To MANN, Saturday 23 April 1740 NS Endorsement by Mann: from Mr Walpole
6 To MANN 23 APRIL 1740 NS To MANN, Saturday 23 April 1740 NS Endorsement by Mann: From Mr Walpole. Answered April 26, 1740. Rome, April 23, [1740 NS]. MR the duellist1 has brought me your letter of the 16th, and as I have some particular things to say to you, I shall make use of the direction you sent me.2 But I must first tell you something, which you may probably know by this time. Mr Oswald3 tells me in a letter of the thirteenth of March;4 'I carried the fans5 to Mr Stone,6 his Grace of Newcastle's7 secretary,8 who promised to send them by the first con veyance, and that he thought it would be in a week's time, with a par ticular messenger? to Mr Mann directly, which messenger was to carry 1. Probably 'Martin an English painter' Magnce Britannia Notitia, 1735, 'General at Florence, who challenged an elderly List,' p. 71). nobleman to a duel 26 Feb. 1740 NS (GRAY 4. Missing. i. 202-3). This Martin was probably not 5. To be sent to HW (see post 14 May the same person as 'Monsieur Martin, the 1740 NS). Grand Duke's cofferer,' mentioned by 6. Andrew Stone (1703-73), under Mann in his dispatch of 30 June 1738 NS secretary of state for the southern depart (S.P. 98/40 f. 300). ment 1734-48, northern department 1748- 2. Mann informed the D. of Newcastle 51; M. P. Hastings 1741-61; commissioner 10 April 1740 NS that he had "engaged of Trade and Plantations 1749-61; tutor two good English gentlemen [HW and (1751-6) and secretary (1756-61) to the Gray], known friends, to let their own Prince of Wales, subsequently George III; trusty servants be ready to go and wait treasurer to Queen Charlotte 1761-73 disguised at some of the first posts, when (Robert Beatson, Political Index, 1806, i.
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