Scarcely Familiar to American Physicians. Several Appear As
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FLESH-FLY LARVAE AS HUMAN PARASITES School of Tuberculosis.—To enable physicians who are not otherwise able to attend the Colorado Springs School of Human myiasis, a term used to denote infestation Tuberculosis, members of the last class collected $100 to be with the larvae or "grub" stage of dipterous insects, is used for that purpose. Sanatorium Association Will Hold Meeting.—The Denver scarcely familiar to American physicians. Several Sanatorium Association will hold its first monthly meeting, species of flies are known to deposit their eggs in November 23, at the National Jewish Hospital for Consump¬ wounds or mucous membranes. The larva known as tives under the presidency of Dr. George W. Holman. Mem¬ bers of the research department will present special papers the in a bur¬ "screw-worm" issues few days and may on the treatment of tuberculosis. row into the tissues. Analogous to the screw-worm fly, Campsomyia macellarla of the warmer parts of Amer¬ GEORGIA Personal.—Dr. H. has been appointed ica, are the so-called flesh-flies, the larvae of which may John Steed, Dalton, pension examining surgeon to succeed Dr. John F. Harris, appear as parasites of man. They have long been deceased. 1 known, particularly in Russia. Recently Walker has Mental Hygiene Clinic to Be Continued.—A year of activity identified the presence of the larvae of the of the mental hygiene clinic operated by the Atlanta Anti- sarcophagid Tuberculosis Association at its headquarters, 23 E. Cain fly, Wohlfahrtia vigil, under the skin of young patients Street, Atlanta, having demonstrated the value of the experi¬ suffering from "sores" representing inflamed areas ment, it has been decided to continue the work indefinitely the of or cm. in on arms and following a request of Mental Hygiene Association 1 2 diameter the neck, chest, will and involved Georgia. The clinic be open Tuesday Thursday, palms. The mother of one of the children from 3 to 4 p. m. had described seeing "worms come from the pimples." ILLINOIS The swellings usually contained from one to three Fined for Violation of Practice Act.—It is reported that larvae of the These instances are unusual in Willie Greer, East St. Louis, was arrested by representatives flesh-fly. Education for viola¬ the of the Department of Registration and that the penetration of the healthy skin by young tion of the medical practice act. The case was heard before larvae has rarely been reported. Hence we may repeat Judge E. E. Clark. Greer pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs. the prosaic slogan : "Swat the fly !" License Revoked.—At a meeting of the Department of Registration and Education of Illinois, October 25, the license of Earl C. Rice, Peoría, was revoked for unprofessional con¬ MEDICINE AND THE STATE duct in regard to advertising. Rice was not a regular physician but had been licensed in Illinois among "other Our next President will not lack for intimate coun¬ practitioners." sel on medical topics in his administration of the Chicago country. His father, Dr. George T. Harding, has been State Starts Building of Hospital.—Construction work has been on the of Illinois Medical School and for many a in Marion, Ohio, and a begun University years physician Hospital, which is to occupy a site of 10 acres which has brother, Dr. George T. Harding, Jr., is a practicing been the National League Baseball Park, and is in the physician of Columbus. Perhaps we may hope for a vicinity of Cook County Hospital. scientific administration—if there is anything in hered¬ Society of Industrial Medicine.—At a meeting held recently in Hotel Sherman for the of the prac¬ one. purpose standardizing ity, we may reasonably expect tice of medicine and surgery, the Chicago Society of Indus¬ trial Medicine and Surgery was organized. Dr. Clarence W. Hopkins, Evanston, was elected president. Medical News INDIANA New Special Society Organized.—At a meeting, held October 29, the Indianapolis Ophthalmological and Oto- will confer a favor by sending for (Physicians was and the this department items of news of more or less gen- Laryngological Society organized following were E. vice eral interest: such as relate to society activities, officers elected: president, Dr. Jacob Wright; new hospitals, education, public health, etc.) president, Dr. Thomas C. Hood, and secretary-treasurer, Dr. Frederick V. Overman. Tuberculosis Association Holds Meeting.—At the annual CALIFORNIA meeting of the Marion County Tuberculosis Association, held at Sanatorium, Indianapolis, October 27, Dr. Fever fever Sunnyside Typhoid a Quarantinable Disease.\p=m-\Typhoid Alfred Henry was reelected president; Mr. Sol Schloss was has been added to the list of communicable diseases for which elected vice president; Mrs. M. R. Ault, secretary, and Mrs. quarantine will be imposed in the state hereafter. While the A. S. Rasmussen, treasurer. as as case of some other quarantine will not be rigid in the of Board the and will be Revocation Licenses.—It is reported that the State communicable diseases, patient family kept of Medical and Examination has revoked the under strict surveillance and a test will be Registration bacteriologic Antonia Lenz, a midwife before the patient is released. A modified quarantine license of Mrs. Whiting, charged required with an Lunde, Gary, is for persons known to be typhoid carriers. performing illegal operation.-Conrad provided is not properly licensed to practice medicine in Indiana, License Revocations Affirmed.\p=m-\Thesuperior court of San to a decision of the as he obtained a license action of according board, Francisco is reported to have affirmed the the by manipulation, and the license was therefore revoked. California State Board of Medical Examiners in revoking the licenses of Drs. R. May Minaker and James E. Thomp- IOWA San on the of abortion. Dr. son, Francisco, charge procuring Personal.—Dr. Edwin E. of the Iowa State Univer¬ Minaker's license was revoked in October, 1919; that of Dr. Hobby in 1920. It is also that Dr. sity has been named director of physiotherapy at St. Francis' Thompson February, reported San Francisco.-Dr. Wilton Des Thompson was sentenced to the Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Hospital, McCarthy, was beaten into unconsciousness by burglars prison on the charge of circulating literature regarding abor¬ Moines, recently tion through the United States mails. who ransacked his home and later set fire to it. Dr. McCarthy regained consciousness barely in time to reach safety by- COLORADO jumping from an upper story window. Personal.—Dr. David A. Strickler, Denver, secretary of the KENTUCKY State Board of Medical Examiners, was recently operated Physician's License Revoked.—A report from the State on for cholecystitis. Board of Health of Kentucky states that the license of Dr. Thomas S. was S, for fraud 1. Walker, E. M.: Wohlfahrtia Vigil (Walker) as a Human Parasite Green, Irvington, revoked, June (Diptera\p=m-\Sarcophagidae), J. Parasitol. 7: 1 (Sept.) 1920. in his application. Downloaded From: by a Carleton University User on 05/12/2015 Hazelwood Sanatorium Made State Institution.—- In accor¬ Reserve Medical Corps Unit.—Formal application for the dance with an act of the last legislature it is announced that installation of a unit of the R. O. T. C, in line with the Hazelwood Sanatorium in Louisville has been taken over by proposal of the War Department, has been made by Dr. the state. Dr. Samuel W. Bates, Louisville, has been Nathaniel Allison, dean of Washington University Medical appointed superintendent, succeeding Dr. Arthur M. Barnett, School. Sixty students have already been enrolled in the who has been in charge under the Louisville Anti-Tuberculosis Medical Corps Unit. Association. Robert Koch Club Planned.—At the meeting of the advisory LOUISIANA medical staff of the Tuberculosis Society of St. Louis, held, October 23, it was decided to organize a Robert Koch Club Hotel Dieu Appoints Staff.—By the appointment of a staff as an auxiliary to the tuberculosis society. Monthly meet¬ of thirty-five visiting physicians and surgeons, Hotel Dieu, ings will be held for the discussion of subjects pertaining to the oldest private hospital in New Orleans, has made an the control of tuberculosis. important change in policy. Dr. Marion Souchon was elected president of the staff, and Dr. Henry W. E. Walthers, MONTANA secretary. State Health Week Announced.—By official proclamation, State Tuberculosis Sanatorium to Be Organized.—Accord¬ dated October 27, Governor S. V. Stewart has designated the ing to plans formulated at a conference of the parish chair¬ week beginning December 5 as health week throughout the men of the state antituberculosis league, 'held in New Orleans, state. All industrial, social welfare, church and school October 27, a state tuberculosis hospital will be erected near organizations are urged to cooperate in the observance of the Alexandria, on a site already owned by the tuberculosis com¬ health program "to the end that a more intimate knowledge mission. A percentage of the proceeds of the Christmas seal of the rules of health and hygiene may be generally dis¬ sale will be devoted to the erection of a suitable building. seminated and that a high standard of physique of our people may be maintained and perpetuated." MARYLAND NEW JERSEY Sentenced for Prohibition Law.—Dr. Physician Violating New Board of Health at Montclair.—The Montclair Board Samuel Alexander Rosse, Crisfield, according to reports, was sentenced to jail for four months when he pleaded guilty in of Health has been completely reorganized following the the United States district court at Baltimore to five charges appointment of a new board consisting of Dr. James Spencer of illegally prescribing whisky. Brown, president, and Herbert B. Larner, S.B., health officer. The laboratory will be in charge of Miss Helen G.