··-, -:..,~-- ,._.,,oo:r'··~"!l':"l;''-~"-if-· -r ,r ~ ~ : ·- ·Soutbwe~;Jt M!o:roti.,J,Jn co, .. ; 2601 E • Yanrl.<tll ' Bo,x 100~4 . \ ~l Pa;iD ~ ,.•fJ:x,•' .7999'J.. ·. .. I The 25C-PER COPY " NO. 21 1N OUR 34TH YEAR RU IOOSO, LINCOL.N COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 THURSDAY, JUL Y26, 1979 . - . Ruidoso's freight se.rvice still uncertain HVCHARLOTTEFELLERS Joe Lopez, P,arts manager at_ Siena weeks," . .. Slalf Writer/Photographer Blanca Motors said, ''I heard Sundance Barnett said they have discontinued went broke and pulled out." He said he using Sundance both from Dallas and Conflicting 11tatements that have been telephoned Sundance's .borne office in Albuquerque, turning to other companies issued from tbe home office and two Phoenix, where the rumor was denied~ but and have since had no trouble. branch offices of Sundance Trans- was told they were having difficulty ob­ Because of an apparent ROrtation the comJJaJD carrier that has tainlng fuel and having trouble making the l'reorganizatlonal process," according to served R~idoso at least ten years~ have left usual routes. Lopez Mid, "I put in an order Ratcliffe, the telephone nwnber listed In merchants in Ruidoso ~wildered for · with Merchant (Fast Freight) who was to the Albuquerque telephone book is wrong. several weeks. let us know when our order got into El Reaching the Albuquerque office of Paso so we could go down there and get It Sundance Transportation requires dialing ourselves." two wrong numbers before reachlng the According to Roy Ratcliffe, terminal office. manager for the Ruidoso office, "Our bosses teD u.s that we're still· in business. Lopez said he has put local people off up In an effort to discover if the We're getting a truck in here every: day to three months with the only excuse being Albuquerque office Is operating. The News f El Paso ,. , he couldn't get the parts, Lopez said many contacted it Monday. A spokesman said rom · . of his parts are ordered from Dallas and the terminal is ''open to a certain point, .. · · · since Sundance sold their ll,uthorlt:y to but "we can't serve that area (Ruidoso) Ratcliffe told The News that Sundance· transport from Dallas to Albuq11erque, anymore.'' · sold th.elr Dallas authority to the P.l.E. another Une must be used to get the goods The manager of the termihal was not truck line about a month ago~ but added, as far as El Paso. available Monday and in contacting the "We hav.e received nothing offlclal" office Tuesday, a spokesman said, "He ls Lopez said he asked the Merchant line if not giving out any statements at all to He said authority to continue serving the they too have had trouble locaUng fuel .newspapers. Several papers have come by Ruidoso area was nol sold and Sundance suppUes and was told, "We haven't had but he hasn't given any statements to any can still serve this area as well as the LaB any trouble at an. anywhere." newspapers." Cruces, Alamogordo, Hondo Valley and Ratcliffe told The News Tuesday that -~ i -. -&- • Roswell areas because the pennit, "IB so goods coming intQ El Paso on the Mer­ .. : ;,:- "Sundance knew about t.hl!i; they knew .· .. "" ~- ' ,_, ..... ~ ,.,. old, It's like being grandfathered in," he chant line are probably stuck at the said. • . thls was coming oo for months and Instead . ,~ ~ of telllng me, they gave me the nmarouftd Merchant dock. "They're supposed to ' ... Interline with us but aren't because they ·.. about the fuel sltuaUon. I wouldn't beUeve • Pennlts granting authority to serve a a word they (Phoenix office) tell you," are trying to get authority to come up .· specific area are Issued b_,y the Interstate Lopez said. here." · ' Commerce Commission, tHrough the State John Elliott, a member or the State CorporaUon Co111IDIM1on. Doris Langford, Villag~ Hardware aqd CorporaUon Commission. said Monday PainL Store, said Monday, "We get our that Merchand Fast Freight has been Once a need ls proven for the service, a paint from Denver. We're having a heck of Issued a ten-doy emergency temllOrary HERE OR NOT?? Sundance Transportation, the "reorganlzatlonal changes" and curtailed · temporary, Bix-month pennJt IB .Issued and a time getting it." She .sa1d one Mlpment authority to serve the Ruidoso area ef· common carrier which has served Ruidoso more operations In Dallas and Albuquerque. normally Is followed by a pennanent had to be picked up In Roswell and "once (ecUve July 16. than ten years, Is now experiencing . pennll within a year. ICX (truck llne) brought it up here." She Elllott said the probable reason said, "Some orders are still somewhere, deliveries have been Irregular since then Th'e News contacted the home office of but we don't tmow where." Is because "they are short of trucks, Sundance Transportation in Phoenix they're a brand new operation in your Friday, and spoke with Harry Brown, Langford said goode delivered by ICX area," and hnd many arrangements to director of terminals, who sald, "We are County Commissioners "arrived in such terrible condition, make. sWl In business. We have curtaUed probably because of the way It got BhuUled Elliott said, "Sundance just puUed operations ... we have closed tbe Dallas around" a lcnglhly damage statement bad ouL ..I bcUeve tbe only terminals they tennlnaL" to be filed. have in operation are In Las Cruces and Robert Cates, Sonic Drive-In, said, "My SUver CiLy." He asMil'ed Tbe News, "we are aWJ suppUer ln Albuquerque told me that According to John Fawcett, New Mexico briefed on airport status serving Ruidoso and will cooUnue to serve SUndance was no longer 1n bu5incss so I supervisor for Merchant. the company Ruidoso." Brown also said tho had to go to Alamogordo or RolweU to pick began regular runs to Ruidoso Monday. He I ~~~~()lfl(:f~~-~wJUre~ UP.·.at01hlng. 1 ~- thrl.tomo ~.the -~-.'iht ~~·~· ..U.~lt'*'' P BYGWYNETdJOOES .ror Scpte:mbU, Wldercthe. dlrectlon of .the ·bills to·"Uil.l'&;-~r; 'illn4• ~g ,of · ~ ·i. bPC!tl· .u~ statements were repeated In a sinaller tOwnsf cirlka were cl~ out, . SCJVed by Sundarice prior to''tbo sale oF S!afl wruer!Photozrapher engineering firm of Gordon Herkenhoff valuatlon noti~ to Ink lmpr._s;slons. , • -telephone co'nver88Uon Tuesday to Rat­ but I don't know." their autbority, and said, although the and Associates. - Were advised by Bryant that New . cliffe. Kat.lv Barnett. Barnett's Carpets~ aald permanent authority to serve the New UOcoln COtmty cJnrnwtoners con- Memco counties were now required to they were forewarned by Dallas suppUens Mexico area could take up to a year to (erred with George Shoemaker" of the Herkenboff, who acts as consulting approve an animal control ordinance However, local retailers using Sundance that a change was In the CJf&g, "'Probably acquire, he cxpccted to obtain temporary Sierra Blanca Airport Commission engineer for the county, was given which wiD call for an animal control of­ say they aren't getting the goods ordered about a month ago we under3tood that the authority untO tb£_n. • • . (SBAC) Tuesday on the latest develop­ authority to begin designing a two-span ficer, vehicles and an impowtdment from Denver, Albuquerque, Dallas and Albuquerque Lennlnal is now closed. We Merchant Fast Freight is an establisbed men Is regarding the proposed facility on bridge for the San Patricio area, which facility. points In between. started tracing a piece of goods which was company, workmg m '1'exas many years the Fort Stanton mesa, during a regular will cosL in excess of $130,000. The county - Authorized Road Department in El Paso, but the dock foreman wouldn't before branching Into Deming last year. commission meeting 1n CruTitozo. has been asked to foot lhe bUl for 15 per· superintendent Guy Henley to utilize For approximately three weeks, Sandra WJioad it because there wasn't enough The home office for the company fs in · cent or the labor or materials for repairs present employees for overtime work Marshall. Gambles, said, "We've been room ••.that was oo the Mercllant dock.'' Abilene, Texas and their ...telephone Shoemaker explained that the SB!t.C had necessitated by the June flood, and the when necessary. waiting on an order from Albuquerque we Barnett also said a 8hlpment from number in Albuquerquedl 842-9131. No been offered $30,000 by the state Aviation commissioners agreed to demolish the old - Tabled a joint-powers agreement made that still hasn't been delivered. They Albuquerque was supposed to Interline local nwnber wa.,,avaHafft. Division for enltlneerlng studies on Site A. Glencoe bridge as part of that obligation. with the Resource Conservation and said they tried every freight Une in town with Sundance but Sundance wouldn't A<J tor Sund.an"", Ratclille said Tuesday. Development group which sets goals for and couldn't find one Une to transport the . ac:cept the shipment. "Tbey said they "We're aWl here and we'U continue to He asked the commissioners for their A low-water crosSing on Gavilan Canyon development oUbe area and appointments goods to El Paso." hadn't been accepUng goods for two make dally runs." recommendations on the next step to bp Road near the Ruidoso LlWe league field to the county Planning and Zoning com· taken by the SBAC. He said the state had will also be repaired. Bids will be let for mission. "threatened us that if we don't accept the the actual construction work on the $30,000 and put in a new request for 300 bridges and cro.s.sing. acres (the minimum amount of acreage Village bridge needed for development of Phase I) then In other bm~iness, the commission: no staLe money will be given to help us." The land in question is controlled by the - Turned down a request from Mr.
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