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BARRY PORTNOY Home Address BARRY PORTNOY Home Address: 9524 Bruce Drive Silver Spring, MD 20901 Telephone: (301) 585-3240 E-Mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. Community Health Education, Minor: Research and Statistics, University of Toledo. Dissertation Title: Effects of a Controlled-Usage Alcohol Education Program Based on the Health Belief Model. M.A. School Health Education, Ohio State University. B.A. Biology, City University of New York (Baruch College). EXPERIENCE Janurary 2017 to present Uinversity of Maryalnd, School of Public Health, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, Research Professor and Associate Chair for Research - Facilitates research collaborations within the Department, School and University. Facilitates the development and enhancement of a research mentoring program. Identifies research opportunities and potential collaborations within the School of Public Health and identifies funding opportunities within Federal and state governments and private foundations. August 2001 to February 2015 National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, Office of Disease Prevention, Senior Advisor for Disease Prevention. Duties include assisting the Associate Director in identifying major issues regarding disease prevention and health promotion and designing strategies to assess them. Lead for Strategic Priority 2 that identifies prevention research gaps across NIH, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Directs ODP co-funding activities. Leads the development and provision of advice regarding disease prevention and health promotion to a variety of audiences within and outside NIH. Oversees, coordinates and conducts independent studies bearing upon policy questions in the areas of prevention and prevention research. Provides leadership and serves as the focal point for working relationships with staff from the various Institutes and Centers and other federal agencies. July 2007 to present College Park Professor - Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland September 1990 to August 2001 National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention, Office of the Deputy Director, Cancer Planning and Program Officer. Duties include overall responsibility for Division planning and program evaluation and involvement in the assessment of Division resource allocation. Coordinates all congressional correspondence and is responsible for budget narratives. Assures that the overall Division program is developed to meet the priorities of the Cancer Prevention and Control mandate of the National Cancer Program. Ensures overall coordination of the program by working with the Research Group Chiefs and their staffs to develop program plans and specific initiatives responsive to cancer prevention and control research and application needs. Oversees the preparation of annual program implementation plans, including the analysis and evaluation of these plans. Responsible for coordination between Division programs and other Federal and private agency programs. Responsible for overall Division program evaluation. Serves as the liaison for planning and evaluation with the Planning Officer, NCI. The Division of Cancer Prevention has an annual budget of approximately $210 million with a staff of over 100 individuals. February 1994 to August 1995 National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), Office of the Deputy Director, Cancer Planning and Program Officer. Responsibility for overall management of the Office of the Deputy Director while the Deputy Director was on detail to the Office of the Director, National Cancer Institute. Committees and Activities Chair, NIH Prevention Science Subcommittee Member, NIH OppNet Steering Committee for Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Member, NIH-FDA Tobacco Regulatory Science Workgroup Member, Cross-Agency Evaluation Group for ARRA Prevention and Wellness Initiative NIH Liaison to Community Guide to Preventive Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NIH Liaison to Clinical Guide to Preventive Services, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research Senior Advisor to the National Children=s Study, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development Member, NIH Nutrition Coordinating Committee Member, Trans-NIH Bioethics Committee Member, DHHS Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health Member, Healthy People 2010 Steering Committee 1 Member, NIH Continuing Medical Education Committee Member, Adventist Healthcare Health Disparities Advisory Group Member, Healthy People 2010 Mid-Course Review Executive Committee Task Leader, Evaluation of NIH Consensus Development Conferences - Impact of Research Recommendations Task Leader, Evaluation of the NIH State-the-Science Conference, Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request. Priority Coordinator, Cancer, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Healthy People 2010 Initiative to August 2001. Priority Coordinator, Cancer, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Healthy People 2000 Initiative. Co-Chair, Research and Evaluation Committee, Special Population Network, National Cancer Institute, 2001 Member, American Cancer Society Blue Ribbon Panel on Community Cancer Control. Chair, American Cancer Society Committee on Objectives for 2015. Leader, NCI/DHHS Healthy People 2000 Progress Review. Chief, Program Directors, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control -1990-1998 Executive Secretary, Extramural Division Directors= Committee, National Cancer Institute - January 1997 to July 1997. Executive Secretary, Prevention Trials Decision Network, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control 1998. Chair, National Cancer Advisory Board Federal Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a Pilot Inventory of Federally Sponsored Cancer Research. National Cancer Institute Coordinator to National Institute of Child Health and Human Development ADD HEALTH Study. Co-Author, NCI Special Action Sub-Committee Report on Minorities, Over 65 and Underserved Populations 1995-1996. Member, Community Randomized Trial Working Group on NIH Women's Health Initiative. 2 Task Leader, DCPC Annual Retreat Planning Document -1991-1994. Co-Author and Task Leader, NCI Health and Behavior Report. Author and Task Leader, NCI Health and Behavior Implementation Plan. Co-Author and Task Leader, NCI Biennial Report on Prevention. Division Coordinator, Fiscal Year 1997 Bypass Budget Narrative and author Cancer Prevention and Control Chapter. Division Coordinator, Fiscal Year 1996 Bypass Budget Narrative and author of Cancer Prevention and Control chapter. Division Coordinator, Fiscal Year 1995 Bypass Budget Narrative Task Leader, NCI, DCPC Fiscal Year 1993 By-Pass Budget Narrative. Task Leader, NCI, DCPC Fiscal Year 1992 By-Pass Budget Narrative. Task Leader, DCPC Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Annual Report. Member, NCI 1992 National Health Interview Survey Planning Group. Project Officer, Managed Care Strategies in Cancer Control. January 1990 to September 1990 National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Office of the Deputy Director (Detail). Responsibilities included participation in the planning of a coordinated program in the areas of cancer prevention, early detection and community oncology, cancer control science and surveillance. Participates with the Deputy Director in making recommendations to the Director for program direction, emphasis, evaluation, coordination, discontinuance and determent of projects. Assists the Deputy Director in the identification and oversight of information sharing and reporting techniques throughout DCPC. Assists the Deputy Director in the coordination of periodic formal and informal reports and presentations of DCPC programs, activities, accomplishments and strategic planning. Assists the Deputy Director and Director in budget formulation. Participates in the coordination and liaison with other agencies including the Centers for Disease Control, National Institute on Aging, Health Care Financing Administration, Health Resources Services Administration and the American Cancer Society. January 1985 to December 1990 3 Health Promotion Research Officer, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Health Promotion Sciences Branch. Responsibilities included the development of concepts suitable for acceptance by the Board of Scientific Counselors. Identifying theoretical foundations and principles suitable for intervention research initiatives. Coordinating and monitoring program evaluation of extramural research on health promotion interventions for cancer control. Representing the Branch and the Division to other Federal, State and local Health Departments and to private organizations. Providing consultation to scientists in the field on the design and testing of community health promotion interventions. Program Director, "Integrating Tobacco Education Programs into the School System." These two grants have the objectives of developing, implementing and evaluating diffusion strategies for integrating tobacco education into the school system (Project budget was approximately $4 million over 4 years). Program Director, "Cancer Communications Systems Research". These five grants have the objectives of more effectively communicating the cancer risk reduction message to various at risk populations utilizing the Cancer Information Service (Project budget was approximately $3 million over 3 years). Project Officer, Development of Meta-Analytic Software, Small Business
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