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The BG News March 23, 2001

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SliLffACADEMY AWARDS: ^^k U'UN% j ■/ 1/ L 1 MOSTLY CLOUDY NOW predictions are in W^ ■ 1 J W V L HIGH: 55 | LOW: 32

for Sunday night; MM ^ 1 -M^A VOLUME 90 ISSUE 117


travels to COURTESY KGTV camp for ill children HA2 .. By Katy Ellsworth CAMPUS UFf REPORTER A weekend in Lustis, I-'lorida is not a vacation for the 15 members of Kappa Alpha Order; it's a weekend „A - Mk.Mkm. ».£^ of work to bring smiles to sick children. ■ 2Sm~ ' Today the members left to spend the weekend at the Boggy (Ireek Gang Cam p. Three days will be spent \Mm m ' 4 &. being family pals, which are volunteers who do activ- ities with families and children with terminal heart diseases. A ' ^^H 1 "It means so much to us to be going down "The best part there." said Ion about this is llausinan, project out- we are actually reach chairman. The Boggy Creek Gang going to make Camp gives children these kids' BREAKING NEWS with terminal illnesses J the chance to have a Hues better." camp experience they ■SCHOOL SHOOTING normally would not get. JON HAUSMAN. The children who attend PROJECT OUTREACH VOICE OF DAVE COOK ■ in' usually in and out of CHAIRMAN hospitals and do not have EL CAJON, CALIF. POLICE DEPT. LIVE the freedom to do what other kids do. Although the men in Kappa Alpha Order have DOW ' 97.52 NAS A 67.47 S&P '4.56 1:3lp PT done little things to help out around the community, this is the first time that they have made a big trip. i»——■ 'II WaHH.'HtM.V "16 me it represents a big op|M>rtunity to do some- SAGA CONTINUES: Students walk away from the scene of a shooting at Granite Hills High School in El Caion, Calif in this image from television, thing good," said losh Brighan, a Kappa Alpha Order yesterday. Granite Hills High School is just four miles from Santana High School, the scene of a shooting just three weeks ago. membet "It gives us an opportunity to do something positive and represents the (Ireek community." The Office of Residence life backed Kappa Alpha Order's trip. The group proposed the trip to Residence Life who thought 11 I.II it was a wonderful idea. They tlien loaned the money to die group so that their air- fare was paid for. Linda Newman, Residence Life director, said that she is proud that the men of Kappa Alpha Order spent their time raising money so that they could help the children. LOCAL SCHOOLS REACT TO RECENT SHOOTINGS "We feel very positively about them going." Newman said. youths sec him as only a "glorified Senior Sarah Painter, who previ- Newman also said that loaning money is not some- Student teachers sub," others respect him. And while ously taught at Waite in Toledo, also thing that Residence Life can do for every student concerned over California group. Southview has a plan for emergen- said that security devices are insuffi- In order to pay for the trip, which will pay back the current tragedies, cies, nothing serious has happened cient. " [The studentsl will find a way yet. to smuggle things in," she said. loan. members had to sell chocolate bars and send safety measures Another student teacher at Relating the experience of her school hit letters to their parents requesting donations. The group received a good turnout of gifts from both par- Southview, senior Jacob Panico, said friends in Marion, Painter said that he hasn't witnessed any violence metal detectors make their school ents and alumni. by student By Jordan Fouts firsthand. But in light of recent feel like a prison. "By treating them Newman said that the projection of fund raising Cllt REPORTER that was presented would pay for the trip. events, a certain amount of atten- like criminals, it makes diem feel More dangers exist now for col- tion must be paid when threats worse," she said. gunman When Kappa Alpha Order reaches the camp, each lege students teaching in high member will spend the weekend completing activi- arise. Instead, local schools take more By Bcrnie Wilson schools than what they faced in "Nowadays, you have to take successful approaches such as HSS0CU1ED PRESS WRITER ties with one family. Some of the activities will include dieir own pre-university years. these things more seriously," Panico teacher-parent-student interaction EL CAJON, Calif. — An 18-year- horseback riding, arts and crafts, archery and a Locally, what is the situation for cainpfire. said. and peer mediation programs. old student opened fire at his high student teachers from the Area schools are responding to "Peer mediation cuts down a lot school Thursday, wounding three CAMP, PAGE 5 University? the dangers in different ways. But of problems, and keeps them from classmates and a teacher before "I'm still new to this teaching rarely do they turn to security mea- getting serious," said leff Thoenes, he was shot by a police officer stuff," said Scott Graham, who vol- sures as severe as metal detectors principal of Bowling Green Junior who engaged him in a running unteered at Southview in Syivania. and security cameras, which Panico gun battle, authorities said. He said that even though some said is no deterrent. STUDENTTEACHERS. PAGE 5 There was no immediate indi- Non-traditional cation what triggered the violence at Granite Hills High School, which came less than diree weeks student dies Local educators heighten student safety after two students were killed at a By Jordan Fouts tragedies from occurring. Around instituting stricter policies, and hav- nearby school in Santee. Terri Hess, a part-time student and senior at the CIH REPORTER the Bowling Green area, smdents ing plans in the event of a crisis. The suspect, identified by University, died Wednesday, March 7 in an automo- Horror stories of students gunned regard their schools' strategies in The new rules largely apply to authorities as lason Hoffman, was bile accident. down in high schools never quite hit different ways. dress and behavior, to varying shot in the jaw and buttocks, the Hess, 47, was from Perrysburg and worked at the home until they happen in your While no major events have been degrees. While some prohibit cloth- most serious injuries stemming Ford Stamping Plant in Maumee. neighborhood. reported locally, there have been ing like trench coats, others are from the violence. She took classes at the University. She was a man- With this in mind, many schools incidents of threats and weapons more concerned with bags and Shotgun pellet wounds suffered agement Information systems major and was to across the nation are reacting with being brought into schools. Two graduate soon. various measures to prevent such approaches schools are trying are SAFETY. PAGE 5 GRANITE HILLS, PAGE 5 Gas station gets struck by cigarette thief, suspect at large By Crag Gilford The packs of cigarettes were noticed him put diem into his CHIEF REPORTER taken from a display case inside pants." Tuesday evening, the day man- the station. According to Troy The report of the incident was ager at the Wooster street Reynolds. spokesman for not made until five days after its Marathon station reported that Marathon Ashland Petroleum, occurrence because the district 55 packs of cigarettes were stolen the theft was not noticed until manager had to get in contact on March 15. The total value of later. with the store's security group, the cigarettes were $161.15 "We noticed it through a stan- Reynolds said. The group U. Brad Conner of the Bowling dard inventory at die end of the instructed the manager to go Green Police Department said shift," he said. ahead and contact the police, "so although there are videos and Conner said the culprit was diere was some lag time there," photos of the theft occurring, a able to get out unseen because he Reynolds said. suspect has not been identified was wearing large pants and was Conner said that the patrol offi- and no arrests have been made. able to put the cigarettes in diem. cers have also been made aware The suspect was, however, "They noticed later that all of the theft and are on the search confirmed as being an African- these cigarettes were missing," Marathon security photo ol suspect provided by Bowling Green Police Department American male. Conner said. "On the video, we MARATHON, PAGE 5 2 Friday, March 23.2001 BG NEWS


By Mary Beth WiKong make the event bigger?" .- ■ ™ ASSt MANAGING E0110ft The University approached The more the merrier. For Firelands this past year for their the first time in the help, but was turned down University's history. because Firelands is a commuter ■F I HI Dance Marathon will get outside school and there was rime con- assistance on raising money. flicts for holding meetings. J Heidelberg College is helping The idea sprung from Perm Ml MM W the University the same way State's dance marathon, said Pete pi dancers at the Univeristy does, Titas, director of Dance having studens raise money and Marathon. He also said that they - 1 dancing in the 34 hour have nine to 10 colleges support- ^v W ^T^^H marathon. Two students from ing Penn State's event each year P^-V ft^" I leidclberg, Lou Hbling and Steve and that those schools raise ^ Teresi, along with their liasion between $25-30 thousand indi- *? Katie Holdgreve will spend the vidually. A. *_ weekend dancing for the chil- Support for the expansion of dren from the Medical College of ' Dance Marathon is positive. \ Ohio. "1 think it's awesome," said • Outside students are being Spaz, a dancer representing the ^ brought in to expand the support Falcon Spirit Team. "1 think that if throughout northwestern Ohio we could get more schools » ^t^' >^l 1 said Ion Labbe, dancer relations involved we could start a rivalry chair. to earn even more money for the * i "Dance Marathon helps lads kids." * * : 1 . in northwest Ohio and there are But. Tricia Byrne, a dancer for tons of schools in northwest the off-campus organization, has Ohio," [.abbe said. "We wanted to a different way to look at it. reach out to them (the schools) "The more the merrier," Byrne because the kids may be from said. "If they're all there for the their area" kids then it doesn't matter, but if Also, I leidelberg was brought it happens year after year than it in to add a twist to the weekend. would." y Sinh Casio BG News "It's something new to Dance Byrne went on to say that Marathon." said Labbe. "We try Heidelberg can learn off of what CANDLELIGHT: About 50 University students took a 15 minute, candlelit walk around campus Thursday night. The walk was to support to get something fresh every year the University does and take it the children sponsored by 200l's Dance Marathon starting on Sat. March 25. At the end of the walk the participants were asked to blow such as new bands and dancers, home with them to start their out their candles in the spirit of the children. Friday night is the last day of the countdown and in support of the dancers there will be a why not new universities and own Dance Marathon. spaghetti dinner held.

Youngstown State U. students keep alleged thief at bay for nearby police By Valene Banner felony. Carter, who is on parole "Mrs. Smith's" office was located. Carter and started shouting that dents blocked the doors so Carter police, said Long was lucky. U-WIRE for forgery, pleaded not guilty "While I was talking to Dr. she had stolen her purse. couldn't escape. "This woman picked the YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - When Tuesday in Youngstown Becker, I saw the lady going down At this time Long's friend "It was kind of scary," said wrong day to take |her pursel Christina Ixmg's, graduate assis- Municipal Court. the corridor. I thought she was Stavros Fentules, sophomore, Fentules. "It was the first time I've because some of our officers and tant, counseling, purse was She is being held in the still lost," said Long. "Then 1 computer science, saw them. seen something like this, but stolen Tuesday, she was deter- Mahoning County Jail, and her looked again and saw her coming "I was coming out of the bath- there was no hesitation in help- the city officers are training over mined to get it back. After strug- bond was set at $5,000, cash out of my office, and I thought, room, and I saw Christina saying ing her." there." Marsco said pointing to gling with the woman who stole assured. She will be in court again 'Hey, why is she in my office in 'Help me, help me, she took my Long said Carter repeated, "T the McKay Auditorium in the her purse and fighting with her March 28. the first place?'" purse,'" he said. have to go home. I haven't stolen BCOE. "When they heard the down two floors of the Beeghly Long said she had been Long said .she ran out to the While Fentules was telling your purse. I have to go home.' commotion, they came out and College of Education, long was- preparing for a workshop on hallway after her and called someone to call the police, Carter But I had seen her -- she took my held her." n't satisfied until the woman was speed-reading when Carter Carter into her office to talk. ran down the stairs to the first purse out of her purse," she said. Long said, "I was so happy in the back seat of a patrol car on approached her and asked where "She looked dead straight into floor with Long pulling on her Long said she wasn't sure how when I saw that room full of her way to jail. a fictitious person, "Mrs. Smith," my eyes -- I'll never forget that -- and trying to hold her bark. much longer she'd be able to Karen Carter, 48, of 1764 was. Long said she didn't know of and she takes my little blue purse Long shouted to other stu- struggle with the much larger cops." Market Street, was arrested by a "Mrs. Smith" and went to ask out of her big black purse and dents on the first floor that Carter woman. The police officers took Long Youngtown State University Dr. Karen Becker, coordinator, gives it to me," said Long. had stolen her purse, and she "I was getting tired," she said. into another room and held police and charged with theft, a reading and study skills, where Then Long said she grabbed said Fentules and six other stu- But Sgt. Rose Marsco, YSU Carter until a squad car arrived.

'■Of. j.i.-.y;-,-—*-';. irnerican Ik'ilarketingr^ssociation 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament April 8, 2001 S40/per team - S10/per person [Trophies, T-shirts, Bragging Rights Join the Newlove Family Sign Up in the Education Bldg, and Dorms Ml 114 S. MAIN ST: #1,5,6,7:1 bdrm unfurnished, above Wizard Graphics. Extra individual storage. Free Water and Sewer. Resident pays electric/heat only!! Air Conditioned. Each apartment is unique. $355-$380/month for 12 month lease, $455- 5480/month for 9 month lease. 114 S. MAIN ST #12:1 bdrm unfurnished, above Wizard Graphics,. Resident pays utilities. Air Conditioned. 112 $330/month FALCOX BARflHRG for 12 month lease, $430/month for 9 month lease. Cat permitted. 117 N. MAIN ST: #3,4,5,6,81 bdrm unfurnished, located downtown. Resident pays all utilites. Dishwashers. $280- AUDITIONS $370/month for 12 month lease. $380-$475/momh for 9 month lease. 311 S. MAIN ST #A&B: 2 bdrm unfurnished, located downtown Spacious rooms and lots of storage. Gas Heat. Resident pays (<>iOK(,I \UD/I i.\<; utilities. $5'i0/month for 12 month lease. Saturday. March 24 - l:00-5:00pm or 315 1/2 S. MAIN ST: 2 bdrm unfurnished upper residence. Wood deck, Gas Heat, Eat in Kitchen. Pet permitted with references. Saturday, August 4 - ll:0Oam-5:0Opm Meet in Room 1007 - Moore Musical Arts Resident pays all utilities $465/month for 12 month lease. f* 319 S. MAIN ST: 2 bdrm. two story unfurnished part of a house. Huge bedroom upstairs. Gas heat, resident pays utilities. Front l'l.l« I SSION porch and storage area. Pet permitted with references. $395/month for 12 month lease. Saturday, April 28 - l:00-5:00pm 3361/2 S. MAIN ST: 2 bdrm unfurnished apartment located above a business. Huge master bedroom. Front enclosed porch. Saturday, August 4 - ll:OOam-5:0Opm Rooms are very large. Resident pays utilities. Okay for group of four. $485 per month for a 12 month lease. Percussionists are required to attend both audition dates. Meet in Room 1012 - Moore Musical Arts 134 E. WOOSTER ST. # A: 3 bdrm unfurnished apartment located downtown, large Rooms. Okay for group of four. Gas heat. I \\ IKI I K Resident pays utilities. $580 per month for a 12 month lease 128 E. WOOSTER ST. #A&B: Two efficiency apartments located downtown above a business. All completely different. FREE Monday, August 6, ll:00am-6:00pm WATER & SEWER!! Resident pays electric /heat. IK $265 per month, IB $260 per month for a 12 month lease. IA $365 per month, Meet in Room 1012 - Moore Musical Arts •B $360 per month for a 9 month lease. Cat permitted" 134 E WOOSTER ST. #B: One bedroom unfurnished apartment. Located downtown. Large rooms. Resident pays utilities. August 20 - August 26 $360 per month for a 12 month lease.

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ACROSS 1 RWndMf haitfsman 5 Arcttccoat 10 Sacred tmage 14 FMry-iaia 1©f>d 15 Sotobahaartl 16 Vogas rival 1 / Sandwich cookta 16 Ivanollannift 19 Corrida cneers 20 Pans subway 22 Israel nationalist 24 viewing twins? 26 City on the Merrtmac* So, Ponch or John? Which one 29 Patent medicines 33 Laver of tennis .i ol Americas favorite Highway 35 Spnng hoftday 36 A/j't.rt.'i stale •i w r.- patrolmen would win in a knock 39 Pindar poem down, drag-out tickle tight? 40 Blowup letters'' 41 Mr van Winkle 43 W-debeeal 44 Knpgnts' Uttes 46 Shrvwd 46 Managed aVZMI 49 Fol ow as a mm consequence 51 Notdose- minded about 8 Chinese vme 53 Star spotters 9 Speak orl the PROBLEMS 58 Tnom apples cut! About to trade in 61 Banks of 10 People otihe Dasohati press? your Oscar for Miss Heather says... "\fou know 62 Open a bit 11 SuDshoppo 63 Habitual practice 12 Sngles the answer to 35 down? 67 Wraai O'Bnen 13 Among the Fear not. faithful reader. 66 Masculine missing 69 Marry agam 21 Beginning We have the answers, and are 70 Scott »h dance 23 Advanced in 71 Feme* mates years quite willing to part with them. All hefc cheating onyou girl!" 7? Bars between 25 African country you need to do is check the answer wheels 26 Powders 73 Chances 27 Horse's morsel key, still located on this very page 30 Baseless It's been awhile but. Miss for you! of good over evil, comes to a DOWN 31 Ms Loiiobngfda We think. Heather is back and she is Your lucky STD is: the Clap screeching halt when your tights 1 Weaving 32 Knock senseless machines 33 Stood up ready to predict your weekend. Aries (March 21-April 19) rip in the middle of campus. How 2 Concur 34 Norse deity Now, keep in mind that this is You must get psyched about embarrassing! 3 Chnssie Hynde's 36 Become violent 50 Setvig of com 58 Knight's lady group abruptly '..«! M.V.Klnt 59 TtO|dn War nero all in good fiin.lf you don't like the new David Spade movie. Yeah Your lucky hologram: Jem, 4 Crtyon the 37 Religious 54 Dern or Nyro 60 legend your horoscope call Miss Cleo, ... nice mullet! truly outrageous! THE HARDEST Illinois practices 55 Chefcnstords 64 Pointed tool Your lucky Welsh/Vegas singer 5 Pardner 42 Pound pieces ■ county 65 Turn right! the "real" psychic. Slie'll tell WORKING MAN IN 6 PuD choice 45 Surgrai th reads 56 Pronged 66 McBajn and you that you're a moron. Tom lones Leo(July23-August22) 7 Moody or SliVer 47 Heavy weight 57 Waterproots, VcMa"0'i Alright, just so you know hiding SH0WBUSINESS: Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 22) in peoples bushes and peeking in "Mr. Burns, I don't go for Spring break has left you with their windows and watching those backdoor shenani- THREE-DAY FORECAST an odd itching. Go directly to the them undress is wrong You sick gans. Sure I'm flattered, doctor and do not mention this bastard. Stop it and you will not maybe even a little curi- to anyone. end up in jail. ous, but the answer is Friday Saturday Sunday Your lucky Steven: Segal Your lucky number is: 7,045 no." - Homer Simpson Virgo (Aug23-Sept 22) Sagittarius (Nov 23- Dec 21 Modem day Confucius The movie "Chocolat" stole You will have a good and all the Oscar nominee glory plentiful weekend. Stay away O from "Almost Famous*. Screw from open man-holes and the Partly Mostly Mostly "Chocolat" ... your mission is to next three days will rule. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy kill the entire cast. "Almost Your lucky crime fighting SAY WHAT?!? Famous" rocks mouse is: Danger Mouse High: 55* High: 39" High: 41" Your lucky Oscar pick: Low: 32" Low: 36" Low: 25" "Gladiator" Taurus Libra (Sep 23-Oct 23) "White people have (April 20-May 20) For the next two days, the Elton names like Lenny, Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20) Chevy Nova John classic "Crocodile Rock" will s while black people s a 0 °l i i > ■■■ s i « 1 F.vcr wonder why Mark Your lucky Ninja Turtle is: be stuck in you head. It will not 1 ! 1 nil. 1 v 1 a s 1 V r, McGrath and Chewbacca are Donatello leave your brain and vou will go have names like Carl." » N a ill 9 v s a V r V never in the same room at the mad. Once you reach insanity, i 1 N H i s V H r 1 v a s 1 n 0 s i r. t [v same time? Makes you go hmm! (JeminJ (May 21-June 22) you will start to get "Benny and 3 . -The aforementioned Tell your mom I ■ 1 S 1 d 0 H-L r S N 3 Your lucky two hit wonder is: They lock your jaw and that the Jets" stuck. In the end it will be N » "I3 1 n . s ' ■ s Bl 1 IS C&C Music factory sucks. a sad death caused by her royal- Homer Simpson on the said Hi! n N '"'a\± 1 ■ r. l ■j|Q|0_ Your lucky position: flying ness Elton John. . 1 Nisa 11 - . '• » 1 |OIO|H difference between the .- 1. n H[O ■ v n H s V Si Pisces (I'cb 19-Mar 20) monkey Your lucky German word for c races ■ i n 0 a 0 s i 3[S Your mom. You like fish mid cat is: Die Katze ! S 1 |N|0 i .'Ml' il . T ft] you need to buy a new tooth- Cancer (June 22-July 22) s i IjO u Nl3|1 il ilulol brush. Ifloks like a big weekend Your secret identity, in pursuit 0 N III c n 0 * 1 ulolol 1 o a i V * H * M ! d|Vp| SPECIAL DISPLAY PERSONALS Show your friends, roommates & classmates how special they are! Wish them Good Luck, Congratulations or surprise someone on their Birthday! Great job in St. Louis! 1x3 = $15.00 (Actual Size) Congratulations STP leaders-you make the local chapter proud!

2x2 = $20.00 Happy 20th B- Day with picture provided by you! Great job al (Actual Size) Dance Marathon! Now gou can rest! ROB! Love, Loue, the Gang at Apt 2B i Elizabeth Display Come to 204 West Hall Personal Ad to place your ad! Or call OFF 372-6977 for more information. 10% BG ITS BURSARABLE! One coupon per customer Expires 5-8-01 NEWS Deadline 2 days prior to publication by 4:00 4 Friday, March 23,2001 BG NEWS

CAMPAIGN FINANCE APPEARS VIABLE (AP) — Senate lawmakers on both sides of campaign finance legislation talked cautiously Thursday of a possible compromise, and President Bush signaled both Republicans and Democrats they shouldn't plan for a veto if a bill passes. OPINION EDITORIAL Taliban's actions were inevitable During our Spring Break, the Bamiyan valley. YOU DECIDE nize the Taliban as the ruling history, pledging to create a sin- person found them inspiring. inevitable finally occurred. government of Afghanistan. gle-religion government has not Inevitably, such a site would This event has been in the been exactiy successful. cause problems with a funda- What do you think about the No, il wasn't the hordes of col- news for the last two weeks, but Did anyone expect that diplo- mentalist government. lege students traveling to the why was it inevitable? Pick any of Taliban and its rule In mats could convince the Taliban Fundamentalist thought takes lands of the sunshine. the following reasons: Afghanistan? Let us know at to change their minds, diplo- a sacred text and makes that text Up until this point, the Taliban [email protected]. mats whose governments don't law. The inherent problem is that had received most of its interna- It was the explosives of the In 1997, the Taliban had not even consider the Taliban as it's not the text that is absolute, tional attention for its degrada- Taliban, destroying history in the yet controlled the part of legitimate? but the Taliban's interpretation of tion of women. Being bom Bamiyan valley of Afghanistan. Afghanistan containing ihe that text is absolute. It was an female, in their eyes, delegates Bamiyan valley. According to an attention until after the Taliban It was an inevitable event. inevitable event, even if the you as lower than any male. Any Against the complaints of the article that year from the Agence started hauling explosives to the Even those countries considered world community, Mullah Koran says, "I do not serve what disobedience to this edict is fatal. France-Presse, members of the site. It was an inevitable event. friendly to the Taliban couldn't you worship; nor do you serve Muhammad Omar and the rest Taliban claimed they were going convince the leaders to reverse It was inevitable. If they have of the Taliban's leadership felt it Even fewer paid attention to what I worship. You have your to destroy the Buddha statues their decision. own religion, and I have mine." little reverence for human life, necessary to obliterate various once the group controlled the the Taliban's claim to power in how can they be expected to ancient Buddhist artifacts, Bamiyan valley. Afghanistan. Only Pakistan, The Taliban claimed it would But these statues were an have any reverence for stone including two massive statues Saudi Arabia and the United create a country that was pure astonishing sight. Historians, sculptures? hewn into the rocks of the Of course, few people paid Arab Emirates officially recog- Islam. As we've seen in Western monks and even your average Smoking ban PEOPLE I'WIRE COLUMN ON THE STREET Eagerly awaiting recession solves nothing So, what are you PHILADELPHIA — America things to write about. BINYAMIN stands on the brink of recession. Writers, you see, thrive upon APPLEBAUM doing for Dance This is good, because I have tension, emotion and chaos; AT ISSUE A non-smoking policy is up to the restau- Marathon? always known that I would grad- widespread prosperity smooths U. of Pennsylvania rants, not the petitioners. uate in the middle of a recession. over all three. In fact, I've been counting on it. Consider the last decade. It hoods will once again be lost to You sec, recessions are good has been a time of larger busi- civilization. I took one look at the front for writers, particularly young ness sections and bad feature In response, a select group of page of Wednesday's BG News ERIC writers whose parents wish stories. A time of self-help books writers will spin tales of random and laughed. KINTNER they'd grow up and go to law atop the bestseller charts. A time acts of kindness and unlikely sal- Then I read the article about Opinion Columnist school. (Hi Mom!) whose literary legacy is a British vation and the occasional kid banning smoking in BG. And I During boom times, being a pre-teen with supernatural pow- whose dreams actually came continued to laugh. © SUSAN WOODRUFF writer smacks of Communism. ers. true. Banning smoking in public After all, why else would one Why is this so? Because there These stories will be printed places. Sounds like a great idea to rette. Even, heaven forbid, a pack JODYKUNK refrain from pursuit of the arc a very limited number of and filmed and played on the me. Not only will it encourage or two of them a day. JUNIOR, FRESHMAN almighty dollar? interesting stories that can be stage, keeping the American people to stop smoking, it will If I have been a good history In times of recession, however, written during economic booms. people entertained while they improve public health, clean the student, 1 have learned that one PHYSICAL THERAPY, writing seems nearly respectable. You can explore the existential await their next chance to partic- air, filter the rivers, end world of the fundamental practices in SPORTS MGMT./EDU. After all, it's a living. Hell, it's emptiness in the heart of every ipate in a form of demonstrated hunger, cure cancer, patch the the of 2001 is to almost an art form. And though wealthy man, and you can cata- financial folly called "options hole in the ozone, bring world resist and discourage discrimina- Dancers its practitioners may not shave logue the rapacious excesses of trading." peace AND solve the parking tory behaviors and laws. Funny, I regularly, neither does the Class privileged life. A much larger group of writers problem! would call a ban on cigarettes of 2000 since it got laid off last Ordinarily, it is also possible to will simultaneously attempt to Not only is this the most inane discriminatory. Not that our sys- month. write about the fact that some chronicle America's inner tur- and self-righteous idea I've heard tem is perfect by any means, Sometimes, I tell people that I people are rich and some people moil and despair. Some of these in years, it's also the most inane because it's far from it. but the will be working for a paper in arc poor, and how that makes stories will be printed but none and self-righteous idea I've heard lacksonville this summer. Before the poor people angry. will be filmed. Many, however, in years. point still stands. This proposed ban is discrimi- the recession began, they This, however, is not possible will be available for viewing "off- 1 got a nice healthy gut chuckle processed the whole sentence. I at present because all Americans off-Broadway." when 1 read that Andrew natory against smokers. Plain and simple. Ill have words with CHRIS RENNER know this because they would have equal access to credit cards, And then there are the jour- Schuman, author of the petition nalists, waiting to chronicle the anyone who says otherwise (I do LORIMOSER say things like "lacksonville? and therefore those who remain to ban smoking in public places Where is that?" or "Oh, that poor must be volunteers of some inevitable weeding of America's leave my e-mail address at the in Bowling Green, had "not done FRESHMEN sounds like a great job." These kind. corporate garden, the inevitable any research on the number of bottom of every one of my COMMUNICATIONS, are roughly equivalent state- To make matters worse, the failure of some social structures smokers in Bowling Green." columns so that people who ments. people of the United States also and the inevitable resurgence of Funny, it would seem to me that think I'm an idiot can tell me so). POLITICAL SCIENCE Now, all they hear is, "I will be grew tired of hearing about suc- faith-based alternatives to gov- if someone wants to make some- My solution is this: If you don't Dancer, working." It no longer matters cess. There was simply too much ernment (think David Koresh, thing law they should try and want to smell cigarette smoke in that 1 am not headed for a paper of it to warrant memorializauon not lohn Dilulio). find out some information about a restaurant, don't go out to eat. Moralerfor USG like The New YorkTimesorThe of individual achievements. An After a few years of recession, the people it will affect the most Before you shrug that off as some Washington Post. I have their IPO CEO had about the same these stories, too, will grow old. But I guess that's just the influ- sort of tough-love solution, read respect. chance of getting on the news in (oumalists will begin to yearn for ence of my young, idealistic col- on, please. There are conse- I repeat this to myself some- 1999 as a D.C. murder victim in prosperity and to fear that they lege mind. quences for actions. Smokers get times as I explain where 1989 —slim to none. are being ignored. Now don't get me wrong, I cancer. When you go out to eat, lacksonville is located and how it Thankfully, things are now And then. I say let there be mean nothing against Mr. you run the risk that someone in has a professional football team. changing for the better. Success prosperity. In moderation. Schuman. I'm not arguing that The second way in which God will soon be rare, unemployment Another 10 years of happiness everyone should smoke. I don't the establishment might be smoking a cigarette. It happens. rewards writers during reces- will no longer be voluntary and might just drive me to law think it should be required that TARASTEELE sions is by providing them with certain Manhattan neighbor- school. all places should have smoking To non-smokers in general, sections if they don't want to. and I'm talking to the crusaders MICHELLE WILSON And I'm definitely not arguing here (those of you who watch FRESHMAN, JUNIOR that smoking is particularly every "" ad with a hint healthy. of awe in your eyes), get over ACCOUNTING, I do, however, oppose the yourself. You're not solving any NURSING assumption on the part of Mr. problems and you're not con- Schuman (and everyone else vincing anyone of anything. All Dancer, that signed that petition) that it you're doing is driving a wedge Dancer & Group Rep. should be law that the "other between people. You're perpetu- half' practice their black art in ating a society where people are the privacy of their own homes divided further than need be. and cars. To smokers in general, and I'm It happens to be my personal talking to all of you here (those of opinion that bans of almost any you who on a regular basis flick kind tend to do more harm and your Bic and inhale the sweet cause more hardship than toxins), be considerate. Enjoy they're worth. Especially when JJRILEY the ban is on something such as your cigarette, go on with your smoking day. LEA DANIELS I understand that there is a To everyone, and I'm talking to DAVID HUMPHREY large part of the population that ALL OF YOU. It's not a big deaL is vehemently opposed to ciga- Get over it FRESH., SOPH., JUNIOR rettes, and tobacco in general. I Now, if you'll excuse me, it's PSYCH, EXERCISE SPEC, also understand that there is also time for a smoke. CRIMINAL JUSTICE a large part of the population who can make the voice of their Eric Kir itner can be reached at lungs shut up long enough to [email protected], when Dancer, allow themselves to enjoy a ciga- he's not outside smoking. Morale Captains

EDITORIAL BOARD ("f^k i\ 210 West Hall MARY BETH MURTHA, MANAGING EDITOR TOM REED, PHOTO EDITOR Bowling Green State University TONY RECZNIK, ON-LINE EDITOR Bowling Green, MARY BETH WILFONG, ASST. MANAGING ED. Ohio 43403 Phone:(419)372-6966 PETE STELLA, SPORTS EDITOR JENNIFER JACOBS, GRAPHICS EDITOR Fax:(419)372-6967 E-mail: ERIK PEPPLE, NOW EDITOR MICHAEL LEHMKUHLE, DESIGN EDITOR [email protected] HEATHER HEBAN, PAGE 3 EDITOR APRIL ELLIOTT, COPY CHIEF -M-^r \_A AMYJO L. BROWN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bflra J. MICHAEL BESTUL, OPINION EDITOR CRAIG GIFFORD, CHIEF REPORTER, BG NEWS Friday, March 23.2001 5 Local student Shooting terrorizes Calif, community GRANITE HILLS, FROM PAGE 1 "They had a slight running There were reports that sher- shots as he walked to a bath- gun battle at the school," iffs deputies happened to be at room near the school office. teachers give view by the students and teacher McClurg said. the school taking reports on "It sounded like an explosion, were not life-threatening, hospi- The midday shooting sparked some matter, and that a police like in a chemistry class or STUDENT TEACHERS, FROM PAGE 1 meetings. tal and police officials said. Five a confusing scene, with officers officer was also on campus for a something" he said of the first Senior )en Luca. who worked at other students and adults were scrambling across the campus presentation, but it was unclear two shots he heard. After hear- High. a Toledo elementary school, said, treated for various other injuries, as many of the 2,900 students if they became involved. ing five more shots, he ran out of He said they also held a public "It's important that the teachers, none of them serious. Ded to a nearby park The suspect was taken to the school. forum after the Columbine at the beginning of the year, dis- lunior Roger Pollock, 16, was It also sent a new jolt of fear surgery at Sharp Memorial Red Cross spokesman Mickey shooting, where a panel of cuss the rules of what's accept- in math class taking a test when through communities still shak- Hospital, said spokeswoman Stonier, who had also been at experts resided. What emerged able and unacceptable." he heard a rapid succession of en by a March 5 rampage seven Eileen Cornish. Santee, went to El Cajon to help from the forum was a clearer, All schools in Toledo practice about six shots. miles away at Santana High The pellet wounds were suf- reunite parents and kids more complete code of conduct, the lighthouse Program, Luca "I heard my teacher say, 'Is School, where a 15-year-old stu- fered by two boys, a girl and a "This is like pulling a scab off a and a plan for how crises will be that a skateboard?' I said 'Nope, dent allegedly killed two class- female teacher, who were all fresh wound," Stonier told CNN. handled. said. It teaches students to handle their emotions and not act out that's not a skateboard. That's for mates and injured 13 others. expected to be released from "The community is responding Central Middle School in real,1" he said. very well." aggressively. Both schools are in the same dis- hospitals by Friday. Findlay also held a meeting after He said he looked outside the trict east of San Diego. A 16-year-old boy at Sharp Gov. Gray Davis condemned "It's good to start when they're the recent shooting in California, window and saw a young man "This is a nightmare," said Memorial Hospital who suffered the shooting and said everyone Painter said. As a result, they had younger... and teach them that with blood on his face. Everyone Glorianne Pollock, mother of a pellet wounds to his chest, arm needed to be more aware of fewer problems than other near- violence isn't the answer," said in the class then ducked. The Granite Hills junior. 'As a parent, and head may remain in the signs of trouble among youth. by schools that didn't have Luca. students stayed in the room for I'm worried to send my kids to hospital into the weekend. "Basically, we need to be bet- 20 minutes, until police escorted school. I just want to lock him in lunior Chris Wesley told KGTV ter listeners," Davis said. "We them out. a room and keep him there. This the gunman fired at least eight have to hear the signs of alarm Police Capt. Bill McClurg said wasn't as bad as Santana, but it shots and reloaded his weapon. or alienation or loneliness from Officer Richard Agundez was could have been." "It just seemed like he was kids and be able to take them Cigarette thief stationed at the school, heard Neither the officer nor a sher- planning on doing it," Wesley aside and make them feel part of the gunfire and reported it by iffs deputy who helped take the said. the community so these terrible radio. He then found the gunman into custody were Ryan Carrillo, a sophomore, incidents don't keep eludes BG police suspect. injured, police said. told KGTV that he heard gun- happening" MARATHON, FROM PAGE 1 year," he said. Conner hopes getting informa- for the man in the video. tion to the citizens of Bowling "We've distributed pictures to Green will help to apprehend the Schools debate safety measures our officers," he said. "That way guilty party. they know to be on the lookout "We're asking for the public to SAFETY, FROM PAGE 1 lunior High, described as "the as far as installing security cam- If something like metal detec- for this individual." help us identify him," Conner reverse of a fire drill." Instead of eras and metal detectors, but tors were to be installed, sopho- Acts of this nature arc not a reg- said. "If someone recognizes him, backpacks. evacuating the building, stu- many students reported the more len Howard of Perrysburg ular occurrence in Bowling they should call the BGPD or the Napolean Senior High is one dents stay in the rooms, lock the presence of police in their halls Senior High said she would feel Green, Conner said, but they do crime stoppers. They could be eli- school that has been changing a doors and turn off all the lights. at one time or another. violated. "The students should occasionally happen. gible for a cash award if it leads to lot of its rules. "It was annoying "It keeps the people in the Senior Nichole Myers of be trusted about what they at first," said junior Tasha "We average a few of these a his conviction." building safe while they are in Elmwood High School related a should and shouldn't bring," she Galbraith about the ban on tote the building," Thoenes said. time when police were present said. bags. But she said she later However, Otsego Senior High decided it's a good idea, and the day a supposed threat was to Other students had similar may prove effective. is one of the schools that does take place. (Not present that day reactions, for different reasons. Some nearby schools have not have any such emergency were about 112 students.) Galbraith said metal detectors Fraternity helps emergency plans such as lock- program. Sophomore Amber Otherwise, police patrol the might not be needed, and that downs, which Jeff Thoenes, Yoder said she wishes they did. area, but do not enter the the school could use the money hearts of children principle of Bowling Green Few local schools have gone school. for things it really needs. CAMP. FROM PAGE 1 because the families, due to the expense of so many medical bills, "The best part about this is we would not be able to afford the are actually going to make these camp. Financial aid gap widening nationally kids' lives better," Hausman said. Brighan said that the camp has Kappa Alpha Order volunteer- such a great reputation that most By Katrina Shank try is a threat to low-income stu- academically prepared to enter Colin Riley, Boston University is ing their time will also mean a lot U-WIBS dents preparing for college, a college," said Charles Terrell, families might expect seeing vol- doing a very good job of provid- to the families. If it were not for BOSTON - The rising cost of congressional committee found associate dean of student affairs unteers, but to see a group from ing students with aid. About the volunteers and donations that college tuition coupled with a recently. at Boston University and vice two-thirds of students receive the camp runs on, the children so far away will show them just lack of need-based financial The Advisory Committee on chair of the Committee. "There aid, he said, and the University is would never get this experience how important the camp is. assistance throughout the coun- Student Financial Assistance is an average of $3,800 of unmet released a report addressing an need for low-income students at frequently monitoring costs and increasing gap in college admis- four-year institutions." increases. sions between high-income and Terrell is one of 11 members of "The average graduate last low-income students. the Committee, which assists year left school with a student According to the "Access Congress by advising it on col- debt that was less than one ever just want to... ■ Denied" report, student loans lege aid issues. According to year's tuition," said Riley, noting and grants are falling short for Terrell, federal Pell Grants have that of those who receive aid, the low-income students because not kept up with the pace of the average total debt is about the current aid system has shift- rising costs and cover only 39 $18,000. ed its focus to merit-based percent of tuition costs. While BU is generous in awards and middle class stu- "We are calling attention to dents in recent years. the problem so that institutions awarding financial aid, it realizes "This gap is certainly hurting will come together and focus on financial assistance cannot be college participation rates of putting need first," Terrell said. awarded in all circumstances low-income students that are According to BU spokesman and there are limitations.


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as you wanf. Wed. March 28 - 4:30 - 7:00 pm * Commons Dining Center ^? L/»M.lfeNn*illMM*M«tKU|lorMMIaNri. W& ^J for the culture that is bg ^A4)m4HHmi**»** iiii»im.toiwWn»MiiiiM^mw <=& DANCE MARATHON 2001 ITINERARY

8am Dancer check-in starts 3:00am MTV Theme Hour 10am Dancers run in 5:00am Aerobics 10:10am Line Dance 6-7am Snack 10:30am Director Pete Titas introduced 7am Judd, an alumni dancer and motivational speaker.speaks 10:40am Jason Armstrong Speaks 7.45am Line Dance 11:00am University President Ribeau speaks 8-9am Bancroft Band Plays 11:15am Line Dance 9 11am Breakfast 11:50am Matt Darrah Speaks before running a marathon around the indoor track 9am Survivor Theme Hour Noon Matt Darrah starts running, One of the miracle families speaks 10am Powder Slide-dancers enjoy a brief minute of a head-to-toe massage 12:30pm Line Dance 10:30am One of the miracle families speaks 1-3pm Lunch 12pm Men's Chorus 1:30-2:45pm Woodside Quin Band plays . 1-2pm H20 Band Plays 2:45pm Introduce Dance Marathon Alumni - .-":-. 1:30pm-2:30pm Snack 3:00pm * ^^^•faMn 2pm Line Dance 3:30pm Manhattan Dance Troup Mf4> 2:30pm African Dance Troup 4:15pm Inflatable Game Hour - ,i Wm*» 2:45pm Bikers arrive from Cincinnati 5-6pm Snack jib' M*3* 3pm Mefty Lechman, CMN director, and families speak 5:45pm One of the miracle families speaks -, 3:30pm Steering Committee does the line dance 6-7:30pm Fade to Shade Band plays "-- 3:45pm Miracle families are introduced 7:15pm line Dance JP^fc^J 4pm Devon Effler sings 7:30-830pm Snack ™ Wm 4:15pm Slide Show 8:30pm Movie Theme Hour 4:30pm Steering Committee gives thank-yous 9:30pm Line Dance 4:45pm Sayer-Edie singers 9:45pm Gospel Choir performs 5:00pm Circle of Life Ceremony 10.30pm 12 30am Dinner 5:20pm Awards jr*. A 11:30pm Karate Club Demonstrations 5:40pm Community Service f ) I 12:30-2:30am Talent Show put on by campus organizations and dancers 5:45pm Monetary total revealed I < J 2:30-3:30am Snack 5:50pm Final Line Dance /( J'/ \ 6pm Dance Marathon 2001 is over! ^> \ > '

NOTE: The events and exact times on the timeline are subject to change.

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Oscar Picks And the from NOW MATT MARTINEZ Entertainment Reporter

Winner is... If you were to ask many film- goers about the year 2000, many By Boh Thomas "I took it to Miramax, knowing they were series, but the film version is much differ- would probably say it Was a bad ASSOCIAIED PRESS REPORTER Furophiles, and they gobbled it up. It was ent says co-producer Edward /wick. year for movies. Now, while any I Consider this: None of the a sweet deal, if you'll pardon the pun." "The film honors die shape of the origi- year would pale in comparison nominees for best picture were "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has nal, but it was concerned with Pakistan with 1999—which was amazing macle in a Hollywood studio. proved a worldwide phenomenon, even and a different set of issues. Traffic" for the concentration of great "Chocolat" was filmed in Fiance; though the dialogue is in Mandarin. "I focuses on the Mexico-U.S. drug trade. films within twelve months— "Crouching Tiger, Hidden had done three English-language films," The project was developed under the 2000 was hardly a bad year for Dragon" in China and Taiwan; director Ang Lee says, "and I wanted to aegis of Fox. which later abandoned it. movies. My theory is that the "Gladiator" in England, Malta and return to my roots." As with many hit After turndowns by all the major studios. average filmgoers just weren't Morocco; "Traffic" in parts of the movies, "CrouchingTiger" has inspired a "Traffic" found a home with the relatively going to see the good movies. United States and Mexico, and follow-up. Reports lee: "We're still in the new company USA Films. After all. the souiless corporate "Blta Brockovich" mostly on real script stage. It will be a prequel. I want to construct known as "Dr. Scuss' locations in Southern California. do a story of the repressed lovers and BEST ACTOR I low the Grinch Stole Christmas" The list of acting nominees contains how they got repressed." lavier Bardem was born Into a long line was ihe year's highest grossing a Spaniard (lavier Bardem], New "Erin Brockovich" attracted Julia of actors prominent in Spain's theater film vviUi over $250 million. (Add Zealandcr (Russell Crowe], Australian Roberts even before a script had been and films. I le was nominated for his role to thai the fact dial such great (Geoffrey Rush], Frenchwoman (Juliette written since she was in love with the true in "Before Night Falls" as the Cuban poet- films as "Almost Famous" and Binoche], and three from England story. Director Steven Soderbergh was novelist Reinaldo Arenas, who was perse- "Wonder Boys" were hardly in (Albert Finney. Judi Uench and Julie not so easy. Says co-producer Michael cuted as a homosexual under Fidel theaters. Need I say more?] Wallers]. The directors include two Shamberg: "We had done 'Out of Sight' (astro. .Asked if he had any I lollywood Admittedly, though, some of the Englishmen (Ridley Scott, Steven with him and we told him the story. I le offers, Bardem said no, adding, "I think it year's best films didn't come in I )aldr\ I and one Taiwanese-American said, "That's the worst thing I've ever is not easy to get roles for a Latin actor. I wide release unlil late 2000 and [AngLee). heard.' A year went by and we sent him would like to work here— if 1 could get a even into 2001. The reason this is I lere's a closer look at that worldly the script. The next morning he called role like Reinaldo Arenas." done, of course is due to the facl parade of nominees in this year's major and said he wanted to do it." Russell Crowe has been nominated that the Academy of Motion Oscar categories: "Cladiator" harks back to olden days two years in a row as best actor, and his Picture Arts and Sciences seems when big studios lavished millions on roles have been startlingly different, li>r to have a very short-term memo- sword-and-chariot spectacles. Will "The Insider," he put on weight and ry. "Chocolat" concerns a woman and her "Gladiator" inspire more spectacles? Co- thinned his hair to play the real-life, mid- So how do the nominees stack daughter who arrive in a French village producer Douglas Wick says: "You'll see dle-aged Jeffrey Wigand, who blew the upV here's a look. and concoct chocolate delights that some terrible movies that are derivative; whistle on the tobacco industry. In seem to mellow the Inhabitants. The but you'll also see that some great work "Gladiator." he's a stalwart fighter and BEST ACTOR: project was an easy sell, will come out of the use of new digital noble Roman general. Bom in New I was disconcerted to notice says co-producer techniques." the lack of a nomination for David Brown. "Traffic" had its origins in a British TV OSCARS,PAGE 9 Michael Douglas for his great performance in "Wonder Boys." Of the nominees, though, I would have to pick Russell Crowe. Despite the fact that his characters seem lo be the same people throughout different eras, he consister Jy turns in good work. 1 must admit, somewhat 1 ashamedry. that I have not seen "Before Night Falls," so I am quite *±-/ unfamiliar with Javier Bardem ^^^^L» *^_ 409 ^L ^^B and his performance. Due to the reaction when his name was r k» announced, many people did not ^ ~ ^91 tnily believe him to be a con- ▼ tender. * \Jr^P* BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Billy Crudup deserved a nomi- i- nation for his work in "Almost -&*t Famous." Willcm Defoe gave a wonderful performance as the JniST;. A ^tk^^^-^ft^^K title characler from Shadow, Photo Provided making us forget that Willem Defoe lie beneath the makeup. CROUCHING TIGER: Ang Lee's martial arts/romantic epic "Crouching Tiger. Hidden Dragon" is nominated for ten Academy Awards including best picture. PICKS. PAGE 9 Lifehouse far from being a'No Name Face' By Lisa Bettinger now. The first single. "Hanging by a room to grow," he said. Even ENIERIAINHENI REP0RIER Wade points out that it can be Moment" is one of the top ten hearing the same questions over Right now the members of hard to play to a crowd that is modem rock tracks while it is in and over again from journalists Lifehouse are living in the not familiar with Lifehouse. the top 25 on Billboard's ITot 100 has not fazed Wade, "I still like moment. "We would like to win over singles chart. Besides matchbox doing interviews," Wade said. Currently die band is open- some new fans," he said, "We twenty, Lifehouse has opened for Wade showed a great deal of ing for matchbox twenty on the don't steal fans, we share them." acts like Fuel and . talent at a young age, and it Mad Season tour. Everclear is According to Wade, opening The band has also been get- shows on the track "Trying". The also on the bill. The band made a for matchbox twenty has been a ting a lot of attention for their song was one of the few songs slop in Toledo Monday at Savage positive experience. strong live performances. that Wade wrote early on that Hall. "Rob Thomas Imatchbox "It rocks a bit harder than it made it to the record. "It's the "I thought it was awesome," twenty's lead singer] came and does on the record," Wade said, first song that I wrote when I was said Lifehouse frontman Jason introduced himself to us on the "We throw in a song called about 15," he said, "1 wrote it Wade of the band's time in the first night," he said, "Everyone 'Everything" that starts off slow when my parents divorced. So Toledo. did." but then it builds up. There are a it's a special song to me." According to Wade the band, So far Lifehouse has been lot of different dynamics in our Lifehouse has a full slate of which also includes bassist able to attract a lot of attention. set... We want them (the audi- events in the near future. The Sergio Andrade, guitarist Swart The band's debut , No ence! to want to hear more of band's second single, "Sick Cycle Mathis and dnimmer Rick Name Face, reached gold status us." Carousel" will be released soon Woolstenhulme, has been on the after just three months. One factor about the band while the video will be shot in road non-stop for nearly six According to the March 24 that gets a great deal of attention the first week in April. Wade has months. A lot of that tour duty issue of Billboard the album was is the fact that the members of a few ideas for what he would has been as openers. That has resting in the top twenty. In their Lifehouse are relatively young. like to see a few years down the meant that fans only see a short review of the album "People" Wade himself is only 20 years road. set. magazine said, "With a debut old. Very often the question of "In five years I would like to Photo Provided "I wish we could do more," disc of dreamy altema-pop, this age comes up in interviews but it put out a couple more records Wade said, "We kind of know our LA [band! is hining the big time does not bother Wade any more. and keep on touring," he said, LIFEHOUSE: (Back row left to right) guitarist Stuart Mathis, role as the warm up act. We are thanks to their shimmering first In fact he sees his youth as an "But 10 years down the road is a drummer Rick Woolstenheuln, bassist Sergio Andrade. (Front) Lead content with where we are right single..." advantage. "I think I have a lot of little too far to think about." singer . The band was in Toledo on Monday night. . I t 1 8 Friday. March 23.2001 NOW SOUNDS BG NEWS Matchbox twenty brings friends along needs no to Toledo for 'Mad Season' concert guidance on new album By Lisa Betbnger ail of their good show. for those who were facing the Guided by Voices CNTERTAINMENT REPORTER major hits On the front of the stage. However, as Matchbox twenty brought like "Santa other hand, the different sections of the rig their "Mad Season" Tour to UT's Monica" and matchbox moved up and down, those fac- Savage Hall on Monday night. "A.M. Radio". twenty's set ing the side of the stage often A Also taking the stage were Lead singer turned into an saw nothing more than the back TVT Records Everclear and newcomers Art Alexakis episode of of some light bulb where some- Lifehouse. worked up VHl's one's head was supposed to be. Lifehouse opened the show the crowd "Storytellers." Musically the band would Rob Thomas By now there are two schools change," it's at once vaguely reas- with a way too brief set The set and he make up for all of it. Their set had a thing of thought on indie rock stal- suring (Pollard's not changing for clocked in at under 30 minutes. echoed was strong from start to finish. anybody, but himself) and many in the for giving warts Guided By Voices. In that short amount of time They played a nice mix of big To the first school-comprised deeply touching for it's bracing frontman Jason Wade and com- audience every other honesty. song a long hits, such as "Bent", and album of the Ires hip indie cognoscenti pany were able to bring the when he they are, horror of horrors, "sell- Most of the tracks, though, complained introduction. cuts. The band also performed crowd an upbeat and rocking outs" for jettisoning their lo-fi, 4 aren't dalliances with depression about the He even one part of their set as a low key, performance. Of course, with lounge style show. When the track aesthetic. The other, more (although much of the record is such a small amount of time, recent Lisa Bettinjer BG News caught him- self halfway crowd asked for an encore, they open minded school, are those of informed by the problems and there was no way the band could weather. joys of drinking, dames, drinking Alexakis took Everclear: Art Alexakis gives a through the did not have to wait for long. us who believe they have simply perform a long ballad. They were "Wonderful" performance built on their sound, expanding and more dames), but boast flir- also smart enough to save their audience show when he So far 2001 has been a big Monday night at Savage Hall said, "Oh s"', into the huge, guitar driven tations with dark optimism big hit, "" interaction year in Toledo for concerts. ("Unspirited") and the sheer to a whole I'm talking too blasts of pop that frontman Bob until the end. This is a band to Toledo often gets brushed aside Pollard has always been so terri- euphoria of a whistled chorus keep an eye on. other level when he invited some much." by artists and it was nice to see a The lighting rig that match- bly fond of. ("Want One?"). Everclear were next onstage fans onstage to do a little danc- show where the crowd was treat- Pollard isn't the only one who ing. Everclear sounded wonder- box twenty used was also a slight Let's face it, at his heart and in and they delivered an excellent ed by all the acts as if it was deserves credit for this effort. ful and they gave the audience a pain. It may have looked great his most rough hewn recordings musical package. They covered Madison Square Garden. (like ) Pollard's gift has Producer Rob Schnapf (who's always been to condense big, worked the knobs for Elliot Beatlesesque hooks and Smith, who makes a few appear- melodies into two minute lo-fi ances here) opens up the band's HaPPy FrlDay.-.HaPPy FriDaY...HaPpY gems And in many of those sound by eschewing the synths FRidaY...HaPPy FriDaY...HaPPy FRidAY.. recordings, it seemed as if he thai populated Ric Ocaseks pro- were slavishly devoting himself duction on Do tlie Collapse. Here to a formula that both his fans 's and Nate Farley's and indie tastemakers deemed guitars crunch and pop like the somehow more genuine than his distant cousins to Big Star and obvious affection for Cheap Tobin Sprout's piano work is full Trick-like theatrics. of the empathy and drunken So it is with great pleasure to saunter of Tom Waits on the bar- discover that GBV's latest release, room stomp of the lovely "1 low's Isolation Drills, is a full-on pop My Drinking?" assault imbued with the right In fact, the only misstep on notes of emotion, guitar crunch Isolation Drills is the 4-track and intriguing soundscapes. recorded "Frostman" which Improving upon their last dal- sounds fine divorced from the liance with well-produced studio rest of the record, but crammed RON LEVY'S WILD polish, 1999's Do llie Collapse, Isolation Drills is an enormously on the album proper it sounds KINGDOM successful record, one at which like a plea to GBV's detractors l"ollard's vocals seem more heart- that they still keep it real by going felt and his lyrics, while occa- hogwild with cruddy production. Former B.R.King keyboardist sionally opaque, are generally Thankfully it's a brief hiccup that Ron Levy presents his groovali- straight forward and in turn disrupts an otherwise potent cious Funk/Soul Gumbo more potent. effort- an effort that proves that I'm thinking of the Schliiz Pollard and the gang to be pop straight from Boston. Don't soaked "How's My Drinking?," a stylists of the highest order. miss your chance to catch this brief poetic lament about alco- holism. When Pollard croaks living legend in action. "Leave me die/With you/I won't -ErikPepple Saturday, March 24, Show Starts at 10p.m. Dismemberment Plan at Cla-Zel Theatre Wednesday

By Tony Recznik everything and nothing in your CNTEftTAINHENI RCP0RTER CDcollectioa" LOCATION, PRICE AND SELECTION This WEDNESDAY! WEDES- And the band's fans agree. You Will Find The Best Housing With US! DAY! WEDNESDAY! "They mix like every musical ATTHE CLA-ZELTHEATER, genre into their show," said 517 E. REED - At Thurstin. One Bedroom, 1 Bath, WBGU 88.1 FM and DeSoto sophomore, lulia Strange. Furnished or Unfurnished. Records recording artists THE The Washington DC. based School Year - Two Person Rate - S495.00 DISMEMBERMENT PLAN quartet originally formed in One Year - Two Person Rate - $425.00 INVADE BOWLING GREEN! 451 THURSTIN - Across from Offenhauer January of 1993 with members Furnished Efficiencies with full bath. Special guest Pele, featuring for- Travis Morrison on vocals and School Year - One Person Rate - J370.00 mer members of the Promise guitar, guitarist lason Caddell One Year - One Person Rate - $335.00 ring will add to the havoc. and bassist Eric Axelson. Later 505 CLOLCH - Campus Manor. Dismemberment Plan is one they added drummer loe Easley. TWo Bedroom Furnished. One Bath Plus Vanity. of the nations most prolific Indie The band's 1999 release, School Year - TWo Person Rate - $620.00 artist. One Year • TWo Person Rate - $550.00 Emergency & /, was a huge indie 449-455 S. ENTERPRISE - One Bedroom Fum. or UnfurnJ According to CM) "The favorite that landed the band a School Year - One Person Rate - $410.00 Dismemberment Plan prides One Year - One Person Rate - $360.00 itself on sounding like both O-Plan, PAGE 9 605 SECOND - One Bedroom Unfurnished. School Year - One Person Rate - $385.00 One Year - One Person Rate - $340.00 720 SECOND . One Bedroom Furnished. School Year - One Person Rate - $415.00 One Year - One Person Rate - $360.00 707. 711.715. 718. 723, 727 THIRD One Bedroom Unfurnished and Furnished. School Year - Furnished - One Person - $385.00 One Year • Furnished - One Person - $345.00 402 HIGH - TWo Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furn. or Unfurn. School Year - Furnished ■ TWo Person - $575.00 One Year - Furnished - Two Person - $480.00 338 1/2 N. Church St.: Spacious efficiency 825 THIRD - One Bedroom Furnished, 1 Bath, apartment with ALL FREE UTILITIES!! School Year - One Person Rate - $450.00 Unfurnished Great location, close to every- One Year - One Person Rate - $400.00 I!. IVoottCT Strut, .i (our only office) -ii lacoBell www. n <& BG NEWS Friday. March 23.2001 9

Dismemberment Oscars on Sunday NOW Academy Award picks Plan atCla-Zel OSCARS, FROM PAGE 7 time nominee in this category, PICKS. FROM PAGE 7 other out. Academy's desire to have anoth- D-PLAN, FROM PAGE 8 was chosen for playing Sammy, a er "Ben Hur" or "Spartacus," Zealand and raised in single mother who tries to help The award should go to BEST PICTURE: Hopefully, though, the Academy The actor achieved her younger brother in "You Can ' European tour last summer. Benecio Del Toro for having to This set of nominees is truly a sees through the spectacle and "The first time I saw them was stardom as an honest cop in Count on Me." At the recent nom- mixed bag. First of all, portray a role which required votes for what I feel to be truly last year... was one of those peo- "LA. Confidential." inees luncheon, she was asked if "Chocolat"... What the hell? I the best film of the nominees, him to display a wide variety of ple who read... that they were Two-time Oscar winner Tom the movie cost less than the value don't think anyone considered "Traffic." I must admit, though, emotion without a lot of dia- going to Play with Pearl lam and Hanks collected his fifth nomina- of her Oscar night gown design. logue to help him out this to be an Oscar hopeful, that I truly want "Crouching tion for his role in "Cast Away" as "That's very true," she admitted. which points to the theory, Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to win went to the show on that," said a FedEx supervisor who's strand- "We made this movie for very lit- which has been running over the because I am a fan of Asian mar- Strange. tle money. The fact that I'm stand- BEST ACTRESS: Strange was so impressed with ed alone for four years on an The true crime of Oscar Night past few years, that Miramax tial .IIK films, and it would be a island. ing here is suneal." will be if Ellen Buretyn does not Pictures has been buying their major triumph for a genre that Dismemberment Plan that next Ed Harris managed two firsts lulia Roberts marks her third win this award. All signs seem to nominations. They have consis- has been looked down upon as Wednesday will be the fifth time with "Pollock": He made his nomination. Director Steven be pointing to Julia Roberts as tently managed to have a nomi- low art for years. But once again, she has seen them since last April debut as director and achieved Soderbergh says that Roberts was the favored nominee. (The fact nee for the past six years, no if the Golden Globes are any when they first came to town. his first nomination as lead actor. enthusiastic about the role as the that she won the Golden Globe matter how unlikely the candi- indication, "Gladiator" will take According to Morrison's entry He had long sought to play brash legal aide in "Erin for the same category all but dates. (The fact that "The this award home. on the bands web page lackson Pollock, the troubled Brockovich" from the beginning; makes it a sure thing) This is English Patient," an extremely Some would wonder why any- Emergency & I is one album that artist. "Pollock" reached theaters her only concern was the quite unfortunate, due to the fact dull film with no likeable charac- one would get so worked up over doesn't "give it all up the first time in 2001 (a one-week appearance wardrobe, which followed the that Burstyn gave the best per- ters, and "Shakespeare in Love", a the Academy Awards. After all, you listen." Which is something low-cut, short-skirt style of the in 2000 qualified it for Academy formance of the year, male or fine but not Oscar-worthy film, they're only movies, right? I say that attracts their fans. real Brockovich. "She was wary consideration). "The film was female. managed to win Best Picture it's no sillier than getting worked The bands last release an EP released at the same time as the from tiie start," he said. "We fig- makes me even more suspi- up over watching the Super Bowl ured we had won her over when titled The Dismemliennenl Plan nominations, so we don't know if BEST SUPPORTING cious.) every January. Aside from that, Gets Rich, is quickly becoming a our nominations added to the she came in one day and said, As much as I really like everyone watches movies. Aside box office," Harris says. "But the "This skirt isn't high enough."' ACTRESS: fan favorite adding to the antici- Any performance from "Gladiator," I'm going to have to from box office grosses, these pation of their next full length recognition certainly helps." say that I don't feel it to be Oscar- awards are one of the main Geoffrey Rush won as best BEST DIRECTOR "Almost Famous" is fine in my release slated for later this year. book. It's just unfortunate that worthy either, and it takes up a determinants in just what we'll According to Strange who is in actor of 1996 as the afflicted Steven Daldry, well known as a slot that could have been occu- director in the London theater, the two in this category, Kate be seeing in the coming years. contact with the band, their new pianist David Helfgott in "Shine." pied by a better film, such as For more of Man's picks go to Rush is nominated again for play- made his film debut directing Hudson and Frances music is low key but maturing McDormand may cancel each "Almost Famous" or "Wonder ing another real-life character, the "Billy Elliott," about an English Boys," Still, I can understand the taking inspiration from Marquis de Sade, in "Quills." boy determined to study ballet Radiohead's recent release of AM Portraying the man who gave his despite the scorn of his father and A name to sadism was a risk. Rush playmates. Doors for the show open up at Ang Lee was born in Taiwan 26iiioii(lav HOWARD'S CLUB H admitted, adding wryly: "1 cer- GISH FILM THEATRE International Director 8 p.m., admittance is $5 and is Jukebox Soul with Genuine Son tainly don't do at home what I do and came to the United States in Event • film 'Zan Boko*. Noted African film- open to all ages; local favorite Ten GEU Friday, March 23 10 00pm in this movie." 1978, earning a bachelor's degree maker. Gaston Kabore, will be the guest of Dollar Type Writer is slated to Bowling Green State University, presenting in fine arts at the University of Sugar B1..7 open. BEST ACTRESS Illinois and a master's from NYU. ife hisfilm'ZanBoko'(1988) 730p.m. Saturday. March 24 10 00pm loan Allen was nominated He returned to his childhood BREWSTER'S Freshwater Collins twice before, as supporting roots for "Crouching Tiger, 27lucs(lav Friday March 23 and Saturday March 24 $SSS$$SSS$SSS actress in "Nixon" (1995) and in Hidden Dragon," which has set 10pm $ $ the record for a foreign-language Campus i BRYAN RECITAL'HALL. MOORE MUSICAL "The Crucible" (1996). Now she is ARTS CENTER )au Guitar Ensemble Free CLA-ZEL THEATRE The Dismemberment fMoney Money* in the running as lead actress in film in the United States. Asked Events! and open lo the public 8.00 p.m. Plan, Pele. $10 typewnter "," in which she about the reasons for its popular- 23lii(l;iv Wednesday March 28 8pm $5 $ Everywhere... $ it)', lee commented: "It's a good PAUPER'S BOOKS: Borrowed Holiday's CD appears as a nominee for U.S. 107 HANNA HAH Feminist Media Studies ; $ vice president. "I liked what the movie-movie experience. I think 28\vc(lnos

^w^^^w^r»W'-»W'-«W'-. i BARBARA Y. KELLER Dance Marathon '001 BOOK SCHOLARSHIP Cla-Zel Theatre Downtown BG * 353-1361 ^Silent Auction J Looh at what you can win... $ico semKAnnual Scholarship • One recipient Fall semester and another Spring semester 15 \0 Electric Guitar ^ VCR (two seperate application periods). • The award shall be made directly to the recipients bursar account. MINUTES \jj&Razor scooter jfa Boom Box Available to OffCampus or Commuting Students jjfe Palm Pilot jfc Miracle Quilt • Preferences: students active In Off-Campus Student Connection, The Non-Tradltlonal Student Organization and/or The Hazel H. Smith 1$-Jalmee Fair Kroger Classic Tickets I Off-Campus Student Center. • Requirements: full-time undergrauate students with 3.0 C.P.A. $$ Throw Pillows signed by the FH4J0 7:00 9:30 Ptdt-up Applications At Sat 4:30 10:00 miracle children. • Hazel H. smith Off-Campus Student Center (ground level, Moseley Hall) Sun 4:30 7:00 9:30 \$$ Autographs of Jim Carrey, Drew • Office of Student Life (405 Saddlemlre) Barry more, and more! Deadline: 5pm Friday. March 50 Horror Drop off applications to: come to Dance Marathon this Hazel H. Smith Off-Campus Student Center Picture Show weekend at the Student Rec Center (Moseley Hall - Ground Level) and support the hid si Questions? Cal 2-2458 Sat 12 Midnight *nident centei BG NEWS BASEBALL: THE CINCINNATI REDS MAKE CHANGES TO CINERGY FIELD. BRIEFING Jarjosa named to All-District Team FRIDAY BG women's swimmer Jen larjosa has been named lo the March 23, 2001 Verizon Academic All- 2001 District IV University Division Fall/Winter At-LargeTeam. She was one of the 10 women named to the first team. larjosa holds a 4.00 GPA as a biology major and was a tri- BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY captain for the Falcons this season.

An open A different letter to BG ready to be home pitching

Manny By Erik Cassano win of the season at West crisis for SPOUTS REPORTER Virginia Tuesday, rallying for Any college baseball team four runs in the ninth inning to Ramierez that plays this far north knows defeat the Moutaineers 10-7. that marathon road trips south Second baseman Corey Indians at the start of the season are a Loomis led off the ninth inning DONDELCO fact of life. However, it doesn't with a bunt single. With one By TTotn Withers AARON ZIRAKS mean that they still aren't anx- out. outfielder Lee Morrison AP SPORTS WRITER ious to finally step onto their singled, and shortstop Nick WINTER HAVEN, Fla. — home field for the first time. Elrod doubled, driving in Here's a new one: The "Two guys, a column and a case Bowling Green has played the Loomis. First baseman Kelly Indians have too much pitching. ofbeer' first 12 games of the season on 1 Iunt drove in the go-ahead run With just one week left in the road, less a rainout, winning on a fielder's choice, and fresh- spring training and opening day Dear Manny: nine. Now, the home and Mid- man Neil Schmitz added insur- on the near horizon, the Indians On behalf of all the loyal American Conference portions ance runs with a two-RBI dou- still have to make several major Cleveland Indians fans, we of their schedule begin today as ble. decisions regarding their start- would just like to send you our they host Eastern Michigan at like in the come-from- ing rotation and bullpen. heartfelt condolences. Rumor Stellar Field at 3 p.m. behind victory over Yale in "It's a good problem because a has it things aren't going so well "We are excited about playing Rorida that saw BG score 14 lot of guys have stepped up and with your new team? at home," said coach Danny unanswered nins, 12 of them in pitched well for us," Indians gen- We hear that the Boston fans Schmitz. "We want to see how the last three innings, the eral manager lohn Hart said are getting on your case. That's the new conference weekend Falcons' bullpen set the stage Thursday. "There's still plenty of too bad, because we miss you in format, with a nine-inning for the late offensive heroics. time for us. We're going to break Cleveland. We miss the Manny game on Friday, a doublehead- Freshman Clayton Booth and camp with our best guys." who hit over .350 and consistent- er on Saturday, and a nine- junior Brad Henry were the It seems as if pitching is always an issue for the Indians. ly knocked in 150 RBI's, not the inning on Sunday, works." stoppers. Manny who is hitting .138. Is it 1 lenry pitched three scoreless Because of injuries, the club The doubleheaders will be 16 used a major league record 32 possible that maybe you made innings—a seven-inning game innings in relief of starter Kyle the wrong decision? Knoblauch, and Booth pitchers last season and missed followed by a nine-inning. making the playoffs for the first Remember loey Belle? Sure Schmitz said that it will be dif- slammed the door after the BG you do. You were the young stud rally, pitching a scoreless ninth time since 1993. ferent than the seven-inning So many new faces came and that replaced him when he took game doubleheaders that the for his third save. the money and ran off to "Henry held the boat really went that manager Charlie team used to play, but doesn't Manuel couldn't keep up with . He was never quite the disagree with the move. well, and Booth pitched the same and he never looked as ninth and shut them right them. "We will have three nine- "Charlie said he didn't know comfortable as he did when he inning games over the week- down," Schmitz said. File Photo Wednesday's series finale in half their names," said Hart, who was in a Tribe uniform hitting 50 end," he said. "The new |MAC| GETTING READY: A Falcon pitcher gets ready for their home can now joke about the arms homeruns and tallying 50 dou- Morgantown was rained out, commissioner feels that we opener this weekend against Eastern Michigan. shortage. "Every year it's been bles in the same season. should get into the nine-inning the first cancellation for the "Evcr>r outing he has had so about pitching with us, even Now that you are in Boston, format, and baseball really is a Falcons this season. Menke, currently 2-1, most when we won 100 games." doesn't it suck not to have the nine-inning game." Craig Menke recently pitched in Florida in far has been outstanding" The only things set in stone for best 1-2-3 combination in front Tomorrow's and Sunday's Senior pitcher Craig Menke BG's 10-4 victory over Bradley, Schmitz said. "He has pitched the Indians' pitching staff right of you? Oh sure, hitting in front was named the MAC East allowing one earned nin and games will start at 1 p.m. very, very well. In his loss, he pow is that Bartolo Colon, of Nomar will be nice, but there West Virginia Division Pitcher of the Week for striking out seven in eight Chuck Finlcy and Dave Burba won't be the ducks on the pond The Falcons got their ninth the week ending March 18. innings. had little run support." are the top three starters, Bob as there were when you were in Wickman is the closer and Paul Cleveland. Shuey, Steve Reed. Ricardo Remember, Kenny Lofton Rincon will have their roles. would draw a walk, or slap a base Other than that, it's a guessing hit into the outfield. With the dis- game with 23 pitchers still in traction of him on first base, the camp. pitcher would allow Omar "Everybody in that locker Vizqucl and Robbie Alomar to Falcons look at their goals room feels as if they can pitch on reach, give you the best RBI this team," Hart said. "That's not chance hitters have wet dreams a bad thing." about. That's why you drove in By Dorothy Wrona "The hitters need Carolina in last weekend's with how they have played this SPORTS REPORTER Wmthrop Invitational. spring but expects them to play But right now, the Indians over 100 runs at the all-star break have more questions than in '99. We don't think you'll have Softball is a game of consis- to be a little more BGSU will begin the week- at a higher level. answers. that opportunity in Boston. tency. In order to win a team aggressive on the end with a doubleheader "I just know how well they must play solid defense and be against Penn State, who is 13-7 can play and I expect that from Will Steve Karsay be the No. 4 That's ok, 100 RBI's at the END starter? Is 20-year-old phenom of the season is good too. aggressive at the plate. good pitches, a lit- this season, today at I p.m. The them," she said. These will be the goals of the Falcons met the Nittany lions C.G s,ih.nIii.i ready? Has Justin We also hear that you were tle more focused in Speier lost his job? Where will going to play left field? But you BGSU softball team this week- in last year's tournament and end, when they head to the the box and a little lost 8-0. young right-handers Tim Drew, decided to move back to right Ryan Drcse and Roy Smith — field. Good decision. That wall University of Virginia's Who's more confident." Host Virginia will be the Falcons' next opponent in the biggest surprises of camp — in Fenway, known as the "Green Hoo Tournament in begin the year? Should they start Monster" is pretty hard to negoti - LEIGH ROSS-SHAW, HEAD COACH Saturday's 1 p.m. doubleheader. Charlortesville, Varginia There, the season with II pitchers or ate. And we all know you lack Earlier this season the Falcons the Falcons will face Virginia, 12? the basic fundamental of fielding Penn State and Liberty. will be BGSU's other focus. The lost to the Cavaliers 5-1 at the Falcons have blasted out seven And what about the come- a fly ball. That's OK Manny, BGSU Head coach Leigh Coastal Carolina Classic. The backs of Charles Nagy and Jaret defense doesn't win champi- Ross-Shaw knows these oppo- home runs this season, but teams arc 2-2 in their all-time onships. Ross-Shaw knows they need to Wright? nents will provide strong com- series "I don't know if they're tough Also, yeah it's true the petition. In this weekend's hit more singles in order to put liberty will be the Falcons' decisions," Manuel said. "We Cleveland Indians haven't won a games she expects the Falcons runners on base. third opponent. Sunday's 9 am just want to make the right championship since 1948, and to improve their defense. After "Through the order we need doubleheader will be the first ones." we are a cursed franchise. But committing five enors against to consistently score two to meeting between the schools. "It all starts with Karsay," Hart the Red Sox are the most cursed Virginia last week, one of the three runs for our pitchers," she The Rames are 9-20 this season said. "If you can figure him out, IN PROFESSIONAL SPORTS! I Falcons' goals for this tourna- said. "The hitters need to be a after winning last year's Big and 1 still haven't, then you've got mean come on, hasn't anyone ment is to stick to their game. little more aggressive on the South Conference regular-sea- the key. We've got until the showed you the Bill Buckner fias- "If we go down there, stay in good pitches, a little more son title. IMarchl 31st at midnight to co or the fact the last time they control of the game and play at focused in the box and a little If the Falcons stick to their finalize our roster and we might won the World Series, the auto- File Photo our level we should do well," more confident." goals of playing more focused have to wait up until then." mobile wasn't invented, we just Heading into the Who's Hoo STOPABLE: A Falcon catcher learned how to get a plane air- Ross-Shaw said. "1 want our defense and hitting more con- The clock is ticking, and com- Tournament, the Falcon softball sistently, Ross-Shaw expects borne and the idea of a success- defense to stay focused and defends her territory in a plicating matters for the Indians ful lifestyle was not contracting concentrate." team is 7-7 on the season. They them to play close games this recent game. are Nagy and Wright, who are polio. Hitting more consistently are coming off a loss to East weekend. Overall, she is pleased both coming back from having Bottom line is that money isn't surgery. going to bring you comfort. lust Nagy will start a minor league because you have millions in the game on Friday and Wright is bank doesn't mean that Omar scheduled to make his first will still be there patting you on appearance in an "A" game the ass when you drop a ball in BG achieves national ranking Friday night, pitching two the outfield. innings of relief against Kansas Money also isn't going to By Pete Stela Mid-American Conference City. shield you from the media like SPORTS EDITOR schools listed in this week's rank- Nagys career appeared to be finished before camp opened. the whole Tribe organization did For the first time in school his- ings. for six years. Let's put it this way tory, the Bowling Green men's But although his fastball is only Manny, Boston doesn't care tennis team broke into the "This is obviously a big in the mid-80s, he's still getting about you like we did, just like national rankings. accomplishment," said head batters out and limited Chicago never cared about Joey. "Being ranked in tennis by the coach Jay Harris, in a press Philadelphia to five hits in five We moved on when he left just ITA |the Intercollegiate Tennis release. "It is a breakthrough for innings in his last outing. like we have moved on since you Association! is equivalent to our program." Wright is farther behind and headed east. When Joey left being ranked Top 25 in football will likely start the season on the The Falcons played the 55lh Cleveland his career crumbled or basketball," said junior Mike DL and stay behind in Florida before his eyes, much the same KossoiT. ranked University of Michigan for extended spring training. as yours is right now. The Falcons were ranked 75th Wolverines yesterday and will "With only nine days left, I By the way, milk that ham- in the country in the latest open the MAC season against don't think there's enough time string injury again like you did Collegiate the University of Buffalo for me to make it (roster]," said last year. Wright. Tennis Rankings. The rankings Saturday. The matches will be Hart said the club has a plan File Photo were released Wednesday and Sincerely, are administered and released held at St Bonaventure, N.Y. and for Wright and Nagy but wants to WARMING UP: Nicolas Lopez-Acevedo drops the ball in a by the ITA. the Brown and Orange will play wait until both pitch again DonandZ recent practice match. The Falcons were the only the Bonnies later on Saturday. before unveiling it. , iseraerit such as those found [advertisements are subject to editing and approval. NEWS Classified Ads 372-6977

Campus Events Personals Personals Personals Personals Personals

DR. ALI A. MAZRUI •DSP-DSP-DSP-DSP-DSP'DSP- DELTASIGMAPI - DELTASIGMAPI Ain Ain Ain Lil' Dave: Wood County Humane Society Creator of the TV series 'Lil Brooke MY RUFUS PLEDGES, Kristin, Good Luck at Review II! Cats and Dogs $55 each THE AFRICANS: A Triple Heritage Good Luck at Review II! IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN Good Luck on Review II I know you'll do great! Call 352-7339 is HERE TODAY! It's Time to Show FOR YOU ALL TO SHINE! Your Bio Renee! Your Big: Valerie lor the AFRICANA STUDIES Everyone how Great You Are! LETS SHOW THEM YOU Ain Lil' Kevin Student Research Colloquium In -Big Terri KNOW YOUR STUFF. GOOD Little Kristen. Good Luck on Review II!!! in Jerome Library's Pallister • DSP'DSP-DSP-DSP-DSP'DSP* LUCK! I KNOW YOU'LL DO Wanted Good Luck on Sunday, I know you'll do great. Conference Room O 9:00-400and AWESOME. Make me proud! Greg will give a FREE LECTURE S -CHER Your Big, LH Sarah 12:15-1:00 DM Good Luck Brittany! DM Brian BEYOND BG 2001 You make me so proud 1 F. sublsr . Move in May. own in the 8 O'clock Room of Kreischer Dance your heart out! Alll Good Luck on Review II room, close to campus, pnvate pkg . I know you can do it! AIll-AIM-AlTi Love. Big Christine (urn . $247 50 mo 353-0183 Liza INVADING CAMPUS Luv your r«B sis/moraler-Amy Lil Brian 1 Sublsr. avail, immed thru sum- Lost/Found Good Luck on My little Brian Hem, DM Good Luck Jake! DM mer Own bedroom in house. Wash- Break it down for the kids! Review two. You are my sunspot I am SO proud of you. er/dryer. Close to campus.352-1298. April 19 Luv-your moraler/Amy Big Rob 1 Very Important Ain.Ain.Ain I love you 2 lemale subleasers needed May- Ain Ain Ain Lost black leather wallet by MSB Love, Your Big August. $600 whole summer, utilit- Secret Little Brian Scholarship Opportunities ies included. Call 373-1867 for more II lound call 352-7305. FALL 2001 PRACTICUM OPPOR- Good Luck with Review II for freshmen and sophomores into. You are doing great so far! TUNITIES IN THE INTRAMURAL OFFICE FOR RECREATION AND Enroll in Army ROTC and compete Are YOU ready? » Your Secret Bigs for 3 & 2-year awards which cover Help share expenses Apt 2 miles Personals SPORT MANAGEMENT MAJORS Irom campus. Furnished Lease thru tuition, books A fees, + S200/mo. Ain AHI ALII Ain Ain Axn AHI APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN 130 July. $275 mo inci util. Call 419- for expenses Bnan H.. Lil Brian Inkrott, PERRY FIELD HOUSE OR ON THE 668-7977 after 5pm weekdays. Any- Good luck at Review II! Call for details: 372-2476 You are doing great! WEB. DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 6. IN- time weekends. ••Airi"aj:ii"Aj;n"Aj;n««Aai- You'll do greatl Keep up the good work. TERVIEWS WILL BE HELD APRIL Grand Ltl' Denise - Your Secret Good Luck on Review II!! Pregnant? Get Tested. Needs 3 grad. tickets. 9-10. Call Anne at Make your Big & I proud DEAN'S ALIGNMENT Your Big, Ann Confidential, professional service GET INVOLVED WITH INTRAMU- 372-6129. « Review II' We both BGSU Student Discounl AIM AUI AIM AIM ALII Ail I 4111 354-4673 BGPC know you'll be wonderful. RALSH! APPLICATIONS ARE BE- Subleaser wanted, 2 bdrm, ground New Location-Same Great Service Little Bob. Secret Lil Kristen A, Grand Big Meg ING ACCEPTED FOR THE INTRA- "oor. lots of light, now or summer, All work guaranteed on Alignment. You are quite the gentleman MURAL ADVISORY BOARD (IM Good luck on Review II Shocks, Brakes, and Suspension $455 mo. 352-5239. ••Aiii"Aiii"Aj:ii"Aj:M>-A5;n- and scholar and have made SUPERVISORS) FOR FALL 2001 -Your Secret Big Corner of Sand Ridge 4 S. Maple Lil' D.D. - me proud. Good Luck on Review II' APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN (Brown Bkjg Behind Pahl's Body Secret Lil Kristen H Good Luck a Reviewll! Big Bob THE IM OFFICE, 130 PERRY I know you'll do great. Shop) CALL TODAY 352-6333. AU1 AXII Ain Ain /Hit AEII Altl Good Luck on Review II Help Wanted FIELD HOUSE, OR ON THE WEB. Your Secret Bigs Know your stuff & rest Delta Sigma Pi ALII Alll AUI Alll Aill AHl AIII OUE BY MONDAY, APRIL 2. IN- after Dance Marathon. Maria, Maria Lil' Emily, TERVIEWS ARE LIMITED TO 14 Secret Little Cathy, Have Fun! Good Luck on Review IP Good luck!11 know you'll do great! APPLICANTS SELECTED BY Good Luck on Review II Big Meg Maria, Maria Love-your Big SCREENING COMMITTEE AND Make us proud —Cleaning S Miscellaneous help 'Dance Marathon 2001" I bet you thought Mil Mil A£n Nil I A2JT Mil Ml I WILL BE HELD APRIL 5-6. Know the purpose! needed starting now & 5 1/4 for Your Secret Bigs Spaghetti Dinner we forgot about you! Go Laura Go! short & long term. Call 353-0325. Fnday, 4-7pm Good Luck, ALII Ail I Ail I Alll Alll ALII Alll Ain Ain Ain ALII Ain Ain Ain LH Cathy- Image is Nothing, 500 Summer Camp Positions- Mac Cow Room Your Secrets Thirst is Everything, Secret Little Kevin, Northeast 1-800-443-6428; Only $a bursarable at door Good Luck on Review II! You are doing a wonderful OELTASIG Review II is here. Ouestions? Call 372-0530 DELTA SIGMA PI Rock on! job, Keep it up!! Just Pledge It Couniei help needod Must be at -DELTA SIGMA PI- Ryan, - Your Secret Big Love, Your Big Good Luck Maria, least 19 yrs old Call Tanglewood Review 2 is here, Good Luck Ryan! Mil AIM Alll Alll AIM Alll AIM On Review II Unlimited tanning thru finals-540 Golf Club at 1-419-833-1725 for But there is nothing to fear Study Hard!! Make Your Big Proud 1 mo. unlimited $30. more info. If you study a ton Alii - Your Secret •Ain* Brandon - DSP Campus Tanning 352-7889 •Ain Ain AZII- then you'll be *1! Lil' Denise, Data entry specialist - Miranda Good luck at Review II! Jessie, Yo. Lawren Full or part time. Must be accurate Advertise In the I know you'll do great! Good Luck on Review II! Show them who the man is and computer literate. Will train. Classifieds Love your Big Angie Know Your Purpose! at Review II. Good Luck AIII. Good pay and benefits. Call 419- 372-6977 Ain Your Big, R.J. Your Big 244-2166 ext 228 or 800-291-3808

Don't Stress About BEACH PARTY Finding Furniture « WEEKEND! Heat Things Completely Furnished Apartments Up with our »320 Elm St. #A-D: One bedroom spacious apartments Showgirls all completely furnished! FREE GAS HEAT, WATER & SEWER!! Private parking lot. Close to campus. $400 per month for a 12 Weekend Long! month lease. $500 per month for a 9 month lease.

»320 Elm St. #E.G&H: Two bedroom tgmpletelV furnished apartments. FREE GAS HEAT, WATER & SEWER!! Private park- I FREE Admission j ing lot. Lots of space. Huge rooms. Walk to campus. J700 per month for a 12 month lease. $800 per month for a 9 month •with Beach Apparel!: lease. NEWIPVE Rentals 135 S Byrne Rd 332 S. Main (our only office) Toledo 501-0079 352-5620 £} iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiini IIIII HaPPy FrlDay...HaPPy FriDaY...HaPpY FRidaY...HaPPy FriDaY.-.HaPPy FRidAY.. Bentwood Units Subdivision Going (across from Mercer Manor) Quickly! * up clouds wvgy... * GREENBRIAR, INC. 2 BATHROOMS 224 E. Wooster 2 CAR GARAGE 352-0717 • 4 BEDROOMS •1700 SQUARE FT LIVECOVERAGE ALL WEEKEND r f FIRE PLACES • DISHWASHERS • Field Manor Ow Cable Channel 6 • MICROWAVES AVAILABLE TONIGHT r • WASHER/DRYER HOOKUPS BEGINNING • Frazee Avenue •A/C AUGUST 15! A Live Preview at 5;30pY« • FIRE PLACES SATURDAY 1#1 SUNDAY r • FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED All Units Include: A 9:30a»-Noon '" 9:30am-N00n GREENBRIAR, INC. 2 Bedrooms 8prn-MirJnight 3-6i30prn r 352-0717 2 Baths Send Marathon AAfll ^ yoV friends at D Ml Dishwasher bg24da*cemarato» @ r • Garbage Disposal r $675 / mo. + electric (4 person rate) W\ Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Rent

Digital Artist BG Youth Baseball needs umpires. Drum lessons ottered. Call Bowling Liberal Arts Major for babysitting job HONDAS FROM $500! Police im- 3-4 female sublsrs. needed, 4 bdrm. Small growing company seeks addi- Starting May 1st through Aug 20th. Green Music and Sound at 352- in Perrysburg. Own transportation. pounds and tax repos! For listings 1 - house for summer. May to Aug.. tional photo retouchers Photoshop Good money making opportunity. 6612. non smoker, call 419-872-6404. 800-719-3001 ext4558 $250 per mo. plus util 352-5228. experience required. Full time with Meeting Sun. April 1, 4pm at Carter Pro Shop & Bag room staff needed 1 bdrm. apt. across from campus. benefits Hours are from 9:00 to Park Rec. Bldg. For more info, con- H you love animals & like work. Call Rick ® All Breed Kennels (M or F). Flex, hrs, wages + tips. Avail. June 1st, 1 yr. lease. 5:00. Monday thru Friday. Send re- tact Scott Siville 354-8149 Heatherdowns Country Club, 385- $350/mo • utilities. Call 419-897- sume, cover letter and samples (zip 419-893-7218. For Rent CAMP WAYNE FOR GIRLS-NE Part-time mornings/eves/wkends. 0248. ask for Chris. 5997. disk, web address, or laser prints) to Pennsylvania(6/19-8/17/01). Direc- Naptime Productions. PO Box 7. Social Work Administrator 439 1/2 N. Main, 3 bdrm , upper, tors for Gymnastics, Fine Arts. Lawn Maintenance, part & lull time Toledo area homeless shelter seek- $650 mo. plus util. Avail. June 1. Rossford. OH 43460 or fax 662- Campmg^Jature, Golf. Swimming. for spring & summer. Call Steve © 9525 ing an Executive Director. Candi- "4 bedroom house available, cen- Call 353-0494. Counselors for: Tennis. Team Knickerbocker Lawns 352-5822. tral air, washer/dryer, located at 749 dates must be flexible and 719 Fourth. 3 bdrms., 1 bath, $650 Sports. Ropes. Self-Defense. Gym- experienced in grant writing and ac- 4th St Call 353-0325. EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS nastics, Aerobics. Cheerleading, mo plus util. Avail May 16. Work part-time, tull-time. even put in Mike's Party Mart countability, staff (including social Swimming, Sailing, Water-skiing, "Efficiencies, Apartments, 353-0494 over-time hours, around your col- worker) supervision; public speak- Fine Arts and Crafts, Piano. Drama. A popular, fur., friendly, home ing; client management; financial, and Rooms 723 Fourth, 3 bdrm.. 2 bath. Avail lege and personal schedule. Work a Photography, Guitar, Video. Group 146 S. College eiticiency, $315 a minimum of t5 hours per week or 40 town, family-owned business, has a staff, and dient record keeping; and May 17. $800 mo. plus util. Leaders. On Campus interviews month, includes utilities. 353-0494 hours plus over-time Many college part-time sales clerk position 15-20 community awareness/involvement. March 30th Call 800-279-3019 or 309 1/2 E. Merry, rooms $220 a students work here Starting pay is hrs. per week. Must be fnendly. Master's Degree in Social Service Apt. for rent, 2 or 3 bdrms., walking go to www month, includes utilities. 55 30 per hour with an automatic neat, honest, dependable, & be Administration; substance abuse distance to town & campus. 316 and 311 E. Merry apartments, S 25 per hour increase to S5.55 after Eminent spring & summer jobs avail, avail, throughout the summer. counseling experience a plus. Send S630 mo plus util Qrad students tull/pt. time. Servers, snack bar. cover letter and resume, including $510 or $560 a month 100 hours ol service with the com- Call 353-0325. only with references. Call 352-1234 pany. These are unskilled jobs grounds, caddies, bag room, life- Located on S. Main salary requirements, to: Executive guards. & dishwashers. Flexible in "Big Lots Plaza." Director, PO Box 212, Samaria, Ml, Apt. for rent, May through August, 2 involving assembling and packaging 12 month leases starting hrs , free golf in season, great com- Apply Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm. 48177 or email same to bdrm., AC, close to campus. smati parts Apply in person be- May 19.2001: pensation. Exp. helpful but not nec- Ask tor Mike or Tina 352-9259. [email protected]. $475/month plus gas and electric. tween the hours of 900am and 226 N Enterprise »B-1 Br.-I per- essary. Please apply Toledo Coun- Call 352-5332 after 5:00pm. 5.00pm (Monday-Friday) at Summer Camp Jobs son $420 . util. try Club 3949 River Rd. Toledo, OH ADVANCED SPECIALTY PROD- A fun place to work and a lifelong 230 N Enterprise »C-1 Br -1 per- APIS FOR RENT or fax 419-389-4577. NEEDED 426 1/2 E. Wooster. 2 bdrm , avail. UCTS. INC.. 428 Clough Street. learning experience awaits you at son-S360 ♦ util. Bowling Green, Ohio, only 2 blocks Great summer jobs. S10-S12 an hr. MH Teachers for the 2001-2002 our beautiful YMCA Camps. Are you 266Manville Front-1 Br.-I person- 6/1/01. utils incl. S475/mo. 352- school year. 5882. from campus near Kinko's and Oairy Work outside. Taking applications a creative, caring, and enthusiastic $380 ♦ util. APPLY: www,fairbPm,h12 Qh.u.S Queen next to the railroad (racks. now 1-800-277-9767 or www.colle- l person who would enjoy working 322 E. Court «2-1 Br -1 person-S405 APTS FOR RENT gepro com. RESUME: (937) 879-8180 fax. with children in an active, outdoor incl. all util. 426 E. Wooster, 1 bdrm. avail. setting? How hiring group counse- 322 E. Court "4-1 Br -1 person-$415 6/1/01. clean, A/C, utils incl. KXJOUC lors and activity specialists for incl. all util S360/mo 352-5882. aquatics (lifeguards), nature, 424 1/2 S Summit-Etlic. 1 person- For rent-1 bedroom house. 316 arts/crafts, drama/music, ropes $260 • elec. course, and sailing. Paying highly Ridge (rear) 5350/monlh Call 354- 605 5th «C-2 Br -2 person$400 ♦ 2854 competitive wages. Call (248) 887- util. 4533 Steve Smith 352-8917 or 308-2710 Houses. 1, 2. & 3 bdrm. apts. begin- Summer camp near Ann Arbor ning May '01. 9 & 12 mo leases G GQG G Q seeks counselors, life guards, health 352-7454. 4 bdrm . 1 bath, house at 516 E. officer. Room, board, & salary Prefer grad student. 2 bdrm house, Reed, Avail. Aug. 16 tor a 12 mo 734-878-6628. quiet, washer/dryer S550 plus util /T BGSU Spirit Group Announcements lease, $975 per mo. House in good Avail May 1 352-6847, ask lor Al- Tennis Positions, all levels. shape vW nice backyard, 1/2 block len. ^Si- AnunneAnyone inteiested Inin tivinatrying out foi the 2001-2002 Varsity Northeast Summer Camps. Irom campus, carpeted w/ oft street parking, unfurn. except, retrig . d/w. Sm. 3br. house, turn., w.d. 12 mo Cheerleading Squad should attend the informational meet- or 1-800-443-6428 & stove No dogs, secunly deposit lease avail. 801. $700'mo. rent, ing on Tuesday. March 27 at 6:00 in the Games Room at the The Aurora Academy, a community required Call 419-885-8307. leave a A C plus util. no pets 352-8827 school located in Toledo, is seeking message for Steve. 811 Second St Rec Center. Males and females needed. Q middle grade teachers In the subject areas of Science and Math. Candi- dates must have valid certificate to Anyone interested in trying out for the 2001-2002 Dance teach in the State of Ohio. Send Team should attend the informational meeting on Tuesday. cover letter and resume, with atten- tion to the Director, to 541 Utah April 3 at 8:00 in the Games Room at the Rec Center. Street. Toledo. OH, 43605. or fax to 419-693-4799 JOHNNEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. Freddie 8 Frieda applications are now avail- G able in 365 Education Eldg. and 405 Student For Sale Hentiil Oilier Services. Applications are due by March 30. % 3I9 E. Wooslcr SI. 1990 Honda Accord, 125K mi. A-1 Any questions regarding cheerleading and shape $4995 352-6847. ask for Al- Rentals available dance team will be addressed at the sched- len. '89 Honda Accord-many new parts for summer and uled meetings. -tv Dependable $2000. obo Call Brian *tf at 353-5197. ^ fall. Stop by for '92 Toyota Corolla-many new parts! our full listing. JVC CD, economical/dependable car, $3,000. obo Call Darren 354- *7 Q Q Q Q 8210 354-2260 r The BG News Classified CINEMARK -QQOQOO-) Fax/Mail-in Form The Best Seat In Town . M ^ '111 am until 2 pm' —m The BG News reserves the tight to release the names of individuals who place Cinema 5 advertising in The News.The decision whether to release this information shall Brunch L be made by the management of The BG News. The purpose of this policy is to For Showtimes call discourage the placement of advertising that may be cruel or unnecessarily i 354-0558 u embarrassing to individuals or organizations. Cases of fraud can be prosecuted. Woodland Mall - N.Main St. THE BG NEWS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS DUE TO ILLEGIBILITY OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION. or log on to DEADLINE: 1 day prior to publication by 2p.m. Regiser to recieve showtimes via email! RATES PER DAY: $1.00 per line (approx. 35-45 spaces per line); $3.00 minimum charge 75( extra on TOTAL BOLD type each day

CLASSIFIED 1 x 1 box 8 lines maximum $8.00 per insertion DISPLAY: 1 x 2 box 16 lines mdximum $15.00 per insertion STNAs I Management Inc. Full & Part-Time j Positions Available j j' SIGNING LEASES NOW $1,000 Sign On Bonus p 2001/2002 e Apply in Person or call Connie }N AfEfcCA for Additional Information pi Management Inc. llillsdalf Apts. 1082 Purview, I Bdrms.ei 2 Bdrms i ctMNVNimr I Air condition/Dishwasher Garbage Disposal p HUJISHIKB IdDMIE l washcr'drvcr hook-up in 2 Bdrm Q SWM.PocRd Bwling Green. Oil -t3i02 (-«19> 352-7558 Q] Starts at" S3s>0-Call 353-5800 Q] "*"** O Management Inc. CLASSIFIED MAIL ORDER FORM: Evergreen Apt 215 E. Poc Studios & Large I Bdrms 9UMM£R CAMP JOP9 I ..nit) Jr s on site Name/Dept: Starts at S250 Call 353-5800

Address: SUMMER CAMP JOBS Camp Counselors needed for top girls camp in Maine Top salary, travel paid in full, room/board/laundry and uniform pro* vtded Skilled in Arts/Crafts (ceramics, jewelry, stained glass). Basketball. Management Inc. Start Date: Number of Days:. Canoeing. Oance (Jazz, Pointe. Tap). Field Hockey. Golf. Gymnastics. I li iii/-iii' Apt*. 710 N Enterprise Horseback Riding/English Hunt Seat, Lacrosse, Photographer/Videographer. I Bdrms/Air Condition Piano Accompanist. Office/Administration. Outdoor Adventure. Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal BGSU# AREA ORG OBJ 5030 Ropes/Challenge Course, Sailing, Soccer. Softball. Swimming. Tennis. Starts at S4I0 Call 353-5800 Theatre, Volleyball Water-skiing, Windsurfing Additional opportunities for Days of the Week: M T W TH FRI kitchen, cooks, maintenance, webmaster, nurses PIN # POO Category. Management Inc. WHItm House Apts. 8?0 Fourth St Ihdni'iv/Air Condition 100 Campus Events* 170 Help Wanted Dishwa^cr/Garhagc Disposal 110 City Events 180 For Sale Fax To: 372-0202 Stans al S400 - Call 353-5800 120 lost/Found 190 For Rent ATTNrBG News Classifieds 130 Travel 200 Valentines CAMP VEGA FOR GIRLS!! Visit our website at 140 Services Offered 210 Holiday Personal to complete an application and receive a camp video or call 1800 Managemenl Inc. 838-8342. 150 Personals" 220 Senior Farewells Or Mail To: 204 West Hall Stop b) our office al 160 Wanted Bowling Green State University 1045 N. Main SI Come see us! We will be on campus Wednesday. March 28th for complete listing or •Compm f wnfi and Ptnanah muabt plattd in Olscamp Hall Room 104 from 10am-3pm. Drop-in interviews Call 353-5800. pinonal 204 Wtsl Hall. Bowling Green, OH 43403 encouraged, no appointment necessary.