Fish and Wildlife Harvests in Pilot Point, Ugashik, and Port Heiden, Alaska Peninsula, 1986-1987
FISH AND WILDLIFE HARVESTS IN PILOT POINT, UGASHIK, AND PORT HEIDEN, ALASKA PENINSULA, 1986-1987 bY James A. Fall and Judith M. Morris Technical Paper No. 158 This research was partially supported by ANILCA Federal Aid Funds, adminis- tered through the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Anchorage, Alaska Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Subsistence Juneau, Alaska November 1987 ABSTRACT This report describes the harvest and use of wild fish, game, and plant resources in three communities of the northern Alaska Peninsula -- Pilot Point, Ugashik, and Port Heiden. It is based on research conducted by the Division of Subsistence, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, primarily in May 1987. A major purpose of the project was to collect information on local harvests of migratory waterfowl, including those harvests which occur in spring. Using a standardized questionnaire, division researchers interviewed 17 households in Pilot Point (94.4 percent of the year-round households in the community), five households in Ugashik (100 percent), and 37 households in Port Heiden (100 percent). The results of the interviews which are presented in this report include information on community demography, employment, monetary income, involvement in commercial fishing, percentage of the sampled households using, attempting to harvest, harvesting, receiving, and giving away wild resources, harvest quantities, timing of harvests, and harvest areas. The study period included June 1986 through May 1987. Pilot Point's population in May 1987 was 64; of the 61 people in the surveyed househoLds, 88.5 percent had Alaska Native ancestry. During the study period, 87.5 percent of the adults in the Pilot Point sample were employed, during an average of 8.5 months.
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