VOTE YES for City of Preschool Program (Proposition 1B) Creating a high-quality pre-K system available to children across Seattle regardless of economic circumstance is one of the most important things we can do as a city. With the futures of so many children at stake, it is critical we get this right. We need a program that is focused first and foremost on the well being of our kids, which includes high quality standards based on best practices, and is fully funded. The City of Seattle’s pre-K pro- gram (Proposition 1B), supported by Mayor Murray, the City Council, early education experts and respected providers is the only ballot measure that meets that test.

Good for Our Kids A Realistic, Fully Funded Plan Nearly a quarter of all schoolchildren The Seattle Preschool Program (Proposi- in Seattle have already fallen behind by tion 1B) is funded with a modest property the time they reach the third grade, and lax levy of $14.5 million a year over four the numbers are significantly worse for years, which translates to about $43 a year children of color and low income and im- for a family living in a $400,000 home. migrant families. We can fix this problem The City’s strategic investment will fund — kids who receive quality pre-K have bet- preschool for Seattle’s 3- and 4-year-olds ter high school and using a sliding payment scale and provides college graduation subsidies to families based on financial rates, lower levels of need, making preschool free for 4-person behavioral problems and households making up to $71,000 per year. delinquency, and experience In contrast, Proposition 1A (I-107) includes higher levels of economic suc- many mandates and new rules but doesn’t cess as adults. Providing a high provide any way to pay for these new quality early learning program requirements or to assist those families in preschool facilities licensed struggling to afford preschool. The City for safety will ensure our kids estimates that Proposition 1A (I-107) would enter kindergarten ready to cost taxpayers up to $140 million in the first learn. year alone, and around $100 million a year The Seattle Preschool Program after that. Implementing this huge unfund- makes voluntary, quality preschool an af- ed initiative could lead to up to a 10 percent fordable reality for Seattle’s 3- and 4-year cutback to all other City services, including old children so that every child regardless police and fire. of background or income level has the op- portunity to flourish in a high quality, safe Strong, Broad Support for a environment. The competing ballot mea- Plan that Puts Kids First sure, Proposition 1A (I-107), sounds good The City proposal is the result of a year- but in truth is completely incompat- long, inclusive process that unites the ible with the City’s plan. Proposition Mayor and City Council, along with provid- 1A (I-107) allows for lower quality ers, workers, Tabor 100, the YMCA, and standards, creates huge unfunded the best research from the UW and other mandates and is opposed by many states. The competing plan Proposition 1A preschool providers and experts. If (I-107), which is incompatible with the City it passes the City will likely have to plan, is sponsored by two labor unions. give up its plans to offer universal preschool and thousands of kids will lose out. Paid for by Quality Pre-K for Our Kids 3518 Fremont Ave N #545 | Seattle, WA 98103 Broad Support Fmr. Mayor Unions IUOE Local 609 Fmr. Member David Della Seattle Fire Fighters IAFF Local 27 Fmr. Seattle City Martin Luther King County Council Member Dolores Sibonga Labor Council State Rep. Eileen Cody State Rep. Jessyn Farrell Organizations Fmr. State Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson Atlantic Street Center State Rep. Ross Hunter Boys and Girls Clubs of King County State Rep. Ruth Kagi Child Care Resources Fmr. State Rep. Al O’Brien Childcare Directors Association of Greater Seattle State Senator Jamie Pedersen Community Day School Association State Rep. Gael Tarleton El Centro De La Raza State Rep. Brady Walkinshaw Fight Crime: Invest in Kids King County Council Member Rod Dembowski Inn at The Market King County Kids Co. Council Member Joe McDermott Neighborhood House Seattle School Board Member Tabor 100 Stephan Blanford The YMCA of Greater Seattle Seattle School Board Member Rainier Scholars Sherry Carr Save the Children Action Network Seattle School Board Member Seattle Chamber of Commerce Harium Martin-Morris Seattle Human Services Coalition Washington State Association of Head Start & ECEAP 34th District Democrats

Electeds Mayor Edward B. Murray City Council President City Council Member Sally Clark City Council Member Sally Bagshaw City Council Member City Council Member Jean Godden City Council Member Tom Rasmussen Join us in Fmr. Mayor Charley Royer ensuring that all Seattle kids have the chance to succeed. Vote YES on Prop 1B!