FORMATION POSTERS The Office for Consecrated Life will produce a 2020 initial formation poster of men and women who are in a formation stage and are living in or are from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. We hope you will participate by letting us know of a woman or man in your parish in formation in a religious community somewhere other than the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Please submit the information by clicking on this link no later than August 17.

RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS - MATERIALS FOR THE COLLECTION The National Office for the Retirement Fund for Religious needs you to update the information they have on materials you need for your parish for this collection. Please do this before August 31. The form can be found on our website here. Thank you for your help! Please email Maria Reinagel, Office for Consecrated Life, or call 513.263.6683 if she can help you in any way.

OPTIONAL . iVOTECATHOLIC LAUNCH EVENT Tuesday, August 11, 1:30-2:00 p.m. Join fellow pastors, principals, educators, and other parish and school leaders for the launch of iVoteCatholic, the new initiative in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to help form consciences for faithful citizenship leading up this fall’s general election. This launch event on Tuesday, August 11, 1:30-2:00 p.m. will introduce you to this initiative and the many ways you can help your parishioners and school families better understand the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Please ask at least one representative from your parish or school to use this URL to join us: Questions or concerns? Contact the Catholic Social Action Office.

[email protected] 1 August 2020

PRAY A MINUTE: ONE MILLION HOURS OF PRAYER FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND GOODWILL The world feels heavy these days. News headlines are filled with injustices and unrest. It seems as though everywhere we turn we find division and disharmony in our country. The world desperately needs Christians united in prayer.

What would happen if together we prayed for one million hours?

A million hours of prayer may sound impossible, but if you divide that prayer time among all of the Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, it is just one minute of prayer a day. Just one minute.

From now through January 1, the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Catholics across the archdiocese are asked to pray just one minute more than they already do, every day, for the specific intention of peace, justice and goodwill in our country. Individuals are, of course, welcome to dedicate more than one minute of prayer per day if they so choose. Watch a preview here.

Please help promote this prayer movement with your parishioners. Turnkey parish resources, prayer resources and the opportunity to make a prayer pledge are available at See the Bulletin Entry section.

DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH AND THE VICTIMS OF ABUSE The archdiocese will observe the third annual Day of Prayer for the Church and the Victims of Abuse on Friday, September 11. In addition to a Votive Mass of the Mystery of the Holy Cross celebrated by Archbishop Schnurr at 11:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains, all are encouraged to observe this day in parishes, schools, and other institutions. Sample liturgical texts and suggestions, along with a promotional flyer/bulletin insert, can be found on the website of the Office for Divine Worship & Sacraments. See the Bulletin Entry section.

VOCATIONS DIRECTOR AVAILABLE TO SPEAK AT YOUR PARISH OR SCHOOL Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer, Director of Vocations, is available to come to your parish to preach on vocations at weekend Masses, celebrate school Masses and/or speak to the students in their classrooms, or speak to PSR classes, youth groups and young adult groups. If you would like to schedule a time, please contact him at [email protected]. If you know of a young man in your parish who may be discerning a vocation to the priesthood, please contact Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer at [email protected].

ONE-DAY CONVOCATION FOR PRIESTS This has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 20 at Incarnation Parish Center. As of this writing, no decision has been made to alter these plans in the light of Covid-19; however, please be aware that this could possibly change in the future.

FALL RETREAT FOR PRIESTS The Fall Retreat for Priests has been scheduled for Monday, October 5, through Friday, October 9, 2020, at Maria Stein Spiritual Center. Barring the unforeseen, the retreat will go on as scheduled. We will mail out a flyer by the end of August with more information.

PARISH ADMINISTRATION WORKSHOP This event will be done as a virtual workshop. The date has not yet been set but it should be in late September.

[email protected] 2 August 2020

GOSPEL WORKSHOP Presently, we plan to have the Gospel Workshop, featuring The Gospel of Mark, in early November. Barring further problems from the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Matthew Genung will present the workshop at the Athenaeum on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and at St. Joseph Parish in Wapakoneta, Ohio on Thursday, November 5, 2020. If we are unable to gather for the workshops, we hope to hold it via webcast. Watch for a flyer in late September.

PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION RESOURCE MATERIALS The Peter’s Pence Collection took place the last weekend in June in all parishes. If you feel as though you need to change the amount of resource materials you did or did not receive, please contact Lisa Weber in the Chancery Office with your updated request. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Lisa at 513.263.3342. Thank you.

NOMINATIONS FOR THE SR. DOROTHY STANG AWARD DUE SEPTEMBER 1 Honor one of your parishioners! The Mission Office invites all pastors to offer a name to the Mission Office of a parishioner or family who lives out some of the values of our own Sr. Dorothy Stang of Dayton, martyred in Amazon forests in 2005. For a nomination form, please contact Sr. Eileen Connelly. Nominations are due September 1, 2020. A certificate will be mailed to you by the end of September to be given at Mass, preferably on October 11, the weekend before World Mission Sunday.

ANNUAL ORDERS OF LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS Effective August 1, the Office for Divine Worship and Sacraments (ODWS) will accept online orders for annual publications (e.g. workbooks for lectors, sourcebooks, calendars, and posters) for the new liturgical year that begins on November 29. Orders must be placed online at: Annual Publications Order. Materials will be drop-shipped directly from the publisher. Invoices will be sent to parishes separately. Questions can be emailed to [email protected]. No phone orders please.

WITH ZEAL AND PATIENCE: THE ROLE OF THE PARISH WORSHIP COMMISSION Tuesday, September 15, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Encourage your new, potential, and veteran members of the parish worship commission to participate in this online workshop on their role in promoting the sacred liturgy in our faith communities. Find more information and register here.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION . BICENTENNIAL EVENTS DELAYED Because of Covid-19, the events and initiatives related to the Archdiocesan bicentennial (June 19, 2021) are now scheduled to begin in spring 2021 and will continue through spring 2022. This change will hopefully allow activities to take place at a time when there will be fewer precautions necessary. The events planned for spring 2021 (including a Marian pilgrimage, anniversary vespers, and anniversary Mass) are expected to take place as scheduled. Per Archbishop Schnurr’s January 2020 invitation, please continue to plan ways to celebrate this historic milestone at your parish and/or school.

ARCHIVES LOOKING FOR EDITIONS OF THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY The archives is in need of the following editions of The Official Catholic Directory: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2018. Please email Michelle Smith, Archivist, or call 513.263.3387 if you have a copy you are willing to donate.

[email protected] 3 August 2020

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED TO FEED THE HUNGRY Last Mile Food Rescue will conduct a test market in November 2020 followed by a larger scale launch January - March 2021. Volunteer drivers use their own car to pick up unused food from restaurants, catering events, etc. and take it to a predetermined agency, such as a food pantry, by using the Last Mile app with GPS. Food rescues typically take about thirty minutes. Volunteers set their own schedule for their convenience for regular or occasional pickups. The cities that currently use the app find that a volunteer’s experience is simple, fun and fulfilling. This opportunity is an exciting way for individuals, groups and parishes across the archdiocese to grow in solidarity with one another and their communities. For the November 2020 target test market, we are looking for 30-50 volunteers in Hamilton County and many more in surrounding counties as we grow. Contact Tom Fernandez, parishioner of St. Mary's in Hyde Park, or Eileen Budo, parishioner at Good Shepherd in Montgomery, to volunteer and learn more. Please see the Bulletin Entry section.

WORKING STUDENT GUIDELINES This document is intended to provide school administrators and pastors information about employment of students during and after school and through the summer months. Students under the age of 18 are considered minors and may not work at anything that is hazardous or potentially injurious to their health and well-being, including: activities involving flammable substances, gases, vapors or fumes; activities involving driving a school bus, motor van or any motor-propelled vehicle. Click here for the full document.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Rob Reid (513.263.6611) or Meg Paul (513.263-3341) in the Department of Human Resources.

EMPLOYMENT-RELATED QUESTIONS During this time of uncertainty in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, if you have any employment- related issues or questions that we can help answer, please feel free to contact: Rob Reid (513.263-6611), Meg Paul (513.263-3341) or Karen Brannon (513.263.3360) in the Department of Human Resources.

2020-2021 YOUTH ATHLETICS AND COVID-19 Many of you have been asking about the protocol and regulations surrounding youth athletics and Covid-19 during the upcoming sports season. The Pastoral Center of the Archdiocese has followed, and continue to follow, the standards encouraged by the Ohio Department of Health. This applies to youth athletics for the 2020-2021 sports seasons. Below you will find multiple links that can be a resource for your parish and Athletic Association.

Here is the most updated official release from the Ohio Department of Health on July 17: Baseball/softball Contact sports practices and Non-contact sports competitions Games, leagues, conferences, and tournaments for contact sports Non-contact sports Skills training for all sports (weight lifting, workouts, etc.)

THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE MISSIONARY CO-OPERATION PLAN (MCP) NOW, MORE THAN EVER As the Covid-19 pandemic is now striking many struggling mission territories around the world, the need for donations to these fellow Catholics this year is even more vital. One bishop we know in

[email protected] 4 August 2020

Ghana told us they are desperate for funds to buy PPE, Personal Protection Equipment, as they turn their pastoral centers into Covid-19 treatment centers.

The Mission Office suggests that our pastors continue to set up tentative dates with their assigned MCP missionary organization to speak and take up donations at their parishes. If the virus outbreak continues, pastors could postpone the missioner's visit/appeal to some other weekend until the end of December.

If another date cannot be arranged, the missionary organization may have a local representative who could speak on their behalf. A few local retired priests have even offered to speak on these missioners' behalf. Possibly the local pastor would also be open to a short video or a brief spoken appeal from the missionary group to be shown or read at weekend masses. Notices in your parish bulletin and social media could be another possibility.

Please remember that once the donations are collected at your parish for the MCP appeal, they need to be sent promptly and addressed to the Mission Office, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 100 E. Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202. Please do not send these collections to the archdiocesan Finance Office or the missionary organization. They need to be properly recorded in the Mission Office for Vatican records. Please indicate if your MCP donation is from 2019 or 2020. Any questions or problems? Contact our MCP Coordinator, Melonise Knight or phone 513.263.6681.

GIVING TUESDAY INITIATIVE – NEW GIVING PLATFORM, LOWER FEES We are excited to announce that the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be partnering with Give Central to bring you #GiveCatholicAOC on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Give Central will be the new online giving provider and platform for Giving Tuesday as we will no longer be participating with the national iGiveCatholic organization. Give Central will provide the same type of donation page as past years, but offers a lower transaction fee per donation.

There is NO COST to participate with a donation page. Parishes, schools, and Catholic non-profit organizations will once again have the opportunity to raise funds online for their own local needs.

We hope that you consider being a part of the largest worldwide day of giving on Giving Tuesday. For questions about #GiveCatholicAOC, please email Teresa Meyer. To learn more please visit,

ONE FAITH, ONE HOPE, ONE LOVE (FHL) CAMPAIGN For parishes receiving a semi-annual distribution from the campaign, funds will be electronically transferred to parish bank accounts by mid-August. A separate packet with information about the distribution will be mailed in early August. For information or questions about the semi-annual distribution, please email Toni Alander in the Campaign Office or call her at 513.263.3469.

CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU Pledges to the 2020 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) have now exceeded the $5,000,000 goal! As of July 21, just over $5.2 million has been pledged to the appeal from 25,160 households. Of the amount pledged, $4.6 million has been received in payments.

[email protected] 5 August 2020

CMA STATISTICS AND PARISH PROGRESS Totals for this year’s CMA, including parish progress, continue to be available at under the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” link – the password to access this section is: cma2007.

For more information or questions about the CMA, please contact Matt Reinkemeyer (513.263.6672).

MEN’S CATHOLIC SUPPORT GROUP – CLEAN OF HEART We invite all Catholic men struggling with pornography and/or sex addiction to contact us about joining our 12-step based support group at • We hope to be getting back to our weekly meetings very soon where we can provide support, prayer and deepening of the Catholic male identity • Zoom meetings have been launched since early June for those out of contact in these tough and lonely times or those too remote to attend • The Clean of Heart website will very soon be hosting a Forum section for 24/7 support, encouragement and prayer requests • All this and more can be found on our website above. We are not psychologists, we are not clergy, and we are not judgmental about where people are in their lives. We are simply a group started by, and run for those afflicted by, sexual addictions. Our teachings align completely with the Roman .

MTSM WELCOMES THREE NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) welcomes three new faculty members, Fr. Chris Armstrong, Fr. Chris Geiger and Fr. Eric Wood.

Fr. Armstrong will join the faculty as the Spiritual Director for MTSM. Additionally, he will serve as Assistant Professor of Spiritual & Pastoral Theology. He completed his seminary studies at the Pontifical North American College in and was ordained in 1980.

For the past six years, he has served as the Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese for the Military Services in Washington, D.C. The work of a Judicial Vicar is to prepare, study, and judge petitions for nullity brought before the Diocesan Ecclesiastical Court.

Prior to that, Fr. Armstrong was the Pastor at St. Antoninus Parish on Cincinnati’s west side in Green Township. He received his B.A. from St. Gregory Seminary and his S.T.B. and S.T.L. from Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. In addition, he received his J.C.L. and J.C.D. from Catholic University of America and his S.T.D. from the International Marian Research Institute-University of Dayton.

Fr. Chris Geiger joins our faculty as the Director of Apostolic Works & Internship Program. He completed his seminary studies at MTSM and was ordained in 2016. Most recently he served as the Assistant Pastor at St. Andrew/St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Milford, Ohio. He received his B.A. from the University of Cincinnati in Secondary Education and his M.Div. and M.A. from MTSM. Fr. Geiger is currently pursuing a in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America.

Fr. Eric Wood will serve as a member of our Formation Team. He completed his seminary studies at MTSM and was ordained in 2015. Following his ordination, he became the Assistant Pastor to a two- parish region about 30 miles north of Cincinnati, St. Francis de Sales in Lebanon and St. Philip the Apostle in Morrow.

Fr. Wood received his B.A. from Franciscan University of Steubenville; his M.Div. and M.A. from MTSM; and his S.T.L. from Alphonsian Academy in Rome.

[email protected] 6 August 2020

“Our new faculty members bring tremendous expertise and diversity to the table,” said Fr. Anthony Brausch, Ph.D., President & Rector of MTSM. “The talents and resources of our teaching staff provide our students with unique opportunities to grow and develop in their chosen studies”.

MTSM is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s graduate-level Catholic Seminary and School of Theology with nearly 300 full and part-time students. Founded in 1829, our 75-acre campus provides preparation for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate as part of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. In addition, our School of Theology offers classes for graduate, non-degree and certification programs for laity, clergy, and religious.

For additional information about MTMS or to schedule a tour please contact [email protected] or 513-231-2223.

NOVENA FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY A novena for the Assumption of our Lady will begin on August 7, leading up to the Feast of the Assumption, August 15. The novena consists of a daily Assumption Novena prayer and a separate prayer which will be emailed to you daily. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Deacon John O’Maley by Tuesday, August 4.


PRAY A MINUTE: ONE MILLION HOURS OF PRAYER FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND GOODWILL - The world feels heavy these days. News headlines are filled with injustices and unrest. It seems as though everywhere we turn we find division and disharmony in our country. The world desperately needs Christians united in prayer.

A million hours of prayer may sound impossible, but if you divide that prayer time among all of the Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, it is just one minute of prayer a day. Just one minute.

From now until January 1, the World Day of Prayer for Peace, you are invited to pray one minute more than you already do, every day, specifically for the intention of peace, justice and goodwill in our country. One more minute might not sound like much, but together with our brothers and sisters in faith, that minute can help change the world. Commit to praying at

PRAY A MINUTE: ONE MILLION HOURS OF PRAYER FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND GOODWILL - Do you believe in the power of prayer? What might happen if every Catholic would pray just one minute more than they already do, every day, for the specific intention of peace, justice and goodwill?

From now until January 1, the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Catholics from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are invited to unite in prayer for the spiritual renewal of our country. Together, we will pray one million hours! Learn more and commit to doing your part at

DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH AND THE VICTIMS OF ABUSE - The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will observe the third annual Day of Prayer for the Church and the Victims of Abuse on Friday, September 11. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr will preside that day at 11:30 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Here at [Parish Name], we will observe this day at [Mass Times]. Let us join together in prayer for healing and peace.

[email protected] 7 August 2020

SURVIVING DIVORCE - The Eastside Region is pleased to announce an exciting new ministry that will bring hope and healing to those who have experienced the pain and loneliness of a broken marriage. Surviving Divorce is for newly separated and divorced individuals as well as those still struggling with issues many years later. The fall session begins Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 7:00-8:30 p.m. For more information or to register, contact Stephanie Ramsey at [email protected] or 513.331.0358.

ANGELICO CATHOLIC ARTS GUILD - Named for Blessed Fra Angelico, patron saint of artists, the Guild’s mission is to enrich the faith and work of artists; to nurture a taste for goodness, a longing for truth, and a love of beauty; to deepen the artist’s relationship with God; and to create networks of artists in friendships, collaborations and mentorships. If you are a Catholic artist in the greater Cincinnati area, please find out more at

CAREGIVER SUPPORT – Caregivers need our help now more than ever, especially those who struggle with ongoing isolation, finding respite, managing emotions, and dealing with loss. We currently have in person, online, and telephone support programs. If you know of a caregiver who needs encouragement, please tell them about Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio, Caregiver Assistance Network and have them call Angie Homoelle at 513.672.3834 or visit the website at for more information.

PRAYING IN SOLIDARITY - Join Catholic Charities every Monday at 11:00 AM for our Praying in Solidarity weekly prayer on our Facebook page, Please submit all prayer intentions to and they will be included along with those gathered from those we serve and empower at Catholic Charities.

LAST MILE FOOD RESCUE - Volunteers are needed to pick up unused food throughout the city and transport it to designated agencies feeding the hungry. Volunteering opportunities will begin in November. For more information, please contact Tom Fernandez, parishioner of St. Mary’s Hyde Park, at [email protected], or Eileen Budo, parishioner at Good Shepherd in Montgomery, at [email protected].

FOOD FOR ALL - Hunger exists in our communities. Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio travels to where hunger is located to serve local families. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our pantries are changing to drive-thru pantries. We could use your help! Interested in serving, please email [email protected] or call April Hoak, Food for All coordinator, at 513.672.3720.

ARCHDIOCESE OF CINCINNATI ANTI-RACISM TASK FORCE - The Anti-Racism Task Force for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is hosting two online listening sessions on racism and white privilege: Tuesday, August 11 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 16 at 2:00 p.m. These sessions will include testimonials from both people of color and white people and opportunities for small group discussion. You can register for one of these meetings by clicking the dates. If you have any questions, please email Andrew Musgrave at [email protected].

MOUNT ST. MARY’S SEMINARY & SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY - Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology is resuming in-person classes in August. Take a course or begin a degree program. Registration is now open for classes in scripture, evangelization, social doctrine, and Church history. For more information, visit or call 513.231.1200.

[email protected] 8 August 2020

NOVENA FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY - A novena for the Assumption of our Lady will begin on August 7, leading up to the Feast of the Assumption, August 15. The novena consists of a daily Assumption Novena prayer and a separate prayer which will be emailed to you daily. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Deacon John O’Maley at [email protected] by Tuesday, August 4.

MINISTRY TO SURVIVORS OF ABUSE (REPORTING) - The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as gravely sinful and criminal. Anyone who knows of or suspects child abuse by a legitimate member of the clergy or hierarchy, employee, or volunteer of the Archdiocese should first report the abuse to the appropriate secular legal authority and then to Ms. Teresa Maley, Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse of the Archdiocese, at 513.263.6623 or 1.800.686.2724 ext. 6623.

[email protected] 9 August 2020

[email protected] 10 August 2020