What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play

New Program Planning: Summer Summer 2012

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

What we are doing

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming Summer Charrettes

The goals of the summer new program development are to:

• Use new program development to drive growth and produce revenue in the University

• Create new educational offerings to improve academic and educational experience for students

new program opportunities that leverage and build cross-college capabilities to create University-wide teaching and learning experiences

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

How it is organized

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Participants: (17) Academic Opportunities & Oversight Committee (2) School Academic Deans: Sue Lehrman, Mike Leonard (5) College Academic/Associate Deans: Craig Griffen, Barbara Kimmelman, Jack Klett, Philip Russel, Tom Schrand (1) Learning & Advising/Assessment: Pat Thatcher (3) Enrollment Management & Admissions: Christine Greb, Greg Potts, John Witherington (1) Marketing and Public Relations: Pat Baldridge (3) Provost’s Office: Randy Swearer, Lloyd Russow, Gwynne Keathley Faculty involved in new eco-systems/programs (4) /: Clara Henry/Anne Hand, Nancy Howard, Natalie Nixon, Marcia Weiss (8) Media/Communication/Narratives: Matt Baker, Frank Baseman, Jack Carnell, Sherman Finch, Katie Gindlesparger, Valerie Hanson, Mary Beth Kurilko, Suzanne Singletary (2) Science Technology & Society: Barbara Kimmelman, Valerie Hanson (1) MS Package Design: Maribeth Kradel-Weitzel (2) Global Studies minor: Meriel Tulante, Raju Parakkal (1) On-line programs: DR Widder Students on campus (for presentations)

AOOC Membership: 17 (Voting: 7 faculty, 6 administrators; Advisory: 3 faculty, 1 administrator) (1) Chair elected at large: Rob Fleming (3) Faculty, elected at large: Amy Baker, Susan Frosten, Meriel Tulante (3) College Education Committee chairs: Donald Dunham, Nancy Howard, Katharine Jones (1) Provost (ex officio): Randy Swearer (3) Executive Deans of Colleges (ex officio): Matt Baker, Ron Kander, Barbara Klinkhammer (1) Academic Associate Dean of College Studies (ex officio): Tom Schrand (1) Continuing & Professional Studies (ex officio): Frank Congdon (3) Nexus Learning advocates (advisory): Susan Frosten, Katharine Jones, Vidya Nandikohla (1) Director of Nexus Learning (advisory): Marion Roydhouse

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Participants: (17) Academic Opportunities & Oversight Committee (2) School Academic Deans: Sue Lehrman, Mike Leonard (5) College Academic/Associate Deans: Craig Griffen, Barbara Kimmelman, Jack Klett, Philip Russel, Tom Schrand (1) Learning & Advising/Assessment: Pat Thatcher (3) Enrollment Management & Admissions: Christine Greb, Greg Potts, John Witherington (1) Marketing and Public Relations: Pat Baldridge (3) Provost’s Office: Randy Swearer, Lloyd Russow, Gwynne Keathley Faculty involved in new eco-systems/programs (4) Fashion/Textiles: Clara Henry/Anne Hand, Nancy Howard, Natalie Nixon, Marcia Weiss (8) Media/Communication/Narratives: Matt Baker, Frank Baseman, Jack Carnell, Sherman Finch, Katie Gindlesparger, Valerie Hanson, Mary Beth Kurilko, Suzanne Singletary (2) Science Technology & Society: Barbara Kimmelman, Valerie Hanson (1) MS Package Design: Maribeth Kradel-Weitzel (2) Global Studies minor: Meriel Tulante, Raju Parakkal (1) On-line programs: DR Widder Students on campus (for presentations)

AOOC Membership: 17 (Voting: 7 faculty, 6 administrators; Advisory: 3 faculty, 1 administrator) (1) Chair elected at large: Rob Fleming (3) Faculty, elected at large: Amy Baker, Susan Frosten, Meriel Tulante (3) College Education Committee chairs: Donald Dunham, Nancy Howard, Katharine Jones (1) Provost (ex officio): Randy Swearer (3) Executive Deans of Colleges (ex officio): Matt Baker, Ron Kander, Barbara Klinkhammer (1) Academic Associate Dean of College Studies (ex officio): Tom Schrand (1) Continuing & Professional Studies (ex officio): Frank Congdon (3) Nexus Learning advocates (advisory): Susan Frosten, Katharine Jones, Vidya Nandikohla (1) Director of Nexus Learning (advisory): Marion Roydhouse

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming Summer Timeline & Planning Stages

1) Wednesday, May 30 | day-long FOCUS: ecosystem brainstorming

2) Tuesday, June 12 | morning presentation + feedback lunch: FOCUS: eco-system concepts & new programs for development

3) Wednesday, July 18 | day-long charrette FOCUS: integrative working session to advance proposals

4) Wednesday, August 1: morning presentation FOCUS: program proposals & transition plan to AOOC

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Ecosystem of opportunities: Principles and concepts

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized EcosystemsEcosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming Ecosystem: Principles

Principle 1: Frame the subject and its ‘ecosystem,’ then the disciplines or areas of expertise that describe it

Principle 2: Map the connections between disciplinary majors and area expertise in each subject-ecosystem

Principle 3: Support student choice and opportunities within the subject-ecosystem

Principle 4: Build core curricula for the subject-ecosystems whenever possible

Principle 5: Repackage core curricula for other key audiences

Principle 6: Anchor new degree programs, certificates and concentrations


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized EcosystemsEcosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming Current organization by college & program


BS Law + Society BS Health Science BS Accelerated BS ID BS Business B Arch BS Sustainability BS Pre Med AS Business BS FD BS Fashion MM BS Arch Studies BS Prof Comm

AS Health BS TD BS Interior Des BS Biology AS OT BS Interact Des BS Landscape BS Envir Cons Bio BS Construct Man BS Graphic Des BS Construct Man BS Biochemistry UNDERGRADUATE BS Animation BS Chemistry BS Engineering BS BioPsychology BS TMT BS Psychology BS/MS HS + PA BS Occupational T BS/MS HS + OT

MS Psych-OT MS Phys Assist MS ID MS Tax MS Construct Man

MS OT MS TD MS- FAS MS Interior Arch


MS Midwifery PHD TE+S MS SD

Cert Midwifery

Cert DMM Biz Bridge Cert SD CERT + BRIDGE May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming EXAMPLES of possible ecosystems by theme with current programs

Principle 1: Frame the subject and its ‘ecosystem’

BS Landscape BS- Sustainability BS Envir Cons Bio MS SD




EXAMPLE TOBS Interact DesSHOW Arch Stud: Photo Writing BS Graphic Des NARRATIVE + COMMUNICATIONS BS Prof Comm BS Animation BS Marketing

THE CONCEPTBS Health Sci BS Engineering MBA BS Psychology BS


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems CorePlug + &Modules Play Brainstorming EXAMPLE BS Fashion + Programs- map the connections

Principle 2: Map the connections to find the core This is a mapping of commonalities between programs and expertise within the ecosystem.

Materials BS FIM Development

Consumer/User BS TMT

Production + BS TD Quality

Design + Style BS FD


Costing BS FM


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems CorePlug + Modules& Play Brainstorming EXAMPLE Define the core and repackage it for bridge/certificates

Principle 4: Build core curricula Principle 5: Repackage core curricula


Fashion Business CERTIFICATE Fashion + Textile CERTIFICATE

FashionTHIS Business Bridge for BSIS degrees JUSTFashion + Textile ANBridge for BS degrees

Survey of Survey of Intro to Retail Survey of Survey of Intro to Intro to Textile Materials + Global + Intro to FIM + Materials + Global Fashion + Materials EXAMPLETextiles Products Merchandise Supply Chain TOTextiles SHOWProducts THEfashion CONCEPT core for BS degrees Intro to Intro to Fashion + Fashion Survey of Materials + Textiles Survey of Global Products Industry Textiles Business (3 credit) (3 credit) (1.5 credit) (1.5 credit)


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems CorePlug + Modules& Play Brainstorming EXAMPLE Model for BS Programs -

Principle 6: new degree program platform (2 distinct pathways) Capstone 6 Credits

Electives 15 credits Capstone

Discipline Discipline Expertise THIS IS JUST AN24- 30 credits Expertise Discipline (example environ + Expertise conserve bio) Discipline Foundation (example- Landscape ) 12-18 credits EXAMPLE Discipline TO SHOW Foundation Ecosystem Core (example Math + Discipline 9 Credits Electives Science Core- Environmental + Foundation College Studies THEConservation Bio)CONCEPT (example design) College Studies 48 Credits Ecosystem Core (Sustainability) BS Degrees 120 Credits

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems CorePlug + Modules& Play Brainstorming EXAMPLE Model for New BS DEC Programs -

Principle 6: new degree program platform Capstone 6 Credits Electives 12 credits Capstone Expertise 15-24 credits Discipline THISExpertise ISDiscipline JUST ANFoundation (example marketing) Expertise 9-18 credits


Ecosystem Core

design) 9 Credits EXAMPLEDiscipline TO SHOW Foundation DEC CORE Discipline Electives (example business DEC CORE DEC 12 Credits core) Foundation College Studies (example design) College Studies THE CONCEPT48 Credits Ecosystem Core (fashion/textiles) BS Degrees 120 Credits

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play BrainstormingPathways EXAMPLE Pathways through the MS Sustainability Programs-

Principle 6: new degree program platform SAMPLE MS DEGREE pathways

THISCapstone ISCapstone JUST Capstone ANCapstone I want to be a Sustainable Sustainable Sustainable sustainabl Historic I want to Design Real Estate Construction e architect Preservation study EXAMPLE(Built Environ) Development TO SHOWManagement Sustainability Electives

THE SustainabilityCONCEPT Ecosystem Core (can serve as certificate and/or bridge)

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play BrainstormingPathways EXAMPLE Repackaging Curricula- Certificates and Bridges-

Principle 3: Support student choice Principle 6: bridges to new degree programs

I am interested in a certificate in Certificate Sustainable Design

SD (3 credits) CORE CORE CORE (3 credits) (3 credits) (3 credits)

Core from CM MS Sustainability Programs (3 credits)

Certificate and BRIDGE Sustainable Real Estate I have an MBA and I need to understand sustainability and may want to study real estate development but I am not sure yet.

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized EcosystemsEcosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming EXAMPLE Pathways to Student Choice-

Principle 3: Support student choice NEW

I want to be a fashion

FD BS fashion FIM design

I want to study F+T FM fashion BS Core fashion business TMT studies

TD BS textile design I want to finish (transfer) my degree in textile design Fashion + Textile Design Bridge

I am a marketing professional, I need to Fashion Business fashion understand business CERTIFICATE certificate fashion + retail

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming Summary

Focus on capabilities- frame programs within ecosystems

Build core curriculum and modules- new programs, concentrations, bridges, certificates

Support Student Choice Flexible Pathways


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming PLUG & PLAY

New Degree Concept: Plug & Play

Principle 4: Build core curricula for the subject-ecosystems

Principle 6: Anchor for credential clusters: concentrations, modules, and/or certificates

Principle 3: Guide student choice and opportunities within the subject-ecosystem


May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Concept of a lean core with credential clusters User experience Creative multi-media narratives

IDP ethnography Telling and selling the story

Interactive design 1 Creative Writing

Game design (shared) (shared)

Human behavior and design Interactive narrative

Lean core

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Lean core Credential clusters • Distilled, essential, spartan, • Apply methods from lean core to disciplined: perhaps 90 credits more specific areas of study: 3 to 5 including College Studies. courses/experiences • About methods of inquiry. • Clearly differentiated in market. • Plug and play: designed to integrate with credential clusters May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Lean core: course distribution and capstone User experience Creative multi-media narratives

IDP ethnography Telling and selling the story

Interactive design 1 Creative Writing

Game design (shared) Game design (shared)

Human behavior and design Interactive narrative

User experience


Creative multi-media narratives

Capstone Sequencing of CCs • Encourages synthesis of lean core • Could occur in same year disciplinary methods and credential • Could be distributed over multiple years cluster themes. • Credentials awarded as clusters are completed and appear on student transcripts.

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

Lean core: more than courses User experience Creative multi-media narratives

IDP ethnography Telling and selling the story

Interactive design 1 Creative Writing

Game design (shared) Game design (shared)

Human behavior and design Interactive narrative

Learning community Internship

Creative multi-media narratives


User experience

More than courses Credits: sketch • Lean cores could incorporate lecture 48 credits: College Studies series, workshops, internships, 42 credits: Lean Core community service, internships, etc. 30 credits: credential clusters 120 credits TOTAL

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming SUMMARY TO RECAP, THIS PROCESS SHOULD:

• Develop and clearly articulate subject eco-systems – to leverage existing capabilities and resources, – align program offerings, and – create cohesive messaging about the educational opportunities the University; • Focus on programs where enrollment could reasonably be predicted to grow by a minimum of 100 students over 3-4 years; • Include building existing programs and developing new programs (or both simultaneously); • Demonstrate how and why new full-time faculty would drive growth; • Support academic excellence by strengthening existing curricula; and • Lead to a plan for program growth and development with the faculty and AOOC by Fall 2012.

Our main focus is to plan for responsible enrollment growth to generate more revenue for investing in the academic programs.

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play BrainstormingBrainstorming BRAINSTORMING PLAN

10.00 – 10.15am BREAK

10.15 – 12.00 pm Morning charrette: A+D conference room • Brainstorm potential cross-college themes/ecosystems • Identify 5-7 themes or projects to carry forward for summer work • Create teams for each theme for the afternoon work

12.00 - 12.45 pm Lunch – Kanbar Performance /Outside

12.45 – 1.00 pm Orientation to afternoon charrette – Kanbar Performance Space

1.00 - 3.00 pm Afternoon charrette (break-out rooms in Kanbar Campus Center)

3.00 - 4.00 pm Report out (KPS)

4.00 – 4.30 pm Next Steps

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming

12.45 – 1.00 pm Orientation to Afternoon Charrette – Kanbar Performance Space

1.00 - 3.00pm Afternoon charrette (break-out rooms in Kanbar Campus Center: K300, K302, K306, K312, K321 (conference room in the Student Life Dean Suite)

Teams create a mind-map(s) of the eco-system • to diagram the system, its connections and relationships • to diagram the topics and subjects common to several programs

Teams to brainstorm: • The core for the eco-system (specific topics, courses, models of delivery) • How the eco-system enhances current programs (modules, etc.) • New concentrations, clusters, or modules • New undergraduate programs or pathways for the eco-system (3) • New graduate programs for the eco-system (3)

3.00 - 4.00pm Report out (KPS)

4.00 – 4.30pm Next Steps

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing How it is organized Ecosystems Plug & Play BrainstormingBrainstorming BRAINSTORMING PLAN


1. Defer judgment 2. Encourage wild ideas 3. Build on the ideas of others (Yes… and!) 4. Stay focused on the topic 5. One conversation at a time 6. Be visual 7. Go for quantity

It's up to you guys to spark and build!

* From IDEO, “Seven tips for better brainstorming,” February 23, 2011. http://www.openideo.com/fieldnotes/openideo-team-notes/seven- tips-on-better-brainstorming/

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities

What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming REPORT OUT: Summer Timeline & Planning Stages


1) Wednesday, May 30 | day-long charrette FOCUS: ecosystem brainstorming

2) Tuesday, June 12 | morning presentation + feedback lunch: FOCUS: eco-system concepts & new programs for development

3) Wednesday, July 18 | day-long charrette FOCUS: integrative working session to advance proposals

4) Wednesday, August 1: morning presentation FOCUS: presentation & transition plan to AOOC

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming REPORT OUT: Summer Timeline & Planning Stages

PREPARATION for Tuesday, June 12:

Prepare a presentation (5-10 slides) of the concept of the eco-system, the strategy and proposed programs. Specifically include the following in your presentation:

• Concept of the eco-system, its subject, the disciplines or areas of expertise it encompasses • Concepts for new programs, undergraduate and graduate • Concepts for multi-modal offerings • Connections between disciplinary majors and areas of expertise in the university • Describe the ways it leverages current courses, knowledge, expertise, etc. • Describe what might be new in the eco-system • Concepts for how students enter the eco-system • Where study in eco-systems may lead (areas in industry, emerging careers, graduate school, etc.) • Identify how to research the competitive market sectors or similar programs

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities What we are doing HowHow itit isis organizedorganized Ecosystems Plug & Play Brainstorming REPORT OUT: Summer Timeline & Planning Stages


• There is an understanding of the principles and process for developing eco-systems and programs.

• There are defined the areas to pursue

• Clear understanding for what is needed for the next steps

May 30, 2012 New Program Planning- Growth Through Capabilities