



No. 163





1 Ms TEBBUTT to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to refer certain matters relating to workplace relations to the Parliament of the Commonwealth for the purposes of section 51 (xxxvii) of the Constitution of the Commonwealth; and to amend the Industrial Relations Act 1996.

(Industrial Relations (Commonwealth Powers) Bill).

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

2 Mr REES to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Election Funding and Disclosures Act 1981 to prohibit political donations by property developers.

(Election Funding and Disclosures Amendment (Property Developers Prohibition) Bill).

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

14072 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009


1 Budget Estimates and related papers 2009-2010; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Aquilina, “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2009-2010” (moved 18 June 2009; resumed 3 September 2009, 10 September 2009, 24 September 2009, 27 October 2009, 28 October 2009, 12 November 2009, 24 November 2009—Dr McDonald).

2 Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Trails) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Campbell, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle” (introduced 23 September 2009— Mr Maguire).

3 Renewable Energy (New South Wales) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Koperberg, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle” (introduced 27 June 2007—Ms Goward).



1 Mr BESSELING to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Duties Act 1997 to allow a person who has previously been exempted from payment of duty as a first home owner, but who was later required to pay the duty, to be eligible for consideration for a further exemption from duty.

(Duties Amendment (First Home Owners Exemption) Bill).

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

2 Mr SMITH to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to make further provision relating to the custody of knives in schools, licensed premises and public places; and for other purposes.

(Summary Offences Amendment (Knives) Bill).

(Notice given 20 October 2009)


1 Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Political Donations) Bill (notice 22 October 2009; introduced 13 November 2009—Mr O'Farrell speaking).

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

1 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Demerit Points) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Stoner, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle” (notice 23 September 2009; introduced 25 September 2009; resumed 29 October 2009—Mr Daley).

2 Surface Coal Mining Prohibition (Lake Macquarie) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Piper, “That this bill be now agreed to in principle” (notice 23 September 2009; introduced 13 November 2009—Mr Collier).

14073 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)—

535 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises that more than 20,000 rural students benefit socially, artistically, educationally and economically from attending regional conservatoriums of music in New South Wales.

(2) Notes the excellent service provided by Young Conservatorium of Music to the electorate of Burrinjuck.

(3) Calls on the Government to increase funding to rural conservatoriums to ensure that this vital service to music students across regional New South Wales can be maintained and expanded.

(4) Calls on the Government to publicly release the findings of the review of New South Wales Conservatorium Grants Program by 5 December 2008.

(Notice given 25 November 2008)

536 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the sewerage treatment plant in Brooklyn is operational and had its open day on Saturday 22 November 2008.

(2) Congratulates Water and partner organisations as well as the local Brooklyn/Dangar Island community on an amazing construction and the smooth process of connection.

(3) Calls in the Government to fast-track sewerage connection to Cowan and Galston.

(Notice given 25 November 2008)

537 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that over 100 students at Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College recently slept out in cardboard boxes to experience what it is like to be homeless.

(2) Congratulates the students in their endeavours to raise awareness of the underprivileged in our society and assist Hunter charities.

(Notice given 25 November 2008)

538 Mr APLIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government has consistently under funded early intervention services for children with a disability in the Albury electorate.

(2) Notes the 3500 signatures of concerned residents in a petition calling for increased funding to provide appropriate services through Woodstock Early Intervention, Albury.

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(3) Calls on the Government to commit to increased funding for this essential service.

(Notice given 25 November 2008)

539 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the excellent work of volunteers associated with the Catholic Healthcare Community Visitor Scheme.

(2) Congratulates Kerry Lovell and her team on 15 years of dedicated service to the local Hornsby community and environs.

(3) Congratulates the volunteers who have been assisting elderly and disabled clients from the beginning of the project.

(Notice given 25 November 2008)

540 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the 25 November is designated by the United Nations as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

(2) Notes that violence against women remains the most widespread human rights abuse in the world and that a recent report by the White Ribbon Foundation found that one in four 12 to 20 year old Australians surveyed were aware of domestic violence against their mothers/step-mothers by their fathers/step-fathers.

(3) Notes that the white ribbon is the symbol for the day, and that on 25 November around thousands of men and women will be wearing a white ribbon to show their support for this cause.

(4) Notes that the white ribbon campaign is the largest effort in the world of men working to end men’s violence against women, and that wearing a white ribbon is seen as a personal pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

(5) Congratulates the men and women who have taken this pledge by wearing a white ribbon on 25 November 2008.

(6) Notes that White Ribbon Day aims to build cultural change around the issue of violence against women through education and by promoting a culture of non-violence and respect, particularly among men and boys.

(7) Commits itself to eliminating violence against women.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

541 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Wrigleys factory in Michigan Avenue, Asquith has just celebrated its 50th anniversary of being in Australia.

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(2) Congratulates George Munro and a great team who efficiently manage the production and create a quality product.

(3) Notes the 50th anniversary celebrations held on site and at the Hornsby RSL Club.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

542 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that without significant rainfall, Wyangala Dam, in the Burrinjuck electorate, could be down to 3% capacity by 30 June 2009.

(2) Calls on the Government to provide drought assistance to those in need in the Burrinjuck electorate until the impact of the drought is over.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

543 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of regional conservatoriums of music in the cultural and community life of regional New South Wales.

(2) Notes the difficulty of supporting regional conservatoriums such as Goulburn regional conservatorium while the overall budget remains the same and students numbers continue to rise.

(3) Condemns the Government for its failure to support regional conservatoriums.

(4) Urges the Minister for Education to fund an upgrade in regional conservatoriums from within the existing and substantial resources of the Department of Education.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

544 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its lack of support for victims of domestic violence.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

545 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Movember is underway and partnered by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Beyond Blue.

(2) Congratulates Simon Slevin of the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce and the Waitara Rotary Club for his participation in this wonderful fundraising event.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

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546 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 1 January 2010 marks the bicentenary of the beginning of the governorship of the Colony of New South Wales by Lachlan Macquarie.

(2) Notes that the Government should have overarching responsibility for co-ordinating and funding the bicentenary celebrations in order to make it a significant and relevant celebration of an extraordinary legacy.

(3) Notes that organisers are concerned that the Government is not progressing the planning and funding for this event as quickly as is necessary.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide adequate funding and organisation support to allow this major event to be properly celebrated by the citizens of New South Wales.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

547 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House notes that juvenile crime is spiralling in New South Wales and current laws are inadequate to address the continuing increases in juvenile lawlessness.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

548 Mr GEORGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Minister for Primary Industries and the Member for Monaro, Parliamentary Secretary for Primary Industries, for their lack of interest in the cattle industry and for their failure to respond to the issues raised in letters from the President of the Combined Tweed Rural Industries Association dated 25 March and 25 June 2008.

(2) Condemns the Government for allowing the issues raised in letters sent to the Chief Veterinary Officer for New South Wales dated 1 August and 17 September 2008 to be circumvented in a similar fashion.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Primary Industries, the Member for Monaro and the Chief Veterinary Officer for New South Wales to answer the President of the Combined Tweed Rural Industries Association’s important questions about the cattle industry.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

549 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Brooklyn Theatre Company and its recent production of the play “That’s the Spirit” held in Rest Park, Brooklyn.

(2) Congratulates the producer Ray Bontoft, Ruth Steel in marketing, director Peter Hughes and a great team of workers and actors.

(Notice given 26 November 2008) 14077 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

550 Mr STONER to move—

That this House supports the retention of the existing 160 hectare Hurlstone Agricultural High School in public hands.

(Notice given 26 November 2008)

551 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Ian Mannix on his wonderful new book titled “ Great Australian Bushfire Stories”.

(2) Notes the onset of the bushfire season and the need to provide as much support to our fire fighters as possible.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

552 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Hunter New England’s Health Program Director, Colin Bell, has developed a project called ‘Good for Kids, Good for Life’.

(2) Notes that the project group is working with schools to promote healthy living as part of everyday school life.

(3) Congratulates the program organisers for promoting healthly living for children in their formative school years.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

553 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House support calls from the Police Association of New South Wales for:

(1) An increase of six criminal investigation positions and one Detective Sergeant position within the Shoalhaven Detectives Office.

(2) An increase of ten general duties officers attached to Nowra Police Station due to the difficulties faced fulfilling first response agreements.

(3) The provision of a 24 hour police service in the Central Shoalhaven.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

554 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its ongoing commitment to community fire safety by encouraging residents to become involved in the New South Wales Fire Brigades Community Fire Units (CFUs).

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(2) Notes that there are currently 378 CFUs around the State with eight being on the Central Coast.

(3) Notes that every CFU member undergoes training and all CFUs are provided with approximately $20,000 worth of equipment, including a trailer, fire hoses and protective clothing.

(4) Commends the Government for its commitment to New South Wales firefighters in providing residents who live near the bush with the skills they need to prepare and protect their homes from the threat of fire.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

555 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Fitch Ratings national delinquency data which names Nelson Bay and Raymond Terrace in the Port Stephens electorate as suffering the worst mortgage stress, with both centres registering the highest number of mortgages 30 days in arrears in the State.

(2) Notes the Government’s incompetence and inability to offer any solution to the housing affordability crisis for the people of Port Stephens and across New South Wales.

(3) Commends the Opposition’s commitment to end the housing affordability crisis.

(4) Calls on the Government to take immediate action to ease the housing affordability crisis and mortgage stress in the community of Port Stephens, which is suffering more than any other.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

556 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 10 December 2008 will mark the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

(2) Notes that this landmark document was the foundation of international human rights law, and the first formal recognition of the “inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family”.

(3) Notes the importance of human rights not as a protection against discrimination, but as aspirational goals that we should all strive towards.

(4) Notes that in the 60 years since proclamation, the global human family has come a long way towards achieving respect for and observance of human rights but recognises that there is significantly more work to be done to ensure human rights in all communities around the world.

(5) Commits to upholding the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

557 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s act of education vandalism in selling institutions such as Seaforth TAFE. 14079 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Condemns the Government for ignoring the recent plebiscite that showed the community overwhelming in favour of retaining the Seaforth TAFE site for public education.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately reopen Seaforth TAFE as a priority.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

558 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Blackbutt Reserve, which lies in the heart of the Wallsend electorate, for receiving a 2008 New South Wales Award.

(2) Notes Blackbutt Reserve obtained a Silver Medal in the Ecotourism category.

(3) Notes this outstanding achievement following the recovery from the devastating effects of the ferocious storm on the June long weekend in 2007.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

559 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent formation of a new Hornsby branch of the New South Wales Justices’ Association.

(2) Congratulates the Members including President Brian Heasman, Vice President Brian Carney and Secretary-Treasurer Kay de Luca.

(3) Congratulates the Branch’s initiatives including regular JP sessions at Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre.

(Notice given 27 November 2008)

560 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the contribution the Lithgow Small Arms Factory has made to the economy of Lithgow and New South Wales since 1912.

(2) Recognises the significant role the factory has played in Australia’s security.

(3) Welcomes the decision by Thales Group to establish their soldier support system program at the Lithgow facility.

(Notice given 2 December 2008)

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561 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the BankWest Residential Stamp Duty Report 2008, which has found Port Stephens home buyers are paying 19% of their annual household income on stamp duty tax, the highest in the Hunter region.

(2) Condemns the Government for worsening the housing affordability crisis by charging its taxpayers the highest stamp duty in Australia.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately address the housing affordability crisis both for the community of Port Stephens and beyond.

(Notice given 2 December 2008)

562 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the $8.254 million investment from this year’s budget in Gosford Hospital’s new 30 bed mental health unit.

(2) Notes that the new unit will replace the existing 25 bed Mandala Mental Health Unit.

(3) Notes that in the past five years, mental health beds on the Central Coast have more than tripled from 25 to 79.

(4) Congratulates the Government for its ongoing commitment to mental health on the Central Coast.

(Notice given 2 December 2008)

563 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on the 2007 election-day the Member for Kiama promised to provide a security fence around the Havenlee Special School at North Nowra by the end of Term 2, 2007.

(2) Notes the continuing theft and vandalism which has occurred at Havenlee Special School over the last two years.

(3) Condemns the Member for Kiama and the Government for failing to deliver on a promise made to the Parents and Citizens Association almost two years ago.

(Notice given 2 December 2008)

564 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the formation of the Central Coast Crime Prevention Partnership (CPP).

(2) Notes that the Central Coast CPP is an initiative aimed at working with the local community and other stakeholders to develop local solutions for local issues. 14081 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Welcomes the establishment of a Community Safety Precinct Committee comprising the local member of Parliament, the local Police Commander together with representatives of local council, State Government agencies, community groups and other stakeholders.

(Notice given 2 December 2008)

565 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Blue Mountains City Council on its Sustainable Schools Program.

(2) Commends the schools of the Blue Mountains for their participation in the Sustainable Schools Program.

(3) Congratulates the winners of the Blue Mountains Sustainable Schools competition.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

566 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the State Government for its inability to negotiate sufficient funds from the Federal Government to:

(1) prevent the sacking of front line health workers;

(2) prevent closure of hospitals;

(3) prevent a reduction of health services; and

(4) provide sufficient funds to health services to pay bills.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

567 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House urges the ABC Learning Centres in Maryland and Elermore Vale to remain open to support parents in the Wallsend electorate and to ensure that centre workers’ financial entitlements are made secure.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

568 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Parkes and Forbes communities for their commitment to improve health services in their area.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to continue the planning process for Parkes and Forbes Hospitals.

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(3) Calls on the Treasurer to release required funds for the planning process and, upon agreement on the facilities required, allocate funds in the Budget for the proposed developments as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

569 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Mirru Mittigar on its 10th anniversary of providing cultural education and employment.

(2) Congratulates Mirru Mittigar on its recent national tourism awards and initiatives.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

570 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent policy change that will force potential enrolled nurses to pay thousands of dollars for a course before they can work as a nurse.

(2) Condemns the Government for placing a barrier in the way of employment of future enrolled nurses and causing another problem for hospital staffing.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

571 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Newcastle Netball Association has selected team members from across the Wallsend District, to compete in the inaugural International Youth Sports Challenge in Singapore.

(2) Notes that the Newcastle Netball Association is the only association in Australia sending teams overseas.

(3) Commends the effort of the Newcastle Netball Association in organising this mammoth task, and wishes the players good luck.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

572 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its inability to correct former Premier Carr’s inequitable division of the State GST revenue.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

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573 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Newcastle and District Netball Association has provided support and training for the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) competition in the Hunter for many years.

(2) Commends the Association for the health and social benefits they voluntarily provide for Hunter PWDs.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

574 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the wonderful rehabilitation and health services provided by Lourdes Hospital in .

(2) Acknowledges the progress of current meetings being held to sign a memorandum of understanding between the New South Wales Department of Health and Catholic Healthcare.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to make an announcement before 25 December 2008 of a financial agreement reached with Catholic Healthcare to assist in the construction of a new facility.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

575 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Hornsby Platform 5 (Clearway) Project is again delayed, with the answer to Written Question 1160 indicating that 2008 would be the year of completion and not 2007.

(2) Notes that completion has now blown out to 2009.

(3) Notes that the budget for this project has increased dramatically from $60 million to $98 million and now $107 million.

(4) Condemns the Government for the time blow-out as well as the budget blow-out.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

576 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that law and order in country New South Wales is spiralling out of control.

(2) Notes that there are insufficient police to control crime.

(3) Notes the judicial system is not addressing the increase in criminal activity.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

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577 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the increase in binge drinking by under age youth.

(2) Notes the lack of parental responsibility and lack of police powers to charge parents and under age drinkers for this abuse.

(3) Notes the cost of vandalism per annum to councils and shires incurred in cleaning and repair of damage.

(4) Calls on the Government to introduce legislation to address these issues and to ensure the perpetrators of vandalism carry out appropriate community service and pay the costs of damage.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

578 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the inadequate information technology existing in hospitals in the Northern Sydney Central Coast Area Health Service (NSCCAHS), including Hornsby Hospital.

(2) Notes the difficulty hospitals have in sharing and transferring patients’ records and test results between each facility.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

579 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that landholders and members of the Caroona Coal Action Group have been actively lobbying for an independent hydrological study of underground water resources across the Namoi system.

(2) Congratulates the Federal Government on its commitment of $1.5 million towards a study into surface and ground water resources in the Namoi region.

(3) Notes that the Commonwealth contribution is conditional upon the Government and mining industry providing matching funds.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide the funds needed for this vital study to proceed.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

580 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House notes that the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment has no interest in the future of the Catchment Management Authorities in this State, nor in supporting the great work they do in New South Wales.

(Notice given 3 December 2008)

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581 Mr AMERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the victory of English Championship side, Burnley, over Premiership side Arsenal in the quarter final of the Carling Cup.

(2) Notes that this upset win was the third win against a Premiership side by the Burnley team in this competition.

(3) Notes that this result sends a message to the New South Wales Opposition that being odds on favourite does not guarantee future success.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

582 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House notes the discriminatory treatment by the Government towards the people of the Upper North Shore and Northern Peninsula of Sydney.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

583 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government acknowledges (in answer to written question 4225) that: Hornsby is a major transport hub, a wide variety of train services are provided by Tangaras, Outer Suburban Tangaras, Intercity ‘V’ Sets, ‘K’ Sets, ‘S’ and ‘R’ sets, as well as CountryLink XPTs and Xplorers.

(2) Notes the desperate need for increased parking at Hornsby railway station that has been raised many times over many years.

(3) Condemns the Government for ignoring the need for improved access to public transport.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

584 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House pays tribute to the highly respected retired Colonel Graham Stewart of Koorawatha, who was tragically killed when his car was involved in a collision with a semi-trailer on the Mid Western Highway near Carcoar in November 2008.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

585 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House notes that the Government’s failure to adequately manage the State’s finances has had a detrimental impact on the whole Australian economy.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

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586 Mr PIPER to move—

That this House calls on the Government to:

(1) Provide an increased subsidy for domestic solar water heaters so that they will become a better financial option than off-peak electricity.

(2) Establish a premium tariff on all power produced by domestic photovoltaic installations.

(Notice given 4 December 2008)

587 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House acknowledges the excellent standard of public education in the Bathurst electorate, both in the built environment and teaching curriculum.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

588 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the widespread community concern in the Shoalhaven regarding the critical lack of public car parking at Shoalhaven Hospital and the shortfall of at least 93 spaces.

(2) Condemns the Government for its inability to co-operate with the Shoalhaven City Council, which has previously offered its assistance to the Government to provide increased car spaces at the Shoalhaven Hospital.

(3) Calls on the Government to urgently undertake the provision of increased car parking at Shoalhaven Hospital.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

589 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for announcing 60,000 new Government apprenticeships and cadetships over four years in a $370 million boost to jobs for young people.

(2) Notes that the Opposition does not have a policy to promote apprenticeships and cadetships in New South Wales.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

590 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the vital service provided by Ryde Hospital and its staff to the local community.

(2) Notes the commitment of the NSW Liberal/Nationals Coalition to secure the future of Ryde Hospital with a $5 million upgrade to services.

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(3) Calls on the Government to protect the future of the Hospital despite the recommendations of the Garling Commission Report calling for its closure.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

591 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the significant investment in health infrastructure in the Bathurst electorate by successive State Governments over the last decade.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

592 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the condolences for those lives lost in the Victorian fires.

(2) Notes the extent of property lost and the disruption and distress this will cause to many families for years to come.

(3) Notes that similar fire prone conditions exist in villages and towns throughout New South Wales, including in the electorate of Goulburn.

(4) Notes that local and State Government regulations frequently prevent householders and local communities from keeping their roadsides and municipal reserves free of fire fuel.

(5) Calls on the Government to review regulations preventing the removal of roadside and reserve fire fuel with a view to achieving a greater balance.

(6) Calls on the Government to establish a mechanism for reviewing recommendations from previous inquiries into bushfire disasters to ensure that those which have not been implemented are reconsidered and prioritised.

(7) Calls on the Government to examine the feasibility of providing households in fire-prone areas financial assistance for fire proofing their homes.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

593 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House congratulates the Government on the changes to the leaving age and educational attainments required of New South Wales students, and the financial commitment it has made to facilitate this program.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

594 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House notes the complete failure of the Government to manage the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link project.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

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595 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on providing a $1,331,619 Disaster Relief Grant to Gosford City Council for restoration of council owned assets damaged by the storms and floods which commenced on 7 June 2007.

(2) Notes that the Hunter and Central Coast were hit by extreme weather conditions over the June 2007 long weekend and that damage to private households, local businesses, the rural sector and local government assets made this one of the worst events to affect New South Wales in recent years.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to the Central Coast in the in the form of much needed funds to repair and restore local assets.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

596 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House recognises the significance of the centenary of the 1909 Lockout, an event in Broken Hill that was responsible for the start of the union movement in Australia.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

597 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Federal Government on the $42 billion economic stimulus package to promote growth and protect jobs in Australia.

(2) Notes the Federal Coalition opposed the stimulus package in full.

(3) Calls on the New South Wales Opposition to support the Federal and State Governments’ determination to protect New South Wales and Australia from the worst aspects of the global economic crisis.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

598 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Peter Olsen for his work in raising the profile of child safety in school zones and taking the initiative to organise the installation of flashing lights at schools across Sydney.

(2) Notes the lengthy time frame for installation and the limited number of school zones proposed by the Government for flashing light installation.

(3) Calls on the Government to rapidly install flashing lights at more schools across New South Wales for the benefit of child safety.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

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599 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its initiative to encourage more adults to become involved in sports on the Central Coast.

(2) Notes that a variety of adult sporting programs will be held throughout the Central Coast, including Introductory Golf and Learn to Surf, to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

(3) Congratulates the Government for its encouragement of adults on the Central Coast to become physically active through these sports and activities.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

600 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern the serious shortage of resources and support for medical staff at Tomaree Community Hospital.

(2) Notes the high level of community distress at the lack of resources.

(3) Condemns the Government for refusing to allow local GPs access to the hospital and refusing to negotiate a workable timetable between local GPs and locum doctors.

(4) Calls on the Government to end the mismanagement and find a workable solution.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

601 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its $218,000 investment for local arts initiatives on the Central Coast.

(2) Notes that the 2009 Arts Funding Program grants will help artists and arts workers to increase community engagement with the arts in all its forms.

(3) Notes the Government’s recognition of the Central Coast as an area with a thriving and flourishing arts community.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

602 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of Ryde Court to the local community.

(2) Notes the substandard security arrangements currently existing at Ryde Court and the adjacent Ryde Police Station.

14090 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Government to provide additional funding to Ryde Court for an upgrade to the existing facilities.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

603 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the widespread support in the Shoalhaven area for a linear accelerator in the Shoalhaven and the amount of $800,000 that has been raised by the community.

(2) Calls on the Government to release its plan for cancer services and facilities in New South Wales that includes the recommendation for a linear accelerator in the Shoalhaven.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to invest in public radiotherapy units resulting in a monopoly of private units in rural and regional New South Wales as identified by the Cancer Council of NSW.

(4) Condemns the Government for placing the lives of cancer patients in this State at risk due to its inability to adequately invest in public radiotherapy units.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

604 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the unsatisfactory state of the Bowral Public Hospital.

(2) Notes the increasing pressures on the hospital brought by the ageing population of the Wingecarribee area.

(3) Condemns the failure of the Government to invest in regional hospitals.

(4) Recommends that the Government bring forward its long-term plan to replace the Bowral Pubic Hospital in a decade, begin rebuilding urgently in the new financial year, and make funds available for this purpose.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

605 Mr APLIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on 16 February 2009 Drivetrain Systems International, Albury was placed into receivership, resulting in 208 people losing their jobs and a further 130 being offered positions for a possible eight weeks.

(2) Condemns the Government for ignoring the plight of workers despite receiving letters warning of concerns.

(3) Calls on the Government to take action to promote employment prospects in the Albury electorate, to facilitate investment, and to play a role in the retraining of sacked staff.

(Notice given 3 March 2009) 14091 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

606 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the lack of equipment in Tumut Hospital and the Batlow Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) which prevents the undertaking of procedures such as colonoscopies, gastroscopies and urology treatments such as cystoscopies, thereby impeding medical diagnosis and treatment.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately arrange to have the vital equipment provided to both Tumut Hospital and Batlow MPS.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

607 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the officers of the Eastwood Local Area Command for their hard work in the face of strenuous working conditions.

(2) Notes the removal of 17 police officers from the Eastwood Local Area Command over the past 5 years.

(3) Notes the 19.7% increase in indecent assault crimes in the Ryde Local Area during the same 5 year time frame.

(4) Calls on the Government to improve conditions at Ryde Police Station and provide additional officers in the Eastwood Local Area Command to maintain the safety of our local residents.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

608 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the lack of anaesthetists at Tumut Hospital and the threat to obstetrics, and in particular emergency caesareans in Tumut Hospital.

(2) Calls on the Government to arrange to have anaesthetic services available at Tumut Hospital.

(Notice given 3 March 2009)

609 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government on its commitment to offering a range of educational opportunities to students.

(2) Acknowledges the opening of the new Jamison High Trade School, a major election commitment to the people of Penrith.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

14092 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

610 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continued decline in the health of the Myall River at Tea Gardens, and the impact that is having on local businesses.

(2) Notes the Government’s announcement of funding to dredge the original eastern channel.

(3) Calls on the Government to end the excuses and blame shifting and commit to addressing the ailing health of the Myall River system.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

611 Mr CORRIGAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates The Nationals on the formation of the Wollondilly branch.

(2) Notes that the members of the branch are primarily disaffected Liberal Party members, unhappy with the right wing takeover of the Liberal Party.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

612 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes the impact the drought continues to have on rural and regional New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

613 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the improvements that have been made to public transport in Western Sydney.

(2) Commends the Government for the new Easy Access Upgrade and additional commuter car- parking at Emu Plains Railway station.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

614 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the hardworking and dedicated service delivered to our communities by Health Service managers and nurse managers.

(2) Supports the actions of the New South Wales Nurses Association in protecting these positions.

(3) Condemns the actions of the CEO of Greater Western Area Health Service in proposing to merge nurse management positions at twenty-two Greater Western Area Health Service facilities.

14093 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Calls for the positions at Trundle, Tottenham, Tullamore and Peak Hill to be protected and not amalgamated into one position.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

615 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s intention to shut down the Lucy-Osburn Nightingale Foundation Museum anatomy collection, splitting it between the University of Notre Dame and University of Sydney.

(2) Notes the Government’s intention for the future use of the vacated space at the museum including the possibility of it being used for office space.

(3) Calls on the Member for Wollongong and the Deputy Premier to honour their commitments expressed to the media and in correspondence to help save the collection at the museum.

(4) Calls on the Government to assure the retention of the collection, which attracts international visitors and students, at the Sydney Hospital Museum.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

616 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the work of Ovarian Cancer Australia and the trail team for Ovarian Cancer Day 25 February 2009.

(2) Notes the morbidity caused by ovarian cancer to Australian women each year.

(3) Further notes that each year 1500 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and more than 850 women will die from the disease.

(4) Thanks those individuals and organisations who are making contributions to fundraising and raising awareness of this important issue.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

617 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s act of education vandalism in its plans to sell off Seaforth TAFE.

(2) Condemns the Government for selling public education land to balance the budget books.

(3) Calls on the Government to bring all school land sales, including Seaforth TAFE and all others proposed in the mini-budget, to Parliament so any proposal for sale of public education land is voted on and debated publicly before it occurs.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

14094 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

618 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the failure of the Minister for Planning to finalise the Local Environment Plan for the Wingecarribee Shire after a delay of five years.

(2) Notes the affect this delay has had on local residential and building developments.

(3) Notes the newly gazetted Goulburn Mulwaree Shire LEP with retrospective effect that will disadvantage many land owners who had only a development consent but not a finalised plan of subdivision.

(4) Calls on the Government to review its planning processes to avoid protracted delay and the inclusion of retrospective clauses that disadvantage local land owners.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

619 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes the impact that the February 2009 floods have had on Northern New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

620 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the community’s concern about the possible closure of Mount Druitt Hospital Emergency Department, ending emergency surgery.

(2) Congratulates the Mount Druitt Hospital medical staff and community organisers Margaret Thrulow and Debbie Robertson for their efforts for Mount Druitt Hospital.

(3) Calls on the Government to announce its future plans for Mount Druitt Hospital.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

621 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House recognises the importance of jobs to hard working New South Wales families and calls on the Government to help protect New South Wales jobs by introducing a one off payroll tax cut of 15 per cent for the 2009 calendar year.

(Notice given 4 March 2009)

622 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that following Friday prayers at the Wallsend Mosque, a collection was made for the Victorian bush fire victims, and handed over to Wallsend Red Cross.

14095 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Congratulates the Wallsend Mosque, the Newcastle Muslim Association, and the wonderful New South Wales folk for their kindness and generosity to the Victorian people.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

623 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the inadequate parking adjacent to the Hornsby Railway Station despite the station upgrade under the Clearways Plan.

(2) Notes the claim that there will be 70 extra car spaces when the project is completed.

(3) Notes that this claim is a gross misrepresentation because it fails to take into account the concurrent loss of car spaces in High Street, Hornsby.

(4) Condemns the Government for ignoring the needs of commuters coming to Hornsby Railway Station and not building a multistorey car park when Hornsby is a major transport hub.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

624 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Waratah Engineering in the Wallsend electorate for employing eight new apprentices at Argenton Industry, through the Aboriginal Employment Opportunities Program.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

625 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Port Stephens ratepayers’ commitment to reducing landfill, by investing $60 million in alternative waste technology.

(2) Condemns the Government for ignoring the investment by Port Stephens, in that the Government’s waste bonus scheme gives all councils equal funding for waste management.

(3) Calls on the Government to implement greater fairness in the scheme, in order to reward those council areas which are making more of an effort than others to reduce land fill.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

626 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the poor treatment of Manly and Freshwater residents in regards to changes to their local bus service.

(2) Condemns the Government for its failure to consider the needs of residents, particularly the elderly and the disabled, when it changed the No. 135 bus route.

14096 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Government to return the service to its original route so residents, especially those on Eastern Hill, are not forced to walk more than a kilometre to use this important bus service.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

627 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House calls on the Government to improve the security of people who are currently employed, by waiving payroll tax during this economic downturn.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

628 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes International Women’s Day 2009 and the New South Wales Parliament’s recognition of “Woman of the Year”.

(2) Congratulates Mala Mehta OAM for being selected as the Hornsby Electorate Woman of the Year.

(3) Acknowledges Ms Mehta’s work as coordinator of the IABBV Hindi School and as a strong supporter and helper of the Hornsby Indian Seniors Group.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

629 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the growing transport needs of the Willoughby electorate.

(2) Notes the importance of public transport to the local community.

(3) Condemns the Government for slashing local transport services and failing to meet the demands for more frequent and reliable services.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

630 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House calls on the Government to stop riding on the back of the Federal Government’s stimulus package and develop a strategy to support the continuity of employment for people in New South Wales.

(Notice given 5 March 2009)

631 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the uniqueness of the Jenolan Caves system as part of New South Wales tourism infrastructure and recognises the New South Wales Government’s recent capital investment in keeping the caves at the forefront of the tourism industry.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

14097 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

632 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the gridlock conditions experienced on Victoria Road during peak hours.

(2) Notes the impact the increase in motorists using Victoria Road will have on local roads in the Ryde electorate.

(3) Calls on the Government to scrap the poorly conceived Iron Cove Bridge duplication project and acknowledge that this concept is a waste of money.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

633 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for its record investment of $2 billion to provide support to New South Wales families in the area of ageing and disabilities.

(2) Congratulates the Disability Trust and the Minister for Disability Services on the opening of a new group home in the electorate of Shellharbour, providing housing for four lovely young women.

(3) Thanks the young women residents in the Conway Crescent Group Home who welcomed us into their home for the official opening and housewarming.

(4) Thanks the staff of the Disability Trust, as well as the families and friends of the residents for providing such wonderful care and support.

(5) Notes the significant changes in the community’s attitude and model of care provided to young people with a disability living in our community that have occurred over the term of this Government.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

634 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

Calls on the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority to examine the structural stability and serviceability of all pedestrian bridges spanning trafficable roads with particular reference to:

(1) Possible collapse mechanisms when struck or lifted by an over height vehicle.

(2) Lateral stability.

(3) Actual versus signposted height clearance.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

14098 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

635 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for the financial and logistic assistance it is providing to Victoria as a result of the bushfire crisis.

(2) Thanks all those New South Wales volunteers who gave their time and effort fighting the Victorian bushfires.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

636 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

Condemns the Government for the non funding of Westmead Hospital resulting in:

(1) Over 1,000 patients awaiting elective surgery.

(2) More than 1,300 emergency patients waiting longer than recommended times for their urgent conditions.

(3) Over 27 per cent of patients waiting more than eight hours before being admitted due to insufficient beds in the wards.

(4) The hospital being forced to close 100 beds as a cost cutting measure which represents nine per cent of Westmead’s total capacity.

(5) The closure of 43 cardiology and heart surgery beds since late 2008 with staff arriving at work to find the heart surgery ward empty and locked.

(6) The pre-admission clinic being shut and elective surgery restricted or stopped.

(7) Operating theatre staff being told to take leave.

(8) Further plans to shut down elective surgery over the extended Easter school holidays.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

637 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for its record delivery of mental health infrastructure and front line services.

(2) Congratulates the Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Mental Health) and the South Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area Health Service and staff on the successful opening of two new mental health units at Shellharbour Hospital.

(3) Notes the first of these services is a twenty-bed mental health rehabilitation unit worth $7 million that will support the transition of patients from acute care back into the community.

14099 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Notes this is in addition to an innovative child and adolescent unit that seeks to provide a relaxed environment for young people with a mental health illness and their families to receive treatment and support from a multi disciplinary team.

(5) Notes that these services are welcome initiatives in the electorate of Shellharbour.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

638 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the importance to the rural community of the Condobolin Research Centre.

(2) Condemns the Government’s proposal to close the centre unless a committee of local people at Condobolin can come up with a funding formula involving private investment.

(3) Notes this official committee is seen as a deliberate strategy by the Government to stop key spokespeople from making public criticisms.

(4) Notes that funding by commercial/private interests would compromise the independence of research at the centre.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

639 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for its innovative ‘Earn or Learn’ policy that seeks to assist the transition from school into real jobs for young people.

(2) Congratulates the Minister for Education and TAFE NSW on the opening of the new Shellharbour Trade School a full twelve months ahead of its scheduled original opening date.

(3) Thanks the local high school principals, department staff and TAFE NSW staff for their efforts and close collaboration on a range of issues, which has enabled the timeframe for the opening to be brought forward.

(4) Notes that the Shellharbour Trade School provides young people with training in skill shortage areas in the local community, such as health care and mechanics, thus ensuring that young local people are best positioned to get local jobs.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

640 Mr APLIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that during the Premier’s visit to Albury on 6 March 2009 to meet with sacked workers he was required to lobby Federal Ministers to help staff declared redundant from Drivetrain Systems International (DSI).

(2) Calls on the Premier to explain what action he has taken in this regard.

14100 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Premier to explain why he now classes the State Government assistance delivered at the end of 2005 to now be “bad” money, when he has not done anything since then to protect the jobs of workers employed by DSI.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

641 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the work of the Ryde Midwifery Group Practice in providing home birthing facilities to the Ryde community.

(2) Notes the considerable red tape blocking the full provision of this service to the community.

(3) Calls on the Government to upgrade its current facilities at Ryde Hospital and support this essential community health service.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

642 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes the electorate of Burrinjuck extends its deepest condolences to the Victorian people following the tragic loss of 210 lives during the catastrophic Victorian bushfires of February 2009.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

643 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the proposal to alter bus routes around the Melrose Park area.

(2) Notes the impact the proposed alterations will have on local residents, of which a number are elderly and reliant on the existing service.

(3) Calls on the Government to abandon its proposed changes and ensure public transport is a priority for the Ryde electorate.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

644 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges that Richardson Road from Raymond Terrace to Salt Ash is the recommended route for all northbound traffic to the Tomaree and Tilligerry peninsulas.

(2) Acknowledges that two serious crashes occurred on this road in March 2009 resulting in one fatality.

(3) Acknowledges that Cabbage Tree Road and Tomago Road are a shorter alternative route and may be rezoned for industrial use along their total lengths as indicated in the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources original draft Lower Hunter Strategy.

14101 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Calls on the Roads and Traffic Authority and New South Wales Planning to meet with Port Stephens Council to determine which route should be the long term preferred route for northbound traffic to the Tomaree and Tilligerry peninsulas so that future efforts can be properly concentrated.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

645 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House notes the excellent work provided by Andrew Hill of AJH Sports in providing educational activities to children in the Ryde area for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

(Notice given 10 March 2009)

646 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House acknowledges the massive impact the Federal Government’s financial stimulus package will have on education infrastructure in New South Wales.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

647 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Eungai Public School urgently requires a school hall for its 80 pupils, a request made on numerous occasions by the school community.

(2) Notes that the Department of Education and Training has indicated that an application for Federal funding for a hall will not be supported because the school is too small, but that an application for replacement of demountable classrooms would be supported, despite the school community being satisfied with the classrooms at this point.

(3) Calls on the Government to support the local community and allow Eungai Public School’s application for Federal funding.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

648 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the substantial funding being provided to schools in New South Wales as part of the Federal Government’s “Building the Education Revolution Program”.

(2) Notes that the Federal Opposition parties opposed the “Building the Education Revolution Program”.

(3) Notes that the “Building the Education Revolution Program”:

(a) Is comprised of three programs: Primary Schools for the 21 Century, National School Pride and Science and Language Centres for 21 Century Secondary Schools.

(b) Builds on existing State Government programs including the $2 billion “Building Better Schools” initiative and the $150 million “Principal’s Priority Building Program”.

14102 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Congratulates the State Government on its use of infrastructure funds to support jobs in the New South Wales economy and investment in our future through our schools.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

649 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government over its proposed sale of Crown Land adjacent to Quarry Reserve at Amourin Street, North Manly.

(2) Supports Warringah Council in its offer to care for, control and maintain the land.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Lands to immediately withdraw the land from sale.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

650 Mr MORRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the significant work undertaken by the Charlestown Carers Group.

(2) Thanks all of the volunteers who are assisting this group.

(3) Commends the Government and the Minister for Disability Services for the allocation of $50,000 to support this group’s work.

(4) Wishes all of the volunteers well for the future in the support of our older community members.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

651 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with extreme sadness the death of Harold Burchill Kirkpatrick OAM, late of Berowra Waters.

(2) Extends condolences to Betty Kirkpatrick, his devoted wife, and their family.

(3) Notes his exceptional life as a man who made valuable contributions to his local Berowra Waters community as well as wider New South Wales.

(4) Notes his efforts in relation to provision of the water supply for Berowra Waters as well as his service through the Berowra Waters Progress Association.

(5) Acknowledges the admiration he earned, for example through his tireless support of the new Berowra Waters Rural Fire Service Station redevelopment.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

14103 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

652 Mr MORRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the importance to the community of our State and National Parks.

(2) Recognises the high value of Glenrock State Conservation Reserve in the Charlestown electorate.

(3) Congratulates all Parks’ staff on the opening of the new Leichhardt’s Lookout.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

653 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes a spate of devastating house fires in Port Stephens in recent months which have claimed virtually all of some families’ belongings.

(2) Praises the people of Port Stephens and the wider Hunter region for their rapid and generous responses to these families’ plight by donating money, clothes toys, blankets, furniture and even houses to the affected families.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

654 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the occasion of Commonwealth Day celebrated at a gala luncheon in the Parliament House Strangers Dining Room on 9 March 2009.

(2) Notes the theme of this year’s Commonwealth Day was “The Commonwealth at 60 —serving a new generation”.

(3) Notes the presentation of the Tom Harvey Award (under the Australian Youth Trust) to Clary Castrission for his project the “40K Home Foundation – plugging education in”.

(4) Congratulates Clary on his tireless efforts to improve the future prospects of the children of indentured mine workers in India.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

655 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the serious decline in CountryLink patronage is due to the pensioner booking tax introduced by the Government in 2006.

(2) Notes the unfair impact of the CountryLink booking tax on pensioners on the South Coast and the continuing exploitation of pensioners in New South Wales by the Government.

14104 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to progress debate on the Transport Administration Amendment (CountryLink Pensioner Booking Fee Abolition) Bill 2008 as proposed by the Coalition in 2007.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

656 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of public bus transport to the residents of the northern beaches of Sydney.

(2) Condemns plans by the Government to de-express buses to the northern beaches of Sydney and to reduce services linking the northern beaches to Chatswood.

(3) Calls on the Government to deliver fast, frequent and comfortable public bus transport for residents and visitors to the northern beaches.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

657 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the tremendous effort put into raising funds at the Berowra Village Tavern in February 2009 for the victims of the Victorian bushfires.

(2) Thanks the proprietors of the Berowra Village Tavern for enabling the event to be held in their premises.

(3) Notes the idea was created by Steve Passfield and Tim Shaw, who, with the assistance of Kathie Comb, Editor of the Berowra Bush Telegraph, set the event in motion.

(4) Congratulates the Berowra community for its support of such a successful fundraiser, as well as all the businesses and individuals who donated generously for the auction and raffle.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

658 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the Minister for Roads’ belated announcement on 2 March 2009 of reducing demerit points for low range speeding offences from 3 to 1.

(2) Notes the Minister for Roads’ claim that “computer programming” requirements means it will be six months before the new system begins.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to ensure that from the date of his announcement, in the interests of fairness, that any motorist fined for driving between 0 and 10 kilometres over the speed limit lose 1 not 3 demerit points.

(Notice given 11 March 2009)

14105 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

659 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the delightful young women from Edgeworth Girl Guides and the Member for Wallsend, who toiled on Clean-up Australia Day at Glendale.

(2) Commends the Girl Guides for their endeavours, and notes that there were too many cigarette butts in the litter collected.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

660 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes former Treasurer Costa’s warning in “The Australian” on 6 February 2009 that the Federal Government’s response to the global financial crisis “is likely to do more damage to the economy”.

(2) Notes Paul Sheehan’s description of the Prime Minister in “The Sydney Morning Herald” on 9 March 2009 as “a hypocrite who panicked at the first sign of danger and sprayed the entire $20 billion budget surplus he inherited up against a wall” and “a man who is making it up as he goes along”.

(3) Notes that thousands of non-resident non-Australians who worked for a few years in this country in the dim distant past are also receiving Federal Government handouts.

(4) Calls on the State Government to cease its obsession with the Federal Government’s $42 billion stimulus package and concentrate on the things it is responsible for: public transport, crime, the roads, the hospitals and managing the State’s economy.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

661 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the success of Gear Up Girl, a Sydney bike ride occurring on the eve of International Women’s Day which was attended by the Hon Penny Sharpe and the Member for Wallsend.

(2) Congratulates Bicycle NSW for its success and encourages them to consider moving the event to the Wallsend electorate, so as to include Hunter female cyclists.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

662 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House congratulates the Lane Cove River Tourist Park for being awarded Best Tourist and Caravan Park in Australia at the 2008 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

14106 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

663 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the elderly of Wallsend for the immense contribution they have made to the community.

(2) Congratulates the Government for its commitment to the celebration of the elderly with festivities running from 15 to 22 March 2009.

(3) Notes that this is a great opportunity for people of all ages to join with seniors and participate in any of the 700 events taking place across New South Wales.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

664 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Hornsby Platform 5 (Clearway) Project is again delayed, with the answer to Question on Notice 1160 indicating that 2008 would be the year of completion and not 2007.

(2) Notes that the date of completion has now blown out to 2009.

(3) Notes that the budget for this project had increased dramatically from $60 million to $98 million and is now $107 million.

(4) Condemns the Government for the time blow-out as well as the budget blow-out.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

665 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns Telstra’s announcement on 11 March 2009 of the sacking of 45 payroll division workers whose roles will be phased out between June and December 2009.

(2) Supports to the proposal to locate alternative positions for the 21 staff working in Dubbo, plus 5 contractor staff and the remaining staff at Telstra’s Burwood office.

(3) Condemns Telstra for claiming improvements to payroll services are the reason for the sacking, and the reduction from 13 positions to 1 position on grounds of technological change, when broadband and mobile access is not available to all Australians.

(4) Calls on The Nationals, particularly the Federal Member for Calare, who voted for the privatisation of Telstra, to make apologies to 45 individuals.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

14107 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

666 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the growing community concern with the Government’s announced intention to not reappoint a Palliative Care Volunteer Co-ordinator at the Port Macquarie Community Health Service.

(2) Notes that there are limited palliative care beds and no hospice facilities in the area.

(3) Notes the Government’s intention for the future management of this invaluable volunteer support program which assists in keeping patients at home, by providing respite for carers, transport to and from medical appointments and support and assistance for patients undergoing chemotherapy.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

667 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the work of the Eastwood Local Area Command in serving the Eastwood/Ryde community.

(2) Congratulates officers of the Eastwood Local Area Command on being honoured at the North West Metropolitan Region Awards ceremony in Ryde.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

668 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the adoption of the Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan announced by the Deputy Premier on 11 March 2009.

(2) Notes the complete absence of infrastructure in the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy.

(3) Call on the Government to develop an infrastructure plan for the Lower Hunter as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

669 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the provision of state-of-the-art mobile fingerprinting devices to New South Wales Police officers.

(2) Notes that the $5.1 million project will allow Police access to the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS), which will allow checking of an offender’s criminal record within 90 seconds of taking fingerprints.

14108 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to providing New South Wales Police with the best resources to assist them out in the field.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

670 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent policy change that will force potential enrolled nurses to pay thousands of dollars for a course before they can work as a nurse.

(2) Condemns the Government for placing a barrier in the way of employment of future enrolled nurses and causing another problem for hospital staffing.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

671 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Member for Kiama publicly opposed wind farms and argued against their environmental benefit, less than a week after the Premier announced five wind farm locations in New South Wales.

(2) Congratulates Shoalhaven Deputy Mayor Gareth Ward for moving to include wind farms as a permissible use in RU1 and RU2 rural zones in the Shoalhaven.

(3) Calls on the Government to closely consult the community in determining the location of wind farms on the South Coast.

(4) Calls on the Government to ensure wind farms are appropriately sited and scaled for the Kiama and South Coast communities.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

672 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the First Home Owners Grant Scheme whereby, together with the Federal Government’s First Home Owners Boost, first home buyers of new homes can receive benefits of up to a maximum $24,000.

(2) Notes that since the $3,000 New Home Buyers Supplement Scheme was announced in the mini- budget in November 2008, there has been a noted increase in people taking up the grant, with Gosford being in the top 10 locations in New South Wales.

(3) Congratulates the Government for investing in the State by supporting first home buyers and the building industry.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

14109 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

673 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Tweed police on their recent apprehension of four alleged offenders in the recent Pottsville Australia Day disturbance.

(2) Congratulates the Tweed police on their recent apprehension of offenders in the alleged graffiti attacks in Pottsville.

(3) Calls on the Police Minister to adequately resource our fine hard working members of the Tweed Byron Local Area Command.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

674 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its commitment to young people by providing 6,000 new Government apprenticeships and cadetships over four years.

(2) Notes that this is a $370 million investment in young people in the time of a severe economic downtown.

(3) Congratulates the Government for encouraging more people to undertake an apprenticeship and ensuring that New South Wales retains a highly skilled workforce.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

675 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Dr John Knight AM on being awarded Ryde Citizen of the Year.

(2) Notes his dedication to the care of elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people through the provision of purpose built accommodation.

(3) Commends the work of the Medi-Aid Centre Foundation in the Ryde electorate.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

676 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the stimulus package to ‘bail-out’ education in New South Wales Schools.

(2) Calls on the Government to allocate funding to provide a new hall for Berowra Public School.

(3) Calls on the Government to allocate funding for permanent classroom structures for Cherrybrook Technology High School as opposed to current demountable classrooms.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

14110 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

677 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the innovative steps taken by Macquarie University to upgrade its science teaching laboratories with $3.85 million worth of cutting edge technology.

(2) Notes the progress Macquarie University has made in setting a high international standard for innovation and scientific research.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

678 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Batlow apples from the electorate of Wagga Wagga were featured in a recent Woolworths promotion held in Parliament House.

(2) Notes that free apples were available in the Speaker’s Square on 12 March 2009 for members’ delectation.

(3) Supports the promotion and consumption of locally grown products such as Batlow apples.

(Notice given 12 March 2009)

679 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Bligh Labor Government on its resounding win in the Queensland State election.

(2) Congratulates Premier Anna Bligh on being the first elected female Premier of any state in Australia.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

680 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Corrie Island in Port Stephens has been listed on the World Heritage List and the International RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands register, which means the Island is “recognised by the international community as being of significant value not only for the country, or the countries, in which they are located, but for humanity as a whole.”

(2) Notes the Government has failed to include Corrie Island in its Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan.

(3) Condemns the Government for continuing to ignore the environmental significance and ongoing degradation of Corrie Island.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

14111 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

681 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Tumut community including the Lions Club and Community Trust have raised $25,000 for a desperately needed birthing bed for Tumut Hospital.

(2) Congratulates the Tumut community on their outstanding generosity and continuing support for their local hospital.

(3) Calls on the Government to guarantee obstetric and anaesthetist services for Tumut Hospital where over 100 babies are born each year.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

682 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House expresses concern over the way the Government-owned WSN Environmental Solutions has been conducting garbage landfill operations at Belrose.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

683 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the successful Rotary District 9680 Conference held in Newcastle on 14-15 March 2009.

(2) Congratulates Rotary on the work it does to support local community groups, as well as valuable projects such as the Bowel-scan program.

(3) Congratulates Rotary on its international work including polio eradication and provision of bed nets and shelter boxes.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

684 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the dangerous conditions faced by school students on the corner of Lane Cove Road and Cox’s Road, in North Ryde.

(2) Notes the hazardous 70 km/h speed zone on Lane Cove Road, which is in close proximity to a primary school.

(3) Calls on the Government to rezone the portion of Lane Cove Road near North Ryde Public School as a 40km/h school zone with flashing lights.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

14112 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

685 Ms MEGARRITY to move—

That this House joins in sorrow with the family, friends and colleagues of Sergeant Brett Till, who recently lost his life on service while attempting to defuse an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

686 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 17 May 2009 will be the fifth anniversary of the Government’s axing of the Casino to Murwillumbah rail service.

(2) Requests the State Government to immediately:

(a) Allocate funding to introduce a light rail service in line with the “Getting the North Coast Back on Track” 2007 election policy, which mirrored that of North Coast train lobby group Trains on our Tracks (TOOT).

(b) Identify and reserve a rail corridor to complete the missing link to Queensland’s proposed railway station at the Gold Coast Airport.

(c) Apply for Federal Government funding under the Building Australia Fund for the following much needed projects:

(i) Recommence rail services from Casino to Murwillumbah; and

(ii) immediately planning and construction of the Murwillumbah to the Gold Coast airport link.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

687 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of 2009 Catholic Schools Week and this year’s theme of “Youth in Action – Active in Faith, Active in Learning”.

(2) Commends the action taken by the schools to raise awareness and celebrate the strength and distinctiveness of Catholic schools.

(3) Notes the importance of strengthening relationships between Catholic school communities and the wider Ryde electorate.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

688 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the overwhelming response from the Port Stephens community to a recent, optional community survey which indicated that anti-social behaviour, the need for an upgrade of the Tomaree Community Hospital, and the construction of a new police station in Raymond Terrace are among the most pressing issues in Port Stephens. 14113 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to acknowledge the desperate need for an upgrade of the Tomaree Community Hospital.

(3) Notes that the community’s response to the survey highlights the frustration the electorate has with the Government.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

689 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the very successful “Homeless Forum” arranged by the Hornsby Homelessness Taskforce on Tuesday 17 March 2009.

(2) Congratulates Bill and Carmel Aitken for their contribution.

(3) Congratulates Reverend Keith Garner of Wesley Mission and Felicity Reynolds of Mercy Foundation for their wonderful presentations.

(4) Congratulates the Sydney Street Choir for its participation.

(5) Acknowledges the tremendous goodwill of those present, and the need for the State Government to take action to help the homeless in the Hornsby electorate.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

690 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the poor condition of main arterial roads such as Victoria Road, Blaxland Road and Lane Cove Road.

(2) Notes the dangers that poor road conditions present to drivers, especially in wet weather.

(3) Calls on the Government to provide more funding for road maintenance in the Ryde electorate.

(Notice given 24 March 2009)

691 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the outstanding commitment of the various emergency services throughout New South Wales and particularly those in the Bathurst electorate.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

692 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Peak Hill Central School for being the overall winner of the Third Mid Lachlan Science & Engineering Challenge held on Thursday 5 March 2009.

14114 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Acknowledges the high standard produced by Forbes High School, St. Raphael’s Intermediate School Cowra, James Sheahan Catholic High School Orange, Parkes High School, Cowra High School and Red Bend Catholic College Forbes.

(3) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Forbes and most particularly acknowledges the commitment of Yvonne Shaw, Chair of the Annual Science Challenge.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

693 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and the Minister for the Illawarra for continuing to support business in the Illawarra by providing $3 million over the next three years to the Illawarra Advantage Fund.

(2) Notes that this funding injection translates to the creation and retention of 2,625 jobs in the region.

(3) Recognises that the Illawarra Advantage Fund has improved the competitiveness of the Illawarra particularly in sectors where there are opportunities for growth such as business and financial services.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

694 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the efforts of the Hon David Campbell, the former Minister for Police, who addressed this House on 27 September 2007 about the crackdown on bikie gangs by this Government.

(2) Notes the ineffective results of the Minister’s efforts.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

695 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the huge investment in education by the Federal Government and commends its Education Revolution.

(2) Congratulates the Premier and the Minister for Education for acting decisively to ensure New South Wales schools will be able to reap the benefits of the funding.

(3) Calls on the Opposition to explain why it is against a package which will invest billions of dollars into New South Wales schools.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

14115 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

696 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Minister for Lands to urgently respond to the Member for Manly’s questions regarding the proposed sale of Crown Land adjacent to Quarry Reserve at Amourin Street, North Manly.

(2) Calls for debate on the proposed sale of this land before the 6 April 2009 deadline for expressions of interest to be lodged.

(3) Calls on the Government to consult with the community about the proposed sale.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

697 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier for introducing a free shuttle bus service for the people of Wollongong (the Gong Shuttle).

(2) Notes the benefits of this service to the students of Wollongong University and pensioners alike while creating more than 22 full time permanent positions.

(3) Recognises the Government’s continued commitment to the Illawarra in delivering this vital service and pursuing of job creation.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

698 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates and thanks those members of the Avalon Surf Life Saving Club who assisted during the recent shark attack at Avalon Beach.

(2) Notes that Andrew Lindop has returned home and wishes him and his family all the best for his recovery.

(3) Calls on the Government to ensure that shark nets are placed as close as possible to popular beaches such as Avalon, and that such nets are regularly checked and maintained.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

699 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier for conducting a Regional Cabinet meeting in Wollongong which was attended by hundreds of people.

(2) Notes that the meeting provided an opportunity for constituents, groups and business leaders to raise issues with Ministers and Heads of Departments.

14116 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Recognises the positive feedback from the hundreds who attended and participated in the open forum.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

700 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes 70 people attended a meeting on 24 March 2009 at the Holy Family Church in Mount Druitt to express their concerns about the possible closure of Mount Druitt Hospital emergency department.

(2) Congratulates hospital staff and community members for their strong campaign to keep Mount Druitt Hospital emergency department open.

(3) Notes concerns about staffing levels at Mount Druitt Hospital.

(4) Notes local residents’ concerns about patients being at risk if they have to be transferred from Mount Druitt Hospital to Blacktown Hospital while waiting for emergency care.

(5) Calls on the Government to guarantee continued medical services for the community, which relies on Mount Druitt Hospital emergency department.

(6) Calls on the Members for Mount Druitt and Londonderry to support their communities in their quest to retain the Mount Druitt Hospital emergency department.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

701 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that since the start of the global financial crisis the Premier has cut the capital works program and introduced 16 new taxes and charges worth $3.3 billion.

(2) Calls on the Government to implement its own stimulus package to protect jobs and bolster the State’s economy.

(Notice given 25 March 2009)

702 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Wallsend Touch Association was named Club of the Year by Hunter Good Sports, an initiative of the Australian Drug Foundation.

(2) Commends this successful local sporting club for its commitment to providing a safe, healthy and friendly family environment.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

14117 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

703 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the development approval for a police station in Raymond Terrace has been approved by Port Stephens Council despite strong reservations.

(2) Notes Port Stephens Council ratepayers will face $732,000 in costs to accommodate the Government’s necessary but badly planned development.

(3) Condemns the Government for refusing to contribute to the 43 additional parking spaces this development will generate.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

704 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the University of Newcastle, in Wallsend electorate, appears on the 2009 list of Employers of Choice for Women.

(2) Commends the University for its many projects aimed at encouraging women into leadership roles.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

705 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern the rail service experience of Mr Murray Joseph who has twice recently suffered late trains that caused him to miss connections.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to explain why the train from Newcastle timetabled to arrive at 4.44 pm at Hornsby station failed to do so on Monday 23 March 2009.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to explain why the 7.17 am train from Newcastle on 25 March 2009 was 10 minutes late arriving at Strathfield.

(4) Calls on the Minister to apologise to Mr Joseph.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

706 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Jesmond Early Education Centre will celebrate the opening of its recently renovated playground on Saturday 4 April 2009.

(2) Congratulates families and staff for raising the commendable sum of $40,000 towards the playground project.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

14118 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

707 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the exceptional work undertaken by the Ryde Family Support Service.

(2) Notes that many community service organisations across New South Wales rely on the Community Services Grants Program.

(3) Calls on the Government to increase funding to the Community Services Grants Program, especially during turbulent economic times when families are under increased pressure.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

708 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the achievement of Broken Hill, which was named in the top 25 of 110 tourist towns in the “Australia Travellers” magazine.

(2) Recognises the achievement of Silverton, which was named in the top 50 of 100 tourist towns in Australia in the “Australia Travellers” magazine.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

709 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the hardworking Nurse Managers and Health Service Managers employed by the New South Wales Department of Health.

(2) Condemns the past and present management of the Greater Western Area Health Service (GWAHS) for their determination to restructure these positions which will force Nurse Managers’ new workload to be 80 per cent administration and 20 per cent clinical rather than 70 per cent clinical and 30 percent administration.

(3) Calls on the Premier to uphold his commitment to jobs in New South Wales and to front line health service staff until full consultation with staff and rural communities is undertaken.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

710 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern the failure of the Government to adequately maintain Department of Housing properties in Port Stephens, especially those which have been vacated.

(2) Notes the frustration and anger of residents in Nelson Bay and Mayfield who live near the derelict and seemingly abandoned public housing blocks on Dowling Street and Bull Street respectively.

14119 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Government to allocate recently announced Federal funding for upgrades to public housing property, especially the above properties and other properties in Port Stephens.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

711 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Group Study Exchange (GSE) program that Rotary District 9680 runs each year.

(2) Congratulates District 9680 on its GSE program that facilitated travel by five disabled young adults from Arizona, USA, to undertake vocational work in Sydney.

(3) Congratulates District 9680 on its outbound GSE group of four disabled Australian young people travelling to Arizona for a similar experience.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

712 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House calls on the Government to admit its mini budget was a dismal failure in that it has provided no stimulus for the economy of New South Wales.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

713 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of flashing lights at school zones in reducing the risk of speeding.

(2) Notes the many risks that children face around school zones from vehicles.

(3) Calls on the Government to install more flashing lights at schools in the Ryde electorate given the proven link between school zone flashing lights and greater driver awareness.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

714 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that another crash has occurred on the Gocup Road at Tumut involving a B-Double truck.

(2) Notes that the Federal Government has to commit and fund the Gocup Road upgrade.

(3) Calls on the Federal Government to do so.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Roads to commit to fund his share of the desperately needed upgrade.

(Notice given 26 March 2009)

14120 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

715 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Opposition to clarify for the people of New South Wales how its economic plans to cut revenue and increase spending, whilst ensuring “expense growth will be less than, or equal to, revenue growth”, is fiscally possible.

(2) Calls on the Opposition to identify which services and jobs will be cut to maintain its impossible fiscal strategy.

(3) Calls on the Leader of the Opposition to show leadership and support the Government’s plans for new apprenticeships, $56 billion worth of infrastructure and faster planning approvals amongst a range of achievable strategies that will create jobs in New South Wales.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

716 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of ensuring that our children are kept secure and that every measure is taken to enable safe passage to school.

(2) Notes the route to Asquith Girls High School includes a pedestrian crossing on Sherbrook Road adjacent to the Stokes Avenue entrance to the school.

(3) Notes this crossing is the means by which many girls approach the school but that the crossing is not within a 40kph school zone.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Roads to enable the extension of 40kph school zone along Sherbrook Road, Asquith from the intersection of Royston Parade and Baldwin Avenue to south of Stokes Avenue.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

717 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the Justice Pups Program that will see young people in custody train puppies to become Assistance Dogs for people with disabilities.

(2) Notes that Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre on the Central Coast is the first juvenile justice centre in Australia and state-run juvenile detention centre in the world to run a rehabilitation program involving puppies.

(3) Commends the Government for encouraging young people in custody to improve their self-esteem and develop a sense of responsibility, whilst people with disabilities concurrently benefit from much needed assistance and companionship from the dogs.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

14121 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

718 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the significant community opposition to the EnergyAustralia sub-station to be built on Buffalo Road at Ryde.

(2) Notes the actions taken by the Planning Minister which ignore the wishes of the community and Ryde City Council.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

719 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for extending additional funding to the Central Coast New South Wales Regional Academy of Sport for four more years.

(2) Notes that the ten independent Regional Academies of Sport receive $1 million a year from the Government, with extra funding of $500,000 now extended for four more years.

(3) Congratulates the Government for investing in young athletes and supporting the Central Coast region and other regions throughout the State.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

720 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the sacking of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council as recommended by the Government.

(2) Notes that the reason given is an alleged over-expenditure in relation to the construction of an event centre called the Glasshouse.

(3) Notes that Hornsby Shire Council expended more than $23M of rate-payers’ money on the forced acquisition of a disused quarry.

(4) Calls on the Government to explain why it ignored numerous and persistent requests to have a public inquiry into the acquisition of Hornsby Quarry.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

721 Ms DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continued lack of commitment by the Government to the future of Ryde Hospital, evident in its response to the Garling Report recommendations.

(2) Calls on the Government to come clean on its plans for the future of Ryde Hospital.

(Notice given 31 March 2009)

14122 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

722 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the Government’s commitment to improving the health of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, particularly through the green grants program.

(2) Congratulates the Premier for establishing the new office of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River to be based in Penrith.

(Notice given 1 April 2009)

723 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the importance of continuing Exceptional Circumstances (EC) assistance to many rural communities affected by continuing drought.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Primary Industries to recognise there is a case for communities and industry groups to have continuing EC assistance.

(3) Calls on the Minister to immediately contact the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to request ongoing financial help for rural communities.

(Notice given 1 April 2009)

724 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and Minister for Finance, Infrastructure, Regulatory Reform and Minister for Ports and Waterways, for the continued commitment to the port at Port Kembla, as shown by the Outer Harbour project which will ensure future growth and increase capacity for the region to attract new business and create new jobs.

(2) Notes that prior to the last election the Opposition stated that if elected the multi million-dollar car import facility at Port Kembla would not go ahead.

(3) Condemns the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of The Nationals for recent statements that if elected to Government they would privatise New South Wales ports such as Port Kembla.

(Notice given 1 April 2009)

725 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the importance of jobs to hard working New South Wales families.

(2) Recognises that two thirds of the State’s workforce are employed by businesses liable for payroll tax.

14123 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Government to help protect New South Wales jobs by introducing a one off payroll tax cut of 15 per cent.

(Notice given 1 April 2009)

726 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges Port Stephens Tourism’s latest $250,000 campaign in metropolitan media to encourage the people of Sydney to visit the region during the economic downturn.

(2) Commends tourism operators in Port Stephens for providing excellent services and helping make Port Stephens such a fabulous place to visit.

(3) Encourages all Members of this House to plan their next holiday in beautiful Port Stephens.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

727 Mr CANSDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Yamba on being named Best Town in Australia by a panel of tourism and travel experts.

(2) Congratulates Yamba on being the only town in New South Wales to be in the top five.

(3) Recognises the outstanding features of Yamba which are attracting international visitors.

(4) Congratulates Yamba on its strong community focus.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

728 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes the need for continued Exceptional Circumstances assistance for the Central West, including Bigga, Lyndhurst and other towns in the area formerly know as the Central Tablelands Rural Lands Protection Board area.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

729 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Rotary District 9640 Conference being held in Tweed Heads from 3 to 5 April 2009.

(2) Congratulates Rotary District 9640 on the work it does to support local community groups as well as valuable national projects such as the $90,000 raised in the Victorian Bushfire Appeal organised by Rotary in Victoria.

(3) Congratulates Rotary District 9640 on its international work including polio eradication and the provision of over 80 shelter boxes since the beginning of 2008.

(Notice given 2 April 2009) 14124 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

730 Mr PIPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the application of SEPP 71 can remove the rights of local communities to determine how their area develops.

(2) Notes that SEPP 71 was created to ensure that development in the New South Wales coastal zone is appropriate and suitably located, to ensure that there is a consistent and strategic approach to coastal planning and management, and to ensure there is a clear development assessment framework for the coastal zone.

(3) Calls on the Government to amend SEPP 71 so as to ensure that local communities through their councils maintain consent powers, with the Government holding a right of veto against inappropriate development.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

731 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to adhere to its own legislation relating to flows for the Snowy River.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

732 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the State Government and the Federal Government committed in June 2008 to complete the Lower Hunter Transport Needs Study by 15 November 2008, to be submitted “to Infrastructure Australia by the end of November 2008”.

(2) Notes that the State claims it has submitted the report to the Federal Government, which in turn says that the report has not been received.

(3) Condemns the State and Federal Governments for not recognising the importance of the Lower Hunter Transport Needs Study.

(Notice given 2 April 2009)

733 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Local Government to urgently investigate breaches in confidentiality occurring within Port Stephens Council.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

734 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Premier’s recent statements that no front-line health positions would be affected by the Government’s health cost-cutting proposals.

14125 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that the North Coast Area Health Service has indicated that it will remove the Director of Nursing position at Wauchope, with this function to be provided “remotely” from Port Macquarie Base Hospital.

(3) Notes that this move will reduce the level of support for nurses and service to patients at Wauchope District Memorial Hospital.

(4) Calls on the Government to cease forthwith any plans to remove this essential front-line position.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

735 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for introducing the Companion Card for people in New South Wales who have a significant and life-long disability.

(2) Notes that the free card will enable persons who require attendant care at events and venues to participate without having to pay for a second ticket for their attendant.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to people with a disability in New South Wales.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

736 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the start of work on the new Tuggerah Station bus interchange, security and parking upgrade.

(2) Notes that there will be an additional 100 parking spaces for local commuters.

(3) Notes that CCTV cameras and lighting will improve security at the station car park.

(4) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to improving facilities for commuters at Central Coast railway stations.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

737 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the Wilderness Society’s decision to appoint a New Zealander to dictate environmental policy in forestry in the Murray-Darling electorate.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

738 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the F3 is a dangerous road.

(2) Notes recent roadworks have made the F3 even more dangerous.

14126 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes a number of extremely bad accidents have occurred and do occur on a regular basis.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately implement “point to point” speed monitoring on the F3.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

739 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for investing in people’s health with the introduction of the New South Wales Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service, a new free telephone and web service to help tackle obesity.

(2) Notes that this $3 million investment, based on the highly successful Quitline model for smokers, will provide callers with simple information and ongoing support to help people lose weight.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to tackling the obesity problem in New South Wales.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

740 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the ACT Government’s approval for ACTEW to “buy and store high-security water” in Tantangara Dam.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Water to give his absolute guarantee to the water users of New South Wales that such storage will not result in a reduction of water allocations.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

741 Mr PIPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the need for bus parking at Bonnells Bay Public School to be relocated from its current location in Morisset Park Road due to the provision of a new pedestrian crossing at this location.

(2) Supports the establishment of a bus set down and pick up area in Fishery Point Road on land owned by the Department of Health, which adjoins the school.

(3) Calls on the Government to instigate a co-operative approach by relevant departments to planning and implementing this new pick-up and set-down area for buses.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

742 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the positive impact the proposed subdivision at Kings Hill at North Raymond Terrace would have on the area, creating more than 4000 new dwellings, creating hundreds of jobs and providing much needed infrastructure and services in the region. 14127 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes the Government’s ongoing delays in announcing its decision on the long awaited and much needed Kings Hill subdivision in North Raymond Terrace.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Planning to fast track a rezoning on this subdivision and subsequent housing development.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

743 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the Wilderness Society for misinforming the Government and community about forestry management in the Murray-Darling electorate.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

744 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the inadequate parking adjacent to railway stations in the electorate of Hornsby, in particular Berowra and Hornsby.

(2) Notes the outcry from residents who wish to travel by public transport but who are unable to do so due to the number of available car spaces.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to restrict the use of rail parking spaces to Hornsby Shire Council residents only.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

745 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Tumut Hospital was to be left with just one obstetrician to handle a workload of around 80 deliveries between April and October 2009.

(2) Notes the Rural Doctors Association blames a lack of Government support for rural GPs for the present shortfall.

(3) Notes that too many doctors are giving up procedural practice because of burnout and the failure of Governments to recognise the unique skills and expertise of rural doctors.

(4) Notes that obstetrics and other services at Tumut Hospital will be put under severe strain and are at threat of closure as a result.

(5) Calls on the State and Federal Governments to intervene to address the problems faced by practitioners of medicine especially in Tumut and Batlow.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

14128 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

746 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the strong response to the recent inaugural Port Stephens Volunteer of the Year Awards, with an impressive 38 nominations of hard working and dedicated volunteers in the local region.

(2) Congratulates Salamander Bay’s Ray Tucker on being named Volunteer of the Year.

(3) Acknowledges and thanks all volunteers in NSW for their dedication to serving their communities.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

747 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that access to renal dialysis for patients in the Wagga Wagga electorate is at a crisis point.

(2) Calls on the Government to:

(a) Increase the number of chairs available.

(b) Renovate/enlarge or find alternate accommodation for the renal dialysis unit in Wagga Wagga.

(c) Employ a nephrologist immediately.

(d) Ensure access to endocrinologists is timely.

(e) Establish a satellite dialysis service in Tumut.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

748 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the attendance of more than 60 residents of the Tilligerry Peninsula at a public meeting to discuss a perceived lack of bush fire hazard reduction in the area.

(2) Notes the community’s concern that the State Government owned land in the area has significant overgrowth and has not been adequately maintained to reduce fire threats.

(3) Calls on the Government to address the community’s concerns, and improve dialogue between State corporations and volunteer fire fighters.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

749 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House condemns the Wilderness Society for causing the loss of sustainable forestry jobs in the Murray-Darling.

(Notice given 5 May 2009)

14129 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

750 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that women are more likely to bear the brunt of the economic downturn because part-time and casual jobs will be the first to go.

(2) Urges women to apply for the many apprenticeships that will be on offer by the Government in the Hunter.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

751 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Port Stephens region was left without ambulance coverage for many hours in May 2009, due to local ambulances being queued up outside the Calvary Mater Hospital in Newcastle.

(2) Notes that the Government slashed funding for ambulance off load beds in the new hospital, reducing the number by four.

(3) Condemns the Government for allowing its financial incompetence to put the lives of the people of Port Stephens at risk.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

752 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 5 May is International Midwives Day.

(2) Notes the important role midwives play in providing community care for mothers and their babies.

(3) Commends the Government for its enhancement of midwifery-led birthing services.

(4) Congratulates the Minister for Health and South Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area Health Service on the opening of an innovative family care centre at Shellharbour Hospital and the introduction of home birthing, providing mothers with more choice.

(5) Notes that these services are welcome initiatives in the electorate of Shellharbour.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

753 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House congratulates the Children’s Cancer Institute for its excellent governance and contribution to cancer research.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

14130 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

754 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the opening of the new 8 bed High Dependency Unit at Wyong Hospital.

(2) Notes the High Dependency Unit at Wyong Hospital is for patients requiring short-term ventilation, post-operative monitoring and complex medical care.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to improving medical services in the Wyong Shire.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

755 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Nelson Bay Road is the only transport link between Newcastle and Newcastle Airport.

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to acknowledge the importance of this thoroughfare.

(3) Calls on the Government to fund an upgrading of Nelson Bay Road to dual carriageway.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

756 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the recipients of scholarships for the Newcastle Netball Association, where scholarships were awarded for coaching, umpiring and administration.

(2) Wishes the netballers a safe, healthy and fun-filled netball season.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

757 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Nepean Hospital staff had a stop work meeting on 30 April 2009 to protest against working conditions at Nepean Hospital.

(2) Notes that 80 job vacancies at Nepean Hospital have been left unfilled including seven cleaning staff and 62 health professional positions.

(3) Notes that Nepean Hospital staff are falling ill from the build-up of dust, staff are overworked and have low morale.

(4) Congratulates the dedicated Nepean Hospital staff for their hard work in difficult conditions.

(5) Calls on the Government to immediately lift the recruitment freeze on frontline hospital staff and take the necessary action to improve working conditions at the hospital.

(Notice given 6 May 2009) 14131 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

758 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the end of the official bushfire season on 31 March.

(2) Commends the Rural Fire Brigade, the Fire Service, other emergency services, volunteering groups and individual volunteers for their efforts during this period.

(3) Recognises the unrivally support for the emergency services and the vital role they undertake provided by the Government and the Minister.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

759 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government has applied to increase water bills for Hunter Water ratepayers by hundreds of dollars a year to fund the Tillegra Dam.

(2) Notes that water storage levels in the Hunter region are at an average of 96%, including the upgraded Grahamstown Dam at 96.6% and the Tomago Sand beds at 100%.

(3) Condemns the Government for forcing the cost of the Tillegra Dam onto Port Stephens rate- payers.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

760 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the significant investment by the Government in medical imaging and diagnostic services in the Bathurst electorate.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

761 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the limited funding provided to councils for management and maintenance of their roads.

(2) Notes the new F3 “crossover” policy.

(3) Calls on the Government to retain management of the Pacific Highway in the Hornsby Shire Council area.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

762 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for its investment in infrastructure and services that support families in the electorate of Shellharbour. 14132 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Congratulates the Government for keeping its commitment to local families, who have been hardest hit by the current economic crisis.

(3) Notes the number of new services the Government has announced in the electorate of Shellharbour.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

763 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Federal Government recently announced a tender for a GP super clinic in Nelson Bay.

(2) Notes that the super clinic will not alleviate the Tomaree community of the woes it suffers with a poorly funded and resourced Community Hospital.

(3) Calls on the Government to not use the announcement of this super clinic as an excuse to absolve itself of its responsibility to upgrade Tomaree Community Hospital.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

764 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Expresses concern that Hunter ambulance officers have complained about long waits to admit patients to emergency at Cavalry Mater.

(2) Expresses concern that Hunter ambulance officers are concerned that the long waits are resulting in large areas in the Hunter being left without ambulance coverage.

(3) Expresses concern that hospital staff are asserting that the budget will not allow Cavalry Mater emergency department to operate at full capacity.

(4) Congratulates the hard working hospital staff for their efforts to deliver the best services possible to patients.

(5) Calls on the Government to ensure adequate funding is available to cope with the demands on the emergency department at Cavalry Mater Hospital.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

765 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the need for hospice beds to enable appropriate care of people who are dying.

(2) Notes the fight by the local community and “Friends of Neringah” to keep hospice beds open in the Hornsby/Kuring-gai community.

14133 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Congratulates all concerned on winning the fight to keep the hospice beds in the face of Government plans to close these essential beds.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

766 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House acknowledges that 6 May is the Day of Remembrance for those who have suffered and died from Motor Neurone Disease.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

767 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that an invitation was sent to the Minister for Health in April 2009 to visit the Port Stephens electorate to discuss the future of the troubled Tomaree Community Hospital.

(2) Notes the Minister has failed to acknowledge the invitation.

(3) Condemns the Minister and the Government for the contempt in which it holds the Port Stephens electorate.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

768 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls for an immediate moratorium on current Livestock Health and Pest Authority rates until 2009 rates are re-issued with total increases to be capped at the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

(2) Calls on the Government to ensure individual rates invoices have a variance of no more than 10 per cent from the CPI.

(3) Change the $14 million locust eradication loan to a grant.

(Notice given 6 May 2009)

769 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the new Tourle Street Bridge opened on 7 May 2009.

(2) Congratulates Daracon Contractors Pty Ltd for providing another piece of State infrastructure quickly and efficiently.

(3) Calls on the Roads and Traffic Authority to obtain independent advice on the structural integrity of the old bridge before any demolition takes place.

(4) Condemns the Government and the Roads and Traffic Authority for designing and commissioning an already obsolete two-lane bridge.

(Notice given 7 May 2009) 14134 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

770 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House commends New Lambton and Wallsend Fire Station staff, and their Captains, Alan Playford, and Acting Captain Graham Thorpe, for their very successful open day on Sunday which showcased the great work carried out by the NSW Fire Brigade.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

771 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that there are sufficient primary school age children living in the Murrumbateman area to meet the Department of Education criteria for opening a primary school in Murrumbateman.

(2) Calls on the Government to open a primary school in Murrumbateman without delay.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

772 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and Minister for Ageing, Disability Services and Aboriginal Affairs, on the success of this year’s NSW Seniors Week Achievement Awards Ceremony held at the Sydney City Recital Hall.

(2) Acknowledges Wollongong resident and community activist Mr John Papakosmas on being presented with one of the prestigious awards for his outstanding community contribution.

(3) Notes that Mr Papakosmas is one of the founders of the Illawarra Ethnic Communities Council and the Migrant Heritage Project and still remains an active participant on the Community Relations Commission Advisory and Good Neighbour Councils.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

773 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the hard and consistent work undertaken by the Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Liquor Accord.

(2) Commends all participant members for the attention given to the issues.

(3) Congratulates Ray Agostina, Chair of the Accord.

(4) Acknowledges the work of the dedicated police officers who have reported a reduction in significant areas of crime.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

14135 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

774 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the University of Newcastle is renegotiating its cleaning contract with cuts of 25% to the cleaning budget, putting 40 local jobs at risk.

(2) Notes with concern that cleaners will have to do the same work in less time.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

775 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government has revealed in its response to the ambulance inquiry it is only now looking at various sites for a new ambulance station in the Nelson Bay area.

(2) Notes that this means the Government will not meet its promised completion date of 2009, as outlined in the 2008-09 Budget Papers.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to deliver yet another project in the Port Stephens electorate on time or on budget.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

776 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and Minister for Corrective Services, Public Sector Reform and Special Minister for State for providing a funding boost for victims of violent crime.

(2) Acknowledges the outstanding work undertaken by the Wollongong West Street Centre, through the ‘Friends of the West Street’ project, to assist and support women who have survived childhood sexual assault

(3) Notes that the relocation of profits from Corrective Services Industries to victim support groups began under a Labor Government ten years ago and, since that time, millions of dollars have been redirected help reduce hardship faced by victims.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

777 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Government to urgently upgrade the Cowra police station to a level which will allow the introduction of 24 hour policing in Cowra.

(2) Notes that the introduction of 24 hour policing in Cowra has been strongly sought by the local community.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

14136 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

778 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Ms Maria Roberts for her nomination for a Pride of Australia Medal in the environmental category.

(2) Notes that the Wallsend electorate is grateful to Ms Roberts for her daily comprehensive clean up of a long strip of pathway along a very busy road from Maryland to Wallsend.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

779 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the impact illegal boarding houses have on local communities and amenities.

(2) Notes the exploitation of those who reside within these houses, many of whom are international students unfamiliar with their rights.

(3) Calls upon the Government, for both the benefit of the wider community and those who are exploited, to clamp down immediately on those who operate these boarding houses.

(4) Calls on the Government to give local councils more powers to shut down these houses and to issue significant fines that will deter others from operating illegal boarding houses.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

780 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Alisha Quilty in Year 7 on successfully commencing to a career as an author with the publication of ‘The Stolen Fiddle’.

(2) Congratulates Alisha on her work as Ambassador to the MS Readathon.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

781 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Government to rule out reducing Hunter Region ambulance crews to single officers, as indicated in the Government’s response to the Inquiry into the NSW Ambulance Service.

(2) Condemns the Government for once again allowing its fiscal mismanagement to put the lives of people in the Hunter and New South Wales at risk.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

14137 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

782 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the death of a local resident after coming in contact with water at Manly Lagoon.

(2) Urges the Government to prioritise the cleaning up of Manly Lagoon in the interests of public safety.

(3) Notes that the Roads and Traffic Authority has some responsibility considering its decision to landfill Hinkler Park some 50 years ago.

(Notice given 7 May 2009)

783 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the University of Newcastle Ourimbah Campus celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2009.

(2) Acknowledges that the campus is a joint facility, which is made up of University of Newcastle, TAFE NSW – Hunter Institute and the Central Coast Community College.

(3) Notes the positive impact that the Campus has had on the Central Coast.

(4) Congratulates the staff and students on this significant milestone.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

784 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Government to better inform Hunter residents and immediately release the Newcastle City Centre Reform Report, as promised by the Minister for the Hunter on the 24 May 2009.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

785 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its ongoing investment of $29 million over four years in the new healthdirect Australia telephone service.

(2) Notes that the service is a partnership between the Federal Government the Governments of New South Wales, ACT, Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, provide free health information and advice.

(3) Notes that healthdirect Australia is staffed by registered nurses and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

(4) Commends the Government for its ongoing commitment to the health of the people of New South Wales.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

14138 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

786 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 12 May 2009 is International Nurses Day.

(2) Notes the rich history of nursing its contribution to our community.

(3) Congratulates and thanks all nurses, in whatever nursing role they undertake, for their selfless and skilled commitment.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

787 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Supports the New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries and the New South Wales Government in their efforts to reverse the decision of the Federal Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts to lock up red gum forests in New South Wales.

(2) Recognises that the RAMSAR listing no. 64 of October 2002 of the New South Wales Central Murray State Forests covering 84,028 hectares protects vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species and threatened ecological communities including the Superb Parrot, Polytelis Swainsonii.

(3) Notes that these RAMSAR listed forests support in excess of 1,000 jobs and contribute $71.5 million annually to the New South Wales State economy.

(4) Notes the devastating effects that loss of employment in the timber industry would have on drought affected local communities.

(5) Supports the State Forest New South Wales Environmental Impact Statement process and its current efforts to add a further 815 hectares to the internationally recognised RAMSAR listing.

(6) Notes the RAMSAR listing No 64 acknowledges the area is a working State Forest.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

788 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Newcastle that will see more than 60 Department of Primary Industries staff relocated from Narara to the University’s Central Coast Campus.

(2) Notes that this move will involve the construction of new state-of-the-art facilities at the Central Coast Campus, with departmental and university staff also able to undertake research at the Somersby field station.

(3) Congratulates the Government for supporting staff from the department who are recognised leaders in greenhouse horticulture research and market access.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

14139 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

789 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House

(1) Notes Walk Safely to School Day is on 15 May 2009.

(2) Notes that Maroota Public School zone does not have flashing lights.

(3) Calls on the Government to install flashing lights at Maroota Public School zone as soon as possible.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

790 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Government to guarantee that sufficient rail assets are in place to service the new Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group Coal Loader on Kooragang Island and that road transport will not be used to deliver coal.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

791 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the New South Wales Government on its partnership with the Federal Government to increase the supply of affordable housing under the Commonwealth’s National Rental Affordability Scheme.

(2) Notes that under this scheme, NSW will provide an incentive for investors to build properties which will be rented out at 20 percent below market rate.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to assisting the residents of New South Wales who may be struggling in the current tight rental market.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

792 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Government to immediately set up a parliamentary inquiry into the late payment of Tweed Visiting Medical Officers salaries and their payment structure.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately implement the Treasury directive in clause 15 of the Public Finance and Audit Regulation 2005 and ensure the appropriate 20 percent penalty rate is included in payments.

(3) Calls on the Government to ensure this situation does not reoccur.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

14140 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

793 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the valuable contribution, in the face of difficult circumstances following the death of Vanessa, that Warren and Michelle Anderson have made to the New South Wales health system and its various inquiries that have sought to improve outcomes for patients.

(2) Notes that Warren Anderson has attended a number of meetings with the Minister for Health, and associated health professionals, where he has suggested ways to change the health system for the betterment of all and been questioned in relation to his experiences over more than three years.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Health and the Department of Health to provide the Anderson family with some real solutions that will lead to significant change in the health system.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

794 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Government to immediately commission and fund a second Tourle Street Bridge to augment the obsolete bridge opened on 6 May 2009.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

795 Mr R. C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Walk Safely to School Day is on 15 May 2009.

(2) Notes that Councillor Bart Bassett and Councillor Ross Fowler have both advised the Member for Hawkesbury that Cambridge Park Public School zone does not have flashing lights.

(3) Calls on the Government to install flashing lights at Cambridge Park Public School zone as soon as possible.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

796 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Corrie Island at Tea Gardens, Port Stephens was listed on the RAMSAR Convention List of Wetlands of International Importance in 1999.

(2) Notes that threatened flora and fauna on Corrie Island are now under threat from a build up of sediment at the mouth of the Myall River.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to formulate a conservation management plan for Corrie Island in the past ten years.

(4) Calls on the Government to address this environmental problem as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

14141 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

797 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Centacare was successful in its application for the Northern Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme to cover Hornsby, North Sydney and Manly local courts.

(2) Congratulates Josie Gregory and the team on an excellent service provided to women in domestic violence court proceedings.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

798 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that in 2006 the Government promised to increase services at Tomaree Community Hospital, including minor surgery and x-ray services.

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to deliver on these promises, leaving the people of the Tomaree Peninsula with inadequate health care services.

(3) Calls on Government to commit to upgrading Tomaree Community Hospital.

(Notice given 12 May 2009)

799 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the week beginning 11 May 2009 is National Volunteer Week.

(2) Congratulates all volunteers for their efforts in supporting the community through their activities.

(3) Recognises the economic and social value of volunteers to the New South Wales community.

(Notice given 13 May 2009)

800 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Expresses alarm at the changes to the region four bus timetables that commenced on 11 May 2009.

(2) Notes that many people have no other choices for transport except car or bus travel with no train options existing in this area.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to explain why such timetable changes were made, which left children stranded and potentially unsafe, and residents unable to get to or from work.

(4) Notes that local schools were not adequately consulted and were without vital information to provide to school families.

14142 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(5) Calls on the Government to revert to the previous bus timetables that respect school opening times and employment travel requirements, in order to provide local residents in Cherrybrook, Dural, Galston, the Hills District and beyond with certainty in their travel arrangements.

(Notice given 13 May 2009)

801 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the State Government’s pro-active stance in working with the Federal Government to develop job stimulus programs to offset the impacts of the world economic downturn.

(Notice given 13 May 2009)

802 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the failure of the diamond grinding trial recently completed along the F3 in Wahroonga.

(2) Notes the many complaints about intolerable noise as well as inadequate water run-off and poor tyre grip on section of the F3, which have bare cement where asphalt has been removed.

(3) Condemns the Roads and Traffic Authority for ignoring residents’ concerns and for spending taxpayers’ money on an unproved and now failed technology that is still being used north of Kuring-gai Chase Road.

(4) Condemns the Roads and Traffic Authority for only now placing asphalt on the northbound lanes of the F3 up to the Ku-ring-gai Chase Road overpass.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Roads and the Roads and Traffic Authority to request extra funding from the Federal Government to re-asphalt the length of the F3 from Cowan to the Wahroonga exits and to replace inefficient sound barriers along the entire length of the F3 to the Hawkesbury River.

(Notice given 13 May 2009)

803 Mr PICCOLI to move—

That this House supports thecal by the Member for Bankstown’s for the Premier to set up a judicial inquiry into events leading up to the Member’s dismissal as Minister for Small Business.

(Notice given 13 May 2009)

804 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Urges Newcastle City Council (NCC) to continue supporting the Blackbutt Nature Reserve, a prized wildlife reserve that has been embraced by the public.

(2) Encourages Newcastle City Council to find economic methods to fund this highly popular tourism facility that draws more than 110,000 visitors annually to the Wallsend electorate.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

14143 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

805 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the extremely high number of drivers who have been booked as a result of driving over the bus bridge at the end of Mons Road, Westmead.

(2) Notes the warning signage about the T-Way and the turning circle at the end of Mons Road are woefully inadequate.

(3) Notes that motorists have lost 12 points at this spot in a single day driving round the Westmead campus looking for a park.

(4) Notes the inaction of the Member for Parramatta over this important matter.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Roads to improve signage, remove the double line at the end of Mons Road, install a proper turning circle and a boom gate across the bus bridge, and to eliminate the unjust three-point penalty for driving in a bus lane.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

806 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Sport and Recreation, on the provision of funds to upgrade local sporting grounds in the Wollongong electorate.

(2) Acknowledges the $42,700 in funding that will allow Wollongong City Council to provide quality local sport and recreation facilities to the George Cross Falcons Club, Fred Finch Park and Darcy Wentworth Park.

(3) Notes that by funding local sport and recreation infrastructure the Government is making it easier for people to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

807 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the failure of the Federal Government to acknowledge the New South Wales Government submission for Princes Highway upgrades, due to the inadequacy of the submission.

(2) Notes the contribution of the former Federal Government to significant Princes Highway upgrading projects.

(3) Calls on the State Government to ensure all future submissions to the Federal Government regarding the Princes Highway are rigorously scrutinised and prepared.

(4) Calls on the State Government to immediately fund the upgrading of the Kinghorne Street to Forest Road section of the Princes Highway at South Nowra to dual carriageway standard.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

14144 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

808 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Mother’s Day Classic in support of breast cancer was held on 10 May 2009.

(2) Recognises Sharren Ray and her team for organising the Wyong Shire Event at Norah Head.

(3) Congratulates all the participants for their involvement.

(4) Recognises that this event attracts over 80,000 people Australia-wide in support of Breast Cancer Research.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

809 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Berowra for its great work in the local community.

(2) Notes the exceptionally successful Mother’s Day Plant Sale held on 9 May, 2009 and organised by Susan Hunter.

(3) Notes the Pymble Players Theatre evening held on 13 May, 2009 in support of Camp Breakaway which was organised by Judith Irvine.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

810 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Roads on the provision of a breath testing machine at the North Wollongong Hotel to help promote safe drink driving practices and save lives in Wollongong.

(2) Notes that drink driving is a factor in approximately 20 per cent of all fatal crashes which was results in the death of almost 100 people each year.

(3) Acknowledges that the program to create awareness and educate people about the dangers of drink driving has successfully seen the placement of more than 50 machines across New South Wales.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

811 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the Premier’s statement in this House that the two lane Tourle Street Bridge “is a fine example of the New South Wales Government delivering essential infrastructure projects”.

(2) Calls on the Government to ensure that its contribution to the F3 Branxton link is more than a two lane road.

(Notice given 14 May 2009) 14145 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

812 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 12 May 2009 was International Nurses Day.

(2) Congratulates all nurses in New South Wales.

(3) Congratulates nurses at the John Hunter Hospital, the Calvary Mater Hospital and the Wallsend Aged Care Facility for their hard work and outstanding contribution to improving health care in our community.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

813 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the more than 20 per cent a year growth in the number of passengers being carried on the Hills City Express Bus Service.

(2) Notes the importance of the bus station at Oakes Road, Carlingford as a departure point for City and North Sydney commuters.

(3) Notes that commuters are being required to park their cars increasingly further away from the bus station, discouraging use of public transport.

(4) Calls on the Government to build a multi-level car park at this location to improve the service for commuters.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

814 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Aging, Minister for Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on the provision of $1 million in funding to Vision Australia.

(2) Acknowledges the outstanding work of Vision Australia particularly in preparing children who are blind or suffering low vision for adult life.

(3) Notes that the funding announcement was made as part of the Government’s report back to the community on the recent successful Illawarra Cabinet meeting.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

815 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the 9.3% unemployment average in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area’s is significantly higher than both the State average and the National average.

14146 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that the steel doors and windows and precast concrete for the South Coast Correctional Facility were supplied by a Queensland based company.

(3) Acknowledges that the Government misled the South Coast community by stating the South Coast Correctional Facility would provide local jobs to local workers.

(4) Condemns the Minister for Corrective Services and the State Government for misleading the residents of the South Coast.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

816 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Newcastle City Council proposes to downgrade maintenance of the community’s popular and well-used sporting fields.

(2) Urges Newcastle City Council to fulfil its motto of a ‘healthy lifestyle’ and increase funding to upgrade vital local sporting fields for the benefit of the community.

(3) Notes that recreation amenities, like sporting fields, are the health valve of our community.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

817 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for the continuing delay in approving the release of almost $300,000 raised by the community for the extension of the Cora Adlock Palliative Care Day Hospital on the grounds of Mona Vale Hospital.

(2) Calls on the Government to commit to a clear and certain plan for the upgrade of Mona Vale Hospital.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

818 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the important issues associated with alcohol ingestion in our community, especially when it is excessive or taken in conjunction with other medication.

(2) Congratulates the work of the Hornsby Shire Community Drug Action Team (CDAT), the Hornsby Shire Seniors Advisory Committee and the Hornsby Shire Council Over 55 Services on the production of the DVD “Message in a Bottle”.

(3) Notes that this project is an educational resource for health professionals who provide care for the older people, community groups and for older people themselves.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

14147 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

819 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s intention to distribute 30 or more tonnes of highly toxic brodifacoum poison by helicopter on Lord Howe Island to eradicate the rat population.

(2) Notes the threat this poses to endemic native wildlife, including the threatened Lord Howe Island woodhen and Lord Howe Island currawong.

(3) Notes the extraordinarily high cost estimate of $8 million for carrying out this work.

(4) Calls on the Minister to rigorously evaluate all alternative methods of eliminating rats from Lord Howe Island.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

820 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the accident on Lane Cove Road at 3:45pm on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 that forced a North Ryde Public School student to be airlifted to hospital after sustaining serious injuries when a vehicle’s wheel detached and hit the child.

(2) Notes the failure of the Government to identify to school children the dangers of vehicles on the busy Lane Cove Road.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to create a school zone on Lane Cove Road outside North Ryde Public School.

(4) Calls upon the Government to immediately create a school zone in this high-risk area before any more tragic and unnecessary events occur.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

821 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the increasing number of assaults and anti-social behaviour on the South Coast and Illawarra rail lines.

(2) Notes that over the weekend of May 9-10, 2009, two teenagers were assaulted with a knife, one suffering a punctured lung.

(3) Notes that Operation IV has ended and to date a subsequent security operation has not been announced for the South Coast and Illawarra rail lines.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport to announce a permanent and visible security presence on the South Coast and Illawarra rail lines.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

14148 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

822 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Schizophrenia Awareness week is 17 to 23 May, 2009.

(2) Notes the very successful Schizophrenia Fellowship luncheon held on 13 May 2009.

(3) Congratulates the Fellowship on its wonderful work and its 2009 focus on carers.

(4) Congratulates the Schizophrenic Fellowship for hosting the play ‘Inside Out’.

(Notice given 14 May 2009)

823 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes desperate calls from the people of Lochinvar in the Maitland electorate for their police station to be staffed by at least one officer.

(2) Notes the campaign by the people of Beresfield in the Maitland electorate to increase the police presence in their area following a spate of crime.

(3) Calls on the Government to listen to these concerns, stop starving the NSW Police Force of funding and resources and commit to improving the presence of police right across the Hunter region.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

824 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the completion of the $800,000 upgrade to the intersection of Manns Road and Merinee Road, West Gosford.

(2) Notes that the new traffic lights have improved traffic flows in the area.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its continued commitment to pedestrian and road safety on the Central Coast.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

825 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that more than 1100 people have signed a petition to the Parliament presented by the Member for Castle Hill seeking to protect in perpetuity by means of a Heritage Order the view of the Blue Mountains from Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, above Heritage Park.

(2) Notes that Heritage Park is where the Third Government Farm was established in 1801, and was also the site of the convict rebellion on 4 March 1804, the only organised uprising by convicts in Australian history.

14149 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes that the site is very close to the vantage point from which Governor Arthur Phillip first sighted the Blue Mountains.

(4) Notes that the 300m of land along Old Northern Road above Heritage Park represents the last and best roadside vista of the Blue Mountains from this location.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Planning to sign off on the request for a Heritage Order on this site, which is currently with the Heritage Branch of the department.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

826 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the recent review of RailCorp staff on the Illawarra South Coast Line will lead to significant staff losses and redeployment of staff who have not been consulted regarding their rosters or conditions.

(2) Condemns the Minister for Transport and the Members from the Illawarra region for failing to protect the jobs and conditions of working families in the Illawarra.

(3) Condemns the Minister for Transport for misleading the community and for continuing to downgrade the Illawarra South Coast Rail Line.

(4) Calls on the Minister to reverse the recent changes to station operations and staff cuts and immediately enter into negotiations with affected staff.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

827 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of Port Stephens Council and motorists about traffic congestion on Nelson Bay Road at the intersection with Lemon Tree Passage Road.

(2) Notes Port Stephens Council’s application for funding to build a second eastbound traffic lane to ease this congestion has been placed on the Roads and Traffic Authority’s unfunded works list and considered a low priority.

(3) Calls on the Roads and Traffic Authority to revisit this application and move this important road widening onto the priority list.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

828 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the work and concerns of the ‘Friends of the Hawkesbury River’.

(2) Acknowledges the tireless efforts of the Brooklyn Community Association.

(3) Notes the need for a strong police presence in the remote community of Brooklyn and surrounds.

14150 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Condemns the Government for selling off the police station to prop up the State finances.

(5) Notes the strong opposition to the sale of police stations across New South Wales by the Police Association and the Retired Police Association.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

829 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Port Stephens Community Transport recently celebrated 25 years of assisting the old, frail, ill and transport disadvantaged in the Port Stephens region.

(2) Notes that despite the hard work of the staff and volunteers of community transport groups such as that in Port Stephens, more than 90,000 requests for community transport services are refused across New South Wales each year because of a lack of resources and funding.

(3) Calls on the Government to support community transport groups across the State by increasing funding of this invaluable service.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

830 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Minister for Transport promised that the Windsor commuter car park construction would commence in May 2009.

(2) Notes construction is yet to commence.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to deliver promised transport infrastructure.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

831 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government has, for the last 14 years, continued to downgrade the Illawarra South Coast Rail line.

(2) Notes that concerns conveyed to various Ministers in relation to lack of toilet and luggage facilities, cuts to services, loss of station staff and unreliability of the service have been ignored.

(3) Condemns the Minister for Transport for treating commuters and RailCorp staff with contempt.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

832 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the hard work and dedication of the staff at the Aboriginal Land Council’s Murook Cultural Centre at Williamtown in Port Stephens. 14151 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes the exciting plans for future growth of the centre, including tourism, education and job opportunities for local indigenous communities.

(3) Calls on the New South Wales and Federal Governments to continue to support effective programs at the Murook Cultural Centre.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

833 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Diethylstilboestrol (DES) Awareness Week taking place from 1 to 7 June 2009.

(2) Notes the ongoing battle DES for affected individuals to gain recognition and adequate health care.

(3) Congratulates Carole Devine and DES New South Wales for their ongoing and tireless work.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

834 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Government to serve termination notices on troublesome Department of Housing tenants, when those tenants are serial offenders who breach tenancy agreements.

(2) Calls on the Department of Housing to adequately monitor tenancies, including cases of single people occupying four bedroom homes, following the Department’s own admission that it only inspects some properties only once in two years.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

835 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the former Government for opening the purpose-built Terilba Dementia Unit at Long Jetty Hospital in 1991.

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to retain and recruit the necessary staff to keep the Terilba Dementia Unit operating.

(3) Expresses concern about the welfare of dementia patients who will have to be relocated because of the imminent closure of the unit.

(4) Calls on the Government to rule out the permanent closure of the Terilba Dementia Unit and the Long Jetty Health Care Centre.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

14152 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

836 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Government to declare Gocup Road, Tumut, a State Road in its entirety and fund it accordingly.

(Notice given 2 June 2009)

837 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Cancer Council of New South Wales for opening a community hub in Penrith.

(2) Congratulates the Penrith community for supporting Relay for Life, now in its 8th year.

(3) Commends the Government for its commitment, outlined in the State Plan, to reduce the incidence of cancer through extra funding for treatment and awareness programs.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

838 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the decision by the Roads and Traffic Authority to reduce the speed limit on Richardson Road between Raymond Terrace and Salt Ash.

(2) Calls on the Minister to review this decision and consult with Port Stephens Council and the community before this decision is implemented.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

839 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its investment in cycleways and shared pathways.

(2) Notes that cycling as a means of transport and recreation is good for the environment and good for our health.

(3) Condemns the Opposition for failing to acknowledge the Government’s good work in this policy area.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

840 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates headspace Central Coast for delivering mental health and general health services to marginalised young people on the Central Coast.

(2) Condemns the Federal Government for cutting funding to this vital service by 65%.

14153 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Congratulates the Central Coast Division of General Practice and Gosford Chamber of Commerce for lobbying to retain funding for headspace Central Coast.

(4) Calls on the State and Federal Government to maintain current funding levels to headspace Central Coast.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

841 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 25 to 29 May 2009 was Education Week.

(2) Congratulates our teachers, parents and students for ensuring that the New South Wales public education system is first class.

(3) Commends the State and Federal Governments for their record investment in schools.

(4) Notes that this record investment is an investment in the future generations and the long term economic prosperity of this State.

(5) Condemns the State and Federal Opposition for their failure to recognise the drivers of economic growth and prosperity and their failure to support investment in public education.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

842 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent announcement of State and Local Government funding to dredge the western navigation channel of the Myall River at Tea Gardens.

(2) Notes this dredging announcement fails to address the wider problems in the Myall River, including the sedimentation of the eastern channel.

(3) Calls on the State Government to direct funds to projects which will improve the conditions of the Myall River.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

843 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Ada Staader, from Maryland for yet another successful morning tea fund raiser for the Cancer Council, raising over $4,000.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

844 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the failure of the Government to invest in the Tomaree Community Hospital means many patients are transferred to the John Hunter, Calvary Mater and Maitland Hospitals for treatment. 14154 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes these frequent transfers are placing additional pressure and strain on local ambulance services.

(3) Calls on the Government to fund a second patient transport vehicle for Tomaree Community Hospital to transport patients to Newcastle and Maitland.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

845 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on 30 April 2009 the Leader of The Nationals announced that The Nationals were forming a taskforce to investigate the future service and facility needs of the Tamworth Hospital.

(2) Notes that the Hon Trevor Khan MLC was appointed by the Leader of The Nationals as chair of this taskforce, with membership drawn from other Coalition MPs and community advocate Ms Anne Jacob.

(3) Notes that more than a month has passed since the announcement of the taskforce, without any public action by Mr Khan to progress this investigation into the hospital’s future needs.

(4) Calls on the Hon Trevor Khan MLC to advise the Tamworth community as to the dates that the taskforce will conduct their hearings, and to also make public the terms of reference under which this examination will be conducted.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

846 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the important work carried out by frontline rail staff, especially in relation to safety, assistance to commuters with a disability, commuters with prams, older commuters and in providing information to the travelling public.

(2) Calls on the Government to cancel its plans to slash 600 frontline positions from railway stations across New South Wales.

(Notice given 3 June 2009)

847 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House acknowledges the Government’s ongoing commitment to the operation of Aero Medical Retrieval Operations in New South Wales, especially emergency helicopter operations throughout New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

848 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that there is a the remote railway station at Hawkesbury River and the very busy railway station at Asquith. 14155 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes with alarm that the Minister for Transport will remove the stationmasters from these stations.

(3) Calls on the Government to recognise that removing staff from the stations will increase risk to commuters.

(4) Urges the Government to reconsider the reduction in staff numbers and hours at Hawkesbury River, Asquith, Mount Colah and Mount Kuring-gai railway stations.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

849 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the SSA (School Sports Association) Zone and regional cross-country carnivals were recently held locally, and that the champion top 6 competitors in each age group will be representing the Hunter Region at the State Carnival in July 2009.

(2) Commends the teachers in the region for their effort to give students opportunities to compete in quality level sports.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

850 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the hardship caused to many residents due to the Government’s changes to the 311 bus service.

(2) Calls on the Government to reinstate a stop at Circular Quay and to restore the Ithaca Road, Billyard Avenue, Onslow Avenue loop at Elizabeth Bay.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

851 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for providing $215,000 to Gosford City Council for an 800-metre extension of the Woy Woy to Ettalong Foreshore Cycleway.

(2) Notes that this funding is part of the Government’s Coastline Cycleway Program.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

852 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the still un-asphalted northbound lanes of the F3 from Wahroonga following the failed trial of diamond grinding to ameliorate noise levels from vehicular movements.

14156 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that the reason put forward by the Roads and Traffic Authority for not resurfacing the F3 is that in winter the asphalt does not dry.

(3) Calls on the Government to expedite action to reduce noise levels and increase safety along the F3 to the Hawkesbury River.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

853 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends Worldskills Australian trade and skill champions, the ‘Skillaroos’, who recently sweated it out locally in a simulated 4-day competition, in preparation for the 40th Worldskills International Competition at Calgary, Canada, in September 2009.

(2) Commends Worldskills New South Wales for organising the event, and wishes the Skillaroos and all the New South Wales entrants success.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

854 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the report of the Cancer Council NSW entitled “Improving Radiotherapy-where to from here? A roadmap for the New South Wales Government” (May 2009).

(2) Notes the Cancer Council’s recommendations relating to actions to improve access to radiotherapy and solutions for long-term improvements in radiotherapy services.

(3) Notes that the Cancer Council has indicated the need for an additional 27 linear accelerators in New South Wales by 2012, including a Shoalhaven unit.

(4) Calls on the Government to urgently address the critical shortage of radiotherapy units in New South Wales which has currently resulted in 51,000 patients eligible for radiotherapy between 1996-2006 not receiving treatment it due to a lack of resources.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

855 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the significant benefit that sporting organisations play in our communities.

(2) Commends Newcastle District Cricket Association for a very successful season.

(3) Congratulates all the players and the management committee led by the chairman Paul Marjoribanks and the secretary Royce McCormack.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

14157 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

856 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of Port Stephens Council and motorists about the dangerous intersection of the eastern end of Benjamin Lee Drive and Richardson Road in Raymond Terrace.

(2) Notes the application by Port Stephens Council’s for funding to build a seagull intersection at this location.

(3) Notes the Roads and Traffic Authority’s inability to provide more information to Port Stephens Council because of, in Roads and Traffic Authority’s words, political reasons.

(4) Calls on the Roads and Traffic Authority to stop risking motorists’ lives and provide funding for this intersection improvement as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

857 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges that at Question Time on 3 June 2009 all Members condemned the inappropriate immature behaviour witnessed by all in the Chamber.

(2) Notes that a visitor in the public gallery remarked later “the most important thing I learnt today was that there is no hope for New South Wales”.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

858 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that in order to gain an education, children with a physical or mental disability need the maximum possible support.

(2) Notes the plight of the Timms family in attempting to obtain adequate funding for educational support for Rowan Timms.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to approve funding to provide Rowan with assistance to maximise his educational opportunities.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

859 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Queensland Government’s pre-budget decision on 2 June 2009 to abolish the fuel subsidy will affect Tweed motorists and local residents.

(2) Urges the NSW Government to:

(a) Strongly consider the abolition of the fuel subsidy in New South Wales.

14158 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(b) Re-invest the ten million dollars of windfall annual fuel subsidy savings in Government services for the Tweed and in particular, to the Hospital, Police, roads and schools in the Tweed.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

860 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the dangerous situation which exists for pedestrians at the intersection of Mona Vale Road and Pittwater Road in Mona Vale.

(2) Notes that this section of roadway has been the site of numerous deaths and serious injuries.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to urgently investigate options to deliver and fund a safe signalised pedestrian crossing linking the southern end of the Kitchener Park sports ground with the Mona Vale CBD.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

861 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates all schools for a very successful “Education Week”.

(2) Congratulates the schools in the Hornsby electorate for making Education Week such a memorable experience.

(3) Congratulates Ms Ryan for allowing the local MP to be Principal for the Day.

(4) Acknowledges the dedication of teachers, staff, assistants, parents and friends who combined to make learning a meaningful activity for all students.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

862 Mr DOMINELLO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Department of Housing plans to redevelop houses 8, 10, 12 and 14 on Cliffton Street, West Ryde and 97 and 99 Darvall Road, West Ryde.

(2) Notes the failure of the Government to consult with local residents about the impact this development will have on the local area.

(3) Notes the lack of current infrastructure to support an increase in housing capacity in the West Ryde area.

(4) Notes the impact that the removal of environment buffers currently shielding residents from traffic noise on the nearby Victoria Road will have on the area.

14159 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(5) Calls on the Government to re-assess the plans for Cliffton Street/Darvall Road in order to reduce the impact on nearby residents and the surrounding community.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

863 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the work of Hornsby Area Residents for Reconciliation (HARR) in promoting issues involving local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island people.

(2) Notes the event “Children’s Voices for Reconciliation” held in Hornsby Mall on Friday 29 May 2009.

(3) Congratulates the HARR team who with Hornsby Shire Council arranged an amazing program of singing and dancing that included one dozen schools.

(Notice given 4 June 2009)

864 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes maritime tourism operators in Ports Stephens fear the industry will collapse under onerous marine park regulations that should, more appropriately, be regulated by New South Wales Maritime.

(2) Notes tourism operators believe that they are being unfairly targeted with many marine park rules and restrictions only applying to them and not private operators.

(3) Condemns the Government for putting politics ahead of logic in implementing marine park legislation.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

865 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its continued support of Central Coast residents in the aftermath of natural disasters.

(2) Notes that the Government has provided to Gosford City Council with $1,331,619 to assist in restoring council owned assets damaged by the June 2007 storms and floods.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

866 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the third attempt to destroy a locally planted tree in a roundabout flower bed in Galston at the corner of Arcadia and Galston Roads.

14160 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Calls on the Government to increase police patrols in the Galston/Dural area to decrease crime and vandalism.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

867 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House condemns the lack of real extra spending on infrastructure in the New South Wales Budget after allowing for Federal stimulus funding.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

868 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for its failure to fund the Northern Beaches Hospital in the 2009-10 Budget.

(2) Notes that the extent of redevelopment of the North Shore Hospital is predicated on the construction of the new Northern Beaches Hospital.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

869 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of residents of the Tilligerry Peninsula about an ongoing spate of robberies and home invasions invloving the elderly.

(2) Calls on the Government to stop ignoring law and order issues on the Tilligerry Peninsula and to commit to an increased police presence in the area.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

870 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that there are many homeless people the Hornsby Local Government Area.

(2) Notes that more needs to be provided for homeless people, including social housing and adequate social services.

(3) Congratulates the Rotary Club of Hornsby for the $500 donated to Hush for Homelessness.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

871 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to provide adequate infrastructure in the 2009- 10 Budget for residents in the Northern Beaches.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

14161 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

872 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House condemns the Government for 15 years of economic waste and mismanagement.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

873 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that last week the Roads and Traffic Authority reduced the speed limit on the Richardson Road, east of Raymond Terrace, from 100 kilometres an hour to stretches of 80 and 90 kilometres an hour.

(2) Condemns the Roads and Traffic Authority for reducing the speed limit on this busy road without any community consultation and at the beginning of a double demerit long weekend period.

(3) Condemns the Government for this band aid measure, which puts motorists in danger by failing to adequately advise them of the road changes.

(4) Calls on the Government to investigate upgrading Richardson Road or Cabbage Tree Road to provide a safer route linking the Pacific Highway to the Tomaree Peninsula.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

874 Mr ROBERTS to move—

That this House condemns the Government for funding cuts to arts in New South Wales.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

875 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure in the 2009-10 Budget to ensure schools on the Northern Beaches have adequate maintenance.

(Notice given 16 June 2009)

876 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Urges Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) to maintain the status quo for the cost of fitness programs at Glendale’s Hunter Sports Centre.

(2) Notes that a fee hike to pensioners attending exercise classes is a disincentive to keep fit and is diametrically opposed to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

877 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that no mention was made of the $330 million development of Wagga Wagga Base Hospital in the State Budget. 14162 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to pay the communities of the Riverina and Southwest Slopes the courtesy of making a statement on the progress of this redevelopment.

(3) Condemns the Government for reducing capital works funding for health infrastructure by $236 million in the State Budget.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

878 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its investment in Western Sydney Parklands project.

(2) Encourages the community to participate in healthy lifestyles.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

879 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Government to support the forestry industry – its products, employees and communities in New South Wales.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

880 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its 2009-10 State Budget for its visionary approach to stimulating the economy and creating jobs.

(2) Notes the good news for the Bathurst electorate in the Budget.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

881 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the comments made on Tuesday 17 June 2009 by the Member for Blacktown regarding Blacktown hospital.

(2) Notes the Member’s comment that “Doctors tell me, that at the moment up to 500 people are on the waiting list at Blacktown Hospital for a colonoscopy or endoscopy procedure. If things continue the way they are, within 18 to 20 months that figure will blow out to more than 2,000 patients. Doctors tell me that somewhere in the vicinity of two to four of every 100 people on that list will be diagnosed with cancer and some will die before they have these procedure.”

(3) Calls on the Member for Blacktown to join with the Opposition in condemning the Government for failing to provide appropriate health services at Blacktown Hospital thereby putting lives at risk.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

14163 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

882 Mr COOMBS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Minister for Lands for the allocation of $300,000 for the immediate dredging of the Swansea Channel.

(2) Notes the preparedness of the Department of Lands to enter into negotiations with the Lake Macquarie mayor and other stakeholders to fund a dredge to provide a term plan to remedy shoaling problems in the Swansea Channel.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

883 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House condemns the Government for failing to allocate any funding in the 2009-10 Budget for the Tomaree Community Hospital.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

884 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its pro-jobs 2009-10 Budget.

(2) Calls on the Opposition to support the Budget and stop talking down investment and job opportunities in New South Wales.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

885 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Government to build new police stations at Cowra, Young, Gundagai and Yass, to meet OH&S requirements and to allow for wheelchair access throughout these new buildings.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

886 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House congratulates the Premier on his policy of holding community Cabinet meetings and notes they have been positively greeted, especially by people in country New South Wales.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

887 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the important contribution in terms of opportunities for further education of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community College.

(2) Condemns the Government for disadvantaging this community college through harsh funding cuts.

14164 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to provide appropriate funding to community colleges so that they can continue to provide an excellent local source of education.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

888 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the under 17s Newcastle netball representatives team claimed the 2009 State champion title.

(2) Congratulates our local representatives, including up and coming stars from Maryland.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

889 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Government to construct new hospitals at Cowra and Yass.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

890 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government’s record $62.9 billion investment in infrastructure projects as detailed in the 2009-10 Budget.

(2) Calls on the Opposition to detail what cuts it would make to the public service and frontline services in transport, education health and police in its Budget reply.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

891 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House condemns the Government for failing to allocate any funding in the 2009-10 Budget for roads infrastructure in Port Stephens, including any upgrades to the Nelson Bay Road.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

892 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Urges Newcastle City Council to maintain the status quo for local Wallsend childcare centre rental fees.

(2) Notes that increasing rent charged to not-for-profit childcare centres will compromise the quality of care and education for our Hunter children.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

14165 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

893 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Reminds the Minster for Health that he is supposed to be the Minister for Health for all citizens of New South Wales.

(2) Condemns the Minister for Health for his failure to ensure funding for the promised Northern Beaches Hospital.

(3) Condemns the Minister for failing to respond appropriately to correspondence from northern beaches members of Parliament on behalf of the northern beaches community seeking to discuss the future of the Northern Beaches Hospital.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

894 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to fund vital road and rail projects to assist families in Sydney’s South West and North West, including the following:

(a) Completion of the South West Rail Link

(b) The North West Rail Link.

(c) Construction of M5 widening.

(d) M5 East duplication.

(e) M4 East extension.

(f) F3-M2 link.

(Notice given 17 June 2009)

895 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its commitment to the building of a new police station at Glendale.

(2) Notes Wallsend’s on-going commitment to law and order.

(Notice given 18 June 2009)

896 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on delivering the 2009-10 Budget which provides for a record $62.9 billion building program for the next four years.

(2) Notes that under the Budget, the Gosford electorate has been allocated:

(a) $25.988 million for continued construction of the new Kariong Mountains High School; 14166 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(b) $20.3 million for roads, including $2 million for continued planning for the upgrade of the West Gosford intersection; and

(c) $6.6 million for the continued redevelopment of the Mandala Mental Health Unit at Gosford Hospital.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

897 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the important rugby union game to be played at ANZ Stadium on 22 August 2009.

(2) Wishes the Medowie Under 8’s all success.

(3) Congratulates Ben and Lachlan Murphy, Jacob Paul, Chrissie Beaven, Riley Anderson, Seth Latimer, Donny Parsins and Elim Bowman for their selection and coaches Phillip Paul and Andrew Latimer for their stamina.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

898 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the success of the No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) in helping low income earners acquire essential items to assist in day-to-day existence.

(2) Recognises the leadership shown by the Josephite Foundation in establishing NILS in the Central West.

(3) Congratulates the Government for its financial support for the NILS.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

899 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the staff changes at Hornsby electorate railway stations.

(2) Notes the loss of station masters at Hawkesbury River and Asquith stations.

(3) Notes the change from full time to part time positions at Mount Colah and Mount Kuring-gai stations.

(4) Condemns the Government for reducing front-line staff, an action that may endanger young people or elderly or remove access to seniors and assistance for commuters.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

14167 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

900 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with grave concern the comments by the Premier on Prime Wagga Wagga’s 17 June 2009 news service that he does not care about the closure of the Bellhaven Special School at Young.

(2) Notes that over the past three years, the Government has successively cut funding to the Bellhaven Special School and, if no funding is forthcoming, it will have to close at the end of term 2 this year.

(3) Condemns the Premier for his callous attitude to society’s most vulnerable children.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide sufficient funds to stop Bellhaven Special School from closing.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

901 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the financial impost of septic tank inspection fees on owners of septic systems throughout New South Wales.

(2) Calls on the Government to discount sewer rates by the amount of the fee to owners who pump to Board or Council sewers and pay sewer rates as well as the inspection fee.

(3) Calls on the Government to waive fees on privately serviced septic systems, where an appropriate maintenance agreement is in force, and subsidise councils for loss of fee income.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

902 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of preserving the unique environment of Lord Howe Island.

(2) Notes the concerns of local residents and environmentalists about the planned rat eradication.

(3) Calls on the Government to listen to the concerns being raised and to not endanger any species through the use of poison pellet drops.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

903 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that public housing tenants in Young have for years experienced significant delays in obtaining assistance from the Department of Housing.

(2) Notes that recently an elderly tenant had to wait for more than 24 hours to have a flooding hot water system fixed, despite several calls to the Department of Housing maintenance line.

14168 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to provide sufficient maintenance support for regional public housing tenants in New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

904 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government has, in the State Budget, revealed plans to demolish the old Tourle Street Bridge at a cost of $4.8 million.

(2) Condemns the Government for wasting taxpayers’ money by replacing the old two lane bridge with an already obsolete two lane bridge.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately begin planning another parallel two lane bridge and to upgrade Nelson Bay Road to four lanes from Newcastle to Newcastle Airport.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

905 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the tireless work of the Police and Community Youth Club in Hornsby in providing opportunities for young people.

(2) Congratulates Lynda Hart and Belinda Ramage on projects ‘Kick-Start’, ‘Break Through’, ‘Girls Night Out’ and all the initiatives undertaken to improve outcomes for youth.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

906 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the unacceptable backlog of maintenance work needed on public housing properties in Port Stephens, with some tenants waiting more than six months for basic repairs.

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to adequately invest in and maintain public housing properties in Port Stephens.

(3) Calls on the Government to address the lengthy backlog of maintenance of public housing homes in Port Stephens.

(Notice given 23 June 2009)

907 Mr LYNCH to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Nader Mannoun, Tony Hadchiti and Mazhar Hadid were elected as councillors of Liverpool Council at the 2008 elections.

(2) Notes that councillors were obliged to file a declaration of political donations and electoral expenditure for a candidate by 25 February 2009 for the quarter ending 31 December 2008. 14169 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes that none of these three councillors complied with the law by lodging declarations by 25 February 2009.

(4) Condemns these councillors for failing to comply with the law and for failing to be honest with the people of Liverpool.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

908 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the good work local organisations are doing in supporting Drug Action Week held between 21 June and 27 June 2009.

(2) Supports the campaign focussing on abuse of alcohol, particularly since so many health resources are needed to address illness and injuries which are alcohol related.

(3) Congratulates the No Way Campaign Foundation which will this week bring Indigenous children from Brewarrina and surrounds to Sydney to show them what can be achieved in a life free from alcohol or drug abuse.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide greater investment in programs that address issues of abuse of alcohol and use of illegal drugs.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

909 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to complete Stage 4 of the Inner City Bypass.

(2) Notes that the funding $11.6 million received for the development and maintenance of the Wallsend road network is very welcome.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

910 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Minister for Disability Services for his recent statement in the Parliament that the Opposition’s plan to provide choice, voice and control would punish people with disabilities by making cost savings.

(2) Calls on the Premier to discipline the Minister for such ill-informed and naïve remarks.

(3) Notes that the Opposition’s plan will offer choice between the current case management model and that of a more personalised service approach in which funding packages enable individuals to direct what service they wish to have and when they want it.

14170 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Calls on the Government to implement the Opposition’s plan to assist people with disability in achieving real quality of life outcomes.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

911 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the $1 million Case Management Pilot Program for young children with challenging behaviour who are at risk of school suspension or expulsion.

(2) Notes that this program was launched on the Central Coast and is part of the “Helping Troubled Kids” Program.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

912 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the substandard state of Berowra Waters Road, particularly where it proceeds down to the Berowra Waters Marina area.

(2) Notes the severe land slip that has occurred occasioning considerable repair cost to Hornsby Shire Council.

(3) Notes that Berowra Waters Road is a well used regional road.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately take over management of this important thoroughfare.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

913 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the $2.1 million in the 2009-10 Budget for funding regional conservatoriums in New South Wales.

(2) Notes the quality of the funding submission for New South Wales regional conservatoriums and the strong support and lobbying on its behalf by Country Labor members.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

914 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the allocation model for General Administration Support Officers within the New South Wales Police is leading to reduction of Support Officers in some police stations.

(2) Notes that reduction of General Administration Support Officer positions in some stations will lead to increased expectations that frontline police officers will undertake administration duties.

14171 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to support General Administration Support Officers and frontline police in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

915 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its foresight in allocating funds in the 2009-10 Budget for the historic tramway cycleway from Wallsend to Glendale.

(2) Notes the Government’s interest in promoting the health and wellbeing of the community.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

916 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the devastating impact of binge drinking on young people, especially in coastal communities like Pittwater.

(2) Notes that the theme of Drug Action Week for this year is that alcohol is also a drug.

(3) Congratulates local groups such as Drug Arm, the Peninsula Community of Schools, and the Shore Regional Organisation of Councils (SHOROC) group for the work they are doing to combat underage drinking.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

917 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the upgrades for Nepean Hospital outlined in the 2009-10 New South Wales Health Budget.

(2) Congratulates all those involved in the successful planning and representations to the New South Wales Parliament.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

918 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that excessively steep stairs are the only access to Hawkesbury River Station.

(2) Notes that many elderly people and parents with prams need to get onto the station platform.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately identify a solution to this serious problem, other than building another set of stairs, and advise when it will be implemented.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

14172 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

919 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that The Order of the Eastern Star, Wallsend Chapter Number 98, recently celebrated its 60th Birthday.

(2) Congratulates the Worthy Matron, Sister Margaret Brydon, and Worthy Patron, Brother John Moyle, and the chapter for its longevity.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

920 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the need for a multistorey carpark at Hornsby railway station.

(2) Notes the unfulfilled promise made by a previous Minister for Transport prior to the 2003 State Election that a feasibility study would be undertaken for such parking.

(3) Notes the disregard of the current Government to the needs of people trying to access train travel from Hornsby.

(4) Condemns the Government for misleading the people of Hornsby and failing to provide basic parking needs at a major transport hub.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

921 Mr HARTCHER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that there is a proposal to mine coal in the Wyong Valleys of Dooralong and Yarramalong.

(2) Notes that a hydrological report prepared by internationally qualified expert Ray Evans, dated April 2005, shows that this mining proposal has the potential to seriously affect the Central Coast water catchment and water security.

(3) Notes that Wyong Shire Council, the community and the Member for Wyong have publicly opposed this mining proposal.

(4) Calls upon the Government to immediately reject the proposal and protect the Central Coast’s water catchment.

(Notice given 24 June 2009)

922 Mr KHOSHABA to move—

That this House:

(1) Joins members of the New South Wales Assyrian Community in recognising the genocide perpetrated on the Assyrian people from 1914 onwards.

(2) Condemns the genocide of the Assyrian people and all other acts of genocide.

14173 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Recognises the importance of remembering such events in order to ensure such crimes against humanity are not repeated.

(4) Condemns all attempts to use the passage of time to deny or distort the historical truth of the genocide of the Assyrian people and other acts of genocide committed in the past.

(5) Calls on the Commonwealth Government to officially condemn the genocide of the Assyrian people and any attempt to deny such crimes against humanity.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

923 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Cootamundra Components (Comco) employs 29 people, including 5 apprentices and is a multi-million dollar business located in regional New South Wales.

(2) This company is experiencing grave difficulty in refinancing and this is threatening its survival.

(3) Calls on the Government to provide every assistance in ensuring the security of these 29 jobs in Cootamundra.

(4) Notes the impact that any further job losses will have on regional New South Wales, and in particular the greater township of Cootamundra.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

924 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and the Minister for Transport on the recent announcement of the upgrade to Unanderra Railway Station.

(2) Acknowledges that an estimated $11.4 million will be spent over the next two years on the project.

(3) Notes that stage one of the upgrade will commence in June 2009 and will include enhanced CCTV, new canopies that will provide shelter from the sun and rain and a new family accessible toilet, and that stage two will commence in the first half of 2110 and include lifts to ensure a fully accessible platform.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

925 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the proposed sale of Brooklyn Police Station.

(2) Notes the outcry from local residents, the New South Wales Police Association and the Retired Police Association against this sale.

(3) Calls on the Government to keep the police boat in Brooklyn.

14174 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Urges the Government to maintain the police contact point north of Hornsby Station for remote suburbs and villages and River residents.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

926 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates the Federal Government on its recent $35 million grant to construct a world class research facility at the Wallsend electorate’s Hunter Medical Research Institute.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

927 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Minister for Education for committing the Government to spending $1.1 billion on software for the 200,000 new school laptops.

(2) Calls on the Government to disclose how the $5,500 for software on each laptop will be funded.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

928 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that St Patrick’s Parish, Wallsend, celebrated the completion of the school’s new and refurbished school buildings.

(2) Notes that Bishop Michael Malone congratulated the school and the community for its endeavours to build this new infrastructure.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

929 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on 2 November 2008 in an article in the “Sunday Telegraph” headed “National Parks face a fork in the track”, the Minister for Tourism said it was important that visitors staying in national parks should “feel safe”, adding “Is that too much to ask?”

(2) Notes that the article used an example of an “aggressive weirdo” staying at a bushwalking hut to illustrate the need to open up national parks to commercial development.

(3) Notes that on two occasions, without answer, the Member for Castle Hill has asked the Minister for Tourism whether one isolated “aggressive weirdo” incident is enough to justify commercial accommodation in national parks.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Tourism to answer the question, consistent with standing orders, as the answer is central to the Government’s intention to allow commercial operators into national parks.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

14175 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

930 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Rock Central School received Federal Government funds to invest in the school, which funding was based on the primary school ratio although the school is also a secondary school.

(2) Notes the three options given were to build a library, a hall or classrooms

(3) Notes that the guidelines and funds do not allow for a large enough hall or library to be constructed.

(4) Notes that the only option is to spend the money on extra classrooms which are not needed.

(5) Calls on the Minister to intervene and negotiate a suitable outcome which will allow the Rock Central School to build a hall to the functional size required.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

931 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and the Treasurer on a Budget which invests in a better future for Wollongong.

(2) Acknowledges that the 2009-10 Budget is a huge boost to the Wollongong Community delivering major investment in jobs, infrastructure and essential frontline services.

(3) Condemns the Opposition for continuing to talk down New South Wales.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

932 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Supports teachers in New South Wales.

(2) Calls on the Government to support teachers in New South Wales.

(3) Calls on the Government to ensure that publication of school results for the purposes of ranking or league table does not occur in New South Wales.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

933 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and the Minister for Health on the announcement that 18 new clinical support officers will be appointed to Wollongong Hospital as part of “Caring Together: The Health Action Plan for New South Wales.”

(2) Acknowledges that these appointments will ensure nurses will be free to focus on patient care and safety, not paper work. 14176 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Condemns the Opposition for its continuing failure to acknowledge the dedicated, hard working health service delivery personnel.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

934 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Careel Bay at Avalon is a place of outstanding natural beauty and ecological importance.

(2) Notes that Careel Bay at Avalon is under threat of despoliation by an unsympathetic marina development.

(3) Calls on the Government to take action to protect Careel Bay from unsustainable overdevelopment.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

935 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Marie D’Arcy, an English speaking adult, cannot register as an enrolled nurse because she has failed the ILETS (English) test by 0.5 of a mark.

(2) Calls on the Government and the Minister for Health to immediately reverse this failure and assist Marie to enrol.

(3) Notes that the acute nursing shortage is not helped by hard to understand decisions about enrolment.

(4) Urges the Government to review how English-speaking nurses are tested as a requirement for enrolment.

(Notice given 25 June 2009)

936 Mr KHOSHABA to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its $80 million commitment to the Erskine Park Line Road in the Western Sydney Employment Area.

(2) Congratulates the Government for its initiative in releasing more than 800 hectares of land at the intersection of the M4 and M7 in Western Sydney which will support up to 16,500 new jobs.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

14177 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

937 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes a bushfire at Fingal Bay, Port Stephens on Sunday, 30 August 2009 burnt out 600 hectares in the Tomaree National Park.

(2) Congratulates Port Stephens volunteer rural fire fighters for their expert and tireless work in bringing the blaze under control and thanks them for their ongoing protection of the residents of Port Stephens.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

938 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its decision to axe stamp duty on the registration of caravans and camper trailers.

(2) Notes that this 2009-10 Budget decision has saved New South Wales families almost $1 million in its first month.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to supporting the fastest growing domestic tourist sector whilst also providing economic stimulus for New South Wales.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

939 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome (VCFS) and 22q11 Foundation and its work for those people who have these potentially serious health issues.

(2) Congratulates the VCFS and 22q11 Foundation for its walk to raise funds and awareness on Sunday, 30 August 2009 in Awareness Week.

(3) Recognises Jason Grey for his efforts to gather support for the walk.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

940 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Premier’s recent visit to Port Stephens.

(2) Notes the Premier prophesied, in a speech during his visit, that Salamander Haven Retirement Village is a place where people “meet, fall in love and children will be born”.

(3) Acknowledges the invigorating and healthy lifestyle enjoyed by Port Stephens retirees but declines to accept the Premier’s prediction that they will initiate a baby boom.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

14178 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

941 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Supports the Royal Flying Doctor Service of New South Wales and acknowledges the committed Board and supporters.

(2) Thanks all those who attended the non-partisan rally held in Dubbo and on 31 August 2009 from Dubbo, Sydney, Cobar, Nyngan, Bourke, Coonamble and throughout western New South Wales in particular, the guest speakers who contacted the Member for Dubbo for the opportunity to speak.

(3) Acknowledges concerns of the Member for Dubbo that the Royal Flying Doctors Service will not be awarded the New South Wales Air Ambulance Contract.

(4) Calls on the Government to make the right decision by listening to the uprising of the people of rural and regional New South Wales.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

942 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the completion of the construction of the Mental Health Intensive Care Unit at Hornsby Hospital.

(2) Deplores the need to close the unit for 12 weeks to repair damage.

(3) Notes the need for increased staff numbers to enable the facility to continue to receive patients when it reopens.

(4) Calls on the Government to improve retention and training of mental health nurses.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

943 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the hard work of the Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest community in raising awareness of the ailing health of the Myall River.

(2) Congratulates the Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest community for succeeding in forcing the Government to listen, following the recent announcement of funding for a study into solutions to the problems in the River.

(3) Calls on the Government to continue to support the local community in their quest to fix their local river.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

14179 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

944 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continuing uncertainty for people who have water access only properties in relation to their payment for the use of Crown Land to enter their homes via jetties and pontoons.

(2) Urges the Government to acknowledge that the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal recommendations relating to use of Crown Land are inequitable for water access only properties.

(3) Calls on the Government to acknowledge water access homeowners and recognise that they are different to homeowners who have both water and land access to their properties.

(Notice given 1 September 2009)

945 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Wallsend Town Committee has hosted another extremely successful Wallsend Winter Carnivale, showcasing retail, music, food and entertainment from local talents.

(2) Congratulates the Town Committee for its commitment to making Wallsend a great place to live and shop.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

946 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the existing dental clinic in Cootamundra caters only to children while adults have to travel long distances for public dental treatment.

(2) Notes the significant need to expand the dental clinic in Cootamundra to cater for adults.

(3) Expresses its concern at the refusal of the Government to recognise the difficulties posed by the need for patients to travel long distances to obtain treatment.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide equal access to medical services in regional areas as is enjoyed by metropolitan residents.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

947 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the Pre Apprentice course offered by TAFENSW.

(2) Commends Housing New South Wales for partnering with TAFENSW to provide pre apprenticeship training on new housing projects in Western Sydney.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

14180 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

948 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises that Charles Sturt University took ownership of Robinson College in Broken Hill from the University of New South Wales for $1.

(2) Notes that the Charles Sturt University wishes to sell the Robinson College facility for $1.5 million.

(3) Notes the sale of this asset will leave the Robinson College Adult Learning Centre without a facility.

(4) Notes a petition of 1187 signatures from concerned residents in Broken Hill requesting Charles Sturt hand the Robinson College facility back to the residents of Broken Hill.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

949 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Blackbutt Reserve for winning the Eco Tourism Category in the Hunter Region Tourism Awards.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

950 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House notes the representations from Port Stephens Council to include Wallalong as a new town in the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2006.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

951 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that ten years ago, a fundraising group called PULSE was formed to support the Hunter Medical Research Institution’s (HMRI), early career researchers in their efforts to improve the health of Australians.

(2) Congratulates PULSE for raising $195,000 during this time and its ability to build international collaborations.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

952 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the suffering to victims and their family and friends in the Victorian bushfires earlier this year.

(2) Congratulates the Leo Club of Hornsby for its fundraising that led to the placement of three coffee bars at Marysville, Kingslake and Whittlesee.

14181 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Congratulates Lions International for setting up two tool library facilities in Marysville and Ringwood with plans for three more.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

953 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Roads to provide adequate funding to enable upgrading of the Gocup Road, linking Gundagai with Tumut and a major heavy vehicle route for timber haulage, to a standard whereby heavy trucks, school buses, tourist traffic and locals are able to travel safely and harmoniously.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

954 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Health Department of New South Wales through its Area Health Services is now in breach of its own Occupational Health and Safety laws.

(2) Notes that the residents of New South Wales demand that the Government be open and transparent about the state of the health budget in New South Wales.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

955 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Premier failed to acknowledge the major issues in the region during his visit, including the resource-starved Tomaree Community Hospital, the dilapidated Nelson Bay Ambulance Station and the extremely dangerous Nelson Bay Road.

(2) Calls on the Government to commit to an upgrade of Tomaree Community Hospital, to designate a site so construction can begin on the Nelson Bay Ambulance Station and commit to the duplication of Nelson Bay Road.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

956 Mr PROVEST to move—

That this House:

(1) Notifies the Government that the Tweed is united in its demands for better Tweed public cancer treatment services.

(2) Requests for the Government to provide local radiation therapy services for Tweed patients as soon as possible.

(3) Notes the formation of a committee of professional and community members to gather information about the best way forward, advise the Government and campaign publicly for radiation therapy services.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

14182 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

957 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Warrah School situated in Dural and providing excellent education for 17 disabled students from primary through to senior high school classes.

(2) Congratulates Mid Dural Public School on planting one tree for each Warrah student on National Tree Day.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

958 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House acknowledges the important work of the McGrath Foundation in fighting breast cancer.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

959 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House acknowledges the amalgamated health services in New South Wales have created reduced services for New South Wales residents.

(Notice given 2 September 2009)

960 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on abolishing the $10 booking fee for pensioners on regular economy class CountryLink services.

(2) Notes that this 2009-10 Budget announcement also includes an extension of the $1.00 fare deal for children travelling with adults to a year-round offer.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to assisting pensioners and families in New South Wales during the global economic crisis.

(Notice given 3 September 2009)

961 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the older sections at Hornsby Hospital are so old they are beyond upgrading to the modern requirements of 2009.

(2) Notes the presence of termites, water leaks and fire hazards as well as space and equipment issues within the hospital.

(3) Congratulates the staff who work tirelessly to bring excellent care to patients.

(4) Calls on the Government to produce a plan for the hospital that includes adequate funding and realistic timelines.

(Notice given 3 September 2009) 14183 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

962 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Central Coast Tourism on the excellent $500,000 “Come to the Coast” marketing campaign.

(2) Recognises the unique tourist opportunities the Central Coast offers to visitors.

(3) Welcomes the Government’s investment in Regional Tourism and, in particular, its support for this campaign.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

963 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the wonderful work undertaken by the Hornsby Kuring-gai Police and Citizens Youth Club staff and volunteers.

(2) Notes the continual struggle for adequate funding to support its projects.

(3) Congratulates Wahroonga Rotary Club (Novus Foundation) and the Hornsby Masons for the fantastic support provided to this Police Citizen Youth Club.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

964 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on a funding boost of $120 million over the next three years for its Brighter Future program.

(2) Notes that this program supports vulnerable families and children under three years of age through a range of services including parenting programs, quality childcare and home visiting services.

(3) Congratulates the Government for funding early intervention programs and supporting families at risk.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

965 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Government to investigate the option of developing a school for the deaf in Wagga Wagga or, at the minimum, creating a satellite class for the deaf to be supported by a recognised service provider.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

14184 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

966 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Government to reimburse Robert Mitrevski of Adamstown for legal fees and losses he incurred due to a serious failure of the Lands Titles system.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

967 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the progress of a number of the Building Education Revolution (BER) projects.

(2) Notes the “sod turning” ceremonies that are happening in schools across New South Wales.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to invite local Members of Parliament to these ceremonies despite most having lobbied to assist the school community to realise the work about to be undertaken.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Education to direct her officials to exercise due courtesy and invite all relevant Members of Parliament and others who should attend such ceremonies.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

968 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the ongoing vandalism occurring within the grounds of Canobolas Rural Technology High School.

(2) Notes this vandalism includes the burning of rubbish bins, smashing of windows and drunken behaviour within school areas.

(3) Condemns the Minister for Education for not placing a higher priority on the erection of security fencing.

(4) Notes that the continuing level of vandalism is lowering morale of both students and teachers.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Education to immediately approve funding for the erection of security fencing around Canobolas Rural Technology High School.

(Notice given 8 September 2009)

969 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for delivering better bus services to Penrith.

(2) Commends the Penrith community for their strong voice during the review of the contract area 1 and for their excellent submissions and suggestions.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

14185 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

970 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House calls on the Government to introduce legislation to ensure that property owners are accurately and uniquely identified on certificates of title.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

971 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Police on the recent successful operation which saw a cache of 12 illegal firearms seized in the Wollongong area.

(2) Acknowledges the hard work and continued commitment of the Wollongong Local Area Command in arresting a number of people over the sale and possession of illegal weapons including a World War II machine gun.

(3) Notes that the success of this operation is a serious blow to criminals in the Wollongong local area and is the result of extremely good police work.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

972 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the restaurant in Quakers Hill, which was held up and blown up by two unknown criminals yesterday.

(2) Notes the appalling amount of graffiti on this shop and surrounding shops in this area, which has been highlighted by local Councillor Nick Tyrrell.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately review staffing levels at Quakers Hill police station, which is less than 50 metres from this restaurant and ensure this police station is adequately resourced to combat this crime wave.

(4) Condemns the Member for Riverstone for yet again failing to deliver appropriate resources and services for his community.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

973 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for their record investment of $2 billion providing support to New South Wales families in the area of ageing and disabilities.

(2) Congratulates the Illawarra Disability Trust and the Minister for Disability Services on the opening of a new respite service in the electorate Shellharbour, providing after school care and vacation care to teenagers.

(3) Notes that the service “Teen Time” provides much needed respite care for working parents who have a teenager with a disability.

14186 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Congratulates the staff of the Illawarra Disability Trust and Peterborough Public School as well as the families and friends of the residents for providing such wonderful care and support.

(5) Notes the significant changes in the community’s attitude and model of care provided to young people with a disability living in our community, that have occurred over the term of this Government.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

974 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that a large number of New South Wales postcodes are in the danger zone for financial distress according to Dun & Bradstreet’s Geographic Risk Indicator.

(2) Notes that Mona Vale, in Pittwater, is listed as ninth on the list of postcodes falling in the category of having a high-risk of a credit default.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to assist homeowners threatened with foreclosure, by neglecting to give legal effect to the Real Property and Conveyancing Legislation Amendment Act.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately commence laws that oblige a mortgagee to take all reasonable care to ensure that a foreclosed property is sold for not less than its market value at the time of the sale.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

975 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the University of Newcastle has secured a prestigious grant worth more than $99,000 to research issues affecting ageing.

(2) Congratulates the University for winning the grant and its commitment to quality research and looks forward to reading the results of the study.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

976 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for delivering better educational services to Western Sydney by providing creative and performing arts high schools at Northmead, Nepean and Campbelltown.

(2) Commends Western Sydney Arts organisations for their partnerships in this innovation which supports talented students in Western Sydney.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

14187 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

977 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the heritage listing of the last three surviving Balgownie huts located at Wollongong University’s Innovation Campus providing them with additional protection for generations to come.

(2) Notes that the listings ensure the New South Wales Heritage Council will be a joint consent authority for any future development proposal on the site.

(3) Acknowledges that the conservation of these wonderful pieces of history through adaptive re-use is a perfect example of how history and the future can complement each other.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

978 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates the Glendore Public School and Callaghan College Wallsend on their recent success in the KDC-NRMA Technopush Challenge at Eastern Creek Raceway in August.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

979 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the new state of the art x-ray technology for surgery which is now being used at Wollongong Hospital thanks to the introduction of the latest technology in mobile image intensifiers.

(2) Notes the $180,000 machine which offers advanced technical functions that improve patient safety is used by radiographers to provide crucial real-time diagnostic screening of a patient’s organs, anatomy and physiology to specialist doctors during surgery.

(3) Acknowledges the new equipment is part of the Government’s commitment to ensuring Illawarra residents have access to the latest health technology and expertise when they need it most.

(Notice given 9 September 2009)

981 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for supporting carers of people with a disability through two unique programs, Teen Time and Ageing Parent Carers.

(2) Notes that nearly $200,000 in funding will go to local organisations to support carers on the Central Coast.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to the dedicated work that carers undertake every day caring for their loved ones.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

14188 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

982 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the families and friends of people with disabilities often devote selfless hours to the care and support their loved ones.

(2) Notes that accommodation specific to the needs of a person with a disability is often hard to acquire.

(3) Calls on the Government to clarify the proposed housing and extra services to be provided for disabled people in Lodge Street, Asquith in the Hornsby electorate.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

983 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government intends to significantly downgrade arts courses and facilities including the highly successful Aboriginal Arts Program at Nowra TAFE.

(2) Condemns the Member for Kiama for failing to oppose the proposed downgrades of the arts facilities at the Nowra TAFE campus that is situated in his electorate.

(3) Condemns the Member for Kiama for failing to respond appropriately to the many representations he has received regarding this matter.

(4) Congratulates the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Gareth Ward and Shoalhaven City Council for unanimously resolving to express its strong objection to these cuts and calling the Government to reinstate funding.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

984 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the significant number of children who grew up in state-owned or charity-auspiced children’s homes or foster homes and both the good and bad experiences of children there.

(2) Notes that a significant number of those children were abused and were often severely and permanently damaged by their time in care, including becoming homeless as adults.

(3) Demands that the Government follow the lead of other State Governments and institute a formalised system of reparations and acknowledgement of wrong where this can be established.

(4) Condemns the Government for its failure to do so to date.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

14189 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

985 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for a record $62.9 billion infrastructure program, the retention of the State’s AAA credit rating and for continuing to support jobs and working families in New South Wales.

(2) Condemns the Opposition as economic vandals for their continued opposition to stimulus packages.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

986 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises and commends the Kinship Care Regional Project for its work in both helping kinship carers and advocating for their rights.

(2) Notes the uncertainty of future Government funding for the project.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Community Services to guarantee that the Government continue funding the Kinship Care Regional Project in light of the project’s great work.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

987 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the announcement of the third round of funding thanks to the Australian Government’s $16.2 billion Building the Education Revolution.

(2) Recognises two local public schools in the electorate of Shellharbour will share in $5,157,000 from the third round of the Australian Government’s Primary Schools for the 21st Century program.

(3) Notes that in the Shellharbour electorate, schools to receive funding include for a Balarang Public School $1,857,000 for new classroom facilities, Balarang Public School $700,000 for a new COLA and Koonawarra Public School $2,600,000, for a new hall/COLA.

(4) Acknowledges that New South Wales was already implementing the largest capital works budget on record so that combined with this $3.4 billion Australian Government investment in New South Wales, New South Wales is ahead of the game, providing employment opportunities for New South Wales communities and new state-of-the-art facilities for New South Wales students and teachers.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

14190 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

989 Mr FRASER to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Government to immediately stop the reduction of health service workers in the North Coast Area Health Services and reinstate cleaners made redundant at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

(2) Calls on the Government to conclude an inquiry into the ongoing outbreak of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

(Notice given 10 September 2009)

990 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Galston Road is a very busy regional road connecting Hornsby to Dural, going through Hornsby Heights and Galston.

(2) Notes the stretch of Galston Road between the intersection to Arcadia Road and Mid-Dural Road is in appalling condition and in need of gross upgrading.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to make this stretch of Galston Road into a “High Pedestrian Area” with a 40kph limit.

(4) Calls on the Government to complete an upgrade on this important road.

(Notice given 11 September 2009)

991 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House refers to the Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics the matter of public statements issued by the Premier on 18 August 2009 regarding the proposed appointment of a new Commissioner to lead the Independent Commission Against Corruption, such matter arguably being in contempt of the Parliament.

(Notice given 11 September 2009)

992 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Opposition’s one big policy announcement was they would consult to develop a policy.

(2) Notes that this idea is an act of plagiarism in that it attempts to copy the Government’s process of development of the State Plan.

(3) Thanks the Opposition for the opportunity to remind the House that the Government has led the way in this area with the developing of a comprehensive State plan.

(4) Notes the Opposition is exposed a policy free zone.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

14191 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

993 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Tuesday 21 September 2009 marks 550 days until the next State election.

(2) Notes that there are 50 Government members of the Legislative Assembly who have not served as Premier.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

994 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House acknowledges the significant investment by successive Labor Governments in emergency services.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

995 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House condemns the Government for the removal of the target in the 2009 State Plan which stated ‘Reduce unnecessary hospital admissions for Aboriginal people by 15% over five years’.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

996 Ms MEGARRITY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its commitment of funds in the 2009-10 Budget to Community Services, and to the reforms under Keep Them Safe, including:

(i) $321 million for early intervention in the Brighter Futures program

(ii) $628.3 million to support out-of-home care

(iii) $421 million to fund statutory child protection, and

(iv) $750 million over five years to implement Keep Them Safe.

(2) Calls upon the Opposition to stop criticising Community Services workers and support these reforms.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

997 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes a new report which has found Port Stephens will have the highest number of dementia sufferers in the State by 2050, with the number of people suffering from dementia expected to jump from 1000 in 2009 to 5300 by 2050.

14192 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Calls on the Government to act on this report to ensure adequate services are established in Port Stephens to assist dementia sufferers.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

998 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the building of a trade school at Water Secondary College, Woy Woy Campus.

(2) Notes that the Government is meeting its election commitment in the building of this $2.1 million project, which will specialise in nursing and allied health.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its continued support for young people on the Central Coast.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

999 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that a recent Roads and Traffic Authority report recommends lowering the current 100km/h speed limit on the Cargo to Orange road to 80km/h.

(2) Notes that the report lists numerous deficiencies on the road including the surface, signage and safety barriers.

(3) Notes that whilst Cabonne Council is responsible for the maintenance and upgrading, it lacks the funds to do the necessary work.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport to provide extra funds to enable the work to be carried out and the 100km/h speed limit to be retained.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

1000 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the latest OECD report proves that the State and Federal Governments’ stimulus packages have minimised job losses and protected the Australian economy.

(2) Notes that the Sensis Business Survey, released on 17 September 2009, had more good news for the New South Wales economy.

(3) Commends the Government for its sound economic management in the face of a global financial crisis as evidenced by:

(i) A record $62.9 billion infrastructure program;

(ii) The retention of the State’s AAA credit rating, and

(iii) Continued support of jobs and working families in New South Wales.

14193 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Condemns the Opposition as economic vandals, for their continued opposition to stimulus packages.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

1001 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s admission that more geotechnical studies have been carried out on the Tillegra Dam in the past six months, proving there was little planning for the dam and it was announced to deflect negative media at the time.

(2) Notes the unwanted and unneeded dam will force Port Stephens residents to pay more than $200 extra in water rates.

(3) Condemns the Government for forcing the residents of Port Stephens to pay for a dam they do not need.

(Notice given 22 September 2009)

1002 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the success of the Shortland Festival on 20 September 2009 was a credit to hard working local, Ms Kim Hillery.

(2) Congratulates Ms Hillery for her long-time contribution to junior soccer, and commends all the wonderful volunteers at Shorty Football.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1003 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that a reference group is currently drafting proposed standards and guidelines for animal welfare, which standards farmers will be required to meet, significantly increasing their regulatory burden.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Primary Industries to release detailed information about the continuing work of this reference group to enable farmers in New South Wales to make an informed decision about the new legislation to be proposed.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1004 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges that the New South Wales and ACT Association of Family History Societies’ State Conference was hosted in Wyong in 2009.

(2) Congratulates the Wyong Family History Group on conducting an interesting and high quality event. 14194 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes that the Government financially supported this conference.

(4) Congratulates all enthusiasts who record our nation’s rich heritage through researching their family history.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1005 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s bungling of the Community Building Partnerships grants program, with two thirds of applicants in Port Stephens warned of incomplete applications less that a week before the closing deadline.

(2) Notes with concern that twenty community groups in Port Stephens stand to miss out on the funding because of the Government’s bungling.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately announce an extension of the application deadline to ensure all hard working community groups across New South Wales get a fair chance to apply for a grant.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1006 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House recognises the outstanding commitment of successive Governments to renewing health infrastructure in regional New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1007 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the effects of the dust storm of 23 September 2009 had on the City of Sydney.

(2) Acknowledges that many Sydney residents were puzzled as to where the dust came from and hopes it would go away as it was inconvenient.

(3) Calls on the Government to acknowledge the serious effect that seven years drought is having on all our communities.

(4) Calls on the Government to embargo any future water allocation being charged to the Lachlan Valley producers, to immediately waive interest being charged on unpaid annual charge, and waive the charges for at least 12 months.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

14195 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1008 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Mr Ben Kantarovski, a student at Lambton High School, on his fine achievement of being named, along with two of his Jets colleagues, in the 21-man Young Socceroos squad to compete at the FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Egypt.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1009 Mr GEORGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent visit of the Attorney General to Lismore to support indigenous youth, which support is important for the Northern Rivers.

(2) Welcomes the Northern Rivers Red Dust Healing program.

(3) Condemns the Attorney General for failing to notify and invite local leaders, who actively support indigenous youth, to the recent launch.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1010 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the efforts of Coast Shelter in providing support to disadvantaged and homeless people on the Central Coast.

(2) Welcomes the Government’s $110,000 grant to Coast Shelter for continuation of their work in the Northern Central Coast area.

(3) Congratulates the CEO Laurie Maher and his dedicated team for the tireless work they do in the community.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1011 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern that the NSW Ombudsman advises that he will be required to cut back the number of complaints that are investigated by his office due to budget cuts.

(2) Notes with concern his further advice that as a result of these cuts his office will be unable to offer the same level of assistance to Members of Parliament.

(3) Condemns the Government for these cuts, which reduce Government transparency and accountability.

(4) Calls on the Government to restore funding to the NSW Ombudsman’s office immediately.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

14196 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1012 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates two Wallsend electorate teachers of note, Ms Fiona Davies (from Callaghan College Jesmond Campus) and Ms Cheryl Brobst (from Jesmond Public School), for their nomination (with 28 Hunter teachers) for National Excellence in Teaching Awards, known colloquially as the “People’s Choice Teaching Awards”.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1013 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes claims that an elderly Tea Gardens women who had a fall in a shopping centre had to wait 43 minutes for an ambulance while lying on the side of the road.

(2) Notes all ambulances in all the surrounding areas of Bulahdelah, Stroud and Raymond Terrace were being utilised, and an ambulance had to be dispatched from Beresfield.

(3) Condemns the Government for its failure to invest in the New South Wales Ambulance service and local hospitals, thereby leaving whole regions without ambulances for hours at a time while they queue up in under-resourced hospitals.

(Notice given 23 September 2009)

1015 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government held over 300 small business events as part of Small Business September 2009.

(2) Notes the success of these events in assisting NSW small businesses to get some new ideas and soar.

(3) Notes that the Government has invested over $20 million in programs to assist small businesses looking to ‘start, run and grow’.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1016 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for cutting nursing and health care staff across the Greater Southern Area Health Care Service.

(2) Notes that the Federal Member for Eden-Monaro stated at a public forum about reduced services at Cooma Hospital, that while he could discuss reduced services with the State Member, he felt that it would be a waste of time.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

14197 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1017 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the work of the National Servicemen’s Association.

(2) Congratulates the Central Coast (Toukley) Sub-branch on the outstanding work they do in the community.

(3) Congratulates the Central Coast (Toukley) Sub-branch on their Memorial Service held on Sunday 20 October 2009 at the Toukley RSL Cenotaph.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1018 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes delays in the tender process for the relocation of Raymond Terrace police to a temporary station.

(2) Condemns the Government for yet another failure in this long promised, long delayed and desperately needed project.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1019 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the recent BOSCAR statistics on crime show that across New South Wales, 17 of the 18 categories are either stable or falling and in the Shellharbour Local Government Area all 18 of these categories are either stable or falling.

(2) Congratulates the men and women of the New South Wales Police Force, particularly the Lake Illawarra Area Command, who are working hard to keep our community safe.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1020 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House notes that the dust storm of 23 September 2009 was just a reminder of the harsh treatment people out west are receiving from this Government.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1021 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Federal Government on the establishment of 31 Super GP Clinics across Australia.

(2) Welcomes the opening of a GP Super Clinic at Warnervale.

14198 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Acknowledges the excellent work of Denise Barrett, Dr Brad Cranney and their team and their vision and commitment to this project.

(4) Congratulates Craig Thomson, Federal Member for Dobell on his efforts in establishing this new facility.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1022 Ms MCMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s record budget allocation of $216 million to the Rural Fire Fighting Fund to support our hard working Rural Fire Service volunteers.

(2) Notes the significant amount of hazard reduction work that has been undertaken this year to assist in protecting the community this coming bushfire season.

(3) Notes that the bush fire danger period has commenced early in various districts around the State including areas such as Cessnock, Cooma-Monaro, Maitland, Lismore, Tamworth and the Upper Hunter.

(4) Notes the advice being given to the residents in bush fire prone areas to review their bush fire survival plans and prepare their properties for the coming bushfire season.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1023 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government’s failure to fix the major flaws in the administration of waterfront tenancies in New South Wales.

(2) Notes the difficulty being endured by water access only homeowners who are facing exorbitant fees to simply access their homes.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately implement the Auditor General’s findings and return fairness to the administration of waterfront tenancies in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1024 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the $1 million renovation of the Gosford Courthouse.

(2) Notes that the new facilities will mean faster and easier access to court services, including disabled access for jurors.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to victims of crime, who will now have access to their own waiting room.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

14199 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1025 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the South Nowra Correctional Centre will be expanded from 500 to 600 beds.

(2) Notes that a Community Offenders Support Program Centre will be built on site.

(3) Calls on the Government to convene a public meeting in Nowra to discuss the proposed amendments with the community.

(4) Condemns the Government for failing to consult with the community regarding the proposed changes to the South Coast Correctional Centre.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1026 Mr HARTCHER to move—

That this House:

(1) Expresses its appreciation to the rail staff manning Central Coast rail stations who, for over a century, have provided excellent service and assistance to commuters.

(2) Expresses its concern about RailCorp restructuring which will reclassify and redeploy hundreds of rail staff across the State, including staff at Central Coast stations.

(3) Calls upon the Government and RailCorp to reallocate staff to platforms and re-evaluate its Central Coast restructuring in view of the impact these changes will have on commuters and the concerns expressed by the community about them.

(Notice given 24 September 2009)

1027 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Autism Spectrum Disorder classes have been established and are operating successfully in the Wagga Wagga electorate.

(2) Notes that costs for such classes are to escalate from around $600 per quarter to $1000.

(3) Calls on the Government to enhance funding for Autism Spectrum Disorder classes in the Wagga Wagga electorate.

Notice given 25 September 2009)

1028 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the considerable community outrage at the ‘death of democracy’ in the Ku-ring-gai council area, as marked by the funeral procession on Sunday 27 September 2009.

14200 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Condemns the inappropriate push for significantly more new dwellings in the Ku-ring-gai council area than the 10,000 required and agreed pursuant to the New South Wales Metropolitan Strategy.

(Notice given 25 September 2009)

1029 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the bushfire season is upon us, with several threatening fires in the Port Stephens electorate in recent weeks.

(2) Notes local councils, such as Port Stephens, have received no indication as to whether they have been successful in applications for grants for bushfire management.

(3) Notes the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of applications and the approach of summer is putting extreme financial and time pressure on these councils.

(4) Condemns the Government for its incompetence in bushfire management in New South Wales, putting rural communities at risk.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1030 Dr McDONALD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of the residents of Casula about the adverse health effects of rail noise on their lives.

(2) Notes that these noise effects will increase with the construction and utilisation of the Southern Sydney Freight line by the Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd.

(3) Calls on all levels of government to work to find a solution that results in effective noise barriers for all of the residents of Casula.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1031 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its incompetence in not consulting Tomaree Peninsula GPs on the proposal to operate GP services out of the struggling Tomaree Community Hospital.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1032 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the community meeting held on the evening of 19 October 2009, in the Ettamogah Hotel on behalf of the residents who oppose the application for an eight storey apartment block on the Kellyville Ridge.

(2) Notes this development comprising of 268 units has the potential to accommodate 600 to 700 residents, with an additional 500 cars, causing massive traffic problems and social impacts on this area. 14201 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes this development will be assessed under a Joint Regional Planning Panel and this removes the approval consent from the local council, which in turn removes the rights of the community to have a say in how their area is developed.

(4) Condemns the Government for these failed planning changes that have forced inappropriate development on many areas of Sydney and New South Wales similar to Kellyville Ridge.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1033 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns State and Federal Government Members for playing petty politics with constituent issues by neglecting to pass issues on to relevant sitting Opposition Members and instead passing these sometimes urgent issues to a so-called Government “Duty MLC”.

(2) Notes this practice by the Federal Member for Newcastle and the so-called Duty MLC for Port Stephens recently left a local pensioner hundreds of dollars out of pocket for two months because the latter could not sort out a simple Department of Housing misunderstanding.

(3) Calls on the Premier to stop this petty and ineffectual game-playing for the sake of the community.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1034 Mr ROBERTS to move—

That this House congratulates the magnificent Dragons Indoor Cricket team on reaching 500 matches.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1035 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern the Government’s admission in answer to a question in Parliament that “a construction timetable for the widening of Nelson Bay Road between Bobs Farm and Anna Bay has not yet been determined” and that “funding for construction will be considered in future budget allocations”.

(2) Notes the Government first promised this road upgrade nine years ago.

(3) Condemns the Government for not having a timetable nor funding available for this desperately needed road upgrade and for yet another broken promise to the people of Port Stephens.

(Notice given 20 October 2009)

1036 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the success of the recent World Masters Games in New South Wales – rated by competitors and officials as the best ever held.

14202 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Congratulates the Premier, the Minister for Sport and Recreation, and the Minister for Tourism for their support and leadership which ensured the success of the games.

(3) Notes that the orienteering event took place in the Bathurst electorate and was based in Lithgow and utilised the Clandulla Rhylstone/Kandos area.

(4) Notes the vital role played by community volunteers.

(5) Notes the important economic stimulus the 1,200 competitors and the 1,000 supporters injected into the local economy.

(Notice given 21 October 2009)

1037 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of residents of the Tilligerry Peninsula about ongoing robberies, particularly of the elderly in the area.

(2) Notes residents’ frustration that police based on the Tilligerry Peninsula are often unable to respond and calls are answered by other hard working police officers from Nelson Bay.

(3) Calls on the Government to respond to law and order issues on the Tilligerry Peninsula and commit to an increased police presence in the area.

(Notice given 21 October 2009)

1038 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the announcement of six Centres for Industry Training Excellence (CITE) on the Central Coast to bolster quality vocational education in the region.

(2) Recognises that CITE will develop a model for the delivery of trades training to Certificate II and III levels and education to Year 12 or equivalent on the Central Coast.

(3) Congratulates the Government for supporting quality vocational education on the Central Coast.

(Notice given 21 October 2009)

1039 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the serious drainage problems in the town of Pindimar in Port Stephens, with homes and yards constantly being flooded.

(2) Calls on the Government to work with Greta Lakes Council to address and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

(Notice given 21 October 2009)

14203 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1040 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the State Government on its partnership with the Federal Government to build the Yaringaa Centre a new dementia day care centre in Woy Woy.

(2) Notes that the State Government contributed approximately $650,000 to build the centre, which is in addition to the more than $337,000 provided to Community Care Services-Central Coast for dementia specific day care, and $51,000 for transport costs.

(3) Congratulates the State Government for providing support for people to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1041 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the sale of Graythwaite Estate to Sydney Church of England Grammar School (Shore) for $35.2 million despite former Labor Premier, William Holman promising at the time of the gift in 1916, that it would be “honoured for all time”.

(2) Calls on the Government to seek from Shore, a commitment that it will keep the grounds free of development and allow public access to them after school hours, at weekends and during school holidays.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to guarantee that the $35.2 million received from the sale of the estate bequeathed for the care of Gallipoli veterans, will be spent on providing 60 additional rehabilitation beds at the new Graythwaite Centre on Ryde Hospital grounds, not simply for relocation of beds already in existence.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1042 Ms D'AMORE to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and Minister for Energy for the $10 million Medical Energy Rebate.

(2) Notes that more than 10,000 people in New South Wales will benefit from the new energy rebate.

(3) Notes the new energy rebate is part of the Government’s $272 million Customer Assistance Package.

(4) Commends Parkinson’s New South Wales, MS Society NSW/ACT and other organisations in working with the State Government to secure the Medical Energy Rebate.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

14204 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1043 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of recognising, compiling and storing papers and artefacts associated with the history of a number of New South Wales buildings, organisations and conventions.

(2) Notes the extraordinary history that most hospitals have progressed through that would be important to conserve for future generations.

(3) Demands that governments attribute adequate recognition of hospital heritage and allocate appropriate resources and space to safely store and display unique documents and property that depict important events in our health history.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1044 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Australian Carers Week runs from 18 to 24 October 2009, with this year’s theme being “anyone anytime”.

(2) Congratulates the Government for recognising and supporting carers during this occasion.

(3) Congratulates the Government for providing $60,000 to support Carers Week events throughout New South Wales.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1045 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the house in Hawks Nest in which a seven year old girl was murdered by starvation in 2007 was privately owned and leased through the New South Wales Department of Housing, and the Department provided references to the managing agents on behalf of the tenants.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately commence negotiations to compensate the owners of this house who have been unable to let or sell the property since the murder.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1046 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Roads and Traffic Authority has proposed that a section of Main Road 353 between Orange and Cargo be reduced from 100km/h to 80km/h.

(2) Notes the proposal is not supported by those using the road.

(3) Notes the proposal was rejected by Cabonne Council.

(4) Notes that the one death over many years occurred in an 80km/h section.

14205 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(5) Calls on the Government to increase funding to upgrade the road and maintain the 100km/h speed limit that is currently in place.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1047 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Relay for Life 2009 took place on 17-18 October 2009.

(2) Congratulates the exceptional efforts and hard work undertaken by the Committee under the co- chairs Ben Power and Ray Brookes.

(3) Congratulates the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai community members including emergency services personnel (Police, RFS, SES and Fire Brigade).

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1048 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government will spend more than half a million dollars on the relocation of police out of the Raymond Terrace Police Station to make way for the station upgrade.

(2) Notes that had the Government opted for a more suitable site for the new station instead of building on the existing site, and that the cost of relocation could have been spent on local schools or health care services.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1049 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the difficulties schools are having in relation to the practical application of the Building the Education Revolution funding.

(2) Notes Galston High School has been allocated $200,000, 25% of which will go to the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Commerce and other areas.

(3) Condemns the Government for ‘skimming’ precious funding from the school allocations.

(4) Condemns the Government for expecting schools to further reduce the Building the Education Revolution allocation by $3,000 to pay for workers’ toilets and a lunchroom.

(Notice given 22 October 2009)

1050 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the dangerous state of the Wombeyan Caves Road in the electorate of Goulburn.

(2) Notes the importance of the Wombeyan Caves to regional tourism in the Southern Tablelands. 14206 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes the growing number of people living at the Mittagong end of the Wombeyan Caves Road and in particular the growing number of school children relying on a bus service along this road to transport them to local schools.

(4) Calls upon the Government to designate this road as a State Road and upgrade it as a matter of urgency so that families and children are not left at risk of death or injury.

(Notice given 23 October 2009)

1051 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Government to prioritise Tumut District Hospital for capital works funding and replacement.

(Notice given 23 October 2009)

1052 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the electorate office in Tamworth has been inundated with messages of protest regarding the Government’s proposal to close the Dalwood Assessment Centre and Palm Avenue School’s programs for country kids experiencing literacy problems.

(2) Notes the many personal letters and emails detailing stories of success that have been received from parents and teachers of country children who have achieved major improvements following treatment at Dalwood.

(3) Notes that the parents and teachers are not wedded to the current location and are willing to have the service moved to another location, providing that country kids still retain access to the programs.

(4) Calls on the Ministers for Health and Education to reconsider closing this valuable facility, and guarantee that country kids with literacy problems will still have access to positive intervention programs such as those provided by Dalwood.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1053 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on Friday 23 October 2009 the Premier told Sydney radio station 2UE “we haven’t made any decision to vary that promise” and “there is no intention to depart from the existing promise” in relation to M4 tolls.

(2) Calls on the Premier to explain whether a promise to the people of New South Wales that is “varied” or “departed from” is in fact a broken promise.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

14207 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1054 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the low availability of crisis and refuge accommodation in the Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai area.

(2) Calls on the Government to allocate funding to this area so that access is improved for such accommodation.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1055 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that hundreds of children over the past 87 years have owed the gift of speech and a normal life to St Gabriel’s School for the Hearing Impaired in Castle Hill.

(2) Notes that more than 90 per cent of children in the school’s Hear the Children Early Intervention Centre go on to mainstream schools.

(3) Notes that the Christian Brothers who run the school have decided to change its direction to include a wider range of disabilities.

(4) Notes that the Early Intervention Centre receives only minimal funding from the Government and, as a result, will close at the end of this year unless emergency funding can be found.

(5) Calls on the Government to provide stopgap funding for the Early Intervention Centre as requested by Hear the Mums so its work can continue until a new permanent home for the centre can be found.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1056 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Members’ appraisals for the Community Building Partnership were to be submitted by 4pm on 26 October 2009 to Level 9, 111 Elizabeth Street.

(2) Notes that the office handling the Community Building partnership moved to 323 Castlereagh Street without advising the bureaucrats in Elizabeth Street, that the Members of Parliament hotline continually rang out and the bureaucrat charged with accepting the appraisals took leave.

(3) Condemns the Government for its incompetence.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1057 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the very steep stairs leading to the Hawkesbury River Railway Station, Brooklyn.

(2) Notes the unanswered inquiries relating to the legality of the height and proportion of these stairs.

14208 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Acknowledges concerns of local residents particularly older people and those with young children.

(4) Condemns the Government for replacing dangerous stairs with another set of stairs.

(5) Urges the Government to increase expenditure on improving access so that an underpass can be constructed at the station.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1058 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that up to 100 jobs are at risk in Batlow due to Agrivest being placed under administration.

(2) Calls on the Government to assist the Batlow community and Fruits of Batlow to survive this crisis, maintaining vital jobs.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1059 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Shoalhaven City Council has been successful in its bid to host the Local Government Conference in 2011.

(2) Notes that the event will inject up to a million dollars into local businesses.

(3) Congratulates the Mayor, Paul Green, Deputy Mayor Gareth Ward and members of the bid committee for their commitment to ensuring that Shoalhaven will host the Local Government Conference in 2011.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1060 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that two and a half years after committing to a new ambulance station at Nelson Bay and twelve months after being advised by a Legislative Council inquiry to find a more appropriate site, the Government still has not found a site for the new station, let alone begun planning or construction, making the promised 2010 completion date almost impossible to achieve.

(2) Condemns the Government for breaking yet another promise made to the people of Port Stephens.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1061 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the work of St John’s Uniting Church in Wahroonga and surrounding churches for the “The Dish” project.

14209 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Congratulates the “The Dish” Committee and volunteers for taking the van to Hornsby pool each Friday evening to feed the homeless in the Hornsby area.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1062 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the $6.09 million funding allocation for the Rural Fire Service on the Central Coast.

(2) Notes that 1 October 2009 was the official start to the bushfire season in New South Wales.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to ensuring our Rural Fire Service volunteers are well equipped and safe as they work to protect the community.

(Notice given 27 October 2009)

1063 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the good work being done by the Cancer Institute NSW, in particular in relation to BreastScreen NSW.

(2) Notes the $26 million invested in digital mammography equipment that provides clearer images, more rapid analysis and more accurate diagnoses.

(3) Notes with concern and sympathy the 12,000 Australian women diagnosed with breast cancer annually.

(4) Notes that the chances of survival from breast cancer are improving, with a 97 per cent chance of survival if the cancer is detected early, and that deaths from breast cancer have declined by 14 per cent in the last ten years.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1064 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern that the management of sullage pumpout overseen by Hornsby Shire Council occasions great distress to Shire residents.

(2) Calls on the Government to establish a public inquiry to examine the sullage pumpout service provision by Hornsby Shire Council since 2001.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1065 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Mineral Resources and Minister for State Development on securing an $11.6 million investment in a new copper casting facility at Metal Manufacturers Ltd in Port Kembla. 14210 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that Metal Manufacturers Ltd is an important regional employer in the Illawarra, supported by a skilled, flexible workforce with access to efficient and leading-edge infrastructure.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1066 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Emergency Services to clear up the confusion about dialling triple 0 from mobile phones when some emergency operators have suggested that 112 is the number to dial from mobile phones.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1067 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Newcastle City Council for encouraging visitors to the City by removing charges on CBD parking on Saturdays.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1068 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the vitally important role that nursing staff play in hospitals throughout New South Wales.

(2) Condemns the Government for proposing cuts to senior clinical positions at both Mona Vale and Manly hospitals.

(3) Calls on the Government to take urgent action to ensure that the State’s most experienced nurses are retained in the public health system.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1069 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Treasurer on the announcement of a $28.9 million commitment to build a brand new western grandstand at WIN Stadium in Wollongong.

(2) Acknowledges the support of the Sportsground Trust members, WIN Entertainment Centre management, and the St George Illawarra Rugby League Club in lobbying for this monumental upgrade.

(3) Notes this massive investment will bring WIN Stadium up to a world-class standard and allow Wollongong to compete for a new range of national and international sporting and entertainment events.

(4) Condemns the Opposition for continually talking down the people and city of Wollongong.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

14211 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1070 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s act of neglect in downgrading health services on the Northern Beaches, including:

(a) Axing nursing positions in infection control, aged care and disaster control at Manly and Mona Vale hospitals;

(b) Offering redundancies to staff at Manly’s Phoenix Unit despite the drug and alcohol centre operating at 99 per cent capacity;

(c) Closing the residential assessment program at Dalwood Centre for rural children suffering severe learning difficulties.

(2) Condemns the Government for its wrong priorities.

(3) Calls on the Government to retain these health services and honour its 2006 promise to build the new Northern Beaches hospital.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1071 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that young Wallsend athletes are competing in the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association athletics championships in Sydney this week.

(2) Congratulates Josh Pettigrew from Wallsend South Public School, who will be competing in the senior boys’ high jump, the 200m run and the long jump.

(3) Notes that the Maryland senior boys relay team of Ben Kerr, Jason Jocevski, Kyle Cook and Aiden Hampton are also competing.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1072 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the World Masters Games held in Sydney in October.

(2) Notes the enjoyment experienced by participants in the wide range of sports available.

(3) Notes that one participant, 100-year-old Ruth Frith, was part of an original family in the Hornsby area after which Frith Avenue was named.

(4) Congratulates Ruth Frith on her many medals won at the Games.

(5) Notes she not only won a gold medal for shot-put but also broke a Games record.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

14212 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1073 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the overwhelming success of the inaugural ‘Breakfast on the Bridge’ in Sydney.

(2) Recognises that ‘Breakfast on the Bridge’ is part of the “Crave” festival, a 31 day event that celebrates Sydney’s love of food, art and outdoor fun.

(3) Acknowledges the significant international media coverage generated by ‘Breakfast on the Bridge’.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1074 Mr J.D. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Health to carry out an inquiry as to the benefits of fluoride in water supply.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1075 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Hunter primary boys’ cricket team which is competing at the NSW PSSA Championships in Lismore next week.

(2) Congratulates Josh Pettigrew, Neruiben Jayakumar, Ben Herring and Ryan Van Kemenade from Wallsend electorate who have been selected in the team.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

1076 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Government has sold the land which is currently the Bolger Street Macarthur Station commuter car park is located on.

(2) Notes the current Macarthur Station commuter car park is located approximately 100 metres from the station.

(3) Condemns the Government for its plans to relocate the commuter car park to land half a kilometre from Macarthur Station and just 60 metres from the residential development, Macarthur Gardens.

(4) Calls on the Government to listen to the community and investigate other more appropriate locations for the new Macarthur Station commuter car park.

(Notice given 28 October 2009)

14213 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1077 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the recent celebrations to mark the 125th anniversary of the Glen Alice Public School.

(2) Congratulates the Glen Alice community for its organisation of the event and notes the vital role schools play in small rural communities.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1078 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes “The Daily Telegraph” initiated online petition calling for the New South Wales Parole Board to review its decision to release one of Victor Chang’s killers after only serving the minimum sentence period.

(2) Notes that thousands of people have signed the petition on its first day.

(3) Congratulates “The Daily Telegraph” for taking a strong stand on behalf of the victims of crime.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1079 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the formation of the Central Coast Sports Federation launched in 2008.

(2) Recognises the high standard set in sports on the Central Coast typified by Central Coast Surf Life Saving Association being awarded New South Wales Branch of the Year and Central Coast Academy of Sport and Central Coast Mariners as examples.

(3) Congratulates Central Coast Sports Federation on the launch of the Central Coast Sports Awards, which will be the premier recognition of sporting performance on and off the field.

(4) Recognises the work in particular of John Millard and the Boards of the Sports Federation.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1080 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes White Ribbon Day being held in November.

(2) Congratulates the organisers of White Ribbon Day events around New South Wales.

(3) Supports the community’s efforts to draw attention to domestic violence.

(4) Notes the contribution men in the community can make to the prevention of domestic violence and congratulates those men who take part in White Ribbon Day activities.

14214 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(5) Condemns domestic violence, recognising the incalculable harm incurred by its victims, children who witness it and the damage to the social fabric of New South Wales.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1081 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the $175 million funding investment by the State Government under the Low SES Schools National Partnership with the Federal Government.

(2) Notes that under this partnership, both Girrakool and George Anderson Walpole schools will have greater access to high quality teachers, teaching resources and other support for the families they serve.

(3) Congratulates the Government on its commitment to deliver extra resources to those schools that need them most.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1082 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that CanTeen is celebrating Bandanna Day on 30 October 2009.

(2) Congratulates CanTeen for supporting young people aged 12-24 years living with cancer.

(3) Commemorates Katrina a Hornsby resident and ambassador for CanTeen who died of cancer following a courageous’ fight.

(4) Calls on the Government to maintain and enhance frontline cancer services.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1083 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes criticism of the State Government by Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese and Federal Member for Newcastle, for not proposing a fast train between Newcastle and Sydney in New South Wales’ funding submission to Infrastructure Australia.

(2) Condemns the Government for ignoring the people of the Hunter and Central Coast.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1084 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Campbelltown Cottage Family Care Centre and Campbelltown Uniting Care, and all of the staff, for their hard work in providing specialised services to families with children aged up to five who have experienced abuse and neglect.

14215 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that due to a funding shortfall of $160,000 the Cottage Family Care Centre has laid off its General Manager and several staff members.

(3) Notes the funding shortfall of $160,000 means the Cottage Family Care Centre has had to halve the number of children it can accommodate each week from 72 to 36.

(4) Condemns the Government and the Minister for Community Services for failing to adequately fund the Campbelltown Cottage Family Care Centre.

(5) Calls on the State Government to increase funding to the Cottage Family Care Centre Campbelltown.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1085 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the problem of homelessness in the Hornsby electorate.

(2) Notes the efforts of St Bernard’s Catholic School Year 3 students who recently raised funds for homeless people.

(3) Congratulates St Bernard’s Catholic School on assisting children to examine social justice issues.

(Notice given 29 October 2009)

1086 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the isolated areas of the suburb of Galston and the geographical barrier that Galston Gorge presents.

(2) Calls on the Government to move Galston into the Castle Hill Police Local Area Command.

(Notice given 30 October 2009)

1087 Mr AQUILINA to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 9 November 2009 is the twentieth anniversary of the start of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

(2) Recognises that this marked a spectacular start to the end of the Cold War between the East and the West.

(3) Congratulates the people of the Federal Republic of Germany on their continued progress towards national unification and economic prosperity.

(4) Acknowledges that the fall of the Berlin Wall was a significant step towards the strengthening and growth of the European Union.

14216 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(5) Calls on all nations to work towards the demolition of all artificial, ideological and religious barriers which divide families, people and nations.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1088 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes comments made by Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens last week in relation to the Australian economy’s road to recovery from the global financial crisis, that “more persistent difficulties look like they may be in the areas of land supply, zoning and approval”.

(2) Notes the proposed and long awaited Kings Hall subdivision north of Raymond Terrace would provide 35% of new dwellings needed in the Port Stephens Local Government Area and 4% of new dwellings needed in the Lower Hunter by 2031, according to the Government’s Lower Hunter Regional Strategy.

(3) Condemns the Government for its and delays in making a decision on the proposed subdivision.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1089 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(4) Acknowledges Remembrance Day, 11 November, which marks the end of World War One 91 years ago.

(5) Notes that Remembrance Day, originally called Armistice Day, honours the 416,000 Australian men who enlisted and 2,500 women who joined up as nurses in the Great War, and that more than 60,000 Australian soldiers died and 156,000 were wounded or taken prisoner.

(6) Expresses deep gratitude to those who have lost their lives in war and conflicts over the last century for the freedom that we enjoy.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1090 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that police in Raymond Terrace were pelted with bricks and bottles when they attempted to break up a party that had spilled onto the street and involved people vandalising nearby private property.

(2) Notes that while fortunately no police were injured during the incident, seven people were arrested as a result.

(3) Calls on the Government to once again step up support for our hard working and dedicated NSW Police Force.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

14217 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1091 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 24 November 2009 will mark the 75th anniversary of the opening and dedication of the State’s principal war memorial, the ANZAC Memorial Building in Hyde Park.

(2) Congratulates the Trustees of the ANZAC Memorial Building on the successful completion of the first major refurbishment of the building since its opening in 1934.

(3) Welcomes the new exhibition “Spirit of ANZAC” that will be officially opened on 24 November.

(4) Commends the Memorial and its exhibition to all residents as a means for better understanding the sacrifice of our men and women who have served in the armed forces.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1092 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House commends Port Stephens Council for taking part in the ALIA Rebuilding With Books initiative, which will see books being donated to families and communities devastated by the Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria in February 2009.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1093 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the growing number of local residents coming to the Tamworth electorate office to complain about bank fees.

(2) Notes that one local credit union is charging $1.50 for customers to check their balance to ensure that pays have been processed.

(3) Notes that the Federal Government guaranteed the funds of financial institutions during the global credit crisis.

(4) Notes the record profits now being generated by banks.

(5) Calls on the State Government to request stronger Federal control over money grabs by financial institutions.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1094 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House;

(1) Notes that the filming of the movie “Tomorrow When the War Began” wrapped up in Port Stephens last week.

(2) Commends both the production team and the local community for enabling Raymond Terrace and various other Hunter locations to be showcased to an international audience.

14218 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Notes that Craig Baumann is still the Member for Port Stephens, despite the film displaying his electorate office as that of the Member for Wirrawee.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1095 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 60 to 70 residents attended a community meeting at Whalan Community Centre on Saturday 8 November 2009, who have had their bus services such as the 755,766 and 782 cancelled.

(2) Commends the work by the ‘Save Our Buses’ organisation that arranged the meeting and has lobbied for the reinstatement of these vital bus services.

(3) Condemns the Government for cancelling the 755, 766 and 782 bus services in areas such as Whalan, Mt Druitt and St Marys.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately reinstate these and other bus services across Western Sydney that have been cancelled, which are affecting the most vulnerable members of our society, such as the elderly, disabled people and school children.

(Notice given 10 November 2009)

1096 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House congratulates Hunter New England Health, on being awarded the 2009 leading area health service in New South Wales.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1097 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the seriously degraded and unsafe state of the wharf on the Myall River at Tea Gardens.

(2) Notes that Great Lakes Council has applied to New South Wales Maritime for funding to assist with the restoration of the wharf.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately investigate funding assistance to restore the wharf or redevelop a floating pontoon type facility, both for the safety and for the prosperity of the local community.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1098 Mr CORRIGAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that two years ago, following some dissatisfaction with his performance by local Liberals, the formerly Mosman based Member for Macarthur, Pat Farmer famously said "I'll deal with those pissants when I get back from Canberra".

14219 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes that at preselection for the seat of Macarthur held recently that Pat Farmer lost preselection by 22 votes to 9 in what has become known in Macarthur Liberal circles as "the revenge of the pissants".

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1099 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the ongoing insufficient and inadequate electricity supply to Brooklyn.

(2) Notes the gross inconvenience caused to residents with continual reduction and surges in current.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately replace the regulator to ensure adequate supply.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1100 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for the $240 million upgrade of Warragamba Dam.

(2) Congratulates the Minister for Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority for their ongoing work to keep the catchment healthy.

(3) Encourages all Members to visit the dam and experience the picnic and recreational spaces.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1101 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the birth, on Monday 9 November 2009, of a baby boy to a twelve-year-old mother in Dubbo.

(2) Notes that the father of the twelve year-old had notified Community Services of the high risk living arrangements of his daughter, that led to the pregnancy.

(3) Calls on the Government to increase Community Services resources in regional areas.

(4) Condemns the Minister for Community Services for her continual failings to lead Community Services and deliver better services to those most in need.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1102 Mr BAIRD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government's downgrade of health services on the Northern Beaches generally, further demonstrated through its decision to close the Manly Sexual Health Clinic on Whistler Street, effective from Sunday 15 November 2009.

14220 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Notes this service has provided a comprehensive range of medical and psychological services to the Manly community for many years and its closure will leave many women, young women and female tourists without essential care.

(3) Condemns the Government for its wrong priorities.

(4) Calls on the Government to retain essential health services including the Manly Sexual Health Clinic for the Manly community.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1103 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for investing in the electorate of Shellharbour.

(2) Notes that in 2009 alone the following services and capital projects have either been opened or completed: a trade school, a 20-bed Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit, a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Day Unit, a Family Care Centre, Conway Crescent Disability Group Home, the Teentime After School and Vacation Care Program, Tallawarra Power Station, the Oak Flats to Dunmore Dual Carriage Way, science labs at local high schools, 14 new social housing villas, cycleways and shark netting.

(3) Notes that this is in stark contrast to the Opposition who last time they were in government closed services and cancelled projects in the Illawarra.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1104 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the Government’s commitment of $260,000 in funding to Yarran Early Intervention Service, made up of $205,600 in recurrent funding and almost $57,000 in non-recurrent funding.

(2) Notes that this funding - given through the EarlyStart program - will provide support for families with a child up to the age of six who has been diagnosed with a disability.

(3) Commends the Government's investment in Central Coast families as part of their 10-year Stronger Together program.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1105 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the serious decline in mathematics student numbers will lead to a shortage of engineers, scientists and teachers.

(2) Congratulates the Minister for Science for the "Science Exposed" program, aimed at encouraging 1700 students from 55 high schools to consider a career in science or engineering.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Science to commit to continuing the "Science Exposed" program.

14221 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Calls on this Government to extend the program to cover more than the 15 per cent of New South Wales high schools and students represented.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1106 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates John Hunter Hospital’s volunteers for raising the highest amount of money of all NSW hospital auxiliaries.

(2) Notes that the wonderful team of volunteers raised more than $300,000 in the last financial year, earning them the United Auxiliaries of NSW Lillian Dart Award for Fundraising.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1107 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the necessity of the Macarthur Preschool, in providing vital education services to young children in the Camden area.

(2) Recognises that the functionality of the preschool is negatively affected by the distinct lack of parking surrounding the preschool.

(3) Condemns the Minister for Education and Training for refusing to release the land from the Department of Education instead preferring to sell it at market price for a housing development.

(4) Calls on the Minister to make a common sense decision to release the land to Macarthur Preschool.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1108 Ms McMAHON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its commitment to a green energy future.

(2) Congratulates the Government for the announcement of a commitment to a gross feed-in tariff, the most generous in the country.

(3) Notes that the Government was the first to embrace green energy with the GGAS scheme.

(4) Notes the Opposition’s failure to embrace the changes required to address climate change.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1109 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the exceptional work by the Hornsby Musical Society in relation to their productions.

14222 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(2) Congratulates the Society on its most recent production of “Leader of the Pack”.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1110 Ms HORNERY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Herivel and McMurtrie families from the Wallsend area for their fantastic efforts raising awareness and money for a cure for diabetes.

(2) Notes that the Walk for a Cure was held on Sunday 8 November 2009, with fantastic results.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1111 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Hunter Development Corporation has always had the Lord Mayor of Newcastle serving as a director.

(2) Notes the current Lord Mayor, Cr John Tate, was a candidate for the seat of Newcastle in the 2007 State election.

(3) Condemns the Minister for the Hunter for sacking Cr Tate from the board of the Hunter Development Corporation, in an obvious retaliatory political move.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1112 Ms GOWARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Shack Youth Services in Randwick which delivers important services to young people in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs such as school tutoring programs, recreation and holiday programs, workshops and youth support.

(2) Notes Shack Youth Services are under threat of losing $165,000 of Government funding as of December 2009.

(3) Calls on the Government to retain current funding levels to the Shack Youth Services.

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1113 Mr SOURIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Tigermania has hit Australia with live TV coverage of his arrival at the airport, more than 10,000 people watching him warm up with Craig Parry and more than 100,000 tickets being sold to the Masters Event.

(2) Notes Tiger’s week long visit will generate more than $19 million for the Victorian economy.

14223 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(3) Asks if the Premier still stands by his statement "I would much rather Brian Eno's work on display for the people of New South Wales for three weeks than Tiger Woods for three days".

(Notice given 11 November 2009)

1114 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Domestic Violence Intervention Response Team (DVIRT) from Brisbane Waters Local Area Command for receiving a Meritorious Police Certificate at the 2009 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards.

(2) Notes that the DVIRT has received much-deserved national recognition for its integrated case management service model which addresses domestic and family violence in the Brisbane Water Local Area Command.

(3) Congratulates the Brisbane Waters Local Area Command for making the DVIRT such a success.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1115 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of dental technicians to the health system and the unique service they provide.

(2) Expresses concerns that they are not included in the Health Practitioner Regulation Bill 2009.

(3) Notes dental technicians handle goods that directly impact on the health of humans and that at times direct patient care occurs.

(4) Calls on the Minister to address the need for registration of dental technicians.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1116 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst, and particularly the parish of All Saints Cathedral, on the recent opening and consecration of the new bell tower with fully restored original 19th century bells.

(2) Notes that the City of Bathurst is now a mecca for campanologists as it now contains a nine peal set of bells and a carillon in the same precinct, Kings Parade.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

14224 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1117 Mr STOKES to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that underage drinking poses a real risk to children and communities in coastal New South Wales.

(2) Notes that a loophole in the Liquor Act allows adults other than a child’s parent or guardian to provide that child with alcohol.

(3) Calls on the Government to examine whether the Liquor Act might be simplified to protect children from the risks of underage drinking.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1118 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Western Regional Academy of Sport on its successful Academy Awards Evening held in Bathurst on 7 November 2009.

(2) Acknowledges the commitment and dedication of Nancy Haslop, Executive Director and congratulates the Academy Board and sporting coaches.

(3) Acknowledges the benefit that the Academy of Sports provides to the future development of our young sportspeople into fine athletes and citizens.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1119 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes community concerns about Pambula Hospital.

(2) Calls on the Government to renew its commitment to return services at the hospital.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1120 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) South Eastern Sector AGM held on 5 November 2009 at the Theatrette, Parliament House, Sydney.

(2) Congratulates the hardworking volunteers from RFDS Broken Hill Womens Auxiliary, Dubbo Support Group, Country Womens Association, Silver City Bush Treadlers, and Winnebago, Macquarie Links and White Cliffs Auxiliary for their magnificent fund raising efforts.

(3) Acknowledges the wonderful medical service provided by RFDS to rural and regional Australia.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

14225 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1121 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes community concerns about nursing staff cuts at Moruya Hospital.

(2) Calls on the Government to protect nurse positions at Moruya Hospital.

(Notice given 12 November 2009)

1122 Mr O'DEA to move—

That this House:

(1) Expresses its disappointment at the cancellation of the annual Sydney Christmas Parade scheduled for 29 November 2009.

(2) Notes the disappointment of those involved, including the many thousands of children who normally attend and enjoy this event.

(3) Condemns the Government for refusing to provide assistance for this Christmas event, while at the same time wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on project mismanagement and unnecessary bureaucracy.

(Notice given 13 November 2009)

1123 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the 70 year celebration of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service Cumboogle Brigade.

(2) Congratulates the Cumboogle Brigade on its 70 year celebration and on the presentation of long service medals held on Saturday 7 November 2009.

(3) Acknowledges the outstanding community work carried out over the past 70 years by past and present members of the Brigade and thanks Cumboogle President Don Chad and other Brigade members for their hospitality on the occasion of this celebration.

(Notice given 13 November 2009)

1124 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the New South Wales Fire Service and other emergency services for their magnificent effort in controlling major bush fires in the Kados/Rylstone, Capertee Valley areas over the weekend of 19 and 20 November 2009.

(2) Recognises that the New South Wales Rural Fire Service is the largest volunteer fire fighting service in the world and is looked to by other countries as the benchmark for fire fighting strategies.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

14226 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1125 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House

(1) Notes the approach of the busy Christmas and New Year holiday season, when the population of Port Stephens, in particular the Tomaree Peninsula, triples.

(2) Notes the number of motorists on the dangerous Nelson Bay Road almost doubles from 10,000 vehicles a day to close to 19,000 vehicles a day.

(3) Notes with great concern that the Government has not announced any funding or timetable to widen the dangerous Bob's Farm to Anna Bay stretch.

(4) Condemns the Government for ignoring the needs of the people of Port Stephens, putting the safety and lives of motorists, locals and visitors alike, at risk.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

1126 Mr HARRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 25 November 2009 is White Ribbon Day.

(2) Recognises that the success of White Ribbon Day comes from the grassroots efforts and activism of people who ensure domestic violence remains on the political agenda, and in the public eye.

(3) Notes the importance of the message given by men who wear white ribbons and who take a stand against violence occurring in households, families and communities.

(4) Congratulates those members who have taken on the role of White Ribbon Ambassadors, including the Premier.

(5) Endorses White Ribbon Day and says "No" to violence against women.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

1127 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern the Federal Government's decision to turn Richmond Air Force Base into a second Sydney airport.

(2) Notes regional airlines will be required to use Richmond Airport.

(3) Notes rural and regional travellers will be severely disadvantaged.

(4) Calls on the Federal Government to guarantee access to Mascot Airport by all regional-based airlines including Qantas Link and Rex.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

14227 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

1128 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Port Stephens has been the second fastest growing population in the Hunter region in the past year, according to the Housing Industry Association, with a growth rate of 2.3%.

(2) Notes with concern the Association also calculated just 249 new homes were built in the Port Stephens Local Government Area despite this population growth, which is 551 homes short of the quota needed to meet this demand.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to act to ensure enough appropriately zoned land is available to house a rapidly growing population.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

1129 Mr R.C. WILLIAMS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Federal Government's announcement to allow commercial air flights into Richmond RAAF base, which will have a devastating impact on local residents of the Hawkesbury, Londonderry and Riverstone State electorates.

(2) Notes comments by the Federal Government that Richmond RAAF Base is capable of handling most long-haul aircraft and would suit low-cost airlines such as Jetstar and Tiger Airways.

(3) Notes comments by the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Bart Bassett, who states the community is opposed to the plan.

(4) Calls on the Members for Londonderry and Riverstone to join with the Member for Hawkesbury in opposing this scheme.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

1130 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Government and the Minister for Health to honour their broken promises to deliver a new Wagga Wagga Base Hospital with construction beginning no later than 2010.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

1131 Mr BAUMANN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern that armed bandits have been systematically targeting businesses in Tea Gardens, Bulahdelah and Karuah, with seven armed hold ups in the area in the past 12 months, including the attempted shooting of a security guard at Tea Gardens last Wednesday.

(2) Notes the local community believe their area is being targeted because there are not enough police to properly patrol this area.

(3) Condemns the Government for starving the Police Force over the past 14 years so that hard working officers are simply unable to do their jobs.

14228 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 25 November 2009

(4) Calls on the Government to commit more police to the Tea Gardens-Bulahdelah region.

(Notice given 24 November 2009)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (Committee Reports)—

1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 16 of 2009”, dated 23 November 2009 (tabled 23 November 2009); “That the House take note of the Report”.


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Date Response Due 9 September 2009 Ms Hornery Wallsend Aged Care facility *The Hon C Tebbutt *18 November 2009 24 September 2009 Ms Moore Pyrmont Metro Train Station *The Hon D Campbell *3 December 2009 21 October 2009 Mrs Fardell Royal Flying Doctor Service The Hon C Tebbutt 25 November 2009 28 October 2009 Mr Maguire Wagga Wagga Base Hospital The Hon C Tebbutt 2 December 2009 28 October 2009 Ms Berejiklian Northbridge Suspension The Hon K Keneally 2 December 2009 Bridge 30 October 2009 Ms Berejiklian Additional bridge over Iron The Hon D Campbell 4 December 2009 Cove 10 November 2009 Mr Piper Housing NSW developments The Hon D Borger 15 December 2009 in Teralba 11 November 2009 Mrs Fardell Royal Flying Doctor Service The Hon C Tebbutt 16 December 2009 11 November 2009 Mr Souris Katoomba RSL All Services The Hon K Greene 16 December 2009 Club Ltd 24 November 2009 Mr Piper 65th Anniversary of Victory The Hon G West 29 December 2009 in the Pacific Day 24 November 2009 Mr Aplin Drought relief workers The Hon A Kelly 29 December 2009 Note: For further information follow the link: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/la/latabdoc.nsf/V3ListPetitionsLE500?open *Petition redirected


Date Tabled Committee Report Title Date Response Due 3 September 2009 Committee on “Children and Young People Aged 9-14 Years in 3 March 2010 Children and Young NSW: The Missing Middle”, Report No. 5/54, dated People September 2009 (Volumes One and Two) Note: For further information follow the link: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/committee.nsf/V3ListReports

RUSSELL D. GROVE PSM Clerk of the Legislative Assembly ______Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales