New Or Expanded Capital Facilities
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New or Expanded Capital Facilities Proj.# Project Title Capacity 2005* 2006* Location City Light 6161Boundary Dam - Safety This project will design and install 53 0 10382 Boundary Rd. Improvements an improved dam safety monitoring system. 8203Broad Street Substation This project will install new vaults 4,240 4,325 6th Ave. NBroad St. Networks and conduits in the Broad Street Substation service area. 6171Cedar Falls - Intake Gate This project will install a new 205 174 19901 Cedar Falls Rd. SE Replacement intake gate at Cedar Falls. 9009Communications This project will fund replacement 250 281 Citywide Improvements of communications components in City Light's communications system. 9307Distribution Area This project will provide fiber rings 603 582 Citywide Communications Networks to Seattle-area facilities to create a secure digital communications network. 6990Endangered Species Act This project will acquire habitat and 720 704 South Fork Tolt River Mitigation fund restoration activities in the four Puget Sound watersheds. 9156Facilities Infrastructure This project will fund HVAC 123 46 Citywide Improvements improvements and replacement at various City Light facilities. 6166Fire Protection Systems This project will install a water 407 155 10382 Boundary Rd. Modification spray generator fire suppression system. 8301First Hill Network This project will install new vaults 908 717 1100 Madison St. and conduits in the First Hill service area. 6005Generation - Civil- This project will fund minor 468 151 10382 Boundary Rd. Mechanical Modification improvements to power generation equipment. 6222Gorge Dam - Spillgate This project will replace motor 0 26 Milepost 121 State Hwy. 20 Control Improvements starters and controls at two dam spillgates. 8202Massachusetts Street This project will install new vaults 566 241 1555 Utah Ave. S Substation Networks and conduits in the Massachusetts Street Substation area. 8054Meter Additions This project will install new meters 3,288 3,669 Citywide and upgrade existing meters annually. 8057Network Additions and This project will fund capacity 8,529 9,059 Citywide Services additions to the Network electrical system. 8129Network Hazeltine This project will install upgraded 565 558 Citywide Upgrade equipment in the existing network transformer monitoring system. 8122North Capacity Additions This project will build new electric 9,347 9,203 Citywide line segments adding capacity. 8120North Services - Overhead This project will add electrical 9,035 9,143 1300 N 97th St. and Underground customers to the distribution system. *Amounts in thousands of dollars 2005-2010 Proposed Capital Improvement Program -783- New or Expanded Capital Facilities Proj.# Project Title Capacity 2005* 2006* Location 9154Physical Protection This project will install safety 0 0 Project Covers Multiple Systems for Facilities features at City Light service Locations centers, substations, and power generation sites. 7755Power Stations Demand This project will fund the design 128 63 Citywide Driven Improvements and installation of new electrical service connections. 7753Relaying Improvements This project will improve general 1,099 1,125 Citywide metering, control, and relaying systems. 9134Seismic Mitigation This project will make seismic 0 60 Project Covers Multiple upgrades to City Light facilities. Locations 8123South Capacity Additions This project will build new electric 6,860 7,474 Citywide line segments, adding capacity. 8309South Lake Union - Roy This project will acquire the 5,184 0 TBD Street Property property at 802 Roy Street. 8133South New Street and This project will provide rental 195 197 Citywide Flood Lighting streetlights and floodlights attached to City Light poles. 8121South Services - Overhead This project will add electrical 5,040 5,123 Citywide and Underground customers to the distribution system. 7751Substation Capacity This project will provide new 1,365 1,416 Citywide Additions infrastructure to existing substations and systems by adding transformers and related equipment. 9161Substation Comprehensive This project will upgrade lunch and 717 369 Citywide Improvements locker room facilities, work areas, and ventilation and heating systems in City Light substations. 7752Substation Equipment This project will fund upgrades to 3,001 3,501 Citywide Improvements substation equipment. 7750Substation Plant This project will fund 1,721 2,056 Citywide Improvements improvements to substation buildings. 7011Transmission Capacity This project will fund upgrades to 726 732 Citywide short spans of the transmission system. 7105Transmission Inter-Agency This project will fund 190 196 Citywide improvements to the transmission system. 8201Union Street Substation This project will install new vaults 734 1,636 1312 Western Ave. Networks and conduits in the Union Street Substation service area. 9159Workplace and Process This project will reconfigure and 0 131 Citywide Improvement upgrade space in existing facilities used for City Light activities. *Amounts in thousands of dollars 2005-2010 Proposed Capital Improvement Program -784- New or Expanded Capital Facilities Proj.# Project Title Capacity 2005* 2006* Location Fleets & Facilities A34200-1City Hall This project will construct a new 0 0 600 4th Ave. 201,000-square-foot City Hall with over 165,000 usable square feet of office and public space. A34200-2Civic Center Plan - Key This project will provide for 0 0 600 4th Ave. Tower, Park 90/5, and renovation of 750,000 square feet Other Projects of office space within Key Tower, 18,000 square feet of retail space at the new City Hall, and renovation of more than 276,000 square feet of work space and evidence storage at Park 90/5. A1FL303Emergency Community This project will create several 0 0 Various Locations Disaster Supplies emergency community disaster caches stocked with emergency shelter supplies for about 1,000 people each. A1FL304Emergency Community This project will fund the City's 0 0 Various Locations Shelters Power Supply purchase of several trailer-mounted generators and installation at several Parks Department sites. A1FL302Emergency Fire This project will fund hardened 0 0 Various Locations Suppression Water Supply hydrants to be installed at several reservoirs and at water storage tanks; several dry hydrants will be placed into fresh and salt water sources. A1FL301Emergency Operations This project will fund a new 16,684- 0 0 300 5th Ave. Center square-foot facility - approximately 9,200 square feet larger than the existing Emergency Operations Center. A1FL201Fire Alarm Center The new Fire Alarm Center will be 0 0 300 5th Ave. 34,296 square feet - approximately 5,200 square feet larger than the existing facility. A1FL102Fire Station 02 This renovated station will be 0 6,694 2334 4th Ave. approximately 34,000 square feet - about 15,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL106Fire Station 06 This rebuilt station will be between 00TBD 11,000 and 13,000 square feet - a maximum of 8,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL108Fire Station 08 This renovated station will be 0 0 110 Lee St. approximately 6,000 square feet - about 1,300 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL109Fire Station 09 This renovated station will be 0 0 3829 Linden Ave. N approximately 8,000 square feet - about 2,000 square feet larger than the existing station. *Amounts in thousands of dollars 2005-2010 Proposed Capital Improvement Program -785- New or Expanded Capital Facilities Proj.# Project Title Capacity 2005* 2006* Location A1FL110Fire Station 10 This rebuilt station will be between 0 0 300 5th Ave. 29,000 and 32,000 square feet - about 10,000 square feet larger than the existing location. A1FL114Fire Station 14 The renovated station will be 0 0 3224 4th Ave. S between 14,000 and 19,000 square feet - a maximum of 5,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL116Fire Station 16 This project will not increase the 0 0 6846 Oswego Pl. NE size of this 5,000-square-foot station. A1FL117Fire Station 17 This renovated station will be 0 4,103 1050 NE 50th St. between 20,000 and 22,000 square feet - a maximum of 8,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL120Fire Station 20 This rebuilt station will be 00TBD approximately 8,000 square feet - about 5,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL121Fire Station 21 This rebuilt station will be 0 0 7304 Greenwood Ave. N approximately 8,000 square feet - about 4,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL122Fire Station 22 This project will rebuild Fire 0 0 901 E Roanoke St. Station 22 in the same location on an expanded site with approximately 8,000 square feet of usable space - about twice the size of the existing station. A1FL124Fire Station 24 This renovated station will be 0 0 401 N 130th St. approximately 5,000 square feet - several hundred square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL125Fire Station 25 This renovated station will be 0 0 1300 E Pine St. approximately 18,500 square feet - about 500 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL128Fire Station 28 This renovated station will be 0 6,274 5968 Rainier Ave. S approximately 18,000 square feet - about twice the size of the existing station. A1FL130Fire Station 30 This rebuilt station will be 8,000 0 0 2931 Mount Baker Dr. S square feet - about 4,000 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL131Fire Station 31 This rebuilt station will be 13,700 0 2,122 1319 N Northgate Wy. square feet - about 2,500 square feet larger than the existing station. A1FL132Fire Station 32 This rebuilt station will be between 0 0 3715 SW Alaska St. 16,000 and 19,000 square feet - a maximum of 11,000 square feet larger than the existing station. *Amounts in thousands of dollars 2005-2010 Proposed Capital Improvement Program -786- New or Expanded Capital Facilities Proj.# Project Title Capacity 2005* 2006* Location A1FL135Fire Station 35 This rebuilt station will be 0 0 8729 15th Ave. NW approximately 9,400 square feet - about the same size as the existing station. A1FL137Fire Station 37 This rebuilt station will be 00TBD approximately 8,000 square feet - about 4,000 square feet larger than the existing station.