MONDAY, JANUA&T t, IM t iWljr Nat P M i Rm Tile Weatker ' fila, aad Andiw KUkueha and South Vietnam Big Projectg Psrtly doo4r. wlii4y sad eeM CStailea Kdlrunlm, both of And­ Youth in Serious Condition^ Sen. Muskie to Speak torfflit. acsttered snow fhnttss. over; 10 gnndehlldrfB and U Miiiister Dies Swell Figures Low 10 to I f . Tomui'ruw parOy glSwTflWEIHIlKFiOf eeU. Ftawral aorviooa will be Head Injured in Auto Crash 15q365 tknay , ammoMy At Education Conference 28 t o M . Wedaaaday at b pan. at the Pot- After Bombing For Buiuliiig Manchetter A City of VUtoge Charm probe deeply into tbe problems W)ncnLU»>-J«inM u rtm t tor Funeral H m ^ 4M Jaeksoa Keith SatterHoM, 10, of 44 eaatbound lane. Denala ’oar was Senator Edmund S. MUaUe of (Ocmtimied trsm Page One) Bbdne will deliver the keynote of sdiicatton in our cities aiid Because of three laiga per­ M . « t s Wrmaa^ p u k a m St, Hmimanilo. TIm Rev. Ray^ LewM St la hk Hartford Hoo- damaged heavily on ^ right :yOL. LXXXym , n o . 82 addreae at the Connectleut Ed­ prapOM some priorities in mset- (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESJTEli, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1M» (CTsesM ea e« nsg» 18) •t RooIrrUl* mqad H. Bradlay Jr., pastor of r*rF*d. around the abandoned fortress tion for Urban Education — A film, “C9ilMren Without," dows Oonvalescent Hbqpltal, Bank Ups Prime Ante fant. Bo. B««d la KeaOheoter neisd home tomorrow from 2 to involved were also injured. , Nayhw was admitted to MOn- o f IQm Sanh and a U.8. Army- Probleme, Propobale, Priori- and $230,000 for a bulUSag In M bro aMWlof to RookvUIo 10 4 and 7 to 9 pm. SatterfMd was in a oar with Chester MemoM Ho^ital with Navy push in the Plain of Reeds produced by the National Ed­ To Recmd 7 Per Cent Lebanon tie e .’ ’ Green Bfanor's Bbnebestar b - fm n aco. Bo « u oa inourance Maih P. N a ^ , !«, of 199 Diane ^ lacerated cbbo and a frac- west of Saigon. ucation Asaociation will be NBW YORK (AF)— First Mra. Ella T. Graaeo, Secre­ dustrial Park, the value of Man. •goat tor XotrapoUtaa life In* T. Howm Dr. headed ewR on Center St. »ured Jaw. Ha was tr^arred Spokesmen said die Mg sweep ■hown durirg the opening part Nstional City Bsnk of New tary of the State of Oomnecti- Chester building permits iaaued ooraaeo Oo., llOnoiwotor, for BUJNOTON—John T. Ho- about 11 :M p.m. PoMce have to •»» children's ward and Wo oprratlona are designed to keep of the eeealon. It documenta the Cl York snnounced Tueadsy on Premier cut, wiU Introduce Senator Mua- In December wee approxbhate- X yo«n, lattrlag 10 yean ago. ma, 87, of Wateihury, father not yet determined who was condition was described as saft- the North Vietnamese and Viet desperate oondiUons under Incresse In Its prime rate to kle. David E. Bork, leadership ly 980 per cent hi^Mr than per- Ho omo a mombor of S t JCary*o cf the Rev. John K. Honan, drlvli*. tafactory today, Cong oft balance, to ferret out which children In the "in­ a new all-time Mgh of 7 per coordinator of the Association ner city” grow up. A elide prea- mils ieaued a year sgo. Bpiaoopal C9mrd>, KaaOhoator. pastor of St Luke's Church, The patrolman investigating The Manchester patrolman their supplies and to prevent cen t from 9% p e r c e n t of Clasnoom Teachera of the The totals were X.U7,07S tor Resigns •a^ a oiiaitor moaibor of the died Saturday at W«vteihury the crash said today that for investigating the accldmt said any massing of the enemy fu* entation allowing alum condi­ The prime rate Is the inter­ Nattonal Ewcatlon Aseoclatlmi tions, In contrast to other areas December 1906,. compared to Maadieetar Lodgo of BSko. K)opttal after a brief iUneea. "some reswon” a car driven by more InformatiOR is b e i n g an offensive. So tar they have est c o m m e r c i a l bonks will coordtoate table discuaeiane wlli also be used to set th e $297,823 for December 1987. By IRK A8800I8TED PBB88 Burolowa tnohide a daughter, Survivors also include a Michael Dennis, 21, of Wfaiter- sought today. encountered little resiatance. chatge their Uggeet nnd of urban education pfnblema, stage for the disciiBBions to fol­ F ees colleoted l«Mt m onth to ­ Premier AbduUab Tafl of Le­ Mro. Ltoulo V. Oeaoreal ta BlI- dav«hter, four aisters and three viUe Rd., Rockville, wMdi had Both can were described as On the war front, U.S. head­ most creditworthy custom­ grandcMIdren. been going west, went into the total wrecks. quarters said^ X enemy were and queetione direoted to Sen­ low . taled X.3O0, compered to $1,6X banon, under fire abtoe tiM Is­ Uagtoa; a aon, C. Jameo Sar- ers—primsrily OMporatioas. raeli commando raUl on Beinit The funeral will be held to------^------killed Sunday, 82 of them by air­ ator Muakle. Representing the Mianchester collected a year ago. Bowevpr, Ihoresses In the prime rote g oa t o f W ool H artford ; tw o ala* ■ ■V'jfic. Internattonal Airpoct, banded to morrow at 10 ojn. from the Coventry; *1 grandchildren and A 1 . _ rw^ cra ft, tel on e engagem ent about William R. Ratchford at D an­ Board of Education and admin­ last month’s fees did no$ in­ are usually refleieted In hlgh- ton, M n. Samuel J. ICaoaey bury, recently elected Speaker clude $18,U2, colleoted and de­ hto raelgnatlon today, but a gov- aad mao Baiy Sargent, both Bergfn Funeral Hontw, 200 B. 22 great-granddiildren. X O W l l 70 miles north of Saigon. istration will be Bfrs. Anita M. < «r Interest costs tor loons to 5 ^ Spokesmen said a reooiuials- of the House of Representatives posited before the Issuanoe of Individuals. epiment spobeamaa said Presi­ of Union, and six grandchildren. Main SL, Wlaterbury, with a Funeral services wHl be Wed- ^ Murphy, Herbert A. Phekxi Jr., sance patrol from the 1st Air of the Connectieut General As­ building permits. BCaJor bon ks on D ec. U dent CharlM Hetou has not ac­ Funeral oerricea will be solemn high Miass of requiem „«»iny 1 p.m. at Watkins- ^ executive committee of Allan D. Thomas, emd Dr. Don­ cepted U yet. at Sta Peter and Paul Church, west Funeral Home, 142 E. ^e Manchester Property Own- Cavalry Division ran into an en­ sembly, will give a summation ald J. Hennigan. Permits wars lisued la s t boosted the prime rate to Wedneoday at 11 a.m. at St. I K S i ' * Wbbeibury, at 10:80. Burial will Center St., Manchester, Alex- **’• Association will meet to- emy force of unknown slae and of priority alms for 1969 legis­ Attending from the Manches­ month to Charles PontlcelH, tor per cent from 6H per "Dr. YeS . . . beltevM a new Itary’a Bptacopal Ctnirch, Man- W SZ8SI be in Calvary Cemetery, Water- ander Pekarskl of Columbia CSrcult Court called in helicopter gunsMpe lative action 111 urban educa­ ter Education As'oolation will an eight-unlit apartment house cent, ralsiiig It to the highest •Uuation demande a new gov­ dieater. Tbe Rev. George F. bu ry. Jehovah’s Witnesses wlU of- *■«>"»• TheJ complete plans and tactical air strikes. tion. be Mrs. O&rol Lenlhan, presi­ on Center St., $88,000 and to level In history. ernment," eald tbe spokesman. Noatraad, rector, will offleiate. FMends may call at the fu­ flciate. Burial will l^e in East tor the aim ^ Approxtenately 600 state civic, dent, Mrs. OeclHa Moitee, Alexander JarvU, for a Ham­ "B ig deristons have to be made, Burial wlH be in Baat Oemetery, neral tonight from 7 to 0. Oemetery. Manchester. enttm memberahlp, which will rrii^ouB, educational, pOIttlcal, George Wood, ICra. Benilce Ma­ burg Castle on W. Bllddle Tpke, and Dr. Yafl beilsvee tbe preri Bandieatar. Friends may call at the funer- be held Sunday, Jan. 19, at 2 and neighboihood leaders‘'a re her, Mias C^thla Staata, Miss $38,000. dent riiould bs've tbe opportuni­ Frloida may call at the Otta T. Kingsley al h o ^ tS ro w from 7 to 9 P-m. in W S^ll Schooi. The A u to Crash scheduled to attend the day­ Norma Kerns, and BOss Susan In addition, permits were is- \ ty of choosing a new man if ha H olm es Funeral H om e, 400 ANDOVER — Otis T. Kings­ annual meeting committee arid long oonferenoe designed to H arkins. sue’d for 8 single-family dw ^- Mrs. Merrill so wlfties.’ ’ Main St., Manchester, tomorrow ley, 90, of Tlmea Farm Rd., ______the nominating committee will ings, 2 two-famlly dwdUngs, Beinit nswspiqwra .reported from 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. died Friday at Rockville Gen­ Mrs. Lena Morrison meet tonight at 7 In the Circuit Injures Five an antique-oar showroom, 1 ga­ \ that legWafcra favor a national eral Hospital. M rs. L en a M . M orrison, 70, o f C5ourt room . ____ rage, 1 fence, 19 alterations and Enters Plea r o coalition to reploM Yafl and bis Frederick W. OMdaer A driver was arrested and additions, and IS demolitions, all H e yraa b o m In WUUmantic 109 F ooter St. died Saturday ~ ^ five persons 'were Injured In an Henry Cabot Lodge four-man Caijiliet, who Iwve VntNON—Frederick Walter 13 -in conJucUon with RL 6 on April 4, 1878, the son of Park night at ManMiester Memorial The Women s Home League accident on Lake St. near E. ■*- been eeverriy orlticiaed tor tbe Oordner, 40, of 32 Baknfl^ St, relocation. and Isadore Sparrel Klngdey. Hoepital. ^ Salvation Arm y^U Middle Tpke. Saturday. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, 24-year-ohl Jordanian On 6 G>unts undefended etafe of the Bterut hnaband of« Mra l^Wa Pos- He went to work at the age of Mrs. Morrison was bom Oct. meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. ter the Robert A. Sturtevant, 89, of airport. Istmaky Cordner, died yester­ ’Mrs. Gladys E. BlerriU of Tol­ 17 for the Central Vermont Rail- 20, 189« in Mechanics Falls, Youth Center of the CHadel. Re­ East Hartford was charged with Heads Talks Team charged with murdering Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Tbe newspepera Speoulafed day at St Fyands HoqdtW, land pleaded Innocent In Tol­ way surd later was employed by MMne, and Sved in Auburn, freshments will be served. failure to drive In the proper LWV Sponsors that a pro-Egyptian former pre­ Hartford. ^ (Oonttimed From Page One) ^ was sla'ted 'to go on trial in Los Angeles, today, in land (tounty Superior Court to­ 1 _ the New Haven Railroad until Maine, before coming to Mian------lane alter he was traveling west mier, Radtild Karand, ndglit bo- Mr. Cordner was bom April be in the national interest. In day to six charges for her part Ms retirement in 1939. At the cheater three years ago. The Executive board of Buck- and pulled to the left to avoid Budget Panel .V a heavily guarded courtroom with steel reinforced oonie tbe next premier. He led 38, 1023 in Sprlngfitid, Maas.. TTiie fam U iarlty m ight enable other words. Bunker would re­ in tile Dec. 19 escape of her son thne of his retirement he was Survivors lixdude a daughter, ley School PTA will meet to- a oar that appeared to be exit­ (AP FbotoAui) tbe Naaeerita revolt egalnat son of l&a. Bkhel R. Cordner IxUge to e](ert greater Influence main In Sai^n. ■Dm BlaiKdwster Lsagua of “ windows. Pho'to of Sirhan, above, was taken bust from throe prison guards. a railroad freight conductor. Mrs. John H. Rogers of Mian- night at 8 in the teachers ing from a driveway, according Preetdent GMnllle Ctaamoun In of Rockville and the late Irving In which they are invited to par­ In addition to naming Lodge The 62-year-old mother of Alleglieny Airlines jet- He received Ms 80-year pin Chester; two brothers, Samuel lounge at the school. to police. When he looked ba^ ticipate. Women Voters WlU sponsor a July. (AP Photofax) U K , when tbe VM. Uaiiam J. Oordner and had Hved in from Orient Lodge of Masons, Trask of tiewiston, Maine, and, ------his personal representative and eight allegedly helped her son, Kner lies upside down at ttie road he was bUnded by on the men or Saigon, or it po))el dlaoiiBsion on budget-mak­ flint CANADA were called in to help put down Vernon, for the past 12. years. East Hartford, two years ago. Llnwood Strout of Cambridge, 'L ocal 991 of the Manchester chief Paris negotiator—to re­ Frederick R. BtorrlU, 22, in Ms civil war. and hls appotetmeat He was employed as an en- the sun and crashed bead on coidd prompt Mm to look at place the veteran W. Averell ing preparation by 'Blanchester escape from three prison guards on the Pine Acres Golf He was also a member of the N.Y.; two sisters, Mrs. Clara qv>wn Employes will meet to- with an eastbound car driven their view more sympathetical­ might result in a more mlUtaat glaear at the United Aircraft Harrlman—Nixon through Zie­ teachers end administrators In who were driving him back to j U ^ NEW YORK Order of Railway Conductors Cross and Mrs. Mabel Peabody, night at 7 at Tinker Hall. The by Charles E. Lyons,. 32 of Course at Bradford, •UuiM toward IsraeL Research Laboratories, Bast ly . gler signaled these other the WaddeU School Wediesday Ekifleld State Prison after be and Breakman of Cedar Rapids, both of Auburn, Miaine; three negotiating team will make a Brookfield Rd. Bolton. On Saturday, Nixon had told ^th Delay Looms Yafi’e Cabinet also was put Hartford. He serv were taken to Manchester Me­ Bunker—anothm- American who oeeso^ to kidnaping, being an last . night approach­ In the Army Air Oorpa were m arried^. X, 189^ Funeral sei^ces will ^ held ^ —Lawrence E. WalMi, 37, a erator. The pubUc Is Invited. Pslsstlnlzn gusrriUasp to ploieafs morial Hospital where Btrs. reems able to talk to the Saigon Manhattan attorney, will be acoeisory to aggravated assault, Survivors, besides Ws wife Survivors Include a daughter, tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Holmes .♦ fi,. Comprising the panel wtU be ing Bradford’s airport. Cleveland Israel. A raly in Skhm, a town snd mother, inciude two daugh­ Sturtevant Is In satlstactory chiefs—to remain Indefinitely as 'deputy to Lodge. Described by conveying unauthcrized item to Toledo ^S0tj, Mrs. mikanUMacFaU M An! Funeml Home, 400 Main St. The ^ a Walter Doll Jr., chairman of the “In Sirhan Trial oiOM to tbe Bzraell border, ^ndltlon with contusions and ambassador to South Vietnam'. an Inmate tor use In an escape, Eleven persons died in ters, Mtsa linda Mary Cordner dover; a son.W ph L. Kingsley Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw,-pas- ‘" ‘■American ^ b Bldrldge St. Nixon as having "an outstand­ Board of Education personnel- ttareatened strikes and demon- sprains. Sturtevant was X-ray­ Ron Ziegler, Nixon’s press ing reiputation as a lawyer and a LOS ANGELOS (AP) — Bto tion would only oompitoate mot- carrying weapons in a vehicle, and Mias IMIa Deborah Cord- of Cornish, N.H.; a grand da ugh- tor of South United Methodist finance'^ committee; Superin­ the crash. Map at right strattonw unless (fas guerrUlae ed with the questlMi of a spinal spokesman, said In announcing negotiator," Walrii was a feder­ hon Biabara Sirhan 'walked tera If made In open court.’’ oonsplrecy to commit an escape Akton i j Pennsylvania ^ ner, both at home end a sister, ter, four great.grandchUclren, Church, will officiate. Burial Mlspah-Spencer Circle of tendent of Schools Donald J. ■were released. injury and dlscfnrged. Their the Lodge appolntmet that the al district Judge before eervlngv ealmiy Into count today tor the Judge Walker, noted that other of on Inmate wMle being trans­ indicates flight route Mrs. Eleanor C. Rialey of Rich- and a niece. will be in East Cemetery. South United Methodist Church Hennigan; Business Manager OHIO \ son, Robert, IS, was not treat- Presldent-eleot phoned Bunker as deputy attorney general In atari of hts trial on clmrges of motkm also were pending and ported €uid conspiracy to com­ The LebaneM government baa m ond, V a. Phneral services will be to- Friends may call at the fu- will meet tomorrow at 12:80 Douglas Pierce; Allan Gone, Pitubwtgh atwayw maintained tfaat no Arab A memorial funeml service. ed> SatmUay night and got a per­ the EllBenhower administration murdering Sen. Robert F. Ken­ agreed to the riosed session. mit an unauthorized comreyance and accident location. morrow at 1 p.m. at the Potter neral home tonight from 7 to 9. p.m. at Susannah Wesley Hall. Bennet Junior High School prln- guerriUea croeMd Ms bordsr to wU be heM tommrow at 11 Lyons and his passangers, sonal assurance the envoy under Secretary of State-desig­ nedy, but there* were strong In- Cooper has been ordered to of Items into a oorreoUonai in- Funeral Home, 436 Jackson St., Guest speaker will be Mrs. Oli­ clpal; A. Raymond Rogers, attack iMaft and that it gave • aJtL at Vernon Congregational Kurt Burkhamp, 11, and Ken­ would do what Nixon Judges to nate Wmiam P. Rogers. dtostions tile trial would be appear this afternoon In U.S. stitution. Willlmantlc. Butlal_ w ill-be In Ralph A. Bany ver Jenkine, supervisor of the Manchester High School princi­ the guerrOkt movemente oidy CSiurch. There will be no oall- neth Btirkhamp Jr., 12, both of posQwned a fourth time. Dlstrlot Court to answor a tod- BIrs. BSerriU w as presen t In Oak. Grove Cemetery, Spring- Northeast Progress Center In pal; Isidor Wolf, BCanchenter moral support. But siiMse the Iz- *ng boura before the-service. Ralph A. Barry, 66, of Middle- 23 Laurel St were cilso taken Superior Judge Herbert V. eral grand Jury’s questions—, the courtroom Dec. 19 as her field, Itoss. the North End of Hartford. G reen School p rin cip a l; BCra.- Cong E lu de raell ettaek on Bsirut Dec. X , Tbe Benjamin J. Callahan town, father of Mrs. Paul To­ to Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Vernon Walker immediately granted de­ 'Which he has said he will not do son. was presented on a charge There are no calling hours. Blary Hutchinson, Buckley there has been mountlag de­ Funeral Home, 1602 Main St, bin of Mianchester, died Satur­ tal where Lyons had his right Teacher Unit fense attorneys’ motion to go —or tiiow cause why he should related to his escape from the School teacher; and Lorry 01-'' mand from ttm LebansM pUbtie Boat Hartford, is in charge of day morning at his home. The Little Theatre of Man­ knee X-rayed and was discharg­ Finally, Stork into ohamhera to hear another not be hrid In ctmtempt of court. Enflrid Prison farm the night Charles Wanat sen, BIHS teacher. E ncirclin g VIRGINIA for Adi backing for tbe guerrilla ammgetpehta. Survivors also Include his chester will have a board of ed, Kurt Burkhamp was treated Striking at m otion . The Sirhan case was to start of Dec. 28, 1X7. The family suggests that TOLLAND — Charles Wanat, wife, two brothers, and three directors’ meeting tmrlght at 7 and discharged, and Kenneth Makes Delivery BIrs. Alan Benford, LWV edu- The nature of the new motion several hours before Cooper’e On Rt. 88 in SSllngton os the movement. those wishing to do so make M, of Hartford, fmrmeriy of grandchildren. at the Theatre Workshop, 22 cation committee dialrman, was not dlsoloeed, but It was federal court sppecunnee. prison cor headed back to En­ Meanwhile, FranM waa ra- Burkhamp was treated for mul­ ported to bs've out off deli'very memorial oontributlons to' the ToUand, husband of BIrs. Caro- The funeral was held this Oak St. Rehearsals will be at 8 tiple contusions and discharged. For New Year S.F. State said the discussion Is being considered likely that H would Cooper can not be taken oft field, ' he reportedly pulled a U .S . Force line Tyburski Wanait, died Sat- morning from the Blega Funer- tonight, Wednesday and Friday, presented as part of her com­ seek a postponement. pistol on the guards, hand­ of all niBitary equipment to Is­ National Foundation for In­ Sturtevant wlU answer to the Continued from Page One) the Slthan case except at Sir- SAIGON (AP) — BattUng un­ Loss Is Allegheny’s 2nd u /l 3 Days urday in Newington after a long al Home, 3 Silver St., Middle- There wrill be a business meet- The stork fin a lly i>ut In an mittee’s current study. Fansl The 24-yeaivoM Sirhan, wear­ hen’s request, (tooper couM cuffed two of them to a tree and rael, including Jrt plane spare fantile Paralyaia. charged against him in Circuit der tiie light of flares, a task Ulnew. town, with a Mass of requiem at Ing at 8 p.m. Wednesday and a Court 12 on J€U». 20. . appearance at RockidUe Gen­ akawa Is a scab," as he crossed members wUi not dleousa in­ ing a grey suit and blue tie, sat withdraw, however. Another de- locked the third In the car’s peits, a move tfaat could cripple trunk. force of 600 American infantry­ Bln. Emma Dollak Battistinl He was bom in Poland and St. Francis of Assisi Churph, production workMiop Saturday eral Hoepital for the new yiiar the campus, dividual school requests for down at the long counsel table fenro attorney, Russell Parsons, tbe air toroe that is laraal'a men tried to encircle an put- ROCKVILLE — Mrs. Emma Uved In Hartford for the past Middletown. Burial was tei Pine at 9 a.m. by bringing a son to Mr. and Hayakawa said the picketing money, she added, but wlU con­ gnd waved to hls attorneys M has said he woidd not be wiUltg He then drove to the rear of prime atrlhe weapon. num bei^ _Vlet Cong company A Frenrii goveimiie t spoke*- DoUak Battistinl ,60, of Wilson, 30 years, previously living In Grove Cemetery, Middletown. ------BIrs. George Spak of Stone Rd. American Federation of Teach­ cern themselves with the roles proceedinge began. to proceed without Cooper, the Howard Johnson Restaurant Propjet Crashes in Snow, In the inaraby Mekong Delta formerly of Rockville, died Frl-' TMland. — - p^j tournament will renew Democrats Plan In R ock v ille. ers local does not liave strike of teachers, prlrclpals. the ad­ Grant B. Cooper, one of three O h ToUand Tpke. in Bfaaohestor mim said the endSaigo w m T b r Cooper has said he would, re­ Monday night. tended as a warning, becauM day In East Hartford. Survivors besides his wife In- Frank F. Boy the games tonight at 7:30 at the Daniel Paul weighed In at t^^sanctlon. ministration, aiid the Board of defense attorneys, mode tht fuse to answer grand Jisry ques- where he parkeU the prison car, TIm \Telt foroo wius be- She was bom in RockviUe on elude two brothers, JMin T. Frank F. Roy, 88, of 11 Oak- VFW Post Home. Games were To Study RuW lbs. 2 oz. Mrs. Spak Is the for- Gary Hawkins, lo ca l A F T ElAication in preparing the bud­ motion to go Into ohamhera, ^ c e said. Bin. Blerrill was Cong Ikraet’s teprisal aittaok on tfae Uevod to number 100 or more, July 14, 1906, the daughter of Wanat of Chula Vlsto, CaUf. land St., husband of Mra. An- canceled due to hoUdays. mer Darlene Czerwlnski, daugh- president, said it does, "but is g et. saying "the nature of tMs mo­ (Bee Page Ten) employed at tbe Connecticut Beirut airport was out of Ml and tbe Amerloons roported Oomeliiis and Marie Lersch and Matthew Wanat of TMland; tonlo Bertrand Roy, died sud- ____ ^ On Endorsement ter of BIr. and BIra William just now taking action." Fixed costs, special equip­ ‘Blotor Indga next to the restau­ Killing 11 of 28 Aboard proportion to the (nchtont which klUlng X of them. But the rest DoUak. She Uved in Wlmlsor for and a sister, Mrs. Helen Kbwal- denly this morning at his home. ^ Tfie Blancheater Democratic Czerwlnski of Tower Ave. The ment, who cuts the budget and rant and poUoe said she drove occasioned it The union which represents slipped away sometime before more than 25 years. She was a ski of Avon. Mr. Roy was born June 12, ^ Chamlnade Musical CTub Town Committee has scheduled paternal grandmother Is Mrs. 3M of the 1800 teachers at the at what stages, and where cuts away from the motel wMb her BRADFORD, Pa. (AP) Suddenly, said JMm Scbactoe, pitot gave any warntogs. Both That was an attack by two Ar­ son in her own car. dawn today. abs from Brinit'on an ISrartl member of the Christ Lutheran Funeral services were held 1880 In Bordeaux, France, and annual potiuck to- a meeting for next Monday, to -George Spak Sr. of Ellington. school, voted Immediate strike can and carnot be made wlU —^For the second time in 16, of Medianicabuig, Pa., "it took place atout 8:X p.m. Church of Hartford. this morning at Blaple Hill liv«(J most of hi's life in HMy- at 6:30 in the Robbins "discuss possible rules changes ' Since he Is the first baby of 'Both were picked up by state U.S. casualties were eight atrikwr in Alfacna in wUob an action Sunday might In support be some of the topics under con­ Protestors Surround killed and U wounded. t~-D weeks, an Allegheny felt like someone was slamming Cherico, a World War n pilot, Israeli waa kUled. Survivors include three sons, Chapels, 382 Blaple A v e., H art­ oke. Mass., before coming to Itoom of the Center Congrega^* and to discuss campaign expen­ the new year Daniel Paul will of its demands for union recog- sideration, BIrs. Benford said. troopers In Wallingford about tMd Allegheny official be could two hours after the escape be­ Rarely have Viet Cong troops Airlines propjet crajphed in the left side with a hammer. We Tile IsraeU sir toroa of Donald Battistinl and William ford. Burial was in St. Ber­ Manchester three-and-a-half tloaal Church. Mehtbers are re­ ditures. The meeting will be at recelvereceive gifts from about 42 nlUon, higher wages, a voice in Following the panel presenta­ think of only two expianafloos: gan. Merrill was returned to been brought to battle in such bad weather while trying, Flench Jet fighters soorsd (fas Battistinl, both of Wilson, and nard’s Cemoteiy, Rockville.' years ago. He was a member minded to bring their own place B p.m., in the Municipal Build-. Rockville merchants. administrative procedures, - re­ tions, questions wlU be direct­ ran into tree Umbo, turned over "The flight chart for tbe airport Commonwealth Summit Enfield Prison "where he is now. force recently in the delta. Hell- first knockout blow Ip tbs Arafa- ArclAe Battistinl of Rainbow; of the St. Jean the Baptist settings, and also their money Ing H earin g R oom . Bulletin Board moval of police from the com' ed to It by tbe moderator. to land at~the airport here.) and elld. I wound up hanging is off, or there is aomebody in State Atty. Robert J. Pigeon copter-bome infantrymen of the lararil war of 1937. virtually de­ five brothers, William Dollak of Mrs. Frances JMi. Ambot Society and the French Club, tor the annual New York bus TTie rules changes concern the The Board of Representatives pus, and administration compll- , Eleven people were killed; upside down. Someime yelled to the area with a citizens’ band trip which is scheduled for April LONDON (AP) -A thousand Africans protesting against s&ld ch a rg es 'wlU b e m ade U.S, Oth DMatan fanned out in stroying tbe Jordanian, Syrian Farmingtotk Herman Dollak of ' SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. both of Holyoke procedure for endorsing candi­ will meet tonight at the Admin- ance with the student strikers’ ^venteen others, most of them go out the back.” radio operating on the some fre­ 19. obonting demonstratora be- apartheid In South Africa were against BlerrUl for tMs escape. the area today, trying to track and EgyrpUon air toroea in a Wapplng, Albert Dollak of Ware­ F ran ces M artlsh A m bot, 79, o f Survivors besides his wife, dates for local and state offices. Lstration Building at 7:30. dem ands. left hanging from their seatbelts quency as the airport." Petition Filed 'sieged Miarlborough House to­ Joined by other demonstrators BIrs. BleiriU Is being held in down the sunri-vora. Outside the aurvivors organ­ matter of hours. house Point, Frederick DoUak Newington, mother of Mrs. include several nieces and Hie existing rules are silent on Vernon Junior Women’s Club iriien tbe Gonvair 580 flipped tip- Judy BarlUo, "wife of the golf day, and ptoloe cleared the way from Rhodesia, Nigeria, Biatra, lieu of bond. A U.S. spokesman said the en­ ized and went back for those Since then Isreeii’a Myaitere of Enfield and Carl DoUak of Katherine Urban of South Registration for Blanchester the procedure and mention only executive board meeting wlU be slde down Blonday night, For Bankruptcy for the presidents, prime minis­ India, Pakistan and Kashmir. In the 1967 C3irlstm as D ay emy band was evldentiy a main who ooifldn’t get out. pro at the Pine Acree oourse on and BDr^zge figbten bare re­ Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. Windsor, died yesterday in a The funeral will be held AduH Evening School classes, the naming of delegates to state, held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the crawled to safety on a enow- the same Allegheny Mountain Louis O’Connell of Hartford and GOP Will Fill ters and other leaders of X Mounted police trotted on the escape, MsrrlU Md a dummy force Viet Cong company, which "N o one was thinking of them­ peatedly attacked Arab poai- convalescent home Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from primarily for new enroUees, ■will county and district conventions. home of Mrs. John, Koaiol. Mrs. swept golf course. plateau five miles norihweat of Mrs. Bertha Scully of Wilson; W alter D onald K lta o f 178 countries attending the opening fringes of the‘crowd, and bus­ In Ms bed "with a note saying narmally numbers about UO to selves,’’ said Chet BCesservey, tlona, parUetdorty in Jordan, in Survivors include 2 other ^.P. Quish Funeral Home, be held in the Blanchester High It has been the custom for the WUllam WlthereU will be co­ A U)-man Investigating team the airport, said the plane made Three Offices Spruce St., fcnmerly of Elling­ of the first Commonwealth sum­ loads of pMlce 'reinforcements that he was going home. He IM men. Moat of the enemy M, of Downir.gtown, Pa. "We retaliation tor artillery and seven grandchildren, and sev­ daughters, 14 grandchdldren and > ^ solemn high School office Tuesday, Wedmes- full committee to endorse can­ hostess. from the National Traneporta- ton, Tolland and RookvUla, has mit conference since 19X. were drawn up near the demon­ torcee In the area have recently were Just trying to get out ev­ eral nieces ard nephews. 6 great-grandchildren Mass of requiem at Sf. Bridget day, and Thursday evenings The Maple Street School PTO was to be paroled in about a tion Safety Board, concerned (See Page Eighteen). didates, even when they were The Republican majority on filed a petition in bankruptcy in Police stood shoulder to shoul­ strators, who danced up and been operating in squads or pla­ (Sm Page Elgbieen) ‘Funeral services will be to­ The funeral will be Wednes- Church. Burial will be in St. from 7 to 9. m onth. about -the "amtudng similari­ erybody we could. The school for offices in only a portion of ■will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. the Board of Directors will U.S. District Court In Hartford. der arouhd the home of the late down on the sidewalks as Wilson toons. These groups usually morrow at 10 a.m. at the Christ Bemai'd’s Cemetery, Hazard- State police found him at ties’’ of the two accidents, went b (^ were wonderful. They Han­ day at 8:15 ajn. from the Rich­ the town, such as in Assembly The SMpde Camera dub will name, a now constable tomor­ Klta listed debts at $6,663.76 ()ueen Blary vriiile Prime Bllnls- drove through the palace gates. gather only for planned opera­ Lutheran Church,. Broad and vllle. Buckley SriMol Library Staff meet at Union Congregational hom e. to work today to find out what dled themsdvee like men. I’m ard W. Sheehan Funeral Home, Ddstriote. row night, to succeed the late and assets at $10. Area credltora ter Harold Wilson opened the The crowd was orderly' and tions, and it was speculated that proud of them.’’ a Madison Sts., Hartford. The Friends may call at the fu- will meet tomorrow at 9:30 Church social rioom Wednesday happened. A similar team has 1084 New Britain Ave., West Democratic Chairman Ted Wesley R. Shields. The replace­ include: Town of Tolland, nine-day meeting. generally amiable, and there tills force may have been as­ Rev. Elmer Dreyer, pastor, will Hortfoixl, with a solemn Bless tomorrow from 2 to a.m. in the school library. at 8 p .m . been. Investigating the Christ­ Allegheny Airlines, which has Cummings said today that, be­ ment will be Sedrlck Straughan, $X.80, Dr. Seymour I. Kummer, Heads of state were oaught In were no aklrmilShes or violence. sembled to break the lull la the officiate. Burial will be in River­ 4' and 7to 9 p.m. ------mas Eve crash of 'w Allegheny had three fatal plane crashes of requiem at Holy Trinity cause Blanchester will have an­ retired Manchester assistant $102, Town line Auto Body, a traffic Jam around tiie demon­ Among the placards were: delta or waa on the march to Harv^d Economist side Oemetery, Windsor. Tickets for the show train of flight eight miles away that. since it started flying passen­ Church, Hartford, at 9. Burlad nual elections, starting with fire chief. $50, L and M E quipm ent, $10. strators. The singing, shouting "Clefm Btoijorlty Rule for reinforce enemy units closer to Friends may call at the Mer- Gibbons Assembly Catholic Lad­ klUed 20 o f 47 persons aboard. gers in 1969, said It had no rea­ will be in Rose Hill Memorial next November, definite ways of Swim Lessons Straughaui will' serve the un- Zahner’s M en’s Shop, $16, crowd was so thick that Cana­ Rhodesia;’’ "Recognize BlafTa," P a ir P lead Saigon. win. Leek, and Sheehan Funeral Gov. Chafee, les of Columbus are still avail­ The Investigators roped off son to believe there Is any link Home, 35 Poquonock iiAve., Park, Rocky Hill. / financing those elections are expired term to November, Charles .Luce Oil Co., $1K.90, da’s Prime Alinlster Plerire El­ "Democracy Must Prevail In The fight erupted when a able from Mrs. Blary Lyons, 23 the scene of the Monday between the two accidents near Named Nixon Adviser W indsor, tonight from 7 to 9. Friends may call at the fu* needed. Begin Jan. 14 when the terms of all seven con­ all of Rockville. liott TrvUeau got out of his oaf Zanzibar,^’’ “Black Power," company of the 9tii Division's MIT Professor Moore St. Those planning to at­ night crash to prevent the debris the 2,100-foct-hlgh Bradford Re­ neral home tomoppow from 2 He said, "The expenditures stables (four Democrats and Also, W. O. CHenney Co., and walked tiirough the poUoe “ Elcrap Ayub'a Bogus Constitu­ ' No Contest IM Brlg^ide ran into a concealed NEW YORK (AP)—President­ Hls name is pronounced How- tend will leave tomorrow from from being disturbed. gional Airport. There are no to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. get greater and greater and the Youth swim lessons wlU begin thrSe Republicans) expire, Ail^ $182.89, and Radiologists Lab­ cordon s. tion—Releaae PoUtical Prison­ bunker complex In a marshy elect Nixon filled out today the thek-ker. ‘n m ottiy H ealy Named to Posts St. James’ Church at 8 a.m. plans to atop any. flights, a Tuesday, Jan. 14 at the Bast re-election then oratory, $40, both of Mamdies- ers,” and, “Britons, Stand by thatrii of nlpa palms on tbe An airline spMceaman said the Houthakker’s appointment SOUTH WINDSOR — Timothy deficits loom larger and larg­ ^ spokesman said. roster of Ms Council of Econom­ William Levitsky (Continued from Page One) by bus. Oars may be parked In Side Recreation Center. There ter. T o Cruelty plane’s flight recorder had been was announced by Paul W. Ambrose Healy, 83, of Broad e r ." to two-year terms. your Kinnnen In Rh^esla,’’ the north bank of the Mekong River ic Advisors with the appoint­ SOUTH WINDSOR — Willldm St. James’ parking lot. is no age limit, but youngsters The two largest creditors recovered and is being flown to The latest crash was FUght McCracken, chairman of the Brook, formerly of South Wind­ has will be disposed of. ____ He said that he will appoint The Republicans will appoint latter hoisted by vdiiite Rhode- about 69 miles southwest of Sai­ Levitsky, 73, of Hartford, fath­ The father and stepmother of Wariilngton. The recorder is a 737, which originated In Wash­ ment of Dutch-born Hendrik 8. sor, husband of Mrs. Leona Laird, a Republican meml^r , committees next Monday to must, . be 52 inches tall. ^A nomln- ^ Walter A. Morrissey of X Dart- were Eatt Hartford Aircraft eiana. gon. Nixon council. Tbe third mem­ er of William E. Levitsky Jr. of Federal Credit Union, $1,670.7 ll-yeor-oid Blarle Schulze plea)d- device that keeps track of the ington, stopped in Harrisburg Houthakker, a Harvard econom­ ber of the group is Herbert Whltehouse Healy, died Satur­ cf the House from Wisconsin, ® J-. * ^ . study both problems. fee will be charged for ten alternate Finch Calls Pressure built up 'on Chief Ob- The Viet Cong opened up from and General Motor’s Accept­ ed 'no contest to a riiargc of plane’s movements during and was boimd for Ehie and De­ Stein, who had been a senior fel­ day at a Newington hospital. South Windsor, died Saturday sa.’d he hasn’t bothered to ask u hi^hour tessiKw ___ , . on the Zoning Board of Appeals. afeml Awolowo, head of Nige­ the concealed log bunkers, and ics professor, to that three-man ance Oorp., Hartford, $1,440, cruelty to pereoms at the open­ flig h t. troit. The first crash was Flight He was bom in South Wind­ at Hartford Hospital. any of. the three men .whether ® Fellows Ha l. Th^e Interested may re ^ e r ^ ria’s delegation, to agree to the initisd fire cut heaidly Into group. low of the Brookings InsUtuticn The petition has beeck turned ing session of ToUand County the Americans. "There was no panic," said 7X, which goes the other way. in Washington. sor and lived in the Windsor Survivors include his wife, an­ they were Republicans or Dem- ™ P® jjjj^i^**** at the recreation office from For Shakeup conference debate on ways of An expert in International eco­ elevated to full membership. over to referee Saul Seldman, Superior Court today. Sandy Cherico of North East, other .son, two brothers and two ocrats, thenthon calledcnlied uponiinon each cereAq^les with Blemorlal Sirhan Case 8:30 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to ending hls government’s war Helicopter gunships came Both were Cbnvair 680s, both nomics and the balar.ce of pay­ At a news cortiemice, Hou­ area most of his life. He was Morrissey is a vice president of H artford. Donald H. Sriiulze, X, and Pa., a passenger. "It all hap­ sisters man to speak for himself. Lodge, KMgflSMaf Pythias Tues­ 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. with breakaway Blafra. The speeding in to Mast the Viet were making Instrument land­ ments, Dr. Houthakker, 44, has thakker expressed tbe personal employed at Hamilton Standard, the Hartford National Bonk and hls wife Patricia, who Mve In pened too fast. "TTie ‘no-smok- Funeral services will be to­ day, Jan: 14 at the Odd Fel­ this w eek. In Education Idea cf sending a Common­ Going with rockets, and more In­ ings In snow, both turn^ over. been on leave from Harvard for view that the present interna­ Windsor Locks, before his re­ Set for Trial T rust C o. , _ Hebron, were arrested after a Irg'—sign had already come on morrow at 2 p.m. at the Tay­ low s H all. Girls classes are beginners on wealth peace mission to Nigeria fantrymen were ordered up. As Itoth had more survivors than the pest year to serve on the tional monetary system which tirement nine years ago. poUce investigation 'when Marie and the stewardess was check­ lor and Modecn Funeral Home, Continued from Page One) Tuesday and Wednesdays at 6 SAORABIENTO, Calif. (AP) ■was raised behind tiie scenes. .dead. Both were coming In after staff of President Johnson’s has been marked by a series of Survivors besides his wife in­ Aid^ Sought Cold Blamed ran away from their home on (S m P a g e T en ) 136 S. Main St., 'West Hartford. p.m., intermediate on Tuesdays — Robert H. Finch, Secretary of ing the seat belts.’’ severe winter storms. Neither clude a daughter, Mrs. John Trinity Covenant Church will V. Walker, 69, dean of Los An- Late Blonday night 1,300 Blaf- Old Colchester Rd. In Hebron Council of Economic Advisors. (Bee Page Eighteen) at 7 p.m., and advanced on ^ Conservation health, education and welfare- Littlefield of Broad Brook; a The Rev. Roger Rotvig of Grace By Blbod Bank observe a prayer week service gele’s Criminal Division, will be For Bad Roads rons sang and danced Ihr&ugh ,' 'last July. Marie wto found hid­ Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Comm^on, 1^* replace Atty destgisato, says American class­ son, Gerard R. Healy of Broad Lutheran Church, Hartford, will tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home on the bench. Twenty-one years London's West End with ban­ ing In a neighbor's'' ceUor aftier Boys classes are beginners on f® "’ Mar e who has rejrtgtied Town Blanager Robert Weiss rooms need a shaking up to Im- Brook; a brother, Daniel Healy offclate. Burial Will be in Grove An one-day program designed of Mr. and Mrs. Kepneth Nelson, ago, he decreed the death penal­ ners denouncing Britain for a night-long oearoh by state Thursdays at 6 p.m. and Satur- ot^tlie press « bte law today blamed the unusually- proye teaching and reduce the of Orlando, Fla.; two -'slstera, Hill Cemetery, Rockville. to train volunteers who will as- 32 Earl St. ty for Caryl Chessman, who sending arms to the federal police and volunteers. days >t 10 a.m.. Intermediate work. Dr. Spaulding will fill the severe Ice condHlons of the past number of years a person must Mrs. James Norton Sr. and Mrs. There are no calling hours. slst ’ in Red Crosf Blood Bank — (Ued in the gas ch a m ber In 1960 Nigeria government. At a prbbabie^oouse hearing Commissioned Under Air Force Grant on Thursdays at 7 p.m., and-ad- unexptred term to November of two weeks and the low tem- spend in sriwol. Albert Reichle, both of Broad The family suggests that operations will be held at Red Mystic Review NABA will on kldnap-rape convictions after Feelings about Rhodesia also In October before tiie . couple vanced on Saturdays at 10:30 this year. peraitmWi In the aame period Use of oomputere, yeer- Brook, and six grandchildren. those wishing to do so make Cross Headquarters, 100 Farm- meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. a in 12-year legal battle. The Republicans still must ra n high In' the streets. M em ­ were bound over to superior a.m . for problems which atW exist atound schooling, staggered va­ bers of an anttapartheld move­ The funeral was held this memorial contributions to ington Ave., Hartford, Thurs- odd Fellows Hall. Refreshmente There will be three prosecut­ find a replacement for the Rev. court, the child testified that cm some town strMts. cations end more challenging ment waited all night outside morning from the J. M. Bas- Grace Lutheran Church, Hart- day from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be served by Mrs. Vera ing attorneys and three for the C. Henry Anderson on the Citi­ she was locked In her room ev­ Study Reveals No Evidence of UFO’s ford, or the Leukemia Fund. Red Cross officials say that Boukos and Mrs. John Lovett, d efen se. In a letter to the Board of classes are eeen by Finch as Marlborough House, occasional­ ery nlgM and often Mt by her singer Funeral Home, 3'f Gard­ zens Advisory Committee. The possibilities. in iriiat he reganto — — with the ever-increasing need co-hostess. Thechief advocate for Sirhan Directors, he ivrote, "Oeq;>lte ly chanting sucji elogana os "No stepnuHher. By FRANK CAREY i telligent life exists beyond the ner St., Warehouse Point, with Policeman Dies Rev. Mr. Anderson has resign­ as "probably the area of real tion, even the names of commit­ not going to tell you what that Frederick Cottier for blood, more and more volun------is Grant B. Cooper, 66, a former the best efforts of the highway Sellout to Smith,” meaning State Troopers also testified AP Science Writer earth. Instead, It will emphasize a Masa of requiem at St. Cath­ ed. Hls' Unexpired term runs to concern’’ in educeitlon—elemen­ tee members. w ay Is ." COVENTRY Frederick Got- teers are needed to help regu- president of the Los Angeles department, problems stlU con­ Rhodesia’s rebel premier, Ian on conditions they found In the WABHINOTON (AP) — A se­ that the Investigation uncovered erine's Church, Broad Brook. Visiting Friends N ovem ber. tary and seooodary schoqla. Findings of the academy com­ Condon’s project staff Includ­ tier, 90, of .South'St., died this lar blood workers, County Bar Association and an tin u e ." Sm ith. child's room. They said It had cret report on an Air Force-fi­ no scientific evidence to sujqwrt Burial was in St. Catherine’s Electoral Vote Weiss said that, up to cuid ',"Bisny of our elementary mittee are to be attached to the ed a dozen astronomers, phyal- morning at Rockville Nursing >rhe program will begin with aliunnus of the Los Angeles dis­ A veteran Hartford policeman Arwther iuue cropped -up on an "overpowering" odor cf nanced investigation of flying contentions by various inidividu- report for aimultaneous release Cemetery, Broad Brook. Home. Including last Thursday, the schools ars teaching now the ciSts aoU peychologisto. He also an orientation to the Red Cross trict attorney’s office. Hls great­ died suddenly yesterday after­ the sidelines, the review of Ca­ .urine, and said they found no saucers will say there la no al scientista and private organi­ by the Air Force, now tentative­ H e ' was born Challenge Halts est reputation is as a criminal Two Bids Listed highway ciews used opproxl- way they did 20 years ago," nadian defense policy which scientific cadence to Indicate enlisted the aid of outside con- Stefan Kukucka ~ . „ followed by an introduction to noon at Blanchester Memorial light, sheet, or blanket In the zations that flying saucers are ly scheduled for Friday. law yer. mately 4,400 tons of sand and Finch said in an Interview be­ Premie BOniftter Pierre Elliott room. They found a chain lock ihat these uniden^fled flying ob­ •sultants, and contracted with ANDOVER — Stefa.*! Kukucka in S^t?erland. A retlr^ farm- cross Blood Program. Hospital after he w ac strick­ visitors from a distant planet. It was learned that the only Joint Session In a related development On TPC Agenda 800 tons of salt for mow and fore leaving BSonday night tor Trudeau sold last weekend on the hall aide of the bed­ jects are spacesMps frqm anoth­ private agencies for some re­ 87, of Hebron Rd., died yester­ , Oovent^ afternoon. Blood Pro- en while visiting friends in Wap­ The study, financed .by a other copies of report are sea rch . —Scotland area for over 46 Cooper, who recently defended Thd Town Planning ofld Zon­ ice oontrol. yVSahlngton. might result in Canada’s with­ room d oor. e r w orld. day at Volleyview Convalescent gram aides will be trained by ll'niitimird Iroin Pnec Oni^•I plng. $306,000 grant from the Air lockfM in a basement at the Unt- years. He was a member of one of five- men (Convicted of ing Commission (TPC) will con-’ He empared the figures to Finch, California’s RepuMi- drawal from the North Atlantic An aclMtional cheuge of risk Informed sources told The As­ "Ihe Air Force commissioned Hoepital, WUUmantic. Mrs. Barbara LaPoll, R.N. Marshall Alexander W ood, Force, was made by a team of veralty of Colorado at Boulder. Jehovah’s Witnesses of Cblum- conspiracy to cheat wealthy the sanio period lost year, when ,can Usutensnt governor tor the Treaty Organization. Trudeau of injury to a cMld was noUed sociated Press that this will be Condon’s study in the face of He was bom in Czechoslova­ Anyone interested in becom­ permitting rejection of electoral 58, o f 1250 Blue HUls A ve. duct a public hearing tonight In scientists under the direction of Dr. Condon, X, a j^yatolst bla. votes "not regularly given.” members of the Friar’s Club at only 1,400 tons of sand and 247 past two yean, said that as "a mot with British Prime Minister by tiie state. the primary thrust of the cloee- persistent criticism of Us own kia and lived in Andover for a ing a volunteer should contact Bloomfield; a Hartford police­ the Municipal Building Hearing Dr. Edward U. Condon of tbe and a former chief of the U.S. Survivors include five sons, Bailey of. Rocky Mount, N.C., cards, has been oiVlered by the tons of salt were used and to general proposition, we’ve prob­ Harold Wilson and Defense Sec­ The cose was continued by ly-guaiUed report on a two-year UFO investigations, begun 20 number of years. He lyas em­ the Manchester Red Cross chap­ man for 23 years, failed to re­ R oom . University of Oolojrado. ^ National Ehireau of Standards, Frederick Gottler of Man­ broke with the 12 other GOP judge in that trial to explain the entire winter season last ably oonoentratod too much on retary Denis Healey, and the Judge WlUiam P. Barber for a study by a team of nongovern­ years ago and stiU continuing. ployed- by the State Highway ter and register for the pro- spond to resuscitation, attempts Two Items are on tile agenda. Tight security has been im-- has repeatedly refused to talk chester, John Gottler of Un- electors chosen in hls state, how he obtained a secret tran- year, when 2,828 tons, of sand tyaltare’’ as opposed to helping Britons reportedly stressed the pre-sentence Investigation until ment scientists. Critics of the Air Force Malm Department for 25 years, re­ and died at the Blanchester hos­ The first will be from Harold O.- posed on the project from the about the findings of the pro­ casville, Edward Gottier and F^am. holding____ he was ^ free to vote as .'.crlpt of gr^htl jury testimony and 1,060 tons o f salt were used. young persons achieve produc­ Importance of Canadian engage­ F eb. 4. ' Us studies are biased against tirin g Ir. 1931. pital soon after he was rushed Undsay, who requests a zone The sources said the report start, arid authorities are still je c t. Walter Gottier of Tampa, Fla., Blood supplies are stlil low i,e‘ pieLed lii the"Electoi^‘ in the Friar’s case. U.S...AUy.. He said that, because of the tive lives. ment In Europe. Marie and her 10-yeai*-old will not claim that the study the posslblUty that UFO’s are Survivors Include two daugh­ there by ambulance. change from Industrial to Kesl- working hard to guard against Asked in an Interview last and Henry Gottier of Car,ton; because o(.q oomblnatlon of the jeg^e. Matt Byrne told l).S. District low tmperoturee, the Mgh’way "W e knew what the problems Non-African Madera hoped to brother Donald were placed in manned surveillance craft from ters, Mrs. (Jerhard Quante of Survivors include Ms wife, a dence C for some land on ^klg- produced .proof that UFO's are leaks. February whether the study Had four daughters, Mrs. Emett holidays and the flu. with Bailey's vote Wallace Court Judge Francis Whelan crews have relied heavily csi a n In higher education,’’. Finch a foster home In July after not manned surveillance craft other space, and accuse it of New YorU City and Mrs. Mi­ son, a daughter, a brother, two rrton St. Hmit the Rhodesian dlscussion.4 The 1,000-page report has maUe him a believer or disbe­ Chapman of Manchester, Mra. The Red Cross Bloodmoblle received a total 0|f 46 eleotoral last Friday that Cioper refused sand, rather than salt The explained. "Probably the areas Schulze sold they were a diz- withholding Information that sisters, and four grandchildren. The second matter will ibe and to etresa instead Common­ from outer space. "You can’t been turned over, at the Air liever In the theory that flying chael Lebejko o f, Norwich; four William Schnell of Coventry, will be at the Concordia Luther- ballots In eleotoml voting in the latter, he ssM, Is not psitlcu- of real concern ore in the puMic cipllne problem and no kag;er might prove tbe contention. The to explain how he obtained the The Jam es F uneral H om e, 2013 wealth cooperation, aid, and the prove a negative,’’ the sources F o r ce 's request, to a sp ecia l a{>- saucers are spacecraft from sons, Stefan Kukucka of ,N6r- Mrs. Blario Tarquinio of Ver- an Church, 40 Pitkin 8t., Jan. respective state capitals Dec. from T. J. Crockett, who will lariy effective, unlees the tem­ sghoois. We’ve got to be^n to wanted'them at home. Air Force has vigorously denied transcript. A hearing was set Blain.St., Hartford, Is In charge crucial question of world trade said. praisal oonm lttee of the NatloiB. other planets, he raplled; wloh, John Kukucka of Oohun- non. and BIrs. Carl Akeriind of 15 from 1:46 p.m. to 6:80 p.m. 16. of some Residence AA Zone perature reaches Into the mid- The couple have thiee other both accusations. for late today. of arrangsments. NOlther, they aeld, will R al Academy of Sciences, wMch "I’m now getting to be more land on Fern St. twenitletL (See Page Fpnr) (8 m Page ElglitMn) cMldren of their own. question the poesibiUty that In­ refuses to dlirulge any informa­ one way than the other,' but I’m (8m P a g e Ntaw)


/ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 19C9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 PAGE -;. Reminitcing 1 9 6 8 — -The Year Sheinwold on Bridge nedys eleetten to the No. 3 Sen­ t a r Zip Code Fails ' M uskie Says ate Drinoeratie leadarahip post Court to Hear 8 t h u t ’s apisoopal CUnroli e A X E ie * •B)t c l a y R. POLLAN- In HollywcMNl MAKE RAFETY PLAY 1968 Vintage Year last wertt also was aaksil if OuHO wOl msst Thundsjr st U uatA Hie U.S. Poet Office De­ H e^ Explore Kennedy’s victory might hurt Filial Argfum eiits Your Dailf AcHvHjr Guido b f sm. TO onAKAMTEB AAM partment on at least three ttndeville at State? a.fn. Om Uppu Roowr of tlM '' According to tho Sian, '' W hen o o o o NOSTH. MUaMe’e pnepecta tor 1873. Old BsrUli Boum. Ifombofs s m ‘ Awr. •» OCT. recent occaslans, bos ignor­ 1 9 7 2 P r o s p e c t s In Spock Case DONT MISS THIS! 0^47-3B-7D| To develop message for Wednesday; I'M By ALFKED M ElNWOM) ♦ 4 2 "Well, it may or may nof,” he Nnrindad to tolua Madwkbce. 42-43-51-64^ By BOB THOMAS (7 AK943 For Loony Larceny ed tta most prtte poaaes- reod words corresponding to rambers IVm all right to let vW oih o f said. "I Udnk tt has enhanoed HOW THEY MAKE OUR SCHOOL BUDGV^ Reftu hmsnto and dessert will 72-73-74 Aeeoclatod Press WMIk 0 AK9 , sion — the Zip Code. WASHINOTON (AP) — Sen. BOSTON (AP) — Ftaal atgu- lose Were the Days! > TAUaUS of your Zodiac birth sign. •ogurpluins donee through your Sen. Kennedy’s political position . .w* . . . be served by H ts. BHSalMth SCOftflO ♦ AQJ Py lOBADBR G. PAl’llHOTON 1808, too. A man sitting in a On an three occasions, lot- •i I ’i head so long as you make saw Edmund 8 . Murtde says be and I am tor Uutt. HhwTtt ta merte to toe appeals of baby aiT jo a o r A . M K i a i o a Kennedy, Mrs. Annie Jotaison t WWiderful 31 Fomily 61 Your ocr. 2J HOLlxYWOOD (AP) — ^Us Newspspai Enlerprtee Aon. wheelchair was robbed of $329 tera mailed from Chicago to srmr 2 TTwrt't 32 Prtportd 62 Populority of the nieet and potatosa <» WIST BAST wants to «qfior« Ma prospects good tor the ooirntry and good Spock and Sponsored by Manchester Lcagos of W n NOr, 2f was the year in Hrtlywood NEW TORX (NEA) — Well, In Detroit. A Sheemees, Blng- the building Inspector -n (taree cithen convicted oh anti- '"Bow often chon^ evokes reminiacence. The recent and Miss Alice ^l^lsoo. 330« 63Bt your plate. A spaS on the plate AQJ109 # 8765 tor a preeidential try ln»,l«72, far toe party if we can develop ' Voters at WaddeB School Aaditorinai tnwfgfc*, 61-«2 34 Troraoctiora 64 To [12-15-17-32^. ^ Q1086 5 1888 profkicsd no httclMn sinks, land, man had Ms left arm (ar- Manchester, N.H. end pLap- draft conspiracy charges will he aanouncement at the sale of the State Theater must 5 Hormontout 35 Whip 65 To |»-4asi-82i3^ w h en .. . Is worth two phuna in the beruL but it did hit the next cloeest Uticlal) stolen Vluring a rob- ly marked with Zip Code end does not discount the poest- ^ January 8, 1969 lU 8 P.M. 6IMINI 6Do 36 And. 66TrlHo< 0 932 0 10874 presented today in the 1st Cir­ hAra tidten a few back to another time when the little Membera of Uttiuanian AHi> tA«TTAIIUt Gary Grant, the screen’s per­ Opening le4ttl — qnssn at flUng. Ri Oraeneboro, N. C., a bery. Two break-ins at a 08101, have been delivered to bUity of a contest against Sen. <»»»vN»t«ly leadership material.' 7Not 37tUp 67 Your ♦ 98 . ♦ 7653 cuit Court of Appeals. ' have furnMted enough: equip- 14 along wtth toe Rev. WlUtam bad fbeir Ooubls fSatores and at ttie home of lOss Margaret 7-11-13 the Ung of spate and saw that ♦ a k 3 Simday be would take edvan- N®»>s t® take presidential sound- ______went to ton, yes, Ten Bla Acts 57-06 11 Givo 41 Givo 71 Hoortfolt 114-16^21 LBD tripe. The divorce revela- three men drove off with it. ^ iNart a new churrti for 06040. Stoane Ooffln, 43, chaplain at of VandsvUle. All this and Zorrtds o f 99 SBUlard S t 12 You 42 Don't 72 Bo 25-46-46 he could take all 11 trieka If V J 7 2 And in Lanunl^, Wyo., a g irl •*>« robbers who tortt 80 vrt- tags of what be called the op- through the nattonol expo- Yale UMveralty; Mitchiril Good- 13 Undue 43Frtt 73Hoppy Uons did nothing to diminish his OQI6 ^ -HXVK., too, fo r a doU u. CAPSICMN toe hearts broke wrtL FuB of toM polloe toat someone stole »»»*• at a p ra yw book, ^ t>ag oontatai' portuntty opened by hie Demo- ***** *** man, 44, an author ftrnn Tern- 14 Lot ,44 Your 74 Conf«nf«d popularity. A K1042 ana somfthlnc rtse. Jack Sanson, manager of the Marine Opl. Fraidi W. Champ ISMuit 45 Your 75 To DEC. 22 vlakma of an axtra trick, worth the bathtub tram her apart- **® rtory boohs, a laege Bl^ , ^ dozen doughnuts, cratlc vice presidential cam- ®®)J« do toth. - pfe, Maine; and Michael Fer- VtaOevais. Jr., son of Mr. end Mta. Frank 16 Dlicrttion 46 Guido 76 Sontimtntt JAM. It Jartc Valenti put acroee a rat­ every bit of 80 prtnta. South Nm Oi ■ o ff ^omtk W « l meat an engraved commuite set- lareenv. however. palgn to take soundings tlmni^ you get li^ pubUc ber. 23, of Boston, a Harvard HAVE YOU AN State for many years, combed l7Bo 47 Full 77 Lovts ing syetem tor movies. Produc­ Superb It Waa the traditional twoeip the bookhiK' aeencles o f New W. Champ 8r. o f 89 RuaseH S t I 5- 9-27-29 18 Pull 48 Homi 78 R«och 2- 3- 6-24 led out duminy'a ace and Ung 1 0 PiM . 2 NT Pazz EVENT SCHEDULED day, flveeujt bill wMh a change _ ...... „ . 31-36S&S4 19 In 26-2SJ4 ers began vjdng tor on X, which 6 NT is aervtng with the Flrat Ma­ 49 Fxprouion 79 You of hearts. TMe cost South a A H P u i Monday Of pm gm m U mid-week. Tlie 20 And 50 Cordiolity 80 Group AQUASIUS means a picture Is unfit tor chil­ THAT CAULS FOR Uefty releases said so—fw the rine Dhdalon in Vietnam. 21 Accurocy 51 Try 8f Finonciol penaXy of 100 pointa together various dem- ran the gwnut of any JAN. 20 dren and hence enticing for ad­ very best sots obtainahle. He 22Mony . 52 AsMronco 82Chongot with the 1,440 pointo be ooidd Spock and FOOD? eauderille boose of the day — .AU a. 21 23 Arujios 53 Could 83DMHy fit. it ults. have aoored tor maMng Us in that case ordy one heart id couid be assured the house Manchester WATB8 will have 24 Trkkory 54 AAoy took part, atdmsisi tumblera, maglclane, ...-M-S6-59-68 84 Activitiot 1- 8-10-22/C The new status symbol among stem . The full coat w as 1,540 left, and dununyta ace dears" s m It may be a weddtag, « would be packed right up to the a bualneaa meeting tonight .^W-77-79-83 2SBo 55 Lovo- 85 PMk introduced qnet or Just aa tatformsl g O tr to e straight man and Ms Otupld' 26 In 56 .Attonflon. 86 Somotsfhot 123-5^4 film stars became the million- points — all for t e mere ohaooe toe su it at the Itallsn-Amerlcan Club, together of a society, a t amart partear, Jnggtem You hqp row of the gallery—b^cony 27 Abound 57 To 87 Moking doUars-per-picture fee. Lis Tay­ of gaining SO pointa TUrd, Elast - has no beartsV 188 BUdrldge S t W eighing wlU 28 Monty 58 Domogo 88 Efficiency ______. _ ...... some friendly group. name It The State lied it at one ^ Johnny-come-latrtlee. 29 For lor and Richard Burton wel­ South’s atom was unbeatable Souto plays the jack, tondng' be from 7 to 8 p.m. Members 59 Como 89 Fovored iiswto o r 6notbtr. A lo u would go up aa the or- 30 Lock Artd 90 Conservotivt MAS. 20 comed new members to the If he played the hearts correct­ out the queen. Later, South- metal building was stolen in Ucc. Police captured st^ rob- {^eed toe couple. m ay make l eaeiv atlona at this We Are Prepared to nw vaudevlHlani had an cheatra came into the pit from ■>.18-19-45-481 ) Good ( ^ ) Advene ^ N e u t n l 141-47-49--. club: Julie Andrews, Lee Mar­ ly. After winning toe firat trick* leads a heart to win* a flnssad' ll> W 6 3 8 6 -' iP-yiv S^^lSi ild ■^'to^ tr^ M S“ ta'^BdiS‘‘oWk' Ashed If be agreed he and fel- *™**®«~ ne may Biach of toe tour was sen- a m about them ♦»«««* is dlfOcult backstage. Th«t it would be- meeting tor the club’s annual 67-71-76 vin, Paul Newman. wito the Ung of spate South with dununy*a nine. -<- Serve You to Your banquet Feb. 6 at Willie’s Steak to deaMtoe or even recapture at oirnie almost deafening as Sam- ahould lead a low heart to dum­ . The play of the Ung of hauts' n o t. t , m . , Complete Satisfaction House. Offloers will be elected And Barbra Streisand made 1“ toer slowed dovm when the s::;two S . vals'z . ’irss.'SSi.rJStor party leadership and w nro o^toee ^ b e to e ^ l-, «w ,u o n , Spock, Ctoffln and thia Isto date. We were in awe my Kaplan raised Me baton. that exclusive society before m y 's Ung. I f the queen feitai to foHowed by a low heart la w (tomden, N. T. Of thesn. There was m soream- and into the overture. The at the Jan. 16 meeting. drop, dedarer aliould next routine safety play, guarantee­ Agrtn numbera mean little, drove down a dead-end rtroet. andburglar SSirUliSSite pS2d«S^*" Our oatortam service le set up being seen on toe screen. to be flexible enough to ao- li^ tearing at their peraoiw, or drummer’s name. If I aver Soul, Blues, Gentle Rock Two assassinations prompted lead a low heart trgm dummy. ing the conbwot against any torr an enterprising marauder In Toronto, ^o hoods had toclr ^ presioei^ $1,000. WasMngton LOti will meet pooslble Uwak of the haarts. c oommodate any siBe gathertng. itsmlng in the aisles by teen- knew It, escapes me, but be wUa Hollywood to search its soul Three .FoealbUltlea stoleole 30,00030.000 worms from a bait stlekupstlckup foiled when one of them er' that he need nntnot wm-rv.worry, irineasince ...,,j .. . hope__ -F t^re would . . be wnrirtA-mEDUCA’nONAL i TELEVISION Why not can na and talk aver agers (the name was stIU to be our boy. Another generation had 'Friday at 8 p.m. at Orange about violence on toe screen. There are Only toree poaslbiU- Dally (kMotton “ dealer In Albuquerque, N. M. tried to vault over a counter, he would never return asa*®. a plaoe tor each of us ta the par- FRANKFORT, K y- (AP) — the detallsf bom) toedulatioQOCtbelridola. Ks Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, Hall. Officers will be installed 1968 Popular Music Choice Film makers began brawling tiiea First, East may play the As deider, you iiold: terteey Anotoer prowler stole 46 caught his foot and took a nasty and concl^ed wito, God bless leadership If we each have The Kentucky Elducatlonal Tele- ( CAMERAS Baaitantly approaching a per- but that handsome Italian boy in aeml-publlc ceremonies Sat­ queen of hearta If so. South A-K-S; Heaiita, J-7-8; Dtatnends, Cansrtes from a woman in San (all. Anotoer thief tried to rob By H A RT CAMPBEUL. Oosby was the only oosnlc sell­ with each other over toe issue. you and thank you." toe capacity for tt. As to wtaeto- vision network will be ta fi^ op- I torroer tor an autograph was was ours. He did Mcks wUh bis urday at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall. saves Us jack, tout eaUly win­ 4)-J-«: a n b s , K-10-4-S. FHJM— MJLBS AP Newsfeatares Writer ing big. Nudity in films hit new bot­ Antonio, Tex. For varletyi s ^ Angeles bank just two The note, however, was un- ^ or not that woidd lecto to a rt- eroOon by the time one more the height of our daring. traps that were sheer ecstasy Betotw the budallatlon, a dlimer ning three heart tricks and Us What do you aajt burglar took two m all dogs, hours after anotoer tolef had MSCOUNTi PMCBS will be served at the Washing­ Johnny Cash was Mr. Country toms: Rod Steiger’s, Chariton signed. valry ta 1972, I think you have transmitter is erected ta North- What a tlsiH to pass one, fo r us. ’Ihe word In ’68 popidar music shun. Answer: Bid one dub. Since fbur baby alllgatoifs and several made off with $411. E’BI agents GARDEN GROVE ton <3ub. Thomas Mcffinlsy of of 1868 with the LP "Johiwy Heston’s, Paul Newman’s, etc. got to watt until that comes." em Kentucky. Completion is bopehdly to brush against one In my wanderings I waa to was ?oul and ttie artist was Are­ Second, Etast m ay play a low you hove 14 potnts In U gh oiurda, psnkMta from a pet store in InvestlgaUng the first ritobery ARTHimDRUD TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-S314 New Toiic CHty piut jyand CaA at Fideom Prison," re­ Barbra Streisand’s husband Muskie, vbo supported Ken- scheduled for AjHil 1668i. of our gods, as they made their run into a team that had play­ tha Franklin. She came out wkh heart. If so, South puts up toe the opening bid is mandatory; St Louts, Mo. collected the would-be clteup- master, and bis staff win / of­ corded tawide, and s3ngle from struck a new note in press rela­ Deaths in way to or from -their quarters ed the State. Old memories an album In March titled "Lady tions by allegedly rtugglng a jock. Ebtoer tUs wins the trick, Copyright IMP ■tte longest theft of 1968 was man. A man In St. Louis waa in the old Sbertdsn HotoL Where were revived. In their mePonr- ficiate at the. Installation. ( It, "Folsom Prison Bhies." Olen or West takes the queen; and General Featniea Corp. Soul" and ^ioboily disputed the Campbell oontinued the trend of photographer for taking too toe stealing of 26 miles of skins robbed of 8812. As he.drove to- had they come ftomT What er years be waa a school title. many pictures. used In stufttag sausages from ward a police station, two other Hose €Uid Ladder Co. 1 of the _ , . ___ __ popMXJuntiy -with emphaato on "the Nation woold be theta- next stop? May­ custodian, and ehe ihe editor of a -meat plant In Cambridge, thugs again held him up. When ,ba a ^lUt week in Passaic or a weekly newspaper. Theirs Imd Town Fire Department will "lylto Chain pgp "Wichita Ltoeman. The production code for srtf- Beach Conger of Forts," "Since You’ve Been job- Fritoia»« h i. f told of the earlier stlck-up, they AMootia? meet tonight at 8 at the McKee Jose Feildano got>04 his first censorahlp was relaxed almost NEW YORK (AP) - Beech been a husband and wife Oone,” "Think," "The House to toe p ^ t of apathy. A popular Business Mirror A rancher ta Glendale, Arix., called the driver names and dls- Ftaney, but only one name St. firehouse. smash with an old doors’ hit, n i^ w Conger, 66, txxk editor of Read- acrobatic act. He was built like that Jack Built," "I Say a little new formula for movie plots: found that during the niglit appeared. Another stands out from toe host of hills a hogshead but with the graoe "Lignt My Ehw," went on to By JOHN CUNNIFF ' This M-oent loss of buying . er's Digest and one of a famous Prayer” and "See Saw” and the sing “The Natlotml Antoem" boy meets girl, boy loses glri, thieves had cut his hay field, h ^ c through a roof of a store MEN! that played toe State over the and agSHy of a Nijinsky. Elven There will be a service of flamily of foreign oorrespond- LiPs ' ‘ N ow " and "A retoa in Par- girl gets girl. AP Busbieas Analyst power was "real." That is, in­ used his baler to bundle the hay li* Hartshome, Okla., opened a ywars. That w as CSiartie Tobias, Holy Communion Wednesday at soul style at a World Seriea usea ms oaier u» nunoie we nay “• - -mv^wIav of a heart oili. when I knew her she wSs a is’’—hits, every one of them. NEW YORK (AP) — The flation was discounted by mea- a singlotan. He was one of toe wisp of a lady- 10 a-m. at St. Mary’s Elpisoopal game (recorded It, too, of And there was almost as Burtag wages In term s o f staUo; tad carted it off. And ta Cal- ment. Cwigor iL written for Rock drew strongly on the coming year appears likely to cutta, India, thieves over a per- tt® middle of a town meeting. Herald Tribune top song witters of toat period And let’a not overlook EY«d Church. course) and got another hit wito much glrl-glri and boy-boy kiss­ doUars—In terms of the drtlar blues In ’68. The current toree another oldie, "HL-Heel Sneak- ing on the screen aa there was duplicate 1968 In one respect; ibd of time carried off more After three burglaries ta six several European capltelb January is —"Wlien Your Hair Has Turned Werner and later Collins Drlggs. beet rock graiq> gultarista "arc Wage increases are going to be as it existed In 1967 arid I960. to SSver," "We Did K Before They didn’t have toe midti-oon- The ootttlmwtion class of en a " of toe usual kind. A continuance of the wage- than ISO.OOOj tons of standing months a disgusted home owner ^hmln^ WoiM War n. IBs father, . U i / , North United Methodist Church Uues-based men—Brie Ctopton, Nudes were increiaetogly used Vanessa Redgrave paused be­ large. Negotlatlans alrea^ sloc! 380,000'acres were tovolv- rigged up a shotgun booby trap aeyn„,ur Beach Conger, was 1 Md We Can Do It Again,” "The soled mighty Vtortttaer of Radio Jiml Hendthc and lOke Bloom­ completed make this a certain­ price battle on the treatonllf <»d Iiempligtater,’” X3et Out and to wortt with. But who car- will meet Wednesday at 8:18 on album covers during the tween making American-fi­ seems assured for 1969, for ^ and a mob of 800 took part to a closet door. Forgetting the Associalted Press field. nanced movies to lead anti- ty. But some of the increase wiU Gst Under toe Moon" — and ed? As toe bead of either one p.m. at toe rtMirch. _ _ year, w3to the publicity focusing ------— many agreements negotiated ta the giant theft. trap one night, he opened the bureau ta Berlin ta Worid WOr During toe year many groups on front end bock vtews of nude American parades In London, be an illusion. Famous Brand others.__ appeared over toe pit railing, for 1968 cover this year as well. ' Anlmola , really made the door and wound up ta the bospi- i The OonstrucUon ^lecifloa- broke iq> and the fragments of- Lennon and Yoke Ono on A now candor was sounded in The Labor Department re­ T..W K. «... tr. . . 44. H.. “ppjause rocked the State. One ports that major collective bar- Wages 'W ill rise, but mamifac-' news. Doaans of eggs stolen tal. oarl Rott 'tm M have toought Aertw hlnir tkms Institute will meet tonight ten came together in other tar- -Two Wigtow." Tape oartrhMes intervleiwB. Lee Marvin talked alnlng agreements last year turers and retailers are llkrty to toom doorsteps ta Leeds, Eng- Cars were much ta the 1968 SHESUDAN, Wyo. (AiP) — io ^ for Olm and J o l^ ’8 ^ had ratau^ from the at 6 at the Wonderbar Restaur­ m a ^ . The ^ am (of which continued to grow in aatee. aibout housekeeping with bis girl provided median Increases of raise prices also. 'land, were finally traced to a news. Mexico City authorities <3arl Rott. 68, editor and pub- SALE TIM E ______‘IH etoa p ^ ’’ and Bari CarroH mythological past. And even the ant, Berlin Tpke., Berlin. Din­ ^ a third) poured out Mbnc recorto did a fadeoUL friend. Alex' Oord discussed bis Aitody by the Bureau of Nat raw-egg-lovtag dog. And ta say that 10,000 cars valued at Uaher of the Sheridan Proes toow*. But remember, we knew Aeolian harp Itself, I cun mire, decision to marry Joeuina Pettet 8.6 per cent in -wages and bene­ ■MMn ■■ *--w---- a _ > ner will be served at 7. There ^ Wes Montgomety tional Affairs, a xsivate busl« Knoxville, Tenn., a purse- $12 million are stolen annually since 1946, died Monday after htan, not only when, but before. before the birth of their baby. fits. And these same ocmtracts, could not have produced will be a technical session on ter. BtoomfleM was in toe now- ^led thin year, having hroad- ness researrtt firm, indlciUes snatching dog was caught by in Mexico. Only about 3,000 are suffering a heart aittartc. Rott New Year's Bhre was the And just where was it that in some lilstanoes, cover 1968 sweeter music to our young specifying fire protection with W e^ B l^ Bud- ened Ufa, fronTS jaaz to that median wage increases a humtae officer. A family's ever recovered, most of them Was a past president of the Wyo- nlgbt lovers of the State looked ea». dy MUee Bxpreea, beaded by pop market. Otto Reddi^. Eddie Fisher married Connie also. AT NORMAN MILLER intumeecent coatings, presented However, almost matcUng during 1969 under contracts nervy pet dog stole a beink bag con- stripped. ming Press Association. In 1086 forward to, at least, U a dollar Old timers, os EXl Murrow by Sy Kawaller. Slides will he the t o r ^ Bbectric Flag drum- who was MUed to a plane craA Stevens? in force wlU be 14.4 cents on mer,tVWM* already one ^ of toe A.t<^____ _ * ^a«wm ___ some wage increases Is the tatatag 88,800 'snd was caught A cab driver ta Hamilton, he was personal secreiaty for waa 4fae moet they cotfld afford was wont to oay, "You were shown and fire codes discussed. in December 1967, stay^ on toe Sinatra gave up Mia hour, toe highest in at least 19 rock aoul groups. Personnel strongest inflationary surge in dragging toe money bag around Bermuda, really was a heavy Alf London when London was to qihiige in celebratlcn. (hi there." Kids, you mtased soma- Also pressure treated wood for charts as records he’s made Harrow and Ellzatato Taylor, years. , Quality Men’s Clothing as advertised in changed edl over; Traffic 17 years, about 4.7 per cent for the back yard. And perhaps a steeper. Sleeping ta toe city ball the Republican nominee for toa t occasion toe vaudeville bUl thhg'. non-combustibility will be deni- kept being irteased, from the lat- These are the increases fouiAL smashed iq>; toe Kasenetz-Katz 1968. In fact, at one point last iarge, hungry dog was the rea- parking loL he was robbed of president, onstrated. The event Is open to "Dock of the Bay" at toe begin- ____ . fall consumer prices were soar­ by Its study: son tor a theft ta Montgomery, his wallet, his watch and his Oharlea A. Hnrth S'nging Orrtiedtra Otreus in­ tang o f toe year to " P v T a o t -Tacque**"® Kennedy Onassta Playboy and Esquire members and prospective mem­ ing at an annual rate of more All indutsries 14.4 cents on . 'Ala., where 16 pounds of ribs, shirt. Another hea-vy-sleeper, a METAIRIE, La, (AP) — cludes people from the 1910 ^am a To R^ember’’ ^ P^®^ aU toe film stars toe hour; all industries excluding bers. than 7 per ce n t i 8 pounds of neckbones, 19 Cincinnati woman, awoke to Charles A. Itorto, 61, preaident Frullgum 0>„ Music Explosion end. movie magazine covers wito her construction 13.3 cents; manui Events in World and Ohio Express. own headline- making. The dazzling gains, therefore, pounds of bologna, three hams, find toat her $239 wig had been ®* ^ Southern Basetnli Asso- As the year began, ■I Heard facturing 13.2 cents; nonmenu- J squad presumably plaimed to The Estelle Carpenter Circle Zsa Zsa Gabor flung epltheta were pcully the Ulnding reflec­ 10 pounds of franlu, and a beef stolen from her head. dation from iPt? until 1960, died J Hospital in Biafra Said , ■'tiwtoer b tg ^ v e In '68 was u on the Grapevtoe’’’was No. 1 tion of inflation; as wages rose facturing 20 cent*. hide. The explosives were being of toe Women’s Society of Com­ ^bast disappeared. A crook ta Told to take a tost drive, a Sunday night after a long Ul- writers as sung by Gladys Knight and at hotelkeepers In Madrid and They look good, but almost no HU by Nigerian Bomb disarmed to^y. munity BtqiUst Church will London. Apparently her aocom- beyoifd productivity increases; prospectlve buyer drove off ta n®®®- Hurth was general manag-_ get top biUlng; toe decibel level the— Pips.Pipe. At year’s end toe highly regarded economist feels Detroit left so rapidly that his GENEVA (AP) — The Inter­ A youth who police say was meet tonight a,t 8 at the home mottaUona weren’t the same aa prices also went up—toe very !dog was picked up by police and a car from a used car lot ta ®^ New York iMlets rihen of Mrs. Nielan Smith, 1437 •Sil­ In singers can some sang was No. 1 again by prices workers must pay In or­ that inflation can be kept below national Red Croes Committee, involved in the jriot was arrest­ be heard; the melody is usually Mamrin Gaye. when she was wed to Conrad led them to his master’s home. Troy, N, y., and apparently became a National League ver Lane, East Hartford. der to live. 3 per cerS, In 1968. said today that a Nigerian a^^ ed by the drug squad recently ^ otoc, toe rtfect sometimes And Elvis Prertey, toe origin HUton. And a housebreaker’s dog jump­ Hked hto bargain so weH toat be team, This was also the year when T o put it another way, inflaF foroe plane bombed one of its and led investigators to several ed up. on a pouch where the never broughtorougm ttn back.dock. Monday ■ ■ The executive board of th e downright tovrty. nal laimcher who socked toe tlon is a merry-go-round in State Vote Split boi^ittato in Biafra tost Sunday hundred sticks of dynamite and Simon and Garfurttel wrote whole rock Movement to the toe Burtons bought a yartit for owner of a Vancouver, Wash., leaHy to Mtw tor a NeW York rOOule CnCWS UD a dud test bomb. Guild of Our Lady of St. Bar­ their dogs, when Katharine Hep­ which no horse advances on toe afternoon. ^ w re Aw ’’The Oratoiate,’’ moon, proved he’s sUll an active On Elector Challenge . home was sleeping and woke Cilty man. One Monday a regto- • < f IN a SUITS TOP COATS OUTERWEAR tholomew will meet tonight at 8 burn won another’Oscar after n other. Fbr toe rider to believe A spokesman said four per­ Police in . 'three states have tachillng "Mrs. Robinson.” astronaut-l^idlng “A Uttle he can gain anytUng but a Uttle WASHINGTON (AP) —Oon- her up licking her face. Screams tratlon oertificate was stolen lylHIl S UCntUrGS rounded up eight suspects at St. Bartholomew’s School. 36-year lapse, vriien Anna Mag- sons—a woman end three chil- "Honey" and “‘Ulltle Green Ap- Less on toe height advantage from time to neettout congressmen split theU- drove off the disappointed thief. from hto oar’s glove compart­ BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — A rp., an in-, vote. The senate defeated the . A dosen burglar alarms were ottier thief, who broke Into a feel the effects Of toe nation­ \ injured. Police speculated toat toe and the Union Gap; "The Dock vestment advisory firm, stows proposal 68-83. taken from a store ta Butte, diner in York, Neb., fried and wide walkout o f som e 80,000 oU New Bill Proposes ..Mont A station wagon owner vandals were Greek Orthodox Ehnanuel Lutheran Church of the Bay” by Otis Redding, toat in 1967, the latest year «ud- In the House, where a similar ate a cheeseburger and potatoes ExtradUion Attempt traditionalists opposed to the and "Harper Valley PTA," workers. Educational Parks ied, wages equaled 27.8 per cent ta Seattle installed a burglar . .______,__ . -- , , . vm Cosmetics Women will meet tonight at 7 ;46 In some areas. Including New challenge to tbe vote was de­ GEORGETOWN, Guyana Roman tOatoolic custom of en­ which sounds inspired by "The of net sales. In 1966 toe percent­ alarm to Ms wagon, toto^ aiElEl£imHGl3 UIDGIDITIHIj ID EID GIO GID GID in Luther Hall. “Fellowship of Haven, pickets have appeared HARTFORD. Conn. (A P) —A feated 229-169, only LoweU P. TPS (AP) — Government officials casing religious relics in glass. Ballad of Blllto Joe.” age was 27.3, In 1966 atout 27.1 broke ta and along with 81,600 0 * y .^ ® - . the Least (3oln” will be the pro­ at oU-dlstributlon centers. In bill aimed at correcting racial Welcker Jr., R-Oonn., voted tor "worth of various Items took, to a pizza parior with hto h a ^ are r^xnted trying to extradite Kissing of uncovered icons (anU gram for the evening. Girl stager most talked about and in 1964 about 27.6. invalldaUng the vote. Republi­ ta toe dough. Burgtani of a Min- relics is traditUmal in toe Greek was Janis Joplin, of Big Brother others, such as Hariftxrd, they Imbalance In schools by build- Aa SAP pointed out: "Total , you guessed it, the burglar Elm o Hart, a 38-year4>ld Guya­ have not. tag regional educational parks can Thomas J. MesklU voted neapolto meat market carried na-born U.S. cittoen, and seven Orthodox Church. and the ftoldtag Oo., who comes labor costs have actually risen alarm. But toe greatest tasidt Liggetts The Barbara G ifford CSrcIe of Connecticut is served by de­ with state money has been against, as did Democrat Rob­ o ff $80 in ca sh ,. $800 ■worth of other persons who escaped to The skull fragments of St. An­ on raw, gutay and real and has sharply, but sales also have sky­ "to injury addition wes ta Syra­ the Women’s Society of Oom- pots In New Haven and Hart­ drafted for submission to the ert N. Olalmo. cuse, N.Y. A oar was stolen meat, and two cleavers for cut­ Brazii after the brief abortive drew, patron saint of Patras, been compared -wilth Bessie rocketed, so there has been only At Ths Ftokflde munity Baptist Church will meet ford, where workers have not state legislature. Votee of other Connecticut ' as the owner was loading tt. ting up same. Another Mtane- rebellion in the Rupununi area were presented to. the Greek Smith and contrasted with su- a minor Increase in toe relative tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. struck. Employes there do not The leglalatlve Commission <«i congressmen were not recorded. -The thief ran over the oivner’s aprtto man in ansv^ to a MANCBBSTER of Southwest Guyana. Church by Pope Paul VI in 1964 peax»rt Oracle Slick of toe Jef­ cost of salaries and wages." Robert Modean, 201 Henry St. belong to the Oil, Caiemlcal and Human Rights and Opportunl- foot as he drove off. thug’s demand tor Ms wallet, Hart, a former paratrooper in and returned to Patras where ferson AirplaneL Rinnors are When measured against that both may go out alone. Atomlc Workers Unton, which t*es approved the bUI Monday. prices, some wages actually - There were mean thieves In threw toe holdup artlet a bag. toe U.S. Army, led the four-day the apostle was crucified nearly Preceptor Gamma Chai>ter of began the strike at 12:01 The bUl defines an educatlmi- Mama Cass recorded alone this Sun- have been dropping behlrid. In ranchers’ revolt against govern­ 2,000 years ago. The relic had Beta Sigm a Phi wlH m eet to ­ day. al park as an educational cen- DRESS AND CASUAL NERU SPORT COATS SPORT COATS ment plans to redistribute the been In the Vatican for 600 night at 8 at the home of Mrs. year and did well. Mary Hophin, November, the average non- But picket lines In New Ktaven tei; ha'vtag one or more buUU- farm worker with three depend­ vast areas of ranchlands which years. Albert Post, 59 Ferguson Rd. 16, the first discovery of the SLACKS were at least x>arUy effective ings ai^ linked with a college ents had real buying power of * toe Hart and Melville families Beatlea’ new Apple Corps, q>ed or ■ university. in slowing deliveries by Mobil $76.06 a week com pared wito had held on leases for many Soviet Paper Charges The Reed-Eaton Circle of toe to No. 1 with "Those Were the and Gulf, officials said. The D ays.” A nine-member board of trus­ $79.10 in October. SPECIAL GROUP years. Nixon with Provocation Women’s Society o f OommUmlty union said the pickets came tees for the educational park $ 10.00 to $ 7.90 $ 35.00 to $ 27.90 Hart's sister-in-law, Mrs. Val­ Baptist Church will meet to­ Among hottest-seHing gronps from plants In other New Etag- system would review appllca- 12.00 to 9.90 LONG SLEEVE 40.00 to 31.90 erie Hart, was exp^ed from MOSCOW (A P) —The Soviet night at 8 at the home of Mrs. were toe oftd familiar one—Bea- land states that are on strike. tions from school districts want­ SPORT SHIRTS the United Force party "for in­ trade union newspaper Trud Horace Brown, 24 E. Maple St. Ues, Rolling Stones. Herb Alpert Some gas stations served by ing such parks. 15.00 to 11.90 45.00 to 35.90 volvement In the Rupununi dis­ charged the incoming Nixon ad­ and toe Tijuana Brass, Simon the center reported they were Priority would be given dis­ 20.00 to 15.90 50.00 to 39.90 turbances and f(fr acting in a ministration today with respon­ The Cheney Homestead Com­ and Garfunkel, Temptatkxis. "dangerously low" In thedr sup­ tricts where nonwhlte elemen­ BLISHNELL manner Inlmicable to the terri­ sibility for the U.S. military ma. mittee of the Mancheater His­ Also Union Gap, SteppenwoU, plies of gasoline. tary and wcondary student pop­ nils SAT. asd SUN. 25.00 to 19.90 60.00 to 47.90 torial integrity of Guyana and Rascals, and for toe bubble gum PRICE neuvers later this month in torical Society will meet at the A Gulf officia l said most sta^ ulations exceed 60 per cent, ON BUBHNEIXi SCREEN Sat. at 8:80 and 8:18 p.m. 30.00 to 23.90 75.00 to 59.90 its aim s and the ol^ects of the West Germany 30 miles from Homestead Wednesday evening set, toe 1910 Fmitgum Oo., Mon- tlons ha'-e a reserve of less toon such as Hartfoild and New Ha­ Sunday at 81M p .m .' party.” the Cto'choslovak border. It at 7:30 for Its nuxithly meeting. kees, Archies, OowsUls. a week in their storage tanks. ven. Nearby towns would help Mrs. Hart, wtao was a United termed them a "provocative Plans tor toe caretakOT's apart­ Bob Dylan brought out one A survey of service stations rectify the racial imbalanoe. A RARI, IXHILARATINN AND UTTERLY VlORTHWHILI Force candidate for parliament show of force." ment will be discussed and LP, "Joim Wesley Harding,” tai Meriden and Norwich found Construction, operating and MOTION NOTURI IN DOLOR in last mooTth’s general election, "From-its very first steps, the progress reports given on the and its popularity proved he re­ that the strike bad ho effect transportation costa paid in full GiauiumiiEia uiauiDcnuG if] G TflG fiiiuLam ii is now in Caracas trying to new administration is working museum. tains Wa strong magnetism for there as of Monday night. A or in part by the state would OUR raise arms and■) niBxle land mines, in their inves­ guration Jan. 20. Nlte. The event will be Sat­ UpiMing through toe tuUps. BUI WED. Enjoy two hour) of Mlling thrllli and tigation of a reported plot by "rhe maneuvers involve the urday, 3an. 26 at 7 p.m . at rUM PAW KING UIAG 0< TMIATUI life imeng poepin on (ha littla-lnown Nationally Advertised young drug addicts to bomb toe airlift of 15,000 troops from the Fiano’s Restaurant, Bolton. “WEST SIDE STOBT’r 6:M M id StOO lilondi at the South Atlantle, (he drug squad headquarters in United States to West Germany. There -wUt be a choice of baked Eoclfie and Indian ocoom. Sydney. Pe:«r G «es to Pot! stuffed shrimp or roost slrlrtn Unlike other classics Wist Side Story’grows younger! TTOKET8 NOW AT BOX OFSIOE • • ■ 81.88 and Sl,08 Famous Brand ' The mines, fused to , explode of beef. Tickeits are available under 160 pounds of preasura, Stamford Girl from committee members or at HIRISCH were planted on a lonely bush 2 SlA T«» JA N -181 p»iiia c m 4 3 s3 0 p«iiia Killed in Craeli Pagani’s Barber Shop, Cooper PICTURESprtitAti DIREOT FROM SALZBURG ro^ on the way to Snowy Mouir St. PEnRSHIERS WntemiM N*f« tafcis, where the young bomb SHOES GREENWICH, CJoim. (AP)— L i Salzburg MorionaWe Theatre l i A 19-year-rtd Stamford girl was The Mary Greene OIrole of the IN"I Ldue Vou. Presenting on BashiieU Stage j i L J i killed earty today when an east- Women’s Society of Community Alice B.Thkus’ lEanrlywtpr bound car slddded out of con­ Baptist Church will meet to­ ij trol. and crashed on the Merritt night at 8 at (he home of Mrs. ‘^ItOW WHITE NOW IQo/o OFF Parkway. William Hall, 11 Bryon Rd. Cnpitins The vriotlm was identified as PubllahtO Dally Kxcspt Bundayt Miss Marla T. Sacoordl. ’ The meeting of Martha CSrcle ANV THE SEVEN DWARFT norman miller 4ad HolfaUya at IB BtH«h StrtM. 'Ihe driver, 19-yearold Frank of Ehnanuel Lutheran Church ISUSGCSTtb fOW MATUWI AUQItNCMI The familiar characters of “Snow White,” her vaUant apparel for men and young men Manahastar, Conn. (OBOtOi J. Abbott, also of Stamford, was “tor fiarmQti miller scheduled for Thimiday has prince, wicked stepmother and seven lovable dwarfs ralapiiana MB-17U not seriously hurt and did not 7:05 - 9:00 Hcrmi" appsrsl lor msn and young msn Foau«a Paid at been canceled because of illness omie to life in this glorious production by the wwld- MBnaiMStar, Conn have to be hospitalized. and unsettled weather 'condi­ [m IMIIMU AA** famous Salzburg Marionffttes. MANCHESTER PARKADE © / MANCHESTER PARKADE State police said Abbott's car tions. lOlksttsnT W M WEBSTER SQUARE, BERLIN STORES ■gW m jraON: IU.TBB All Res. Scats: Oreh. or 1st BaL $ Advsaoa skidded on the snow-sUcked BURNSIDE ihnnb.'-iMi OpM m eningi UN 8 f J 4l.'Fr* . • free parking Iw liieuM net el c a ri \ WEBSTER SQUARE, BERLIN parkway, bounced off the cen­ •rile Trinity Orve-rant Church 2nd BaL $1.00 ’ am rm IMOO S90 nilHIiSift tVE ItST liiflTfOUD Make okeoks payable to sad maU with itouped retara Open evenings till 9 P.M. • Free parking for thousands of cars ter guard rail, veered back team jvill play Thurs­ FREE PARKING 528 -3333 •tavelope tei MMte M aitts across the road and slammed day at 7 p.m. at toe Salvation PANAVI3I0N* TECHNICOLOR' lli-r tuiniUnilsilArtiitf Into a fence on the right side. Bu^ m H Mflmoriol, Hartford, Com . 8610A Army Citadel. GT 3 U i n e n u G 1 3 ^ U U U I b JK JULauisJUsdiwUAi A f V M fO ld l IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, liANpHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 PAGE n v i H ebron Vernon Chicago Buyi..g,n s Publisher Mentioned To $200,000 Per Year Tolland R h a m District Trash to Make T axes D ue Chaises ‘Distorted’, Group OppoAng Busing House Votes to Double New 40-Home Project Planned P T S A M eets ‘Scieniinc Blend’ A s E n v o y t o B r ita in T h is M onth Says Dismissed Nun Urges Dr. Plante Dismissal C m C A O O (AP) — The city of NEW YORK (AP) fkmksd by a suggested Inaugu- Salary of the President As appUoaUon'tor aaotiMr 40- Lane. testing party, Jan.-'16 at 8 p.m. O n Jan. 13 bome subdlvtokm was submit­ NEW YORK (AP) — of fact no gOHMis; ttiat flwt* 4 n Chicago ie buying aaBortmento dent-Mect Nhmn Is expected to ral-ball gown. ■Hie secon d Inetailnient o f RMtard L. and Sandra L. A SNvp tbnt calla itaeU tlMfrant your oCdoe,” aUooefc in the Post Home. The demon­ three nuns dtsmissed Ro­ of garbage to make tta cam Press spokesman Ron Ziegler WASHINaTON (AP) The executivea wouU gat oo(npani.i taxee on the October 1967 grand ted to the Planning and Zoning Adams to Ronald E. and Lkida Hie Rham Parent-Teacher no angals, no davOs, (hat tbs Oommlneioner Saaden. name mil] tonal re pttoUsher Wal­ Commlaston last night by Ar­ stration is sponsored by the man CathoUe paracMal stdiool child’s contclenM dsvelopad, os OoBDeetlQ^t Oooncil M 06nc»rn- "odentiae blend." announced Nixon and Us wifo House has voted to roles Rich­ ble raises. is due and payable durhig Lk Vigoe cf Ea^ Windsor, prop­ Student Association will hold The iroup further char(ea D r . ter Annenberg to be ambassa­ thur Gottier of Tolland. Great Western Wine Corp. and f tor allegedly teaching "evohi- •d ClUam ta uUnc for the will fly to Washington Jan. 19 I f Joh n sen subm its th ose rsc>. Jaainry. Tax collector. M re. erty on Virginia Lane; Stanley the chUd fealsv is supmna and Ptente'e atatemente as being "Tfaia is the meet umiaual re- ard M. f^xon’s presidential sa­ the Tolland Cordial Shoppe. thrir meeting on Jan. IS at 7:80 tlon vs. creation” terms (fae^ dor to Brttain, one of the major and wiU attend k inaugural ommendatlons, they will go M dteca P oet, vriH b e a t the Hie subdivision "Colonial W. and Marie A. SaestowtcM to that no one has the right to tan 1— 1 of Dr. Alexander J. "arrogant, irreeponaible and quiattfon afo've ever had” aaid lary to $200,000 a year, double V illa g e 2,” win abut the present Registrations are Itmlted to 30 p.m. at the high school. John charges "distortions and misun­ diplomaUc assignments. concert that evening in OonsUtu- into effect autotnaUcolly $0 dayg town office bidldliig eodi Sat- Martin L. and Jane K. Hettiek, him anmethlng is wrong a m Ptante «f the State Board of oontradiatary" and "conetitute John F. Ward, city poreiHufiw 40-home Heritage Woods suixU- couples, and may be made at J. Quattropart Sr., president of derstandings.’’ though Jasus instttubed Hto . Nixon aides, in keeping with Uofi Hall. Nixon will not attend the pay President Johnson re­ later indeM Congress votos. to enlay month, from 9 a.m. property on WHIie Circle; Jo- fuU and sufficient cause tor the a g e n t vlalon now nearing completion. the Post Home i^ r 4 p .m . o r Sister Mary Ellen Poland, Church to develop tn us a tans ■ducatfon. The requeet wae their usual practice, declined to an inaugural gala featuring ceiv ed . change or veto them. Thera M $0 n oon to r tiiCow w h o wkd> to sejdi and Maigarat Sola to John the group, has sent an open ranwval from office of thfo per- Ward received requeeta from Hie homes would be located on by calling William McLaughlin. who served as prlncipeJ of the consclenoe.” aaade In a letter to Willi&m J. comment publicly on the mat­ ttars of the entertainment If approved by the Senate and nothing to prevent the othar aa$> «aake payment at that time. Cicla of Stafford Springs, lot 11, letter to ell regional parents tn James M. McDonough, acting two streets off R t 74 in the vi­ H ^ e attending are asked to school on Steiten Island, said Sister Mary EBen sakl, ter. However one said he did not world, to be held Jan. 18. rigned by President Johnsem, ariea from being changed stitar Payments may also be mailed Bald HUl Rd., and Jooeph J. the area urging their support gaadera. State Cfommissioner of "If this man ia permitted to oommlasloner of streetee and cinity of Peter Green and Doyle bring their own gloss, and a Monday that she and two nun "Hiere has baen much misun­ sanitatloo tor specified garbege anticipate announcement of any ^ The St. Louis Post-Dispatch the raise would be only the Nixon’s inauguration. or brought to Mrs. Post’s home and Rita A. Lauzler to Moiiee of the group. M dncatlon. continue to rush about the State on East 8t. Rdfl. prize will be swarded for the teachers "felt very saddened” derstanding ... Hie dlstenoa items to test a new ootnpression ambassadorial nominations un­ reported Monday that Nixon is fourth since George Washington If Nixon gate the ralae, fader> N. and Mary H. Merrow^ of Quettropsjii states that as cui- attacking individually those who The homes will border on the most original glass. by the accusations circulated between the classroom and sup­ Walter SOoock Jr., chairman considering former Rep. Thom­ took the job for $26,000 and the al taxes would trim his take “ TAG Auction Manchester, lot 22, Elgin Dr.' Uve members -of the local Uare to express alnoere opposi­ nnachine which forme tiie gar­ til alter Nixon is inaugurated Creetwood subdivision at one against them. per table to A long one.” «ia Of the state group opposing the bage Into balsa Jem. 20. as B. Curtis, a Missouri Repifo- ftost since 1949 when Harry 8. home pay about $100,000 a year, " M^. Vtotor RyriiUiig of B ^ Seven quit claim deeds were Receives Promotion PTSA, parents can share the tion to Ms plans, and if he ia point. Hie three nuns were dls- noted that the three iwns ware busing'of city children to the lloan, as chief U.6. trade nego­ Truman's salary was Increased two ranking Democratic beak­ ketttiop Rd. has been named Ronald E. McOlnley, 21, son problems of tumlmr teen-agers permitted to continue to hurl "Ifs not as simple as It There was no comment, ei­ The PZC took the plans under recorded last month including mlsssd by the Rt. Rev. Msgr, in their late 20s and early 30a. eubuiba, referred to statements tiator, a job that carries ambem- from $76,000 to $100,000 yearly. ers of the increase said. „ town chairman for the 'n>lland of Mr. and Mbs. Eklmimd O. into useful, mentally mature, indiscriminate cluuges of sounds,” McDonough said over ther, on speculation that iormer 8hq>anl photo considersiUon and will refer William F. Aborn to William F. John J. Cleary, pastor of St. Msgr. Riordan obaerved: Dr. Plante made in several in- sadorial rank. Curtis was one of House Democratfe Leader O w ty Agricultural Center, Inc. Plourdo of Old Farms Rd. baa productive citizens and ooh racism (as he has done the weekend. "You can’t just Sen. Kenneth Keating, a New The new salary would be sup­ them to town consulting engi­ and Betty Viola A bom of Ver­ Wtary of the Assumption pariah, "There’s a terrific age gap tarviewB printed in The Herald. the congressional negotiators Engaged Carl A lb ert and ’C hairm an WH- annual auction on April 12. been promoted to Army ape- lectlvely se«4t solutions. repeatedly) he can only succeed take plain old garbage off the York Republican who is now a plemented by a $80jm annual Engaged neer Buck and Buck for a re­ non land formerly of Yanke after complaints against i them there. Hie nuns are young, and The interviews concerned a during Kennedy-round tariff bur D. Mills of the Waya and A|Ei*. Rychling wrill accept do­ olalist 6. He la presently serv­ in damaging further the reqwot trucks tor the testa and bide it state Judge, might be nominated expense allowance, “which is view of the rood layout plans and Webber; Parker Enter­ Quattroponi eetfmatea that were printed In the parish bulle­ the pastor to BtenUly 75.” moetiag led by Mr. and Mrs. talks in Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Artiiur Bumap Means Committee said local nations for the auction anytime ing witii the 32nd AttiUery near each parent would need to that must accrue to your high You bave to know, spedfloally, as ambassador to Israel. taxable, and a $40,000 yearly The engagement of Miss and drainage recommendations. prises Inc. to Earl L. Parker, tin. ’ Sitter Mary Ellen said the Frank Jordan of Vernon, who office if it is to fimetion effec­ what is in there.” Anneuberg is owner and pub­ of 96 McKee* St announce the travel allowance, which is not. taxee would leave Nixon even at her home. The TAC auction Beverly Ann MarauUo of Oreen- All lofo in the subdivision ar? Snipstc Lake Rd., and Joseph Tuy Hoa, ’Vietnam, as an artil­ spend three hours a month if He refused to comment on the trouble “ basicEdly was a differ­ have organised a looal group tively," SUcock said. lisher of the Philadelphia In­ With only one strong dissent, less of the new salary. - committee reminds aU local wlcb to Todd G. Metcalf of Man­ at least one acre with a mini­ lery balUtftlc meteorology spe­ the response to the open letter So, MdDonough has asked tor engagement of their grand­ DlMalo to Verna C. DlMoio, lot action, referring all queries to ence Ln phlloaophy” of educa^ opposing busing. Although Vernon is not con­ quirer and a number of ocher from a Republican, the House The Senate is expected to take residents, that if they are mov- chester has been announced by mum 200-fo o t fron tag e, com p a r­ cialist. Hte wife, Gloria, Mves Is suffiolMtt. The letter urges the foRowiiig items: daughter, Miss Ruth Muriel Bs- 78, Grant Hill. the district superintendent of tUm. She said the pariah uses SQoock, in his letter, said he sidering entering into Project publications. Finch Calls members rushed the bill Op the presidential pay-ratse bill ktg> deanlag attics, banw cr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ ed to the \ a cre lots and 160- in Middletown. the parents of Rham Regional Two thousand pounds of o a r - Also, Barbara J. DeShnone to Catholic schools, the Rt. Rev. th e Baitimora Oaitechism of was eneloelng copies of the ar­ Oonoem at this time, the local tabrook, to Frederick Michael through by voice vote Monday. next week, in time for Johneoq garages,' the auction committee jamin J. Marsidlo of Green­ foot frontage in the existing Bulletin BoMd students to be "high fidelity" nigeted boxes, 1,000 pounds of Nixon, while attending a Anthony DiSimone, property on Msgr. Joseph T. Riordan, who 1888—a d o c t r in a l presen tation In ticles and two pieces of draft opposition group, formed a few Krtstoff of Glastonbury. To be effective it must become to sign it before Iitaugtuatlcn can use the good cast offs, .Ar­ w ich . Heritage Woods subdivision. parents not "drqpout’’ parents. newspapers, 600 pounds of oomerenoe oi Republican gover­ Hurburt Rd.; Pot Deyorio to Hie Board of Education will satd the friction stemmed from precise quest lorvand- answer legislation. Yesterday, however. months ago, has been actively For Shakeup Her fiance is the son of Mr. law before Nixon is sworn in at D ay. rangements wUI be made to Her fiance is the son of Mfs. In other actions the PZC met. heavy brown wrapping paper, nors at Palm Springs, Calif., a John Drost and Burley Ham­ meet tomorrow night at 8 in its School Menu "differences tn approach.” form, long u s e d In Catholic Dr. Sanders said he received working against the project. 860 pounds o f w axed m ilk ea r- and Mrs. Martin Kristoff of noon Jan. 20, since the OonsUtu- pick up and etors any ccntrlbu- LtUton Metcalf of 4 Margaret with reoreeentatives of the pro­ month ago was an overnight ttona. mond, property on Mile Hill offices at the Hicks Memorial Hie menu to be served at the M i^. Riordan said the critl- sdboola b u t now widely replaced the letter but no other material A meeting is being planned for tons, 600 pounds of dry moga- Glastonbury. tlon forbids changing a jn'asl- Rd. and the late George Met­ posed Tolland Manor Port 2, guest at the Annenberg estate In Education Rd.; Pauline R. Shackway to SdiooL Rham cafeteria for (he remain­ ctom of the mms displayed a b y mEtterlala designed to b u ild was enclosed. He declined com­ this coming Friday wiien plans M iss Bstatorook is a 1967 g ra d ­ dent's salary durli^ his tecmC , Fcnowshlp Meeting ca lf. Section 2 subdivision of over 20 sines, 260 pounds of jimk office wnloh boasts its own nine-hole Raymond and Pauline Shack­ Hie tax ccOector, Elaine Bug- d er o t the week is: Tuesday, “highly conservative viewpoint’’ personal understanding. ment until the material was re­ wUl be oompleteU for circulat­ mail, 160 pounds of tissue paper, Continued from Page One) uate of Lunenburg (Mass.) High The presidential Increase was The'IClUead Women’s BteUow- Mias Marsidlo is a graduate homes, but no action could bo golf course. way of Enfield, property on Rt. bee. wUl be at the Town Hall oven fried chicken, mashed po­ and added that they ‘were "not Msgr. RlOTdan said, "The ing a petition. The meeeting'wlU 1,100 poimdB of tin cans, 400 recommended by a special com­ hold Its first meeting of 8t. Marys Girl’s High School, taken because Buck and Buck’s ceived . David K. E. Bruce has been SdKxd. She Is attending the 74, and Bernard A. Gottier to tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon tato, whole kernel' com ; Wed­ teaching heresy" and were "not newer approach to teasMng be held at 4 Wilson La. at 7:80 pounds of aluminum ocuis, 160 shake up elementary and sec­ University of Massachusetts, mission headed by Frederick R. (rear tomorrow in the Qroenwlch, and riie received reoort had not been received. The draft legislation refers to ambassador to Britain lor near­ Werner Kunzli Jr., lots 4, 84, and from 1 to 4 p.m^for the nesday, la pizza casserole, cab­ in conflict with Oiurch doc­ Christian doctrine can enrich p jn . pounds of piasUc products and ondary education.’’ Kappet, former chairman of ly^fkduxd room of tbs GU- her associate degree in secre­ Residents of the Clark Rd. a state school board plan be­ ly eight years—einoe the start of Amherat, wdiere she is major­ 47 on Mt. Spring Rd. payment of the second install­ bage, carrot and apple slaw; tr in e ." and deepen understanding. The 200 pounds of chicken wire. One problem. Finch sold, is ing in drama. Mr. Kristoff is a American Telephone A Tele­ Ogregatlonal Church. tarial science from Bryant Ccl- area aoneared to find out more Thursday, orange juice, ing presented to the legislature the Kennedy administration. Information regarding a re­ Baton Troiriiy Winners ment of town taxes now due. Hie nuns are membem of (tie older and more conservative ItoDonough also asked tor that elementary schools don’t 19M gfraduaie of the University graph Oo. It also suggested ■Deesert and coffee wlK be lege. Providence, R. I. She la grinders, potato chipa; Friday, that would correct racial imbal­ Now 70, Bruce is coiisidered the quested sone change from resi­ Winners of lost week’s revolv- Hie LaAes Guild of St. Mat­ School Sisters of St. Fronds, a method to inherently difrei«M. AYH Hike Slated what was called "household take trievlslon into account al­ of Connecticut, Storrs. He will sweeping increases in salaries |arvM otU p.m. followed by employed by Unlroyal Inc., New baked fish sticks, butter­ ance in schools. dean of American diplomats. dential to commercial for seven btg baton troidiy were Lori Con­ thew’s Church will hold a White Chtoago-based province. The It’s not a question of throwing waste materials", or household though "a child has perhape enter the Air Fbrce Officer paid other federal officials—in­ a wondiip service and busi- York caty. Mr. Metcalf is a ed parslled potato, peas or lima SOoook charges Dr. Pleate 'The London post usimlly is acres of land to the rear of their nelly, Lynne Pappa, Linda Elephant Auction tomorrow province administration had things out,' but of developing At Bolton Lake gariDoge. 2,000 or 8,000 hours before a TV 'Training School Feb. 19 In prep­ cluding congressmen—but there Beas mMtlng. The theme ot the graduate of Manchester High beans. with pidiHcly attacking Mr. and Iven to men ot great wealth, homes, as submitted by Stanley Cropper, Ann Marie Bradley, night at 8 in tile Parish Center. previoualy decided to withdraw more msdure understanding of "Last year we hod an average set" before readidng schoid. aration for flight school and pi­ la no constitutional deadline on jmeatlxjg wlU to "P lck li« up Sidwol and attends Bryant Col­ fa ith .” Mrs. Jordan, aiccisdng them of because the expense of main­ those. Bray. The PZC Informed them and Georgia Tomatore. from the school next June. The Amerlccui Youth Hostels of a million dollars a day In re­ Another problem, he said, is lot training. Jeoae ends to etafit a pew year.” lege. Hie Women’s SUmnasUcs "Watant dishonesty" and call­ taining the embassy’s soclsl that more information is needed Registration for the Board of But in a statement Monday In addition to Sister Mary El­ (AYH) wlB sponsor a ptiblic quisitions," Ward said, "but that for a young man with mili­ I+esldent Johnson is expected JMendlng and _ pertinent work A dote tor the wedding has Class will meet tomorrow night ing the material they used "con­ standards far exiceed available No date has been announce before the commlsskm can pro­ Recreation-sponsored batim les­ Victim Identified the province said "We would len the dismissed taatdien are nothtog like this.” tary obUgations, education is to make his recommendations, will to carried on. Also Valen- not been amxwnoed. from 8 to 10 in the Hicks School trived and phony." hike around Bolton Lake Sun­ federal funds. tor the wedding. ceed with the calling of a public sons has been closed with the like it to be cteariy tnderstood Sister Madekm Wetor, seooeid McDonough said he hoped tiie “so strung out that moat stay based on tiie Kappel Report, (•Une faVora wtU to made for g ym . HARTF0|RD (AP) —Officials SUcock claims, "It was, in day, Jan. 19, starting at 2 p.m. Nixon had no announced-ln- hearing on the application. enrollment of 22 new members that th( 'deporturo of the aisten grade teacher, and Slater Ber- oily oouM obtain nxiidi of the re­ out of the real world until their when he submits his budget to larea_ convalescent ------homes. have identified a 70-year-old fact, contrived by the Oonunls- advance appointments tor today A special meeting has been bringing the total class size to at tWs time was in no way their ■nadette Brown, servenlb grade at BoKon Notch on Rt. 44A. quired refuse without payment, m ld-20s .’ ’ emphasis on medical and dental Congress later this menth. I The ■ Hebroa' Oongregatlonal man who was fatally injured aion on Human Itigfats and Op­ but planned to spend most of his ec’w ls,’’ F“nch said. set by the PZC for Jan. 27 to over 70 girls. Manchester Evening Her­ d e s ire .” - teacher. Dr. Pked W. Spaulding of 14 but the purchased part, Ward Finch, 43, is Nixon’s youngest The only vocal opposMlsn iWomien’e FMl^iwBlilp w S l alsb LBJ Praises while crossli^ a street here portunities.” The conunleaion time in his office at the Hotel He noted that the Carnegie discuss and outline plans for ' Wine Tasting Party Hig province satd the iruns said,'"m ay run $100 to $160. La­ choice for the- (Cabinet. During came from Republican Rep. H. ,'hold its first meeting of the ald ToOaiid oorre^K "* *.ent, over the weekend as Andrius prepared Its own “draft of the Myrtle St. will lead the six-mile (3ommlssior«’8 reoort includes the year. One of the m ajor tasks VFW Poet 241 wlU hold a wine were told om lly member paused to inspect the display Nixon about the proposals, that there was no sfai, and in ooU ect i t tlon and that a full retraction spread from Japan, to many oth­ $60,000 a year; the chief justice E. A. JOHNSON jorie Por$er. (el $28-9116. always do as he asked. houses. Two additional deeito leg a l ce llin g o f $366 bUllon, rose on Consumer Affairs anti a AYH maintains an office in research team, and then the windows of one department whirii Included plans for vastly of these charges and a pub- er countries. In the United from $40,000 to $78,000; associ­ "We have just witnessed one Involved the transfer of build­ to a year-end total of $861.2 bfl- menvber of the new Oammlssimi the Hartford YWCA BuUding, garbage bales will be tried for store that featured full length increased financial aid to col­ lishad ^lotogy ' to the J llon In 1968, the T reasu ry re­ on Consumer Protection. 262 Ann St., where It publishes use as lakefiU, acoordlng to paintings of Nixon cmd other leges and universities. PAINT CO. ports. e^ould be Immediately issued cf bonsai fanciers, mostly in $08,0p0; and cabinet officers tive eras in the entire history of Sales of new homes record­ ITie Commission, she said, Ms m on th ly bulletin. W ard. prominent Republicans, each "I’m generally -in fgvDr of the 728 MAIN St. i Hospital Notes Caltfomia and Hawaii. from $38,000 to $60,000. Other Omgress," Johnson told the W- ed were Rock-Hamm Inc. to The year’s increase ■was 4 per will undertake "a review of the VlsltoH are being limited to parttsan gathering Monday Robert A. and Betty L. Roman- cent, or $18.3 bUllon. Unless entire area of consumer credit ilnmediate members of the fam­ night. Ick of W-estervUle, Ohio, house Congress, raises the ceilihg It The matter of unsolicited credit ily who are free ot flu or flu- He refeirred to Great Society on Cedar Swamp Rd.; ToUarid can rise no more than another cards might very well be one of $3.8 billion. Uke symptoms. No idilldren are and other far-reaching leglala- Woods Inc. to Vincent E. Jr. the major items we look into." being allowed to visit patients tlon passed during the five and Frances Y. Cravirford of At the same time, the Treas­ She is especially worried or to wait in the lobby -while years of his administration. Norfolk, Mass., house in Tol­ u ry reported M onday that 1968 about unsolicited credit cards. sales of various kinds of savings parents visit But Johnson noted (Jongreas land Manor, and Tolland Hills, "I believe in convenience in bonds—a major component of didn’t grant all his wishes—as Inc. to Robert W. and Gail M. shopping," she said, "but we the debt—^totaled n early $6 b il­ P a tien ts T oday : 274 shown by Senate refusal to con­ Curtis of Stafford, property on are going absolutely haywire. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: New R d . * lion. But ihat was $6 billion be­ Not only are these things being firm Supreme Court Justice Abe low 1967 sales: Richard Play Jr., 76 Valley Fortas as chief justice end Sen­ ^Also, Monroe Moses, Inc. to sent out unsolicited, but some of Bond owners also were cash­ View Dr., Wajiptng; James Cov- ate reluctance to ratify the nu­ J<^ D. and Micelle J. Del- them are coming in unsealed ing them in faster than in 1967. ensky. South Windsor; Vlncenza clear nonproliferation treaty. Pontl of Vernon, property on envelopes." Redemptions rose from $4.6 bil­ Deane, South Windsor; Andrew But he said Congress bad Robin Circle; lApman Realty, lion, at cost price, to $4.9 blUlon. Capital Footnote Eggen, 83 Lyneas St.; Lisa tiiown It'ls capable of perfonn- Inc. to John W. and Sharon Treasury securities, savings The U.S. Office of EducatTcm Elliott, East Hartford; Mrs. ing its duties well. Ann Robinson of Vernon, prop­ bonds arid other puUic issues says a new law making it jxissi- Bernice GIB, 146 High St., Rook- "I renew my faith—my faith erty on Sugar Hill; Bilow Build­ account tor $296 billion of the ble to borrow money under the ville; Mrs. Gertrude Grace, in the good judgement of the ers, Inc. to Richard J. and Di­ national debt. Another $69 bil­ Guaranteed Student Loeui P ro­ WlndsorvUle; Mrs. Ann Green, people—the wisdom of (he peo­ ane Routhier of New Britain, lion is in special issues such as gram, regaiVUesB of what state 281 School S t ; P au l H old, 278 ple,” he ^ d . “But most of all property on Dockerel Rd. those of the Civil Service retire­ a student lives in, has gone into Hilliard St; Ltnaa'Hale, 69 my faith‘in the Ameriocm sys­ Sales of building lots record­ ment fund and Social Security -operation. Before the new law, Benediat Dr., Wapping; James tem to which you, both Demo­ ed were Ellm Industries to Tol­ trust funds. loans to students who lived in Henry, 78 Grestridge Dr., Ver­ crats and Republicans are a iri- land HUls, Inc. lots 27, 28, X8 to 26, 31 to 39, 110 and 111 o ft states other than the one in non; Mrs. Geneva Holda, 24 El- tal p a rt.” FTC Urged to Act which they went to rohool could diidge St.; Mrs. Mary Hull, The President and Mrs. John­ New Rd., and Walter ajM Al­ ice Beaton to Garnet Ridge Inc. not be inaiu'ed. Glastonbu^; Mrs. Nancy Jan­ son, got a warm reception from On Gas Station Games of Vernon, lot 66 Gameit Ridge kowski, South Windsor; Ellen the congressmen. Johnson WASHINGTON (AP) —Win­ Capital Quote Johnson, 81 Oak Grove St.; Mrs. moved through the crowd E h a k - D r. " "We have just witnessed one Other warrantee deeds record­ ners in gasoline station promo-’ M Sry Judge, 180 P orter S t.; Ing hands and stopping to talk tion games have not always of the most creative and produc. ed included, Louis W. and CSiar- P am ela Kaeewr, 696 A v e ry St., with the legislatora, many of been determined purely by laws tlve eras in the entire history of lotte GUI to Jping; John Krinjak, 218 whom served with him when he of chance, a House Small Busi­ Congress.” —President Johnson, of Manchester, property dn Wel- Fern St.; Mario Morra, i^ton. was a House member and later ness subcommittee says. paying a nostalgic visit to Capi­ gold Rd.; WllMam F. Abom to Also, Koran Nicholas, 67 a Senator. In its formal report, based on tol Hill with Mrs. Johnson- Mem- Gateway Homes, Inc., of Ver­ Davis Ave., RockvUle; Mrs. Democratic leaders presented hearings held last year, the day evening. Sadie Noren, 36 William St.; the President and his wife six non, property on Grahaibor Rd., group asks for quick action by Mrs. Eleanor Perkins,^ 68 Bolton volumes in six languages cf a and Mildred K. Barrows to’ Au­ the Federal Trade Commission ELEVAHNO THOUGHT S t.; M rs. M afalda Q uay, 73 W est book on the history of the (Japi- gust J. Loehr of Tolland, prop­ to "correct the'abuses" listed in FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — S t.; Ju dy Sm art, 269 L aw rence tol. erty on Grant Hill. the report. Engraved on the drors of both Rd., Wapping; Robert Start, 194 The President also received a Also, Gladys P. Grover to The group, headed by Rep. new elevators In the idate Capi­ 'W oodla^ Dr., Wapping; Mrs. plaque inscribed, - "To Lyndon BVank P. Merrill of Tol­ John D. DingeU, D-Mich., also tol is the official motto of Ken­ OMve Tbomey, Bolton; Clarence B. Johnson, Teacher, Legisla­ land, property on Grant Hill; urged the FTC to see that serv­ tucky: "United Wo Stand, Di­ Tracy, Glen Dr., Tolland; Jo­ tor, Vice President, President of Earl L. Parker to Del-Atre, Inc. ice station operators are not vided We.FalL” seph Varca, Coventry; Mrs. the United States, Sujpoem e^- of New Britain,. property on pleasured or coerced to haridle Helen Warrington, 27 Woodland trio t.” Snlpslc Lake Rd., and Arthur games sponsored by their sup­ St. 'W. and Constance M. Jones to p liers. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Edward and Patrda Wilkins of And tt says legislation to pro­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ Winter Classes Vernon, property on Garnet hibit the games should be intro­ RENT duced in Congfress if the FTC neth Lewd, ^ Wetherell St.; a Ridge Dri\ , doesn't take proper action. son to Mr. and Mrs. Rlchtutd Set at Center Also, Joseph Angelonl to Ashlaw, 118 Brook St., Wapping; David T. and Lettle B. Bane, A CAR? a eon to Mr. and Mrs. Myron Teacher workshops preceding property on Snlpslc Lake Rd.; Review Promised Terwllllger, Glastonbury; a son the start of winter term classes Joseph Angelonl to Francis • On Con$umer Credit to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, at the Natural Science Center Post.and Merton L. and Patri­ WASHINGTON (AP) -A re­ 6 Tyler Circle. on Oak Groye St. are being held cia Wlllne of Vernon; property view of consumer credit-per­ DISCHARGED . iTESTBR- today and tomorrow. Approxi­ on Snipsic Lake Rd., and Anna haps dealing with uns

the some taeOcs, the same abusive eon- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1989 : ;:^|fanrl|rBtrr tor U s eetoesgues, have bean dis- P A G E S E V E N ptogriMl on other oeoartons. ifpraUi Ih e Bwirte’i resertbnent of SMMitor Long has now become Senator Kenne­ .... ' dy's opportunHy. R is probably true that Ms portleuiar oppee^ hetoed gain the crucial vntsa ogohart Long. unnn What he con make of hh opporbmity 1. jm ______to now his own open dote, and It is KtotrH Suadajn perhspo a fortunate tttoig tor the party Poit Offlca M and the country that a figure who to CUM Mali almost automatically going to have acme ______BATBS kind of daim on the party's PresldenUal lit U AArmnct . nomination in ita nex^M to oonventkais FtOOS toould be required to pm onn, in the . IW meantime, in a posUton o f . epotHgM eOVESlNG responsUilIlty where the oouroe of Ms OP TBB AMpCIATBD PRJSBB reputation and image wlD depend upon KELLY ROAD PHONE 872-0573 or 647-1427 Ita AMOeUua P i f it tzclnahrtly entitled • ON m» of repoMlenUon of til newt dii- actual conduct and a working demon­ WlelNa eetdHta to U or not oUierwlM cirdlt- ^ ptptr and alto tiie looai newt iwb' stration of Ms quaHtles rather then upon the mere continuation of some sen­ OPEN 5-DAYS WEEKLY of rtpntillcaUon of apedal dto- VERNON CIRCLE art alto rtatrrtd. timental, mystical feeling about the Kennedye. TIm Herald PrInUm Cbmpaar Inc., at- I io\> i:i)i 'i i, , i i, \s'i m i \i i , i-,-,, i , |, ■BM no nnanrUl retpontlDlIlty for typo- The trial and opportunity are for tm m appMring in adrerUtemenU \i;OI M) < l|{( I I K) I \|; |:i II Id \ ., \ I \ I If, reading matter in The Ifancheater Senator Kennedy, The concrete oc- VERNON. CONN. mi- I \i;m Bttaid.______comi^islment, ftor tlt6 Democratic party to Lot Angeiet Tlineo-Waatitng' and tor the Senate.^is the check to the ton Pott Newt Borrlce. PhD atrricit client of N. B. A. Service, Inc. obetreperous career of Loutetana's cur­ lUMIHiert RtprMenlattvei — Ihe Julhu Malbawa Special Agency — New Tork, Cbl- rent edition of a Long. oaso. Detroit and WMton. 'U lllIBKH AUDIT BDRXIAU OP CIRCDLA- TKMIS.______Father Kdler Retires DUpUy advortlilng doting iwuri: lo r Mooday t- I p.m. PViday. it/Por Theaday — 1 p-m. Saturday. It must have been over 20 years ago *10r Wednenday — l p.m. Ifondav that Father 'James Krtler, founder and Ihr Tboraday — 1 p.m. Tueaday. Ihr lYlday — l p.m. Wedneaday. head of the Christophers, addressed a Ihr Saturday — 1 p.m. Thuraday. fUttiHed deadline — 6 p.m. dtur before ton hall here in Hanebeoter. Ever pnbUcatlon. 6 p.m. Priday for Saturdar since, we imagine, there have been and Hooday pubilcation. nurasrous Mandiester tokowers of an l\Msday, January 7 organization whdeh was a very special answer to' the mountatoous wxirid ques- ttons of Mb time, and which hoa oon- LdidKC For Haniman tinued to seem to carry one of the most Di one eector or anadter — among the vital and reassuring - messages of our time. hmrdMnera in Saigon pathapa — amoog the tenderer “ doran” of the Amerioan Father Kelier, at a moment when the OF ALL CARPET - TILE - LINOLEUM IN STOCK ~ aoene — there may be some quivering poor world seemed overcome by the reactfont to Preaident elect Nixon’a tq>- mountainous diaracter of all the prob­ * - ';if p oM m ttt of Henry Oahot Lodge to be lems and oontUcts which seemed to be the near ddef negoUatnr a;t Faria. riding mankind, preached the potential j MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU CAN BUY ELSEWHBtE FOR LESS power of individual reeponaiUBty and ac- Bat Joit as hUtorUns ane acme day tton. He Refused, in the symlbcllam he goinr to wonder wfaetliec lomdon Jofan- lued, to concede that the woikl could ALL, CARPET SOLD AT FLOOR COVERING OUTLET HAS A WEAR GUARANTEE FROM 3 to 20 YEARS aon was actually rwaponslbie lor or could ever grow too big and terrlMe to take actual^ faaye esoapad the depth of our away from the individual the power to m iflU iy invodvamwut to Vletoam, ao it Hght one lUUe individual candle. Better aeeins tniHfeely that the identity of an to Hght tMs, he sold, than to curse the 501 DUPONT todhddUBl negotiator, whateviw his per- darkness. And if enough people lit their VIKING aonsJ toeUnaticna, wtU make any real candles, the darkneaa could be defeat­ difference in the progreaa and suooeto ed. o f the negoUattons at Paito. ' Fhotografihed By RegliMld Pinto $0.95 The message, and the need for it, have, BROOK OASINGS, ROUTE 6 NYLON continued pracUcaMy the same during KITCHEN SQ. YD. ONE OF A KIND ITEMS SQ. Y D . Fram one point of vlear, there is very Father Keller’s quarter century of lead­ little difterenoe between AvereH Hhrri- The Hehvieet On ership of the organiaation. man and Ambaaaador Lodge. Hantaiaa, REG. But It took more than the rightness NOW T h e M arket through long dtpkxnatSc deeHnga with Herald CARPET and timeliness of message to give the 15x12.7 HEAVY TIP SHEARED ACRILAN ttw Oonununlat world, has been a hard- Inside Report Connecticut Yankee 20>Yeer Guarantee IS Colors Christophers the long life they have had Yesterdays boiled, realistic, tough, unyielding RED TWEED $315.00 ^150*®® under Father Keller’s leadership. He had SAVE SAVE SAVE character, apparently respected by the b y By A.H.O. the eminent common sense to decree OommunMs aa aomediody they never Rowland Evans Jr, and Robert D. Novak that his organization should have none «oq>ect to begiMle or fool. If there la any Local school board empowers The General AssemUy which Tttere is, we suggiwt, no [31 12x17.7 501 NYLON LAVENDER TWEED $242.00 • 1 2 5 ^ of the umal and traditional trappings of difference between his anti-Oommuniani WASHLNGTON — ’Hie first man” than either of his broth­ Superintendent of Schools is being bom this week is likely happy solution avalMMe tor the an organization as such. By never Bak­ Arthur H. filing to hire teachers and that of Ambasaador Lodge, It may clear sign of success tor Sen. ers and has never provoked the to produce the greatest non state financial deficit wMeh ing for support, by speoiaUzing only in Eldward M. (’Ted) Kennedy’s South during six years in the as there are several vacancies be merely in mood. Harrlman might be sequltur, the weirdest departure happens to be the main boat- TEL RON—THE LEE'S HEAVY offering help, by forever emphasizing dramatic holiday -putsch against Senate. But more Important, it and new teachers are scarce. 12) 12x17.8 501 NYLON ANTIQUE GOLD more cltolcal in his attitude. Lodge per­ ness of this 1M9 sesslOR. WhilA HiOH Dmmnr foam $228.00 • 1 0 0 ' “ principle more than specifle projects, Sen. Russell B. Long of Louisi­ is attri'butaible to fractiu-ed re­ from logic, and the most ornate haps more emottaial. ever Is attempted in tbe eCtoft the Christophers have maintained health ana as majority vdiiip came lations between Long and his 10 Yean Ago foolialuiess in all Connecticut to simulate oolveney and bal­ political hlstoiy. But as for the actual future conduct ..and vigor far beyond the normal term from a most surprising source: Southern colleagues. Saul M. Silverstein, president ance for the state odll bair^ ACRIUN $7.95 $0.95 12x16.6 501 NYLON AVOCADO Sen. Richard Brevard Russell It will do this. It seems quite of the negotiationa, It seems to us that for comparable org&iizatlons. ' Long’s' flamboyant, ad ho- of Ptogers Corporation, departs some element of desperaitoa In MIRACLE $198.00 • 1 2 5 * * SQ. Y D . of Georgia, patriarch of the likely, by mating a state emer­ SQ. YD . the basic tnith ties somewhere quite near Now the news is that Father Keller minem oratory never had been for Israel where he will seek to it. Tip Sheared Senate and leader of Its South­ gency, which concerns a hard what Ambassador Lodge himself had. to Is retiring, tor reasons of personal appreciated by austere South­ promote better understanding of ■The desperate lack of good ac­ ern 'legions. er-' Traridees like I^ck Russell management’s role among Isra­ matter of dollars and cents, tion to deal with the state's real 12x9 ACRILAN PLUSH KELLY GREEN (2 Full Rolls) say in the statement he issued after his health, from flie active leadership of In a telei^ne conversation with a noble-soumUng but liasl- FABRIC $199.00 • 1 1 0 ' “ and John Stennis of Mississippi. eli government leaders. problem wUI InoMBse tbe new appototment. the Christophers. It seems appropriate with Kennedy, Russell said ihat, The breaking point came in 1967 Board of Directors is cally quaoklsh rem e^ . temptation to the lesMtotora to T O R A N Y ROOM R eg. $ 4 1.95 Avocado or Blue Green Reg. $12.95 to compliment him on his quarter cen­ naturally, he would be backing The basic fact shout the state _ He said ihe search foe peace in Viet­ ’ when Long's histrionics os un­ chided for Its action in authoriz­ present the proposed rstotma In tury of modest service to a principle fellow-Southemer Long to re­ business in 1969 is that the state , " .2 Colon: .Olive BronM, Grecian Gold nam "demands from all who are engag­ successful defender of Sen. ing town administration to in­ their own status as some kind of . 12x13 ACRILAN PLUSH BLUE and an ideal, and to observe that the tain the No. 2 post in the Demo- . ’ Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut stall fluoridation equipment in 1s in' dire financial trouble. insurance against the h«ture de­ $250.00 •125-“ ed in it the utmost in clarity of vision, candlepower for which he might be giv­ cratlc hierarchy. But, Russell put the usually imperturbable city water supidy. The timing of this financial velopment of comparaMo orisas i' * ■ ingenuity, sensitivity, patience, and dis­ en personal credit has long slnoe run added. Southerners would not be Stennis, in charge of presenting emergency hapnens to oohvclde in state affairs. ciplined effort." into the trillions. "putting any roadblocks” in the case against Dodd, in a with the high tide of a move­ Reducing tMs to a sIminWctty 12) 12x14.6,ACRILAN PLUSH KELLY GREEN $259.00 Ketmedy's 'path. Without such black rage. eluding first-term Sen. William ment to make certain changes which does Indeed suRest the •125-“ All parties, he said, "muat have a roadblocks, Kennedy would be HIGH DENSITY FOAM LEE'S Accordln'gly, while Northern Spong of Virginia, who wants in the status of the Connecticut absurdity of it, the augirestlon "strong dertre tor peace, a will to suc­ home free. state legislator. All-Purpose- Apidogy liberals were helping Kennedy to become a member of the of the l^ slath re reformer^ wlH ceed and mutual respect for one another Thus, the deepest irony of the in last week’s whirlwind tele­ Senate Commerce Committee. What Is now in prospect is be that if Conneotteut had been 15x16-POLYESTER PLUSH SOFT GREEN $357.00 •175-“ and for the profound and painful sacri­ The Americans and the North Koreans first successful purge of a Sen­ phone campaign. Long was Spong wavered, but was finally that the proponents of such having annual seasloes o f Me fices which have to be made. have discovered a new and promising ate Democratic leader since talked into backing Kennedy by chanaes in the status of the $0.95 left to fend largely for himself Legislature, and its leglMdtori HBiiaiLON $C.95 KODEL diplomatic tool — the all-purpose rruilti- 1913 involves the South. Precise­ Legislature will have no hesi- at the telephone in Baton Rouge, Sen. Warren Magnuson of Wash­ had 'been receiving twice aa SQ. Y D . “'Ihe commitments of ^thi past run meaning apology vdiich satisfies both ly because Russell’s Southem- tahey in presenting the theory Beautifully Sheared Scroll La. At Friday’s DemohraJtic ington, the Commerce Commit­ much salary as they have been Qold> Blue Green, SQ. YD. deep. Each party of the conflict has aides, humiliates neither, and secures en did not go down to flie "wire that the "reforms’’ they are ad­ caucus. Southern powerhouses tee chairman. receiving, then the present etato (1 F u U B o U ) formed them In more than a decade the release of 82 sailors. The Unitod for Long, there is now no vocating would constitute some­ Russell and Stenhis said not a Even beyond the South, Rus­ financial emergency might ha've Avocado, Oranfe of war. They have been sanctified In the States begins by saying that any apologw Southerner among Senate Demo­ thing of a cure, something of an word for Long. The Southerners sell’s help was sorely missed by been avoided. Avocado Mood of many." It may be about to make will be m e^K cratic leaders, a rare occur­ answer to, the financial emer­ -REG. NOW making the two seconding Long. Hawaii's Daniel. Inouve, The argument will then step WhUe Stock Lasts Reg. $12.95 ingleas. Having said this the Americans rence In this centirry (and the speeches for Long—Louisiana's a youthful member of the Sen­ gency in which the state now up to the claim that the beet lOrYearWear Guarantee 16*Year Wehr Guarantee There is an inferential admission, from proceed to apologise humbly and for first time since 1950), and finds itself. Reg. $9.95 8x10 HAND BRAIDED Allen EUender and Florida’s ate establishment, is a Jlusseir Wav to Insure aga'ist acked Kennedy — In- Itself to a majorMy of our Sen­ $49.95 • 3 0 ’ ®® who were rvit there) about the Pueblo’s how do you think of God?, (See Page Eight) salaries for the legialatons. ators and RepresentaiUMB. towaid peace at leart as directly and SAVE SAVE SAVE position. North Korea and the United In addition to the general i- expeditiously as President Johnson and States have resumed their original statements about God, it has Ambassador Harriman. might have done postore of mutual but peaceful mistrust. always been Important for peo­ with more time. And it may be that, The truth about the Pueblo Inctdent ple of faith to make personal (r. 1968 Chicugo Daily News )'ulpli'iM-ri-lIail Symilrile because they can make their own man­ probably is that the North Koreaiw (or their beliefs. It’s not only im­ ARMSTRONG 3x5 DISC. date to sQtiie degree, and because the a North Korean) made a mtojudgment. portant what they or we believe, BEAUTIFUL TIP other tide at Paris wUl now know it Is The capture of the Pueblo was rolt go­ but what I believe. ing to be worth the fuss toat would So . It is Important to consider /ICRILAN dealing with a final personnel and the toevitably foUpw. The North Koreans final authority of our side, there may what'your God is like—how you Orange Tweed EACH should have seen this. Perhaps the Cushion Vinyl SQ. Y D . BRAIDED be a pick-up In the pace of the negto- think and how you feel. If a (IjiogJPile) Americans, for their part, should also child’s image of God changes $0.95 tiations. have foreseen the possibility that the aa he grows, why shouldn't the SQ. Y D . North Koreans were likely to become 9 .FT. and 12 FT. SQ. Y D . adult’s image of God change as nasslonate about territorial waters and Caah and C arry he grows? We move from one the accuracy of thetr Navy’s navigation ROLLS Reg. $3.29 RUGS The Senate’s Gain. way of being to another—experi­ Either way the act of collecting electro­ NYLON ence both the pain and tlie Joy Values to $29.95 It is the defeat of Senator RiMsell nic intelligence should no longer be al­ lowed to cause tension. of change. The biblical record SHAG Reg. $11.95 So Heavy We Win Guarantee It F or 10 Yeans Long rather than the victory of Senator speaks of frequent times when EJdward Kennedy, in the contest for In practice the PueUo was not d o li« Aiftlque Gold North Korea any special harm by listen­ God refused to be boxed and Long's port as assistant majority leader ing to North Korean radio traffic. Every controlled — when God proved in the Senate, which reflects most credit country must now assume that some himself greater than man had upon the Democratic caucus. other country will collect electronic in- imagined. Senator Long’s dbungulrtiing' charac­ telUgonce by one means or another. If As the child’s image of God teristics in Ills Senate post were the the Royal Navy was as touchy oa the must change, so ours. And as eOLD - EREEN OR BUIE BREEN rutiitesrtien of some of his would-be North Koreans, HM ships would be chas­ a particular times’ image of STAIR RUNNER Reg. $835 Lin. yd. . floor strategies, his isiashamed acknowl­ ing Russian trawlers perpetually, from God changes, so ours will edgment of motivations and interests Gibraltar to the Shetlands. The North change, and seems to be chang­ Koreans should have realised that the ing betore our oft times bewild­ which seemed questionable, and the un- best,(and only) way to stop other people ered eyes. Though we think of parallsled boorishneas with which he at- listening to their radio traffic Is to stop God In terms ol changclessness, temjited to bully his foitow Senators into using radio. we may have to consider that vcOng his way. North Korea has gained several Im- God niay very well change, and CHARGE minv Ihsre were those Washington observ­ plhusible confessions and one small rtilp. yet still be God as a father TAKE UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY ers who, at the time of the vote to The United States has got her men back. changes and yet remains a osnsure Oonnectlout's Senator Dodd, Both countries have gained valuable ex­ father. \ • thought the Senator Long hod lost his perience in a new field of dijSomacy. Submitted b y : Ssnote port, then end there by the man­ The all-purpose aprtogy Is a useful dls- Rev. Ernest S. Harris ' 7k/i‘ BR!£Fm tjMrihK£ covery, — MANCHESTER (ENGLAND) Second Congregational ner to which he oonduotsd Mmawlf. But GUARDIAN. LoNtk, — m u r A MMUTF, OR 7M£ m SSeoNOS * Church NO MONEY DOWN

r\. MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 iPAOB'im' TurhoTrain South Windsw r 1,^ Study Shows General Assembly Couple Suing' from their Being Loaned Hartford Asks Town to Join You Should Know • a # City OfUcialg, to that the tm ofam y. deUverad to a Joint No Evidence session of the House and Senoto. Report Says Community Renewal Team Atty, John Domhofdo Convenes^ Tom orrow A llege Brutality om tar^ oeknwnWad waatoland o f The goveinor’a message Is ex­ John Lomheidob fuUttme as- rocky and vchsaide character. row, Manchester will have three O f UFO’s pected to sst'ihe pattern tor eieiaiA proaeieutor tor the I th By B o n M E n n -g of Rutgers UntvenRy, whleh NEW HAVEN. Obmi. (AP)—A f- (AP) — A rmpart by T h«» naema to be UtUe hope frsrtimcn state rsprssentaflves, NEW HAVEN, Ooim. (AP)— th a T\0^ ODuaeil lari' night creaw gnotad to the OoaOaa- 3 Television programs and ttscal marten for Otreult Onirl; lika^nengr people, studied the General Assembly Bridgeport couple chaigas vte- UA tM^utmlnt o t Labor thoit there to emythlng on the even though one, RmxibUoan One of the two Idgh-epeed Tur- ttout Wnbar Oo. The oounril ICotiUnned Irntn Page Onei »:W ( ML, ______the next two yeara. devoted a good deal of time hod aSplratloM in other maiwfootiir- time, a caucus of House Demo­ SoiAh WkaHmit. The CSVT n - ily riroumetanoee, and "an in- tors, higher salaites and a I) What la tr (O) other plaiiet for that noattar. It special election in July 1967, to it was reported Monday. The oounoil acoeptod fba rion Wednesday wfth a new, mDURaux filed tbe suit Mon­ 8:26 (40) WasUier 7:10 1m tndeo lor IMS bocauw of crats yestoday approved a 4ueri wae mode by'Atty. Rob­ totori in people, their protec­ tigatiooB Committee on Aerial im mber o f Other refoRuaL 8:10 1^) Truth or Coosoquenoea 7:90 “" 'V to riieer tody to drum up public succeed Ida brother, Vincent igratlon of Mbrris Fuhr oa al­ youthful look to the House. day to UJS. Distriot Court hers. populafloa iacroasoa, but aaid Bcliedide of three sessions a The trains, leased by the fed­ ert Setter, general oouneel tor tion, anU a sense of Jtutice’’ PhenomsQBi—a private grotgi Gevarnor Dempsey Is on re­ fw y ChrMHa^(O) sympathy tor auch tripa so we Oenovesi, who took 111 before the ternate to the Plaimiql’ and State Rep. William R. Rotofa- (3m F Troop tlM IMuro fo r m aw nlteturtiy In week, ataitlng with neost werti. eral government for .$l mlUion the agency. bent hie energlee to the legal tint gaUiere infolmaikm dn They ask damages that could (90i Inol^At Jerry Lawk can "heat the Ruaeiani there" 1967 Assembly convened and Zoning Oommlosioa. Fuhr tord, a S4-ysar«M Danbury cord ae firmly opposed to an­ Nov Bbciand waa

Vernon Tolland County Politics ^ A t 6 6 Still Triittf Articulate Mayor Lauded for Steps ife p . King Sees a Thrifty Legislature Henry Cabot Lodge To EndV, River Pollution By BETTE qUATBAUC lator, providing they don’t o 6st Xajmr Jolin OrantlVM wtoM j InuM 1m . •M d«d wUb Vhe 19M legW aUve ririlnn. the state additional ftmds at ibis time. Thrives on Challenge lUd with taktnc a aitp In tha cit«BiMin to ktt Vie larrae. slated to befln tomociow, wU i%M direction In IM bf ohn» Ihhi AmlM he doae daring' die long la embarMng on Ms NEW VORK (AP) — Henry handsome, trim, and arttoulata, be payli^ atrlet attention to the fourth term tai toe House, and Another new service from Hartford National Bale ha tntenda to puraue In an winter montha to loarer moaqul* Osibot Lodge, when asked by the attampt to raaoire lha problem to infeetatln, he aaid. price taga ettaidied to both new rcpreaents the 48to Dlstriot «- r ^ ...... , with poUshsU m a n w ri to t t the odora emtttlnf (rom the '-Anodier aunreation beinr and exiatinq programs Included towns of TMiand, Ellington and Kennedy administration In 1061 j,attona Se­ Hoekannm River. made by toe mayor la that toe to the varkNia departmental Somera. lf be would return to public life, curtty Council meeting in IMW The propoaed workable pro., BookvIUe Water and Aqueduct budgets, predicted toto Dlatrlot summed up Ms approach to a Lo4ga, d>e VS. delegate, once giaun waa preaentea must Un^ wjAli tli® n®®d for ft4V^ttiAnBi sition. federal judge and deputy U.S. ^ integiatlon In UtUe survey be instituted as to the be de>vlB®d to clean 600 tone o f funds. Reports from toe battlefield attorney general. cost of dredging and straight­ stones In earti of toe two trick­ Kiqg predictied proposals for indicated the bettered Viet Cong Also assigned to the negotlat- ening out of the river. He said ling filters. This would have to a state income tax will be shelv­ ■Upped out of their bixikera and Ing team w m Marshall Green, in 1067 he waa named a depu- he would like to see this Job be done by chemical back-flush- ed until the 1071 session for po- made ft to the banks of tbs Me­ 52, now UB. ambaaaador to In- ty attorney general In the Elsen- done by toe U.S. Army Ooips hig or physical removal of toe Utioal expediency rather than kong a few hundred yards doneaia. hower administration. He left of Engineers. stones and cleaning and return­ economic reasona. The shelving away. -■ L o d g i^ a - Boston bhieblood port In 1061 to. a By compounding your The mayor next proposes to ing tome to toetr original posl- will be accomplished under the Otherwise the day’s military whose forebears include alx sen- partner In ^ tkxiB. have a puMlc works task force guise of a two-year atudy of too reports told of Isolated, smaU- ators, a governor and two CaW- «rm of Davl^ remove all improvised dams Ctoaries Pltkat, superinten- state's tax structure, according scale actions and more large net members—was aidviaed by 'where he landed Ms to lOng. and useless brld ^ now span- duit of the filtration plant, said caches of enemy arms and sup­ Ms late grandfather. Sen. Henry Job ^ter gra^ttag frem Oo- interest continuously at he plana to propose in tha com­ Asked whether this would n l^ the stream. plies turned up by toe constant­ Oabot Lodge, to take up newspa- >'“ «bla Unlverstty Law School, ing budget an amount whUdi mean the income tax would ba ly patrolling aMed forcM. per work as a prelude to eitter- He aerviM as deputy oaslstent ___On a Mp-Mayor Chant took would cover toe correction of levied on top of the stop gap Ing politics. So, a year before dlstriot attorney of New York |town toe Hockanum in toe fall this problem. He said he figures tax measures to be «»oted tWs The U.S. Command said about 70 tons o f munitions and weap­ graduating from , Harvard, County and special assistant ha1. . diseovered'm any X. bog areas .. u would mean about $30,000. . . sesElion, King v o to ^ toe hope'^ young Lodge joined the Boston district attorney tar New York which he frtt oontrtouted to the Mayor Grant waa esired to that toe study would take a ons and 112 tons of rice have been found in nine days of Transcript and, after reoelvliig State. He waS oounael to the ^tsneh. He mggeata that these report back to the board In "realistic look" at the tax struc­ Ms A.B. cum laude, went to New York PubUc Service Corn- bogs be drained. He noted that abmit three months whai he has ture and the' temporary taxes sweep operations throughout the country. Much of it was seised work for the New York Herald mission and helped eatahUrti a ■lay are oiosed In by manhes accomplished cn his proposal. instituted. Tribune. civil lan-controUed Police Re­ 7 He notod the haUt of tempo­ bi the 3rd Oorpe area that sur­ rary taxes to become perma­ rounds Saigon. in 1026 he married Emily ta Sears of Beverly, Mass. They Court nent citing the state sales tax “The loss of this materiel and have two sons. Grorge and Heii- 1064. Wrtsh has three daughters U&R Seeking to Build as an example. King was one food,” said the U.S. Oommaad, ry and a son. cf the few legislatora to be re­ "has .undoubtedly had a signifi­ Green, Anlbaseador to IiMone- 194-Unit Garden Apartment elected who outspokenly advo- - cant impact on the enemy’s In ste rtn®® July, 1063, has been a cated a state income tax; abiUty to initiate and—or sus- ly for^ Mama^usettel^ ^ foreign Scndcs. for a lO-buBdihg. IM- McKlMiey also testified that although many privately fed tt taln combat in certain areas of After Ms gniduaOon from Yale unit gaiden apartment com- ? H?*. ***■ Is Inevitable by the 1071 ses- the country.” '• 1__ 1 in 1030 he went to Tokyo as h. the land would be "multl-fam- elon. (HeraM photos by Oflaim) In Saigon, police arrested a private* secretory to Amba«ia- he huUt by toe U*R uy r«idential.’’ ^ subdued Legislature Rep. Robert King of Tolland at a legislature ses­ . auspect In the assaasination of I ^ still a^ator^tored ^ j ^ Company, were revealed to ~ . The other matter presented at -nie 1060 legislature will likely sion. He will coordinate fiscal proposals. Education Minister Le Minh the Army. When President mamiiem of the Town Phuxilig: the hearing oonoemed a seven- be less Iruiovative and wide Tri, informed sources said. Trl RooeeveJt ruled In 1014 that no During World War H Green and Zoning Onmmkislon (HPC) lot aubdivlrton of some AA sone ranging In its Intereats than its Governor’s budret couiJed and his chauffeur were killed by one could stnuHteneoualy serve ®®*’ved with the Navy’s Far with two points, one of wMch was In Congress and the Armed ®ast Foreign Intelligence Bu-‘ S predecessor, acconling to an overestln^n’of th^ sistate’s a bomb thrown into their car ter after late night*® pubUc located on Fern St. King. the opinion that an unessential Faroes, Lodge resigned froih •'• •u. anticipated inoome. service is one that iiffects the Monday. hearing. Application for the requirements of toe jjg omticipatea legislators Will the Senate. In 1046, he received Ms first He predicts the additional other person. The auspect, wearing a mili­ During the war, he served in diplomatic assignment as third complex will be heard by the were met according to spend more time correcting in­ taxes Which must be raiseti will He pointed to the state's po- tary uniform, had In Ms poeses- Italy, France atfd Qeimany and secretory and vice ^shsul In TPC at the Feb. 8 p i»'Hi» bear- Crockett. Oemstruetton of some equities and polishing various include a jum p ,in the etate.sales additional catch basine and side- sition of leadership In the na- rton the license number of the became a Ueutenant-colond. He New Zealand. He later served in aspects of existing legislation, tax from ,th< jiresent 3% p er tion adding, "We can't crawl minister’s car and a partial de- returned home with the Bronze Stockholm as first secretary. In The complex la to be located stipulated by the rather than creating new con- cent to somewhere between 6 Into a hole and expect to con- »criptiop-of Tri’e daily routine, «n a parert of land bounded In approval of the sub- Star, the Legion of Merit, and the State Department as a plan- -—- - — — - . _ . dtviston. and 6% per cent. Additional tinue our record, the settrcee said. They added it Oroix de Guerre with palm . nlng advisor for the F ar Btest, part by Woodland and Irving taxes In the forms of additions Minority Strategy was not known If the man ax- Atty. Herbert Phekm spoke to In 1046, be won back Ms Sen- arid as Acting Deputy Asaistant Sta. to the gasoline, liquor and cig­ There Is no .particular minority Tested had Viet Cong ties, the. TPC membom coSSrM ng ’'®- ate seat but lost it in the 1062 Secretary of State for Far Etest- A i^mkeeman for“’u*R said ceive sufficient appropriations arette taxes and taxes on serv- party strategy established, for Combat police were assigned elections. As Republican irice em Affairs. In 1060 be became 0 tola morning that each of toe “ between Ma to make them a reality. For rendered can be antlcipat- dealhig with the financial prob- to guard Cabinet ministers fol- .- . - .... g(j .----- . . . presidential candidate, he went deputy chief of the U.S. mlseion .'I 16 buHdtnge would be of differ- _ Wchanl Hayes, and the tMs reason the programs failed lems expected to arise. King lowing the assassinalion and to down to defeat with Nixem in the in South Korea. Green and Ms j I The new taxes will be levied types of construction, "to claimed. give them armed escorts when 106 Ocampalgn. wife, the former Lispenard Sea- You earn a guaranteed avoid the' barrackstype look of . Kings ” 5.7’.rr...r..!"sss:claimed, citing the legisla­ on the amount of Income they "We’ll play It by ear,” he ex- they go out. Standing 6-feet-3 inches toil, bury Crocker, have three sons. moat apartments." ’Hie spokes- will bring the state in propor­ The TPC approved toe 18-lot tion for drug addiction rehabil- plained adding, “we won’t be Witnesses said the bomb that man said a lot of stonework. tion to the cost of the state dogs in toe manger toough.” killed Tri was thrown by two biAlget adopted for the next effective yield of m s^ ’ a^ ^^wUl be used He'*"pr“d“ ed’'the^ legislature He personally would like to youths who escaped on a motor- two years, according to King. to make the buUtongs attrac­ see the federal government as- cycle. The government called it the land is fci Manchester with give ..towns a $200 across Estimates from various finan- tive. sume the burdens of the wel- “an act of terrorism by the att toe houaes to-be.constnieted board ADM grant for edu- ciai sources claim an increase . J-« :*•- •• -iit. '7 This is UAH’s first attempt Inl Vernon. cation, up from the present fare rolls, perhaps through the Communists,’’ but Saigon news- at multi-famliy dwrilings in in the sales tax to 4^ per cent ifTinrtiriSrr hoo DlBagneement arose over the *orrnula of $180 for the first 300 bring in an extra $125 establishment of regional cen- papers hinted Tri might have \ ters which could oversee vaxl- been thp victim of political op- hStt^^'l^ memorandum million in revemie to the state. ants In the cost of living in dif- ponento. WESTERI rmSflrncrn In’ ta niurf *own engineering de- r e m ^ ln g pupU. Answering critics who claim past pertinent to Hayes, The memo- . h®ws for the area growth uig state should cut out ail non- ferent parts of the country. One English-language news- I__ •• ".. rondum oaiUed for construction “>wns may be the removal of essential services. King raised The state has to abide by paper said Tri had received two petition were pre- of a 6-LTch berm, eight feet ftorn growth grant wMch has federal regulations now in its threatening letters from “un- at tile pulKo hearing, existing property Mne, the Pro'’®^ Itself a salvation for welfare, he pointed out, noting known peopile’’ in the past few .vii- • HU? *“**©P*"*®1 length of the subdivlito oti Tay- as Tolland and Ver- T M I s-i /$ • J recent federal court decision days. BED the ocm m lsaon. lor St. non. Under this provisionnrnviBinn «i«the MjCglSiatlVC .A ides striking down Connecticut’s The government today also Atty. Leon Podtove repre­ This would put abqut six to receives additional funds residency waiting period for freed 10 Viet Cong prisoners at senting Harold O. I^iidBay, pre­ eight feet of unpaved n»d be- ®®®*^ pupil presently in the Three area Democratic leg­ benefits. a POW camp outside Blen Hoa sented sn appUcatioB dbr a aone tween the berm and the prop- school system over the number islators have been appointed The rivalry between toe cities change from Industrial to Resi­ for what it termed "humanitari­ Open T ims., Wed.,-Bat. till 0 — Thurs. and Friday UH 9 erty tine. The tqwn engineers ®n«>lleage $30,000 Eagleton Report on troops were landed. PONTIAC Estimated at $10 a Foot legislative modernization are 878 MAIN fiTRBET aniticlpated by the Tolland legls- A cost estimate of $10 per Heights area requesting sewer M ore S«eurity W ith linear foot for tie-ins ot the sew- extensions, 4th Delay Looms er line waa agreed oii by the is the hope that eventually FALSETEETH Get Our Special > Board of Representatives last ^ serviced FOR RENT A t A n y Tim * 8 and 16 mm. Movie Pro­ night, on request of Rlchaid Doa]t live in fe v of » 1m teeth / time, according to the charter. jectors—sound or silent, also looeenln®, wobbling or dropping Just WHAT IS IT? Borden, dtoector of adminlstra- the residents do not have to tie is mm. slide projectors. At ^ e wrong time. FOr more leeurlty Winter Check-up WHO IS ELIGIBLE? HOW MUCH EOR WHAT? In Sirhan Trial tIon. and more comfort^ juet iprlJikXe e In unless the septic tanks are little FASTEBTH on your plates. ^ A Growth Bond is a new savings plan which offers (Oaotinned From Page One) WELDON DRUG CO. The. people in several areas deemed a health hazard. PASTEBTH holda falee teeth firmer. Ten Days Only * > Investoente in Growth Bonds will be accepted is held in a heavily guarded cell 767 Main St.—TeL 648-5821 Makes Mtlng easier. No pasty, gooey you the equivalent of 6.07% interest on deposits tioos on how he came to possess on the 13th floor. have been petitioning the board Meeting as toe Sewer Authbr- tute. Helps check '‘denture breath . from individuals, partnerships, organi:^ations and YOU GET to have .sewer lines extended. Denture, that lit are eaaentlal to YOU INVEST secret transcripts in the Friars’ Parsons, a veteran Los An ^ Ity after adjournment of the health. Bee your dentlat recularly. TUNE MOTOR in multiples o f $25 to $100,000 which are left with Borden said lit woi>ld make it board meeting,^ the representa­ Qet FASTKXTR at all drug oountera. corporations whether or not they are operated AT MATURITY Caub card cheating case bo- ^ l ® s d e f ^ fewyer, eas‘i ^ ‘lf‘ h rcS u ld '^ '* le ^ rtv e WINTERIZE . .. nifin f’haif ivnA Vtn e tives gave final approval to the HALL FOR RENT Hartford National for a period of 1V2 years. for profit. 7 cause of the "lawyer-client" ro- them a coat estimate. . $ 17.18 loH..— u. 1. . and the two other attorneys for sewer assessments for toe Cen­ PACK WHEEL BEARINGS - '. $ 25 latlonahlps. His client was one 9|rhan may use is to have Sir- A x>etlUon was present^ to ter Rd. project and set March For parties, showers, recep­ the board last night by the real- tions, meetings. ^ Complete CHECK b r a k e s '' 463.92 of five convicted of cheating han testify. He refused to elabo- . , , „ , . 1 'the e8sex ago for Caryl P®ter lyiee ' continuous interest. This means that once the in­ from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. Funds will be called. vlcted kldnan-raniBt whn diod in. **** P*®J®rt now under way bear badge and bear gold and Reg. $22.20 Val. Shhan, 24, a jinlanlan who, I" arrows, and Jeff Foss, vestment has been made, the interest continues may be withdrawn anytime within 10 days follow­ came to thU ootartry as a b*y years o fo p S ed before taking action on Rear badge. WHERE TO GET ONE?-/- , OUR PA a SPECIAL' to .;compound every minute of every day until ing our standard quarterly interest payment dates rui-lS’ylLt-^*!,;^ Ihi^oS^S^anrMlS Don I .v.iil lo: ;i Spi'cul O '' .I'.'on (Pins Parte) J!. »l maturity. At any one of the more than 40 convenient a as long as they have been on deposit 90 days. branches of Hartford National. bsssador Hotel os the Gregory Kelly and James New proe^tion. vVolff said be is fearful tluft it B A R R iC lN l YOU SAVE $6.25 Lang; outdoorsman and aqua- Yorker left a vlctoiy celebration Sirhan^ ^ e f attorney. Coop- will not be as many as said „aut CONCINTRATID LIQUID ! foUtavlngr CoMontia’s Demo- er, is a former president of the they would.’ to James Fritz; science, CHOCOLATES oraOc presidential primary. Los Angeles County Bar Asso- engineer and artist to Reed DRAIN OPENER.CLEANER When the first line was put in Kalagher, and aquanaut to « nMli. tlici’ OkVti .1 Bring fn TMs Coupon Pgr A FREE Lub* Job Five bystanders were wound- elation. Like Parsoita ho is a * RATS HAIR O i | g ' od, and Sirhan niofh * 4..... jt_ . .— tuiwrural Vernonvviwii toIV c^rviceservice uiethe jvua*Mid- Mark BBauckman. Wlrii 'Oil Chongn and FWfr. • RATS FAT tried on five counts of ta*«at ^nt^X'. ^ with intent to commit murder. T^milsh «7 1 Y» ---- AVA*. \Jxuy ouvuL dM tveVu MANCtffiSICR HARTPORD^C< NATIONAL .Vt Th. tifiU wm be in a tiny a.^ York oty '' ^ tha* ar^ chief awards, Visit ^ 1. mor-plated eighth floor a. . ______. . . ®^“»®® « * *«• “ “ O’ people HARI>WARe & SUPPLY loom M the gray-stone, 48-year- haJ^^paer^SjScTnf^ut tod“ S fc'.laWi«A«/ JTXi Liggett Drag 877 Main St., Blaaoheater WMCRe MONEY SOES TO WORK EOR PEOPLE Mrmbtr F.U.I.V.- ^ ^ . tional Church of Vernon Jan. 14 ■k> have been oovered with- quar- cent by reason of insanity. TMs Phone 64S-44M ter-4n*^ rtwste of steel: Slrtion, Is permiselhle under California ^ P '"*' 'I^® n®xt pack • • • • rtsd at the shooting soene, law, a petition last Mght by rest- meeting wM be Jan. 21 at 7 at the Parfcade dentg of the < Vernon Center p.m. V ■ f y * I »j j,» 5^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 MANCHBSTEB BVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 TOE Conference Leaders Play, ra id A n g le Joe Namath Starts First Fieud, n i EARL YOST East After Ninth Straight Raps Baltimore’s Earl Morrall By DEAN YOST has a lot of sophomores and coming home with a victory. land and Bolton put their marks fT Thoof^ito for a New Year en the Une with a gama in Boh ... . , . . 1 • juniors on the squad. Bast gets Oentral Valley Ocinfererice ac- FORT LAUDERUAm, of tbe MtaMni Dolphine, sad talm- Obertt Don Sbula of the OoKi Hardcourt play tonigrht the cau, winning by 10. Uvity finds Southington (3-3)', ton. Portland, the stronger of Shulai waon’t Hetened from Asked bow he felt about hts WMJi the new year less than one week oM, here’s a. eeif as better then Morrall, the heard about Nsmsth’a oom- finds two area t e ^ S in ac- south Windsor enjqjllng a fine holding down the fifth posltlcn, the two gets the nod, winning PI*.' (AP) — Joe Nanuttti p n ift a g Namath as otoe c< the team being on U -p e ttt faraette. N s t lo n S il py>otbsU Laag3M’s. msnts and r^iUsd, " I Han’t top quartefbooks tat tbe game. few wdl-chosen thouirhts, and wishes, that one would tion that are leading their overall season travels to Staf- meeting last place Rockville by 10. wasni; in -txiwn 24 hoon ShoAa aaid be paid no • * * -" * ^ PlsysroC-tfas yssr. know how Namath can rep ”He’s a hook of a throww,” to such thtaigs. IHre t o see come true in the months ahead. conferences with perfect ford in a NOOC game. Stafford (0-6). The Rams opened th e The two last jrtace fiveab Bast before he started the Super Aiid, to odd tauaiH to Injivy, E sif, the NFL’s Player-of-thie- said the Bslttmore coadi. ”He “ W# wore favored to bert (he marks. East Catholic, 2-0 holttang down fifth I^a^ in the season with four losses, w on Hanqrton wlUi a 0-8 conferenoe 1 . R to* a tow n r ecTet t r in dl- Bowl’s first feud. Namatb said his babkup quar- year. He bad a great completion moVea their offense. He fans iliat Browns tai 19M for (bs ctism- 9. Honeaho« league, also dur- standings, enters the game with once against IBlllngton then record takee on Coventry 0-8. teibsok with (bs JeU, Bobs re o ia r b eiore Uie p rogram de> in Hartford County w a r ­ Namatb, tbs supsr qusrtsf^ percentage, led the league In quick release. ’The (htaig be doee pionshlp and kwt,” bs noted. tartoratea comptetrty. TH>e po- **** summer monUu. fa re and 8-0 on the season, a 1-3 ocmference mark. The Bob­ dropped their n,xt two. South- Coventry Is seen winning by PBrUU, oouM have plagred with touchdown passes, threw for Ingon, with an even record so os wdl aa anybody la eat up ”We also were favored to bert HUciaia. wtto were so busy rals- meems Pulaski tai New Britain. cats should win easUy by IB five. back o t tbs Amertosn Football Bslttmace (Ms year, and might huge chunks of yardage. He fa r this season, h as been iq> ^dependent action finds CSie- with good depth. ” Ha hack-ped- tbe Browns tfaU year during tlis ac- «>• «*!»*«• the existing NCXX3 front-runner South Wind­ points. lisogus chsmpton Mew Tock have done a better Job than didn’t throw thoae dinky Uai oli wall, doesn’t get caught of­ against some tough competi­ ney Tech 2-4 playing East regular season aiAl didn’t win. ODMttoni about Che ptogtam In town-maintained tennis courts sor, leading the conference with Also in a NCXXl contest, El­ MbmsU. Re sold PsrllU throws psaeea, either. ten with the football. He has tion. The Knights gets the G ranby (1-8) w i th e Vattters’ Jots, sold on s tslsvistaxi pro­ We’ve also played a lot rtiere fSMMl, and MlvUuak tat and some promotion by the rec- a 3-0 mark and B-1 overall, treks lington, fourth In the standings better. ”He (Namath) can M y what what we call fart feet. In that be w« were favored and won green light, winning by IB. court. Cheney won Its first game gram tbst tbsrs w«M at Issst pertlcidar, has» been quIeCer reaUon department, not only In K EN T SM ITH JACK AU>MOND to Stafford. with a 1-2 recoty, plays last Nsmsth said bs didn’t give a the heck be wonts, but I don’t can adjust quieUy, move from Conference of the year against Blast Oran- four beMsr passers In (be AFL ”rd hate to think we were Hi*it dasKh mloe atatoe ttoe vot- lessons, but in competitive play. Blast Oothollc tangles with place Granby 0-4 on the Knights’ Charter Oak hong If his obeervsttone sttmu- know bow he can rap a guy like state to elde, get out of tbe mrti- over confident,” Shula said. taig ended. Nothing from these ------7- Pulaski in New Britain in a court. The Knights are on a foes, Portland, Vlnol Tech. by. Cheney to repeat as wln- than Baltimore’s Bari afbrrsU. Isted Bslttmore In Sunday’s Su­ E sjl who has aooompUahed ing lanes.” b y "After all, we mart reeiite ttmt aowpaa liM been oOered tat the 11. Town championship swim- HCXH pairing. Pulaski lost its three-game losing streak. Sta­ Bacon Academy and Bolton are ners, dumping their hoMa Nsansth Ustsd OskUad’s Do- per Bowl bottle with the Jets for what MbrraU has accompUftied Shula addeU that probably everything we’ve aocomplhbed Top Two Rivals Paired lyle LsiEonlca, John Bsdl o t tbe wny of c eding up the procesn ming ineeta. The town has ex- starting team to graduation and tistics lean toward Ellington all tied with 2-2 records. Port- 12. the prof esetonal footbeU ciiam- for us this year. We’re happy most important, Nemoth fans a ail year htaiges on what we so- M d in neetaig that a recreation cellent swimming pools now, Ban Diego Cbuigee* Bob Orieee ptonatilp of the world. with Eari.” strong, accurate arm. compUrti Sunday.” bead be named and a full-scale well staffed and Ideal for 00m- progrutt put into operatian. petlUon. Big Game at Arena Line Accuracy 1 St. John’s Advance in Poll ^Authority . X AtUede reWtasw between 12. Return of wresUlng as a Ski Notes t^Tnm at CtatUK^ High oompatitive sport at Manchester NEW YORK (AP) — FWr- field's Wayne Gibbons calmly and Mandieater eqtedal- High under the best possible Established Super Howl Bookies sank nine straight foul shefts to QUARTERBACKS DELUXE—The Baltimore Oolts two outstanding signal ly in the three major sports — conditions, which would include For College Five I>reserve an 84-76 basketball After Scoring Big Wins ^ lers, Johnny Unitas, ledft, and Deri Morrall, right, display their throwing baaahsM, taaketball and foot- new equipment. victory for the Stags over Iona haB. The surface has only been form. The OoHs are working out secretly in preparation for the Super Bi>wl. By Eckert Although Manchester High will be idle tonight, the Monday night. ------scratched, but anyone, of the NEW YORK (A P ) St. laat Monday and by beat- teome. They replaced New Mex- Clarke Arena won’t be dark. "nie Gaels 'threatened to come CMOAGO (Ad*) — Gen. W *- 3. Tj»4j» weekday aftenioon or above projects would be a start Tfihn’a ryf Now York necond Tulone Saturday night. Ico, No. 18 last week, and St. N ow M exl- Uam D. Eckert estabtUhed his Just Feeling ‘Grand’ The biggest basketball game of the season for Man- a 21-point d^ d t in . giant-killers of N orth C a roH n a vdiipped Bonaventure, No .^bo Saturday aflemoon home base- in the right direction in this his interim authority as oom- Chester’s Community College in the Connecticut Com- ^ s ^ T p ^ e T a m s in t S Princeton and Duke for a "^ co beaten by iButler whUe ball games Involving the echooh man’s way of thinking. mtoatoner of basebrtl Monday bo)W. There is no better way to • * • munity .College Conference is the Bonnies dropped games to with a minute and 20 secon ds Assoclat^ ITess major- Team Doctor Helps at meeting of the game’s Exec­ NEW YORK (N^A) — At 26, rookie Oklahoma CUy and VlUanova. genenle mudmeeded fan hi- DrihhlM dated against front-running t i ^ g„,m ^ave been con- utive OOUMSU. By Bm< 8AGHEBEK right teickle Sam Walton of the New York remaining. college basketball poll, ad- ^ The Top 20, with first piacn teiaat than to play a few games 3“ ® " UnBW eB Mattatuck. Tap-off time is scorers all season for Eckeit, 'sbo submitted bis Off to Venmont tai Hgh aptr- Jets is not yet a rich man. Only a year at a time when school support- Ray Patterson, president of o’clock. the SUk Towners, Chafln In par- But the cool Gibbons drew vanced from 17th place to rfin,^,po^^elxw fto’fourth’ vUtes, season records through several fouls and meihodlcaUy otoVi+h in tbs latoat to- forced rertgnaticn Deo. 6 with its Friday right, ttilnklBg about ago. he borrowed 76 cents from a room­ era — adults — would be able the , comes to Saturday, Jan. 4 and points for Mottotuck sports the only per- Hcular. The big center Is putnnt theth« ballh«ii through the hoop flghth IB tPe latMt V0X6 tO- Santa C3ara boat Odum«a, four years remaining on a aev- rtl ttw good s U ^ we 'Ware go­ mate at East Texas State in order to go to to attend- You can't depend the post weH qualified. Ray feet record, winning all seven averaging nesirly 30 points a day while NoTth Carolina Oklahoma aty and San Fran first IB picks on a 20-18-16-14-12- on each shot. He wound en-year oontraot, said “1 win ing to have on ttw wnehend; the movies. , upon tbs handful of rtudents to played four years of varsity starts, and holds the only league game. Smith is a former Man­ slnkir.g IB of 16 during the game regained the No. 2 position cisco whUe the mini tripped l 0-»-8-etc. basis In Rehiring Allen have full teepanathBlty and au­ all ttw ptaimtaig we had done h Although he was New York’s third- wstch more than a few InningB basketball at the University of win over the locals, a llB-lOl chester High standout. and led the Stags in scoring behind powerful UCLA, Minnesota in its only game. 1. UCLA (60) 9-0 1000 thority until a new oommioaion- nearty went out ttw window, by or a ftiB game, at bert. Wisconsin and was the Badgers' verdict scored earlier this »ea- Right behind kfottatuck In the The Redmen, winners over Kansas hdd fifth place. Ken- 2. North Carolina 9-1 722 or to eleoted.” the way cf an icy chute. Be­ round draft choice laat spring, Walton’s w ith 19 points. LOS ANGELES (AP)— " I began to ttSiric about It.” ------leading scorer and most value- son. OOOC standings comes Man- It was Fairfield’s domtaianoe North Carolina two weeks ago tucky fell four poeltlons to sev- 3. Sonta Clara 12-0 666 and sufficient In my mind,’ ’ There was no discuaalon ot cause o t a fireextaig rain Thurs­ contrart did not remotely rival 'that of Reevea trtd newsmen. "I f a Reeves said of (ha firing. He re­ 4. Opening of the school gyms aible player for two years. He Coach Pat Mistretta saw his riiester at 4-1. Thus, the locals , denartmertt that when ihe Tar Heels were enth after splitting two gfames, 4. m in ris 10-0 661 It ■will hardly appear in the candUatas for the Job at Mon­ day and Friday It made driving Joe WUHe Namath’s, or even that of re­ man to this dedioated, I (bought fused to rtaiborate. But later he evenli^ and a 'full winter later played prafessionally for team’sam’s latest winning streak,streak. must win tonighttonlglit If they have ranked seo second, upset Davidson, Including a 69-66 setback by. 6. K ansas 12-1 613 day’s routtne sesrton but chd> nondiUena tough in the higher ceiver Don JUaynard. won the game, since Iona out- journal of the American I ahould reoonalder.'’ said (here ■was a dMtatenoe of indoor~oports program, beaded three years ... Hal Greer of the four, snapped by Central any hopes of- catching the stax- 7ti-74 last Batu^ay night. The Wisconsin. VlUanova remained 6.' Dairidaon 8-1 612 owners tentatively have set a regtaxw. scored the Sta^ from the floor, Medical Association, but a The team doctor called ogatai phUoet^y between htanaeU and It was, as the 6-foot-6, 279-pDund tackle by ilia recreation department. Philadelphia 76ers with lB,24i Oonnecticut’s fine squad lost studded visitors. 31 fie ld g oa ls to 29. result dropped the WUdeats No. 9 and New Mexico State 11- 7. Kentucky 7-2 491 meeting Feb. 4 In Chicago to Driving through a htlef flur­ has the available points to his credit at the start tbe next day and tbe owner toM AHen. says, “an average kind of contract.” Saturday night, and is anxious . The rest of the standings look Bob McMahon of Iona was freim second to sixth place. ^ 0, rushed up from 12th to com- 8. SL John’s, N.T. 8-2 418 physician helped heal the try to eeieot a euooeesor to ry Friday right we had a alight Bor a w ell-rounded p ro- o f the season , the lOUi leadin g to get back on the winning road. lUce this; Middlesex 4-2, Housa- htan that he would be glad to "The man worka 14 hours a An average Idnd of contract in' the high scorer with 22 points. North Cardna, which turn- piete the Top Ten. Cincinnati, 9. 'VUlanova 8-1 343 > bizarre rift between the meet wrtb Allen. day on football, end (t to hard Eckert at a reported $100,000 a drop of two (ndwe In ttw drive­ grmm but the stUwol gyms are scorer In NBA history, noeds Revenge will also be a motive ’tonic 2-4, Northwestern 2-3, Nor. year salary. American Footiball League— according to The vlotory gave FalrfteM a bled to fourth after Its setback 10th a week ago, slipped to 19th 10. New M exico State 11-0 322 president and the coach of They met for three (loura on for someone on the outside—I way, but where ttw snow Iws n i^ used for fuU recreatian but 1,028 iMdntB this season to for the locals, walk 2-4, South Central 0-2 and Btokert . announced that the a Jets’ spokesman—4s almost 920,000 a B-4 record on the season. to St John's, coUected 722 as a result of its loa^ to Tulsa 11. LaSalle 9-1 160 the Los Angeles Rams. New Year’s Day at (be Reeves mean someond not teohntortly been plowed to oar wtaxtaw aCUvUtes after hours. move ahead of the loop’s Big Dcm Chafln, Bob Beckwith Hartford 041. All-Star game slated for Warti- season. points in the balloting by a na- and WichiU State. 12. N orttiw estem 9-1 186 . Dan Reeves, the president home and again kart Saturday. Involved in football—to helgtit, and to gat into ttw ga­ number six soortng leader, Paul ington, D Xl, July 22 wlH be Tb Sam Walton, then, the Super Bowl FOUR GOOD POINTS tlonal panel of 60 spores writers Northweetern, 9-1 after de­ 13. D etroit 10-2 101 and owner of 61 per cent of ttie On Monday, Reevae an­ through to George.’’ rage, we Iwd to chop our way Arlzln, who finished his playing hdd at night R marks tbe sec'- B. Toiwn bowling tournaments ALBUQUERQUE (AP) — Be­ and broadcasters. UCLA was feating Michigan State, made 14. L ouisville 9-1 90 National Football League’s nounced that AUen’s oontraot, The owner and ooach eotal ki, yea, chop with on axe ttiat’a and' Baltimore Oolts mean more than just career with 16,266 taUes ... ond suooeesive year the dasaio — both duckpins and UVpins, tor fore New Mexico kicked off ito again a unanimous’ choice for 16. Duqueane 9-1 96 stock, reMred Geoige AUeiv ttw wMoh has two years left to ran, they had agreed to fozwet tbe how liard It was trosen. the world professional football chamirion- Sam Jones, veteran Boston Hayes and Pair of Veterans wM be played under Ughto. men and women — run in two basketball season. Coach Bob first place, accumulating the the teams In the Second Ten. 16. Ohio State 7-2 86 winning coarti he hod fired ttie remains the eame with (he part diftkiuMles and strive for On arising Saturday morn­ cAiip. T h ey m ean m oney— w inners’ share Last year it 'was played at acrahUi and handicap. Oe*"® 8**^. at the end King told a group of boosters, maximum 1,000. The WUdeats soared from 19th 17. Notre 'Dame 7-2 64 day after Chriatmoo. Reeves same salary—reportedly $40,000 doser asBoctatton in tlie future. ing, *«« awda a tew phone oalle of the campaign to take over as ndght In Houston’s Astrodome of 916,(KH) per man, losers’ share of Total pinfSU to determine win­ Completely Dominate Stats "T h ere’s a fin e Une betw een The Bruins Ufted their record to 12th. 18. D rake 10-1 63 ■old there was “peremiallty oon- & year. " Alien, who remained at (he osktaig about candtttons at atldetlc direotor and basketball and Ixith In 1048 anU 1944 the 97 ,6 0 0 . ners. good and outstanding.” to 94) by defeating St. John’s In Drake, In 18th place, and Mar- 19. C incinnati 7-3 36 fltajt” between me and ASen. Firing of ABen eliacked play- news conference only a few various areas, we also looked coach at Federal City CoUege in game was held at right In Fhll- Walton talks about pride; about what a points and a 30.7 per game av­ The Lobos were ninth ranked 20. M arquette 8-2 27 Reeves explained at a news eta find fans. Several veteran mdnubes, said he was ‘‘'very at a few, and we came back adelphia and PHtsburgh, re­ bunch of “dedicated hard-driving eata” 6. Fast-pitch softball, league, erage through games of Sunday In The Associated Press pre­ conferenoe a few boura aftar rtara of the teem threatened to happy to be retumtng as Dan’s to good old reliable Hogback, spectively. four-teams, with all games un­ niglit. He also ranks thlrtl in re­ season poll. Monday’s rehlrlng ennounoe- retire or ask to be traded If (he cooid i ....’’ . and stayed tor two deye. The the New York Jets are. But 'he also talks the running seasions Red Auer- Etokert said the game "wlU Mrr, Oscar Robertson and Wilt bounds with 711. menft thait he began to bav* aeo- ooooh iHdn’t ratuen. ABen, 46, came to tbe Roms ones we looked at reaSy glis­ about money. Among other things, it der the Ugbts. King said, "W e con be an out­ Monkey Wrench Thrown into Celebration^ be held at night to enable tbe P** Chamberlaln-conUnue to dom- Chamberlain, of Los Angeles, ond thoughts about his dtamlnaal Reeves denied that (he threat In 1966 from Chicago where he tened, good old boUM plate. soothes sore places. day he reported as a rookie to standing team, or we can be greatest number of fans to 7. Slow-pltch softball leagues Inate the statistics at the mid­ has hit 306 of 519 Shots from the just another baU dub depej>dlng action of a week ago. of (he small rebeWon by pleyerB had been defeneiive coach for Hogback, OB i sold boany the Celtics. Tom says, "Aftes see" the nationally tdevlsed Agolfirt Oakland to the Amari- In the rich, ttitok-caipeted in two divisions, one for men un­ season point of the National field for the best percentage, on mental toughness. Dr. Jules Rasinrtd Jr. oaUed or mounting preeeure from tana the Beers, He took over a dub times before ia a good ores $7,000 tor playtaig tai the Bi$per that first day of running, I contest,. ctva Football League rimmpioiv- world of professional foolbaU, Basketball Association cam­ 688, and also leads in ­ "I think that our guys want to htan to say ASen hod (old Mm and news media tnAumoed Ida 'Which hod been 4-10 In 1966 and pleaaant and homey. John Dun­ Bowl—and that’s tor loalng. I der 40, the other for men in couldn’t alt up in bed the next Connie Dierking Spoiled Night riiip, lor Instanoe, Waltoiv-a speotators tend to take large the 40 and over category. paign. ing 842, and rebounding average be an outstanding team. We that he wanted to return oe decision. posted records of 8-6, 11-1-2 and ham, major-domo of Hogback Jurt can’t beUeva ft.” ~ morning. I couldn’t get at my starter in every prevloua Near sums cf money tor granted. Hayes, the Rockets’ 6-foot-O 20.B. have the physical ablUty, but ooerti. "The reasoM I had were vaUd lO d -l. 'Will seldom soy excellent, but shoelaces. Ever since I’ve worn Yoiic game this season—did not Players however, eapeclaUy Jet •WaMcn, a bachelor, says Ms 8. Outddor summer volleyball loafers, eo I con push my feet center, has a commanding lead Robertson, Cincinnati’s play- you need four things to be suc- High Tankers when tw does, be means it, so start. In fact, he did not ptay, reaervea Mm Walton, Eari money’s going to "d o soine raal lea gu e. into them without bending.” in the scorin g ra ce w ith 1,226 m aker, lea d s in assists, 372 for pessful In basketball—ablUty, For Boozer in NBA Headliner on occasion he wSI delegete a 9.8 per game average. Is "sec* except on the Jets’ apeclalty Christy and Jim Rlcbards take good tMngs. It’s going to better desire, effort and Judgrment ketbau Aseoclatlon victory over halftime Boston was In front B4- Trounce Platt Hoiloril Douglas, the man who ond In scoring, 1,034 points, and NEW YORK (AP)__It Fran Tarkenton Likes G>lts, unite. nothing for g r a n ts my rttuatlon and some other "You must have all four.” Chicago at Omaha, Neb. 47. The Celtics pulled a'way aft' brought the dnsed circuit TV to people’s altuattona, too.’! third in free throw percentage, was supposed to 'be Bob 'Winring firct tai aU but two Hogback, or Arnie VMte, to Wlptarg champagne off' Ms Tlieaa feUoiva live several in- A crowd of 8,296 turned out to intermlsaloeii 66-63 on a 12- events, Mandweter H l^ ’s toreaztna in tbe dreaalng room .860. Rookie Stan Bahnsen of the Boozer’s nig-ht, but Connie Beminds Star of Green Bay make (he decision on endw con- coms-tex brackets briew the Riohorda, a 21-yeot^rid rooUe Larry Siegfried of Boston honor the BuUs’ Booaer, a local pohut tear. swimming team copped its sec­ aftoiaraid, be smiled and aaid Namaths 4nd Maynards. The who made t^e team as an N ew Y ork Y ankees w orked 267 Dierking found a way to B ob Rule kept the Super-. dittons. Kansas Within Three Games leads In free throw percentage product, and Bob responded By BRAN TARKENTON ond rtralgbt meet of ttw season he dtdnTt really mind not play- poaatti^ity of eazntag $26,000 ex­ eighth-round droit obotee from bmings last season In marking throw a monkey wrench Sanies In contention wl(h 86 always penetrates. In the end, On this Satur My it was Hated w ith 189 o f 221 fo r .886. with 26 points—Including a tree TEETOTALERS — Barbara yesterday by trimming Platt up a 17-12 record. into the celebration. points. NEW YORK (NBA) — The that can be even more harmful as fair, but with two to -tliree teg- tra is as awasonne to them aa Ifiigtaiia Tech,' may also be 'enie throw with 1:01 left that enabled Jotuisan l ’iB-467, Betty Hasfs High of Meriden tai ttw Sitver " I ’m wtiUng to do anyttiing to the possibility of Urcwlng an­ of the least-paM Jets. Dierking dammed in two bas­ Houston, buried In the ABA’s Colts ate the m'oet awesome to a passer. Vision to cut off. incihee of powder on top of that Chicago to tie the game at 102- 219-193—670, D ot Hitts 400, Terey City, 69-30. help the team,” he aittd. ’T’m The Tigers took eight of nine The Detroit Tigers played tie Elastern Divisiani cellar, rode a team I have seen in football and accuracy of passing impair­ hard base we found it good. other nose. Back home In Chariotto, N. C., Of Scoring 1,000 Victories kets in the final 46 seconds Mon- 102. Summary: rtlll a rooUe, you know. 1 games from the Indians in De- games In 1968 ■with Oakland and day night to g;ive the Cincinnati SO-point performance by wmie since the 1961-62 Packers. ed. Llndbeig 4M. With a generouB crowd on hand "I t ’s Just unbritevaUe,” saM fas teF*' 428,000 or $17,000 extra But* then Dierking started Medley relay —Larson, La- don’t know oU ttaere la to know trolt In 1968. New York. Roy^ a 106-104 National Bas- Somerset to victory over Ken­ But the OoHs also have a vir­ Diirteen of the top 17 passers we had good skiing oondlttama Cfariaty shaking Ms head and will buy ttataiga ’T coridrit even NEW YORK (AP)—It’s ny Jones, with 21, paced the VU- tU Mike Grosso put in a rebound fouling up the fesUvltlee. in the NFL threw for' 60 per Blanc, Thurtiauer, Moore M, about tMs game yet. 'Besides, grinntog. "There’s Jurt so much tMnk about buying before.” tucky, second In the Western tually unsung superstar offen- CHURCH — C y Periitaw 218- aH over the area, till ttw pow­ with 17 seconds to play, sendlng- Boston turned back Seattle cent or better completion aver­ 1 :86.6 tbe money’s ariiat counts. EJvery- you can do ^wtah that kind of Buriy offensive guard Bob 18 down and -three to go lanova attack on the losers’ ra ce. aive player. It to ‘Tom M atte., 836—637, D a n -F ra h e r 200-217— der was worn away, but here the game into overtime knotted 121-97 in' the night’s only other age. Only two AFL passers did 200-freestyle — Pastel M, body wants that.” money. I’m going to get a atari Thlaminl overbeard tbs ra-' for Kansas’ streaking Jay- court, and the Wildcats won 73- Somerset picked up 18 of his Outside of Gals Sayers and Le­ 694, Roy Howeitt 207-671, Nds Dunlap M Larese P, 2:10.2 again the anD-oate were busy alt 73. NBA gam e. so. Bob Ortese and Len Daw­ 'Money. Aside from answering on a new home wMb mine. I mark. hawks in their bid for a 60. points In the final period to roy Kelly, (here to no more valu­ Johnson 201-200—660, Ed Daniels flO-freestyie — Smi’jtti P, grooming tbe b n . The firat overtime ended in a son. I saw ttw reason in ttw Oak­ momentarily ttiat supercHiom gueaa a k t of the guys wlU be "Yeah,” said tbe ntaieopear college basketball mile­ -In the only two American Bas- choke off a Colonels threat. able limning back to his team n s , Stan M atteson 218, BUI Moyer M. Mnswi P, :84.2 Met ^gr. and MTO. Jack Thom­ Charlie Criss scored 26 points 77.77 cteadlock and the BilMkens ketbaU AssocicuUon games land-New York game. AEL question (Wbo’s better? AFL or getting new cars. veteran. “ We footboli players T eam m ate A rt B eck er had 22, than Tom Matte. He probably G rant 200, V ic Squadr ttito 206, lOOunedley — Herbert M. as enjoying this vigorous sport, stone. and Jimmy Collins 24, trigger- jumped ahead 80-77 in the aec- ■cheduled, lowly Houston sur- w hile D a rel C a rrier led Kerv- passers seem to love to throw NFL?), the Super Bowl means ‘^ e get $10,000 for wtaxtang are human about money. We to the most valuable player on EVed R u g gles 200. Turidngton M, ly u P, 1:66.0 The temperature was 18 and no Sparked by 6-foot-6 stqihomore ing New Mexico State’s 12th -vie- ond extra period before Butch prised Kentucky 110-106 and Los tucky with 24. the bomb. They don’t seem to wind. Ski buddies tor the day money. our league tltte end at least like to spend It, too." Dave Roblsch’s 22 points, the tory. The Aggies, one of four un- Beard hit a flrid goal for Louis- the dub now — and this to tak­ Dlvtaig — ^rafk e P, Turfcing- Angeles stopped Denver 122-114 Bbb Warren and George Stone estabUsh the abort passing ton M, Guadano M were Vln and Jeon LoBeBo fifth-ranked Jayhawks drubbed beaten major teams, bolted to a vlUe and teammate Jerry King in overtime. each lilt three-point baskets dim ing nothing away from Earl game ttw way we do iq the BEO —Mike Zwldc 166 —376, aVxig with Joe OU'va. 50-34 halftime margin and led Morrall or John Mackey *or lOO-butterfiy — Ooiddin M, Iow a State 94-61 M onday n ight followed with a rebound basket Don Nelson scored 28 points to ing an 11-second span to enable NFL. ^ . John Mack 141 —309, John Sunday, on entering the poiki- 11 Jets on East AlhStar Team by as many as 26 points in the WUlle Richardson or anyone Tonydnaon P, Walah M. 1:07.0 BASKETBJIU for their 13th victory in. 14 to win it with 1 ;10 remaining. guide Boston pest Seattle, mov- Ixxs Angeles to tie Dallas 110-110 ETnalty, the two best defensive Maiorca 141 —868, Leon Sndtti taig lot we met the ABan Cone second half. lOO-freeetyle — WoMen M, games this seasem. / Grosso, held to two points to Ing the Celtdcs to 3^ games of at the end of regulation play. else. teams In their leagues ore play­ 137, Don Taioa 146 —861. famUy, aU tbe dai^hben faw^ SCOPES Kansas, driving to become the Notre Dame, 8-2, ran off 10' Matte demiHistrated his great­ Nettsen P, Kasei M, 1:08.6 the first half, led the Louisville Elestem Division leader Baliti- Then, the Stars’ Larry Miller, ing in the Super Bowl. R proves lOO-backstrohs — Leacraort rylng to ttw kxlge tor a day of first 1,000-game winner In histo­ straight points late In the sec­ ness, again, in the National EAST SIDE MIDGETS com eb a ck -wllh 22 a fter in ter­ more and two game back of who finished with 28, Bob John- that defense wins, tt also makes M, Wood M, Dorilliwer P, 1:10.6 fun. sued with the Harry FWi- Lemm Adds Quartet ry, has reeled off 12 victories in ond half—seven of them by 6- m ission. T ’" 'Irat gan.-iA »pw Gorman’s ninner-up Philadelphia. son and Warren each scored Bhotball League ohamplonahlp one wonder how important of- 40(^freeatyle —Herbert M, er family, ^ w ano-cals arere a row for an all-time total of foot-7 reserve CoUis Jones—and KeUey and Lane taiaurance outlast the Ladders, Gene Smith tipped In a re­ The Celts broke the game five points In the overtime to gome against Clerveland. He fimse to. And I don’t like* won­ Dunlap M. Larese P, 4:66.0 out early wMi ttw approval of 997. drew away from scrappy Ford- 20-17. Ray Farr (7) and Jason bound In the final minute, cap­ wide open late to the first half put It a'way. Dallas, meanwhile, scored three touchdowns and dering about those thinga. After lOO-breortatroke — Tyll P, Mc­ all the aldeiB, and doing a good While the Jayhawks, 2-0 In the ham a t South Bend, End. B ob Grid Nominees Dodge (0) paced the winners. ping a 20-point effort and gltrlng with a string of seven points scored only four free throws In played his standaid fine all- all, my bread and butter de­ Nulty P, Carter M, 1:16.4 Job to dragging 400 to 800 From Houston Squad Big Eight Conference, ran their Amzen topped the Irish scorers John Samiotts (16) starred for Southern IlUnois a 62-61 nod that put them ahead 61-40. At the extra session. around gome. pends on R. 820-relay — Smfth, Nrilson. pounds cf chain to loosen up with. 28 polnits. LOS ANGELES (AP) — A the losers. winning string to the longest for over Kentucky Wesleyan, the Even coaches and aoouts'rt- ^prafke, Tomkinsan P. ttw snow and crusted areas. St. Louis, which ■went up coach who gained fame in New The Cruisers, after getting off NEW YORK (.AP)— Ooach Wally Lemm named four,* a K ansas team since 1957, sev ­ nation’s No. I small college ten don’t recogiilM the (hbH% Conditions again Hated fair, against visiting Louisville with Veeck’s New Role of his own Houston Oilers Monday to the Eastern squad enth-ranked Kentucky riddled power. The one-point toss -was and potential of a Matte. He Eingland anU former Yale auQ I wouM eay fair to good, es- to a quick start, had to hold off a 2-8 mark, stunned the Cardi­ UConns, with Backs to Wall, 8TAUBACH STABS a third quarter rally by Maple for the American Football League’s All-Star game, M ississippi State 91-72, No. 9 the second in three nights for does not have a sprinter’s Is Horse Racing, Dartmouth stars are among the psctally when followtaig tbe VlUanova Shaded N iagara 73-68 nals by racing to a 44-30 half­ Wesleyan!, which had won its speed. He doea not have the 1009 finalists tor the National YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — •now cat area. Service before wtaming, 27-19. bringing to 11 the number of Oilers who wiH play A i and No. 10 New Mexico re­ time lead and stayed ahead un- first eight. Hope to Snap Losing Streak power of a 280-pound fullback. FbotbaU Foundation Hall of Roger StaUboch, who won the Steve Dwyer was high with 10 the Jan. 19 game at Jadcsonville, Fla.-^- Plans Changes^ suing on new Hart JuMtoe’s, points as Sean Thompson and m ained unbeaten w ith an 85-69 What he does have Is Instinat, Ehm«. 1988 Hetonwn trophy as Navy’s they were given a rattier severe ’The New York Jets, the E iast------romp over Arizona State.- fs iilr Thn Dlgan added six. Wally em and league champions, also The University of Connecticut rebounds. Next are 6-8 Bob a great fed for the'game. BOSTON (AP) — BUI Veeek, TTie five coaching flnallats quarterback, is sUtt in there test, on ttw first day in the out tbe SS-man squad are defen­ Notre Dame, ranked 16th in basketball team hopes to snap Kouwe (12.6), 6-2 John Suder who became known as a maver­ from a group of 26 nominees in­ pltdiing. Roger threw tour Goriett^-and Steve Belcher haU 'Will have 11 players, the most sive back Leroy MitriieU of Bos-, Central Set for Southern^ In ability, he reminds me of powder they responded wall, six points each for the losers. this weeji’s Associated Press a 10-game losing streak when (10.0), 6-4 Gerry McFadden Paul Hornung. He seldom ick as owner of three major clude Frank Leahy of Boston toudidown passes os ttw BWwa- and on ttw second day on a any tekm can have. ton and a Miami passing combi­ EAST SIDE INTERMEDIATE The Oilers Lemm selected are Top Twenty, zipped past Ford- the Huskies meet Syracuse at (8.7) end 6-3 Frank Hamblen makes a mistake, he blocka league baiwbaU dUbs, is off and Odlege and Notro Dame. The 18 cola Navy team beat Youngs­ granular anow oondlttcn where nation, quarterback Bob Ortese, ham 84-66 but No. 14 LoulsvlUe player flnallata among 160 for­ Wholesale Tire had to come defensive end Pat Holmes, cen­ Foes Meet at New Britain home Wednesday ndght. It will (4.9). Smith’s single game high well, fdlowa blockers expertly, running in a Mew rd e as chief town State Urivarslty 68-Sa they carved and heU and bit a-xl receiver Karl Noman. barely got by St. Louis 81-80 in a mer Standouts include end Lar­ from behind to defeat Norton’s ter Bobby Mn.'rtes, offe-’ sive be the first of two remaining was a 41-point output against la a superior pass receiver, can executive of a horse radnr Reports are that Stauboeb weH Into the surface. ’Ihe starting 22 jHayers plus , double overtime struggle. The last time Southern Con­ ”)ye’ve long since learned to trade. ry Kdley of Tale and back wiU Join the Dallas Onvboys tor Boys last night, 60-63. High tackle Wait Suggs and guard necticut’s basketball team hom'e games prior to the mid­ N iagara. peu hlmsdf, and is a tough, flitartay, after much poraiat- plaoeklcker Jim Turner of New Kansas, shooting 63 per cent take nothing for granted against Veeck took over (he presiden­ M]des Leiw ot Dartmouth. ttw 1989 toottwU season. scorers for ttie Tlremen were Sonny Bishop. played Central Connecticut, the year break for oxamlnaitions. Connecticut’s freshman team tough competitor. ancs, by Dunham and Dot^Ias, York were selected by the from the floor, rolled to a 81-29 Southern Connecticut, regard­ cy of Sutfdk Downs Mctwlay as OUff LaPotnte (22) and Elmer ’The addlUonsl Jets are defen­ Owls gave Coach Bill Detrick’s Rhode Island comes to town for plays D artm outh In a 6 p .m . It to because of the Colts’ murtc was finaUy piped Into league’s coaches. halftime lead Over die visiting less of the records,” explains Realty Equities Oorp. tortnotty Petteway (16). Jack HuU, Bob sive tackle John ElUott line­ headaches"Nos. 3 through 10!” a Saturday night date. preliminary and , the varsity vicious, agresslve, experienced •he area. Stewart Brown, for­ On offense, Lemm will have Cyclones at Lawrence, Kan., Detrick. “Why, last year dre acquired the-Boston track frtm Ferrante and Joe Peek 'were backer A1 Atkinson and running Paired in the recent Holiday , Syracuse, 11-14 last winter, game starts at 8.' Tickets will and talented defense, as well oa merly an hirtnictor at Hogback, ail In double figures for the los­ back Ehnerson Booaer. ■wide receivers Don Maynard and coasted the rest of the way. eked out an 82-79 victory, but the Eartem Racing Associatton, packed up and U off on a twte Dave NaSh, filling hi for injured Tournament, the New Haveners they really had the pressure on opened with five losses In suc­ be available when the box of­ the great work of Matte, Mor- Ino., for mora than $12 —‘Utm ers. The three players who round ce ssio n ; but the O range tihen fice opens at 6:80. year crulsa around the wortd. tight end Alvin Reed o t Houston, pl'votman Roger Brown, comple­ provided the Blue Devils us at the finish. So, it’s easy ratl and the Colt receivers, that A short time Ister, ttw track The second game saw the won three in a row before los­ Rudy Hart, a torgier aU hud­ tackles Winston HU of New mented Robisch up front with 18 one tremendous fight before to see that records mean little I pick the Cdto to vrin derisive­ beat a 6 p.mi. deadline fllli« Back Court Seven dump the ing three straight tai the Far dle, now at The Herald, I tound Yoik and Glen Ray Hines of points and Olympic star Jo Jo bowing, 69-64, but only after in this one!” ly Jan. 12. an appUoatten tor 70 ddys of Etaistica. The Mg gun for the they’d held the lead throughout W est ClaBsIc a t Etorttauid, O re­ Following are some random out adw used to diase the rid w^nrers was Tbrnmy Rea wVh Houston, guards BUy Shaw of W hite added 12. Under first year Coach Ed thorouglitaed racing, lo gang off the OUtotd 8 t slopes Buffalo and Dave Herman of most of the encounter. It was, gon. thoughts on the up-coming more ttwn in 1906. 87 points. Mike Criapino added Dan Issel popped In 26 points, Brown, the Owls have compiled Sports Slate at night whan you got noisy. New York, center Jon Morris of one more than 'teammate Mike in every sense of the word, a While Cormeoticut fell before game; Veeck, who said after being 12. Jim Ruel playtU a fine game a 2-6 record against rugged Holland Douglas brought up the BRING BACK THE BOBBER Boeton, quarteiback Joe Na- Casey, in leading Kentucky to typical Central ■ Southern scrap, D artm outh by a '74-62 count on The Jets rely on the bomb. homed by Realty EquMiea to off the boarda and scored 18 competition, with two of the BASKETBALL Incideria that took place in ttie Some fishermen Mke to tMnk math of New York arid running Ha second Southeastern Confer­ one that could well be repeat­ Saturday, Syracuse mended Its Thalr offense to explosive. But bead the (rack that Suffolk tor (he losers. ed W ednesday night In an ' 8 losses to AIC and Bridgeport, waya^by handing Pittsburgh its TUESDAY, JAN. 7 days of oM. Chatted with Bob they’ve "outgrown" the bobber, bocks Hoyle Granger of Hourton ence ■victory in as many starts the Colts’ zone pass defense to aliould have more dates, sp- Y BUSINESSMEN'S o'clock clash at Kaiser Hall. tw o O '! the more powerful' col- ■ Fredrieki about j the high However, this tradlUonal sym- and Jtan KUck of Miami, and an 8-2 over-all mark. The fifth loss In a row, 70-66. That East Catholic at Pulaski strongest against the long pasa. peored to thraw Ms first bomb- lege division .teams in the New •chori sU team. Lost night’s acCfon saw Army bri of barefoot lads has as much ‘n*® defensive line has Gerry Wildcats led from the opening "We still haven’t gotten over result pegged the Sracuse rec­ Granby at Ellington The Oolts, ttiough, have to be seU. England area. -After a beautiful sunny day on. A Navy torpedo Westown Phar­ Blgnlflcance In the tackle baxee KUlMn and Vertam Biggs of minute end sfliot 56 per cent on the other battle, and here they ord at 4-8 for the season. Coventry at East Hampton worrying about the great pass­ The track asked (he Massa- the slopes, ths temperature at Rldlrtg high with their 8-2 macy, 90-42. High tor the win­ of experts as R does Mtclied to Now York at ends and Jim Dun- the way to the road conquest. are right back at us tomorrow Each team has lost to a pair Cheney Tech at East Granby ing ot Joe Namath. chuMtts Racing Oommlortoa for 21 end no wind, a bit tired we ners were Bob Cartoon wHh (29) night,” observes Detrick. record and six wins In a row. of mutual rivals this 'wlnber. South Windsor at Stafford paranJsalan to oparale toom tbe cane pol4 of a beginner, eay away of Buffalo and Houston Vlllanova’s rugged zone de­ The Jets are probably ttiS left Hogback. I came home arlth pfid Pete Klro (22). Fhr the the fishing authortUes at Mer- Antwlne of Boeton at tackles, fense limited Niagara hotshot ‘"niere’s no doubt they'll again the Central Connecticut team Fordham defeated Qonnectlcut, Southington at RockvlUe moot soUd AFL team to {day April 9 through July 6, (nstaad the Alhui Cone fnmtly. ’The girls Hartford Readers, Ed Fischer PorUand at Bolton cury outboards. linebackers are Houaton’e Ctdvln Murphy to 26 points—12 be ready to Jlhrow everyth in g hopes to be a bit sharper 66-66, and Syracuse, 77-62; and In the Super Bowl. And Namath of going along with last year’s doing a Mttia reading, and then (14) and Fred Verjezlo (9) set at us, and we had better be against Southern Conriecticut Yale was an 89-60 winner over Manchester C.C. vs Matta- meatlng cf 00 days staittng S They print out that a bobber °« « K o under his season average—os to certainly the finest ABL telling Stories quickly paasod the the pace. can be extremely valuable to Buffalo’s Mike ready to face a repeat of the than It w as In dow ning V er­ Ccnuiectlcut and took Syracuse tuck, Clarke Arena, 8. quarterbook to play in the game. April 19. time away. A tired but happy the WUdeats ran- their record to In the n'ghtcap, Klock defect­ even the most proficient caster 9-1. Sophomore Howard Porter, battle in the holiday tourna­ mont, 78-61, on Saturday night by 83-68. FRIDAY, JAN. 10 The Oolts’ epeclBl teams are The pn^waed ^dates would group, glad to be home again. ed Sportsman Ta'veni, 724)4, In m ent.” plaoa Suffolk in ootttifot with under certain condttlooa . with 23 points, and senior John- at Kaiser Hall. Cto.nnoctlcut’s scoring leader Bas» Catholic at Northwest sensational. I felt tiwy were go­ Bob and Dick Klein, with Earl a hard fought encounter. High Rhode Island’s Ltawoln Downa, Hiough it’s a rtmple, inexpen- Now a smart 8-2 with six wins The Blue Devils, who are av­ Is 6-6 sophomore Ron Hnibala eSathoUc ing to win after seeing ttw first Stevenson, were enjoying ttie for the winners were Jim Braen . Houston ar.d George Byrd and which plans to operate toom in a row, Central Connecticut eraging 74.9 points per game (14.8) while 6-7 junior Tony Bud- play of file game. ,They Udrad man-made snow at Brodle. (23) and Tom Jeaou’t (22). H'rii rtve accessory. R extends the ceoige Salme. of mttfato. Conard at Manchester Jan. 18 ttirough ^ iril 22. Howev­ versaUHty of qiinning and cast­ will be seeking to extend a long against the 64.2 posted by the zinsky and 6-3 sophomore Bob off and atofqwd the Cleveland ’Tip: Don’t pull up the emer­ for the loaara wero George OU- Ellington at Waterford - er, ttw requested dates by Suf­ ing rigs when conventional tech­ win, skein at the expense opposition, have shown nice Staak each follow with 10.8 av­ hal cocriar on Ms IS-ynrd Mna. gency brake. In cold weather, ton (18), Jim Oranata (IS) and Rocky Hill at Coventiy niques prove unequal to the task TREMANO SEPTIC of Southern Connecticut. • ^ erages. The other starters are They did that on oU but one folk would avoid oontUct with r e .” whether tor a few hours or over Tony Mortanos (12). , balance behind Co-Captatn Cheney at Woodstock New Hampdiire*s Roditngbani at hand. B-H Bobby Boyd (8.0) and 6-8 kick off. If you can atop a night Tour brakes may fbeeze. The Blue Devils have w on Howie Dickenman who contin­ East Windsor at SouUi Wind- Pork, which wants to run fto m A small transparent float can TANK SEflWGE Steve Koskl (7.6). sor Uck'Ctt ratumer inside Ms 20- See you on the mouniatai. every meeting of the two arch­ ues to have a brilliant season. July until Lobpr Day. A FOUR-TIME WINNER' be used to convert a ^linnlng jwrd Une once In two games AAMCO foes since ba ck In the 1960-61 Koskl leads the Connecticut Newington at Rockville OAKLAND, OaUf. (AP) — rig for fly casting when firti tBL 742-9770 season, meaning they have rebounders with a 9.7 average CromweU at Bolton you’re doing well. Do it cen- OAKLAND LED AL HITTING DOUBLE 00 GIBSON ettty 90 (hrougitbrad racing Shortstop Bert Oampanoeris of are itetaig to the aurfaoe. Al­ downed the Owls no less than while both Hrubala and Bud- stotsntty and you have a great SATURDAY, JAN. 11 dates -may be alloted, except for BO0ION (AP) — The Oak­ the Oakland Athletics has led though not as satisfactory as 'ReriAMt 18 straight times. Over the. ALBUQUERQUE (AP) — .spedol team. OF MANC»B8TER zinsky are tied with 8.8 marks. state fairs. Berkrtiirs Downs, In land Athletics, regarded as the American League in steal­ a flyrod, thla modified outfit stretch, however, the Detrlcke- University of New Mexico bas- AIC FYoeh at Manchester C.C The Oolt defenee*’'took the Syracuse comes to Storrs Clarke Arena ttw western part of ttw state, •omethlng leas than aenaattamal ing bases for tour straight gets you back Into lateness dur> r men have really been pressed ta®lball coach Bob King assigned Brown running game away BUDGET TERMS with Roy Danforth. In his first applled for 84 dotes, the sanw as hittera whan they were years. Ing the feverlrti actlan of a NATIONWIDE at times, much In the manner numerals 00 to sophomore WBB8TUNQ from them. They stopped Kelly. year ns head coach. ^ Danforth os Isrt year. Berkshire asked known as the Kansas Caty Ath- Lost season tbe 20-yearoid "batrii.’’ ' j GUARANTEED SERVFCE they were extended to t< Pette Gibson for the season. TUESDAY, JAN. 7 I don’t have to explain how replaces E’red Lewis who re- permisaicn to run ‘Ihurodaye, letios, lad American League Cuban stole 03 bases in 04 at­ When drift fishing over weed Loaner .Cara FYee Towtag away the five point win in It was the first time "double (JREAT TO BE RIDING AGAIN—^Willie Shoemaker, who has been out of ac­ great KsBy to. That has to SERVING UP— Model Beveriy Scott poses in an signoJ last year. Danforth’s Bulkeley at East CsthoUc Fridays and Saturdays for eight teama in batting last season tempts. This was the moat bases beds the use of a bobber aBowa TieL 048-2487 tournamen/t game nearly t \ 0” numerals ever had been tion since Jan. 23 because of a leg injury, gallops horse at Santa Anita race worry ttw Jets. eye-catching outfit designed for an afternoon on top performer is 6-11 Bill Smith raniAY, JAN. u weeks from July 8-Aug. 20, put- with a .240 mark. Tliey beat the rtolen in the league ainoe 1930 you to keep your bait or light Manohestsr, w eeks ago. used by a Lobo athlete. The c u t defense doee not al­ track in Arcadia, Calif. The Shoe hopes to be riding again within six weeks. who averages 17.7 points and 11 Ung It in confttot with Suffolk the courts. The criss-cross mesh design is almost Mtamenota ’Twins by three when 8am R4oe of the Wlartitaig- lure at the proper depth- with­ Vernon Toani Lina Bast OathoUc at Glastonbury ways gat to ttw posaer, hut H and (two Rcolriiigham, giwanteed to win against all male oompetitorSi. prints. ton Senatora stole 08 ttmeai out oontlniiaHy "hanging up." Rte. 88, ’TalooteviUe, Omo.

J - ^ i '•.-

MANCHESTER 'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 ______BUQGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE PAGE FIFTEEN -»■ AnMhf WwMfAnv THAT ^NOS TH' '^CANT EYEN^ rjA UA Nt. OR Busbiosc Sorvieos THERE 'JUGHTA BE A LAW BY ^ORTBN Mid WHIPPLE refTAWCTURE THE CLUCK WITH NOWtOO.'YWTLL Aatwtr t« f fwiiM P ntb Offorod 13 Holp Wofitod—Mflrio 36 Holp VYrnirud Mulu 34 THEEE OTHER AFTE« [P V a r i t t y 6RABBIN' iVEHNALLVftACSO Vm ireE OAKtfOF^HlM CLASSIFIED SNOW PLOWINO, loU , driva- , T he -tv MASONS — Apply on Job ready SELL ^HDE8 fun or past-tjsni^ THAT 6TDPII«HT H05S/1 EKHfB ITH'I' YA5 SOON, ways, apartments, stores, sto. PQ O i^M C R S to work, see superintendent at OaU BIU Miller, 838-7391 THE n e w c o m e r « ^ IS t V N J C B J ’OICB, AOOM DOWN alM sldswalke. Reaaoaable TAKE A lot trailer on Brooklyn Street, Hanover, America’s frssftsi JAKE HOOPLE.' /7 HE OWNEOEVERY- lSofl*flnMd IPareobtaa rates. Can 848-4586. Of PAIN6 Rockville, Conn., shoe value. R e m e m b e r LAsry/THiNG in t o w n M l 2Aatai|lako ADVERTISING TO SCHEDULE TiMir I b o t w b h o l e POR TCenwIoMM 3 Italian coin SHARPENINQ Service — Saws, A NICE. a m b it io u s married men, parti 4 Lamented CLASSIFIED .^VERTISING DEPT. HOURS knives, aces, shears, skates, time evenings. Would $W for ; FLAGflOtE/ MArtlfletal HiGH-aASS, INDUSTRIAL trout fly 5 Of greater age 8 A J K t o 4 :8 0 « J | . rotary blades. Quick service. twenty hours hsip. Ckll 545- NONVIOLENT M E h iM BBom Capitol Equipment Co., 38 SALES OPPORTUNITY 4880, a to 7 p.m. only. ISF om al' 7 Wager Main St., 'Manchester. Hours KIDDIE 8 Tinlc,crt to ----- ■ procMtion COPY CLOSme TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. dally 7:80-6, Thursday, 7:80-9, StiOW-* YOUNG MAN for parttlma of- MCylimlricid toChiance 4:8B P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION will train young man In temoona, stock and dettvsry t BilUird ihota Saturday 7:30-4. 848-7968. 17Turfi|Md* Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:S0 p,m . Prida.v. all phaaea o f manufactur­ # work for wholesale dlsMbutor. (A n fl^ Ir.) lOPoemi 28 Solicitude 48 Ruaaian river luiliinmiiiuilll e l e c t r i c a l work —^Imperial ing marking equipment in­ Can, be interesting business ert- l-T ISFIew m 11 Appbrtion 29Qreedy* 47 Donated cluding aalM Muot have U J = 1 Electric, Inc. Residential, perionce. Call 648-0256. It Bitter vetch 12 Biblical name SOSnooiea 49 Artistic PLEASE READ YOUR AD mechanical background, A L L E Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 21 Doctrine 20 Perfectly 38 Sfallgn looker strewing conunercial, industrial, 34 50 Acroaa knowledge of drafting and 22FHgld quiet 40 Beverage OlMifled or “Want Ada» are taken over the phone aa a hours day service. Free esti­ be personable. Ehrenlnga PONT TEUL ME \ I PONT THINK CT...7HESE NICE rMEETCHA, M veaael (prefix; var.) convenlencCe Xlie Adv6Ftls6r #hon|d reed hie ad vtrjit THIfiTS ANOTHER IGUVS LOOK MOREUKE THE PHARAOH SENDS 25 Pomwlve 21SiMllUlea mates, 646-1112. 649-2679, 649-' and Saturday Interviews ...I AM AJarts MScattan, IT sr n r TOOL MAKER aahay READINO difflculUes analyzed All Benefits OUT OUR WAY BY J. H WILLIAMS dlEaatdY.) F F !T H 9 u and diagnosed. Call 643-0689, 8-7 p.m. To build q>ecial marking Ekjual Opportunity Enq>loyer 43Mwinar’a machinery and tooling. Ehc- diractlon 11 Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? HOLD ON, HERB-llL AAAIL perience in emaU shop pre­ WELL, I CAM RSAAKVI8ERTHE 45------Sound, ferred. Good wages, excel­ Ip }U9 »y HtK tmi TM. UA Aw. Off. THIS LETTER TO YOUft «R L NUMEBtS, BUT MOTHOW THEV U SNOW PLOWING—Reasonable DESIGN — Trainee. Will train FDR YOU, BUT YOJVB GOT armoltha lent opportunity for the GOTDOBTHER--IF NOME OP Pacifle 24-Hour Answering Service rates. OaU 643-2801. ''harp high school graduate t THREE ADPRESSES ON I THOSE COMWMAnONS WORK, Jf Milllnory, HE . WHERE HAVE mountain p r MAN WANTED to work in lum­ -vlerws arranged. and facility In math desirable. IS OAVY LEFT WITH MY FTBf u RT s r DRESSMAKING and altera­ 3 'TO 11 p.m., nurses aide, full­ THEY GONE? 54 Sauce Want Information on one of our ‘ claOulfled advertlaementsT Reasonable. After 6 call 646- beryard. Must have tirivers Rare opportunity In fast grow­ NOW, SIR? PAUGHTER, ingredient 6072. Ask for Bob. tions, evening wear, suits time anti part-time. Laurel BT ST No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the license. Davis A Bradford Lum­ N. P. HALLENBECK, Inc. ing fire protection field. PENNY ! 55HoUl made to order, 16 years experi­ Manor, 649-4619. u ber Oo., 200 Tolland Street, Bimker Hill Rd., Andover Military service oUigatton SB Agreeable ence. Call 643-7042. East Hartford. 742-8051 SNOW PLOWING — 24 hour PART-TIME office help, flexfble should be satisfied. Good refer­ fragtancee u EDWARDS 57 Makea vigilant 7 service. CaU JT42-7649. day time hours, varied duties ences, occasional travel and agreeable to possible future \y 53 Hydrocarbon ANSWERINO SERVICE Moving— T rucking— In congenial atmoephere. Oall MECHANICS MAN foi -work hi local dairy SNOW Plowing — Warren Hub­ transfer. Only serious career (Ntwiftptf faterpriM Au».) ______Storogo 20 Mrs. Kulynick, 649-4628. store. 3 evenings plus some bard, 806 El. Middle T*phe., 649- SHEET METAL, minded individual need apply. 64945110 875-2519 Sunday work. For information 6376. MANCHEb’X'jiin DeUvery-Ught EXECUTIVE secretory, work MACHINE ASSEMBLERS For appointment call Mr. Mar­ caU 6498017, after 6 call 648- and leave your message. Yonm hear from onr advertUer In trucking and package delivery. tar long established ccnstruc- shall at 646-4400. Automatic LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also Must be able to read blue­ 9707. pg time without spending oil evening at the telephone. Refrigerators, washers and tion firm, diversified duties, Sprinkler Cbrp. of America. An moving large appUances. Burn­ prints. First class exper­ stove moving, specialty. Fold­ knowledge of bookkeeping, equal opportunity emftoyer. ing barrels deUvered. $4. 644- ing chairs for rent. 649-0752. rtenograiSiy and typing. Salary ienced men only for qual­ AuDomobilos For Solo 4 1776 or 289-8824. open. Call 643-9608. ity shop. MANAGER PART-TIME 7 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD START new year with 1966 Red Pointing— Poporing 21 WANTEID reliable woman, age PRESSURE BLAST MFC. For boys’ department in local Volkswagen, reasonB.ble mile­ Housohold Sorvieos 60 or over, as permanent baby­ INC. branch of retail children’s WAYOUT age, good condition. 649-6740. Offered 13-A NAME TOUR own price. Paint­ sitter in my home. Four days 41 CHAPEL STREET Mornings 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. chain. Excellent opportunity BY KEN MUSE for ambitious person. DOX LETTERS ing, paperhanslng, paper re­ a week. Own transportation. MANCHESTER, CONN. or 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Shre- VENEITIAN blinds — repaired, moval. EVee estimates and dec­ 849-7026. nlnga, 7 to 11. Hours flex- For Your 1968 VALIANT Signet, excellent retaped and recorded. 646-0278, orating service. Quality work-_ Phone Mrs. Brunetti, 648-2487. For Appointment Contact condition, $1,200. CaU 643-9670. ibla Apply In person. Mr. Solomon—622-8173 Information 649-2971. manshlp, neat, competent serv-" COUNTER-WOMEN: A mature THE WORRY WART . - — ------^ person for part-time counter t*7 R*H»WIARctJt WBAfna. Ice. Call 647-9564. BOY WANTED for diovellng WANTEID 2 Bridgeport 1966 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, ex- RE WEAVING of bums, moth- service in fast food business. THE HERALD will not snow, in vicinity of Russell St. operators, one first class sur­ disclose the Identity of ceUent running condition, $200. hedes, zippers repaired. Win­ JOSEPH LEWIS, custom Housewives who can spam six MCDONALD’S ' DRIVE-IN Call 643-8109. 849-2396. face grinder, one In-pcooess In­ SHORT RIBS any advertiser lulng box dow shades made to measure, painting and paperhanging. In­ hours a day are welcome to BY FRANK O’NEAL letters. Readers answer­ aU size Venetian blinds. Keys terior and exterioV. Dry waU 46 West Center Street spector. These positions are 1966 RAMBLER hardtop Ameri­ apply. Apply In own handwrit­ ing blind box ads who made while you wait. Tape re­ work. Fully insured. Free esti­ now open at the Ehneo Cbrp. can, stautdard shift, radio, heat­ ing, P.O. Box 2266, Bishops desire to protect their corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 mates. 649-9668. In no answer located at Scenic Bolton Nbtch, er. CaU after 4 p.m., 649-1423. Comer Branch, West Hart­ Identity can follow this Main, St. 649-6221. 643-6362. behind Fiano’s Restaurant on procedure; ford, Conn., 06117. An equal op­ PART-TIME driver wanted for 1667 CORVETTE Stii^pi^ portunity employer. CAREER Route 6 A 44A,. Interviews , LIGHlr TRUCKING, bulk dellv- EDWARD R. PRICE—Painting, automotive warehouse, 12 to 6 from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Mon­ Enclose your replv to the coupe, 4-speed, like brand new. p.m., dally. Cali 289-7906. box in an envuope — ery, yards, attics, cellars clean- exterior and interior. Paper­ day through Friday. No money down, take over ed and removed. Also odd Jobs, hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured, OPPORTUNITY tuldress to the Qasst- DELIVERY MAN, steady work, ’ balance. Call 233-8716. 644-8662. 649-1003. (eld Manager, Manchester 12 noon to 6 p.m. Monday Evening Herald, together 1667 RAMBLER, 2-door sedan, through Friday, for wholesale with a memo listing the 'TWO HANDYMEN want a va- PAINTING — Interior and ex- ACCOUNTS ' AT MAN low mUeage, automatic trans­ riety of Jobs by the hour or terior, very reasonable, free distributor in Manchester. Call BUZZ SAWYER companies you do NOT For delivery and to BY ROY CRANE want to see your letter. mission, radio and heater. CaU day. Reasonable rates. Call for estimates. Call Richard 643-2626 after 8 a.m. after 4 p.m., 649-1744. PAYABLE CLERK THE help in store dally Your letter will be de­ information, 643-6308, 648-8292. Martih, 649-9286, 649-4411. from 9 a.m. to 3 pjn. HANG IT ALL.' EVEN stroyed If the advertiser LINOTYPE operators; openings 1664 DODOE Station wagon, CoU for interview. LOOKING FOR ANOTHER is one you’ve mentioned. in s id e :—outside painting. Spe­ for day shift. Major medical HIDING PLACE ATTR/iaS 20,000 mUes. Good tires. $700. PHONE STORE life insurance and weekly sick J If not it will be handled Building---- cial rates for people over 66. Must have aptitude tar fig ­ ATTENTION. HE'S NOT in the Usual manner. Private owner. CaU 648-6626. Contracting 14 Call my competitors, then call ures and some Imowledge benefits. CaU or write for In­ Manchester Drufir SAFE ANYWHERE. at accounts payable. Start­ terview, Mono Typesetting, 106 1967 MG Midget, 4-epeed, me. Elstlmates given. 649-7868, INTERESTED WES ROBBINS' Carpentry r«- ing salary depending upon Ann St.. Hartford, 627-2180. 649-4541 YdURS cm really 0UCK,' gorgeous auto for sports mind­ 876-8401. modeling specialist. Additions, background, plus oompfeto ed. No money do\m, assume fringe benefits. Apply per­ Lost and Found rec rooms, dormers, porches, IN • PART-TIME HEUf, over 21, 1 low balance. Oall 233-8716. sonnel department. cabinets, formica, built - Ins, Floor Finishing 24 washing floors, 4-10 p.m., five days, call between 6-6 p.m., LOST — Oerman Shepherd 1949 PLYMOUTO, running con- bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- ELECTRICITY? 649-6S84. male, one year old, black and dlUon, needs work, best offer. STORE MANAGER CARPENTRY — concrete steps, Ing (specializing In older MOTTS SUPER MARKET brown. Answers to Sabu, choke 646-2788 after 6. floors, hatchways, remodeling, floors). Inside painting. Paper­ STOCK Clerk-hours, 9 a.m., to 4 Openings available for amU- collar and tacenee, vicinity of 69 Leggett St., Elaat Hartford A I- p.m., salary and all store bene- Uous individuals to Join one of BUICK Skylark, 1966, 2-door porches, garages, closets, call­ hanging. No Job too small. The Phone Store has e not, NK, bt. TM. 1^ UJ. M. OK East Middle Turnpike. Oall John VerfaUle, 649-6760. fits. Apply Mr. Katz,, Arthur the fastest growing retail food hardtop, power steering, power ings, attics finished, rec Phone 289-1641 openings In its Man­ 640-0773. Reward. chester office for tele­ Drug Stores, 942 Main Street, cbAins In the Ekust. "Name one quality that suggests he might get some­ brakes,_ air-conditioning^ Show . rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ er related work. No Job too phone frame techni­ 64986^. O'tlEAl. i.T where? H6w about brasb?" LOST — One black fur lined room ' condition. No money Bonds— Stocks— cians. Job involves run­ woman’s glow; vicinity Mr. small. Dan Moran, Builder. No Experience Necessary MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD down, assume balance. Call ning wires to connect* Donut. Please call 64B-0627. 283-8716. Evenings 649-8880. Mortgages 27 Incoming cables to PILGRIM MILLS la expanding EXPERIENCED Our paid training program wHl p n O U J I , . HERE COMES PHIL.' I ’D I HIYA, PHIL! I THINK SWEET ^ SECOND MOR’TGAGE” — Un- telephone switching qualify you to meet the'chal­ THAT'S FINE. BETTER PAY HIM THE ^ V LOST — 5H month old male kit­ 1964 FORD 2-door hardtop in NEWTON H. SMITH & SO N - and needs experienced sales- I KNOW WHAT'S ON , LANCHE? limlted ftmds available for sec­ equipment. lenge of rtore management YOUR UNCLE PHIL HAP\ MA! IT ■ TEN BUCKS HE WON, WHEN YOUR MIND -A HORSE NEVER ten, white with orange mark­ excellent condition. Must sell. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ ladiss to be trained for our BRIDGEPORT A REAL LONG NAP, f STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF ond mortgagee, payments to Good starting salary. CERTAINLY I BET THAT HORSE FOR NAMED SmEETSLANCVi HEARD ings, missing since Sunday Call alter 7 p.m., 646-1189. tions, rec rooms, garages, , new fabric store now under MICHAEL—AND THEN ] SOUNDS LIKE suit your budget. Expedient Qualifications: A high HIM AT BELMONT' ------, O F IT.' noon. Vicinity Raddlng Street, porches and roofing. No Job construction on Oakland St. OPERATORS Company benefits include paid N NO TROUBLE WITH THE GIRL^ WHERE!; THE GET TO THAT AIRPLANE.' school graduate with HE WENT OVER TO 7 HES OKAY PONTIAC Grand Prlx, 1966, too small. CaU 649-3144. service. J. D. Realty, 648-5129. CLANCY'S! NW /l AND THE OLD ONES-THEY WtlZ CREW CHIEF HE'LL BE ON THE RADIO Buckingham Street, Bowers Apply Milss OObum, Pilgrim interest in basic elec­ and Blue Cross, major med'oal, life SO BUSY WATCHIN' THE ICE SHOW power steering, power brakes. . MUls, 177 Hartford Road, Man- Insurance and company-paid ? HOUERING TO EVERYBODY, School area. Call after 5 ;30 .\DDinONS. remodeling, ga­ trical work. Training THEY FORGOT TO LOOK FOR IN ALASKA! Like new. NO money down, take :^esber, between 3-6 p.m. .Experienced, burr bench profit sharing retirement plan. p jn ., B43-6814. Reward. rage, rec rooms, bathrooms Help Wanted— or experience helpfiu over payments. Call 233-8716. and will be reflected In man on aircraft parts. Ex­ tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ BOOKKEEPER, accounts re­ E^or Interview apply in person Fomolo 35 starting salary. cellent working conditions in 9 AJJ. to 6 P.M. to Store Msma- ment work, cellar floors, pa­ ceivable, manual posting, ex­ modem plant. Insurance gw- Porsonols 3 1964 GTO in good shape. Must tios, rooting. CaU Leon Cles- perienced. Blill or part-time. benefits, profit sharing, ( rv. ------sell. CaU 742-8283, synski, BuUder. 649-4291. CLEANING - woman wanteti 2 Training with pay, vol­ Duo-Ftist Northeast, 22 Tolland atile benefits, ex c^ en t overtime and presently 55 days a week, 649-8686. Street, East Hartford. CaU , CUMBERLAND FARMS INCOME TAX service, call Dan wages, steady work hour week. CJontact PONTIAC Catalina station wag­ 289-6861. STORE ' Hosier, 64B-332B, or 625-8263. on, 1966. Power steering, pow­ FAST SERVICE — Room addi­ LADY to stay wiith elderly wom­ and advancement po­ 1^1. s tential. Route 44A and Rctite 6 er brakes. No money down, low tions, dormers, garages, kitch­ an and do light work. CaU R-N’s — openings, on second MORLAND TOOL CO. RIDE WANTED to Constitution Bolton Notch r payments. Call 233-8716. ens, rec rooms, houses,' siding, 649-9742, between p and 9 p.m. and third sWlt, full-time or 1404 Tolland Tpke. \4 Plaxa, Monday through Fri­ roofing. Seven year financing only. part-time. For Information con­ Visit our employment 649-2893 ' . An Elqual Opportunity MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY , % day, from Woodbrldge St., near 1963 RAMBLER, 4-door stand­ available. Add-A-Level Dormer, office at 52 Ekist Center 1 ^ WOMEN show latest Ll» tact the Personnel Department, Street, Manchester, EJmployer Lydail for B a.m. Call-646-9942 ard In good shape. CaU 742- 289-0449. 1 Jewelry. Elani high commis- Manchester Memorial Hos­ Monday through Fri­ PI HAAM—FIRST after 4. " 8233. OIL 'TRUCK driver. Apply theABERNATH slons. Work with fuU kH and pital, 643-1141, Ext. 248. day, 8:30 am. to 5:00 vW THE ABERNATHY CASE OF Fogarty Brothers, 319 Broad GIRL WATCHER! PENNY SAVER Hospital Aux- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN sunroof, color catalog. No Investment. p.m., or call 643-4101, GIRL WATCHERS FROSTBITTEN HOMES, GARAGES, porches, ATTRACTIVE part-time posi­ Street. Manchester. CLUB iUary thrift shop welcomes do- with 1967 modified engine and Managers needed. Write t E.A. extension 368. Eve­ CLUB EYELIDS rec rooms, room additions, tion as secretary receptionist nings and Saturday in­ Holp Won rad— I'VE EVER WINTHROP BY mCK CAVALLI naiUons. Men’s, women’s, chil­ transmission, 12 volt electrical kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ Botti, Pres., 666 Main St., for doctor in Manchester. terviews arranged. FUEL OIL driver, experienced TREATED' dren’s clothes, household system, new trontend, shocks, eral repair work,. 'Financing Orange, N.J. or call coUect 201- Above average salairy for, ap­ fuU or part-time, top wages end Ma!* or Foimdo 37 j3 FCa INSTANCE, IF OH,Wgl_L.,, articles, working appliances, brakes, just passed state in­ available. No down payment. 678-8377. plicant who has gocfcl business fringe benefits. CaU 643-2455. Jewelry, toys, books, small fur­ spection. BuUt by Volkswagen Economy Builders, Ii k ., 643- leEewATEfz ' A&c. SEVERAL women needed for backg;round, good typing abUl- niture, ' spotting gear. All do­ tnechanlc, $675. CaU 646-2929 6169. A-TTENTION PRIPPIN0 CFFTHE A «I1_1_V light bench work, perman-nt. ty and able to meet the public. THE EXPERIENCED ENDOFMY nations- tax deductible. 616 after 6 p.m. No shorthand required. Hours etceem oN Main Street. Apply In person, Engineered LADIES AND S' N0 6 E, I fOftEcpatSr 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, 2- 5poeial 5orvices 15 Metals, 10 Hilliard Street. Man- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, BRIDGEPORT RAIN. WOULD LIKE ride from Man­ door hardtop. Automatic, pow­ cheatter. 9 until 6, Saturday 9 until 12. SOUTHERN -' OPERATORS . GENTLEMEN Please reply Box F, Manches­ chester. 19 Durant street to er steering. No money down, AAMCO Transmissions of 'Man­ XI OD GRINDERS A Marshall Field family • Pratt A Whitney Aircraft, first take over payments. Call 233- chester, nationwide, guaran­ TYPISTS — Oopy-statlstlcal- ter Herald. NEW ' TOOL AND GAGE .J («) 1-7 teed ' service. Budget terms. transcripUonlst to work In owned organization is con- shift, L building. C all___649- 8716. .WOMAN wanted to work in rest d'ucting a nationwide ex­ Loaner cars. Free towing. Call Manchester area, temporary, MAKERS 1201. home. Contact Mrs. Miller, 649- pansion program. Interest­ PRISCILLA’S POP 643-2467, Manchester - - Vernon fuU-tlme or- 9-8 p.m., excellent ENGLAND .BY AL VERMEER 5986, 643-9333. F1UI or part-time. ed In employing 18 cmea Gorogo— Sorvico— town line, Rt. 83. TalcottvlHe. pay, no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Top wages, overtime, residents to do product o o VMUYj W E 'R E Asylum, Hartford, 278-7610. LOOKING for housekeeper who- TELEPHONE fringe benefits. demonstration interviews, COMPLETELY Automobnos For Sole 4 Storogo 10 .enjoys caring 'for children. Apply in person. 3 days per week. Will pay CUT OFF FROM OIO£. Roofingr^5iding 16 DENTAL assistant, Rockville $500 for 8 week trial. For NEED CART Credit very bad? COMMERCIAL apace available. office, mature woman. Salary Must have excellent references. THE REST OF CftlAUJ Write Box D, Manchester interview see Mr. Moeer at i YH E WORLD.^-;. A/ Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ Central. *rwo areas, 1,000 ROOFING, aluminum siding, open. Write Box MM, Manches­ ' COMPANY E&S GAGE CO. 10 p.m. fen' ladies, or 2 p.m. est Ddllglas accepts lowest gutters, carpenter work, 80 Herald. square feet each. One with ter ‘ Herald. Mitchell Dr., Mtuicheater for men at the Shormam down; smallest payments, any­ years’ experience. Connecticut CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER 10x10 overhead door. CaU 643- An equal 0M>ortunlty eniployer in Hartford. January 9, 7 where. Not smi^ loan finance 8783. Valley Construction Co., 648- EARN $50 and more in faihous 1969. s o A STONBASB LOWBROW PROPPED ALSO OUT or rm ASAVWRNIN'TD company plan. Douglas Mo­ 7180. EYee estimate. brand Items. No Investment, Help Wanted— Mo!e 36 EXPERIENCED OIL burner, KALLIKAK NAMB TO START A FAM'LY HANDS or AUKBEIS help friends shop from home. serviceman. Ebccellent position, ANTHTOPOIPS. M t NEVER HEARD BUSTER,lUTKL .Vi tors, 846 Main.' . 'J.- ' ANDWOPOLOeiSTl PANEWSl IDOWT Send for free all naw; catalog. EXPANDED Cof^ratlon has good pay, paid vacation' paid o OP'EAM TWWn TTWriS Business Sorvieos MAN WANTED to process cus­ SALES HELP wanted for pet o WANT HIM STARTIN' 1962 DO DOE Lancer, low ' mile­ Popular Club Plan, Dept. W80t, openings for cabinet makers or holidays, good working condi­ TH* Offorod 13 Roofing and tomer orders in automotive department. Experienced pre­ age.very good condition, radio, Lynbrook, N.Y. architectural woodworkers. An warehouse. Excellent benefits. tions. Whiting Corpqjatipm .264 ferred. Apply, 3-10, Pet Shop P A I^ s f S S W W heater, whitewalls and snow Chimnoys 16-A ORVYl YOU ARE A-t, truck is A-1. apprentice program is also Call 289-7906. Bro^d Street, Manchester, Call g'ala n a g e r , . King’s Department cUP tires. 649-6733. Cellars, attics, yards; drive­ ROOFING - Specializing •re­ RECEPTIONIST — Typtot, 8 available. Union shop with year 6491166. S(oItore. Manchester. o to 5, no Saturdays: $80 weekly. JOURNEYMAN electrician and _ _ 1-7 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine roadster ways sealed and small truck­ pairing roofs of all kinds, new 'round work. Equal opportunity ing done Call ’Tre- roofs, gutter work, chimneys CaU Manchester 643-4161, Mrs. employer. Allied Building Sys­ hel{»r, paid vacation and bene- IHt br NiA. Ia<. TM, let US. fat Off with hardtop. Call 646-0764 af- Stone. flU. Wilson Electrical Co., 649 ^ ter 6. mono Trucking Service toll- cleaned and repaired. 30 years’ tems, 260 Tolland Tpke., Man­ 4817. ROBIN MALONE free, 742-9487. experience. Free estimat'es. CLEIW 'TYTIST to handle ac­ chester, 646-0124. Immediate Opening '■ BY BOB LUBBERS 19M CHEVROLET, "in exc^ lm t Call Howley 648-6361. 644: TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — counts payable and general of­ CAREER-MINDED Individual I SUDDENLY Love WHAlSAiAKiye A LADY'S FoorroucHes nis,„ condition, 4-door hardtop, V-8, 8333. fice work. Diversified respon- ^U ,R 06(U MALONE ! THB NORMALLY power steering. Call 649-3486. Trees cut, building lot.s clear­ wanted for management posi­ MACHINISTS For A Young Man or Girl AND HE RESPONDS IN6TAm.yf ed, trees topped. Oot a tree slbiHties. Local distributor of tion for growing (Hartford bas­ OYSPBPriC * national corporation in new in­ PRE/W6R run jiS"-' YOU MAKE 1660 DODOE, 6 cylinder scrap­ problem? Well worth phone Heoring and Plumbing"17' ed) fast food rervice organiza­ BRIDGEPORT ing car, good for parts. Best call, 742-8262. dustrial park in Elaat Hartford. tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ AMOROUS?? iOEAU WFBFCR. NEW FUEL saver on moat con­ and offer. Oall 646-2323. ' ’ - Nine paid holidays, two weeks suming responsibilities. A per­ peopusfe PPEMIERi version heating systems. Let us ' paid vacation, after first year. MONITORING REPAIRS ’ — Lawnmowers, manent position with fringe LATHE LITTLE SPORTS T968 DODGE Coronet R.T. 440, examine and explain. Free For interview contact > W. F. B Y ROUSON snow blowers and garden trac­ benefits. Experience not neces­ OPERA'TORS standard, extras, low mileage, tors. Free pick up and delivery estiniatea. Call 647-1877. -Ooreoran at Westinghouse, 286- Capi *tOeaM.a«.,MCa>B sary, we will train. Successful IMWdll4B.gM.I,.g 6-year 60,000 , mile warranty. In Manchester and South Wind­ 7931. An. Equal Opportunity applicant must have ambition, LINOTYPE MACHINE5 12,600. 649-6716. sor area. Call 644-0421.. Employer, , Experienced required. W energy and enthusiasm. Apply I Millinory, Liberal benefits. ' ’ll. 1668‘ CAMARO, excellent condi­ TREE reinoval-Trimming. Rea­ Drossmoliing 19 ■REX3BPTIONIST — Secretary, in own handwriting, P.O. Box Presently working An excellent opportunity for the right person to tion, automatic, power steer- sonable rates. Covered for for Rockville dental office. Ma­ 2266, Bishops Comer Branch, 50-hour Week. li«, vinyl top. Call 643-6774 af­ property damage. Oot a tree DRJBJ^SMAKINQ and altera: ture woman-, salary open. West Hartford, Conn. 06117. An learn the printing trade. Excellent benefits. ter 8 p.m. problem? Call Dana’s Tree tlons, zippers replaced etc. Write Box HH, Manchester equal opportunity employer. J- Service, 522-8426. CaII'649-4311. Herald. e im H NIA, iiK. 19U Ui^LA. S8 converUbi^ ____ GAS STATION attendant, full­ .E. A. PA'TTEN CO. 327 cubic Inch, automatic CARPENTER — experienced, FOR ALTERATIONS neatly and PART-TIME short order cook time. ' Apply Sunset Service trananUsxlon. Asking $660. Oall all types of work. Reasonable. reasonably done in my home, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CaU 649- Station, 666 Ejast Middle Tpke., *03 Wetherell St.. Manchester 18 BISSELL STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. 646-8928. ' Oall anytime, 648-1787. call 643-8760. 8067. Manchester. .J

■ VI).. MANCHESTER EVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENINQ HEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1969 Wowted— To Buy SB Land For Sain 71 H o o s m For Sate 72 _ H o w m iter Sate 72 PAGE SEVENTEEN WANTED TO BUT — antiques, ACREAGE ht Maiudierter and MANCHESTER — 72 For Sate 72 O a t off Tdom steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ BERRY’S WORLD Boulfa RTndsnr. Excellent lo- MANCHESTER — Seven years ed lampe, art glass, primitives oatloM. Priced to sell. Keith young, three bedroom Ranch, two famUy in fins rasMuilial 7B oraa, 4-4, fireplaoe, waH to watt BBAUrmruLfivaraornOepa, > Lake St., Bolton, 649-8247. Manchester’s mort dertrable oaipata, acre lot, woodad. SOUTH WINDSOR, B lrdi HUl. torday wbsn poUca sNagadly nelghbortiooda. Modem Kltdi- way and garage, 1 % acres, Large, Jumbo ilse 4-bedroom found him lying to O s doceway COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. WANTED — 1968 ISymouth RBtchlna Aganey Raalton. 649- $28,900. Plua over 80 more Hat- en, formal dining room, family SBOBETAHiY BEOEFTIONISTS—Looking M a obongeT W« Ooloniil, family room, formal cf a real dsn re at 4 PaaiG St Valiant, 2-door, 6 cylinder 0894, inga. CaU m ttaa Raalty, Raal- 4tM PJM. DAT BEFORE PimuOATION room, large living room with fert this Is on eepedsUy attractive poaHion In the MIsiMirate dining room, largo living room. He was procisisd for a court standard transmission. Gall tora, 648-8080. DciURIm lor Sotorday and Monday l« 4 :M p.m. FYiday. fireplace, three large bed­ araa. New, modem oMoe wdl equhmed and attractive. Doctor WOVEN ROOM older berna, ______On______a high______wooded lot_____ Phllbriok oppsaranos to Best Boittord 648- 6868 after 4 pm.. rooms, two car garage. RiU- needs 8EORETABY BEOEFTION1ST who has a good burt- oallant ecnditlaa, on bus Una. CUSTOM B im /r Agency, Rcaltora, 649-5847. this memfiig. brick Agency, Realtors, 649- neas background or eoq;>erlenoe in the medical firtd. AppMoaat Property fatohidea 2 extra build- on overslae lo t ’ » id . ______must be a good typist, nest, poised and aUe to meet the on overslae lot 130’120 wide, and DIAL 643-2711 Rooms Without Board 59 5347. Ing Iota. Marion B. Robertson. •xceptlanaUy wall landscaped. VERNON A C O D E N n pidiUc. Above average aalary for applicant who can qualify. Realtor, 84S4S08. NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL BIXXIK from Parkade. . .cus­ 3-car garage, Bowen School, Nermond Bantar 3i, of Bait- 'THE THOMPSON House — Cot­ H oun: Mon., Tuea, Wed., SYl. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. $28,000. Phllbriok Agency Real- ford was arrastad and charged tage St. centrally located^ large tom built cape with full shed Boil 9:00 AM. Until 13:00 PM. COLONIAL —central entrance, Just Ustedt TMa 6-«oam CoiitiniMd Prom Proceding Pog* dormer. Qualtty construction. modarn Utdian, dtoing room, tore, 6494847. Oolanlal home ta Ideal for with faflurs to grant one half pleasantly fumlahed rooms, Send Resume TV> Box GO your family. It baa Mg bed­ of Om highway and operating parking. Call 649-2368 tor over­ One room to be flnirtied up. large Uvlng room, nlud room, MANCRESTBR -laige Ranch, One car garage. Owners are 0/0 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD rooms, bath and a half, a motor vah4^ with unsafe H olp Won tod— Articles For Sole 45 night and permanent guest 18 BIBSELL STREETT, MANCHESTER, CONN. 4 bedrooms, central alr-ccndl- nine raoma, two fireplaoes, rec laige living room, fireplaoe tires on Sunday after on aod- rates. anxious to Sell. T.J. Crockett, thxdng, garage. Philbrick room, approodmately 800 and garage. All on a large IM or Fofnolo 37 EXCEIXEa^^ efficient Md Realtor, 643-1677. dent on Spanoer S t Aoootdtag Agency Realtors, 6495847. square feet buUt-in vacuum lot yet cloac to ewrytolng. to poUoe, Baratar was getog eoonomioal, toat’s Blue Ltistre LARGE comfortable room for ------cleaner, two fuU hatha, very $38,000. To see oaU M- PART-TUCE! dorks wanted to MANCHESTER — Seven room MANCHBSTBR — Ftve westsand crasssd doufita ys4- work in retail stone. Openings carpet and upholstery deaner. retired person, next to private good location. Blveratt Real 5800, 876-5511. bath and shower. Parkii^. Call Cape, wall to wall carpeting Cape, 3 oar garage. Immacu­ tow U A to the left slda of ths araiULbio evoningo and week- Rent electric shampooer $1. Estate Agency, 649-8088. road, running head on into a The Sherwin-WilUams Oo. 649- 0719. throughout. Excellent condi- late throughout $31,900. CaU ______l W omM. Apply in person, 9 a.m. tloR, treed Mt. H.M. Frertwtte J.D. Real Bstoto Aasociatea MANCHESTER, Rockledge cus- B (S oar going east M vob by Jerry to • p.m. Oumberland Parms GENTLEMAN — Brookfield St. Realtors, 647-9993. lhc„ 6485130. tom...... built- IRanob, family room, BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. B. Mann, 22, addrsae unavail­ Store, Jet. n t 44A A Rte. A Private home, comfortable Experienee< 8 bedroonu, walk out base­ hUnchester Paricade able. Both eaia bad to be Boots and Accessories 46 Mancheoter 649-6806 •Bolton Notch. room, with kitchen prl-vileges THE ORIGINAL (and proud) $18,000 —Very attractive three ment, tread lot, large family towed end Bernier w as taiMn THOMPSON, 18’, 06 HP Merc, and parking. 649-6801 after . 6 owners have outgrown their :bedroom Ranrii, ortlar, lOO’ else kitchen. Hayes Agency, BOLTON — 5 ^ room Raised to Manebeeter Memorial Hoe- elect, start, na-vy top. Master- p.m. home in the desirous Rock- lot Nice trees. Hurry! Hutch- 6465181. Ranch, rec room, sun deck, pttal where he was traatsd for ScdoMiwn Wonttd 36-A craft trailer, excdlent fisher­ ledge area and are putting it taa Agency Realtors, 849-5824. IH baths, fireplaoe, 2 acre lot. a laoeratton above the right eya LARGE NEWLY decorat­ on the market. House is in ex­ LINOTYPE man tlS96; S/X >P 19’, shelter MANCHESTEjR Green — Com­ and disobaiged. Bemlor was ^ ed furnished room, ^ v ate en­ MANCHESTER — Attractive Oidy $28,600. Hayes Agency, cabin, centerboard, flberglas INI tt NCA, Im. cellent condition, has 6H fortable 7-TOom family home, 648-OUl. eo gtvaa a written warning for coated, cotton sails, dmracter trance, parking, /genUeman. rooms, IH baths, two fire­ five room Ramdx Large 3 or 4 bedfooms, 3 battw, form­ SALESMEN OR WOMEN kitchen, fireplaoe, 2rcer gar­ driving after drinking. Court boat |4S0 At Bayreuther, Man- 649-7702. I "I k n tw l fergot somethin' these past fire years— / fer­ places, oomidetety findshed OPERATOR al dining room, living room COVENTRY — Large oversized date ie Jen. 20. FREE LEADS DAILY basement, garage choice lot, age, waUraut boeement Beauti­ tic 739-6264. V ATTRACTIVE ROOM with got to go to EUROPE!" with fireplace, enrtoseH porch, Cape. Two fuU baths. Oarage, etc. Sensibly priced In the high ful targe wooded lot. Im­ 2-car garage, convenient to 200’ fronta]ge. Field stone fire­ WEEKLY EARNINGS private family, tew steps from mediate occiqnnoy. Low down A minor ooMfifon In th e drive* twenties. T.J. Crockett, Real­ schools, shopping and Hart­ place. Lake privUeges. Rent way to the Parkade occuired MONTHLY RENEWALS P ort Office, board optional. tor, 643-1677. I Immediate Opening payment. Call owner, 1-878- Fuel and Feed 49-A Call 643-6745. ford bus. $28,900. Call Warren with option considered. Pasek yartarday aRqmocB tovehrlng Aportmonfs— Ftafs— Houses For Rent 65 8681, evenings. E. Howland, Realtor, 648-1108. ReaUoie, 289-7475, 742-7092, 742- Tour earnings depend on SEASONEID Hardwood — cut ’TWO FAMILY, large 6 A 6 Du­ APPLY IN PERSON AT THE ossa operated ^ Allen C. John- your oMUty to m ^te calls ONE LIGHT housekeeping Tonemonts 63 6921, 647-1188. eon, 24, of 20 TNhbe Or. and and sales on the qualified and split to customers desire. plex, bath and half on owner’s NEW TWO tamUy duplex, five MANCHESTER —New 4-bed- Free delivery. Call Leonard room, all utilities, one adult. BOLTON-Vemon line, four room side sepeuate furnaces, one rooms . each side. Separate Bradtocd D. Oeoige, 88, of 249 leads which we will supply On bus line, parking. 272 Main HIGHLAND OAK Village — 3 Ranch, treed lot and lake iKanrliTBtTr Ittenins room Garrison Colonial, COVENTRY —Pilgrim HUls. Glgllo, Bolton, 649-8818. minute from r Main 8t. Very furnaces, quiet location, Uve heavily treed lot. Move In to­ Henry S t Aooordlng to poUoe, ytw. High commission ^ d . Street. rooms, heat, hot water, stove, privileges. One child accepted. Beautiful 7-room Raised Ranch. Jafansen was turning left on a On top of this, you get nice condition, Wolverton Agen­ ecrtiomloaUy, caH now. Wol- refrigerator, dishwartier. 3150. 3160 monthly, 742-6786. It liSSELL STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. morrow. $29,900. Ray Hol­ DouUe garage, fireplace, tam­ graded comer and was acroes monthly renewal checks. SEASONED fireplace wood de­ SINGLE ROOM on bus line, cy, Realtors, 649-2813. varton Agency, Realtors, 640- combe, Realtors, 644-1285. Uy room, IMi baths. Only $28,- livered. Call 1-228-9686 or 649- Available February 1st. 646- the center line. Ha struck the parking, for gentleman. 272 2744 between 6-7. BOL’TON — Fumiedied three 2818 . 900. ImihedlBte occupancy. All leads which you re­ 1869. SOUTH MAIN STREET — An THREE Incomes, Center Street Geoega car In the grlU and finxtt ceive are bona fide and Main St. bedroom Ranch. ’Two full MANCHESTER — 6H room Pasek Realtors, 289-7475, 742- MANCHESTER 4% room De­ older seven room house, that two family, 6-6 phis separate 8921, 742-7092, 647-1188. taodor as It cams around the qualified. These leatb are baths, living room, 25x18’, din­ starter home indudea two'bed- comer to the right. Damaga LARGE room for gentleman, luxe Townhouse, 2 bedrooms, ing area, kitchen,’ walk-in has become too big for pres­ five room bouse. Selling as malted in by pro^iects who Household Goods 51 ent owner. Three bedrooms, rooma up, aluminum aiding, was negUglble and ,no poUoe are interested in receiving- bath, parking. Call 643-7760 af­ IH baths, patio, private base­ closets, full basement and wine a package. Wolverton Agency SOUTH WINDSOR, large cus­ protection under the Bank­ te r 5. ment, d^hwasher and disposal, 1^ baths,' all in excellent con­ new furnace, good oondition. Realtors, 649-2818. tom, L Ranch, 2 baths, fire­ aotian was takan. 3 ROOMS OF cellar. Beautiful v}ew in rear dition. Lots of living space. Only $16,500. Wolverton ers life and Oasuaity Com­ heat, 3I8O. Call 647-1866 after 4 of property. Picture windows. WANTED place, barbecue, first floor pany. Your only require­ FURNITURE FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen Priced In kxw twenties. T.J. Agency, ReaHors, 640-2818. TWO-FAMILY, 65, 2 years old, p.m. 3250 monthly. Heat supplied by famUy room, formal din­ Aooordtog to poBoa a oar ments are that you possess ONLY $169 prefeired. Cqll 643-6909, 643- Crockett Realtor, 648-1677. modern kitchen, lar^ rooms, ing room, modern Mtchei^ 2- lessee. Call 649-5636 evenings ** 0 PART-TIME SPLIT LEVELv aU brick con- good neighborhood. By appoint­ This January—orange girders and blue nicies: next ent elementary school on Notch Rd. (Herald photo (Mven by John E. Hwan, a, an automobile and the am­ 9876. SUBLET until June or sign new car garage, PhUbrlck Agency, of 88 Wlndsmara St made a bition to moke money. Used But All In Good Shape or 643-9508. ’TWO-FAMILY, 6 A 5 Duplex, tarucUon, 4 bedrooms, formal ment. Philbrick Agency, 649- fall, a school. Looking northwest at back of pres­ by Young) — Includes — lease on beautiful two bedroom Realtors 6495847. right turii onto IPeari St. from apartment, only six months old, handy location, $22,600. Phil- Service Station Attendant dining room, 2H baths, ma­ 6847. THERE IS NO DEBIT Bedroom Suibe ANDOVER LAKE — Four room brick Agency Realtors, 649- . hogany family room, 2 flre- Spruce St yesterday and slid Living Room Suite Apartments— Flats— very large rooms, dishwasher, VERNON — 5% room Ranch, furnished cottage, available to 5347. ptaoea, 3-car garage, many MANCHESTER — Immaculate carport, half sore lot, full base­ B o l t o n around the comer on a patch OR COLLECTION ITEM 5 Pc. Dinotte Set Tenements 63 disposal, wail to wall carpet­ June Kith, 3160. montMy in­ tour bettaocma, living room, at lee. A car approaching on Lamps, Tables, Rugs, Plotures ing, 3170. Call 647-1563 after 6. You’ll enjoy work ins’ at Manchester’s finest more features. Must be seen. ment, bulU-lns, near achoed. POSITIVELY NO MANCHESTER — One bed­ cludes heat and utilities. 712- 6-6 DUPLEX located in Saint PhUbriok Agency Realtors, 649- den, kitdien, laundry room, P r lc ^ to seU, $20,900. Hayes Pearl St. driven by David L- and a feaPother ttems. Fox, 19, of East Hartford at­ CANVASSING room, Garden type apartment, MANCHESTER — ’Two bed­ 7607. James Pariah, recent heating service station. Pleasant workinfi: conditions in 5847. bathroom, garage H-acre lot. 'Agency, 640-0181. PLUSl tempted to stop and also went available Imme^tely, 3146. room Townhouse. Appliances system, new oak floors, new Most cmivenient locaticn. $19,- PBC Told New School Progressing Men or -women interested, Refrigerator or Range per month, heat and appll- ceramic baths, possible town, with no traffic to contend with. If you TEN ROOM older home in the 600. Thomas J. McCusker TOLLAND — V'ery nice a n d into a rtMe, running Into the please contact me immedi­ and utiUtiea, puking, patio left front fender of Hearn’s oar YOURS ONLY AT on-cea Included. Call Paul W. and private cellar. 3180. Call Out of Town mortgage assumption. Call Mr. ‘ heart of Mhnehester, 5 bed­ Agency, 1-8725685. very clean, 6 room Ranch, Ocnstructitn on the new ele- Malmfeldt Associates of Hart- ISducatlon Balson to the PBC, ki ths achool board’s education' ately and arrange for an Zinsser, Betfiore Agency, 647- enjoy meeting: the public, this may he just the rooms, or 8 room apartment large rooms, full basement mentary achool is going weU ford, and the conatruetton firm, took port in the PBC meeting, al specUlcaiilana which had to he towed. No In- inteiviiew. A-LrB-E-R-T-’-S Dougan Realtor, 649-4536. J.D. Real Ertate Associates For Rent 66 NEW LfSTTNG — Large 6- Phone: "John” Guida Inc., 643-6129, 643-8779. 1418. and 3 bedrooms, 3-car garage, with garage, plus email 8 "for a winter job," Architect the A. P. Peaalee Oennpany of the main purpose of which w as ibeaa ^ r e reported and no po- John Lulex—fi28-4101 ToU Free 1-800-692-8047 MANCHESTER — Park Chert- job for you. Apply in persoif to Mr. Danny Oarey. jdus carport additional 2 roonu room Ranch plus large recrea- room house. Priced to sell Robert Llenhard tokt the Pub- Haittord, are excrilent, and to begin tMiiUng about th e ways of gettk« the rooms need- •***“ '•*«**• ROCKVILLE — Attractive 3% MANCHES’TER—New six room Uon room, 2-car garage, large 9 AJM. to 5 P.M. nut Garden Apartments, Im­ room apartment, stove, refrig­ over garage. PhUbrlck Agmoy $22,900. Wolverton Agency, Uc Building Commission at Its that all the subootitractors ap- renovation of the present ete- ed for the progtam Albert’s Furniture Co. mediate occupancy, 4H ropm.s NICE 6 room apartment 649- Raised Ranch, three bedrooms, Reattora, 6495847. lot fireplace, IH baths, 2-zone Realtors, 649-2813. meeting last night. "I have no pear to be working weU together mentary echoed to a middle to be offered out of the exist- Pidloe oay a car heading west 266 S. Main S t, Wlaterbury erator and heat, ample park­ 1 ^ baiths, fireplace, formal din­ hot water oil heat. EXbeUent Open Mon.-BYl. 9-9—Sat. 9-6 a t 3160; 3V& rooms at $135; 2814. ing, residential area, adults, no Moriarty Brothers qualms about making the Sept- too. school. Llenhard will atao be In leg space, were drawn by on B. Cantor 8t- yesterday driv­ heat, hot water, oven range, ing room, aluminum siding, 2- COLONIAL, eight rooms, large condition throughout. Has to be COVENTRY — Route 81. LArge en by FVed R. Taylor, 36. cf 48 pets. $100. monthly. 649-4824, kitchen with built-in range, ember date," be said. *v The archlteoto adH advertise charge of drawing these plans, school avknMsbatora. CLEAN, USED refrigerators, refrigerator, parking cuid stor­ SEXXIND floor, simny 4-room car garage, and more. Low seen to be appreciated. Charles five room Cape with baths, Reed St., Rockville, stopped at .Situotions Wanted— 876-1166. 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER — 643-5135 dishwasher,' disposal, etc. large Leq;>erance, 649-7620. If the weather had been a bit tor bids on the ^ell, wbirii ta Llenhard said that he would Lienhard was told he could ranges, automatic washers age, no pets. Call 527-9238 be­ rent, exceUent condition, com­ 80’s. Call Paul W. Dougan, basement. Garage. Real big more oocperatlve, he said, the to servo both the new and the have sketches of his prcqxMals Qie hght on Main St. and was Realtor, 649-4636. paneled family room 'with fire­ lot Terrific buy at only come vq> with his own oolutlen. • Female 38 with guarantees. See them at tween 9-5 p.m. After 6 p.m. bination Florence gas and oil FOUR ROOM apartment, Bab- $17,600 modem five room Ranch, contrarOtoTB migM have been

intorestsd rating, writing policies, en­ new 3% rooms alt $146. a n d rage, Hi Ixuttie. Assumable living room, dining room, and waU to wall carpeting, 16 x 34’ binder on the entrance toad, admintetaatlve offices wiU be In - parent’’ oo the question of Center St. made a left turn 361 cash. 522-0931 dealer. rooms, convenient location. $160. 4% rooms at $165 and ter and othsr locations. For dorsements, etc. Call 649-0719. 6% per cent mortgage, large large Mtohen, oil hot water further information, caU R.F. In the ground swimming pool, . The plan Is to place the metal school. Lienhard said The architect said he would ri»»we*» **** ptoyaical educa- from atoms St onto Center 8t Adults. Available now. 872-0602. $170. ’Three rbom apartment at lot, centrally located, Keith heat aluminum storms and to he«ul east end ran into dw EXPERIENCED woman will SINGEUt automatic zig-zag sew­ 149 OAKLAND St. 5 room tene­ S w n m ^ £ ju)dJul Dimock Co., 649-6246. concrete patio, over one acre roof deck on top of the trussw, thought ttat would be a very requests and sptoifloa- **<>“ program, said that ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ ment, 3100. 646-2426, 9-6. $130. Heat, hot water, refrig­ Agency, 046-4126, 649-1922. Bciieena, extra 67 x 148’ treed of land With a view. Uke new put the roof on, instaU the win- .. uon, consideration, u I would rattier ese Ihe money left side of a car going east, care for sick or elderly person. LOOKING for anything in real cellent condition, hems, button­ ertate rentals — apartments, erator; oven-range, disposal, building lot, A-zoned: Wolver- MANCHESTER and vldnlty throughout. $29,600. U A R daw frames and begin toe Grunake at that he did not want to be bound put into a laaguage Uh or set- driven by Donald J. Parkhwon, Call 649-6271. PRIVACY — ParkUke 230x286’ holes, sews on buttons, em­ homes, multiple dwellings, no EDUR ROOM apartment, first dishwasher, wall to wall car­ ton Agency, RealUms, 649-2818. Building lots available, '$2,300. Realty Company Inc., 648-2692 brick work. _^®n toe buih^g \vmiain Gnnwke, Board of to the rough aicetchea included ,««ce lab. 17, Of 62 Wedgewood Dr^ Both floor of tour family house. Heat yard, spotless six room Ranch, can were operable, no injuries CHAIR SIDE dental assistant broiders, Monograms. etc fees. Call J. D. Real Estate peting, air conditioning, swlm- and up. H.M. Frechette Real­ R.D. Murdock, 643-6472. can be closed in, toe architect v k u ih , »»______;;______fipeakkig of die kidustrtal arts furnished, no pete. 3 115 . Call plastered walls, sundeck, MANCHESTER — $19,900, six were reported, and Bloom wne desires position In Manchester Originally over 3300., now only Associates, Inc., 643-5129. ing pool r^and tennis courts, tors. 647-9993. - - explained. program, Grunake said he per­ 649-7449 or 643-6181. • parking and storage all includ­ garage, trees. Don’t miss It. V m a q i L room Cape Cod. Fireplace, VERNON Llenhard meets every Tues- *" glveii a written warning. area, six yeare experience. 355. or 310. monthly. City Sew­ Hutchins Agency Realtors, 640- oontpletely redecorated inside. sonally Is to favor cf a course ing Center, 522-0476. LOVELY 3 room apartment ed. No pets. 527-9238, 875-8721. ALUMINUM SIDED day morning on toe const ruot^ to basic hand tools. LAsnbard Call 646-2901. with refrigerator, range, dis­ 6324. 158 ,x 166’ lot. HutcMns Agency Out of Town tlon site with the buUdlng super­ A written warning tor pnsring Realtors, 649-5824. Spacious 7-room Raised saM he thought that, at toat SINGER zig-zag sewing ma­ posal and parking. 3140. month­ BOL'TON — ’Three room apart­ By naymand F. & LouH C. Dcmialio- For Sate 75 intendent. He told 'the PBC that level, Indurtrtal arte.-home eco­ at cm intenectloa was tasusd to ly. handy to Main St. Call 644- Furnished \ ment, heat, hot water, appU- $14,600 —^Two bedroom Ranch, Itanoh 'With 2 fireplaces, cooperation end communication Paul G. Toohey Jr., 81; cf 518 chine, slightly used, does porch with wrought Iron rail­ Deluxe Apartmente from $145 per mmitk HOME and inoome combina­ family room, g[ara», bath nomics and arts and crafts Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 everything without attach­ ■ 2427. Apartments 63-A anices, and lots of closets. $120. VERNON — 6H room 1960 and a balf, built-ma city between the architectural firm. Mayor Grant Rehuts Rye Bt South WlndscNr, yeater Call 649-7367. ing, fiUl cellar, garage, 100 x tion with this Cape style two Ranch, seven acres, 977’ front­ aay after an accident on W. ments. Complete price 358.60 TWO-ROOM furnished )apart- 200’ lot, trees. Hutchins Agen­ family 4-8. Ideal for two young water, sun deck off formal GROOMING all breeds. Hm - MANCHESTER — Center /■ age, 20 X 80’ recent outbuild­ dining room, cathedral cell- (that is, girls and boys togeth- According to peltoe, mony Hill. H.C. Chase, Hebron cash, terms available. Dial 246- Street, four rooms, first floor, ment. Private bathroorn, stove, ANDOVER — THREE room cy Realtors, 649-8324. families or an In-law sltua- 2140. a ing. Cloee to highway. Hutch­ ing. 4 year old beauty ait Criticism on Roads Toohey wns going east and 6tt- Rd., Bolton,. 643-6427. dose to schools, bus, shop­ refrigerator, heat, hot Water. furnished apartment, $90 PAUL W. DOUG K, Reolrar Umi. Separate utilities, country ______Since toe CD roam is being t^n,pted to pass toft of a oar COUNTRY Cape with five big ins Agency Realtors, 649-6824. ^,900. OaU John Sledesky Lggal Notkfis BRAND NEW automatic zig­ ping. Call 568-8998 evenings. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main monthly. Call 742-6867. 64M 535 atmosphere. $21,600. Wolverton to inapeot 649-6806. Tempers flared at taat night’s point out that Tricarico’s oper- considered tor toe gym pro- n*aldng a left turn on- LOVABLE toy mlnature, poodle Street. bedrooms In addition to a pic­ HOTPOINT Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. VERNON — Brand new 7 room meetoig of toe Board of Rep- ations have not been inhibited' gram, toe PBC will fkid to Victoria Rd. driven by puppy, male, 10 weeks, AKC, zag sewing machines, un­ WE HAVE customers waiting nic table sized kitchen. Sunny ELLINGTON — FTimey Hill Colonial, 1 ^ baths, fireplace, AT AOOURT OF PROBATE, resentatlves as Mayor John by Instructions to reduce efforts tts use is reetrtet^ because tod- oaraUne R. Ralmoodo of U 649-6831. claimed lay-aways. Reduced to for the rental of your apart­ ’THREE or tour men to shaie living room with open stair­ B & W Apartments. New 3V4 room gar­ garaga, treed lot. Only $26,- held at Hancheater, within and for Grant Sharply detded making a or restrict toe budget, he’s been ersl funds were used In tts con- at The Rahnoado car $44.50. Easy terms. Dealer 247- ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ furnished apartment. Call 648- den apartment, large rooms, way, two full bathrooms, oil, BARROWS and WAIJLACE Oo. the' Diatrlct of Mancheater.' on the 1065. 6909, 643-9876. Conwr of Now Stala Rood & HHIterd Strtdt Easy Applique 900. H.M. Frechette, 647-9993. 80th day of December, 1968. statement attributed to him by using the same procedure he rtructlcn. had signaled, according to po-, tate Associates, Inc., 643-5129. heat, hot water, Frigidaire ap­ hot water heat, walk-out base­ b Manchester Parkade Pieaent, Hon. John J, Wallett, pliances, wall to wall carpet­ ment, w lt^ a one car garage. Manchester 649-6306 Judge. Mrs. Cfordon Pierce, spokesman has tor years.’ CXieney also noted that many uc« but Toohey toM pdttoe be Articles For Sole 45 ZIG-ZAG sewing machine, new WEST SIDE on bus line, sec­ Modals Opon from 2:00 p.m. NH doric BataBsWe of John Lautt late of Hu- for a group of women comptain- Mayor Grant interjected, of the items Heted In the educa- though she was going to turn 1968’s reduced for close out at ing, parking for two cars, 1700 square feet of living area BOLTON—EUGHT room Raised Chester,iMter, >_ ._____ laid______Dtatrirt^_. dMeas^____ ine' about rood conditions. "We’re not curtailing, we’re ttonal specifleattons were more right. Both com ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used ond.floor, 4>^ room apartment. adults only, $140. monthly. Call for $21,500. Wolverton Agency The administratrix, having exhlb- tog about road conditions. "We’re not curtailing, we're ttonal specifleattans were more right. Both 339. Call Capitol Sewing, 246- »Large sun porch and garage. Business Locations Ranch, IH baths, bulU-lns, Ited her adminiatratlon account with Although the six women wwe 'trying toatep It up^-we’re three- ^property maintenance Items, away and thsre no tor a s . printing plates, .009 thick, 2140. For Rent 64 876-0407. » Realtors, 649-2813. New Flare beautifully finished roc room aald aaUt« to th ia j^ r i for allow­ 23x36", 25 cents each or 5 tor Newly decorated. Adults with ance, U hr not scheduled to rtissk, the q^y^rters through our sand and Hie allocation of these Juries. one teen-age child accepted. No ROCKVILLE — 4% rboihs, with bar and fireplaoe, 2-car ORDERED: That the 16th day board voted to aHow them to do already.” whether they should appear to 31. Call 643-2711. FOR RENT, or sale-461 Main garage. One acre plixi lot. $31,- of January, 1669, at two o’clock Machinery and Tools 52 pets. Call 643-6797. Street. Building and lot next heat, hot water, stove, refrig-* afternoonanemooo lUat Uieme Probatex-mo«e Office u.In ^ * * 0 0 1 board’s operafliig Poli^ a htt and run MYERS SNOW plow, 8’ with erator. Available immediate­ 600. J. D. Reel Estate Aaeo- the Hunlclpol BuUdlng In said Man- Rd. area and were objecting to $20,481 has been expended budget or to toe bond Issue, Is yesterday. Tlvey say a. car own- MANCHESTER —Deluxe 2- to Post Office Excellent loca­ ciates, Ino., 643-8779. Chester,,_____ be _, and the sames^ e is . as­as- the condltton of that street. far tor enow remOvaT ThU up to toe Board of Ftoanoe, he ed by WUUam Runde, of 86 pump and cylinder an’d hang­ LINCOLN welders, full line tion for any use. 646-2426 from ly. 872-3749, after 5:30. signed for ers. Call 643-8939. from handyman, special 225 bedroom duplex apartment, in­ ance of’'artd'’^3SftaSlriuon'^°^ * They potobed out there Is an' ele- is Just tor toe months of No- noted. Deane St. was parked in frettt cludes appliances, heat, hot 9 to 6 p.m. 6 ^ ROOM Ranch, large treed count with__ ___ said. estade,____ ascertain- m rtitary school there and the amp. priced at $96. Also heavy lei, cne cor goxage, cuafom mcait of helri and order of dlstrlbu- V'Omber and December. The If was decided that toe PBC of his house about OM VJii. - IT’S inexpensive to clean rugs , Industrial AC-DC welders. Cal) watet, many features. Call MANCHESTER — Main S! Wanted To Rent 68 TO BE SOLD roculs are In very bad condi­ snow storms came earlier this topjEd meet the eduoatten- headed nortlb AotndcmmM and upholstery with Blue Superintendant, Mr. Slade, 649- tion. 649-8407. small store tor retail operation cy, 046-4120, 649-1922. aigned for sold hearing be given year than expected. al speclficatlonB as aptwovod by vehicle travMingncwto ran Into Lustre. Rent electric .shampoo­ 0086. 18’ froiitage, 80’ depth, 3 year WANTED — Pour rooms. First ——------to all persons known to he Inter- Referring to a tdephone con- There was 386,000 approprlat- the Board of BJducatton, rather the left rear fender^boefeM er 3 1. Olcott Variety, Store. lease required, $376. per floor, good location for nice,' I '■->r ROGKVILIrE — two A tour ested therein to ag|>esr and be versatton she had with Ifoyor ed in toe budget for snow re- than set a monetary limit and and drove away, ^ accident Wanted— To Buy 58 FIVE ROOM duplex, no chil­ heard thereon by pul a copy much coUM be ttooe Is etUl under InvertlgsUon. SNOW BIRD —Power snow re­ dren, no pets, garage, elettric month. Conn. Bank & ’Trust elderly woman. No fees. Cam- families avaltable. Secondary of thla order In some newspimr GraritGraiE . laattest week, M Mrs. rs . nerce Pierce movai. Wtth at least three see how much coUM b e done WANTED — Restaurant equip­ Co. Real Estate Dept. 2144-4977. tact Mr. Frechette. H.M. Fre- ' financing. H. M, Frachette *da^*’betore toe was toid by him' he months' of bad weather yet to to toe building within that ttm- mover, 3-225. Best offer. CeJI stove, Frigidaire, $105. month­ trict, ~at least sevtn days before No details are avallaUe on on 649-1158. ment, store, tavern and bank­ chette Realtors. 647-9993. Realtors, 847-9998. the day of said heariiw, and by was "dissolving himself from H te unlikely that thjs tt. The cost tor renovation was ly. 52 School St. between 12-6 263 MAIN Street, offices f o r ISt f?’ ‘ ------—— mailing on or before January 8, the public works department un- accident el toe intersection of ruptcy equipment. Call Fon­ p.m. ------1969, by certified maU, a copy of WiU see the town txibffiolaUy end rougWy TOBACCO wood for office or rent, MO. monthly. Ask fo r COUPLE 'With no chiildren, I*. w -■r.'iC tU Mr. Trloarico Is off t h e mated lost year at 3100,000. N. litaln St. and N. School S t taine Restaurant Equipment, Mr. F ^ h e tte , 647-9998. seeks to rent, half of owner oc­ this order to Dorothy OUI, 113 Fei^ through. den, reasonable. Call 647-1946 473 Windsor Street, Corner FIVE ROOM, first floor apart­ W n n frari f ta n i F tttlf f t 7 7 *w»n Road, Mancheater, Ooim.; Job." She imiated, and the The breakdown of toe ex- yeelerday. The oars involved cupied duplex In quiet Man­ ■ fU lllV a I4MBI KniiBsw Clough. Center Road, Ver- Town Clerk Hoora were operated by WUbur E. after 8 p.m. Canton Street, Hartford, 627- ment, $130. Security and Rent­ 474 MAIN ST. office for rent. l''i'a p B iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti ;,jiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiniiimiiiiiiiiinH" Conn., and return niake to Mayor bitteriy denied, tost pensee 1s as-foUows: Wages, $2,- Due to the Illness of the town chester neighborhood,' near ALL CASH tor your property court. ___ . , these were hto words. SoutbeigUl, 54, of 18 Stark­ 6771. al agreement. Available th e Center of town, plenty of park­ bus. Would occupy In April. 646.23; automotive, 3358.04; salt clerk, the town rierk’s office OERT’S A gay girl—ready for a 15th. Everett Agency, 649-8638. within 24 hours. Avoid red tape. JOHN J. WAIAETT, Judge. Richaid Borden, director of weather St. and Harry R. Uoyd, ing, 646-2426. 9-6. CaU 646-2022 after 7 p.m. , cc: Steven R. Humphrey, Atty. and sand, $14,362; rentals, $3,- wlU be open Monday, Wednes­ 69, of 218 Lydall St. The right whirl after cleaning carpets WANTED — Antique furniture, Ingtant service. Hayes Agency, admlndstratlon, was placed in a oso, and mlsceUaneous, |tB.97. day and Friday from 9:80 6Lm with Blue Lustre. Rent electric rear of SoutoerglU’a car was glass, pewter, oil paint’pgs or SMALL STORE near 100 per ’ ' ^ ---- 6465121. superviaory capacity over Tri-as toe mayor exjdained, $16,- untu 2 p.m. urittt further notice, shampooer 31. Paul’s Paint & other imtique items. Any quan­ IMMEDIATE ' cent Main Street location. Ap­ I I I ' ’ * ARDM OV NOnCB damaged and toe left frent of u SEULJNG YOUR HOME? For STATE OF CONNECTICUT. DI8- carico early test month. T he qoq appropriated for sand There will be no " ' Uoyd*. car was htt. The nashap Wallpaper Supply. tity. 643-8709, 165 Oakland St. ply Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Business Property directive to do so was issued amount at- hour*. OCCUPANCY prompt qour^us_ senr^ tort tw ct OF manot^ il * is sUU under iRvesttgatlotv TWO ROOM, office, 100 percent For Sale .70 S : S i ^ t - .C a l l L o u l - ,Dlmook used, this_ leave,__ __ a S t O^irge’s _ Note. 4 V4-Room Town House apart­ ua.OBM *. imH.i-under ih«the SrtUwill -of MnrvMary PlerwuiPiemen » 'Impoeslblo impoSSlDlo loto wornw ^ w«aiw ^ w balambalance of $617. The $14,882 In- The Board of Deacons will Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ INDUSnUAL building on two Realty, 648-9838. PoUoe also had no details ooia- ment. 2 baths, -alf condlfloning, low’s, 887 Mafn St. Cheney tele of Mnncheeter, In uJd get work done by Tricarico. eludes approximately 35.000 In meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. and rtove, refrigerator, disposal, acres, suitable for hea'vy manu­ earning an accident on Olcott St. SION in an Italian-restauM ht: ?f*8tepiien*^Sm2ii oleney. . The mayor Justified his acUon. encumbered funds for road salt the confirmation class Batui> at the entrance to the refuse ]>atio with sliding glass doors. MANCHESTER —Three new facturing. Complete with of­ "Our pizza 1a a morterplzaa!’’ Prewnt. . Hon. John J. Wallett. by pointing out that the charter Borden said. a.m. MEN Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. dispoart area yesterday. The stores for lease. 600x100 square fice facilities. For further in­ And our selection of homes tor ^ T?e‘Tne QoiinecUcut Connecticut ^Bank k yend And ^Truet e t givesgivea himlum theuiw authority' of . Ite-— ABmaAsked wnatwhat noraenBorden intenoteIntemta to Methodist Bleettng » Call formation, call Mr. Philbrick can Involved were driven by feet. Busy location. Reasonable. srt« Is s source of pride, too. Company. Trustee, hsvlu exhibit- ing directly responsible lo the about toe roads for the rest The Women’s Society of James L. Olbrys, 21, of 86 Hayes Agency, 6|6-0181. at Philbrick Agency, 649-6847. Parachute Riggefs 649-6651 649-2179 Keith Real Estate, 849-1923, Sue* t o ^ '^rt^O T‘ rtiSlinSJ; admlnlstraUon of all depart- of the winter, toe mayor re- Christian Service has tatvttsd all Keeney St. cmd Jofan C. De- 8465126. plied, "He plans to do toe best church members to a meeting " ' BARBER SHOP long estab- “ o r d er ed : That the 16th d u NIgrts, 87, of 233 Woodtand 8L OR WILLING TO LEARN MANCHESTER — New Garden STORE,, 20’ X 70’, 846 Main hahed with large clientele. .5229 Of January. 196$. at eleven o'clock. Mrs. Pierce said the mayor he can with toe equipment and tortght at 7:45 at which Mrs. Both can were driven away and type two bedroom deluxe apart­ Street. Call 622-8114, Wolverton Agency Realtors, theforenoon, Municipal at the BuUdlng Probate In aald Office Man- In . w>W . . her. whenwhfbn anenho calledcwioa w to nMoey toe taxpayers altow." Artour Green of North United no injuries were sustained. The 1st S H IR — 7:00 - 3:30 ment. Quiet location, heat and ------^__ 649-2813. A CHARMING quilt for a young lady's Ltgol NoricE Chester, be and the same U aa- complain about the road condl* He added, "We ore. doing too Methodist Church, Manchester, guu ^mder tovesttgar bed! You’ll find the old-fashioned girls appliances furnished. $176 per 391 CENTER ST., M A N CH ESTER ______S^‘rt'Sld*JJS5Sm md »!d TriS: «<*•. the matter was out best we can with what we have. wUl lead a dtecussion revolving iJ easy to applique from bright prints, We’re putting the most where around a fUm, “Is Your Churdi * _____ month. Call Paul W. Dougan, and theJiasKet quick to embroider! tee’s prior account with said ee- of his hands. She said he ad- Realtor, 649-4636. LIMITATION o rder tate, the ascertainment of dtetrib- . . u__ . . nutiiinn the Bnnrd "^^s needed the mort. Burning?” The film strip oov- OOMPLAINlti Read Herald Ads Invastmonf Proparty Pattern No. 5229 has applique pat­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE. uloM and order of dtetributkm. and viaed her to petlUon the uoaro WOMEN W e are offering for immediate sale this well built eight-room house held at Manchester within and for this Court direcu that notice of of Representatives concerning oiuieiin noara era in part toe Kerner Report, Francis LebeU of 616 Wood- For Sola 70-A tern pieces; full directions fqr mak­ the Dtetrict of Mancheater, on the the time and place assigned for Order of Eastern Star located in Business II zone. A one-story building could easily be ing quilt. . saUI the report of ttte Nattlonal Ad- bridge S t told poUce to rt a tire aut day of December, 1968. aald hearing be given to all per- - meet tonight at the Masonic visory Oommisslon on CivU Die- wheel valued rt $HS.U was Machine Operators MANCHESTER — Immaculate attached to the front of this home providing excellent space for IIND an la caja_i Pl«*J Present, Hon, John J. Wallett. aooa known to be Interested there- "Why as taxpayers do we TlflEU OF GOMMUTINa IN Four Family. )Flve garages. ^ o. B lor the con- orders, which is being studied out of the trunk of his Central location. Operating professional offices or any type of store. The home is in fine con­ by the Oommisslon on Chrirtian car recently trtten It was parked OR WILLING TO LEARN Soctel Relattona Beauty Salon. Possible $6,000. dition and could .furnish living accommodations to a tenant of the Historical 8o- in toe lot by Mancheater Motor 1st SHIFT — 7:00 - 3:30 STORMY WEATHER? gross. Low 40’s. Meyer Agency, tpmorrow rt Sales. l*olice asdd toe trunk proposed front building. Your inquiry is invited. Rockville Pub- Manchester Evening Her­ showed no signs of being toccod Interesting Jobs available tor both men and women on all Realtors, 643-0600. ald Bolton oorrespoodeat, ’ APPLY the oiBi osy w Mcarouer, car to Hannan u. wuiiams, 4710 open. The car bad been there 3 shifts. Experience not necessary—iwe wUl train you. 1963, be and the eame are Umlted Detefleld Avenue, New York, N.Y. The Alpine Ski a u b will meet OemeweU Young, tel. 848 8861. for about two months and had Attractive wages, group Insurance and profit sharing and allowed for the c ro to n with- 10671; Antoinette C. Crocker. ^ 346 carico and hla deputy director rt the Sport Mart Thursday at benefits. Apply In person at the ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc rhlch to bring In their ' cteima Nahaian St., , Westwood. Weatwodd. Mast.; Eugene Joalln that plows not been moved around In the lot- PIONEER PARACHUTE GO, INC. Land For Sate.^ 71 _nat arid eotate, and aald ad- Roger W. Cheney, P.O. Box 1884. 7:80 p.m. ( HE HAS SUGGESTION The______keya______were missing from toa HALE BOAD--IHANCHE8TEB, CONN. AU YEAH. Each month Is i thsme itetrator te directed to give pub- Bante Fe. New'lilex^’8TOl:*^i " ~ *>« »“*<* there was less Ordw oL Ralrtbow tor Girls NEW DELHI (AP) — DeM is body shop, according to poUoe. PHONE M4-1S81 COVENTRY — Appraxlmato- INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Bank and Trust Cam- than three-quarters of an Inch will meet Thursday at 7 :S0 p.m, to have maU booces In toe itmfe ------ly 20 acres, secluded, treed for OonsUtutlon Pteaa, Hart­ An Equal Opportunity Employer ALDON SPINNING M ILLS GORP. Shamroc al., Trustee; The Cbn- of snow. It was Mrs. Pierce's at the Masonic Temple to elect o( pigeons. WHERE THE Onia ARB TALOOTTVILLE, CONNEOTICIIT long frontage. Only ^1,600. 963 Main St., Manchester. vsmber Bank and Trust Cbm- contention tost there was nev­ officers. H.M. Frechette RealtOM, 647- 649-5241 Ooi^tuUon Ptesa. Hart- "Snails would have been bet-< BUDAPEST (AP) — Bute- he ea- er this problem other years. The Ooncerned Citizens of ter, oonrtderlng the speed with peat stattattoa showed tort wotn- 9993. 12 quilts. $160 50$ tiday ftr aiD3- ' date of this order and return make uue— of Stephen------Pleison Cheney.C Further defending hla post; to thte court of the notice gtve and return make to thte Court Vemott will meet Friday rt 7:80 wideb the malls travrt in In- en outnumbersd nun by IM $ur JOHN J. WALLETT, Jud JOHN J. WAIXBTT, Judge. tlon, BordeA said, ’’Let me p.m. at 4 WUson Lane. dla," a ooounentator wrote. eatch I.IXIO matea

'r'* L lRanrl;?Bt?r lEttraUtg TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 196&

ha-retlrad M years ago, he had Hie Bethany Omq;> of Oentar I IMDjr PvMB R o b beon OBSployed in the mainten­ About Town Oongr6geitional Ohurch has eaa- Requests ToUd 45 I2th Cirenit Obituary ance department of Chandler- oeled tomorrow’s meeting. Lebanon TTie Wealthier Slvans Omtrol Systems Division The Hockonum Dog Clu£ will have a ganetal buftneae meet- of Colt mdustriee, WeM Hart­ Women’s Bridge Group I of Court Cases Partly elMidy (oolglft. L o r Irg tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at ford. He was a communicant of the Mancheeter Newcomers More Aisles Asked U tesna. T ten on w r mootly iftm. Saifha Bd, M, of U Mott’a Community Hall. A Prem ier cloody wltli anor (Isisliqin St. Bridget Church and a mem­ Club of the YWCA will meet to­ Cases disposed of included: 15,365 BO owob SL, widow of Im m forthcomosLibIy Mlnifter Arriiaul Husain of PoU- cial discrimlnatlort and remind­ Addressing New Legislature B. Plaak of Rockville; flve do’ with the money provided. “**• source materials neral home tomorrow from 2 the school llbrairy. 64, of 664 W. Middle Tpke., dangerous effect on our air JEROBAUaC (AP) — TtM b . ^ dsUoaite race ed the Oommonweafth leculera grandchtldren, and four great- Last year we received the great. being Used fully at pre- to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. failure to drive a reasonable forae.” ttiat he does not run the Brltiah By DON MEIKLE One of these developments, hr^ giiUMlchlldnn. Lute Junior Museum winter est increase in d o ilo n we have 8«nt- CurrenUy he has a full- tiom now in the hande of Om distance apart, $16; Leo W. "M oreover we do not think ft rnnoffm arms embargo ewSit Cfomnkinreakh eummtt press. Associated Press Writer noted, could be an end Funeral services will be held 11 KiUed time denartment member at the State Development Oonunlaricsi classes will start tomorrow ever received." Chamberlin, 36, of Mansfield, Husain said all countries HARTTXJRD, Conn. (AP) — w ar In Vietnam, Which Thnraday at S;S0 p.m. at St wUl encourage the Arabs to has­ *e a "onaSdsdLrffwb!. (o the State Plam lnc booneO. F W e r a l s through Saturday. Using an a'verage salary of senior high, a part-time work­ should recognise race relatiOM Gov. John DempMy greeted the have a profound effect on C6n- MBty’a Elptaoopal Church. The arrested in Vernon, im p n ^ r ten to sign a peace treaty,” he trary breatdi" of Frandt-tenMi ?f“**,**^ Wlaiwed Dempeey’a epeech to a Joint |8,(KX), he put the cost of 84 add­ er at the Junior level, and vol- as a Oommonwealth problem hew General Assembly today necticut--a state which hari in Rav, Stephen Pride, curate, will In Crash passing, $20; Donald Ekstrom, added. "The coming weeka will •row nante and sUminatea , meeting of the state Senalta and Paler J, ftappeny Parents Club of Elast Catholic ed personnel at a quarter of a urtt'erc in elementary schools. Etenoa aa a DotenUal nnern “ * 28-natioo, mul- and no member should take dis­ with a ringing call for "a re­ the post fe.w years led tlve na­ officiate. Burial win be in Boat 32, of 66 Judy Lane, South Wind­ be difflcuK.” Houss was largely couched in High Scho(4 will meet tomorrow mllUon dollars, and said there A. Ravmond Rogers, Man- criminatory actions against newal of the quest for Just Cemetery. The ftmeral of Peter J. Hap- sor, failure to drive in the prop­ The FVench action waa ex­ makar in (he lO d m ^ S -T ^ tion In dnfonse centnuAs per ffenerahttOT, but he did touch at 8 p.m. in the school cafe­ will probably be requests for cliester H'gh School nrinclnal. the ctUsens of any other mem­ society"—but he put off detailed capita. . Friends may call at the peny of Maartiester was held er lane, $20; Thomas E. Gaff­ pected to add urgency to Is­ eoqpert minlmlaed Me aftoot c o dlecrtmlnaiUon. on some specific topics. Among teria. A group of East Catholic O f Propjet other personnel. At this rate he said a technical aide Is needed ber natlan, sources close to the dtocusMon on the thorny issue Holmes Funeral Home, 400 yesterday morning from the ney, 24, of Windsor, arrested in rael’s requests for quick deliv­ leeari’e nrititary medilne. Britain has tightened Imml- Dempsey chose to 'flew the them were: graduates will participate in a foresees the board requesting a In thi 'senior high. "W e have Skam s annflamnj,.i — - gfsU oo reatrtctlons ,to reduce conference reported. o f tax incroasss tmUl next end of the war in optimistic Main St., tomorrow from 2 to 4 John F. Tierney Fimeral Home, (Oontinoed tram Page One) Bolton for improper lane ery of 60 U.S. F4 Phantom Jet —State aid to local public ed­ panel discussion, "The Student budget Increase of |2H million. five overhead proiectors," he moeith. and 7 to 9 p.m. 219 W. Center St., with a Mm s change, imposition of penalty fighters. Washington announced He urged steps to bar dteertan- terms, es n development which ucation. Dempeey oaSed ter a In This Changing World.” a tremendous notoe when It Rottner asked the teachers to po'nted out, "but they are not "We must face the fact that The family suggests that of requiem at St. James' suspended. on Dec. 27 ft had agreed to sell latlon in < would "make resources and further increase. He did imt eay be realistic and to "^read (he beported. White of the music department •-or Mrs. Vera Osborne requested ly Democratic legislature. Demo­ Burial was in St. James' Ceme­ will leave Sd. James’ Church on when the plane stopped about includes spare parts and train­ reoerved the right to discuss the Prei>arin|r for this eventuality —State contradto with private to East Hartford session on Jan. crats control the lower House Oeyhm 8. Sanborn Saturday at 8 a.m. Those at­ 3(X) yards from her home. "It requested two additional per- six additional personnel. No ing of crews. race quertion at length later if is the reqponaibtUty of the State ooHegee to educate QyimecUcut tery. The Rev. John J. Delaney sons in inetrumental music to 13; Herbert P. Guertln, 48, of ®* ‘ n Britain. This, 110-67 and the Senate 24-12. SOUTH WINDSOR — Ceylon tending may park their oars in burned for about five minutes, services are being given at the other leaders bring it up in for­ IHanning (Touncl), he noted. The by the Commtoaion for Higher rea^ ^the committal service. alleviate the crisis in the school East Hartford, arrested In Man­ 00a Of the tootore aUa to flH a he charged, inflamed racial While signaling tax increases 8. Sanborn, 63, of Hartford, St. James' parking lot. then one man came up and secondary level In Manchester poelHive task In the Middle Bast mal sessions. council, said Dempeey, "has the students, a msosiira proposed Beirvra were Herman Pass- string program, a combination chester, driving without <^r- problems. of some sort, Dempsey indicat­ brother of Raymond Sanborn of askqd if he could call hie rela­ as required by law, she said. oriate.” The conference has decided osslg),‘unent o f recommending by the Commitalon for Higher cantell, Daniel KrinJeJt, Robert vocal, and Instnnnental person ator’s 'Jeense, $10; Christine M. HIb remarks brought an ed he would not go into specifics South Windsor, died yesterday Hose Co. 2 of the Eighth Dis­ tives.” A survey of a few years ago Skating - Coasting D^domato in Paris 'viewed the that interested nations will meet guidelines and prioritiies (or the Education. Dempeey said Ow R. Krhijak, John Krindak, An­ Laterra,' 17, of WlUlmantlc, ar­ immediate reply from British or into detail until hto budget at Hartford H^ttal. trict FTre Department will meet Wreckage' was strewn tor 76 at OUng Junior High School, showed at least 200 would prof- embargo ok ah effort by Preal- oonvtiision of our Istdustrtal com­ measure deserves "careful con- drew Krovontka, and William rested in Andover for following Prime Minister Harxrid Wilson, (See Page FUtoen) message in Febniaty. plex to the economy of peace.” Survivons inriude Ms wife, tomorrow at 8 p.m. at fire head­ feet. One wing was ripped off and music supervteor. such a program. deot Charles de OatiUe to pros- stderation" by (he legtolatura. P. Hail. On a ithree-year plan she ^ too closely, $20. — two daughters, two other quarters, Main and Hilliard Sts. but the fuselage was mostly In­ sure Israel into accepting a So­ "I win tell you now,” he de­ The governor recommended would like three additional vocal 1,183 children test- Also, Eklward C. MainVille Jr., tranfiferring the idannlng func- brothers, a strter and five tact. viet. PMtoe idon for (he Middle clared, "that my bi^et mes­ (flee Page ■) Mrs. Blanche L. Henry personnel each year at the ele- **i« program, 20, of 903 Center St., evading re- sage will contain no recommen­ grandchildren. The Senior Chdr of Communi­ Suits, coats and luggage were Bast But Israel has alreculy re­ Funeral services for Mrs. mentary level, and a high school waiting, Mrs. Os- sponslbiUty, nolled; FYederick dation for a state personal- Funeral service* wfll be heM ty Baptist Church will rehearse scattered on the green, aJong jected the Soviet proposal, end Blanche L. Henry of 52 Benton instructor for Choir, music ap- “ tTie said. Edward TlmbreU, J. Malon, 38, of Pucker St., income tax.” tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the with ar. open map of Pennsylva­ there was np Indtoation that ft tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the predation, voice class, theory, Keeney School principal, said Coventry, breach of peace $26, There is skating on Center In tho meantime, he said, the Taylor and Modeen Funeral St. were held yesterday morn­ nia. migfat reccnalder. South Viet, Delegate church. and ensemble work. tested there, 62 had speech and had a charge of resisting Springs Ftond and hockey at the General AssemUy should adopt Home, 233 Washington St., Hart­ ing at the Holmes Fimeral Henry Satterwhlte, chairman A Paris newspaper columnist, Plus 2 -3% Sales Tax Hike Home, 400 Main St. The Rev. "F or some 10,000 students we ^ arrert nolled; John B. Rath- Annex until 10 ton l^ t. Jeon Femlot of France-flotr, a rule that no spending bill be ford. Burial will be tn Cedar The/^ro^pty committee of of the board of Allegheny, lives Coasting is allowed In the James W. Bottoms of St. Mary's in Bradford, a town of 16,000 have only 214 fuU Instxu- ^ bone/ 44, of West Hartford, ar­ wrote that De Gaulle decided acted upon until Its costs la de­ mu Cemetery, Hartford. Center Cknigregaitional Church park imtil dark. termined Episcopal Church officiated. just south of the New York State mental teachers,” Mias White ^® *®«1 rested in Vernon, failure to eloae to haft the arms sUp- Rejeets NLF Equality Friends may caU at the win meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Burial was in East Cemetery. line. said. The InstrumentaJ situation *o give pass left, $20. ments asturday and (hat his fot^ "Tlio budget for the next funeral home tonight from 7 to in the church, office. is acute. At present there is no *’®*^ ^ Junior high level to PARIS (AP) — A South Viet ■wanted to see the conference btomlum will give us as de­ 9. Bearers were Walter McGuire, Also, Paul T. Reed, 20, of 66 eign mlBlater, Michel Debre, did RockefeRer Asks "The Bradford airport Is one coordinaition of the kindergarten have had heSp at nameae delegate newly back opened, manding an asstanment as has William McGuire, Francis Mat­ Emma Lane, Rockville, unsafe Vernon not know about ft until Monday The Trinity Covenant Church of the best airports in the coun­ through high school music pro- ^ elementary level.” from Saigon insisted today his "We are ready to meet," he fOoed any general assembly in thews and Peter Henry, all left turn, $20; Francis Sellars, Ttw FYsneta ktformatlon min- Joseph Pampuro Choir will rehearse tomorrow try,” SatterwMte said. "In no gram," she said. Dlgan added the social troubles government is anxious for peace said. "But certain prtn^ea ... recent history," he said. "That SOUTH WINDSOR Joseph grandsons of the deceased. way Is It blocked off by ap­ 39, of Columbia, arrested In Istor, Joel le Theule, (old Paris talks to begin, but he rejected at 7:30 p.m. at the church. "Manchester High School, the murt be respected, notably that assignment to to balance needs 5% Spending Cut Pompuio^ 67, of New Britain, proach proiWems.” ^ ^ Andover, following too closely, Booth Gets newsmen Israel had used any idea of equality for the Viet laigest high school^! the state, problems, of two sides. The NLF cannot be (HeraM p(K>to by Btralviolus) agahuit resources and to con­ brother of Mrs. Lucy Luchina Mrs. William Helfrioht A lle^ eny AirHnes said the pi­ $15; Mark F. Tomlin, 26, of Frendh-buUt equipment, inolud- Cong’s National Uberation The Center (Congregational has only one and throe-fifths , ^ ^adge, now work- cM^dered on an equal footing Roy Darwin a n d wife walking to court this mominor. sider alternative tax recom­ By OHABLE8 DUMAS On the other hand, he said, to of South Windsor, died yester­ The funeral of Mrs. Marie lot, William B. Blanton of Alex­ Darien, arrested in Tolland, ing Stq^er Frelorv and Alouette FYont. Church Senior Choir will have membere on the music staff In ^ ‘*>® New Job in .heUcoptors, to transport (be with the legal government of mendations." ' Aseodated Press Writer raise the $620 mUMon entirely day afternoon ipf, pat^pai causes Wuestefele Helfricht ot 34 Turn- andria, Va., and the oo-pUot, speeding, $40; Dennis W. Urso, a social tomorrow at 9 p.m. in comparison to smaller nigh 1®,'^- »>«*e are now commandos who raided Beirut’s TMs appeared to be the latest South Vietnam which we repre­ A deficit of over $123 milllcn ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) —Gov. through tax increase* "would w l^ wabdiing firemen fight a bull Rd., wife of William Hel­ Ronald F. Lesiak of Amadale, 20, of 44 Lakeside Dr., Andover, word from Saigon on the dead­ sent.” the Robbins Room of the schools,” she said. "We have “'^® workers, with flve akpont Deo. 28. to expected by June SO, the end Ndson A. Rockefeller demand­ Jeopordtoe the state’s oompsU- fire in a house next to hfs home. fricht, was held Saturday morn­ Va., wete killed. driving left at intersection, $16; church. more high school pupils Involv- needed. One is needed one Public Works "The operation launched lock of the Paris takes, and to There is no dialogue at the of the current two-year fiscal ed today that state upending be tive economic poeltloo." Survivors include his wife, ing from the John F. Tierney It listed the other victims as ed In the vocal program than week at the high school, Albert Varga Jr., 26, of Wind­ agalhst the Beirut airport, an quash any American hopes that moment with the North Viet­ period. reduced by five per cent, a sen; three daughters, tw o Funeral Home, 219 W. Center The matter die suspension Parents Testify Rockefeller said he briieved Miss H. Neff, Glean, N.Y.; B. ham, arrested In Manchester, of the oonforenoe can get started With an eye tewtird develop­ across-the-board, and also brothers, three other sisters, Trinity Covenant Church will any other high school In the more in the ele- operation condemned unaai- . - ----CU1\« UlC namese and the Viet VAMIK.Oong. outBut that New York’s tax rates al­ St., with a Mass of requiem at Horbal, Et. Lee, 'Va.; Steve state. It Is a sad commentaiy *n«ntary schools, unsafe movement of a motor of a public works employe has Inauguration there is much for the Amerioans ments In WaaMngtoui under the asked the New Yoriic State Leg­ and eight grandchildren. not have its usual Bible study moualy by the Security OounoU ^ ready were at a potnt where, in St. Bridget Church. Scott, Baltimore, Ml., Richard veh'cle from a stopped position, oc M. Nixon as presl- and their often balky South Viet- Republican administration of islature to boost the state eoles The funeral win be Thursday at the chiu-ch tomorrow night. that a school our size does Miss E)thel' Robb, Waddell been resolved to die saiUsfac- of the UMtod Nations, In tact by If a# rlk a TTM$^.A.*fl flA ^ A ■ 1 ... comparison with other states, The Rev. John J. Delaney was Leetch, Montgomery, N.Y.: Pe­ nolled. dent o f the United States. Richard M. Nixon, Dempsey tax from two to (hires per cent at 8:15 a.m. at the Kenney-Lud- not have an orchestra.” School prlndpol, stated that tlon of the town and the em­ (he wtMle world, appears to the nomese allies to talk oixxit. The any' significant increase would celebrant. Mrs. Raymond Mur­ ter Abbate, Erie, Pa.; Richard In support pf Miss White, over the years social workers Cases cont'nued included: French government os lose- The U.6. side, for the record, impression is that the Ameri- In Darwin Trial called for creatlcR .of an ’‘eco­ on the dollar. dy Funeral Home, 81 m gh St., Story Circle of South United ploye, according to a memoran- discourage expansion of Indus­ phy was organist and soloist. Hardman, of York, Pa., and Hyatt Sutliffe, filing Junior are h'ghest on the priority list Rosario Bafumo, 61, of Weth­ oeptaUe, (swpeekshle." ho sold. dung to a hope that aomeihdng oons ore making progress inch nomic cabinet" composed of The Republican governor had New Britain, wMh a solenui Methodist Church will meet to­ diun issued today by Mayor The parents of slain Hope the 17-year-oId Bolton girl. The try and genreally undermine the Burial was In St. Bridget Ceme­ Mrs. J. Willhlde, York, Pa. High School principal, sold HI- when teachers are asked what ersfield, arrested In Manches­ Informed IsraMi sources said poaftive might happen befoira by inch toward some formula executive and legislative lead­ been expected tei recommend Mass of requiem at St. Mary's morrow at 10:30 a.m. at the Rothwell took the witness stand Hebron man, who formerly Uv- oonfldmioe of tnisinnee tery. Father Delsuiey read the Abbate was president of the ter, charged with failure to John Grant. •- q>ara porta .*equired by law entist will have its regidar Center Congregational Church 66. 71, and 72, meeting gix class- (fl«B Page F oot) of the war, and tor that reason (See Page Four) degree murder in the slaying of Mr. Brache was bom Jime 21, Assumption. She was the wife ing, Jan. 13. alleged offenses. ^ building at 8 o’clock. It was for aid to locul government to of John L. Kllroy. Wednesday Evening Testimony were confirmed In Confirmation es a dav, ramdng from 30 to 46 Jet Crash growing beyoml our capacity to 1881 in Germany and came to Also, Robert F. Hood Jr. of Booth has been laassigned to about 7:60 when she left.” The Rev. EMward S. Pepin meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at ceremonies Sunday morning at minirteii in lenrth. h meet it." Bulletin this country as an Infont. He the church. The meeting Is open SprlTig Rd., Coventry, pleaded the position of truck driver, an By 11 o’clock (h» same eve­ was celebrant. Paul Chetelat the 11 a.m. service. Each teacher sees a class enu^onaliy, but also so- RockiefeUer (old the 1989 legie- lived most of bis Ufe in Rock­ to the public. not gu'lty to a charge of violat­ ning, Mrs. Rothwell said, “we was organist and sedoist. Burial They are David Blake An­ only once every three weeks, dlstia-bed, with each assignment he has accepted Kills Three^ lature’s opening eessloa that, ville and moved to Manchester ing a state traffic control sign. both thought It was odd it was TWO FBI AGENTS was In St. Bridget Cemetery. thony, Richard Bryant Arey, she said, whereas seven years ^acher Instructing 6-8 pupil and both he and 'Borden have Nave^Is Show and Necklines Plunge after paring the spending re­ East Hartford jury trial In 80 late. I caHed the TAG bulM- SHOT TO DEATH atxNit two years ago to make his Fiither Pepin read the commit­ Jehovah’s Witnesses will have Jeffrey John Blssell, Stephen ago It wAs onqe every two' hi such an arrangement indicated there will be no fui> quests of etaf.e department and February; Edward J. Kehoe, hig and there was no answer." home with his daughter, Mrs. tal service. ' group discussions of a Bible aid Parker Bleller, Lortie Rae weeks. A minimum oit five ^ oouid be moved from his ther comment concerning the War Quiet WA8HINOTON (AP) — Two 29, of 276 Oakland St., charged agency heads to the bare mini­ Rudolph O. Heck. For many tom orrow at 7:30 p.m. at 18 Brown, Linda Gall Brown, Kar­ teachers at the elementary lev- fcsular classroom to the special matter. She said she and her husband FBI agents were shot to Bearers were John Mcllduff, with failure to carry motor ve­ mum, he stilli faced a $820 mil­ years be owned and operated a Chambers St., 281 Wood)>ridge en Elizabeth Clark, Ernest Ab­ el Is needed to enable every when his condition requlr- Mayor Grant said he fully left in (heir other oar at about SAIGON (AP) —The U.S. and death today in a soattMaat Mark Sullivan, Richard Dyer, hicle license, jian. 13; John Decollete Is News for Spring lion deficit in trying to balance tobacco farm. He was a mem­ St., 726 N, Main St., 144 Griffin class In grades 1-6 to be In- K. concurs with this solution and 11:26 p.m. to follow the route South Vietnamese commands and William Tierney. bott Cox, Jan Ellen Cushman, Kosak, 2L,-'6I 42 Birch St., his next budipet, expected to hit Washington apartment bond­ ber of the First Lutheran Rd. In South Windsor, a n d struoted every two weeks, aver- Miss Daisy Pilcher, reading is pleased it has been resolved their daughter usually took. On today reported only two small Martha Anne Evaniski, Alexan­ charged xWth conspiracy, plead­ By BHBA STBWABT $6.7 billion. A blanaced budget ing. District of CoInmMa Church of Rockville. For almost French Rd., Bolton. aging 42 classes per teacher. A coordinator, requested six a Reaervolr Rd. in Vernon they sklrmlft)es and two shellings In George B. Johnson dra Norma Ferguson, Donna I manner that is satisfactory Herkld Fashion Writer is required b y law.- police broadcast a lookoot for 60 years he was a member of ____ hit a Special Mrs. Henry DesJardins o f West b tomorrow afternoon has b?en Norman Fendell, supervi­ ments for conferences at future Today’s comment session was •Bi o f the aoolal scene have homicide, said the shape df the canceled. honey, whose resignation is ef­ health services, but asked that Top Boxoffice Star Forces camp at Thanh Tri, 48 Wijllngton; two granddaughters, sor of special education, re­ dates. manned only by M a;^r Nathan deplond the emphaele that wound indicated that the girl (Continued from Page One) fective tonight. Mahoney is the If the budget permitted, funds NEW YORK (AP)— Sidney miles west of Saigon, inflicting Mrs. Allen F. Parrish of Man­ quested the establishment of a AgostInelU. He heard suggea- foahlon hoa p(ft on being young "light casualties. ’ was facing her assailant when chester with whom she made The Koffee Krafters of the new state representative from pre-school program for .the men- be provided for released time Poitier has been choso)i by struck. He said she had bCen and the future of the Common­ tlons and complaints from flve •’and having on ahsolutoly per- The Phantom downed Tues­ her home, and Mrs. Richard H. Manchester YWCA will, meet Manchester’s 19th Assembly . tally handicapped, and a part- In, connection with admlnlstra- -motion picture exhibitors in dead 10 to 12 hours when her wealth. J Allied to Pi^nt persons. foot flgura and dealpien ke^ day was one of two Jets hit by Hinkiey of Sudbury, Mass.; tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at the District. He and Mrs. LeDuc tlme work-study supervisor at tlve duties. the United States and Cana­ body, clad in a disarrayed Commonwealth Secretary^ A suggestion was made for a pramlsing that the mature wom­ Intensive machine-gun fire on a and eight gTcat-great-grand- (Community Y. Mrs. David are Democrats. the high school. He e s t i m a t e d ------da as the No. 1 boxoffice star nigtitgown, was found at 12:40 General Arfiold Smith reported Town’s Report four-way stop sign at Wads­ an wm bo coming into her own. mission about 30 miles north of chlldren. Murphy will Instruct the group The board will appoint two there are five educable or train­ of 1908 in the 87th annual poll p.m. Tuesday. that Officials from the various worth and Benton Sts. The per­ Miss Lambert, however, put the Saigon in War Zone D. ' ■ ‘■^I'nneral service?, will be held on papier maehe and celuclay. other DemqcPats to fill vacan­ able chl’ dren In the commtir,i.ty conducted by Motion Picture coimtries had agreed to try to Nixon Chooses A $4,214 contract hgs been sons who made it said It would ftampar on that by saying, "i Attempting to nurse his An autcqwy p ^ orm eU Tuea- Thursday at 1 p.ih. lit the W.P. Members are reminded to bring cies. Thfcy are expected to be who will be eligibleline under Pub­ Herald, a trade public^on. keep the Rhodesian discui.-'ons awarded to Allied Printing Ser­ slow-down- teen-age drivers, us­ hope that a woman has aense stricken plane back to Saigon’s day night by McGovern dis­ Qulsh Funeral Home, 226 Main celuclay or newspapers and Atty. William Bronelll of 35 lic Act 627 to receive training Theater owners in the mall from dominating the confer­ Harvard Man ing Benton St. to get to B. (Jen- •nough not to pufti out her TJan Son Nhut Airport for a closed that the girl had also St. The Rev. Norman Swensen, wallpaper paste; also, a contain­ Ashland St. to the Development In September. vices of Manchester for printing poll vote for the stars whose ence, and to wind up this phase ter St. from Manchester High tmearta or her belly button if landing, the pilot was warned been rtruck at least twice in the pastor , of Trinity Cover,ant of talks by the weekend, leaving er to mix in. scissors, and ah Commission, and James BavHss Asst. Superintendent of As Economist 13,(K)0 copies of Manchester’s School. « ft>e boa paaaed the age of oon- drawing power produced the face with the weapon. Church. )will officiate. Burial of 98 Forest St. to the Citizens Schools Ronald Scott said Oth­ g r m t ^ income in their by the second plane: ‘ "Your’re the red ofthe n'ne-day confer­ object to cover. Hostesses are 1967-68 Annual Report. Allied Another person compdalned of , sent, if not o f raason.” on Are." Authorities said the autopsy . will be in East Cemetery. ence for other topics.* Mrs. R, David McNally and Advisory Committee. er communities are looking to Continued from Page One) thtii^ers during the year. revealed no evidence of sexual wasv the only bidder for the late billings for town water cus­ "Age of reoaon" was the An Air F\>rce spokesman said Friends may call at the funer­ Mrs. Frederick Schneider. A Bronelll would (ill an qnex- Manchester to set up such a - Poitier, Md)o placed seventh attack. f'■ Rhodesia overshadowed the oirrenoy crises in recent years, work, which Includes type­ tomers. , theme of MOas Lambert’s prea- the two crewmen stuck with the al home tomorrow from 2 to 4 babysitter Is available and the plred term to next November, when he first appeared Police said they were without last Commonwealth summit at nrogrem so they may send their must be reformed and made setting. Its price for camera- Another wanted to know who antatlon, and the lady she chose burning plane until it was clear and 7 to 9 p.m. event is open to all Interested vacated by the resignation among the poll "winners in a suspect. They said there was Lagos in 1960. and the dl.'fer- of one or two children. Employing less rigid. ready material,' with no type- In official capacity })ad given to rapresent the I8th century of a heavily populated area women In tlie area. 1966, starred in "T o Sir With no evidence of 4 atnigi^e or of ences there have prevented the Alfred Werbner, and Bayllss a teacher and an aide as requir­ Asked about forecast? by s'>tting required, had been $3,- a~ Hartford newspaper permis­ Age of Reason waa Mme. de KnorfT^. Kosinskl Love," "Ffor Love of Ivy" north of Saigm,'suburban area, robbery. > leaders from meeting for more would iill an unexpIred term to ed by law for a group of eight some private economists of a 698. sion to place wooden , boxes at Pompadour. "The Age of'Rea- then ejected. Enoch H. Ko.sinskI, 85, of 83 than two years. and “ Ouess Who’s (fomlng to The slim, petite brunette was'^ Temple Chapter, OES, will November 1971, vacated oy the would mean a $20,000 budget 1969 recession, he said he fdt The Annual Report, to be dis­ various locations, on town mn was a sign of better thhige Jane Bri$ton N. Elm St., husband of Mrs. Dinner" in 1968, The two fliers landed unhurt, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Conference se.>--sion8 ?re held meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the resignation of William Bajfer. Item. such; predictions were "on the tributed agaih to every Man­ property. to com e," wald Mtos Lambert. Julia Bcrezoskl Kosinskl, died Tthe others in the top 10 but the plane crashed into an Boyd Britton of Needham. A In private, and much of the Ma.son'e Temple. Manchester The Democrats have one oth­ M'tronolltan Effort Toward extreme side." chester household, will be of 43 And, another complained of "After that, demooraoy took A medical examiner said the yesteitlay at his honie. ' for 1908, in order, were: Paul artillery base of the 82nd Air- graduate of Radcliffe, she waa work Is done In small. Informal Assembly,' Order of Rainbow, er apix>lntment due them — a Regional Ooportunlty (METRO) Nixpn is expected to name pages, with one page to be a the "unelghUlnsM" of a hugs over and class dtotincUons were Uaughter of the administrative Mr. Kosinskl was bom July 3t , Newman, Julie Andrews. borne Ihvision, destroying two in her second year aa a student "corridDr" sessions, so only will e.xempllfy tha mother’s de­ replacement for Atty. Allan Is not contemplating programs mlTomlne publisher Walter An map of the town. Itr will con- mound of. landfill on Broad St. blurred. ICaJ^.thto’ age la a The de(N>lIete is the news for Spring 1969, and Roxanne’s red and white ribbed vice president of Radcliffe CM- 1888 In Poland, and lived In .Tohn Wavne, Clint Bastw;ood, *f*nte barracks buildings as in anthropology. muffled ver;)lons of the expected gree. Mrs. Robert Eella' and Thomas on the Development for the physically and ipentally r.enberg to be ambassador to ta’n approximately 40 pictures, at Bigelow Brook, dumped there prriude to te^ r thinge.” lege had beep struck a massive Pennsylvania before coming to chiffon gown for Samuel Winston is the most luxurious example to be seen. Dean Martin, Steve Mc­ weli as kiUlng the two Amerlt Miss Britton tailed to appear arguments may emerge from Mrs. Francis Schlebel are In Commission, for a term which handicapped, he added. •' Britain, one of the major dlplo- plus seven .photos of town of­ FVom Mttie.''de Piiinpadour at blow on the left side of the head Manchester 61 years ago. Before by Green BCanor when It con­ Queen, Jack Lemmon, Lee cans and a South Vietnamese. in a class Tuesday moraing, po­ Marlborough House. charge of refreshments. expires November 1973. An Instructional materials matlo asslgnmente. ficials. '* her deak, Mtoe Lambert shift- behhid the ear by a sharp weap­ structed its Broad St. Parkade. Rhinestone bars are centered in the wrapped waist band. Fdmy long sleeves Marvin and Elisabeth Tay­ R waa the 328th plane lost in lice stid. The body waa found (floe Pago flbe) are the demure touch. lor. on. Investigators theorized a f. .(See Page Sixteen) hatchet or a cleaver was used. (See Page Elghteea)

t . _ 4