Work). As It Is, at the Individual, Instead Of
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341 Miss Annie W. Gill, Lady Superintendent of Nurses. Edinburgh ! 4. HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS. Royal Infirmary. John Glaister, Esq., M.D..-Professor of Forensic Medicine and Her Grace the Duchess of Atholl, D.B.E., Member of the High- Public Health in the University of Glasgow. lands and Islands Medical Service Committee; President of the Professor Matthew Hay, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for the Perthshire Federation of District Nursing Associations. .City of Aberdeen. John Birnie, Esq., J.P., ex-Provost of Inverness; Chairman of John Rutherford Hill, Esq., Resident Secretary of the Pharma- Inverness Burgh Insurance and Local War Pensions Committees. ceutical Society in Scotland ; Secretary of the General Council of W’illiam Durran, Esq., J.P., ex-Provost of Thurso; Chairman of of and of Panel Chemists (Scotland). the Insurance Committee for the County’ Caithness the Sir Donald MacAlister, K.C.B., M.D., Principal of the University County Education Authority. of Glasgow ; President of the General Medical Council. Rev. Vt’m. Fotheringham, J.P., N-ice-Chairman of Zetland County John Yule Mackay, Esq., M.D., LL.D.. Principal of the University Insurance and Local War Pensions Committees; Late Vice- College, Dundee. Convener of the County and Chairman of the Mainland District Sir James Mackenzie, M.D., F.R.C.P., Clinical Institute, Committee. ° St. Andrews ; Consulting Physician to the London Hospital. Lady Susan Gilmour, late Member of the Highlands and Islands Sir Robert William Philip, M.D., F.R.C.P., Professor of Tubercu- (Medical Service) Board. losis and Senior Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in the University of Miss Bella Jobson, Secretary of the Scottish Fish Workers’ Edinburgh ; President of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Friendly Society. James Maxwell Ross, Esq., M.B., C.M., M.B.E., Medical Officer of Mrs. Helen Kerr, Member of the Royal Commission on Housing Health and Chief School Medical Officer for the County of Dumfries. (Scotland). Miss Laura Stewart-Sandeman. M.D., late Controller of Medical The Maclachlan of bIaclachlau, Convener of the County of Services to Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps, Overseas. Argyll. Sir Harold J. Stiles, K.B.E., Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery Miss Sybil M. Macphail, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies’ in the University of Edinburgh. Highland Association. F. Tocher, Esq., D.Sc., Public Analystforthe County of Aberdeen, Dr. A. C. Miller, J.P., Chairman of the Highlands and Islands &c. ; Honorary Secretary of the Association of Public Analysts of Subcommittee of the British Medical Association (Scottish Scotland. Committee). Norman Walker, Esq., M.D., General Medical Council. Wm. J. Munro, Esq., J.P., Clerk to Easter Ross District George Williamson, Esq., M.D., Chairman of Aberdeen Local Committee. Medical Committee. Dr. Donald Murray, M.P.. Late Medical Officer of Health for John A. Young, Esq., L.D.S., J.P., Vice-President of the Odonto- Lewis. Chirurgical Society of Scotland; Convener of the Public Health Dr. James B. Simpson, J.P., D.L., Vice-President of the Suther- Committee, Edinburgh Town Council. land Nursing Association and Secretary to the County Local Medical Committee. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (Approved Societies’ Miss Margaret M. White, Superintendent of Queen Victoria’s Work). Jubilee Institute for Nurses (Scottish Branch). Thomas J. Addly, Esq., Secretary of the Scottish Professional Each Consultative Council will, in terms of the Order Assistants’ Society and of the St. Andrews and Edinburgh Diocesan in Council, its own chairman. Mr. A. Insurance Society; President of the Edinburgh, Leith, and District appoint George Friendly Societies’ Council. Birse, Scottish Board of Health, 125, George-street, Neil Beaton, Esq., National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assist- Edinburgh, will act as secretary to the Councils. ants, Warehousemen, and Clerks ; ex-President of the Scottish Trade Union Congress. Hugh Berrie. Esq., Secretary of the British Order of Ancient Free Gardeners. David Bertram, Esq., J.P., High Chief Ranger, Ancient Order of MEDICAL CARE IN INDUSTRY. Foresters’ Friendly Society. Miss May Dunbar, Secretary of the Scottish Women’s Friendly Society. THE appeal of modern preventive medicine, directed, James of the Miners’ Federation Gold. Esq., Secretary Scottish as it at the instead of confined as Friendly Society. is, individual, being John C. Hendry, Esq., J.P.. Secretary of the Brechin Mill and heretofore chiefly to the sanitary conditions of life, may Factory Operatives’ Union : President of the Scottish Textile be said to be concerned with three stages; (1) Obtain- Workers’ Federation. a of births and Thomas McMeekin, Esq., Glasgow District Secretary of the ing healthy population by supervision Independent Order of Rechabites; President of the Scottish infant life, what is known as maternal and infant Conference of Friendly and Approved Societies. welfare ; (2) supervising the growing child, carried out Miss Annie McRobbie, Secretary of the North of Scotland Women’s school medical and in Insurance Society. through service ; (3) maintaining W. S. Rimmer, Esq., J.P., Inspector (Glasgow District) Prudential health the adult worker. Assurance Company, Limited. This country is probably abreast, if not ahead, of - W. M. Shaw, Esq., Manager of the Scottish Legal Health Assurance other civilised countries with to the first two Approved Society. regard Miss Eleanor Stewart, Workers’ Union. stages. but we are behind America with regard to the William Thomson, Esq., Secretary of the Scottish Coöperative last. Something we are doing through the activities Friendly Society. known as "industrial welfare," ivhich received, Peter Webster, Esq., Secretary of the Scottish Horse and Motor- through men’s Association. the influence of the Ministry of Munitions, a great William Wood, Esq.. Secretary of the Scottish Rural Workers’ impetus during the war in the engineering trades ; and Friendly Society. we have to-day a powerful Welfare Supervisors’ Associa- 3. LOCAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION AND GENERAL tion over 1000 strong, an Industrial Welfare Society HEALTH QUESTIONS. (representative of an important group of employers), The Most Honourable the Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair. the powers of the Home Office in relation to welfare President of the International Council of Women, accommodation, and the work carried on by the Robert Allan, Esq., Secretary of the Scottish Trade Union training section of the Ministry of Labour. But the Congress. , Sir Henry Ballantyne, D.L., Chairman of the Royal Commission work, as readers of semi-popular journals and the daily on Housing (Scotland). press can testify, is steadily drifting into lay hands ; the Joseph F. Duncan, Esq., Secretary of the Scottish Farm Servants’ medical profession is only called in here and there to Union. of this J. 13. Fergusson, Esq., Ayr County Council. help ; it is not as it ought to be the fons et origo Andrew Grierson, Esq., Town Clerk of Edinburgh. important branch of preventive medicine. Presently - Joseph Johnstone, Esq., M.P., Renfrew County Council; President the profession will discover that vested interests have of the Scottish Association of Insurance Committees. in of its true William Jones, Esq., Clerk to Glasgow Insurance Committee. been created which stand the way H. S. Keith, Esq., ex-Provost of Hamilton. recognition and influence. W-. W. Kelson, Esq., Chief Sanitary Inspector, Paisley. Mrs. Mary Burns Laird, Scottish Labour Housing Association. Industrial Medicine in the United States. Lady Leslie Mackenzie, Vice-Chairman of Edinburgh Insurance Advance in the United States is proceeding on Committee; President of the Scottish National Association of the Health Visitors and W’omeu Sanitary Inspectors. different lines, and these are clearly indicated by W. M. Marshall, Esq., Clerk to Lanarkshire Insurance Committee ; Public Health Bulletin. written by C. D. Selby, on Secretary of the Scottish Association of Insurance Committees. the Medical and Care of Industrial W orkers.1 Sir Thomas Munro, E.B.E., County Clerk of Lanarkshire. Surgical Thomas G. Nasmyth, Esq.. M.D., D.Sc., ex-President of the Industrial medicine is therein recognised as a new and Scottish Society of Medical Officers of Health; formerly Medical interesting science, a branch of the science of industrial Superintendent of Perth Infirmary. on the one hand, as it is of Malcolm WT. Scott, Secretary of the Society of Inspectors of Poor management preventive and Poor Law Officers of Scotland. medicine on the other a compromise between the James Stewart, Esq., Glasgow Town Council (Convener of Health ideals of medicine and the necessities of business." Mr. Committee). I defines industrial medicine as "the and Joseph Sullivan, Esq., M.B.E., Lanark County Council ; Secretary I Selby theory of the Scottish Labour Housing Association. practice of medicine applied to the purpose of preventing James Thomson. Esq., City Engineer, Dundee ; Vice-President of the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers. 1 Studies of the Medical and Surgical Care of Industrial Workers. W. E. Whyte. Esq.. O.B.E.. District Clerk. Middle 11-ard of By C. D. Selby. Public Health Bulletin, No. 99. 1919. United Lanarkshire. States Public Health Service, Washington. 342 and alleviating sickness and injury among industrial The need in larger establishments is, of course, still workers in order that they may enjoy the benefits ofgreater ; and where from 500 to 1000 persons are continuous productive employment and he points outemployed the part-time