Letter from the Director Exhibitions Acquisitions Donors Volunteers Staff Board of Trustees Financial Information List of Artworks The Annual Report Letter from the Director

My metaphor for this past year at the centerpiece “Chamber of Wonders,” conceived Walters is Janus, the double-faced Roman god by curator Joaneath Spicer, and went on to of “Beginnings and Endings.” October 22, characterize the Walters’s installation as 2005, marked both a beginning and an ending, “refreshingly different from any of its rivals as we reopened our renovated Charles Street across the States.” (“Palazzo”) Building on the 100th anniversary Within of that October reopening, of its design by the gifted beaux-arts architect, plans were nearing completion for the pur- Williams Adam Delano. We thereby completed chase of 100 West Centre Street from the the reinstallation of all the Western art we Historical Society, with funds gener- show, from our ancient, medieval and 19th- ously provided by Board President Andrea century collections—which were revealed anew Laporte and her husband Jack. This unantici- at the October 2001 reopening of the renovat- pated opportunity has since been the catalyst ed Centre Street Building—to our , for a series of Board-directed strategic conver- , and rococo collections in the sations, addressing potential future expansion Palazzo. The editorial review in the The opportunities against the backdrop of our Burlington Magazine celebrated the Palazzo’s audience-centered Mission and our increasing engagement in regional, national, and interna- tional collaborations. And as that purchase was , initial steps were being taken with elected leadership in City and Baltimore County that would lead to the announcement, in late May, that on October 1, 2006 the Walters would eliminate its general admission fee. This dramatic initiative has already had a profound impact on how we view and respond to our audiences, both real and potential, and doubtless it will help to shape the public mission of the Walters for years to come.

3 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

This has also been a year of extraordinary Petersburg, and traveled to the Bucerius collaborative relationships, with institutions Kunstforum in Hamburg before it came to both nearby and far away—relationships which Baltimore. In spring 2006 the Walters joined might best be evoked by Concordia, the Roman forces with the Contemporary Museum to cre- goddess of “Harmony” and of all the benefits it ate Louise Bourgeois: Femme, an innovative brings. It began in the summer of 2005 with “intervention” in our galleries featuring the art the companion exhibitions, Essence of Line and of one of the world’s leading contemporary Pearls of the Parrot of ; the former, generous- artists. The successful fundraising effort for ly sponsored by Stephanie and Jay Wilson, Femme was lead by our three volunteer chairs Millicent and Peter Bain and Eleanor Abell representing the Walters and the Owen and which traveled from Baltimore to Contemporary, Stanley Mazaroff, Mary Baily Birmingham and Tacoma, grew out of a part- Wieler and Martha Macks-Kahn. Both Sacred nership with the , Arts and City Life and Louise Bourgeois: Femme while the latter was a collaboration between received celebratory reviews in regional and the Walters and the Metropolitan Museum of national press. Our final show for the year, Art, where the exhibition was seen after Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher’s Mightier than the Baltimore. Both were accompanied by scholar- Sword, involved some dazzling new technology ly catalogues, as was our next exhibition, Sacred which brought the Walters into a very creative Arts and City Life. Presented by the Women’s collaboration with the Imaging Research Committee of the Walters Art Museum, this Center at UMBC; after the exhibition closed in exhibition was organized by the Walters in col- Baltimore, a version went on to be displayed in laboration with museums in Novgorod and St. Montgomery County at Hall.

4 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Much farther afield, the Walters partnered And, finally, this has been a year of intro- with the US State Department and the ductions and firsts. Our new, embraceable National Museum in Baghdad to bring over mascot Waltee bounded on to the scene, “JAM two Iraqi scientists to train in ivory conserva- at the WAM Birthday Parties!” were offered tion with Terry Drayman Weisser, director of and became an instant hit, and digital photog- our Division of Conservation and Technical raphy became part of the everyday life of the Research. Curator Will Noel went to the Museum, thanks to our photographer, Susan Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Tobin; that was a critical first step in bringing California for help in reading the the Walters and its collections to the world , and our educators and curators through our new website, which premiered at worked with the Federation of American year end. Scientists and Cuneiform Digital Library All in all, this has been a year of change and Initiative at UCLA to develop a learning-based growth, in fulfillment of our Mission to bring computer game called “Discover Babylon.” “art and people together, for enjoyment, dis- Much closer to home, but no less important, covery, and learning.” was an initiative of Jackie Copeland, Director of our Division of Education and Public Gary Vikan, Programs, to collaborate with the Wicomico County school system in order to bring our collections to more than 400 middle school students on the Eastern Shore, via staff out- Director reach and innovative learning.

5 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report Exhibitions

the Walters offers a rare opportunity to see these great collections side-by-side.

The Essence of Line: French Drawings from Ingres to Degas June 19–September 11, 2005 In collaboration with The Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA), this exhibition displayed 76 French works on paper at the Walters; at the same time, a similar number were on display at the BMA. The works selected demonstrate the remarkable range that distinguishes French art of the period: neoclassical landscapes through symbolist fantasies; sketches through highly finished narrative scenes; poignant views of peasant life through bawdy carica- tures and social satire. Those works conveying a sense of intimacy with the artist, whether preparatory sketches or personal jottings, were on view at the Walters, while drawings that from the Dumbarton Oaks from the outset were intended for the market Collection were at the BMA. There is a catalogue combin- ing the works from both institutions and a April 27, 2005–November 4, 2007 searchable on-line catalogue of the over 700 Dumbarton Oaks closed for renovation at the French works on paper in the collections of end of 2004. Its Byzantine collection (4th–15th the Walters, the BMA, and the Peabody Art centuries) ranks among the most significant Collection: Maryland State Archives. The exhi- in the world. The collection also includes sev- bition opened at the Walters and traveled to eral pieces of western and exam- the Birmingham Museum of Art (2-19-06–5-14- ples of Greek and . For approxi- 06) and the Tacoma Art Museum (6-9-06–9-17- mately two-and-a-half months, while the gal- 06). leries at Dumbarton Oaks are closed, 17 of these objects—including ivory caskets and Pearls of the Parrot of India devotional panels, a relief statue, and a mag- June 19–September 11, 2005 nificent icon of St. Peter—are on view in the This exhibition featured one of the most Walters’ medieval galleries. The temporary sumptuous ever produced by the installation of Dumbarton Oaks’ objects at

6 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mughal court of India, an illustrated edition of the Khamsa (Quintet of Tales) by Amir Khusraw, dating from ca. 1595–98. All 29 of the surviving full-page illustrations were shown, as well as ornamental pages and the cover. Twenty-one of the illustrated pages are part of a bound volume at the Walters (W.624), which was dis-bound for conservation, and the remaining eight were borrowed from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Also on view were decorative and text pages from the man- uscript and five other Persian and Indian man- uscripts belonging to the Walters. Photographic wall panels helped explain the Federation, this exhibition told the story of stories depicted. The exhibition was also on ’s oldest city from its earliest days in the view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 9th century to its final destruction in 1570. October 14, 2005–January 15, 2006. The exhibition featured approximately 290 art objects and archaeological artifacts from the of Wonders: The New Galleries of medieval city of Novgorod. The material cul- Renaissance and Baroque Art ture of this remarkable city was represented by Opened October 22, 2006 items such as carved wooden and bone objects, leather goods, jewelry, musical instruments, The Walters celebrated the 100th anniversary and birch bark documents. Precious ecclesias- of the groundbreaking for the museum with tical objects—icons, metalwork, and textiles— the reinstallation of the European Old from Novgorod’s numerous churches high- Masters collection—, sculpture, and lighted the cultural achievements of decorative arts from the 14th through 18th Novgorod’s Golden Age. The city’s remarkable centuries—in renovated galleries of the school of icon was represented by Walters’ original art gallery, the “Palazzo” icons from the 13th through the 16th cen- Building. turies. For the first time, these distinctive Sacred Arts and City Life: The Glory of icons were displayed together with the materi- al culture of the city that produced them. Medieval Novgorod Together, these works of art and artifacts N ovember 19, 2005–February 12, offered a glimpse of Novgorod’s medieval citi- 2006 zens at work, at play, and at prayer, and Organized by the Walters in collaboration opened a window onto the cultural fabric of with The State Russian Museum, St. one of the world’s most remarkable medieval Petersburg, and the Novgorod Museum cities.

7 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Louise Bourgeois: Femme mentators. This show of February 11–May 21, 2006 189 works included the car- toons and caricatures for In a joint venture of the Walters which KAL is known as and the Contemporary well as lesser-known Museum, Louise Bourgeois— works of sculpture and film. an important and influential It featured his celebrated car- living artist—installed 39 sculp- toons of political satire and tures, both older works from her covered the broad range of collection and new pieces, through- social issues to which he is out the Walters’ galleries, setting her committed. There was a large works in dialogue with like-themed educational component to cultural artifacts from the muse- the show, in which visitors um’s collection. Trained in the could see how KAL com- French Academy, she arrived at poses his characters and her mature practice in the 1940s in which visitors could do while Surrealism was being the same. absorbed into Abstract Expressionism. Since this time, she has consistently mined her own biography to EXHIBITIONS produce paintings, prints, sculpture, and sculptural installations. Domesticity, the fam- The Closed Book: Seven Short Stories ily romance, and the bodily and social experi- May 7–June 12, 2005 and July ences of women are among the subjects she 1 3–October 6, 2005 has treated with emotional depth and psycho- Before you open a book at the Walters, you can logical complexity. often find clues from its binding about its past as a prized item in a collection. From the Mightier Than the Sword: The Satirical Pen medieval period, when entire manuscripts of KAL were handmade, to the 20th century, bindings June 18–Sept ember 3, 2006 were created or altered to reflect the interests, KAL, who is the editorial cartoonist of The heritage, wealth, and tastes of the owners. This Economist news magazine of , is known exhibition explored how certain markings on the world over. In this exhibition, the Walters or materials of bindings often reveal fascinat- celebrated the 17 years during which he was ing details about the people who once owned also editorial cartoonist of . and used these 24 books. One of the greatest practitioners of the craft of cartooning, KAL is also one of the world’s most incisive and influential political com-

8 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Italian art. There was an interactive computer kiosk. The exhibition was sponsored by Agora Publishing.

The Art of Law: Legal Documents from the Collection of the Walters Art Museum January 14–April 9, 2006 This exhibition of 16 books and manuscripts and two paintings showcased manuscripts and rare books pertaining to the study, practice, and administration of the law from the 12th to 15th century. The crafting of these manu- scripts, their impressive format, and their beautiful illuminations contribute as much as the text to the understanding and the inter- pretation of the law. Presenting manuscripts never before exhibited in the museum, this focus show introduced the viewer to this excit- ing field of study. The exhibition was gener- Dressed in Gold: Books of the Italian ously sponsored by Hodes, Ulman, Pessin and Renaissance Katz, P.A. October 15, 2005–January 8, 2006 Interpretation by Design: Contemporary The Walters’ impressive collection of manu- scripts contains many splendid Italian Bookbindings by Stanley M. Sherman Renaissance works, and this exhibition show- April 15–July 16, 2006 cased 30 of the most spectacular examples. Stanley Sherman is a bookbinder living and These manuscripts and books originate from working in Washington, D.C. Trained as an all of the major cultural centers in Italy, architect, many of the bindings that he including Venice, , , Florence, and designs are for books on the history of town Naples, and are of many different types, from planning and architecture, but he also designs liturgical texts to private prayerbooks, and bindings for books on museums, painters, and from epic poetry to diplomatic documents. manuscript illumination. Using a wide range For the first time in decades these manu- of materials, Sherman creates bindings that scripts were on view together. It coincided provide a portal to the subject matter inside, with the opening of the redesigned early seducing the reader with beautiful interpreta- Italian painting galleries and highlighted the tions of their contents. Twenty-nine of his quality and depth of the Walters’ collection of bindings were displayed.

9 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

ANCIENT FOCUS EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS OF 19TH- CENTURY Carved for Immortality WORKS ON PAPER November 6, 2004–October 2, 2005 The Walters’ American Collection In ancient , carved wooden figures of the June 29, 2005–January 1, 2006 deceased were placed in special chambers or While strong in many types of art, the Walters niches in tombs. Some tombs contained many has only a relatively small number of different statues and statuettes, depicting not American works. William Walters first collect- only the owner of the tomb at different stages ed American art, but, while living abroad, he throughout his life, but also members became interested in European art and sold and servants. Originally, these carvings were off most of his American holdings. Henry brightly painted to be as lifelike as possible. Walters acquired some American works, but Twenty-three statuettes were displayed in this he never consistently tried to expand his col- focus exhibition. lecting in this field. Since its opening as a pub- lic museum in 1934, the Walters has been given Things with Wings: Mythological Figures in paintings by American artists, many of which Ancient were once displayed in the parlors of William October 12, 2005–November 26, Walters’ Baltimore contemporaries. Fourteen 2006 paintings by Americans were on view in this This small exhibition of 31 objects, including focus exhibition. bronze and marble statuettes, vases, and gems, explored the various winged gods and hybrid The Ashcan School: Scenes of Early 20th- creatures in ancient Greek art. The Greeks Century New York Life from the Sigmund and conceived of messenger gods like and Mary Hyman Collection Iris as winged, so they could go anywhere and January 7–March 19, 2006 swiftly deliver their messages to gods and mor- Twenty-nine drawings, watercolors, and etch- tals alike. In the medieval world, angels ings borrowed from the collection of Mrs. became the winged intermediaries between Sigmund Hyman were featured in this focus God and humans. Personifications of abstract exhibition. The artists included are associated concepts, such as Love (), Victory (Nike), with the “Ashcan school,” a term applied to a Sleep (Hypnos), and (Thanatos), could number of urban realist artists in the early also appear as winged humans. The wings of 20th century. Represented were John Sloan, monsters like griffins, sirens, and sphinxes Robert Henri, Everett Shinn, and George Luks enhanced their terrifying appearance but also along with several other artists who drew protected the beings they guarded. many of their subjects in New York’s Bowery.

10 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

A Child’s-Eye View sketches, 200 of which were commissioned by March 25–June 19, 2006 William T. Walters in 1858. Twenty of these paintings were on view in this focus show. This exhibition featured 21 drawings and watercolors from the Walters’ holdings of 19th- and early-20th-century European and PORTRAIT MINIATURE EXHIBITIONS American works that might be of particular interest to younger visitors. Some of the draw- English Portrait Miniatures ings and watercolors depict children of differ- May 28–December 4, 2005 ent nationalities playing various games, while Miniature painting flourished in England others show , particularly pets. during the second half of the 18th century. Included in the exhibition were works by both This selection of 13 portrait miniatures noted and relatively obscure artists. Among includes those by such noted masters in the those artists represented were the American field as Jeremiah Meyer, C. F. Zincke, John Walt Disney, the German illustrator A. L. Smart, and George Englehart. Richter, the French specialist in children’s sub- jects André Dargelas, and the Anglo-American Portrait Miniatures of the Napoleonic Era artist and illustrator George Henry Boughton. December 10, 2005–June 25, 2006 Alfred Jacob Miller and the Western Indians These eight miniatures executed during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign in the June 24–September 10, 2006 early 19th century included portraits of In 1837, Baltimore painter Alfred Jacob Miller Empresses Josephine and Marie-Louise among (1810–74) was hired by Captain William others. Drummond Stewart, an eccentric Scottish adventurer, to journey to the annual fur- traders’ rendezvous in the Green River Valley (in what is now western Wyoming) and to doc- ument the trip in paintings. Organized by the American Fur Company, the rendezvous pro- vided mountain men and American Indians with an opportunity to come together to exchange their furs for supplies that would last them over the next winter. Represented at this gathering were Sioux, Bannock, Mandan, Crow, Snake, Pend Oreilles, Nez Percé, Cheyenne, and Delaware Indians. Miller sup- ported himself for the rest of his career paint- ing oils and watercolors based on his “trail”

11 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

OFF- SITE EXHIBITIONS The Essence of Line: French Drawings from Ingres to Degas from the Walters Art Museum Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, February 19–May 14, 2006; Alabama F ebruary 5–April 23, 2006 Tacoma Art Museum, Washington, June 9–Sept ember 17, 2006 Acquired largely since 1993, the Walters collec- tion of Ethiopian icons, manuscripts, and A collaborative project of the Walters and The bronze processional crosses is today one of the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA), this exhibi- largest, and finest, collections outside of tion displayed 106 French works on paper Ethiopia itself. This exhibition features 42 from the collections of the Walters, the BMA, highlights (icons, manuscripts, bronze proces- and the Peabody Art Collection: Maryland sional crosses, etc.) from the Walters perma- State Archives. The works demonstrate the nent collection, including recent acquisitions. remarkable range that distinguishes French The 2001 publication Ethiopian Art serves as a art of the period: neoclassical landscapes companion volume to the exhibition. through symbolist fantasies; sketches through Additional venues are the Smith College highly finished narrative scenes; poignant Museum of Art, Sep tember 29–December 31, views of peasant life through bawdy carica- 2006, and the Museum of Biblical Art, New tures and social satire. There is a catalogue York, March 11–June 3, 2007. and a searchable on-line catalogue of the over 700 French works on paper in the collections of the three institutions.


The Walters Art Museum Annual Report Acquisitions

GIFTS Vases with Domestic Scenes and a Rural Landscape, ca. 1890, and enamel Gift of George and Julianne Alderman, 2005 (2005.78.4) Mayan ( or Guatemala), Codex-style Kutani (), One of a Pair of Bottle-Shaped Cylinder Tripod Vase, ca. A.D. 550–950, ceramic Vases with Domestic Scenes and a Rural with black and red slip (48.2776) Landscape, ca. 1890, porcelain and enamel (2005.78.5) Gift of the Austen-Stokes Ancient Americas Foundation, 2005 Kutani (Japan), One of a Pair of Thirteen-sided Sake Cups with Domestic and Rural Scenes, ca. Taino (Hispaniola), Taino Zemi (Stone Head), 1900, enamels with (2005.78.6) ca. A.D. 800–1500, carved black basalt (2005.6) Kutani (Japan), One of a Pair of Thirteen-sided Gift of Vivian I. Cord in memory of Maxwell Sake Cups with Domestic and Rural Scenes, ca. 1900, enamels with calligraphy (2005.78.7) and Dorothy Sauerwein, 2005 Kutani (Japan), One of a Pair of Vases with Japanese (Kyushu), Hizen Ware Dish with Chrysanthemum Blossoms and Leaves, ca. 1880, Stylized Waves and Long-tailed Tortoise, late 19th ceramic and enamels on “nashiji” silver and century, ceramic with celadon and blue glazes glass (2005.78.8) (2005.37) Kutani (Japan), One of a Pair of Vases with Gift of the Lyman Delano Family by their Chrysanthemum Blossoms and Leaves, ca. 1880, granddaughter Delano Gardener, 2005 ceramic and enamels on “nashiji” silver and glass (2005.78.9) Jennie Walters Delano Cookbook, printed book Kutani (Japan), Tea Caddy or Covered Jar with (A.5) , ca. 1875, porcelain and enamels on Gift of Stephen W. Fisher, 2005 “nashiji” mother-of-pearl (2005.78.10) Mediterranean, of a Lion, late Kutani (Japan), Teapot with Elaborate Signature (Part of a Five-piece Tea Set), ca. 1875, earthen- 2nd millennium B.C., cast bronze (54.3022) ware ceramic and enamels (2005.78.11) Kutani (Japan), Vase Depicting a Cockerel and Hen, ca. 1910, porcelain and enamel (2005.78.1) Kutani (Japan), Water Receptacle (Part of a Five- piece Tea Set), ca. 1875, earthenware ceramic Kutani (Japan), Vase with Elaborate Flowers and and enamels (2005.78.12) Geometric Designs, ca. 1900, porcelain and enamel (2005.78.2) Kutani (Japan), Cup with Mount Fuji (Part of a Five-piece Tea Set), ca. 1875, earthenware ceram- Kutani (Japan), Incense Burner (Koro Jar) with ic and enamels (2005.78.13) Elaborate Vines and Flowers, ca. 1900, porcelain, gold, and enamel (2005.78.3) Kutani (Japan), Cup with Mount Fuji (Part of a Five-piece Tea Set), ca. 1875, earthenware ceram- Kutani (Japan), One of a Pair of Bottle-Shaped ic and enamels (2005.78.14)

14 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Kutani (Japan), Cup with Mount Fuji (Part of a Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Lewison, 2005 Five-piece Tea Set), ca. 1875, earthenware ceram- René Jules Lalique (French), L’Effleurt (Loving ic and enamels (2005.78.15) ), designed 1909/10, molded glass (47.740)

Gift of John and Berthe Ford, 2005 Gift of Joseph G. Reinis, 2005 Indian (Tamil Nadu), Festive Image of Shiva and Pierre-Jean David known as David d’Angers Uma, late 13th century, bronze (54.3023) (French), Portrait Medallion of Stendhal (Marie- Henri Beyle, 1783-1842), 1829, bronze (54.3021) Gift of Mrs. Arthur J. Gutman, 2005 English, Pitc her with Enamel William of Orange and Masonic Transfer-printed Motifs, 1824, pearl- GIFTS TO THE CHAMBER OF ware and enamel (48.2777) WONDERS English (Staffordshire), Pair of Pink Luster Gift of Ngozi Amanze, 2005 Decorated Vases in the Shape of Three Cornucopia , Flower (Stephanorrhina guttata) with Two Dolphins Spouting Water, 1820–1830, (2005.28) lusterware (48.2778) English (Staffordshire), Yellow Glazed Vase with Gift of Elizabeth A. Bartlett, 2005 Enamel Decorated, Raised Floral Medallions, Leafy North America, Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly Festoons and Bowed Ribbons, ca. 1815, pearlware (Battus philenor) (2005.40.1) and enamel (48.2779) Malaysia, Common Mormon Butterfly (Papilio Welsh (Swansea), Yellow Glazed, Footed Bowl polytes) (2005.40.2) Decorated with Pink Luster Vines and Blossoms, Malaysia, Chinese Peacock Butterfly (Papilio ca. 1815, lusterware (48.2780) bianor) (2005.40.3) Gift of Carol Hebb and Alan Feldbaum, 2005 Gift of Nicholas H. Bartlett, 2005 Phoenician (Sardinia?), Pair of Earrings, ca. Springbok Skull and Horns (2005.41) 7th–5th century B.C., gold (57.2297) Near Eastern, Bull Figurine or Amulet, 3rd mil- Gift of William R. Berkley, 2006 lennium B.C., rock crystal (2005.72.2) Andrew Crisford (English), Reconstruction of Gift of Belinda Keyser Kaye in honor of Cornelius Drebbel's Perpetual Motion Machine, gold leaf, metal, glass, and wood (2006.3) Hiram W. Woodward, Jr., 2005 Chinese, Large Wine Jar with Peacocks, Rocks, Gift of Karen, John, Anna, and Johnny and Peonies , late 15th century, porcelain, white Beyers, 2005 body, incised and painted with turquoise, yel- Pair of Elk Antlers (2005.25.1) low, green, dark blue, and aubergine enamels (49.2822) Pair of Moose Antlers (2005.25.2) 15 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Gift of Julia Cromwell, 2005 Pacific Scorpion Spider Conch Shell (2005.69.12) Black Coral Sea Fan (2005.51) Baby Pufferfish (2005.69.13) Pacific Endive Murex Shell (2005.69.14) Gift of William Cromwell, 2005 Atlantic Volute Shell (2005.69.15) Urchin with Spines (2005.50) Indian Swollen Harp Shell (2005.69.16) Gift of Andy and Meg Van Deusen, 2005 Indian Triple-spined Murex Shell (2005.69.17) Winged Frog Shell (2005.69.18) Matthaus Merian, Illustration of a Reindeer, from a Natural History Book by Jan Jonston West Indian False-prickly Winkle Shell (Polish, 1603-1675), 1657, copperplate engraving )(2005.69.19 (2005.48) Mexican Cabbage Murex Shell (2005.69.20)

Gift of the Edgar Family, 2005 Gift of the Flemish Community of the Matthaus Merian, Illustration of Unicorns from Belgium Embassy, 2005 a Natural History Book by Jan Jonston (Polish, Belgium, Peacock Butterfly (Inachus io) (2005.81) 1603-1675), 1657, copperplate engraving (2005.49) Gift of Barrett and Laura Freedlander, 2006 Andre Thevet (French), Portrait of Philo Gift of the Education Division of the Walters Judaeus, Philo of Alexandria from “Vrais pourtraits Art Museum, 2005 et vies des homes illustres, Grecs, et Paiens,” Scorpion (2005.46) 17th century, copperplate engraving (2006.1.2)

Gift of Kathleen Emerson-Dell, 2005 Gift of Friends of the Chamber of Wonders, Fossilized Crocodile Scale (2005.69.1) 2005 Five Fossilized Shark Teeth (2005.69.2) Sawfish Bill with Nineteenth-century Decoration Fifteen Small Starfish (2005.69.3) and Inscription (2005.70) Six Sea Urchins (2005.69.4) Illustration of Dell’Artificiose Machine from a Printed Book, 16th century, engraving (2005.71) Nine Small Sand Dollars (2005.69.5) Four Small White Corals (2005.69.6) Gift of Joshua and Danielle Jones, 2005 Two Small Seahorses (2005.69.7) North America, Bull’ s Eye Moth (A utomeris lo) Jaw of a Baby Shark (2005.69.8) (2005.47.1) Umbrella Mushroom Coral (2005.69.9) Alianthus Silkmoth (Samia cynthia) (2005.47.2) Small Pacific Thorny Oyster Shell (2005.69.10) Japanese Yoka Star Shell (2005.69.11) Gift of Donovan and Miranda Hall, 2005 Lion’s Paw Shell (2005.27.1)

16 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Sebastian Munster (German), Map of Egypt Sebastian Munster (German), Printed Page from ‘Cosmographia Universalis,’ 1574 German with Crocodile Illustration from ‘Cosmographia,’ Edition, 1574, woodcut print with handcolor- 1574 Edition, 1574, woodcut print (2005.29.5) ing (2005.27.2) Portrait of Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma and Piacenza and Governor of Habsburg Gift of Philip J. Kean, 2005 Netherlands, copperplate engraving (2005.29.6) , T welve Butterfly Specimens (2005.42) Gift of Angelika and Bruce Livie, 2005 Gift of Paul and Ann Kepler, 2005 Ganymede or Young Girl with Goose, coral Baroque Pearl Attached to a Shell Fragment (2005.36) (2005.60) Gift of Mercantile Bank, 2006 Gift of Emma and Becky Keteltas and Illustration of Temple Architecture, 1690, copper- Madeleine, Casey, and Mark Gertsen, 2005 plate engraving (2006.1.3) Corsican Ram Skull with Horns (2005.53) Africa, Chalcedony () (2006.1.7)

Gift of Sandy Kepler Klunk and Judy Kepler Gift of Mike McKee, Gill Furoy and Will Ferrell, 2005 Goode, 2005 Pair of African (Eudicella smithi bertheran- Japan, Thatcheria mirablilis (Japanese Wonder di) (2005.61) Shell) (2005.54)

Gift of Lois J. Kyler, 2005 Gift of the Oakenshawe Improvement European, Two Pairs of Mounted European Association, 2005 Roebuck Antlers, mounted on wood plaques America, Horned Lizard (2005.80) (2005.52) Gift of Christopher Pettijohn, 2005 Gift of Kelly and Kristy Lambrou, 2005 Africa, Pseudacrea clarki egina Butterfly Asia, Cardinal Butterfly (Thamala marciana) (2005.26) (2005.29.1) Indonesia, Jewel Beetle (Eupholus cuvieri) Gift of Wade Price, 2005 (2005.29.2) Flying Squirrel (2005.65) Paper Nautilus (Egg Case of the Argonauta argo) (2005.29.3) Gift of Janet Stephens, 2005 Europe, Death’s Head Moth (Acherontia atropos) Roman Hairstyles and Jewelry, 1690, engraving (2005.29.4) (2005.39)

17 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Gift of Kathy and Loretta Thornhill, 2005 World)’ by Cornelius Hazart, 1667, copperplate Pair of African Flower Beetles (Stephanorrhina engraving (2005.58) guttata) (2005.57) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Warrington, 2005 Gift of Ruth Thornhill, 2005 Stuffed (2005.66) Malaysian Jewel Beetle (Catoxantha opulenta) (2005.56) Gift of Grace and Taylor Watson, 2005 African White Abalone Shell (2005.59) Gift of Lynne Tobin, 2005 Three African Porcupine Quills (2005.55) PURCHASES Gift of Susan E. Tobin, 2005 Museum purchase, 2005 Portrait of Philip II, King of Spain, from 1667 Russian, The Old Believer Martyrs, ca. 1800, ink Edition of Kerkelijke Histoire van de Gehele Wereld and paint on paper (W.916) (Religious History of the Whole World) by Russian, Apocalypse, ca. 1820, ink and paint on Cornelius Hazart, 1667, copperplate engraving paper (W.917) (2005.62.1) Don Juan of Austria, Governor of the Hapsburg Museum purchase with funds provided and Netherlands (1547-1578), from 1667 Edition of partial donation by George Tselos and Susan Kerkelijke Histoire van de Gehele Wereld (Religious E. Tselos in memory of their father Dimitri History of the Whole World) by Cornelius Hazart, Tselos, 2006 1667, copperplate engraving (2005.62.2) Dutch, Brethren of Common Life, “Sarijs Group” Gift of James A. Ulmer, III, 2005 Book of Hours, ca. 1470, ink, paint and gold leaf on vellum (W.918) Abraham Jansz van Diepenbeck, “Native Man from Florida,” from 1667 Edition of Kerkelijke Museum purchase with funds provided by the Histoire van de ghele wereld (Religious History of Von Hess Foundation, 2005 the Whole World) by Cornelius Hazart, 1667, cop- perplate engraving (2005.38) Sicilian, Coral Tree on a Stone Pedestal, 19th cen- tury, coral and (2005.67) Gift of Jannette Vusich, 2005 Abraham Jansz van Diepenbeck, Illustration of the Murder of Johanned van Breboeve and Gabriel L’Allemand (of Society Jesus) by Canadian Natives from 1667 Edition of ‘Kerkelijke Histoire van de Gehele Wereld (Religious History of the Whole

18 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

LOANS FROM THE MUSEUM Fifteenth-Century Art in the Western Alps Ethiopian Art from the Walters Art Museum Palazzina della Promotrice delle Belle Arti, Turin, Italy Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, AL Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA Prague and the Crown of Bohemia Museum of Biblical Art, New York, NY The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York Pharaoh is Always Winning: War and Peace Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic in Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, The Princess and the Patriot: Ekaterina Germany Dashkova, Benjamin Franklin and the Age of Enlightenment Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas American Philosophical Society, , PA Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Arnolfo. Alle origini del Rinascimento Musée du Louvre, , fiorentino Museo dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Raffaello. Da Firenze a Florence, Italy Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy

Egypt, , Rome: Rejection and Contact Staeditsche Galerie Liebieghaus, Frankfurt, Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence, Italy Germany Best in Show: The Dog in Art from the Prelude to Spanish Modernism: Renaissance to Today Cosmopolitan Painting from Fortuny to Picasso Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM Meadows Museum, Dallas, TX Art and Manufactury at the Florentine Court Marco Palmezzano and his Time Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy Complesso di San Giacomo Apostolo in San Long-term loan was made to Government Domenico, Forli, Italy House, Annapolis, MD Antonella Da Messina Scuderie Del Quirinale, Rome, Italy

19 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

LOANS TO THE MUSEUM Sacred Arts and City Life: The Glory of Medieval Novgorod The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Louise Bourgeois: Femme Collection of the Artist, Courtesy of Cheim & Read, New York Collection of Jerry Gorovoy, New York Collection of Jean Louise Bourgeois, New York

Mightier than the Sword: The Satirical Pen of KAL Collection of the Artist The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Gary Alexander of Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. Annapolis, MD

Interpretation by Design: Contemporary Bookbindings by Stanley M. Sherman Stanley M. Sherman

The Aschcan School: Scenes of Early 20th Century New York Life from the Sigmund and Mary Hyman Collection The Sigmund and Mary Hyman Collection


The Walters Art Museum Annual Report DONORS

GENERAL OPERATING The Walters Art Museum extends its sincerest SUPPORT thanks to everyone – individuals, foundations, Maryland State Arts Council and corporations – who contributed so gener- Maryland State Department of Education ously in 2006. The support and friendship of Baltimore City our family of friends and donors enable the Baltimore County Anne Arundel County Walters to maintain the highest standards for Carroll County Government and visitors from all walks of life and corners of the the Carroll County Arts Council globe. We are especially pleased to recognize Harford County those individuals, corporate partners, and Howard County The State of Maryland foundations who made gifts from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. INDIVIDUAL DONORS Benefactor The Helen P. Denit Trust Henry and William Walters Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. English Circle Mr. Stephen W. Fisher Dr. and Mrs. Giraud V. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Amos The Harry L. Gladding Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Baker Jennifer Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte Ms. Jane S. Baum and Mr. Mrs. Mary B. Hyman Mrs. Cynthia R. Mead Stanley Rodbell Mr. George W. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mayo A. Shattuck III Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bernard Mr. Robert E. Meyerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Hervey S. Stockman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bond, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Modell Adena and David Testa Mr. Michael Brennan and Ms. Charles J. and Mary Kathryn Nabit Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Wilson Jane Sundius Kathy and Roger Novak Mr. and Mrs. Eddie C. Brown Founders’ Circle Mr. and Mrs. David R. Owen Mrs. Joseph Bryan III William L. and Nancy B. Paternotte Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Bain The Bunting Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pedersen The William G. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Calvert Mr. William H. Perkins and Ms. Memorial Fund Caplan Family Foundation, Inc. Amy K. Huntoon/Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Borden H. Chace and Helen S. Davis Fund Improvement Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzuto Mr. Joseph DeCarlo Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roche William R. and Wendyce H. Mrs. Laura Delano Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schweizer, Jr. Brody Fund Mrs. Edgell Mr. and Mrs. George M. Sherman Dr. and Mrs. Worth B. Daniels, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore Ford Mr. D. Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Davison Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Glick Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. James H. DeGraffenreidt, Jr. Ms. Joanna Davison Golden and Dr. Mychelle Y. Farmer 22 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. James A. Goodyear and Dr. Venable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. McCreadie Patricia W. Goodyear Dr. and Mrs. Gary K. Vikan Mr. David D. McNally and Mr. and Mrs. H. Thorne Gould Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Wilson Ms. Michelle Nilssen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Horowitz Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Betty Huse MD Charitable Mrs. Sally J. Michel Foundation Director’s Circle Mr. and Mrs. Decatur H. Miller Mr. Nizam Peter Kettaneh Dr. and Mrs. George C. Alderman Mrs. J. Jefferson Miller II Irving Kohn Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Aristides C. Alevizatos Mr. and Mrs. James Dabney Miller Ben and Kyle Legg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrew Mrs. Robert P. Mittelman Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Linehan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Askin Ms. Ann K. Morales Ms. Martha Macks-Kahn Ms. Penny Bank Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nehra Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mangione Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Becker Mr. and Mrs. David M. Paige Stanley Mazaroff and Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Boesel Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Pinto III Dorman Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Polk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George V. McGowan Mr. Michael P. Cataneo Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Riggs, Jr. Sumner T. McKnight Foundation Charlesmead Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rosenberg Mr. Laurence Merlis and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley C. Compton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Scott Ryder Wood Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cooper III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Segal Mr. Samuel Perkins and Dr. Mr. Edward L. Dopkin Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Semans Nancy Reed Mr. and Mrs. A. Eric Dott M. Sigmund and Barbara K. Sheila and Sara Perkins Fund Lloyd E. Mitchell Foundation Shapiro Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rockwell Dr. James R. Duke Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Barrett W. Shreckengost Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Freedlander Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Siegel Shaughnessy Ms. Norma Jean Geesey Dr. Herbert A. Silverman and Mr. and Mrs. Marinos Svolos Ms. Patricia A. Harcarik and Ms. Penelope L. Pine Van Dyke Family Foundation Mr. Carlton R. Nelson The Milton M. Frank and The Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc. Thomas B. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Foundation, Inc. Himmelrich, Sr. Aaron & Lillie Straus Foundation, Inc. The David and Barbara B. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taubman Hirschhorn Foundation Mrs. Clifford A. Truesdell III Miss Amanda W. Hopkins Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Weiss Toney Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wert Mr. Arthur Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. West Ms. Peggy Fox Edward Foss Wilson Charitable Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, Jr. Trust Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaplan Mrs. Gladys W. Winter Mrs. Harry E. Karr Mr. Charles A. Wunder Mrs. Isaac C. Lycett, Jr. Ms. Jean Wyman Mrs. Ruth R. Marder Anonymous 23 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Homer Harley W. Howell Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hug Mr. and Mrs. Benno Hurwitz Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Iglehart, Jr. Mrs. Diana F. Jacquot Mr. Charles W. Johnson and Ms. Donna C. Wilson Dr. Richard L. Kagan and Dr. Marianna Shreve Simpson Dr. and Mrs. Marc Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jay Katz Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Katzenberg Dr. and Mrs. Haig H. Kazazian, Jr. Mr. James A. C. Kennedy III Mr. and Mrs. Esko Korhonen Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kovacs Curators’ Circle Ms. Anne Derbes and Mr. Robert The Abraham & Ruth Krieger Foundation, Inc. Ms. Constance D. Andrews Schwab John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc. The Honorable Mahlon Apgar IV Mr. and Mrs. Frederic G. Emry III Mrs. Donald S. Levinson and Mrs. Apgar Mr. and Mrs. Randal B. Etheridge Macht Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Alexander Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Manekin Mrs. H. Norman Baetjer, Jr. The Reverend Dolores Ford and The Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jon Baker Dr. Patrick Ford Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Mason Rheda Becker Mrs. Charlton Friedberg Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mathai-Davis Lois & Irving Blum Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mathias Dr. and Mrs. John K. Boitnott Mr. Craig Gayhardt Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Meyerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. George Ms. Stephanie F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Allen Mrs. Sandra Levi Gerstung Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. D. Bourne, Jr. Mrs. W. H. Holden Gibbs Millspaugh Mr. Charles Brickbauer Mr. and Mrs. David R. Giroux Mr. and Mrs. J. William Murray Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Burchard Dr. Roland R. Griffiths Myerberg Foundation, Inc. The Campbell Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. The Israel & Mollie Myers Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ward Classen Griswold IV Foundation The Cordish Family Fund Mrs. Edward A. Halle Mr. and Mrs. David E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Oelsner III Mrs. Anne H. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hebb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cumming Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Deering Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr. Drs. Terry H. and Dana C. Hilt Mr. and Mrs. I. Manning Parsons III 24 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Passano, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCollins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrett Mrs. Walter D. Pinkard, Sr. Cooper Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Genn Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rauch Dr. Cornelius P. Darcy Mrs. W. H. Holden Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rich Mr. and Mrs. William Dausch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin III Mrs. Kathryn Coke Rienhoff Mr. Bruce B. Dayton Rothschild Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. L. Patrick Deering Mr. Kenneth L. Greif Dr. and Mrs. Neal Salomon Mr. Reed Deupree Ms. Katharine B. Gresham Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Schapiro Miss Caroline H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gutman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scher Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Doctrow Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Mrs. Arthur W. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Eccles Mrs. Rosemary Keyser Harder Mr. James M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Richard Falk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. Chris Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Feiss Harteveldt-Gomprecht Foundation Ms. Jeanne H. Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feltham, Jr. Mrs. E. Phillips Hathaway Dr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Strickland Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fisher III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hess Mr. and Mrs. George R. Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. David H. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hess, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Himeles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiese Foggy River Fund/Berkshire Mrs. Sandra Hittman Rogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc. Taconic Community Foundation Mrs. Katharine Finney Baetjer Dr. Laurie S. Zabin Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frederick Hornady Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. John M. Freeman Captain and Mrs. Daniel Hunt Patron Adalman-Goodwin Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Ambler Mrs. Alexander Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bareham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Bartlett II Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Batza, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Booth Beers Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bond Dr. Jose F. Bonelli Brightside Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorsey Brown III Ms. Pamela Buell Mrs. Marjorie D. Byers Ms. Suzanne F. Cohen Howard P. Colhoun Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. George J. Collins

25 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kaplan Gloria B. & Herbert M. Katzenberg Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Kent, Jr. Frances Alice Kleeman Mr. George Lambillotte Mr. Richard M. Lansburgh Thomas P. Lemke and Sarah O'Neil Dr. and Mrs. Donlin M. Long Mr. Charles M. Lott Mrs. Seena Lubcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Manekin Mr. and Mrs. Luke Marbury Kate and Bunky Markert Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mathai-Davis Mr. and Mrs. John Grayson McCormick, Sr. Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial Mrs. Richard C. Riggs Mrs. Frank V. Sutland Trust/Harvey & Lyn Meyerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Aidan J. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rockwell Talkin Louis and Hortense Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rockwell The Louis B. Thalheimer & Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Sachs Juliet A. Eurich Ms. Jean-Barry Molz Anil Sanghera, M.D. Philantropic Fund Mr. George A. Murnaghan Leonard & Barbara Scherlis Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tice Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers Mrs. Katherine P. Schwabe Darlene Usilton and Mrs. Donald F. Obrecht Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schwark William Frank Ms. Anne O'Brien and Mr. David Earle & Annette Shawe Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaselkiv Fleck Mr. Bradley A. Siersdorfer Ms. Joanne P. Vatz Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentley Offutt Sidney Silber Family Foundation Ms. Sara R. Voigt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olney III Mr. Michael Silver Ms. Jennifer E. Vollmer Mrs. Marjorie W. Ottenheimer Dr. and Mrs. J. Thayer Simmons and Mr. David N. Copas Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula Mr. and Mrs. Turner B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waldman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Palkovitz Mr. Walter Sondheim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wallack Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Palmer Rita St. Clair and Joseph Mr. John M. Waltersdorf Mrs. J. Stevenson Peck Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Weglicki Mr. and Mrs. James P. Piper III Mr. William O. Steinmetz Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wicks Mr. Vernon A. Reid and Ms. Betty Cooke Mrs. Susan A. Wolman Francis and Anne Reinhoff Fund The Stieff Foundation Mr. M. Richard Wyman Mrs. Jean Riddell Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Mr. and Mrs. Calman J. Zamoiski, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Riepe Sullam Anonymous 26 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Sustainer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Bisbee Miss Jeannette A. Cabeen Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Aarsand Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Blanton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dr. and Mrs. Martin Abeloff Mr. and Mrs. John J. Boland Cadwalader, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Adair Mrs. Esther C. Bonnet Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Adams Susan and Daniel H. Borinsky Mrs. Deborah Winston Callard Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Ahlstrom Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bosworth Ms. Virginia Tyler Campbell Mr. Raymond M. Albers and Dr. and Mrs. Denis Bourke Mr. and Mrs. John G. Campbell Ms. Margaret J. Rhian Mrs. Virginia C. Bowe Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Canzoniero Drs. C. Alex and Sudha T. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Liam E. Boyle Mr. Lawrence R. Case Dr. Ann Hersey Allison Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brady Miss Louise P. Cavagnaro Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ancel, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Breakey Mr. Anthony Cecala and Ms. Mildred B. Anderson Mrs. Marian L. Brennan Ms. Vicky George Ms. Fannie Angelos Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Chemers Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Apostolo Dr. and Mrs. Warren A. Brill Mr. and Mrs. Chi-Shiang Chen Mrs. Floraine Applefeld Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brody Mr. and Mrs. Evan Alevizatos Chriss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. G. Ms. M. Audrey Brown Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Christ Bailliere, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Brown, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ciesla Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bair H. Barksdale Brown Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Civiletti Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin Ms. Elizabeth J. Bruen Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Clapp III Mr. and Mrs. William Balfour Ms. Mary R. Brush Ms. Margery M. Clark Helen and Merrill Bank Ms. Frances A. Bufalo and Mr. Brett D. Clifford Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Anne M. Bufalo Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Cochrane Ms. Maria Luisa Barata Mr. Daniel Bunch Mrs. Bette D. Cohen Mr. Anthony F. Barbieri, Jr. Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting Drs. Alan B. and Miriam L. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. George R. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Byrnes Mr. A. R. Cohen and Dr. J. M. Rubin Ms. Jill M. Barry Mrs. C. Marshall Barton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David I. Bavar The Honorable Solomon Baylor and Mrs. Baylor Ms. Ann Beegle and Mr. Timothy A. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Belgrad Dr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bendit Dr. Murry D. Bentley and Ms. Linda J. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Berdann Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bertani Dr. and Mrs. C. Timothy Bessent Dr. Christopher T. Bever, Jr. and Dr. Patricia A. Thomas

27 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mrs. Randall C. Coleman Dr. and Mrs. David C. Driskell Mr. Robert M. Forcey Dr. and Mrs. John A. C. Colston, Jr. Miss Cathy A. Dryden Ms. Lauren Adams Fortmiller Mrs. Alfred I. Coplan Mr. Stephen S. Dunham and Mr. Thomas E. Foster Corckran Family Charitable Ms. Victoria Cass Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fowler Foundation, Inc. Ms. Lynne M. Durbin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Fox Mr. Sylvan L. Cornblatt Mr. John-Francis Mergen Mr. and Mrs. David Ehlers Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Courpas Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Freedman Mr. George William Cox, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Edelman Matthew and Gladys Arak Freedman Mr. W. Kennedy Cromwell III Mr. David J. Edmondson and Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Friedel Mr. and Mrs. Pierre R. Crosson Mr. Robert G. Ricks Dr. and Mrs. William F. Fritz Ms. Gloria C. Cummings and Ms. Karen Elliott Ms. Noreen Anne Frost Mr. David Bellamy Emess Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Gabor Mr. Leonard A. Dahl Ms. Amanda A. Falk Dr. and Mrs. George N. Galifianakis Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Daly Mrs. Elizabeth Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gann Mr. Robert W. Davies Mrs. Stephen W. Feiss Mrs. Bernard M. Gann Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison Dr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Feldberg Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Garten Mr. and Mrs. Brad Day Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Feldman Mrs. Phoebe R. Gilchrist Mrs. Louis DeGreif Dr. Charlotte Ferencz Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hine Glenn Mrs. Geraldine Dell Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. DeLuca Ms. Jeannette Festa Mr. and Mrs. Bertram M. Goldstein Mr. James E. DiGirolamo David J. and Rosemary C. Fetter Betty and Leonard Golombek Mr. Lewis H. Diuguid and Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Fisher Philanthropic Fund Ms. Shirley A. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Nelson I. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gomberg Miss Helen V. Dixon Dr. William N. Fitzpatrick The Gorfine Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Folstein Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Gould Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Drachman Ms. Nadine L. Fontan and Mr. Conrad R. Graeber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Drigotas Mr. Oliver Schein Mrs. Susan M. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Greenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Greif, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bartley P. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Griffiths Mr. George Grose and Ms. Amy Macht W. Arthur Grotz Foundation, Inc. Rita and Larry Guffey W. Lehman Guyton, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Haberman Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton Hackney, Jr. Mrs. Louise A. Hager Dr. and Mrs. M. Reza Hagigh 28 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Miss Evelyn A. Karas Haines Mrs. Pat Karzai Mrs. Barbara K. Halle Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon T. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Handal Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Kays Ms. Nancy W. Harding Mr. James S. Keat and Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Hare Ms. Christine L. Thompson Dr. Daniel P. Harley and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Ms. Kathryn J. Brown Kiehne Mr. Michael Harrison Ms. Grace D. Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Mr. Michael Verdone Harvey Mrs. Leah E. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. H. Ms. Patsy Gail Kennan Harvey Dr. Herbert L. Kessler and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Ms. Johanna Zacharias Hathaway Ms. Elizabeth M. Ketzner Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. and Mr. Myles Norin Heacock Dr. Lawrence L. Kiefer Mr. John D. Heasley and Dr. and Mrs. William J. Kinnard, Jr. Ms. Rosemary L. Shearer Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodford Howard, Jr. Dr. Edmond S. Klausner Mrs. Catherine S. Hecht Mrs. C. Raymond Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klaver Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Hecht Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hyde Walter C. and Patricia A. Klein Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hedberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Immelt Charitable Fund Ms. Annette C. Heimlich and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford G. Jacobson Steven M. and Diane Robinson Mr. Richard Thobe Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. James Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heintz Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jarrett Mr. Frederick Singley Koontz Mr. and Mrs. John H. Heller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kornblatt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Henderson Mrs. Robert D. Jeffs Mr. Robert P. Kovalcik Mr. Gerard J. Herr Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joffe Ms. Dorothy B. Krug Ms. Sue L. Hess Mrs. Rodica Isaila Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Laisy Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. Heuisler III Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Johnson Mr. Robert Landau and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Heyrman Ms. Brenda M. Johnson Dr. Barbara G. Landau Drs. W. Robert and Eva P. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Oswald L. The Honorable Julian L. Lapides Mr. Alan P. Hoblitzell, Jr. Johnston, Jr. and Mrs. Lapides Mr. LeRoy E. Hoffberger Mr. and Mrs. Harris Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leon LaPorte Mr. William H. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. David B. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lawson Ms. Katharine McLane Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Judd Mr. and Mrs. Yuan C. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Nelson R. Kandel Mrs. Lucinda K. Leigh Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hollyday Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thomas Mr. Robert Z. Leizure and Mr. and Mrs. John S. Holman Kandel Ms. Meredith B. Felter Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutherfoord Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Lerner The Honorable C. Yvonne Holt- Kantorski The Reverend and Mrs. James R. Stone and Mr. William H. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaplan LeVeque 29 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mrs. Thomas G. McCausland Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McCracken Mr. Robert C. McDiarmid and Ms. Frances E. Francis Mr. and Mrs. James M. McDonald Dr. Jill E. McGovern and Dr. Steven Muller Mr. Gary R. McKenzie Ms. Eleanor McMillan Ms. Mary Ellen Medved Mr. and Mrs. James I. Melhorn Mr. and Mrs. Abel Merrill Ms. Dorothy R. Mikoloski Dr. and Mrs. Alan G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Miller Ms. Linda L. Miller Mrs. Mildred S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Mirelson Mr. and Mrs. M. Peter Moser Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Motz Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Muncie Mr. and Mrs. William P. Murphy Mrs. Annette S. Nagler Sudershan K. Najar, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ness Irving J. Neuman & Mickey Neuman Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Joseph M. Levi Mrs. Sarah W. Majoros Mrs. Loxley Fitzpatrick Nichols Mrs. J. Elliot Levi Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Malester Ms. Michele Nido and Mr. and Mrs. William M. Levy Mr. Robert T. Manfuso and Ms. Mary Jo Nido Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lewis Ms. Katharine M. Voss Mr. and Mrs. George A. Nilson Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Sigmund H. Manne Mr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Nolley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lewison Dr. Medea M. Marella Mrs. Howard G. Norton Dr. and Mrs. F. Pierce Linaweaver Mrs. Esta C. Maril Mrs. Harriett W. Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. William C. Loerke Dr. David H. Marlowe Mrs. Charles F. Obrecht Paul and Martha M. Lohmeyer Mrs. William G. Marr Mrs. Martha Jones O’Brien and Ethel M. Looram Foundation, Inc. Alex and Dudley Mason Family Fund Mr. Patrick J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lucas II Ms. Mary-jo Mather Mrs. Daniel M. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Macfarlane Mr. and Mrs. E. Trail Mathias Dr. Charles O’Donovan III Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Machen, Jr. Mr. Philip R. Mayhew Mrs. A. Douglas Oliver Mrs. Duncan H. Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCarthy Ms. Elaine Hamilton O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Clark F. MacKenzie Dr. H. Berton McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hoen O’Neil 30 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Ms. Jo-Ann Mayer Orlinsky Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Schreter Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Orlinsky Mrs. Saul Schulhoff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ottenheimer Dr. Christopher F. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Paisley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schumer Mr. and Mrs. C. Harvey Palmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Schumm III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Paska Mr. Donald P. Seibert Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Patterson Sensinger, Jr. Ms. Nancy Patz Ida & Joseph Shapiro Foundation Arnall and Ellen Patz Fund Mr. and Mrs. George K. Reynolds III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Shawe Ms. Pamela D. Paulk Mr. and Mrs. Arnold I. Richman Alan and Joanne D. Shecter Mr. and Mrs. James A. Perdue Ms. Robin Lee Ridder Ms. Jane M. Sheets Sara Delano Redmond Fund Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sheldon Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Perlman Miss Eleanor A. Robbins Miss Martha E. Shelhoss Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pervi Drs. Paul E. and Mary Roberts Stephen R. Shepard and Ms. Martha Ann Peters Mr. and Mrs. William G. Peggy A. Hetrick Mr. James Petrica Robertson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Shortall Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rocca Ms. Sara L. Siebert Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson III Mr. and Mrs. Theo C. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Silen Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Piet Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Claude O. Skelton Dr. John J. Pilch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roman Mr. Richard A. Slaven The Reverend R. Douglas Pitt Drs. James and Audrey Rooney Dr. Mary S. Slusser Mr. and Mrs. Albin MacDonough Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Smelkinson Plant Mr. Winstead Rouse Miss Carolyn L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Morton B. Plant Ms. Libby Rouse Ms. Judy L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Brentnall Powell, Jr. Ms. Diane L. Ryan Dr. Charles Snipes Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Power Mr. Robert J. Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Solomon H. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Preis Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sacci Mrs. Rudolph Sobernheim Mr. Joseph L. Press Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Sager Mrs. Joan Sobkov Mrs. Herbert R. Preston Monica and Arnold Sagner Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. L. Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Prince Mr. Edward Saltzberg and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Sorese Mr. Peter E. Quint Ms. Sharon H. Schoeller Mr. and Mrs. Paul David Sowell The John and Marsha Ramsay Mr. and Mrs. William A. Samios Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Specht Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Julios B. Santise Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Spence Dr. and Mrs. Jonas R. Rappeport The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes Dr. George R. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rawlins and Mrs. Sarbanes Mr. George R. Barth Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. Read, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Saxton Mr. Davis L. Statton, Jr. Dr. G. Edward Reahl, Jr. The Honorable William Donald Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Redden Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Carleton W. Sterling Mr. Charles B. Reeves, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Scheffenacker The James E. Steuart Foundation Mr. Russell R. Reno, Jr. Mr. Gerald Scheinker Mr. Albert Henry Stevenson 31 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Ms. Allison A. Stockman The Honorable Thomas J. S. Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Zieve Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Stone Waxter, Jr. and Mrs. Waxter Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Zimmerman Mrs. Margaret Parsons Stout Mrs. Robert M. Weidenhammer Anonymous (5) Ms. Jane Stricklen Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wert Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stromberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Whelton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stuart Dwight R. and Lindsey W. Williams CORPORATE SUPPORT Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Williams Founders Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Sweren Mr. and Mrs. E. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. D. Winston Tabb Mrs. Edna Winik AEGON USA Dr. Martin Taubenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Agora Publishing, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taubman Winstead, Jr. Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Peyton R. Wise II Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Ms. Mary Stuart Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Witter Wilmington Trust, F.S.B. Drs. Bruce T. and Ellen Taylor Captain and Mrs. Robert B. Wood Ms. Sonia Tendler Mr. Richard Wright and Connoisseur Mr. Michael L. Terrin and Ms. Ada D. Haunschild DURON, Inc. Ms. Bess Keller Mr. Michael H. Yerman and Hamilton Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thieblot Mr. Marc Hayes Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Young III Company Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Thompson Mrs. George B. Young Mrs. R. Carmichael Tilghman Drs. Paul J. and Deborah L. Collector Ms. Paula Gately Tillman Young-Hyman Intertwine Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Tomlinson Drs. J. B. and Annelies S. Zachary Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Topping Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Townsend Towson University Foundation, Inc. Mr. Fred A. Trenkle Mr. and Mrs. David F. Tufaro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Twist The Honorable Joseph D. Tydings and Mrs. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ulmer III Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Van Anden Mr. and Mrs. James W. Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. von Mayer Mr. Robert Wagner Ms. Pearl C. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Washburne, Jr. Mrs. Ellen P. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Waters 32 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Peabody Court Hotel/Clarion Daft McCune Walker, Inc. W.P. Carey & Co. LLC Eastern Savings Bank General Motors Baltimore Master Assembly Plant American Trading and Goetze's Candy Company Production Corporation Iota Partners The Black & Decker Corporation The National Lumber Company Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown The Oxford Club Procter & Gamble Cosmetics, Inc. S. Kann Sons Company Foundation, Inc. Artisan Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler The Classic Catering People Slack Cordes, LLP DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary The Staubach Company McCormick & Company, Inc. SunTrust Bank Provident Bank of Maryland T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Venable L.L.P. SPECIAL PROJECT Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & SUPPORT Dorr, LLP Education Craftsman The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Baker-King Fund Alexander Baer Associates, Inc. Creative Baltimore Fund American Urological Association, Inc. The Goldsmith Family Foundation Chase Fitzgerald & Company, Inc. The Samuel H. Kress Foundation Cho Benn Holback & Associates Miriam Lodge K.S. B., Inc. Christie’s The Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation Corporate Office Properties Trust The Women’s Committee of the KPMG LLP Walters Art Museum Cynthia and Lee Alderdice Macy's East, Inc. Nottingham Properties, Inc. Walters Technology Peter and Millicent Bain O.T. Neighoff & Sons The Harry L. Gladding Foundation Saul Ewing, LLP Initiative Charles and Mary Kathryn Nabit W.R. Grace & Company For support of the digitization of Kathy and Roger Novak Warfield-Dorsey Company, Inc. the collection, for the greatly enhanced Walters website and Alex. Brown & Sons Charitable Donor for the creation of new on-line Foundation Bay Imagery, Inc. interdisciplinary educational Hamilton Associates Bendann Art Galleries resources, we gratefully acknowl- Carrollton Bank edge these generous gifts, made Chateau Builders, Inc. before June 30, 2006: Cox, Ferber & Associates, LLC

33 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Palazzo Project Rosemore, Inc. Palazzo Opening Weekend $100,000–$750,000 Mr. and Mrs. H. Thorne Gould Wilmington Trust, F.S.B. The Richard C. von Hess Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Chace Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison Anonymous Exhibition Support Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feinberg Louise Bourgeois: Femme Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Dyke $1,000–$15,000 Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro AEGON Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cooper III Stanley Mazaroff Caplan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Modell The Wieler Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers Novak, Jr. Goya Contemporary & Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Silber Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alderman Goya-Girl Press Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Mrs. Harrison L. Winter Sandra D. Hess Foundation Mr. Michael P. Cataneo Ziger/Snead Architects and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamilton, Jr. The Dr. Frank C. Marino Charles Brickbauer Women’s Committee of the Foundation Clair Zamoiski Segal and Walters Art Museum Mr. George A. Murnaghan Thomas H. Segal Mr. and Mrs. William L. Paternotte Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Glick Sherry and Stuart Christhilf Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Bain Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mangione Erin Becker and Rheda Becker Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sasser Constance R. Caplan Wieler Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baker Jane S. Baum The Samuel H. Kress Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. English The William G. Baker, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Pozefsky Mr. and Mrs. Sudhir M. Trivedi Memorial Fund The Sheridan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Salisbury, Jr. Mrs. Bodil Ottesen The Hon. C. Yvonne Holt-Stone The Cordish Family Fund $15,000–$50,000 Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. Miller, Jr. Laura L. Freedlander Milton Frank & Thomas Sprague Dr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Walsh Gwen Davidson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Ambler Dr. and Mrs. William Brody Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr. The Harry L. Gladding Foundation Mrs. Ellen R. Aisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Mayo A. Shattuck III Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mathai-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Hervey S. Stockman Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Schapiro Mrs. Sarah A. Stockman Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Baker Mr. and Mrs. M. David Testa Mr. and Mrs. Eddie C. Brown Mr. Jerome D. Smalley Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore Ford Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaplan Dr. Mychelle Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. James T. McGill Mr. James DeGraffenreidt Mr. and Mrs. Barrett W. Freedlander Other Gifts Mittelman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bond, Jr. National Endowment for the Arts Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Gabor Mr. and Mrs. William H. Perkins Colonel Herman G. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reid Mr. and Mrs. William M. Passano, Jr. 34 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Ann and Sandy Jacobson Marsha and John Ramsay Gloria and Joseph Askin Lindsay and Bruce Fleming Betsy and David Nelson Carol and Alan Edelman The Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation

The Art of Law: Legal Documents from the Collection of the Walters Art Museum Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A.

Pearls of the Parrot of India E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Richard and Rosalee Davison Mary and Scott Wieler – Signal Other Restricted Gifts Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, Inc. Hill Capital The International Chinese Snuff Andrea and John Laporte Cynthia and Lee Alderdice Bottle Society Washington Gas Light Company Jerome D. Smalley The Samuel H. Kress Foundation Philip D. English and The Stockman Family Foundation E. Rogers Novak, Jr. Saul Ewing, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Eliasberg Chevy Chase Bank Rosemore, Inc. Friends of the Davisons GALA 2005 Betsy and Robert Feinberg Barbara and Sam Himmelrich $25,000 Adena and David Testa Venable, LLP Marilyn and George Pedersen Baltimore Color Plate Constellation Energy Barbara and Tom Bozzuto Judy and Peter Van Dyke Lillian and Willard Hackerman DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary , Inc. $5,000 SunTrust Bank Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Modell Brown Advisory Ben and Kyle Legg Betsy and George Sherman Bank of America Mary and Nick Mangione T. Rowe Price Group Hamilton Associates, Inc. Calvin H. Baker Wilmington Trust Ballard Spahr Andrews & Atlantic Trust Private Wealth $10,000 Ingersoll, LLP Management Wilmer Cutler Hale & Dorr, LLP Ferris Baker Watts, Inc. American Trading and George A. and Nancy K. Roche Production Corporation Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Winnie and Neal Borden Company KPMG, LLP 35 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

ART BLOOMS 2006 Benefactors Betsy and John Bond Eva and Warren Brill Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Calvert Dr. and Mrs. Worth B. Daniels, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Dyke Judy and Peter Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eliasberg Mr. and Mrs. R. Hugh Allen Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. George Barbara Guarnieri Michael and Carolyn Meredith Faith and Ted Millspaugh Roger and Kathy Novak Marilyn and George Pedersen George A. and Nancy K. Roche Mr. and Mrs. John S. Waters, Sr. Dick and Maria Gamper Dorothy Mcilvain Scott Mary Baily Wieler Bruce Ann Gillet Sharon and Stephen Waters Jay M. Wilson Joanna Golden Judy M.Witt and Philip Pendleton Mrs. Henry G. Hagan Patrons Tsognie and Douglas Hamiliton Supporters Dr. and Mrs. Aristides C. Alevizatos Catherine and Douglas Hoffberger Anonymous Chris and Herb Bangs Ellen and Patrick Jarosinski The Honorable Mahlon Apgar IV Joanne and Chris Bartlett Brigitte and Nelson Kandel and Mrs. Apgar Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bates Marion and Peter Kandel Peter and Millicent Bain Nancy S. Benninghoff Kim and John Leahy Wendy and Bill Brody Mr. and Mrs. R. Peter Bosworth Earl and Darielle Linehan Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Dupkin II Rudy and Robin Breitenecker Mr. and Mrs. James Magee Mr. and Mrs. Randal B. Etheridge Kathleen and Fred Brosi Mary-jo Mather Ann Marie and Jeff Fox Mary and Cato Carpenter Beth and Greg McCrickard Norma Jean Geesey Gita and Deepak Chowdhury David and Michelle McNally Alicia and Joe Haberman Mr. and Mrs.Andrew J.A. Chriss Mrs. Beverly Britten Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edward George Hart Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Claiborne Shelley Mulitz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Himmelrich, Sr. Lynn and Carl Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. William P. Murphy Mary Ellen and Leon Kaplan Betty Cooke and William Steinmetz Charles J. Nabit Mrs. Harry E. Karr Sidney E. Daniels Paul and Susan Niemeyer Andrea and John H. Laporte Diane Donohue Catherine and Steve Owen Ann H. Offutt Eric and Esther Dott Jill and Jeff Palkovitz Mr. and Mrs. William M. Passano, Jr. Deborah and Philip English Charles and Nancy Pecot Kathy and David Phillips

36 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Tammie Plant Marilyn Koch Thomas Herman Heirloom Jewels Mr. and Mrs. Peter St. John Reid Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Carole Langrall Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rice III Lanahan III Linwoods Kathryn Coke Rienhoff Mrs. Robert Levi Barbara Lundell Mrs. Conrad Richter Bernard Manekin Ray Mitchner of Ruth Shaw Richard and Sheila Riggs Mrs. Ruth R. Marder Patapsco Valley Sales Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rohde Kate and Bunky Markert Sawmill Marketing Wendy Rosen and Richard Weisman Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam L. Paternotte Clare Stewart Mrs. James W. Rouse Anna Z. Pappas Table Toppers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Scott Anne M. Pinkard The Roland Park News Ellen M. Sherwin Rick and Frances Rockwell The Wine Source Dr. and Mrs. Thayer Simmons Carol R. Schimpff Robert Zimmerman Nancy E. Smith Dr. and Mrs.Thomas Schwark Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Stevens Jean and Parvin Sharpless Anne and Ken Stuzin Jean F. Silber BEQUESTS RECEIVED Michele and Jesse Swartz Joan Sobkov George and Bonnie Sybert Mrs. Robert E. Williams Mrs. Priscilla A. Howard Mrs. C. Carmichael Tilghman Salley Barton Willse Miss Jeanette Myers Terry and Jim Ulmer Miss M. Eleanor Thompson John Waters Corporate Donors Mrs. Bruce Wilson Asplundh Diana Wimberley Calvert Wholesale Florists Ann and Hiram Woodward Chase Fitzgerald & Co., Inc. Venable LLP Friend Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale Mrs. David W. Barton, Jr. and Dorr LLP Anand S. Bhasin W.P. Carey Neal D. Borden Benjamin and Gaile Civiletti Media Partner Dr. Miriam L. Cohen Comcast Katherine S. Dannenberg WYPR 88.1 Richard and Rosalee C. Davison Sarah and Mark Davison In Kind Donors Ms. Virginia G. Decker Advance Printing Berthe H. Ford Alchemic Synthesis Studio Helen Gilbert Ambiance Photo Corp. Ben and Wendy Griswold Baltimore Cupcake Company Barbara K. Halle Bijoux Inspired Jewels Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. James Ceriello Mrs. Harris Jones, Jr. Marc DeSimone Leah E. Kemper Harvey and Daughters

37 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

GIFTS RECEIVED IN In Honor of Marilyn Scher In Memory of Laura Delano HONOR OF Mrs. Martin Mitnick Eastman Mrs. Howard B. Hodgson In Honor of Monte Blum In Honor of Jean and Sidney Ms. Lisa Englander and Silber In Memory of Lillian Mr. Bruce W. Pepich Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Levy Goldberg In Honor of Rosalee and Dick Mr. and Mrs. George Sloan Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Bob Mrs. Lillian Bob Davison In Honor of Hiram Ms. Sonia Tendler Woodward, Jr. In Memory of Ouida In Honor of Michael B. Glick The James H. W. Thompson Kallmyer Foundation Mr. Bernard A. LeBeau Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Glick In Honor of Samuel K. In Memory of Louise N. GIFTS RECEIVED IN Marburg Himmelrich MEMORY OF Mrs. Donna J. Bandzwolek and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford G. Jacobson Mr. John H. Bandzwolek Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff In Memory of G. Chesterton Dr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pechter Carey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warner E. Love Mr. and Mrs. Eberhard Faber In Honor of Mantle Hood Drs. Paul E. and Mary Roberts Ms. Maryellen J. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Rush In Memory of Mary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Schroeder, Jr. Livingston Carr In Honor of Sara Levi The Women’s Committee of In Memory of Isabel S. Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Levi The Walter’s Art Museum Roberts In Honor of Sara Lycett Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. Heuisler III Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Rush Art Seminar Group, Inc. In Memory of Anita Wagenheim Ms. Sylvia Palmer Ms. Claudia Beth Bismark and Mr. Wade Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Rush

38 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

LIFE MEMBERS W. Alton Jones Acquisition Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Alderdice Miss Ann Callan In 1983, the W. Alton Jones Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Dupkin II Foundation made a major gift to Dr. and Mrs. Milton T. Edgerton the Walters to establish an Mr. Richard Hovey Gamble endowment fund whose income Captain and Mrs. Daniel Hunt would be used to purchase works Mrs. Robert D. H. Levi of art. Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff James A. Murnaghan Mrs. Diana Edwards Murnaghan Mrs. Bernard H. Ridder, Jr. Curatorial Chair in Miss Dorothy McIlvain Scott Renaissance and Baroque Art particular interest in the collec- James A. Murnaghan, the distin- NAMED ENDOWMENT tions of jewelry and portrait guished Irish jurist and art collec- FUNDS miniatures. Upon her death in tor, was the uncle of the Hon. 1972, she left a significant The following named funds are Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr., bequest to the museum’s endow- part of the Walters’ permanent Chairman Emeritus of the ment, with income unrestricted. endowment and were established Walters’ Board of Trustees. The with gifts of $250,000 or more. income from this fund supports Alexander Brown Griswold the position of curator of The Jacob and Hilda Fund Renaissance and baroque art. Alexander Brown Griswold, an Blaustein Endowment Fund The Perlman Memorial Fund and the Louis and Henrietta eminent scholar of , greatly enriched the Walters’ col- Philip B. Perlman was one of the Blaustein Endowment Fund lection of Asian art with the gift original members of the Walters’ In 1989, the trustees of the Jacob of his large and important collec- Board of Trustees, which he and Hilda Blaustein Foundation tion of Thai and other Asian established in 1932 following and of the Louis and Henrietta sculpture. In addition, he estab- Henry Walters’ bequest to the Blaustein Foundation established lished this endowment fund, with City of Baltimore in 1931. He these funds at the Walters to income unrestricted. became President of the Board of provide support for essential pro- Trustees in 1955 and remained in grammatic activities, such as per- The Robert and Nancy Hall that position until his death in manent and temporary exhibi- Assistant Curatorship 1960. His bequest, and a gener- tions, publications, education ous donation by an anonymous Museum patrons Robert and programs, and visiting specialists. donor, funded the Perlman Nancy Hall established this Memorial Fund, with income endowed mid-level curatorial The Laura F. Delano Fund unrestricted. position in response to the chal- Miss Delano, niece of Henry lenge from the Andrew W. Walters, served as a trustee of Mellon Foundation. the Walters for 28 years and took 39 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quincy Scott Curatorial MAJOR GIFTS FROM THE ANDREW W. Chair for Asian Art MELLON FOUNDATION This fund was established in 1997, The Mellon Foundation provides important support of art muse- in response to a challenge from ums throughout the . Over the years, it has bol- The Andrew W. Mellon stered conservation, scholarly research and publications, curator- Foundation, with income restrict- ial staff, and training with the following gifts to the Walters Art ed to support of the position of Museum: Curator of Asian Art. The Mellon Conservation Fellowship Fund The Loretta Lee Ver Valen Established in 1982 by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this Fund fund provides annual income to support the Walters’ program This fund was established in 2001 that trains post-graduate fellows in conservation. with a bequest from the estate of Mrs. Loretta Lee Ver Valen. It was The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fund for Scholarly given to honor the memory of Research and Publications Mrs. Ver Valen’s mother. The income from this fund is to be In 1985, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation established a fund to used to support the acquisition support research and publications at the Walters. of works of art. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Curatorship for The Jay M. Wilson Endowment Fund The position of curator of ancient art is named in honor of The Jay M. Wilson was President of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which, through a challenge grant the Walters’ Board of Trustees awarded in 1996, helped to endow two senior curatorial posi- from 1979 to 1985, Chairman tions. from 1985 to 1988, and President again from 1991 to 1994. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowment for Mid- Established in 2000 by his family, Level Curatorship this fund is designated for In 2004, the Walters completed the matching requirements to endowment, with income unre- receive an endowment from the Mellon Foundation restricted to stricted. the support salaries, research, and travel costs for two mid-level curatorial positions. These are not affiliated with specific collec- While every effort has been made tion areas, but can be deployed where the museum has greatest to list donors accurately, should need. you notice an error, please accept our apologies. Please notify us at 410-547-9000, ext. 295, with the correction.


The Walters Art Museum Annual Report VOLUNTEERS

AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN’ S COMMITTEE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE WALTERS ART MUSEUM Marco K. Merrick, Chair Dr. Freeda E. Thompson, Vice Art Blooms Chairman Chair Constance James Fitzpatrick Merlene E. Adair Sharon S. Waters Calvin H. Baker Larry “Poncho” Brown Jewelry Fair Chairman C. Sylvia Brown Savilla S. Rohde Lester Buster Active Members Madelyn Clark-Robinson WILLIAM T. WALTERS Lorraine Cornish ASSOCIATION Christine R. Bangs Brenda Covington Betsy Bond Shirley Basfield Dunlap Special thanks to the William T. Marta L. Bosworth Harriet Griffin Walters Association for their Eva L. Brill Dr. Roselyn E. Hammond commitment and dedication in Kathleen Brosi The Honorable Helen L. Holton assisting the Annual Giving cam- Katie del Carmen Byram (Ex-Officio) paign efforts for 2006. Gita Chowdhury The Honorable C. Yvonne Holt-Stone Mary Boswell Claiborne The Honorable Julian L. Lapides Michael B. Glick, Chair Lynn D. Crenshaw Andrea B. Laporte Frank Andrew, Vice-Chair Alexandra K. Dalury Theodocia Newman H. Ward Classen, Vice-Chair Diane M. Donohue Edna O’Connor Hartley C. Etheridge Jean B. Owens Joanne Belgrad Berthe H. Ford Aleta Parrish Mark M. Deering Ann Marie Fox William Paternotte Deric Grant Emry, II Jean Geesey Vernon A. Reid J. Jeffrey Fox Joanna D. Golden Ilka T. Robinson-Eaton Craig Gayhardt Barbara F. Guarnieri Patricia Grimmett Smith Jay H. Gouline Tsognie W. Hamilton Alethia B. Starke Lee Hare Barbie Hart Rita Turner Brian P. Harrington Catherine v.O. Hoffberger Judy Van Dyke Marianne Schmitt Hellauer Ellen Richter Jarosinski Adriana Ward R. Dale Horn Marion H. Kandel Ruth White Edward Joffe Mary Ellen Kaplan Kimberly S. Williams Douglas B. McCoach, III Kim Leahy Anne O’Brien Beth McCrickard Eileen Day O’Brien Faith C. Millspaugh Eric Orlinsky Susan Kinley Niemeyer Anna Z. Pappas Janette L. Nyce Judy Siegel Martha Jones O'Brein

42 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Catherine Owen Donna N. Kovacs Katherine R. Williams Jill H. Palkovitz Reva G. Lewie Margaret Wright Katherine G. Phillips Talbot B. Lewin Beverley W. Young Sharon E. Reid Mary-jo Mather Laura Burton Rice Patricia D. McPhail Savilla S. Rohde Carolyn F. Meredith DOCENTS Wendy S. Rosen Anne S. Minkowski Executive Committee Barbara S. Simmons Katherine C. Murphy Anne C. Stuzin Petey O’Donnell Barbara Simmons, President Michele Swartz Ann Offutt Joan Sobkov, Vice President Therese E. Ulmer Ann M. O’Neil Barbara Guarnieri, Secretary Elizabeth L. Van Dyke Anna Z. Pappas Patricia Smith, Treasurer Judy Van Dyke Helen A. Passano Judy M. Witt Beth G. Pierce Julianne Alderman Joan L. Rambo Marian Altoz Associate Members Kathryn Coke Rienhoff Herman Bainder Missy Adams Edith G. Salisbury Joanne Belgrad Dorothy A. Alevizatos Adrienne Salomon Marie Bergbauer Anne Nelson Apgar Eleanor V. Schwark Reeva Bernhardt Joanne P. Bartlett Elizabeth Fitz Scott Sherryll Braggio Carol U. Barton Nell G. Stanley Angela Breakey Nancy G. Belcher Margaret H. Strudwick Sharon Britton Joanne L. Belgrad Nancy Warner Michael Brush Susie Black Diana Wimberley Mary Ellen Bur Wendyce H. Brody Ann D. Woodward Marjorie Byers Kathy L. Canzoniero Jane Calegari Mary F. Carpenter Affiliate Members Marion Carozza Constance Carlson Chriss Dale Balfour Dorothy Cherry Gaile Civiletti Leigh Barnes Ilene Cohen Sidney E. Daniels Marge Cheek Walter Dandy, Jr. Rosalee C. Davison Frances F. Colston Elizabeth Davidson Hilde Voss Eliasberg Sarah M. Fisher Carol Doctrow Patience L. Fritz Laura L. Freedlander Rosemary Eck Maria R. Gamper Helen Gilbert Diane Eckholdt Darlene H. George Ellen H. Godine Carrie Emerson Carol Gertsen Jody Harvey Vernon Fains Bruce Ann Gillet Judy Hoff Betty Feinberg Alicia Haberman Catharine Jeffs Irene Friedman Barbara L. Himmelrich Ellie Kelly Carol Gertsen Lisa C. Hoffberger Carew C. Lee Judith Gluckman Elizabeth L. Jones Jean T. Sharpless Marsha Golob Hannah Gould

43 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Harriet Griffin Janet Steinberg Barbara Olgeirson Lynn Hall Barbara Sterne Sandra Rosenberg Erin Hayden Jane Swann Joanne Rosenthal Annette Heaps Helen Szymkowiak Marilyn Scher Ingrid Herrera Alice Tang Katherine Schwabe Sandra Hittman Kay Terry Germaine Sharretts Antonina Hoffer Freeda Thompson Miriam Shear Zelma Holzgang Thérèse Ulmer Erma Sigler Amy Huntoon Joan Urbas Martha Sinis Lois Kyler Françoise von Mayer Mary Skinner Christine Lambrou Gale Walker Virginia Southard Rebecca Lawson Suzanne Waller Anne Strickland Shelli Lubetkin Louise White Jane Stricklen Sara Lycett Robert Wilson Annelies Zachary Michael Maglia Elaine Zieve Sally Majoros Susan Markowitz Emeritus Docents INTERNS Paul McAdam Ellen Aisenberg Leslie Allen Patricia McCall-Pacquin Willa Banks Geanna Barlaam Marie-Claude McKie Mary Beere Jaime Maitland Benjes Joan McPartlin Marjorie Bleul Katherine Boyce Linda Miller Virginia Campbell Jennifer Calub Francine Mittelman Jane Champ-Payne Molly Corbett Karen Motyka Jean Clinnin Libby Dale Susan Noonan Rosalee Davison Robin Dawson Carol O’Connell Carol Durr Eli Fendelman Fronda Ottenheimer Berthe Ford Elliott Kayser Janice Perdue Mary Gray Patricia Kronk Barbara Pour Nancy Hall Laura Levesque Virginia Probasco Janice Harwood Leslie Lombardo Virginia Raleigh Sherri Hershfeld Monica Ramos Elizabeth Ramsey Patricia Karey Shirleen Selim Adele-Ethel Reidy June Lawry Carol Schimpff Mary Alma Lears Sandra Schmidt Reva Lewie VON HESS FOUNDA- Susan Schuster Martha Lohmeyer TION GRADUATE Eleanor Schwark Benita Low STUDIES INTERN Betty Schweitzer Rita Lowenstein Aaron Seiden Elinor Mayer Laura Yoder Herbert Silverman Dorrie Mednick Jacqueline Slavney Charlotte Miller Charles Springer 44 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

DIVERSITY IN THE Natasha Mathias PLANNED GIVING ARTS INTERNS Betty Pause ADVISORY COUNCIL Sandy Schmidt Alysia Chevalier Gene Sweetland Gary R. Anderson, JD, CPA Vernon Fains Pearl Walsh David T. Askin, Esq. Sylvia Suh Patricia Bentz VISITOR SERVICES Max E. Blumenthal, Esq. EDUCATION VOLUNTEERS Neal D. Borden, Esq. VOLUNTEERS David W. Britton, Jr., Esq. Marion E. Altoz John A. Cogar, Esq. Tim Davis John Arbelada Richard J. Dumais, Esq. Mike Lanhorn Jean Harper Baer Carl E. Eastwick, Esq. Catherine Murphy Mitchell Baker John P. Edgar, Esq. Matt Rogers Mori Behmanesh John A. Gilpin, Esq. Richard P. Behrens Sandra P. Gohn, Esq. CURATORIAL Heather Bennett Rene J. Gunning, Jr. VOLUNTEERS Michele DeShazo Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Esq. Lana German Thomas R. Kelley, CPA Shirleen Selim Millie Fisher Stanard T. Klinefelter, Esq. Andrew Young Angela Heimert Arnold H. Koonin, CPA Diane Bockrath Helen Hurst Michael I. Levine Carolyn Johnson Brian Merritt, CPA DEVELOPMENT Marla Krogh Andrew G. Nichols VOLUNTEER Jane Kramer Eileen D. O'Brien, Esq. Rachel Layton A. MacDonough Plant, Esq. Penelope Pine Ann Lilly Jeffrey J. Radowich, Esq. Margaret MacTiernan George K. Reynolds III, Esq. MEMBERSHIP Gerard Marconi Lynn B. Sassin, Esq. VOLUNTEERS Margaret Walker Mott William E. Scholtes, Esq. Karol Pesar Mary Alice Smolarek, Esq. Arthur E. Christenson Nicole Romanello S. Allen Snook Marianne M. Jones Rona Shapiro Shale D. Stiller, Esq. Molly & Andrew Sacamano Ben H. Smith, Jr. M. Barry Strudwick Marcia Strock Marcia Strok Adena W. Testa, Esq. Carol R. Taylor Henry B. Thomas MUSEUM STORE Loretta Taymans Bonnie A. Travieso, Esq. VOLUNTEERS Priscilla Yoon William C. Trimble, Jr., Esq. James A. Webster, Jr. Marion Cohen VISITOR SERVICES Lynn Wintriss, Esq. Marion Carozza STUDENT INTERN Frances Fant Sylvia Himmelfarb Zoe Dolan 45 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report STAFF

Stephanie Danesie, Finance Jennifer Giaccai, Conservation Assistant Scientist Jessica Voorheeis, Business Carmen Albendea, Kress Fellow, Services Manager Paintings Conservation Jessica Figard, Business Services Angela Elliot, Mellon Fellow, Manager Objects Conservation Eric Domineck, Mailroom Clerk/AV Technician Deborah Swords, Receptionist CURATORIAL AFFAIRS Alice McAuliffe, Manager of Retail Operations Regine Schulz, Director of Kevin Donnelly, Assistant Store Curatorial Affairs, Curator of Manager Ancient Art Judith Hurlock, Assistant Store C. Griffith Mann, Co-Director of Manager Curatorial Affairs, Associate Curator of Medieval Art DIRECTOR’ S OFFICE William R. Johnston, Senior CONSERVATION AND Curator of 18th- and 19th- Gary Vikan, Director TECHNICAL RESEARCH Century Art William R. Johnston, Associate Eileen Kahng, Curator of 18th- Director Terry Drayman-Weisser, Director and 19th-Century Art Kate Markert, Associate Director of Conservation and Technical William Noel, Curator of of External Affairs and Research Manuscripts and Rare Books Operations Eric Gordon, Head of Paintings Joaneath Spicer, Curator of Nancy Zinn, Assistant to the Conservation Renaissance and Baroque Art Director, Director of Exhibitions Abigail Quandt, Head of Book Hiram Woodward, Research Cynthia Roberts, Secretary to the and Paper Conservation Curator, Asian Art Director Margaret Craft, Senior Sabine Albersmeier, Associate Mae Kocis, Secretary to the Board Conservator, Objects Curator of Ancient Art Julie Lauffenburger, Senior Martina Bagnoli, Assistant Conservator, Objects Curator of Manuscripts and ADMINISTRATION Elissa O’Loughlin, Senior Rare Books Simon Kelly, Mellon Fellow, Harold Stephens, Senior Director Conservator, Paper 18th- and 19th-Century Art for Administration Karen French, Associate Richard Leson, Zanvyl Krieger Brenda Jackson, Human Conservator, Paintings Fellow, Manuscripts and Rare Resources Manager Kevin Auer, Assistant Books Karen Harris, Human Resources Conservator, Paper Georgi Parpulov, Mellon Fellow, Administrator Gillian Cook, Assistant Medieval Art James Huebler, Controller Conservator, Paintings Christina Sciacca, Bates Fellow, Mary Cromwell, Finance Kirsten MacKenzie, Manuscripts and Rare Books Coordinator Administrative Assistant Kathleen Emerson-Dell, Project

46 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Coordinator, Charles Street Nicole Sallee, Membership EXHIBITIONS Building Reinstallation Manager Alice Petty, Research Assistant DeLisa Swiger-Walmsley, Nancy Zinn, Director of Exhibitions, Elizabeth Flood, Curatorial Membership Sales Assistant Assistant to the Director DivisionAdministrator Shirley Plank Thomas, Senior Elizabeth Gordon, Head of Charles Dibble, Editor/Manager Membership Assistant Traveling Exhibitions of Curatorial Publications Robert Vosburgh, Jr., Planned Susan Wallace, Head of Exhibition Christianne Henry, Head Giving and Major Gifts Officer Scheduling and Graphics Librarian Elissa Winer, Membership Fred Nitsch, Graphic Production Susan Tobin, Head of Photography Coordinator Artist Jennifer Campbell, Photography Paula Millet, Chief Exhibition Technician Designer and Production Manager Michael Gunn, Photo Services EDUCATION Danielle Ayers Jones, Exhibition Assistant Assistant Joan Elisabeth Reid, Chief Registrar Jacqueline Copeland, Director of Trent Gates, Lighting George Chang, Assistant Registrar Education and Public Programs Designer/Supervisor Betsy Dahl, Assistant Registrar Amanda Kodeck, Manager of Darius Thomas, Lighting Barbara Fegley, Associate Registrar School Programs Technician Kate Siplon, Collections Amy Charleroy, Senior Asa Osborne, Manager of Database Administrator Coordinator, School Programs Exhibition Production Michael McKee, Senior Meghan Fritz, Senior Wayne Johnson, Senior Collections Technician Coordinator, School Programs Cabinetmaker Gil Furoy, Collections Technician Erin Noseworthy, Education William Goode, Collections Assistant, School Programs Technician Heidi Wilhelm, Education FACILITIES Peter Curry, Collections Assistant, School Programs Bill Oelke, Director of Facilities Technician Nancy Huth, Manager of Adult Programs Emory Bowie, Facilities Manager Katherine Place, Adult Programs Max Gasker, Head Engineer DEVELOPMENT Assistant Robert Catlin, Senior Engineering Kathleen Nusbaum, Manager of Technician Toni Condon, Director of Children and Family Programs Joseph Moran, Engineering Development Emily Blumenthal, Children and Technician Assistant Gretchen Duwel, Manager of Family Programs Coordinator Corporate Relations Michelle Hagewood, Children Maintenance/Custodial Jocelyn Gillece, Grant Writer and Family Programs Assistants Joy Heyrman, Senior Coordinator Alonzo Bacon Development Officer John Shields, Docent and Russell Baker Julia Keller, Individual Giving Manager Internship Programs Manager Leon Berry Megan Kenney, Administrative Molly Edgar, Speakers Bureau Walter Cain Assistant Coordinator Jemal Cherry Marietta Nolley, Special Events Johanna Wharton, Tour Randolph Hammett Manager Scheduler Thelma Mitchell 47 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

William Murray Donald Addison, Security Officer Patricia Lockhart, Security Donald Parker Eugene Antonelli, Security Officer Officer Susana Williams Harry Birch, Jr., Security Officer Harry Mackey, Security Officer William Boles, Jr., Security Officer Christina McDaniel-Santos, Ed Brown, Security Officer Security Officer INFORMATION Charles Bullock, Security Officer Mical Mershon, Security Officer TECHNOLOGY John Cherry, Security Officer John Monti, Security Officer Dennis Cloutier, Security Officer Jerry Moseley, Security Officer Nancy Pinn, Director of Stanley Ferguson, Security Officer Mary Page, Security Officer Information Technology Joseph Franks, Security Officer Gina Roberts, Security Officer Henry Alperovich, Network Robert Fulwiler III, Security Officer Ronald Savage, Security Officer Administrator Terrence Gallagher, Security Reginald Simms III, Security Officer Officer William Gross, Jr., Security Officer Owen Stokes, Security Officer MARKETING, Linda Hanna, Security Officer Lottie Washington, Security Officer HOSPITALITY, AND Johnny Harrison, Security Officer Ebony Wiley, Security Officer SECURITY SERVICES Linda Kees, Security Officer Mark Kooi, Security Officer Michael Smith, Director of Marketing and Communications Chris Kunkel, Head of Hospitality and Security Services Ronald Gardner, Assistant Manager of Hospitality and Security Services Ryan Brown, Assistant Supervisor, Hospitality Johanna Biehler, Senior Graphic Designer Amy Mannarino, Public Relations Manager Wade Price, Manager of Group Sales Gregory Rago, Manager of Print and Web Publications Robert Zimmerman, Manager of Rental Sales Security Rodney Brown, Supervisor Lois Guy, Supervisor Moses Hunter, Supervisor

48 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report BOARD OF TRUSTEES

OFFICERS William H. Perkins INTERNATIONAL Edward L. Rosenberg ADVISORY BOARD Robert S. Feinberg, Chair Thomas Schweizer, Jr. William L. Paternotte, President Mayo A. Shattuck III Eddie C. Brown Andrea B. Laporte, President-Elect Judy Van Dyke Dr. Myrna Bustani James H. DeGraffenreidt, Jr., Mary Baily Wieler Constance Caplan Vice-President Dr. David C. Driskell Nancy R. Sasser, Vice-President Sam Fogg Jerome D. Smalley, Vice-President EX- OFFICIO Bruce Livie Dr. Hervey (Peter) S. Stockman, Jr., Dr. James Marrow Vice-President The Honorable Martin J. George M. Sherman Kenneth A. Bourne, Jr., Treasurer O’Malley John and Marisol Stokes Dr. Gary K. Vikan, Secretary Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. Dr. Daniel H. Weiss The Honorable James T. Smith, Jr. Benjamin B. Zucker The Honorable Sheila H. Dixon MEMBERS Michael J. Abromaitis, Esq. Merlene E. Adair Julianne E. Alderman Ann Beegle Peter L. Bain Leslie R. Doggett Calvin H. Baker William B. Gilmore Neal D. Borden Michael B. Glick Thomas S. Bozzuto Faith C. Millspaugh Wendyce H. Brody Anne O’Brien C. Sylvia Brown Barbara Simmons Rosalee C. Davison Philip D. English John Gilmore Ford EMERITI Hannah B. Gould Nancy H. Hall Samuel K. Himmelrich, Sr. Douglas W. Hamilton, Jr. Bernard Manekin The Honorable C. Yvonne Cynthia R. Mead Holt-Stone Adena W. Testa, Esq. George W. Johnston Jay M. Wilson Mary C. Mangione Stanley Mazaroff Patricia B. Modell Charles J. Nabit E. Rogers Novak, Jr. Marilyn A. Pedersen

49 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report


STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION June 30, 2006 (With Comparative Totals for June 30, 2005)

2006 2005

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalent $ 344,937 $ 347,359 Accrued investment income 305,771 287,645 Grants and accounts receivable 33,055 187,719 Inventories, at lower of cost (first-in, first-out method) or market 309,273 270,575 Prepaid expenses 364,213 263,483 Investments, at fair value 79,592,824 75,081,568 Unconditional promises to give, net 2,605,173 3,472,871 Buildings and equipment, at cost, net 36,866,328 36,362,902 Total assets 120,421,574 116,274,122

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 555,533 $ 862,187 Note payable, bank 100,000 285,000 Long-term debt 78,232 Deposits and memberships received in advance 294,569 356,034 Annuity obligation 70,430 81,000 Tot al liabilities 1,020,532 1,662,453

Net Assets Unrestricted Operating (deficit) $ (79,909) $ (187,119) Board designated for long-term investment 16,670,084 15,943,958 Net investment in plant 36,766,328 35,999,670 Working capitol reserve 2,000,000 2,000,000 Walters Art Gallery Endowment Foundation 3,369,351 3,460,637 58,725,854 57,217,146 Temporarily Restricted 12,958,258 10,886,333 Permanently Restricted 47,716,930 46,508,190

Total net assets 119,401,042 114,611,669 Total liabilities and net assets $ 120,421,574 $ 116,274,122

50 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

THE WALTERS ART MUSEUM STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended June 30, 2006 (With Comparative Totals for the year ended June 30, 2005)

2006 2005 Revenues, gains and other support Investment income $ 2,376,341 $ 1,907,446 Grant income Baltimore City 664,489 664,489 Other public grants 1,472,507 1,287,292 Private grants 1,966,806 1,336,058 Contributions 4,740,222 3,151,623 Change in value of annuity obligation and contributions 210,571 163,666 Realized gains (losses) 2,598,356 775,369 Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) (201,925) 1,940,734 Annual giving 1,413,138 1,381,623 Membership 510,797 610,044 Museum Store 529,523 653,941 Employee benefit contributions 1,845,239 1,829,701 Admissions-special exhibits 126,373 205,144 Admission-general 117,214 62,067 Deaccessions Other income 884,154 787,573

Total revenue, gains and other support 19,253,805 16,756,770

Expenses Curatorial $ 2,085,980 $ 2,057,733 Conservation 755,210 685,666 Exhibitions 1,392,610 1,016,759 Education and public programs 813,676 797,447 Development and membership 1,121,625 1,129,190 Marketing and communications 1,784,551 1,678,764 Management, building and security 6,048,402 5,685,621 Museum store 455,125 492,733 Accessions 7,253 412,716 Total expenses 14,464,373 13,956,629 Change in net assets 4,789,373 2,800,141 Net assets at beginning of year 114,611,669 111,811,528 Net assets at end of year $ 119,401,042 $ 114,611,669

51 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report List of Artworks

Cover (L to R) 1983, marble, collection of the Page 11 Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Potrait of artist, courtesy Cheim & Read, Alfred Jacob Miller, Cavalcade, Countess da Porto Thiene and New York. Photo by Michael 1858, watercolor on paper Her Daughter Porzia (detail), ca. Smith 1551, oil on canvas Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, Crunch Page 12 Domenico Corvi, Allegory of Painting Time, gouache, India ink, The Follower of Fre Seyon, Diptych with (detail), 1764, oil on canvas Economist, November 4, 2000 Virgin and Child Flanked by Archangels, Apostles, and Saint Waltee illustration by Brian Abraham Bloemaert, Parable of George (detail), late 15th century, Ralph the Wheat and the Tares (detail), on panel 1624, oil on canvas Page 6 Page 13 Lucas Cranach the Elder, Potrait , Ballet Dancer Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Potrait of of a Young Woman, ca. 1520, oil on Standing, 1897–1900, pastel and Countess Livia da Porto Thiene and panel charcoal on heavy-weight wove Her Daughter Porzia, ca. 1551, oil on paper, BMA 1950.12.659 Page 3 canvas Top: Photo of Gary Vikan by Page 7 Page 20 Michael Smith Saints Barlaam of Khutyn, John the Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, Eubie Merciful, Paraskeve, and Anastasia Bottom: Chamber of Art and Blake, india ink, Marylanders of with the Virgin of the Sign (detail), Wonders photograph by Patrick the Century, 1999 O’Brien ca. 1450–1500, tempera on wood, State Russian Museum, St. Page 21 Page 4 (L to R): Petersburg Domenico Corvi, Allegory of Painting Honoré Daumier, The Omnibus, Page 8 (detail), 1764, oil on canvas 1864, watercolor on paper Louise Bourgeois, The Couple, Page 23 India, fall in love 2003, aluminum, hanging piece, at school, ascribed ‘amal-i collection of the artist, courtesy Cut-Out Animal Figure, 14th centu- Dharmadasa, Folio 98a, 1590s Cheim & Read, New York, photo: ry, leather, Novgorod State Museum Saint George and the Dragon, ca. Christopher Burke 1450–1500, tempera on wood, Page 24 State Russian Museum, St. Page 9 Louise Bourgeois: Femme installa- Petersburg Cenni di Francesco, Initial N with Saint Peter Enthroned and the tion. Photo by Michael Smith Page 5 (L to R): Liberation of Saint Peter (detail), Page 25 Louise Bourgeois: Femme installa- 1380, parchment with ink, paint Honoré Daumier, The Omnibus, tion including Femme Maison, and gold 1864, watercolor on paper 52 The Walters Art Museum Annual Report

Page 26 Page 32 Page 39 Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, Alan Abraham Bloemaert, Parable of The Annunciation, Saint Basil the Greenspan, gouache, color pencil, the Wheat and the Tares, 1624, Great, and Saint John India ink, The Economist, oil on canvas Chrysostom, Iconostasis Doors, February 26, 1994 late 15th or early 16th century, Page 33 tempera on wood, State Russian Page 27 Armor for the Duke of Medina Museum, St. Petersburg Jean-Francois Millet, The Gleaners, Sidonia, ca. 1590, chased and ca. 1855, black conte crayon with engraved steel with traces of fire- Page 41 traces of red chalk on cream, , silver inlay, modern Lucas Cranach the Elder, Potrait thin, slightly textured wove paper, leather and velvet of a Young Woman, ca. 1520, oil on BMA 1996.48.18686 panel Page 34 Page 28 Louise Bourgeois, Femme, 1960, Page 42 Louise Bourgeois, Femme Maison, bronze, Collection of Wendy Charles-Henri-Joseph Cordier, 1994, white marble, Collection of Williams. Photo by Christopher African , 1851, bronze and the artist, courtesy Cheim & Burke gold Read, New York, Photo: Christopher Burke Page 35 Page 46 Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, The Michele Coltellini, Madonna and Page 29 Making of a President, gouache, Child Enthroned with Saints, Chamber of Art and Wonders india ink, The Economist, 1506, oil on panel photograph by Patrick O’Brien November 18, 2000 Page 48 Page 30 Page 36 Hieronymus Francken II, Jan The Miracle of the Icon of the Photograph from Art Blooms Brueghel I, The Archdukes Albert Virgin of the Sign (Battle of the 2006 and Isabella Visiting a Collector's Novgorodians and Suzdalians), Cabinet, ca. 1621-23, oil on panel early 16th century, tempera on Page 37 wood, State Russian Museum, Photograph from Art Blooms Page 49 St. Petersburg 2006 Relief of the Virgin as Intercessor, Byzantine (Constantinople), mid- Page 31 Page 38 11th century, marble, IL.2005.2.17, Church Lamp, Novgorod, late Maerten van Heemskerck, on loan from Dumbarton Oaks, 15th or early 16th century, cast Panorama with the Wonders of Washington, D.C. copper alloy, State Russian the Ancient World and the Museum, St. Petersburg Abduction to Helen, 1535