About This Report KT is Korea's comprehensive communications operator which is leading the fourth industrial revolution by releasing the world's first 5G service and innovative intelligent network. By publishing our 13th integrated report, which unveils the achievements of our CSR activities done at the economic, social, and environmental levels, we desire to share the direction of KT's sustainability management with the stakeholders. Reporting Period The period of this report covers from January 1 to December 31, 2017, and key material issues include progress made in the first half of 2018. To demonstrate trends in time series analysis, quantitive data of the Report include performance of the previous 3 financial years. Reporting Period This report covers sustainability management performances of total 516 sites including the headquarters and branches. Reporting and Assurance Standards This report was written in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's Standards guideline as the comprehensive option. The report also applied to the International <IR> Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) and the financial performance was in line with K-IFRS. To determine the material issues, a materiality assessment was conducted and the material issues selected were described and explained in 4 sections in detail. To ensure the reliability and quality of the information presented in this report, the contents were subject to assurance by an independent third-party whose assurance statement was attached in this report. Please contact us for additional information or send inquiries about this report. KT Sustainability Management Unit, 178, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel 82-31-727-0114 E-mail
[email protected] Homepage www.kt.com Contents Overview 02 Message from the Chairman, Board of Directors 03 Message from the CEO 04 5G.