereduponandprsylnjtliatletleraof helwe.'n Kaalara anf Walkane. IslandnfOano, will lie cstircilctl to fall sbott at least per depths must retire Into the oblivion befitting and found all IU contents who them with less efficient more wj the In perfect tratlon Issue to her. an0. closed carrlaje the strongest censure. Thoo because inoi iriit.uwuiK mo partial lauare oi ratoons and dark ages of Hawaiian superstition, while condition Toon Truly, TTESD VY the day to traffic durlns the rrpalrlnz nrihe . 1 1. .. .. , , ... Ion. by floods. modem Ills ordered that 2Itt of Oct 1.b... fnl f I 41...... t ,ii .111. mi. periencedmen? This view which A shortage of twenty per cent, fa lft 1RM. d brld;eorrr the AValahole stream. JiltlU lUIUitUU EMlt.a lUV bUUUUj UUllll ua$ the .Uaw1ri?I1nlen?c5?ar Bait sublimely brings to P. A DIAS D at 10 o'clock a. m . be and hereby It appnhTlM T.A LUI1I), alto eipecled in the. nee crop. for hearln; said petition before tho uptTilsor. tlio best years of their manhood, deserve used to obtain here, and wo can point to FURNISHED ROOMS nldChlef JusUee Rnad it peaks aj,800 feet above the level of thesea. Sat indcoilly rr Inter-Islan- In the Court Itoom of this Court, at Honofurtf o u many a man "not in accord" with tho The It nlrted Roomi can be had by d persons mar'ao-pe-a It Ita Oct f. auiuu annul:! iAuiiiuiauuii uiau icn Asncnltnral Bareaa at Washington has is notioeable too, that that old legend of Maui an early, pollution at S.N.Go which time and place all concerned mode and (TO) and show eae-i- If any way ainna nnti tnnf tlioir snrrimc flrm Tin Cabinet who retained his position under the assertion that caltiratinc aorphnm saear his fish hooks, "now in the Government Museum," S0.4O.tU)SS tASB. thexhare the sante u. y.wu. iiuiiii ut tiio laukiicriuai luie pasainff has been edited in should not be ranted and that this order be published licensee Expiring October, longer needed. former Ministers. In fact there have been a new version to suit tho ten- tn the EagllsB and Hawaiian for three in 13 4. thniaqh Washinftoo, is an idea that mast be aban- - tacular scienco of the Board Genealogy CARD. tanse ftWOt 1UC piCSl'iib ilnnml 'Ilia I .. u . al , of A TICKETS TO TJIE weeks In the Uawarux lirilTrB and JTwteit UUlItfcO u Not only are Hawaiian very tall- TUItOUGU , , I . newspaper In Honolulu. tETAII-.OJs.- stl. Ir Government desiro to place their departure reply. mountains the -- - IULI.A.1U15D ...11T.1 L !!.n.. UO D PC imh. the is a distinct step backward, and ys "SorKhnmsngarhasbeensacceMfnlly est specimens riovorxtr, Feby. nth, 1541. im u Dated IL Seiil rl I of such heights Iiied above the offlceof the d Tnnr!ta leafing Ilouololn. I 39th. ml b Votl Tort street Ilimntola bonds, they will order their henchman to along made, and profitably, even in the Piuvince of On- common level Misses n Ilaciriuj A Co, IIoTotcir, A. JUDD, H 11 Mm ananu street with tho mismanagement of our of the earth, but UwHawaiian race Honolulu per time Utile ofStCithe PLANTER, will be P iroCo, tario, for several seawns. And even tho very Diau Mna -- e- Attest Chief Justice of the Sopreae 3 I bio inrl. kee. Ttuuanu street utop his wailing and gnashing of teeth in finances, which is now widely known, will if it should is oldest in the category of nations. "The I hereby b- to tender my alscne landed at Punaluq, thence by Railroad to Pabala. Lnnrt. 4 be a partial failure in 6ome localities daring cer- New Zealanders, thanks for the where Horses and Guides will be In alteadance ...... tissy 3t KonaCheone,,. nuenuetrc(l tut, a . v. ui. tut; flcccf-- malanalli. ,i- 41... .u.4.m - or what are determined by them- Immediate liberal aeltlement of the loaa ...iiihiibi, .ifc l fkl... I lillL. .1 . iurcrutr, iur uiu iiuiiuu MW" Auu.ia(uij u iunuuijj uiu uuua- tain seasons, this is to be expected selves, By this route. Tourists can make the round ttip In 7 public to will straightway andistrneof the Joerta, are of very recent origin. Their I (attained thros-- h the deatractlon by are of my place days, TA'CirA3UlER3. I S J Lery&Co Korttlmt take bonds and liuu in iitwu nuivaii was once uciu. all crops. The area for sorghum extends from genealogy dates from that of elalng 4 days to tNH the Volcano CincuiTJlTBaK A. 9AA 4rt i( 4 4linti a m-i-f vnqrli Hema, to the son of Including X 3d Jadlclal District, Hawaiian Islands. Tons IHnr. Co, uuanu etreel IW III LUULtint i.1111. 1l LU1Unntn in CUUI the central part of New England to the Golf TICKKri FCK THE I50USD TRIP fi dW UlU J jVb States Atkanaka, of the Hawaiian Genealogy, or U35tb Horses In tho matter of the Estate of Wif P ilLETAV I bins Voot Suuanu street of the South.' It behoove, ua to keep eyes the " d"T ' '"""ranid the Inanrinee Unlde. Hoard and Lodglnz aso. ness in such as to prevent a oar descendant from Lailai, the prog-nit- or (.ompany lor which yon are DKR of Wallakn. Ifanl. deceased In Hone Lee i uen A Co, Vaunake a slret quantities It is easier to plan campaigns than to open Hawaii, when first of the the Agent to all parties 0a For farther particulars enqulra at the oflce of l flro-- in we seo competition to oar Hawaiian race." That dealrens of protecting their propertf by Vn resdlnz and alios the petition of 8amt T Ue-- Hpear, Fort etrert premium on the gold fight them. Moro than one writer has un" slowly story the Christian Inanranw others, It staple is but surely growing even in so Scriptures lam. Dear Slrt. Reipeclfnlly ybnra, Inlcr-lslan- ander and praylni tnat the WUI the lira loo Ilrela. hoolettpnln AYith of the birth of Jesus about forty gener- d S. N. Co.. Honolulu, W of lata C Inn Kim I.uu;Co, lintel atrrrt an abundant gold currency to meet dcrtaken to diagnoso the political diffi northerly it province as Ontario. ations after Abraham, who was 5MSm (Signed.) QEO. SANDEMIAS ReVd. P Alexander of Wallnkn Sfanl deceased H H born about twenty he admitted to Prnhate soy I.unjr Alaonakci( ftrrrt the requirements of the loan, there would cnlties of Hawaii, and to prcscribo for c generations after Adam, bears no Or to J. F JtlRDAN 'Notcjtao Hocss 10K and that letter tettamentarr V Mn lion Yannalra street ICeoicdco the glucose comparison with beissned to James M Alexander Ire bo will "We manufacture of or grape these far reaching ethnological noietnc, Sept. 17th. Is Mrs I mraa White Hotel i trrrt more likelihood that the bonds be them. havo never professed lo know sagar, which has occnpieO so much researches of the 11 It ordered that FltlDVT, October !7lh, 11 at lo 10 E O attention of tentacular science of tie "Board Genealogy O. BERGER, WIIi-MHlI'- a.m,at the Coort Honse in Hall Jt Son klnsatrrrt taken. But as long as there is the sightcst any specific remedy for ill government late in America, it is stated a recent report of of a E,.. Walloka.be set aa the 10 Ham. Lunr. Ker A Co Hotrl atrrrt in Hawaiian Chiefs." Wo owe the preservation of Agent MacneaJo & Urban Safes. I S time and place for hearlaj slid petition and oh. 10 uncertainty of the nbility of the treasury is to that, owing to the nnwillingness of manufacturers may be offered air Wilder U cor fortA,Qurrn atrrrt It useless say that people resident its interesting pieces of informationlo "Kamokn-lk- i, Bran bis.--I take pleasure In adding my testimony Jeetlrju that thereto. 11 ! to impart information, difllcnlt AUK tt alter White klnc street to redpom in gold its outstanding silver, here ought lo regard this as perma it is to obtain a colleague in the same school to the many In faror of . FOIUIASDBR. C Hln-K- ee their uiu.-uii- uj with David tltllimii.jtr.... Itenlt Jnd- - Al Dlat-tf- lf II Hotel street " rmuauui iu (CKiUU lO U1B aggregate Malo, under the tuition of Auwaa, The i Jnd f It certificates, there will be no chance for the ncnt home, and not as a residence moro or flaantity produced. Latterly, tho groat histo- one I pnrtbaacd of you tome tine a- -o for my Uhalna.lJept.m ISM. howover, prices of rian. But some doubt is insinuated IfWI 3t II Lo ban hire ror Itlcbanl A. Merchant street bonds. less temporary, in which to gain health or in rcard to .iuiC .. uoaina, patseu taroaca the disastrous lire on Steamship Company n M. bmith Port street thep.rfect truthfulness of her genealogical 13th make its adultcrat'on with the com product has ceased the work tbe loat.. and on th...... 111. COUItT OP TJIK lb Hour Krr hapalama Klnir street money; that men of all nationalities ns from discredit out unoa Davnl Main's n.n.,i wallan Islands In Pronate In the matter IU. Wo M There some question as to the legality to be profitable as heretofore. The Ironblc with the Combination la Hrn bin kee, ouanu rtrael is ought to merge their home proclivities in cultivation ogy. We learn from thw report that David Malo found that It had pre-- Estate.! MTRO.V J BOSK Ut. of llonololo l J T II W aterhoo.e kin- of sorghum, and the producttbn of sugar there OilSIITIlXI At J,, 4 - atrrrt of the position of the "d interim Attorney fl finrnliinaii nfTll nliArnn tnnilnw ana an toe other authors on genealogy "commence "" '""on'enw.oooiij.paperB; alao. one italth, to iii thim.ISr f" Jnatlee Jpdtl If Benson iimlth & Co. f nn street ntlln in from, is still in an experimental stage. Tho genealogy my entire 7I 31 ami their at Kuinuhonua, the 873d genera- aatlafaction Toura Truly. u"'c?""l0 d account of MM'arelraeor Hotel X.noanu uvuvini u uu.(U ou),iii bVUilUUCS MJ UO OI PeS?in?.'!,Sa -- S3 iu ouuiuiiuii,u lout rescuo Hawaii from its slough of despond; auuuitij CUUBiaCr tion from Lailai, in order to 3m f Will f Is AUancnberj; ror TtDOaan A Queen Neumann has not resigned his position, able importance Borne conform, as it were Iia A. S Myron Koe, S.8!1.'?Uonolaln, '" " ! - in of the Eastern and a few as near as can be aprpoached cleohohs. J Oahn, deceased, Chin? Ai.oiranu street " that tlicro ought to be regular party movo- rtt Uia attavn kroiaa lint sl.au. to the Scriptural, or wherein he asks to he a In. red $31 731 on. 25 Wo t but is at the present moment Attorney .. Jewish chronological ,,) eharTea Son o, Nuuanu atrrrt " mentfi tinder skillful nnil frnntml nnrtT- - reliable daU on which table of generations." But llovotcto, Sept. 3M. 1881 WmselfwIUS ukataat the same 22 onana lo found an estimate of if Tlavill Klnlal VIAl.1aa.l !. - . ... C O. examined and Ctana maybe lee toCn, atrrrt General of the Kingdom. As long as ho trwa. Tl, T a ; DEKGEIl, , appned Alt See. Liliba leaders nnanittr Gt.i. lsI I street xalaujr bistoncal Tontiea in tlo- - Route and Time Table. t lion Co, holds that position, ho has it in his power perhaps larpest the interest of n Agent City of London 4an Jt noana atrrrt not yet the prodacer, tho qaantitynow 81 red with ihn a and South British "'.;X D .'X1, t,,Kk m 51 Vlt WoTnnr Butwohayo as reached a state nirrtmtnt nm.i. ,lteB ? wid Chief r Hotel strict " W UJIJIUlUL U Ul'iJUl UilUSUil, Ulib UI1 H Hi' uHuiuiiiunt.u wiuij; cauiudiiAl Hi li,,lAf lOOS, me is it not probable and National Tire Insurance Company. - Chambers. In the Coort House'"at 21 flf l!linnS tllioll mnloo crtMi nflvion rtt tlift that the Honolnle. Mrhllllpa ACo, kaahumaonXtre-- - in interest of modem Deaa -- I beg be and the same t terim appointment other btatcs producing altogether about 5,000 tTiUfflilir RMaOTit- Ihora a Sis to offer ray beat thanks for the hereby 1. appointed ,h. I- (- si Wm Coilij- I on atrrrt is a totally different slightest practical tons !.. prompt ,j 4 use. - settlement of loaa I an.,.1.4 i.M . .v. - T Watrrhonae, tan atrrrt uunu. wilh strict Teracitj in order to establish a cliira ... .u.uH.ia iue uia-n. - .. 23 tjnern lllli:ulU iUUUUilp nuubiuuuu mere aro oujects lor which there fnf f nn nnnarmp nlinnl,.( - astrooa are which oeeured in my store STEAMER- KINAU r.. ; uM;tHt:iau ui.ro BPDcaf Uld IroiiaI,irr street Attor- is The mongoose, which was some years ago ;. ,""",iu,fc' Vk luil.. it race on the 53d of Hart rir cor Nuuanu A. tjaeen street the world, ho resigned his position as spnsn Trnrl-inf-r ! ftl,n mIIt. nml TT "wainn . "H in brought from India to stop the hile discrediling the Jowish ccnealoRical reo- r. - .V . trturr ,a Q ...... Hart Ilm. uuanu street ney-General, was created of ratages of the - ".. Minister - DukHb-wu- . v. The total amount of . ' ...... m tn we 21 i,T A !' queen finally obtained, they will servo as step- ..iu vnuidiw, uiui uiciciiseu in tnat uuLiiiuuy oi tue Ha- tmimn.. ii.mi.il. KING, ....pit., fuuineu iiAwatrais l stmt Attorney-Gener- such waiian people, thewouiivireport h. Commander. newspapers printed aadpnb-lUhedJ- n Mon Wne Knnl, Hotrl atrrrt State, and Mr Carter was made island to an extent, and has become so also discredits another tompantes you represent S 11?llonolnln, ;"for llln-k- rr waa8,60O, the receipt of arill tease Honolulu each Tuesday 4 31 La- three soecesslre week W Tin: to poultry and even to vegeta- Jewish tradition. We are told that pre- Whirl, .nm 1 .. 1 , . . . at P f.ir ,'l.klnr atrrrt id irJerim, but jt was then plainly nfmn fiml rw fruit and "to tho -". lu. halua Maalaea. to the lime therein appointed for said ner 1'in, llm nnlilin nv.WAct. f l.nlil... bles, age .uacanmiieage uerenltft Makena. Mahukona Kawathae. hearln. tun nuanuetrrrt uwm u.u luu wuuuv. tJ.JilS314i Ul UtlULiij tint it seems liable soon to become vent-ab- le historic of tho human species belong myth- I II 1 understood that tho ail inlertm appointment a the I remain, Dear and Uila Leare Hlto Thursday at noon, S? rf at "o"01"!". . tbla !)th day of Sept. A J agrrrooa, Elncatrrct scntement is pest. Since being ologies of a universal deluge Mr. A J could be the first object for which this introduced from Europe, with the attendinc toucbin; at the same porta on retnrn, arrivlnc back la V JCDD tirrAiL-nA-Ui. made because Mr, Armstrong had the dog has become very numerous a wild catastrophies attributed to the anger of the gods- - Yoora respectfnlly, Satordsr. M Attest nuefjnstleennnreme Has niinwi. xn A in - state at2P Court I journal this regard, the in no t M hn lint lnrflA4,l AaT H0 .. a Wa SOS HmTSxrrn.Oepnty 1 re Wo WaiioU resigned Mr Kapcna appointed the Min country liirrlipr m ,iM,iu1m, m, iww.rtu ui cuuunins iiscil lo . - vu..cu iu uu uiuer panicu- - lm P. A. DIAS PVhSEMtlKK TnVIX from Mulil wlllleaae each Clerk z I stands on a Tlnnn Irwlnv RnrMlniTKT AnstMlIiBTi r Friday 1 WoniUni, ailoln - tlin -. nlnrma nrnt.l..s4 .1 ..,. ,us at P It to connect with the hinau at Mahu - Hop isler of Interior to act for him during his n J'l"r,UB IDUUlaS, i. HOW llu ucauucuon oi ail war PEOP-E- CiXPitESIE r Cbluc lkabolni LU1U1U causes ,1 MHInlPlflr- - Rnn--...nrftia anrwivA.1 II ,,. THE -S kona. COUm- OF TJIE HA-- preat filaonhter 11 i. CYCLOPEDIA. 1 1 lUUUCCl of sheep. Tho weasel vuu oui.i.cu nub LUUSO IU11 lUB J kim thong raia. M.Uaao absence on Kauai; that isxwrfectly intel gods found favor. The Klnau WILL TOUCH at Honokalaand Paauhaa wallan Islands In Probate -- In the mailer of 13 Hop A ijormm minrvtanl mm npfinff nn .in. auuuic Eioai. wnicn rew inland people haTe Tho evidenco of those deeD sea the Estate of HgP KorAL HIQHSKSS brr Co, kabolol sounuings-npparentl- A andoiritfrls for If a sljnal I made from JM KI II ligible, it is Mr Kapena's act which ho f- I importial from England to leeo down tho rnbhlta. contradicU such JfEV Elt. IS CCLorKDUS' SOIKI hXKAULIKB il Stoddard, ifalbrr llllcnnca srn In lwi mnfln tinlijuiiiiiiirr5 hti- ii.Lii.iL.i . ,, ., : - . r a notion." the shore of Honolnh, decrnaed Lnm Lara Kcr, Wailuln has a perfect right to do Had Mr. ; 7T i "aeiuuiiipiicuHorapiuiy.i.. vuiifc tne remedy ex- What a matter of graUtude it is that these old 1S- T- Steamer Kin.n will not tako heary for IntesUte. Before thief JnstleeJadd Neu is mathntniTIAa npa 1 . . Jtcaue Intoexlflenpaaa II, .nia ... rrelaht ' no ono will care to connive nt tlmm. ptpti pected to become worse than afilic- v .....,... mnlHjil uy .rn.v,i. Laupahoehor Li;bt and paekairea onG-- . On readlni and the petition of Robert tti:rAii.-t- At ., , . . ' . tho original - .ikiUulK.-- .l.me eviuence oi Irels'it All llinr Uwera mnnn appointed tho Minister of Foreign m. tmn a nvrBlmrr I .a .. .. these deep lou that the maife. of the people needed a Cyclopedia heaay freight for th port 5 aii. ,, oy siieui acquiescence. u.nis is another in lunn i. sea soundlngi! But the Board pro- abort will be taken by the Kin;iv.00i"v0,..'I'""l."l;' KM" ll'flnl that liltrlirocl. Co I'apallo llilo ArTiiin: In nof tnr lii,n tliot 11 nln l. poses .. ana Lehua and Kllanca Hon Mary IlonoUl, arvreraid . Jaa n hite I'nrbnrlin, OTand sten whipli the mnntrr iq now npnrl v comment upon tho probability of the mongoose a substitute for such unfounded suiersti-tiou- s .1.,., io lueirwama means. It has the dleil kohala Derfectlv intolliinbla was that wero introduced into noUons. "The locality cream of all the ryclopedlaa lnteattenlal4IIoMllo.oiitlUt day of Jannur ' Tboa bprnrrr, llilo But that far to tako thu country, although of catastrophe which siren In a Scholarly, Mas- A D. 19N. and that they are creditor EsUteit 10 II lircroft. I obolll, Pnna Iirepared information regarding them will probably be iniiua terly Manner; not a mere said JIary Klnolkl Kekanlikl ! from Mr Xeumann's mind As the matter in uinouiieu mentioned skeleton, hnt the flesh and dead, and prailne ALlta 1'uoalioa. Illl .uio next point to oo gaineu, is that in forthcoming nt the Planter's meeting. iCTritraditions as Kai a kahma alii, meantn" blood of all the others. that letters of administration npon said may 19 pauhana Honuajio, kao now stands we have two men standing in steamertlikelike; s; telligent and right minded men through a Ti . . f1' lu0JiInR9 nre the last It has Eighteen Thonsanil tnnlr. .. 11... -- tk .. Ilnnt hnn l'unaboa, llilo one pair of shoes May be the shoes will Is view of the introduction v. uu n . .. tum It Is ordered that FRID Vt the loth day of October A 3-- Man Wo kapaaln. N out tho country of the Postal bttiugs (voiica ui lurmer creation, ciopeuias, .vi. visn vi D 10 Koliala shall actively concern Bank bystoni nre Thousand Illnslratloui; tlfly-Tw- o LORENZEN, lSJI.lt am be and hereby I. --T Jor bmllli, JIakapala. split - 1tw1 into the Hawaiian Islands, the fol- (deluge) took place in Commander. for kobala Tlinmcnlfftl-' linunj wrrllanw Inw n lt.n.men lowing stitMtics relative to the reign of Akahinalea Colored Map., One Hundred and Twenty hearing said pelltloa before saldlhief Jnstlee. In the Apfl!, KnkBlhaieae. Ilamakna "I "a niiiiiiS jjiu the development of and Palemo, his wife, the Fire Maps Lcare. llnnolulu erery Monday at I P M for Room of IhlsT-'oar- at llonolnln. ; T 1 . system 200th and Dla;rams. lout at whlclt time V to tilnnctnrv 4n llnaiaa la n naitnni 1 J . time"""'and money, and to sacrifice hope of J the in Canada nro by no means uninterest- generation after Lalai. The second at the The maps are railroad and County Kahnlul, Keanae erery nther wck Heeto, and place all persons concerned may appear 31 H The TlVllfTTl flf Pflnirt 1 .S ana. klpahulu Ketnrnln- and show Cbnnj; r Lacbul, llilo ing: total number of postal savings banks n" ajuiiuiTtln, ma aue. mell gen- Maps of the United States. liana, and Nao - will stop t the cauaelf any they hate, why said petftfon shonH rortuguesc ImmiCTants are, mid still moro vuiuiui imur, lur tuc cuuimou goou J.nai lunn ahjre ports back Saturday mornln-- s. -- not Itl.TAII.-- K in Canada is now 313, an increase during the fis- eration after lailai. The third the f The work Is complete arririu: be ranted, and that this order be published In tllAI. there aro such men, was demonstrated at in and now ready for delivery, re- Por mails and passengers only English and the jncasing 10 Know now wen mey arc luriv cal year of 13. The number of new accounts liiipnu and Kaneiwa. his wife, the 002nd generation vised and brought Hawaiian lanenacra for three success lie lc.JWll,owhr.,H,nalrl, A ill down to 1681. weeks otV ltif fTanilmiintl Itlin linr .n.l 1 tbo last session of the Assembly We need opened during the ear was aj,H2, after Lailai; and the lost or final In the Ilawaiux and news w A!'.'.! ".it'nr (b, iA VUWCUaUU UUU UU3 1TOCJ1UJanr.iiila UUWU j and the total collapsotook 5W, -" pspers In llonolnln Uam Am -- J1I k"ll. number of accounts standing open Mini at Ihd Ar V.l.ib.1 i. . . S3) and In different llooliilo. Walmra a lnrgo numlwr of our moro of them, and it will be a grand thing nt the end of nai. "uiauiiimco, uiu juisi gen- J5U DatedIIonolnln.il I SepulTUi.A D plantations states the was GC,GS2. system eration after Lailai." bindings. Missus. Pnnxirs Jt Ho-i- t of New York 1SH ICTI sx f J 1 ivear The was established are STEAMER- I,IM.. flint tinita 4llra IntinAH for tho community to seo them stop to tho the Publishers. LEHUA," - Walplo, in Canada in 1SC8, and from that year until 1874 nonaenui is tentacular science, aud Uio notions , Attest- Chief Justice of tho Sopreme AUll Hattall nnn4iwinip lu-f-l lonrt 11 Tal nn Tim ufWlfn n! vlal- - front thero wis a yearly increase in the de- iS.tJ57,es?st.rnAhs TenfieJ by the Sann. Deputy - Hontr.tCo KaUaako, Honolulu amount on researches of WEISBARTH, llitnr Clerk it Anabol Mnlll. N kobala and laborers understand their reciprocal All this howev er, comes in order of time posit. In that year and tho three following the the Board of Genealogy of Hawaiian Chiefs." ,A RARE BOOK! Commaudor. ta I br. W o Wons Lnnc, hard times in Canada, as well ns Where now is the Hebrew Leave Honolulu CUrJtE.UE COUItT OF TIIEIlA- - Ilnlrl atrrrt, Ilouololn before combined action under individual in the United Moses and tho n each Monday, at 3 P M for Fun -- In Probate the .,t1'- - ouiinuons inoro luiiy, ana ai)parently all btatcs, forced many depositors account flood? THE HQLOIt hatu Kohaialele Ookala, Kokalan. llonohlna, iP T?""1 In matte of tc Um' "onololn Ipmlorcltin t.n Inline .lnm. .1 to withdraw their of tho Delugesarenot such PROBLEM OP ALL AOES. DY Dlt. Laop the Estate ofWILLUM''da BUCKLE, late of llonolnln, Iooc Hone'"$Uallnkn, Hani "'". " LIVVU ..' ..!.. money wonderful hoch., llaUIaaana Onomea Iletarnlnjrwlll Ab Knt VI 1ULUUU UlO ItTlilUtUU. XltU from the bank, and in 1877 the amount on affairs after all. Think how many rriTe Oabn. deceased At Chambers before hlef Jnatlce in hlrrlr, kanal education demands political deposit was ?2,C3D37. ln,M hwa . . .. DOrtUIIESTEIt, OF M iSS tCHDShTT!,. back each tfatarday t 31 looncCbnn- - I'ouilioa. llilo only troublo now is in tho inefficiency of a long expen but btnee th.it year there .vVVTr lnn in ll...l. Kcucaiogyi is u not Judd. 31 sTtTIOn lias been steady Y""'""i readlnir and Ah III tlrill tliflt- mtltlltll tvUUUUt.-Uv.i-tnnfulnnnnJ lintn nrm n and rapid increase, soput time to pray for another to wash away His book, pn aline the petition and accounts of Aaa Tabala, kaa tho district judges These men. aiV Uly uut,uu UVlHt'UU and on June , all the Problem of Liquors Pro-re- st, ia II w " noann in many 30 the amount on deposit was $13,215,03. til, annunei in .....1... il 1, . n i the Charles Clark, administrator rfa seal :'! f nrrrt, Honolulu a llOflv nrttl lfu in1 fncfrul lnn.lnn The ' u", " oi ueneaiogy standard the world orer. This la Estate of William Boekle wnofthe kana, Honokaa,."' Hanal! cases, are incapable of understanding what avcrago amount to tho credit of each depositor at subside? Or to all.."the formerly written In his beat STMR. KILAUEA HOU, late of llonolnln, Oahn. de- t enumerated aljle has Mncty ceased, wherein he Hart llnv ror Nuoano lieforo which only and time can pro- - the close was C3. It Illustrations and Diagrams. asks to be allowed JS,!ll;K. and Atj.rrn at., Honolnla is put them, and through sheer experience of the j ear $198 Daring the past ..u..u. " ui iue Hawaiian It eharsea htmself with SS.BH.B. year tho must we now race," ousht to hare a place In every family. and aska thai IhTsame Dl.tl.l.llV stupidity have caused troublo which has amount deposited reached ?G,il,4K. add, last but not least, tho tentacular McDOiWALD. may be examined and approred. and that a anal order it 1 KflfT1lBA Ilia linn a,l r.9 . I t Pastor Commander. A C ? a.trawt. pfTori-- In wlm nliinAtn mrm . . . a,w . tuw iu jcuwaiugy Crnian says. hare sufficiently may be made of distribution of the property ; IIi'CJr Itaannlulo rwiuired the s nf tlm TWrnmirws ?! ui IWZ. "I examined leaTC re3slnlnr - r T Lrnrlian A. Budsteeetb' says that the Emigration to Dr. Dorchester's book, Will Honolulu on e eachwtek ft,t fame porta in Wi hands to the persona thereto entitled, Co. nnann atrrrt. Honolulu outlined above, ivhilo we have the the Llouor Problem of all At, aa the Lehua. and Jhrankllrown.trrdiantatrm,Honololu Commissioner lo assuage As far as ma always United States during the month The Diffusion Process. to convince myself him and his sureties from all further respon- au upon or of July shows a that It la of great value It la sibility as such administrator Itl.TAII. briltlT. tenal prospentj is concerned, tho Portu uuiueu iawmng royalty oliice, still further decline compared with tho correspond- Tli. v-- .- i. r packed full of statistics not easily nnrl fill twnm t Ut III (XI (If C1VCS fonnd elsewhere It ,.I.,.0?V?d.,.hlLKRIDvrlU'l, HUidar of October A - b lloosbtalllni. saloon nTtnmriTofinrvnilvnnnt .InmtifiTA.nl ing month of last yoar. The number arriving at ...Hii irmn 8OIU0 is valoable as an O Met, at 10 o'clock a. m before w I!r tlr a o uterestioe information relatiTO educator, and will be of Interest to the said hief Justice, - bprunll llojal Hotrl short-coming- thfl nnnrifia! In T!, M - iro-- :V... to this process all Chambers l whether in the MntJ V rH:XLl mMita us against fltim which n i - I . who wl.h to STEAMERWOKOLII," at In the Court House at llonolnln be and -- similar class thcrcountry chief of tho V """ na tsln f... know the facts In llArlrra llrr Hlrr Saloon in Owing to 1G,2!0 in July. 1883. Dnnng the seven regard to tbe Liquor the same hereby Is appointed the time r LLrallr tho months Rties some statistics which will trattlc." place for hearing petition u and Hotrl issuance of the order calling in the enaeujuiyjituo number of arrivals as 307,435 be of use to said and accounts, and tliat r h b nnba nlon baltMtn bUMM Og-- l l rtnrl miCAliiniAiici 4nm1nrn!n against 3G3.0C3 during oi uur pianiers wuo nro nowgiTins atlea-tio-n Pator le says, " I bare examined McCRECOR, Commander. all persons Interested may then and there appear and -- Jaa OMa, Impirorialoon loreign silver, the laborers brought for the same period of last year. to tue now process. the work and show cause If any 1 . -- take pleasure In Learea Uonolaln each Wednesdar. for Kaonakakal, they hare why the same ahoald not J s McOrrw. llaaallan Hotrl Twinl their littlo of a revolutionary character -" "- ..... uk "fckuo ports ia nnintAa-- .,! .1. .? recommending It." bo may 1 hoards to have tho bad iiui:iuai It nnt ihnt n Kama loo, Takoo, Moanuf. HaUwa.ailarj,U'elekQao tnitcd,and present tridents as to who are J during the seven months 218.G21 vuu,au0,mioiuj umusiun or any following a, bhaar, Coramrrtial Ilnlrl j.u wo nrrired in New other method KTThc persons are among the number and each Monday entitted to the said property And that thla In ' Jaa Jbidd. 1'anthrou pieces pickeu out. Almost eery one had niuixiiiK t"e imuuio course vvnicn Vnrtf,.-, Hllt.mnPA .u.n.n- - .. 1 IL nA ,.. . of extraction it is a rule, which can. retornins tTcnlnj order. Hold .....uiuio "tat wuu :,ujj. ana not be Tiolated that have ordered: s.. C. Damon, H the Ensllsh and llawallan !ar.s.uae be published In i from 100 to .200 saMnl havo marked out for ourselves, wo do not Boston with impunity, thatat least evapor-- M. Whitney, Iter it iioi.is ii.i.Ni-m- r. Tho reason of third with 20,109..f That the immigration Ceo. Wallace, S. E L'T .lAWi!PSAJ'7In..ml A"w newspapera Dlshop, P. U. Jones, S oar The Com paay Ilono-lnl- - t s A. fear that wo shall from Canada still continues evidenced Jr. C will not be repoailbl for any and published in for three sueces-slr- e Grinbanm Co. tnrra atrrrt their being so well off is probably to bo compromise with evil is by the of concentration most be provided. Mason, Sccfy.Y.M.C freight or I II HacklrM A Co tJniTn strrrt A firm and correct fact that 1C.291 persons armed in Detroit and Upon this A.; J.D. Atherton, Thos. O. package unless receipted for, nor for weeks prcrloua to the time therein appointed foe found in thcextremely frugal w ay in which courso has no connec 13,801 ucucuub uo. ouij tue qnaniity, Dot tue quality Thrum, Daniel Logan, unless plainly marked. olrcponIble aald hearing 31 U.K. arrived nt Port Huron during the past of Ed. " Bulletin." iota for money or jewelry placed Dated at ilonslulu Ilia1! 11V- faormnn nnil Vnrnnnniiic tion with compromising methods the work. unless In charge of the 11. I.. this 15th dsr Sept, A D A,w& U1U Beven monthn nMinst Jt.ail9rtnrl,, t.A .. la roxper. Narciaaia I'rrry Honolulu .. .. Huu ,TVUO n. mw DiluiO tier- - In 4 a rTifTneiAh bAmArtM AknH1 A. JID1), lt, not In o on so lod of last ear. Germany oi tanks are AU possible r lu Woodlatin Ilairr. Honolulu little It is satisfactory to j still continues to send always care will be taken of Lire Stock, bat the Attest Chief Justice of the Couit-Uk- I connected with each other through valves JTctu !anreme I' Milton Honolulu An articlo upon sorghum as a us more immigrants than any other country, ",muuti CUtrcrtiscnuiits Company will not apome any rink of accident Uepnly lc-- so source of n .. Clerk at hear good an accouut of the Portu the anu- r--nirw4.r , aithnt- .. 8rrn. MonrhreAlfl Ilnnolnlo arrivals being 107,171 against 112,119 during r.tMuionutmH yu, uiaju one acts SAM L 0. WLUEU, President. guese. bugar, lately published in the Popular the through all II 1 1 past seven months: Eneland Wat simultaneously. In reality diffusion 8 KOSE, Secretary hi: a it . SticAce and Mni lannthlnr, ., , . Tax-Appe- COUItT OF THE Monthly, deserves attention hero for J9 against 49,219, 'i .l,m " al OFFICE Corner Fort and Uneen Streets SUl'ItKHK In the mattsr of the 1n John Ireland. 4100 against 48.72i """!" o:rt oeginuing nt a ! Itf ISM 1016 BankruntCT LUhman. lwua. Oabn Anil I n .1 ft 1 CQ a fann aa . certain elevation a-- Notice Honolulu. Sept of I1E.NRV I AJCarttrTl-bt,J- r. Tut great straits in which the present tho very full and valuable htatistics ww.u.uu,!ilnl la and ending at lower point. J HART and ELLIS A. HART koiia.Oahn put ,iooKiiiusi.ii,ijuo. 1. ...- - . X' m l.nlittint ,n ttt-- n . "" ine oTa'bout T,I.lEr?"VX.-APPEA- police Is hereby tlren tbat a meeting of the creditors - Wilder, Jr. kona, Oabn w..u.uw nm 44i 4Vt nnnn.. 11U ...11UI1 before tho public in a compact BOAKDS, OX l K It Jwnra, l inuiivj IvUUWIl form 8&l?ffial,ta'mC ror IIIIoi Kan, who hare prosed debla against the estates nf Henry J Kona, Oaho - oe 'm.nd will Hart A -- bj uterj- thoughtful citizen Tho questioa in session as follows: and Ellis Hart bankrupts, lo the amount of I IIAnatln koua.Oahti If any con of tho practicability of alone. Tho arrivals from Ital hm - leaving oenind or more, ia them mnril IrAUld'i"wbii!1of sugar, 'pohoTki!"DU,0ctob" W,,t h Court Ho"". Slul will be held at tb oOeeof the Clerk or ri.niii.i.xt; uruuuiuu is reqtureu, pcopio neeu only raising their own sugar in tho United marked decrease for tho seven months, having but n large propor- - Honolulu. 41in tmn-- rtt thai... Ininnnlina 1i.a .t l i .a .. K p5tr!S.v':irt.i?uA.l"olinl n ! J ralan, Ilonuapo kan itirn ilinir ntti.ntinn In ..,!. I. n States is fully argued, and tho future pos fallen from 2199 in 1833 to 10,888 iu 1881. F .ui. niau ujiiuuueu in me CIS. IS Otlobtr nil,'!" ,lic day of September."' A D. IWL ir, Anis,?..en".r?1f'dlffcrcnt 'tora the Uiohlnn0 crt """'. -- from 1 o clock a. m H1IA1. , works which aro standing idle, sibilities are proved, least Extraction by "' OFTIIE for the purpose of electinz as- 1 waiting for at on paper ,:i of the said banarupts' estates pursuant 1U Tun report of the Inaoector nf Mm In vA nu.b.. umu iMumai mi mo cens to let "" TUESD', October J)lh sizers to the Frank Clark. Ulialna, Maul the needful cash to carry them on, need The writer" shows first how largo tho the juice and impurities out. "JSdart?" Sutnte. HKSHYSM1TU South Wales for 18S3. which has re- Tlinnlwl'l..!. u -. . A I been recently Time bad shown that he.it mH?Tl.1i,Il"" their assess-?M- ? TII consumption of sugar is ono sixth larger viewed in financial greatly accelerated . 'PP1' 'fm INTER-ISLAN- D Dated Houoluln ept . T tt Lrrretl, atlnku. Maul various papers, exhibits a scr- - the extraction, and as it also protected .1ifiebr to aPP"T "aid times and .".. ""'"""SiB'i I nctl.v what sum 1882 - the juice in District! I Akn, kootaunokn Oabn of money tho Cabinet has iu than in 188L In 1790 tho av erago ... .iu , .wuuv.iuu ui Kifiu, iuo great against fermentation, meam were sereral ,.,.. l,nn.1 .. having devised to keep LY31AN, COUItT IIA-wall- an . I) II lllrlbnork, llilo. II ,i uuuuuuu uj 01 WT1cnmTitinn wne.. v0 fit flu IK.. drouth interfered with prospecting and the juice, as flowed from m- -l OF TIIE John ufgKiug mercj lis creditors vuuUU.j,wwu w ma. iVi iiltlU Ui IUV ....un, it tank to tank, constant- i, Presiilentnr'" T.v Islands In Probate In the matter of i riun, Koloa. Kanal nnil linvimr ifc Tuti.lc p1,.a1. r..tl .1.. il. Twpulabon; 1882 wwwtiiiuua yciicimiy, iqq mineral ly at a higher temper.ttu.e. As sugar the Estate of L1IAKLEH T i II kaa.lb'Io, koolauloa, Oabn in tho amount was fifty of the colony in 1883 wero i2,133,828, the cane i..ln.. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. DILLISan.M, late of of lastmonth, renewed live pounds head. the may be kept at a much higher temperature, and Honolulu, decea.ed At Chambers Before Mr Justice uiioi.ij)i.i for six months, per largest item being coal. The coal area is 23,590 as its cells nre NOTICE TOJAX-PAYER- S Aostln ' lt square miles proportionately larger than the "r.'L1 eii knowing uicmsenes,u their uniortu Tho sugar is obtained tho following in extent, but only 2.500,000 tons cells of the beet, to J'k -t- i?..'"d,J,B ""' Petition and icconnts of B. "l .''"T" Honolulu in were it stands reason that the sugar ?""?L. rortattrrt Tlnte rifwlifre flwl uii 41, nt 41m,v.. nHl.l 1 proportions: produced last year. The yield of gold is re- cane Is in reality in DlllIuKhamandS" Dlllmuham of Hunololu. Ad 1 United States 13 per cent, 123,805 better ndapted by nature to the mlnlstralors of the koni Lrr urn A Co, Maunakra atrcrt turned at ounces, being 0,717 ounces short diffusion process Second Judicial I. Esuteof Charles T Dllllnzham. L no legal claim 10 than tho beet. As the greater District, H. late of Honolnl al-- J Marbal ynrrn atrrrt for interest at the end of tho Cuba per cent, Porto Rico and Spanish of the output in 1882. Lost year 7,750 were j, deceased, wherein they ask to be " - men heat coagulates most of tho albumen and charce !! l!JX"L- 'M"' W"rand lort ala time, anu xuat may lio paid or not as Possessions G tier cent. Butch East, Tndips engaged mining on the New South in tho cells, JtJraJI, themselrea with SUB13I, it the ales gold and as some other impurities are less diifusable Maui, rIJ examlneil and approred, Hon- rorurrnandlortala fllllf'V InlfM. tlintn 1i,nl...... tit fields, of whom 1,008 were Chinese. Mololrai and Xanai. fi "!' '1m" W 10 - tuni; krr A Co. Hotrl atrrrt .u ,ul..u, i.uiw, VInf IAJU13U, Hill 1 per ceutj Hawaiian Islands 1 per cent; Export of than sugar, it is not difficult to understand why StmxPLA.STTIl and that a dual order may be mads of distribution of a j fine tm copper - Moux Nnnanu atrrrt mean and increased, but shipments of diffusion juice should be purer II VTES, the property remalnlni tn their bands to Ihe persona Milan A whether tho treasury happens to other tropical countries 4.0 wer cent From ore decreased than mil! juice; Commander, t I a Fort atrrrt as lonipared with lS&i Silver and this, indeed, has been so ACCOUNT OV thereto entitled, and dischanlnz them and thair sure- . A uuu showed folly proven by (YS s,-- TIIK CIIANGK ties from Ljom Irrr, ynrrn atrrrt imu iuu uio uorrowea moncj in it this be seen kuui. a JIU.LJU lrartion of nn increase over 1882 of 39,447 ounces. ,Be er Time-Tabl- all lorlher responsibility as such Adminis- .. The practice that nobody thinks senouslv .V rla the notice given tn Will Itim Iti'giilnr for Kon.i ami Knu trators riiHK niiTtni.it, or not tho bUimlv camps fmm f!nl, ntirl ?c silver belt is proved to be twenty-fiv- e miles in of disputing the fact. he Tax payers of Manl, Molokal and LanaC of the "' extent. pays times and places when and 'V. ".V"1.' ',h" THUliSD tT. Ihe 9th day October. c IIotM A typical caso Lirguod It to ship the ore to England for An exnet where tbe Boards of Tax A. ? alrrrl, Houoluln of the chronic linpccnm that should Cuba fail to supply analysis of Mr Minclnn's cane is Appeals would tit to hear Applets Loaves at o clock A M. before the .aid Look Hop Hotrl atrrrt, Honolulu - reduction, a profit qf from i3 to i.17 per ton being given, which Kuuoliilii ut t p.iii.oii Chambers, Ah I.n ousness of the treasurj- lor ouo 3 ear bo for this purpose, had been divided 7.1""?'! V In the ourt House at kralla. kaoal is displajediu tho thcro would conliderablo tho result. Iron, nntimony, lead and diamonds into three near y equal HAS BEEN Tuesday. . . Honolulu, be and tke hereby is appointed aa a Aiana. Waianae, Oahu iranlnianl rtf rnr4,n nnfiwiiihal. lll parts, consisting of the ALTERED AS FOLLOWS: July Tuesday .. .bepl t time and place ror uai the 16 ..l ?J ,51e,nmo"K "Ports of Now South butts, tho middle r ... hearing, said petition and acconnta. Apana and top pieces. For the sako of W ncr. uunstleriday...... and persons knknlbarlr, Hawaii Wales. The diamonds are At Court House, allnkn October Tuesday - that all Interested may ap- - Apa Walluku.Xanl mendeir. on the island After waiting for would go up lo a frightful extent. hap small, but of fine water, brevity I shall give only tho averages lit Jd J M.Tuesday . then and thee J It procured of tho entire At Court House, Makawao.... October Xi rrlday nnr anil iIm...... ll WQy... andaro Sih 1 uaTP in considerable quantities by which wera mi fnllniva. Itb :i.-- .,i T"'....l. me same brr shin, a'akatran. Maul their pay for a moro than ordinary time, i.-u- mui, juuh una washing; "Ji October 10th Jt not be cranted, and.'mar nreseot erldenee Miu. 1 re krr, Hotrl fllojl iniieu, mat plantation 100 were recently obtained from 100 At Court,,""t Honse,"illsns nth ..,,.. atrrrt, Honolulu tltpv nnmi.. fltn ln11 ...... i nftPr lllnnfllfinTl lina ImXIT, nlnnlr.Tin.l nml loads of dirt. bolnble Lahalua ....October 21st A .Ed ltetiiinint;,Toiu-Iiiii- - llann,ni.nlttlHllA..lil..a ...u. this n.l niirc Water ellllila At Court House Inkoo,MolokaI.Oct2;ih at .Maul.ioa order. In . B"'Mi"r.'""'?wlanitoaze llll.I.IAIIIIS. town to Airai.e In topa JtiBth be published In the make enquiries personally They that bankruptcy is btaring the planters of 73.ZI I3.IM And the previous notice Is hereby cancelled Tnesdcy newspaper printed and iub- - X Kobala Arcraje in mlddllnga AMI. fOKNAXDEK, .Joly JITuesday Sept'r 9 11 in Honolulu, for three Hirtllroii Naoanu atrrrt Honolulu were met wiiu uio replj that alter the ar uio yueen oi tuo Anuiles ana the planters Tentacular Scienco and roota trlJjy ...... An- - .acceaeiTeweeKS presloua al "''. 8 17 73 ill 15.57 President nf the lloanla of Tax ppeals for ojlrlday l'J In the lln. Ih.r.l. for said heari- n- Joauutnr t.rarta Wallukn Man! rival of AUimahi TtnrlinilnoQ 41m ttrrage In the Tnesday... . " IJiTuesday ...I.il w J 'I.n the there would bo plenty nf .www in fnnn Tt.it tl,. fn:i..Hn Editob the uholc becond Judicial Dialrlrt.lt. I . 3D Dated at Honolulu, H I , thla 1Kb day A D Mu.pMxrn. hanalbar, Una all uiu .vv. lUKIUinillilUiU Gazette The report of the Board of cane Metp kriuay sept., of money, but that thcro was none to bo has como from a totally different sonrco Genealogy is evidently destined to grow famous. 70 31 11 N3 Lalialna. lllh, 1SBI 103 31 BEVI II VCSTI tl. C'tllK I'l.llllI.IMI. rhe bagns-- o consisted Justice Supreme Court Ab had then Obliged to bo naence If tho succeeding biennial reports nro as won- of: t ibro nnd cellulose, And arrirlns at Honolulu, the aapie dar at & n m. Mxrrg. vine kingdom balishod with iron wuai uio ropuiar Mont'ily an 8.0, inorganic silix, lime, ...... 1.1. will ...... I ...... Hl'Sar Deputr Clerk. 10a! 11 Akao - derful productions of scientific research rhe- 0.2, total, 8JI. THE BARK C. R. II.tr.t II..III .uuvuvuij at iue loiiowinir ports kinelom this unsatisfactory ilninntnil- w Tfw ,u nM tint- c.i.l.lnn and a BISHOP ...t...... repl the unfortunates 1- J iv i.n, .tM..l.t the bagasse j'ast nfter diffusion was In Kona, hallua, heauhou, Hookcna .llotbnn kingdom filed ouuutu lUUllUb torical lucidity ns thu first venture, we predict compossed and lloopuloa. Mortcraireo's Notice of TnreMnsnrn nr back again, returning ouco moro to or nnv insurrection which has upset tho such ndemand from all quarters of the globe that maler, 033, fibre and cellulose, bi. I.MI.III bTAIII.I. 11 VS tlw charge on -- if ibt publication should bo put on ,,H,, UR"' 041,: R,nc03C' r' - ranlbrviii Ihearmal of tho llntnii. calculations oi tue planters in Uio islands the lists of our -- siilil publishing firms, tCT&T TuEJ!S.5lt.f.vywivj ...... v.. w inn. in accordance WI13 Ainu!. lift anndl lifr.l nwi.l n..nt ? if. tho sales would go somo ways to- Simp ! - vwiiiuivntin uuu Jl...U1VX rnnntinnr!w... .v isw llin.uw iinmimcn As A.2STI "1 contained in a certain .SI.M. " U.UU iiuuiviluU .l.lDUIUVS wards meeting the modest expenses of the Board. the cine itself hid contained only 8.2 bagasse IWA L P0"."."' morlzue ilw.1 kikahnnalona Walhrr Maul VJ vvb.v-u- which tb.6 innnufacturers ue liMEUOV Commander 1 1 vuriuiurm of beet sugar Even 0ow, singlo copies of tho report nro iu ivu lammi, ii win seen than the 1' P. k. lo Wallnku, Mani i i held above 100 ui. mun-- luai, jiouuucrbiooa mat tueraen nave taken, ana tuo consequent in nt five, dollars each, as mere literary curiosities. pound! of diffusion bagasse was in re- - "glut" It Leaves HonoluW 1. intended to bto work. would bo pleasant, if lo balance the list vy every Tuesday, at 5 foil 04 nniii:ii. tho market Germany, this ear has more of items iby u.i 110 """iiuiiiieu luuuiriueil Just Arrived a Waiatiar, j of exncndttnrp. nuilup Ilia. t,(.n(1t,.rwlri.iiaa 11...... 1 equals pounds of cane, which, iana Oabn AI VtlO Hist" fttiiiira ftriti flue imnll . than 500,000 if prtss- - He8 lncrCe.',,upo,n,,h,,e'd,b, !.. tons surplus. This is larger of Genealogy," such as ' (t,u per l?.fn.lXK ?. " xVtfg"setured'Th'bTTO,: monthly salary of the "' '"" oruiary cip,iaty - WIUQ Kauai. every' one can gather CO WTH A O" Returmnjr. leaves NawiUwili DrrairriiENT Fimx, in what duection tho wind than tho entire crop of Cuba, and is j.iesiuvui jaw, v.. 1. ruiu ?131, oopying cent,) would'i.,have furnished pounds of bagasse. I ft.aTifi?-?-! or I it j: lines ACtpPilrTfnn rami in 1. n.f . t , . Saturday An'nat a, ISM is blowing, and just now it is tho easy to understand tho effect of Ivuauhau melo $184, copj lug and recording Kuau-ha-u il --veninir. tloneera In Honolulu, all of ery having nsse contains Ii 17 premlaes conreied.L".rbr ! chill S150J, drift Prea. l'ooinaikalam from lo per cont of water; tho ..,.,."" wind sundries no-- ..A" !". ...? atcordance lib an Art to lirjtulatr of poerty which is whistling this quantity thrown onto the market III II tin nnslveta a NEW" ri,iiSi.RVf , "?' 0' --"d on tbr Cnrrrirr 50, ditto 50, ditto 7), carpenter work &) 88, ...JO,c o.iunn laficemngcs 01 com- - AND DESIRABLE ...... iiuuun,,,,, ueKriDedP"' by metes and ,,! , around tho b.iro legs of Tho United slow-t- o buatible bounds In said .TO.rdJlrl7lb,i l1rrr.T iHrn that tho Cabinet Of States havo not been translation :,J, ditto if 125, ditto $lfl', Fhle, print- matter in this subaUnce. Mineral matter, Stmr. j,mortzaie contatnlnx an area nf II Iiw dara from COllnw tllpro li.nu luwin i f,.H41.. .. 391 iSI, fibre nnd cellulose, JAS. MAKEE, bf,ll"f PO'tlon 3, llJ tbla date, allrrrculna of all nnl seo tho necessity of producing their ing 10" itc, etc., making n grand total of 77.11; sugar. 2 83, glucose, FI1EEMAN Y '.Vi'' of Apata 0. 1' Stat, L OJi.t,, gums, albumen, 1 G90- - lomniander Kanohal cons red to l nrrpllnr allvrr colna ol tbr Ilaualian Uition of affairs; with finances proiierly own sugar, and as the belts $10,000, wo should hud "reeelnts from sjilna nt Si.'i water, 15,000: total iVT " said kingdom of beet lands per copy," onmlinattliln ni.llnr Hrnil leaves Honolulu every p- i'J''??;,..KaB,0"' dated Jun. and oftbe I'nlird staler, wllllie no for this wonderful punphtet of thirty EUROPEAN GOODS Thursday, at 3 - m. JM. Ifttl, of record in 75, felto 17 rrcrlrrd wiiuuctwi, single oincial,howoerhum tire comparatively circumscriljod, great pages. Asf.iras e know, Minchin use3 nothing but for Kapaa & It tbr Trr.rr.t tbrlm.nlnal Talur in richan-- e for blp. nitrrllt 1m LoTit i.nr,H rn. Eilauea. Beturninj, --eaves JOliS BUIUtOW in unilmn n, .. LilU Ono seutenco of the report this dncd bagasse for fuel, and ns tho chins his Attorney ia v c Hanallan Cotaia at vwu bi,vu iu Diiujttt Ul has already acquired tlBPOlltr m.l .. aro. fact tbrir nomlnaMalne - ff Innruia ft... i. Of Esery Kauai every Monday, at 4 p. touch- Uonoluln. epl Mb 1HH ' rrltoi, his money after it is due. Theyncer sorghum. Tho Agricultural Department ...... owuuuuu iiuu iibcmf jr uitciea iuj,si .inn uaitu more uoiiy luau iue Description, which will lie Sold at the m, and jJ,, t Mlhe . nrrrnrr Act alao ptoUr. that from of our little island community: basause from a Tery powerful mill, they would ing and lAuui "these theories. RfVTTI IiA t at Waianae both ways. arirr llotewlrr -- ld "uu iuu uurcni oi mo oui nt ii uBiimgKia nas naa mo matter mnm omlnLIn "--t al l.t. and alltrrcolna T A,-- - irrcat . in miuougo consiuereu speculative by tho writer, are tl ,: f.. : man sucn Heavi- Mortarjee'a Notice of Foreclosure & of Sale than tb 1, fiKifir frtt.a .. ly crushed "" oibrr rasna oflhr I nitre; Male, and the Ha l.i cuiirKosincoxoiy anu mil reports aro at but tho tentacular touch of science in a direction mill bagasc.""" kln-do- m mny ... "alian akall br rrcrlri-- In the cisiins liac had to bo xassed on tho hand. A Special Committoo wn, furmml 'bat may bring forth facts heretofore unknown." .un Bunouii nuuui seYcmcou iwenueins oi toe Very rrBUNDERSIO'EIl,C.lIISEWEIl Trraturr at . . Stmr. C. co, loco IrnnH...... 1.. .. . 1 sugar of Lowest Prices rTbISHOP, rporatrd. vn nil it..., the cane were iHliaeeaof moit-t- w w .,. niiun mat uiuucill BCieilCU USS mUCU lO S3) obtained, when no bone- - ."h. aeeruln aient dura, dnlira uiihu. lucre is niwayb mis to uo embracing a number of tho most active lil.nL.. . a n.a.1 .n.l 11... t ...... Commander jHnd.;lEn Ah aBd taira to 1,, of its tentative methods; but w& must confess .M ua..u, .nm nl.... OI It Willi D.WI3. V ',l, '"'""i1" known.. Sciltl in fn.nr Mint tmi, 41.,nn:t Ka lf Tail flf 41ia nml ... to nwui mb- - In liter M. KPKNA. far.r tnnil in rnnnina something of alarm ns well cbttr. TO bUIT THE TIME!, DY 61, folios !t. V.,'t m " 1W1 J" credit !.:. as astonishment at During leaves Tlhereby aire notice that"'dIn accordance " MlnLter of Flnancr. of the kingdom in good order. ixirt contains tho following: this "tentacular" science of tho Board of Geneal- another season thoy obtained about 5 G Honolulu Everv Tuesday, at 4 p."m., TrfiHiius il. 1 ii ogy. per cent, in first sugar, 2JS Intend to foreclose ...,..ub luu juuu unmo oi their pro tho spirit of sctentifio investigation which Ins It is a regular devil fish, reachinc out its m second, and 12 in forKuuthaele,HonoKaaandPaauha the same for condition SroVen to GOVERNMENT I 4 molasses; but 18S1, when, LOAN uecessona..iut iu T.n..niit Pnl 1 laVl til A nnlrttn)r nf a I i .a tentacles in everv direction for fund fnr ita nmm. iu probabl, they had iahI. learned to work to greater arrives at Honolulu J.Ul.?-- ' "- I)tl'AI!TMI.NT OK i.. rlliVmlMl Add araannnmlA uj.aa.1... a v orous maw. This Hawaiian devil fish of adv intnge, or becauso H. HACKFELD CO. evjry Sunday In aaM most USANCE, nblo lo hold out financially science, they were compelled & M5?iJi 6 iwotkJ!."'!.,w and alter the time until now, but sneb importance toward derelopins - nil stomach and no brain, has n moat peculiar to work faster, the following Morninir. IIMnc, Au atb, iNti tho anewindus- results were "i""1 " T 1"w,c l Honolulu; oticr la l.errbj good nauio has been worn threadbare, ineory oi development. Acknowledging that "tho obtained from cine of the followui" all the propertyJ corercd by "" rrrn that applications tm any iT Ji ween iiuwiiuiy lostereu average description- - Bagasse aald mortgan. and tho end come by .n,.u !iuiiK.-- uv i iw tuo lieneai-og- y or fibre, 9 0, water! llonololo bepl 16lh. 1S8I lft.1 Im belnz a of WU acres of".land portion of the must Alas! tliat tho the general GoTernment, and to somo extent hi suujectot 0, err OFFICE f in- - Company font of at LuTuku. Kan"". M .0EKNMI.NT IAHN np to nl by alono," lis idea of the "touch" of this ft. sugar, oi which 1 per cent, was glucose and hilaneabtreet p.hu.madebyCharlec H.rri. to said MOO.OO- wm ,, M. end should grievously injure certain of tho btatcs. Tho fruits of this 3 per near the rMSMWharf Apaln the ttrt, TtrMBr,. ,ue tho nation policy aro scienco of Genealogy is something "tentacular." cent, ash, ISO total, 100 pounds. In this Irrftfo rat. of already beginning to show themselves Beason 0000 VALUABLE TRUTHS. JI. folio and crops, bliprrcrntprr annum the decided success which "Connected to the subject is Iho Physiology, Psy- about tons (of StOlbs.) of cane were bulldlaza, Use stock. too! Mnil.ferdaim in has attended the pro- cut up diffused, yon are poor PACIFIC WAIL l, of "f ihc from Is the present juncture of affairs, when duction of sugar from sorghum, chology, Philology, Palaeontology, Zoologv, Bot- and and from it 0000 bigs of 'll sulTtrln: from health STEAMSHIP COMPANY i?lfir'n.""",m' "" "pt on a commercial any, white sugar were made. or Unsalthln en a bed of sickness allUoviruiurutTaxraHliatanrtrr official heads aro scale the few cases which Ornithology and Choncology and other scien- Each bag contained 301 ..- -- . JNO M falling right anil loft, on in in the rules of good lbs, thus bringing to Make cheer for ...... w,.,c uajmni, 01 me same "M0 kAPKNl, practice, evolved especially by tific subjects pertaining to the Hawaiian Islands, tho yield 7.3 per cent, of For San nilEUK U iHnlrtrr of account of tho unfortunates not being the researches made pure white sugar. weight Francisco. A CO Hn.nct in nt tho laboratory of the Department Agriculture without which tho work of the Board would be The of masse cuito Hop byP'C Jones Jr President acconr with of obtained was 113G Hitters Mill cure run Honololn. Sept IHHI tho powers, it is not un hare been intelligently followed. Sufficiently incomplete." tons, equal to 12X percent of TIIK NPLEKIIIIl OTKWINIIIsa 3d. iu;u 4t full "Much will tho weight of cane. If the molasses "If yon are simply alllncr. If yon feel Death of Hon. Rnfna D.WoocJi. interesting to note what careful journals returns from the crop of 18S. havo .already come depend," we aro told, "upon tho wis- coming from 'weak and dispirited, to dom, IiDcral niindeduoss, the first products, usually sent to the distillery, without clearly Executor's Notice ! the in the United States, non partizan jour- hand to convince us that tho industry is des- and the interest of our 'knowing why. Ml0,fln! from ,h Vor-,Vy tined to bo legislature in the continuation of these important o" Vf.n worked into sugar also, the total yitfd iWrf"'0 V"' nals, havo to finv nn ilin exr.:i&r -. - a commercial success. subjects." A "classification," or "analysis" is should have reached between 9 and 10 per cent. Hop IHttcrttMlU Itcslrc it rPlIE UNDEIISIGXE1, EXECU- - ITie Hon. Knfus U. Woods, of MajuMchnartta recent of HrmUtmCt In a work recently produced by Profes gncn of tho subj'ects which Jou. issue lakes up tho the Board of Geneal- lf you are a Minister, and hare nur deceasyl, o,l,V nilmtinn . i!Vi . sor Collier of tho ogy proposes to take up. As Sugar In Europe. tiii: si'i.KjrDiii.TrEaiismr ES$XSS2i " ...H.,---nnmn. Inwnln1V1CVI.J n.l :ii. Agricultural Depart- this "analysis" tran taxed yourself with rour naatoral to present the same duly auenlllated bandar !W. 7 TLe doorafcd, iiT cotnpair J-- iiuu wiut auuny. scends all logical wli with t appears that one ment, a tablo is given of tho borghnm methods in its divisions and sub- The extraordinary unties, or a Mother, worn vut Scare r.'i.lro,,f - scenreby mortiSJ Tor Clapp has been striv divisions, wo would propose growth of the sugar industry 4and work. "el""lnjderslgned within fm- - produced in beautiful analogy si aoiSiTtom tajJongedtoarofUwcolotiie,. lnir to eollert rn.li if.n .,i:c-- sugar in 1883. Tho table is nifcsi.l "uo w me or - HtiL been luni. i with its tentacular touch of science," to call inirouucuon tue Hop AUSTRALIAC1III.ST. rOatnASDLB ft&" .2,:L,.,.b? '"'""."""'d . NotleriVX cUJotmuiy rwr. a IrctsMor printed below. list of topics, iu diffusion process. Within ten years has Hitters ill Itextoro you in paign by levying on officeholders. a prthtntile classification, such as we it in Orel, to collect abu?s! Annm see creased over 1,000,000 tons. Tho product . . 1 WILL LEME HONOLULU FOR FlUjICISCO all monies due to the ber have xritlwnif fonuncit 18S3. in mdinduals of the species when their tolal ..tr jwu a.K... h ii. nu.. VI UUSinCSS. Or SN Ksl wt , oar noblic refits! H.n r..M..r.. f buam raoDcca) n ii,n, will bo nearly 2,2:0,000 tons, and of this 11 k Aff.i. H, viautf ,n i"1. curiosity is excited by something new. Alasl it immen w 'labourer wrakened by tbe strain of On aoiisTriiE, wgning their names, According to the statement uiuutj year .AJUMJU your evcry-da- or about Monday 4 .E;."""LOf Willof Wat Wenner IJSS!.?f .?? fedftiht ,mllI'CTn.rnt or them, and hoping bv this to of the President of was energy wasted to call upon the Legislature to (..u.atj utiuiduj (iiuuuces iui3 duties, or a man of Oct. 27 Honolulu. Klh. avoid the Mississippi Valley Association, before tons, of wbich more than COO.00O tons, or more toiling orer your midnight work. m l decapitation This politician, in iir it oommittcd itself to any further ap-- a I . ll a there were protocol at the Champaign than- - thoMw anil., .nn. . hta,e- - w (Illinois) Pl-...,uU- gucu vu.no oufctii .iuy ui vuoa,ni can do spareu r3VSdLSS n,t,rr nshington paper, ,ui luv buaieuauco oi an organ- 1 .l 1 . .,.- - 1 .. . Hop FOR SYDNfr '.1.' gives vent to his feel borghnm bugar. Works, from 145 acres, 1,435 tons ism MPlTIW.Ilm u Jcfc ' Hitters irlll Htrcnetlicra yoit. VIA AUCKLAND! VZaL. .5 PuusT " paper. mgs cane: with such a "tentacular touch." For this uoiwiiusianuing tnis 2 and denounces tiem for "refusing to of and from 2,400 tons of cane thcr vi ero ob- ItnftfM f7ai.r4lnra ii,l... .1...... , tbe low price of four cents per pound for sngar - If you are sulferln; from 100,000 .1. h4uhu, Hiuim Huih "wemorace Ami S. D fllUTH. emr of Anatraluut aDcVwaa a aid the continuanco of tained pounds of sugar and 40,000 alIous of other subjects iu of standard quality, polarizing 9j' and 9G", the or drinking, any indiscretion or dissl- - the NpUndld Ntentuablp W. C. PEnCOCX. a3ir, clod"'aneci iwwcr mlho hands molasses. of equal importance." The main prosperity 'ration, are you young and growing of tl.ft ttIiiM 4nln.ni: dinoionsare of the German sugar industry is so too i.nr.v a,u.bu ,0 IWVKHJUL' a.UUi J.IJJUi "1, Physiological. 2, Psycolooicvl. as Is often the j The season is described as being the moit un 3, Philological. 4. great that the capacity of the old factories has 'last, case. 3D ing mem." Tho comments on larorablo for thirty years. Palaeontological. 5. Itodern. been ZEA.LA.3ST this lire"- C, Iheluture." Under division constantly eitended from vear to year, and Hop Hitters trill IlclIcTcyou. n tniiEit. IA. nant scnUnce aro short and sham, At Hutchinson, Kansas, some 200,000 pounJa of enumeration l.wahavean this year many new ones will be added to their ioi3iA.viu.il. ill aitnt mouUi. nbuat a Tear aco. tho sugar besides a large of subordinate topics. "1, Color; 2, If you ara In the workshop, on tbe Hotel on Utl timer says: quantitv of molossea. ouape; number. These remarks nro the giat of an article farm, at tbe desk, anywhere, On or about Freeth & Peacock hu x to Sj At bterling, Kansas, some 200,000 jieiKui, j, Head; 0, Consti-- on the subject and feel October 4th, 1884 and pounds of Intinn Troth 1 n V of the sugar industry published 'that your system needs cleansing, ton- Tn IF rat -- anal 9 mttrwt in iSonlViid These expression? of Chairmna CI togarbesides the molasses. ' .V.I uvuaw,lftlL.Bn.i liMiuiiiea; a, AumDcrs in tit ... IJ.wauan affair. inn are, na we children, 10, Natural selection: the ittulvy (Queensland) Utrald, ing, or stimulating, without Inlozicat lOISIc II "" broocbtLim into aoqSt At Dundee, Kansas, 10,000 pounds 15,Itat shootmg; Mng, HACKFELD aseota. No. of sugar, flood lor Mtilpmeui per to. 23 Nuuanu JC V uo wuuirj iuo Fpousn.en'8 inSS'1 Uleir Ptxtact was mainly sirup of which Acquired Tram the South. Ih Street, ZS:iJ: i 0,000 hahits, 27,Dnnls, 28.Masticatones.(?)'' Hop Hitters trliat yon need. restored. Free ol Slmerxf&txSZZt U1 as tolerating and gallons were made. Under divainn V Clsnrcc.ln t mdi mourn tbe loss of a man rVre aociS feeding" those who T. VamntAmMin.WD 1U1Ua.j L1UUPCU::., News lVnrehon.e near the Sleauier HhaTrft of happen lo hold office as public At Kinsley, Kansas, 10,000 pounds of sugar and together: "38," trots or bt nre Cm or Sidvct. "If yon are old and your blood thin HONOLULU, H. I. n large Germs of the Prmcmle of Median. pulse The Aenla hero are now prepared to itli T m vm wiwa uoTernment. quantity of sirup. 'and Impure, feeble, your nerres in ics, II, Religion, 45, Deaths," ns if this Hawai- I.V Twwti1-ii(V- rrt-- At Lawrence. Kansas, 10,000 pounds of in AIxxmuKXCi SnL .Tim .i unsteady, and your faculties waning. Isne Tickets to San Francisco and fiatHt Of IHP adMiiinaif aJ.. -.- ..1 - i . suar. ian tentacular science, dying was a "psycological" Ketnrn, t At Uio Grande, New Jersey, 23J.711 pounds ...... i of Fiji has agreed to of nrnnprlttnl,. ,...... w. ilia.UB i uUfc Li n that colony joiniuj iu ho Hop you liUU.M) art fotttKMtt tnM irMieM the J sugar C,000 ,aWl nuu pursiuiogicai pro- - Hitters irlll pirc netr I.ifc ot rombU are to and gallons of molasses a large por- d,Tls1011 tuuiaubca u amjvw. rwjaireu oy ni'ioia Jilt THir. Wine & ralaeontoiogical," wniCI ino imperial nnd llgour. Spirit ' wnero tion of cane failing to npeu, ". GoTernment .,! .! tney owing to the unusual iTk.riTihitherto ignorantly supposed was a depart la connection with the appointment l,.f Kvv- - lfc ,8 cti'infin merely to season. "HOP BITTER!! Is an'elegant. heal-th- A Dajine Bmxlajj-.Jir5:,..pr?pnel- state oviiiuu, , MiD BC- and refreshiujr FOR EUROPEVIA 'thu conception to remark how f r rrmored .The Secretary of the Kansas Slate Board Ag- .ivhiwM leuuicuiar t O I 1 . .. , ... flarorlng for aick NEW YORK .'" of lien jiiogy enumerates a. dcitictj nam wniieuii. hj ine x'remiers or 'room drinks. Impure water, etc iti.frouthatat present enlcrtamcd by the best riculture reports the following summary of the " "ioiwaraoi such i. tho render 1RK1 Knncaa, subjectsas, "il, Origin of the Uawaiians. (Oene-- ranoos colonies inquiring whether consideration 'iugthem harmless, and sweetening the 1usbE &rBi jeaMoftheconntrj. However well Vear fnr 1 4 , meant .linn.l ,..T 1 L' haft been frixpri tn thn hill (, rr- -t 'mouth and cleansing the Ooztoral of a in. remark, may be, however ' inifrvlnccl tr. stomach " and proper accord- llla nl.nlul In anvMlmn. .An... fk Iti 4tai sftnanAt .! TmI. - v. ing to the standard, y puoYiaiDK tor of the past, Uicy arc Acres manufactured into .. . 43)271 Huctuswu.tt4iwicu., MiC tepresentatire sirup ...J fj o.bU. UUU iua uitiubiuu ui x cnmiaais xrom tnat colony. lliirlit an.t (!, il,.il..j iK of retrograde ideas in oar politics, Acres planted for forage tioned Cleanse, Purify and Enrich COMMISSION MERCHANTS nrrrtta j. pablic-epint- 63,771 only these: Mr.""bernca stroncly the ' which "3), Fears and hopes, care nrRes tho necessity for ench a aat and entire contents. " u ettry citizen u concerned in i ons oi cane CUNARD rebaving. manuiacturcd 417,859 oi toreign Immigration, their government nnd u.b.au.wf .un. ..a.wu... au lUiLJUBiliUU US H UlUerell- - AllUUU WtlU LINE aJepntr tayton immediate,- detailed Gallons of sirup made 4,054,023 education, real and active measures: CO, . till tonnuco due on Tessels trading the And Value with conyict Hop Offer for Sale wleh to male inqtare, and endTop to obtita this is what tho present head of of sirup made $2,0TS,127 CO conclusion." If l'res. Princess roomaikalani's settlemenU. Hitters, Established 1840. at tha c MlolbaUueTM and he departed the Til. ,nllM nnn.11 rtt ...... rtt toncli of science And you will hare no sickness or suffering or doctors' to in.ct Government, tho Minister of Foreign u is as"tentucular' as this "class- Telefiimns from PeninRgUte tbat the crew of bills to pay ttoprenaaes. TLe inapecUon and of these ' ification and analysis' marvel-ousl- y .,.-,- ., of tie ttCTOla Affairs is striving her native name is mc Two abirnnl tliat lu fM-- . to thrust upon tho conn significant, Bicauisuiii ieru iwno tor sererai montna HOP DITTEKS. Sailings Every Lowest 32 grew CO and her "head" is nothing less hare been beld bondage by I ele-a- nt. Week. Market try. Tho remarks that tho "spoils" system from to M0 acres than put in the llajah of an Pleasant aud Befresbln 1 larourln- - foe Rates 30 soo 1,000 "divinely" brainy. renom) haye been released, and alckroom j to " Tin.- . Tlrtti r,t n I I. haTeamredat drinks and Impure water, rendcrln: them FOIl LITGRPOOLi uu nnaer a window makes the government "nn ignit of the dtnn-tna- 10 " to - uuniu m ucucaiugy nas a most peculiar harmless, sweetening A lar; and well lew!.--: 100 2,000 " IllM t the month, and cleausm- - the From Yorlc selected Stock f the Choicest into the atore, broke a aqoare of Rl ass oat ;xtrrjr," and 10 " --. lt.ll. in.llil nli l. stomach. Jfew eeery Wednesday, that "tic jmUtc Pjfica tut 2,000 to 3,000 " ...ui rtJt.wuiiuciuiK its mresugatioas. Sir E. U. Malet, late British Minister at Cairo, and most oftoaashatidpaUedoutUiemUretnndoir. tut tni$(t itith 0 " 3,000 it has evidently committtd itself at the outset un- - From Boston favorite Brand of w wheh the motl atpaUc to tfXO " has been appointed British Ambassador al S3- For Sale by every tbna obtained and the bare-la- r art charg 1 reservedly to the advocacy of a geological to tbe Saturday. bold ed, but to " 4,000 to 8,000 " and German Conrt. nnn Amnlh.lt S?2' IIOLLIaTEB CO neued the iron safe or box. weirhlno Wt prvptrtiet be dutribttied," are well whlmscy, that is one of (he crankiest linl Jt . Honolnla. worthy of our ....wtuiu. h."u-m- utw iw,wj canons oi specimens ever developed from llr. limn Llhnnv Vmnt. l... !.. 1 HATES OF Ales. consideration Suchaprin-aPi- ? Bimn rli. nnrl f tm mnfiliu our modern "ten- PA8SAOE: nosued, carnal it to the vindov which j tacular" science. The Board, "through plelid his "Life of Thomas Carlyle," will HAWAIIAN Cabin. throsch H?1!' only against the ninvnrvri nf itmn AAj.r --ka1...i.a .. . ' the kindness nsit " " o. nnd aioo lini.i tW eame in, and passed it oat to probaWr coinmonsonse of Lieut. Jackson, Iato IS. K., of the burveyor-Gen-cr- Attstralla in Korcmber. ho oth.r of tie United States, produced OTcr fJO.000 worth of airnp. Accordlnj to Accommodation. Seers. oftts Bn& tod waitaiK to receive it. The but it is against the r11A : s department, had been fnrnished with a series Uanlan has challenged Beach to row divided by pole common a1aa uv irocur. eacu maps within RETUIt: TICKETS OS TOitwaa a betns ran throach sense of tho world at large It TeKea acre of and illustrations of deep sea soundings." seren months for the cbampionshtp of tbe world. PAVOIWBLE TERMS tin bandies of the safe thai allowinc two tiersana is a most outrageous thing What has all this to do with denealogy? "The Murray Book 8trKe. 92S c that tho whims jield aTeraced 9.3 Mr. Smith is nt Phrase Porters, handle tons of cane per acre. pressing the British ta it oomtortablT. petty thanks of the Board are dne to Mr. O. Berger. fulfil Good TO" and hatreds of a man and his few a to their promise of establishing a plicalln to of the premuea leadtns to 1 . . Uur Hawaiian sugar planters thebecretary of tho.SIulual Telephone and Tele THE CVDEKSIOSED IUTE JCST ISSUED WILLIS XDIo"lfcon "" -j-mnln Inn.l - have hero graphic Company British protectorate oTtr New Guinea and other TUB "Wines, FDticr.jatiLva. barricaded with aomoflrtror j- iuu miuiqfn.l uangers on, should be of the Hawaiian .Islands for the islands of the Pacific JAS a Kranciaco, smeemptToaeana, theae the robber, allowed to interfere soundings between tho islands Firrn mrvisED editios of ALEXASDER, remoted in tho this of Hawaii, Maui, the OTSUte Street, wfibootavaicmnc nur of the manr deeper, uiaiiailllBeiUanji lndnstry is not going to spring into Jlolokai, Oahu and Kauai." The ignorant It is reported thai England will recognise the Boston, in ini? on of Tinnlm liiumncc rlinni.i public occupation of the the luighfaarhood. force the cats and walked oat iu out uiq uun cnu had supposed that these soundings had coot island of ltaiatea by France, if VERSOS U. BROWN CO Spirits, fiaont to oust a man who has A.uvu wij, oi the the latter will surrender Itapa, Hawaiian Howling ltttef with their bootr to, at been a tried o n 11. n i. v government $7,500, more or less, one of the Austral sj Oreen, M u sapposed, an ilin- irnnmi..v-- e, in .11.mm WHICH in order to pre- Phnse Book Sew York wraeon (hat was in watting. public servant. uiuuu uib uiiunjy pare the way for estimates of the cost of laying a Island, to England. Liqueucrsa cuoractenzes ail enterprises in the TJnitcd ram-- ..A iVnnatMinnlliai-- rl.aT.aaM - Mlraiatl.... Theaafewfoandthe urns day at lh qnarxr Vhat in Heaven's name is a Sllnistry .vaaN sue tuuuiuu, lauuiua..l.l- raUQl it 6CemS Which they now offer for sale -t- ifcicT Punchbowl atreet, (he States we may eipect it to be 4ohaT0hadUenam deTelopinjj HopUitters good digestion, at tbe .dTloTaiCT,c7nl.ta,S ltd broken in and put in power fort To serve the rapidly a canons bit of kites actiro lirer, facilities to ahaausual Ihc axutents sons. So clew ha. jet beta obtained ends of pushed forward. Speakinc well -" ocw-- - jluo jnrpon minrms us good ctrcnlation and buoyant spirts. Head Adrt. h.l, Etc.,Xtc, X, its own factors I Assuredly within that Gazette Block, 25 .iar? the cniit parties. not It is put bonnds 75,000 acres aro already do voted to Merchant St in charge of a of ibe Kreatest depression of the w -- weighty trust Tho bono earth's sort aceZ. at moosuens its cultivation; if successful, a few years I Jill triwl-- Iflninfmla f f I ..a tntrol UpcrtisrmcniS. .wn always reserred. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED Earthquake Shoch. and - "J west ioncuuae." Un. iw7 in, St. titoMT32RBROftS-X- of 6inew a nation pay their taxes to vsv.tttm j J. M. OAT. a- BK50XII. O, will see an increase in arithmetical ratio, der tbe tentiicuUr touch of the Board of Geneal- - f Jr. flnat Bowling One af nnvn Ilin nffnirc nf tl.it i rttrv. ltvt -- f .s ll,n.. l i u Y. '""'" Oreta. Sew York. "And 0rdtr a tUeeterestehockof earthqsakes that .!'. at least J. a ruled PramjUT.-- h been HOo conauelcd. AboTo KNOWLES' K'lTOimt.TaiT' lar Idt at for jnanj a jear, occamd on They want men of ability and TCnfllinra (I.n ...... 11 rression alluded to to tbe same cltTatioa as &tar&TjBontinri8ept..Ktb, at27 past lint .Innln.! lllA Inlnil ant Imarattai.l.inirt .t minnlt. vu, WiUCU STEAM AND VACUUM r'rilE UNDEltSIGNED, EXECU- O. 'dock, shook Uuncj Benerallj, "CJ"j uutj uiwo iiuajrs enable us to meet successfully tho compe- coaat, and at loafiiintle 1 12' east POMPS X trix or the nr . - S tsi a and tiinv rjinrtnK in iha nnvnM nr il,. on the .Asian. , coast. E.ut. r.i afemtwwqctte a rush for r, by manr of tition before us. io cannot ninl.l will I.. ,1... !..... ii. add sendenU tlierosolves. ii. say that wo rrr .i " cwuicunowis UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST Carpenter and A: even those who bar felt many a after TLoywant the offices are not well hctwcenrtbeisbinds above mentioned was land or TirB per Tnrsrr. from llnntm,. . tKt.VTXimrv n nmBuilder warned. It behooves a continent within an area Amr fnll of more than 1,500,000 sortment nf tbeae celebrated Pomps, which are ruaras-tee- d Honolulu,&JJttaJ2&within sir iinnVh.rlST'.ri ?". BDILDIItSS MOlfEO AND ?! WWD KILLS ERECTED. square "?. miles, the highest peak reaching to the ele-- to be cheaper and letter than any other atrle of W A. . Draf. lUinsnej, pain, and aches, Tati-i- tttmt !- .- -- a ., tniTnn Imnnrfwl 1C . .. . KtMti - "i? aa3 7--j "" l "ii uiai mey get uio very earliest news of nf !ta.m H.MI.WS.U.11IHIIIDI..II 1I..11.11 pianicrs par. - sveparririE in rui B r ltead Adrt. those who ' .!.. l.l clcularlytathe Vacuum Pump Jess cWdII rTrrtrt Attt. r. I ...lt lacie. p. if ' have the poweri""iof ap I any method Gteat u tentacular science and the report of whlci la Vl.lssssliSS& j. KDsTsXY for of the Uted and more serrlcable tbas other pumps srziZS3s&lW&A' & PETERSOK , vimwuogy, -- wnica is its mouthpiece! 1016 Sa CO Uoaolala,Ao-iutSJtS,?8- A. Tl rTa" .e e m v A-'- "" c B&SWEUt 'iSJm aaa. -l ? ak.-1e- JSJXi!P'Si Itasiya omoE, x u KAAnrTHAST; stbjbet ( ls Hoaelain.H.I. x I TOBKtjfej.j Ji O COMMERCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. tho "People's Cydopedia" a book of universal in- Calendar for the Octooer Term of the nt THE HANLAN-HEA- CH CONTEST ' 0000 IXtm 2Hrocrtistiiinits. Sttutioit Salts. d4sssasss' formation, in 3 vol?., 2200 pages, illustrations, Court siimmny ffEHJMUJ.r aoxoLULV. ocTonsn 1. jest. 1EOC1 TOWS. C2 large double page colored maps, andI23othcr Details ortho Great Sculling Race. business maps and diagrams. Me. JtrsTtcE McCutxv, Pxzsxdxko. So chanire for the better it noticeable In Sister Mary Clara, of the Anglican Mission, we (Sydaey Uerald.) NOTICE. Br LYONS ct jLEVET. t hear is seriously ilL circles, tame placidity mentioned lattTrltlnr. Attomey"-Gener- al the Mr. Adams announces a large credit sale of fine Mr. Austin Whiting, Deputy THE STAST. eem more favorable A3fXUATs MEETIXG OFTHE. still exlstlnj and the jro"Jecte r Captain goods on Eth William Foster, Clerk. THE COMP-f- of Hayley has been appointed to a post in the inst. ilr. At about 13 minutes past 4 tho men pulled into of the WAIIIEE SCGAIt lor a rtlll stronger squecie of economy on the ritrt the Army. will be held at the odea of the Cjmpanr. Walhee, Hawaiian nAWAUAX CKIUESa'i. position between tne jetties Charity Regular the punutlon ascnta and other patrons of trade, than Mr. George Markham succeeds Mr. Joseph Mor- JUBT CASES. on Uhr's and Maul, OS WEDSESDAV. iSl. Cash Sale Regular Basil R.OtoW2l. Spp the occurrence of aaytiln;; There is no as Port Surveyor the Custom House. Hex vs Kaui; perjury. Points, dose to the former. The wind was blow- W. PCTXAM, Secretary. Government truth in the rumor that the Hon. H. rill in Walhee, Maul. October 1SSL 1023 boom In business. The M. Whitney to be removed Hex vs Kceaumoku; maiming. ing hard, to- 1st a Bnanctally li not regarded In asT?finmWe is from the l'ost office. and made it difficult lo get the boats morning Mr. gaz- confidence In Mpiullsts a,","" This J. It. Sofer, is officially UAWAIIAS JCBTCIVII. CASES. gether. Beach won the toss and chose the south- shonld be to insure Sinker, etted as Marshal of the Kingdom vice W. C. ern On Oct. of small meini to Invest in either real ' Inker, Ink, Sink, Sin, In. l'ass tho nats Parke, N. lloli ct al vs A. F. Koakanu; covenant. Mr. bank. This gave him smoother water, while LOST! Thursday, 2d On Friday, property and there li erlneed a decided "'? to the holder of the Itillrltn prize-ba- g Mr. Hash resigned. it put Uanlan in the wind. Some five minutes Oct. by those who are not easily Kinney for plaintiff. ,. x,ost moM: tcavaTjAj.v the puree strinrs were spent in backing sidling to get TIANTII. MAKAWAO, fl At 10 o'etocau m. oaK-t-o. S action U a forerunner of cipccted The Hawaiian Carriage CcmDany and Whitman J. K. Kaunamano vs Nawahine el a1: ejectment. and about the MACI, One at t a. m. al Sales Room, will be sold at auction. at son, new Cal. alarmed andwhose right position and distance. Hanlan, who was as Ml hand Yellow Filly, branded W-- B. A rVard times With the administration no Madame Cora returned to town on the 27th inst. Wright have consolidated their interests in tho Messrs. Uolokahiki and Poepoe for plaintiff, Mr. t2f condition of the country t quick as a mouse, caught the water once, as be reward of S!0 will be paid for returning the ch for the better In the after a most sucuvful trip on Maui and Hawaii. carriage building, commencing pvith the 1st inst. S. B. Dole for defendant. thought same to V. If. BAILEY. for at present, the actions of financiers as Pnhi ct al vs Kaulana ct ejectment. Mr. W. he raw Beach nod ; but the Australian DRY GOODS, UKT IJUODS AKQ CLO i decided ot con-- al; shook l13 Wallatn. Maul. CLOTHING, HLlG "elliMleslslatora displaying, a slant Mr. Thomas Sorensonhas now The Band takes a vacation after the Uth It. Castle for plaintiffs, Messrs. and his head, and the Canadian had to drop !! nearly completed inst., Holoxahiki back. The men then took up another position r work on the new race-bo- intended of a month's duration, and during time Poepoo for defendant. Tuireta. Cottons and dThcettmer Alameda sails at noon for tan for the ltoyal that the doser to in- Dividend Notice. Lhtra. onr Square, the Hotel, the outgoing will James Kahui et al vs et ejectment. Mr. shore. There, waa another minute of Francisco, with the ssnalcari of domestic steamers, be Lauki al: tense suspense and then the men got away. The 1)1 VI- -. number of passrnsrers; tte mall steamer devoid of the sweet strains which the general pub- W. A. Kinney for plaintiffs, Mr. J. M, Poepoe for 3RD QUARTERiyr Fine Shirts, and a start was row-in- g DEND of FIVE share he nald Hanercfiitfs, Zeilendla doe from ban Francisco on or about the The 1'. M. S. S. Xmlaititta is duo here, from San lic are wont to hear from Bergerandhis defendant. made with a great rush, both men DOLLARS per will Pants,; is "boys." 33 start- to the s or tat IWIA PLANTATION at with newt and mandate, to the h n!t Francisco, on the tth inst, with a mail, and news May their vacation be spent pleasantly pleas- W. C. Achi VI Kauwa et ejectment. Mr. W. at strokes to the minute. Between the Crockery & Itbln.t- - Mariposa port with dates to for al; ing line pace waa the office of Messrs. Castle Jt Cooke. Honolulu, on Glassware Abo, ta Assortment as It also the from nine dates to the 28th nit. antly have they performed their labors. It. Castle for plaintiff. and the turn of Uhr's Point the October 1st, ISM. E. SI. WALSII, It. f the 1st Inst continued at 33, and Uanlan bad about half a ilS3 Mary S. Hose vs Henry Smith; ejectment. Mr. E. boat's-lengt- a Treasurer- There is every prospect of a lively competition z b of a lead, which he maintained on A VARIETY Olf in the photograph business, three The dividend season as well as the quarterly Preston for plaintiff, Mr. A. S. llartwell for defen- PORT OF HONOLULU. "llichmonds" dant. crossing the bay between Uhr's and Rocky Points. ! being now in the field, for public favor. bills, is at hand and the Paia Plantation, Maui, Both slowed SG PIANO TUITION NEW Tryphena Naken ct al vs V. Hlnsuli; coven- men down to about on leaving GROCERIES' appears to be tho first in the field with a dividend J. Uhr's Point, and watched each other closely, the KISsfLEK Books and Stationery Arrived. The Key. S. C. Damon occupied of five dollars per share. In these dull times and ant. Mr. W. H. Castle for plaintiffs. TIIOFESSOn IS 1 Dearborn, the pulpitatlbo Canadian being particularly keen in his observa- prepared to take Pupils for the Piano. Barrels Fresh Salmon. Manila Cljirs, ALS0 bcptSI-l'Mf- eS City of Sydney. fm Colonies llcthcl in- low prices sugar, speaks well man- XUXED JUST. t Church on last Sunday, and cave n very of this for the tion of Beach's movements. - TERMS-O- SE DOLLAR TER teresting account of his trip in the East agement of Psiia Plantation. We hope to hear of W. C. Achi Sacks Barrels Salmon, Xanlla fijert. Soiled. vs Nauha et al: ejectment. Mr. W.R. TEOtrSLE, LESSOS Apply at 3aar. many others declaring likewise. Castlo for plaintiff, Messrs. C. Brown L. a King bS Sydniy. Dearborn, for S ? aud J. 120 St. brpt Clly of Tho uraal quarterly exhibition of the native for defendants. As the race passed on from Rocky Point towards Blaxlands'a tho water became very rough, lashed ASD 0SE dkSQ scholars of local Sunday Schools took place at Officer Akiona made a visit to tho habitation ot M. vs Wm. McCandless; assumpsit. Stock-holder- Mokuhia by wind Notice to s. Vessel! in Fort. Kaumakapili Church on the 23lh inst. an opium smoker on the evening of the 23th ult., Appeal from Intermediary the driving out of tho bays on the Con- ADA3!S.A-- r XATAU Court. Mr.J.IxKa. cord aide, X. P. but failed to make a capture, bis presence being Mr. M. defend-an- t. and the rough water gavo both men a jrEET-- p HIMSTsut.nba,ArldJt News ulukou for plaintiff, F. Hatch for very severe 'riIEA'U"AIiBUSI"T'S Square-To- from Hamakna, Hawaii, is. that an indicated by a chorus of dogs whoso rest he had respondent. trial. In addition to this, the steamer L ISO of the a of lh UOXOKAA Buggy. MRRCnAKTXEX. ftirlhnnilVA wieitmt riiatrlM tt,& Wn.l Tomli which ship Eldorado, Humphrey that mi nil disturbed. On the 27lh ult., the same officer, Ac- Akun-- t vs Lokana: trespass. Messrs. F. M. had anchored about half a mile SUGAR COMPANY will be held on VgKDNESDAY, !T Am down side-r- an oCJce of A. LYONS H LEVEY. and gave residents generally a hearty shake. companied "by officer second Attorney-Gener- al from the start, on the north close thel3(hOctobrlJ&ll,st3p,m.,Uthe F. Am bktne Eureka, Lee .Mehrtens, mado a Hatch and J. ltussell for plainliff.Deputy I TETSI."2 Krtiv.f.r S' end-int- . up to the scullers in getting way, came j- , Per order. tier bk C It HIttlOP attempt at capture, but failed again. for def under and Secretary. Am brtneOoneuelo, Cousins M r. George Ashley, formerly Well's Fargo & Co's. so near Uanlan that was would j II. KK.NJES. Mclo Holeloa vs Keonekapu: ejectment. Mr. E. it thought he be !' ISS1, ii OSS Alameda, Morse ngent mn down. Honolulu. Sept 30th. Furniture1 in this city, has accepted a position as TheCniVestatcsthatthelargcstwellon O.thu, is Preston for plaintiff. Messrs. W. A. Kinney and F. The 6teamer'a starboard bow came SFBCTAL Household at "Grove ltanch" plantation, Maui. at Ford's I'oint, Pearl Lagoon, on the land of Gover- M. Hatch for defendant, within a few oar's-lengt- of tho Canadian, but Notice MEMORANDA. nor Kanoa, leased by F. Akii, the Chinese Kaimiola vs Beni; ejectment, Mr. W. U. Castle the danger was fortunately averted. Then Han- Mr. W. O. Atwater replaces Mr. John Smithies and It is 318 feet deep.'and plaintiff, Mr. L. Kaulukou lan showed a fine piece of ttctial management B ANN KS.S M KET-- AT AUCTION, St S City of brdnejr, Dearborn. for J. for defendant. TUI CVIi BUSIX Evening of the T S was s Sale lleoort as second clerk of tho Interior Department. Mr. of 30 inches from a inch pipe. The Queen Dowager Emma Kaleleonalani et vs It getting near the end of the first mile, X ISO or the of Ike PACIPIC Conmander-DlKhars- red Sidney pilot hefl 11, at3:5 1i al Atwater entered upon his duties on Monday last. next largest well, also on the name property, is Commissioners of Crown Lands; ejectmenLMessrs. where the pace ought to tell on his man if it was SLT..VK MILL will be held on THURSDAY, the IMa ai; recelred Auckland pilot aepiiJ,ai irjipm; to October. 1SI at 10 a. m the aee of P. A. On S -. lUKEl t I 118 feet deep and has a flow. tell at all. There had been a stretch through at Schaefer Wednesday, October t.!...- Anrl14 nllnt Sent lb. &t in re A. S. Hartwcll, AV.li. Castle nnd P.M. Hatch for Co. tPer order. II. REMJES, Seereury. . passen-ver- s "Mystic" Lodge No 2. K. of I', will hold a Attorney-Gener- roach water a cross choppy wash that served 4 celred llnnolulu pilot eiit!.al6)ani. plaintiffs,Detmty for defendants Honolulu. Sept 30th. IS6I. At l IteshlenM 7 tons for Honolulu. Had fresh head regular meeting at the lodge rooms, tomorrow The electrician of the Mutual Telephone Com. at both of them badly ; tho wind on the quarter had loa it ON ta rn.at of Iho lain D SfoUTT and frelfflil Kahal et vs Annie K. W. Haines et al; eject- SATURDAY NIGHT r. Xo. SI BeretanLa Street, t will sell winds, and fine weather the entire passage evening. Visiting bretbern aro invited to attend. pany is busily engaged in getting things in order ment. Mr. S. B. Dole for plaintiffs, Mr.W.A. Kin- tested the right arm ; the tide bad flowed nnd tho for tlu commencement of business by that Com- ney for defendants. water was slack, yet tho pace was last ; tho 7Vit i i Second lieutenant George F. McLeod, of the pany. The wires in their leaden containers dis- A. T. vs W. Achi: assumpsit. Appeal looming up like a great wall threatening to over- isroTiozn OCT liti,a. T('cloek. stoQr9alrovm, toclote THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FliflSITURE PASSENGERS. Hifles, has been elected unanimously Baker C whelm Honolulu play n decidedly neat appearance and the working from tho Police Justice of Honolulu. Mr. W.T.. them all these things brought about a Tirifty ot ias fcept 20- to position first lieutenant, nee U, Fisher, coatlgamrii., s For Kauai, via Walanae, per Makee, -J L the of J. of instruments already in is. said to be excellent. Castle for appellant. crisis, when it seemed that a decisivo stroke should To Whom it May Concern! IS PART AS rULLOWl Richardson, II C Iteid. Miss C Kahalllopua, Master E resigned. Business Mu- be made. will probable be commenced by tho Kela ct al vs J. H. Paty; ejectment. Mr. J. ltussell I It Salom. 3Iies K balom. urZ Co. 1883. UIXLAN'S StlSTEB STBOEE, Verandah I'aali.. Ubek Vi'alnat Lnence. Birr. Hon. A. S. Cleghom has unrealised the lot on tual about January 1st, for plaintiffs, Mr. W. It. Castle for defendant. Ladies D W Desk. V Trom Maul and MoloVai, per Likclikc, 2- ?- S O Hanlan was splashed AJ-iI- . ACCOUNTS OWING TO THE Ptelutea. Caandellers. DV Bishop Mrs A bolonian and I Kmma Square, owned by Mr. G. D. Freeth. Mr. rOBEION JUBT CniUISAt. CASES. - by the spray until the undersigned Qusrtrr Ending June 30th, Gin & JEWELRY Wilder, F Hindi, Willis. Tho practice which a restaurant keeper on King water showed in patches on jersey for the mm children, Mrs lleuler, WP A llrewer, rife and child. Cleghom intends erecting a cottage residence for ltex vs B. Grant; aggravated Assault. Venue his almost up to 1SSI.it not paid by October ISth. will lw placed In the Tread-wa- r street near Fort street indulges in in keeping open J. the Marble-To- p Dr J M Vrhltney.wilc and 5 children, Mrs II hitown use. changed Fourth neck. Ikach was also much troubled, and HANDS OKA COLLECTOR. HENRY MAY CO. Bedroom Set child, A Barnes, WO Atwaler. W II Valley, his place of business after midnight on Saturday from Circuit Court. once on anxious look came over face Honolulu. Sept 18SI. 11CT and Hex vs Ah Hong: perjury. Mr. W. his as the Bth. If ot Mrs E Sesrton and servant. It W Meyer. Mist and.Mis- The " Day of Atonement," or Yom Kippur of the is n flagrant broach of tho Sunday law and should It. Castle for danger of sinking camo before his eyes. Bat ho Jewish religion was duly observed on the 20th nit. be Rtopped tiy tho police. As the restaurant is defendant. Complete; Mallressrs. rillaws, B K Kaltn.lon ter Meyers. handled his sculls splendidly and balanced his ulalnx Table. Croeker ami Glassware Jlcat ScptK-II- on fra- view Police is Hex vs Tarn Look; larceny 1st degree. Mr. From Wlndnard Ports, per Klnan. Ssm with closed doors, by nearly the entire Jewish within of the Station it presumable J. boat in fine style through the gauntlet of water, BRACELETS, STUDS Mafe. KefrtEerator. Tarker, wire and child. Hon J Klrtiardson, Ills Ex or ternity in this city; that the proprietor and his place Are under polico Itnssell for defendant. wind, and Toniki, whilo yet rowing in good form, Kits Salmon Bellies J O Domlnis, Capt A I Hayley, W II blms, II C Anstln. prelection, Hex vs Lo Quai; assault and batteryveAppeaIed and very strong. With Uanlan tho necessity for Capt J Itrubertton, Mist .Minnie Itobertaon. Madame The new steamer built to order for the from tho Polico Justice of Honolnlu.fc-M- r A. S. "WTatoh. OjUelIxis, Chris-hol- Inter-Islan- delicate handling was not quite so pressing, Stove Cora, W C Molleno. Maj K II DtVer and wlfe.D d Steam Navigation Company is And now tbo worn out quarters, which tho bar- prosecution; Mr. for alpailwS feKitchenFnxnituib Woods, Uartwell for J. ltussell "for the timo.had como for him to try temper Her A O Frtbct. Mrs Ju 4 Treses'Cr. J to' arrive hero from San Francisco on or keepers have been fchoviug for years past on their defendant. tho of K. II Soper, Hon II Kulhelanl. Mrs Wra l'ordy and child, ICth customers, will no more tho Beach's sinew, and in making his dash the pace ho r. adAnn. Anrrr. W A Ktba, II about the inst. visit Rex vs F. G. Pond; gross cheat. h. " Mrs J Purdy. Miss II Low. E Thomas. h places that know them so well, this being their put on helped his boat through the yeasty wash, LOCKETS & CHARMS Kerr. U IUlllchcock, Mrs I'aaloh), II Zube, wife and low rates now offered Hell Hex vS Ah See; assault and battery. Appeal from struggle through Tho by the Hawaiian last day grace. s rhat tho rough water gave him Small Lot child. of Trade in tho local tho Police Justice of Honolulu. Mr. J. ltussell for Tclephono Company to subscribers has been tbo will, of a consequence, be dull, because tho general his cue, and acting instantly on it, ho made n OK THE .MIOTE COLLAR niTTONS. tTFF rlJIS. ASSIGNEES' SAIiE From Kauai, per Swalanl, Sert 28 Miss J Parker, W means of adding a large number of no w names to defendant appellant. supreme effort to row down tho O lSrlzstoeke, public will havo few smooth quarters to exchange Hex vs Joiv; selling liquor last remnant of or r LumabethM and wife, R Parminlcr. T their already large list. A.senio without li stay in his opponent He drew right away . and 2 children. V h Leslie. for n matilutinal cocktail or an evening beer. Appeal from from ES-flkJ- S II Kaltoten, Wilson, wife cense. the Police Justice of Honolu tho Tomki, and he drew away from Beach R. ZELXJNTG-- B Kalasukane. Mr Koch, A Hanneben:, Mrs C Iu. Mr. J. Hnssell for defendant appellaut. until Mrs Brljst.A tfayc, II Faye, Ahana. The "Morning Star Lodge K. of IV is unknown By tho Australian mail a pamphlet containing he had a lead of two clear lengths. Tho men were Just Received lleT vs Ah Lum; opium in possession. Appeal Si-- notwithstanding now lowing 32 strokes to From the Colonies, per Citr of Sydney. ept in this citv. the fact tbat tho two lectures upon physical education, delivered by from Polico Honolulu. the minute. The gap AND FOR SALE BY such organization weekly men- Justice of John ltussell between the boats was very Stock meetinps Wel- Retail an are II Hall. J Cotton. D Orets. WSearlcJ Melanphy, II of Dr. Hutchinson late of Honolulu and now of for defendant. distinct, and Hanlan If Sleeve Buttons. &c. Tobat. i Teasdale; Si cabin and 39 etecraec passengers tioned by a local paper. lington, N. .., enmo to hand. Tbo subject of phy- looked as though he was about to pull away from In transit for ban Francisco. sical education was always a great favorite with civil. CASES. his man. Bench kept ou steadily, without making TERMS CASH. CASTLE & COOKE. Bj order of M UHEBN. Ksq. MOW ( TtOXU Esq, For Kahulul, per Likcllke. Sept liss M Hopper. Her Majesty the Queen, ltoyal Highnesses two Iccturc3 W. H. Holmes vs Ah Hong; assumpsit. Mr. W. any spurt to reach the champion, and although he tr and ' their tho Doctor, and his contain much LYONS Jt LEVEY. Auctioneers. Assignee, of tho Estate of DON Bankmpr, Lambert, E Mossman, Mist Untchin-so- n was rowing well within (1021 Im) LIS. IlUreir, Brother Miss l'riuccss Liliuokalani and Princess Like ike. and valuable thought. Upon some points Dr. A. Kinney for plaintiff. himself, the fear came I islll sell at rnblle Auction. Mossman, II T Rboades, Mrs II T Ithoadct and sister. her little daughter have been spending tho last has somewhat inodiGed his ideas. Win. Lidgtte et al vs It. It. Hind: covenant. Mr. upon us that he was holding in because ho could few days in l'alolo Valley. E. Preston for plaintiffs, Mr. F. M. Hatch for de- not venture on a challenge. If tbat was so, it was JTttu iiDcrtisriiititts. MARRIED. William Katdiffe, a denizen of Powcll'syard.ou fendant. a hopeless case, for Uanlan was a good two lengths To ! On Friday, October 3d Allen has been smoothing Maunakca street, came to the polico station on the Bishop ,fc Co. V3 C. Boltoetal; assumpsit. Mr. E. ahead, rowing in such a stylo that it looked like the Trade McOURX-DAVIS.- -Fn this city. Sept. Ctli. at the way Colonel newly night ihc23th and reported to officer Mr. A. de- the real end of the struggle. 11. the for Iaukea. the appointed of ult., Crabbe Preston for plaintiffs, S. Uartwell for At W residence of Mr. A. Feruandea. bylb'r. II I'arLer. Collector-Genera- a n. tlH Entire stock t l, by assisting in the uuliesof the that ho had been assaulted at the entrance to the fend mts. EEACU Mn. McOtrnK to Miss MiRt E. luvis BESPONDS. Wnxiai office during tho past week. said yard, showing a knife wound in bis right Akina vs W. C. Parke; trespass. W. HENRY WAY & Co. Mr. It. But hold on here I Beach is as strong as ever. A Consignment of thigh. Tho complainant could assign no reason Castle for plamtifl, Mesrs. C. Brown and F. M. The mile beacon DIED- - M. Fuller, Vineyard as ho was comparative strauger HMch at Blaxland's is passed at six ! The residence of It. on st. for the attack, a for defendant. minutes nnd nine seconds fine timo General Merchandise was evening 24 city, no money valuables. An A. Uanlan LtE, broken into on the of the th inst., in the and carried of Allen llobinsou vs Ah Len et al; assumpsit still leading by two HASSIKGER-- In this city. Sept Slth, Ltu.'ax a broken open and $50 there- effort to find the assaulting parties failed. Mr. M. lengths, yet tho Australian second daughter of John A.aod 5rlscllla E.llaseliiper, trunk about taken F. Hatch for plaintiffs. rows on with strength and pace every move, DelennlH" lo said Estate, being the from. No to tho thief. G. W. Mncf.trlane &. Co. vs. Griubauiu fc' Co.; in ajred 13 years and 7 days due ment The milo is passed. There has been a b:g Large Coal Bags! (lod care. Up to yosterd ly afternoon the following persons nssumpsit. Mr. F. M. Hatch for plaintiffs, Mr. A. struggle Tho East nr steamer Alamtiht in the last half of it Thn fiht mil, iha God hath taken mail for the had registered as passengers by the outgoing S. Uartwell for defendants. weather, and tho USUAL ASS0ETMENT tatr- - The fnneral will UVe place this (Wednesday) doses at 10 o'dock this morning. The usual lato Nesfield, Co.; approich of the steamer, has Received D. W. case. Just steamer Alameda: 0. Dan. Lyons, Akcona vsKohilaSag.tr Mr. A. S. used TO BE afternoon from the family residence, KuVnl street. latter bag will be kept open until 11 JO o'clock. been to tho best advantage. That was a respectfully to J. It. Morrill, Mrs. G. L. Fitch, W. U. Btiley and Uartwell for plaintiff. splendid chance, and Hanlan used FHf.ND IS A - Friends and acquaintances ar milled The steamer will sail promptly at 12. wife, Mrs. U. S. Scrimgcour 2 C. Ah Chn vs Sing Kwoug. Wo & Co.; case. Mr. A. it well; he attend. and children, made the best tbat could be mado out nf that com- Vorrath and wife, Miss KateGrey, SI. W. JlcChes-ne- S. Uartwell for plaintiff, Mr. J. ltussell for defend- city. a short ill- Esq- bination of moral and physical COLBCRS In tliit Sept. Kth, after W. li. Bailey - of Wailuku, Maui, will be Mrs. 11. Lose Mrs. A. Poppin-ber- ants. influences; but it Closed Below Cost ness of bronchitis, Jnnit Fjucis xviixe, eldest son and child. C ianeu. auo hung wako among tho passengers by the Alamnla which leaves J. A. Gallingcr, J. D. Tucker, E. Mclnerny, Cliing Wu vs Sun Wo Cimpany; assumpsit. Australian onto his with if Marcns and Alice Colburn,ajd3yean! and .months. y great determination, and rowed strong cosily. City & Clan Country for San Franrisco. Mr. Hailey will return and of Paris Grant Store E. W. Miss from Police Honolulu. Haskell, aud Helen M. Haskell. tho Justice of Mr. F. Then wo began to see tho champion's show- """" By H. HACKFELD & to Honolulu about Nov. ISth. Hon voyage. tiff, Mr. W. Castlo ilefen-din- t. teeth Co. II. Hatch for plait It. for ing white, as ther dono several in tho E. ADAMS. HONOLULU STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. advice which been offered by had times r AiKtiraeee If Iho has tho last quarter-mil- nnd people Baid " Why, The Secretary of the new boat club denies tho fol- H al B. Haulan's during the past few .weeks, had been A. irnes ct vs C. Makee, ejectment, A. Innrrtilnrrr' Thiw Ikm.lil ll .. . .: .1.- -. ,,. XiOnnDOIO', Station. Wedneaday.Sopt. 2th. 1884. statement made by the 7nic relative to a prospec- to S. plaintiffs. ! From lowed, ri:: enforce the law relative to having Uartwell for Canadian had his man so well in hand ho NOTICE tive increase in rowing stock to that dub, and aim the numbers on express lanterns distinctly that states that the captain is not J. O. Kerr, bnt A. F. BAKOO CASES. could afford to smile and coquet with the contest, VALUABLE LEASE Sugar Stocks: a clew might havo been obtained to the and presently he would begin cool Hand. who tho Nawahine vs J.A.Kaili; divorce. Appeal from July to his hands iu Cs. Orange robbers committed burglary at llamscy's, B. the water, and give exhibitions. was Marmalade naiku Sugar Co &SI also tho. particular express in which tho supposed term. Mr.G. Kilaankano for plaintiff, Mr. W. But it not so. Kohala Sugar Co as) Tbclhrco planets. Juoiter. Venus and Saturn A Kinney for defendant. That gleam of whits teeth was evidently caused Co. are now visible in Eastern sky, just foul play took place io.wbich a female was con- exceptions by tho tension of every muscle A The lYIncerille Plant Ill the before cerned. M do Gonvcia vs L. Ijoka; from July in the mau's body, From and After This Date Crosso JIIiickwcll'H ; Wailuknbnfar Co 11M sunrise. It is worth while to get up early, get a term. Mr. C. Bruwn for plaintiff, Mr. J. L.Kan-luko- and it stood there as a sign ot supreme cxertiou. THE naw Arrlcnllnral Co lll neanug "OLD CORNER" ureatu ot tue morning air ana enjoy a magnincent The names of two of His Majesty's Ministers for defendant. iianians stroke had come down Cnsos Makee Sugar Co :io spectacle. appear attached to a bid for tenders to repair J. T. WaterhousovsJ.D. Spreckelsetal. Appeal to 32, while Beach was rowing at 30 and gradually IUspbcrrr Jam, Walmanalo Sugar Co OTl up...... 3WU and enlarge a dwalling. The man- on demurrer from July Term Supremo Court. pulling At Putney wharf, which is rather Casos Slrawberry Jnm, jaa-iaotlo- tiuouui du,,i 'U. Tho congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral nrailo jSLt (taw per share paid up) very George ner in which tho tenders aro asked for induces tho Messrs. E. Preston and A. S. UArtwell for plaintiffs, under and a half, the tiins was 3 minutes 3 Cnse UWI) speak highly of the liev. Wallace's seconds. I'lum I'uJJiug, ine Koioa ugarl.o sermon at St. Andrew's Cathedral last Sunday. supposition that tho lacky contiactor may hope Messrs. P. Neumann and F. M. Hatch for defend- Ookala Sugar Co 1(11 for further favors. This putting ou and off the ants. toe lout-Bea- CaacH Mince Moat, PSRI The text was: "Train up a child in the way ho Be A Walhee Sugar Co dignity specimen Bishop & Co. vs Commissioners of Crown REDUCE THE PRICES order of J CAKTtVIII(IIIT.BrU.andMOf)SEt J should go." of Minister is another of the Lands; nulled his boat's stem level with Ilanl.in's Cases Sullnmt Raisins, ISO., AaslKnees of facile Sugar Mill Protean character of the cabinet: day beiDg exceptions from July Term Sopreme Court. Messrs. Is. Brtate of IIAltT BKOS. Kllauea Sugar Co 1WSI one stern, and the two rowed on in that position for CatCH Now Currants, Oaakruta. t Kill .ell si PnMfc Aucttan. or Illlea Sugar Co S)' Atlorncv General Neumann as fAr as can be devoid of official cognomen and the next in fall A. S. Uartwell nnd W. It. Austin for plaintiffs, about two hundred yards further, while a hot thrill tirote Ranch Co 2jl M, learned has made no expedition to Mexico, he is fuss and feathers. Deputy Attorney-Goner- for defendants. ran turougu us as ueach innue his challenge. IIS) . A. vs N. Walanae Co ... engaged frying very h G. Ellis G. Wilcox: exceptions from July What could moan? There was IUU0 in a different kind in Considerable work is being dono for tho Episco. it Hanlan rowing MONDAY, OCTOBER Union Mill Co Term Sapremo Court. Mr. F. M. Uatch for plain-tif- f, in such a style vet null away, 6th (750 per share paid op).1 San Francisco. Developments probably by the pal Church bazaar which is to come off in Decem- that he micht lhouoti Cs. Bottled Pie Fruits 10) steamer bday. Mr. A. S. Uartwell for defendant. every sinew was on toe stretch, nnd those white uiowaiu.o... ber. Spcrimcns of work hare been shown to n Al 10 nek a m, on the Mill Co Ml Un Wong vs.KuugChu et al; exceptions from teem were snowing. Ana a little to the right was lreme, Uo Star alarming Gazette representative, and they promiso to as- Term Supreme Mr. W. A. Kinney Our Goods, H Malarial fever is prevalent to an extenf July Court. for Beach, East Maul Plantation Co. sist greatly in tho attractions of tho fair. Tho large and broad with thoso big brows of Cases Mixed I'ickleev Onomea Sugar Co 10 inst at present and it behooves residents to bo as plaintiff, respondent. Messrs. A. S. Uartwell and his down over his eyes, nud bis eyes in the 10 committee hoio to have numerous additions to boat, ' ! Paokaa Sugar Co careful as possible in preventing unclcanlincss to V. It. Austin for defendants, appellant. rowing in great styleaud making wayevery stroke. Casos Gherkiuj, LEASE Reciprocity Sugar Co.... 100 exist in their yards. An onucc of prevention is worth their present stock, and trust that many will como Kaanaana Richardson. Appeal from Suddenly to so etalvsJ.L. Uanlan s stroke slackened and his boat TO THE SAME STANDARD Cases Picklotl Walnuts, Laupahoehoe Sugar Co... iai a pound of cure. forward assist them in pushing forward Water Commissioners of Ewo and Walanae. Mr. lost way. came on For the Term of 5 Years & 8 Months Hamatua Mill Co loo laudable nn object. It us with a shock "What's up Cases Spaniel) Ollres, Walkapu Sugar Co ion E. Preston for defendant appellant. with Hanlanr" "By Jovcl givo mo tho glasses." It is a pleasure to witness tho enjoyments that 31 Board of Immigration vs. Benito Texeira de him, Cnacs AT TIIK RBSTAL OF $73 PBB MOST!!, Halawa Sugar Co loo .I7 Marshal Parko after a service of about years "Look at he's done." Up came Beach, while AS FORMERLY arcuch Cnpcrs, Honomnsogar Co the scholars of the l'unahon Preparatory School in- been to resign his position. Estrclla. Appeal from Third Circuit. Hanlan showing signs ot exhanstion, ni has asked He has handled his Cases French Mushrooms, From October lath next, that I'ala Plantation Co loo dulge in, during the recess hours, tho means pro Attorney-Gener- W. C. Peacock vs. J. H. Lovejoy, writ of error. boat weakly, valuable property on 'at "iii served nndcr four King's. The aud dropped back in tho race. Up Cases vided reminding a rew ivnglanuer very forciblyof interim asked for his resignation last Saturday, Mr. Uatch for plaintiff, Mr. Preston for defendant. went Beach, strong and bold ns a lion, and French Peas, school days. ail next tOltSKUNUt.tNUtULKKN STREETS Railroad Stocks: his own but the Marshal said ns he had received his com- DlVOECKS. instant bis right oar crossed Hanlan's left and Cases French TrulIIos, they ceased rowing. Tho sonlls WELL K.I OWN AS TIIK Hawaiian R It Co s) Tho location of tho supply pipo for the sprinklers mission from tho King, he would wait till tho King J. M. Daigle vs. Panacwa Daiglc. J. L. Kaulu- woro quickly re- CHARGED BY US. Cases Pale do foi Gram Kahulul Railroad Co called for his resignation. He received a letter kou plaintiff. leased, while somo words passed between the men on tho comer of King and ?tuuanu streets, is not for regarding Cases Finnon Joe V, compatible with public and from tho King on Monday morning. Mr. J. Soper Maria Kamohai vs. Alinafc.) Mr.Uolokahiki for tho foul, nnd Hcacb, who seemed rather Had Telopnono Stocks: tbo comfort of tho succeeds Marshal Parke. annoyed and impatient at having been stopped 4OIii) should bo removed. On the hottest days A mnd plaintiff. BROWN & CO. Cases Kippered Hern'ngj, Aaiki vs. Kalinla. Mr.Uolokahiki plaintiff. in this mauuer, struck his sculls into the water CORNER' Haw Bell Trlph Co Hole exists on mat corner. Somo little consternation was caused lately at for nnd pulled away from Hanlan. llawTrlep Co. (Maul).... Frank Enos vs. Maria Pnaala. J. W. Knlna for Tho Canadian Honolulu. Oclobrr I8HI. Lihuc, Kauai, by tbo report that two cases nf held up his hand to record his protest, and rowed 1st. Ida 3 Relnz toe tome ptrmreea recently occupied by HART itauai leiepuone m Kev. George Wallace plaintiff. nllOS, as t The preached the morning sinall-po- had been discovered at Moloaa. Dr. a few strokes without any weight ou them, as Iteauuranl. Tobaceonist'a Illlo&HawallTTCo.. sermon at tho Anglican Cathedral on tho ISth ult. Kachn vs. Aua Wehlani. Mr. Uolokahiki for if CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS Store. The stand Is uneqnaled. andeommsaidsa sood Walters, in comptny with sheriff Wilcox, immedi- plaintiff. bo were not decided what to do next, and had not Irade. Stockj His Lordship the llishop of Honolulu occupied the ately proceeded to tho locality mentioned as being ranch strength to do with. His appearance Mltcellaneona pulpit in the evening, lloth sermons were thought- James Wright vs. Kahana Wright. Mr. Poepoo it at infected nnd nn examination of the suspected par- this moment was that of a man very much fagged. Cases Yarmouth Bloalcrs, Immedlalelr after the sale of the Lease I Co.-.- for plaintiff. Honolulu Iron Wks i MM ful, earnest discourses. proved were suffering only Meanwhile Beach got a load will sell the C. ties that they from of about seven lengths. Casos Oxford Sausage, Brewer JLComcntile..' 100 13) eas- Intrr-Irlan- panjmn, or native itch. Everybody breathed Narrow Escape Kohala. Uanlan began rowing again but the impression S. ". Co p 130 The "golden sands" of Waikiki aro well trod- at Cases Sardines, A and ; East Maul stock Co rncli. iiii den over on Sunday's, quite a delegation of towns- ier after tho facts were ascertained. kecame general that ho was completely beaten, K O Hall A Son, (Um'td. 100 On Tuesday evening, last, ns a Chinaman enter- and peals of excited cheering rang from a thon-san- d Cases Whilo Wino Vinegar, Wllder'a folk going thither ou that day to take n stroll Last week tho Capt. ed the yard Kohala lips tho Stock SteamshlnCa... 100 110 Etcimerirrinif, Cameron, cattle at tho Plantation, across water, whilo yet we could and Fixtures Along d . Cases the beach and sniff the pore and t Hast India Chutney, Honolulu lee Works JO was on the Marine llailway undergoing cleaning wild cow knocked him down nnd dashed out at hardly believe that the gro-i- sculler had been Wnodlavi n Dairy It, Sfk Co llHI) unadulterated sea air. Cases ll and paiuting, and did not leave for Kanai until the open gate, reaching the corner by the Foreign rowed down. i.eiuig's Kxtmct Meat, eONNl&TINO or jvanauoaicancn vo... 100 Wednesday. Notwithstanding the steamer was Church just to meet Miss Bond on Mr E. 1. Adams sells to day, at No 1 Bentanu in time Julia TUE 1TN1SU. Cases .Mushroom Catsup, street (near Punchbowl street) the entire house- a day behind her regular time, she returned to borocback. Tho cow rushed at the horse and Tho time for tho second mile was 3 minntes2 sec ltprt TobHetM mnI Hum, Cooklit fool." Bond. port promptly on timo on morning. At pushed him against tho fence, while Miss Bond Casos Sojcr's Itclwh, .. hold furniture of the late David McCartney Jr. Sunday onds, which includes the delay caused by Ihofoul. TaMct, L'mckvry, ami rthrr artftWH Hawaiian one of tho ports of call on Kauai, tho Captain, fell to tho ground unconscious. Itev Mr. Bond Casos Yorkshire btionRlnu Ocrrnssitsr: The sale being without reserve n good opportuni- At the Gladesville Jetty, Beach was still a good ileligb, t" a KrtanTant. ty is offered to bargains. officers and crew had time, after attending to who was tying his horse in front of the church, three lengths ahead. Hanlan Cnsoi 2 per cent Bonds obtain loading and discharging, to enjoy themselves by heard the noise, and running to seo had spurted, but Celery Salt, n " what had Beach, ns cool nud strung as ever, answered him, " appeal doing some tall fishing, and judging from tho fine caused tho commotion, was confronted by the cow, Cases Celery Seed, Tho tax board for tho district of Houo and soon increased his lead by another length. tST For further paritrnlnr- - apply to tbe Vstjnet--t t " Tail lulu will be present tho Police Court rooms samples brought up, they must havo had rare who knocked him down nnd ran at him a second The men appeared to bo rowing free fm Cor. at timo before ho could get up, wide easily, but were ' Onomea Bonds this day, for tbo purpose of settling existing tax sport. but her spread- really doing fast work. Haulan's stroke waa about 7 ' llaw'n Agr'l ing horns barely touched him, leaving him unhurt. K. I. AUin Co.i difllcoltes. Judge Hickerton, Allen Herbert and homo sampled tho 28, and Beach a strnko faster. Thu men kept on Dr. tite'tr W. comprise Hoard. Another industry has been by Whilo sho was preparing for a third assault, Dr. Ridge's Infants Food J. Naukana tho bou tiranlt attached to tbo Gazette Office this their way; they had still a quarter milo before Sale. Bond camo out from tho church and with the aid them. Beach was rowing still cool nnd strong, bnt 10 shares Grorc Ranch Plantation timoa 31b packagoof preserved bananas from of others succeeded iu driving the animal away. envj. The l'coplo's Encydopcdia, a notice of which will tho factory of Alden Fruit and Taro Co of he saw that the race was his. Hanlan came on Cases Scotch 41b. ex- tho Miss Bond was then removed to the church. Oatiuenl, tins; Credit Auction Oatalde Sales Reported. be seen in our advertising colnrans, is a very Wailuku, Maui, presented by their local agent behind at a distanco of nearly Die lengths. His Sale KM work. compass Drs. Wetmoro and Bond being in attendance, and Cases Pearl Jhrlcy, lib. tins ; shares Paukaa Sugar Co. (i$l0. cellent It contains in a small an Mr A. plcasant'cou-fectio- conrbo lay along a line upon which a swarm of 11 John Palmer. Tho fruit is n after recovering consciousness she was gently shares S S CofeJlOO ex Oct. dlr'nd. iramcn amount of information nnd will be found boats, gathered near the Brothers point, had en- Casos Tapioca, 41b. tins ; being sweet and possessing a great sim- taken to her rcom, where sho is gradually recover- croached, It. RIEMEKSCHNEIUEIt. See'ty. invaluable ns a work of reference. and as he passed close to them ho stop- -- ilarity in tasto to preserved figs. There is no ing from tbo shock. AEIIES D33EJSO?. Cases Sago, 41b tins j doubt but that tho industry will bo appreciated ped a few strokes to keep his air clear. It was all 0?Jl.iJ On Wednesday, October 8 Tho store rooms, occupied by Messrs W. G. Irwin oyer with him, he knew, and few could have looked Cases Salt in jars, A SUNDAY EXCURSION- & Co, on the ground floor Masonic build- both at homo nnd abroad and that, as soon as the Tho Volcano House, Hawaii. Cigarette Smokers who are willing to pay a of Hall company into the quiet, pale face nf the defeated sculler little Cased At Warn, at Vaiosreoms. I lll offer at auction, on ing corner of Fort and Queen streets will soon bo are enabled to forward a snpply of these more than the price Ground Cinnamon, a AndWkntCnmoOrit preserved bananas for sale in open market, there A Retlt. and see there the pain of a great strugglo and a charged for tbe ordinary trade LIVfal Credit for good endorsed Dap. r. on vacant, tho present tenants removing to offices in great loss under tho linn front of the Clgarelles. wilt and the Cases Ground Allspice, purchases of oeer jHJl, a collection of will bo a good and constant demand. An articlo in Ailcei PET CIGARETTES tue bpreckeu building on fort street. Editor Gazette: tho liter athlete, without feeling a rush of sympathy with Snperlor Casos intbodi'ctdhi. recently gavo n disparaging account re- to all others. They are made from lha very Ground Cloves, Durinc the week pa6t nearly every newspaper Dr. Koloa, ha3 been of the him in his mighty fall. Tho Australian rowed in is Miss Hassin-gc- r, Jared Smith of Hawaii, on, II IUII T UULU LEAK grown Vlrginla.and this city lias mado .Mnjcstv It sad to chronide the death of ception, ono Ornithorhynchns, ot a party from every stroke to a fresh nnd In C. Genuine Mustard, ! mention, tbat His took Mr. A. Chief to join tho band of tho resigned, and relin- via received cheer, he passed the are FINE a trip on the steamer daughter of J. Uassinger. Clerk Honolulu, Pnnaluu, at the hands of beacon very nearly six Icugtlis ahead Champion nnen,ralcd for their dellcale aroma and rare fra. Cs. Cayonno GOOBS Waimatmlo, to Kalihi, on the of tho Interior Department. Miss Uassinger quish his post as physidau of the Board of Health. tho host of tho volcano house. Such aocount may Popper, nlL Up to this date has Is ra- Sculler of the World. Another round cheering grance.and are absolutely wlthont adulteration ordrugs. tllsl'AKT AS lst no chance in statement been ill many She was only eighteen ot being in "accord" with tho present ad minist havo been strictly n statcmont of I'OLLOWS bas Appeared and the dear, confiding, for months. course ho Any bla- of facts. Parties arose on the fall of the flag. Beach finished in ccucrai years of age at the time of her untimely death. tion of cannot heal tho sick. from llilo this past summer know AI.LEX OlSTEIt, MaictTACTrnans. pnblic is led Astray, an bv the sapiiosed cor- however, who have all, I not very good style, and not at all distressed. As Han- HEMP, RAPE, AND CANARY SEED, usual, tant quack, professes affection for of an exception, a different story to tell. Richmond, Va rectness of the. published etcut", faith-fnll- r lan came up Beach mado riendly sign - Fine Cassimeres, intended to Tho bank of llishop Co. delivered into tho care Gibson & Co. is sure to pour hoaling balm on tho was one as things generally go, with his Mr- Tbe above CIGARETTES Doeskins portray the loathly a. Sunday It misfortune, band, to which Hanlan replied with a AUK of excursion ef Kegistrar Pratt, on the afternoon of lbe23!h ult. unfortunato Government patient; and no donbt to follow directly in the wake of two parties nod. Then rc FOR SALE AT mado by Majesty. Now poor dies, will to they were cheered by the occupants of tho Fry's. Chocolate, Oettta an4 Doy Stilt Clotoinx. Vtrwt . ootid llis the newspapers that the sum of $31,000. There will probably bo but tho nativo if he prefer to die of a the volcano this past summer, then, ever, ono umpire's published the statement, were who is in "accord", saved if boat. "Both good men" was shouted to them. Fry's Chocolate little delay In the payment of salaries this pay-da- rather thin be would have looked for scanty fare nnd poor ac- MARCHANT'S, Slicks fur dauert, in error, the trip was not made to Kalihi, Lot y who is not. Just rt3 Arganto Moliere's Beach acknowledged tho compliment Uanlan far Hut the bonds ? Ah, yes, that pay-da- is coming. one in commodation. Agreeably surprised we 'm Kpp's Cocoa, beyond, bnl to relate; preferred to die by the then were remained impassive, and having backed near the '"" rules of Galen and A pirly of seven, to find clean beds and a full lar- Fort Stroot. Shoes and Slippers TDE STABT. steamer claimed Schweitzer's ltcsignation Week will be the historic name lippocrates, than bo saved by a professor of the der, which umpire's tho foul. Mr. Clarke Coeoaliiia, The swift and atianch Bteamer M'aimanalo new from the landlord held not bis hand. told him .that as it was his own fault in rowing left whidi tho last week of September, l&SI will bear, regime. Wines and liquors were not there, for which the Haovraiians, Iluntly it Palmer's Milk Itiscuits, Ladies' t'nderwear. Ladles' II. I. Klbbous. port here 8 morning: into Beach'B water ho would give tho to at o'clock on the of tho t'lst and many a victim no doubt has muttered: worthy O. seemed to sigh, and race Beach. bnvinc on board Majesty who was ac- Mrs Love, one of tho greatest losers by the lato metbinks therein Such was the official ending ot thogreatcstaquatic Huntly it Palmer's inL, His wo scent n rodent as to the canso discon- companied by Mr. J. F. Howler andMr.Jnlms "Come, resignation, spirit meek, fire on Nnuanu street, has commenced the erection of his contest that Australia has ever seen. The third Visiting San Francisco PERFUMERY, And let me kiss thy placid cheek." y tent, for tho house is conducted ou strictly tem- JEWELRY Sohmidl, the newly created riaperintendent of of a fine bnck edifice ou ber lot, whicba perance milo was doue in 3 minutes 17 secuuds, making the Pnblia Works. was when completed, will bo a decided improvement principles. time for the whole courso 20 minutes 23 CAS FIND THE - & It the original intention to Notwithstanding Likd for like, leaving out what wo have, seconds, Maccaroons Cracknells Hat. inf. Ttlnchti.Ttt. hare left Honolulu behind at 4 a.m., bnt a celebra- tho departure of tho.tfii'irffn in that part of tho city. Mr. Thomas, tho builder, did not according to the official time. tion of a silver wedding y with n largo mail for Sin Francisco, the has tho work in hand and is using bis best energies nnd mentioning some of the thing3 that in plenty had had such charms that on were set before us to satisfy Hawaiian Papers on File npon it rested the consequent final steamer City of yrftiry which sailed from here to have the building completed soon. A glance at the inner man, may Miss Montagjuo. Mackenzie's. Albert iliscuits, lateness of the 23th 2)913 731 papers. serve to relieve tho mind of him who may inno- Annis AT THE OFFICE OF start, the ult., carried letters and the plan shows that caro has been taken to avoid THE iJryant & Wax Matches, Qnite a correspondence carried on by this commu- cently havo taken the articlo alluded to as a cri- Miss May's Carpets, future causes of firo by having the bakehouse and Anuis Montague Mr. Rugs ES SOUTC and Charles Turner, Once nity. ovens separated by brick terion. concluded engagement Sydney, Angust Ilryant it Slay's Safety Matches, outside the reef the bravo little steamer walls from tho front their at K.H fhitU. f'rinli. :im... HTwIe--i. rose floors We tliil havo fresh pork, cuois, roast, boiled and 13tb. S. , and fell to gentle stores, aud concrete will be laid in the room The Sg'Jneu Sloritina UerulJ, pf August ICth, F. Urn.m-f- the swell of the blue l'.icifio Tho printers of the Gazette establishment have fried, tongue. plain in Merchant. ft. lobstcrr aud salad, oysters, And some of her passengers also roso and fell, in been kindly remembered by their brother "typo where tho ovens are located, thereby removing the clams, speaks in the following high terms of our fair anil Day & their deep voiced expressipns dnuger from the devouring clement to'n minimum. canned meats, fritters, potatoes, while and talented tomatriot : Martin's Liquid Blacking. of the wonders that Mr. William McGuru, who doffed the robes of sweet taro, peas, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers Ctrf aper. Pens. Ink. Directories and Information on attracted their wind- When completed, one of the stores will be used by fresh The popularity of "Paliouce" tho HIS) Brown earnest attention o'er the and donned the cloak of a Ben- and onions, pastry in variety, pies, puddings, and of favou- hand. Cottons, Blankets ward side. Coming off tho entrance to Kalihi edict on the 23th ult. To him and his bride the Mrs. Love, for the sale of bread, etc., as formerly, rite nrtiste Miss Annis Montague, was sufficient lo C. It. BUCKLAND, harbor the order was given to while tho other will bo fitted up as a restaurant. cakes, etc., and excellent tea and coffee. crowd the Theatre Royal to excess evening "keep her off" and, "comps' send Aloha. This is not a complete list things we list Editor & Proprietor K. f.AD.DU, HntSr. after a short space the information was given out The bakery will be supplied with the latest aud of the had with an audience so full of enthusiasm that every ,- A. H. RASEIY1ANN, most improved machinery turning to eat, Iflt it serves its purposo as before iutima. effort was " "S.P. Morclmnt- that the contemplated trip was to round the dark The vreathcr during the week past has been for ont bread, showing applauded with the greatest warmth. and treacherous shores cakes, crackers, etc. ted ot that one need not expect to starvo The singing of Miss Annis Montague so of that point on which rather too warm for comfort, the mercury indicat- body while enjoying soul con- charmed ! JCiiu HuDtrtistmrols. both Bailors and landsmen the a feast of the in the assembly that encores were de- X0TICK have looked in vain to ing 81" to 83 in tho shade, and light winds pre- templating the grand display of one of nature's frequently see, erected, a beacon warning the weary sailor at 2Cth 27th showers Hawaii. manded ; and although a portion of Donizetti's JSOOK lIftrlJKll vailing. On the and inst. rain most terrible forces as shown in Madame -- r t OS TUB, - LAXDS. . "cheerless midnight" Onomea had a severe shake-u- p on the morning Pele's "Lucia" was to - iit'TftTi-- ,,., i.i oo ac- Is-A.-V or any other hour, of tho were of frequent occurrence during the days and domain. announced follow the aesthetic i (, .iu(..,i, ji.i ti.iii, win prnarcuieu AX close proximity of I Ur bet's I'oint, nnd Ibenco to nights. ofthe20th ult between the hours of 7and8oclock, opera, the Patience of the evening readily acceded cording to law ; and all dogs fonnil on said Lands will ft! X HI3, the rugged shores Walanae. the effects of an earthquake. Duo alltiWanco being made for the remoteness of to the request ot her bekllled. lira st of the hotel, and tho poor facilities goods friends and repealed the PAPER RULER in stiiui' iriiErcr. notiir.ti.i. THE A&E1V1L. The Hawaiian jurors who are to do duty at tho for carting "Love is a plaintive song," the thereto, it is safe to say the Accommodations and dntt with Lady OIiTJ IiIGHIT KOU8B SITOItB Captain "Kelson safely steered his swift steamer October term of the Supreme Court are ordered Heavy rains have been prevalent in nnd about Angela, and another of the airs allotted to the milk- Executrix's Notice. tlKiler.HT KKI.EITIO.N UK to to appear at the Supreme Court rooms on the first Onomea for tho past two weeks, and, as a con- fare of one party, and tho testimony of other She the point designated, arriving off Nauakuli a parties Uilo past maid. also rcceivtd6ome magnificent bou- FANCY CANDIES OF ALL Goverment 12.10 Monday in October, tbo Foreign jurori to bo pre- sequence the streams aro mnoh swollen. from this summer H the same, quets and an enormous rpiIK HAVUfO DESCRIPtKWSt reservation, at and His Majesty were all that could be expected or asked by fair wreath of arttfidal flowers J. been duly appointed Ekecutrll of the Estate of Blank Book Manufacturer and t o Iri mds disembarked. His Majesty strolled sent at the same place on the second Monday in with streamers of ribbons and an American flag the tale Joseph Stowell (iurney. hereby nntlllea all Craame. Open Ctrsm!.. Ka?ta along the while Mr. October. minded nnd unprejudiced travelers. attached. between parties to present their claims dqly authenticated Ahnmtda. A. 3. Ifem urn., i itrno Ir sansace beach, Howler taking a brick- Reception to Mr. and Mrs- F- - W Damon. 1881. LVjorn. The dnet Bnnthorne and Lidy to layer a hammer from his pocket Uilo, Sept 23th, Jane was rtpeated and also Mr. Dartd wlllili, iU months from dale or lh'y Slfeea, Iloee and Lem.m Hum Driiy. C loupartel started inland Buuthome's song in IILANK BOMKS OK ALL DXSCKIITIONs and BrHMant accompanied by Herr Commander T. Aridji received on board the Last Thursday evening, Mr. F. W. the first Miss Montague Mr. will be forerrr birred, sod parties owlog the said Es- Vonverrailon Mint Loaeaeers. J. Smith. All olong the Damon and ait and Charles tate aro requested Mpleetl Chocolate. fa.-.x- i and land of Nanaknli are pieces Ttnlula on the 23th nlu, His Majesty and party. Hey. Mrs were ten- Cholera Germs. Tnraer completed engagement lo make immediate payment to the tieaasa scattered of stone, Various by bride, nnd tbo Dr. and Damon their nt the Tbea. said DaTid Dayton at his office. some, boulders of a creat size; the two evolutions were performed tho crew, dered a hearty reception by their Chinese friends Ire Royal last night, and tho occasion being a Fanojr and Plain Mixed inland after which the ltoyal party came shoreward again. Dr. Koch the celebrated German physician, who also (Slgnl JAXE E. OriKJEY, Ruled and Bound to Order Candle, travellers knocked a piece off once in while, at their Church on Fort streot, at which addresses benefit to tho lady, the third aot "Lucia" was Executrix Estate Joseph Or rney. . . Almond. a Salutes were fired and the vessel dressed in honor has been dctoting so much time to the study of of S. reu.. Braci a consoltation and examination held generally of Welcome were delivered iu Chinese and replied announced, that with a very natural wish, the Honolulu, Sept 31th. 18KI. loss jm With TteatMsa aswl lsIsimicb. Filberts. Rle l.konce. idam Uffnt. resulting piece of the visitors. g cholera, has been lecturing on the disease. Though Homer Onm, Vilrx Bole- - in the being thrown away. to by Mr. Damon, in Chincso and English rccomt-in- Erima donna's last appoaranceat Ihe theatre should stacoAT Flowery Kingdom, which ne uas uiscoverca me cause, ne is uy no means in which J-- mas Masaaiue. The aospel Temperance meeting held at the bis trarels in the satisfied with a put she had won B.k. Uxal ,mi w.Br. Tito boots Candle Rotnllod at SOo varla. Continuing, the search party of two was listened to with marked attention by his as to having discovered the cure. Tho much favour in tho colonics, The music Dnvad la sanms Sljtes surf at KowmMc frlera lis a- - I - wandered Hcthcl Church vestry, on the evening of the 27lh N. V. Tribune sums up his lecture as follows: The of the to rnr them away from the Government land on to that known cJL, was a success, a those pres- Chinese friends. At the condusion Mrs Frank "mad scene" enables Miss Montague to exhibit FRENCH i IjaMi-.- ToImc- -. II s Co. a quite number of comma-bacillu- or cholera germ, believed to CLARET, .tii.it Soda as Lualualii, owned by Hon. James Dowsett A Damon sang a hymn in Chinese. is be her full vocal powers, tho flexibility, range, tVal-- r Jt liln.-e-r tie ..., - a but ent participating in the exercises. repetition of half fungus, half animal. only in and 27 Merchant St., (Gazette Building) and full line of leased by J. L. Richardson, Esq., for the Ylaianac service will samo place, on next The Church was brilliantly illuminated, anl the It breeds the delicacy ot tuue with which she is so well VM the be held, at the intestine, not entering tbo blood. By irritating endowed, IK HALF CASKS. M IIWTOh.ll!. If. I. TAMILY GROCERIES. irl7 Sugar Co. Here, they were joined by the Hon. aaturaay evening. atteudanco large, including many of our most aud the charm her singing exercises on a very Judge Kama (who lately such evening tempt- the intostine, through the secretion of a specific large obtained unenviable prominent citizens. Daring the a poison number of her auditors ; It is always un- J. A. IMLMEE. II. WvtlWI'VIM. notoriety for aircating some school-roo- or otherwise, it induces diarrhoea and all satisfactory Portuguese who were ilv the Afamrda. Mr. JosodIi It. Morrill. ing collation was served in the of the symptoms to produce a Dortion of an opera, and watering their vegetable gardens on a Sunday and Surveyor goes old to which ample justice was done. tbo other of cholera. Through the for "Luria" lo follow "Patience" was Tokay, of Honolulu, forward to his Church, set up blood de- forcing a Hungarian rKorstCTvn or the who was finally himself arrested and fined for home purposo recruiting his morbid action thus tho is rapidly strange contrast. The result, however, proved wrongful in Illinois for the of A largo gathering met last evening at the prived of its watery basis, tho circulation is inter- the imprisonment), and two policeoQicers, shattered health. The departing official leaves Mr. M. Damon, welcome merits of both, and it tells well for the English IS CASES. minions of the law. S. to the arrival fered with, the characteristic lividity of the col- To tie surprise of the Ga;rlit many friends behind who will wish him a safe ot Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Damon in our midst. The stago music that It stood the test ot preceding Donizetti's lmormant, who was comfortably csconscd upon lapse is induced, and eventually death is inspiration so well. CRYSTAL SODA WORKS a journey and speedily recovered health. house and grounds were brilliantly illuminated by 'Iho chorus acquitted them- lofty pinnacle of Piliohulu, the entire party joined rendered, probably asphyxiation or clot in the selves remarkably at- with Chincso lanterns, and a largo ilarnnee had valves of tho heart. well, and were sumptuously "C. R. in tho movement; matcrial-a- Ekxl-a- i Bishop," search suitable be- tired. flqrid Ex ! Tho schooner was successfully hauled been erected, beautifully decorated with ferns and show The music in this famous scena for Oar GoodsTare Acknowledgeditho Best ing indicated was taken by the honorable judge off by steam- Dr. Koch's researches that in most cases the prima donna was given with the reef at Kaena, on this Island, the evergreens within, in which a sumptuous supper tho prestmption a predisposition all the old vigour Fun -- and the policemen to the steamer and placed on er James .Vntre, towed to city-b- of to choleraic and ability. cr sale at sn and afterwards this was laid. Among tho guests present were a large influences to say pro- HO CORKS, board. Soon a sufficiency was obtained and all the steamer II 'aimanalo. Mr. Dower, who pur- exists. That is the disease number of our most prominent citizens, profes- ceeds by assimilation and selection. A perfectly THE COMPLEXION bands returned to the steamer, the judge and off- chased her as she was on the reef, will soon have sional, rocicantilo andolherwUe, FOR I icials although covered with sweat healthy intestine probably defies tho comma-bacillu- iXliU 3ilt)Citis?lllClltS. and dust from her repaired and in good running order again. F. A. Schaefer & Co.'s - their (Sun)daya labor yet forget not the homage bnt when indigestion has already caused We Use Patent Stoppers 'PHIS KTaEGAXT iI.KIAKATIO- dn to His Majesty on bis departure, which even- OnrHHoLotter. organic disorder the bacilli find favorable condi- (103 X Is tLe MOIST I'SBKECTDKU KSOWS. they The baud concert at Emma Square on the I 1ml TIMER tions. The teaching of this is the familiar one NOTICE In all oar ISaMtau U D( Iff Pure and Uellgalfnl in Applientio cave with that native suppleness and grace so of- ing of the 23th ulL, was quite a treat, the pieces Editob Gazette: Earthquakes have been in- rHlliM llarmle.. lie ten noticed in the undulations of the Itntalmla. played being of a character that induced a firs'; that in cholera times especially, attention must IIKKITTO- - and veonderfol In Ma Effects, it title the closest serntntj creasing here in frequency and eevcrity. On the be paid to the digestive organs, and no disorder THE I'AltTXKHSim Islls to detect Its use. lTsi-arc- hf what cum! or rr. interest in the performances, notably so in the morning oT 20th a sharp was X fore exi'Hn; between Jno A. Talmer and Elllia U. Chemist, Homeward de- tho shock felt. in them, however rlight, should be neglected. In II. nuWltAS. the Tesselwas now headed, the medley " Black Brigade," which promises to be- About a week previous, two or lighter dis- Woodvorth. nnder the name of the CRYSTAL Mr. L. B. KERB Ginger a-- FOB SALE, Ct Oakland. Cat. parture 1 three short the conclusion to be drawn, is tbat cholera SODA WORK!) CO. Is dissolved hymntaal Ale but ours being taken a few minutes past o'clock, come finite popularand the dance, " Aborigines." turbances, ono of them a harJlypercepUble tremi consent the desire being dark. On must bo met by individual far more than by col- The business wilt be conducted by Jlr. E. II. Wood, HOLLISTER & to reach the city before or, startled tlia inhabitants. The usual serene lective worth who will assnme all the Indebtedness of tbe mM Cr tie upward passage were had We titan the A action, and that while the community may late CKY run- - several examinations Sane of llonollit JUflet. i'tf equanimity of the Hiloite has been disturbed by a bo enabled to prevent arm. JNO. A. PALMER. of the stone obtained, but tho only remark that soitagc tpealing to a knot otftieMtfM. " I know that the spread of the disease by care any dubious expectancy of something more. Yet with destroying the conditions which are necessary lo ELIJAH II. WOOUWOimi. JUST EETURNED NOTICE. due to the possible use was one, " TViH anumberof people desire to see Marshal Parke out the easy going sercneness of the Islander, it is not the reproduction Honolulu, Oct 1st 1X31. V, o 7.of maHKfaclmrd f.y Iht of office, but he was Marshal of the Kingdom when of the bacilli, the prevention of r""' Soi f'e generally icu to oe wormy oi more, tnan passing an epidemic must depend to a great extent upon OUR SOD AWATER Koloa Sugar Company, Incorporate. IlmraniH Slont To." I was only a staff officer with Kamehameha and yon MIL J. A. Is authorlant to collect all ac- remark. the state of health of the digestive onramt at thnvi From Great Britain Wu (Caolta) h HOME AOAIK, may bo certain that, be will never be Asked to re- The weather has again moderated nnd some any counts for me after this dale. T ilcliser our Hoods Free of Charza lo all Sart Stock FaM nri.l The steamer by who are at time exposed to infection. It is E. II. woomvoicril. oftaeCllr. Vl arrived at the wharf in Honolulu sign, me." grand cloud effects have been seen on mountains well lo have this made And will soon open T TH XSS VAX. MVEVlSll Oif at ptootea 3 and His clear, but it is apparent rrop. Crystal Soda Works. with a Carcfot attention paid to Island Onki.: Address the of the StILO.l SBti.tR. CO. !2 o'clock, Madame Cora has, at the request Kea and Loa, noticeably towards evening on al- that a great deal bo Honolulu. Oct . 103 31 JtajestyS0? and friends debarked,Ptthe stone being soon the nio'inexiK remains to ascertained before 1st lWt 4 at Honolulu. Scot. rHh. tVLthn fOhVntof HUwaf. of several friends, oonduded to give a dosing per- most any day of Last week. it can bo said tbat medical science Lwn position year after carefully landed and all traces n vr. officers were ejected for one and oniu their sue of the of her magical powers, before leaving Tho new building for the telephone is fast pro- to deal effectively with the cholera, o. Sxrrn L. A. The Crystal Soda Worlts, slrall ejectcd- - thus carefully concealed. But as formance gressing SELECTION of GOODS eenor he for San Francisco and has chosen the evening of towards completion. Ihe manager of the O. SMITH & CO., 1CK Anton; rresWent V ' Wn ' alee an' men. company. Mr. J. A. Bcckwith, hopes to be moved W. p. o. cox IWSOLVLV. II. I. frees .Do ofltimettel gang aglee. tho Ith inst. as the occasion, the Music Hall the Capt. Brewer's Reminiscences. Sl'ITADLG art Adolf llaoeberi. reserved seats will be on sale into his new quarters by the 18th of October. Stock and Real Estate Brokers. ion rasa M Cooke Merwnuy So with place Tickets for at P So-- this secret Sunday excursion, and what Wiseman's as usual. Another improvement tho company has been mak- Captain Brewer, the fonnder of tho firm of Mmhtnt St. Uonolalu. if. I.. tf IST 0TO TELEPHONE IS HO. 298. tSa HWScnmUtt Tnasnrw came of it. ing is the setting up of higher posts in town, less Brewer &. Company, has had printed private UPAdanM...!, Auditor station-keep- for ! 4 The "fire laddies" may thank dangerous to the oqucstxjan from low hanging circulation among intimate friends of the family, a IIUSTACE. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Sir Ordsrs left wllk teason. Smith Co.. So. 113 All of ntora accepted ofiee. C1IA. M. COOKE Hobberies of late are becoming unpleastntly nu- Crabbe, for not being turned out on the early wires. afewot the of (Formerly with B. F. Eolles & Co.) Fort Street, will metre prvmpt attention. 1916 Cccnaary of tho Kofent Sliar t . reminiscences his life. They are llomtatit, merous and ail the more so as no captures aro morning of the 23th ult- -, an alarm of fire on board The Emm Clamlina has finished discharging extremely Interesting as developing the character EMDIUCINU THE Stptfth. Wl. want of the thieves. News is occasionally the schooner KanOtaouli, being brought to him freight and is now taking in sugar from Waiakea of a Wholesale and Retail Grocer, man. and contain muoh informa. 111 King XOTK'K ! of officers going into outer districts and by an excited native. He investigated and found mill, having taken from Papaikon all that Hitch- tion upon matters long since forgotten. The Street under Ifarmouy Hall. NOTICE 1 making a record but if they turned their talents to that there was no good cause to ring an alarm, the cock & Co had on hand. Capt. Matson expects to book is not one to review, written as is for Family, Plantation, and Ships' stores supplied at B JIKKTINfJ OF THE STOCK Jri it short notice. New floods by every steamer. TAOU XTOTICil. UBKHetY CilVKN home service they would fire quickly extinguished. and sail on the 27th. eyes, pub-li-e. Ordr Styles baldmor the .LD7. Fill IT A Cv.. b.H 1.11 be belter appreciated. It being only incipient and dear "friendly" and not those of the general Latest J.T UUtneltherth Asren'a sac rom the other Islands falthfally executed. fte is a stigma on the local white officers, the Eev.A-O- . Forbes filled Mr. Baker's pulpit in To those well acquainted with the family the - ft tralluku.tsrITtk.tue follovlus'ifikerstreKalK'rd: German Balk "CO. BIUOr" wilt eritihe H tar- TELEPHONE So. 119. WI ly President r '' their detective abilities dhow no good Rev. J. S. Cutler lias lately arrived in this city the Foreign Church, Sunday the 2UL Mr. Baker book is doubly interesting, and it will no doubt be And Purchased byHimielf ritEu'Ins.llD for any dent contracted he then-s- nf H fUrt 1 heir-loo- S ratter-- InxhersUrtatala-IKKi, . Kt.WMtH.0 Hsultt. The, should adopt Pinkarton's motto, to the is suffering from a confining indisposition. cherished as an by all house EXE-CITE- ' and brings with htm as an introduction of the of PJUNTXKG ITBATIiY D AEamea- - SOTetarj A Treasurer 9 W(n on TOtoh, "we never sleep." of town and country several copies oi HUo, Sept 23th, 1831, Angoo,' Brewer, at the Gazette OXce. resided im in Person, IM It A. DAICTE3, SeatUrr. WAV, U. WVJlTBc" . 1 , v.wj--x- - ...frT--.-r. - Jr ra

t p I Grrnrrol 3knfisrmnit5 edge. They shall make as many dividends be added to the joint stock for the pay- riotic He was recognized as among the Gtntral totisrrtuMte. gjjuitmiinu (huMtk. of said estate as they may think proper, not ment of joint creditors. most radical of the Republican members, to exceed five, among tho creditors who have Sectios 27. In all other respects tho bis position on tho womans fnfirago ques- WEDNESDAY, OCTOREB I 1SSI. proved their claims, without priority or proceedings as to partners shall bo con- tion being an indication of his political MILLS preference, provided, however, that all ducted in like manner as if they had been leanings. He stood almost alone in the IDIA RICE I3i utljoritn. debts duo tho Hawaiian government shall commenced and prosecuted by or against advocacy of this principle. Ho had a dig- be paid in full before any dividend is de- ono person. If tho petition bo filed by less nified bearing and commanding presence, clared, and provided also that any em- than all the partners of a copartnership. with regular features, florid complexion H ployee or servant of a bankrnpt shall be those partners who do not join shall bo- and a profusion of iron-gra- y hair. entitled to receive in full not more than proceeded against in the same manner as 0 - ono month's salary or wages due him at in the case of the other debtors who aro Mr. Matthew Arnold on America- tho time of tho failure or bankruptcy of to show H required cause npon a creditor's Dr. Robert Laird Collier, writing in Ihe Bos- his employer. petition. ton froW.iTes an accooct of an interrier JParlvato 11. di- "g jj Dispensary, CO Sectios Tho bankrnpt shall be Sectios 28. The provisions of this Act with Mr. Matthew Arnold, in which Mr. Ar- ZrM- - . .W W GxAJtT Sxxxxx, Sur ffeureiscvw Cit. rei A vested of all his titlo and interest PSi SESSION LAWS OF 1884. in his shall apply to corporations, and upon tho nold spoke as follows: Q H property from tho day of Tiis failure (ex- petition of any officer of a corporation I hare been asked by rtpresentali Tea of tho (tpccuauu in tbrUBttffT Bt&tfaE :mi -- UTK-ur-oi4ta cept tho necessary clothing for himself duly authorized by a vote of the Board of Pall Mall GavCt and other London papers to pgnrajgyaMmbam uraxrc perfect mrtao4 wl w"" 0) AX ACT and family and such other necessaries not be all PrtTat, Coronas au4 Jierrow Dtanwi ACfeeUoraaf Vt3 J Directors or Trustees at a meeting special- "interviewed," and have alirajrs declined f--E sK3 3 viMrMm the Bl4, ftfcltm. XUawMtler. tZmpUamn ri To lUoCLATE rSOCEEBDCGS IS BiNKECITCT to exceed the value of three hundred dol- ly called for that purpose, or by the assent the honor, and furthermore have promised Mr. r- rj.wn.oid JtlatT.awrUxws r tat ciljustta. mr m4WA1 Knowloi of the Century, gaaaHi 3ioqJuTlirU3r.Bm tmlpfTBaaaar carad milt Ml IX TIIX lllWAlIAS Islashs. lars, as the Jnstico may designate) and in writing of a majority of tho Directors .ViwcraJ that if I JB a ezatficftted U wjitem tor Uftv lkjf'j-- f have E f frcan . " tVE 0 T5 it Knaeinl bv the Kim? and the liecib- - every assignment, conveyance or transfer or Trnstees as tho case may be, or upon a anything to gay abont America I will send it tn hint, 1 have no present inten- laUTeAssembiy of the Ilawaiian Islands, of his property made by him after ho shall creditor's petition mado and presented in lint Wo7 Em, Stwtad OmJopaMat. laipi.ia.MC, U Huriara. & tion B3 ' H in Legislatnre of the Kingdom as- have become insolvent or committed an tho manner provided by this Act, the like either to write or sax anjthin;. It was pmFl 'af1 fre-- excamer jttifil fatUes. or saj csasfc SpeoIj, ttltfj im M3 yM: tie cry shocking to see that miserable hoix '"' act of bankruptcy, except upon a good proceeding shall bo had and taken as 1 i.itnA-i.o.dmgTi.- m sembled: are printed in the r - consideration to a bona fide Chicago Tribant, purporting lo J aAlilaad exprrlraetscocsntt Vm t fitropeaa niyJcton W,. .am purchaser provided the case of debtors. All tho IItaeptnJMeo-tfnUilnr,.w- Sectios 1. Etctj- person owing debts in give somo crilicums had made through the awJEtf Biay.tmTt3tnr mlWTjsUMl m "z;M & FREiYiQiflIT having no reasonable cause to believo him provisions of this Act which apply to deb- I alimwWnfaaiOTniiTrt to 107, 109 111 STREET to the amount of five hundred dollars who Pall Mall (mixtte. Since its publication I havo :a.oncf.-- m cnt9tni9ittjtxnhT tTsrwmDtwm trmmm .. K mB" ''"IFilHfcrfr to be insolvent or bankrupt, in contem- -- shall refuse or fail to make payment of any or tors, shall apply to each and every officer received MBbattf-TMentuu- ApbTwlui wi ctrcs Ats wbole attention to ft B- - . plation of insolvency or bankruptcy, shall many letters from friends in Chicago, : rtMxi.dhriiw autaUam rrr aluUl. and phjTJdiTPi mrougtioot - Wcz San Francisco. of his just demands for ten days after the of any corporation in relation lo the same who feci justly aggrieved soch reflections H TBtiiciiritTy..tinrrBgt&ti.frtqitiiUy ircoeamend HOcartcwto r j that ,.,, be void, wticna mJ " i':r:r.-- n--ii . MILIj?. I'KACTIC.YI, - and the property so transferred matters concerning ihe corporation. When- i.- .. atag trrrr kMwa i INDIA UK MTnr.i2 VlIAItsOr KXPKIU- same shall matore, or who shall depart the should come from mjr pen. pre- jy-- rtllYt.br maXoitw B- ;:, laafprnr.-ni'-i- i It is simply feL Tb Doctor's Aarvaod Lti - jf . r with tai Lmir.t .r?a En by arr no lb. rrarrrt t Derfwtioo may be recovered and disposed of by the ever any corporation 6hall be declared posterous "B.oit lrlfnc Her rwIVrirtiir-- ( and rVrl -rOacBitof Wortibi-- r ttaad oi.Hi.lIrd Tk- - lell at tae-- e Kingdom with the intent to hinder, delay to suppose that I could repay their ""'- - UllllUm for tho benefit of the creditors. . 11 " 3"TbownocuiJrooMbatuIt 4 - a tn 71 pn of XriaaUil. Er fma. Wl pa nf Padd.v crWina la Jiiy of tb Paddy, wblcb or defraud his creditors, or tvho shall se- assignees bankrupt all its property and assets shall hospitality and the great kindness they showed 11 - and aAcrrdljr roaifldeaiUftl. Cun wbjea har fifled In 06- - f'-'-",:- F - - r erwtt-- r tfeaa thai f an thT Mill Br tki- - latr charr" aofl th I'roprietm Sectios 15. Upon tho filing of a peti- ulnlrtznUet lKWttrmwlMllTotttni. Ttmim Ohmvtnwatm g lprotiiite crete himself, or keep his house to hinder, be distributed among its creditors. me by such criticism. Such an act on my 1 restaur trratwL Tna DwUf wlUacrfttorfttt.iQOfor af tJ tion as provided in Sections 1 and 2, all 29. All V - r not cowd. OJIorwTtttv Hears XJmilJtptmi ?":""' '; . delay, defraud or avoid his creditors, or to Sectios proceedings pending at part wonld have been monstrous and unpar- J ePifrnacn.M tnrmtnftrmamYm-ltnfafwtlf- "' Is ePaMed to Largely Reduce the Rates for the Hulling & Cleaning of Paddy. civil pending in relation to MTB.. r HOD r.,':. hinder or delay the scrrice of legal process suits and all tho time of the approval of this Act shall donable. I met many most charming people in tB fltVrqs executions for the collection of any debts or who shall xr attachments laid upon the bo heard and concluded under tho provi- Chicago, ail have there friends to whom I am TIIi; 7IA-- A niAM1 .! OK MI1)'riMi IMIiIM TtH IKIMM4I bankrupt's property shall deter- . IIEHC'S MLTOHRU CERSU HYttXiUTOH 7 noU IT AT THE IRlNCIMd J1II.I.S. make any fraudulent or secret conveyance cease, sions of tho law then existing. deeply attached. It is trne I did not care for IIW I.KKl M mine and be stayed; Chicago; is too 15. fJ:f provided, .! Tin; roL,imw.ci oi; .ni:i. of his property to any person or persons, however, Sectios 30. Sections 9G2 to 993 both it "new," and as wo would say - tones U nerm. rrrnctrirna uw nnadrt, check tho f .ni : that any bankrupt may be arrested and inclusive and Chapter in England, "too beastly prosperous." I I" ijf m ww, inTtrnratM u whol ajstem matX restores t&s mJ ,r'. f Huperlv-rir- j r Wtrk at th' Frac.co tlt -- LlnMllly - c II. or make any secret removal or other dis- XI of the Laws of M afllrted tolleali!. and napptaen. m 11 imprisoned as a upon wonld not go to see tho the A r- V Till l,ntlrtler I frwen Miip MuHL. w fraudulent debtor 1870, and all laws and parts of laws con- at - !VnpsijwNtwlsMWr.-tw,l- aT", - " rcHlm of property for the purpose of .W iiMfi. .: - of la Kice position his r..w jj- Ihrirltlof 3frfcAUW- kif fti cnatlatsrd clrnnel the sworn petition of any creditor setting trary to the provisions of this Act bo and stockyards. Certainly not. Why should I Ja Sl'T otowvd with rarr hindering, delaying or defrauding his cre- J- ""- rtOXTJTXJt-Z- &t6frrrent- ktr wish to see Still, as IbaTesaid, -'' tmmmmiJ' M'flfcTT 3nf xazr in flat- for Hal)r and AM) Slli Thr Itllrr Iinlf H com ditors, may, upon the petition to any Jus- forth sufficient cause for such arrest and the same aro hereby repealed. aWJaaUlV Ills mifl i;trunr la j.ntf of mtuidi or-- Irland I taii'tl. iarticaUii;.!? ic imprisonment, nowhere did I meet more charming people than VMvnW iu.srw.vw7S.N'i.iwirtsifriw . , . ctubtPttiM.sn. aWVaaaaaaaaaW lrhMfi tice of the Supreme Court by any creditor Sectios 31. This Act shall take effect uWvtV 3 noninn . ju--t ViiPaVaaaaaV l.nlrrt Mrlrli in Chicago. liked Milwaukee and St. Louis ,--. VaaannVaW jKI X Hifwrmllj-MtiT- l n- - off Prt-- r Sectios 1G. Every bankrupt who shall I VVvAv' f TthwmiWwiii Intnl. to the amount of two hundred and fifty and become a law from and after tho date wYs Tam ! ImrutM, A lw4UcrfwM. JaaaT have bolter as cities, but I prefer Philadelphia to vffli"" - CxmuiiM (aW n n.sai CO m aMfM ?w dollars, be declared bankrupt. surrendered, discovered and delivered of its publication. W LIEBieOMrK9ANT.S6wyJt.l.r.ClL over to the assigneo or assignees all his any American city. Chestnut street is liko Sectios 2. Any person owing debts to Approved this 29th day of Augnst, A. D. Bond street- - Philadelphia is so respectable. property, real and personal, may, after tho 101 t IT CONSIGNMENTS OF PADDY SOLICITED. the amount of five hundred dollars which ISSf. ILVLAKAUA, REX. There arc traces, certainly, of Quaker rigidity, not been created expiration of six months from tho date of - have in consequence of Ms but at the same time great refinement. "Wm. defalcation as a public officer, or executor, adjudication as a bankrupt, apply to Jokn Bnll'i Neighbor. everywhere met with kindness M. GREEiNWOOD- the I and administrator, guardian or trustee, or while Court for a discharge from all his and came home feeling that the General Commit. on Mercnant and Proprietor of tie debts. Upon application for such dis Somo year or so ago a sensation was acting any other fiduciary capacity may Americans are indeed a very warm-heart- INDIA RICE MILLS. San Francisco. CaL in charge mado file his petition verified by oath, before the Justice shall order notice to be in tho literary world by the publica- people. My wife and danghter were loth to GROSS GUT TOBACCO any Justice of the Supremo Court and ask given by an advertisement of two weeks, tion of a book entitled "John Bull tttmitt." quit tho country, so appreciative were they of to be adjudged bankrupt, which petition and also to all creditors who have It was a clover work, tho author was a fair universal civility and goodness shown them a proved to 3Tew shall heard and acted upon forthwith. their debts, appear on the day observer, nevertheless he mado some amns-in- g and myself. We enjoyed all wo saw, and the roods by Late Arrivals bo appointed Sectios 3. Any petition to declare a by such advertisement and mistakes. In retaliation apparently affectionate people most of all. Yes, I must person bankrupt shall bo verified by oath, notice, and show cause, if any they have, an author under tho "noin do plumo" of say thoy aro an aUectionato peoplo. I met FROM SAN FRANCISCO, why a discharge more social refinement than had and state the act or acts of bankruptcy re- should not bo granted "a brutal Saxon" has given his opinions I expected. W. & Son, all have written Dukes npon, such petition shall bo accom- to tho bankrupt. on France, based upon many years resi Still, I of society in America NEW & lied Sectiqx holds The Americans YORK ENGLAND, a 17. Xo dischargo shall bo denco and a thorough knowledgo of lan- true. aro a commercial panied by bond, the penalty thereof to people, with the intellectual limitations of be fixed in such a sum as the Justice may granted, or if granted be valid in any of guage, peoplo and country. AVo givo a the following cases: number of extracts. Of French morality such. The conditions make them a commercial think proper, which bond shall be condi people; they could not bo otherwise, 1. If tho bankrupt has willfully sworn ho : situated FOR CIGAK'ETTES Received by Castle & Cooke tioned for the payment of all costs of pro- says as they aro. They havo PIPES AND falsely in his petition, schedulo or inven- long a vast continent, and ceedings and damages accruing to the It ago passed into a proverb, that al! its rccourccs aro to bo developed. Busi- tory or upon any examination had in the French literature ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DDE FROM ABOVE PORTS. AND party petitioned against in case of failure was coarse and immoral; ness absorbs tho time and powers of the men to prove him bankrupt courso of the proceedings in bankruptcy. but ono must livo in Franco and read 2. tho as it docs not in Europe; consequently there is bECTiox 4. Upon receiving such peti- If bankrupt has concealed any French to. thoroughly understand tho America no class gentlemen of his estate or in of as in Eng- ToiskSojlh MIATKS tion and bond as mentioned in Section 3. books or writings ro degrading depths of filth that French wri- land, although everywhere there aro individu- atOWJEOT itmg thereto, or has been guilty of any ters descend to. As soon as over girls BEST IN THE and equal to MARKET or when any person shall bo declared als any gentleman in the world. upon his own petition as fraud or negligence in tho care, custody boys commence to read they fly instinc- And tho ladies aro mors GOODS bankrupt provided or delivery charming. I never in Section 2. tho Justice shall issue an of the samo to his assignee. tively to this class of literature, which met jsucb takingncss. The young ladies are order to tho Marshal of the Kingdom or 3. If at any tinio ho baa mutilated, de- renders them prurient almost before they most engaging. While many of tho gentlemen to stroyed, altered or falsified any of his have cast off their bibs. havo tho tone of feeling and tho speech of Suitable for Plantations.Country Stores his Deputy, or tho Sheriff of an island books, It ispitiabloto as tho case may be. to tako possession of documents, ranors. writing or kiv hear how girls of tender ago will talk of riugnsn gentlemen, me lauics are mncli more HYMAN BROS., the debtor's store and counting house, curities, or has made or been privy to the things that shock sensitive ears, and toseo engaging than English ladies aro better in- Or FAMILIES. Orders Fillet at Sliorle-- t Notice ami with .Salis-lactio- n goods, chattels, property, books and papers making of any false or fraudulent entrv how youths, while yet tho down is on their formed and more capable in conversation. It in any Ixxik of account or other document cheeks is this takingness or engagingness in all Amer- to Purchasers. Attention is Called to Our and hold the same until the election or ap- aro debased and debauched. This pointment of an assignee or assignees. with intent to defraud his creditors or has national immorality is, as it were, a pesti- ican ladies that really quite fascinated mo tho con-ver- Sole young ladies so Agents. however, removed or caused to be removed any part lential blast that sweeps through tho land mo so well posted and Provided, that in all proceedings so pleasingly. any of the .and of his property with tho intent to defraud and blights. where property effecti of his Improved Paris the debtor ought, in the discretion of the creditors. I once heard a distinguished Kussian OEM'ISL I'ARIM MjO .MADE OF PLOW 1. (General Tilt .L1 ItlLIMlLD AT hTLLI.. W1 i.nwaiit. Ld If the bankrupt has made anv fraud bo urjcrtiscmcnts. Lqml H M ! Justice, to be sold and that such salo nobleman say that it would difficult to Mw.lto mjt Mwl Bftkim; Mo Ikr Xulrt AI.,ot4l.r n.k.. ,.r ulent payment, gift, nn Hb4 f Mine Plaw Uo Jfcp Ihiirc A l' . A aac I'lav would be for the benefit of the bankrupt's transfer, convey- find an honest man or virtuous woman in CaB Madrirf bwl I ance, l!r list PltertJr. Ksit, rlcl toHirr4eT. I'lanlrt Ilo. ?n4 5 Tyih creditors that tho said Marsha or his De- or assignment of any part of his all France. I am not quite prepared to I..-I..- . property, or has lost any Brittet. XI. l: Urn M.Hlili. HlMfl H 4, k 1. ll..ljsaMl$iark; Ux Joker' puty or the Sheriff as tho case may be. part therof in indorse that, but I fearlessly assert that G. 1 lUwt ff motm; Bird BiBlr emit- - ! & GO. Axte. riKtablIl For. Kk' All. i llairow upon gaming, or has admitted a false or ficti immorality is a national vice. You sco it MEWER Arterto. Mnui facklnc Htt Ftot ladu RaUlm ! Hiu. 1. 1 snail, incomer oi uio justice sell nii"'Ud r Mru tions claim against tho estate. MrUI. Lkt Ltalbi-- and LaciM', IwUa MaaVr Mesas lacklar. nwadia? ll'l- - the same and hold the proceeds of such staring you in tho face on tho Boulevards - - m. atacrrriaraad Mm lip- do .Machner' oito- lam.eutorHXrftladn: fcraursUo sale, until tho election or appointment of 5. If tho bankrupt, having knowledgo at night; you see it in tho cafes; in tho HAVE DISSTON-- S CELEBRATED an assignee or assignees. that any person has proved such falso or brasseries, whero women aro waiters in SAWS AND TILES. ALL SIZES: fictitious claim, not Sectios 5. After the filing has disclosed the same stead of men; in sculpture galleries, in ! --JaaalaMBBaaaiaaaaaaam Iih'i""-""iDii.iiorii.- of tho pcti JUST ,. RECEIVED ',KbV,r,fe,,',"?3,,"'A"r,,T to his assigneo within- - ?7 SEnl Mali- - all..UalT Cat KpiLta tion and liondas provided in Section 3, the ono month after' picture rralleries. in illustrated naners. in ii"?.?? ?ia!.. Ilorve J: Male M10 . JWBaiTsBBBBnaaaaaaaaaaaaal .! Justice fhall fix a tiino for hearing tho al Bucli Knowledge. shop windows, in tho theatres; it displays VMl AMi:ilICA. legeil bankruptcy, and notice of such hear- C. If a bankrupt, being a merchant or itself m tho talkot the people and tho acta ' Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardware ing and a 'copy of the petition shall be tradesman, has not at all times after tho of tho people. E lditt5awBBJaEjjnaai51aljMTl11' laBl pi 1 I - Rt-- approval of this Act, kept proper lxioks of M.nk BLOil at rij JUfci- HnVbvcL Mbi.ood Zmc h;II in Oil Eervwl upon the party petitioned against And this is tho way ho deals with tho m - and Voconm 1'uo.frt, ctiwV l.nu Vi, account Bark Ceylon w Itiii Otlrifti hECTios 0. i uenever any person shall old French sarcasms about the largo feet 'i'Hartl "J"ftic, Plata trodac ir ttalvaainrf Koa; Iui 7. If tho bankrupt or any person lie declared a bankrupt either upon his on his qf tho English : . - behalf, has at any tiino during tho rin: roLLnwi.Mi iS rJ? ,V JU. EJ X3 3F1.7S- C3- - CZ S3 own petition or that of Lis creditor or cre slago So far as my own limited intelligence J O X ditors he bhall immediately filo with tho of tho proceedings, influenced the action allows me to form an opinion upon this .". wJVoi, TKkinj:- - Al A B and II HIacfcl and t ubltartu tl t'otlflf. I.iufl Dii.-- of any creditor by any pecuniary consid hr pi and Htwarti ftrfllf Linr MteHtn. WoMjulto Lar n Dim and runnel Clerk of the Supreme Conrt a schedulo of question, I would respectfully beg leave MERCHANDISE r '( --artaot of Wfcllr Ftaarl Al-- o all Ins creditors, witu the amounts due eration or obligation. to advance tho proposition that largo feet such creditors respectively which schedule 8. If tho bankrupt has, in contemplation aro not altogether a drawback. Mr. O'ltell, Which of lieconiiug bankrupt, mado will be Sold at JOHN (ball any pledge, NOTT, STAPLE Golden & contain all secured and in common with all his countrymen, when GROCERIES, Gate, Star Supcrfiuu Flour unsecured - accounts and if secured, tho nature of such payment, transfer, assignment or convey- ho expends his Gallic- wit npon our feet, IOW RATES ! - - ance of any part of his Ki'tMini"fi Ha"Ju- Al- I ahftfiita Lim I'uttland an, lljdtaolfc Crsifiit security; he shall also filo an inventory of property, directly quite overlooks tho anatomical view of tho t. 5J At Old 8 all assets including such as may be ex or indirectly, absolutely or conditionally, subject He himself represents a Latin, the Stand. No. Kaahumanu Street, For Kerosene Oil "We Offer THE PAI.ACE, and empt by law. for tho pnrposo of prefcring any creditor and consequently a smallboned, raco of Electric Oil Guarante 1503 Sectios 7. Upon tho adjudication by or person having a claim against him, or people, whilo we, being Saxons, Normans, WATER WHITE; IUTKNT Nole Cans. it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, THE tho Justice, of any person as a bankrupt, who is or may bo under liability for him, Danes, and Norsemen, como from a stock or for tho purposo of LARD, in 5 & 10 lb. PAILS the Justice shall order a notice to be pub preventing tho prop- of largolxmed men and women ; and I TIN, COPPER & vulCAN, a good oil and above test: erty from coming into tho hands of believo SHEET IRON WORKER lished in some newspaper, notifying tho tho that it is admitted by anatomists EXTRA PRIME creditors of such bankrupt to conie in and assignees, or of being distributed in satis that in a general way that peoplo with WOODWARD BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS prove their claims before o upon faction of his debts. largo and bony frames aro more energetic, I 0. tho bankrupt has longer-live- a day to bo named in such notice, If committed any moro determined, stronger and d and fraud ;1 The liea pest (lood 1'iano; e Orsan V Organs shall also causo tho Marshal, his Dejraty in tho contracting of his liabilities. than tho races with small bones. LARD OIL PLUMBING, in all its branches lbuen to. l'aiior l.M IIAItHKI.S AMI CAST." ' or Sheriff as tho case may be, or either o"f Sectios 18. Any creditor who has This wonld seem to account for lure? them, to serve notices by mail upon tho proved his claim, opriosing tho dischargo things: (1) Onr superiority to tlio French creditors of such bankrupt of such meet- of any bankrnpt, shall filo a specification as a fighting people; (2) our superiority Artesian "Well Pipe, all sizes; in writingof Tar ing, and all creditors who havo m proved the grounds of his opposition, as explorers and colonists; (3) oar having and Pitch, JB their claims on tho day named and the Justice shall thereupon proceed worsted Franco in all our encounters with BESffiiELuTt in said to hear publication and notice, may forth and determine such objections and her, whether of a naval, military, or diplo- COAL S 5 proceed specifications. ANO-E- No. NUUANTT STREET, HONOLULU, with to elect ono or more assignees of said matic character. In Casks for Family Use. STOVES AND U bankrupt estate as hereinafter provided; Sectios 19. Before any dischargo is If tho above deductions aro correct, we granted, SCl'O.MHIAMl and in case of failure of tho creuitors to tho bankrupt shall take and sub- may fairly feel proud of onr big feet. Bn(; Uncle &ni, McU.iIiou, IEichmoud, Tip Top, PaUco, Flor.i, Hay. Contest, Grand t'rize, Agents for the 'Superior' Stove elect an assignee or assignees on the day scribe an oath to the effect that lie lias nnl supposo wo turn our attention for a mo- IR-OHX-r New lUTal.Oner. Derby.Wren, DolW, Gypsy, Qneen, Panser.Jb Army lianeni. Magna Charter. Bock, hapenor, Magnet, ObcooLi, named in said notice and publication, donr, suffered or been privy to any act, ment to tho small feet of our French SAFES Almeda Eclipse. Charter Oak, Nimble, In wood Mid Laundry Stores, then ASH0ItTI SIZES I Galranized Iron and Copper JSoilcrs for lUnges, Granite Iron Ware. Nickel Mated and Plain ; the Justice shall appoint an assigneo or matter or thing, specified as a ground for friends. withholding such STOVES AND RANGES assignees, wuo snail lmmeuiateiy give discharge, or as invalid It is pretty certain that somo dajr there CUMBERLAND COAL (4l''MB" notice by publication of such appointment ating the same if granted. will be included in exhibitions of instni Galvanized Iron "Water Pipe, all sizes." and laid on at 1U0, Erery of ur eiecuon. Sectios 20. If it shall appear to the ments of tortnro " that modern instrument CARD MATCHES Sectios 8. Any creditor may object to Justice that the bankrupt hasm all things ot torture, a French boot A Paris chiro- SHEET OH lowest Rates; Cast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, METALWARE HAND the allowance or proof of any claim and complied with tho requirements of this podist of somo note once told mo that Fairbank's Platform Scales, Act, and o OB XADE the hearinghall be had before the Justice, that under the provisions thereof soventy-fiv- per cent of French peoplo had TO OKHER ho is ? and any creditor whoso claim is so object- entitled to a discharge, the Court deformed feet. "Whether this had nny AMSORTKD M7.CS ! fsor shall grant him a dischargo from all T TT EHIVe ed to shall havo no voice in the choice of his foundation in fact or not I havo never House Furnishing Goods, all kinds; 6t W . . assignees, provided, however, that tho'mf debts, provided however that snch dis- been ablo to satisfactorily determine, but ASH OAKS, tOSTKAITED FOI! ditor or creditors making such objection charge bhall not apply to such debts as I am strongly disposed to bcliove it did 16,17,18 ft KDllBKIt HOSE-A- LL SIZES AND file an affidavit that such objection is bona havo been created by fraud or embezzle- not fall far short of truth. For a French Axe Handles, GHADES: WATER PIPE & FITTINGS, .ii... fide, and is not made for.tho purpose of ment, or by defalcation, as a public offi- man is eternally racking his brain to try LttWr?ni . depriving the creditors objected to hav- cer, or whilo acting in any fiduciary ca- and discover the very smallest possible Pick Handles, oli Ai,tllnlLiM It'tndt Juftie of pacity. - 9 "v&:r ing it voice or vole in tho election of assig- amount of space into which his feet will Cotton Waste, nees. Either party or the assignees Sectios 21. Any person interested may compress. Tho result of this is, as every Montague Range, may except to Salt, Plaster, tako an appeal from tho decision of tho any decision of tho Justico in ono has seen, that painfnlly mincing gait Chandeliers, lamps, ALL HZES IS iTOCt.. Justice to a Jury, npon complying with proceedings under this Act and appeal so peculiar to French people. Lanterns therefrom to tho A Choice Selection of CIFXUURS the requirements in regard to appeals con- Supreme Court in banco, He illustrates French vanity by tho fol- 1X0 PHICtS on tFPllCIICH provided buch party givo notico TELEPHONE No 211 Ij tained in Section 21. of his ap- lowing not altogether novel anecdotes. CHAIRS ! Sectios 9. Creditors may prove their peal within fivo days after tho rendition But, as I have said, French vanity is a claims at any time before tho discharge of of such decision and filo a bond within very real thing. It yields to nothing or READY F OH the debtor, but shall participate only in said fivo days in tho penal sum of ono nobody. And could this bo better exem F1MHI1 hundred dollars Barrel Shcoks BES. DILLINGHAM & Go., such dividends as may bo declared after with tho Clerk of tho plified than by citing tho case of tho tho proof of their claims. Debts not duo Court, conditioned for tho payment of all French Duke of Levis, who used to show EXCELSIOR, Ixj costs arising Have Received a Full Line of the Favorite may proved allowing a discount for in- from said appeal in case it an old paiLting, which represented ono of terest, and all persons who arc endorsers Ehall not lie sustained. his ancestors, a Princo of Judah, lxiwing JPHvRton or snrcty 22. to tho Virgin "Convrez-tou- s Carts Dillingham for tho debtor, .or who havo de- Sectios Tho Justico mav nt anr Mary, who says, Breaking Flows mands against him as drawer or endorser' timo upon tho motion of ono or more cred mon cousin V Then tho well kndwn HANDY PHETONS, of any note, or upon any other demands itors who havo proved his or thoir claims, family of Croy possessed a no less sillv t or undertakings whatsoever, may be con require tho assignee or assignees to file picture, which showed Noah entering the Styles of lauMiittn i.s(.-i.-l Carriages, iii:.i sidered as creditors provided that tho bill, his or their accounts, and if he or they ark, and exclaiming, "Sauvez Ics papiers fc bond, note or other contract be made be- hayp funds subject to distribution may re- - do la maison do Croy." But this quite in AN HHHOW PLOWS, fore bankruptcy and that Um ilnlif. i1i- - him or them to distribute them keeping with tho oxpresssion of Madamo RICE PLOWS manded shall become orthwith. The Jnstico do la Meilleraye, a cousin of JBxprcMS . absolute Ieforo tho may remove any Cardinal Wngons PAKLOH SETS, nnal uividend of the bankrupt estate. assigneo at any timo for causo shown, and Richelieu, who, speaking of the Chevalier PIANOS . t 10. do 3 ( 13 lneli. Sectios Upon tho election or ap- iuu assignee so removeu snail immediately Savoie, a man of high birth bnt most Ladies' Phaetons, BEDROOM SETS, pointment of an deliver to his associate dissolute who had . ORGANS) ?S assignee or assignees as assigneo or to tho habits, been rebuked, tho case may lie, the Marshal, or his De- assigneo appointed in his place, all tho said, "Depend upon it, God will think CIDER VINEGAR, ODD CHAINS, puty or the funds, property, books, twico GUITARS,. SisJ oonrcKDintUiusljr lh0 OriKml MOLL 1'1JW WOISKS of Sheriff of tho.island whero the vonchers or secur- before damning a gentleman of his ' J.HkKt property may be situate, shall immediately ities belonging lo tho bankrupt estate in quality." HAND CARTS, DINING TABLES, . Wotlain Um world. Wiatt iCtnU for Uii Manufactory ACCORDEQNS, Approred MjkaoT deliver all property in his possession or his possession without charging or retain- Tho Due do Clermont-Sonnerr- o also said, EASTERN MADE CENTRE TABLES, Col liva tors, Horse Hoes, & Harrows, nnder his control to the assigneo or assig- ing any commission or compensation for in speaking of himself, "God will never OX CARTS VIOLINSj Old Pattern Moline PIowb, nees, and the election or amiointnient of his services. daro to damn a duke and peer." an assignee MATTRESSES, BANJOS, Plantation Tools, all kinds ; or assignees shall immediately Sectios 23. Prcnaralorv to the firml nr-- A peoplo who can be guilty of such silly SUGAR BAGS. vest all property real, personal or mixed ana vanity as this may almost bo pardoned for PILLOWS, Diflcrential Pulley Blocks, cuiini mviuond, tho assigneo or assig- 23X38 t'LUTBS, Buckeye of said bankrupt in such assignee or as nees shall submit his or their accounts to thinking all other nations inferior to Mowers. Hydraulic Jacks, sipnees. tho themselves. RUGS, Podder Cutters, Garden & Canal Justico and filo tho same, and shall C. BREWER & COMPANY HARMOMOAS, Barrows, Sectios 1L Claims shall be proved lie thereupon give notico to all tho creditors fore tho Justice by tho oath of tho credi who havo proved claims, Senator Anthony- - 3IATTINU, lubricating Oils, Turpentine, tors, their that ho will STRINGS, Kerosene Oils and lo entitlo any creditor to havo a apply for a settlement of such accounts The following short sketch of this dis- Vunu. Taint Oil ud nndi,55lodtbaUr Wcon. Flro proof hifo, ,4 Iin vote in the election of assignees, he and t ire LxtiaBHhs. Hoow Goods, Lamps. Chandtliini. must for a dischargo from all liability as tinguished gentleman's career is interes- ! lornimc c. Ac. first prove his claim. All elections for as assigneo or assignees Just Arrived toartaatli airt,m aeep at a timo specified l.'n. Hi aim lo mtrluinc in our um m.il f, al r,ai - - ting: per -- Duke or signees Ehall be by ballot and no creditor m such notice. At tho hearing tho Jnstico LiTwpooI, mi.l.IM.IIAJL.1 ..!,lorl Mrrrl to an amount The "Father of tho Senate" was less than one hundred dol shall audit tho accounts and any born of iX-lNr- lars person &AJL,m I shall lie entitled to vote. A majority interested may appear and contest tho Quaker ancestors in Coventry, It. I., April FOR in number and value of all tho creditors same. The Justice may thereupon at his 1, 1815. Ho graduated at Brown Univer ONE MILE OF who have sity in 1833, and adopted profession -- &CO. proved their claims shall bo discretion Trass tho nnrnnnfs nnl nrilm. tho of C necessary to elect an assignee or assignees, dividend of any portion of the estate re journalism, in which ho was successful. Light Portable Railway iiaii: a i.Aiii.i:t,i(int n and npon a 1838, ho tho Rails, Y. thk failure by tho creditors to elect maining unuistnouted and shall dischargo In assumed editorial charge A.KRAFT, Very au assignee, the Justice presiding shall tho assigneo or assignees. wmo inrtiHMwrfDnrrt-u- , lvuicu uo retain- 10 lb. per jard. nd 201nth jange with OMP' Bot appoint ono or more assignees as ho may Sectios 24. The costs of proceedings ed for many years. In 1819, ho was elect- corrpf , croeln;;. think proper. Tho Justice may order tho nnder this Act. excent in cases wrmrn ifm ed Governor of Bhodo Island. He was re- nplICLAS. Hay, Scc. assignee AND fO JEWELER and Grain, or assignees so elected or petitioner fail to prove tho person peti- elected, but declined a third term. Retir- LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS ,Ji- - MlIICII IS OrKtKLII AT TIIK to rive bond for Uio fnitl.fnl tioned against, a bankrupt, shall bo borno ing from official life, ho devoted himself formanco of his or their duty in such sum by tho bankrupt's estate. with renewed ardor and enlarging influ- I'ori mtra sAaxis. WATCHMAKER, - W.B.- - Lowest ..a mi.- uiuj bUlUClCuL. ence to 'his profession. In 18o8 ho was Thl lUllwtj it mltable for Animal Power. mmt Market Prices uaui 23. mmm Sectios The assignees shall be paid 12" elected a United States Senator from ALSO FOB SALE Afld In "D Dtur"t0 rRE T0 S7Io:! Tl10 assitmee or assignees fivo per cent, upon all monoys iiiiiif Dealer Musical Instruments. r the an received and Bhodo Island as a Union Republican, to " shall havo full power in his or their own paid out by them and shall be allowed all Straight Steel Kails, 11 Ihs. to the yard a lo feturr caDMdio - name or names to succeed Philip Allen, Democrat, and look fi9lvd aaartm AtiKNTS I on suo for and collect debts other reasonable expenses incurred - tiii:. in the his seat on the 4th of March. 1859 He r'orlbewurklnlMHcii John yowler Co.- rill-T- AUIB due the bankrupt, and also bring any suit administration of the nndnilsocd bre refer Pacific? Mnltml T.iCn-- Tp..wM-- r their trust 1SG1, 1870, 187G Jd """",.o lo to HiS RECEIVED, PER LITE lBPnBTITin - " in his or their own name or names which was in and 1882, -- H"?;"'- ?," aprerteimile. whire a line Is ' " "" OF Sectios 2C. Two or more persons who being each timo returned with practically operation. CALlrulI.MA nas lor its object tho recovery of any por- aro partners forfarttierpartlailiri, ar;r AMitfoaft to bin Immtt Heel. tion in business may bo adjudged no opposition. In this almost unprece- sppljto Agchte for the "H00VEE of tho bankrupt's property. The as bankrupt, .W I.. TELEPHONE.' either on tho petition'of such dented length of An- GltEEN.or signeo or assignees may dispose of all partners Senatorial duty Mr. O. W. KlCFlRI.r Jt n PICTURE COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS property belonging to oranyonoof thorn, or on the peti- thony served as a member of the Commit- ltJ' AgenletorJoac Fowler Co FRAMES FI1STE GOODS.! tho bankrupt of tion of one more A! FOB CALIFOHMA. whatever or creditors of tho part- tees on Claims, Naval Affairs, Mines and scn name, nature or kind at either nership, in which vtr TELErnttSE xo public or private sale Such case an order shall issue and Mining and Post Office. His most Tno OaUlornla -- 147. private sales as provided by this i ar JE3 however shall be valid only Act, upon which all tho notable committee work, however, was on E3v!ry-- vsr m n, r, upon confirm joint stock and property of tho PRODUCE & Of rt ation of tho Court havinu jurisdiction of partnership, the Committee on Printing. He became PROVISION CO. Desciription IN GuLO.viLVEB. ic BROWN & PHILLIPS, and also all tho separate estate of each Chairman of that Committee immediately the proceedings. If any assigneo dies or partner shall bo taken, except such parts on entering tho Senate, and retained the Ke.pectfally notify the 7wu uimiuju oi iKjnorming uis un- thereof as mav lm rrpmTit lw imn. Pabllc that Ihey hate GQLD& SILVER WATCHES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, ties, the Justice may appoint somo lnr position uninterruptedly over since. EtatIIat,ci UicnuelTca at other levy and execution, and all tho creditors person 10 mi nis place. Tho as- various periods jut. Aniuony served iir JulaikFudSothb A Larje of GASFITTERS AND COPPERSMITHS assignee or of tho partnership and tho separate credi- ai tern, MLDE At signees as President pro of the 73 TO may at any time examine tho bank- tors of Senate, his Hotel Street, Honolulu, .ORDER. rupt upon oath each partner shall bo allowed to principal term as such being for four years So. II Kins Mrccl, IloooInln.il I. before tho Justice as to prove la ptrt of the prembes Musical Instruments, such matters their claims, and tho assigneo or as- from 1869; he was successively elected to occupied by connected with his hnnV- - signees bo Trts tip 1 nfbritrt MacB ftctnrcTT House shall chosen by tho creditors of the position in 1871, 1872 and 1675. oit and Ship Job Work ruptcy as ho or they may think proper for tho lihe SRESOVICH, GRAY & 105 & 107 -- copartnership; such assigneo orassig- had fully out CO, FORT 1&r TAEiETy.-- a tX rnOJIITLT ATTESCED TO n the interest of tho creditors. They served his fifth term he STREET, C0EIOS IK XIiDLISS shall nees shall Where can havo power to keep separate accounts of the wonld havo had a tenure equal to be found a COMrLETE STOCKof Bath Tubs, Wash-Bowl- s, execute all documents un- that of 3uunnc Mnct. and xon 1I) Waler Closets, joint stock or property of tho copartner- a4 tl cxtntirc der seal or otherwise, necessary or proper Thomas Ifart Benton. Mr. Anthony was e ship and of tho separate estate And all kinds Plumbing Goods to convey-th- property sold by of each again elected President pro tern, of the HOKrOLTJLTj, BT them to partner thereof; tho net proceeds of Produce and Groceries x. Stamped Envelopes UtTa ALWATS tho purchaser. the Senate at tho beginning of the last session OS HAND joint stock shall bo WHICH IE I)EXOSUNATIO-- S SECTIOS 13. Tim rtccirvnnn nw appropriated to pay of Congress, but declined tho place on ac- WILL BE 1.0LD AT Island J-.- OP bcot... tho creditors of the conartnersliin. 1 1,o Orders will S iiSuaJOCtWLcuhlnitliMd at lhe Four-Room- hhall immediately after their election mil count of failing health. Receive mjMSK.Hu a urqUBtl(nm ne to one t&ocstnd j Cottage Wanted, or net proceeds of tho separate estate of Lowest Market Prompt and X. appointment file with tho each air. Anthony made a lew speeches, but Bates for CASH! 'Siirvc ipei. iTomorircai4iBctlieoUierlUa4j caa TK2? MIKUTEeP Clerk of the partner shall . mux tin lltmnUia total I'osloEctf; altodomertlc WITHIX 1VAIK Supremo Court bo appropriated toay his always spoke to the point In committee TZLEPnoXBXt.-XH- , J JlBplrat a list of all tho assets that separate P.O.BQXVlt. BBaKBaBM k nut rtr - ,, creditors, and if there shall ho was leader whose rur -- lll THE 0A2ETTE OFHCE. Lavocomo to their rsessiou "oT k do a iucbrmnnt mm All orders and generally sound as it was quick and pat coomaalciUoss to oe aHiecd Carefuli Attention, f- Z. K. MYERS. Manager. (1022) is U f--'