Next-generation academic websites in Jekyll

Speaker: UCCSC! Peter Werba 2014 How do we share information in the modern era? Websites! A lot has changed

1999 2014 How do we make sure that our websites are:

• available 24/7 (even with heavy traffic)!

• easy to create, edit, and maintain!

• scalable How did we work! last decade?

• Dynamically generated pages in CMS systems!

• Maintain our own servers and databases !

• HTML often edited in the browser What are the problems?

• Configuring & maintaining servers & databases = HARD!

• Editing HTML source = HARD We can do better!

In fact, the software industry has moved on! What do they do? 1. HTML → TXT (with ) 2. Dynamic → Static (with Jekyll) 3. Servers → Hosted (with GitHub) 1. What is Markdown? TXT files with! simple syntax that ! compile to HTML HTML MARKDOWN Why use Markdown?

• Simple, fast, clean!

• Portable to other formats!

• Supports raw HTML (if you need to do something complicated)!

• Widespread (and growing) adoption 2. What is Jekyll? Jekyll is a “static site” generator that converts source files! (markdown, etc.)! into a website Basics about Jekyll

• Simple to install as a Ruby Gem, but no Ruby coding knowledge is required for use.!

• Converts your code and Markdown posts into HTML!

• An elegant and simple way to publish to the web. Why use Jekyll

• SAFE from Denial of Service Attacks.!

• SAFE from caving under heavy traffic (if served from GitHub pages or a CDN like cloudfront).!

• SAFE from MySQL injection attacks (because it doesn't use a database).!

• It needs NO security patches or updates.!

• It doesn't need any special server script software (like php,python or ruby or perl etc). Who is using Jekyll ?

• Not just for “small” websites… used by the Obama Fundraising Campaign site in 2012.!

• GitHub is running Jekyll.!

• Many blogs migrating away from WordPress Installing Jekyll

• Installs as a ruby “gem” easy to update and maintain.!

• Excellent documentation at Where is the Content?

jekyll comples ! everything to _site “default site build” Jekyll vs. CMS

• No need to worry about constant "urgent" software updates.!

• Simple article and post management.!

• No database, content is served up fast and it is very easy to find info in content.!

• SEF/Clean URL’s by default.!

• Developer “git” driven workflow.!

• Clean templating uses “Liquid” for responsive designs. Other options like bootstrap are also available. 3. What is GitHub? • “Facebook for source code”! • GitHub Pages = free hosting of Jekyll-powered websites! • No servers to maintain, etc. Why use GitHub and GitHub Pages?

• Seamless integration to GitHub Pages.!

• No need for you to create or remember a password. You can make changes via git or the GitHub account.!

• Free for each GitHub account and organization. Unlimited project sites. Why use GitHub and GitHub Pages?

• Automatic versioning of your site keep track of past content changes as well as code changes.!

• Easy to preview changes before committing them to production.!

• Easy to revert your code to a previous version. +

= Conclusion Jekyll + GitHub Pages gives you websites that are…

• affordable (free if using GH-pages)!

• flexible and scalable!

• solid static HTML “just works” Enjoy your stay in San Francisco!