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METEOROLOGY and CLIMATOLOGY RESEARCH Pod IISSNSSN 11234-4125234-4125 METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY RESEARCH pod redakcją Jacka Leśnego 118484 Instytut Agrofi zyki im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiego PAN Rozprawy i Monografi e w Lublinie 2010 (5) Komitet Redakcyjny Redaktor Naczelny – Józef Horabik Zast ępca Redaktora Naczelnego – Grzegorz Józefaciuk Sekretarz Redakcji – Wanda Wo źniak Rada Redakcyjna Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert – przewodnicz ąca Ryszard D ębicki Jerzy Lipiec Bohdan Dobrza ński Piotr P. Lewicki Danuta Drozd Stanisław Nawrocki, czł. rzecz. PAN Franciszek Dubert Edward Nied źwiecki Tadeusz Filipek Viliam Novák, Słowacja Józef Fornal Josef Pecen, Czechy Jan Gli ński, czł. rzecz. PAN Jan Sielewiesiuk Eugeniusz Kami ński Witold St ępniewski Andrzej K ędziora Bogusław Szot Tadeusz K ęsik Zbigniew Ślipek Krystyna Konstankiewicz Jerzy Weres Janusz Laskowski Opiniował do druku Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szwejkowski Adres redakcji Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrza ńskiego PAN, Wydawnictwo ul. Do świadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, tel. (81) 744-50-61, Streszczenia i pełne teksty prac dost ępne s ą na stronie internetowej czasopisma Czasopismo jest umieszczone w nast ępuj ących bazach: Thomson Scientific Master Journal List Polish Scientific Journals Contents – Life Sci. Biblioteka Główna i Centrum Informacji Naukowej Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu Instytut Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach Lonicera – serwis botaniczny Copyright by Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrza ńskiego PAN, Lublin 2010 ISSN 1234-4125 Acta Agrophysica s ą do nabycia w dziale Wydawnictw Instytutu Agrofizyki PAN w Lublinie. Prenumerat ę instytucjonaln ą mo Ŝna zamawia ć w dziale Wydawnictw Instytutu Agrofizyki PAN w Lublinie oraz w oddziałach firmy Kolporter S.A. na terenie całego kraju. Informacje pod numerem infolinii 0801-205-555 lub na stronie internetowej Wydanie I. Nakład 250 egz., ark. 18,7 Skład komputerowy: Wanda Wo źniak Druk: ALF-GRAF , ul. Abramowicka 6, 20-391 Lublin This monograph was supported by: Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Poznaniu Instytut Środowiska Rolniczego i Le śnego PAN w Poznaniu TRANSFER of KNOWLEDGE (TOK) in FP6 Marie Curie Host Fellowship Actions GREENFLUX Micrometeorological techniques for in situ measurements of greenhouse gases exchange MTKD-CT-2006-042445 Contract No. 42445 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………. 7 1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF WEATHER OBSERVATIONS IN GALICIA …………………………………………………………………………. 9 Janina Bo Ŝena Trepi ńska 2. THE OLDEST HELIOGRAPHIC AND ACTINOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS IN POLAND …………………………………………………………………………..… 24 Joanna Uscka-Kowalkowska 3. AIR TEMPERATURE IN WROCŁAW (BRESLAU) IN THE PERIOD 1710- 1721 BASED ON MEASUREMENTS MADE BY DAVID VON GREBNER … 35 Rajmund Przybylak, Aleksandra Pospieszy ńska 4. COMPARISON BETWEEN OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE METHOD OF CLASSIFICATION OF ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION FOR AREA OF POLAND ……………………………………………………………………….. 44 Piotr Piotrowski 5. THE ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION INFLUENCE ON INSTABILITY CONDITIONS OVER EUROPE ……………………………………………….. 55 Mariusz Siedlecki 6. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RELATIVE AIR HUMIDITY AND SATU- RATION DEFICIT MEASUREMENT RESULTS ACCORDING TO STAN- DARD AND AUTOMATIC METHODS IN WROCŁAW-SWOJEC OBSER- VATORY FROM THE PERIOD 2000-2009 …………………………………… 66 Joanna Kajewska, Marian S. Rojek 7. EVALUATION OF BIOCLIMATE OF THE USTKA REGION FOR THE NEEDS OF RECREATION AND TOURISM …………………………………. 82 Czesław Ko źmi ński, Bo Ŝena Michalska 8. FORMATION OF URBAN HEAT ISLAND IN WARSAW IN CONDITIONS OF VARIABLE CLOUDINESS IN 2003-2008 …………………………………. 104 Dariusz Gołaszewski, Grzegorz Majewski, Małgorzata Kleniewska 9. VARIABILITY OF ATMOSPHERIC THAW EVENTS IN THE A REA OF BYDGOSZCZ ……………………………………………………………….. 119 Małgorzata Czarnecka, Bogdan B ąk, Leszek Łab ędzki 10. THE INFLUENCE OF PRECIPITATION CONDITIONS ON THE CONCEN- TRATION OF SUSPENDED PARTICULATES PM10 ………………………… 132 Małgorzata Czarnecka, Jadwiga Nidzgorska-Lencewicz 11. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF PRECIPITATION CONDITIONS OF THE NORTH-EASTERN POLAND IN THE YEARS 1951-2000 …………….. 148 Barbara Banaszkiewicz, Krystyna Grabowska 12. STABILITY OF THE ZONAL FLOW IN THE EURO-ATLANTIC REGION (1971-2006) …………………………………………………………………….. 158 Michał Marosz 13. EVALUATION OF ATMOSPHERIC INSTABILITY INDICES FOR STORM PREDICTION IN NORTHERN POLAND ……………………………………… 168 Mirosława Ewa Malinowska 14. EDDY COVARIANCE METHOD IN MICROMETEOROLOGICAL RE- SEARCH REGARDING MASS AND ENERGY EXCHANGE WITHIN THE 178 BOUNDARY LAYER ………………………………………………………… Bogdan H. Chojnicki, Marek Urbaniak 15. THE INFLUENCE OF PLUVIAL CONDITIONS ON SPRUCE FOREST STANDS STABILITY IN BESKID ŚLĄSKI MTS ……………………………. 208 Grzegorz B. Durło 16. VERIFICATION OF DATA QUALITY FROM AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS ……………………………………………………………………… 218 Jędrzej Ny ćkowiak, Jacek Le śny 17. AIR TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION IN THE LASY RYCHTALS- KIE FOREST PROMOTION COMPLEX ………………………………………. 229 Anna Krysztofiak-Kaniewska, Antoni T. Miler 18. SUMMARY ………………………………………………………………………. 249 19. STRESZCZENIE ………………………………………………………………… 256 7 INTRODUCTION Meteorology and climatology research is conducted presently in Poland by a wide circle of scientists at universities, Polish Academy of Science and other research institutions. This monograph presents selected issues related to the above mentioned thematic field together with the latest research results of the authors of subsequent chapters. The first three chapters were devoted to analyses which applied historical da- ta. Also the outline of the history of meteorological network in the Polish King- dom in the 19 th century was presented. This part of the country was then named Galicia by the Austrian partitioner. Despite partitions of Poland, new meteorolog- ical stations were established, first in Warsaw in 1779, and later on in Kraków in 1792. Meteorological network in Galicia was founded by Physiographic Commit- tee and its Meteorological Section in 1865. The second chapter presents the histo- ry of heliographic and actinometric observations for the area of today’s Poland, since their beginning to the onset of the second world war. First regular measure- ments of insolation were started in 1883 in Kraków. Systematic actinometric measurements were started in 1900 in Warsaw by W. Gorczy ński. Intense devel- opment of heliographic network began after the first world war. The third chapter was devoted to the analysis of the Wrocław measurement series conducted by David von Grebner which is the oldest measurement series in Poland. The mea- surements were conducted in the years 1710-1721 and involved atmospheric pres- sure and air temperature. The next chapter presents the comparison of the results of meteorological mea- surements obtained both by using standard methods and from the automatic station in the Agro- and Hydrometeorology Wrocław-Swojec Observatory of Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences for the period of 2000-2009. The fifth chapter analyses daily values of air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, atmospheric pressure, the number of precipitation days and state of the sky for the period from May to September gathered in the station in Ustka, taking into consideration bioclimatic conditions such as: subjective temperature index STI, heat load of organism HL, predicted insulation of clothing Iclp and weather evaluation index WEI for the needs of tourism and recreation. The aim of the next presented research was to establish the intensity of the ur- ban heat island and its variability in the course of the day and night in conditions of light and heavy cloudiness. Although urban areas occupy a relatively small area of the country, their population density causes that the conditions in such 8 islands affect most of the country population hence the research into the city cli- matic conditions seems quite crucial. Chapter seven characterizes the frequency and intensity of atmospheric thaws in the region of Bydgoszcz considering the multiannual trend in this phenomenon which occurs from late fall to early spring and affects most of Poland area due to the flat countryside. The next two chapters are devoted to precipitation. The influence of precipita- tion on air pollution has been considered, particularly on the concentration of suspended particulates (PM10), and the selected characteristics of precipitation conditions in north-eastern Poland have been analyzed with an emphasis on the frequency of the occurrence of vegetation period (IV-IX) with shortage and sur- plus of precipitation, according to Kaczorowska criterion. The chapters from tenth to thirteenth present the issues concerning types of atmospheric circulation, atmospheric instability, vorticity field, convection phe- nomena including probability of storms. The next chapter discusses the eddy covariance method which is nowadays the main tool used for measuring mass and energy flux exchange between various eco- systems and the atmosphere. Although this type of research can be classified as mi- crometeorological, these phenomena are definitely dependent on the weather course. The following two chapters contain the results of the study of multiannual change in the precipitation conditions. The first refers to spruce stand stability in the lower Beskid Śląski forest area, and the second to marshland area in the Pro- motion Forest Complex Rychtalskie Forest. The last, seventeenth, chapter of the monograph discusses the principles
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