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[2zr8c.ebook] Torchwood: The Twilight Streets Pdf Free

Par Gary Russell DOC | *audiobook | ebooks | Download PDF | ePub

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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #833072 dans eBooksPublié le: 2010-03-20Sorti le: 2010-04- 27Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 22.Mb

Par Gary Russell : Torchwood: The Twilight Streets before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Torchwood: The Twilight Streets:

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles2 internautes sur 2 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. En attendant la suite de la sériePar The Middle ShelfGénéralement, les romans écrits dans le prolongement d'une série sont plutôt nuls : les personnages sont réduits à quelques gimmicks de la série, la trame est creuse...Ce n'est pas le cas ici. Les personnages suivent fidèlement ceux de la série, mais ils acquièrent une vraie autonomie.Du côté de la trame, le constat est plus mitigé.Ce roman s'inscrit chronologiquement dans le milieu de la saison 2, avant qu'il n'arrive à Owen ce qui lui arrive (j'essaie d'éviter le spoiler, là...) et on y retrouve Bilis Manger qu'on n'avait plus vu depuis le final de la saison 1, plutôt une bonne idée. On trouve de l'action et l'auteur a bien su réutiliser un certains nombres d'éléments de la série, que cela soit le passé de Jack ou simplement les techniques de l'équipe.Malheureusement, on a l'impression que l'auteur a voulu passer une idée de trame trop riche en trop peu de temps, et vers la fin, on peut regretter que le tout soit un peu confus.Mais dans l'ensemble, des trois romans issus de "Torchwood" que j'ai pu lire, c'est sans aucun doute celui qui tient le mieux la route et qui permet d'être un bon palliatif en attendant la prochaine saison !

Présentation de l'éditeurThere's a part of the city that no one much goes to, a collection of rundown old houses and gloomy streets. No one stays there long, and no one can explain why - something's not quite right there.Now the Council is renovating the district, and a new company is overseeing the work. There will be street parties and events to show off the newly gentrified neighbourhood: clowns and face-painters for the kids, magicians for the adults - the street entertainers of Cardiff, out in force.None of this is Torchwood's problem. Until Toshiko recognises the sponsor of the street parties: Bilis Manger.Now there is something for Torchwood to investigate. But Captain Jack Harkness has never been able to get into the area; it makes him physically ill to go near it. Without Jack's help, Torchwood must face the darker side of urban Cardiff alone...Featuring Captain Jack Harkness as played by John Barrowman, with Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones as played by Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoki Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd, in the hit series created by for BBC Television.Présentation de l'éditeurThere's a part of the city that no one much goes to, a collection of rundown old houses and gloomy streets. No one stays there long, and no one can explain why - something's not quite right there.Now the Council is renovating the district, and a new company is overseeing the work. There will be street parties and events to show off the newly gentrified neighbourhood: clowns and face-painters for the kids, magicians for the adults - the street entertainers of Cardiff, out in force.None of this is Torchwood's problem. Until Toshiko recognises the sponsor of the street parties: Bilis Manger.Now there is something for Torchwood to investigate. But Captain Jack Harkness has never been able to get into the area; it makes him physically ill to go near it. Without Jack's help, Torchwood must face the darker side of urban Cardiff alone...Featuring Captain Jack Harkness as played by John Barrowman, with Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones as played by Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoki Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd, in the hit series created by Russell T Davies for BBC Television.Biographie de l'auteurGary Russell has written over 35 fiction and non-fiction books on subjects including , The Lord of the Rings movies, Frasier and The Simpsons. He was the editor of Doctor Who Magazine then later the Creative Producer at Big Finish Productions Ltd, responsible for over 200 hours of original audio drama. He spent 6 years as a Script Editor at BBC Wales, on Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and Wizards vs Aliens plus a number of Doctor Who animation and game projects. He now works in at Planet 55 Studios in Australia as the Executive Producer of a new animated series, Prisoner Zero.

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