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F A C U L T Y • R E S E A R C H & • S C H O L A R L Y • W O R K

02 08 14 College of Arts College of College of Professional and Sciences Health Sciences Studies and Social Sciences M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:13 PM Page 2

Melissa Sgroi, Ed.D., right, and Dan Kimbrough produced two award­winning documentaries about accessibility issues at polling places. M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:13 PM Page 3 M011_Text_NEW 12/10/14 2:29 PM Page 4


News Tonight for five years. happens when a student with a disability Reporter Barbara Walters Despite numerous milestones, the – visible or not – has to fill out a job made headlines when she laborious road to equality in media application? Do they fall in the category was given a $5 million occupations is still missing a substantive of ‘other?’” minority, according to Misericordia Dr. Sgroi says what is most disturbing contract by ABC News to University Assistant Professor Melissa to her is that she has not found census become the first woman to Sgroi, Ed.D., chair of the Department of numbers on media professionals who Communications. There were more than have disabilities, and the media’s anchor a network evening 56 million people with disabilities in representation of disability is not well newscast in 1976. Her desk America in 2010, according to the understood by media consumers. “The mate, veteran newsman United States Census Bureau, yet the current students we have are going to number of media workers with be the creators and framers of media Harry Reasoner, was so disabilities – regardless of gender or content. We need them to be aware. We insulted to be paired with a race – is so nominal and underreported all need to be more aware,” she adds that it is hard to determine emphatically. woman that he was openly a percentage. Dr. Sgroi has spent the past three hostile to her on the air. Dr. Sgroi, a former television news years completing a qualitative study anchor/reporter and magazine writer, examining the college experiences and has had multiple sclerosis (MS) since age job searches of communications Named the first black man to anchor a 34. She studies disability in the media professionals who have disabilities. She network newscast by ABC two years and wonders what she should tell limited her research pool to those in later, Max Robinson shared the story of students in media education about fair jobs that directly create media content, his first television assignment in 1959 – and equitable reporting when such a such as reporters, anchors, producers, when he was told to read the news at a large percentage of the population videographers and directors. The Portsmouth, Va., news station off­camera may not be represented in subjects included a legendary sports while a logo of the station filled the media professions. radio broadcaster who is blind. screen. He removed the logo and one “We call it the ‘other’ other,” says Dr. “I am looking at what each night appeared on air against orders. He Sgroi, who may be fully able to walk one experienced as a journalism and mass was fired the next day. The journalist day, but may need a cane to get around communications student with a disability went on to earn regional Emmys for his the next because of an MS flare­up. “It is and what they felt and whether the coverage of the riots that followed the the diversity issue that no one wants to experience impacted their choice of assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., talk about. Gender, race and sexual career,” she explains. “The physical and became co­anchor of ABC World preference get attention. But what environment in higher education is very

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positive, yet despite the Americans with the Center for Independent Living Disabilities Act (ADA), there are still a lot in Scranton. of pedagogical barriers to learning. I Although Budney was able to access talked with successful professionals his assigned polling place, there were across the country who, as students, had definite limitations to others. What the problems getting internships because team documented was so unsettling they had functional limitations, or felt that they decided to examine other they struggled because media polling sites in both Luzerne and professionals assumed that they just Lackawanna counties. Not one of the could not do the job. I found that their random sites they visited was fully ADA experiences were very negative and few compliant. They found numerous places were willing to be counted among the without designated handicapped disabled or talk about it.” parking, one site lacked ramps for She has plans to publish her results access, and another where the door in the near future. labeled “handicapped” was locked, Dr. Sgroi’s 20-years of experience making voting nearly impossible for in the media, her sensitivity to issues people with disabilities in those regarding disability, and her interest neighborhoods. in students with disabilities led to a By the end of the eight-hour day, they project that has opened the eyes of had enough material to produce the 15­ thousands to the hurdles those with minute documentary, “VOTE,” which disabilities still face today. chronicled the barriers to voting that She and fellow exist for people with disabilities and Communications Professor Dan how accessibility issues can Kimbrough, M.S., an award-winning disenfranchise some voters. “We need videographer, accompanied Christian to realize that disability is diversity Budney, a student with disabilities from based on a physical difference, and if we , Scranton, Pa., to really intend to be inclusive we need to see what barriers he faced when going address all types of differences,” to vote at his polling place in Scranton Dr. Sgroi says. “The documentary really on general Election Day in November opened people’s eyes … we got 2012. Sgroi met Budney, an advocate for people talking.” the disabled, through his work with No one was more surprised than

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Professor Kimbrough. “On the first day Merit in Disability Issues, and got the actually moved polling operations from of filming, we kept coming across attention of government officials across Meyers High School, where the only locations that were not accessible, and it both counties and in state government. handicapped access to voting was hit me that this was a much bigger issue Professors Sgroi and Kimbrough went through a locked door, to the nearby St. than we anticipated,” adds Professor back on the road with a camera just Aloysius Church to improve accessibility. Kimbrough. “And once we got back and three weeks later on the day of the 2013 A site in Dallas Township, Pa., needed started looking through the footage, it general election, approximately one only to add a handicapped parking did not take long to realize that there year after their initial filming. They space to be compliant. had to be a follow­up.” revisited five of the offending sites in Documenting the changes, their There was extensive media interest Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties, and follow­up documentary, “VOTE: The when Misericordia University held a stopped at five polling places in Disabled Democracy,” premiered on special screening of “VOTE” on Oct. 29, Dauphin County, where a concerted Public Broadcasting Systems affiliate 2013 before a large audience in the effort had been underway since 1988 to WVIA­TV on May 11, 2014 and on Lemmond Theater on campus. (The ensure handicapped voters have WYLN­TV, Hazleton. (The video can be video can be viewed at accessibility. viewed at vimeo.com/78104564). vimeo.com/78104564). What they found was that their efforts While this video also garnered The documentary earned the team had initiated positive change. In one numerous awards, including the 2014 numerous awards, including an Award of case, Luzerne County election officials Award of Merit presented by Accolade

Dan Kimbrough, M.S., assistant professor of communications, has been a member of the faculty of Misericordia University since 2008. He earned a Master of Arts degree in electronic broadcast management from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Mich., and holds Bachelor of Science degrees in psychology and communications from Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind. He teaches a variety of audio and video classes and oversees the Video 1­2­3 optional on­ campus internship. As a documentary videographer for 15 years, he say the “Vote” documentary was one of the most eye­opening projects he has worked on, rating it second only to one that he did on Title IX.

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Film, Television, New Media & almost in tears. Because of physical panel that included noted disability Videography Awards and an limitations, her parents had not been scholar Beth Haller, professor of international Communicator award, able to vote in years. She was journalism/new media at Towson Kimbrough says he is most proud of the exceptionally grateful for the changes University, Towson, Md., for the dialogue it generated. “When I go to we initiated.” presentation, “The Documentary: Past, church or to a restaurant, people who As a result of Professors Sgroi Present and Future.” Professor have seen the film or news reports about and Kimbrough’s work, the Center for Kimbrough joined Sgroi for a the documentary come up to me and Independent Living in Scranton, Pa., presentation and screening of “VOTE: tell me they are happy the topic is being received a $10,000 grant to perform The Disabled Democracy” documentary addressed … that is what makes me an assessment of all polling places to the international audience of proud,” Professor Kimbrough says as he in seven counties of northeastern disability advocates. leans forward in his chair. “It opened my . “It is only until you attend this type eyes to an area of civil rights I had not Armed with the success of the two of gathering that you get an idea of looked at before. I never imagined in a videos and three years of research how much still needs to be done in the year that changes would be made.” data, Dr. Sgroi was a presenter at the area of diversity and disability,” adds Dr. Dr. Sgroi adds, “One woman called 27th Annual Society of Disability Studies Sgroi. “Disability continues to be and left a voice-mail message at my Conference in Minneapolis, Minn., the socially acceptable form office, and you could tell she was in June 2014. She served on a of discrimination.”

Melissa Sgroi, Ed.D., assistant professor and chair of the Communications Department, joined the faculty at Misericordia University in 2006. Sgroi holds a Doctorate in Education and a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction from , Wilkes­Barre, Pa., and Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Mass Communications from King’s College, Wilkes­Barre, Pa. She served as a television anchor, reporter, assignment editor, producer and executive producer for six years at WYOU­TV, Scranton, Pa. Her writing has been published in numerous national and international publications and has been translated into several languages in newspapers, magazines and books.

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Jennifer Dessoye, O.T.D., conducted the study, ‘The Effectiveness of iPad Handwriting Applications on Improving Visual Motor and Handwriting Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.’ M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:13 PM Page 9 M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:13 PM Page 10

R E S E A R C H • E X PA N D S • K N O W L E D G E • I N • O T • F I E L D

professional experience in the It’s mid­summer and 15 classroom and in clinical settings. They

members of the Department are there to present the collaborative of Occupational Therapy (OT) research projects they spearheaded at Misericordia University are with their graduate students. It is an opportunity to showcase on the global traveling to Yokohama, Japan stage how their investigations are to participate in the 16th creating new knowledge for International Congress of the occupational therapists and clients, World Federation of while simultaneously developing an Occupational Therapists in understanding and appreciation for research and discovery among

collaboration with the 48th their students. Japanese Occupational “First you are a consumer of the Therapy Congress and Expo. evidence-based practice and then you need to become a generator of the evidence-based practice,’’ Dr. Shah They are among almost 7,000 says, explaining why Misericordia participants from 70 countries in professors instill the importance of attendance for the four-day event in examining the unknown in their June 2014 to network, and share and students. “The emphasis and focus of learn the latest advancements in the the last 20 years has been specialized field of study in health care. accountability and evidence-based For Misericordia University, Lalit J. practice. The emphasis is on applying Shah, Ed.D., O.T.R./L., professor of the techniques that are proven to work. occupational therapy; Joseph Cipriani, We need to use techniques and Ed.D., O.T.R./L., professor of intervention strategies that are proven occupational therapy, and Jennifer to be effective or working. Otherwise, Dessoye, O.T.D., M.S., O.T.R./L., you are wasting everyone’s time.’’ assistant professor of occupational “OT is a relatively new profession – therapy, have a combined 74 years of we are coming up on our 100th

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birthday,’’ adds Dr. Cipriani. “It is The goal of the study was to determine free time has been absorbed by caring absolutely imperative that our students if occupational therapists “practice for aging parents, babysitting their not only learn how to read research, but what they preach’’ and attain work­life grandchildren, doing more volunteer as masters­educated clinicians – how to balance – which the profession of work, and other activities. “We must collaborate and engage in the research occupational therapy has been take time to smell the roses,’’ Dr. Shah process. We don’t work in laboratories. promoting for nearly a century, says, outlining the conclusion he We work in our communities, so according to Dr. Shah. reached from the study. “We need to outcomes­based research is crucial “We were thinking about looking manage our time a little more wisely. so we can practice better and at the life­balance theory,’’ he says, On one hand, there are a lot of things therefore serve our clients to the explaining why they chose this we can do to foster a better life­ best of our ability.’’ particular subject. “We preach a lot balance and we seem to take on a lot “We as OT practitioners need to about patience and keeping a healthy more responsibilities than we can continue to prove what we are using as balance between work, leisure and handle. Sometimes it becomes interventions work for our clients,’’ Dr. social interaction. Those are the areas important to just say, ‘no.’ Dessoye states. “I think oftentimes we as OTs that we are interested in and “We as occupational therapists need know it works, but the lay practitioner look at for our clients.’’ to learn from our own teaching and our shies away from research. I am hoping The national workforce trend study own discipline. We need to strongly that student­assisted, faculty­led attempted to survey 475 practitioners – look at factors that might be research like this lights the fire in our 250 working and 225 retired. influencing our life to be imbalanced,’’ students that continues with them Misericordia researchers received a 25­ he adds. throughout their professional career.’’ percent region response rate and 185 responses overall. The study found that IMPROVING FINE MOTOR AND UNDERSTANDING LIFE­BALANCE VISUAL MOTOR SKILLS practicing OTs do not live by the Dr. Shah and OT program graduates profession’s philosophy and lead only Dr. Dessoye and her students Matthew Cash ‘13, Harveys Lake, Pa.; moderately balanced lives due to long Chelsey Converse ‘14, Johnson City, Moira Hauer ‘13, Throop, Pa.; Jessica work hours and inflexible work N.Y.; Lindsey McLaughlin, ‘14 Mudgett ‘13, Bound Brook, N.Y., and schedules, as well as family and other Nesquehoning, Pa.; Shannon Katie Moul ‘13, Blairstown, N.J., similar obligations. McSweeney ‘14, Ridge, N.Y., and presented, “Life Balance: A While retired OTs reportedly lead Cathryn Steinhoff ‘14, Monroe, N.Y., Comparative Study of Retired and “very balanced’’ lives, according to the undertook a landmark quantitative Working Occupational Therapists.’’ study, it also showed that a lot of their study involving nine children with

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R E S E A R C H • E X PA N D S • K N O W L E D G E • I N • O T • F I E L D

autism spectrum disorder to determine study to use the iPad mini apps with workers at the Greenhouse the viability of certain iPad applications for 10­12 minutes daily, while also Program in the northeastern United in assisting with the development working with their typical States. Under a typical horticultural of visual motor skills, but more handwriting curriculum. setting, they watched and then specifically handwriting. The outcome of “The Effectiveness interviewed the employees who Impaired visual motor skills make of iPad Handwriting Applications on manage and tend to a sizable it difficult for children to grasp objects, Improving Visual Motor and greenhouse, a large outdoor area like pencils, and control hand Handwriting Skills in Children with reserved for planting ornamental movement that is guided by vision. Autism Spectrum Disorder’’ Study was flowers, 50 earth boxes in which They, therefore, have poor coordination statistically significant in that it showed vegetables are sown and harvested, and difficulty coloring, drawing basic improvements in their visual motor and a decorative perennial flower bed. pictures, writing, catching and more. skills and handwriting skills when Misericordia researchers are not “We need to prove why these compared to post­test and pre­test learning the finer aspects of farming, applications work and how they work results, according to the Test of but rather examining whether or not a on our clients,’’ says Dr. Dessoye. “It is a Handwriting Skills (THS­R) standardized horticultural therapy program is main focus of our profession that assessment and the Beery­Buktenica beneficial for people with persistent interventions be supported by Development Test of Visual­Motor mental illness. “One of the themes we evidence and there is little research in Integration (Beery VMI). found was that participants found the the literature to support or negate the In the future, pre­writing apps, program to be very therapeutic,’’ Dr. uses of these apps in relation to OT in such as those found at Cipriani says. “It was outdoors in the pediatrics. We feel as though the ReadytoPrintApp.com, may sunshine; a person could work with research we did will be the first of assist children with autism spectrum living things that exhibited beauty, and hopefully a plethora of evidence disorder with their learning skills and it had an element of sometimes coming out to determine the validity also enable them to enroll in an strenuous physical activity which other of these intervention tools.’’ alternative classroom. hospital­based programs may have The structured 12­week program less of. It was done as a group, so the THE VALUE OF GOING GREEN was conducted in a specialized autism opportunity was there to develop classroom at a large suburban school Over three days, Dr. Cipriani and his relationships with other participants district in Pennsylvania with five boys student researchers, Jenna Georgia ‘13, and staff in a natural setting.’’ and four girls between the ages of 6 Megan McChesney ‘13, Megan Stabler Their research led to the study, and 8. It required the participants of the ‘13 and Jaclyn Tschantz ‘13, mingled “Uncovering the Value and Meaning

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of a Horticulture Therapy Program for the facility, which is operated by the therapists assigned to the program at Clients at a Long­Term Adult Inpatient state Department of Public Welfare. the psychiatric facility. The study found Psychiatric Facility,’’ and to The collaborative research project that the majority of the participants understanding the importance of selected eight program participants (five out of eight) felt the intervention therapeutic activities, like the between the ages of 20 and 69 after program was beneficial. It increased Greenhouse Program. they were interviewed individually for socialization, taught them how to multi­ “I think it creates an absolutely the study. In turn, the inpatient clients task and care for plants, paid them for perfect environment, both in a literal are paid by the state through their work, and enabled them to be and figurative sense,’’ says Dr. Cipriani. Vocational Adjustment Services. outdoors and to work with their hands. “This program is unlike any other in the At the end of the growing season, “Working with plants and gardening hospital, or for that matter, perhaps their harvest – vegetables and flowers, is a unique experience for people with unlike any other program they as well as arts and crafts – are sold in mental illness, just as it is for people in experienced. They have an the regional community and to hospital society,’’ Dr. Cipriani says. “Working environment which affords staff to support the program. with living things, engaging in manual opportunities for growth every day.’’ Student researchers observed the labor is different than talk therapy In order to conduct the study, MU participants’ daily routine, and because they learned skills – working researchers had to agree not to identify interviewed them and the occupational skills, social skills.’’

Joseph Cipriani, Ed.D., O.T.R./L., professor of occupational therapy, and Emily Iseminger ‘16, an OT major, look over plants in a greenhouse at The Lands at Hillside Farms. Dr. Cipriani collaborated with recent OT graduates Jenna Georgia ‘13, Megan McChesney ‘13, Megan Stabler ‘13 and Jaclyn Tschantz ‘13 on the study.

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Kelly B. Filipkowski, Ph.D., foreground, conducted the study, ‘Reactions to Involvement in Social Interactions,’ with the assistance of student research assistants. M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:14 PM Page 15 M011_Text_NEW 12/8/14 3:14 PM Page 16


real and so are its effects. of study for her class. Ostracism. Even standing “We inadvertently ostracize people “I immediately became intrigued alone, it is an intimidating on an everyday basis when we don’t say by the topic and realized the potential word for most to say and hello to everyone we walk past on the to answer some very interesting sidewalk or in the hallway,’’ questions with solid experimental then to comprehend how explains Kelly B. Filipkowski, Ph.D., research,’’ Dr. Filipkowski recalls. it may negatively impact assistant professor of psychology at “Shortly thereafter, I was designing a others. Being excluded or Misericordia University. “It would be study to investigate an area of impractical to include and feel a sense exclusion relevant to modern social ignored by others elicits of belonging to every single person we interactions. In particular, this was one a wide range of emotions – come into contact with. Other times, of the first studies to examine these some long lasting people may perceive us as being processes as they relate to online excluding when maybe we aren’t. interactions and exclusion.’’ – for those who have “We also go out of our way to Dr. Filipkowski’s first foray into the experienced it firsthand. exclude others – good or bad. There study of social exclusion came at her may be lots of reasons people do this: alma mater where she published the To teach them a lesson for committing study, “Plugged in but not Connected: RESEARCH SEEKS TO UNDERSTAND an infraction, to get someone to Individuals’ Views of and Responses to IMPACT OF IN­PERSON AND suppress certain behaviors and conform Online and In-Person Ostracism,’’ in ON­LINE OSTRACISM to the norm, and sometimes to feel the Computers in Human Behavior In society, people are ostracized powerful and have control,’’ she says, Journal (Vol. 28, 2012, pp. 1241-1253) daily. Sometimes it is done citing some of the many reasons for this with her advisor, Dr. Joshua M. Smyth. unknowingly, while far too often it is type of behavior. That study investigated psychological done intentionally. Colleagues passing The subject matter first piqued the responses to ostracism. in a hallway or sharing an elevator ride, interest of Dr. Filipkowski when she was The purpose of her original research for example, may fail to acknowledge a graduate student at Syracuse was to compare individuals who were someone accidentally, while other times University, Syracuse, N.Y. Noted ignored in different mediums during people in a clique may purposely psychology Professor Kipling Williams, benign interactions. The study found ignore another member of the group to Ph.D., of Purdue University, West that when people are excluded – online teach them a lesson. Lafayette, Ind., was presenting a or in-person – they experience low In the end, though, the exclusion is symposium discussion on this area levels of inclusion and belonging, and

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a “significant drop in positive mood,’’ in Social Interactions Study” was she says. funded by two Misericordia University “Interestingly, people did not Summer Faculty Research grants and seem to differ between online and one Misericordia University Faculty in­person conditions. Participants Research grant. The ongoing research seemed to interpret online and seeks to determine if people in­person exclusion as similarly experience exclusion differently meaningful and negative,’’ Dr. depending on the method. Filipkowski adds. Dr. Filipkowski and her eight At Misericordia University, Dr. research assistants (four female Filipkowski and student research and four male) began to prepare assistants Jessica Cupano ‘14, Hanover materials and protocol for the study Twp., Pa.; Emily Halbing ‘15, Harveys at the beginning of the fall 2013 Lake, Pa.; Timothy Huxta ‘14, semester. Overall, they collected Shamokin, Pa.; Justin Kendzor ‘14, West data on 54 participants (33 female Wyoming, Pa.; Sarah Nowalis ‘14, Forty and 21 male) from November 2013 Fort, Pa.; Sean Reid ‘13, ‘16, Lake through May 2014. Hopatcong, N.J.; Sean Vitale ‘12, ‘15, Misericordia University students West Pittston, Pa., and Brittany Wolf volunteered to be participants under ‘14, Honesdale, Pa., set out to the belief they were part of a study investigate both the psychological on impression formation. They also and physiological responses received extra credit for participation. of participants. Dr. Filipkowski gave the project “Working firsthand on a project a somewhat vague title so the like this really gave me an appreciation participants were unaware about for the effects that exclusion may have the exclusion aspect of the study. on people,’’ acknowledges Huxta, “We wanted to see how people who estimates he logged about 100 responded to what appeared to be hours of work on the study over naturally occurring social exclusion,’’ two semesters. she says. The “Reactions to Involvement The study was conducted in a

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controlled setting in the Department provided saliva samples in a private underground band and continued to of Psychology Lab in Walsh Hall. laboratory and then were escorted to a only talk to each other for the rest of Participants were informed that they conversation room for the in­person the conversation. This same rigged would be involved in five­minute, get­ condition, or they were logged onto a conversation was played out with every acquainted conversations with other chat room in their private laboratory for participant. students who also happened to sign up the online chat room exercise. During the several minute for that same time slot. In actuality, Prior to the study, Dr. Filipkowski’s conversation, the confederates focused these other students were Dr. confederates memorized a script in on each other and their “common love Filipkowski’s research assistants who which one confederate would start the for this underground band,’’ Dr. were pretending to be real participants conversation and then include the real Filipkowski says, and they ignored the – and were thus the study participant for basic introductions. After “real participant and any attempts for confederates. the real participant shared something re­inclusion.’’ The real participants were randomly about him/herself, the second “I can’t believe you saw them (the selected to experience the confederate would introduce band),’’ Confederate 1 said to conversation either in­person or online. him/herself. It was during this Confederate 2, offering a small sample All of the participants filled out pre­ introduction that the two confederates of the scripted portion of the study. interaction questionnaires and realized they both liked the same “I’ve only seen them live once – like,

Misericordia University students, from left, Justin Kendzor ‘15, Sean Reid ‘14 and Jessica Cupano ‘14 demonstrate how the real participants and confederates interacted for the study under the direction of Kelly B. Filipkowski, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology.

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a couple years ago – when I was in involved a similar scenario using majors to gain firsthand research Pittsburgh visiting my cousin. She got Vypress Chat. The two confederates experience – something that will me into them so I went with her.’’ dominated the conversation in the chat prepare them for graduate school. After a few minutes, Dr. Filipkowski room after initially including the “That was the first project I ever returned to the lab and ended the participant. Once again, the worked on with a professor,’’ says conversation. She brought the students confederates followed a script that Huxta, a Shamokin High School back to their individual rooms to fill out highlighted a similar interest in an graduate who plans on attending questionnaires and to provide saliva underground musical group. graduate school for his master’s degree samples before they were debriefed Basic research, such as this one in mental health counseling. “You get fully about the real purpose of the conducted at Misericordia University, is some knowledge from textbooks, but study. The faculty and student done to better understand certain you don’t learn as much as when you researchers at Misericordia University processes and to learn more about the are working firsthand with a professor still are analyzing the data compiled world in general, which in turn can on the project. from the student participants’ generate new areas of inquiry for “I’m grateful for the opportunity questionnaires. Misericordia investigation, according to Dr. because going into graduate school collaborated with a researcher at Filipkowski. “It is not conducted to there is going to be a lot of research. Pennsylvania State University, State provide or test a solution to a particular Having this experience with research is College, Pa., to conduct the problem, but rather to gain knowledge going to benefit me,’’ adds the son of biochemical assays on the saliva about how things work,’’ the Leonard and Colette Huxta. samples to determine levels for the Misericordia professor says. “Many Huxta, along with the other student stress hormone, cortisol. applied clinicians, however, can and do research assistants, made the study “We can look at the levels of cortisol find the knowledge acquired through more manageable and complete. in the saliva to assess if the person is basic research helpful in generating “Without my research assistants’ experiencing a stress response,’’ she more practical applications.’’ level of dedication and professionalism, says. “If they perceived something to Once complete, Misericordia I never would have been able to be more stressful, they will have higher University researchers plan to write a complete this project,’’ Dr. Filipkowski levels of cortisol in their body. Basically, research paper based on their findings acknowledges. “The task I gave them it is a physiological measure of whether and submit it for publication and was not easy, however, they mastered it they found the exclusion to be a presentations in professional journals beautifully. I am so proud of their stressful situation.’’ and conferences. The experience also accomplishments and very grateful for The online portion of the study enables the undergraduate psychology their hard work and commitment.’’

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College Of Arts and Sciences War I: Dissent, Activism, and of A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins in Mitogen- Transformation,” at Georgian Court Stimulated Neonatal Rat Schwann Cell Russ Pottle, PhD – Dean – Presentation: University/Peace History Society; 2014. Cultures,’’ at the Pennsylvania Academy of “Suicide and Ernest Hemingway’s Submarine Sciences, Johnstown, Pa.; April 2013. Hunting Missions,” for the Literature and Presentation: “Gangrene and White Medicine in ‘Indian Camp,’” at the 16th Presentation: “The Influence of Madness Panel at the 2013 Annual Popular Biennial Conference of the Ernest Phosphorylated-Akt/PKB on the Expression Culture Association/American Culture Hemingway Society, Venice, Italy; June 2014. of A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins in Mitogen- Association Conference, Washington, D.C. Stimulated Neonatal Rat Schwann Cell Scholarly Service: Chair, “Teaching Scholarly Service: Area Chair for Literature Cultures,’’ at the 2013 Northeastern Hemingway,” at the 16th Biennial and Madness Panel at the 2013 Annual Pennsylvania Biomedical Research-in- Conference of the Ernest Hemingway Progress Colloquium, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Popular Culture Association/American Society; June 2014. Culture Association Conference. Poster Presentation: “Circadian Rhythms in Reading: “Selected Readings from ‘Across Presentation: “(Dis)Comforts: Travel Writing College Students,’’ with Krall, J., at the 90th the River and Into the Trees,’” for the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” for the Society PEN/Hemingway Fundraiser at the 16th Academy of Sciences, Susquehanna for American Travel Writing at the 24th Biennial Conference of the Ernest University, Selinsgrove, Pa.; 2014. Annual Conference of the American Literature Hemingway Society; June 2014. Association, Boston, Mass.; May 2013. Larry Corpus, PhD – Assistant Professor – Presentation: “Battlefield Echoes from Poster Presentation: “Initial Survey of Scholarly Service: Chair, “Unexpected World War I in Ernest Hemingway’s ‘Indian Benthic Macroinvertebrates from Trout Encounters in American Travel Writing,” for Camp,’” for “World War I: Dissent, Activism, Brook Creek, Luzerne County, PA,’’ with Society for American Travel Writing at the and Transformation,” at Georgian Court McCraith, B., at the 2013 Northeastern 24th Annual Conference of the American University/Peace History Society, Pennsylvania Biomedical Research-in- Literature Association, Boston, Mass.; Lakewood Twp., N.J.; October 2014. Progress Colloquium, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. May 2013. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Grant: “A Survey of Aquatic Macro Scholarly Service: Referee, “The Hemingway Invertebrates from Trout Brook Creek,’’ 2013- Review,” published by The University of Angela Asirvatham, BVSc, PhD – Associate 14 Misericordia University Summer Faculty Idaho and The Ernest Hemingway Professor and Chair – Presentation: “The Research Grant. Foundation; 2014. Relationship Between Expression of A- Kinase Anchoring Proteins and Presentation: “Identification of Larval Scholarly Service: Area Chair for Literature Phosphorylation of Akt/PKB in Neonatal Rat Chironomids from Trout Brook, Luzerne and Madness Panel at the 44th Annual Schwann Cell Proliferation,’’ at the American County, Pennsylvania,’’ with McCraith, B., at Popular Culture Association Conference, Association for Cell Biology Meeting, San the 90th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Chicago, Ill.; April 2014. Francisco, Calif.; April 2012. Academy of Sciences; 2014.

Scholarly Service: Chair, “Female Presentation: “The Influence of Grant: “The Macroinvertebrates Associated Writers/Poets and World War I” for “World Phosphorylated-Akt/PKB on the Expression with Rock Wall and Hillside Seeps in Luzerne

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County, Pennsylvania,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Presentation: “Benthic Macroinvertebrate of the Pennsylvania Academy of University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Diversity in Different Detrital Environments,’’ Sciences; 2014. with Hendry, N., Kennedy, T., and Pheasant, Frank DiPino, Jr., PhD – Professor – Poster M., at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Presentation: “Does Heterospecific Size Presentation: “Co-Culture of HEK Cells Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences; 2014. Affect the Feeding Behaviors of Black- Transfected with an Nrg Isoform,’’ at the Capped Chickadees,’’ with Giblin, S., 2013 Northeastern Pennsylvania Biomedical Presentation: “Macroinvertebrate Functional at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Research-in-Progress Colloquium, Wilkes- Feeding Group Distribution and Diversity in Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences; 2014. Barre, Pa. Leaf Packs of Varying Species,’’ with Hendry, N., Kennedy, T., and Pheasant, M., at the Anthony Serino, PhD – Associate Professor Presentation: “Role of PAK-2 Kinase in 90th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania – Poster Presentation: “Effects of Forest Breast Cancer,’’ with Bohn, R., Castelblanco, Academy of Sciences; 2014. Fragmentation Die to Marcellus Shale D., and Sabatino, S., at the American Activities on Mouse Populations in Medical Student Association’s 2014 Presentation: “Identification of Larval Northeastern Pennsylvania,’’ at the 2013 Annual Convention and Exposition, Chironomids from Trout Brook, Luzerne Northeastern Pennsylvania Biomedical New Orleans, La. County, Pennsylvania,’’ with Corpus, L., at Research-in-Progress Colloquium, the 90th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Grant: “PAK-2 Gene and Protein Structure,’’ Academy of Sciences; 2014. Cosima Wiese, PhD – Associate Professor – with Moss, J.M., and Wagner, C.A., 2014 Grant: “Comparison of Benthic Poster Presentation: “Effect of pH on Misericordia University Natural Sciences Macroinvertebrate and Fish Assemblages in Photosynthesis in the Aquatic Plant Summer Research Fellowship Program. Two Pennsylvania Streams,’’ with Kennedy, T., Duckweed,” at the 2013 Northeastern Barbara McCraith, PhD – Associate and Pheasant, M., 2014 Misericordia Pennsylvania Biomedical Research-in- Professor – Poster Presentation: “Initial University Natural Sciences Summer Progress Colloquium, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Research Fellowship Program Survey of Benthic Macroinvertebrates from Report: “Integrated Science Assessment Trout Creek, Luzerne County, PA,’’ with Evelyn Neunteufel, PhD – Assistant for Ozone and Related Photochemical Corpus, L., at the 2013 Northeastern Professor – Presentation: “Caching Behavior Oxidants,’’ an Integrated Science Pennsylvania Biomedical Research-in- of the Eastern Gray Squirrel in Northeastern Assessment for U.S. Environmental Progress Colloquium, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pennsylvania,’’ with Lazzeri, A., at the 90th Protection Agency published in Federal Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Register, Vo. 78 #32; 2013. Presentation: “Comparison of Two Species: Academy of Sciences, Susquehanna Leaf Litter Breakdown in Trout Brook, University, Selinsgrove, Pa.; 2014. Grant: “Antimicrobial Activity as Related Luzerne County,’’ with Hendry, N., Kennedy, to Alkaloid Composition of Root Extracts T., and Pheasant, M., at the 90th Annual Presentation: “Flight Initiation Distance in from the Berberine Family of Plants,’’ with Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Eastern Gray Squirrels Based on Different Messler, A., 2014 Misericordia University Sciences, , Characteristics of Human Predator’s Eyes,’’ Natural Sciences Summer Research Selinsgrove, Pa.; 2014. with Webber, J., at the 90th Annual Meeting Fellowship Program.

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DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Chemistry,’’ with Toda, M., in The Journal Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Free Radical AND BIOCHEMISTRY of Chemical Education; 2014. Generation and Inhibition with Luminol and Ascorbic Acid,’’ with Predmore, A., in The Frank Yepez Castillo, PhD – Assistant Grant: “A Study of the Intermolecular Chemical Educator (Vol. 19, pp. 6-10); Professor – Poster Presentation: “Adapting Hydrogen Bonding in Bilogical Models January 2014. the Use of Ionic Liquid in Diels-Alder using Computational Chemistry and Reactions for the College Organic Vibrational Spectroscopy,’’ 2014-15 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS Laboratory,’’ with Armstrong, M., at Misericordia University Summer Faculty Dan Kimbrough, MS – Assistant Professor – Misericordia University; May 2013. Research Grant. Award: 2013 Award of Merit in Disability Grant: “Examining the Intermolecular Poster Presentation: “Utilizing Issues from the Accolade Film, Television, Hydrogen Bonding of Biological Models Demonstration Videos to Improve Students’ New Media & Videography Awards for in Solution Using Far-Infrared Understanding of Organic Chemistry,’’ with “Vote’’ documentary. Spectroscopy and Density Functional Engel, T., at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Theory,’’ with Toda, M., 2014 Misericordia Panel Moderator: “Mirror on the Media: Pa.; December 2013. University Natural Sciences Summer Who is Creating Our Content?,’’ at the 2013

Poster Presentation: “Student Buy-In as a Research Fellowship Program. Broadcast Educators Association (BEA) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nev. Necessary Ingredient to Successfully bring Xuegang Jia, PhD – Assistant Professor – POGIL into Your Classroom,’’ at the 2014 Co-Author: “Decomposition Behavior Presentation: “Is the Internet the Answer to Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning and Decomposition Products of Epoxy Diversity of Voices?,” before the “Mirror on Northeast Regional Workshop, Stonehill Resin Cured with MeHHPA in Near-Critical the Media: Who is Creating Our Content?’’ College, Easton, Mass. Water,’’ Journal of Wuhan University of Panel, 2013 BEA Annual Conference. Technology-Matter, Materials Science Grant: “Exploring Nicotine’s Metabolism: Chair: BEA’s Documentary Division, 2013 Edition; August 2013. Introducing Metabolomics into the Organic BEA Annual Conference. Chemistry Laboratory,’’ with Osko, J., 2014 Charles F. Saladino, PhD – Associate Panel Moderator: Documentary Division Misericordia University Natural Sciences Professor – Presentation: “pH Effects Pitch Session Panel at the 2013 BEA Annual Summer Research Fellowship Program. Upon Luminol Reactions Quenched Conference. by Ascorbic Acid,’’ at the 2013 Anna Fedor, PhD – Assistant Professor and Northeastern Pennsylvania Biomedical Panel Moderator: “Show Me the Math: How Chair – Poster Presentation: “Adapting the Research-in-Progress Colloquium, Did Your Students Create that Video?” Use of Ionic Liquid in Diels-Alder Reactions Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Panel, 2013 BEA Annual Conference. for the College of Organic Labortory’’ at Misericordia University; May 2013. Grant: “The Effect of the Antioxidant Presentation: “So You’ve Never Touched Ascorbic Acid Upon Free Radical a Camera …?,” at the 2013 BEA Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Investigating Formation,’’ with Predmore, A., 2014 Annual Conference. Hydrogen Bonding in Phenol Using Infrared Misericordia University Natural Sciences Spectroscopy and Computational Summer Research Fellowship Program. Award: 2014 Award of Merit from the

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Accolade Film, Television, New Media & Presentation: “The College-to-Career Book: “On Exile,’’ an English translation and Videography Awards for “Vote: The Experience of Media Professionals with Latin edition of Francesco Filelfo’s work in Disabled Democracy’’ documentary. Disabilities,’’ at the Diversity Division, “The I Tatti Renaissance Library Series,” 2013 Broadcast Educators Association with Keyser, J.D., (Harvard University Press); Award: 2014 Videographer Award of Conference. March 2013. Excellence from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for “Vote: The Disabled Award: 2014 Videographer Award of Book Review: “The Cultures of Neo-Latin Democracy’’ documentary, with Sgroi, M. Excellence from the Academy of Drama” by Ford, P., and Taylor, A., (Leiden: Interactive and Visual Arts for “Vote: Brill Publishers, 2012), Renaissance Quarterly Award: 2014 Communicator Award from the The Disabled Democracy’’ documentary, 66 (2014): pp. 678-9. Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for with Kimbrough, D. “Vote: The Disabled Democracy’’ Award: 2014 Louis and Barbara Alesi Award: 2014 Award of Merit from the documentary, with Sgroi, M. Excellence in Scholarship Award in Accolade Film, Television, New Media & recognition of scholarly achievement. Presentation: “Disability Rights in News Videography Awards for “Vote: The Disabled and Documentary: Past, Present, and Democracy’’ documentary. Grant: “Renaissance Encyclopedism: Future,’’ at the 2014 Society for Disability Studies in Curosity and Ambition,’’ Award: 2014 Communicator Award from the Studies Conference, Minneapolis, Minn., 2014-15 Misericordia University Faculty Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for with Sgroi, M. Research Grant. “Vote: The Disabled Democracy’’ Professional Seminar: Time Warner College documentary, with Kimbrough, D. Book Review: “Sermones I-IV. Filologia e Professors Thought Leadership Seminar, Presentation: “Disability Rights in News and maschera nel Quattrocento,” by Codro, New York City, N.Y.; July 2014. Documentary: Past, Present, and Future,’’ A.U. Eds. And trs. Chines, L., and Severi, A., at the 2014 Society for Disability Studies (Rome: Carocci, 2013), Renaissance Panel Moderator: “Defining the Conference, Minneapolis, Minn., with Quarterly (In Press). Documentary, Scene by Scene,’’ at the 2014 Kimbrough D. BEA Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nev. Amanda Caleb, PhD – Assistant Professor – Presentation: “Vote: The Disabled Line Editor: “Out of Arcadia: The American Melissa Sgroi, EdD – Assistant Professor Democracy,’’ at the 2014 Society for Odyssey of Angelos Vlahos,’’ by Kokonis, and Chair – Award: 2013 Award of Merit in Disabilities Studies Conference, N.D., (St. Basil’s Publishing); 2012. Disability Issues from the Accolade Film, Minneapolis, Minn. Television, New Media & Videography Presentation: “Once Upon a Classroom: Awards for “Vote’’ documentary. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Fairy Tales in the Core Curriculum,’’ before the Fairy Tales Pedagogy panel at the 43rd Award: “The College-to-Career Experience Scott Blanchard, PhD – Professor – Annual Popular Culture Association of Media Professionals with Disabilities,’’ Presentation: “The Public Dimension Conference, Washington, D.C.; March 2013. second place, 2013 Broadcast Educators of Filelfo’s Letters,’’ at the 2013 Renaissance Association Annual Paper Competition, Society of America Conference, Invited Talk: “Fairy Tales: Pedagogy Las Vegas, Nev. San Diego, Calif. Roundtable,” at the 43rd Annual Popular

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Culture Association Conference. Patrick Hamilton, PhD – Assistant Professor Fiction,’’ at the 2013 NAACS Conference, – Presentation: “Frustrated Aims: Green San Antonio, Texas. Publication: “Once Upon a Classroom: Lantern/Green Arrow, Liberalism and Race,’’ Fairy Tales in the Core Curriculum,’’ in Inis at the 2013 Eastern American Studies Book Review: “Must Read: Rediscovering Magazine: the Children’s Books Ireland Association Conference, Harrisburg, Pa. American Bestsellers from Charlotte Temple Magazine, Online Feature; June 2013. to The Da Vinci Code,” by Churchwell, S., Presentation: “Steps Back: The Persistence and Smith, T.R., in Studies in the Novel, (Vol. Presentation: “White Ink, Black Witch: of Stereotypes in the Ethnic Superheroines 45, Issue 2, 2013). Inscribing the Female Body in Feminist of the 1970s,’’ at the 2013 Popular Culture Revisions of Fairy Tales,’’ at the 44th Annual Association of Canada Conference, Niagara Book Review: “The Art of Jaime Hernandez: Popular Culture Association Annual Falls, Canada. The Secrets of Life and Death in Image,’’ by Conference, Chicago, Ill.; April 2014. Hignite, T., in ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Comic Studies (Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2013). Presentation: “An Incoherent Nightmare of History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Sex: Spiritualism and Surgery in Arthur with Austin, A., 2013-14 Misericordia Presentation: “Cross Purposes: Machen’s ‘The Great God Pan,’’ at the 2014 University Faculty Research Grant. Multiculturalism and Discourse in Marvel’s X- Northeast Modern Language Association, Men,’’ at the 2014 International Conference Harrisburg, Pa. Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic on Narrative, Massachusetts Institute of History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Grant: “Science for Science’s Sake: with Austin, A., 2013-14 Misericordia Imagining the Decadent Scientist,’’ 2013-14 University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Misericordia University Summer Faculty History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Invited Talk: “Mapping Persistence in The Research Grant. with Austin, A., 2014-15 Misericordia Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez,’’ at the 50 University Faculty Research Grant. Book Review: “Doctoring the Novel: Years of City of Night: New Perspectives on Medicine and Quackery from Shelly to the Work of John Rechy Symposium, Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Doyle,’’ by Pamboukian, S.A., (Ohio University of California-Merced, Merced, History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ University Press), in Victoriographies, Calif.; April 2013. with Austin, A., 2014-15 Misericordia 4.2; Nov. 2014. University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Book Chapter: “Simulating Zombies in Reviewer: Edinburgh University Press. Popular Culture & Media,’’ in “Thinking Matthew Nickel, PhD – Assistant Professor Dead: What the Zombie Apocalypse – Editor: “Ghosts in the Background Moving: Grant: “Londonphobia: Late 19th Century Means,’’ with Balaji, M.; September 2013. Aldington and Imagism,’’ with Eds., Urban Panic,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Kempton, D., and Stoneback, H.R., University Faculty Research Grant. Award: Honorable Mention, 2013 Book (Bradenton, Fla.: Florida English, 2013). Award from the National Association for Grant: “Londonphobia: Late 19th Century Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) for Publication: ‘“They Thought They Were Urban Panic,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia his book, “Of Space & Mind: Cognitive Their Own Shadows’: Catherine Aldington – University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Mappings of Contemporary Chicano/a Daughter of Richard Aldington,” in “Ghosts

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in the Background Moving: Aldington and Publication: “Roberts Around the World: Light and Veneration in Ezra Pound and Imagism,” with Eds., Kempton, D., and President’s Message,’’ in The Elizabeth Ernest Hemingway,’’ with Ed., Stoneback, Stoneback, H.R., (Florida English, 2013). Madox Roberts Society Newsletter 15 H.R., in “Affirming the Gold Threat: (March 2014): 1. Aldington, Hemingway, Pound & Imagism Presentation: “Debts & Debtors: in Torcello and Venice,” (Bradenton, Fla.: Hemingway’s Indebtedness,” at the 2013 Publication: “A Special Thanks to Chad Florida English, pp. 99-106), (In Press). South Atlantic Modern Language Horn,’’ in The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Association Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Society Newsletter 15 (March 2014): 3. Rebecca Steinberger, PhD – Professor and Chair – Presentation: “Anarchy in the UK: Presentation: “Ezra Pound and Elizabeth Publication: “Colonel, President, Honorary Urban Angst and the London Riots,’’ at the Madox Roberts,’’ at the 2013 South Atlantic President: All the Way Up,’’ in The Elizabeth 2013 annual Conference of the Literary Modern Language Association Convention. Madox Roberts Society Newsletter 15 London Society, Institute of English Studies, (March 2014): 5-10. University of London, London, England. Grant: “The Gold Threat in the Pattern: Earnest Hemingway and Ezra Pound in Publication: “Roberts Online,” in The Book: “Encountering Ephemera 1500-1800: Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society Newsletter Venice,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University Scholarship, Performance, Classroom,’’ 15 (March 2014): 13. Summer Faculty Research Grant. (Cambridge Scholars Publishing); 2013. Publication: “An Act of Poety: Cowley’s Book: “Garlic Odes & Leek Songs” Grant: “The Isle’s Full of Noises: Calculus,” in The Elizabeth Madox Roberts (Chansons d’ail & Poireau-Poemes), with Shakespeare and the Neo-Elizabethan Society Newsletter 15 (March 2014): 15. Stoneback, H.R., (NY: Anachthon Press, Aesthetic,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia University Faculty Research Grant. 2014). Presentation: “As Long as Hope Shows Something Green: Colonel Cantwell’s Book Chapter: “Across the Canal and into Grant: “London Calling: Memory, Migration Canto,” at the 16th Ernest Hemingway and the Urban Poetic,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Kansas City: Hemingway’s Westward Society Conference, Venice, Italy; 2014. University Faculty Research Grant. Composition of Absolution in ‘Across the River and into the Trees,’’’ in “War + Ink: Presentation: “Thy Quiet House: Images Grant: “London Calling: Memory, Migration New Perspectives on Ernest Hemingway’s of Light and Veneration in Ezra Pound and and the Urban Poetic,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Early Life and Writings,” with Eds. Paul, S., Ernest Hemingway,’’ at the VIII International University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Sinclair, G., and Trout, S., (Kent, Ohio: Kent Richard Aldington Society & IV International State University Press, 2014). Imagism Conference, Venice/Torcello, Book Review: “Migrant Modernism: Postwar Italy; 2014. London and the West Indian Novel,” by Presentation: “Reading Roberts: Not by Brown, J.D., in Literary London Journal, (Vol. Strange Gods,’’ at the 2014 College English Editor: “Affirming the Gold Thread: 11 No. 1, pp. 87-90); spring 2014. Association Conference, Baltimore, Md. Aldington, Hemingway, Pound & Imagism in Torcello and Venice,’’ with Stoneback, Presentation: “Anarchy in the UK: Urban Publication: “Louisiana Purchase,” in H.R., (Bradenton, Fla.: Florida English); 2014. Angst and the London Riots,’’ at The Literary “Maple Leaf Rag V, (New Orleans, La.: London Conference, London, England; Portals Press); 2014. Book Chapter: “Thy Quiet House: Images of July 2014.

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Presentation: “Not of an Age, but for All Presentation: “Music and Nationalism,’’ at Review: “Nikkei in the Interior West: Time: Shakespeare’s London and the Neo- the 2014 Yale Conference on Baltic and Japanese Immigration and Community Elizabethan Aesthetic,’’ at The Literary Scandinavian Studies. Building, 1882-1945,’’ by Eric Walz (Tucson: London Conference; July 2014. University of Arizona Press, 2012) in Choice; Peer Reviewed Publication: “Burgeoning November 2012. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Modernisms and Multisonant Gestures: Cosmopolitan Identities in Turn-of-the- Joint Book Review: “Prisons and Patriots: Elisa Korb, PhD, JD – Assistant Professor Century Scandinavia,’’ May 2014 edition of Japanese American Wartime Citizenship, and Chair – Grant: “Theosophy and the Pre- Ars Lyrica, Vol. 22. Civil Disobedience, and Historical Memory,’’ Raphaelites,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia University by Cherstin M. Lyon (Philadelphia: Temple Presentation: “Collective Affinities, Summer Research Grant. University Press, 2012) Conflicting Identities: Delius, Grainger, and Ryan Weber, PhD – Assistant Professor – the Transatlantic Imagination,’’ at the 18th Presentation: “Exploring a ‘Cave of Horrors’: Presentation: “Defining Cosmopolitanism(s): Biennial International Conference on Batman and the Incarceration of Japanese Delius, Grieg, and the Recovery of the Nineteenth-Century Music, University of Americans during World War II,’’ at the 2013 Sacred,’’ at 2012 Word and Music Toronto, Toronto, Canada; June 2014. Popular Culture Association – Canada Association Forum, Stockholm, Sweden. Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada. Presentation: “Tracing Transatlantic Circles: Presentation: “Burgeoning Modernism and Manufacturing Cosmopolitanism in Music Presentation: “Defective Comics: Batman, Multisonant Gestures: Cosmopolitan and Literature,’’ at the Conference on Music Race, and the Making of American

Identities in Turn-of-the-Century Literature, Historiography, and Aesthetics Identity during World War II,’’ at the 2013 Eastern American Studies Association Scandinavia,’’ for 2014 Lyrica Society for Institute of Musical Research, The University Conference, Eastern Mennonite University, Word-Music Relations, Harvard University, of London, London, England; July 2014. Harrisonburg, Va. Cambridge, Mass. Grant: “How the Irish Became White: Intercultural Polemics in Irish History and Award: 2013 Louis and Barbara Alesi Presentation: “In Search of Identity: Hybrid the Arts,’’ Misericordia University Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award in Spaces and Symbiotic Recurrence in Edvard Development Grant-Study Away recognition of scholarly achievement. Grieg’s Last Choral Works,’’ at the 2014 Programming; July 2014. History, Theory, Analysis: Interactions, Book Review: “After Camp: Portraits in Conflicts and Resolutions Conference at the Grant: “Between Sound and Syntax: Midcentury Japanese American Life and Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Concepts of Modernism in Turn-of-the- Politics,” by Robinson, G., (Berkeley: Netherlands. Century Scandinavia,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University of California Press, 2012) in University Summer Faculty Research Grant. American Historical Review, pp. 535-537; Presentation: “Nordic Race & Cosmopolitan April 2013. Disputes: Universal Affinities in the Music of DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Grieg and Grainger,’’ at the 2014 Yale AND GOVERNMENT Book Review: “Making Home from War: Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Stories of Japanese American Exile and Studies, Yale University. Allan W. Austin, PhD – Professor – Book Resettlement,’’ by Brian Komei Dempster

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(Berkeley, Calif.: Heyday 2011) in The Journal Oxford University Press, 2013), Choice; and the Death of his Son,’’ 2013-14 of American Ethnic History, pp. 131-132; February 2014. Misericordia University Faculty Research Winter 2013. Grant. Reviewer: Religion and American Book Chapter: “Intelligent Leadership in the Culture; 2013. Grant: “Our Darling Willie: Abraham Cause of Racial Brotherhood: Quakers, Lincoln and the Death of his Son,’’ 2013-14 Social Science, and the American Friends Reviewer: Critical Research on Misericordia University Summer Faculty Service Committee’s Interwar Racial Religion; 2013. Research Grant. Activism,’’ in “Religion in Philanthropic Reviewer: Journal of American History; 2014. Grant: “Our Darling Willie: Abraham Organization: Family, Friend or Foe” by Lincoln and the Death of his Son,’’ 2014-15 Davis, J., (Indiana University Press, pp. 122­ Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Misericordia University Faculty Research 143); 2013. History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Grant. with Hamilton, P., 2014-15 Misericordia Book Review: “Citizen 13660,’’ by Mine University Faculty Research Grant. Grant: “Our Darling Willie: Abraham Okubo (Seattle: University of Washington Lincoln and the Death of his Son,’’ 2014-15 Press), in Choice (In Press). Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Misericordia University Summer Faculty History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Research Grant. Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic with Hamilton, P., 2014-15 Misericordia History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Presentation: “I Became Known as Mr. Capa with Hamilton, P., 2013-14 Misericordia Hemingway: Robert Capa and the University Faculty Research Grant. Brian F. Carso, Jr., PhD, JD – Assistant Hemmingway Image,’’ at The Hemingway Professor – Presentation: “The Executions of Society 16th Biennial Conference, Venice, Grant: “All New, All Different?: A Graphic Nathan Hale and John Andre, and the Italy; June 2014. History of Race & the American Super Hero,’’ Shaping of American Identity,’’ at the 2013 with Hamilton, P., 2013-14 Misericordia Annual Conference of the Eastern American Thomas Hajkowski, PhD – Associate University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Studies Association, Harrisonburg, Va. Professor – Book Review: “Public Relations and the Making of Modern Britain,’’ by Award: 2014 Judge Max and Tillie Rosenn Presentation: “The Judgments of the Lord: Anthony, S., (Manchester, 2012) in Media Excellence in Teaching Award for Lincoln’s God, Willie’s Death, and the Roots History (19) 3; September 2013. outstanding contributions to student of Forgiveness,’’ at the 2013 Baptist History learning and development. & Heritage Society Annual Conference, Book Review: “Broadcasting Empire: The Richmond, Va. BBC and the British World, 1922-1970,’’ by Book Review: “Our Superheroes, Potter, S., (Oxford: 2014) in Media History; Ourselves,” with Rosenberg, R.S., (New York: Book Review: “The Character of Meriwether June 2014. Oxford University Press, 2013) in Choice; Lewis,’’ by Clay S. Jenkinson (University of February 2014. Oklahoma Press) in The Historian (Vol. 75, Book Review: “Public Relations and the Issue 3, pp. 565-567); 2013. Making of Modern Britain,” by Anthony, S., Book Review: “What Is a Superhero?,” with (Manchester 2014), in Media History; Coogan, P., and Rosenberg, R.S., (New York: Grant: “Our Darling Willie: Abraham Lincoln July 2014.

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Christopher A. Stevens, PhD – Assistant Advertising Campaign during World War I,’’ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Professor – Presentation: “Explaining at the 2013 Popular Culture Language and Citizenship Policies in the Association/American Culture Association David Perkins, PhD – Assistant Professor – Former Soviet Union: The Case of Belarus, Conference, Washington, D.C. Book: “Calculus and Its Origins,’’ Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, and (Spectrum); 2012. Ukraine,’’ at the 73rd Annual Midwest David C. Wright, PhD – Professor and Chair Political Science Association Meeting; – Presentation: “Where is the Love?: The Publication: “Indivisibles, Infinitesimals and April 2013. Music of Social and Political Critique,’’ at the a Tale of Seventeenth-Century Mathematics,’’ 2012 Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture with Carroll, M., and Dougherty, S., in the Presentation: “Explaining Language and Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 86, No. 4; 2013. Citizenship Policies in the Former Soviet Union: The Cases of Belarus, Estonia, Presentation: “Songs of Social and Political Publication: “A Chip-Firing Variation and a Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Ukraine,’’ Criticism from the 1960s to the Present,’’ at New Proof of Cayley’s Formula,’’ with Kayll, at the 2013 Northeast Political Science the 2013 Annual Popular Culture M.P., in Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Association/American Culture Association Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 1; 2013. Conference, Washington, D.C. Grant: “Image Theory and Strategic Jay Stine, PhD – Associate Professor and Relations in the Post-Soviet Space,” Presentation: “Tales of Love and Desire in Chair – Presentation: “A Brief History of American Political Science Association, Rock Music,’’ at the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Pre-Hausdorff Spaces,” at the 2013 Joint Small Research Grant; Summer 2013. Popular-American Culture Association Meeting of the American Mathematical Conference, Atlantic City, N.J. Society-Mathematical Association of Grant: “Image Theory and Strategic America, San Diego, Calif. Relations in the Post-Soviet Space,’’ 2013-14 Grant: “Tales of Friendship, Love & Desire in Misericordia University Summer Faculty Rock Music,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia University Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Initial Hulls and Research Grant. Summer Faculty Research Grant. Zero Dimensional Objects,’’ in Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 82, No. 2 (pp. 359­ Grant: “Image Theory and Strategic Relation Grant: “Depictions of Intimacy Loss in Rock 371); 2013. in the Post-Soviet Space,’’ 2014-15 Music Lyrics,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University Misericordia University Faculty Research Summer Faculty Research Grant. Steven Tedford, PhD – Associate Professor Grant. – Presentation: “Fuzzy Greedoids: Structure Presentation: “Shifting Identifies in George and Invariants,” at the 2013 Mathematical Grant: “Image Theory and Strategic Relation R.R. Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire,’” at the Association of America Summerfest, in the Post-Soviet Space,’’ 2014-15 2014 Northeast Modern Language Hartford, Conn. Misericordia University Summer Faculty Association Conference, Harrisburg, Pa. Research Grant. Grant: “Fuzzy Greedoids: An Investigation,’’ Presentation: “Heaven or Hell: The Afterlife 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer Amanda L. Van Lanen, PhD – Assistant in Rock Music Lyrics,’’ at the 2014 Popular Faculty Research Grant. Professor – Presentation: “Food Will Win Culture Association-American Culture the War: The U.S. Food Administration’s Association Conference, Chicago, Ill. Grant: “Functions of Weighted Greedoids,’’

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2014­15 Misericordia University Summer Eastern Pennsylvania Philosophical Parenteral Nutrition­History, Methods of Faculty Research Grant. Association, Misericordia University, Delivery, and Complications in Preterm Dallas, Pa. Neonates,’’ with Malkin, A., in “Nutrition for Pat Touhey, PhD – Professor – Presentation: Preterm Neonates (Nottingham University “Ptolemy’s Theorem,” at the 2013 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICIAN Press, U.K.). Mathematical Association of America ASSISTANT STUDIES Summerfest, Hartford, Conn. Peer­Reviewed Publication: Preface – Stanley J. Dudrick, MD – Professor, Robert “Physiology of Nutrition in Health and DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY S. Anderson Endowed Chair and Medical Disease: From Molecular Biology to Director – Peer­Reviewed Publication: Treatment,” with Sawaya, A.L., Gois, C.V., Maria Balcells, PhD – Visiting Assistant “Metabolic Consequences of Patients with and Waitzberg, D.L. Professor – Presentation: “The Experience Gastrointestinal Fistulas,’’ with Panait, L., in of Temporal Flow in the Block Universe,’’ the Europen Journal of Trauma and Emer­ Award: Citation of Recognition from the at the 2014 Eastern Pennsylvania gency Surgery, 37(3), pp. 215­225, 2011. Ministry of Health of Panama at the XIII Philosophical Association, Misericordia Congress of Federation of Latin American University, Dallas, Pa. Peer­Reviewed Publication: “Construct and Associations for Parenteral and Enteral Face Validity of a Virtual Reality­Based Mark Painter, PhD – Professor – Nutrition, Panama City, Panama; Camera Navigation Curriculum,’’ with Shetty, Presentation: “The Applied Philosophy October 2012. S., Panait, L., Baranoski, J., Bell, R.L., Roberts, Project at Misericordia University: K.E., and Duffy, A.J., in Journal of Surgical Award: “American College of Surgeons Uncovering the Ethical Substance of Virtue,’’ Research, 177.2 in October 2012. 100 Years of Surgical Quality Improvement” 2013 Public Philosophy Conference, article in November 2012 cited 1968 paper Atlanta, Ga. Peer­Reviewed Publication: Chapter – “Pre­ published in Journal of the American Reviewer: Southwest Philosophical Operative and Post­Operative Nutritional Medical Association. Review, 2013. Support: Strategies for Enteral and Parenteral Therapies,’’ with Byers, P.M., and Award: “10 Philadelphia Milestones in Melanie Shepherd, PhD – Assistant Hameed, S.M., in “Current Therapy of Surgical History’’ article cited his Professor – Presentation: “Affirmation Trauma and Surgical Critical Care.’’ development of intravenous and the Myth of the Spectator in the Birth hyperalimentation feeding technique at of Tragedy,” at the 2012 Northeastern Peer­Reviewed Publication: Chapter – “Short the University of Pennsylvania Hospital; Political Science Association Conference, Bowel Syndrome: A Clinical Update,’’ with November 2012. Boston, Mass. Pimiento, J.M., in “Surgery of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects.” Award: The Stanley J. Dudrick Annual Grant: “Nietzsche and the Problem of Lecture series established in April 2013 Tragic Affirmation,’’ 2013­14 Misericordia Peer­Reviewed Publication: “Comprehensive by the University of Texas Medical School University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Preoperative Assessment in the Elderly,’’ in at Houston. Aging Well, Vol. 6, No. 2, P. 16; March 2013. Presentation: “Metaphysics and Myth in Award: The University of Texas Health Nietzsche’s ‘Birth of Tragedy,’’’ at the 2014 Peer­Reviewed Publication: Chapter – “Total Science Center at Houston Medal for

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excellence in research, education, and Children,’’ at the National Children Hospital, Book: “Physiology of Nutrition in Health clinical care; April 2013. Benjamin Bloom Tertiary Care Center, El and Disease: From Molecular Biology to Salvador National University, El Salvador; Treatment,’’ with Sawaya, A.L., Gois Award: Inducted into the Hall of Fame of March 2014. Leandro, C.V., and Waitzberg, D.L., (In Chi Phi Fraternity, Zeta Chapter at Franklin Press). and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.; Presentation: “Unorthodox Prerequisites May 2013. of Total Parenteral Nutrition in Infants and Book Chapter: “Pre-Operative and Post- Children,’’ at the National Maternity Operative Nutritional Support: Strategies Award: Presented honorary Doctor of Hospital, Social Security Hospital Tertiary for Enteral and Parenteral Therapies,’’ with Science degree from Franklin and Marshall Byers, P.M., and Hameed, S.M., in “Current Care Center, Sal Salvador, El Salvador; College; May 2013. Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical March 2014. Care,” (In Press). Honor: “Distinguished Service Award’’ from Presentation: “Principles of Metabolic and the Society for Surgical Oncology at the Book Chapter: “Nutritional Support: Enteral Nutritional Management of Critically Ill 67th Annual Cancer Symposium, Phoenix, and Parenteral Nutrition,’’ with Haverstick, Surgical Patients,’’ at El Salvador National Ariz.; March 2014. L.P., and Rothkopf, M.M., in “Metabolic University, El Salvador; March 2014. Medicine and Surgery,’’ (In Press). Presentation: “Genesis and Evolution of Presentation: “Short Intestinal Syndrome: Total Parenteral Nutrition,’’ at Rosales Publication: “Surgical Nutrition Support Ultimate Intestinal Failure,’’ at El Salvador National Hospital Tertiary Care Center, Today: Reflections, Perceptions, National University; March 2014. El Salvador; March 2014. Controversies, and Challenges,’’ with Pimiento, J.M., in Cirugia y Cirujanos, Honor: “Humanitarian Contributions to Presentation: “Intestinal Fistula Update: (In Press). Patients” recognition award from the Unidad Enterocutaneous to Enteroatmospheric,’’ de Soporte Nutricional, San Salvador, El at Rosales National Hospital Tertiary Care Scott L. Massey, PhD, PA­C – Professor, Salvador; March 2014. Center; March 2014. Chair and Program Director – Peer- Reviewed Publication: “Effects of Presentation: “Evolution of Surgical Presentation: “Surgery’s Legacy to Synchronized Distance Education on Education in America and Some Personal Nutritional Support of Seriously Ill Patients,’’ Anxiety, Depression, and Academic at Rosales National Hospital Tertiary Care Philosophy,’’ at the 21st Annual Surgical Achievement in First-Year Doctor of Center; March 2014. Resident and Fellow Research Presentation Pharmacy Students in an Accelerated Day of the New England Surgical Society, Curriculum,’’ with Goldsmith, C., Miller, K., Presentation: “Genesis and Evolution of University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Lee, LT., and White, S., in Currents in Total Parenteral Nutrition,’’ at Rosales Worcester, Mass.; May 2014. Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 4.4; 2012. National Hospital Tertiary Care Center; March 2014. Presentation: “Total Parenteral Nutrition: Poster Presentation: “The Relationship Past, Present, Future,’’ at the 2014 Critical Between Formative and Summative Presentation: “Unorthodox Prerequisites Care Symposium at Williamsport Regional Examination and PANCE Results: Can the of Total Parenteral Nutrition in Infants and Medical Center, Williamsport, Pa.; May 2014. Past Predict the Future: A Multi-Program

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Study to Determine External Validity of Psychological Adjustment of Health Sciences Michael Orleski, PhD – Associate Professor Testing Instruments,’’ with White, S., Young, Graduate Students,’’ (continuation) with and Chair – Publication: “Service Learning S., Martin, H., Wulff, S., and Becker, R., at the Nordstrom, A., 2014-15 Misericordia in Introductory Astronomy and Physics,’’ in 2012 Physician Assistant Education University Faculty Research Grant. the American Physical Society Forum on Association Annual Forum, Seattle, Wash. Education Newsletter, spring 2013 edition. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Peer-Reviewed Publication: “The Publication: “Service Learning in Relationship between Formative and Lynn Aldrich, EdD – Associate Professor – Introductory Astronomy,’’ in The Physics Summarative Examinations and PANCE: A Award: Elected vice president of the Teacher, published by the American Multi-Program Study,” with Young, S., and American Association of Physics Teachers- Association of Physics Teachers; December Holumrud, D., in the Journal of Physician Central Pennsylvania Section; 2012. 2013. Assistant Education, 24.1; 2013. Presentation: “Beta Testing of Learner- Reviewer: “Service Learning as a Presentation: “Comprehensive Study Skills Centered Environment for Algebra-Base Component in Undergraduate Physics,’’ Seminar,’’ at PACE University, New York, N.Y.; Physics,’’ at the 2013 American Association in The Physics Teacher, published by the September 2013. of Physics Teachers-Central Pennsylvania American Association of Physics Teachers; Section, Millersville University, Millersville, Pa. November 2013. Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Health Science Presentation: “Series and Parallel Electric Award: American Association of Physics Graduate Students,” with Nordstrom, A., Circuits with Christmas Lights,’’ 2013 Teachers Area Committee on Science 2013-14 Misericordia University Faculty Summer Meeting of the American Education for the Public, appointed to Research Grant. Association of Physics Teachers, three-year term. Portland, Ore. Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic and Presentation: “Service Learning in Psychological Adjustment of Health Sciences Presentation: “Reflections of a Retiring Introductory Astronomy and Physics,’’ Graduate Students,’’ with Nordstrom, A., Physics Professor,’’ Inaugural Last Lecture at the 2014 National Meeting of the 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer Series, Misericordia University; April 2014. American Association of Physics Teachers, Faculty Research Grant. Orlando, Fla. Presentation: “Reflections of a Retiring Presentation: “From Theory to Practice: Physics Professor of What I Wish I Knew Poster Presentation: “Service Learning in Guidelines for Implementing Cooperative When I Started Teaching,’’ 2014 Annual Introductory Astronomy at Misericordia Learning into Your Curriculum,’’ at Mercy Meeting of the Central Pennsylvania Section University,’’ at the 62nd Annual Conference College’s Spring Faculty Seminar Day; 2014. of the American Association of Physics of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Dallas, Pa. Teachers – Central Pennsylvania Section, “Presentation: “Implementing Programmatic Dallas, Pa.; March 2014. Assessment,’’ at Ohio Dominican University, Panelist: “Science Café” and “Careers in Columbus, Ohio; May 2014. Physics,’’ at 2014 Northeast Conference for Poster Presentation: “Misericordia University Undergraduate Women in Physics, American Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic and Physical Society, State College, Pa. Courses,’’ at the 2014 American Association

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of Physics Teachers Topical Conference: Elias?,” in New Directions in Mormon Conference, Dublin, Ireland. Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences, Studies,’’ with Mason, E., and Newell, Q., Arlington, Va. (Eds.) (University of Illinois Press); 2013. Presentation: “Paget-Schroetter Syndrome in a Sprinter: A Case Study,’’ at the World Invited Talk: “Service Learning in Book Chapter: “Afterword,’’ in “A Little Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy Introductory Astronomy and Physics,’’ World Made Cunningly: A Gnostic Graphic World Congress 2014/Faculty Sports and at the 2014 American Association of Physics Novel,’’ by Finch, S.D., (Regent Press); 2013. Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Teachers National Meeting, Orlando, Fla. Conference. Grant: “The Secular Study of Scripture,’’ DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES 2013-14 Misericordia University Research Presentation: “Repetitive Commotio Grant. Spinalis in a Football Player,’’ at the World Christopher M. Carr, PhD – Assistant Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy Grant: “Distributional Analysis of Mongo­ Professor – Publication: “Mary: Mirror of World Congress 2014/Faculty Sports and lian Buddhist Miniature Thangka Paintings,’’ Justice,’’ in “Mary, God-Bearer to a World in Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer Need,” (Pickwick Publications, Eugene, Conference. Faculty Research Grant. Ore.). Presentation: “Leadership Succession, Book Review: “Annotated Bibliography on Joseph Curran, PhD – Associate Professor Selection and Skill Implementation in Early Christianity,’’ by Van Den Heever, G., and Chair – Co-Editor: “New Voices in Health Care Faculty,’’ at the 7th (Oxford University Press); 2014. Catholic Theology,’’ a collection of essays in International 2014 Annual Mentoring Crossroads; October 2012. Book: “Spirit Possession and the Origin of Conference, Albuquerque, N.M. Christianity,” (Dublin: Bardic Press); 2014. Stevan L. Davies, PhD – Professor – Publication: “Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: Publication: “The Pre-Christian Odes of Studying the Perfect Story – A Preliminary Solomon,’’ in The Gnostic: A Journal of College of Health Sciences Report,’’ with Holtgrieve, N., Evans, L.D., Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Gurovich, A.N., Jarrett, S.R., and Wasik, M., Leamor Kahanov, EdD – Dean – Spirituality, Vol. 5; 2012. in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Publication: “Ultra Endurance Athletes At- Journal (43(5): S155-156); 2014. Publication: “A Revision of Rendell Harris’ Risk,’’ with Eberman, L.E., Edler, J.R., and Translation of the Odes of Solomon,’’ in The Wassink, M.L., in International Journal of Presentation: “Interprofessional Admissions Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Athletic Therapy and Training, (Vol. 19, Issue Approach Using Team Dynamics Esotericism and Spirituality, Vol. 5; 2012. 4); July 2013. Evaluation,’’ with Eberman, L.E., and Games, K.E., at All Together Better Health Grant: National Endowment for the Presentation: “Lower Trapezius Muscle VII, Pittsburgh, Pa.; June 2014. Humanities, at the American Academy, Thickness and Strength in Patients With and Rome Italy, with Warden, G., director, to Without Scapular Dyskinesis,’’ at the World Presentation: “Teamwork Competence: study Etruscan culture; 2012. Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy As Important as Our Clinical Competence,’’ World Congress 2014/Faculty Sports and with Eberman, L.E., at All Together Better Book Chapter: “But I Say Unto You: Who is Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Health VII.

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Presentation: “Integrating IPE in Pre- Annual Clinical Instructor Education Day at Examination Review Series, completed Professional Educational Experiences Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, Pa.; 2013. April 2014. Using Case Studies,’’ with Eberman, L.E., and Games, K.E., at All Together Better Award: Presented 2013 Distinguished Award: President-Elect for the Society of Health VII. Educator Award at the 2013 Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 2013-15. Diagnostic Medical Sonography Annual Presentation: “Transitioning to Andragogy Conference, Las Vegas, Nev. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL IMAGING Model Within Interprofessional Education,’’ Presentation: “Doppler, Hemodynamics, with Eberman, L.E., and Games, K.E., at Elaine Halesey, EdD, RT(R) (QM) – and Quality Assurance: Registry Review,” All Together Better Health VII. Professor and Chair – “How X-Rays are at the 2013 Society of Diagnostic Medical Formed,’’ to bioengineering and pre-med Presentation: “Comparison of Differing Sonography Annual Conference, students at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Interprofessional Education Activities to Las Vegas, Nev. Pa.; 2013. Assess Student Outcomes,’’ with Eberman, Presentation: “Registry Review: L.E., and Games, K.E., at All Together Presentation: “Current Issues in Medical Cerebrovascular,” at the 2013 Society of Better Health VII. Imaging,’’ at the 2014 Pennsylvania Society Diagnostic Medical Sonography Annual of Radiologic Technologists Annual DEPARTMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC Conference. Meeting, State College, Pa. MEDICAL SONOGRAPHY Presentation: “How Do Changes in Presentation: “X-Ray Imaging,’’ for Equipment Parameters Effect the Sheryl Goss, MS, RT(R)(S), RDMS, Mechanical and Thermal Indices?,” at the bioengineering and pre-med students at RDCS, RVT, FSDMS – Assistant Professor 2014 American Institute in Medicine Annual Wilkes University; September 2014. and Chair – Presentation: “Doppler, Conference, Las Vegas, Nev. Hemodynamics, and Quality Assurance: Paula Pate­Schloder, MS, RT, Registry Review,’’ at the 2012 Society of Presentation: “Equipment Manipulation: (R)(CV)(CT)(VI) – Associate Professor – Diagnostic Medical Sonography Annual It Makes a Difference,” at the 2014 Presentation: “Active Learning Strategies in Conference, Seattle, Wash. American Institute in Medicine Annual Medical Imaging,’’ at the 2013 Virginia Conference. Society of Radiologic Technologists Annual Presentation: “Registry Review: Conference, Virginia Beach, Va. Cerebrovascular,’’ at the 2012 Society Award: Secretary for the Society of of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Annual Diagnostic Medical Sonography board Presentation: “Rick Management for Conference. of directors. Imaging Professionals,’’ at the 2013 Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists Annual Presentation: “Controversies in Obstetrics,’’ Award: Board chair for the Joint Review for Conference. at the Northeastern Pennsylvania Society Education in Diagnostic Medical of Ultrasound Meeting, Misericordia Sonography, 2013-15. Presentation: “Rick Management in Medical University; May 2013. Imaging,’’ at the 2014 Virginia Society of Editor: Society of Diagnostic Medical Radiologic Technologists Annual Presentation: “Doppler Imaging,’’ at the 1st Sonography National Certification Conference, Virginia Beach, Va.

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Presentation: “Educational Theories in for Nurses National Forum, Atlanta, Ga. Pennsylvania Chapter State Conference, Classroom Practice,” at the 2014 Virginia Bethlehem, Pa. Society of Radiological Technologists Brenda L. Hage, PhD, DNP, CRNP – Annual Conference. Professor and Director of DNP – Poster Cynthia Mailloux, PhD, RN, CNE – Presentation: “Integrating Cultural Professor and Chair – Poster Presentation: Presentation: “Risk Management for Competence through Service Learning in “Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Imaging Professionals,’’ at the 2014 Atlanta the Graduate Nursing Curriculum: A Clinical Students’ Perceptions of Satisfaction and Society of Radiologic Technologists Experience with Underserved and Self-Confidence in Learning Using High- Conference, Atlanta, Ga. Vulnerable Populations for Family Nurse Fidelity Simulation Clinical Scenarios,’’ with Practitioner Students,’’ with Sheikh, K., at Mayorowski, V., Senczakowicz, E., and Lorie Zelna, MS, RT(R) (MR) – Associate the 39th Annual National Organization of Sheikh, K., at the Geisinger Health System Professor – Award: 2013 Judge Max and Nurse Practitioner Faculties Conference, Conference, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Tillie Rosenn Excellence in Teaching Award Pittsburgh, Pa.; 2013. Pa.; October 2012. for outstanding contributions to student learning and development. Book Chapter: “Rehabilitation for the Award: Certificate of Appreciation from Primary Care Provider,’’ with Trybulski, J., Northeast Regional Cancer Institute for 6 Presentation: “Learning to Serve and Mahan Buttaro, T., Polger Bailey, P., Hall years of service on board of directors; 2013. Serving to Learn,’’ at the 2013 Association Oas, K., in “Primary Care: A Collaborative of Educators in Radiologic Sciences Annual Practice 3rd Edition,’’ (Chicago: Mosby Presentation: “Interprofessional Educational Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Yearbook, Inc.). Coaltion,’’ at Misericordia University; 2013.

Grant: “Exploring Cultural Competence Award: 2014 Pauly and Sidney Friedman DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL NURSING through Service Learning,’’ with Sheikh, K., Excellence in Service Award in recognition 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer of her service to the University and greater Evelyn Dogbey, PhD, CRNP – Assistant Faculty Research Grant. community. Professor – Poster Presentation: “Seven Strategies for International Nursing Todd Hastings, MS, RN – Assistant Vanessa Mayorowski, MSN, CRNP – Success,’’ with Greene, R., at the Professor – Poster Presentation: “Student Assistant Professor – Poster Presentation: Transforming Healthcare Upstream: New Psychiatric Clinicals: How Can Nurse “Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Competencies in Health Professions Educators Make the Experience Better?,” Students’ Perceptions of Satisfaction and Education Conference, University of Texas at the 2012 American Psychiatric Nurses Self-Confidence in Learning Using High- Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas; Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fidelity Simulation Clinical Scenarios,’’ with July 2013. Mailloux, C., Senczakowicz, E., and Sheikh, Presentation: “Best Practices for K., at the Geisinger Health System Confer­

Kathleen Gelso, MSN, RN, CNE – Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders: ence, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Assistant Professor – Poster Presentation: Nursing Response to a Vulnerable October 2012. “Application of QSEN Competencies in the Population,’’ with Buxton, B., Haleem, D., Clinical Evaluation Tool,’’ with Snelson, D., and Hannon, P., at the 2013 American Brenda Pavill, PhD, CRNP – Associate at the 2013 Quality and Safety Education Psychiatric Nurses Association Professor – Poster Presentation:

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“Communicating Through the Lens of “Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Donna Ayers Snelson, RN, DEd – Stories,’’ at the 23rd Annual Convention of Students’ Perceptions of Satisfaction and Associate Professor – Award: The DAISY the Society of Pediatric Nurses, Nashville, Self-Confidence in Learning Using High- Faculty Award from the DAISY Foundation; Tenn.; April 2013. Fidelity Simulation Clinical Scenarios,’’ with May 2013. Mailloux, C., Mayorowski, V., and Invited Speaker: “C is for Certification,’’ Senczakowicz, E., at the Geisinger Health Poster Presentation: “Application of QSEN before the Certification Committee of System Conference, Wilkes University, Competencies in the Clinical Evaluation Geisinger Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; October 2012. Tool,’’ with Gelso, K., at the 2013 Quality Pa.; May, 2013. and Safety Education for Nurses National Poster Presentation: “Assessing Family Forum, Atlanta, Ga. Reviewer: “Melnyk Evidence Based Practice Nurse Practitioner Students; Knowledge of Textbook,’’ (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Palliative Care,’’ at the 39th Annual Christine Tomkins, RN, MSN, CRNP, Chapter 8); September 2013. Conference on Professional Nursing PHRN – Assistant Professor – Award: Education and Development, Philadelphia, Named DAISY Foundation faculty member; Invited Speaker: “Nursing through the Lens Pa.; October 2012. May 2013. of Holiday Literature,’’ for the Zeta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Poster Presentation: “Integrating Cultural Marion Villano, MSN, RN – Assistant Society, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Competence through Service Learning in the Professor – Award: Named DAISY December 2013. Graduate Nursing Curriculum: A Clinical Foundation faculty member; May 2014. Experience with Underserved and Vulnerable DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL Poster Presentation: “Approaches to Build Populations for Family Nurse Practitioner THERAPY Standardized Test-Taking Skills that will Students,’’ with Hage, B., at the 39th Annual Raise Eyebrows,’’ at the 2014 Elevate National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Gwen Bartolacci, OTD, OTR/L – Outcomes with HESI Conference, Las Faculties Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 2013. Vegas, Nev. Associate Professor and Weekend College Grant: “Exploring Cultural Competence Director – Presentation: “Examining the Elizabeth Senczakowicz, MSN, BSN – through Service Learning,’’ with Hage, B., Benefits of Community-Based Self-Help Assistant Professor – Poster Presentation: 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer Groups for Persons with Chronic Health “Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Faculty Research Grant. Conditions,’’ with Boyer, C., Lopopolo, N., Students’ Perceptions of Satisfaction and Miller, J., O’Hearn, K., and Strbo, C., at Self-Confidence in Learning Using High- Publication: “Expanding Clinical Models of the 2014 American Occupational Therapy Fidelity Simulation Clinical Scenarios,’’ with Nurse Practitioner Education: Service Association Annual Conference, Mayorowski, V., Mailloux, C., and Sheikh, K., Learning as a Curricular Strategy,” in The Baltimore, Md. at the Geisinger Health System Conference, Journal of Nurse Practitioners (Vol. 10, pp. Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; 352-355); 2014. Joseph Cipriani, EdD, OTR/L – Professor – October 2012. Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Dog-Assisted Grant: “Equipoise: A Concept Analysis,’’ Therapy for Residents of Long-Term Care Kathleen Sheikh, MSN, CRNP – Assistant 2014-15 Misericordia University Summer Facilities: An Evidence-Based Review with Professor – Poster Presentation: Faculty Research Grant. Implications for Occupational Therapy,’’

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with Cooper, M., DiGiovanni, N.M., Management Special Interest Section, 2014. Association of Occupational Therapists of Litchkofski, A., Nichols, A.L., and Ramsey, Ireland’s Annual Conference, Mullingar, A., in Physical and Occupational Therapy Presentation: “The Effectiveness of iPad Ireland; April 2013. in Geriatrics, (31(3), pp 214-240); 2013. Handwriting Applications on Improving . Visual Motorl and Handwriting Skills in Poster Presentation: “Happiness and Presentation: “A Systematic Review of the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder,’’ Social Interaction of Older Independent Effects of Horticultural Therapy on Persons with Converse, C., McLaughlin, L., Apartment Residents in an Occupational- with Mental Illness,’’ with Benz, A., McSweeney, S., and Steinhoff, C., at the Based Program,’’ with Hardik, B., Noga, C., Holmgren, A., Kinter, D., McGarry, J., and 2014 World Federation of Occupational Ortman, A., Panuski, S., and Roe, J., at the Rubino, G., at the 2014 American Therapy Conference, Yokohama, Japan. 2014 American Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy Association Annual Association (AOTA) Annual Conference, Conference, Baltimore, Md. Dawn Evans, OTD, OTR/L – Assistant Baltimore, Md. Professor – Presentation: “Parental Presentation: “Uncovering the Value and Perceptions of Adolescent Health and Poster Presentation: “An Investigation of Meaning of a Horticulture Therapy Program Wellness,’’ with Firlik, J., Miller, J., Wall, M., Favored Group Activities and Happiness for Clients at a Long-Term Adult Inpatient and Washofer, J., at the 2014 American in Older Adults within a Senior Living Psychiatric Facility,’’ with Georgia, J., Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Complex,’’ with Devitt, M., Haberern, H., McChesney, M., Stabler, M., and Tschantz, Annual Conference, Baltimore, Md. Redinski, L., and Smaka, S., at the 2014 J., at the 2014 World Federation of AOTA Conference. Occupational Therapy Conference, Presentation: “Step It Up Adolescent Publication: “The Model of Occupational Yokohama, Japan. Health and Wellness Program,’’ at the 2014 AOTA Conference. Empowerment and Gunnarsson’s Tree Reviewer: Physical and Occupational Theme: Intervention for Mothers in Therapy in Geriatrics Journal Grace Fisher, EdD, OTR/L – Professor Recovery,’’ with Broggi, S.R., Cardinale, J., and Chair – Book Review: “Sleep and Malacari, L.K., and Savignano, J., in Reviewer: Journal of Catholic Higher Rehabilitation: A Guide for Health “Occupational Therapy in Mental Health,” Education. Professionals,’’ for Slack Inc.; 2014. 30, pp. 43-68.

Grant: “Literature Review and Development Book Review: “Alzheimer’s Disease and Ellen McLaughlin, EdD, OTR/L – Associate of a Conceptual Model for International Dementia Related Disorders: An Professor and Director of OTD Program – Service-Learning Opportunities for Occupational Therapy Perspective of the Presentation: “Combining Sensory Students in Entry-Level Masters Programs Ecology of Human Performance Strategies & Social Skills Training to in OT,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University Framework,’’ for Slack Inc.; 2014. Improve Children’s Functional Summer Faculty Research Grant. Performance,’’ with Charney, L., at the 2014 Poster Presentation: “Occupational Balance American Occupational Therapy Jennifer Dessoye, OTD, MS, OTR/L – in Religious Sisters of Mercy using Matuska Association (AOTA) Annual Conference, Assistant Professor – Award: Named chair and Christiansen’s Life Balance Model,’’ (co­ Baltimore, Md. of the American Occupational Therapy author only) with Bender, M.; Marquardt, T., Association’s Administration and Myers, J., Roche, M., and Zak, J., at the Presentation: “Enhancing Preschool

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Behaviors During Circle Time: Effectiveness Perceived Educational Needs,’’ with Dose of Stretching on Hamstring Muscle of Dynamic Seating and Sensory Dawson, G., Levine, A., and Perlis, S., in Flexibility in Young Adult Males,’’ with Strategies,’’ with Schwarzer, L., at the 2014 Journal of Women’s Health Physical Pheasant, S., at the 2012 American Physical AOTA Conference. Therapy, 2013; 1. Therapy Association National Conference, Indianapolis, Ind. Lalit Shah, EdD, OTR/L – Professor – Poster Presentation: “Physiological Presentation: “Determining the Test-Retest Responses in Children During Exergaming: Poster Presentation: “The Effect of Reliability and Inter-Rater Reliability of the A Systematic Review,’’ with Getz, A.J., Various Dosages of Stretching on ADA-CAT,’’ with Franz, M., at the 2012 Goble, A.R., Hingley, K.E., and Noll, R.C., at Hamstring Flexibility,’’ at the 2013 Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy the 2013 American Physical Therapy American Physical Therapy Association Conference (POTA), Lancaster, Pa. Association’s Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill. Conference, Anaheim, Calif. Presentation: “Effectiveness of the Book Chapter: “Geriatric Cervical Spine, Sequential Oral Stimulation Feeding Presentation: “Behavioral and Social Thoracic/Lumbar Spine,” with Eds., Barr, J., Program,’’ with Kinzinger, J., Koslap, D., Features of Pregnancy and Childbirth Kaufman, T., and Moran, M.L., in “A May, S., Scalpone, S., and Terry, S., at the Across Cultures as Units to Compare the Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric 2012 POTA Conference. Nature of Human Birth,’’ at the 2014 Rehabilitation, 3rd edition (Elsevier, International Academic Conference, Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Poster Presentation: “Test-Retest Reliability Orlando, Fla. and Inter-Rater Reliability of the Americans Diane Madras, PhD, PT – Associate with Disabilities Act – Compliance Susan P. Barker, PhD, PT – Professor and Professor – Book Chapter: “Multiple Assessment Toolkit,’’ with Anson, D., Chair – Book Chapter: “Stroke Sclerosis,” Eds., Barr, J., Kaufman, T., and Cavanaugh, C., Franz, M., Iaconetti, N., and Rehabilitation,’’ with Pascal, M., and Eds., Moran, M.L., in “A Comprehensive Guide Whitaker, K., at the 2013 American Barr, J., Kaufman, T., and Moran, M.L., in “A to Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd edition Occupational Therapy Association Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric (Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Conference, San Diego, Calif. Rehabilitation, 3rd edition (Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Poster Presentation: “Is 10,000 Steps Presentation: “Life Balance: A Comparative Per Day an Achievable Goal for College Study of Retired and Working Occupational Nicole Evanosky, PT, DPT – Assistant Students on a Small Rural Campus,’’ at Therapits,’’ with Cash, M., Hauer, M., Professor and Director of Clinical Education the 2013 American Physical Therapy Mudgett, J., and Moul, K., at the 2014 – Book Chapter: “Gait Training,’’ with Eds., Association (APTA) Combined Sections World Federation of Occupational Therapy Barr, J., Kaufman, T., and Moran, M.L., in “A Meeting, Chicago, Ill. Conference, Yokohama, Japan. Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd edition (Elsevier, Presentation: “Two-Hour Course: Early DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Mobilization in the Intensive Care Unit,’’ at the 2013 APTA Combined Sections Amy Tremback­Ball, PhD, PT – Associate Richard Haydt, PT, DPT, OCS, MTC, Meeting. Professor – Peer-Reviewed Publication: FAAOMPT – Assistant Professor – Poster “Young Women’s Urinary Incontinence Presentation: “The Effect of a 10-Minute Grant: “The Effect of Goal on Walking

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Behavior,’’ with Anson, D., 2013-14 Cultural Borders through Technology Society of North America Misericordia University Faculty Research International/Domestic Experiences and (RESNA); 2013. Grant. Service Learning and Study Abroad; 2014. Grant: “The Effect of Goal on Walking Kelley Moran, PT, EdD, DPT, ATC, CSCS – Steven Pheasant, PhD, PT – Associate Behavior,’’ with Madras, D., 2013-14 Association Professor – Poster Presentation: Professor – Poster Presentation: “The Effect Misericordia University Faculty Research “Targeted Preparation for Students of a 10-Minute Dose of Stretching on Grant. Identified as At Risk for Not Passing the Hamstring Muscle Flexibility in Young Adult Award: RESNA Distinguished Service National Physical Therapy Exam on the Males,’’ with Haydt, R., at the 2012 Award, 2014. First Attempt Improves First-Time Pass American Physical Therapy Association National Conference, Indianapolis, Ind. Rates,’’ at the 2014 American Physical Presentation: “RESNA Great Issues Therapy Association NEXT Conference, Poster Presentation: “The Effect of Various Debate: Should AT Be Universally Charlotte, N.C. Dosages of Stretching on Hamstring Designed,’’ with Higenbotham, J., Simpson, R., Smith, R., and Weisman, J., at the Michael Moran, PT, DPT, ScD – Professor – Flexibility,’’ at the 2013 American Physical 2014 Rehabilitation Engineering & Book Editor: “A Comprehensive Guide to Therapy Association National Conference, Assistive Technology Society of North Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd edition with Salt Lake City, Utah. America Annual Conference, Eds., Barr, J., and Kaufman, T., (Elsevier, Book Chapter: “The Aging Thoracic Spine,” Indianapolis, Ind. Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Eds., Barr, J., Kaufman, T., and Moran, M.L., in “A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Presentation: “Using Near-Infrared- Book Chapter: “Parkinson Disease,’’ in “A Rehabilitation, 3rd edition (Elsevier, Spectroscopy to Measure Blood Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. Concentration Changes in the Brain,’’ with Rehabilitation, 3rd edition with Eds., Barr, J., Cellary, C., Gulotta, M., Murgallis, T., Tellis, and Kaufman, T., (Elsevier, Philadelphia, DEPARTMENT OF G., and Vitale, M., at the 2014 Pennsylvania Pa.); 2014. SPEECH­LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Speech-Language and Hearing Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. Maureen Pascal, DPT, PT, NCS – Denis Anson, MS, OTR – Director of Associate Professor – Book Chapter: Research and Development, Assistive Presentation: “More than Words Can “Stroke Rehabilitation,’’ with Barker, S., and Technology Research Institute – Tell: The Challenge of Effective Alternative Eds., Barr, J., Kaufman, T., and Moran, M.L., Presentation: “Novel Approaches to Aid Text,’’ at the 2014 Assistive Technology in “A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Reading in Neglect Dyslexia: Further Industry Association Conference, Rehabilitation, 3rd edition (Elsevier, Implications,’’ with Brown, A., and Manasco, Orlando, Fla. Philadelphia, Pa.); 2014. M.H., at the 2012 American Speech- Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) Presentation: “Scope of Life: A New Presentation: “Short-Term Model: Creating Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Measure of Assistive Technology Student Experiences in Developing Outcomes,’’ at the 2014 California State Countries,’’ at the Misericordia University Award: Elected to board of directors for the University, Northridge (CSUN) Conference, Summer Institute on “Expanding Students’ Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive San Diego, Calif.

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Presentation: “Making Progress on Global the PNC Foundation – Grow Up Great Poster Presentation: “ISCAN: Structured Inclusion,’’ with Tobias, J., and Foundation; 2014. Tasks and Generalization,’’ with Arnold, H., Vanderheiden, G., at the 2014 CSUN Fry, A., Nelson, S., and Scaler Scott, K., at Conference. Lori Cimino, MS, CCC­SLP – Assistant the 2014 PSHA Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. Professor and Clinical Director – Poster Presentation: “Web and Mobile-Based Presentation: “Literacy-Based Treatment M. Hunter Manasco, PhD, CCC­SLP – Assessment Tools,’’ with Schwartz, J., and in Preschoolers with Atypical Prosody,’’ Assistant Professor – Presentation: “Novel Smith, R.O., at the 2014 American with Nelson, S., Kidron, M., Roman, A., Approaches to Aid Reading in Neglect Occupational Therapy Association and Scaler Scott, K., at the 2012 American Dyslexia: Further Implications,’’ with Anson, Conference, Baltimore, Md. Speech-Language and Hearing Association D., and Brown, A., at the 2012 American (ASHA) Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Presentation: “Federated Databases and Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Supported Decision Making,’’ with Ding, Poster Presentation: “Comparing Three Y., at the 16th International Conference on Stuttering Methods: Which One is Most Presentation: “High Valence Stimuli in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Creta Effective?,” with Rosenthal, A., Tellis, G., Reminiscence Therapy for Alzheimer’s,’’ Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece; 2014. and Tomaselli, A., at the 2012 ASHA Con­ with Healey, K., at the 2012 ASHA Presentation: “Rehabilitation Engineering vention. Convention. and Research Center on Universal Interface Poster Presentation: “ISCAN: Textbook/Video: “Introduction to and Information Technology Access,’’ Strengthening Eye Contact for Effective Neurogenic Communication Disorders,” with Chourasia, A., Ding, Y., Tobias, J., Conversation Skills,’’ with Arnold, H., and Vanderheiden, G., at HCI (Jones & Bartlett Learning); February 2013. Flormann, V., Nelson, S., and Scaler Scott, International 2014. K., at the 2013 Pennsylvania Speech- Presentation: “Clinical Use of Motion- Presentation: “Smart Tools for Evaluating Language and Hearing Association (PSHA) Capture Technology in SLP: A Functional the Built Environment,’’ with Schwartz, J., Conference, Harrisburg, Pa. Assessment & Treatment Tool,’’ with and Smith, R., at the 2014 American O’Connor, M., and Rodriguez, M., at the Presentation: “Enhance Communication Occupational Therapy Association Annual 2013 ASHA Convention, Chicago, Ill. Between Preceptors, Off Campus Graduate Conference, Baltimore Md. Students, and Universities,’’ with Rosenthal, Presentation: “SLP Student Clinicians’ Use Grant: Rehabilitation Engineering Research A., at the 2013 Council of Academic of iPads in the University Clinic,’’ with Center on University Interface and Programs in Communication Sciences and O’Connor, M., and Rodriguez, M., at the Information Technology Access from the Disorders Convention, Phoenix, Ariz. 2013 ASHA Convention. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Washington, Presentation: “ISCAN: Strengthening Presentation: “Audio Podcasts in the CSD D.C.; 2014. Eye Contact for Effective Communication Classroom,’’ with Healey, K., at the 2013 Skills,’’ with Arnold, H., Flormann, V., Pennsylvania Speech-Language and Grant: Augmentative and Alternative Nelson, S., and Scaler Scott, K., at the Hearing Association (PSHA) Conference, Communication Selection Assistant from 2013 ASHA Convention, Chicago, Ill. Harrisburg, Pa.

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Presentation: “Childhood Right Motor Movement of Lips and Mandible in Poster Presentation: “Cluttering Symptoms Hemispherectomy: Long-Term Recovery,’’ Motor Neuron Disease for Early Detection in School-Age Children in Three Speaking with Rodriguez, M., and Santhouse, C., at of the Disease Process,’’ 2014-15 Contexts,” with Kidron, M., and Lozier, J., the 2013 PSHA Conference. Brassington Award at the 2012 ASHA Convention.

Presentation: “Valence of Therapy Stimuli in Adina Rosenthal, MS, CCC­SLP – Assistant Presentation: “Case Studies in Fluency Alzheimer’s: Update,’’ with Healey, K., and Professor and Clinical Supervisor – Poster Disorders: Interventions for Children with Rodriguez, M., at the 2013 PSHA Confer­ Presentation: “Comparing Three Stuttering Cluttering,’’ ASHA Online Conference; ence. Methods: Which One is Most Effective?,” October 2012. with Cimino, L., Tellis, G., and Tomaselli, A., Editor: Book Chapter: “Introduction to at the 2012 American Speech-Language Grant: “Understanding the Experiences of Neurogenic Communication Disorders,’’ and Hearing Association (ASHA) Adults and Children Who Clutter,’’ 2012-13 with Tellis, C., (pp. 239-259), in Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Misericordia University Summer Faculty “Counseling” by Barone, N.A., and Barone, Research Grant. Presentation: “Enhance Communication O.R., (Burlington, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Between Preceptors, Off Campus Graduate Book/CD ROM: “Managing Cluttering: A Learning); 2013. Students, and Universities,’’ with Cimino, L., Comprehensive Guidebook, of Activities,” Presentation: “Clinical Assessment of at the 2013 Council of Academic Programs with Ward, D., (Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed, Inc.); Motion-Capture Technology: Functional in Communication Sciences and Disorders 2013. Treatment and Assessment Tool,’’ with Convention, Phoenix, Ariz. Award: Elected co-chair of National O’Connor, M., and Rodriguez, M., at the Kathleen Scaler Scott, PhD, CCC­SLP – Stuttering Association Research Committee 2014 PSHA Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. Assistant Professor – Poster Presentation: in February 2013 by National Stuttering Presentation: “Labial and Mandibular “Literacy-Based Treatment in Preschoolers Association’s Board of Directors. Movement of Persons Who Stutter,’’ with with Atypical Prosody,’’ with Cimino, L., Book Chapter: “Stuttering and Cluttering,’’ Rodriguez, M., and Tellis, G., at the 2014 Nelson, S., Kidron, M., and Roman, A., at the 2012 American Speech-Language and with Cummings, L., in “The Cambridge PSHA Conference. Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Handbook of Communication Disorders,” Presentation: “Use of iPads in the University Atlanta, Ga. (Cambridge University Press); 2013. SLP Clinic,’’ with O’Connor, M., and Presentation: “Treatment Techniques for Peer-Reviewed Article: “Preliminary Study Rodriguez, M., at the 2014 PSHA Children, Teens, and Adults with of Disfluency in School-Aged Children with Conference. Cluttering,’’ with Ward, D., at the 2012 Asperger’s Syndrome,’’ with Flaitz, J., Reviewer: Journal of Fluency Disorders. ASHA Convention. Tetnowski, J.A., and Yaruss, J.S., in International Journal of Language and Reviewer: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Presentation: “Tribute to International Communication Disorders; March 2013. Partnership in Research and Education in Grant: “Using Motion-Capture Technology Cluttering,’’ with Reichel, I., and Van Zaalen, Presentation: “Practical Strategies for to Establish Normative Date for Loss of Fine Y., at the 2012 ASHA Convention. Assessing and Treating Cluttering n School­

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Age Children,’’ with Ward, D., at the 2013 and Treating Disfluencies in Children on National Stuttering Association, New Jersey Speech-Language Hearing the Autism Spectrum,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia Phoenix, Ariz. Association, Long Branch, N.J. University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Poster Presentation: “Emotional and Social Presentation: “Treatment Techniques for Presentation: “ISCAN: Strengthening Eye Aspects of Stuttering in Women,’’ at the Children, Teens, and Adults with Contact for Effective Communication 2013 Stuttering Attitudes Research Cluttering,” with Ward, D., at the 2013 Skills,’’ with Arnold, H., Cimino, L., Symposium, Morgantown, W.V. New York State Speech-Language Hearing Flormann, V., and Nelson, S., at the 2013 Publication: “Stuttering and Cluttering,’’ Association, Saratoga Spring, N.Y. ASHA Convention, Chicago, Ill. with Cummings, L. (Ed.) in “Handbook of Presentation: “Practical Strategies for Seminar: “Disfluency in Autism Spectrum Communication Disorders,” (Cambridge: Assessing and Treating Cluttering,’’ at the Disorders: Treatment Outcomes and What Cambridge University Press, 2013). 2013 Pennsylvania Speech-Language They Mean for School-Based Speech- Workshop: “Managing Complex Cases in Hearing Association (PSHA) Conference, Language Pathologists,’’ with Block, S., Fluency: Stuttering, Cluttering, Atypical Harrisburg, Pa. Healey, K., Kerestes, K., Kidron, M., Disfluencies,’’ before the Morris County LaRussa, R., Nelson, S., and Reardon- Poster Presentation: “A Comparison of Speech and Hearing Association, Reeves, N., at the 2013 ASHA Convention. Quartile Ranking of Utterances in Whippany, N.J.; 2013. Asperger’s Disorder,’’ with Brath, A., Poster Presentation: “Spectrographic Peer-Reviewed Article: “Cluttering Frederick, N., and Nelson, S., at the 2013 Features and SLP Diagnoses of One Sample PSHA Conference. Symptoms and Working Memory in School- of Cluttering,’’ with Harris, A., and St. Louis, Age Children: A Preliminary Investigation,’’ Poster Presentation: “ISCAN: Strengthening K.O., at the 2013 ASHA Convention. with Kidron, M., and Lozier, J., in the Journal Eye Contact for Effective Conversation of Fluency Disorders (In Review). Poster Presentation: “Self-Reported Skills,’’ with Arnold, H., Cimino, L., Clinical and Personal Experiences of Flormann, V., and Nelson, S., at the 2013 Workshop: “Managing Cluttering in the People Who Clutter,’’ with Harris, A., PSHA Conference. School-Age Child: From Diagnosis to and St. Louis, K.O., at the 2013 ASHA Carryover,’’ for the Pennsylvania Training Presentation: “Literacy-Based Treatment in Convention. and Technical Assistance Network, Preschoolers with Atypical Prosody,’’ with Harrisburg, Pa.; 2014. Workshop: “What to do When You’re Cimino, L., Kidron, M., Nelson, S., and Waiting to Speak,’’ with Cohen Roman, A., at the 2013 PSHA Conference. Poster Presentation: “ISCAN: Structured McCullough, R., at the 2013 Annual Tasks and Generalization,’’ with Arnold, H., Grant: “Treating Word-Final Disfluencies in Convention of the National Stuttering Cimino, L., Fry, A., and Nelson, S., at the School-Age Children,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia Association, Phoenix, Ariz. 2014 PSHA Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. University Faculty Research Grant. Presentation: “How Do I Know if it’s Poster Presentation: “Qualitative Analysis Grant: “Results of Fluency Training on Cluttering, and if it is, What do I do Next?,” of the Impact of Stuttering Upon Women,’’ School Clinician Confidence in Evaluating at the 2013 Annual Convention of the with Boyer, D., at the 2014 PSHA Conference.

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Poster Presentation: “Schools-Based Disfluencies in the Conversations of a Child 2012 Misericordia University Summer Training Model for Treating Disfluencies in with Autism,’’ with Nelson, S., at the 10th Research Grant. Children with Autism,” with Block, S., Oxford Dysfluency Conference; 2014. Healey, K., Kidron, M., LaRussa, R., Nelson, Presentation: “A Novel Approach to Voice S., and Reeves, N., at the 2014 PSHA Award: Award for Continuing Education Therapy,’’ with Barone, N.A., and Brown, Conference. from ASHA. A.R., at the 2012 American Speech- Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Poster Presentation: “Effects of Literacy Publication: “Stuttering in Women: Change Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Instruction and Service Learning Upon SLP and Adaptations throughout the Lifespan,’’ Students,’’ with Kidron, M., Lozier, J., and with St. Louis, K.O. (Ed.) in “Stuttering Book Chapter: “Introduction to Neurogenic Nelson, S., at the 2014 PSHA Conference. meets Stereotype, Stigma, and Communication Disorders,’’ Manasco, M.H., Discrimination: An overview of Attitude (pp. 239-259), in “Counseling” with Barone, Poster Presentation: “Using ISCAN to Research,” (Morgantown: West Virginia N.A., and Barone, O.R., (Burlington, Mass: Assess Eye Movements in Silent Reading,’’ University Press) (In Press). Jones & Bartlett Learning); 2013. with Nelson, S., and Rissinger, M., at the 2014 PSHA Conference. Publication: Intro to chapter on Stuttering. Presentation: “Ventriloquist Speech as a In L. Brady (Ed.). “Apps for Autism,” Speech Therapy Technique,’’ with Bruno, Workshop: “Managing Complex Cases in (Arlington, TX:Future Horizons, Inc (In Press) M., at the 2013 ASHA Convention, Fluency: Stuttering, Cluttering, Atypical Chicago, Ill. Disfluencies,’’ at Rowan University, Mullica Reviewer: Journal of Fluency Disorders. Hill, N.J.; 2014. Presentation: “Acoustic and Aerodynamic Reviewer: Journal of Interactional Research Differences in Voicing Parameters,’’ with Presentation: “A Case Study of Cluttering in Communication Disorders. Barone, N., Flormann, V., Perucca, J., and Treatment Outcomes in a Teen,’’ with Zimmerman, A., at the 2013 ASHA Reviewer: Clinical Linguistics and Phoentics. Nelson, S., at the 10th Oxford Dysfluency Convention. Conference, St. Catherine’s College Oxford, Reviewer: International Journal of Speech- Presentation: “Measures of Muscle Function United Kingdom; 2014. Language Pathology. in Individuals with Voice Disorders,’’ with Presentation: “Stuttering: A Preliminary Grant: “Response Inhibition in People with Carroll, T., Flormann, V., Perucca, J., Rosen, Study of the Female Perspective,’’ with Cluttering,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University C., and Zimmerman, A., at the 2013 ASHA Nelson, S., at the 10th Oxford Dysfluency Faculty Research Grant. Convention. Conference; 2014. Grant: “Response Inhibition in People with Presentation: “Acoustic and Aerodynmaic Presentation: “Speech Disfluency in Autism Cluttering,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University Differences in Estill Figure Conditions,’’ with in Schools: Identifying Needs and Providing Summer Faculty Research Grant. Flormann, V., Perucca, J., and Zimmerman, Support to SLTs,’’ with Nelson, S., at the A., at the 2013 Estill World Voice 10th Oxford Dysfluency Conference; 2014. Cari M. Tellis, PhD, CCC­SLP – Associate Symposium, Boston, Mass. Professor – Grant: “Preparation for Presentation: “Analysis of Word-Final Submission of an NIH AREA R15 Grant,’’ Presentation: “Visual Light Spectroscopy in

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the Assessment of In Vivo Muscle Grant: “A Novel, Universal Approach to in a Trained and Novice Group,’’ 2014-15 Function,’’ with Flormann, V., Perucca, J., Voice Therapy,’’ 2013-14 Brassington Award Misericordia University Summer Faculty and Zimmerman, A., at the 2013 Estill World – Misericordia University. Research Grant. Voice Symposium. Reviewer: Logopedics in Vocology. Glen Tellis, PhD, CCC­SLP – Professor and Presentation: “A Novel Approach to Voice Chair – Poster Presentation: “Comparing Therapy,’’ with Flormann, V., Perucca, J., Reviewer: Journal of Speech-Language Three Stuttering Methods: Which One is and Zimmerman,’’ at the 2013 Estill World Hearing Research. Most Effective?,” with Cimino, L., Rosenthal, Voice Symposium. A., and Tomaselli, A., at the 2012 American Editorial Reviewer: The Laryngoscope. Speech-Language and Hearing Association Presentation: “Clinical Implications: Book Chapter: “Integrated Bottom-Up (ASHA) Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Properties and Differences of True Vocal Implicit-Explicit Learning Approach to Voice Folds Body-Cover Conditions,’’ with Presentation: “NIRS: Changes in Brain Therapy” in “Perspectives on Voice and Barone, N., and Tellis, G., at The Voice Blood Concentration for Fluent Speakers,’’ Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa., 2013. Voice Disorders,’’ (In Press). with Cellary, C., and Gulotta, M.E., at the 2012 ASHA Convention. Presentation: “What Happened 13 Years Presentation: “Ventriloquism as a Speech Ago? Career Paths in SLP,’’ with Coleman, Therapy Technique,’’ with Bruno, M., at the Presentation: “Assessment and Treatment C., and Starmer, H., at the 2013 2014 PSHA Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Pennsylvania Speech-Language Hearing Individuals with Communication Disorder,’’ Presentation: “Changes in Blood Association (PSHA) Conference, with Roseberry-McKibbin, C., and Tomaselli, Concentration in the Brain During Voicing Harrisburg, Pa. A., at the 2012 ASHA Convention. Tasks,’’ with Flormann, V., Perucca, J., Presentation: “Measures of Muscle Function Roberts, E., and Zimmerman, A., at the 2014 Presentation: “I’m Bullied Because I Stutter: in Individuals with Voice Disorders,’’ with PSHA Conference. Perceptions of Middle School Students,’’ Flormann, V., Perucca, J., and Zimmerman, with Tomaselli, A., at the 2012 ASHA Con­ A., at the 2013 PSHA Conference. Presentation: “Characteristics of Voicing vention. Parameters in Training and Untrained Presentation: “A Physiologic Approach to Speakers,’’ with Flormann, V., Perucca, J., Presentation: “NIRS/DCS: Novel Methods Voice Therapy,’’ with Flormann, V., Perucca, and Zimmerman A., at the 2014 PSHA to Study Brain Blood Flow during J., and Zimmerman, A., at the PSHA Conference. Stuttering,’’ with Cellary, C., Chandra, M., Conference. Gulotta, M.E., Mesquita, R.C., Schenkel, Grant: An Integrated Bottom-Up Implicit- S.A., and Yodh, A.G., at the 2012 ASHA Grant: “Manuscript and Videos for an Explicit Learning Approach to Voice Ther­ Convention. Interviewing and Counseling in Speech- apy,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia University Language Pathology and Audiology Faculty Research Grant. Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Textbook,” 2013-14 Misericordia University Treat Stuttering: From Preschool to Summer Faculty Research Grant. Grant: “Differences in Voicing Parameters Adulthood,’’ in Meriden, Conn.; 2012.

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Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Tomaselli, A., and Yodh, A., at the 2013 Cellary, C., Chandra, M., Gulota, M., Treat Stuttering: From Preschool to PSHA Conference. Mesquita, R.C., Schenkel, S.A., and Todh, Adulthood,’’ in Flushing, N.Y.; 2012. A., at the 2013 ASHA Convention. Presentation: “Three Effective Stuttering Grant: “Assessment and Treatment of Therapies for Children Who Stutter,’’ with Presentation: “Can NIRS Measure Brain Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 PSHA Conference. Blood Concentration Changes in Fluent Individuals with Communication Disorders,’’ Speakers?,” with Cellary, C., Gulotta, M., 2012-13 Misericordia University Faculty Presentation: “Are American Speech- and Murgallis, T., at the 2013 ASHA Language and Hearing Association Summer Research Grant. Convention. Accredited Programs Teaching Information Grant: “Comparing Two Methods of S about Cultural Diversity?,” with Roseberry- Presentation: “Speech-Language Pathology tuttering Treatment: Response-Cost and McKibbin, C., and Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 Students’ Knowledge about Stuttering and Reinforcing Fluency and Ignoring PSHA Conference. the Need for Fluency Training,’’ with Stuttering,’’ 2012-13 Misericordia University Murgallis, T., and Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Faculty Research Grant. ASHA Convention. Treating Stuttering: From Preschool to Editorial Consultant and Reviewer: Journal Adulthood,’’ in St. Louis, Mo.; 2013. Presentation: “Five-Year Comparison of of Communication Disorders; 2012. School Speech-Language Pathologists’ Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Comfort Levels with Assessing and Treating Treating Stuttering: From Preschool to Book Review: “Recovery from Stuttering,’’ Stuttering,’’ with Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 Adulthood,’’ in Springfield, Ill.; 2013. by Howell, P., (New York, N.Y.: Psychology ASHA Convention. Press) in Journal of Fluency Disorders (38, Presentation: “Successful Strategies to pp. 300-302); 2013. Presentation: “Forming a Support Group Treating Stuttering: From Preschool to for Persons Who Stutter,’’ with Murgallis, T., Adulthood,’’ in Seattle, Wash.; 2013. Presentation: “Have SLPs Improved their and Rodriguez, M., at the 2013 ASHA Comfort Levels with Assessing/Treating Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Convention. Stuttering?,” with Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 Treating Stuttering: From Preschool to Pennsylvania Speech-Language and Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Adulthood,’’ in Portland, Ore.; 2013. Hearing Association (PSHA) Conference, Treat Stuttering: From Preschool to Harrisburg, Pa. Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Adulthood,’’ St. Louis, Mo.; June 2013. Treating Stuttering: From Preschool to Presentation: “I am Bullied Because I Adulthood,’’ in Orlando, Fla.; 2013. Presentation: “Successful Strategies to Stutter: What Help is Available?,” with Treat Stuttering: From Preschool to Tomaselli, A., at the 2013 PSHA Conference. Review Committee: Fluency Disorders, Adulthood,” Springfield, Ill.; 2013. 2013 ASHA Convention, Chicago, Ill. Presentation: “Blood Flow/Concentration Peer-Reviewed Article: “Find Your Voice: Changes using NIRS/DCS in Stuttering Presentation: “NIRS/DCS: Brain Blood-Flow Unlocking the Mysteries of Stuttering,’’ with Assessment,’’ with Cellary, C., Chandra, M., and Hemoglobin Concentration Changes Mesquita, R., and Yodh, A., in Scientific Gulotta, M.E., Mesquita, R., Schenkel, S., during Stuttering and Fluent Speech,’’ with American; 2013.

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Grant: “Use of NIRS to Measure Blood Presentation: “What Factors Affect Long- Presentation: “Perceptions of Persons Who Concentration in the Brains of Normally Term Success in Stuttering Treatment?,” Stutter Before and After Attending a Fluent Speakers,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia with McCann, A., and Tomaselli, A., at the Support Group,’’ with Murgalls, T., and University Faculty Research Grant. 2014 PSHA Conference. Vitale C., at the 10th Oxford Dysfluency Conference; 2014. Grant: “Are Communication Disorders Presentation: “Starting a University- Departments including Multicultural Sponsored Stuttering Support Group: A Reviewer: Journal of Fluency Disorders. Coursework in their Classes?,” 2013-14 Sustainable Approach,” with Murgallis, T., Misericordia University Summer Faculty and Rodriguez, M., at the 2014 PSHA Reviewer: Journal of Speech-Language and Research Grant. Conference. Hearing Research.

Award: Honors of the Association from the Presentation: “Labial and Mandibular Grant: “Use of NIRS to Measure Blood Pennsylvania Speech-Language and Movement of Persons Who Stutter,’’ with Concentration in the Brains of Typically Hearing Association at the 2014 Manasco, M., and Rodriguez, M., at the Fluent Speakers,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Pennsylvania Speech-Language and 2014 PSHA Conference. University Faculty Research Grant. Hearing Association (PSHA) Conference, Grant: “Five-Year Comparison of School Pittsburgh, Pa. Presentation: “Fluency Disorders: What do Speech-Language Pathology Students SLP’s Comfort Level with Assessing and Presentation: “Strategies to Treat Really Know?,” with Tomaselli, A., at the Treating Stuttering,’’ 2014-15 Misericordia Stuttering,’’ at the 2014 New Jersey 2014 PSHA Conference. University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Speech-Language Hearing Association Ruixia Yan, PhD – Associate Professor – Convention, Long Branch, N.J. Presentation: “Our Field’s Future: Speech- Language Pathology Students’ Perceptions Poster Presentation: “Improving Presentation: “Stuttering Treatment: About Research,’’ with Tomaselli, A., at the Phonological Awareness: Traditional Childhood to Adulthood,’’ Ohio University, 2014 PSHA Conference. Method vs. iPad-Integrated Method,’’ with Athens, Ohio; March 2014. Deforte, J., at the 2012 American Speech- Presentation: “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) Presentation: “Hemoglobin and Blood Flow A Novel Method of Measuring Hemoglobin Convention, Atlanta, Ga. Concentration Changes in Fluent Speakers Concentration Changes in the Brain,’’ with vs. Persons Who Stutter,’’ with Cellary, C., Murgallis, T., and Vitale, C., at the 10th Poster Presentation: “Appropriate and Gulotta, M., at the 2014 PSHA Oxford Dysfluency Conference, St. Language Assessment for Language Conference. Catherine’s College Oxford, United Minority Individuals,’’ with Deforte, J., at Kingdom; 2014. the 2012 American Speech-Language and Presentation: “Using Near-Infrared- Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention, Spectroscopy to Measure Blood Presentation: “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Atlanta, Ga. Concentration Changes in the Brain,’’ with Technology in Fluent Speakers and Persons Anson, D., Cellary, C., Gulotta, M., Who Stutter,’’ with Murgallis, T., and Vitale, Presentation: “Second-Language Murgallis, T., and Vitale, M., at the 2014 C., at the 10th Oxford Dysfluency Regression & Language Preferences in PSHA Conference. Conference; 2014. Alzheimer’s Disease,’’ with Foy, C., at the

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2013 ASHA Convention, Chicago, Ill. Phonological Disorders: Multiple Baseball Desegregation,’’ with Kearney, T., Oppositions vs. Cycles Approach,’’ at the 2013 Annual Conference of the Book Chapter: “Assessing the English with Foy, C., at the 2014 PSHA Conference, Pennsylvania Economic Association, Language Proficiency of International Pittsburgh, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Aviation Staff,’’ with Kunnan, A.J., (Ed.), in “The Companion to Language Poster Presentation: “Evaluative Presentation: “Are Interns an Endangered Assessment,’’ (Wiley­Blackwell, Expressions in English Narratives: A Cross­ Species? An Examination of the Changing pp. 484­496). Linguistic Study,’’ with Foy, C., at the 2014 Internship Environment in Sports and PSHA Conference. Entertainment,’’ at the 2013 Northeastern Grant: “Comparison of Multiple Association of Business, Economics, and Oppositions Intervention and Cycles Grant: “The World of Speech­Language Technology Conference, State College, Pa. Phonological Remediation Approach for Pathology and Audiology: A Bright Future,’’ Children with Phonological Disorders,’’ presentation at Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Presentation: “A Simple Model for Baseball 2013­14 Misericordia University Faculty China, 2014 Misericordia University Faculty Desegregation,” with Kearney T., at the Research Grant. Development Grant. 66th Annual Meeting of the New York State Economics Association Conference, Grant: “Second Language Regression and Reviewer: “Interrogating the Construct of Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, Language Preferences in Alzheimer’s Aviation English: Feedback from Test Takers N.Y.; October 2013. Dementia: A Pilot Study,’’ 2013­14 in Korea for Language Testing,’’ 2014. Misericordia University Summer Faculty Publication: “A Simple Model of Baseball Grant: “Influence of Video Simulated Research Grant. Desegregation,’’ with Gargone, D., in the Presence Technology on Language Mixing Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference Book Chapter: “The Language Factor and in Individuals with Dementia and Limited of the Pennsylvania Economics Association, Assessing English Proficiency in English Proficiency,’’ 2014­15 Misericordia pp. 78­86. International Aviation,’’ in “The Companion University Faculty Research Grant. to Language Assessment,’’ by Kunnan, A.J. Peer­Reviewed Publication: “Who Let the Grant: “Empowering Individuals with (Wiley­Blackwell), 2013. Dogs Out: Should a Stadium Owner be Specific Learning Disabilities when Seeking held Liable for a Mascot’s Errant Hot Dog Poster Presentation: “Using iPad in Health Care,’’ 2014­15 Misericordia Toss?,” with Winneker, J., and Ehrlich, S., Improving Phonological Awareness,’’ with University Summer Faculty Research Grant. in the Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal, Foy, C., at the 2013 Pennsylvania Speech­ Villanova Law School; July 2014. Language and Hearing (PSHA) Conference, College of Professional Studies Harrisburg, Pa. and Social Sciences Presentation: “An Economic Explanation for the Speed of Baseball: Desegregation,’’ Poster Presentation: “Bilingual Dementia of with Kearney, T., at the 2014 Eastern Alzheimer’s Type: A Case Study,’’ with Foy, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS Economic Association Annual Conference, C., at 2013 PSHA Conference. Boston, Mass. David Gargone, EdD – Assistant Professor Poster Presentation: “Intervention for – Presentation: “A Simple Model for Timothy Kearney, PhD – Associate

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Professor and Chair – Presentation: “The Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, Association, Scranton, Pa. Bishop’s Symposium on Catholic Social N.Y.; October 2013. Presentation: “The Blue Cross Wellness Justice,’’ at Misericordia University; Reviewed Presentation: “Globalization and Program,’’ with Kearney, T., at The October 2012. Transition,’’ at The Michael Sendzmir Panel Northeastern Association of Business, Invited Presentation: “Faculty of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences Economics and Technology Conference, Development,’’ at the 2012 International in America Annual Meeting, Arlington, Va.; State College, Pa.; 2013. Assembly for Collegiate Business Education June 2013. Grant: “The Effects of Increases in Cigarette Regional Meeting,’’ Gwynned Mercy Presentation: “The Blue Cross Wellness Prices on Drinking Behaviors,’’ 2013-14 College, Gwynned Valley, Pa. Program,’’ with Ma, Z., at The Northeastern Misericordia University Faculty Research Reviewed Presentation: “Using Modern Association of Business, Economics and Grant.

Portfolio Tools to Analyze Copernicus’ Technology Conference, State College, Pa.; 2013. Grant: “The Effects of Increases in Cigarette Monetary Theories,’’ at The Michael Prices on Smoking Behaviors: Estimates Sendzmir Panel of the Polish Institute of Grant: “Using Options to Measure using MSA as a Natural Experiment,” 2013­ Arts and Sciences in America Annual Moneyness under a Fixed Exchange Rate 14 Misericordia University Summer Faculty Meeting, Boston, Mass.; September 2012. Regime,’’ 2013-14 Misericordia University Research Grant. Summer Faculty Research Grant. Presentation: “A Simple Model for Baseball John Mellon, EdD – Association Professor Desegregation,’’ with Gargone, D., at the Reviewed Presentation: “An Economic – Presentation: “Student Preferred Methods 2013 Annual Conference of the Explanation for the Speed of Baseball: of Instruction Survey for Enhancing Pennsylvania Economic Association, Desegregation,’’ with Gargone, D., at the Teaching Practices,’’ at the 43rd Annual Scranton, Pa. 2014 Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference of the International Society for Conference, Boston, Mass. Exploring Teaching and Learning,’’ Orlando, Publication: “A Simple Model of Baseball Fla.; October 2013. Desegregation,’’ with Gargone, D., in the Reviewed Panel Presentation: “Monetary Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference Unions,’’ at the Fifth World Congress on Joshua D. Winneker, JD – Assistant of the Pennsylvania Economics Association, Polish Studies with the Polish finance Professor – Peer-Reviewed Publication: pp. 78-86. minister and deputy director general, “Protecting the Unprotected: Creating an Economics Institute of the Polish National Anti-Retaliation Policy for Professional Award: Appointed to Pennsylvania Bank, Warsaw, Poland; June 2014. Athletes that Exercise their Legal Rights in Economic Association board of directors, Participant vs. Participant Liability Contact 3-year term beginning in 2013. Zhen Ma, PhD – Assistant Professor – Sports,’’ in the Virginia Sports and Presentation: “The Effects of Increases in Entertainment Law Journal, University of Presentation: “A Simple Model for Baseball Cigarette Prices on Smoking Behaviors: Virginia School of Law; September 2013. Desegregation,” with Gargone, D., at the Estimates Using MSA as a Natural 66th Annual Meeting of the New York State Experiment,’’ at the 2013 Annual Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Potential Civil Economics Association Conference, Conference of the Pennsylvania Economic Liability of Gatorade Baths,’’ Arizona State

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Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, the Eastern Psychological Association, Grant: “Physiological Responses to In- Arizona State University Law School; New York, N.Y.; March 2013. Person and On-Line Exclusion,’’ 2014-15 November 2013. Misericordia University Summer Faculty Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Examining Research Grant. Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Sports the Effects of Perceived Social Support on Gambling and the Expanded Equal Daily Mood and Symptom Reports in Marnie Hiester, PhD – Professor and Chair Sovereignty Doctrine,’’ with Sprotzer, I., Asthma and Arthritis Patients,’’ with Smyth, – Poster Presentation: “An Interdisciplinary and Demery, L., Virginia Sports and J.M., Zawadzki, M.J., and Santuzzi, A.M., Approach to Teaching the Psychology of Entertainment Law Journal, University of in Psychology and Health, (Vol. 29, pp. 813­ Gender,” at the 35th Annual National Virginia Law School; January 2014. 831); 2014. Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, Fla.; 2013. Peer-Reviewed Publication: “Who Let the Grant: “Physiological Responses in Peer-Reviewed Publication: “The Impact of Dogs Out: Should a Stadium Owner be In-Person and On-Line Exclusion,’’ Social Anxiety and Self Esteem on College held Liable for a Mascot’s Errant Hot Dog 2013-14 Misericordia University Faculty Adjustment, Academics, and Retention,’’ Toss?,” with Gargone, D., and Ehrlich, S., Research Grant.

Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal, with Nordstrom, A.H., and Swenson, L.M., in Journal of College Counseling, Villanova Law School; July 2014. Grant: “Physiological Responses to In- Person and On-Line Exclusion,’’ 2013-14 17(1); 2014. Presentation: “Sports Gambling, New Misericordia University Summer Faculty Chip Hunter, PhD – Associate Professor – Jersey and Beyond,’’ with Sprotzer, I., Research Grant. Poster Presentation: “Lateral Hypothalamic at the Academy of Legal Studies in Poster Presentation: “How Does It Feel Self Stimulation Increases Levels of Business Annual Conference, Boston, Acetylcholine in the Nucleus Accumbens,’’ to be Left Out? Situational and Personality Mass.; August 2014. at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Factors Influencing Our Responses to Psychological Association, New York, N.Y.; DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Exclusion,’’ with Cupano, J., Halbing, E., March 2013. Huxta, T., Kendzor, J., Nowalis, S., Reid, S., Kelly B. Filipkowski, PhD – Assistant Vitale, S., and Wolf, B., at the 2014 Charles LaJeunesse, PhD – Professor – Professor – Peer-Reviewed Publication: Misericordia University Annual Presentation: “The Ability of Cooperative “Plugged in but not Connected: Undergraduate Scientific Poster Session, Learning to Enhance Student Learning,’’ at Individuals’ Views of and Responses to Dallas, Pa. the Farmingdale State College 26th Annual Online and In-Person Exclusion,” with Teaching of Psychology Conference, Smyth, J.M., in Computers in Human Peer Reviewer: Basic and Applied Social Farmingdale, Conn.; April 2013. Behavior; 2012. Psychology Journal. Alicia H. Nordstrom, PhD – Professor – Peer-Reviewed Publication: Poster Peer Reviewer: Poster session abstract at Presentation: “Best Practices in Teaching Presentation: “Coping with In-Person and the 2014 Pennsylvania Psychological Statistics and Research Methods,’’ at the Online Ostracism: Perceptions of Behavioral Association Annual Convention, Conference of the Society for Teaching Responses,’’ at the 84th Annual Meeting of Harrisburg, Pa. Psychology, Atlanta, Ga.; October 2012.

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Award: 2013 Pauly and Sidney Friedman Psychological Association Conference, Management: An Introduction,’’ Excellence in Service Award in recognition Boston, Mass. (Ed.1); 2012. of her service to the University and greater community. Publication: “The Voices Project: Reducing Research: “Occupational Therapy and What Students’ Racism in Introduction to Geriatric Care Management: Collaborating Presentation: “The Voices Project,’’ at the Psychology” in Teaching of Psychology, to Increase Expertise of Cognition and 4th International Conference on the (In Press). Memory in the Elderly Population through Teaching of Psychology, Vancouver, British the Establishment of a Memory Fitness Columbia; July 2013. Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic Center,’’ with Zack, L. and Psychological Adjustment of Health Presentation: “Reducing Racism in College Sciences Graduate Students,’’ (continuation) Book Chapters: “Neurocognitive Disorders” Students: Using SoTL to Evaluate the with Massey, S., 2014-15 Misericordia (Chapter 28, pp. 195-202) and “Providing Impact of Peacebuilding Pedagogy,” University Faculty Research Grant. Social Services to the Older Client” at the 2013 International Conference on (Chapter 84, pp. 576-580), in “A Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric and Psychological Adjustment of Health Raleigh, N.C. Rehabilitation,” (Ed.3), (Elsevier, Sciences Graduate Students,’’ Philadelphia); 2014. Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic (continuation), 2014-15 Misericordia and Psychological Adjustment of Health University Summer Faculty Research Grant. Publication: “Dementia and DSM-5,” Science Graduate Students,” with Massey, in Aging Well magazine; Presentation: “Infusing Sociocultural S., 2013-14 Misericordia University Faculty November/December 2012. Research Grant. Learning in Psychology Classes,’’ accepted for the 37th National Institute on the Presentation: “Navigating the Psychosocial Grant: “Longitudinal Study of Academic Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, Staircase,’’ at the Alzheimer’s Association and Psychological Adjustment of Health Fla.; 2015. Greater Pennsylvania Chapter Conference, Science Graduate Students,’’ with Massey, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; May 2013. S., 2013-14 Misericordia University Summer DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY Faculty Research Grant. AND SOCIAL WORK Presentation: “Neurocognitive Rehabilitation,’’ at the 45th Annual Peer-Reviewed Publication: “The Impact of Margaret Rapp, PhD, MSW – Associate Pennsylvania Therapeutic Recreation Social Anxiety and Self Esteem on College Professor and Chair – Award: Elected to Institute,’’ Lancaster, Pa.; June 2013. Adjustment, Academics, and Retention,’’ Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania with Hiester, M., and Swenson, L.M., in Board of Directors; 2013. Manuscript Review: “Feasibility and Efficacy Journal of College Counseling, 17(1); 2014. of Intensive Cognitive Training in Early James Siberski, MS, CMC, CRmT – Stage Alzheimer’s Disease,’’ for American Poster Presentation: “Parenting Styles as Assistant Professor – Book Chapter: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Predictors of Mental Health, Substance Use “Chronic Care and Alzheimer’s Disease,’’ Dementias; June 2013. and Adjustment in Emerging Adults,’’ with with McSweeny-Feld, M.H., and Oetjen, R., Nowalis, S., at the 2014 Eastern in “Dimensions of Long-Term Care Manuscript Review: “Cognitive Stimulation

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for Cognitively Impaired Portuguese Older Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias and Teacher Educators 41st Annual Teacher Adults,’’ for American Journal of Alzheimer’s (Sage Publications); June 2014 (online), Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa.; Disease and Other Dementias; October December 2014 (hard copy). October 2012. 2013. DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER Presentation: “Should Teacher Preparation Poster Presentation: “Computer-Based EDUCATION Move to a Clinical-Based Model?,” with Cognitive Training for Individuals with Banya, K., at the 6th Annual Northeastern Intellectual and Developmental Kingsley Banya, PhD – Professor – Book Pennsylvania Faculty and Student Research Disabilities,’’ at the 26th Annual U.S. Chapter: “Poverty and Marginality in Sub- Symposium at The Commonwealth Medical Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress Saharan Africa,’’ in “Living on the College, Scranton, Pa.; 2013. Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Nev.; Boundaries: Urban Marginality in National October 2013. and International Contexts,’’ by Yeakey, C.C. Presentation: “Techniques & Tools for (Advances in Education in Diverse Flipping a College Classroom,” at the 2013 Publication: “Memory Maintenance,’’ Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis, Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and with Siberski, C., and Zack, L., in Today’s Vol. 8) (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. Teacher Educators 42nd Teacher Education Geriatric Medicine; November/December 563-603); 2012. Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa. 2013. Presentation: “Exploring the Move Toward Presentation: “Oh, the Places Your Classes Presentation: “Come to Your Senses: Clinically-Based Teacher Education,’’ with Will Go with Technology,’’ at the 2014 Understanding Human Perception,’’ at Pennsylvania State Education Association Broskoske, St., and Vitale, M., at The Mercy Center Skilled Nursing and Personal Conference, Misericordia University, Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Care, Dallas, Pa.; May 2013. Dallas, Pa. Teacher Educators 41st Annual Teacher Award: Community Outreach Volunteer Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa.; Presentation: “Improving Flipping in Award from the Alzheimer’s Association October 2012. College Classes,” at the 2014 Pennsylvania Greater Pennsylvania Chapter; May 2013. Educational Technology Expo and Presentation: “Should Teacher Preparation Conference, Hershey, Pa. Presentation: “Navigating the Psychosocial Move to a Clinical-Based Model?,” with Staircase – Neuronal Scaffolding, Boomers, Broskoske, S., at the 6th Annual Presentation: “Pedagogy Research: and the Recreation Therapist,’’ at the 46th Northeastern Pennsylvania Faculty and Exploring the Possibility of Flipping a Annual Pennsylvania Therapeutic Student Research Symposium at The College Class,’’ at the 7th Annual Recreation Institute, Lancaster, Pa.; Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton, Northeastern Pennsylvania Faculty and June 2014. Pa.; April 2013. Student Research Symposium, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; 2014. Publication: “Computer-Based Cognitive Stephen L. Broskoske, EdD – Associate Training for Individuals with Intellectual and Professor – Presentation: “Exploring the Michele Brague, Med – Assistant Developmental Disabilities,’’ with Eckroth- Move Toward Clinically-Based Teacher Professor – Presentation: “Use of Service Bucher, M., French, A., Horton, S., Shatil, E., Education,’’ with Banya, K., and Vitale, M., Learning to Increase Instructional and Siberski, C., in the American Journal of at The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges Opportunities for Pre-Service Teachers,’’

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with Vitale, M., and Tomascik, S., at The Banya, K., and Broskoske, S., at The Barbara Leggat, MS – Director – Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Presentation: “It Takes an Institutional Teacher Educators 41st Annual Teacher Teacher Educators 41st Annual Teacher Village,’’ with Kline, J., and Murgolo-Poore, Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa.; Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa.; M., at the 50th Annual North American

October 2012. October 2012. Association of Summer Sessions Jodi Loughlin, DEd – Assistant Professor – Presentation: “Use of Service Learning to Conference, Denver, Colo.; 2013. Presentation: “Linking Reading Methods Increase Instructional Opportunities for Pre- Presentation: “Best Practices in Applying Courses to Competency Requirements,’’ Service Teachers,’’ with Brague, M., and at The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges Tomascik, S., at The Pennsylvania Alternate Instructional Equivalencies,’’ with and Teacher Educators 41st Annual Teacher Association of Colleges and Teacher Nardone, P., at , Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa.; Educators 41st Annual Teacher Education Gwynedd Valley, Pa.; January 2014. October 2012. Assembly; October 2012. Presentation: “Four Core Principles for Presentation: “Strategies that Prepare Presentation: “Strategies that Prepare Alternate Format Programs,’’ with Nardone, Teachers to Integrate Educational and Teachers to Integrate Educational and P., at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic University Assistive Technologies into a Language Assistive Technologies into a Language Arts Professional and Continuing Association Arts Classroom,’’ at the 2013 Pennsylvania Curriculum,’’ at the 2013 Pennsylvania Conference, University of Delaware, Association of Colleges and Teacher Association of Colleges and Teacher Newark, Del. Educators 42nd Teacher Education Educators 42nd Annual Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa. Assembly, Harrisburg, Pa. Paul Nardone, MS – Faculty Services and Assessment Coordinator – Presentation: Joseph Rogan, EdD – Professor – Poster CENTER FOR ADULT AND CONTINUING “Best Practices in Applying Alternate Presentation: “Alternative Lesson Planning EDUCATION AND OFFICE OF Instructional Equivalencies,’’ with Leggat, for Special Education,’’ at the Annual SUMMER STUDIES Meeting for Professional Developers at B., at Gwynedd Mercy University, Gwynedd Kansas University Center for Research in Richard Akers, MA, Med – Student Services Valley, Pa.; January 2014. Learning, Lawrence, Kansas; 2013. Coordinator – Presentation: “Four Core Principles for Accelerated and Online Presentation: “Four Core Principles for Susan Tomascik, PhD – Associate Professor Learning,’’ with Nardone, P., and Evans, J., Accelerated and Online Learning,’’ with – Presentation: “Use of Service Learning to at the 8th Annual Lehigh Valley Association Akers, R., and Evans, J., at the 8th Annual Increase Instructional Opportunities for Pre- of Independent Colleges Conference, Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Service Teachers,’’ with Brague, M., and Allentown, Pa.; 2014. Colleges Conference, Allentown, Pa.; 2014. Vitale, M., at The Pennsylvania Association Johnna Evans, BA – Expressway Student of Colleges and Teacher Educators 41st Presentation: “Four Core Principles for Services Coordinator – Presentation: “Four Annual Teacher Education Assembly, Alternate Format Programs,’’ with Leggat, Harrisburg, Pa.; October 2012. Core Principles for Accelerated and Online Learning,’’ with Akers, R., and Nardone, P., B., at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic University Marianne Vitale, EdD – Associate Professor at the 8th Annual Lehigh Valley Association Professional and Continuing Association – Presentation: “Exploring the Move Toward of Indepent- Colleges Conference, Conference, University of Delaware, Clinically-Based Teacher Education,’’ with Allentown, Pa.; 2014. Newark, Del.

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ADMINISTRATION Thomas J. Botzman, Ph.D. President

Barbara Samuel Loftus, Ph.D. Vice President, Planning, Assessment, Research

Susan Helwig, M.S. Vice President, University Advancement

T.J. Arant, Ph.D. Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs

Eric R. Nelson, M.B.A. Vice President, Finance and Administration

Jean Messaros, RSM, M.S. Vice President, Mission Integration

Kathleen ‘ Kit ’ Foley, M.S. Vice President, Student Affairs

Jane Dessoye, M.S. Executive Director, Enrollment Management



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Moran, Kelley

Moran, Michael


Pate­ Schloder




Scaler Scott


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Tellis, Cari

Tellis, Glen


Tremback­ Ball





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Over the years, Misericordia became academic year. MU in the top tier of the 2015 Best the region’s premier college for With a record enrollment of Regional Universities-North category educating and training students in the 3,196 undergraduate and graduate in the annual edition of Best Colleges. health and medical sciences, and in students in full- and part-time Ranked 41st out of 135 colleges and teacher education. Athletic programs formats, Misericordia has earned universities, Misericordia has improved were added, and academic programs regional acclaim and national 26 places in the annual ranking since and facilities were expanded. The recognition for its dedication to quality 2007. The Princeton Review recognized college became co-educational in academics, service leadership and Misericordia as one of the top colleges the 1970s. In 2007, Misericordia professional preparation. and universities in the “2015 Best achieved University status. Today, In 2014, Washington Monthly Regional Colleges.’’ it offers bachelor’s, master’s and magazine ranked Misericordia among Misericordia offers 34 degree doctoral degrees in three colleges: the top 41 percent of all master’s programs and more than 800 classes Arts and Sciences, Health Sciences, degree-granting institutions of higher per semester on campus, in the and Professional Studies and education in the country in a survey community and online to serve Social Sciences. that stresses community service and traditional and adult students. Misericordia was established based social mobility of students. The Today, the University has 15 buildings on the tenets of Mercy, Service, Justice magazine also gave Misericordia a and an extensive athletic complex on and Hospitality. For 90 years, the “Best Bang for the Buck’’ designation, the Upper Campus, and 10 additional University community has advocated placing it 123rd out of the 176 buildings, including John J. Passan volunteerism, social justice and service institutions that were recognized in the Hall, the home of the College of to the marginalized among its students, nation. Washington Monthly recognized Health Sciences, in Dallas Borough who completed more than 151,000 671 colleges and universities in the that comprise the Lower Campus. hours of service and service learning broader annual rankings. More than 1,000 students live in around the globe in the 2012-13 U.S. News & World Report listed University housing.