CLIFFOKD BROWNE (1908), trumpeter to , Exeter (Eng.), 3.50 1-5 the ('avalry, has had a good (world's record). time with the contingent of cadets now International champion­ returning to . He writes: — ship, 70 fsec. " We have had a yvonderf ul six weeks in 500 metres championship , 7.18. . Tho only regret is that our 500 metres International ohampion- time was not longer. Last Thursday we shio, , 7.6 1-5 (world's record). spent at Windsor Castle. On Friday and 100 metres International championship, Saturday the B.S.A. drove us in cars Stockholm, 24.36 (Swedish reeord). through Birmingham and Stratford-on- One mile International championship, Avon. We have just come back from a Stockholm, 24.36 (Swedish record). few days in Edinburgh. The King re­ . Finland championship, quested to see us, and we paraded ac 31 2-6 (Finnish record). ilarlborougb Hou.se this morning, where 100 metres Finland championship, he iuspect<'d us. To-morrow we catch ()7 3-5 (Finnish record). the train for Liverpool and the boat to 500 metres Finland championship, ().57 Quebec. Our route through America is (world's record). Quebec, Montreal, New York, Washing­ 300 yfls. Scottish championship, ton, Buffalo, Toronto, and Vancouver. 3.32 4-5 (Scottish record). We have three weeks in ^i-hich to do it. .500 yds. English championship, 1 have seen Beaurepaire several times." 6.21 2-5. Browne is now in the mid-Pacific Ocean , Bradford (Eng.), 5.26 2-5 en route to Australia. (world's record). In a photograph of the Queensland 220 yds. Phiglish championship, 3.10. Interstate Football Team, -vybich played FRANK R. KERR (1905), of Queen's in last August, we see the College, is doing his third year Medicine. familiar faces of JIMMY PROUT (1901) and He is a good all-roimd athlete. At ERIC SCOTT (1905). Wesley be was t^aptain of the Cricket in 1907, and in tbe football team was FRANK BEAUREPAIRE (1909) continues probably the best ruck man in the Pub­ his unbroken career of successes. The lic .Schools. He A\on the mile in the folloi\-ing is a list of tbe important wins combined School .Sports in record time. and records cabled to Beaurepaire's cre­ He got his triple blue at the Univei-sity dit in his present tour. He has probably for football, cricket, and . He won other events not cabled out; —> is Captain of Queen's College cricket team. This season he has won the five 400 metres Berlin championship. mile and the seven mile cros.s-couiitry 400 metres 5.23 (Berlin, Ger. record). championships, and a fortnight ago at 100 metres championship (Berlin, Gcr. Caulfield, though in ill-health, he led record). almost throughout the course, but was 100 metres (Saxony record). beaten on the post for the ten-mile (Saxony record). race. 300 metres (Saxony record). L. A. PATTI.NSON (1907), of Jesus Col­ One mile championship England, lege, Cambridge, is doing bis second year 24.39 2-5. Arts in the Historical School. He is a member of the Jesus Eight. In a recent 440 yds. saltwater championship Eng­ letter to the Head Master he wnt(>s: — land, 5.38 3-6. " We got into the final of the Grand Half-mile championship England, Challenge at Henley with considerable 11.39 4-5. luck, as we drey\- two crews y\-e could 1000 yds. at England, 13.18 (English beat, and had the best station in both record). the preliminary heat v. 'Thames,' and in 100 yds. championship England, the semi-final v. ' .' Our crew was largely spoilt by losing seven, who 59 4-5. was one of our best men. We did badly 200 metres, Exeter (Eng.). 2.30 (worid s record).