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. I The 25C-PER COPY "

NO. 21 1N OUR 34TH YEAR RU IOOSO, LINCOL.N COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 THURSDAY, JUL Y26, 1979 . - . Ruidoso's freight se.rvice still uncertain HVCHARLOTTEFELLERS Joe Lopez, P,arts manager at_ Siena weeks," . .. Slalf Writer/Photographer Blanca Motors said, ''I heard Sundance Barnett said they have discontinued went broke and pulled out." He said he using Sundance both from Dallas and Conflicting 11tatements that have been telephoned Sundance's .borne office in Albuquerque, turning to other companies issued from tbe home office and two Phoenix, where the rumor was denied~ but and have since had no trouble. branch offices of Sundance Trans- was told they were having difficulty ob­ Because of an apparent ROrtation the comJJaJD carrier that has tainlng fuel and having trouble making the l'reorganizatlonal process," according to served R~idoso at least ten years~ have left usual routes. Lopez Mid, "I put in an order Ratcliffe, the telephone nwnber listed In merchants in Ruidoso ~wildered for · with Merchant (Fast Freight) who was to the Albuquerque telephone book is wrong. several weeks. let us know when our order got into El Reaching the Albuquerque office of Paso so we could go down there and get It Sundance Transportation requires dialing ourselves." two wrong numbers before reachlng the According to Roy Ratcliffe, terminal office. manager for the Ruidoso office, "Our bosses teD u.s that we're still· in business. Lopez said he has put local people off up In an effort to discover if the We're getting a truck in here every: day to three months with the only excuse being Albuquerque office Is operating. The News f El Paso ,. , he couldn't get the parts, Lopez said many contacted it Monday. A spokesman said rom · . of his parts are ordered from Dallas and the terminal is ''open to a certain point, .. · · · since Sundance sold their ll,uthorlt:y to but "we can't serve that area (Ruidoso) Ratcliffe told The News that Sundance· transport from Dallas to Albuq11erque, anymore.'' · sold th.elr Dallas authority to the P.l.E. another Une must be used to get the goods The manager of the termihal was not truck line about a month ago~ but added, as far as El Paso. available Monday and in contacting the "We hav.e received nothing offlclal" office Tuesday, a spokesman said, "He ls Lopez said he asked the Merchant line if not giving out any statements at all to He said authority to continue serving the they too have had trouble locaUng fuel .newspapers. Several papers have come by Ruidoso area was nol sold and Sundance suppUes and was told, "We haven't had but he hasn't given any statements to any can still serve this area as well as the LaB any trouble at an. anywhere." newspapers." Cruces, Alamogordo, Hondo Valley and Ratcliffe told The News Tuesday that -~ i -. -&- • Roswell areas because the pennit, "IB so goods coming intQ El Paso on the Mer­ .. : ;,:- "Sundance knew about t.hl!i; they knew .· .. "" ~- ' ,_, ...... ~ ,.,. old, It's like being grandfathered in," he chant line are probably stuck at the said. • . thls was coming oo for months and Instead . ,~ ~ of telllng me, they gave me the nmarouftd Merchant dock. "They're supposed to ' ... Interline with us but aren't because they ·.. about the fuel sltuaUon. I wouldn't beUeve • Pennlts granting authority to serve a a word they (Phoenix office) tell you," are trying to get authority to come up .· specific area are Issued b_,y the Interstate Lopez said. here." · ' Commerce Commission, tHrough the State John Elliott, a member or the State CorporaUon Co111IDIM1on. Doris Langford, Villag~ Hardware aqd CorporaUon Commission. said Monday PainL Store, said Monday, "We get our that Merchand Fast Freight has been Once a need ls proven for the service, a paint from Denver. We're having a heck of Issued a ten-doy emergency temllOrary HERE OR NOT?? Sundance Transportation, the "reorganlzatlonal changes" and curtailed · temporary, Bix-month pennJt IB .Issued and a time getting it." She .sa1d one Mlpment authority to serve the Ruidoso area ef· common carrier which has served Ruidoso more operations In Dallas and Albuquerque. normally Is followed by a pennanent had to be picked up In Roswell and "once (ecUve July 16. than ten years, Is now experiencing . pennll within a year. ICX (truck llne) brought it up here." She Elllott said the probable reason said, "Some orders are still somewhere, deliveries have been Irregular since then Th'e News contacted the home office of but we don't tmow where." Is because "they are short of trucks, Sundance Transportation in Phoenix they're a brand new operation in your Friday, and spoke with Harry Brown, Langford said goode delivered by ICX area," and hnd many arrangements to director of terminals, who sald, "We are County Commissioners "arrived in such terrible condition, make. sWl In business. We have curtaUed probably because of the way It got BhuUled Elliott said, "Sundance just puUed operations ... we have closed tbe Dallas around" a lcnglhly damage statement bad ouL ..I bcUeve tbe only terminals they tennlnaL" to be filed. have in operation are In Las Cruces and Robert Cates, Sonic Drive-In, said, "My SUver CiLy." He asMil'ed Tbe News, "we are aWJ suppUer ln Albuquerque told me that According to John Fawcett, New Mexico briefed on airport status serving Ruidoso and will cooUnue to serve SUndance was no longer 1n bu5incss so I supervisor for Merchant. the company Ruidoso." Brown also said tho had to go to Alamogordo or RolweU to pick began regular runs to Ruidoso Monday. He I ~~~~()lfl(:f~~-~wJUre~ UP.·.at01hlng. 1 ~- thrl.tomo ~.the -~-.'iht ~~·~· ..U.~lt'*'' P BYGWYNETdJOOES .ror Scpte:mbU, Wldercthe. dlrectlon of .the ·bills to·"Uil.l'&;-~r; 'illn4• ~g ,of · ~ ·i. bPC!tl· .u~ statements were repeated In a sinaller tOwnsf cirlka were cl~ out, . SCJVed by Sundarice prior to''tbo sale oF S!afl wruer!Photozrapher engineering firm of Gordon Herkenhoff valuatlon noti~ to Ink lmpr._s;slons. . . , • -telephone co'nver88Uon Tuesday to Rat­ but I don't know." their autbority, and said, although the and Associates. - Were advised by Bryant that New . cliffe. Kat.lv Barnett. Barnett's Carpets~ aald permanent authority to serve the New UOcoln COtmty cJnrnwtoners con- Memco counties were now required to they were forewarned by Dallas suppUens Mexico area could take up to a year to (erred with George Shoemaker" of the Herkenboff, who acts as consulting approve an animal control ordinance However, local retailers using Sundance that a change was In the CJf&g, "'Probably acquire, he cxpccted to obtain temporary Sierra Blanca Airport Commission engineer for the county, was given which wiD call for an animal control of­ say they aren't getting the goods ordered about a month ago we under3tood that the authority untO tb£_n. • • . (SBAC) Tuesday on the latest develop­ authority to begin designing a two-span ficer, vehicles and an impowtdment from Denver, Albuquerque, Dallas and Albuquerque Lennlnal is now closed. We Merchant Fast Freight is an establisbed men Is regarding the proposed facility on bridge for the San Patricio area, which facility. points In between. started tracing a piece of goods which was company, workmg m '1'exas many years the Fort Stanton mesa, during a regular will cosL in excess of $130,000. The county - Authorized Road Department in El Paso, but the dock foreman wouldn't before branching Into Deming last year. commission meeting 1n CruTitozo. has been asked to foot lhe bUl for 15 per· superintendent Guy Henley to utilize For approximately three weeks, Sandra WJioad it because there wasn't enough The home office for the company fs in · cent or the labor or materials for repairs present employees for overtime work Marshall. Gambles, said, "We've been room ••.that was oo the Mercllant dock.'' Abilene, Texas and their ...telephone Shoemaker explained that the SB!t.C had necessitated by the June flood, and the when necessary. waiting on an order from Albuquerque we Barnett also said a 8hlpment from number in Albuquerquedl 842-9131. No been offered $30,000 by the state Aviation commissioners agreed to demolish the old - Tabled a joint-powers agreement made that still hasn't been delivered. They Albuquerque was supposed to Interline local nwnber wa.,,avaHafft. Division for enltlneerlng studies on Site A. Glencoe bridge as part of that obligation. with the Resource Conservation and said they tried every freight Une in town with Sundance but Sundance wouldn't A, • ..., .... , ...... ~ ,;ve;,~ ..... ,.--. _::.,.._~ ...'~•~·•·..-I.'F·•.o•.a- .•<1 ••: ..... ~ ... ~., ~·• •.o,-., a.·~ .. , ··""'·-'-••·lil.~-·..loLo 0 ...0;;,.~,11.:-..·.. ,...,· IL·..fpj ->uo·~·-.:.iiiL.·.~·~·.;;Jiiir-·...wi.~ • .-·...... -, ..,..;J, ..._,.~-.1-J.Ai: .·-..t;..·..oilioi.'f".:..~:-;;.iw.~-.- .• ..-(,~~·"lk..·•~•a..:. •.- ...... ~-•-····,-:...•~,_;:d_.._~ .. --..:.o..,.l.'lo--,, ...... fltTi..u...t:.,;Mit, . .L• .O.-, ~ .•J#l;,•.M_ ~· - - --- ~·- ' ..... ', .. . ., ' " . - ., ,. ... -.~ .. ·. ·Y ·'' :i'"·c,~vrrr~~·"':-~'"' :•' :·:; :·:: :. ~,- ~;:.:· .·:·.· · ~'?::;;~.;,:; · .·.,'( ·· •,, . .~,.'...... -::E .. ~- .. ~ •.

Sheriff Sanchez reports "'-'*"'-·~·-·-Immunization Wednesday,. Augllll 1, ll'llh Va­ til)dersp:endhtg on budget t;llnl"' to be bold al1be Clpltan School. >." from !0:110 ,\.MA:QO PJ\1. . Tblll'$y,Augut2; 1J71h HuodoCllale-to 638 be ht:ld ot lllo. Hondo School !tom 10:110 278 Mil. • a:IIO P.M. . 52 Jlltxldoy.~l,.!Wt: c..rn- Cllale- 2 11011 lo be lleld al lllo L,C.II.D: ~ House • Aim.,. from S:311 A.!ll. • 4:30 P.lll. 111: \Yeclneadoy,l\oguall,l9711: CoNI!II Qbde- 3:Z. to be hold at lbe Corooa Sdlool ,_ 10:01 4,660 A.M. • 2:00 P.M. . 1 Mllllda7,AIIIl.,t13,19711: -Citolc· 1~·:. lobe hold at Willie - SCbool from new real estate 4;aoa 10:00 A.lll. • 2:110 P.M. 1,5'13 • ev!.-~:: :::.= acicompany company here I ---- ... ' . Fred Hocman, 1oJ11Ume resldenl of Ruidoao, annOilDCed tbe format1m ul a new reaJ estate company, Bectman. Haworth and Stutb, Inc., ReaHcn. . ~ . Tbenew company wW have lfB omcea at 120 M.scalero Trail. HeclaDau said. .. We are goJna to specialize In - proporUes 01111 commercial, farm IIJid ranch saleo. The llrm also wiD be doJn8 some mterestblg new eoncepq In con­ domlniUmlllld townhouse de""-" Heckman Is the former deve~ director-lor lbe -.ro Apache Trtbe, 8!1d was lnltrumentaliD tbe development ct the JDn ol tbe Mountain Gods. Jle baa: recently been IIBIIOCialed 'll'lUilaveotmeot Associates (lA), whlcb Ia a firm engaged ln conununiiJ aDd olber developmoat Mescalero. hosting youth conference projects. As_pea RDD Conclomln11DDI. • .·.~ successful luxury proJect on a Cree [nteragene:r AleohoUsm Coordination Me&OOWBUOJf Course, With' lA arnmglng The Mescalero Apache Tribe wiD bast -- ~uu .. or cmcom to IDdlaD Ute third annual Indian Youth ConfertDCe people. · Committee. Eight NortbarD Indian ::::~~~~~,~~ • -j August. 14-16, at the reservatllla. for an Pueblos, SIPJ Alcohol Edu~Uon Program has been active for many yean Jn cmd:ract -- lllltlclpated""'"P!uslndlan )'OIIIllo qed!'" 1n- cooeem..... -...aiDOltl ·--ladlaD ywtbabl&hesl aDd and several social aervlces programs Jn lnteriorde"''-worll:,re~o:."tlfe<:kmiD ... commualtle1, tbe NYO'I effortl are Meacalero. ""61' w; directed toward PIOvidJnS o~~emau..,., It Is also anticipated that rep....,. says be Is Joining wltb Jim 10orlb aDd The conferenca l.a the projeet ol tbo New U tattves of the National lndlaa. Board 011 stan Stutta of Albuquerq~~e. Haworth and lriOI'IQaUDillllcl ten'1cel a deterrent to Stults, Inc. Is lbe Jeadlng farm and nnch Me.z:lco Native Youth OrgulzaUon nbltlnce abuae. AlcobollBm and Drug Abuse, National sales organization In New Mexico. (NYO), sponsored by the New Mexico 'I1lll year the conference wW Include Yontb Advisory CouncU Olllllbe aaUcmal Inter-tribal CouncU on Aleobolllm ad tbe wlri:.ebopl bl JuvenHe ..JUitlc&, YoutiiiUld lniiUtute oo AleoboUsm and Alc:oboJ Abue ·Stan Stutts bal been a part.-llme realdent National Institute oa AJcobo11aD aDd Family, Youth IIIII lbe Eldorb', Peer wW llltelld. ol Roldooo r... tbo post tbree ,.... 0111111 Aloobol Abuse ol Roelmlle, Maeyland. Prouure, Peer Couue!Jn&, S.lf.c.oc.p~ 1be ~nference baa been limited to active In the quarter bone ulea at The New Mexico NYO Ja CODllll'be4 of EdttcaUon, Subllmce Abule and t\1lll recognized youth programsa:pcNlSOI'ed.by a RuJdaso Do Willi Race Track. He Ia tbe ARTIST TOM KNAPP Ia on a research lrlp In Brlllsh Columbia, Indian yonlhs from aU lt PuetiJol, two Intenentloo. <01l1111unll3' Indian alcobollsm proBnJD. Immediate paBI president ol tbe Realton sketching and doing photographs In museums and the Canadian Apache t.rlbel, tbe Gall~aDdtwo Spcalcero will be from lbe All Indian My agency or program repreaeataU.ves AssoclaUon fl New Mexico. HJa wife Ia tbe back country. gathering reference material for his lndlan·and urban JMian schools In ae. who would like to attend the conference ronnerLoulseSeUman. wlwsemotherwllB l'llebloCOunciiPrelrtal Dlvmlon ProJoot, wildlife sculptures. Knapp, a resident of the Hondo Valley, a The organlzaUon W85 formed In for Natloul Youth CouncJJ boffender may conlact Doll)' LuJan, c:onterenc:e Mildred Bonnell ltun Glencoe. has the puJ1KI8l! of provicUna unWed Jouth Proanm, Nlllllllll IDdlan Comdl "" eoordinator, at 166-3763, SIPI Al®bol Jbn Haworth hu been a founder of two number of works with coastal Indian and animal. subJects on programs to addreu cultural ud con- ASing, Laguoa Service Oe-, OaUup Education Program. Albuquerque. Ill Albuquerque's largest real estate firms. display In Northwestern museums. How Streakin Six won Rainbow Futurity by a no.se ... ~ . " -...... ""~ ~·-· '· ...... ~...~ :· -It"..... •.••• '


.. '' . '

' . . ~' '; .•-.. \. -

1-Streak In Six, left, Sages Bell Star start even 4-Outcome was dearly In doubt at this point 7- It looked as though Sages Bell Star would win

,_; . " . i<:" ,::co~A~~~~~;::~':J \ .;_,_· '· ... -. -,, ', ..-. -~---' -.

} '

2- Close quarters for_runnlng st8rteddevelop1ng 5-Streakln Six, Sages Bell star seen'! nose to noaa 8-Streakln SIX began final surge to finish line

.' .. ·.\ - -- '" " - -~ - - ~· .. ·- ~- -"~ -· '•- " ,-,-~ •. ·- ' - ~ )

Donna Clarl"le lil"led New Zealand BY CHARLOTI'B mLLEIIS Stoll WJIIeriPbotognpher I Visiting one of the most recently aetUed : Clllllllenslve. Tho equlvaleol ~ a pound of in New Zealand. beJinnillg at 1:30 p.m. The pet parade iiJ hamburger could be J)UJ'ehased for arotllld. perform. ChHdren and pets do not need to be belog &pclll50red by tbe RufdoSo Ubrary 70c:entsdurlnBCiarke'ilatay,81ldav1sltto off two months before starting the naw that," she said. Moore saldall dogs must be on a leub to residents or the village to enter. "We and IB pert of the 8UIIUll8r acUvities qualify fer prizes whlch will be .dven. an American movie cost $1.25. tenn. She feel! the sehoolsystan 1a mucb Her trip eost about 12.200. wblcb Jn. proaram. encourage children from aU over the Doona WUiard 1a working with lhe library c;:o~mty to bring their pets August 11," However, elothlng Ia twice the price harder than in tbls country. eluded the plane f.an of nearly $1,000. "It Kath:r Moore, librarian, said pre­ ..,., ...... edlntheUnitedSta~.andtaxesare was worthwhlle. You learn to rely on lu organizing the event, whfch wW feature MOOre -said. w ... e, "At the end of the year, they give tesLB ·--U d I' II ed ·-· registration for lbe pel show wUI begin generally hlgher because ol a JIOO!ai!zed and only 50 percent wW pass _ 11,8 PlU"' yow-.-. an m sure earn a ""'more July 30 and wW end August IJ. Children healtb care program for tbe courdr)r. good posely set up tbat way. Eveeythlng for the money than J wouldbave had J BOlle wishinG to enter thelr anlmal.a in the ahow benefits depends final eDIIIlt to eoDege instead.'" Clarke said. unemployment and a government 00 tbla 80 the should fW out a fOl'DI available at the structured like tha\ used Jn Gn!at BriUan. , th d ••- lenn " Clarke saltl she and the other ex- Ubrary. varied 8 1 8 1 In Clarke's lour hose. famWea were Prea8W'8 on a en ° - ' changees are planalng a get-together "CbUdren do not need to bring pets in to ID occupations, but she aald, "'lbey were·. Clarke said. Janueey, 19110. somewbere ln Colorado .. to enter them in tbe show," Moore said. all very nlce and did &belr be:st to make me Clarke satd dropouts weren't a problem. talk over old Umes.'' She plans a trip t.ck Informatloa needed. Is the 1dml of animal, feel at home." whleb means, sbe sald, Being a country or farmer~, tbe sta:dentl to tbeCOWiicy lnllb; years w1lb a friend abe ''they feed you au tho lime." Sbe admiUed could ....,uy flndJobo 00 - ond u- made who 1iYes In Nebraska. 10 gaining 30 pounds during ber 11 monUI that wbbed could coatlnue Into a college- MeanwhDe, Clarke Ia f1n1Bh1Dg the Area students vlsltliiU(Jfl. preparatory course. Cllrte cboae swnmer as an employee In the money • ~ iD New Zu1•00 wu a ka.t, relaUvel)' eaay daues tnrolltng In room at RWdoso Downs Rack T,taclc. Sbe ClarlleNld. ''lbeyml'!upabl&fll,lleol French,-~~ seosiaiJI'I',- !llllearoUatNewMtzl

TJ'Ieln11piratlon Corporation ' 1Little Klds ollho Kln~dom" wUl bo porfOI'Jlllo& Juljo 27 and 28 altho Flsll !4arl<• t;offee H-, localod near Sulda..., Tra-rtallon. Tile periprGIII, nt~H~enomlnatipaal Cbrfatlan music and drama camp wt.tb a board of tnstees c:onsisllng of loi lJt Loul!!ii•Vleme·'al the Cathedral ol Notre nealand~rt Mclltullelilf lbolllddooo 1938 as a Flfln& ca t at San .Artmlo. DAme and at the Schola cantorum. Presbyterian congregation. Tems,later tralillng 8s a fighter pllal._at Returning to the United States he con­ The membenl and friends of tbe local Kelly Field, T...,. tinued. his training under Tertius Noble Presbyterian congregation invite the Hl8 career progressed wlW he became u and Coke-Jephoott in New York and Carl people of this area to join w1tb them ln thLs part of mall)' combat rnls!Joaa ID World Weinrich at Princeton. dedicatory service. War I[, alll:l later became the personal pilot assigned to General Douglas AUTOMOBILE REJITING&LEASING MacAtrbur. Godman ancl hl8 wife were iDstrumental ln forming a Full Gospel Men'sFello'"bip LEASfNG SERVfCE in Alamogordo and have tesUmonlals of Utelr Uves aa Cbrlstf.ans to relate to Truck Renting & Leasing audlmces. " SOUTHWEST DODGE, Cub Scouts set &e•ral Electric G•lity INC. rocket derby IDS. E. MAIN ROSWELl., N.M. . PLUS ••• Ruld.oso Cub Scout Pack 59 will hold their second annual Rocket Derby Saturday at G p.m.. at the basebaU diamond lo lluldooo Dtnmo. I The scoula wtl.l be eompethJg to aee SA JEFF whose rocket travels fartbest and atay.ll aloft the loogesL Tbe pui>Uo Is Invited to General Electric• refrigerators a'rend . ... famous for quality lor over 50 Student Interviews years I . LYNN set by university Now get a General Electric 15.7 cu. ft. No-Frost at a special low Assistant Vice from New Mezlco price. in Lu Vegas. New President House V"15.7 cu. ft. No·Frost refrigerator v' Big 4.67 cu. ft. freezer sedlon V'Energy-saver switch helps cut operating cos_tf11"'3 adjustable shelves Jelf Lynn ls one of our Assistant VIce Presidents and v#Rollsout on wheels COmmercial Loan Officer specializing in reai estate and HOME bPJsiness transactions. Jeff takes a personal Interest In vour financial tilillffers and he's qualified to give you ex· AIR CONDinONERS · ...... $619 pert banking assistance• .Window and DowpPrcdt Jeff Is originally fram El Paso, Texas, where he GO GAMBLES graduated fram the University of Texas at El Pase with a And.Savel NOW f;legree in business administration. His w1te, Mayra, works part time at The Galleria and part time attheTurfCiubat ONLY $558 Ruidoso Downs Race Track. They have one son, Corey, 6, who will slart I irs! gradeat Nob Hill Schoolthis year. The Lynns moved to Ruidoso In May of 1973 wheai Jeff became a teller at Ruidoso State Bank. He has worked his way through virtually every depilrtment In the bankt thus providing him with the insight and knowledge to alvii you the kind of professional service you deserve and expect.

. COme In and discUss any of your banking needs with Jeff . or any of the helpful people in our loan department. SCH.RAM ROIODRILL 1. . EQUIPPEO , •LICENS.D •BONDED ,.,.,.,... .., ...... RUIDOSO STATE BANK iAIIMI S.JYice" · Rutclo&O ..;.. RllJd!)SQ owns - Capitan . (;,' ... - . . ·.. ·> ,,, .·:.-Gateway - Carrizozo ...... o•• • .~i ' . "= .. "' "··-- ,.. ·-· •-- ... - .- - T • • •-, ' .' <- ··~· - r. -· ~0"""-~,.-,,.....,...., "C •

11"1'?d~y,July2t, 191• ~~i!IQ~Ii(~.A .1 N•w- Pages Lambert in national rodeo finals

~'!:flY J.amberl, 171~of Mt, and l\lr& Tills Year llllrd ""• 1-omberl J.amberl will !lartloipole in - rodeo v= Lambert of a,....., bas_lllliiiUiecl lo bas quallflod.-tile for II!Oflnals, I'D IDTI, ot lbe events: 80ddle bronc rldl!l!lo boll rklbiJ parllclpate in lbe Nallonol l(lgb Seboo1 and •tee• wr~. He IJiaiUied n~ 1180 of 1$, be ralllled I'lib mlbe uatioa .... in lhe New M.,Peo !Jaa~ wbeamplon and la$1 )'"~~'• p-Mh presented Wltb through Augusl$, to Fargo, Norlh~ ' in """"'" broll<1 riding."'""'United­ . waa a ·saddle. . c. ·: ·- Downs trustees

< ' confirm bond . election results Tbe Rul- Do .... 1r1J111eoS Monday "ratified, approved and eonflrmed. 11 the results oflbe July 18 bOnd eleoUonlbrough the passage of Resolutlpn 'l9--13. Tbe $500,000 bond Lu~. whlcb wW finance a sewer system for the villago, was J«m1/1Cf o1 employees apprmred by a vote of 7&-13. Mqyor Norman Wheeler said be was pleased wllb lbe results or tbe election""" btal Revenues $144.631851 added that the vote showed. that ..We'Ve ' ' got enougb people in this lown who want to see 1t get out of the Mlddle Ac;es." The trustees also accepted tbe low bid of "• r0nmtmS/uct OYIS(,JI/U/1/g [8)8,861 $1,'1flllfromSierra Blanca Motors for a 1975 OldsmobUe, which wW be IXIPVerted to a RUIOOSO ROTARIANS '\'UESDAY heard-Maxie Davie, director pollee vehlete. Tbe vehicle will be ' equipped with a 310 cublc Inch engine, of public affairs, Community Public Service Company, Fort condltll)lling and ' ..,.... eteeriag and elr Worth, Texas, outline the company's reasons for seeking an the company wiD provide new tire& .. ,. overall 4.05 percent rate Increase In New Mexico. He attributed PoUce chief il&Y Gamer said the vehicle the need for the Increase to "lnffatlon11 and said the new rate bas 89.000 mlles, but that It bad been . 'il " a . ; cbecked out by a mecbanlc and was In ') ' ,.,. ' would cost the average household about 85 cents per month. ' ' (!f) ·""'' o:CC!Ueut c:ondltlon. In other business, the trustees: .. - Were advised that tbe New Meld.co Morris· one of nation's Mwrlclpal Luague'.s annual confennce has been aet for September .W in GaUup. VUiage clerk VIrginia Spall asked lbal outstanding young men officials wbo wish to attend eontact her this week so that reservations eauld be Tim Morris of Ruidoso was recently University. He taught school tn LUbbock made. selected os one of the "Oulstanding Young and San Antonio, 1Uaa before movtn1 to -Caned far a special meeting AugWit 8 CODY LAMBERT IN ACTION during the 1979 New Men or America" for 1979, a program Ruidoso, where be began wOI"klng at the at 7:30 p.m., far bid opening for two Mexico State High School Rodeo Finals, where·•he endorsed by the United States Jaycees airport under the management fl. Frank bridges de9lroyed In tbe December flood. which recognizes achievements and Potter. SpaUsaldtbespeclftcaUonaforthebrldges was named Reser,ve All·Around Champion. abiUijes CJf men between the ages of21 and . Of his ~ltJon. Morris said, "We try to had bem rewritten three times and 36. do the best Job we can b\ operattng the dlmeMlons lmcl DOW been set. 1be Rlver ne selection Is made oa the bo.s1s of airport," and said the emphasl& was ·Parkbrldgewlllbe28feetwideand60feet civic and professional eontribuUons to always on BBfety. SJnce bJs term of em- long,andtbeEnu.nceRoadbridgewillbe their communltles, states and the nation. plo;yment as manager began, alrport 26 feet wJde and 31 feet tons. Morrls, 31, is monager of lbo Ruidoso operations have Increased from abaut - Discuued. poaslble sotatlons to safety Airp11rl, a post he hPB heldslnce 19'1~. He Is 12,.000 to 30,000 per year. hazards posed by traffic tbrough the All- a member of the Ruidoso Valley Chamber The accJdent rate a\ the faclllty, be said. American Park. . . ~~ .b-~,~~~i ·., .~- ·'. of Commerce board or direetors, the board had been kept to a minimum, a situaUon he - Granted an occupaUonal license to ·-. • ... • ' ' ~ ..;,_,_ _..:..- ... ,t..r>- ..... of directors of the New Mexico Airport hopei to maintain. - Fish Market Coffee Houe and. tabled a ' . Managcn Association and a member of Ucense appUcaUon by R. I.Aipez Gift Shop. '•" lhe American Association of Airport ExecuUvcs. A native af Big Sprln& Texas, Morris was raised ln Odessa, Tesas and was graduated from Permian High Sdlool. He LAST earned a bacbelor of BCience in secondary educaUon from Te:a:as TeebnoJogleal

\.«' ... ·- ., ... ,. •

LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL players Tuesday Pearson said, was to show the appreciation for picked rocks from horse paths In the barn area at the support of Little League Baseball In Ruidoso Ruidoso Downs Race Track, under the direction by track officials "and for the Interest shown .. In of league officer Gayla Pearson. The project, promoting the local.:=:::..••• TIM MORRIS Shop the Classifieds • Professional Moving Services •90,000 cu. fl. Protected, fn:sured Storage •Free Estimates •Professional Packing Specialists SEE US FIRST FOR ALL YOUR Agent MOTORCYCLE NEEDS WE'RE · suEUI;(t* PAINT SALE ~ coronado paint Dymuastics Associatioo ' CAPRICE EXCELLENT QUALITY PAINTS IMMEDIATE DEI.MiRY!


SIERRA BLANCA ~·· '" '·" • .j MOTORS ' .... ,. "' ,. ,.. -

.· ...

· HELP WANTED SEWING MACHINE REPAIR .. NOTIC.l YOUR HOME. CaP BW OJ'l'HiiSl~TI!OFNI!!WMI!'XICO • area hoteL Salal)', Uvtns Slreoleto-ll5~711. $!UITA I'B, NliW MI!XIcc:t qlllll'tem,· NDIICII I' bltnby glv... lh... 11'111'-1 fl lhe III'OVIII­ utWUeolumisbed. Call lor aiiPOlnlmen~ 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GII kc:l, ~ H6~,H.M.II.A. !Iff, II"' fl~· T•:M OIW ..IDn - -.,.. to P.O. llol; 119, I . . . CLEAN YARD6 - build rewnJog WO)JB. a1 lh• To!IL'ull.,l••llll-: Oel'llut!, T1111u 76201 257·4410 after 5 elrterior, 21 years experienee. Olll time. S.ll sblfl. . Contact Po"""""' I_ \Jpc.n r~01tvlng P~rmll'llt•r lila rul llf'DPI'I1r loOir;l i:ASA LQMA CEIOITE!i •TID liiMMINI Raswell, lll!2-<00Z,Inoe Olltmales. 15-llp IDr dellnqutrnl tu11. tnt ~tr T•l< orvllfon Mall Departmeat. at Ruidoso Hondo VaHey AID IEMeYAL BK«:UICI Clllll !kll\111 ilo IIIIHI hi IIIII fiUr<;II.IMr. '"" dH &p.m. 2P7.flllt. pr-r!y •11111lng -r• 11'11 dote ifni Pf'llperf¥ l•l< lien NO liCE ll hereby gl"om 1~1 1Jn M•r 31,1979, UnJfed REGISTERED:=Nll=l!SE=::O,mporacy part ' CAIPIIIll'f WORK . we.u.. •row. Till' 11ra...,.-1v ,,.. 111!11 apiMt rut PI'DPI!rfr u1111 Sliloltl M AlfMrK•, LlM.Oin Natlon"l Flll'ftt, llltl iloiiCI time for summer, day and evening H- Y~ll., AhlmDUGniO, - Nlelii<;D NJ1P IIJfd • • •n Jo1JIIU""" I Gil '"" ""• ..... lrr whld> lite '"" .," ohllta.Conlll.ctpo...... ,tDepartmeatat -HIYEWAY IEPAIR ,,_"· pljUft~Jn n~mbw U51 with the StATE EHGINEER llll" ~ :i~cCHVul blddl,. er1 requln(l IIUIII!w ...,..,111Hn ~JWmll ID d~rl 0.1515 acra le ...... lwl 011!111' w"er 11'01!1 De« Sprlngln Jdm~ e.ni'Oito •llftlo"'""" AND STORAGE d•Y •• rn• Hlr. '"rmrnl 11 Jequll'ftl to oe b¥ 11'111111'1' of tn. RIO Au-"'" Plllnl In lllr SW"'oNWV. til :sed!Ofl AlllnnaUveAcUmEmp..,.... IWI.ac ; - CALL - oro:t••· c ...mltd chatk. uiiNH'S ct.-ell. ar !IIIIIMMI dleck 11, 'tOWI'IIIhlp 11 &aulh, Ranga I~ E"''· H.M.P,M., " 11 • Professional Movh1g wllN:II II ..:ca~t..r 6r 11..,• hrt..,.. Gil creclll lor IIW ,DI:NftTII'otltii>UI lhlo NW 101'/a'l' of ~lion 11, To.MIIlp II 257..f858 • 257-2266 :,~;.~·· ,.. "'-~"'!!r'~Aeet... at ttw •mlllltll ot 5i:NIII. Rom11e 1~ &at.,.,.,.., Harth 5" lit' WHI, II'N IHI Services """'w""' d•Uolnllor hHID<.k .....t wildlife w•t.lng, ~"""!< ar1wn1D lhflllrdilrCII ftle flrQPUtv Tilo• Clvlsklr'lot SONNY'S BAR·BE-CUE - Is now Iakins • 90,000 Cu. Ft. Protected,- rr.. ru~onand Aorlte-Oopartment. A rock..., mlll"l.v """"I:J ledftloi'IJ In 1111 ~-•• l 5alttllln 1 H 11, N.M.S.A. 11111, PI"'hllllll'lo Cltlk:en Dr '''"""' c;lr.lnn~l, with • 1 lro~:h PIIH praltudlng t:l~· applications for employment Apply In •MPICI7H'I Ill' lhfl ""'• llr Ill' •~rt ol In, PQIIIICilol IUCI­ lltaem. Pip~ ID dlsth..-pe lnfa 11 Wilollrlnt INolln wbfc;h pet'BOD at Sonny"L S.2l·Ue Gt,.riiCIIII IIIIDi!lll'd fn lhe lllrnfnlllrilotlofl of !I'll III'OS!'M'l' ft'a!/1-lb.. Lk 1.--rh) IIIGCII&innd. ••• •rom dlti'CIIy or tnclf~llll' •cqultina ""lnlll'llllln.. Anr ...-wn. linn. awldalllon. CWpDratiOn. the stale ot ,, b~YIIIfil Dr pro!Hing '"''m .., _.-, IOid b't 1111 Ne.. Mn.IUI Ot lhll.' Un11HIISI11H 01 Arn1L'riCIII 1 deeming ·GEORGIA'S COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - needed' at JAMES T. RILEY Ptil-1¥ T•l< Dlvlllan laf WIIRCI-1 1-t.lllttp'l lllilt !bel lhe '"'"''"U al lhr IIII»Yt RPik•lkMI Nil! lmPI'Irer ·· Chaparral ....._ Appil' In poraoa. Sheetreck and Drvwall "' g!Hc..- or .. ...,.....,... m•r purc:llaM ~rtl' Mid 1111" bL' dolr11n01nlal Ia llll!lr Wllllf rtgl>.. , m•r Pf'IIIHI If! AD UIIUSql New OlftShop lkllon-nl lo""' II h II lhl DWII., of thi' p...,.rtr ..,d M'ollng lhr PfDPO$al loCI IIN'Ih Ill ll.lllld apj>lko1itlan. T~ Now0peqJDCoj111aD Mustbe21. L·2Mfte Remodels and repairs """ tn. .,..,., af tlil pr..,.n, "' ''- llrn• ''- tun pta!"" 11>e11 ""' farm all PI"Oft"ant'l. rN- why liM' On. Main Street toaum1 dllltlquafll. An¥ Ofltc;u or 11fn$11DI'ft vlolellnv iiPPIIUIIllll "'-'111 Ml bl "'IIH''Wid iiiJd IIIU'I bo llttd, fn 257·5101 5«1. I II 1~11 yullly a!' •tour1h~11'- •lldlhl.ll rn.,,,.,,..,, Willi s. 1;: Aef'I'ICIIIII,_ 5t•lt eniJinRr, P.o. eo. IDIOOA.~-~II:GOP.M. bol lined not monr n. ... tlvwii1Dulllld IIIDII•r•ll1.0001ar 11 !1, Roo.oocll. Nt'W MC!lJorm.llttermlulon an11 liiC•IIan or trot ,.,, pY>pa"tr br doesn't drink or smoke. For- luriber nlafrt auditors ami f...U deok clerks. PFee BltkmUei-Ezpert:Work l"'honll•l ~.._,. .. 'fiMIIIrteol NM ,..,.,.lw....,.tnll llll'Gilllltlon, write Box 221D, Ruldoso, Contact. Helen Kllrlekole at Ute hm of the Walt Hal'ftbon-Owaer n•flllor Ill prapti'fj.IIIPit'CfltMO IIIIUbll' ~ficin Wll. e Tlw! 1111 prk:~ a!' reilol II~ oil lhll pul>lk IUCflon 88345. 20-Ztf Mountain Gods. 257'-6141. 14:1·2tc 1 block beJdad DoWDJ Mole! ..... ,,_, lablr.U.enw COftiiOtqgftbllnpiMirllllltOI Home--33&051 NEW TO RUIDOSO til.. PDptlf'lr I• ,..Opolrly IIUfiOII~, 1 All s-r,...ns lnlfiiiiiiiO 10 111111 .._.. prG9effJ' 11'11 YOUNG GREY TOMCA'l' - losl ENGINE:ERING ASSISTANT - eeklns rlfQII....,ldl 1111. -~~f wl!h IM!r hill Nil'll• •M -.-~.. Tfll ....,,...... ,. ,._..." ttlt right to wl!no:tr- Renrd.l$7-4109. 2D- -ICIII El ~_,.,en.~ U1oUN 257-4JOS FRAIIK ,NIWSTED III!!ClllllDnutplian- IO:D2Ac1.,..,,,.., w.. ,... m $oru • .. '· ts II"'••••••••••••• Has Joined lo'lllllnlum 8r.t-ISIIJXI RUII>OSO J Hilmi- Gr•nl L. IHII, T~IH A.t«ounlflil_- lOIII! I Every Saturday Nlghl COOK/ and BOB'S DPHOLSIERY Dl'oc:riiJI--~Ic...... ,.....,. Sclr NCI--S..C: 1.1&. !lAC. I 11-tl Ill!! WIIII•SW.. I.DI:II SU• ~ • ., ll.kc..J 1-10p.m. FraakHas27Years IC' 118. CDnt.tO.sdlllc:J Amarlciln L.eglan Post 79 In AntltmobUe Upholstery Mlnlm ..mlltd- IIA21t.ll0 WAITRESS ADdSpeelallzes Ia: J Nlme- Vlnunll!. Meooar. Proceeds JQ Charity FLAGSTONE ~!HI -Jill •sEATCOVERS "CARPET 011o-lpll0n - Loll IJ. t1n11 I Ill. 17 ,,_ 1. cauntr for first dass hotel •VINYL 'l'OPS •HEADLINERS ~~~~,D. permanent rock for Minimum Bid -st.Wl-'ID patios-walkways-fireplaces, 4 ffltl\1- RMIIllf DiloYtl and restaurant. PLEASE S'roP BY ~~ ...... , "" - ..,. u MERlE NORMAN or retaining walls, etc. OHol:tlp!ICII'J- Lolla:l,llltill. I '"UaNonto &(I Mlnlrmnn l!lld- l.l.lTO.IICI PhOJJe 336-4321 CONTACT: BOB'S UPHOLSTERY s ff....,l- Mlg-wl I" Avina COSMERCS JERRY KEETOIOI, Ruidoso A«-1 NO - Sill or 336-4312 Or Cali " o.tscri!Jfoon- Let 1• Ill!< 1 Unlll. Punaarou HtiQMI 257-2760 3714510 ••Minim""' l!lld- ll.J'IUXI JAY JOHIIISTOIOI, EL PASO For Free Esttmates II, II 1Um1- &.Qb Ar­ ' ~

. ,\ ...... ' • • .,{:_ .:,. ~--~If< GARAGE. SALE - clolhea, household • ' ' · · '43" FIREPLACE - for sole. P..... 'lffl• MISCS.LANEDus - Items, toyo, furniture, · Otber ', · NEIO ~ ,IIIIRAII.E, . , , 4913 or altar 6 and on Selonl"'' 81111 mtscellsneo ....Siart August lot lhro~ •.•""·· TO .....N '"'"""RIN. 0:'.:. Sunday, 'lffl4BIS- . · 8'21-lto 6111. llorlh ol Clulporrel, P8lOI Wesle111 ·. OJUJ .,..., •owv lilgbllood tralnlag trsell. S.coild street · : · . ,. ,! ' · · .. l'OR----.... SALE- 3 ax1o 20 It aoooeneek-- p!ss left, lft'lcond, hoW!i't, aor081J liver. 21-21p fol'. the Wteiaen "f. ~trf ..._, Tlied . \ fifth wbeel. 133111, eon 257·'1841 alter 5 .,, p.m. 21o411> ------~---· Gfwall lo w.U earpel"."""fl''~.ill· Gh!IAGE SALE - Blaok F.,.ot, 116 lisle ,.... bomeT Lol 011 alloW .J"il ""' !bottom street). Frlllay-Baturd.a1, ~ n...,111..,, ' FROST FR-.E~--~ ~ Whirlpool 257-431111. Bl-ltp We"'""""'Ia"""- ba>ealllj 3 heavy d11ty door pJaiJ88 w!th earldde bit,. NAILB FOR SALE- bnDd new' peney Btp - one antique waD hung water closet, 1 galvanized IUid 16_jlelllly vinyl coaled. chairs=~::::'hes,"~uib~ and etcl. 119 Skyview ==~ Drive, 1 _:.._·------:::~.tz.~.:tm::F-17-tf~ ALL KINDS - furniture, appliance~, antique wrought iron shoe .sb1ne cbalr, 200 lbs. each slze. Tlllri)' cents lb. Bel:aU blocl< east, I blod< 110111h (If slrport en- TWO BEDROOM-2bolh cmdllmlaiUIIIII, clothing for sale. Tum loll 101 Outlaok ooe gold plated Pulsar wrist watch, 1 atflftr cents. 257-4153 ar217..f122. L-7·Uc 101110 Ca~;pets. 11$ Hanoen ..,.. from Jm>. U.nce. 8 a.m. to dark. Walch fw signs, with refrigerated olr. For led. CaD 31;7-7418 21-Up theda,vtv"week.CaU2U-73Mor34llll. homes. on rL~r near Gib!Jm's. J46,5b. sbrook. VWage. G:Jall207.fBlO. J~14-tfc after 7 p.m. D-21-tta IT'S NO JOKE - borplns altho llllohiD' Pool, crafts, fiB'JIIIurs ami .dolllfng, 11-J».IDic Budd¥, llolbwood Mobile Park, 3711- " ------FOil SALE - Psnssonlc, RAMOO, 80W =====-:-:-:-:::--::=:=-.::: 411311, ~7!;.1fc' ' WINDOW AIR CONDI'I'IONER - 1,000 ffiM EXI!CUT!VJ;: - typewriter, $150; SeoondsodLlncolnStreet.Capltan. Moo. receiver with a track record•. two ONE BEDROOM- 1 bath apartment with BTU's, wiD adj!CJulOielf cool bedroom "' large desk, $50; ofllce cbalr, $10; coueh, 11-t:fc thrwk!rSB-IIOO.speakm.~ 1Jrm. Sea -·furnished, $2110- - l'llOm up to 10.15 sq. 11. $125. 257-4270 • tto, addinc maehlne, $15; saddle, at 109SkY¥lew Drlve by airport. 2l·11p pald. No cbildren, 110 pets. 2&'1·'l31S, 338- FOR LEASE - olllce .,... noldlo1m lor after 3 p.m. 20-Unc =• 411&. G-Jt.lk rent at $*10 month. Exc:eDent parklnl toys, plants, clotbiu& mlscellaueous.lMI COOKWAJlE - stainless, waterJea:s, mUeeast.oltrack.378-43119. Ml·ltc FOR SAlE • • pecan dining labllo, 8 ella Irs, facWUea and centrally looalad. 257-73211 mutUw. H- de.-llss klod. or»'1-GM3aftEr&p.ttt. ~ ~· lNDIAN JEWELRY - moccasins, pot­ Sllll ill 00.. Nonnslly, fm,l!elllnB, '1115. 2 leavea, bunchln& tab1ea. sola table. COMMERCIAL BUJLDING - fwmer tery, Apacbe craft;&, gifts, Clayton, antique dresser, sofa bed. Cabinet locaUon or United Red-d. OVerlook ALFALFA-HAY - Rlcb&rdsoa Farms. I-62Z4100, 6224100, Roowell lllollp with· Helen, Betty Benaett. Bennett's JocUan · ~ $2.&0-f2.75a bale or$?() a Wn. l-68fi.4516. oewlagmscllfne.257·71125,WoMIII.2J4tp Drl.. , I ·- rll Sudderth. Apo EXTRA mm - mobile home fireplace, 2 bulb 111111 large deck, ~ Shop. WestonWghway'lO. B-16-Uc R-19-Stc ptulmate~ 301111 ft. bulldlnll .... 1!11• CUSTOM MADE - draPerleo, pillows, HORSE: FOR SALE - D...,. old dupple . tine VERY NICE - I b,29G. 2i'l-7161, 21-llp 7200. l>il·llto building 11114 evsporaUv•...,lor. '13,000. Lo1a of Uaed MoCeJ Famllu:n!. ~ _:.:.:.:_____ -:--:::::-::-::--"'-:'•(";',.' ' '3'1~0 • , ~- I~--.· l>' ol~ ·CJJ~ I .: 11119 ~~~~··- atiod.,;, wosoo.. Oiili OFFICIBSPACE;,. anllib!e, ~ , Bill' EQIJtTiES ..: In homoii. & Jo!a !11 And 1 FuUOrQaeeu M.ttreuBe&~r 18,995.2$7·7151.7,100 mO... Air c:ondlu.....r, oUiolnaUo.ll·llp lllqulre atCSeNOlliiMsU. H-l~o prt-~-·- ~~L "-"- Jaek ~··~- •I Bu'"''""....,. S.E. FURNITURE T11REE BElJIIOOM - z boll>, mobHe ReaiEotaloZ'I-1333orhomeZ'I·7202. B- l9'13BLAtEftgrea1, good -uceltentgas mHesge. condiUon., U.S.. regulsJ' runs bome,fumlshed.caJ1257.. '1770. H~la.tfc _,:IW=:•:._ ___~----- 817 White Sands Blvd. BRUNSWICK POCL TABLE - ~. oall Alamogordo, N.M. gas.$:1900.P!wneW·7069. 2l•llp BURCH'S FOX CAVJ;: - a-. FOR S11LE- 1-moline home,-~ 25'1-56411after5p.m. S4latfc Phone 437·9385 fumlabed, by wet, month,. or )'ear remodeled, furnished, completely . FOR SALE - Davis 111110 ....cher, gas round ..Ua711-17ll 11-le.etc A'lnledzed, only fi,OOO. CaU James at FOil. SALE -large metal desk with swivel enp, JO" slinger, tracks, $15.0CO.OO. ' • 257..'1865,af&er6p.m.251·7433. H·J9.tfc dlalr. Swain's Flea Market. 251-7010. . Phone3Sf.251J5aflcr6p.m. 2l-2tp NEW ALTO HOME- 3 bedracaied AOK holler pari:. AWilloble August 1. Netgbborhood collection, over payments. Phone 35t-224t before 6 men's and women's clotll.es, electrie ap­ . otfhe July 15. CaU 267-d18. MC.u.tre pHSnces, fumlture, complete becfroom p.m. ·1·21!> 11IREE BEilROOM - 2 bath d..,lu ROUSE FOR SALE - by ownor, 3 set. All sOrts of guodles marked down. beclraom, 2 bath, on Oowr Drive. Call Flagsareout. B-21-lte 1&'16 GMC - 3 ton dllmptruo:t, 15,000 M rl\ler, completely iumll'bad, 257-211311. Q..Ja.Ue original mlles, bed needs welding. 338. fireplace, DIW, - IUid drye<, 'lffl· Arti~~: f.rv~hop 21110. H-J3.11c ' VIKING SEWING MAOIINES -· !.!Ute '11uo iiltlmioti m: ~~ pt...,.;.. Phone 257-2626 BY OWNER - 3 bedroom, I bath - ·Swedflb made Vlkfq worb witb MERCEilES- class!<, lllOO Cdoor sedan. ALTOVILLAGE-3 bedroom, <0mpletelr Nlcellreplace, built In otove ODd...,., fDU, auer apflllt JO'il, Trade4DJ .-- _ _ EzceJlenl. eondiUou. $3'150. 251-4581 fum!sbed. By day or week. 2$7-728S.H-20- -ble ..... I'OUJMI.'Iffl-p.m. M41141c LOT -In Allo VIllage, 18,5110, terms. 1-821· B&'UarterJuty27. 21-llp 2881. Z1-np } KING ···~~-r.:c;~i~'.;Jd"ft;,jj~~;~·~A~==·eacbplect UPPER CANYON- m.agnlfJcem 11lew, 2 ~ 11170 BRONCO - :11>.1, V.. , eocellent ooa· bedroom, two both bouee, beauU!ully HA~1 :0.!.~~t:"~fr!fl. ~·_; t THE FURNITURE CONNEaiON dlllon,$2,000.257..Wta. EH7-91c fum.bed, ~. paved rand, .....,,baloortonprke. 21.fllp I 2109 Suddarth 257-2417 svallable Sep!emller 1, ll]ll!cla1 - I :19'14 DODGE "'- Ramcharget, 4 wheel seaaonrates.Csll257-26f&. lt.ltp UKE NEW - double bed, $75. CaU 2il7· 1-..-..,~_ _.....__...... __,...... _ _,...___ _..... _ _...,..__...... _ _ _....__...,...__,. drive, iood mllea(e. -. Pboao 21i7- YOUR OWN SHOP TO PUTTER fill. ' 21-otp - - - - ZII7. F-17-a. AROUND IN -Alllbtsoudanlcellllle3 MODERllt BEAUTY SHOP - for leue, 1308 Sudderth, 3 ei8B beauty obop, bedroom, Hi bath home la. good, aC­ LELA'S THIS N 'I'IL\T SHOP - book 1971 21 Fr. - Pace Arrow motor borne. cessable location. Call De111Jr Luverlo & Conlact Roger McQuigg at Modem Assoclsteo, Realtooo457-5! ... P.O. llo:z exe~e. puzzles, jewelry, eostume i2,000 miles. «G Dodge motor, perfect Grocery.2S7-461G. M~J.G.Uc jewelij repair. llireclly bohlnd Gam·' <:ondJ.tion, $20,000. 2574671 91$-00Z.. 1255. Ruidoso, N. M. 88M5. . . blea. Phooe21if..J059. 21-ltp 1 . -. J9.11c TRAILElt SPACES - in Ruidoso Downs, OSTlUCJ.I PLUMES - prints from l 'k mne from racetrack. Adulll only. Esrope. 'l'bll Serbian Peasan~ an '-rt 3/4 'ro~ - dl ...l plcl

658 Sudderth Drive Across From Trolley Burger • I '·:.'J'., ' ·-· • ·-.,-•. ,..~.,,h .. "';· _,,.. :·., ..,-· ..., ... _~- --~; .. ,.~,--- -·-·- -" - --~ --~----- ...... -~ '"""'"r,;~-~:.":.'""'"" o,. :·· ' ... ·.' ' rc~geu- Ruidoso IN.M.I News Thursday. July24.1979 B~:=~ "'"':'~ 5~ acn)a in. White lfOH -SALE - 1915 Detroiter; 1.2x60, 2 .IJal(d' , $~, _beauUful, VIOW, ~ bodrown,.l\> bath, parllally fllmlohed, -~~sues, good terms. Call Jace SmallegLuty,takeuppayments.Mustbe GW ...... ___:_ ~- E-13-Uc m~ed.2574'.Mfafter5p.m. 20-&tp WOUI.Il YOU I.IKE-a &PO! to park your ~------own camper trailer and etiU own Y,Qilr B'Y OWNE~ - almost new 3 bedroo~; 1WO AC~- in l,;~ New 3 ;droo~ own piece of land? Thea take a ~ -il ~~~hs, spacioUS living area, deck, adobe home with 2 £ull b&tbs, carpeted this 2.6 acrea that Is really u inflation · -....-11;!~, On pavement. City utWties. double carport, large patio. $117,000. 437! fighter. Only $6,0110 wilh 17.20 down alii\ ; Fantastic riew. Ca8257-6659. 20-4tp 0354, Call for appointment 19-3tp ba~nceat lO'Xi interest ((II" 10 ,rear.J. Call Great Western Realty 261-4605_ or AUi:l HWY' 37.· &W . · Plllzo Office --or ...nlngs Herb . · • · · N~W CUSTOM - 3 bedroom, 2 bath CondQ Seckler 1171--4597, Mel Gle1Ul20'1-609'1, QR. DDVSt featuring tennis COUrtl, BWlmmlng pool, ur beautiful Alto Alps Condominiums game room, paved srreets. Enjoy the I~G:I:••:n~2&'1;-42:1~6.:::~:~:~b=~~===;=:;·=·~ i fantasUc view from two spacious decks. , ~0 ACRES NEAR ALTO is ideal aa a 1600 sq. ft. of well planned area with aU 2 LARGE LOTS IN MT. CAPITAN SUB. $3500 EACH. 'privutc cslotl•, or £or developmenL . .ila appliances. Cll!ltom wood beam celliDgs OFFERED FOR SALE BY .BOYKIN, REAL ESTATE ~ flt~'Oibllilics Ol'e tremendous! Just and custom fireplace, full energy Bo)l; 490, carrizozo, N.M.88301, Phone648-:126Sor64&-2$77 • $Ui00. pea· acre, with owncl' financing. 40 package are just a few of the fea1ures. Box 261, Ruidoso, N.M. 88345 LARGE 2 BDRM, 1 BATH HOUSE • FIREPLACE, ON RUNNING m_.re tnu.1.s in this .urea o~~hio availahle. Call Great Western Realty, 257-4110:i or Call Sicr•·a Development Co., 267-6111. Alto Plaza office 33G-4832 or evenings 200 acres, adjoins t~e VALLEY OF THE FIRES STREAM· ASSUMAJLE LOAN • $29,500. Herb Seckler 671-4597, Mel Glenn 267~ STATE PARK, electricity. Lots of good sweet 5097, Rex Glenn 257-4216. water, Ideal for Hunting Lodge, or mobile home FOR THE HANDYMAN • 2190 SQ. FT. • 3 BDRM. HOUSE court. Small down payment, long terms, low in· ON 3Y.z ACRES • NEED AN OFFER. IN CAPITAN. te':"est rate. Have several 10 acre tracts, in that beautiful FAST FOOD RESTAURANJ INCLUDES EQUIPMENT, BUILDING (CLITTCO valley between Nogal and Carrizozo. Almost AND LAND. LOCATED IN CAPITAN· $35,000. walkinq distance to beautiful ·GOLF COURSE, huntinq, short drive to Sierra Blanca Ski Run, and LITTCO CONSTRUCTION CO. Ruidoso Downs. good sweet water area. Low down COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL payment. P.O. BOX 2164/RUIDOSO, N.M. 88345 ·"Have DO acres, adjoins City Limits of Carrizozo, lots of shallow ' water, biq TWO 5torv adobe house. L!.ISU8 Have a 20 acre tract ad loins c:lty limits of Carrizozo, has TWO water wells, and old adobe house, city sewer, TV cable, city LOOK FOR THIS SIGN water, electricity available, good terms, price is right. 5 ACRE TRACT • Have several 5, 10, and 20 acre trads t8r up in Nogal canyon, some have a mountain stream. Huge trees, all adlolns the Uncofn Two Miles From Alto Village Entrance national forest, bear, deer and wild turkey. Adjoining White Mountain Wilderness Area -TERMS- 'j Lara• Preslar Real Estate Liquidators

P. ~- Box 137- CLOUDCROFT, NEW MEXICO 88317 l PHONE 505~682-2343 OR682~2517 DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.

BOX !108, RUIDOSO, N. M.

an $75,oot.OO MaRnlfJrea1bedrooms, three elerlrle. CGmpactar,~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~ tyard/ganh:n. Sb: yean moanlala. Tolnl prlee $160,000, 1/2 down bOJo;nie liN IUVER- JZ Uml mul!!l ou Sudd11rlb. Includes 3 eablns C111 river. OWn~!~' eol~'lldcr ln Ask u& aboal oar otbl!r deluxe eabhe, lracb of lund or will klkhag a howrc U1c $40,000 price raage lur pari of our rr« romplelt' llsUag brochure. I.A YNE PRESLAR REAL ESTA'TE LIQUlDATORS P.O. Bnx 137 Cloudcrafl., New Mexlll'o88317 5Q5..6BZ.ZXI or 682-2511

CANYON, Wldle Fir ·-'"'·:--·Very llfte loc•tlotl,nom Co .•. - ..,.. .. ; ...... • ,. .. -:".>' !Boyu 5

VJit.'W·\U.'W•\'IIM - Fruin lhhl 3 or 41 bedroom 1H1use 14 PhlcclUI. C!ouf'•ton Large lf'nWndi di.'CIL pmnlts yoa CCI cajay a vlL'W of lbe valley aDd Sierra nhuK"u I hat ts uro.tupa"-"'l

$ At.'H.ES- Nt-.nr Nogal btea. 3&0 d~rce vh.ow and oWDCr wW do some finandng. Ex.C!t•1h;ont bulldllllllK'HtiUJL MANY GOOD LOTS tu t:boOXI! trvm, aU loenthms, utso large DDd l!lma.Uac:rage trae&s.- ,, WE I-lAVE m BEAUTIFUL tuts located Ia lhe Upper Canyon area. 0 40 acrn.$tD.IlOO,good well. • e Prlr•"' 11tart al$4.700 and we WOI liuaDc:~ tltcmlur you • ., ' ~ I Bill Seelbach. Broker 257-2938 Bob Biggerstaff, Assoc. Braker 336- 4565 Associates $12&.000 will buy Chb a_.coo sq. rL Localctl on z large ltJts ln Klngvwood. Allt·fll- ulllillt.,. and h:tl!l &ill "'fJ· ft. t1f da-b wltba bcuutlful vh::w, Owner Stormy Edwards 257·2224 b am.lrws aad will cmmider trade for smaller place. Anne Haworth 257-7758 Sam Nunnally 257·4459 BeiiiJ.YCoalstoa Holly Barron 257-7758 [H 505-257-5185 Res.: 37B-4137 Kate Garda 257-4065 2,200 Sq. Fet>t of beautirul lh1DK arTa. TbJs mouutuin home bas 2 -···· Kay Singer 257·4167 fl'l"t'piHea, 3 bt'droom, Z+ baths, wstom made eabiDI:'Is, au adtllliuoal Located Ne:d To Pioneer Savings.. MlS JDD 11111. fL In the basemenL This rclR!!Ul Is less lhan 6 monlhs old aDd is P.O. Box 1387, Ruidoso, NM 88345 rt>ady I elf your t'IUM" impet"liun.

Benny Cuulst«m ta. 505-257-5185 Res. : 318-4097 LOVEltS, B&T YOtML LIKE TinS ONE - We have a 4 bedroom, 3 MLS bath hDtne with 3 barns. lackroom, ~ I..IK"ated Next To Plo~~eer Savings ew. near the racetrack. can Dreams of a cabin in the mountains? •••• there is an alternative

~· CONDOMINIUMS 1'1 wm .;,., ; ~-~t·r'f~.~ li DEVELOPMENT -·· .·-..~.·. INTRODUCES NOW COMPLETE & SHOWING ----- ~ OU.R NEWEST SUBDIVISION WHITE MOUNTAIN ESTATES UNIT IV A Subdivision With Undergrounnd Utilities And Sewer

1BI1ola Golf Course Tennis Courls SINGLE-FAMILY AND MULTI-FAMILY LOTS CaqnbY Clqb Membership Magnificent Vlaw 1 ·swimming Pool PrateaaJonaur Dacaraled ' • Reasonable Terms - 7% interest · 2and a Boelraom M-1• · .. ' OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH OUR FIELD OFFICE Project Office Phone 257·5412 • Open Daily OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK IIJ51,MECHEM (HWY. 37 ACROSS FftOM:ArRSYiliPl· . PHONE 25M425 - · Olitoln HUD property report from developer and nudJt ·afore sig!lllfg al)ft.hlftt.; . II U.D the merits of. the. off.ering no( :the 1ralue · of.· tfte. IJrapal'ty ; -· .. -.~ 0 -- -~ c• ' ' ' ~'• •' ' • ' -"'~ ' ' • ' t 0 . ;.:'· ·' ' ' -· -~ ., 0 ~c' •'•"

FOR SAIJil ~ U17f. Cnmeo, l4oi!Q mobile . --:------­ bame, wood ·blornlbtl·flreJ>bloe. Lo""tod .a,.. G112lola !bat ..... UQ':oi&O'. $l9,oGO. b1U'8 ~ . WCilllii'IEW- ...... loiY ...... 'tl '-Jkol...... ,, II> 1110.., .U, Can give posso...,n ln one week. ln. LOOKIN(l FOR A SMM.I.H~ 'WIIh lln'l•hll~'• alt·t• dOt.oiil~ lc1o;,II•P1 • .qll -QiiliUL,; ..:..JIG..;Ol' • C&l"t""ac"""'from.loresl-loe. lll· GltEAT Vll!W! We may have !f~ 1,~.,. ~m•.E: ho w....qa..~ oUI• - s ,.,..,....., nau .... l~pia••· ... 3tp YOlt've bton 'looking for. Almoat1 ·new 2 ah•(•l' tiii'IPIIh''t1o Jlt.,~IU~ . · _, . --ow----,:------bedroom, 2 bolll, JdloMn .-,;,. BY' NER -· .. , vaDey, bea1ltlM 11.5 l~ludecJ. cau l)en~IJ , over. ln .. •• MtJBII.t; 6 Z IAlTS •• Jtl~r PQd.- 3 bcdruw•.-... I ballla. tiu·pl.ll!('. acre estate with large 2 bedroom, 2 bath Assodal Rea ~ O.at"rwtll ihUUil'lt wJ.•$:1.~ dowo-$lit.IIOO. Sp.-nll!lh _style home, Large deck - ea, 1tors.. ·5155, P.O. U. IWel'l.octldQg rlver. Very reasoooble fol" l:ao&. Ruido.so,NM 811345... · I_,. r.tUBU~ io .._ L•llllllt.- 3 l.lethums. I' bulbl', Ai•-e d(-.lk wllh quick sale. 3'111-4311. lll-31p ,ltiOd llew -e:&el.!lh.!Qt-liiiC, fZ&,GOO. --- PI,.OIMJ JWYI THIS wle we IM:druuw ealtju .. l'aradiiK! Quayon. AU FOR S.A.LE - 31J ft . .travel trailer, 1955 ulilllit'flt pvedslrcet, lots of SlWQe. Rollob OfffRS ~ TOWNHOUSES - ' <( A fine selection of Rulchtsa's better CONDOMINIUM AND z bui.!t townhouses and a.ndomlnlumsls APARTMENT SITES- • ··WHITE MOUNTAIN ESTATES UNIT Ill J: available. Prices range from mid-60's A Subdivision With Underground Utilities And Sewer · • to 120. Furnished and unfurnished. -ALSO- Very buildable, well located sites. AIRPORT WEST 4th ADDITION and WHITE MOUNTAIN ESTATES UNIT II ALSO AVAILABLE: EAGLE CREEK ACRES - QUIET ACREAGE TRACTS HECKMAN·HAWORTH&STUTTS OffiCE ON HIGHWAY 37 PHONE 257·2425 120 MESCALERO TRAIL 257·2 225 Obtain HUD property report from developer and read it before signing anything. HUD neither approves the merits of the offering nor the value of the if MLS SllnlS

Call [B doug bass & associates 257·7386 awroa• offices locoted ot lnnsbrook Vllloge Information Center - Highwoy 37

Ml.q:eW~ -UHIIJ Vl!l'll.oaGood..-J.a-Z514fll Paala Stf:rmaa -15'7.118H Pe1etStrobel-331 tiN

A MINUTE from theAirport,.6 BR,.4batb, farmaldlning 2 BEAUTIFUL building lots in Agua Frla, great view. room, 4 fireplaces. Truly Ruidoso's quality home, call tall Paula. Marge for an appointment to see this classy executive styled house on Cedar Creek. FURNISHED INNSBROOK TOWNHOUSE ready to MAGADO CREEK ESTATES move Into. Cbeck currelrt prices and you will quickly ACREAGE - If you're looking for a fine land In­ appreciate this below market bargain. Let Richard vestment In the path of progress, call Ran .. arrange a showing. FANTASTIC VIEW is only ana feature of this 3 BR, 2 bath,. Chalet in Pinacliff. Wood beams. vaulted ceilings, a SPECIAL OF THE MONTHII 4-2 acre tracts, Nogal lonand rockfireplaceaddtothevalue. owner needs to sell area, pavement~ level, zoned for mobiles. S7.500 each, 10% and reduced the price to 5.51 ,ooo.oo. Call Peter... down, IO years, at 10%. Cell Betty at oHfc:e number or home number. S20,0(JO WILL BUY thfs 2 BR, 1 bath mountain cabin, extra lot goes with sale. Call Paula. FANTASTIC VIEW <10mes with lhis beaulilul home In HOUSE & 3 ACRES first time on market. House features Indian Hills. Very tastefully decorated & furnished. The 3 BR, H4 bath. Also a 1 car garage and a spectacular 180 excellent insulation and the 2 fireplaces will keep your degree view. All this furnished for under sso,ooo.oo. Call utilities to a minimum. sea \Sonia for a showing of this quick on this bargain. Richard has details. exceptional llama. SECLUDED, BEAUTIFUL all cedar Chalet In Alia. 2 SECLUDED, off Ski Area road, 4 lois w/small mobile, fireplaces, 3 BR, 2.:t4 baths, professionally decorated, excellent well, only 530,000. Call Marge. ready ~or occ:upancv. Gorgeous view, fuJI membership, call Betty or Peter. ALTO VILLAGE. Widow -perale to sellthfs beautiful A REAL DOLL HOUSE Ill Small, but.very sharp and wooded building slla in developed area. Ask Ron abeul II. priced to please any pocket book. Let ma shaw you this nice mobile and Judge far yourself. Soe Sonja, 10 Acre TIIICII ON THE COOL RIVER- don't pass up the chance to see this cantpletely restai"C!d c8bin with a large deck above the VERY AFFORDAIILE• this new 2 BR mounlaln cabin I· .... ruShing stream I 112 BR, 2" baths. all new apPliances and with fireplace, good view and la~ge deck. Tbe tall pines Near Beluliful Ruid01a, New Mexico lots of Ponllerosas around you. Quiet localfon at the end of give it a feeling of seclusion. Gnly S27 ,sao. Give Sonia a call the Upper Canyon. See Peter. to see this. ' ALTO AREA, lots, good building sites, owner says sell n.ta fn!m Horst lllclngln Stnnmer OWN YOUR OWN CONDO. 2 BR, 2 bath, right an the quick. Ask for Marge. Goff Course. Call Paula. MOTE'L 17 unlfs, will trade for nice home, Ron has Minutes fram Sklng in Winter ·details. ··DARLING 3 BR, I bath, fireplace, furnished and ready . 2 TO II ACRE TRACTS In plaHO'd subdivision. 14 for occupalley, $38,501 firm, $7,508 down, balance over 15 beautiful parcels sold together only, a total of about 37 TerMI· years at 9'!4%. Call Betty at office number or home acres. Goad tree cover and excellent ntountafn Ylews II! a IIUI'nber. most desirable lacatla-.1 in AHo, mab this a unique "'"' Molllles & Honea Penllitted , TRADE? OWner of prestige Ruidoso llama vestment opportunity. Good terms oHered, seller will Wish~ lr.,de fa~ smaller home, See 1!011. finance. ASk fa_r more information, c~ll Peter. ··r'~i;.;'f~J:h~:.-t~·~":~:;;~~~,~~!i-JShildii:fi. .~~~·~,;;. ~~~~~~J;.. -~ ... • ~-..... ~..,:.""' ,-... -~ -·~ ·~.,., ~ ~· :,.. ,;q,·~~-;·-~>~ .:, .. _:. _-\ '··.·-:"":"';.~-"'····-~·-.<'·'""··:?"',.· __ ,_. ·_--~ '_,., ···-.-"•' ~-lt--~-t:·· .- ····- - ~-- -' ,_ --···' '-·' -~ ._ . . . ' ,-,

Page 10- Ruidoso 1N.M.J News Thursday1 July261 1979 ..--..-...-.-~ L'HOI'-"" MOBILE HOME LOTS- •""''. AVER'\'WEU,I.Q!)J\',l:!i:P.-Ifl!l'-·2...... _..-.-, l'WQ HOMES - (or sala, ~ bedl'lXIIll. 2 acccm~, Alex Adams, 257-71ZJ or 33ft. bedroom eab11Hyp8 ·hODS~- ·eOmPJ~U,ty: RUIDOSO ' 't 4S81. A-13-tfc furnished, wilb new upensive carpet ..,...IJ;!th, townpaved .., road, W1llldetl --"" aere lllld ullllties, lwely I RESORT MOTEL I ------lust laid. Has large living ....,;, 'wllli1 ioocb .olyle llome lo seeluded J>dYato 12Jdl5 - fully furnlahed with washer/ beautiful rQCk fireplace. W~th patiO itiKI' 8(88, Al~j;..... Ceotuey 21,1-4.17·1764. • 'J:b«' 47•11Qit Resort Motel io lbdd011o Js f dryer. Call 535-2144 In Tularosa after earport, lb19 cabin t. on a.larso JeveUof . · . . . , .ZIHIIP property wltb aa oQtslau.41Dg locatlou S:30 p.m. G41)..4tc with lots of big pine trees In back, Price· f ln low•- offC."1'11UDple pal!'lthlgapd Is t 130,000, call257-77lll or37~ ~-lip t I.'BJR)' accestdble- Yfl81"-1'0u,ad. · t ------,\lll'QN LANIM5T-717t 200' PlUME FRONTAGE - Jllldtowa 011 'I'be unl1s haw bcca remtldeled ~ad 1 Sudderth. 14 cabins, 2 _storq, Offlce. t are IIJ scollcnt coadltiOIL TJw Uving quarters, plenty ol parklag, $780 t ·mldl•ger"s apartment feMures 3- I per front foot; 29% down; 1& year"· I:Jcd~m privacy aDd a large reek I financing at D% by owner. Fiesta Courta. t fireplace. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY in downtown 2323 Sudderth. 257-5030. Shopping~ Capitan provides excetlent investment Center-Zoning If desired. lt-Qtp • lucome showa short~term payout, and I potentiaL Atlradive adobe and fnune P1!RMANI!li'ITBOME t a low-tntereslmortgage Is assumable. I store, plus large, vacant corner lot. Also 111 lovely C411udry Oab F,sqatea. Over 3ZIO ·sq. ft. of Uvbtg area In one of included in sale Is a home, partially fire­ FOR SALE HANDSOME TOWNHOUSE IN INNS­ Ruidoso's besl IDcallau. Great. Wew ol Baldy, two ear healed garage, &wo I l!ojoy skllui at Sierra Blaaoa Ia lbe I damagl.'d. Enlire property is just$85,270, flrcplacet, elrcle drive aDd lullf laadscaped, C::aU us. to see Ulls cme •. wl- and Hone Racing at .Roldoso BROOK V~LAGE offera 4 be*OI:IIM1 I I Call Sierra Development Co., Inc., 257- RUIDOSO MINI WAREHOUSE 21> bath&, liM, utiHIY 1'00ill. dwble · 0\lERI~ DoWDS dorlog lbe _, &PDUDer t :illl. garage,· Impressive Uving area, I1Jid Want lolreep a Jaorse'r Exeliudve Jre&le Cfeek F4tates Ia tbe plaee lor yw. WeD months. 257-4553 pump already el Ute praJEriy ffl)leed. I ca~;peted decks fi'GDl. wblch to elljoy tbe . wub 111 laslalled auut most Is Great blltldlug site [level] wJih a '\'lew of Sferra Blauea. ·t Serious lnqulrlealnvitedat:. ' · I serene Jake view. Exceptional prqJerty SMALLBUSINIIliS good terms. $110,000. CaU ~rH with Sierril Family busfness-m midtown RuldGm. Only 1111e of Its ldnd Ill town. Call us for" I f Development Co., lac., 25'N)lll. Rutdtloo,N.M..... 6 I mom partleulan. · _ or call257-4Dn GW ' HOW ABOUT - a nice brick home wltl:a --t plenty of room to keep your SWEET TOOTH YOUR THING? We have horses. II Ibis sounds interesting caD • a candy shop tholmight just satisfy your now for more informaUon. Great craving. Call Denn)l LoverJn & Western Realty Alto Plaxa office 336- Associates, Realtors - 2S7.Sl55, P.O. 4832 or 257-4605 or evenings Rex GleM Box 12Mi, Ruidoso, NM 8834S. 257--4216, Herb Seckler 671-4597 Mel Glenn 257-5097. ' &LYLE · PHONE 257-4228 OR 257-4291 CM.t{ jUST LISTED. Cutesl house in Town. Nicely land· DELIGHTFUL SPANISH HOME in Ruidtlso's finest • scaped. four lots, pretty fireplace, on paving and all far area. Only one year old. Mission block construction, large. 2.7 MILES EAST OF THE "Y" ON HIGHWAY 70 559,500, You will love It. deck, three spacious bedrooms, 2 car garage and situated WORKING CATTLE RANCH- Ju•t Ll•ted. In Olero CHARMING HOME ON GOLF COURSE. Fully fur­ on 112 acre wooded lot. County, New Mexico, South of Cloudcroft. S6 sections with nished, pretty landscaped yard and a delightful home for CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTER. Nice- two bedroom 500 cow carrying capacity. Adequately watered by several 579,500. Mobile home on 2 lots. Fully furnished, fireplace, deck permanent wells, pipelines and dirt tanks. Good fences GREAT VIEW from this attractive two bedroom home with gas grill and all for szs,ooo. , and working corrals. Modern headquarters with all on paVIng and ready for Immediate occupancy. $42-'DO. TRI·PLEX on all city utilities,lully furnished and good utilities including barns. bunkhouse, shop building, scales, IDEAL MOUNTAIN CABIN wllh large deck, two Income property for 579.500. etc. Don't miss a chance at this low overhead operating bedrooms and game room. Cathedral ceilings and EXCELLENT BUSINESS. In good location. In operation ranch. fireplace for only 532,500. 20years. Booksapento Bonifide ~uyer. Terms available. YOU'RE MISSING A GOOD ONE! We have' a self THREE SECLUDED LARGE LOTS on a mountain storage business locatef{,.!"\'0 'oso Downs that has room stream. S12,50Deach. to ex:pand on 1.2 acres 0\ .,v_, 1and, all units are rented and showing at 12% net return on your iilvestment at S43,SOO.OO. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS MOUNTAIN CHALET. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, living room, 3.4 ACRE TRACT. Great view for S17,ooo, 25Y.I down over kitchen, completely furnished. Large decks, balcony, lOyears. paved street, excellent location on large pine covered lot. 5 ACRE TRACT. Good view, nice land In th& country for Priced under sso,ooo.oo. $22,500. · NICE. Completely furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide located on landscaped lot. Good location, paved street, 2 nice porches. extra nice furniture and priced to sell. WANT TO TRADE your motor home? We have homes, apartments or motel that owners will consider taking your motor home as trade. Give us a call. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL. 143 acres of prime sierra development co., inc. MLS property close in, right In the middle of a popular growlh (B. area. highway frontage, views, lots ol trees and priced to sell. RUIDOSO, N.M. s c ·: ~·~- . ·~~., . GOOD-LOOKING DOUBLE·WIDE MOBILE HOME COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES is the seHing lor this Liiiiiiii""mciuii"Tv""ruum'l offers 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, utility room, separate storage spacious hom& with 4 bedrooms~ 2 baths, dan, utility room, house. Nice location in Ruidoso Dawns. Well priced at attractive fireplace. Spectacular mounlafn view, easy BBAL BITATI i $31,900. access. Beautifui5V furnished. $108,000. "WE'RE LINCOLN COUNTY NATIVES" !i! HANDSOME WELL-CONSTRUCTED HOME in. 10 LOVELY ACRES offers magnificent views, nice tree $2~-·~ 2 ~~ "'::~ oa ..~~U!!~u_l. PJDe C'Onn:d lut with year •rnwul ar- DESIRABLE LOCATION. This3·bedroom,l'l'• bath house caver, relatively level terrain. Located In the unspoiled CC'5!dblllty. Pawd slrcet or dirt road: take your plek. Tbls cabin b OOM­ with double garage and fireplace also offers two atriums, area in the Nogal area. OWner will consider trade for home PLETELY lurnbibl'd, just bring the gruc•l•ries! outstanding naountaln view. $79,000. In Ruidoso area. $29,500. Good terms. Jt;ST REDUCED to $40,000. Y...ar 'ruund bum~ with city uUIIU~·s.. paved street. aud super accesslbiUty. LARGE junipers and iipmce trees really a«rnt this home. Call now ror appolntmenL PRESTIGIOUS ALTO VILLAGE Is the seHing for one of CHARMING MOUNTAIN CABIN I• In the process of PRIME COMltlERCtAL FRONTAGE on Highway 31, ncar IDghway 10. Total the best hodsing buys of the yearl Good•looking modified squarr footage Is ovet 22,500, wUb 183 feet fruotage. All cit.y ulilith:-s, nalllral being remocfered ••• can be purchased now at a bargain A·frame on beautiful lot offers 3 bedrooms, l:V. baths. nice price I 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, brick fireplace, carpet and tile gas, and ••flat .. temdD. TERMS 1o qualified buyer. decks. two fireplaces [one in the master bedroom) .. Full \\'HrTE MOUNTAIN DEVELOPPtiENT. Most IIDU!Jttal Hour plaD wllb grotmd floors. all on a nice, wooded Features knotty pine in· galling membership. Hodse Is under construdion now sa tat. rtdranre on lwo levels, 3 DR, 3 BATH, large famDyroom, aud d~ks oo3sld~:S. terlor and skylight in one bedroom. Just $26,950. TERMS ln qua.11tled buyer.Sbown by 11ppotutment onl]'. you may still choose your own calor sdlame, etc.. $67,500. ''OUT' from the busUe of tbiDgs this t BR home is on appro'llimately 3/41 acre. For privacy, accesslbJIUy, alkl U.at "couotry•• feelin& take a look at Ibis .sturdy ATTRACTIVE 2·BEDROOM HDME In excellent area has 1 h(IJDe!!Ownerlsabuflder. plenty of mountain charm. Spac:ious living area features PRICE REDUCED an this excellent building site. ii ADOBE - Highest gas biU during coldest month was $8(1.00 In tbls 3 BR, z one whole wall of rock tlreplac:e. Large decks from which Corner lot wlth easy acce!S, good tree cover. Terms to bath mast unusua1 home. Workshop, lots ol parking, aad a ••c:arved woodeD qualified buyer. Now tust $7.sao. wall" In the Jlring area malu~ tbis borne wortlllookhlg at. SELLING UNDER to eniov the piney surroundings. A delightful home for I APPRAISAL Calloow. 558,500. ~t '~ UCTW£ t~ oou.n.hy ' to,q.t~. - •l:a.•llng wltlz yout IUW /;om£ f i -SERVICE lS OUR SPECIALTV- '• John V. HaD, QuallfylngBro'ker 331-CSB1 . ISOSJ 857·1131111 i 9 Gary Lynclt., AssoclatEl BI"Jker, 217-5355 ZANE PETTY TOM TAYLOR Harvey PfiSter, Asaodate Broker,37a-tm BROKER • ASSOCIATE I Joe Dan Yates, Sates AssaclaCe, 15'7-t480 257-4344 336-4661 KARON PETTY MLS • 257-5111 m•• .• 257-2385BROKER J The Red Bam, Next To Chamber, Across from Pizza Hut ...... IUIIIIDIIDDIIIIIIRIIIDIIUDIHIDIIIIIImiiDIIIIIIIIIIIDIImiiUIDDIIDIIURIIUIIIWIHIDHWIIliRIDIIIIIHI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•:x!!!c!!!·>:!!!.l!!!.J!!!.ENT!!!!!!!OO!!!!M!!!M!!!E!!!R!!!C!!!IA!!!L!!!!LOT!!!!!!!un!!!!H!!!;I!b!!!•!!!w!!!ay!!!!37!!!ju!!!s!!!I!!!K C REALT¥1!!!!!!!!!!!CJ!!!N!!!CR!!!!EE!!!!MEA!!!!!!!DO!!!!WS!!!!GO!!!!!!LF!!!!C!!!O!!!U!!!RS!!!!E.!!!u!!!u!!!U8!!!aa!!!!l!!!...,!!!•w!!!!mo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no:••·tl• 11t Cousl••"-"· 2UII by 2110 wilh 1111Ue fluam=Jng awOable. "qU11! f•N•t ltttme; Zhcdruoms, z fuUhalliiJ, tully furni:;Jaed. All lnvelih•rK plem•c nule. ONE oj'I11E ir.f0$'1' _OUTS'l'ANDING VIEWS in Ruidoso eedar coastractloa, easy accea, wle-w. A truly distinctive· 3400 sq. ft. 3 story hoone, am he r0t.r10 Willl &lairi z.ISU square toot 3 bedroom, 12 ' balll h11111.e. $69,!JOO.OO. located Black Forest. NIC ''KI.Y FURNIHiiED 3 betlruum, 2 haUl home wilh fln·pl:ll"e :arid lt•rrific l'i('W. Luealed In desh-able urea of new borne. A 3(1UIIl- \'lew· of- Si1.oira B~ ancltlaeaurruulldlugarca 'fW() pines and quiet. This hnme.. Tbl!lltii;Cl)' hoffle l!'.tU M )'Ubi'S rur$1i8.500. will Blake tbc-Zifj:liq_UW'i!: tec:tol dt:ek urea ..eblll!ltllvod ill. ~BUILDING LOTS witli creek runalag Ibm has all the extras. Plrl ol tlie hOQSt'!. Ji'o11y lundhllcd, ~plau!e~ hiw main· "'ill ptit11fde you with tllll:l idestl IIICHlklu lor yourdl'Cdmharne. lCIUUice ~~ aad dapltaa FJagslone. Cclallll)' IMDg at Only$fi!illli.tl0fllt-hwilh=u.~tumablet.ooU1ra4lL bedrooms, 4 baths, llbJ>ar~. A\'Ali.ABl.E ta:CLUStVELY 'l'ltRtr THIS OFFICE, two fi\1" ant· lr11ciM just ootN•de the vJIIage limits willa beautlful 1111 vl'r) th1iiic:t. Call tur llli: appofut111en~ pleuse. House lllll;o CINLY$&.'t,OIKI.~ Wll.t. Btw 0., deligldluUwo IJedraom t large game room~ h1·e rnwr, uifoe 11iew abd drivL-wa}W t'tiUghL'Cl Ia. Only has J.:.tgiar alarm I)'B&em. '-:b llltthile bomeJ fully With IIreplace. U. aae of beautiful fireplaces, wet ~llent ~. fu•Di~~thcd the $2!• ,!t!.lt,llll e:acll. !in.url ""'F•~-·a· - RUIDOSO? We ~-·e ••-- ol D~C*I deHirabte tnol,nc are:.s. l.evellut willi J\lnt~, easy ae- qarbage compactor in TlllNft.D"VU v w-.v'lu" .. .., 1111" ....Q;' el•tctc, Vt•r)l nrat &:c\l'ail .. · . chen. Telephone and HURRY AND CJIOOSE YOUR OWN Clll}ll!i ood llle colors the flnt"H& nudl.!i JJ.ad eublm f.IJ'tlt11UWUtuvailable in town. Call JF Y(MJ L.IKE m£ GitEAT OU't·OOOti~ we •··ve a h• tl•l11 hr:md lll'W 3 bedr~.tnn, 2 baU1 bame wllll a beallliful lhlH Gfll~ t.•r detolb; ~lldiDiber of unilli, lucome and prltc. hb!linet~s ll~~oUnK. fot t!lll)' $1l500.fl0 ldld the p..;:_t ow:=r win hoakup to most I"'Oms vtc·w. hu-t.:c d('CIL nild rircpltate. AMI lid value ut p:I,SOO.OO. See We h:l\'e IJie buldfieNUbal Will rit you. BfiSI!d you Ill ~t':trhlllg U.e.Jt ade. Pl't•Mmt clb.•ut lbil is UG and a radio and Intercom s-r:,!~~~~ d1IM l111:el,- nrm homet•~Y· You'll hi.' gludyuudld, Carpet and d CHARMiNG ~-TWO 'BEdROOM, 1 batl• medullli i!ohln ~thlc·le litid fttt•iptttt•nt.uae-i'llcltidl.!d.CuaiullS? Grve a. aeuiL ., ffttouqhout. Decks In t::.tD••:t.1AI.J.Y NICE A·FRAME hr eK«IIcntlocatiOD wltb t'~ID'It'S Wilh uJ[ :llptllitilltCS, !otde fUflliUire., fl'ciMICundilig l_lORHF..s AIJ.OWE:D DU mie, l\to anti Ua~c acrCl!l lr.uels pbu·N :md pri\lary. Clo:.e in, 'I'Ju~ bL'lll'llliDUI, u:ae 4ild IJatto. lin... ln~··· ~-o· dcl·l.ii. .hJoliiWIIJic loan atld all ft!t On1Ji' lll'.tlr C:tlllfl\n.Cit)•1lll'l' blldlitlilte llaVe'Vh."WWJ, and back' of upper level, qmn1t·1· ba~.MI): ~urut... l,l·d. laulscaped, w111aloiW:iibllOI$ $2MMo,J

' - . . - ' -'-/•-..:::'~. .{-: ~ -·;. -.;.-; . -·· . ··. ·• =--.---==~~~-=~~.

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.... ' I .. 19'12 - 12xl!) inobllo home, !Jrep!Oce Md appliances, locetod in Cherokce Vlllal::•· $7,000, CaD 37JI.4t;72 alter 5 p.m. (H.,.te "'********"'*-•··~···~ -- .----- ' . BY OWNER .: f TWO BEDI!OOM IIOUS& - ~lo)¥ 10 . remedelod. lllddooo Dowos, IG,600 down acres, zoned· ·•or ~rsa•, and take over poymenls, fl7t/QIII!IIII. AA 1800 sq. It;,.~ ~edroom ~~omt;, t 505-2&7-21141. S.IIJ.Uc :-CIZ.if', 2 baths, baautlfPIIIr<~placef~ ~ Easter Real Estate,Jnc. - ·,, ~------~ PROPERTY TO TRADE! ,.1 ~ 110 • · larg• dim. :toner~ patiO. >1- 'l:IIREE BIIDROOM- 2 l>a1ll double wide ' IF YOII 'liOiiK YOU C.. N'T AJITORD .. CONlMJMfUM IN !lOME LOTS, adjoining - coli Md ,.. w111 - ...'1' effOrt: to ! NaluraJ gas, guarant- * MOBILE 'lbree mllllular home, 10x44 II. eov~ deck. RUIDOSO CHI'JCK WI'1111Jll. We bave- different wcel!!l l,..·teoale ·lots, zoned for ~JWbllea. Heavy pine - an """"'~~~~'for yoq. 001 it water. 10xl2 •hop. 2'h acres ~ Beoutifullol, 4 bloCks ...,t

• ', ,, ',

'. ' Pogeli.:7:1,.jdoll0 IN.M.J News I . Chalfer Night ' . set Saturday at Elks Lodge The Ruidoso Elks Lodge Is obsenlng .t·,- .• ' . Charter Night, the 21st anniversary of the ' ·o·· ... - of the lo

Tbe evening's agenda indudea a socJal bour beglnning at 6:31, the free banqget at 7:30, the program at8:15, with danelllg to foUow. State Elks officials partieipatlng wUl ' include Wudel Massey, Clovis, cbairnum -PlAZA CEIIIER- of thetruateesof the state Elks A8sociaUon • and Earl PblWps Jr., Roswell, fint vice president of tbe state Elk& Aasociation. PIUCES 50011 IHROIIIH SUIIDAY, JULY 29 MOHDAY·FRIDAYa 9-7 Police activities

The foUowlnc Incidents have beea CLEARANCE reported to the Crlmlnal Investiga.Uon DlvisioD.rl. the Ruidoso Pollee Department LADIES' & CIDL-N'S and are undiK' luveatlgation. Save on all Ladles' & Children's William H. WOJ.son Jr., 111 -WUdwood· Spring & Summar apparel at Drlve, burglary ol household ltems. , Great Savings Faye Bryant, Ruidoso, mlsa1ng eredlt 32 QIIARI cards, TELCO 257-7346-S'/9M; American Ell)l'eM 37323129116&1002; Bank Amerleard 33¥3% 4ll65018223118; tbevron 91800111692 and COOLER CREST Unlled Eur/Am, without IIWIIilor. REI. 15" 33%% GFF REI •. PRKE Karen Hernandez, Animal Control Center, black and tan, 11pared, Gemum Slrephord taken. 12PECE LADIES' 11011 Mrs. Richard Ochoa, Nopal Lane OO burglary ot formica topped iound table DINNERWARE SET aDd four cbalra, chrome, covered with 7" 5 GilLY BATHING s~~- 4 EACH mustard colored vinyl. Jimplle James, Mechem Drive, m:1sslng 7z14-foot, two azel, metal frame trailer. First. Baptist 0\Uf'Ch. Mechem Drive, theft of large pedestal Blble, tJOO; lbree Unispbere and Sbure mlcropbones., ISOO. Four juveniles apprehended on vandalism PUSO LADE' a. CIILDREH'S · . ' o .j I ' ''4'' ~ ·SUMMER-· 33Y,%. A m:ent. rub al vandalllm. ln a wide ..... commercial and residential area 3CIMY SIJr'I'OIDidlng lhe Gulf StaUon oo Sudd:ertb, REI.44" SANDALS OfF REI. PRICE wu: aolvecl Tuesday wkb the appnben!IOD of four JuvenUes by offieenJ of the Criminal LAIIES' !nvestigaUoo Division. Ruidoso Pollee CRARDEMS DepartmenL SEIIIM-BEADS ETC. HALTER REI.3" 40Q Offlcenr Confhscated two heavy duty .A-.a~ ollnpbala and a quanUiy or eteel beerlngo YALIEST079' SIMMER FASIION in the quick lnveatigatlon Hiving tbe case. A large number or plate glass and oUter wlndowa In 1be area wero broken before DRESS the vamlala wen~ caught and several ean POLnSTEtt AND COTIOH ILEIIDS In the area also 11uffered atenal.ve llama... FULL lOLlS MAC._ WASHABLE 'lbe iour juveafle:s bave been turned over to tbe Chlldren's Probation Office for acllon. 0/ 44145" WIDE ::mz~~h~ 50 /0 OFF REI. PJUCE LAIIES' SIMMER YOUJt Obituaries CHOICE 100EACH PURSES Roscoe S. Wilcox Mill'S liAiseoe s. WUcoz, ... died July .. In lOIII SHIRTS Al1nlqlleftlue. He Willi& resident of Ruidoso and was tbe retired manager of Cbe C.R. Antbony Company. He waa born November 21, 1914 in Petrunma, Teus to Josepb and Mabel Wlkoz. He II survived by his wife Hazel; a son, Mike W11coK al llarUDgen. TeD&; two 20 •• NRIAILE claui!J>Iars, """'Und King and Diana Howell bol:h of Lookeba, Oldahoma; tbree IREm lOX FAllS brolbon,lbreealslensaadllvo.,...... Funeral seniees were beld at 2 p.m.. Feoturos blgb lmpaet safetY grills ove• 5- Wednelday at Clarke's Cbapelearen were Paul King, Marly SPECIAL CROUP Howell, Jamaa Cappo, FI'IIDk w_., SAtiiGPAIS & John CoriA!J and Young. In lieu or 17!! 14'Dn nowen.memorlal donadomDIB7 be made to tba Heart Fund or tbe R1o Grande ValleyCblldren'a Homo In Million, Teua. Arrangerneata were made by Clai'U'a Chapel "' - Morlual7· Cavin Ray Jose

··,-··.. .,.•._-, .

~I' . . .

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ILADE Cll . ARM ROAST ':• I.S.D.A. CHOICE c ·ROAST $188 U.S.D.A. CHOICe . DOl~...... LB. ' _IHELESS $129 LB. 50 Ll. IAI &LOVER SLICED SLAI lACOR 59'' 88~.

ROYALOAK•lOLB. BAG SALAD CHARCOAL ...... $1.39 IJPTON LEMON.UOZ. ICED TEA ...... $1.69 HEINV.-SWEET CUCUMBER PICKLES ...... 69c 480Z. BORA TEEM PLUS ...... $1.19 IWUSE &GARDEN· DUO KilLER BOMB-13.5 OZ. OUIIIE, I.EM... , LIME RAID ...... $2.29 C GLADIARGEICJTCHE,Iolocr. .22 oz. GARBAGE BAGS ...... 89c MINUTE MAm..S OZ. CAN .______49 .. FOLGER'IMU..GRINDli-ILB. SHIRFI,.E ORANGE JUICE ...... 2/89e COFFEE ...... $3.15 CHEF·BOY·AR·DE&14.0Z.ASST. . FOLGER'S-10 OZ. PIZZA ...... ·...... 98c INSTANT COFFEE ...... · .. $4.83 COMEl'WNG GRAIN & WIU>GOZ. 6\JMMERIZE v" RICE ...... 89c OOLOR1E1WS!iT.-4 ROLL FKG. MENUwtlt\ BATHROOM TISSUE . . . . . • • 69c




811RLE IOUCR .LOTION RIGHI IROPICA. ... L 120Z. SCENiiD OR 51LAHS GIARD BlEND• • •saltla DEDD01iA11i1...... 2.5 101:• ·~oz. ot._: $259 • 89c SJ49 ·98c ' . 'I" ~ELICAIESSEN .SERVICE ME.AI MARklll . SMthwest FU.11tes We Sell O•JJ F.tlr Mal•re• · ' ' : . . SIHrl ...... -·-· ._. U.S.I.A. Chltlce .Home Baktlf aread . ' High Ouallty lief

'' .. · . . .. ·.. ' ..~. - ·.. I . . ' '· -- ._,- ...... ~ , ,- 'f • .... ~ '' ' - ,, ,, . . ' · ftru.d4 lrt · ·• ... . .·;_,. ·....t wiX M ,.,..n.ry ·· . .: ..... · " Very. Sntilll' /Gallery

' ! .

' : : •'

KNAPPS PORtRAY THE ''RfAL" WEST · Tom and Dorothy .knapp have their hOme, studios anti foundry In the 'Hondo Valley. Here he works In Is gratified by the reception you have given us bronze sculpture, she In pastels and watercolors. In aur new shops. .] They both work to capture and portray the extn· ·-:" temporary Indian and Southwest scene- things that In addition to new• artists, D'Oros Galerla will ., are happening_ now - rather than following the be bringing you a wide variety at new and current craze of depldlng the West of the past. exciting gifts -to pleasantly s~rprlse and Both do a great deal of traveltng and research, but please even the most discriminating of gift when they are not travel1ng, their home Is the old redplents. Buckhorn Bar at Glencoe, New Mexico. The Knapps rescued thq Buckhorn from e, state of Come enlov the world of originality, calor and • ruin sever'al years ago. The once-popular nlter9' Is exdtement at ... now a comfortable home and efficient studio for the two artists. D'OROS GALERIA -HOLIDAY INN Both show their works In a studio-gallery· at the Buckhorn, as well as at the Anderson CoUectton In D'OROS G~ • K-BOB'S Ruidoso and same 16 galleries nationwide. ,__L veeyorlglmll•- -- The Buc:khorn Enferprlses Studio Is open by ap­ pointment, and the Knapps love to have people come "NAVAJO HOOP DANCE" BY TOM KNAPP by!


PETER HURD ORIGINALS AND PRINTS ~I ARE AVAILABLE . •·. .! THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS THE ONLY REGISTERED DEALER Webove·lbe-..ledlta.r-~llo""ilonwapollerylll....., IN THE RUIDOSO AREA mta:~lafll~-- --- ...... -. p&loon, plulon, C.awson & Sonya Smith map••• ad macll, maell tare. SELECT YOUR TREASURE OF THE EARTH TODAY! 662 Sudderth - RuWooo, N.M. - Pirone 257-2511 .21!. miles North of the stopiiJbt an Hwy. 37 - 257-5118



I' ETCHINGS AND ORIGINAL·GAAPHICS. Ask about our 1 0% discount'on framing · ARTISANis ·we~e huilni up lbe)Jesf toryout • . . SHOP.&. GAlLERY·. ·: ss2 Sudderth. Ruidoso, ·' 257·7924. N~. MIDTOWN ROmOSO 2$7.·2626


-.;..;. ~ ' , ' , ·.. .. ', 'f ' -, -J .. ' .l~jde The capitol .. ON.PAGE bY Fred ~McCaffrey , ·· · · .NEWS . . ~~il.-"f:t~:;ll'~been ::':fm~J'=~~U::=;!ffl aj!D'!'IIwo -ko '""'' lbe l'reslde!>t got be outlbere Wrt!llllbl& 1o set oor.llm abare ~- tbe hdle and told us we ought to of that good.atuff-:-rmd ~7 tuu;l better 'iilfatgbten Ol1t uur Uws. •· try to· stop us. . . · , · ett'itorlal ,.-, .. .. ~ ::· · , i""Siop bebl& so materlallsllc 111111 so Bolli D! tltaee JlOOIIIOr!o 410"!1de4 more ...... '" o 0. L' '0 ...... ~ ...... '''"" ":':'':'. . :":':":)~~:~~:~:~ " """ wllallbe ..._. part o!. his Uke boJis squallbllng m lbe BCIIOOiford '"'''''''''''"'""''"~"'''''"'''''''' If mul" ••'hog ;ipd mvle s~ow eV..nl$ do,nllt become a lliM;;;j] came doW1I to. Nulblsg new abiMII lbsa IIIey did like &alnl Jolui ..Y\ni fll lbe mctior Jail altraCiion In Ruidoso/RuidosO PowOs.-.'ft wUI • We've beanJ those Ideas .from every early C1JrJstians. "See IHnt' the7 love oae SUBSC:IUPTION RATES iN ADVANCE not be for lt:1c:k of efrqrt on· the part of the" officers, tn ill. land-tboUgb he ma)' be lbe anotberl"· · SIDJie coPY, Z&et SlacJe CQPJI by -MI\tl. 50c; 6 moutlu ollt of CIIUDly, $13, eleoted ollldal to bave lookocl .. In ._< 0fsa~lrom·""'.~twcao-flllbose-~~~ wJihln Ceunty, •nt 1 year oat of Copty, $16; wJthln County, ttt1 BoJP., d.roclor!o and m~mb"rs .of tlle RuldosQ Downs MUle. e eye and. said them ~ to us. - 1 ,..,....., ..... wn,ouu delivery, ft per ,bt~U.,. . · Skh ncrs. · So how have we beeded W. words here lD a few day.s after the Boss' .nooatlon may Tb~ Raid..- New. ~I'WIJ .tbe rJI,_ to rejed advert:lslog aDd edit copy ~ew-?lloslbelllalefllOIII'splriiUal not bavo lbwgbt the ooltlt or . .-e lhallt eoasldera ob)lclktaable. IJIIbOI(J for any emr Jn adver1:1SJng l!lhaU lffe improved in any appreeiable manner? Cbristianltr · was prevailing on the nul exc!eed 'the Vllhle'Qf the ••• BIB~ In whleb lle error o~C1li'S aad SbaU Thi~. year, for the first ume.t~ere "wi'l be three days of ··weu, tlere are some sttaws lD lhe wiDCl Potc»nae elt;ber.) • be satlsfted bJ eorrectloa. la-.tlle ae~ Qsue. Call!G'l-4001 for HOme Dellveey. mule racing, for sl.z.eable· purses. thanks to the .... Jude• by, Some ol .. took .. l!l111DbUng - , Tba glow of the TV - bad bar grumble aboul. U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici was ab"ove board in all respects. EII did like Saini !'.....,Is ol Aulsl Maybo-J~PU!Ybe-we would aU have pn~achiagto the birds, whlch was what the I)B~:~t able 'to show ourselves a little less The "above board" Includes a set of by·laws, approved President wanted. materlalietic andnot quite so selfish If the Preaidellt carter told 111 recentJ,v, after' Amort.,... caD for less federal spending by ll•c Amer"kan Mule Association. Also, there will be an Tben !he Govornor came 19 wltb a l'resldenlblmeellhadn11alked, that night ten days at Comp David, thallbere Is,_ and poliUclans sensing an angry mDOd iD couple of ideas wblcb didn't seem to be so and over lbe neD rew da)'B, about so much crisis ol c:onfldenee In-·Tbare ... the real America caU for bltiJJg the bullet. ac.coun!ing of every penny handled by the Mule Skin· lllUCb Ia. the UDBelflsb mocle either. He mlllle)' tbe government 1s planning to crlslsof nul &Ubi& lo leU a lbe bean and 110111 of tha ....tdo& enough. ManJ political leaders say ooe dl!posiled at Ruidoso State Bank with all purse monies Easl would be oul here teylng to make an l'resldenl what to c1o, bul we have notlcecl American. rather it ls a crisfa: elf ~ thing and do another; so we have more energy coluny of us. when you toss that dough around 1s when lldenoo In !heir gevenunent and their programs instead of less and are .apendlng f. r _1loe October 5-7 meittlng In a Security Bank account. Not only cUd be 8&7 that he at home tbe ugly side c011le3 out In most people. leaders. · more dollars instead or less. w1lhdrawable only to pay·the winners of races. but he wert up to Denver wad ~ditto ati Oh, weD, what It aU bolls down to, bere In l'realdent Corter told us thai Al!lerican Produc=tlvlty will lnc!reue when the otM Wutem governor.s Hardly Santa Fe at least, Is buslnesa as USillll-or productlvllf Is do"''. Wbol bas happened Americans have a reason ooce qaln to be r • every man for blmself. Conclusion: The to slow our produdivity 15 tbat are seemed like a frlendl)r thing to do. effects or President's sermons don't last we productive, when the fruits cl their tabor The Chamber of Commerce Is actively supporting the beolesed by govenunenL Big gov...... ,t will once again go Into their pocket and not Muh Skl11ners. The Chamber and dlredors of the Mule tben he got to thinking about all that an,y longer &ban those from ministers -or has eJ:JctOached on our Uves like never Uncle Sam's and when they beUeve OW' mMey that'• 1111114elll¥ going 1o be flowbl& priests. , before. All of a sudden the "'WQhlngton government really wante them to produce. Sk.1nners agreed at the I I me the group was formed that ·mentality" hal taken over and TbatdaywW come. The National Survey u .ere be strld accountability of all funds and that aU bureaucrats are runnfDg our Uva. We are for Produttl.vUy ln a report to Congress oc~ IVIties be thoroughly controlled. wallowing in a sea ol rules aDd regula.Uon.s notes that productivity will go up again. ,4."1- BEA.Jt .. and unbending bureaucracy. ttta no When that happens it wW be becaURonce wonder that AmeriCillll are rruatrated. again we have something to worJr: ror and Whal's needed right now Is fl!:'anclal help In sponsoring ~¥ ...... 0~ . 'l'be tax bite out of our paycheeb has look forward to. beCome enonllOWI. Everyt!me we get a American ingenuity is boundless, tl C purses for this years races; plus J.IO to 50 willing and raise we also see qur tales gq up. No somewhere someone Is always looklng for knoWledgeable volunteers willing to work long hours for ~ ~ longer can we keep pace wllh lnflatloo, we a way to buDd that better mollSelrap. But no pay to make mule racing and show events a per· 30 COMFORTABLE- ROOMS • COLOR TV can't even hope to. rightfully the inventor wants somelll1D8 For the finlt five months ollhls year the for It, be doesn'l. want to be snapped up In mancnt attraction here. -RESTAURANT- lnllnUon rate aurgocl to 13.4 perceot. Who his own trap because of govemmen& red "You'll Like Our-Rates" can keep peee wllb lhat? In lact. In • tape and bureauerat!Cl anafus. Mules.. with the cooperation of area folks, can become recenl survey completed by ID)' c:oa­ 25 Minutes From Race Track sUiuenb, 68 percent demanded a eon­ =~-=·x·:-:·:·:~·=-»»:««<:o;.;.;«w~~=·~:=*:-m:.~~=: tl.o bl9gest fall drawing card in the history of stltuUonal amendment calling for a R u•doso/Ruldoso Downs.- CD balanced budget. Letters to the Editor BOX 397· 15051 354-2253 • • Dear edit«1 . .,__, "• Too muCh - too &lei ~:·, lbrowlng oul everyll>lng might be a good way to.dean out your prage - but no way to put the bousekeeplng In order In In ttie energy gaine, Washington DC - allll that lo Just wbot Jimmie Carter hu done. A blg poUUeal ploy bavlq oll tbooe folll!l (euopt Republlcano) oome up to camp David you can deal out where 11ooa1Jm. JordM 111111 Am¥ eoilld Stnph &Junk look them over to see who would slay and who would go. Tbose who have done the ooly ln-­ • .. by dependeat tbtnltlllc since Carter became your own savings. presldelt are OUT - the Georgia Mafia l.s In -Ina big way. It Is lmpoi!Sible lo aocepl lloiDUton Jordon as Chief ol Staff - or - chief of Cale Dickey anyU>Ing•• Here is a man who oolf a (ew monlhs ago sbocked tbe society clrcla lo WaablngtoD what it was reported that be THE NEW LOVALISl'S poured a drink down the frmt of a woman's dress and later oa was also reported (or.Dlllldng an off oolor remark aboot the figure or a visiting dlgnltary's wlfo. '1bls man Is second to the Preaident of the- United stateS and In tb1s position wU1 • make D1IUl7 decisions which, In lbe past, Insulation bove been IDOde by !be l'reoldent. On YOur air co·"·• · Maybe t!U lo the way to put the blame reduces the on ali. bad declslons made in the future IBl . lhennostat "''"oner :aooilione otber than Jimmie carter. load on your dP• , each l'erbapa Jimmie carter lo smarter lban h~ing/cool­ ;(!e Setting a/Jove we thlnli, mg system 10%saves 3% to J .A. •• Alu Junga by 20% to per degree. ·X~,~~:;c.:«<:.:-»:.e•;.:o:«-:>:·:·x·:·:·:«•J«:o;x;;.;:.;.x.x;~ 30%. Clipped comment '



~ $1ack.the energy deck in you( favor- the-more energy saving .'• options yau choose; ttie lower your total energy bBl. Begin • Pratrilelng wlS!flm&rgy marjagement today, for aavingsl:l? ..' ' . . ,_ . ,,. . --· ·. "., -- -~ - ~· . .;; ' your Uljlity bill. .,_ ,' '~ 'j : ·., , . ' _I ' .. . .~.' ~.< ' ' ' • ''\~/ >•• ~;' \:> -~· '· ·:'-::: :.. ···, . ,, . ' ,. '._·1; '; ," -· \ ~· ' .. ' . ' •

I Jockey/T of the week Ruidoso Downs HoofbeatS. .

r j CHARLIE Mulili.LER olectrlfiod held an for a fUlllqth wlu over Sbebester tbollnoldi.Jsimlleblndi!ISbBIIIMaa.SIIe BY MIKE MAGDA. each, l>ul Wemer llatl 0.. I'IIIII10r1lp raee Sa-. Swldar, Mueller ,... at 'l'hlll"lldal"s allelldauco Wilb 1111< vtctorlea Cllad,. Mueller took Sunday 1>11 from finisbes. The Downs of Sau1o Fe wboro be ~ In· an ellbl mounta. He also added a tbiN IJu8. Azure1ena - lblnl. Mfne.to-llve was • solid 14 -·Eu.v Pa~ lloJI, MueUer WOD GO 8iJ: of eJght DlOI1D1I favorite Gentlemtns Feature, lhe 1178 - woo gOOII OliOIIIIb to be lnVIIed to lbe ridiDR at Ruidoso Downs and a weD lhe flnllb. flllll, deserved rest it was, For he had already Thursdaf and added • lblnl place finish leature nee. place Muell8r "'"'lhe lhlrd, Jtan5u Futurity wtnner, WIIS sldh. IIITI QwnpiOII of Cflamj>IDIII race at' IAI Alllotalod,lllaollerwaa&-t.eln13-. sblb, elgbtb, -~nd races. A ClliJPLE OF BIG NAMES lsllod to Alamlloo, lbdehed tldrd In IIIII ~ ridden niQe winners in tbe prevloua tbree for - ,_,... It ... lhe - lllng1e weraer wanlhe llllb race Salarda)' and The talleat loagsborMi'iel!Or-th brought 1n qllOIJ!y lhe Seco Mia, - dlvlalon l>ut was not laot oiJOU8b, &ay day~ Including alzTbtmJday, maklag him dar total for a 'regular 13 race card - captlll'lld tbe fourth raee ~ to earn was In tbe tblrd -nee a BiZ furluDg maiden for Clasolo. Ia an easy choice for Joc:key-Gf~The--Week season. Twice before Danny Summerow lhe AJI..Amerloan Dul ,... The-Week utle by bnsaJdns an 11-way tie 'l'lluradllr and B'l!daf, lben JICOrlld wiUI wan four lboroiiBbbrod ra- and twa Moving along, l'llCt!l5 uaiWod down to olilllh place f ... Jd. with more second place Elniahes. A total of MueUer wm two 1bree I'WIIIOI'IIP &polo Salurday.. quarler bene""""" It W881he wtnnlngeBI 11 conditioners came In with two wtna Friday and added a aoJo wiD iD the 13th terferenee In tbe ~. Mr AftDQ Bug, Hugh L. Ttleker eooUnues to lead tbe day for a Jock87' on 8 reJular 13 race card Barometer winner of IIIII Kansas Deri>J earlier tbb overaUtralnentandlap with 28 win& Tho tbb ...... Tho prevloua - was by 1978 Haa.dle $31.,593,111 ,...., placodlhlrdlntbofotnihdlvfolm bOI oaly ehan.Re 1D tbe atandiap eamo at; the Dann1 summerow who earded tour W88 Dol faot OJIOIIIb, . bottom where Cllffurd ll Lambert and wJnnerstwieettdayear.JerryNJcodemus A DEAD IlEA~ fc>< IIlli oeey (ThroughSunday,July:ol,I9'/9J marestopslbeday.AddedDIIXleyOiflJOO 1$21!00 II II fu1110J10d for~eu-<>lda lbe rotum,... f2,742.!11 and wiUI Bby Suo JOCKEYS wW draw a fleld af ttJree.,ear-olds 8Dd older. Wltb Gary Sumpter aboard, and the payoff Wll$1.958.20~ "1'here wen a total Dlatance Ia 5MI lmD o tes Gal won the firBt dlvb!on In a WID older. furlwu. 11 of 12 Uekell. Tbe reopeellvo Mil. loll Pol. Sunday's ~ ~ lbe Ulb nlllllb>g of •- •-- n ••• na1 •- w1ttnJnS ...... the $102 728 World'a Cabmmplloonib lp Ume of 21.93 seeonua. ... ,_ ua.- "' 111 qulnlela roluml were fl37 A0 IDd ~116.60. GaryS- 327 u 4& 42 .125 ' · trained by Rc:lser c. Fqan. '11MB the Danny Summerow 255 co If/ If/ .157 QuarterHoraeClaulcoveroHeyarcb.Jma FJJIBT DIVlSlON of the CJuslc FOR THE'l'IIIRD Uil HUOII, 1118 pool pasWoo waa Jeri'}' Nicodemus ,130 33 14 21 GatesGalwaathefastes&qualiffer 1Dtr.la!l trials advanced four to the finale. Behind same Involved In lho Charles Mueller 199 Zl 'rl .161 Dally Double. Saturday, tbe horae .. ·'" bold laat week. The wlaner will collect 1ma oatesllal come Ruby• Gold Ia atln!,o charglaglromlhenlathpaotpo111101lcame Joolllartiuez 30 38 45 .113 l51,3e3. First pool Ojlch dey Is I P"!" o122.00; Magie Injun, 22,15; and High Bid 1n f1rat ln the flrBt and JeCOIId. races. True Steve Fuller 115 29 11 10 .228 Man, 22.31. Tbere were a total ol 42 head carlos Rivas 168"" 21 17 .143 Rowlder with Dolmf ~aboard, .. entered, setUng up five trials. Here are lbe !a W.R.Hunt 142 22 17 18 .155 c:apturedlba oponlns'race ~lipoid· mualalng queU!Iera: Lucks Image Glr~ Deed, wllb Jad< W.U..... up, won lho Salust:Jo Burgos ... 18 31 13 .IYTI 21.96; Ob Sblney, Z'Lll; Vespera. 2Z.l6; Ri~hard Bickel 149 18 16 13 .IZI second race. The peyoft' was $11.10. July If Dickeys Fireman. 2U3; BkdlesBar,22.31 • tbe five post POiltloo wco bot.b racea for a TRAINo:RS and Core Of 'l'be Apple, 22.33. Core Of 'Ibe ' WID 115.60 pay of and lbe fourlb poi!Uoa ,... Apple had II~ Keneys Sam with a 22.33 tbe winner Juue 22 for a f29,to retum. 'I SIB. .... Pel. clocking buladvanad after a eb41ke waa · . . I Hugh L. Tucker .. OJ 17 .315 hold lhe following momlug. CINCO PISTOL, running clear an lba Johnie A. Goodman 100 14 'It• .210 .. niE TRAINER..JOCKEY ~omblnaUom . outside, epod to a I~ ll!lllllb victory In lbe WOllam F. Leach 156 Zl -II -12 .135 ,. or Hugh L. Tucker-Steve Fuller and Paul ' n.Jubow CooJolallon Sllunlar,j H. Don Farris .' ~--:. Fu::'L B2 20 ,. 13 .... J. Sopcbak-J'esse YDIIkum sent. two boraes H. C. Werner Jr. 168 II 30 15 .102 ·... ~ 1 GenpTclert.Wer UH . euoh to lbe flnalo. Fuller ,... aboerd · ~~=~=.~ I& 13 .144 .~il I.udollmlgo Girl and Ob Shlney wblle · Bob E. Arnett 129 II 20• .1011 . .. j,'. . ' field. He ad~ oliDosl to bfs Yoalcllm rode Core 01 The Apple .RIId lllgb bankroll. Tab Five Too = .. :'' .r .,t' ~ II D /r ,i lbroldE. Molea lit 18 .123 B1d Man. Tbe only dher diwts!on to send foUowed by Tollkawab, who waa Clifford C. Lumbert 110 11 . . ;·.... " . - 13 15 .100 fastest quallfier. Time ClD a lract Jack:W. Broob II 12 13 •117 more than me bene W&!ll tbe e!&btb where .. v"'''""'o Bildloo Bar IDd Core 01 Tbo good ..... :10.10 -IIIIa. Carl Wlilo .... WINNING POST POSITIONS aboordlbo ...... No.l-(l9;~p.~ ::r.~,Np4--60;No.~~lr/o.6-5'1lN0.7~1ND. -udvii!IOod.. r.:o.·;. B-4:1?Ro.~; a..-1 ... ~ ...... :J • JEI\RY NlCODEtiW. rldin& 01117 .lliJ ' ,"""!'; "n; • ""liVArliiiiB\Yiiii'ii&W."i ·.,.;,.11"~ ,. lillb moilntin lbe laBII2netng days, woo tbe mutllel wiDdcJn ever tbe weekend u tbe featured 1Ub race Tburaday. lbo four day llreteb -uced a tl>umplag Nicodemus, wbo Injured a lboul4er before handle of $!,lOOMS. Tblt avmges out to lhe Rain- FUiurll)' time lrlala, placed 1510,171 perdly.On lboaameweeteudlul £irst. and &econd on his only two JJlOUll18 year, tbe four Ill)' total wu fl.'l'li,lfl .ca Lwo weeks ago. On h1a t1m. rlde TlxaddA.Y. WEEKEND TOPPER dally avenge rl $(G,786). 'lbe 1118 Nlc:odemws placed fourtb Ia tbe aecoDd weekeud beiPod puob 1110 ...101111 dally Charles Mueller booted In nine race on Disco Dance. Aboard. Easy avezage abeacl of 1ut Year'• record pace. winners last wee~ six In one Crimson In the 11th. Nlcodemua. guided tbe Aller 43 ..... lhe - """'"'' day, to earn Jockey·Of· The· EllSY Jet colt to lbe lead lmmodlately and olaJxb at 1123,4!5,cloy~, whlcb Ill a gala r1 2.47 KRRR Week honors at Ru1doso Downs. over last year'a .f413.2H at tbe same polnL Fans are curreatJy betting a per race RUIDOSO RADIO AT 1360Khz average or $32JU. WITH . LILLIE'S RESTAURANT FISHERMEN'S THE HANDLE at Ruidoso IN STEWAlUJS' RULINGS,= "Hi:ADQUARTERS Downs Race Track Is Terri Allen, Jaelde Marlin, Leroy •HORSE RACING RESULTS • --(tpe• Year ATGaiiii­ $18,209,877 for 560 races over ol3 and stuart Dolplul.o were eaapondod line On• Stop For All Your racing daya for c:arelea riding. Homc-Maclt: M""""' Food race days, for dally average •A.P. NEWS ON THE HOUR 'Ev..,-&bCaolzd Needs - Jockeys Dolmle Buotamaulo IDd wagering of Sl23,485 and per DanDy SUmmerow were One4 ~ fc:r J• uo~e·s meer.r fallure to btva of their JDU!IltL •A NICE VARIETY OF MUSIC Opt!a Ua.m.-Jl:llp.m. *License •supplies race betting of $32,518. Last COI'ltrol *Equipment year, after 5'24 races and 42 - Trainer Leadro R. Lw:ero was filled WlllfnJTOPieale 12$0 lor being Involved Ia a dlllurllaJice •'TIL SUNSET EVERY DAY O.r-C.lcllllen:t GO GAMBLES race days. the handle was $17.356,679, dally average ood latelferlng - aecur1ty perooanoL AndS1111•I Trainer Horace C. I.ucero Jr., wu fiDed PEDRO I LILliE YSASI $413.,254 and per race average $200 for glvtng !alae fnformaUOD to the $33,123. The current dolly atewarda res- a dlalurbauee In lbe wagePing average Is up 2.47 grandstand ..... percent over last year's record - Trainer Ten:y W. Walker wua lin~ setting pace. $200 lor failure to bring his bone, Sugar TO AJld. Tea to tbe paddock for b1l raca.

:::If~,·.. Odglna! .

' SORRY'S BARBECUE I !• FORA GREAT I dlm:e. 1974 .

Ther•'• four big days of racing In stare far you every LUNCHEON~ SPECIAL. . Thursday thraugh Sunday at Ruidoso Downs. Post tlmols 1 p.m. •ach day. ll:OO.A.M. TO 3:00P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY COUSINS' Saturday's program Is highlighted by the $7,500 SANDWlCH~B£ANS•SALAI>•ICED TEA --oQG>,..~ii"'&:o"ii add•d FIRST LADY HANDICAP, Three"ye\\r-l>ldo and up will cover fl~~e and on•·half fuJJonat. On Sunday t2.7s· ' • there't $180,000 up far grabt wll•li. uaoon•d Q~Jalt*r (liEXTTO I'OSTOFt=IC:El lit IlPPER llOli:IOSO ·,

RESTAURANT Hones iln• up far the WORLD's CHAMPIONSHIP " • ••• '· •• # CLASSIC. . &'SALOON ... . t.lme •n aut to Ruidoso Downt for II!• finest horse l\lclng anywtierel · STEAJ(S-SEAFOODS-CBi~;

..,_ ' lffghway 37 ' . ' . ' •

.' ~. \ --:_ • ...:>" ~--· ...... ~.:·.& -·~-·-' '"" I·. - -·~- ' ·· <.. -· -~, ,.. . :;:-.·. _: .·-· ,' -' '· .. ' r , . ·";,; ,. :.;· ·.-· •.

... ·-, -==~-=-=~=====~~====~~~~~····..


' . '


8YDICJKALWAN Let~• say.lt'a a ~ 1u.mmer day In lhe Toxu FlatlondiJ, lllld J011're eo llie · """'"' .....,..IOI!Oiwllote,.OI're going!,.. ·• RJt~Cl" v.U.u. . od'\lie. bi8b"""' Is. bot eooOIIb to birD a , ...... IIIIo curled lip - paJIV, li'iou'':L.ust about bad It IVboD "'"turn lho .. : 'fllldlo ,lllldlhese woniB IIDallnlo ,..,.. i fi.\IDllller-baked eardnl.rra!l; "Here We the ; -· reaulla fromllllldoaoDewM,Iiome ol til'! AIWimerlcan P'11turlly, lhe world's p:beat horse .-ace. Jfs about 7G degrees _.re. in the caol, pine country••• " . ,) f4aybe fOU don't care, about Jetting: the l)aroffs on the dal,ly double, but tbat image

"'broeee,lhe plae - lmplloatlall""""""' In ol lbe Cljap coollllOIIDtoin blqe sides, 8Jlfllllug...... llowlng down frGm : ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~~~ at.erra Blanca-wen, lt'a uough to"JQBke I'D overler put bls gas snzz!er Into • 90 dejp'ee-aad head 101' Current records at Ruid~so Downs ollie biBb COUD!ey. etJ Tbe man beblnd that bectoalng eJec.. -. wlee Is Ed~ he's bsaa fMolng throush bls smnmer race routine for @e past 11 yeere. Actual~)~, tbe bll abaut RUIDOSO DOWNS High QuJnlela - ,1,109,80, Dunces d:be cool miJIIIR.tainB takes _only a few BEASON'S FASTEST TIMES S...epero(lobaldge, Jqne 30. llecGnds-bfaJob Is to give the race resulta, (TbroOIIbSW!day,J~22, 1117&) Iml Qulnlela - 1001' raeea Ued at f3.20, - Rllldoae weetber report. Bllt IVboD he f: furlongs- 43 %15, C&tonle, .tune 17. .dreJ)S AD Item about the summer cUme, he .6'At furlonga -1:08 415. Scott'• Courtablp, t10es it with routlne surety. It's enough to June 15. cet a body bantering fortbemoontalna, Jet &fUrlonss- 1: 13 116, Fola Native, June 10. Mae the horses. . &Ita furlonp -1:19 415, Duqueua, Jtme 23. e Follal who've hem Ua!enlng 1o Ed 7 furi0118B -1:26 211, Rusbfng Silver. July Hyman over tbe yearsateod to think of b1m 15 . llB tall and o!Ollder. "I pe!os I've got a taD 7!<. furlonp- l:M 4111, Ro, Owl, Job' 13. alem:ler volce,'" he said. uActaall,y, I'm MOe- 1:42 316, Double B Ezpres~, lune tum: about ·average-five feet, ten Inches u. and about 160 pound&•• ll/JBmlles-1:511/S,GambleGrey, June 1 The IXliU1 behlncl Ute so-famlltar valce 16. ..,..lonally s ... up lroot. For exall!Ple. hB'a been the pltebman In a number of 350 yards - l?.?ll, Rolme Mald, JUno e• telovlolon eommerleola used ·lhrovifiout IOOyards- 20.01, Coll Do Arrlval,J~ lB. the Southwest. 1\nd he'l taken JeVeral «o yards - 21.91, Black Sable, Ja1Y e. turns before the big screen camera." 550 'anls - 2'1M, Klnda Speedy, J~ 1. Remember tbat acene In "Caaey'a 870 yards - C6.28, Al'a Vest. June 24. Shadow,01 wheD Walter Matthau iB being MUTUELHIGHSANDLOWS Diterv1ewed after wlnalng the All· lllgb Blg Q - $5,5112.11t, Go Billl' WW... rl

·F~.&S..t4•Y'rih.. < ' • '- ' .. .9 TO .I:JO·P.M~ · .~' .- .. ' . ~- .. ... ' ' ..• • . . - ,·_-' > .. -. :· ... ' . "-· • '' '1 ;!' ' ' . .• •'

l· i ~- ' i ' I

425 SUDDERTH Calfomia Grown ~Ears Sold Heads ' Ripe Peaches Golden Corn Green Cabbage

. ~ ~ Ears Lb. For Lb. Official USDA Food Stamp Redemption Store Bell Peppers ...... &f., $1 Italian Squash ...... ,,39~ Tender Broccoli...... 39~

Green Thumb Corner Head & Shoulders Tube or 7-0Z. lotion Bount.Y Paper Towels EKCO ETERNA Colgate Toothpaste Gourmet Cutlel'l

2- Roll ~ F;$399 7~fie $} ~ Pkg. NEXT WEEK ••• 6% Inch Fllel Knile. Save FolawlheWeefdJFealure&BuilciYourSet. 20(: Kai-Kan Dog Food GOLOEH II~RVEST Ironstone Dinnerware

14-0z. Cans


ii$0A CbG1c:e ileef .' _. . . ·Chuck. Arm Pot Roast Safeway. .

Pet~feum Jelly -• · ·' . ' . ·.· .·.· . 4-0t.Jar . . " ' . ' . . • • < ' :' ' •• . '-. . :~... ' . . i : . . $. 89

! I,. ' --\·.



Ice Cream Flavor of the Month Lucerne SUDDERTH

SWeat and Juicy Ice Cream We go where the crop is picked••• Brown Cow ~Bing-Cherries for· the pick of the ~p! " Our buyers are In the growing areas regularly selecting produce to bring to I you. We believe that's lhll only way to give you the pl~k or the crop. Go where the crop is grown. Sland in the fields and hear the rope a~paragus Feel a juicy tree-ripened peach. Let your mouth water a bot. When good enough lor our buyers. It's perfect for your table. Oul in the growing areas for you every day. %-Gal. a littie bit more .... from Safeway! •~~Honeydew Melons ...... 23• Ctn. • # - •

TIUII Sweet · · Oranget'-"';'"\'"'~.~·· Jurce • ·-~ • Groun 12-0z. Satving Can Beef Suggastlon Kraft Dinner Safe way ·Macaroni & Cheese Regular Save 31C Lb. Per Pound 37:$1 Pizza Pan

SAFEWAV Foil 2-Ct. r Serving SuggestiOn Serving Suggestion Pkg. 79~ PARTY PRIDE Beverage Ice

• I i.

MARDI-GRAS Slfilwiy~t Paper Products . Paper ·. : · ,- ·· 7 . ··Corned. .. . Beef . Canned·. Picnicsc. . 99 _,' 4 .... . ---- .. Recularly Sll.89 Towefs ...... !'.::.\' 8 .· · · . - ' • P-aper· Na_pki'hs -· .· • i . 14 ~J6•..... ·. ·. ·'''· Pill~~72' ...... ·:.:· .... ··; ._·.·' ,_ .. .. .'; . . / P••••- RuiCIOfO [ N.M.l._. Thursday, July 26, 1919 ' .. • .. _, ' '." .... -- . ' .- ,• .': :.. ' ' ,_ .. ·." ' _,._ ·• '.' ·) ··- .. ,··· ' ··.. -•. .:·: . '., ...... 1 .. . '

'• .'

j 1 ' CommunHy United Methodist Church

! II formed by group

.. THE BELL IN THE TOWER of the Community United Methodist to Hazel Kennedy, an' organizer of the church, the bell Is the only of dedicated people one In use In Ruidoso today. C::hurch Is heard throughout the v111age every Sunday. According

BY CHARLOTTE FELLERS up In Texas and attended Gainesville Junior College, St•H Writer/ Photographer Oklahoma University, Oklahoma City University, Central State University at Edmond, Oklahoma and The Community United Methodist Church was completed his theological work at Perkins School of organized In Ruidoso In the Mid-1940's by Hazel Theology at Southern Methodist University In Qallas. .Kennedy and many friends who mined their church Wiltshire served In the Oklahoma Conference 24 when they moved to the village. years before coming to Clovis and the New Mexico Conference. He has also served at Odessa~ Pecos and Kennedy said when she and her husband Ike moved LasVegas. .. to Ruidoso In 19<15 from Lubboc::k ''I decided I wasn't The church now has 273 members with an average going to live here without my church.<~ summer attendance of 140 and winter congregation of She began a long process to organl:r:e a new church 90. by vts.ltlng the bishop and district superintendent to The structure of the church's governing body Is set ''see It we could have a church" In september. 19-'5. up llke that of the United Stat.. government. In foci, She was told by the bishop, uu you can get Dr. the Methodist Church was established before' !hit Thomas S. Barcus from Tularosa to come and hefp government, and the government saw how effectively you, I'll help you build a church.'' the structure worked and decided to copy the Idea, Kennedy then composed a list of 21 prospective according to Wiltshire. members and contacted Barcus, who felt sure a Kennedy said some very dedicated people served church could be formed. "We decided to meet In the on the administrative board as chairmen Including school building for a while. We had Dr. Barcus come Den D. Swearingin, the late Ike Wingfield, the lateR. up on Palm Sunday, 1946 for our flrst communion and K. Knox, Travis Htcks, EmmeH Reese, Robert I remember carmen Phillips made a picture of lt." Pearson, Dr. Dale Wynn, Roy W. Ratcliffe and Dave Church was held at the school until September 30~ Parks. 19.-6 when the group had their first board meeting and Current board members Include Edith Burns, Mary decided to move Sunday meetings to a small rock. Parsorls. Paul Trout. Lou Horton, R.L. Jones~ Par~s. building located on a lot ad joining the property where Jessie Lee Hawkins, Kennedy and Kathy Edwards. the Shen station now stands. The building was owned The board makes the final decisions for the church, by White Mountain Development Company and was but receives recommendations from various sub­ used because two company owners, the late George committees. "'All programs are reviewed by the McCarty and Mrs. Dulcie M. Palmer, were also board, •• Wiltshire said. church members. Regular worship services are held Sundays at 8:30 Not long after that, McCarty and Palmer donated a and 10:30 a.m., with church school at 9:30a.m. The lot to the church valued at S600 In 1946. "We started church youth group meets at 6 p.m., every Sunday with S257 In cash donations from people to build that and 1he United Methodist Women's group meets et 7 church," Kennedy said. Ground breaking ceremonies p.m., Wednesdays. Open communion Is held on were held the Wednesday preceedlng Thanksgiving, Maundy Thursday, at noon through Holy Week and THE REVEREND NOBLE WILTSHIRE has pastored the 19.-6 and Kennedy was one of two to break the ground every Christmas Eve. Community United Methodist Church In RuiCIOso four years, for the new church. The Community Unlled Methodist Church Is located longer than any pastor tnthechurch'shlstory. "We had the foundation In before Christmas. Harry in the Palmer Gateway area In Ruidoso. Fairbanks designed the church and It was a tiny church at first. Ike Wingfield put on the siding to finish It," she said. A bell was purchased by Emmett Reese for the church. "It was a bell from the middle of the street where the Exxon Station Is now. It was off an early locomotive." Kennedy &ald. The church was ready for use by Palm Sunday, 1947 but the congregation was still meeting fn the rock building. "We marc,hed over to our new church on Palm Sunday •.. I'll never forget how pretty It was," Kennedy said. The church was paid for 19 months after the groundbreaking and was dedicated by Bishop Angle Smith. The first wedding ever held In the Mefhodist Church was that of Corrine Kennedy and Dan D. Swearingin, married October 18,19-Q. l Pastors who have served the church over the years Include H.L. Graves, the first assigned pastor, the Sixth in .a series late Hugh Bailey, the. Reverends Frank Matthews~· .. Tom R lchardsoli, Charles Crutch 1:1, Earl Ball and Ed Dlllerllne, who saw the church row to threqtlmes .on area churches ' Its original size during his service . ·. An education building was ntu lly added and . was ""three lumber sheds which nated by l

... . .~ ' .. ·.. , .-· .'··.:· . . ' ,-"

:., A Party Or Meeting??? WIIIAVE FI!LL F&e;!llJII$,fQII YOUR $HCIAL EVINJ. •IIJn Reali, our Sl!n Director, wiJ hllappr to · auilt :rou witll aH your plans ... for a ...,..,, meeting, CARS wedding o.r anr Diller occulon. She 1111n. !lelp filii plan pur menu,. ta111e -aeme•, •w AVAILABLE II acceuDrleJ, flowa.,., ate. Mllrilyn and her lfllff have IU!Iflllflvlll to 111ab any fui!Cflon o llilpPJ one I SINGER-SONGWRITER EDDIE RABBITT RIIJIOSO, N.M. l.octd.. AtAirpert CALL 378-41151 - ASK FOR MARILYN State :Fair featuring ...... 257-5722 OR FOR USERVATIONS vocalist Eddie .Rabbitt CALL lOLL FREE 1-IH-654-3131

andCountry he doesn't music milld. hal the a newlabel sex at aU,symbol, even othermade artisls.his mark Most notabl~writinJI waa101111 Eddie's for, '======~~j thuugh be's a little surprl&ed by It all. nrst efrort1 "Kentucky Rain", wblch was Eddie Rabbllt, the singer-songwriter, Js recorded DY Elvia Presley and hit the the new eenter of attentton of ahrleklng beiB}Its. He also peMed tbo huge eouotrr females In concerts atound the country. hit, "Pare Love", wbleh was a blg one for Rabbltt, named the Besl. New Male Ronnie MUsap. Consolidated Report Vocalla:t of 1978 by the Country Mualc By tile time EleltUa bad released bll SECURITY Association, has been booked for Ills firat presenUy bot-on-the-charts "Lovellne" apPearance &1 the New Me:dtoState Fair LP, Eddie had nine eonsecutlve Number BANK OF All.Star IWdeo this September. · One countcy rlinglea to 1118 cred.lt, of Condition of -- - RUIDOSO He'll headllne Tingley CollseiiDl sbdws Besides &he Best New Male Vocaiiat fOl" the Orst weekend - Saturday and huoor, Eddl.e al5o received two BMI SUnday, September I& and 16. Writer's Awards In recognition of hb After years of struggUng as both a slnger songwritlog abilltJ. SECURITY BANK A. IISI Bank and. 111 songwriter, Eddie 18 currently rldJ.ng His concert popularity bas lnereued. by high in the saddle of success with a new leaps and bomuls after touring extenalvdy album, "LoveUno", and !he top-ranked bll with O.Uy Porton and Kenny llollen. RUIDOSO LINCOLN slngle, "Eveey Which WB)' But Loose''. the 'lbe 1979 New Medco State Falr - the NEW HI!XICO 88345 UUe track from !he Clln1Easlwood movie 42ndannual edllloo o!Tbe BISIIeolSllolt'lll of the same name. NewMe:daD-wUlbebelcllllAllluquerque Wltb three erlllo 17

28. Pre1errad stock 28 27. C!lmmon Stock ~ 28. Surplus • . • • • • • • • . . , . . . • 28 28. Undivided profits and reserv• for c::antlngencles and Qthar capital reserve 29 ao, ToTAL EQUitY CAPITAL (sum of items 26 thru 29) . so 81 Memo . • 1.· Amounts outstanding as Of report data a. $tandby JettaB of credll, total . • . fa b. Time carUf!cates of In denominations of $100,000 or more . • fb .. c. Other Ume deposits of $100,000 (:lr more , • _ . • lc • 2. Average for: ao CUllendar calsndlllr month) ending With rf!lport date 2a

.' '·.

·-'. . ' • .AQULT REQUi.ATION • PROGRAM.· .. VILJ,AG')iF:RI/111!)5.(1 ' ' ''· ... - \ ulllio:fAc::'w;,"&.,.;:> ' . ·· ~Paili .. . 8oltelloo!ii!""' D""""' . l'tllt()lfken.;,.lr~t . RPid0119~ !(~~-- !'Iiane 1,..!111'1"-IJ;Iil , . · ;. . MembenlolpClliJ-·Ii'oeoiS.IIt NflQN UONS •cau C.•t:le; l>G p.m. - Blood RVIDOSO BOY scotJTS The Daughters of tbe Ame.rlean Pre2Jiiure WeJght Check; 6:~ p.m. - Troop 59, Boy Sco11ts, meets at 7 p.m., RevolaUcn meet lbe 3nl TUt5day of tbe Senior Cltben Bridge. each Weclnesday, under carpet month, September tbrougb MQ at tuesday, Jaly 1~ 10-noon - Social Warehouse. Paul Holcombe, Scoutmaster. member"s homes. An,Yme ellslble &bel Security; ltHI.oon- Exereyele; z.t p.m...... Jnteresled, pleasecaU...,.or3J3.4ML New MWco Tu-Ald; 2-4 p.JQ. - Dance CAPITAN LIONS CWB •,.. PraWed by !unch and the Meets on the 4th Wednesday ol the ALCOHOL COUNSELING P,.ock; Nom­ Meets at the Amerlcan Legion HaD third HiU School open 8 a.m.-12 noon, Mlmday, a.Jdfn Age lmldoean Medlng, MPR: 1-6 L R. Stevens, Paslur • Alamogordo Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Harvey Foster, Tui!Sday, Thursday,FricJoy. p.m. - Gamet; r:ao p.m. - Daplleate You are in'flted to join us In worship! president; HerbBnmeD.,secretary. AMERICAN LEGION Bridge. R08EIIT J.lf.fdaty, sn.... meels every Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Elks N0.208S AIIXIlJARY Lodge. Wayne Slva,ge, presldeut, Ted IJ!"llhhng ... --... 2-1 p.m. - &e.. Meets each• bd and 3rd Thursday al Elks M~ts joinUy on lbe tldrd Wednesday Cf C&Se Cles; 7:00 p.m. - 8~ Parbt SBC Clements. ealler. All Square Dancers Club building on Wghway 70 west, 8 p.m. each month. and Dance Hoaortngan tbosewJtba bfrtb.. Ruidoso, New Mexieo weloome. summer-7:30p.m. !Niater. RUIDOSO VAU.EY ""Y In July. WEIGHT WA 1'CREftS- CkUIBEHOFCOMMERCE lot'allon: 4 Btac:lcs Abct"e Traffic Ughf On MeC"hem Dr. Frlday Jaly 21; Shopp.l1lg, Tr.au­ Meets ev~cy Tuesday, 7:tl0 p.m., WOMAN"S CWO Meets third Wednesday In Cbalnber 1 E~ W. Campbell, Pastor Monday, 12 noon, pol luck lunch~ office on Suddri. May-september 7 p.m. sportatioa. £aeort .. foraal.tauce c:aU 257- Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital ecm!erenee Phdne 2S7..20SJ roam. For mqre information, c:aU 257.-2973 foUawed by bridge and' eanasta. All ID­ October-April 12 nooft. Meetings open to <565; l-ond2-lp.m.-Wba-Y'"' after 5 p.m. b!rested w.omen jnvited. ...bile. Want To Do Day; 6=30 p.DJ. - Bridge..

MOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Jade; LeavtU, MlDlslerlng f'bone - 257-6559 Sunday Service - Meets at 102 Clover <.:an 2a7-S559 for dlrecthms Sunday Nigh\ Service-7:30p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting - 7:30 p.m. at various houses CHURCH OF JESUJI CRRIBI' L.D.S. Ruidoso Woman•a Club BWStreeter Plume 251-6111 Priesthood-8:30a.m. SUnday Scllool-10:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting - 11: 1:» a.m. FULL GOSPEL HOLINESS CIIVJICR On Enll"lllt9 Hold in Ruidoso Downs SundaySchool-10:00 a.m. Mcmdng Wot8hip- 11:00 a.m. Sunday Ewntng Senrlee - 7 :3D p.m. Wednesday Evening Servfcv- 7:30p.m. S4.JNT ANNE'S OU.PEC Gloocue N.M. (Hwy. 70&Ftb~c~n·Rd.) .Father DeJbert .Admlf - Reetor Falher WDliam Young - Vialr SUnday: Jfoiy Euc:harlst - 9 a.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1 Canizozo,N. M. In Ch!Utlan Sdenee Library Bldg. I 121hS~ Services: ' SUndaya- U :oo 11.m. Wedneeday-7:3(1p.m.

''' . ' Village Hardware i I .. . I

q · rEP ··· • ;'alii::-·. -r p ·.. '\C ·. r 'I: 3 Midtot!n Ruidoso lt ...... ft.ellb!r :r,~;tc;: ._,~p B ·:-. I -, .':. •• wr: :. 1 .>·t _ ·s ... • ..... r .. '• j .. 7 '~w ~h0ne. 1 g7!40Q)_. . __...-..,...... _ ...... ~·~·· ~J •"' ' ••. >; - -:· ' . .-··

'.' ' J· .. Last·. e~pe pf Bitlq the_Kid

'· ·' '

' ~'


HOURS: . '· r Mon •.frl. 7 a.m • to 5 p.N. 378-4494 s.r.rclar 7a,M.to4p.M. AT THE Y• RUIDOSO

Consolidated Report RUD050 STAlE BANK ' of Condition of -- - RuidGsO State Bank

"- ---- .... ,.. " Ruidoso Lincoln

209 1979 ...... • • •• 1. Cah &nd due from depoaltOty lntltutlona • • • 1 2., u.s. Treaaury ecurltln . . • . • • . . • . . 2 3. ObflgaUonl or other U.S. Government •genclel and corporaUou . 3 4. ObflgaUon. ot Statea and poi'IUcal IUbdlvflfona lrt the United State& 4 6. AU other HCUrltln , e &. Fed'oral flb1dt BOld and Meurflln purchased under agreementa to rueJJ a 7. a. l.oanl. Total (excluding unearned rncom•) . . . . • . . . • 7a b. Lela: &ll~ce for poa1lbht loan IOioM'I • 1l> a.. t.oan., Net . 7o 8. Lease financing recelvabln • 9. Bank premiset, fumlture end fixtures, end other ue:te representing bank premises . •$ 10. Real estate owned other than bank premltes • 10 11. All ...... 11 12

-. . ~---~- 13. Demand deposRs of fnd"Mduala. partnershlpB, and eorpar-Jona 13 14. Time and eavJnas deposits of lndivlduBfl. partnerships. and corporatlans) 14 15. De~ffs: or Unflod Statu Government . 1S 18. Deposita at States and poiHICIIIllbdlvialone fn the United Btatet • 1D 17. All other deposits . 17 18. Certffled and offlcera• chectcs. . 18 1B. Tofal Deposits (llutn of mtm• 13 lhru 18) 19 COOK IS FORCED to cut the Kid's leg chains... a. Total dl!lmand depoJtta • • • • 19a - ..., ).}. .. tl. Total time end aavfrtQI; ~lt. ... 11lb 20. Federal" fundt purchssed and eecuriUn •old ~nder agreements to repurchaae 20 21. lnterest·baarlng- demand ncat:ft (n01a balances) IQu~ to the U.S. Treasury and other llabRitles for borrowed' ltlortey 21 22. Mortgage Indebtedness •nd' llabllfty for capHaiJted feues . 22 23. All other 23 24. TO'tAL ~bo~J~ed ~- .;.d de~nt~re~J (~um' of 'Items 11J: thru. 2$) 24 • 25

28. Preferred stock a. No. shares outatandrng 27.CommonSioclc & No. sharea aulharfzed b. No. Share& autstandrng { ______28. SurpJua • • • • • • • 29. Undivided protJI$ and ruerve.tor contingencies and' Qhr c:apltfd raerve • TI>lrAL EQWTY CAPITAL Jtem1 28 thru 29) •

1. OUIItandlng u ot report ore a. leUar& of credit, total b. Time certilictltea o1 de~l .tn denomlnatlcns of S100,GOO or mare • dapoii)IS In of tiOO.IIOO or 111<1,.. • , . . 30. cal""dar oalendor monlh) endlno wllli report dille

.'. ' ' '; '•\. ~ .- .. -

. '

. '. " • • \ •, ~· '•., • - •,,• ~ "··~ .. - ' .··I' l'l' I' ,~ -\ ·1 I I j . ' '

.··l.l. :.'· ·.· .. .' •

.r ' '

:j ' i I I i


. i LADIB' WESTERN SHIRTS. l . '; . .., .: MEN19 nnrr \ 12.47REG. 997 ,: 1447 'RUBBER ·BOOT I GREIN RU,IR UPPER WffH · j I CONTRASTING. YELLOW RUBBil REG 1127 REG.1757 13.97 &.14.47 21 •97 SOli &HEEl. PERMANENT PRESS



gns s.Jo~ I 1 BIACI, BROWN, &WIN~



COHIAINS 4QUAlRY lARG! ASSORTMENT METAL HORSE SHOlS COOKIES COLOR CODED & ARA TY IWO SJIEL STAKB BY SATHER COOKIE CO. ABSTRAO &.TITlE CO. MADI BY STAR lOX 964 - .PK.ON£ 257·.2091 01 257·5054 · IUIDOSOt·HIW ME~ICO 11345 lOCATED MfXI tO CAlllVISfON Owners: .AI and Charlene Ward SALE 996 13/88~ Abstractor:· Naila Sluder PRta ...... -· ~ .

CASt IRON SKILlET FOAM DINNERWARE PREFERRED BY THE BEST COOIISJ •NO DI!HWASHING TONIGHT Visiting grandson to entertain Heavy duty one piece cast Iron, ready All through the Summtr to use, already pre·seasoned. Easy to •RIGID, IOAK PROOF I. again and again, dean,61n'', 8", lOW' sizes. Figured the best way to keep 5 SEOION DIVIDED 30·9" DINNER my cool PLAnERS PLATES Was fo romp with him in o PACKAGE OF 16 PACKAGE OF 30 swimming pool;. ,To 6nd a pool quick was a cinch to decide I ;ust ran· an ad. In the Classi6edl 1 Failecl to stat• what the size .MICHANIC1 ·: -' should be- AUTO RAMPS But the one we gof Bts , .,. CRIIPIR. MANUALS us perlectlvl I ! . HEAVY GAUGE STEEl This repair . 'mattu~l offers I ~ I. specific~li~ns 1 tune·ups, step·by·step • ...... ;----.,#( SUPPOITS 651 fOUNDS parts replacement~ dn·tar ad• PORTABlE. juslmenff, · brak~~, electrltal, tran· smlssio~~·trtlubl.~ shootlng;.~et\llce·~n4 more. ·· CHILTON~$ lllUSTIAtm · 1919 EDITION · :,:"!

' ~-. j ' . . ., ' ') •' ' ~ . .. .;...... ; .. ··-. "~------~- ,- .

' • " You bel(] . ' . .. . . ' • ' . ' .. .

Innsbrook Village Tow1 on the most beautifully d The complex is traverSJ entire area ·has been proft be continually maint Management Company st living here wlll be·enhane and gutters ~nd all city se1

Innsbrook Village Townhouses are · •• available in eight distinctive, convenient ' ' - . floor plans, and the Condominiums are . ..

~- •;· . • % ' available in six floor plans. Townhouses have .. ~ •- . I •: .. • ' from two to four bedrooms and range from . ,· ,.. 1200 to nearly 3000 square feet. Con­ .. dominiums range from 700 to 1300 square -~ -. ~, ... , - ~ . ""' feet. Additionally, .. .,. - ~ ~~ ... -~ ; ...... '""'--:~r ...... :->, r .. -;_ . :~ ~- _:.· . . ~ I • I • Townhouses can be custom built l' ' ' I . ! f • Most units have garages '• • r I I • r • All sundecks and balconies are redwood I • Townhouses have refrigerated air conditioning I I • Townhouses have forced air heat I I I • Smoke and fire detectors are included • You may choose single or multi-story designs · • Energy efficient insulation is used throughout Every owner also shares:tl • A 9-hole. par 3 golf co· • Double paned glass is used throughout landscaped and maintai1 • All roofs are cedar shake shingles • Undergroundsprinkler.! • Double ovens, range, trash compactor, Complete grounds main1 disposal, and dishwasher are included • Heated outdoor swi.mmil in all units • Tennis court • Most units have utility areas • Recreation building wit equip:mentt $Uld outdoor ·• Only quality , carpeting is · used . . · days a week) . throughout except for tiled entry areas • Fisbing i>()nds· • Availability· of full-timt'l • Pro shop· . .

_,. _· . ' ...... -

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~nghere " - •' ' lbouses and Conc;loininbuns sit " leveloped 40 acres in ~uidoso. j l ed by ·cedar Creek, ·and the j . 1 ~sionally lands~aped and will ,, fained ·by the Innsbrook aff. Your completely carefree i1 ed by paved streets with curbs j rvices and utilities. .. 1 i

j ...... ,.. i ' . . ... j


' '< . - ~. In addition · to these individual amenities, every Innsbrook Villag~ owner automatically becomes a member -of the Innsbrook Vlllage Country Club which includes a membership in the Texas Club .

. ~

='' ' • ' ·, ' lnter101'11 by Hec~n IJidAsaoclalea-RulciDeo '< • fle use of: urse that is professionally aed . · ·· 'Ystems l:enance. tigpool

. . . ;h game room, playground barbeque pits (open 6~ · ·

.. naid service ... . •

·...... :· e•7· 7~··~~~~: .:··~:·~;·,~~~:·.~.: 1~.;, ~·.:·~·.:.7··· ~~?}t:~.·:~'?'~·~~.'~~~~r-"~":"''~"'!11:~,., :«•;;·.r,:··~,·~:'" ;, ,· .,r L , 1 ·•' · ·aou~btt~#~ !illrott~'oo;·. 2601 E, TaMoll ' . . : 1 Boxl~4 , .. •. ~~1 ~a~ , Tx. 79991

' . · ~' PER COPY .

NOJ21NOUR34THYEAR. I RUIOOSO, ~INCOLN ~UNTY, NEW MEXICO 883A5 Lucks Image Girl wins Oassic

FallS who IIUllle l,!lc~~ Image Girl a 3-6 by three quarters of a length. Income, since the start of last year, at Three ·Cl8$ic contenders who came favorite ill Smday's $1~726 World's Jerry Nlclilemus was aboard the Dlly $114,000. . away with black eyes we«~ 011 Shilley, Champlonsh~ CIII!S!c at Ruidmo Dowll8 who's owned by lhe Travb Ranch of The mutuel returns on the winner were who'd been regarded as one d .the ~)est lllUSI have bad their hearts In tllelr !IIOuths Norman, Oklahoma. The winning trainer $3.!0,$3and$3. Dickeys Firellliln, olfat 33- three-year-old colts on the lt

" ' In addition, tile banks wiU have speakers. "Tills Is an !nvestmmt we've lind the Bear Claw Gallery. adequate change and will beasafeplace to needed to make for along tlnle and now The festival's boors Saturday w!B be . ~,. ' secure lafge amounts of mooey. An ad- )l'e'Ualwayshaveltralherlhanhavlnglo !rom!Ca.m.tolp.m.,andSundaylrom10 . dltlonal security guard wlU be pooled at scroiJ!lge arouoo evernear," Wllson said. a.m. to 5p.m • ' ' 'I \ ,• ~~ "··:"!. •' . ·,·"' ' ' .' 1.· •. ,. ·, - .;;./ .'~ ~.:~·.:~: Careage home now Our offices are open seven days aweek. A distinctive, five-foot, solid wall Prices for Innsbrook Village Con­ around the 40-acre project provides the dominiums start in the low $40's. Several privacy and security you expect in this financing plans are available up to 80% exclusive area. · under construction BY GWYNETH JONES prov~ions for the bandicapped · according Ill the 1977 estimates. for 30 years to qualified purchasers Only 137 Townhouses will ever be S!affWrlter/Photograpber In addition 1o lhe regular rooms, the "It .wiU definlte~ be an asset to the whether for primary residences or second "With an~ kind o1 luck at aU," f.acility llill include a recreation room, l'Ollllllunlty," Pate said. available, and more than two-thirds bf November will be the opening date of a laundry and kitchen. Pate &lid all state Thehomelsloool!lfoaaUacretractat homes. The Innsbrook Village Rental and them are completed and sold. convalescent care facility under con· and federal staooards lor sucb homes wiD the intersectioo of DStreet and FUtb THE DRAMA IS INTENSE as Billy the Kid, left, afterward, slay McSween though the Ktd strucUon ill Ruidoso, accordlng to project be meL Strec~ in the Klngswood nsubdivision. Management office is available to all AModel Townhouse with inter~or design superintenleot Junior Pate. The exterior of lbe locallncllity will be When the building permll was ol:t9lned in .and storekeeper McSween, standing In front of escapes the ambush. This is lust one of the ac· Ground breaking on the project was ill stucco with a gabled roof. Pate said the !918, lhe subdivision was rep !ailed fn order owners. by The Anderson Collection is available McSween House, discuss how to protect them· tlon·fllled episodes In the pageant, The Last October, ma but heavy snows and rains company takes !be climate of the area Into to aUow construction of the f.aclllty. is selves during the Lincoln County War. The Escape of Billy the Kld, playing this weekend at last winter and spring almost caused the consideration ln des~ning each bulldinjJ. Innsbrook Village centrally located for your inspection. Stop by Doug Bass gunfighters crouching In the foreground, shortly Lincoln. work to t'Ome to a standstill, Pall! said. Blacktopped parking areas and drivewavs The Careage Corporation operates Erosion of the wet ground also caused will also be provided. under a ''total concept" Pate said. Ao- on Mechem Drive (Highway 37), the road and Associates offices at Innsbrook de!ays, since much of the fill used to level As many as 7ll persoos might be em- cording to a brochure prepared by the to both ski areas. You are only two the site had to be replaced, be added. ¢oyed by the center, Including full and company, "Careage coordinates the ac- Village and take a tour of the grounds. The Careage Corpora~on, based in part-time nones, bouseket~rs, aides, tivllies of all firms and specialities Jn. minutes to the Municipal Airport and two Visit tbe Bellvue, Washln~on, Is ftnancing tile cooks and so on. volve.d in the project so that progress Townhouses and Condominiums Old Lincoln Days action construction of the buDding and, aller !Xiglnal estimates released in 1977 In· toward completion may be accelerated." minutes to downtown Ruidoso. The and observe the quality construction, completion, wiD lease the facUlty to a dicated the pa)Toll for the facility would Most ol tile lacilltles owned by the company specializing in the field of health range from ~,000 to 1400,000 per year. corporation are located In Ute northwest Smokey Bear District Headquarters of the convenient floor plans; and tasteful. ap­ care. It is expeded that food, lllilterlals and part oi the country, but IIley are now ex· is The 86-bed facility will be certified lor suppUes will also be. purchased locally, panding into l!le south aoo midwest. Pate Lincoln National Forest right across the pointments. You'll be gJad you did. begins in arena Friday Medicaid and Medicare paUents and wm when available. Projected cost of these said two centers are located in tile GaUup street. feature complete nursing care and supplies would be about $180,000 annually, area