'.•7 *

The weather O ear tonight with lows 10 to 18. Mostly sunny Tuesday with highs in the 30s. Outlook; fair Wednesday and Thursday; in­ ~Maneh^t0ii^A City of iVUIage Cluirm Phone 647-9946 creasing cloudiness Friday. FOl'RTEEN PACES MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY. MARCH 6. l* n - VOL. XCVH, No. m for homo dollvory National weather map on Page 11. PRh:K( twenty CENTS ^ Carter invokes Taft-Hartley law

■ ~ . ' f ■ - Summary But court order W" TOKYO (UPl) - The U S. dollar plunged to an all-time low against the Japanese yen today on may he ignored the Tokyo Foreign Exchange ayed by market, despite massive in­ LJii, WASHINGTON (UPl) - byist, said "I don’t think we’re going tervention by the Bank of Japan. / M l to have to ask for new legislation,” ddirec- . Makers of Toyota, Honda and President Carter today in­ f Christ indicating at least the first step Datsun cars said they would be voked the Taft-Hartley law in would be Taft-Hartlev. Center; forced to raise U.S. prices again if an attempt to end the 91-day Either seizure or enforced media­ tor at the dollar declines further in coal strike. tion would require congressional ac­ it Hart- value. tion. But most of the nation’s 160,000 ‘ofessor The dollar dropped again on Industry sources said the executive striking soft coal miners are ni. The most European markets today council of the Bituminous Coal expected to ignore any Taft-Hartley after a brief pre-weekend Operators Association was meeting i comer court order to go back to work, un­ recovery, but it remained frac­ today in Washington to decide what %nue in less it is accompanied by a federal tionally above record-low rates. takeover of the mines. The United to do now that the contract is William Mine Workers union Sunday strongly rejected and the president is ready to WASHINGTON (UPl) - Rice act. current rejected the coal companies’ latest Vlillard dealer Tongson Park returned to contract offer. Energy Seer''t ary James Capitol Hill today for a second Schlesinger said Sunday, "If we can­ sic, 200 Under the Taft-Hartley Act, the week of secret questioning about not get a national agreement I president appoints a three-member Sunday $750,000 in cash and gifts he said a t ' believe that we will have regional or board of inquiry which will report to he gave congressmen to influence company by company bargaining him on the emergency — a report legislation affectingSouth Korea. that will get the miners back to which could take a week or more. Without comment to r ^ r te r s , work." Then, the Justice Department is Park — indicted for hi^role in But most officials feared the angry expected to ask a federal court to isor an alleged congressional influence­ and divided UMW would force new issue an injunction against the strike Friday buying— returned at midmorning confrontations. and order negotiators back to the lain St. to testify before the House Ethics They began voting Friday, 28 years bargaining table. fth and Committee. to the day after Harry Truman r high "The time has now come for me to ordered federal seizure of the act on the subject,” Carter told second PHILADELPHIA (UPl) - nation’s coal mines in a similar stan­ r.’Sf- legislative leaders shortly before I . Live David W. Marston, the former doff. The actual seizure in that case, noon. U.S. attorney in Philadelphia however, was averted. g. For Carter said he talked with union of­ whose ouster created a national The UMW has 794 locals and 693 of a t 649- ficials and coal mine operators Sun­ controversy, today announced his them sent results to Washington by day as it became clear the proposed candidacy for the Republican midnight Sunday. A total of 79,753 contract would be defeated by a nomination for Governor of Penn­ (69.7 percent) voted against ratifica­ margin of at least 2-1. He told the sylvania. tion and 34,689 (30.3 percent), voted Cabinet of his decision early today At a news conference held at his for the contract. in are and then briefed the legislative home, Marston, 35, said he Under Taft-Hartley, Carter must lirough leaders of both parties at the White decided to run to insure that, declare the strike "a threat to the nunity House. "instead of political bosses the national health and safety" and get a irtford Miners have traditionally ignored pwple will have an opportunity to court injunction ordering the miners age of pick their governor.” Taft-Hartley back-to-work orders. back to work for 80 days. paper "The problem,” said one White During that period, negotiations House source before Carter made his 1. to 10 NORWALK (UPl) - The leader with the Bituminous Coal Operators announcement, "is that the rejection Satur- of striking nurses at Norwalk Association would reopen under vote has made it questionable that Hospital predicts the second government supervision and with a the 39-man (UMW) bargaining coun­ hester nurses’ strike in Connecticut government committee studying the cil represents sentiment in the rank- im the history may last some time. issues. After two months, the miners and-file mineworkers.” with a Mary Lou Millar, president of (Herald photo by Dunn) vote again on the owners’ last offer "No one’s really sure,” said the the 270-member Nurse Unit of the and the National Labor Relations 975 he Freestyle skiing at ISorthview source, "so why not go with the law artists Connecticut Health Care Associa­ Board counts the votes. we have.” If the miners do not accept It, the (cticut tion, said Sunday “It looks like it Paul Tanguay of 77 Timrod Trail does some dogging” during a free-style ski maneuver Chairman Frank Thompson, D- attorney general must ask the court at will be a very long strike.” fancy stepping, sometimes called “hot- over the weekend at Northview Ski Slope. The nurses picketed Saturday N.J., of the House labor- to lift the injunction and the strike . Last morning to protest wages and management subcommittee has a . would be on again. tw o what they call unsatisfactory bill ready for action and Speaker Taft-Hartley has been used 34 Thomas P. O'Neill said over the Street work schedules at Conrtecticufs times, three times against the UMW. weekend the House could vote in a eighth largest hospital. Land sale to Penney It is UMW tradition never to work chool, week. without a contract. Out in the coal m the Senate GOP leader Howard Baker fields, some miners hope Carter will ! has NEW HAVEN (UPl) - Yale .said: "I will support him (Carter) in take over the mines and set working University has announced selec­ 'liege, any reasonable request that he conditions and wages, possibly at a tion of Abraham S. Goldstein as makek to try to get coal back into Ine of scheduled March 16 higher rate than the old contract, as the school’s new provost. production.” a belter alternative to invoking Taft- e n tly Goldstein, who served as Yale’s Frank Moore, Carter’s chief lob­ been schedule(l March 17 at the tors also will have to approve the Hartley. ery of law school dean from 1970 to 1975, By GREG PEARSON Manchester Country Club to mark abandonment of four town roads that rently will replace Provost and acting Herald Reporter the closing of the property transfer. are located in the proposed park site. um of President Hanna H. Gray when ’The Town of Manchester and the The event, which will be attended by J.C. Penney announced its plans to she leaves in July to become J.C. Penney Co. have set March 16 as representatives from the town, J.C. locate in Manchester in late 1976. Job loss predicted president of the University of the date for the sale of 162 acres to Penney and the community, is Originally, the firm had planned to Chicago. the firm. expected to last from noon to 2:30 begin construction in the fall of 1977 J.C. Penney plans to begin con­ p.m. with a .1980 finishing 'date. with liquor reform ATLANTA (UPl) - Although struction of a two-million square foot The purchase of land from the town the Russian flu apparently has "It’s all hopefully coming into catalog distribution center soon after and the start of construction were HARTFORD (UPl) - Connecticut struck only young people under 25 place," Town Manager Robert Weiss costly system of price-fixing,” said it purchases the property from the delayed by several court actions since it hit the United States, said today of the project. liquor industry leaders today warned .Sen. Robert Houley, D-Somers. town. The building would be the taken against the proposed project. A federal health experts think it that as many as 2,(XX) people will be Houley has led the reform move­ major one in the town’s proposed 393- He said that the town still has to couple of zoning appeals were decided ment. may eventually attack adults over thrown out of work if the stale dumps acre industrial park to be located in purchase property from the state. in favor of the proposed project and that age. laws setting minimum liquor prices. "Approve these recommendations the Buckland section. That step is scheduled to take place the State Supetior Court ruled in and help put an end to the liquor That theory stems from past "The liquor industry is not a fat A reception and luncheon also have March 14. The Town Board of Direc- favor of the J.C. Penney Co. in a suit price-fixing ripoff,” Houley said.. behavior of the Russian strain, cat,” said Donald Harrison, that questioned the environmental Many of the industry represen­ which caused worldwide representing package store owners. review of the proposed project. "It is an industry of marginal tatives arrived at the auditorium epidemics between 1947-57, and After that decision was announced, profits.”' aboard chartered buses. At least 100 the pattern followed by other flu Mideast shuttle fails; J.C. Penney said that it wouid "At least 1,000 stores will close, if carried signs protesting reform. epidemics, officials said Satur­ day. proceed with the project despite a you do away with minimum pricing, But one restaurant owner spoke on couple of other pending legal actions. because of predatory pricing by big behalf of the repeal bill. Meanwhile, the national Center summit talks expected A brief was filed two weeks ago in "You don't run your business. ” for Disease Control in Atlanta has business,” Harrison said. "That the major remaining action, a figure is cold — and you’ll have 2,000 .said Dominick Cifarelli, owner of the said research indicates that per­ CAIRO, Egypt (UPl) — U.S. envoy American compromise proposals. federal suit concerning the stale’s Marquis Restaurant in Cantdn. sons who received swine flu shots people thrown out of work," Alfred Atherton, delivering a Atherton, abruptly canceling a trip dropping of the indirect source per­ About 1,000 people crowded into the "Your prices are set by law, the in the 1976 national immunization reported Israeli call for resumption to Saudi Arabia, flew to Cairo from mit program. Bushnell Auditorium across the wholesaler tells you what to buy. how program may have some added of direct peace negotiations, met Tel Aviv and met today with Egyp­ The brief requested an injunction street from the Capitol today to much to pay and when to sell it. ” protection against the A-U.S.S.R. with Egyptian leaders today in the tian Foreign Minister Mohammed against the J.C. Penney project strain. listen in on a public hearing held by Among the more controversial third and final visit of a Middle East Kamel at the latter’s residence because the work will be started the Legislature’s Liquor Control refqrms being proposed is the repeal shuttle that has failed to break a where Kamel was confined with a without an indirect source permit. of the minimum price mark-up law WASHINGTON (UPl) - Josip Committee. deadlock between Egypt and Israel. slight indisposition, according to The dropping of the program by the that requires wholesalers ^and Broz Tito, last of the major The panel is considering several Foreign Ministry officials. state has not been approved by the retailers to sell alcoholic beverages figures of the World War II era, proposals to overhaul the industry, Government sources said Egypt is The session preceded a call by federal government, the plaintiffs in including repeal of minimum price at a fixed percentage over their cost. begins a round of meetings now looking to summit talks in Atherton on President Anwar Sadat the case, the Manchester En­ Another much-debated proposal ’Tuesday with President Carter laws passed in the 1940s. Washington later this month between to deliver a reply from Begin to a vironmental Coalition and Michael Most of those at the hearing were calls for the replacement of the Stale and top administration officials President Carter and Israeli Prime personal message the Egyptian Dworkin, say. Attorneys Bruce Beck liquor wholesalers, bar owners and Liquor Control Commission with a on foreign policy issues and Minister Menachem Begin to help leader had sent him with the U.S. and Anthony Pagano represent the package store operators. full-time Alcoholic Beverage Control modest Yugoslav aid requests. end the stalemate, possibly with emissary last week. plaintiffs. Authority, He was due to land at Andrews "Connecticut has the worst, most Air Force Base outside Washington late this afternoon. LOS ANGELES (U P l) - Maine governor blamed for bad spuds Another devastating storm that killed at least 28 persons in AUGUSTA, Maine (UPl) - Maine 100 letters from people dissatisfied dirty potatoes to him. "In recent years I’ve purchased ty lor mislabeling potatoes. Southern California and Mexican Gov. James B. Longley has'been get­ with Maine potatoes. The governor At a Feb. 22 news conference, very few Maine potatoes because of Longley's veto was sustained. border towns was gone today, but ting flak for small, dirty and appears on television ads, not shown Ixingley was asked by a reporter why the poor quality of the product, your Longley said when he agreed to do seaside residents in Malibu still sometimes rotten Maine potatoes. in this state but shown in other he put the prestige of the governor’s recent TV ads encouraged me to try the ads. he asked for and expected contended with raging seas in "Unfortunately, the mail which 1 eastern states, promoting Maine office behind a product that random another bag. I found those potatoes to the industry to help in strengthening front of them and mudsiides in have been receiving bas been sur­ potatoes. surveys have shown is inferior to be as poor as any I purchased in the the laws. back. prisingly predominantly negative. The newspaper said Longley Idaho’s potatoes. Longley said he dis­ past. The 10-pound bag was labeled Many people who have written claim declined to be interviewed about the agreed Tith that conclusion, but In his veto message Longley said At least eight persons were U.S. No. 1, but the bulk of the ■4 that they have purchased Maine letters but it reported people wbo acknowledged a small percentage of potatoes were extremely small and many East Coast metropolitan reported dead in Southern Califor­ potatoes at my suggestion, and they have talked to him privately said he Maine potato farmers are hurting the buyers are willing to pay more for nia and 20 more in Baja Califor­ the large potatoes were discolored on are very disappointed in result, ” was upset and angry. industry by shipping poor quality the interior.” potatoes from other states because of nia, Mexico. At least four others Longley said recently. Longley has told his cabinet he is products. were missing. the better quality. He said the "long­ The Maine Sunday Telegram catching some "flak" about the ads One of the letters to Longley Longley recently vetoed legislation standing excellent reputation of the reported Longley has received about and some people have sent bags of stated: that would have weakened the penal­ potato is diminishing."

V.. PAGE TWO — MAWCHiMTKK EVENING HERAU), Mancfaestw, Conn., Mon.. March g. I97g Board of Tax Review MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD Manchester, Conn.. Mon., March 6, 1978— PAGE THREE sets meeting schedule Births The Board of Tax Review of the March, 28; Tuesday, April 4; Mon­ Malun, Kimberly Molowiilluk, Mirhacl. daughter of Charles J. and Town of Manchester has announced day, April 10; and Thursday, April 13, Kuliin, daughter of Joseph son of Michael J. and Mirliuel, son of George E. Cynthia A. Brumbach its schedule of meetings during Saturday, April 1, the board will F. and Marsha Morris Frances Knight and Joanne DeBroske Coniam of 319 Kenney March and April. meet from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The board Malon of 18 Rabbit Trail. Motowidlak of 5 Francis Cochran of Webster Lane. Road. She was born Feb. 18 The board will meet in the also will meet from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. St., East Hartford. He was He was- borii Feb. 4 at at Manchester Memorial Municipal Building at 41 Center St. on the following days: Monday, Coventry. She was born bom Feb. 25 at Manchester Mount Sinai Hospital in Hospital. Her maternal Residents who want to appeal the March 13; Wednesday, March 15; Feb. 7 in Willimantic. Her Memorial Hospital. His Hartford. His maternal assessments issued by the town jn maternal grandparents are maternal grandparents are grandparents are Mr. and grandparents are Mr. and Thursday, March 16; Monday, March Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Mrs. Henry Brumbach of the recent revaluation must meet 20; Tuesday, March 21; Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Ronald Baker of Dan­ Morris of Main Street, Boyertown, Pa. Her with the board. Knight of 7 Francis St., bury. His paternal grand­ March 22; Monday, March 27; Coventry. Her paternal maternal great­ The schedule for the board will be Thursday, March 30; Friday, March East Hartford. His pater­ parents are Margaret grandparents hre Mr. and grandmother is Elsie Ben- from 1-4:30 p.m. on the following 31; Wednesday, April 5; ^ursday, nal grandparents are Mr. Cochran of 337 W. Center days: Tuesday. March 14: Tuesday, April 6; and lliu r^ ay. April Mrs. Fredrick Malon of and Mrs. John Motowidlak field of Bayertown, Pa. She St. and George H. Cochran Pucker Street. Coventry. of 780 Goodwin St., East has a brother, Todd; and of Vernon. His maternal Hartford. He has a sister, two sisters, Terri and Kel­ great-grandfather is Her paternal great­ Lisa Marie, 3, ly. Joseph DeBroske of Eau Museum sets classes grandmother is Mrs. Ruth Gallie, Fla. His paternal Malon of Ardmore Road. roniiini. I.)'i)>li Aalili'V. l*<'uro<’k , V iidrew great-grandmother is Inez for younger children janoii. son of Roland and Cochran of New Britain. Man of year Unda Maturo Peacock of Enfield. He was born Feb. Syl\c»ii;r, Kimberly The Lutz Junior Museum. 126 clude transportation, admission to College notes •9 at Manchester Francis J. Mahoney of 19 Hamlin Viiii, daughter of Richard Cedar St., will conduct morning Mystic Seaport and the planetarium. Memorial Hospital. His St. has been selected as “Man of the T, and Sharon Langford sessions for prC-school children. Participants will meet at the Lutz maternal grandparents are Year" by the British American Club Area students named to Sylvester of Pembroke, Gasses include arts and crafts, live Junior Museum Wednesday, March Road, high honors; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph for his efforts for the club over the the honors roster at Mass, she was born Feb. 25 animals, playtime, snacks, and 22, at 8:30 a.m. The return bus will Richard A. Bond, 1425 Maturo of 120 Bolton St. at South Shore Hospital at years, including serving as chairman stories. Stonehill College at North leave Mystic at 3:30 p.m. Pre­ Main St., honors; Maryann His paternal grandparents Weymouth, Mass. Her of its annual Sports Night activities Two six-week classes will be Easton, Mass., are: registration is required. Please call Golden, 25 Dogwood Lane, are Mr. and Mrs. Roland maternal grandparents are for many years. offered: Wednesdays beginning April Manchester: Maureen R. the museum for reservations. highest honors; Harry P. Peacock of Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mahoney wili be honored at a St. 5 and Thursdays ^ginning April 6, Donachie, 296 Porter St., The museum will conduct a Heikoff, 56 Wendy Drive, He has a brother, Roland Langford of Wayne, N.J. Patrick's dinner-dance Saturday, both from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. honors; Nancy J. Donlon, high honors; Raisa Ann cooking contest for youngsters IV, 6; and a sister, Tina, 3, Her paternal grandparents Mardh 11, at the clubhouse. Dinner 71 Oxford St., highest Heikoff, 56 Wendy Drive, Enrollment is limited. Friday, March 24. are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph will be served at 8 p.m., and Lou honors; Elizabeth Egan, 24 high honors. Registrations will be received by Contestants are to bring in their <' 0 1- ll r IIII, S <• o 11 Sylvester of Manchester. Joubert's Orchestra will play for mail sent to the museum. For infor­ items at 1 p m. and the judging and Hendee Road, honors; dancing, starting at 9. mation, call 643-0949. sharing of the food will occur at 1:30. Margaret E. Healy, 77 Con­ The event is open to members and The museum has planned a trip to The categories are main dishes, Science fair winners cord Road, highest honors. guests. Tickets may be obtained at Vernon: Kim Eidson, 126 Mystic Seaport for a day of sea- desserts and other for two age groups Thomas Day proudly holds his trophy for Bobbie Hutchinson, center, chairman of the plans for the April 5 benefit with Virginia the Maple Street clubhouse. related activities. The fee will in­ — ages 5 to 8 and 9 to 12. Thomas Mangano and Chris Dobb, first place Daryl Drive, highest best overall winner of last week’s St. James winners with a biological entry, and Phil theater party to be conducted by Child and Hayes, right, and Judy Mrosek. Proceeds will honors; Cynthia M. John­ School Science Fair. His entry on a study of Choma, first place winner in the physical Family Services of Manchester, discusses benefit C&FS. (Herald photo by Barlow). son, 78 Many Lane, honors; biofeedback is shown in the background. Ad­ category. (Herald photo by Pinto) Mary Beth Lombardi, 53 s / ^ ‘'ChiU ChasePx PZC sets three hearings miring his good fortune are, from left. Marjorie Lane, high honors; Michael J. The Manchester Planning and a Residence AA subdivision for the the appeal said that the PZC held its Marshall, 364 Taylor St., Zoning Commission will conduct Lenti Farms tract off Gardner first public hearing on the inland- CFS planning theater party high honors. three public hearings when it meets Street. The PZC approved the wetlands application sooner than 30 About town South Windsor: Paul L. tonight at 7:30 in Woodruff Hall. proposal, including a separate days after receiving the application. Bienkowski, 2468 Ellington Child & Family Services Inc. of Century," starring Madeline Kahn, Center Congregational Church. application for an inland-wetlands A period of 30 days is required The Marine Corps The Sunset Club will p.m. at the Citadel. The another show if they wish. The Parent/Student Club John Cullum and Imogens Coca. Cup Of The PZC will hold a hearing on a permit needed for drainage facilities between the receipt of the applica­ League will meet meet Tuesday at 12:45 p.m. members wili prepare Manchester will sponsor a benefit For ticket information and reser­ of Howell Cheney Buses will leave Tri-City Plaza in second application for an inland- in the plan. tion and the hearing. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Easter boxes. Hostesses theater party April 5 to New York Ci­ vations, call Mrs. John Hutchinson at Technical School will meet at the Senior Citizens Vernon, Suffield Village and Corbins wetlands permit for Jack Goldberg A group of residents has appealed Thus, a second application for the Marine Home on Parker are Mrs. Dorothy Jenkins ty- 649-8283. The theater party is open to WATOI YOUR Shady Gfen’i Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Center. Members are Corner at 7:30 a.m. and Caldor in and Robert Stone. the PZC's decisions on the proposed inland-wetlands permit has been Street. asked to bring sandwiches and Mrs. Ruth Barrette. Participants will see a new the public and will benefit this non­ subdivision. One of the statements in filed. the school on West Middle musical comedy, ‘On the Twentieth Manchester at 7:45. profit service. The two developers have proposed Turnpike, Manchester. for lunch. Beverage and FAT-GO The PZC also will conduct two Temple Chapter, OES, Those attending may choose to see Hot Soup! Each members is asked to dessert will be provided. The Singles People’s Lose ugly excess weight with the public hearings for resubdivisions. sensible NEW KAT GOidlet plan will have its annual bring a canned food item Group will meet Thursday One of the resubdivisions, proposed Nothing sensational Just steady meeting and election of of­ for a raffle. The school’s The VFW Loyalty Day at 8 p.m. in Mott’s Com­ weight loss for those that really Blood pressure clinic slated by Thomas O'Brien, would create 24 ficers Wednesday at 8 p.m. committee will meet munity Hall. All interested want to lose. American Field Service A full 12 day supply only $3.00. lots and two parcels from a 31.7 acre at the Masonic Temple. A singles are invited. Grange contest blanks available A free blood pressure clinic lor Junior Women’s Club. (AFS) student from Brazil, tonight at 8:15 at the post Ask LIGGETT Pharmacy about tract at 148 Birch Mountain Road. potluck will be served at home. ____ Refreshments will be., the FAT-GO reducing plan and Manchester residents age 60 and over Luis Crema, will give a Hillstown Grange of 617 Hills St., grange at a date to be announced. start losing weight this week. Mrs. Gloria Weiss, nutritionist The property is in a Rural Residence 6:30 p.m. Members may served. Patterns, will be judged in August. will be held at the Senior Citizens talk and show slides of his Regina D'ltalia Society East Hartford, is currently receiving The needlework contest is spon­ There are two categories: stuffed Money back in full If not complete­ Dairj^ Stores with the MPHNA, will be featuring a Zone. Also, the Manchester make supper reservations ly satisfied with weight loss from Center Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. country. will meet tonight at 7:30 at entries for the 1978 National Grange sored by J & P Coats and its threads dolls and stuffed animals. Entries the very first package. ^ (Jtiliil mill Hi-riili-r Kli-||| display of calcium, and recipes and Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Mrs. Richard Claing. No appointment is necessary. the Italian-American Club samples of food that are rich in has proposed a resubdivision of 10.7 Contests. Participants do not have to and yarns must be used in all articles must be submitted through a local Introdubtory S400 tw o l ONNKMKVr I.OCVtlONS The local chapter of on Eldridge Street. Showcase entered. Categories include knitting, Assisting the Manchester Public calcium. She will be available for acres into three parcels at the be grange members. grange and must be filled with Poly- OHar Worth V Hi. 6 A 44A — Open Dally A Sun. Health Nursing Association The Veterans Council of Parents Anonymous will crocheting, crewel, needlepoint, em­ consultation on any nutrition northeast corner of Slater Street and Manchester will meet Cinemas The sewing contest, now in its 20th Fil. These toys will be donated to Cut out M l M e la k a to tiora (MPHNA) geriatric clinic staff will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. Friendship Circle, Salva­ year, is the largest general sewing broidery, machine embroidery and children’s homes and hospitals Naiad. Purdiaaa ont pack ol fAT- hrmii-li . tlim. ihru Sul. questions and problems. Tolland Turnpike. The area is in a tonight at 8 at the INTERSTATE 84 GO and racalva ana (AT-GO Pack be members of the Manchester For information, call (toll rugs or wall hangings in both latch Rural Residence Zone. American Legion home. tion Army, will have a ser­ exT T sa contest in the United States. There throughout the country. Fraa. free) 1-800-842-2288. vice night Tuesday at 7:45 SILVaLAM E are classes for every age group. hook and regular hook. Judging will For further information and entry LIBBEn PHARMACY ROBERTS STREET Basic requirements are the use of take place in May or early June. forms which state all rules and Manchetlar Parhada [ Theater schedules I hwM649-rfWn EAST HARTFORD Simplicity patterns and J & P Coats The stuffed toy contest, cospon­ requirements, call Hazel Cooper at [1X\THEATRES EAST GLOBE 868-8810 thread and zippers. Preliminary sored by the National Grange, Poly- 528-3257 or Kay Ruff, 633-5116. SAROMHIUtnMMKS judging will take place in April at the Fil products of'Fairfield and McCall Showcase Cinemas — Vernon Cine 1 — "The Vernon Cine 2 — "Julia” Travel Service sa.ao tn 2i30p.m. ■'Coma'' 2:00-7:40-9;55; Betsey" 7:00-9:40 7:10-9:20 555 MAIN STREET "Boys in Company C" 2:05- 643-2165 -‘THE- 7:15-9:45; "Other Side of the OTHERSIDE Mountain Part 2" 2:00-7:30- Over 30 Year$ OF THE A Manchester Land Conservation Trust Do Something Different 9:40; "Goodbye Girl" 2:10- Travel Experience IN' 7:30-9:50; "Saturday Night Authorized agent in Come to Fever" 2:05-7:10-9:30 presents MancHester for all U.A. Theater 1 - "High Airlines, Railroads and Anxiety" 7:30-9:15 Steamship Lines MA MA MIA’S ^fnHpihave a U.A. Theater 2 — _ _ _ featuring: "Candleshoe” 7:00-9:00 “ W I N G S - - ■ ■ weee U.A. Theater 3 — "Close FROM • Baked Stuffed Shrimp Encounters" 7:00-9:30 FROM TIP TO TIP” COME AND PLAY 5M.9KKI 0 h.Y. Sirloin !CfliMiYG: • Veal Parmjgiana _ E ^ ^ M A C H I N E _ Robert Strindbergs FPSA The Smiths’ IU k )L D ROBBING’: TALL A dtlightful Salad Bar Plus: Open to the PUBLIC Bring the FAMILY CEDAR strawberry Shortcake or Lemon Cake w/Lemon electric bill Sauce and Beverage. AndInHKthave Refreshments SATURDAY For A Dining Experience You’ll Never Forget NIGHT is 18% lower Sr. Citizens BINGO Coma on Down FEVER Families - $2.50 500 John Travolta & Students ALL for only <6.95 itnowP than their ■ISTPICTURI XI i r m m Mn FINEST fnee AB» touch & sew*//machine stylisti machine golden t ll VMMMlk ^ L S T ‘ MACHINE.WITH fEATUBINGOUfi WITH EXCLUSIVE BUILT-IN POWERmastor* ASSMV MARTIN SCHOOL AUDTIORIUM UP TO $350. IN CASH PRIZES CALl646“7558 For Rotorvatlono BUILT-IN ELEXI-STBE'TCH EXCLUSIVE TUP S, SEW' 2-WAY SPEED BASTING. UPTIIGHT VACUUM { neighbors’ STITCH MODEL534. SEWING SURFACE. MODEL 776 WITH TRIPLE ' J-. , i Julia Dartmouth Road, Manchester ORANQB HALL 748 TOLLAND TPKE. - ' MODEL 770 ACTION N EAST CENTER ST. MANCHESTER MANCHESTER, CONN. pl e a se CALLTHEATRE FOR SCREEN TMES Mm«ch9«t9r Evtning H9r«M r PubHsbed every evening except SunPeye end hoUdeyt. Entered et the Mtncheeter. Conn, Office at Se* oond Clase Mail Matter. Be The Hit 1 Suggested Carrier Rates 4 -K Peyebfe In Advance Single copy...... I5e Of The Easter Parade! Weekly...... »0e m m One month...... $3.90 Three monthe ...... 111.70 Six months...... $ai40 One year...... i....$4e.B0 Wyeprobsdifar Tuesday Mall Ratee Upon Asqueet Subecriben who tell to receive their newepe^ before 6:30 p.m. m o t f w d ^ IS should lelepnone the circulation T u b s , and Wed. Night Specials department. S47*M46. thsui anyone Twos-Day d a e S lh e 6 w o rld . BIB-in STBBB CnFRDSTIU (R«g. $2.79) (Rgg. $2.39) A lot of folks are feeling the energy They’ve even planted trees along the south Lums EVERY $2.29 $1.99 panch these days. So they turn off the lights and west side of their home to provide pro­ Two Chopped Steak Dinners or TUES. The Authority Inclades baked poUto, Texas toasL and “all-yon-can-eat" salad bar when they leave a room. They think they’re ' tective shade against the sun in summer. saving money. And they are. Northeast Utilities wants you to know Two Clam Dinners Fiut meeting $7, then $3 ueektif. ORA'II MACHINE . miCPfilCEFOR ASHlONMATE* 7:30 P.M. 4:00 p.m. til 9:00 p.m. WITH THE EXCLUSIVE «S TERRIFIC FREE-ARM But the Smiths are saving a lot more only - 2AQMACHINE all the Smiths’energy tips. So write to: Lowe/i Aotei SeittoA Citizem. SINGER BUTTON FITTJNG STYLIST MACHINE , FEATURmOUR BUTTONHOLER. WITHBUILT-IN FRONT DROP-IN BOBBIN. money by doing a lot more to save energy. Ralph Marrone, Northeast Utilities, P.O. MT. CARMEL New Hembeu weJtcomed at alt tijKA. MODEL 920. BUND HEMSTITCH. MODEL 247. $399 MODEL 533. Right before they turn in at night, they turn Box 1953, Hartford, Connecticut 06144 for a HALL Foa eomptete inioHmaHon and a dbauu Introducing oar newest steakITT thdr thermostat down six degrees. free booklet. ROBERTS 8T. They’ve also weather-stripped and Saving energy doesn’t have to hurt. (oil ForbM Street) neon you call: caulked their doors and windows. They take only (FOnnerly htU at (203) 928-5188 or A42-5170 STEAH TERI7AXI Youll see how much it helps every time you at ’ Tha Communttf BUg) AnmHdSoHugSak more showers than baths to save on hot water. pay your bills. to ta l prizes oA laule Nome OUite at IN MANCHESTER LHARTFORD •380* $3.99 R.P. t, Poatjuel Ctnlu. Com, 06159 ...... SINGER•fWMO CCNTM Aa« PAWT<#At*0 AWHOVie aSAUHS NORTHEAST UTILITIES Sponeorea by A delidons marinated steak served w ith baked potato, 856 MAIN STREET Doing everything in our power to serve you. MEN'S CLUB Loeiniweight W O O U r Texas Toast and “all-yon-can-eat" gai.ij never tM tcd ____ St. Issao Jogues y W D Q S I S 643-4305 T>wCorviecikuLi^ardf\:AKrConfMrw/ThcHirTfcrdElecmrLifhiCarTfany/ Wn

I O n ter. dividuals to prepare their fikutrl|rstrr Sunttity Hrrald Open forurti ( MCC icalendar Duplicate Bridge: Open, income tax returns. The M ancliatter — A City of VIHage Charm Novice, 7:45 p.m,, Hart­ service is available to ford Road Campus, Room everyone free of charge, Foundad Oct. 1, 1881 Manchester Community Main Campus, Room A-1. 102 and 103, (College offers this calen­ Informal discussion: but is primarily intended The CTiristian education Memb#f. AoM B u t m u pf CffCulpdon Would meet with church Mpmb f. UmlPd Pr«M l/Hprnplional Play: "The Three for the elderly, students To the editor: dar of events in the interest open rap on a variety of committee and the Church Publi«h«d by th« ManchMtor PuMithing Co., Horald $qu«ro. q>eeds. West Vernon Street is a con­ S isters,” 8 p.m,. Main and other individuils who Deq>ite, opposition expressed by of the community. 'All the topics, 7:30 p.m.. Women’s School staff of Concordia Msnehoftor, Conn. 06040. Tolophono (203) 643-2711. nector between Vernon and Campus auditorium. would not normally use ID every fomily on West Vernon Street, MCC-sponsored activities Center. Lutheran Church will h^ve Manchester; thq road is heavily Saturday, March II professional tax ftpymood F C^Mor-PuMithpr listed below are open to the ) Poetry readings: a supper meeting tonight at Harold E Turfcio^ion Managing Eddor the Manchester Planning and Zoning traveled. > ' Play: •‘‘The Three public and many are free of Connecticut student poets, assistance. Work is done by 6;30 in Kaiser Hall of the Commission voted Feb. 21 to aUow Sisters,” 8 p.m.. Main Other reasons fof opposition range charge. For further infor- 8:30 p.m., (College &ning students under supervision church. Cornell Circle of South the Unitarian Universalist Society Campus auditorium. Opinion from a detriment^ effect on la^ ) ^ a U o n . call 646-2137. room, free. by members of the college United Methodist Church East to build a church on West Ver­ Monday, Marrh 13 accounting faculty. The values to disruptiort of a m ra l'e lK IPlunduy, .Murrii 6 VI rdnntday, Marrli 8 The local chapter of will meet Tuesday noon at •Lunch: noon. Student service is provided Mon­ non Street. vironment. The rural residential *Lunch: noon. Student •Lunch: noon. Student Parents Anonymous will the home of Alice Dudley. Center. day, Wednesday and Contrary to the testimony of the characteristic of our neighborhood Center. ’ Center. meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in •Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student Friday, 11 a.m. to 1-p.m. traffic expert hired by the church, ‘ Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student “Report from Houston- Manchester. For more in­ T h e S e c o n d Keep on clanging where many of us have' lived for over through April 14, in Room and others, who said that the Center. Center. formation call toll free 1- Congregational Church 20 years will be gone forever. International Women’s 103 at the Hartford Road proposed development would be safe, “ Introduction to Tran­ Year Conference,” 7:30 •All lunches and dinners 800-842-2288. council will meet tonight at If Americans have an all- ipillion passengers a year for Through its proposal) the church Campus. No appointments sactional Analysis: 7-9:30 p.m.. Women’s Center. are served in the College 7:30 in the church parlor. the people of West Vernon Street con­ has elected to destroy a scenic are required. ‘ around favorite city — other at least another 50 years. p.m.. Main Campus, Room Dining Room. Reser­ The administrative sider the entrance./exit site to be wooded lot by removing a large Play: ’’The Three than or even including their It is a happy ending to what B9. Sisters,” 8 p.m.. Main vations should be made in board of South United T h e vocations and ■.— " ' T I ...... " nw inMiD. M«m (M ------very hazardous because of limited number of trees and replacing them own — it is probably San Fran­ “ Basic Practical Campus auditorium. advance at the Main Office Methodist Church will scholarships committee in recent years has been a visibility to the north due to a hill and with an amesite parking lot. meet tonight at 7:30 in the b»niis:TiV»ss;r Celestial Navigation: 7:30- Tliunulay, 3larrh 9 at Hartford Road, 646-4900, and the pastor-parish cisco. cliffhanger. Repeated moves the severe curve at its crest. One The neighborhood families feel States link education wing of the Introductory 9:30 p.m., Hartford Road Breakfast: 7:30-9:30 ext. 205. relations committee of Which makes an encouraging fatality, an over-turned car, several church. Oflor Worth...... in the name of economy to cur­ that little consideration, planning Campus. Room 103. a m.. Student Center. three deaths North United Methodist other auto accidents and demolished ••Non-credit communi­ CLiia ili’TJiS.'* •'•'• "•*•* P««li «• tYNA- development concerning that tail service and even phase out and compassion were given as to how Tuciiduy. March 7 i “ Family Law: 7:20- Church have meetings mailboxes have occurred at or near ty services course begins. WEST HARTFORD The evangelism task city's most familiar feature of the church and especially the parking •Lunch: noon. Student 8:35 p.m.. Main Campus, scheduled for tonight at 7 the picturesque but antiquated Open on a space-available (UPI) — Local police are force of Emanuel Lutheran this spot. We question the prudence lot will adversely affect every single Center. Room A-1. a t th e church. The more than focal interest. cable cars were blocked by the basis, advance registration working with Church will meet tonight at executive committee of llfiB in PHARMACY of exposing the congregation to these family on the strjeet. Informal discussion: Informal discussion: MANCHIRTIR PAHKADl is necessary. For further Massachusetts authorities 7:30 in the church library. United Methodist Women The cable cars which have determined resistance of hazards. "The Alcoholic Woman,” "Gay/Straight Rap,” 7:30 (Ed. Note: fhis letter hand- information call, 646-2137. to unravel a bizarre series been clattering over San Fran­ citizens groups, which see the With this in mind, the families of 1 :3 0 p .m ., W im e n ’ s p.m.. Women’s Center. delivered to The Herald contains the Free ineoiiie la x of shooting deaths in­ West Vernon Street have invited the Center. Play: "The Three cisco’s hills for more than a system as a unique contribu­ names of 15 families who live on the volving both states. •Dinner: 6 p.ni.. Student Sisters,” 8 p.m.. Main FREE . FREE • FREE century — the first run was on tion to San Francisco’s special governing members of the Unitarian street, and comprises aH families on West Hartford Police everything for making Center. Campus auditorium. Clay Street in 1873 — are get­ Church to meet with them as soon as the street except one family which is The Accounting Club at Chief Francis Reynolds flavor and an irreplaceable “ Summer Camp Friday, .March 10 a wonderful easier! possible to discuss these conditions. out of state; all helped compose the Manchester Community said bodies of a Far­ ting a space-age updating that asset to its important tourist Counseling: 7-8:15 p.m.. •Dinner: 6 p.m.. Student LEG TUHESat We encourage all members of the letter, said Mrs. William Tayior of College is assisting in- mington man and teen-age should see them through at industry. Unitarian Church to drive out to West 141 W. Vernon St., who delivered the girl, both shot in the head, W O O D U N D BANOENS least another half-century. The citizens have won again Vernon Street to personally appraise letter. The letter is on file for anyone were found at 11:14 a.m. Sunday on the second floor contfucfwf by U n (faff of Woodlantl Oanfono In a comprehensive renova­ in heading off efforts to double the dangers. Future plans to widen who wants to see the names; all of Save Your Vision Week of the ABC Plumbing Co. end much mere ci Mrwtf prlcMir during March. tion of the entire system, three fares to 50 cents on the the road will only increase the .them signed the petition in opposition “Relax! I’ve got the chart right in front of me! 4. MYOPIA (nearsightedness) is a on Vanderbilt Avenue. hav avary 4IIUSERIU new cars will be built from hazards by encouraging higher to the zone change.) , The American Optometric Society has "nr# 9 modernized system — pointing proclaimed March 5 through 11 as visual problem in which near objects are The victims have been littia thing!" scratch and seven existing out that of all the elements of National Save Your Vision Week. This seen more clearly than objects which are identified as David A. PRUNING, TRIMMING, HOME MAINT. Mathewson, 23, and Karen This Tum.) March 7th 7 PM-0 PM ones will be substantially the city’s public transit year’s theme: Life is Worth Seeing. far away. Usually, if myopia occurs, it Photographer is guest will start during the first 25 years of life. Kostowski, 15, both of F ar­ and Every Tuaa. rebuilt. The underground cable system, the cable cars already 1. Seeing is a dynamic, living process. It Httto is highly personal, as personal as one’s Squinting or narrowing of the eyelids is a mington. Mor. 14 - "Mako A Vag. Qardaii Pay* is also to overhauled, with iM If are closest to paying their own at Land Trust program fingeirpnnts. Vision which takes place in common sign of myopia. Also, near­ Authorities said it was 1^ the niiraelR of mohiltfoA | assistance from the National way. the brain - not in the eyes - affects and is sightedness may cause a noticeable loss of not known whether the downtowndownxown manehtlter.fnanthtrter j p / T h o u g h t deaths were a double Aeronautics and Space Ad­ Robert Strindberg, FPSA, Strindberg’s camera in his own affected by the whole body and personali- detail when viewing distant objects. WOODLAND GARDENS homicide or murder- 181 Woodland at, Maneh Tal I4I.I474 photographer, lecturer, and lover of backyard in Weatogue. ty. Some vision problems are Myopic children often sit too close to the ministration in reducing wear suicide. Best new of all, however, is nature, will narrate his 75-minute astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, television set, and lack interest in outdoor and tear and in modernizing Much is attributed to our attitudes. statement, “Though he was rich yet Plans for this midwinter public that the modernization will be The success or the failure of an for your sakes he became poor so color film “ Wings from Tip to Tip” program are being made by Wayne presbyopia and strabismus. activities. the braking system, iikely with virtually invisible to the athlete is due to whether or not be that you through his poverty might March 8 at 8 p.m. at the Martin Shorey, program chairman, assisted 2. ASTIGMATISM is a common vision hydraulic discs. has a good attitude. When young peo­ become rich.” School. by Dr. Douglas Smith and the probleni caused by a slight “ warping” in public, ’rile cars will look just 5. PRESBYOPIA is caused by a gradual ple get into trouble we speak of their How often do we have bad at­ The, Manchester Land Conserva­ mesdames Joann Dougherty,'Shirley one of the surfaces of the eye. The cost of a new car, es­ loss of focusing ability that is normal for Sale Starts TODAY on these SMASH HIT IP ’s and Tapes! as they always have, the bells attitude. Attitudes vitally effect and titudes. We want this to be a better tion Trust, which is sponsoring the FitzGerald, Esther Maidnient and Consequently, light rays from an object everyone. When the focusing ability of an timated at a minimum of $75,- will clang madly at intersec­ govern us in the way we live. world. Are we willing like Christ to show, is offering single tickets for Althea Potter. Refreshments will be are prevent^ from meeting (or focusing) individual’s eyes has decreased to the 000, wili be underwritten with The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to give of our abundance in order that the admission of entire families, served during intermission.'^ correctly inside the eye on the retina. tions just as they always have. where vision at his reading distance people he knew in Philippi. He someone else would be enriched? We regardless of number, and discount A Land Trust exhibit containing Higher degrees of astigmatism cause dis­ federal grants from the Urban It could hardly be otherwise, becomes blurry and difficult, the condi­ reco^ized that their attitudes were immediately think of giving money. tickets for senior citizens and some of the Strindberg's photos may torted, blurred vision; lower degrees n o i i Mass Transit Administration. tion is known as presbyopia. This general­ one save-the-cable-cars leader crucial if they were to live the lives Let us consider giving of ourselves to students. They may be obtained from be seen at the Manchester State usually cause symptoms of “eyestrain” ly occurs between the ages of 40 and 45. A When completed, the that God meant them to live. He others. This is the best gift we have any land trust member or by calling Bank, 1041 Main St. such as headaches, fatigue, and under­ noted, since San Francisco need to hold reading material further .renovated system is expected said, “You have an example. Your to give. Let our attitude be the same the trust office, 648-2223 by Tuesday, achievement. would “rise in holy horror at away or symptoms of “eyestrain” attitude should be the same as Christ as that of Jesus Christ. March 7. 3. HYPEROPIA (farsightedness) is a to be in shape to handle its 10 (headache, fati^e, or concentration dif­ any radical changes.” Jesu s.” Rev. Richard Gray Strindberg was named a Fellow of visual problem in which seeing is better ficulty) while doing close work may be Christ’s attitude is shown in Paul’s Presbyterian Church the Photographic Society of America adapted to far objects than to near cau s^ by presbyopia. in 1977 and holds a master objects.) When looking at a distance, Sounds familiar membership in the New England however, the farsight^ person involun­ tarily and continually maintains a 6. STRABISM US is a Greek word The largest city in the coun­ cancellation of annual pay Camera Club (k)uneil. He is also a •Sun "Sunburn” focu^ng effort to keep vision clear; and meaning “squint” and it describes what is > Be Bop Deluxe "Drastic Plastic" try is in severe financial member of the Society of Amateur • Bill Cosby raises for municipal Cinematographers and has a five- an even greater effort is needed for clear commonly recognized as turned eye(s). 'NatalieCole "Thankful" straights. employees. A concerned but YMtordays star rating in both pictorial and vision in close seeing such as reading. This condition is usually caused by im­ “Bill’s Best Friend" > Jeffersoif Starship "Earth" With a deficit equivalent to reluctant government nature photography. This focusing effort may cause fatigue, balance between the eyes. Since the two tension and general discomfort. A person eyes do not function as a matched team, almost $1 billion for the probably will have to step in to 10 years ago “Our purpose in this film ," he said, 25 years ago “ is to hdlp develop an appr^iStion of' with hyperopia will not necessarily have the ability to see three-dimensionally suf­ current fiscal year, it is $229 Extension of Spruce Street to avert bankruptcy. Residents will appeal planners' our feathered friends and to show clear far vision and blurred near vision fers. A child with uncorrected strabismus, million over authorized debt decision on East Center Street zone Spring Street gets approval of Town because these factors will be affected by for example, will be handicapped in preci­ their undisputed place and impor­ TAPE New York City? change. Planning Commission. tance in our world.” focusing ability as well as the degree of sion work requiring binocular coordina­ TAPE ceiling even after making ail 1298 Board of Directors approves two- tion. . Little Feat A feasible budget cuts including No, Tokyo. East meets West Priscilla Torrance wins DAR A wide variety of “friends” will be Saturday Night Fever citizenship award. year wage and working agreement included in the film to be show here: "Waiting for Columbus” Originallal SoundtrackSoundtri with the Firefighters' Union. 2 L P s e t 6.27 ...... gannetts, at Bonaventure Island off / ^ Public Service of this 2 L P S e t 8.24 Quebec; razor-billed auks, puffins RECORDS 6 TAPES ON SALE ALL VVEEK. TAPES SOLD ONLY WHERE AVAILABU. and terns, on Machias Seal Island off riewspaper&T^ Advertisinej Council Maine; gulls and othr seabirds on Pemaquid Point, and ibis, pelicans, Reflections egrets, bitterns and anhingas in the Almanac Florida Everglades. Downy and Hal Turkington pileated woodpeckers were caught by Robert Strindberg Spray Automatic Soft^Whito Managing Editor By United P m s International In 1857, the United States Supreme s ^ 4 A / LEND steam Eaay-Ciean 4-Pack [ T ^ a y is Monday, March 6, the 65th Court handed down its landmark and Dry Can Light Bul^a day of 1978 with 3()0 to follow. ruling that Negro slave Dred Scott Iron Opener Our Reg. 2.36 The moon is approaching its new Bailey Auditorium of Manchester would take you to task very politely, could not sue for his freedom in a AARP chapter to hear phase. federal court. High School. but when he was through speaking AN There is no morning star. Our Reg. 16.97 Our Reg. 11.97 1 . 3 6 » ^ That auditorium is dedicated to with you, you just knew you had been stories about Ireland Edson M. Bailey, who cam e to called on the carpet. The evening stars are Mercury, In 1964, King Paul of Greece died Manchester in 1927 to teach pnd But he was equally at home when Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. at the age of 62 and was replaced by Thomas Quigley of East Hartford Retired Senior Volunteer Program 13.88 8.97 B O N U S...B uy a 4-pacfc of G.E. Soft Those bom on this date are under will be the guest speaker at the White Bulbs and 2 p a a i of G.E. Night wound up being the principal of the the student needed a slap on the his son. Prince Constantine. (RSVP) and in the band of Services ARM 25 vents for better over-all steam pene­ the sign of Pisces. meeting of the Manchester Chapter Opens any size and shape can, safely lights high school for 25 years. Mr. Bailey back, or expressions of compliments Performed with the Aging (SPA). tration, Fabric guide helps you set exact In 1968, Joseph Martin of 1275, American Association of and automatically. Easy clean cutting and get. back by mail from G.E. lives at 99 Tanner St. in retirement. for something well done. Rita Kenway from the Manchester We don’t want it for long. temperature. IF92 assembly removes (or fast cleaning, if EC32 Massachusetts, who twice held the Retired Persons (AARP) Gilbert & Sullivan Players will be See Clerk for Details. i t i t i t Like all ^ucators, he watched his British poet Elizabeth Barrett post of speaker of the House of Wednesday, March 8, at 1:30 p.m. in present with-t reduced group rate It may be that only the auditorium students go out into society and he Browning, wife of poet Robert Brow­ We do want it for life. For the life of some patient in a hospital Representatives, died at the age of Cooper Hall at South United tickets for “Ruddigore,” which wili 8-Digit Is named for Ed Bailey, but the en­ waited to see the marks they would ning, was bom March 6, 1806. here or in a nearby community. 83. Methodist Church. be presented March 18. 19 and 20 at Two Pairs! tire high school on East Middle Turn­ make in the public sector. Perhaps L.C.D. KodakX-15 Quigley’s program is titled “Bits of East Catholic High School. You see, it’s more than your arm itself that’s important to us. 14K Gold pike was pretty much the "baby” of he even could predict the marks On this day in history: Ireland.” Memory instamatic® A thought for the day: British poet Chapter members will go to Lake Ed Bailey He worked on it for three some of his students would make. In 1836, Mexican forces captured He was born in County Q are in 1912 It’s what can come from your arm. Mini-Dot Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, “If Waramaug in New Preston for a St. Caicuiator Coior or four years to get a satisfactory The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, and cam e to this counU^ in 1925. He Pierced thou must love me, let it be for Patrick’s Day party Thursday. That’s blood. Blood that can mean life to an infant, a student, a with Case Camera building to present to the voters. He ■A ■A killing the last of 187 Americans who is a self-taught Irish dancer, and tells March 16. A groun will go to the naught except for love’s sake.” parent, a retiree. Or maybe all of them. ^ Earrings from Outfit had seen one school project rejected, When he left Manchester High had held out 13 days. such convincing stories of Coachlight Dinner Theatre March 27 and he wanted his new Manchester School, he served on the staff at the Lopredhauns that he makes doubters to see “Sound of Music.” On March become believers. We’re not'fussy whether it’s your right or left arm you prefer to High School to win support. University of Hartford for nine 31, a group will go to Radio City Quigley conducts a story hour at lend us. We’re looking for the arm that stretches out to hug peo­ Those of us best remember Ed years. He was professor of Secon­ Music Hall in New York City to see NEWLOW the Hockanum Library in Blast Hart­ Our Reg. 11.97 Our Reg. 15.99 Bailey when he was principal at the dary School Administration and one of the entertainment center’s ple bach to health. You can help us find it. PRICE ford, and he has entertained at "old” high school on lower Main supervisor of practice teacher MACC news final performances befqre closing for Newington Children’s Hospital, Oak good. Plans are being made for a tour BLOOD...Let’8 get it TOGETHER Street. His offices were in the Main training until 1969. 7.74 12.44 14.44 Hill School for the Blind, and con­ of the Hartford Stage Company and a During the Pantry’s three years of The American National Red Cross Building on the west side of the In the community, he was an active valescent homes. Fashion fresh, for gifts or for keeps. street. By CARRY KING existence the request for food has performance of “ Holiday” April 19. Performs 7-function chain or mixed It's the lowest price in years for a complete Kiwanian. the American Legion, Recently he participated in the Bob Many styles to choose from, each in calculations; keys for percent, square Coordinator more than doubled. In 1976, there For details on any o f the above set. Including camera, 20-exp. Kodacolor He came here to teach business served on the advisory board of Steele birthday party at the Hartford ■ nds( root and more. Liquia crystal readout. film, 8-shot fTipflash and wrist strap. Mrs. B., who is a local Manchester were 137 requests filled, feeding 196 trips, contact Lucille Mahoney. courses after earning his bachelor’s Manchester Community College, and Civic Center. He p^cipates in the resident, recently fell upon a misfor­ adults and IW children. Last year the degree at the University of New is a former chairman of the board of Red Cross. tune not uncommon. She has been for Pantry has served 230 adults and 343 No trada-tn nacaturyl 6 Hampshire, his master’s from the the Savings Bank of Manchester the last three years raising two children. Already this year the pan­ Idaal for Eastarl University of Vermont, and teaching which he now serves as an emeritus children alone. Tte first year Mrs. B. try has filled 45 requests for fo^. OpBratlon Rio Bowl ") Sure Start 12-Voit member. in Orange (Ma.ss.» High School. found many adjustments to make in Without the support and generosity The Good Neighbor. Car Batteries SAVE % OFF In 1933, he was appointed assistant In 1969, the Chamber of Commerce her life style;_bowever, she was of civic organizations our efforts to The Social Action Division of 36 Month Warranty OVER Our Reg. Low Prices Wednesday’s menu is New England 40 principal at the high school and prin­ made its only “ M” award to a couple working full time, m ^ in g ends feed those in need would be in vain. Manchester Area Conference of Our Reg. 41.99 ...... fish chowder, crackers and lime-pear *33 cipal in 1935, when Arthur Illing - Mr. and Mrs. Edson M. Bailey. meet. We would like to say a special thank Churobes invites every Mandiester Corningware Cookware gelatin. 60 Month Warranty became superintendent of schools. Mrs. Bailey died May 16, 1975. The second year layoffs began oc­ you to the youngsters at Bennet family to participate in Operation NEXT BLOODMOBILE VISIT Nrw England Fl»h Chowdrr Our Reg. 41.99-5:> -5 ^ 9 9 Choose "Wridflower" or "Spice o t Lite" patterns. ★ * ★ It was one of those rare moments curring more frequentiy at her local Junior High for their food collection R ice Bowl each Wednesday during *39 1 pound fish filet (pollock, turbot, S tto fZ job and, realizing she hadn’t been efforts over the years. Also, we send Lent by sa y ^ a prayer for the star­ Sizes to fit most American cars There is an expression today that when neither Mr. nor Mrs. Bailey cod or whatever is the least expen­ CONCniDU LUTMEMN CHURCH Covtr*d employed as long as others, she a special thank you to ROTC, radio ving and eating a low-cost meal, with some light trucks & vans 5 4 0 7 3 0 describes our popular educator — could find the words when accepting sive) Petite hewn seeking other^ployment. WINF, The Manchester Parkade the savings going to the starving of Pam W Saucepan ff firm but fair. the “M” award. 2 cups raw potatoes, diced Caidor Gas Line Anti-Freeze Our Reg. 9.25 OurRaf. 12.50 As fate would have it Mrs. B. seven Association, Carter Chevrolet and • the world. TUESMT, - S:30 r.M. Ed Bailey ran a tight ship at AAA 1 quart water, boiling - . months later received her pink slip. the countless others who saw fit to The money saved should be taken Stockupfornow A $ 4 Manchester High School, and he was 4 tb ^ . margarine . ^ r Today Mr. Bailey still goes to the Another adjustment for Mrs. B.’s share with those in need. to the family’s dhurch or synagogue 7MS M Spontond By and next winter. “T fo r I 37c Ea . 2 onions, chopped 10” 7 7 6 a part of everything that went on in Kiwanis Club meetings at the family. Fortunately, Mrs. B. was Manchester Baha'i Community has and placed in a large rice bcml, Covtrad 2 thsp. flour 12 Ft. Copper Booster Cabies his buildings. Manchester Country Qub Tuesday eligible for unemployment compen­ celebrated Ayyam-i-Ha’, a time which has been prodded for the LIQ Q ETTt MORIARTY Sklllat 2 cups milk REGAL MEN’S Tangle-free,all Our Rag. 14.50 He needed no microphone to be noonUme. He is acUve with the sation and was able to feed and devoted to hospitality, fellowship and collection of donations for the star­ salt and pepper PHARMACY SHOP BROTHERS copper cables. 9% f j a t f heard. His was a booming voice; he Manchester Historical Society. clothe her young family; however, service by collecting food for the ving. Saute onions in margarine until seldom was at a loss for words. He will always go to a class reu­ fate dealt its second blow — her un­ MACC Emergency Pantry. We are Next Wednesday’s prayer is: soft and yellow. Add flour. Stir unUI CLARKE Graduations usually took place at nion when invitH because he likes to employment benefits were curtailed very grateful for their efforts. “Fatho-, when we think erf hunger SAVINGS BANK OF THREE EASY WAYS well blended. Add water and MANCHESTER MANCHESTER VERNON SALE PRICES the SU te Theater, and Ed Bailey led keep in touch with his students. without notice. The Pantry is jqill in need of we think of India or someplace far INSURANCE TO CHARGE; EFFECTIVE: potatoes, ^kiok potatoes until almost This, along with other cir­ canned meats, and cereal — hot and away. Help ns always to remember AGENCY 1. CALOOR CHARGE 11H TOLLAHO TURNPIKE tr|.citY IHOPPINQ CENTER SUNDAY those seniors up the west side of And his students like to keep in tender (about 10 minutes). Add cut cumstances, is why the Emo-gency cold, canned aiid dry mUk, baby food, that there are people in our town who 2. MASTER CHARGE THROUGH Main Street to the theater and back touch with him ; be probably is one of up fish and cook until it flakes Msily. Pantry was created. As long as state and spaghetti sauce. People wishing are hungry, too. Make us award of 3. BANKAMERICARO(VlSA WEDNESDAY after the exercises. the most admired educators this Add milk. Season to taste. Sonmer MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD STORE HOURS: DAILY AND SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. • SUNDAY, 12 NOON to 5 P.M. checks are late or lost and other mis­ to donate food may dnv it off at their needs and of ways we can help Ed Bailey is a real New England town ever had. To most, be will for about 5 minutes. Do not boil. fortunes occur, there will be those in Center Congregational Church, 11 to m eet them. Thank you for the food always be “Mr. Bailey.” Serves six. Yankee. He doesn’t mince words, he need of food. Center St. we are about to eat. Amen.” • PAGE SIX; ^ jlA I^ ES T ER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Cnm. M«i„ March 6. \m Man held M &tPtESTER EVENING HERALD. Manrhester, Conn., Mon., Mar^h 6. M», - pAcg sevkn .in robbery February good month m STIMPS MIKES US MANCHESTER ^ Serving ManeheOer Am p SO yrt. Police arrested a Rockville man for water department early Saturday, about four hours pgiillaiitt The jTQffe. y; February caused plenty of The mean coliform density, an after a bobbery at Harry's Pizza, 832 on NO. ONE problems for motorists, snow average of all the measurements of -94 Binru or Main St. 24 BIRCH ST. removal budgets and weather bacteria in water samples was .141. I © 72 5 IM T TEL643-S247 v - _ ^ Police said two men 'entered the forecasters, but it was a good month The standard set by the new “3-^ F.T4). restaurant about 11:30 p.m. Friday, for the Town of Manchester Water regulations is 1.0. MIDOU TUMinKE walked to the cashier and demanded Department. MilNCIIEiTER ■STICNS ihoney. One man held his hand in his Bob Young, water treatment In most months, the town has had A M B EX P R E iP pocket as if to conceal a weapon, but N manager for the department, at least violations of the turbidity .samcE no weapon was shown, police said. standards, which measure the MMMIMAI»WtTAu1Slwn!lur78Ro8^ reported today that the town violated HASIT! The robbers escaped with about 3100 no standards during the month. amount of particles suspended in the and fled in a car. The new standards were es­ water. M comnoMK • KnMaHTm As a result of the identification of tablished by stricter laws governing There also were no turbidity Business-Directory Guide For 646-0863 the car registration by the victim, the quality of drinking water. The KITK ml SKET K m police arrested James F. Veillette, problems during February, Young 341 Broad St. ' town has received an extension to said. The town reservoirs were Mandiattir 26. of 46 Village S t. Rockville about meet these standards, but it still In E<|M Ihctakil Smim, he. 3:25 a.m. at his home. He was held in covered with ice during most of the fediw ir must report any violations to the month and the melting has been slow. R O U T ! § n , P.O. BOX 3147 Manchester and Surroundinn Frofmfontf P«lc lieu of bond for court presentation state and to its customers. SttlMlOU Thus, there was little stirring up of TALCOTTVIUB, CONN. (0N46) today. A companion was still being In February, however, there were ______443-2733 • 443-2142 3 e s i g n $ the water bodies, he said. Vicinity ” prop.SfttyGillaiher sought. no violations to report. "No problems,” Young said of the Young also reported that the water CAMPIN8 EQUIPMENT FAMOUS BiBRAND monthly report. "We were pleased. system distributed 145,683,280 ( Abolit town 1 Everything seems to be running gallons during the month, an average smoothly." n im cm . luiraN im , M MtniEBiu, featuring this week... TELEVISION a p K ian c es ^ W » of 5.2 million gallons per day. ITOVKI,UINTaM ^ Members of Hose & Ladder Co. MANCHESTER No. 1, Town of Manchester Fire Volunteer firefighters honored Department, will meet Tuesday at 8 Ferguson makes pledge; THmunmHQtTOM p.m. at the McKee Street sUtion. Admiring each other’s plaques are these honoring the four volunteers for 25 years of eWMMMPMIT 2 main STRECT members of Hose Company No. 2 Volunteers service with the company. From left are IMN DAMT Tl • PJi J, FAIlV»»7n 1 Friendship Force members of of the Town of Manchester Fire Department Robert Stavnitsky, Roland “Yago” Schiller, election date questioned AmJIUK 649-3589 Emanuel Lutheran Church Women MNNiylSHp who were honored Saturday night at the com­ Harold A. Turkington and Walter Weir. Manchester Republ^an Town he said. Clendaniel pointed out that will siiow'slides and discuss their pany’s annual banquet. Plaques were given Chairman Thomas Fei^son said experiences in Israel during the (Herald photo by Dunn) there is a school vacation during the VOUKWUEN REPAIR today that he'will continue to two-week period when the eleatlon group's Meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. broaden and strengthen the party if ^-5 ^ tf (aetory tralnad apacMIitt in Luther Hall of the church. The can be held, and some of the com­ re-elected to his position. mittee members probably have to program is open to all church Manchester police report RMI P«i« Also, his challenger, Scott Clen- 'Arrange plans. Loclc«ro Md ZkM( members. Sally Lessard and Irene danleLquestioned M ay why the date Hughes will serve as greeters. Ferguson, in a press release this 0 ra P Iir Five youths, including three Police reported 51 accidents from rear q{ a Main Street store. Two of the election for the party's town 6 4 0 .5 0 3 8 CARPfT AND n O O l COVBUN^ Refreshments will be serv ^ by Bea juveniles, were charged with Friday through Sunday, most of chairman has not yet been set. morning, talked about his plans for Bagley and Audrey Ahlness. other youths with him were not the future of the party. 4AW w r one loi sai i-a this a rii m tel. burglary and criminal mischief in which were- the result of Friday's arrested. Court date is March 20. Ferguson, who was elected two P8P AUTO REPAIR MCMBia Oil er len (iii (•iiici up m i connection with their activities at a snowstorm. There were no serious years ago, is seeking re-election as 704 Main 4 L • “Afco Charga” • Manchaataf Manchester WATES will meet Harold C. Lawson, 18, of Hartford He said that the new town com­ vacant Deepwood Drive home. injuries. chairman. Clendaniel, an attorney CoBieclkit's Lifgsst Root Covsrisi DsilSr was charged with fourth-degree mittee represents political beliefs Tuesday at the Italian-American Police found the youths in the home Three persons were charged with who ran the successful re-election CIpb. Weighing in will be from 7 to 8 larceny in connection with a shoplif­ covering a broad spectrum. Friday about 10 a.m. Also found in operating motor vehicles while under campaign of Republican Director p.m. ting incident at Sears Friday. Court "All of these people and all of their MANCHESTER SAFE & LOCK CO. the home were several sleeping bags, the influence of liquor. They were date is March 20. Carl Zinsser last fall, also is seeking viewpoints must be heard and a con­ cooking equipment and cooked food. Paul Edwards, 22, of Bolton, Dennis the chairmanship. rW f LO C tC S M ITH MERCURY Manchester Lodge of Masons will Russell L. Meacham, 41, of 465 sensus of opinion arrived at in order The adult-age youths arrested were R. Hartley, 31, of 238 Woodlawn Cir­ The election has to be held between meet Tuesday at 7:30 in the Masonic Talcottville Road Vernon, was to encourage new and old voters to I m ***-***'N 8T„ MANCHESTER • 643.1123 Scott D. Greenleaf, 16, of 423 W. Mid­ cle, East Hartford and Nevel K. Fay, March 13 and 27, according to party Temple. The Entered Apprentice charged with second-degree failure join our efforts," Ferguson said. lO lU lC itU WIIWMWI Alvmi Locke > Phone 646-2756 dle Turnpike and Jaqueline Gauthier, 22, of 15 Pioneer Circle, in unrelated bylaws. Ferguson indicated last I SbIba Combmaiion Cbingts. d ^ e e wiH'be conferred with Robert to appear in court on a rearrest He plans to communicate with 16, of 670 N. Main St.', both charged week that he would set the date by 1rllK lld>l ^ ■ BondBd ,Mosl NO taaVICE CHANGE F.' Silva, junior warden, presiding. incidents. Court date for Fay and warrant. voters on a "strect-to-street” and fvUAItflS'v iityi in itoch Ropiifi of all tiindi with third-degree burglary and third- Edwards is March 14 and for today, but he now expects to an­ jl Aiio Wb MsKb Keys Scitior* A Police reported a woman's wallet "house-to-house” basis. Pinhmg Shoari Sfiarponod degree criminal mischief. The three Hartley, March 21. containing about 390 was stolen from nounce it within a couple of days. He "Change for change sake is not the RaianfiHoRi hr » HoM i» Alrima • SM— i MNb B^ard will,hear juveniles were referred to juvenile Charged with operating motor her pocketbook in a shopping cart at is required to notify the 82 members RIsto SWOSI -■ -"■ way to build a successful political •27 public comment authorities. vehicles while licenses are Shop-Rite supermarket on Spencer of the town committee five days party. Continuity of planning and ef­ Greenleaf and Gauthier were suspended were Raymond C. Totilo, before the election is held. "I don't Hie Manchester Board of Direc­ Street. Several similar incidents fort has been my goal and I fully FLO’S Cake D em ting Supplies he. released on nonsurety bonds for 19. of Darien and Ronald C. Kendall, understand what his motives are for WINTER SPECIM^ b A A R tors will conduct a comment session have occurred at the store in the past expect that it will show results,” he 1444-0224 478-3242 court March 20. 21, of 6 Shepard Drive. Totilo's court waiting,” Clendaniel said of the fact Tuesday from 9 to 11 a.m. in the week. said.. N COMPIETE UNE OF ; MLTON CINE DECOMTNIIS FRONT END ALieNMENT 9 -9 0 date is March 21 and Kendall's is that no date has yet been announced. Clendaniel held an open house Sun­ directors office in the Municipal : Police also reported another "You've got to wonder what's the B(iilding. March 14. day afternoon at his home for town 70 UNION ar. burglary in a vacanl home on point of waiting," he said. iiiciNTiaaT. RA6 AUTO SERVICE The sessions are held twice each committee members. He said he was MANCHaaTia, CONN. NOCKVILLa, CONN. Deepwood Drive Friday night. John R. Dumont, 16, of 173 Spruce ( Fire calls ) "I think it's a little unfair to the 82 • Front End SpaelalMt a Tun* Up i ' month and permit residents to talk very satisfied with the turnout and *•*. • ail 1M Man.. Ori. 10-1 . A burglary at a School Street St. was charged with illegal posses­ members of the town committee.” the results. Tliwi., 10-I Ak. Pri. 10-0 • Brakes A Shoekt • Ak CondHIonlng' with a member of the board about • Road Sarvloa apartment resulted in the theft of sion of a controlled substance (less M a n c h e s te r any issue that involves the town three containers of prescription than four ounces). Police said he was Wedding Cakea A Specially The fun starts here. Farr’s features PUCH motorized bicycles. Puch takes you there so 436 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER government. Saturday, 6:38 a.m. —public service drugs Sunday night. apprehended on the stairway at the call to Crestfield Convalescent Home, Area police report much more efficiently and makes getting there so much more fun. Once you own one you’ll Tal. 649-3063 EVCRYTHINQ IN Bidwell Street (Town) I .iiiia w in OUNPAOOUCr find more excuses to fire it up and take off than you’ve ever imagined. Sunday, 11:32 a.m. —motor vehicle ac­ V e rn o n with possession of marijuana with Farr’s has been serving the greater Manchester area’s BIKING, HIKING, CAMPING cident, 172 Keeney St. (Town) the intent (d sell. k* mirrors • SHOWER DOORS and SPORTING NEEDS for over 20 years. THIS SPACE IS NOW Council mulls override Sunday, 1 ;55 p.m. —dryer fire, 50 Hyde Luke Nearine, 18, of 15 Davis Ave., He was arrested on a warrant and ('•STORE FRONTS .SAFETY GLASS St. (Town) Rockville, was arrested Saturday on was released on a 38,000 nonsurety 'aBATHTUB ENCLOSURES In bicycles, Farr’s features Raleigh, Fuji, Ross, Columbia, Royce Union and More. Sunday, 6:21 p.m. —dumpster (ire. a Common Pleas Court warrant bond for appearance in court April Expert Repair Services on all makes. Warehouse Outlet, 274 Broad St. (Town) charging him with third-degree 12. ) A WWTE GLASS CO. JiK . larceny in connection with the theft, 1 ^.^ fURNirURK TOPiePICTUm WINDOWM ofPZC veto of sewers AVAILABLE last summer, of some copper tubing B o llu n Guest speaker C o v e n tr y / its decision before April 1, and the from a house under construction on John C. Young, 26, of Squirrel Minclmlaf 649 -7 32 2 11 llaeall 01 m ' ■ ' \ Austin Drive. ? v - OYia II YfANS IXPlWBNCi IHp* CAU THE KM LD TODAY! Thd Coventry Town oWncil may Coventry Sewer Authdrity is revising facility plan as unreliable and incon­ The Rev. Felix Davis, director of Trail, Coventry, was treated at J.A. WHITE BLASS COMPAHY decide tonight on whether to override sistent. She said that on-site im­ Nearine is the third youth charged Manchester Memorial Hospital its plan in the hopes of making it the Pastoral Counseling Center of a Planning and Zoning Commission acceptable to the zoning commission. provement costs would have to borne Manchester, will be guest speaker in connection with the same incident. Friday night for a lacerated The other two were arrested last (PZC) veto qf a regional sewer plan Sewer Authority Chairman by homeowners. She charged that the Wednesday at 8 p.m. at St. Mary's forehead. He was involved in a one- 783 week. He was released on a 3500 non­ proposed by the Sewer Authority. Richard Breault appeared before the treatment plant would be situated Episcopal Church. He will discuss car accident on Interstate 84. MAIN 3 1. surety bond for appearance in Com­ The PZC rejected the facility, PZC to support his group's proposal atop a highyield aquifer and could en­ ministering to families and in­ Young was charged with driving at mon Pleas Court 19, Rockville, April 643-1191 which would be shared by Mansfield and said that sewers were the only danger its water quality. dividuals experiencing crisis in their an unreasonable speed and issU^ a DONtllllUS Speclellilitg In 12: 191 and would receive 90 percent state viable solution to the problem of Commissioner John Pagini said the lives. The public is invited. warning for driving with unsafe tires. HttRMERVICE Marianne Hennqgan, 20, of 663 MAIN ST. GMIME and federal funding, by a 4 to 1 vote failing septic tanks in the lake area. problems of the Village area were Dr. David is well known to Police said he failed to slow to a m ni B i h ^ e n m i Deming St., South Windsor, was MANCHESTER 11 Edi $L TiL I4M$31 last week. The commission's action But PZC Chairwoman Marilyn not adequately addressed by the residents of Manchester. He served reasonable speed at an exit ramp and CeMfri MMi arresM Sunday on a Common Pleas 643-1900 can be reversed by a two-thirds vote Richardson argued that the installa­ sewer plans.-Todd'Cook felt he could as pastor of the Second skidded out of control going up a of the councit or by a majority of tion of sewers might lead to further support sewers for the Village area Congre;;ational Church (or 17 years Court warrant charging her with four-foot snow bank and striking a issuing a bad check. She was residents at a town meeting. development of that area, which is and the industrial park, but not for before establishing the Pas'nral highway sign. No court dpte was released on a 3500 nonsurety bond for Se rving Mancheittr over SO y r i. Council Chairman,Jack Myles said already heavily populated. the lake area because of the danger Counseling Center. given. court appearance April 12. he would recommemi town meeting Town Planner Gregory Padick had of increased density. He is graduate of Wesleyan Univer­ THE Alan Jones, 28, of 38 Egypt Road, Suulli M’imlaor action to decide whp(her there should recommended that the commission The present council has not tackled sity, Union Theological Seminary IpenttanA The Ffor/s( Ellington, was charged Sunday lyith South Windsor Police are in­ be another referencjtbm on the sewer endorse sewers in a lengthy report the sewer issue since its election last and holds a doctorate from the MANCHESTER breach of the peace in connection vestigating the report of vandhiism 24 BIRCH 8T. issue. Residents hSve turned down that emphasized the need to protect November, and it is now known Andover-Newton Theological School. with a disturbance at the Mt. Vernon at the Avery Street School over the TEL. 443-0247 811 MAIN ST. ______similar proposals in two referen- the water quality of Coventry Lake. where its seven members stand on He is a member of the National apartments. He was released on his weekend. Police said a 92 by 51-inch dums since 1971. In addition, However, lie was overruled by the sewers. But it is up to the council to Association of Pastoral Counselors. 643-4444 F.T.D. W HY N O T START YOUR OWN promise to appear in court on April window was broken. The school was Mansfield seems to be moving away PZC, with only member Claire decide whether the proposal will be The Pastoral Counseling Center of BUSINESS ON MAIN ST. SPACE 12. not entered, police said. MSTRCm from the concept of a regional sewer Connelly voting to approve sewers, kept alive. Manchester recently received a 310,- WORLD WIDE ' Michael Uriano, 25, of 11 Oak-St., Police also investigated a total of AMfRUPMlP AVAILABLE FROM *75 PER MO. system. citing their value in long-range plan­ In other business. Town Manager 000 funding grant from the Hartford' SERVICE Rockville, was charg^ Friday nigh' 16 minor accidents over the weekend. MANY STORES ALHEADY OPEN Meanwhile, Robert Moore of the ning. Frank Connolly is expected to Foundation for Public Giving to ex- State Department of Environmental Robert Fitch, president of the propose reorganization of the town's parfd the services provided by this ■ f too or cm Ui For Frto Protection said he would press both Residents for Responsible Planhing, Highway Department to the council. non-profit community based center. hlMoMt. » wi— Praowti towns to comply with a pollution told the commission sewers would be Under his proposal, it would be • RiB Bp A«Br|( • ttia«ar| abatement order served against costly and might in fact further renamed the Public Works Depart­ RwrM|o . Dmt Cintplii • them by the/state seven years ago. pollute the lake through leakage and ment and would be headed by Town PiHt Rooti CoMplotooploto ««IHi in wnoitfSiiipiHrs •craMlM. MOMPtOlVMir The sewer plans had been d e v e lo p as a reult of the increased develop­ Engineer Donald Holmes. OSTRINSKY SdUF METAL in an effort io comply with the terms ment in the area. Resident Howard Holmes is also sanitarian for the MANCmnn AWNHM CO DEALER IN WAITE of the order. Brock and Will Constello o^ the town. If he becomes a full-time COMRNUTNN NWOORn 1RD WIfT CENTER ST. IN AUNRimRI a NMin Moore Uireatened court action Conservation Commission agreed engineer for Coventry, a replace­ TUES. ONLY! aRRMMaRUCR T rIrpRr r i 040-3011 MATERIALS 731 PARiXER ST. against the towns unless a solution is with Fitch. ment sanitarian would have to be lataMtilwd IN I TiLR43-S73Sar043-Si70 found. Mansfield is expected to make Richardson condemned the sewer found. The ICMiKR RUG t iinwisTDiY amoK When you think of glass, you'naturally think of the J. A. White Glass Company, because they have everything Muneke$ter'$ Only Complete Carpet Servleel that one may need when it comes to working with glass. Their twenty (me years and more of service is your S&H STIIMPS MAKES US Long and Short Qltavt 14 High Strati, rtar guarantee of complete satisfaction. They are truly one business in town that can honestly say, “ We can't hide I MANCHESTER . behind our product!” A partial listing of the kinds of glass they carry are; Glass for mirrors, shower doors, HO. ONE Nylon 8ho Shollo* bjf Falrflold hoicest Meats In Town\ Phona: 846-5630 store fronts, bath tub enclosures, furniture tops, picture windows, window glass for homes and cars—just to mention a few. They are conveniently located in the heart of Manchester at 31 Bissell Street. For (xmrteous [LONaACHE •Hq service, please phone 649-7322. !l 72BEM T V ^'W HUTMlPliE TURKEY BREASTS "Serving the area tince 1955"

ONE USDA CHOICE 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Set A PmiHei ProMeeir WiV Helpl WAUCOUeRaFQ OIBOTSTM STOP N lUliaESTn, MRT OR NAM STKEf S«cnc* iHN n w m tonwIMng to M - and Hnlc* i m m $ptnenQ 0 OUMnC4TMF«S THIS SPACE IS NOW ineufh Dm. withjr«u it htlp fov Mitcl ttw rtgM ptM HoMi )tr NiM )t ( SHOP NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAKS CONPint PUNIM I CDRIK SONKt Tou'rt pitnnint. Sm u> lor ptini tnd Mniet whan rau plan law nail LOW COST PRINTINS pia(ael WHILt YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) i 4X>LO am n emta ninaar a m u man l A N D USDA CHOICE MIMX-MAN PRI^TI^G AVAILABLE E A J o / m o n PAINT CQ EAIKITS A Ladies’ Shop Speqiaiizing In oil MAIN ar. a MANCHaaTia aoia-iTTr a SEE US FOR ENGRAVED NAME PLATES voua S TEW S * 2 ' * . CALL THE HERALD TOOAYIII ocAua Larger Sizes a TRY OUR NEW S-M NNS CaPm INOEKNOfNT e n a i f _ 4 »^a N Ta N IT , a MANCMaariN J I 5 WiBSl MMdto TB lKAWSTwRWBaKITa*l 141/i to S2% 38 to 52 R ub t PRnariNQ Quality Ubld Cars Frank Amone 6 19 -79 0 1 IM fBr QwlRy Ml PWiaM IB 809 M ain 8lra«l, M anchestw / 4 t U » M M K N ESia OVER 46 Tri. f*-L3QQI6 TEARS iXPiPIENCE MGNLAND PARK MARKlET COMPLtTi HnoY Work HBMMMLCO. Orpom Tin HfflE TObmnq • Painting • Glass 0pp. East Cemetery Mifi4$-5N7 Aak ebo«R o«r p o l^ . mssssstI IK V m iM,HM.aTaMWapji. | iNbUMANCr WORK ftee chei^fcfmfBemdce, i 1 ■i.w — - T 317 HigMand Stroot HARRISON ST. M.nM.iM.'aapjL I O f f QVAUTY ^ 986 MAIN ST. L wMWm|f NVWMpwi 66% All Fall & t/lnter FOREIGN 6 DOMESTIC MANCHESTER MOUTt U3 TALCQTrviLLC. CONN. MEMORIALS ' MANCHESTER, CONN. INanelMstar • 6 4 6 '^77 10 to 9 Weekdays — 10 to 5 Sehirday SPORTSWEAR. COATS. DRESSES PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchetter. Conn.. Mon., March 6. 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., March B laza — PAGE NINE If you have Board, administrators South Wtijidsor policeinen news for area towns, call: reach- accord on pact Sophomores set pace complain about pay rules Additional increments will be f - Andover Vernon added for various educational South Windsor Patrolman Roy ratified last fall, allows compen­ unilateral change in conditions of Bradrirk said this weekend that a satory time off if the request is made employment, is related to an ongoing Donna Holland .646-0375 The Vernon Board of Elducation degrees. (omplaint of unfair Jabor practices in writing within three days of the dispute between the police union and Bolton y has reached an agreement with the As far as fringe benefits are con­ ' has been filed with the State Labor Donna Holland . . . . ^. .6460375 Vernon Administrators’ Association cerned, for longevity, an additional in East tourney victory worked holiday. Otherwise, overtime the town." Relations Board by Civil Service pay is includeid in paychecks. (Coventry on a salary schedule for 19761981 and $125 will be given beginning with t h e ^ ^ "The conflict, in dispute since ear­ 13th year of service in Vernon and ad-)^B Kniployccs Affiliates. Chapter 20. Both Deputy Mayor Robert Myette ly January, had has not been resolved has asked the Town Council to review By LEN AUSTKR hynors with Rob Smith in the reboun­ one shot as the Eagles owned the Claire Connelly...... 742-8202 ditional $25 for each successive year ^ twin figures for Wilcox wilh 13 and 11 representing members of the South and Councilman Robert Sills had said the proposal at its meeting tonight. ding department with 8 each against defensive glass. through the grievance procedure in Kllinglon of service in Vernon. llemlil SporlHwrilrr markers respectively. * Windsor Police bepartment. last month that morale problems the hands of the town manager. No The agreement includes principals, the long-range bombing Indians from The Indians, down 1611 at the Barbara Richmond .. .643-2711 The Board of Ekiucation will pay Five-foot-10 Clayton Smith, the In­ The specific complaint is that exist within the police department. anistant principals, 12-month super­ Sophomores are supposed to Meriden. Kiro, slenderly built 6foot- quarter, came back to trail 23-19 solution -has been reached in the total cost of straight term life in­ dians’ top point-maker, was held in patrolmen must accept overtime pay procedural steps into Capt. William Hebron visors and directors, and 16month fall apart, their feet turn to 3 swingman, had 14 points, 6 in the halfway through the second stanza Police Chief John J. Kerrigan said surance in the amount of $25,000 and check with 9 points, none after inter­ for holidays worked, instead of being Ryan and Chief Kerrigan, nor in Karen Biskupiak ...... 228-0496 supervisors. third period when the Elagles put the but an 11-4 spurt gave East a 34-23 at the time that he knew of no morale administrators will have the option stone and their shots turn to mission. Excellent defensive work, allowed to choose days off instead. problems within his department. meetings with Town Manager Paul South Windsor The proposed contract calls for six bricks, come State contest away. He added 7 caroms to halftime advantage. The Elagles were primarily by John Wieezorek, and PCTcent increases over the first two to buy additional insurance at the East's total of 41. According to the complaint, over­ Reportedly both Kerrigan and Talbot Talbot." said Bradrick. "What Judy Kuehnel ...... 644-1364 able to hold the ball for over two Smith’s shot selection from far out years of the contract and 6.25 percent group rate in the amounts of $25,00^ Tournament time. The script time pay for holidays is automatical­ were informed of the complaint filed further steps may be taken depend Tolland The victory boosts 12-11 East into a minutes for the last shot with Smith, accounted for his total. ly pul into the patrolmen's paychecks the third year. or $%,000, providing five m em l^rs..... normally reads that the region final against New London 6foot-6 pivotman, scoring with four with the State Labor Relations Board upon what decision is reached by buy'each optional amount. Wilcox wound up 19 for 60 (31.7 per­ without allowing tjiem the option of Barbara Richmond .. .643-2711 The starting salary for the high pressure got to them. High, a 64-52 winner over St. Ber­ seconds to go. cent) from the field. by members of the press. Talbot and the State Labor Relations The contract also has provisions taking an additional day off. Board,'The Police Union, however, Vernon school principal is 322,121 with a County (Conference (HCC) games and nard. Wednesday night at Windham Tm no psychologist but I think Announcing the unfair labor prac­ concerning retirement and allows 15 Bianl Calhiilir (71) Hall 3 0-1 6, According to Town Manager Paul tice complaint, Bradrick said. "The has not ruled out court action to P Barbara Richmond . ..643-2711 maximum of $26,271 for the first year pressure-packed HCC playoff makes High at 7:30. The winner advances to there’s a big difference being II school days per year to accumulate Venora 7 2-3 16, R. Smith 4 3-4 11, Ham- Talbot the police union contract complaint, charging the town with a reach a solution," going up to a maximum of $29,589 in anything now a piece of cake. the state quarterfinals. New London. down instead of 9 at the half," stated mick 1 3-3 5, Murphy 41-1 9, Wieezorek 1 to a maximum of 180 school days for the third year. That was borne out Saturday night 17-4, is second seed in the region and Blast Coach Jim Penders. "I was 2-2 4. Kiro 7 62 14. Foss 1 0-02, Fournier 0 The assistant principals at the high sick pay for 10 and 12-month per­ as sophomores Bob Venora and Pete East sixth, Wilcox, third ranked, pleased with the way we held it. It 62 0, King 0 60 0, Lucier 162 2, McKenna school have a starting salary, the sonnel. Kiro combined for 30 points in bows out wilh a 14-7 record. shows the difference from when we 1 0-0 2, Pagani 0 0-0 0. Totals 30 ll-2(f 71 Council will run rehab prograoi first year, of $20,246 up to a It also includes a greivance leading Blast Catholic to an easy 71-49 It looked like it was going to be an started (back in December)," W ilcox IVcIi ( 4<)) Cannon 3 0-0 6. J. maximum of $26,147 in the final year. procedure which is now being win over Wilcox Tech in a Class L early blowout as Blast hit 8 of its first East controlled the second half Preston 0 t-3 1, Bernetti 4 3-3 II. C. Smith 3 3-4 9, Lewis 6 1-t 13, Fontaine 1 60 2. Vernon Foj- owner-occupied structures, the For the Middle School principal the reviewed by the board's Personnel Region I first round tilt at Hall High to shots for a 17-4 bulge after five with its biggest lead 6642 with 3:11 deteriorated residential structures tain the objectives of revision of the Ryan 1 0-0 2, Fuda 0 0-0 0, Morganti 0 0-0 town will continue to Operate the starting salary is $21,485 to a Policices Committee. in West Hartford. minutes. Wilcox, meanwhile, remaining. The Eagles were 30 for 56 At a special workshop session which are not suitable for rehabilita­ town's housing code, a comprehen­ 0, M Preston 0 2-2 2, DeNinno 0 61 0. rehabilitation program. He said the maximum of $28,872 and the assis­ Venora, 6foot-2 forward, pumped dropped in only 2 of 11 from Wesl (53.6 percent) from the field. A1 Saturday morning. Town Planner tion. sive and equitable enforcement of Home grown cress Glenn 11-2 3. Marks 0 600. Totals 19 11-10 two programs are considered as part tant principal, $19,993 up to $25,523. in a game-high 16 points and shared Hartford center and was limited to Lewis and Dave Bernetti were in 49 John Loranger and members of the Loranger said these latter struc­ the code, an interest subsidy grant to Mousing Rehab Committee of the of the entire revitalization effort tures now pose a threat to public For the elementary school prin­ EXCELSIOR, Minn. (UPI) - which has included some improve­ investor owners who have satsifac- cipals the starting salary is $20,786 or Garden cress or pepper grass is a Vernon Town Council, explained the health and safety and because of torily completed repairs according to Vhab program and the council, infor­ ment of the commercial sector such their blighting influence, are having $20,246, depending upon the number good choice for home gardeners who as the expansion and renovation of detailed work specifications, and a of pupils in the school. The maximum like the flavor and texture of water­ Practice paid off mally. voted to retain final ad­ an adverse effect on the other limited demolition program, ministrative responsibility for dis­ some stores, the widening of Union at the end of the third year, is $2^750 cress but haven’t the climate or the revitalization efforts. Loranger jermed as one of the tributing the federal money for the Street, the sidewalk program, and and $26,807. means to grow it. Bruce Johnstone, Loranger said a number of an­ most serious problems facing the program. the conversion of the U. S. Envelope The starting salary for the 12- retired chief horticulturist for a for Mac McLendon cillary benefits can be expected as a program the possible dislocation of factory into housing for the elderly, month supervisors is $19,993 and the major United States seed house, says The Planning Commission will act result of the rehab program. He said lower income tenants, due to the in­ A survey made by the Planning maximum, $25,028 and for the 16 garden cress (botanical name, as the agency, for the council, in im­ one of these could be the improve­ crease in rents as the result of code plementing the grant program. Department two years ago showed month supervisors, $18,943 and a Lepidium sativum) grows easily and ORLANDO, Fla. (UPI) — Mac McLendon said he was putting ment of the neighborhood generally enforcement and program activity. Mayor Frank McCoy expressed con­ that of the 3,850 housing units-in maximum of $23,470. rapidly indoors or out. Rebounding battle so badly when the PGA tour was on the West Coast earlier this which should solidify the property He said this could occur because cern about having a non-elected body Rockville, 1,432 or 37 percent are .values of existing residential and the limited amount of public funds A1 Lewis of Wilcox Tech soared high over East Catholic's Bob year, "I just can’t describe it.” (the Planning Commission) take owner-occupied and 2,418 or 63 per­ commercial properties now kept in used to pay for the rehab work would VenorA to grab in State Tournament action. (Herald “I three-putted 21 greens in two away a legislative function of the cent are rental apartments. good repair. not eliminate the need to repay the Artists display works different tournaments,” said the the pace. governing body. Loranger said the survey further photo by Dunn) He said it would also cause a reduc­ substantial expenditures of private lanky Alabaman. So he took a week Hale Irwin was four strokes back determined that 43 percent of the Loranger said the residential tion of the need for public services to monies used. Tolland County acrylic by Pat Cook, Tolland off and went to work on his putting, and Howard Twitty, George Burns ren tal units w ere in need of rehabilitation program, to be funded the neighborhoods in which He said a number of ways to Art work by members of the Library; "First Snowfall,” an oil by changing his stance completely. and Bruce Lietzke were six strokes rehabilitation and 14 percent of the ^ . with a 1279,000 Community Develop­ rehabilitation takes place. He cited alleviate this problem have been in­ Tolland County Art Associate is on Mildred Lisk, Hall Memorial It worked. behind McLendon, a steady golfer ment grant, is seen as the next im­ owndr occupied units needed repairs. Library, Ellington; “ Lone King-sized Canton as an example, fire protection. cluded in the program guidelines. He display this month in area banks and McLendon. 32. had no three-putts who has been among the top 60 portant step in the Rockville The rehab program was conceived, Traveler,” an oil by Jan Lepore, He also said m aintenance of said, however, that in the final libraries. during the entire Citrus Open and won money winners since 1975. revitalization process to which the and the grant approved, based on two property values maintains the town’s “ Winter B irches,” an oil by Savings Bank of Tolland, and the $200,000 tournament by two Arnold Palmer, who had a share of town has committed itself. major objectives: The physical analysis, "If the rehabilitation Tech foe tonight taxable base and rehabilitation of a program is to succeed and arrest the Florine Luginbuhl is at the Savings “Birches and Laurel” an acrylic by strokes Sunday for the third victory the first-round lead after an opening He said it is intended to provide rehabilitation of up to 440 rental units particular residential sjructure may trend of deterioration which is oc­ Bank of Rockville. An acrylic “Quiet Emma Batz, People’s Savings Bank, in a career that started in 1968. 65, faded to eight-under at the tour­ located in investor-owned struc­ rehabilitation assistance for residen­ make it more marketable. curring in Rockville, some dislocation Countryside,’’ by Jennie Batz, is at Tri-City Plaza, Vernon. By I.EN Al STER "This is without question the best nament’s end. tial structures whose owners to not tures: and the demolition of a limited The investor rehab program con­ The next meeting of the association putting I’ve ever done," he said after of tenants and some abandonment of the First Federal Bank of Rockville. Herulft Sporlsu riler McLendon said he worked on his live on the premises. number of vacant, substantially sists of four components geared to at- will be March 21 at 8 p.m. at the Lot­ pocketing the $40,000 first prize — 10 structures can be expected.” Others are "Tolland Winter,” an Which style of play to select. putting with his teaching pro, Jimmy tie Fisk Building, Henry Park. times more than he’d won so far this Ballard, who changed his stance. That's the dilemma confronting Cheney Tech Coach Gerry season. He had missed three cuts and "It was something that was Charter report due RockviHe hospital notes Blanchard as his upset-minded Beavers face king-sized Canton his best finish was only a tie for 13th extremely difficult for me to do, ” High in a State Basketball Tournament Class S Region IV final at Phoenix. McLendon said. N'frnon machines. ’The revision commission would He put together rounds of 69-65-66 Admitted Thursday: Alvin dus, Thompson Street, tonight at the University of Hartford at 6:30. But his putts started falling in the The Town Council will review the final Road, South Windsor; Viola 68 for a total of 271 — 17-under-par on like to see the questions divided so if one Baskerville, South Street, Rockville. Gabler, South Street, pro-am Wednesday and "I never report of the Charter Revision Commis­ or two major changes are defeated it Rockville: George Bidwell The 1611 Techmen advanced to the Blanchard with tongue in cheek. the 7,012-yard Rio Pinar Country Admitted Friday: Terri Rockville: Gloria round of 16.with a 6654 upset over St. went back to try to do what I used to sion at its meeting tonight at 7:30 in the won't mean the defeat of the entire Jr., Ellington: Gary Boucer, Bryda, Regan Street, SHOPPING Callahan is averaging 19 points per Club course, where the second round do. Hell, I ain’t ever played like that Klinefelther, Tolland; Mrs. Thomas Seminary while Canton had Memorial Building. It will have to decide charter. Thrall Road, Vernon; Hyman Rockville; Alice Kadetski, game and is an all-slate candidate was delayed a day by rain, forcing in my life. Kathleen McEItvein and son, to overcome the slowdown tactics of whether two major changes that the com­ The proposed creation of the Depart­ Eptstein, Ellington: Madeline Grove Street, Rockville; Progress Avenue, Rockville; according to Canton Coach Bill golfers to play 36 holes Sunday. "I had no three-putts, and I had un­ Jones, Ellington Avenue, Ellington High to move ahead with a Mudano. mission decided to leave in, and which the ment of Community Services was un­ Walter Murphy, Hillside Jeanette McEwen, Village McLendon was up with the sun. der 30 putts every day.” Rockville: Shirley Martin, 2624 verdict. Tonight’s winner ad­ Cheney will counter with 6foot-3 council strongly opposed, will go to the animously turned down by the council. Avenue, Rockville; Francis Street, Rockville; Keith shot a 69, changed to a lighter By winning with 17-under, he said Sunnyview Drive, Vernon: Richel, Kelly Road, South vances to the state quarterfinals. center ^rnie Ertel, 6foot-2 Kevin I’ voters before being deleted. One of the reasons being they feel it will Nashwinter. Tolland; Norma BAG sweater and came right back out for he had gain^ new confidence in his Heather Roy, Cottage Street, Blanchard's options are 1) speed it Tbe revision group strongly be expensive and the other is they feel it Windsor; Kelly Wisnieski, Parrette, Maxwell Drive, Tyler and 6foot Dave Gustamachio his 68, taking a two-stroke victory Rockville. Somers. up, 2) slow it down, 3) play pian-for- career as it enters its second decade. recommends that a Department of Com­ will tend to increase the bureaucratic Vernon; Kathryn Paulette, at forward and a pair of 6foot-8 over Australian David Graham, who ' i Discharged Thursday: Discharged Friday: Mrs. River Street, Rockville; man or combination defense against "The lowest score I ever shot munity Services be created plus a major process. Sylvia Amaral, Hale Street senior guards, Brian Brown and Jim had rounds of 73 and 66 Sunday. before was a 12-under. It’s been a En route to victory Judith Chartier and daughter. Patricia Sansom, Windsor- the Warriors, who have the luxury of reorganization of the Finance Depart­ The proposed change to reorganize the Ext., Rockville: Arthur W. MAIN STREET Boudreau. Former Texas Longhorn team­ real stumbling block to me. I always Pleasant Street, Rockville: ville; Elarl Tracy, Worcester hdving a 6foot-7 performer (John Perrine Pelen of France bites her tongue en route to victory in ment. Finance Department would eliminate the Bateman. East Street, The Techmen could run into mates Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw, won most of my money on very tough Linda Felcher, Good Hill Road, Vernon. Kusmik) come off the bench. The two proposals, and all other director of administration from serving as Rockville: Tracy Christian, problems in the backcourt with who shared the NCAA title in 1972, courses when the scores weren't real women’s slalom race at Stratton Mountain yesterday. (UPI proposed changes to the charter, were Lawreme Street, Rockville: Canton, 12-7, has won eight of its Callahan. "1 don’t know but it's finished at 14 under, three strokes off photo) finance head. The council feels the wor­ last 10 after getting 1977 All-Stater 6 low” reviewed by the council and the revision ding of the proposed revision would force Kimberly Ciaschini, ROCKVILLE possible that he (Callahan) might be foot-4 Roger Coutu off the injury list. commission last week. It will be up to the the town to create the new department Ellington: Mrs. Carol Clark shooting all night, ” Blanchard and son, Vernon Avenue. He suffered a broken ankle during council now to decide what changes will go and hire a full-time finance officer. The viewed the situation. "How to stop Rockville; Raymond Oakes the soccer season and missed the to a referendum vole. council didn’t object to the change to con­ CHOCKS nrilMMS him? I don’t know, maybe with a Jr., East Main Street, first nine games. Coutu in the win ladder." The council will also have to decide how troller wherever finance officeT appears. Rockville; Mrs. Dorothy Bugs Bunny the changes will be put on the voting over Ellington became the first Can­ Seminary, according to several Fourth straight World Cup Virekler and son, Davis ton eager to go over the 1,000-point Avenue, Rockville; Edward abou CHAP- reports, underestimated Cheney. Yeomans, Andover. mark. Mudano, who was in attendance last Births Thursday: A it! STICK Coutu has plenty of large company Wednesday, sees no recurrence Democrats set primary with 6foot-2 Ken Cooper at forward, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Asst. Flavors stating, "We will be ready to play.” 6foot-4 Bob Fairchild at center and slalom crown to Stenmark Kenneth Myracle, East Main In a Class S Region I final, top- Smith WimiHor primary Tuesday. No issue seems to be in­ Reg. 69e volved and no controversy beyond the Street, Rockville; a daughter th e y are 6foot Matt Marostica and 6-foot-5 ranked 261 Coventry High opposes South Windsor District 3 Democrats will voting error at the caucus. He could have to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wen- th e re Jim Callahan in the backcourt. Lyman Memorial at Windham High hold a primary Tuesday to decide 25 "They really lack for height," mused tonight at 8:15. ■STRATTON, Vt. (UPI) - "I thought I would have to watch more overall crowns. events in a row, Phil Mahre won the easily accepted a seat from those who Phil." he said. Hut it “was the home-team membership openings for the Democratic when you Ingemar Stenmark was tired slalom at Chamonix. France, last offered to resign, but instead he had Despite his failure to win at Strat­ month Town Committee, and a little disappointed. Americans that captured the public's rejected all peace gestures with the com­ need tViem ton — he was third in the giant slalom imagination at Stratton and un­ Stenmark remained (he superstar The primary has been forced by Walter ment that he must win the seat.” ‘T il be glad when this is Friday - it has been a good World even to his competitors. Kupchunos Jr. because of a mistake in CHOCKS VITAJIHNS ONE-A-DAY covering World Cup precedents "I find it hard to believe that a man's 24 hour emergoncy over,” Stenmark said. "You Cup tour for Stenmark. became a popular pastime for the ballot counting when committee members pride in winning a seat is worth the $1,000 Buga P L u y in u L S Rhode Island tops met in January to chose members. oil burner and can't always win. " In fact, it could hardly be anv dozens of ski w riters assembled here lie's the main guy to watch. " to $1,500 it will cost South Windsor to run Bunny A few minutes earlier, the young better. it was. they agreed, the first time an Steve .Mahre said, Kupchunos was originally thought to this primary,” said Hornish. delivery service! Swede had turned in one of the He has clinched the slalom, giant American ever been as high as se­ I'he World Cup will go to Sweden have lost his position on the town com­ Tuesday’s primary is the second time thanks to Williams flashiest slalom performances in slalom, and combined overall cham­ cond place in the overall standings with Ingemar Stenmark. but the mittee by two votes. However, a check of the Democratic Party has been faced with World Cup history. pionships. the latter for the third week clearly belonged to two 20-year- ballots tound Kupchunos to be lied for the an internal challenge in less than a ye^r. Gavitt, who thought the New PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) His first run in the men's slalom at straight time. Only one skier. It was also the first time American old twin brothers from While Pass. .seat with former television newsman The first was, in September when Depu­ Haven, Conn., high school star was — He was within layup dis­ Stratton Mountain Saturday was sub- Gustavo Thoeni of Italy, has won sk ie fs^ v e r won three World Cup Wash Sherman Tarr ty Mayor Robert Myette successfully going to Providence College until Kupchunos said he was very upset with Manual tance of Providence College par for a man considered by many to battled his way to a spot on the MTilUB Williams showed up at the Kingston be the world’s finest skier. His time Ids loss because he has been on the town Democratic Town Council ticket after /M O W lj before hurriedly reversing campus of the state-run university, committee for about 12 years. Although Mobil was good enough only for 10th place. being bumped from the party ballot at the OM inMa ntniSM iif heating directions and driving down said after the Saturday game. But Stenmark's second run was committee members had already been “Credit the Sly. His statistics are caucus in August. csOTtnMMMinio ofl the lane to take his shut at the more like what the 3,500 spectators certified, numerous members offered to self explanatory but he does so many minus Walton Actually many party members feel Blazers CAaTOUFREEl University of Rhode Island. had come to see — a brilliant effort relinquish th eir seats in favor of Tuesday’s primary is linked to Myette’s 1-MO- 'warming friends for over 40 years’ ALMPUIS things out there that he causes you to CO-TYLENOL Eighteen months later, Sylvester almost one full second ahead of his Kupchunos. Kupchunos, however, primary battle. Kupchunos indicated do more on defense. 382-4529 315 Center Street, Manchester, Ct. 2trs 24 "Sly" Williams sat in the Rhode second competitor. declined offers and said he wanted to after his poor showing in the town "That opens up (Stan) Wright and ARTISTIC POOLS Island lockenoom after leading his It was good enough for second in 'win ' the seat on the town committee. committee caucus that numerous Myette (Irv) Chatman. They’re pretty good team past Providence into the NCAA the event and good enough to clinch still on Town Committee winning road Chairman Robert^ supporters from the Third District had players but Sly makes them better Division I basketball tournament. for Stenmark his fourth straight Hornish has been very critical of *losl in their bid for town committee ^ ats. because you have to work harder on liiillriH lOA, Korkriii 88 Even as he talked of the Rams' 65- World Cup slalom championship. points in the third quarter, (or a Kupchunos' insistence on a primary. him,” NEW YORK (UPI) - The Bob Dandridge hit (or 26 points Kupchunos is considered to be part of the 62 victory being the "start of the First in the race was young Steve Detroit 8675 lead going into the final In a recent statement Hornish said way the while Kevin Grevey and Mitch Myette faction, and his wife was district Rhode Island basketball program," .Mahre of White Pass, Wash., who period. Indiana was within six points Kupchunos was the victim of a voting Wright had 17 points and Chatman handled the Kupchak contributed 22 and 21 manager in Myette’s primary battle in the Williams gave the impression of a gave the U.S. Ski Team one of its late in the game when Ricky Sobers error at the caucus, and rather than losing fall. 11 plus eight rebounds in Rhode respectively to lead the Bullets, who young man on the move. finest hours ever in international Sunday. Bill Walton might as scored 16 of his 31 points in the fourth his committee seat, actually lied for last Polls will be open at the high school Island’s 24th win against six losses. have won five of their last six, He may apply for hardship status competition. well take the rest of the season quarter. place. We tried everything we could to from noon until 8 p.m. Only members of The Saturday win, which officially IIuIIk 96, Warriorx 9.5 Ncl. IO<>, llruw-o 103 and be eligible for the June NBA Just 24 hours earlier, his twin off. avoid a costly and possibly tiarmful District 3 are eligible for vote. gave Rhode Island the ECAC New Artis Gilmore scored 26 points, in­ John Williamson scored 38 points draft. brother. Phil, had won the giant Walton, the world champion LIP- BJngland Division I crown, capped a cluding a pair of free throws with six and rookie Bernard King added 26 to “ I’m not even thinking about that.” fine season that started shakily. In slalom and moved into second place Blazers' most valuable player, un­ said Williams, who was wearing a in the combined overall World Cup derwent surgery on his right foot provide the Nets with sufficient TYLENOL SAVERS the first half of the season Williams cushion to withstand a late Braves’ Area bulletin board T-shirt. "Right missed a few practices, then a game. standings — the highest ranking ever Sunday to relieve pressure on his toes u % A 8 8 T . now I’m going to play in the NCAAs. for an American. and possibly will be lost to the team NBA rally. People talked about the talented 76rri> lo t, '4|iii» 92 itog-M B FLAVOR S . All my life I’ve been looking at it. Rams as the Philadelphia 76ers of Phil, attempting to follow that up until the playoffs begin. But his Andover Hebron Now I’m in it." with a slalom victory Saturday, took seconds left, as the Bulls snapped an Doug Collins scored 22 points — college basketball. teammates didn't act as if they're eight of them in the last eight Providence also made it to the a spill on the steep part of (he course eight-game road losing streak The Andover Elementary School Parent going to miss him. minutes when Philadelphia broke The 4-H Needles and Threads Club NCAA playoffs. The NCAA an­ and did not finish tte race. That left Trailing tbe Bucks, 11-8, with 6:44 Golden State's Phil Smith led all Teacher Association executive board will "A coach has to continually talk scorers with 31 points. away from a 7679 deadlock to take recently went to Roosevelt Mills for a tour nounced Sunday Providence has been it up to Steve, who had never won a to go in the first period, the Blazers meet Tuesday at 8 p.m at the home of and to the Tac building in Rockville for things out with his players; it’s what the lead (or good. Wall Davis with 25 named to an at-large berth in the World Cup race. called time, then reeled off eight Ilawkx Mil, SuperSonim 94 Fran LaPine. you call patience,” said Coach Jack and Alvan Adams with 23 topped the pressing pointers, pattern pointers and in­ Mideast regional with third-ranked “After he fell, he came over and straight points and 12 of the next 15 to Charlie Criss led a 16point Chicago The PTA will have a work session formation about different fabrics. Kraft, who led VHIanova to 11 Phoenix scoring. Marqiiette, Syracuse and Florida wished me luck," Steve recalled. soar to a 12688 romp. Maurice Lucas scoring spree in the fourth quarter Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the school library straight post-season tournaments that help^ the Hawks win and move S|iiiri< 98, Jazz 97 Needles and Threads Club reporter Amy State/ As Steve flashed though the gates and Tom Owens, Walton's backup to sew capes for band members. before going to Rhode Island five into fourth place in the NBA Central Mike Gale hit a jump shot wilh six Vesper has announced that a sewing Rhode Island will play in the Flast^ and the crowd cheered. Phil stood The school is in need of substitute bus ST.' years ago to rebuild a shattered center, scored 20 points apiece to Division. was high scorer seconds remaining to lift the Spurs to review, 4-H sponsored project will be regional along with Indiana. LaSalle nervously at the finish line, his fists drivers. Training will be provided. basketball program. pace the easy Portland win. with 24. victory. George Gervin and Larry coming up March 12. Each girl will be and St. Bonaventure. cleftcbed. "This is a surprising team,” ad­ Applications are available at the school. JOSEPH Cellir* I 12, Knirkii 94 Kenon combined for 54 points in the making a different article for the show No one, especially Providence Steve's victory surprised just mitted Blazers’ Cioach Jack Ramsay, Parents of students owing money for San Antonio win. Truck Robinson and will model her items. Ribbons will be COUGH Coach Dave Gavitt, questions "I keep telling them what they're about everyone lining the course or who said he feared the Bucks Sidney Wicks' 17 points led six lunch or breakfast will be sent notices the doing wrong, and wbat part of the Boston players in double figures as paced New Orleans with 39 points first school day of each month. awarded for achievement. SYRUP WHIiams’ ability to play well in the jammed into the press trailer because they have J>een playing pros. In Rhode Island's biggest win in game is hurting us,” Kraft said. "But following tbe results on a closed cir­ extremely well of late. the Celtics snapped a five-game and 15 retxxinds. 2 ox. 32 years, the 6foot-7 forward scored if they don't realize it, all I say won't cuit TV monitor. Kent Benson, with 11 points in tbe Knicks' winning streak. B o n n 's I.akcr» 128, Cat alien* ITT Coventry n o 9 .$ ijn do a bit of good.” John Havlicek, the third leading Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hit for 26 South Windsor 19 points and grabbed seven “Incredible," said one U.S. Ski fourth period, led Milwaukee with 15 Kraft claims an embarrassing loss scoring in NBA history, netted his points and the Lakers shot a torrid 59 The Public Health Nursing Association rebounds. His two free throws Team official. points. Besides Lucas and Owens, The Timothy Edwards Entertainers will to Providence on Feb. 4 and a bliz­ 28,000th career point. per cent for the first three quarters of Coventry Inc., will sponsor a free blood midway through the second half put . “Unprecedented,” added another. five other Blazers scored in double present the "Music Man" April 7 and zard two days later got the Rams PiRlunit 122, l’ar«*n> I 10 to score their 17th victory in the last pressure screening clinic March 7 from 1 the Rams ahead to stay. It a te surprised Stenmark. figures. April 8 at 7:30 p.m. and April 9 at 2 p.m a t " listening. * • E nc Money hit (or 14 of his 20 22 games. to 2 p.m.- at Bane’s Pharmacy. the school. PAGE TEN------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchciter, Coim.. Mon.. March 6, 1OT8 SIP®(Bg8QUIZ Scoraboard J INDEX CLASS Two power play goals N o n c u 1 - M i n d Found 2 - PonoiMls WHA * — Amounoanwnti P < — EfiMnsininonI W L T Pts. 5 — AucSono S h e H e m l i i Winn. 41 top slumping Whalers 22 2 84 . _ fin a n c ia l Hi New Eng. • - Bonds-SMcks-Mongsgos au. RUSSELL 34 28 » - PosonN LoofM ...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OAIMB) ALL- Houston 32 28 10 — InturtncB ^ AMERICAN ; QUEBEC CITY (U Pl) - Quebec defenseman Garry "Even with Tommy Webster, Dave EdmontonEklmonl 32 29 ranoYMiNT 8:30 A.M. Larriviere gave three solid body Keon, and George Lyle out, we still 13 ~ H«lp WtnlM Marc Tardif and Christian ATtMVBESny 30 30 checks to Mark Howe and the first If “ OppoftunittBB Bordeleau scored two power have some excellent scorers on this OFSANFRAN- Birm. 28 34 15 ~ SttuBtion Wtmtd PHdNE 643-2711 chance he got. the elder Howe team. But, they just haven't been Cinci. to 5:00 P.M. OS00.WH0EIS( 26 34 KOUCATION € ) FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD play goals in the second period delivered a solid elbow to able to connect lately.” ON THAT TEAM Indiana. 22 36 18 — PrtvatB Inttructlont to lead the Quebec Nordiques Larriviere's jaw. VMSAU- 19 — School»^(MMt New England had a 1-0 lead after Sunday's Results 20 — Instructions Wsmsd i KEEP SMILING to a 2-1 win over the New Bordeleau's winner came 58 the first period on a goal by Jim AMERICAN? A.TOMHEIN50HN Indianapolis 4, Cincin­ _ NEAL E8TATE England Whalers Sunday in seconds into Howe's penalty. Mayer after picking up a rebound in nati 2 23 — Hothm for S«ls h a p p y R ICC JONES 24 — Lots*Land for SaIo ' KEEP WHA play. Earlier in the period, Afarc Tardif front of Quebec goaler Richard c a s R ^ y Quebec 2, New England 1 M — Invstmont Proporty picked up his 48th goal of the season Brodeur and firing it into an open Edmonton 4, Bir- 5 — Businoss Proporty The Nordiques, on the comeback with John McKenzie off for hooking. net. 2 — RBBOft Propofty C h e H e r a l O after a 10-game losing streak, have "TA-jaMSUb mingham3 28 - Rm I EstAtA WAntAd ■'It's not so much the penalties that Mark Howe has a chance to tie the MISC. 8BNVICE8 □ NOTICES picked up 11 of a possible 12 points in u*i wtarnaa rorocaar • killed us, its just that we can't put the game half way through the third 31 — SaTVICAA OtfATAd their last six games (five wins and a 32 — ^Aintlng*PApArlng CLASSIFIED BUSINESS GUIDE puck in the net," said Whalers' Coach period when he came in alone on M — BAliding-ContrACtina tie). NHL L o ti and Found Harry Neale. Brodeur and tried to outmaneuver ( Batebaii 34 — Roofing-Siding Instant Pntssshnsl Help tor For period ending 7 a.m. EST Tuesday. Monday night will find Bordeleau scored the winning goal ...... 35 — HAAting-Plunwng rain or showers in the Pacific Northwest, lower Mississippi "This is the fifth or sixth game him. Campbell Conference 38 — Flooring LOST - Near Downtown Your Homs, Businsss, or PorsonsI Noods at 8:39 of the second with Gordie Patrick Division 37 — Moving-Trucking-StorAOA Valley and Gulf Coast region while some snow falls over parts we've outshot our opponents and still Brodeur robbed him of the goal 38 — SorvicM WAntAd Manchester, 6 month female, Howe off for elbowing. lost," he said. Red Sox ... CLIP THIS OUT FOR. FUTURE REFERENCE •.. of the Plains. Fair to partly cloudy skies are indicated when he stretched out his glove. W L T Pts. Lahrador/Shephard puppy. elsewhere. Minimum temperatures include: (approx, max. MI8C. PON BALE Mostly black, with tan paws. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. NY Isldrs 39 14 12 90 41 » ArticlAS for SaIa readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 40 (63), Boston 14 (37), Chicago Phila 36 17 11 83 42 — Building SuppliAS Wearing silver choke chain (UPI) — Denny Doyle, 43 — PAts -Birds- Oogs collar. About 45 pounds. C)all DOUNHSKSSSOmtE ' iB aL isK san iM 22 ( 35). Cleveland 18 (34), Dallas 41 (52), Denver23 (511, Djuluth UNUn TMUNUM ' OWOACt maiiteitad SITS, plui something of a lame-duck Atlanta 24 24 17 65 44 — LivAstock Alice, 646-5949, or 232-447?. ■■ IvMwi. .court coata .(Mmiaal Dafnue 6 (261. Houston 46 (63), Jacksonville i t (79), Kansas City 25 NY Rngrs 22 31 11 55 45 — Boots A AccassotIas ^uU M SaheSon ot Catholic trackmen player for the Boston Red 48 Sporting Goods Reward. •Malar VaUcle -Haaaa Ctortnii (37). Little Rock 37 (49). Los Angeles 44 ( 64). Miami 68 ( 80). ■araa • makssf "•""as Womans Waar •Wills KlIlarHatlan. ays Sox, says he doesn't feel Smyihe Division 47 » Gordon Products IIOlMlCMtoBM, New Orleans 54 (71), New York 25 ( 36), Phoenix 51 (75), San 48 — AniiquAS " a s & s r Businoss for Ront PIANO TUNtMO tilizer plant, plus general East Catholic High shared fourth place at the Class M Indoor “1 understand why the St. Louis 15 39 40 ISALES POSITION - Straight RUSSGU’S 56 — Rosort Proporty for Ront FOLn-MKHHNC. warehouse labor. Call Mr. Track Championships Saturday at the University of Connecticut. Red Sox had to go ahead Minnesota 14 43 34 57 — WontAd to Ron! commissions, leadss fur­ NiHmiiaMi vwioua uMuaatmNMSNUF M A K E i M o b i l Hill, 643-0644. and get those players,” he 58 — Misc. for Ront nished to homeowners. Call The Eagles and WIlby High of Wales Conference 242-5402. •ooqpfttf Ttoaa. M la Super Sarvlca, Inc. The relay foursome, Mendes in the said Sunday referring to AUTOMOTtVE Itaw”- *ks"* MANAGER TRAINEE - Waterbury each had 36 points, Norris Division 81 ~ Autos for Soto pjn. WaBtAm Sat S nan. to OAS - (HL - LUaWCATION - Multi State firm has openings long jump, Carr in the high hurdles Jerry Remy and Jack 62 — Trucks for Solo EXCELLENT opportunity to Tmm •fSf€imlUu ■ S pjn. Acciaaoniaa trailing Ledyard (56). St. Paul (53) W L T Pts. 83 — HoAvy Equipmont for SaJa u u CoOm MraiaHi ^MS^BArnn^ for recent college grads; will Brohamer. "I don’t feel learn wholesale hardward CORNIR STB. Fountain Village and Windham (38). and Roberts in the high jump Montreal 46 8 9 101 64 — Motorcydos-BicyclAS w iiiM a ...... be instructed in all phases of BUSINESS any frustration because of 65 — CAmpArs-TrAHArs-MobllA business. Good working con­ rases MM4(7 marketing, service and "We were hoping to get in the top 5 qualified for Saturday's State Open. LA Homos and what happened. I’ve been 22 26 12 62 ditions, short hours. 522-1107. employment. Starting annual and we did," penned East Coach Detroit 68 — AutomotivA SorvlCA in this game long enough to 25 29 9 59 87 — Aulos for Ront-LAASA ' 1 pay 410,000. Call Mrs. Young, Beacon Hill OPPORTUNITY George Suitor, "Everyone turned in Pitts 20 26 17 57 IF YOU ARE an attractive 627-0550. good pressure performances. We Milestone realize that being traded is motivated woman we need murneau u m n a Wash. 12 40 12 36 CAMIY NATIDNS WJ.HUSH Apartments were pointing to this meet and BOSTON (UPI) —"Another day, just part of it." you. If you are looking (or a GARUEREQUIPMEIITmC. INSUtANGEiUENeT Adams Division glamorous, challenging posi­ 84U-1I08 everyone performered to their poten­ another milestone for John Havlicek. QnrW, Tnelon Start your own part W L T Pts. tion, with a new Perisian RNI LUNCHES For AU Four Call 647-9946 tial.” The Boston Celtics' durable star P»rts and Sarvlca time profitable Meta Boston 41 13 8 90 cosmetic line, you need us. tnNrtMNiHill insurancB /Vm^dsf UMclMttif Etfinlni The 4x200 relay team of Harry was surprised Sunday when the game 236-2381, 633-3366. 423-6351 business that both Buffalo 37 13 14 88 i B B m t u s n i ' Carr, Tom Sipples, Mike Fournier was stopped at the 9:43 mark of the ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. husband and wife Toronto 36 17 10 82 [ and Dave Roberts took second place first quarter after he sank the first of (UPI) — Bobby Valentine, PHONE FROM Home to.ser­ can operate from two free throws in Boston's 112-94 attempting a comeback Qeve 19 38 9 47 vice our customers in tthe with a time of 1:29.6. Rudy Mendes Mancchester area. Flexible iJbal IF'orn D U i U T U A u n r the comforts of win over the New York Knicks. School mark with the New York Mets Sunday's Results T Irad o f was second in the long jump with a hours. Super earnings. 249- O u tS kap ot ItoaitMHwCawMsaHr* a^^aam laraiM a {Sm M TOOKf their home. With a leap of 21-feet. Rick Walsh was fifth The occasion was Hondo's 26,000th following operations for NY Islanders 3, 7773. WE ARE NOW taking Manchester High’s Bob Pre-Columbian Indiani be­ hcLPiaiMiMn Air CRMBasaNlSSUASSi minimum invest­ in the two-mile run with a 10:15.3 career point, a mark Havlicek did not removal of a bone spur on Pittsburgh 3, tie ■ta By Ow BuirtUiia BMl itlons for Sous Chief, know he had reached. Michaud set a school record at his right ankle, put in a bid Detroit 4, Minnesota 3 lieved that earthquakes were WANTED ■ Gas station atten­ MANCHESTER AUTD Bar tenders, waitress, bus ment under $50. clocking. caused by the creator shaking dant, full or part time. boys or bus girls and snack "1 don't really keep up with those the state Class LL Swimming Sunday to oust Doug Flynn Toronto 4, NY Rangers 1 I9D Y REPAIR yaWMEIDEHHHS Roberts won the high jump with a the earth to see if hit handi­ Mature, responsible person w w an . M34317 487 Main a t bar help. Apply at Ellington leap of 6-feet even. Sipples was fifth things,” said the NBA's third leading Championships Saturday night from his second base job. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis w ork was still around. The for third shift. References. Manehaatsr 647*1167 n tu m la o N ’" 'Z C mu Ridge (Jountry Club, Tuesday Indians would shout "Here in the 300-yard run with a time of all-time scorer behind Wilt at Southern Connecticut State The once highly prized Call 871-1698. and Wedneesday, From II I am," to reassure him. Manchester High School Presents: a.m to 3 p.m. or call 872-9133 :34.5 while Carr was third in the 60- Chamberlain and . College. prospect from Stamford, Boston 6, Vancouver 3 AMWAY "I knew I was close but I didn't read Conn., requested permis­ Chicago 2, Colorado 2, tie ’ BOOKKEEPER ^ MANCHESTER for appointment. yard high hurdles with a :08.3 Experienced, small three girl RO-VIC INC. MY TYRE MAN anything before the game. When I Michaud finished 12th in the sion from Manager Joe RURIERSTAMPS REPRESENTATIVE clocking. office in Manchester. Some H—Sam ian F v AM Ymr "A F rien d ly P laea IMMEDIATE Opening - for went to the (foul) line, I didn’t know 500-yard freestyle but set a Torre to work out regularly INVITATION lUtoMUiL MM4M secretary in our busy sales ol- phone and public contact, part Commanai A ",'SuaSM lo Re-Tyre" 5 2 3 -7 2 8 0 until someone In the crowd yelled school mark with a 5:19.4 at second base. time with possibility of full a m a m n (MUiaiKra) t l A H E flce. General office "26,000.” NBA TO BID time. All replies kept strictly • m iaatsaruiFa 387 BROAD i t . experience required including clocking, breaking his own • tnasAviifoiif 14S aniLooN no. taa^tm typing, filing, and a good The game was stopped as the 14,407 Easlern Conference • confidential. Send resume to •43-2444 '.Directed by M ill (Martha Whit* . Rec swimmers mark set last year by 1.2 Yanks Sealed bids will be received in Box S, Manchester Evening BaBBo^hPtats^TtwpBtaa telephone personality. Office fans gave him a two-minute standing seconds. Atlantic Division the Office of The Director of Herald. hours to be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 in AAU meet ovation and players from both sides FORT LAUDERDALE, W L Pet. GB General Services, 41 Center EI l 'SIM ARCH 10 * 11. 1978^' ^ GOOD OPPORTUNITY to p.m. Contact Multi Circuits MANY PEOPLE only dream Wayne Smith took 11th place Fla. (UPI) — New York Phila 43 20 .683 Street, Manchester, Connec­ 4480. WEEKLY Possible - make money. Looking for Inc., 50 Harrison Street. of owning their own business. Members of the Manchester Rec offered handshakes. SU-OEB COIN CO. 8:00 p.m. . (MUb M Perhaps it's time for you to Yankee Manager Billy ticut, until March 20, 1978 at mailing circulars. No gim­ BOLTON OIL CO. enterprising person to take Manchester. 646-3800. Swim Team took part in an AAU 12 in the 50-yard freestyle and NY 34 29 .540 9 ~)iMi ■■ onik lii ANt' o u iN ir t 134 tilt IMaTHu Ika Int pursue that dream. I have Martin revealed plans Sun­ 11:00 a.m. for the following: micks. free details. u u Fuel Oil Co., H u v n c i i n a advantage of high earnings op- and under Meet yesterday at East Ticket sale 12th in the 100-yard Boston 24 37 .393 18 Guaranteed. HABBCO, Box portunitv. Friendly, per­ over 1,000 buslnessess for sale M day to play All-Star 74SIUMIT. -MANCHiami Haven. Buffalo 21 41 .339 211^ STREET SWEEPER 678-A Lufkin, Texas, 75901. S4«-I1SS That Saves You "*a mam nemn Sapeind’ sonable Individual. (Jail 528- M achinist by owners. Many (or Tickets for the East Catholic-New backstroke. The 200-yard catcher Thurman Munson RENTAL & PARKING •Ain-iaBna mmiM minimum down. For free In the 9-10 age group, Tina Listro Undon basketball game Wednesday NJ 16 48 . 250 27V4 Monoy Hatp Wantod 13 Halp Wantad 13 3869, between 10 and 3. medley relay quartet of Smith, in left field during spring FIELD SWEEPING EMERGENCY MEDICAL llNi4Hwait,iwksihr 22MIL MiUtt 2nd Shift brochure write: Interstate won the 100 free with a 1:11.0 night at Windham High will be sold Central Division nr-atPbklnlhpnM Clasad Business Marketing. P.O. Box training games. The The Town of Manchester is an )I Technicians and wheelchair UlhnIp-alSw M 6 -3 5 2 3 (Opm Dea,, FildenI SELL WITH CONFIDENCE. T«ohnleal tohool after school Tuesday and before and Ken Wojnarowski, Jeff W L Pet. GB 1888. Pueblo. Colo. 81002. clocking, took second in the 200 free experiment will not equal opportunity employer, drivers wanted. Full time. As an Avon Representative gradual* or aqulvalant with a 2:39.3 clocking and third in the after school Wednesday at East. Stu­ Greenberg and Dean Wilkie San Ant. 39 24 .619 you're selling the cosmetics •xpariano* lo worh at all necessa"h^ carry over to and requires an affirmative Apply 1739 Main Street. East 100 IM. Kris Noone won the 50 dent tickets purchased in advance took n t h with a 1:50.4 Wash. 34 29 .540 5 Hartford. preferred and bought by more around maohinlal the regufar season, but action policy for all of its Con­ REUT-HUOCT axDosura iimitad AREA APVISORS NEEDED people the world over. Isn't primarily on Bridgaporta. backstroke with a :38.2 clocking, are half of those at the door. clocking. Cleve. 31 33 .484 8'A Martin-^puld not rule out tractors and Vendors as a con­ DENTAL OFFICE in South L U m nilU IT CKnaRcnknHr: that reassuring? Call 742-6946 Minimum of 3 ytart fifth in the 50 breast and sixth in the Atlanta 31 34 . 477 9 dition of doing business with RESERVED AFTERNOON A EVENINO •iparionco. □ EDUCATION that possibility. Windsor, requesting part time MmMRMMIMm for further details. A 100 free. David Clough was fifth in NewOrl.31 35 . 470 9Vs the Town, as per Federal help, with dental assisting and VIRNON naiSNUMMWMi 8omo part tim* poiltlona "He’s got bad feet and dra alao avallabl* Houston 24 41 .369 16 Order 11246. bookkeeping. Must be able to •71-2248 FOR YOU M BM AIiaf HOURS the 100 free, fifth in the 100 IM and aWIMRI Prirata InatrueOona I’d like to rest him as much work full time in summer. Call Tracay or Jo* mMMtanamai Apply Paraonnal Dapl. IS sixth in the 50 back. Steve Bylciw Western Conference Bid forms, plans and 72 WbidMr Am ., (RL 12) ssaeesa Indian skaters as possible," Martin specifications are available at Experience desired. Seend at 643-2711 OFFICE WORK Qtrbtr Scitniinc won the 100 free with a 1:14.4 explained. "If he’s hurting .Midwest Division resume to Box S., c/o m m a. m am m MUST HAVE CAR REMEDIAL READING and the General Services Office, lulrumtnl Co. math: Individualized work clocking, took second in the 200 free during the season, I may W L Pet. GB Manchester Herald. DAY/MGHT and third in the 50 breast. Denver 40 41 Center Street, Manchester, IS OtrtMr Rd. tsuth W(ndaor program. Ilst-8th grade) by use him in left field or as a 24 .625 Connecticut. An dqual opporlunlly tmplortr, master’s degree teacher. 568- Also, Dave Budd won the 50 back Milw 33 CALL GIRLS WANTED for down Eagles, 5-2 designated hitter just to 31 .516 7 TOWN OF MANCHESTER, VETERiUlS DANIEU TMTO. M/P 807t. part time telephone soliciting, n R ^nM T -uaSSI Call Jaanna 647 -99 4 6 We are GROWING and with a time of :37.5 and was third in Chicago 33 32 .508 7Mi CONNECTICUT D* Vs« Quslll, U r 7WW keep his bat in the lineup.” Irom our pleasant office. Nirtiiai Mm*. Cal u* • w* touncy “Coldett Beer In fotan” need additional persons to the 200 free. Kent Michaud was Detroit 30 33 .476 9>A ROBERT B. WEISS, Good hourly rate, plus com­ Aw ciffA isi,l,iin. PIANO INSTRUCTION - m -Tmb- k i join our staff of active Bualnaaa OpportunHr 14 Experienced, creative fourth in the 200 free. Manchester High took the first meeting ever in ice hockey Kan City 24 39 .381 1514 GENERAL MANAGER mission. Paid vacations and SaeorM (WsSir Cam rsgn FUUaFACXABEtTUK As M * * am a, an , tan women , monitoring teacher. Degree; state and In the 11^12 age group, Linda over crosstown East Catholic by a 5-2 count before a” near Indiana 23 40 .365 1614 001-03 bolides. Convenient Monday SMALL ENGINE Service thru Friday hours of 9 to 1, fibrdonRMlty 202 a. Cantar S t specialized com­ national certification. All Jefferson look second in the 100 t Bowling as Biaaau. ariMiT ssauer munications equipment. If Corporation - expanding levels, beginners welcome. capacity crowd of 500 Saturday night at the Bolton Ice Palace. Pacific Division and 5 to 9. Call Sharon at 569- MAiichaatar •48-2012 Don CarriMaa, Formtltoo breast, second in the 200 IM and third STOCK you have an EXCELLENT dealer network. No Many extras. Gretchen Van Jack Gelling put the Indians on top W L Pet. GB 4990, after 5. experience necessary in he 100 free. Tracy O'Brian was Portland 52 Temporary openings in our stock and marking room phone voice and Why. 647-9751. at 4:16 df the first period assisted by goal at 4:47 of the middle session up­ U.S. MI.KED- Gail 11 .825 Complete training program. third in the 500 free. Karl Bylciw took Phoenix 39 RECEPTIONIST Secretary. 8 areas in our distribution center in South Windsor on references, please call 247- 4500. investment required to Glen Aliczi and Danny White. Tom­ ped the lead to 3-0 for Manchester. Shimaitis 204-179-185-568, 25 .609 1314 NOTICE PET-MINDERS GUITAR. BANJO. Bass second in the 500 free and second in a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Excellent Fur (My Route 5. Own transportation a must. Apply per­ 4500, between 10 a.m. and 3 start your own business. Ideal lessons: Experienced with my Roach made it 2-0 at 11:32 by Alice Brown 177, Mary LA 34 29 .540 18 typist. Good aptitude for Let us feed, exercise and the 100 breast while David Ostuni Kelly MeSweeney at 9:30 tallied for a PUBLIC HEARING care for your pat In the suRUi&SSS^ycg. sonnel office, 11th floor, Monday thru Thursday, 10 p.m. for application. Paid for retired or part time. children aged Son. Adults too. poking home a rebound, assists going Whipple 176-450, Ellen Seattle 34 30 .531 18Mi figures. Appearance and dress •WkaW^miMaranaw Details on request. Mr. was fourth in the 500 free. The 11-12 4-0 bulge assisted by Mike Mumford. BOARD OF DIRECTORS <2.90 Per Monday Mmlort and familiarity of a.m. to 4 p.m. while training. Company Enjoyable rapid progress. to Aiiczi and White. The Indians had Bauer 198-494, Dolly Gold. St. 29 34 .460 23 very important. Company paid benefits. Barker. ESCAA Field Free loan instrument. II girls medley relay team of Jefferson, East outshot Manchester the mid­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER, paid all fringe benefits. Call nis own home. In your • a em a a tv m a a a a n o m a 12-5 advantage in shots after the Dawood 201-193-177-571, Sunday's Results Y our A d Can • Jea a Cmiom tm arti Training Division Box 619., years experience. 646-6557, O'Brian, Val Katkavech and Susan dle period, 15-11, but fine goaltending CONNECTICUT for appointment, Mr, Duff absence. Call G. FOX & COMPANY first period. Peg C allahan 190-491, Boston 112, New York 94 Wading River. New York Borneo took fifth place. by Rick Spiller kept the Eagles off Notice is hereby given that 643-2133. B * H a rt... 6 4 9-1352 HARTFORD HOURS 11792. Bobby Garnelis with an unassisted the scoreboard. Ginger Yourkas 184-180- New Jersey 109, Buffalo the Board of Directors, Town Egual Opportunity Employer East finally got on the board at 2 :06 500, Sheila Price 467, Ernie 103 of lAfanchester, Connecticut, AVAILABLE Sohoola-Claaaaa ft of the final period on some fine Whipple 225-569, Fred Atlanta 101, Seattle 94 wiU hold a Public Hearing in AMEnCU LUBRICANTS CO. Kozicki 202, John Kozicki San Antonio 98, New the Hearing Room at the needs mature person now in Halp Wantad 13 Halp Wantad 13 Halp Wantad 13 8 6.111. to 4 pan. STORE FOR THE BEST-Manchester Basketball passing. Gerry King sent a rink-wide Municipal Building, 41 Center 217-582, Joe Dawood 210- Orleans 97 Manchester area. Regardless RN'S - IMMEDIATE WANTED MACHINIST - Part 4 p.m. to midnight Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 pass to Dan Glenny and he found Street, Manchester, Connec­ HAIRDRESSER Needed by Openings on 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. time daily, mornii^s. Job PLUS pupils per teacher. FREE in­ 554, Jean Tardif 215, Eld Washington 106, Houston of experience, write E.F. midnight to 0 a.m. pie Beth 6-3, South Methodist 4-4, Matt Tobin cutting up the slot with ticut, Tuesday, March 14, full service Manchester salon. shift for one full time ana one shop experience. CM lor A five room apartment troductory lesson with this ad. JIMOK Yourkas 244-603, Joe Russo 88 details, phone 649-5384, after’ Ideal location (or an an­ Call 646-6'3()6. or 646-3549. Center 4-4, Emanuel of Hartford 4-5, the latter depositing the puck in the 1978, at 8:00 P.M. to consider Baker, Box 696, Dayton, Ohio PART TIM E Salary plus commission. Must part time nurse. Call Mrs. Pal, Silver netted 26 points, Mike net. Just over a minute later, at 3:07, 203, Bob Little *201, John Detroit 122, Indiana 110 and act on the following: 45401. have experience and Llorothy Ferguson. DNS, at 5:30 p.m. tique shop, grocery store, Concordia 2-7, Trinity 1-8, Faith 1-8. - ^ O R N I N Q S following. Phone 872-4150. 289-9573. pizza shop, etc. Priced at Hellehbaum 14, and John Prignano Mark Buezek cut the lead to 4-2 with White 213-565. Chicago 96, Golden State Proposed Ordinance in accor­ □ REAL ESTATE and Dan Collins 8 each as the Hawks 95 Like to talk on the phone? Why not get GENERAL MACHINISTS 441,500. D cM O l.A Y a goal assisted by Tobin and Doug dance with Section 30-91 of the WANTED - Matured woman PEOPLE TO WORK with and PART TIME Teller trainee, topped the 76ers, 62-40, Friday at the COUNTRY CLUB- Vic Philadelphia 104, General Statutes of Connec­ lapBriMMid, capaM# o( Bill Wilson tallied 22 points and Roberts. to live in as part of the family. paid handsomely for doing It? I am around poultry. We are now main office. South Windsor Homaa For Salo 33 East Side Rec. Pat Carroll (12), Abraitis 140-140-380, Nondo Phoenix 92 ticut, as amended, that the Bank tt Trust Company. II mtidnaaaiupa. TOOLMAKER Alan Robb 10 to lead John Mather The Ice Palace came alive with One or two rooms, light looking at payroll checks right now where accepting applications for ZINSGER Jerry Appleby (7) and Bill Bray (6) excitement as the Eagles drew close Annulli 363, Ted Backiel Portland 126, Milwaukee Town of Manchester permit housework, plus took evening , employees earned: drivers (Class II License a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Capabia of making Jigs and lixiurta. MANCHESTER - Sprlna paced the 76ers, Chapter of Manchester to a 66-38 151-400, Larry Bates 140- 88 the sale of alcoholic liquor on meals. Two adults Write Box Required) to handle and Thursday. U a.m. to 7 p.m Raaltor Street location. Attractive 8- but it subsided at 9:27 as Roach T, Manchester Evening ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR The Bike Shop took a 2-0 forfeit win thrashing of Fayette Chapter of 139-411, Carl Bolin 372, Los Angeles . 128, Sundays during the hours deliver chicks, and for per­ Fridays. With occasional 646-1511 ruom Connecticut Gambrel tallied his second goal assisted bv Herald. *6.75 per hour sonnel to work in egg collec­ Saturday mornings. Apply in Expariancad capabia of raadlng,blua prinu and nestled on a beautiful wooded over the Bullets while the Rockville in the Northern Regionals Maynard Clough 136-395, Cleveland 117 allowed by law. making lal upa. White. Elizabeth Intagliata, tion, feeding, cleaning person 1033 John Fitch Blvd., lot. Country kitchen, two Trailblazers outlasted the Knicks, 46- of the Connecticut DeMolay Slate Bert Davis 371, Frank ACCOUNTING CLERK - Working only a 20 hour work week. Salary South Windsor. Between 9 MANCHE.STER - Ixwking to East outshot Manchester the final Secretary buildings, bird selection, and LAY OUT INSPECTOR working fireplaces. 2-car gar­ Tournament yest'prday at Kiernan 141-374, Sal Lom­ Some experience. High School plus bonuses. In order to qualify, you weighing. Write to P.O. Box a.m. and 2:30 p.m. open your own beauty shop? age. Must be seen. 470's. R. :)3. Brian Galligan had 18 points. Jack period, 17-5, and held an overall 37-28 Board of Directors Thraa yaara minimum axparlanca. Mutt ba lamillar Lyons 15 and Shawn Spears 11 for the Manchester High's Clarke Arena. bardo 153-378, Todd Peck Graduate. Good figure ap­ must have an agressive nature and per­ 220, Glastonbury, Conn. 06033, with PWA tpact. We h a v e tw o a c tiv e ifimmer. J.D. Real Estate. advantage. There were 14 penalties Manchester, Connecticut titude. Hartford base com­ for application. LPNs & NURSES Aides - part Applf In paraon businesses available (or your 646-1980. 6647-1139. winners and Chip Lupacehino (10), The win advances Manchester to 351, Ted Plodzik 136-362, sistent personality. For personal Interview the state finals Sunday at Quinnipiac whistled, 9 on Manchester. Dated at Manchester, Conn, pany. Fringe benefits. Reply time. 7 to 3. Please call H&B TOOL AND ENGINEERING CO. inspection. Call today. Bill Calhoun (9) and Wayne Bray (6) John Rieder 180-407, Joe i t S , this 28th day of February, 1978 to Box T. c/o Manchester PART TIME Driver for Meadows Convalescent B lan c h ard St Hosselto. HEBRON. Make an offer on (or the Knicks. College in Hamden. Salafia 356, Terry Schilling 0064)3 Herald. EOE. M/F. school buses. We will train Home, between 8 a.m. and 4 161 FOREST STREET MANCHESTER, CONN. Realtors. 646-2482. this spotless seven room R w j M ' Equal oppoetunttf smphfse Standings: Hawks 10-1, Knicks 8-3, Early action yesterday saw 369, Pete Staum 152-353, CALL BOB DAVI8 responsible applicants. Call p.m., 647-9194. Ranch. Decorator family Trailblazers 7-4, Bike Shop 5-6, Manchester top Enfield, 55-35, and Fred Tracy 143, John Wilks Caip -V . 249-3942 643-2414. room with wood burning 6 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS on stove, two car garage, acre lot Bullets 2-9, 76t>rs 1-10. Rockville eliminate Enfield, 48-36. 141-387, Gordon Wilson 137- OIracton M m Dockery 20 Super Proc Nemeth, Todd. WAITRESSES - Experienced all three shifts for our quality TYPISTS . Out of state owner anxious. Robbers post 352. ____ Hill. Payton, van Eaghan. nights. Apply in person. La control and electro plating 452.900. Barnett. Bowman and ( I l l K C II Blalaf. Vlllapiano. Siatrunh. America’s Oldest Licensor Strada West, 471 Hartford department. Multi-Circuits, 50 HOLIDAY Co Realtors. 633-3661. CATERERS- Dorothy Siam. Vataha. Lankaitia. We have several permanent positions for people who Emanuel of Manchester topped St. TOWN OF MANCHESTER - Road, between 2 and 4 p.m. Harrison Street, Manchester. DEANERY win over Cops Mathes 131-126-375, Cindy Adams. Smith. Kotar, Rhodes. Of Ice Cream Stores LICENSED REAL Estate can type 50 wpm. Some office experience is neces­ MAGIC MANCHESTER - Two family Hammond. Marmara. Can. CETA POSITION CLERK II - Mary’s, 39-30, Saturday at llling. Bill Assumption Junior High of Needs Qualified Families help wanted. High com­ 4-4. Oak floors, two furnaces. Paced. by Dale Gustafson': a to18 Doylc 141-349, Angie Or McCauley Plus college. H.S. 47,576-48,218. PerforiH^ basic sary in addition to good grammar and spelling ability. COSMETICS Anderson had 16 points and Kevin Manchester advanced to Uie state points, the Clergy (Robbers) outlasted toiani 135-346, Carol Raw end pre high coeches. To Operate Their Own missions, excellent training office work. Must be w le to Immaculate. Good rents. 447.- Carriere 13 for the winners and Mike Datee: June 25 - July 14 in program. Join the real estate Express buses from suburban towns make commut­ 900. Hutchins Agency. 646- semifinals with a 65-47 win over the Police (Cops) in the annual son 140-135-364, Jean ’— type 35 wpm. Experience Gaffney 16 for St. Mary’s. Mass, and N J Contact pgr. proTessionals - The company required, is graduation from ing easy and we’ll pay part of your fare. And there are 3166. previously unbeaten St. Mary's of exhibition basketball game last night M atHiason 134, B etty Boysa - 18 ibat is number one in the na­ Ladies — your very Emanuel of Hartford took a 2-0 ■rechurc; J N Camp. P 0 Bos High School with two years of a lot of other big company financial and social Windsor Locks. The win was at the Clarke Arena, 48-44. Ritchie 128-342, Lynne tion. Call Norma at Century business courses, or one year ADVERTISING SALES GLASTONBURY forfeit win over South Methodist 142. Peck Slip Sla NYC 1(X>38 21, Tedford Real ^tate, 647- benefits, too. Assurrmtion’s 16th in a row. Brian Officials Wilson Deakin and Dave Talbot 135, Mae Jenack or call (212) 425-2619. CARVEL of Business College, and/or own profitable part Minnechaug IVIountain. when the latter couldn’t floor a team. »14. Exceptionally attractive Galligan had 25 points, Larry Dooman were busy tooting their 341. one year of office experietKe. If you’re a good typist, you owe it to yourself to look Temple Beth Sholom nipped Center interested applicants must go We are looking for an aggresive time business that Contemporary Raised jlanch. Satchell 10 and Daryl Lazauskas 9 for whistles before a crowd of 450. into these opportunities. Come In to our Personnel Congo, 44-40, Ken Leitz had 22 points on to the Comphrensive Man­ Cathedral ceiling with beam. the winners. The semis are Despite Dave Ragonese's 20 points ICE CREAM STORE W tM C T M person to sell and service adver* Department any weekday between 9 a. m. and can be operated Lots of glass and wrought and Bruce Charendoff 10 for the power Office, 806 Main Street, Wednesday night at South Catholic the Cops didn’t have enough scoring Happiness Is... to determine eligibility. 1:30 p.m. and learn mote about H. We’re Just inside iron, two fireplaces, raised winners and Bernie Alemany and High in Hartford. power to prevail. M echanical CETA requirements are that Using in our Display Dept. Some the Rotunda at Tower Square. from the comforts hearth in family room, built-in Matt Gluho^y had 13 and 11 respec­ 4 K tU Y CUMI UlMNOmT in This Area. you must be unemployed 15 bookcases, wall-to-wall Halftime entertainment was Inspector college helpful,'' car necessary. carpeting, beautiful treed lot. tively for Congo, CYO We Will Be weeks, bea Manchester resi­ of your home. provided by East Catiiolic High’s liiB lv M v o l RRflli a o c l iif ilt t 479.500. Philbrick Agency. Wapping with Curt Hatch scoring In Bloomfield dent and meet certain St. Bridget of Manchester ad­ gymnastic squad with St. James’ hocBfrMMl MS sMBr f y economic criteria. An Equal Leading offset newspaper. Corn- Realtors. 646-4200. 10 points trimmed Concordia, 48-30. I vanced to the state quarterfinals %hool cheerleaders adding to the TUESDAY, WEDUSDAY March 11th, 12th, Opportunity Employer. Carl Baker had 11 for Concordia. o m iB sa m smB iMo.to n sB sm i pany benefits, paid holidays. ANDOVER - Exciting new 3 with an 85-52 win over St. Peter's of promotion which found the proceeds At The Carvel Store Wapping and Emanuel of bedroom Contemporarv Torrington. Pete Warren and Steve being divided between worthy police SPECIAL I 16 B, Mountain Avenue. SECOND SHIFT Forman - AREA Manchester will meet in a playoff for Mechnical / electrical h o m e s with 2 baths', Pyka had 22 and 19 points respective­ .Call Toll Free, 800-^1-1008 For appointment call - THE TRAVELERS REPRESENTATIVES fireplaces, garages. Don't first place Saturday night at llling at projects and Manchester Conference Qwrbar SdantHk: knowledge required. Salary ly for the winners. St. Bridget will of Churches activities. miss these! Call Barbara 7 o’clock to begin the league playoffs. . SLb$.IMYCUMIK*2.00 I To Set An Appointment hwInnMnlCa commensurate witn 1 Tower Square play the representative frpm Ansonia Larry Blanchard handled the experience. Contact Com­ TOM HOOPERg 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 Bosetti. 649-8716. J. Watson Standings: Emanuel of Manchester With Our Representatives. , M Ornkw M. «M Hartford, Ct Beach Co.. Manchester Of­ Wednesday night at South Catholic winners while Jon Hawthorne munication Cable Inc. 5 Glenn 5 2 3 -7 2 8 0 8-1, Wapping 7-1, St. Mary’s 6-2, Tem- !BaC«ILAimiOIIATt..a.N! fice. 647-9139. Equal Housing High at 7:15 in the quarterfinals. masterminded the losing squad. Road, Manchester, <47-14(6. An equal opportunity employer M/f Opportunity. PA^E TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancfaeater. Conn.. Mon., March 6. 1978

••••••••••••••• $1 I P er I *1 Aiito$ Per Seh $1 1 By way of 1 Hindu Q D 0 4 Pap Uttratura X D o ^ / ^ r m u L tK t M i n a 7 Compaia 2 Ottail □ □ to Spirit lamp 3 ------□ □ □ EOofflini d 643-2711 SUPER Dear Abby 12Slova 4 Ttnnit play QEJQ M Y P 5 Y C H i W ^ 5 T 14 Trojan (pU SPECIAL mountain 5 Vint a m n 15 Slight DD ToDilY-- X THlMfc By Abigail Van Buren 6 Bland VE5,MA'AM,|'/M a w a k e! daprcMion 7 Vary G in a WHAT WAS IT ABOUT"? 16 Stringad- 0 THEAWVIE?0H,VE5, I PONT SUPPOSE IT X X U important IaTSTTn w^ , uh. i t K . • CULL IN inatrumant paraont MA'AM,THE MOVIE WAS ABOUT PONNV , REFRIGERATORS DEAR ABBY: This is in regard to the letter by o N s WELL, r THINK..,. Washers, ranges, used, 17 F r anytime. for the other guy. and I've yet to have an auto accident or 32 Idtntificationi 43 Itthmut 53 Collage BI'Focala — By Ruth Marcua 28 Seaport In y O L / R E BK? I YOU T A K E get a parking ticket (at.) 44 Taro 33 Commarca Arabia degree (abbr.) UA APtNQ ^ ROCK IN A ^ / I T O U T '? WE BUY AND SELL used fur­ ----- I agree with you, POP’s decision was a little too harsh tgancy (abbr.) 1 2 3 4 5 1 7 1 SHOE. niture. One piece or entire But fortunately, the girl only hit a post What if she had hit 0 houseful. Cash on the line. 34 Four. Roman VUHOS LETS another car? 38 Modtm 10 11 12 13 14 YOUMC) AAAM — Furniture Bam. 6464)865. THAT FIMD H B U > - 37 Furtivt II 16 glimpta 17 WITH O if r i Yo u r aon-iES FURNITURE GALORE and * 4 7 9 9 SIXTEEN AND SAFE to u /w is r 39 Country 1 lots more. Used-A-Bit Fur­ 11 10 21 CLARA A R E SlLLV DEAR SIXTEEN: Read on for more opinions of POP’s 42 Scrambled 1 “ niture, 679 Main Street, East •Delivered, excluding tax « regiatratlon word 22 AND Hartford. 2868480, Tuesday letter: "AMD YOUR E ■ I t ^ / 45 Aquatic 24 FRED? h w d y s ^ru Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. animal 25 27 26 20 Ha i r 's t w 3 ^ Buy and sell DEAR ABBY: I am 15, the oldest of five, and a licensed 11 1 P»‘ 47 Befuddled (3 30 L M I u o t h e r . driver. If POP takes your advice and allows his daughter wdi.) 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 »iOT>ri«A,t«.tminia.wf WE BUY AND SELL Used to drive before her year is up, he’s not very sm art 51 To and_____ 33 furniture. One piece or entire 52 Genua of M O i « l £ l When my father sets a rule and does not enforce i t it’s 37 1 1 1 1 1 “ houseful. Cash on the line. just like breaking a promise. If the girl’s mom thought African tree 1 1 40 Hornet For Stit 23 Hornet Por Belt Fumitu e Barn. 6460865. [7 POP’s rule was too harsh when he made it, she should 54 Adheiiva 4Z 4] 23 Hornet For Belt 23 Hornet For Belt 23 •ubtttnce ■rfii jL‘R(,.to4. have spoken up at the time. I agree, a year is too long, but 55 Sick once POP made the rule he should have stuck with it 45 46 47 46 40 50 5 - 6 MANCHESTER - Unique □ MISC. FOR SALE 56 Baking ■ Manchester Contemporary Ranch. Twdvd 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN.. Phone 643-513S chamber 51 $2 S3 54 Priscilla’a Pop — Al Vermaor rooms, including adjoining in­ LONA H. 57 Make money 55 56 law apartment, sunken living COLONIAL Ardetaa tor Sato 41 58 Watch clotaly 57 room, formal dining room, You can still pick your Hoorn* tor Rent DEAR ABBY: I disagree that POP's punishment was 50 Iniacticida 51 THIS IS MV NEW 82 Apertmente For Rent S3 TRIUMPH 1968 - TR 250. 80 M ao_____ 50 60 ITS GUARANTEEP three baths, four b^rooms. colors for carpet and ALUMINUM sheets used as Good engine and transmission too harsh. If he doesn't stick to his guns, his daughter will 4 BILLV CARTER TO FLV HIGHER VTITC30MES WITH huge fireplaced family room, tung appliances in this 7-room printing plates, .007 thick, FURNISHED Sleeping Room MANCHESTER - Five rooms, for parts. Please call M7-9355, have no respect for him. I think the minimum age for (NfWtPAPin INTimHSI AUN) KITE T T H A N A N V game room. Philbrick Agen­ Colonial located at 27 23x32", 25 cents each or 5 for - Conveniently located. or 643-2751. Ask for Bruce. drivers should be 18. It would take a bunch of these i(liot cy, Realtors, 646-4200. near bus line. Stove, l^OTHER KITE.^ Ferguson Road. Drive by, $1. Phone 6462711. Available April 1st. For carpeting, garage, porches. kids off our streets and highways. I work near a high then call for an appoint­ woman only. Call 6461133, Mature adults. No pets. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS - school and I see the stupid things those Idds in cars pull COVENTRY - Privacy UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub after 7 p.m. abounds in this six room full ment. Security. $230. 643-5237. 2 door. Loaded. High mileage. every day. It’s no wonder the death rate among teens from at Bridge Scouts, Boy and Girl Scouts, dormered Cape Cod set on 1 $1995 or best offer. Call 644- auto accidents is so high. Brownies, nurses. East MALE TO SHARE house with BOLTON - Sublet four room 0553, after 5.30. 1/2 acres. Landscaped lot, Catholic School. 6461225. You should have congratulated POP on his wise decision Join in spring charity game front to back living room, ZINSSER same - Washer/dryer, Large apartment. Heat and hot instead of saying, “Lower the penalty this time, but if it yard. Utilities includ^. $120 water included. Fireplace, 1973 GRAND TORINO - happens again, lower the boom.” dining room, beameo ceiling, IMtor TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - monthly. Security. 742-9^; Excellent condition. Priced to esUng." three bedrooms, fireplace, knotty pine paneling. NO RTH 3/6-A 649-1011 Good condition. Good for 6 4 6 ^ . Fieldstone patio. $265. 643- sell. Call 644-1454, or 644-3260 Oswald: “Here is hand breezeway, 2-car garage. $49,- plating, or welding. Call 646 AGAINST TEEN DRIVERS A Q876 9901. anytime. A7632 one from the fall game. The Wilfred Rd. *59,900 500. Philbrick Agency. NORTHFIELD GREEN Con­ 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. SLEEEPING ROOM for rent normal contract is four Realtors, 646-4200. DEAR ABBY: How dare you give sucJi irresponsible A 9 Duplexes — 5-5 3 bedrooms, I'/i baths, several do - April 1st, occupancy, 3 - centrally located, 146 Center Homee tor Rent 54 1976 FORD LTD - 4 door, 351 4 82 spades by South. The whole NCR CASH REGISTER - Street. Quiet person only. advice to POP? A conscientious father lays down the law to : play hinges on the play of the models to choose from. Large eat-in kitchens - MANCHESTER - New listing, bedrooms, rec room. Only in­ V-8, air conditioned. W EST EAST terested parties, call Reconditioned, with many Please call, 6494)013. Excellent condition. $3,500. his daughter and you advise him to back downi club suit. At some stage of living room. Aluminum siding, city utilities. Two family, 5-5. Aluminum COLUMBIA - Immaculate 3 A 5 A 32 Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawroncs owner/broker, 644-9002. totals. Call after 5:30 p.m., bedroom, 11 1/2 baths, single 6467817. His daughter was lucky. Do you know how many Y K Q J to 9 the proceedings. South will siding, separate heating, 2263957. 854 lead a club from dummy. recently remodeled. $38,900. FURNISHED ROOM - home. Formal dining room, thousands of people die in accidents caused by incompetent ♦ K J 10 5 3 Q72 jglMOLDED FORMICA top Gentleman only, kitchen fireplace, oil heat, garage. 1968 BUICK Skylark - New teen-age drivers? Losing driving privileges for a year ia 4 q to Assuming East plays low. News OF HAVE you NO Hayes Corp. 6464)131. Butinett Property 3S and paneled bar with two motor, new transmission, At; A96S4 South can rise with the king LOYALTY. MANr... privileges, central location, A dults p re fe rre d . $350 not too severe a penalty. SOUTH DAFFODIL’S I T^S F^RW DObS o^ ' nS aN ^ shelves and four stools. $175. references and deposit. 646 monthly, plus security. Petrus tires. Good body. Power and make five odd for a good U klU G U ITE P HOW CAN YOU MANCHESTER - New listing. Rather than complain about the severity of the A A K J to 9 4 OBPRVIWt YOUR MANCHESTER - For sale 6466028. 2693 after 5 p.m. Realty, 2263777. steering, power brakes. Air. punishment, the daughter should thank God for a father score or play the jack and PASSION Extraordinary eight room Commercial building and $600, or Best Offer. 643-4345, just make four for a poor ASrMTES THE U iR designed Chalet. Four 1970 NORDIC 399 Skidoo - after 5:30. who cares enough about her to make rules and stick with I s m BOARD O F liquor store. Call for (fetalis. LADIEIS ONLY - Furnished SEVEN ROOM HOUSE - them. There should be more parents like POP! score.” Homes bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, two Marion E. Robertson Realtor. excellent condition, $550. Call rooms for rent. All utilities in­ ♦ K J 7 3 DIRECTORS! UNUMIUT) Available March 1. Please Alan: "Some North-South fireplaces, double garaage, 643-5953. 6467131 after 6 p.m. cluded. Conveniently located call 643-7605 or 6462871. 1968 FORD Galaxie 500. pairs will stop at a part 3/4 acre treed lot. Hayes Cor­ t() bus line, ideal for senior Power steering, air con­ CALIFORNIA TEACHER Vulnerable: Neither score contract for very bad poration, 646-0131. NEW HOME Sewing Machine citizens. Security and SEVEN ROOM HOUSE - ditioning, automatic Dealer: South scores, while their lucky op­ Reel Citato Wonted 2 i - white and aqua, new cabinet, references. Call after 5:30, Available March 1. Please transmission. Clean. $400.646 West North East South ponents will get good a tta ch m en ts, $100. Cali 6444)383. call 643-7605, 649-2871. 2940, after 5 p.m., Mike. scores.” ALL CASH For your property, anytime 5662348. 1* 2V Dbl. Pass 24 Oswald: "Top North- within 24 hours. Avoid Red Truckt tor Sole CLEAN FURNISHED Room DELIGHTFUL Duplex - 3 52 Astro-graph Pass 44 Pass Pass South scores will go to those Tape, Instant Service. Hayes RECONDITIONED RCA - 19 for mature gentleman. Call bedrooms - garage, laundry Pass few pairs who got a chance Corporation, 6464)131. inch color portable T V. 125 to 1970 FORD Econoline 200 - 646-4701 after 6 p.m. facilities, appliances, yard for By BERNICE BEDE 0 8 0 L Opening lead: ? K to double their opponents at $149. Essex Motor Inn, 100 Low mileage. Set up as a the five level and collect children anci pets. Only $250. CANCER (June 21-July 22) SELLING your house? Call us East Center Street, YOUNG GENTLEMAN - Rental Assistors, 236-5646, camper. Best offer. Call 646 penalty bonuses of 500 points first and we ll make you a Manchester, 6462300. Comfortable small room with small fee. 7907, ask for Bob. Someone you've iielped In Die or more.” Alley Oop — Dave Qraue cash otter. T.J. Crockett, walk-in closet, next to shower, ?fcXDff past wants to reciprocate By Oswald Jacoby Realtor, 6461577. today, but you'll feel he's being OAK STATIONARY Rocker - parking. 6466801 after 6 p.m. CARPETED - 6 room house. 1973 DODGE VAN B-lOO 3/8. and Alan Sontag M overly generous. It should be rrls LUCKY YOU'DtiKaD LO(3MIAHi KINB 0 U Z $85. Couch with mattress $20. Laundry facilities, basement, V-8. Automatic transmission. Oswald: "Tltis year’s lR?THArUMMIAN MSa-/ vbahTi A t* a S m umra , IMMEDIATE Cash for yoour Strand record player $ffi. Con­ Carpeted. Paneled. $aoo. Call his decision, not yours. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• appliances. Only $250. Rental spring charity ganne of the A Kansas reader wants to HAVB UBTRORISMI property. Let us explain our sole T V. for parts $5. Other Assistors, 2365646, small fee. 295-0^. March 7,1978 LEO (July 26Aug.22) Don't be American Contract Briclge lair proposal. Call Mr. items. 643-2210. Apertmente Fer Rent S3 An enterprise you were never an old fuddy-duddy If your know if experts sUck to the League for tlie benefit of the old-fashioned fourth-best Belfiore, 647-1413. CHEVY VAN ■ 1974 able to nurture lo Its lull loved one comes forth with a Mental Health Association WHITE BRICK Free standing LOOKING for an ything in real Customized throughout, promise may bloom in abun­ brainstorm you think Is loo lar- lead when leading from a estate rental - apartments, Ottleee-Bioree tor Rent 55 will take place on Wednes­ long suit. MAY WE BUY your home? fireplace with mantle and excellent running condition. dance this coming year. II oul. Give It the courtesy of day, March IS. We hope Quick, fair, all cash and no a<;cessories, stand up dresser. homes, multiple dwellings, no Asking $3500. 242-6694 or 726 could bring forth flowers that careful consideration. ITie great majority do, but fees. Call J.D. Real Estate 1250 SQUARE FE E T - many of you readers will problems. Call Warren E. Kitchen Aid hot water dis­ 8982. will surprise even you. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) Be a play in it.” a few modernists have been Howland. Realtors. 643-II08. penser, all like brand new. Associates,, Inc. 6461980. Immediate occupancy. Ideal PISCES (Feb.20-March 20) volunteer lor any worthwhile experimenting with third for Oral surgeon. Dentist, AUn: “With over 200,000 and fifth best leads. Moved. Call Midge after 8 Don't rock the boat today ami project where you're needed participants it ia the largest MANCHESTER - Main physician or general business Molorcjrcfaa-Bfcycta* 64 you'll make it. It's not a lime for today. Extending your ­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) A WANTED - Manchester / p.m., 5661634. Street, 2 room apartment, use. Will subdivide to suite. ance Ireely could plant seeds duplicate game in the world. South Windsor. 8 room newer TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville agitation, since you laid firm The tiands are dealt by l- repairing chimneys. rooL new 9945. anytime. 5221 graduate of professional roofs. Free estimates. 30 FOUR ROOM Apartment - In -» g „ ’■* i paper hanging school. two family house. Stove and TVIIS IS YER THIRD YER STARTIN T' MAN(^ P ^ P ) Years Experience. Howley, 48 PA-. References, free estimates, 6465361. refrigerator. . Call 643-5096 TRIP IN TH’ LAST ARCXINO THIS \MATER painting interior, exterior! after 6 p.m. ★ ★ 2 0 OXJLER AS MUCH IX'an Smith, 6465241 WANTED. Antique furniture, INCOME ROOFER WILL Install roof glass, pewter, oil paintings or NOVA -1976 Medalist - 4 door. MINLITES/ A S I D O / THREE ROOM Apartment - 22,000 miles, silver with siding or gutters for low dis­ other antique items. R. Central. Including heat, hot count price. Call Ken at 647- Harrison, 64^09. water, stove, refrigerator, deluxe red cloth interior. Embroider a flower for TAX 1566. and garage. $ ^ mont^. Automatic, power steering, every month of the year BuHdlng-Contrecttng 33 W onted to Buy 48 Lease ana security. 646-7288. radials, six cylinder. Car is in simple stitches and perfect.' Asking Call set toerether for a lovely WES ROBBINS carpentry Heeting-Piumbing 3B CASH PAID Immediately - 647-1601 before 3 p.m. or after quilt that’s sure to be a SERVICE STILL LOOKING? Call Ren­ 6p.m. prixewinner. remodeling specialist. Ad­ for gold jewelry and tal Assistors. Over 700 vacan­ ditions. rec rooms, dormers, SEWERLINES, sink lines, diamonds. Licensed brokker cies daily. All areas, sizes, Price. . . $ 1 ^. M swv j . / built-ins. bathrooms, cleaned with electric cutters, for over 1/2 century. Savitt No. CCIW has 3 hot- A lLWAYS' wv ♦ DIRECTORY kitchens, 6463446. prices, many welcome ★ ★ by professionals. McKinney P.O.M.G. Jewelers. 35 children and pets. CaU today! iron transfers for 12 de- ROOM FiOR , sigrns; color chart; full Bros. Sewage Disposal Com’- Asylum Street, Hartford. 527- 2368646, small fee. 1973 PLYMOUTH Fury II - O N EM O R E= CUSTOM CARPENTRY • pany. 643-5308. 01«. directions. 4 lOT !>■<.>«.(» mm Rxh 3 - 6 Homes. Additions. Repairs. Good running condition. New € ALLAN T. KEELER'S tax IMMEDIATE Occupancy - 4 Ures. $850. Call 6469868. Ti eritf, siad $1JS, tecMn service. Tax returns done in Cabinets Call Gary CXishing. NO JOB TOO Small - Toilet ptstap sad INCOME TAX 345-2009. rooms, parking, basement, MMnmiLMMMm the privacy of your home. Call repairs, plugged drains, □ RENTALS and appliances. Only $160. 1968 DODGE Wagon - Very ANNS CABOT Short Riba — Frank Hill ^ r » Prefneon 871-1781 for appointment. kitchen faucets replaced, Rental Assistors, 236-5646,' o m cii TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY good running conditian. Body 11M Ava. at AMfIsaa AOCOMMtf TDYOUR repaired. Rec rooms, smaU fee. good, high mileage. $400. Call Niv T«k, H.Y. la m THE TIMESRieHTFDR UNPORTUNATBL.V, IW f TlAtB IS «aKT FDR IN Ctieet •(., Mmchnni Carpentry and general Con­ bathroom remodeling, heat t&nCKO&tCAL 04AOT~. MXITDASKTHB KIN9 ACC0roN9TD TWB HIM ID IHAV* YOU Manolwatw Nymkwi X 643-1941, after 4 p.m. tracting. Residential and moderniiation. etc. Free FIRST FIOOR - 2 bedtooms, VOR A B A I6 E.J WNaS^CHAIZT.. IINTHBAVOAT/ 7i»-son commercial. Whether it be a Estimate gladly given, M & M K s r w t a . r * ' THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - laundry faciUties, basement i m MERCURY Park Lane - 1977 ALBUM with a bound, small repair job. a custom Plumbing & Heating. 6462871. Birch House Women. Central­ built home or anything in and pariring. Only $160. Rental G