HAP201022pod Thu, 10/22 9:47PM 1:07:28

SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, , molly, talking, doctors, masks, , options, health, step, evidence, vaccine, test, homeopathic, disease, important, mike, real, treating, absolutely


Molly Knight, Dr Isaac Golden, Mike Stacey

M Mike Stacey 00:13 Welcome to HAP News, the podcast of the latest news from Health Australia Party. Follow us through the News page on our website at www Health Australia party.com.au for more information. Tonight's episode is a chat that Molly had with one of our co founders, Dr. Isaac golden. And he is outlining a roadmap out of the COVID or any other type of similar crisis. Let's listen to Molly and Isaac.

M Molly Knight 00:57 Hello, everyone. Welcome to our talk tonight on Health Australia Party. Facebook Live. Thank you for joining us on Molly. Tonight's we'll be talking to Dr. Isaac golden. Isaac is a homeopath in . So he's right in the midst of everything that's been going on with all the lockdowns and the dreadful conditions that our friends down there have had to endure for so long. And Isaac was the co founder of the Health Australia Party back in 2015. And I'd like to start off tonight by welcoming Isaac. Welcome,

D Dr Isaac Golden 01:34 Isaac, thank you for joining Molly. It's lovely to be with you. Your reputation precedes you. Oh, good. Absolutely.

Molly Knight 01:45

HAP201022pod Page 1 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai M Molly Knight 01:45 I wanted to kick off tonight, because we're going to have a really interesting talk about, Well, a lot of things, a lot of things to do with what's going on right now. But I wanted to know, tell me why you you got involved in starting a from being a practitioner, and you moved into the political arena? Why did you do that?

D Dr Isaac Golden 02:06 I did so with great reluctance, Molly. Because I mean, I've always been a swinging voter. I've haven't voted consistently labour or liberal. I love the when Don chip introduced them. I love the greens when Bob Brown introduced them, although they've changed dramatically in in the last decade. So it was with reluctance. But basically, the real driving motivation was the fact that natural medicine in general, and I'm not just talking about naturopaths, and homeopaths, I'm also talking about integrative medicine doctors, chiropractors osteopaths basically have been under sustained attack in this country for many years. Now, it probably all started in 2005 in England, with the publication in the journal Lancet, and an editorial by the editor of Lancet, and that really started the ball rolling, it was an anti homeopathy, article and editorial. And that led some years later to a government inquiry in England, about homeopathy, should it be part of the national health system because it it's been used there since the time of Queen Adelaide, there are a number of homeopathic hospitals, there were many hundreds of Orthodox doctors who were and still a homeopathic practitioners. The the whole article back then in 2005, was actually a confection. They said that they did something and they actually did something totally different. Basically, what they did, they looked at a group of homeopathic studies in a group of studies about pharmaceutical medicine, and then they cherry picked, instead of analyzing all of the studies with equal relevance, they cherry picked to get the conclusion they wanted. It took two years to actually find out because, you know, normally people declare when they write articles in prestigous medical journals, what the doctor is, they would not reveal it, it took two years of inquiry. And when people obtain the data and legitimate statisticians analyze it, they found that actually, the studies were in favor of homeopathy, not the opposite, which the article had said. And a very similar thing was done by the nhmrc in Australia, many years later, but we'll come to that. That disruption led to the formation in Australia in 2013 of the so called friends of science in medicine. Now, this is a pharmaceutical lobby group who basically really should be called friends of pharmaceuticals in medicine that would be an honest name. Because the first thing they did when they were formed, was said, we are going to stop research into natural medicine in Australian universities, and we are going to stop Australian universities teaching evidence based natural therapies. So much. So for being scientists, I mean, a real scientist would never do that. It's right. Yeah, real scientist, that all things are on the table to be openly analyzed and discussed. But they've had a tremendous impact.

HAP201022pod Page 2 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai They've infiltrated the nhmrc, the National Health and Medical Research Council, which is Australia's peak research body, for health medicine, in general, they've spend a ridiculously small amount on researching natural medicine is less than 1% of their extensive budget. But unfortunately, they then did a an analysis of homeopathy followed later by an analysis of natural apathy, herbal medicine, even things like meditation massage, which, these days practically mainstream, and they came to conclusions that there was no evidence that these things were effective. Despite the fact around the world. There's massive evidence. In the case of the nhmrc with the homeopathy study, if you look on their website, they claim or they appear to be claiming that they've looked at 1600 studies, they cherry pick that down to five, only five studies. And in fact, they sent their report out to three peer reviewers and the Australasian Cochrane Collaboration, three of the four said they shouldn't come to that conclusion, but they did anyway. So it was clear, there's been sustained attack on natural medicine, not just homeopathy, all forms of natural medicine. And I thought, the best way to try and do something about this was to get people inside parliament, because you can lobby parliamentarians, you can send them letters, you know, we can do petitions, all of these things are being done, and they've made no difference. But if we could get some people into state and federal Parliament's, it would make a massive difference, because people inside the parliament's could then start hearing the truth. And this actually, Molly is going to lead to what we're going to be discussing tonight. Because the real reason there is so much damage being caused by the covid response is because politicians don't know the truth about health options that are available, not just to COVID, but for anything, but in this scenario that we're talking about tonight, for COVID. If they did know the truth, we could save billions of dollars, we could save tremendous heartbreak, so many people. And in fact, I was listening to Professor McGorry the other day talking about mental health in Australia, and he was saying the demand for mental health services is up by 30%. Because of COVID. And that's because of the lockdowns, people losing businesses, people losing marriages. So I thought, okay, it being a politician is not ever anything I've aspired to be. But to me, that was what we needed to do. So another five people and myself, we met in Melbourne. In July, I think it was 2015 and decided to form the Health Australia Party. And it's been a rocky road since then. Absolutely. It's it brings with it a lot of very unpleasant scenarios, unfortunately. But we're gonna hang on for a bit longer anyway. And the need Now, of course, is more than it ever has been with this code situation.

M Molly Knight 09:01 Yeah, absolutely. Yet, we really must get people into parliament that can retain this soul and not sell it. And and tell the truth. Yeah,

Dr Isaac Golden 09:12

HAP201022pod Page 3 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai D Dr Isaac Golden 09:12 yes, very much. So.

M Molly Knight 09:14 So what, Isaac, let's talk about COVID because there's a lot of information out there some of it true, perhaps some of it, definitely not quite true. So let's dissect it a little bit.

D Dr Isaac Golden 09:28 So your wonderful husband is actually going to be pushing the buttons behind the scenes tonight. So Mike, could we have the first slide please? And I hope he lives up to that wonderful tag. I'm sure he will. Very guys, except Mike, is it possible to put the pictures up the top rather than on the side because we're going to lose some of the data if that is possible. But basically Molly I you're quite correct. What you've said is absolutely correct. Because there's so much information out there. And as you say some of its accurate, some of it isn't accurate. There are questions, is it a real disease is the data for cases and deaths reliable has a real reaction be managed by people with vested interests, do masks work, a lock downs necessary? Is it all a big conspiracy, so we're not going there, we're not going down a rabbit hole tonight. So if some of the people watching we're about to turn off, don't because we're going to be talking about something very, very positive. About options which are available now, to mean that things like lockdowns and masks are not necessary. We can live alongside COVID, just as we live alongside thousands of different viruses. Now, not all of them are as infectious as COVID appears to be. But some of them are even more deadly. Things like meningococcal disease, etc, we can see a whole lot of organisms. And we need to be able to do this because we're seeing overseas, that countries like Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, they're all experiencing upsurges. And it's almost inevitable, with winter coming on in the Northern Hemisphere, that that's going to happen in a lot of countries. So just rushing off to lock downs, rushing off to keeping people inside their houses, closing businesses is not the answer. We need a different answer. And that's what we want to talk about tonight. Next slide, please, Mike. We just have to wait for a minute while a computer thinks now, Mike, is it possible to put those photos up the top like you had before we started because we are going to lose. The reason why, by the way, Molly, that I thought we'd put a little bit of stuff here for people to go back and have a look at if they wish, later on. because there'll be a lot of information that we're going to talk about. And I just thought if it was just you and I and people had to go back and listen all the way through, it would just make it a bit harder this way they if they want to go back and flick through the the talk and then stop on a particular page, then they can do that. Basically it Yeah, basically, you can see a link there. And the link is to an A an article we put up on the health Australia website, one of our official statements

HAP201022pod Page 4 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai on the way out, we call it the way out state the way out of COVID not way out in the 60s or whatever. We remember that don't we Molly? Well, I say if you remember your word. But anyway, this is the way out of COVID. And this is a position paper that we put out now, we have to be enormously careful when we're putting material out because we don't want to mislead anyone. We don't want to overstate, we don't want to understate and the problem is with a lot of information on the web, you might find that 80 or 90% of it is correct. But it only needs 10 or 20% to be incorrect. And it just many people then turn away. So what we're trying to do is to take a middle position because this is what health Australia is all about. We are a center party. We believe in natural medicine, that a person is healthy when they're in a position of balance. And so that's what we're trying to do with our statements. And sometimes they may sound a little overcautious, a little corny, but the important thing for us as they're balanced. So what we're basically saying to begin with, and then we'll go talk about something else. But COVID is a real virus and is contagious. It can be fatal in people with compromised immune systems, and that's most often the elderly, but it can be any age, and is usually mild in most people and many, many infections are asymptomatic. Many of the people who are testing positive for covid have no symptoms, or they're so mild that you can don't even notice it. Secondly, there is cause for concern in Australia because we in this country, we have a very high rate of chronic disease, which means people are more vulnerable because if you're chronically unwell COVID is more of a risk. Now, the Australian Bureau of Statistics used to give out figures regularly about every 12 years that they've stopped doing it. But the last lot of figures that showed that over two thirds of all Australians have at least one chronic disease. For people 60 years and above it's about 90% have at least one chronic disease and the terrifying thing is that 40% of children aged under 15 years of age in Australia have at least one chronic disease. So what?

M Molly Knight 15:10 That's scary, isn't it? It's a It's very, it's very serious. When you look at those sorts of statistics, we really need to look closer at what's going on.

D Dr Isaac Golden 15:23 We have a fair idea about what's going on in a way, Molly, because at that Bill Clinton had was became famous for saying one thing, follow the money, stupid. So in other words, if you want an answer for something, look where the money's coming from. Now, the best possible scenario for the pharmaceutical drug cartels is there's a very low infant mortality. There's a very high longevity. And there's a high incidence of chronic disease. And that's exactly what we have in Australia, as most other developed countries have. Yes. Now, that can be a coincidence, but it's not really because you see, orthodox medicine is marvelous.

HAP201022pod Page 5 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai Treating acute emergency situations. I mean, if I got hit by a bus, the last person I want to see as a home homeopaths greatest respect to you are homeless. I want to be inside an intensive care unit in a modern hospital. And and we have fantastic doctors and nurses doing that. I mean, I mean, absolutely, in order of what these people can do.

M Molly Knight 16:36 We are a hospital system.

D Dr Isaac Golden 16:38 Absolutely for that. But where pharmaceutical medicine falls down is the management of chronic disease. And those figures prove it. And that makes us even more vulnerable when it comes to dealing with COVID. slide back, please, Mike. Yeah, so it's something once again, that the Orthodox people don't understand. So there's three, there's been insufficient clarity and reporting cases have been redefined. And usually, when people used to talk about cases, it was when people presented to the hospital, now it's down to testing and the testing has been questioned. This has been overstated. And in Victoria, for example, the chief health officer here, some will, on the 19th of August, actually admitted that some of the deaths that are being recorded for COVID are just people in retirement homes who died and they've all been marked as COVID. There was a wonderful example of this for America when a young man wasn't as an example, it wasn't a wonderful incidence. A young man who was riding riding his motorbike had an accident was killed by the accident, he very healthy young man. And when they did an autopsy, they found COVID. So they classified his death as being from COVID. Well, that's just not correct. So the data that we're getting is questionable. There. And it doesn't. Yeah, it doesn't mean it's all wrong. But what it means is that we are not being given a totally reliable picture. So another example, a few weeks ago, people became very excited. And we saw in a lot of news feeds, the CDC, the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, has said that only 6% of deaths marked as COVID, from COVID. And of course, all the conspiracy theorists went up in arms. But that wasn't exactly what they said. So what they actually said was 6%, of deaths were from COVID, as the only source and the others, they were co- morbidities. And so people assume that all the rest COVID had really nothing to do with it. They died because of old age or they died because they had heart issue or whatever. But that's not the complete truth either for To give you an example. There are many people with diabetes, which is a chronic disease, who manage it very, very well with their insulin. Yes, if a person who's managed their diabetes, very well caught COVID and died, it is more reasonable to say that the real cause of the death that death was COVID not diabetes, but yet they would fit into that 94% who were a comorbidity. So the real truth is somewhere in the middle once again, you know, we all should be Buddhists when it comes

HAP201022pod Page 6 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai to this the middle way, because that's where the truth lies. And so but but the thing is, the real point is that people are losing trust, understandably been given because we know that they're not completely reliable. The number four here, the Australian responses have been directed by politicians with little knowledge in health issues, who have therefore turned over decision makings to Chief health officers who have been trained in and are experts in pharmaceutical medicine, and whose responses therefore have been based around drugs, potential vaccines, masks and lockdowns. This has meant that Australia has missed the opportunity to utilize many proven evidence based non pharmaceutical options to both treat and prevent covid. Next slide, please. Like, and this is the real point that Here comes, yeah, that we have missed this opportunity. Now, next slide, please, by the way, have missed this opportunity to utilize so much evidence from overseas. And that's what we're going to be talking about. In fact, you and I have to be careful. We can't speak completely freely, because there are certain pieces of legislation which prevent us from talking as practitioners about treating COVID or preventing COVID. So what we we have to talk about tonight, is evidence that comes from overseas in countries, from orthodox medical practitioners, as well as fully trained natural therapists, showing us that there are options. Next slide, please, Mike. And so what we what we've done, we put out a little five step roadmap to deal with COVID. And it's not all that needs to be done by any means. And you know, there are some wonderful people speaking up about some of the misinformation we're getting. And the step needs to be done as well. I saw that Robert Kennedy, who I have a huge respect for, had written a letter with someone else to one of the jurisdictions in America, asking a lot of questions that needed to be asked there. You know, why was the American government funding research into the sorts of viruses in Wu Han? A lot of people didn't know that. And I bet a lot of the American politicians didn't know that. They Exactly. Question is, there's so much finger pointing going on. We need answers. But there's more that to it as well. He talks about a certain part of the whole situation other people are talking about other parts, our own Judy Wildman. Now, I think I've spoken with you and certainly is written a lot of pieces about other issues, Judy, and I don't agree on everything. And that's fine. You know, because no one has all of the answers. I know, I certainly don't, that this is the roadmap that the Health Australia Party has come up with at this point of time. And we can learn going forward, and we may change it. But this may seem to some people listening to be idealistic. But actually it is based on practical, evidence based solutions that are being used in other countries around the world. And we could use them here. First of all, we should open up the Australian healthcare system to all evidence base treatment and prevention options. And we need to replace health officials who prevent citizens and politicians from being fully formed about options. So we'll just go through these quickly. And then we'll just have a chat quickly about each one number to promote the availability of options to the public, and the doctors in hospitals and private practice. And there are institutions in Australia like the National Institute of integrative medicine, and the Australian College of nutritional

HAP201022pod Page 7 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai and Environmental Medicine, institutions, mainly with orthodox medical practitioners who use complementary and integrative medicines, who would be able to train other doctors very, very quickly. This is not hard. And, Molly, this is one of the things if you say, there is a massive amount of evidence that if people elderly people in retirement homes were all given vitamin D to bring it up to an appropriate level, along with other appropriate supplementation to balance it out. First of all, the incidence of covid would fall dramatically and secondly, those who got it would probably not need to go into ice use something as simple as that. Now orthodox practitioners, my general practitioners may not be really familiar with that, but it doesn't take long to, for another doctor to tell another colleague. This is the evidence. This is all that needs to be done. Let's get together and do it. Step three, actually offer all citizens the options to be naturally immunized not vaccinated against COVID. Now, and this program could be completed before Christmas this year. But we'll talk about this a little bit more in just a moment. For ensure that every state has best practice, contact tracing available best practice quantity, quarantine facilities for returning citizen and visitors and best practice treatment facilities for covid cases needing hospitalization. And this has been one reason why Victoria has been in such a mess. Because the government down here the state government has not done those things. And even still, they're catching up. But if every state in every place in Australia, we have these things, these are important, because they can help minimize the spread of a new little infection very, very quickly. And finally, reopen state borders, remove lockdowns and use only locally if needed to contain clusters make mass wearing optional, except in very high risk environments, such as hospital wards where they're trading people with COVID and provide open and complete information regularly to all Australian citizens. And that's not happening yet. So I strongly believe these five steps would give us the ability to live alongside COVID and any other infectious diseases is not just about COVID. It's just about Yeah, it's not just about Victoria, or even because if you have the sufficient spike where you live, guess what, guess who's going to be telling the politicians in what to do for NWA. And the thing is, because places like say wi have been so successful, the incidence has been so low, it means there's very, very little natural immunity. So if there is a little spike, it has the potential to take off. No, don't say that to scare people. I say it because that's the fact. Other countries overseas like Sweden, for example. They've experimented with trying to build up herd immunity quickly. And so things are beginning. Yeah, exactly. They settled right down, that the really interesting thing will be to see how Sweden goes over the winter. Because if they do very, very well, from all of the European countries, that will be a real example of how building up natural immunity is so important. Next slide, please, Mike. Yeah, so we need to try and get this message out to our political masters. That actually, there are options here. Next slide. Please. Mike, hang on. Is it gone off again? Oh, you

Molly Knight 28:19

HAP201022pod Page 8 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai M Molly Knight 28:19 go on. When I did a talk with Dr. Ian. Professor, Ian Bryce.



M Molly Knight 28:26 He said that he had sent letters to everybody that could make a change. And none of them listened to him. So it's very, very difficult to get through to any of the officials really, isn't it for someone with his with his credentials, and they're not even listening to someone like him? Go back one, please. Mark.

D Dr Isaac Golden 28:52 He was quick on the button. You're quite right, Molly. And in fact, and we can't give all the details. But both Health Australia Party and Professor bride hope was censured or basically something else but we. So this is what I meant at the beginning, we have to be a little bit careful what we talk about. If we go back to step one, please mark. And this is why step one is so important. So in other words, open up the Australian healthcare system to all evidence based treatment and prevention options and replace health officials who prevents citizens and politicians from being fully informed about options. So the reason why that's step one is that there are people in the hierarchy of the medical establishment who are actually preventing who are actively preventing all the evidence that we have from around the world being passed on not only to people But also to politicians. One step

M Molly Knight 30:04 forward doesn't make any sense does it?



M Molly Knight 30:10 well, not to me. I want to help people. I want people to have as much information as

HAP201022pod Page 9 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai possible. So just stop people getting that information tells me there's there's some other agenda going on for these politicians and

D Dr Isaac Golden 30:27 officials. And that's a good way of putting it. It's not a conspiracy. It's some other agenda. And there is another agenda. And actually, in one of the previous talks that I'd given on the Health Australia Party Facebook page, I gave a reference to a study done by Harvard University Law School. Now Harvard University Law School is one of the most prestigious law schools in the world. And they printed in 2013, a series of 16 articles, talking about corruption in pharmaceutical industry. Now, if people are interested, all you need to do because this is available for free still on the internet. You just Google, Harvard University, pharmaceutical corruption, and you should be able to get to it. Now they laid down it took them five years of research by dozens of experts in their different fields, to map out exactly the influence of the pharmaceutical drug cartels on Hill, in Australia, in America around the world. And this reluctance of certain people in the medical hierarchy in this country, to provide our political leaders and the population as a whole, with truthful, honest information is part of the strategy, which Harvard University found the pharmaceutical drug cartels are using every day. And this is why step one is so important. Next slide, please might. And that's also why I sit there and step one, you know, if people are prepared to tell the truth, they should be sacked.

M Molly Knight 32:09 Absolutely. Yes. So

D Dr Isaac Golden 32:12 step two. Now, we can't go through this in great detail. We don't have time. But this is the availability of options regarding integrative medicine, and so people can come back later. And this is the reason why we're putting slides up so that people can come back later and look at some of these things. But zinc is very, very important. It sort of blows open the virus and this is why hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine along with ivermectin are zinc, what they call ion affairs, which makes them zinc work better. But the problem is, those things do have a potential downside. So we've got that lovely natural product that I can never pronounce correctly, you can probably tell me that Kenya citizen is so concerned, okay, that can even tell I'm a homeopath. That he can also be used in it of the hydroxy, chloroquine, etc. And then the vitamins vitamin C, d3 is so important that I magnesium etc. gluta thigh or thigh on is very, very important selenium, certain enzymes. Now, this list came from a town hall that I did with two integrative medicine doctors from America a

HAP201022pod Page 10 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai few weeks ago, it was the link to it's on their web page somewhere. And in fact, yes, I think you can see the link there if you want. Yep, the doctors to also talk about and one of these doctors has a very, very large clinic. It was in a covid hotspot, a lot of his patients are people with chronic illness. So they are people who are very much at risk. And these were patients with covid that he and his team were treating using nebulized hydrogen peroxide, nebulised, ideen, IV, hydrogen peroxide, vitamin C, etc. as well. They talked about how important diet was a quality etc. But these are doctors who are treating high risk COVID patients who didn't need to go to ice use need to go to ventilators because of the treatment they were getting. And we can easily do this sort of treatment in Australia. Yeah, many, many well trained natural therapists, naturopaths, herbalist, etc. can also use these vitamins they know the things the best valance vitamin D for example, using vitamin K supplements as well makes vitamin C They work much better. So there's a huge range of possibilities here, in actually treating the disease. Now, I haven't put anything up here about homeopathy treatment, but I can tell you that around the world, there are 10s of thousands. And if you include India, hundreds of thousands of Orthodox medical doctors to practice homeopathy, they have an international association. I'm actually the Australian representative of that association, even though I'm not a GP. My PhD was an immunization. And they are regularly reporting how the doctors in the different countries where COVID is very active, how they using homeopathy to effectively trade as well. But I'm happy just to limit this to things like the proven things on this page that people can see that there are definitely options available. Next slide, please, mine. And as I said, it would be easy matter for that mnemonic name to train, you know, GPS around the country. They could do that very, very quickly. Yep, I think Mike's sneaking away to have a quiet whiskey on the side. In fact, I almost brought one day on myself, but I thought now I better keep my wits about me. If you there, Mark, step three, please. Oh, here we go. He's back. offer all citizens. Back to three plays Mark?

M Molly Knight 36:47 Yep. There we go.

D Dr Isaac Golden 36:52 Yep. So we've we've missed slide three, step three, and

M Molly Knight 36:57 three is up now.

HAP201022pod Page 11 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai D Dr Isaac Golden 36:58 Yep. Is it on my computer yet? Okay. Well, I'll have to do it from memory because it's not showing up on my screen. So basically, this is talking about here we go. Yeah, this is talking about something which some people will find fanciful, that some people will simply disbelieve Molly. Yes. This is something that I've specialized in since 1985. I had the great fortune to be invited by the Cuban government to go there in 2008. And I went there three more times after that to work with their doctors at the Finley Institute. And if people Google the Finley Institute, they'll see that's an institute that makes vaccines. But the Cuban doctors and scientists are genuine scientists. They will look at everything. And all they're concerned about is what is best for the patient. And so the the doctors and scientists at the feline Institute, they were having trouble with leptospirosis, which is a disease basically often brought about by the bit to be Americans, they have their which leaves standing water in its wake. And the disease is carried off in through rodent urine goes into the water supply, and people become infected that way. So in 2007, they had some very bad hurricanes. In 2008, it was even worse. But unbeknown to me, they'd use my protocols that I'd published to implement a homeopathic immunization or homeo prophylaxis program against leptospirosis, and it was massively successful. So much so that in 2010, when we had the swine flu scare, which swept the planet, and people spend billions of dollars, getting vaccines, etc, for that, and that ended up fizzing out, I hope that happens to COVID by the way, that is a possibility. So these natural diseases have a cycle and they just go, but the Cuban government instructed them in 2010 to immunize the whole country, over 10 million people homeopathically against swine flu. And when I went there, after that time to study the data, there were so few cases we couldn't say anything, but at the same time, that immunized homeopathically against pneumococcal disease, and there was a massive decline in in that particular year. So, these studies are very important. So actually, the Cuban government has decided they're not going to waste billions of dollars on a vaccine that may or may not come that may or may not be particularly effective. That may or may not be and probably won't be all that safe. They have actually immunized pretty much most of the country by now. homeopathically. Now, some data came out. I'm fortunate in that I'm a peer reviewer for an overseas medical journal. And the first article about this came out a little while ago, and I was very excited to see it. Unfortunately, the data was only to the 30th of April. But by that time, they demonize over 5 million people homeopathically. And the Cuban population is 11 point 3 million. So that meant 6.3 million one protected. And when we looked at the cases in the protected and the unprotected group, we saw a measure of effectiveness around 94%, which is incredible. Oh, that's massive. Yeah, but I don't believe it'll be that high when all of the data comes in, over the whole period of time. That is a very good reading. In the research that I've conducted, I've found that the average is between about 86 to 90% effectiveness, with homeo prophylaxis against the whole range of infectious diseases with against which it's been used. So I think that'll probably come down closer to 90 or maybe

HAP201022pod Page 12 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai just a little bit less. But I can tell you right now, Molly, that that's going to be probably twice as effective as any vaccine that may come because the FDA in America is already stating that they'd be happy with the 50% effectiveness, and with a lower confidence limit of 30%. So in other words, that will pass up a vaccine if it's only 30% effective. And I can tell you right now, a vaccine that's only 30% effective is not going to eliminate any outbreak of anything. Now

M Molly Knight 41:42 it won't damage it might cause two people and the cost to the government's.

D Dr Isaac Golden 41:49 Ah, absolutely. And I would just say that anyone that you hear on TV running around saying, We will not be out of this until there's a vaccine, be aware of them, because they're not telling you the truth, they may believe it's the truth. So I'm not saying they're lying. But it is not the truth, there are so many ways out, and this is one of them. So I'm just recommending this as Step three, to be part of the overall way out. Because if and by the way, I don't believe it should be mandatory. It shouldn't be I don't believe in mandatory medical interventions, people should be given the option to take it or not. But if people are told the truth, that it is significantly effective, and there's no risk of any toxic damage, you can't get the disease, you can share it and give it to someone else. There's no aluminium formaldehyde, there's no other biological material. So it can't cause you any damage, it can increase the burden of chronic disease. If people are told that as the truth, many, many people and majority will probably be happy to get it. And it will be free. It'll cost the government one 30th of what the vaccines would cost. Think of the money that will save in brainer. Yeah, of course it is. But it's only one of the steps. And if people didn't want to do that, that should be there, right? But there are all these other steps we talked about in step two, where they can both prevent and treat. Step four, please, Mike. But oh, and just don't go back. Thanks, Mike. But at the bottom of Step three, there were a couple of references to the articles in peer reviewed journals that I published last year, talking about the evidence and if people want to look at it, they can if they want to go onto my website, right at the bottom of the page about immunization, there's a link to a free article that they can download for free talking about the evidence talking about 86 to 90% effectiveness. Okay, can

M Molly Knight 44:00 I just interrupt there just a question that's come in. When you say effective, are you talking effective against spread of disease or against the impact of the virus?

HAP201022pod Page 13 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai D Dr Isaac Golden 44:13 Basically, what we're talking about is that if a person is exposed to the this virus or any other disease, which has been targeted, they don't get symptoms of the disease. Okay, so in other words, in in the medical system that we know it in Australia, people only talk about immunity in regards to antibodies. So they say, if you've got a lot of antibodies, you are immune, if you don't have any antibodies, you're not immune. That's actually not correct. We know from the real world that people with antibodies still get the disease and people would know antibodies who are exposed can be immune, because there are many levels of immunity. There's innate immunity and an adaptive immunity. So the antibody response is part of adaptive immunity. We believe that homeo prophylaxis works by stimulating innate immunity in a totally different way. It's not an attempt to mimic vaccinations. The goal of this is similar. By the way, Molly. I don't know if people know this. But vaccines were first used in 1796, homeopathic immunization was first used 7098. So they both been around for over 220 times. And of course, they didn't have mobile phones to talk between England and Germany. They didn't have nice little chat shows like this. The the doctors who are working on these things are working totally independently, using totally different methods. So we're basically talking about a method designed to make a person immune, activating a different part of the immune system, to the part that vaccines activate, but with the goal that if a person is exposed to the virus, or the bacteria or anything else, that they will not get symptoms of the disease. In other words, in effect in the real meaning of the word, the immune,

M Molly Knight 46:16 yes, yeah, the true meaning of what it means. Absolutely.

D Dr Isaac Golden 46:21 Can we go back please, Mark? And yeah, that was a good question. Okay, now, basically, step four is just saying every state should have best practice. Because the reason why Victoria did so badly compared to all the other states was that well, the bottom line is the leadership was dreadful. entry points from overseas were infected people arrived, there was a fail there. quarantine areas housing, potentially infected people, they failed there. They failed protecting hospital staff, people had to doctors, a nurse had to buy their own peepee. For God's sake that was affected residential communities along with the federal government, they failed there. And effective contract contact tracing. Not only they refuse help, they had a system which didn't work particularly well. And in fact, they've learned a lot from other states, especially in New South Wales. But there was a recent incident that was on the news tonight in Victoria, where contact tracing had not done what it needed to do. If we've got the integrative medicine options, and the homeopathic

HAP201022pod Page 14 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai immunization options in place. And we've got best practice in all of these areas, we can safely open up the country and live alongside COVID. Next slide, please, Mike. And that's the purpose of you know, what the health Australia is now you want to farm missed one. That was pretty good. That's it. That's it. Sorry, Molly.

M Molly Knight 48:02 I think I'm just a question that's coming in. Is it true that the swab tests don't actually test for covid?

D Dr Isaac Golden 48:12 Molly, I'm not going to give an opinion on that. Because there's so much conflicting information about the effectiveness or otherwise of the tests. I don't know. I do know, I was talking to someone who's very knowledgeable in this area the other day. And that person was saying that the PC based tests can be extremely accurate. But if the handling of the test is not done absolutely perfectly, they can give a lot of false readings. So in other words, he was saying they're so sensitive, that even if only one molecule of contaminated material comes into the test through the hands of the testers or whatever, the whole test can give a false result. I really don't want to make give an opinion about the testing overall. I've seen very credible people question the tests and say the PCR tests can't do it at all, and not affected at all. I've seen very credential people say the exact opposite. And once again, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. But what it does raise it, of course, is a lot of doubt. As to the accuracy of the figures we're getting, like we spoke about earlier, is the same with mask wearing. So in case someone asked the same question about masks. I've read probably half a dozen articles by very, very well qualified scientific people, not natural pass and I may have had scientists say that the molecules of the virus are so tiny they pass through masks, and therefore mass wearing isn't effective, but also So there's been a new piece of research that's come out very recently saying that actually, the wearing of masks is between 40 and 60%. Effective. And I mean, intuitively, you'd think if you had a barrier there, it's got to help somehow rather, that common sense sort of said, says, I've got to do something. But then these other guys have said, well, because it's error sold, it's going straight through the walls unless you have an incredible mask. I don't know that the final answer Mali, in fact, a lot of the final answers to COVID, we probably won't know for years.


Yes, yeah.

HAP201022pod Page 15 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai D Dr Isaac Golden 50:37 I personally believe that mask wearing should be mandatory, except in extremely high risk situations. Like, as I said, hospital wards where people with covid are being treated. That's obvious, you take every precaution you possibly can, it would be silly not to the problem we have is he look, sorry, let me go back one step. The Health Australia Party has five pillars, as you will know, one of the pillars is a healthy environment, and that we're not talking so much about that tonight. But the other four pillars are really, really relevant. When we talk about COVID. A healthy democracy. Now, our democracy is being threatened at the moment, by pieces of legislation in different states and by the federal government, which are basically giving people the rights over us over our bodies. And particularly we know, our Prime Minister, we know, the Minister, the premier of Victoria, and I think probably a couple of other premiers have said they support mandatory vaccination. Now, the Health Australia Party is not an anti Vax party. We have argued long and hard about this, we have gone to the press Council of Australia, and we've won a case against a major newspaper. But we totally oppose mandatory vaccination, particularly in this case, because it is highly unlikely the vaccine will be particularly effective or safe. And we talked a little bit about that earlier.

M Mike Stacey 52:17 So yeah.

D Dr Isaac Golden 52:19 Well, it's also a case of whether it's actually possible technically, to actually produce an effective vaccine against COVID viruses, people have been trying for decades without any success. So our democracy when it was a healthy society is another pillar of the Health Australia Party. And our society is being torn apart. Let's talk about masks. Let's say they were optional. people now who can't wear masks, because they're severely asthmatic. And I had a patient the other day exactly in this situation. She has been abused constantly, when she's been going into shops in new Toria by people with masks, because she's not wearing one. She can't wear one. I did a webinar with some Germans the other day a few weeks ago. And prior to our conversation, in fact, I think it's it's probably just finished running. But product conversation the the German colleague over there said that three young children had died from wearing masks in Germany because they were effectively suffocated. So there are people who can't wear masks, but the way that the media is demonizing people who can't, and the politicians, it's tearing our society apart. We also of course, you know, talk about healthy people. And that's so important. We want people to have the best possible health care. And that means the best possible options being allowed and as we just talked about, with COVID, that means knowing all of the

HAP201022pod Page 16 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai integrative medicine options that are available and the homeopathic immunization option and all of the other herbs and other things that can be used to make a person both more resistant and better able to be treated. And I've missed one. I think that's only four What did I miss Molly? So yeah, the we've done democracy with society is no No, no, this new five pillars, the five pillars, hang on. Oh,


sorry, sorry.

D Dr Isaac Golden 54:40 Anyway, the fifth one as well as also as I'm very embarrassed now I don't even remember what I wrote. Back in 2015. This is so important. This is why we are trying to tonight, say something positive to people. It's not all about No negative things. It's not all about who failed and what they were doing. It's not all about who is being complacent in hiding information from people. There are, there's a positive message and a positive option here that we can tell people about and this is the whole purpose of what we're trying to do. Mike, could we go back to number five, please? Yeah, so we believe that if the what we've talked about earlier, is done, then we can safely reopen state borders, remove lockdowns, make mask wearing optional, and provide open and honest information to citizens. This is the crucial thing, Molly, you know, providing the truth to people. A lot of people mistrustful these days. And you can write this down. Yeah. Yeah. And it's such a shame. Because I know that the average doctor out there, and certainly the average nurse, I mean, these are people who are dedicated to trying to help other people. But they have been given wrong information, just as we have. And this is once again, what the Harvard University thing showed the extent to which information given to doctors and other health professionals in their training has been manipulated by the pharmaceutical drug cartels. I mean, to me, there's no conspiracy in in me saying that at all. Because the evidence of how they behave is in the public record. Yes, from one of the most prestigious prestigious universities in the world, not by some, you know, no, no names who people have never heard of before. So we know that that happens. We know that it is happening in Australia, because of what's happened in Australia, particularly with the nh and MRC reports. And some of the, the fact for example, a number of my colleagues who are integrative medicine, doctors, their registration has been removed, because they've spoken up about issues like what they can do for COVID about vaccinations. And this is wrong, you know, very wrong. These are doctors who have put their livelihoods on the line to help people. These are people who should be held up as heroes not demonized or vilified.

HAP201022pod Page 17 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai 57:34

Yeah, yeah,

D Dr Isaac Golden 57:34 quite agree. Next slide, please, Mike.

M Mike Stacey 57:40 So

D Dr Isaac Golden 57:42 basically, what we're trying to say from the health Australia perspective is, firstly, we don't know everything about COVID. We don't have all the answers. We're still learning just as everyone else in the world is learning about this. There probably are dark deeds being done in the background. And when No, I wouldn't say that. I was about to enter one of the rabbit holes, and I'll keep away from that. But basically, it is almost certain that well known people in high places, not necessarily in Australia, but in other countries have done things which history will bring to light, and will show them to be people of great darkness, who certainly have not had the the welfare of people around the world at heart. Yes. So there's a hell of a lot more for us to learn about this. But what we've put up here, we can go to chat now. Thanks, Mike. What we've put up our evidence base options that people, I hope, we'll start investigating. And as I said, at the beginning, this is why we put up some slides here, so people can come back and just flick through the slides. And if they want to listen to a particular part where we're talking about that part, they can do that. And they've got a bit of evidence, they've got a few links, they're the things that they can look at, and learn more, in fact, and in fact, Molly on that slide, where we were talking about the vitamin C in the zinc member, there was a link at the bottom that wasn't to that town hall that you can find that on the health Australia website. That was actually to something that I only just received a few days ago, which I haven't had time to write into the our outline our guide. Out of these lockdowns, it was a brilliant summary of integrative medicine options. That included quite a few extra ones more in the natural medicine side, of course, quite a few options that weren't on the original list that were given. So that link there, anyone who's interested in reading that it's a wonderful piece of research done about the many, many options we can use, and things that you can go down to the health food store, even the pharmacist and buy, you know, to strengthen you against First of all, coming down with COVID, or if you do to, to lessen the intensity or the the effect of the disease. And can I just say one last thing, which I didn't have in here. Now I'm speaking just

HAP201022pod Page 18 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai as a homeopathic right now. It's been interesting hearing the number of people who have had COVID Come on the news and say, you know, I had it six months ago, and I still haven't got over it. Now, this is where Integrative Medicine has a lot to offer, much, much more than pharmaceutical medicine, ways to rebuild the immune system. So you can't rebuild an immune system with drugs and pharmaceutics Actually, yeah. In homeopathy. Not that I have this record. There's remedy and I'm saying this completely truthfully. But if I had a nose out of the Coronavirus, we know with things like the flu, with epstein barr virus, all those sort of things, that if a person has been never Well, since and that's a very important phrase in a consultation. I've never been well since a particular event. So if someone's never been well seen, say, epstein barr or glandular fever, if you give that person a high potency of that of the nose owed, it actually takes that away. It removes the layer of distress. And the same thing would be true with COVID if we were allowed in this country to be able to use that, which we're not.

M Molly Knight 1:01:50 So you know, there's not good enough. Yep, we need big changes, and we can no longer sit back and just accept what's going on, because it's just not good enough.

D Dr Isaac Golden 1:02:01 Yeah, absolutely. I totally agree. Had there been many more questions come in, Molly, while we've been talking?

M Molly Knight 1:02:09 No, no, lots of comments. got people lots. Okay. But not a lot of questions.

D Dr Isaac Golden 1:02:14 Okay, that's fine. Yeah. So are we getting close to the end? By the way? I don't have a clock.

M Molly Knight 1:02:21 Yep. Yep. Oh, good. We can recognize

D Dr Isaac Golden 1:02:24 Yeah. So I mean, what I'd really like to say to whoever's listening, the Health Australia

HAP201022pod Page 19 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai Party is a is genuinely a center party. We're not a left wing or a right wing party, we'll support labor we'll support liberal nationals, if we feel what they're doing is good. And will speak out against what they may be doing. If we feel it's not good. We have our five pillars. And please go to the website, and not rely on my memory, which is failing, way past my bedtime. And you'll see those five pillars are really a recipe for balance for a whole healing of the Australian community. Because health is not just a matter of whether we've got high blood pressure or whether we take medication, we need health in the environment, with the physical area where we live. This is why For example, we oppose 5g. Because whilst is physical pollution is obvious, and there's way too much of that. And I love, you know, seeing initiatives to try and reduce the amount of plastics, in the environment, all that sort of stuff. But there's, there's more than just physical pollution, there's electro magnetic pollution. And one thing Molly, I heard the other day, you know how we had all those whales that were beached and died in Australia. In Africa, there was apparently a herd of elephants that all suddenly died from some sort of, they thought it was a heart attack, just be for that mask had flown another 60 something satellites, to circle Earth, to beam down more stuff on us now, whether that's a coincidence or not. correlation is not causation, but that the amount of electromagnetic stuff going through us must be just it's unimaginable compared to a century ago. So a healthy environment is so important, as we talked about, a healthy democracy, a healthy society. All of these things are really, really important as well as healthy people. It's really significant. If you support these principles, please support the Health Australia Party because we are trying our best to bring these into place, but the only way we're going to be completely successful is to get some people in In Parliament's, the next election is in wi. And then the following that we're going to have a whole range of elections in different states as well as a federal election coming up not long after that. So please support the Health Australia Party. There's very few of us. You're doing a fantastic jog along with Mike, in between whiskies. And there are a few other people. There are a few other people in other states who are also doing a wonderful job. And if you want to help us, please do so. So thank you, Molly. And thanks for the opportunity of talking about the proposal, proposed options we have for a way to live alongside without fear, without lockdowns without the terrible destruction, to society, to families, to businesses. And it's something which needs to change. And it can change now, because there are options to change it.

M Molly Knight 1:06:00 Absolutely. Yep. Spot on. Thanks, Isaac. Really appreciate your time and all the information that you've shared with us. It's marvelous. Thank you so much.

D Dr Isaac Golden 1:06:10

HAP201022pod Page 20 of 21 Transcribed by https://otter.ai Thank you. And Thanks, Mike.

M Molly Knight 1:06:15 Good night, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us and staying with us tonight. And again, I hope you've gotten as much out of tonight's talk. As as I have. It's good to have the slides. So you can go back and look at those will remedy remedies, the possible options of looking after yourself a little bit more. And take care of everybody. Yes. Do vote for Health Australia Party when the time comes. Because we're here for you. We've actually got your back. Good night everyone.

M Mike Stacey 1:06:51 I hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode of the HAP news podcast. please consider supporting our party in building a healthier Australia by becoming a member. See our website www.healthaustraliaparty.com.au and look for the "Join Us" links. And that's it for Health Australia Party for tonight. Good bye for now.

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