NEW CHAMPIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR Eddie Pinkman Has Partici­ pated in 1 26 B attles in OLD DAD TIME TELLS OF THE MANYNEWCHAMPSe a r ^ FQR THE SPORT FANS gregs Brief Career.

TCddh* (Milkman. the crack llglilweigl who will be m o m a I the Broadway Friday I niKln in a match will» George Ingle *»f j Seattle, ban made a great record in the j I,time he has hern in the ring All j Open House New V 0 told, he has fought 12* battles and <»nlv « six of theae have been chalked up against 1 Special Table d'Hote Dinner F him »yie of theae defeat a watt mlmlnls- | tered by Ingle a couple of years ago. That IMnkman earriea a punch in his I mit is shown h\ the fart that he has put in sleep 42 of hie opponents. Some ol the ! I. vs who tiM»k the count w ere Johnny l«»'Leai’\. who claimed the lightweight W o r ld . ' 1 1 I hatnpionship ot Canada. When o'l»> ml IMnkman met it was a battle royal I *•- ...... * ‘ he gong B oth la«la pitelled into tin I ;iy and turned loose j Gregson Hot Sp everything 'hey I 'Plie first round was ■«>nd the terrific blows adm inisi • i-d by lie coast boxer began t\» Tlie Spot BeautiQ it«»- th ird rf-ssion IM nkm an landed a haymaker on O'Tjenry's Jaw .nul I he pride of t’anada took a nap • ther men who reeeived the same treat- nuM.t from IM nkm an w ere 'F re nc h y’* Vais. Louis Keese, C|i«*t N eff. T ra v e I »a \ ies Frankie Sullivan. Hülle Isuider NO PATIENCE WITH .. t..I several others of the fast stamp .ins u present IMtiktnnn is going at ••ip speed lie has been training daily for weeks for his coming bout with Ingle and hose who have seen him in the 4" a J workouts say that Ingle will have to tie np to the Kenny Leonard standard to Comiskey Working on Assump­ Ingle holds a fie­ tion That Baseball Will nd Kddie Is d e te r- Branch Uy milted now that he has the chance to Be Success. erase that blot from his record. Figured to There will he six bouts pulled off at ’hartes A the show Frida,' night The first pair will he called Into the ring promptly at tin t-h.i pion Whit x : 15 o'clock and the others will follow planning for a stncis .tut . .t Chicago in quick suci cession. y e a r n otw iths tanding tin v\.u ! Itirk tune'! to ;.i'M . The officials arc as follows; Dr. Don " I am going on tin- n>sump ton . , < Wi| Donohue, referee; Frank Conley of Deer I «iHiiled a l'hntBÉ 1 Mike O'Dowd, iddleweight chai benefit of the mess fund of the coast mV- fairly well, but I want t > >«■« pion; 11!) Eddie Cico h'.tiling American artillery hoys stationed in Bu te and the th- success. This, then, brings league pitVher; (3) Mbs• s G.-rtn.L i t rude Artclt. lads hope to realize a goodly sum for the y s * . the most important of . swimming champion; ill Earl ruddock. worthy cause. Tickets were placed on out pla? tin- heavyweight champion wrestler; i‘*> l’etc sali' last week and have been going Jit a Wllttt effr« Herman, hantainweighi champion; m y own team . T h is goes for all of [ weight boxer and no fine who has seen son of the soil. Mu u I should h av e them . W e m a y lose :» fav«»ri'c 1 two tvsented rm» «uj( I did p re tty w?U in 1917. j the "Fighting Harp” in ring action £an handed the rassling edul to O lin. the GIANTS INJURE TERM and jigain we may nul This is n worry in liaseball TV ' 1 made new champions galore, es­ say 1 didn't do well when I thrust he wonder Finn. What • you think? I to m e, as I know th at the fans will take would have hg 1 r THE YEAR'S C H IP IO N S 1 crown upon Mike's pompaduured dome. I made IMUshurg champion in the east- pecially in the pugilistic world and on [ th is in to consideration. The public w ill Hornsby . I 1 made Ted Lewis welterweight champ, ! cm football world; Georgia Tech in the tlie baseball diamond Nines Refuse to Play With Na­ j understand when the country levn-s "ii Ib-rzuK. WM b j although Pin open to argument as to south, and Ohio State in the west. a total ni I!-;** Baseball. 1 made 'Pants” Rowland kingpin I our men and perhaps wrecks a ln-r»‘ whether or no l made a fizzle of that Job. I made Miss Gertrude Artelt champion tional Champs Who Pull World Champions - -« 'iiicugo White Sox. among big league managers and gave j and there. I have always found 1h.1t the in expenditaitl Maybe 1 crowned the wrong man. I don t j 100-yard womawi swimmer, and aided An added nji American league Champions—Chicago him a championship. In do­ Rough Stuff. patrons of our gAmes take these sdbiu’kH know, but I will the minute Ted gels into I little Miss ThelniA Darby in defeating with the Kit-.k W h ite Sox. ing the latter I am frank to confess that j a real battle. philosophically, and all that is m*« > s.-».