Niu Dongliang.; Sch. Bull.; Vol-2, Iss-3 (Mar, 2016):162-164

Scholars Bulletin ISSN 2412-9771 (Print) (A Multidisciplinary Journal) ISSN 2412-897X (Online) An Official Publication of “Scholars Middle East Publishers”, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Website:

Application of heavy mineral data in analysis Niu Dongliang College of earth science of Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China

*Corresponding Author: Niu Dongliang Email: [email protected]

Abstract: Heavy mineral analysis plays an important role in provenance analysis that determines the location of the source region, source spreading and feeding direction. In the detailed results of previous studies and on the basis of reading a lot of literature, this paper expounds the important role of the four heavy minerals analysis methods in provenance analysis include: the traits of heavy mineral, typomorphic characteristic, stability factor, etc., then, state the advantage and disadvantage. Keywords: heavy minerals; provenance analysis; source rock; stability.

INTRODUCTION Heavy mineral analysis method is one of PROVENANCE ANALYSIS WITH THE TRAITS mature provenance analysis methods. Early heavy OF HEAVY MINERAL (TYPES, CONTENTS AND mineral analysis mainly based on its physical and DISTRIBUTION) optical properties. With the application of electronic Heavy mineral probe, the characteristic that mineral geochemical Due to the different distances or different differentiation can be fully utilized. Heavy mineral handling natural and geographical conditions, even refers to the mineral which proportion is more than 2.86 from the same deposition area, different deposits may in the sedimentary rocks, its resistance to abrasion and form individually, but the heavy mineral assemblage strong stability make it capability of more retained by they contain should be the same generally (table 1), But parent rock characteristics. In the handling process of as the impact of the passage of time or tectonic sedimentary detrital minerals and, the unstable heavy movement, the latter being eroded overburden, rock mineral gradually decreased with increasing of transport area exposed altered rock, heavy mineral assemblage distance while the relative content of stable heavy also changed. Therefore, the use of heavy mineral types mineral,gradually increased. The main content of heavy in the horizontal direction changes to the composition mineral analysis is to count the contents of all kinds of and content of recourse provenance and restoration heavy minerals, and then, draw the distribution map of rock, also available clastic rock characteristics and heavy minerals in the profile and plane, so as to explain content changes to recourse provenance and restoration the distribution of heavy minerals and control factors[1- rock[2-4]. 3].

Table 1: different types of heavy minerals according to Pei Zhuangdi,1972 Source Rock Assemblage of Heavy Minerals acid magmatic rock hornblende, monazite, , sphene, , , magnetite pegmatite cassiterite fluorite, tourmaline (blue variant), basic magmatic rocks augite basil pyroxene, hornblende, diopside, magnetite, ilmenite, titanium white, rutile metamorphic andalusite garnet, chlorite hard, blue amphibole, kyanite, staurolite, epidote, zoisite, sillimanite, corundum, sphene sedimentary rocks zircon tourmaline (round), rutile, titanium white stone, iron ore (round)

Single mineral analysis analysis include: pyroxene, hornblende, epidote, The single mineral analysis is to choose one or staurolite, garnet, spinel, hard chlorite, tourmaline, several single-particle mineral geochemical and mineral zircon, , rutile, ilmenite, olivine, etc. The content source area compared obtain further information on the of the minerals, chemical composition and type, optical source rock. The single mineral grains heavy mineral properties can be analyzed by electron microprobe. For

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Niu Dongliang.; Sch. Bull.; Vol-2, Iss-3 (Mar, 2016):162-164 each heavy mineral characteristics and specific sillimanite, zoisite, sphene, unstable heavy minerals are elements of content, with its typical chemical hornblende, actinolite, pyroxene, diopside Stone, basil composition determination map or index to determine pyroxene, andalusite, etc., very unstable minerals its provenance; single particle ratio also has heavy include olivine. The use of stable and unstable heavy mineral content a certain sense the source region, mineral heavy mineral composition, heavy mineral monazite / zircon ratio (MZi) to display cases of deep content and calculated stability factor, analysis of the provenance; garnet / zircon ratio (GZi) used distribution and trends in the plane, to infer the distance to determine the sequence of the garnet is stable; apatite detritus transport distance, with increasing transport / Tourmaline ratio (ATi) indicates the sequence is distance, not stable minerals gradually reduced, the affected by the acidic groundwater circulation, planar relative increase in the mineral content of stable heavy single grain weight changes can be used to determine mineral stability coefficient increases accordingly, the mineral content source direction, such as magnetite; thereby determining the provenance direction and rock can also use the cluster analysis and heavy mineral mineral components [11]. types, content Provenance and portfolio analysis, with strict symbiotic relationship between minerals, heavy ZTR index value trends can indicate the mineral assemblage is so Provenance very sensitive direction of the study area was the source, ZTR index is indicator, in the same sedimentary basins, clastic the most stable heavy minerals 3 mineral zircon, component consistent with the same period, tourmaline and rutile accounted transparent heavy while clastic sediments of different substances minerals mineral percentages, ZTR The higher the contained in different periods, which can be speculated index value represents the higher maturity of heavy that direction material sources[3,5-6]. minerals, the stronger the of rocks subjected, on the contrary, represents the maturity of HEAVY TYPOMORPHIC CHARACTERISTIC heavy minerals is low, rocks undergo weathering weak; JUDGMENT PROVENANCE with the increase of transport distance and Based on heavy minerals, including zircon, unstable weight It will become increasingly low mineral tourmaline, garnet, hornblende, epidote, pyroxene and content, and the content of heavy minerals is stable rare staurolite, kyanite standard type features, combined growing, thus presumably the direction and position with the type and degree of development of heavy Antiquities source region, the sediment provenance and mineral inclusions, the inclusions partition can be done. the distance from the ancient flow direction.

It has a symbiotic relationship between mineral THE JUDGMENT WAS THE SOURCE OF strict, so heavy mineral assemblage is anextremely HEAVY MINERALS OTHER METHODS AND sensitive Provenance indicator. In the same sedimentary MEANS basins, consistent detrital composition of deposits in the The type and content of the heavy minerals can same period, while different in different periods of be a direct indication of the nature of rock source area, clastic sediments substance contained, whereby the use the use of heavy mineral provenance determine the of heavy mineral type and content change map direction and type of rock as well as ways and means: horizontally at different times, may material sources the use of heavy minerals physical properties (such as speculated that direction[8-10]. Heavy mineral color, shape, size, hardness, stability, etc.), and composition analysis of the source area usefulness is combinations thereof, stability mineral surface rather high, especially in the more complex types of microstructure, crystalline and other judges provenance, minerals, especially useful in areas controlled by many opaque scrap metal oxides indicator sources[1,12]. factors. Specific combinations, analytical methods based on the characteristics of different regions THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF differ[9]. HEAVY MINERAL ANALYSIS PROVENANCE Because mineral species are more preferably THE STABILITY FACTOR AND HEAVY controlled by many factors in the effect of the MINERAL ZTR INDEX TO IDENTIFY THE application area. Mineral analysis taken heavy mineral PROVENANCE grain size should also be noted, is generally believed Many different types of heavy minerals, 0.25mm-0.1mm and 0.1mm-0.01mm two size fractions weathering resistance is also different. Depending on of heavy mineral analysis is desirable. It should be the degree of weathering stability during handling noted that different rock properties, precision heavy heavy minerals will be divided into super-stable, stable, mineral provenance analysis method is not the same, if moderate and stable, unstable and very unstable 5 the rock is metamorphic or , heavy mineral categories, super-stable heavy minerals are: rutile, nature late reformation small, can better reflect the zircon, tourmaline, anatase stable heavy minerals nature of the source region, if rock is , include apatite, garnet (low iron), titanium white, cross, heavy mineral composition and content will vary monazite, biotite, ilmenite, magnetite, hematite, deposition, and change, then apply heavy wollastonite, etc., moderate stable heavy minerals mineral provenance discrimination should be careful. In including epidote, kyanite, garnet (rich in iron), addition, older age sediments, due to the heavy rock

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