Kappelman, John CV
Kappelman CV 2010_08 Curriculum Vitae John Kappelman Address Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712-1086 Direct telephone: (512) 471-0055 Email: jkappelman@mail.utexas.edu Web site: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/anthropology/physical/kapp.html and links within. Education Ph.D., 1987, Anthropology and Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA A.M., 1983, Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA B.S., 1979, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT Professional Experience Professor, 1997 to present, Departments of Anthropology and Asian Studies, The University of Texas at Austin (Associate Professor, 1993 to 1997; Assistant Professor, 1988 to 1993). Assistant Professor, 1986 to 1988, Department of Anthropology, The University of Nevada at Reno. Grants, Fellowships, and Awards 2010: eFossils - An Interactive Online Community Database for the Study of Human Evolution. The Research and Educational Technology Committee. J. Kappelman, D. Reed, P. Keane, and J. TenBarge, P.Is. $110,000. 2010: National Science Foundation: Survey of Hominin-Bearing Sediments in Western Turkey. J. Kappelman, P.I. 1 June 2010 – 31 August 2010. $24,992. 2009: National Science Foundation: Blue Highways: Evaluating Middle Stone Age Riverine-Based Foraging, Mobility, and Technology along the Trunk Tributaries of the Blue Nile. J. Kappelman, P.I. 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2012. $329,999. 2009: National Science Foundation: Online Human Skeletal Biology. J. Kappelman, P.I. 1 May 2009 – 30 April 2010. $149,943. 2008: Information Technology Service, College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin. 3-D Printer for Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. J. Kappelman, P.I.
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