The Politics of Ruinous Compassion: How ’s Policy Perpetuates the Crisis — And How We Can Fix It Christopher F. Rufo


The City of Seattle has failed to address its current KEY POINTS homelessness crisis. In fact, because of ideological capture and poor public policy, the city has created • Seattle spends $1 billion per year on a system of perverse incentives that has only made the crisis, but homelessness continues the problem worse. In order to truly confront the to grow problem of homelessness, the city’s leadership must embrace a policy of realism: dismantle the system of • Seattle’s policy of “unlimited compas- perverse incentives, quickly build emergency shelter, sion” has enabled street homelessness and enforce the law against public camping and and made the problem worse drug use. Ultimately, the city currently has enough • The main driver of homelessness is not resources to solve the crisis—it needs to summon rising rents, but a combination of eco- the political courage to make the right choices. nomic dislocation, addiction, mental illness, in-migration, and broken rela- *** tionships • Seattle’s public policy has created a SEATTLE is a city under siege. Over the system of perverse incentives and an past ive years, the Emerald City has endured a unaccountable homelessness bureau- cracy that has failed to show results slow-rolling explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. In a one-night count this winter, there were 11,643 people sleeping in tents, POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS cars, and emergency shelters.1 Property crime • Immediately build emergency shelters has skyrocketed to rates two-and-a-half times with 2,500 beds with on-site addic- that of Los Angeles and four times that of New tion, , and medical ser- York City. 2 Cleanup crews pick up tens of thou- vices sands of dirty needles from the streets and • Empower law enforcement to move parks across the city.3 the street homeless into shelter and At the same time, according to the enforce a strict ban on public camp- Puget Sound Business Journal, the Seattle ing metro area spends more than $1 billion on the • End policies that create perverse in- homelessness crisis every year.4 That’s nearly centives for service providers and $100,000 for every homeless man, woman, break up the “homeless-industrial and child in King County, yet the crisis seems complex” to only have deepened, with more addiction, • Recognize that the true cause of more crime, and more tent encampments stak- homelessness is disaffiliation and the loss of human relationships ing their claim in residential neighborhoods. By any measurement, whatever the city is do-

1 ing now is not working. d’état. The socialist revolutionaries, once rele- Over the past year, I’ve spent time in gated to the margins, have declared open war city council meetings, political rallies, home- on the mainstream Democratic establishment less encampments, and rehabilitation facilities and pushed the political center of gravity ever hoping to understand this paradox: how is it leftward. possible that the government spends so much The leader of this faction, Socialist Al- money and, at the same time, makes so little ternative city councilwoman Kshama Sawant, impact? While most of the debate on home- is a scorched-earth warrior against capitalism. lessness has focused on the technical ques- In her telling, capitalism is the single cause tions that make up the superstructure of our from which all problems emerge. She claims public policy — should we build more shel- that homelessness is the inevitable result of ters, should we build supervised injection sites the Amazon boom, greedy landlords, and — I learned that in order to truly unravel this rapidly increasing rents.6 As she told Street paradox, we must to examine the deeper as- Roots News: “The explosion of the homeless- sumptions and beliefs that have come to shape ness crisis is a symptom of how deeply dys- the way we think about homelessness in cities functional capitalism is and also how much like Seattle. worse living standards have gotten with the As I delved into the story, I discovered last several decades.”7 In this story, the ruth- that the real battle isn’t being waged in the less capitalists of Amazon, Starbucks, Mi- tents, under the bridges, or in the corridors of crosoft, and Boeing generate tremendous City Hall. Rather, there’s a deeper, ideological amounts of wealth for themselves, drive up the war that’s currently being won by a loose al- price of housing, and push the working class liance of four major power centers: the social- irreversibly towards poverty, inequality, and ist intellectuals, the compassion brigades, the despair. homeless-industrial complex, and the addic- On the surface, this argument has its tion evangelists. Together, these four groups own internal logic: landlords raise the rent, have framed the political debate, diverted low-wage workers are priced out of their hundreds of millions of dollars towards fa- apartments, and their families fall into home- vored projects, and recruited a large phalanx lessness. They point to the Zillow8 and McKin- of well-intentioned voters who have bought sey9 studies that show a high correlation be- into the “politics of unlimited compassion.” tween rent increases and homelessness in If we want to truly break through the Seattle. But, in reality, correlation is not causa- failed status quo on homelessness in places tion and the individual survey data paints a like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los remarkably different picture. According to Angeles, we must irst understand the dynam- King County's point-in-time study, only 6% of ics of ideological battleield, identify the fatal the homeless cited “could not afford rent in- laws in our current policies, and fundamental- crease” as the precipitating cause of their ly reframe the way we understand the crisis. predicament.10 They specify a wide range of Until then, we’ll continue to dream up utopian other problems — domestic violence, incar- schemes that end in failure and despair. ceration, mental illness, family conlict, med- ical conditions, breakups, eviction, addiction, The Socialist Revolutionaries and job loss — as greater contributors to be- coming homeless. Seattle has long been well-known as Furthermore, although the Zillow study one of the most liberal cities in America.5 But did indeed ind a high correlation between ris- over the past few years, there’s been a coup ing rents and homelessness in four major

2 markets — Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, and solve the homelessness crisis. Even with Washington, DC — it also found that home- Sawant’s recently passed (and then repealed) lessness decreased despite rising rents in "jobs tax" on large employers,11 the city would Houston, Tampa, Chicago, Phoenix, St. Louis, only build a maximum of 187 subsidized hous- San Diego, Portland, Detroit, Baltimore, At- ing units per year, which means it will take at lanta, Charlotte, and Riverside. While rent in- least sixty years to provide housing for all of creases are a very real burden for the working the individuals who are currently homeless. I poor, the evidence suggests that rent increases suspect, however, that Sawant’s real passion is alone do not push people onto the streets. not to build houses for the poor, but to tear In fact, even in an expensive city like down the houses of the rich. Once her new Seattle, the vast majority of working- and taxes fail to usher in the socialist utopia, she middle-class residents manage to respond to will simply ind a new scapegoat — corpora- economic incentives in a number of common tions, real estate developers, tech workers, po- sense ways: moving to a less expensive neigh- lice oficers — and repeat the process all over borhood, downsizing to a smaller apartment, again. taking on a roommate, moving in with family, The hard truth is that Seattle is now an or leaving the city altogether. The reality is expensive city. The local government should that there are more than 1 million people in absolutely strive to create more affordable King County below the median income and market-rate housing by increasing density and 99% of them manage to ind a place to live and changing zoning laws,12 but, given the current pay the rent on time. The static aggregate-level reality, for those who are not employed full analyses from Zillow and McKinsey do not time — which is the case for 92.5% of the take into account the vast number of options homeless13 — it’s foolish to think that Seattle that are available even to the poorest families will be the city of Housing for All. No matter — and yet, the socialist revolutionaries keep how many impossible promises the socialists hammering away at “the rent is too damn make, at some point, they will run out of other high” as the explanatory variable for every- people’s money. The scapegoats, who have thing. thus far remained silent, will start ighting The socialists are playing a deeply cyni- back. And private companies, which are the cal game, using the homelessness crisis as a primary wealth generators in the city, will symbol of “capitalism’s moral failure” and a simply pack up and move away. justiication for their longstanding policy agenda of rent control, public housing, mini- The Compassion Brigades mum wage increases, and punitive corporate taxation. While one might be tempted to dis- The compassion brigades are the moral miss Kshama Sawant as a cartoon subcoman- crusaders of homelessness policy. They are the dante, she has been remarkably successful in social justice activists who believe “compas- her campaign to use the image of the homeless sion” is the highest virtue and all other consid- to stoke resentment against “Amazon tech erations must be subordinated to its dictates. bros,” punish “the billionaire class” with new In the political realm, the avatar of the taxes, and, at least in her mind, build the compassion brigades is City Councilman Mike worldwide socialist utopia from Seattle out- O’Brien. O’Brien — a former chief inancial of- wards. icer for the corporate law irm Stokes Unfortunately, the socialist agenda — Lawrence — made his name in Seattle politics Tax the Rich, Housing For All, Rent Freeze ighting to ban the Yellow Pages14 and to build Now, Raise the Minimum Wage — will not a bike lane through a working shipyard in the

3 Ballard neighborhood.15 Over the past few people experiencing homelessness in Seattle years, O’Brien has become a leader in the were already here when they became home- campaign to legalize homeless encampments less.”22 However, according to the city’s own throughout the city. He’s proposed ordinances data, 51.1% of Seattle’s homeless came from to legalize street camping on 167 miles of pub- outside the city limits. And even this number lic sidewalks,16 legalize RV camping on all city might be vastly underestimated, as the survey streets,17 and prevent the city’s Navigation only asks “where respondents were living at Teams from cleaning up tent cities.18 the time they most recently became homeless”23 In order to justify this policy of unlimit- — so, for example, a person could move to ed compassion, O’Brien and the compassion Seattle, check into a motel for a week, then brigades have constructed an elaborate start living on the streets and be considered mythology about the homeless. When I at- “from Seattle.” More rigorous academic studies tended the Seattle CityClub’s “Housing the in cities like San Francisco24 and Vancouver25 Homeless” seminar, the entire procession of suggest that at least 40 and 50% of the home- speakers sang from the social justice hymn- less moved to those cities in search of a per- book — compassion, empathy, bias, inequality, missive culture and generous services. There’s root causes, systemic racism — and the audi- no reason to believe Seattle is any different. ence nodded along, without a single critical question about speciic programs or outcomes. • Myth #3: The street homeless want help, In practice, the compassion brigades but there aren’t enough services. In reality, have captured the local political vocabulary according to county data, 63% of the street about homelessness and elevated a series of homeless refuse shelter when offered by the myths into accepted wisdom: city’s Navigation Teams, claiming “there are too many rules” (39.5%) and “[the shelters] • Myth #1: The homeless are working full- are too crowded” (32.6%).26 The recent story time but can’t get ahead. As O’Brien told the about a woman’s “tent mansion” near the Denver Post: “I’ve got thousands of homeless Space Needle is a vivid example of the contin- people that actually are working and just can’t gent of the homeless who deliberately choose afford housing.”19 But according to King Coun- to live in the streets. In a KIRO7 report, the ty’s own survey data, only 7.5% of the home- woman told newscasters that she and her less report working full-time, despite record boyfriend moved from West Virginia to Seattle low unemployment, record job growth, and a for the “liberal vibe” and have repeatedly re- record-high $15 minimum wage.20 The reality, fused shelter. “We don't want to change our which is obvious to anyone who’s spent time lifestyle to it their requirements,” she said. in tent cities or emergency shelters, is that “We intend to stay here. This is the solution to 80% of the homeless suffer from drug and al- the homeless problem. We want autonomy, cohol addiction and 30% suffer from serious right here.”27 mental illness, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.21 This doesn’t mean we should The central problem with these “blame the victim” or withdraw our support — mythologies is not simply that they’re anti-fac- it simply means we must be honest about the tual, but are a textbook example of what soci- problem if we hope to solve it. ologists call pathological altruism, or, “altruism in which attempts to promote the welfare of • Myth #2: The homeless are “our neigh- others instead result in unanticipated harm.”28 bors” and native to Seattle. Progressive pub- The city’s campaign of unlimited compassion lications like insist that “most has devolved into permissiveness, enablement,

4 crime, and disorder. Public complaints about sures, etc., one should always ask: who stands homeless encampments from the irst three to gain?” months of this year are a veritable parade of In the world of Seattle homelessness, horrors: theft, drugs, ighting, rape, murder, the answer is clear: the biggest winners of the explosions, prostitution, assaults, needles, and government’s massive public programs are an feces.29 alphabet soup of social service providers like Under pressure from the compassion SHARE, LIHI, and DESC, which together consti- brigades, prosecutors have dropped thousands tute the city’s “homeless-industrial complex.” of misdemeanor cases30 and police oficers are King County and the City of Seattle cur- being directed not to arrest people for “home- rently spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lessness-related” offenses,31 including theft, nonproit contractors every year. For the lead- destruction of property, and drug crimes. As ership of these organizations, homelessness is Scott Lindsay, the city’s former top crime ad- a lucrative business. In the most recent federal viser, reported to former Mayor Ed Murray: ilings, the executive director of LIHI earned “The increase in street disorder is largely a $187,209 in annual compensation.38 The DESC function of the fact that heroin, crack, and pays employees salaries as high as $193,823 meth possession has been largely legalized in per year.39 the city over the past several years. The unin- It wasn’t always this way. When I spoke tended consequence of that social policy effort with Eleanor Owen, one of the original co- has been to make Seattle a much more attrac- founders of the DESC, she explained that the tive place to buy and sell hardcore drugs.”32 mission of the organization has shifted over And yet, the compassion brigades duti- the years from helping the homeless to secur- fully man the barricades anytime the city at- ing government contracts, maintaining a $112 tempts to clean up illegal tent encampments. million real estate portfolio,40 and paying a In the Ravenna neighborhood, protesters hold- staff of nearly 900 people.41 “It’s disgraceful,” ing up a “Homeless Lives Matter” sign linked she said. “When we started, we kept our costs arms and attempted to block the police from low and helped people get back on their feet. removing a from a public park.33 Now the question is: how can I collect another Nothing is more important than their own dis- city contract? How can I collect more Medicaid play of compassion — not a mass shooting,34 dollars? How can I collect more federal match- not a human immolation,35 not a vicious ing funds? It’s more important to keep the staff rape,36 not a series of random stabbings.37 paid than to actually help the poor become Anyone who questions their narrative about self-suficient.” the homeless will be shouted down, labeled a The deeper problem is that our social heartless, bigoted NIMBY, and cast into the policies have created a system of perverse in- netherworld of political incorrectness. centives — these organizations get paid more when the problem gets worse. When their The Homeless-Industrial Complex ideas fail to deliver results, they simply repackage them, write a proposal with the lat- With more than $1 billion spent on est buzzwords, and return to the public trough homelessness every year, one would be wise to for more funding. Homelessness might go up, follow Soviet ideologist Vladimir Lenin’s max- homelessness might go down, but the leaders im: “When it is not immediately apparent of the homeless-industrial complex always get which political or social groups, forces, or paid. alignments advocate certain proposals, mea- Their latest scheme in Seattle is to build city-funded “tiny house villages,” a eu-

5 phemism for semi-permanent homeless tent New York has been building “affordable hous- cities subsidized by taxpayers. While touted as ing” since 1934 and still has a waitlist of a better alternative to illegal encampments, 270,000 families.45 the results have been abysmal. After the city Ultimately, until policymakers change opened a drug-friendly tiny house village in the system of incentives, there will be no end Licton Springs — which costs taxpayers to this cycle of waste and corruption. Despite $720,000 a year to operate — the police re- repeated warnings from the city’s own home- ported a 221% increase in reported crimes lessness consultants,46 the city and county and public disturbances. Neighbors have wit- governments continue to funnel hundreds of nessed an explosion of property destruction, millions of dollars to low-income housing de- violence, prostitution, and drug dealing.42 velopers and service providers, to no avail. Un- Even worse, the organization that runs less the city can somehow suspend the laws of the Licton Springs encampment, SHARE, effec- economics, we will continue to build our way tively uses taxpayer money to lobby the city into the ditch. for more taxpayer money. They operate their encampments on a system of “participation The Addiction Evangelists credits,” requiring residents to attend political rallies, campaign events, and city council hear- The addiction evangelists are the intel- ings.43 At last year’s city income tax hearing at lectual heirs of the 1960s counterculture. They the King County Superior Court, I spoke with a are the rebellious Ave Rats, the gutter punks, homeless woman who lived in a SHARE en- and the opioid migrants — but now they’re all campment who explained that if she did not grown up and want their seat at the table. show up to the court proceeding, she would be While the Beats and the Hippies pio- kicked out of the camp for one week. neered the rejection of bourgeois values, their Ultimately, the homeless-industrial efforts were largely conined to the culture — complex is a creature of public incentives that music, literature, photography, and poetry. To- is constantly on the hunt for bigger and bigger day’s addiction evangelists have a much more contracts. Its new promise — based on the audacious goal: they hope to capture political concept, which actually dates power and elevate their lifestyle of addiction back to 1988 — is that if the city funds enough and street homelessness into a protected class. new units of subsidized housing, it will solve They don’t want society to simply accept their the homelessness and cost of living crisis all at choices — they want society to pay for them. once. Advocates insist that the city can build The leading proponent of this campaign “affordable housing” not only for the homeless, is Shilo Murphy, an active heroin and cocaine but for everyone earning up to 80% of the me- addict who runs the People’s Harm Reduction dian income,44 which, in King County, is more Alliance. His worldview can be summarized in than 800,000 people. In reality, however, a city a series of t-shirts he sports around town: can never build its way out of either problem “Proud To Be A Drug User,” “Nice People Take with subsidized housing, which, like any other Drugs,” and “Meth Pipes! Because Crack Pipes good, is subject to the laws of supply and de- Are So Five Years Ago.” For Murphy, the goal is mand. If apartments are made available at be- not prevention, recovery, or rehabilitation, but low-market rents, demand for those units will to normalize addiction and provide dedicated always outstrip supply, or, to put it in colloqui- public funding for the consumption of heroin, al terms: if you build it, they will come. For meth, and crack cocaine. As he told KUOW: “I every apartment the city builds, there will be have always enjoyed drugs and they've always another hundred people in line, in perpetuity. made my life better. I [see] drugs as not only a

6 means to escape but a means to inspire me for site facility opened, crime in the neighborhood greatness.”47 has increased, homelessness has nearly dou- Incredibly, Mr. Murphy has become in- bled,52 and there has been no reduction in ad- luential in the world of Seattle politics. The diction.53 City of Seattle has provided funding for his or- The critical question about harm reduc- ganization and King County recently recruited tion that’s almost never asked is harm reduc- him to serve on their opioid task force. His un- tion for whom. There’s no question that, what- abashedly pro-addiction campaign is winning: ever harm will be reduced to individual ad- he was one of the key proponents for "safe in- dicts, public consumption sites do tremendous jection sites" and recently announced a new damage to businesses, residents, and cities at heroin-on-wheels project in which People’s large. When I visited Vancouver and drove Harm Reduction Alliance vans will roam the down Hastings Street, where the Insite facility city and allow addicts to shoot up under a is housed, it was an apocalyptic vision of Seat- nurse’s supervision.48 tle to come — a public health nightmare with Oficially, the philosophy of addiction hundreds of addicts lining the sidewalks, evangelists is “harm reduction” — essentially, yelling into the sky, and shooting up behind public dollars are better spent reducing harm the dumpsters. than enforcing prohibition — but it’s hard not Unfortunately, in Seattle, the inlux of to conclude that their ultimate goal is public migrants has already begun. According to sur- support for addiction. While harm reduction vey data of the homeless, approximately 9.5% has had notable success in countries like Por- of the city’s homeless say that they came “for tugal49 and Switzerland,50 in North America, legal marijuana,” 15.4% came “to access home- where national drug policy is staunchly prohi- less services,” and 15.7% were “traveling or bitionist, individual cities that practice harm visiting” the region and decided that it was a reduction have become magnets for addiction, good place to set up camp.54 As the city con- crime, and social disorder. tinues to build out its addiction infrastructure During the debate on public injection and focus social services in the downtown sites last year, the addition evangelists often core, the problem will only intensify. Even King pointed to Vancouver, BC, which has operated County’s former homelessness czar admits the the Insite supervised consumption facility for city's policies have a “magnet effect” that at- more than 10 years. While Insite can certainly tracts the homeless from outside the city lim- provide clean needles and administer nalox- its.55 one injections in response to overdoses, the Regardless, the addiction evangelists evidence from a longitudinal study of the seem to be winning in Seattle. Despite more Downtown Eastside neighborhood shows that than 70,000 signatures in support of a ballot the injection site and concentration of social initiative to ban safe injection sites county- services have dramatically increased the num- wide, a King County Superior Court judge ber of opioid migrants moving to the city. Ac- threw it out in court, declaring that “public cording to the study, between 2006 and 2016, health policy is not subject to veto by citizen the number of homeless individuals from out- initiative.”56 In other words, it’s a democracy side the city increased from 17 to 52% of the when convenient, but ultimately supervised by total homeless population. Even more disas- the experts and subordinate to the fashionable trously, the study concludes, “migration into ideologies of our time. urban regions with a high concentration of As the addiction evangelists continue to services may not necessarily lead to effective dominate the public discourse, we’re entering pathways to recovery.”51 Indeed, since the In- into a strange new world where addicts and

7 vagrants are “good” and Amazon engineers cus on practical solutions over utopian and sober neighbors are “bad.” It’s hard to dreams. imagine how a city can sustain itself on this The sad truth is that we are still a na- moral foundation. tion in denial about homelessness. While ideo- logues will continue to denounce a wide range Towards a Policy of Realism of scapegoats who “cause” homelessness — capitalists, landlords, racists, computer pro- In 2005, the leaders of Seattle and King grammers — the deeper reality is that home- County government formed the Committee to lessness is a product of disafiliation. For the End Homelessness and launched a 10-year past 70 years, sociologists, political scientists, plan to completely eliminate homelessness in and theologians have documented the slow metro Seattle. Despite this initial lourish of atomization of our society. As our family and conidence, the Ten-Year Plan — darkly remi- community bonds continue to weaken, more niscent of the Five-Year Plans of the Commu- and more of our most vulnerable citizens fall nist era — was a dismal failure. Between 2005 victim to the addiction, mental illness, isola- and 2015, homelessness in King County in- tion, poverty, and despair that almost always creased by 15%, despite decreasing by 35% precipitate the inal slide into homelessness. statewide.57 Somehow, King County fared Alice Baum and Donald Burnes, who worse than the rest of the state, which did not wrote the deinitive book on homelessness in have a Committee to End Homelessness. Since the early 1990s, put it this way: “Homeless- then, the situation has only grown worse. As ness is a condition of disengagement from or- Seattle’s current homelessness czar sums it up dinary society — from family, friends, neigh- with superb understatement: “We’re spending borhood, church, and community … Poor peo- lots of money trying things out, and are inding ple who have family ties, teenaged mothers what’s not working.”58 who have support systems, mentally ill indi- Unfortunately, Adrienne Quinn, the new viduals who are able to maintain social and boss of the Committee to End Homelessness family relationships, alcoholics who are still — which has since rebranded to All Home — connected to their friends and jobs, even drug is even worse than the old boss. In an op-ed in addicts who manage to remain part of their the Seattle Times, she lays out her plan to “ad- community do not become homeless. Home- dress the root causes of homelessness” by lessness occurs when people no longer have solving “racism,” “wage inequity,” “climate relationships; they have drifted into isolation, change,” “housing costs,” “public transporta- often running away from the support net- tion,” “green building,” “sanctuary [cities],” the works they could count on in the past.”62 “child-welfare system,” “brain injuries,” and As a society, our deepest responsibility “mental-health and addiction services.”59 to prevent homelessness isn’t to build new This, not surprisingly, requires more apartment complexes or pass new tax levies, money, more money, more money. Council- but to rebuild the family, community, and so- woman Sawant claims the city needs another cial bonds that once held America together. $75 million a year to solve the crisis.60 The While it may be tempting to put forth another consulting irm McKinsey puts the igure at ten-year plan to end homelessness, we know $400 million a year.61 But the reality is that we that it will most certainly fail. As Richard can spend another $75 million, $400 million, McAdams, a recovered addict and current out- or $1 billion and it won’t make a difference un- reach worker for the Union Gospel Mission til we correctly diagnose the problem and fo- (one of the few organizations having some success addressing homelessness in Seattle),

8 told me: “There are 6,000 people on the ness can be contained with smart, tough poli- streets in Seattle. I know 3,000 of them by cies. name and know their stories. It’s not a re- If she can summon the political will, source issue in this city, it’s a relational issue. Mayor Durkan can implement a series of The biggest problem is broken relationships.” emergency measures that will dramatically In the near term, cities like Seattle, reduce the social disorder associated with Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles must street homelessness: shift towards a policy of realism. We must ac- knowledge that “compassion” without limits is • Immediately build emergency shelters a road to ruin. We must look at homelessness with 2,500 beds. In San Diego, city oficials not as a problem to be solved, but a problem to and the private sector worked together to be contained. We must make a clear statement quickly build three barracks-style shelters that that we won’t cede our parks, schools, and house nearly 1,000 people for only $4.5 mil- sidewalks to homeless encampments. And we lion. They’ve moved 700 individuals off the must not continue to spend nearly $1 billion a streets and into the emergency shelter, allow- year to “solve homelessness” without clear ac- ing the police and city crews to remove and countability and visible results. clean up illegal encampments.66 In Seattle, the Citizens and local governments across mayor should petition the private sector for the West Coast are starting to demand an end $13 million in donations to build similar to the policy of unlimited “compassion.” Fed- emergency shelter facilities, construct them on up neighbors recently exploded against Coun- vacant city property in the industrial district, cilman O’Brien at a town hall in Green Lake63 and run a dedicated free bus line from the and members of the Iron Workers Local 86 shelters to the downtown core so residents shouted against Kshama Sawant at a political can access additional services and eventually rally in front of the Amazon Spheres.64 Even in ind work. hyper-progressive San Francisco, acting Mayor Mark Farrell recently announced a dramatic • Empower Navigation Teams to move the change in the city’s understanding of street street homeless into shelter and enforce a homelessness: “We have moved as a city from strict public camping ban. In Houston, local a position of compassion to enabling street leaders have reduced homelessness by 60% behavior. We have offered services time and 67through a combination of providing services time again and gotten many off the streets, but and enforcing a zero tolerance policy for street there is a resistant population that remains, camping, panhandling, trespassing, and prop- and their tents have to go. Enough is erty crimes.68 The police department and its enough.”65 Navigation Teams must be given the authority to enforce the law and put an end to rampant A New Agenda for Seattle street camping in Seattle. There’s nothing compassionate about letting addicts, the men- In Seattle, Mayor , who tally ill, and the poor die in the streets of Seat- made her reputation as a federal prosecutor, is tle. The irst order of business must be to clean faced with a clear choice: continue to appease up the streets, move people into shelter, and the compassion brigades and the homeless- maintain public order. industrial complex, or break free from the sta- tus quo and take decisive action to address the • Provide on-site addiction, mental health, crisis. She can look to other cities across the and medical services. Seattle and King Coun- United States that have shown that homeless- ty currently spend nearly $460 million a year

9 on addiction and mental health services,69 plus homeless, who present a danger to themselves another $119 million a year on medical ser- or others and have no capacity to take care of vices speciically for the homeless.70 This is themselves. The breakdown of Western State more than enough money to provide basic Hospital and the loss of federal funds is a state services for all of the homeless men and problem, but also a crucial component of ad- women who want them. With a secure emer- dressing the local homelessness crisis in Seat- gency shelter for up to 2,500 people, the coun- tle. ty and city governments can reroute existing resources and “lood the zone” with on-site • Build more market-rate housing through treatment options for the homeless. For addic- zoning and land use reform. While home- tion services, we should prioritize recovery lessness is not caused by rising rents alone, programs and terminate policies like safe in- the city must do more to make housing more jection sites that create a “magnet effect” and affordable for people at all income levels. do not lead to decreases in addiction. Rather than focus on subsidized housing, which is slow and cost-prohibitive, the city • Break up the homeless-industrial com- should increase the supply of housing by sim- plex. Last year, Interim Mayor Tim Burgess plifying its 700-page building code, upzoning took a good irst step in rebidding city con- urban neighborhoods to increase density, tracts and cutting funding for corrupt organi- streamlining permits for accessory dwelling zations like SHARE.71 Mayor Durkan must units (ADUs), and lobbying for changes to the build on this success, reform the system of county’s Growth Management Act and the perverse incentives, and institute a policy of state’s condo liability laws. The city should fo- accountability for all organizations which re- cus on creating a new tier of market-rate hous- ceive taxpayer funds. We must set clear expec- ing — including apartments, ADUs, and SRO- tations, incentivize outcomes over the quantity style boarding houses — that is affordable for of services rendered, and taper off funding as residents below the median income. the crisis subsides, not simply continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars into a Ultimately, the success or failure of lo- system that does not work. cal government is a back-to-basics proposi- tion: are the streets clean? Are the neighbor- • Lobby for a policy of “reinstitutionaliza- hoods safe? Are people able to live, work, and tion” for the dangerously mentally ill. There raise their families in a healthy environment? is a growing consensus that our ifty year ex- We have the resources and manpower to con- periment with deinstitutionalization has tain the homelessness crisis — the real ques- failed, leaving Americans with serious condi- tion is whether or not our leaders have the po- tions like schizophrenia to fend for themselves litical courage to act on it. and sometimes ending up in the streets. The mayor should lobby the state legislature and —Christopher F. Rufo is a research fellow at governor to build on positive reforms like the Discovery Institute’s Center for Wealth & emergency involuntary commitment72 and Poverty. He has directed three ilms for PBS and opening new psychiatric beds in local commu- written for publications including National Re- nities.73 We must go one step further and con- view, Puget Sound Business Journal, and the sider involuntary commitment for the gravely Seattle Times. A version of this report was irst mentally ill, including some of the street published in City Journal.

10 References

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