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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Note

Notes on new distribution records of Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 (: : ) from

Jigme Wangchuk, Dhan Bahadur Subba & Karma Wangdi

26 May 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 6 | Pages: 18671–18674 DOI: 10.11609/jot.6682.13.6.18671-18674

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 May 2021 | 13(6): 18671–18674 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) OPEN ACCESS htps://

#6682 | Received 08 September 2020 | Final received 17 April 2021 | Finally accepted 15 May 2021 NOTE

Notes on new distributon records of Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae) from Bhutan

Jigme Wangchuk 1 , Dhan Bahadur Subba 2 & Karma Wangdi 3

1,3 Ugyen Wangchuck Insttute for Conservaton and Environment Research, Lamai Goempa, Bumthang, Department of Forests and Park Services, 32001, Bhutan. 2 Zhemgang Territorial Forest Division, Department of Forests and Park Services, Bhutan. 1 [email protected] (corresponding author), 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

The genus Euaspa Moore (1884), commonly diferentated from all other congeners in having less known as hairstreak buterfies, falls in the Lycaenidae prominent blackish marks in the subterminal area family and is distributed across the Himalayan range of the underside of the forewing. These marks are to southeastern Asia. With the recent descripton of prominent in case of E. forsteri (Esaki & Shirôzu 1943). Euaspa zhengi Huang, 2016 from Motuo, southeastern It also has two discal white zig-zag lines and two sub- Tibet (Huang 2016), there are 14 species in the Euaspa basal white markings on the underside of the hindwings. worldwide (Das et al. 2019). Currently, two Euaspa An oval-shaped cell spot with semi-circular opening species—E. pavo (de Nicéville 1887) and E. motokii is a prominent feature of this species (Das et al. 2019) Koiwaya, 2002—have been recorded from Bhutan. (Image 1a,b). Euaspa motokii was frst described from Naungomon, Current record: Euaspa motokii was frst observed on Kachin state of (Koiwaya 2002), and its 9 June 2017 at Dakpai (27.1910N & 90.7340E; 1,245m) distributon extends to Anini (Dihang-Dibang Biosphere and later on 1 June 2020 at Tali (27.1660N & 90.7510E; Reserve) in Arunachal Pradesh State of (Das et al. 1,769m), both in Zhemgang District (Figure 1). Dakpai 2019). The IUCN status of this species is not assessed. and Tali are neighboring villages located within 3km of The present record extends the distributon range of E. each other. A single individual was photographed at motokii from Kachin State of Myanmar and the Indian around 08.00h and 09.30h, respectvely (Image 1a,b). state of eastern Arunachal Pradesh to the foothills of the The species was identfed based on the descripton and Himalaya in Bhutan. photographs provided in Koiwaya (2002; 2007) and Das et al. (2019), and confrmaton was provided by Motoki Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 (Image 1a,b) Saito. This species has remained unreported untl now, Diagnosis: Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 is even though it was frst observed and archived in 2017

Editor: Monsoon J. Gogoi, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India. Date of publicaton: 26 May 2021 (online & print)

Citaton: Wangchuk, J., D.B. Subba & K. Wangdi (2021). Notes on new distributon records of Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae) from Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(6): 18671–18674. htps://

Copyright: © Wangchuk et al. 2021. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Funding: Ugyen Wangchuck Insttute for Conservaton and Environment Research, Territorial Forest Division, Zhemgang, and Department of Forests and Park Services.

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

Acknowledgements: The authors are thankful to Mr. Sherub Jamtsho, Zhemgang Territorial Forest Division and Mr. Sonam Dorji, Tourism Council of Bhutan for contributng the image of Euaspa pavo and its locaton. Our heartest thank to anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments and, Mr. Piet van der Poel is appreciated for organizaton and improving English in this paper. The authors would also like to thank the management of the Territorial Forest Division, Zhemgang, Ugyen Wangchuck Insttute for Conservaton and Environment Research, and the Department of Forest and Park Service for their support and guidance.

18671 J TT New distributon records of Euaspa motokii in Bhutan Wangchuk et al.

Figure 1. Current records of Euaspa motokii from Tali and Dakpai; and distributon records of Euaspa pavo from Pasakha, Chukha District, Khomshar and Pantang, in Zhemgang District, Bhutan.

in the photograph collecton of the second author. favorable habitat for buterfies. With this new record, Bhutan now has 760 species of The sightng locality falls within the Nangkhor Local buterfies as per Wangchuk et al. (in press). Forest Management Area. The area is primarily used by Remarks: The species was observed perching on the local people for the extracton of fuelwood and tmber, fallen branch of Castanopsis sp. and dry soil. The species and for catle grazing. The Territorial Forest Division in has been reported only from these two localites despite Zhemgang under the Department of Forests and Park concerted eforts, suggestng it is rare and may have a Services has been safeguarding and protectng wildlife restricted distributon in Bhutan. Associated species and habitats. The increasing demand for tmber and observed in the same area include Pedesta pandita, fuelwood has become a concern and increases the Libythea myrrha, Cyrests thyodamas, Hebomoia pressure on the habitat of E. motokii habitat. The glaucippe, helenus, and Papilio polyctor. In practces of seldom shifing cultvaton and extracton of Bhutan the presence of two species of Euaspa viz, E. non-wood forest products are additonal threats which motokii and E. pavo have been established. are exacerbated by easy access from motorable road. The preferred habitat of this species is cool- These factors may pose threats to the existence of this broadleaved forest mainly composed of Castanopsis species in Bhutan. We suggest that further assessment tribuloides, C. hystris, Schima wallichii, Eurya sp., Hobina to be carried out to ascertain specifc threats to the sp., Daphne sureil, Artemesia sp., Ageternia adonophora, species in Bhutan. Salligenella sp., Solanum sp., Osbeckia sp., Polygals arillara, and Leucus cilita. Typically, this species prefers Euaspa pavo (de Nicéville 1887) evergreen forest dominated by oak species. Castanopsis Current record: In Bhutan E. pavo (de Nicéville 1887) was reported to be the food plant of E. motokii larvae has also been reported from Pantang (26.9670N & (Das et al. 2002; Koiwaya 2002) this is probably the case 90.8550E; 245m) and Khomshar (27.134°N & 90.948°E; in Bhutan as it was sighted in oak forest. Previously, the 1,100m) villages in Zhemgang District on 24 September local community used this area for shifing cultvaton 2018 and 1 July 2019 respectvely (Figure 1, Image 2 a,b). and the forest is typically young and appears to be a Since the frst descripton by de Nicéville in 1887, E. pavo

18672 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 May 2021 | 13(6): 18671–18674 New distributon records of Euaspa motokii in Bhutan Wangchuk et al. J TT

Image 1. Euaspa motokii recorded from Zhemgang District, Bhutan: a—Dakphai in 2017 | b—Tali in 2020. © Dhan Bahadur Subba

Image 2. Euaspa pavo recorded from Zhemgang District, Bhutan: a—female | b—male, Khomshar Vilage. © Sherub Jamtsho

has been observed at two localites of warm broadleaved require more informaton on habitat, ecology, life cycle, forest, extending its distributon from the south western and distributon to establish the conservaton measures to central foothills of Bhutan. and interventons in the localites. Remarks: The specimen of E. pavo deposited at Conclusion: The distributon of Euaspa species is Carnegie Museum of Natural History in the collecton confned to the Himalaya and Southeastern Asia. Data on of Mr. Knyvets was collected from Buxa (Ueda & the distributon and ecology of Euaspa motokii are in the Koiwaya 2003), currently Pasakha, Bhutan. The reported early stages due to limited investgaton and exploraton distributon elsewhere, where this species is known to (Saito 2017) and mainly consist of occasional sightngs. occur are in northeastern India, , and Myanmar The current record of Euaspa motokii from limited (Gupta & Mondal 2005; Ueda & Koiwaya 2003). The localites reveals the need for systematc sampling in species appears to have a restricted distributon, similar subtropical broadleaved evergreen forest (Das though concerted eforts are employed for a study. et al. 2019), cool-broadleaved forest for former species, This species has high conservaton signifcance due to and warm broadleaved forest for later species across its restricted distributon and is protected under the Bhutan to establish the approximate distributon in the Indian Wildlife Protecton Act, 1972, Schedule-I (Part country. Knowledge of the current records of Euaspa V), primarily to reduce vulnerability against threats motokii and E. pavo will not only serve as baseline data such as deforestaton, logging, grazing, tourism, and to instgate future organized sampling but will also in the infrastructure development (Gupta & Mondal 2005). A long run help evaluate the health of the environment in systematc empirical study is suggested as this species response to the efects of climate change. Community

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 May 2021 | 13(6): 18671–18674 18673 J TT New distributon records of Euaspa motokii in Bhutan Wangchuk et al. awareness to mainstream responsible conservaton, and Moore, F. (1884). Descriptons of some New Asiatc Lepidoptera; engagement of local residents in monitoring will also chiefy from specimens contained in the Indian Museum Calcuta. Asiatc Society of Bengal 53(1): 16–52.­ help uphold the habitats of buterfies in Bhutan. de Nicéville, L. (1887). Descripton of some new or litle-known buterfies from India, with some notes on the seasonal dimorphism obtaining in genus Melanits, pp. 448–467. Proceeding of the References scientfc meetng in Zoological Society of London. Koiwaya, S. (2002). Descripton of fve new species and a new sub- Das, G.N., S. Gayen, M. Saito & K. Chandra (2019). Notes on species of (Lycaenidae) from China, Myanmar and India. the hairstreak buterfies Euaspa Moore, 1884 (Lepidoptera: Gekkan-Mushi 377: 2–8. Lycaenidae) with new distributon records to the Indian Eastern Koiwaya, S. (2007). The Zephyrus Hairstreaks of the World. Mushi-Sha, Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(9): 14238–14241. htps:// Tokyo, Japan, 300pp. Saito, M. (2017). Notes on some Theclini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Esaki, T & T. Shirôzu (1943). New species and subspecies of the chiefy from the (Part 1). Buterfies 76: 31–35. subfamily Theclinae from Formosa (Lycaenidae). Zephyrus 9(3): Ueda, K. & S. Koiwaya (2003). Examinaton of the type specimens of 151–156. Zephyrus pavo de Nicéville and Zephyrus zoa de Nicéville. Bulletn of Gupta, I. J & D.K. Mondal (2005). Euaspa pavo (de Nicéville 1887) the the Kitayushu Museum of Natural History and Human History, Series peacock Hairstreak in Red data book (Part-2), Buterfies of India. of a Natural History 1: 13–22. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata 420-422pp. Wangchuk, J., G.S. Bhandari, K. Wangdi & U. Tshering (in press). Huang, H. (2016). New or litle-known buterfies from China - 2 Notes on the new records of Witch, Araotes lapithis Moore, 1857 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae et Hesperiidae). (Lycaenidae: Araotes) from Bhutan. Journal of Bombay Natural Atalanta 47(1/2): 161–173. History Society.

Threatened Taxa

18674 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 May 2021 | 13(6): 18671–18674

The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by OPEN ACCESS publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

May 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 6 | Pages: 18411–18678 Date of Publicaton: 26 May 2021 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2021.13.6.18411-18678

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Threatened Taxa