2015 Flint Hill Certamen – Upper Level


1. Tossup. Translate this sentence from English to Latin: There is no doubt that Caesar is the best general. NŌN DUBIUM EST QUĪN CAESAR DUX / IMPERĀTOR OPTIMUS SIT. Bonus 1. Now translate this sentence: is the kind of man who believes Caesar is better than Cato. SUETONIUS VIR EST QUĪ CAESAREM ESSE MELIŌREM CATŌNE / QUAM CATŌNEM CREDAT Bonus 2. Now translate this sentence: I will be a senator while Caesar lives. (EGO) SENĀTOR ERŌ DUM / DUMMODO CAESAR VĪVAT

2. Tossup. What author born at Teate wrote Historiae from the consulship of Metellus to Philippi and founded the first public library in Rome? (ASINIUS) POLLIO Bonus 1. In which book of the Eclogues is the coming of the Messiah referred to? 4th Bonus 2. What work served as a continuation of Caesar’s Commentariī dē Bellō Gallicō and Commentariī dē Bellō Cīvilī? BELLUM ALEXANDRĪNUM / DĒ BELLŌ ALEXANDRĪNŌ

3. Tossup. When Demeter came to Eleusis, to what two children of the king there was she asked to serve as nurse? DEMOPHOON & TRIPTOLEMUS Bonus 1. Who were the mother and father of those boys? CELEUS & METANEIRA Bonus 2. Under what assumed name did Demeter go when she met the king and queen? DOSO

4. Tossup. Give a synonym for the Latin verb cumulō. AUGEŌ / CRĒSCŌ / AGGERŌ Bonus 1. Give an antonym for the Latin adjective ignarus. SAPIĒNS / INTELLEGĒNS / SAGAX Bonus 2. Give a deponent synonym for the Latin verb fallō. MENTIOR

5. Tossup. Name all four wives of in chronological order. (PLAUTIA) URGULANILLA, AELIA (PAETINA), MESSALINA, AGRIPPINA MINOR / THE YOUNGER Bonus 1. Now name all three wives of . OCTAVIA, POPPAEA (SABINA), (STATILIA) MESSALINA Bonus 2. To what future emperor had Poppaea Sabina previously been married? OTHO


1 2015 Flint Hill Certamen – Upper Level

6. Tossup. Listen carefully to the following passage from Catullus, which I will read twice as prose, and then answer the questions about it IN ENGLISH.

Nolī admīrārī, quāre tibi femina nulla, Rufe, velit tenerum supposuisse femur, non sī illam rarae labefactēs munere vestis aut perlucidūlī deliciīs lapidis. Laedit tē quaedam mala fābula, quā tibi fertur valle sub alārum trux habitāre caper.

The question. What does Rufus apparently not understand, although Catullus is only too happy to explain it to him? WHY NO WOMAN WANTS TO LIE WITH HIM / SLEEP WITH HIM, ETC. Bonus 1. What is so repulsive about Rufus? HE HAS A (SAVAGE) GOAT UNDERNEATH HIS ARMPITS, I.E., HE SMELLS BAD Bonus 2. According to Catullus, what two gifts would women refuse if it meant having to be close to Rufus? (RARE) CLOTHING & (A VERY CLEAR) GEM

7. Tossup. What son of Astacus was a defender of Thebes when the Seven attacked and is most remembered after death when Tydeus began to eat his brains? MELANIPPUS Bonus 1. What consequence did Tydeus suffer for this groteque act? ATHENA GAVE UP HER PLANS TO MAKE HIM IMMORTAL Bonus 2. Another Melanippus was the son of Theseus and Perigune, a young woman whom Theseus ravished after killing her outlaw father. Who was this father of Perigune and grandfather of Melanippus? SINIS / PITYOCAMPTES

8. Tossup. The poetic line “Cēdite Rōmānī scriptōrēs, cēdite Graī! Nesciō quid maius nascitur Iliāde” was a compliment paid by what elegiac poet born in Assisi? (SEXTUS) PROPERTIUS Bonus 1. What author was Propertius complimenting when he made this remark? VERGIL Bonus 2. The third book of Propertius’ Elegies contains an epicedion on what young man whose untimely death was a central theme in Book 6 of the Aeneid? MARCELLUS

9. Tossup. Translate the following sentence into English: Habēre nōmina quattuor multō melius quam habēre tantum tria est. IT IS MUCH BETTER TO HAVE FOUR NAMES THAN (IT IS) TO HAVE ONLY THREE Bonus 1. Now translate this sentence: Meruī nōmen quartum audācissimē pugnandō. I EARNED A FOURTH NAME BY FIGHTING VERY BOLDLY Bonus 2: And finally, translate this sentence: Mālō nomen quartum quam cognōmen “Verrucosus”. I PREFER (MY) FOURTH NAME TO MY COGNOMEN “VERRUCOSUS” / “COVERED WITH WARTS”

2 2015 Flint Hill Certamen – Upper Level

10. Tossup. What Numidian chieftain attempted to revolt against in the early 1st century AD? TACFARINAS Bonus 1. Who was the general that defeated him? (P. CORNELIUS) DOLABELLA Bonus 2. Which Roman general had tried to defeat Tacfarinas earlier, but with little success? (IUNIUS) BLAESUS


11. Tossup. Which of the following, if any, does not derive from the same Latin root as the others: treat, trace, train, trait, distraught? THEY ARE ALL FROM THE SAME ROOT Bonus 1. From what verb with what meaning do these words come? TRAHŌ – TO DRAG; DRAW Bonus 2. What English word from the same root means “an incorrect answer on a multiple choice question deliberately meant to mislead the test taker”? DISTRACTOR

12. Tossup. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, who were the parents of the Gorgons, the Graeae, and Echidna? PHORCYS & CETO Bonus 1. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, who were the parents of Typhon? GAEA & TARTARUS Bonus 2. What son of Gaea and Pontus married Electra and, by her, was the father of the Harpies and Iris? THAUMAS

13. Tossup. Identify the use of the ablative in the following sentence: Vulnera in Caelī Rufī corpore mirābilia vīsū sunt. ABLATIVE OF SPECIFICATION / RESPECT Bonus 1. Identify the use of the ablative in this sentence: Drusus multōs agrōs vigintī mīlibus sestertiīs vendidit. ABLATIVE OF (DEFINITE) PRICE Bonus 2. Identify the use of the ablative in this sentence: Mīlitēs aquam nīve bibēbant. ABLATIVE OF ORIGIN / SOURCE

14. Tossup. Which author born in Comum wrote a panegyric on a certain good Emperor? PLINY THE YOUNGER Bonus 1. To which emperor did he write? TRAJAN Bonus 2. Pliny the Younger also is known for the multitude of letters he wrote. To what other Roman writer did he write a letter about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

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15. Tossup. At what battle in 83 AD or 84 AD did the Roman general Agricola defeat the Caledonians? MONS GRAUPIUS Bonus 1. What chieftain of the Caledonians led the losing side at that battle? CALGACUS Bonus 2. What modern day country corresponds to Caledonia? SCOTLAND


16. Tossup. What is the Latin for the state motto of New Mexico? CRĒSCIT EUNDŌ Bonus 1. What verb form is eundō? GERUND Bonus 2. What is the Latin for the state motto of Maryland? SCUTŌ BONAE VOLUNTĀTIS TUAE, CORŌNĀSTĪ NŌS

17. Tossup. Marcus Aurelius Cleander was a freedman who gained immense power due to his status as a favorite of what Roman emperor whom he served from 182 – 190 AD? COMMODUS Bonus 1. Aurelius Cleander disposed of the praetorian prefect Atilius Aebutianus is 188 AD and appointed himself praetorian prefect. This left Rome with the unprecedented of having how many praetorian prefects? 3 Bonus 2. What title did Aurelius Cleander give himself, a word meaning “dagger-bearer”? PUGIŌNE

18. Tossup. According to the Homeric Hymns, what prince did Aphrodite sleep with for two weeks straight, a union that produced an offspring who features rather prominently in Vergil’s most famous work? ANCHISES Bonus 1. From what region near Troy did Aphrodite pretend she was from? PHRYGIA Bonus 2. What did Anchises ask of Aphrodite when he suspected that she was a goddess in disguise? (EITHER) THAT HE LIVE TO OLD AGE OR HE BECOME DISTINGUISHED AMONG THE TROJANS

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19. Tossup. What Gallic author born in 82 BC wrote to Leucadia, modeled his satires after Lucilius, and was called Atacinus to distinguish himself from the more distinguished writer from Reate who shared his name? VARRO (OF ATAX) Bonus 1. Varro Atacinus wrote an epic poem that survives only in fragments describing ’s battles against what Gallic tribe? SEQUANI (IT’S ENTITLED BELLUM SEQUANICUM) Bonus 2. Whose Argonautica did Varro Atacinus complete a translation of? APOLLONIUS RHODIUS‘ / APOLLONIUS OF RHODES


20. Tossup. When recognized by the spotter, perform the following commands: Stā et dīc vōce maestā, “Nōlō hoc certāmen conficī!” STAND UP, AND IN A SAD VOICE SAY, “I DON’T WANT THIS CERTAMEN TO END / TO BE FINISHED!” Bonus 1. Now perform these commands: Surgite et, orāntēs, omnēs dīcite: ”Si tibi placet, lege nōbīs plūrēs quaestiōnēs!” EVERY PLAYER STANDS AND BEGS, “PLEASE READ US MORE QUESTIONS!” Bonus 2. Now perform these commands: Surgite, omnēs, et inter sē amplectāmini. EVERY PLAYER STANDS UP AND HUGS EACH OTHER