“The Old and The New:

The Blessing of Catholic Continuity”


March 20-23, 2011

“And Jesus replied, ‘Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.’” (Matthew 13:52)

St. Isaac Jogues Parish 8149 West Golf Road Niles, Il. “The Old and The New:

The Blessing of Catholic Continuity”

“We believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.”

What keeps the Church One in all its cultural diversity? What keeps the Church Holy, Catholic and Apostolic in a world dramatically “divorced” from its own history and traditions? The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, is “built upon rock…and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

But since the Second Vatican Council has the Church broken with its past? Benedict XVI, recognizing confusion and turmoil in many segments of the Church, made an important distinction. In his 2005 Christmas Address to the Roman Curia he spoke of two contrary and conflicting hermeneutics.1 One is based on rupture and discontinuity. The other is based on reform and “renewal in the continuity of the Church which the Lord has given to us.”

The Church is truly CATHOLIC. It welcomes all cultures and races. It embraces the East as well as the West. Its continuity is an uninterrupted connection – a bridge spanning past, present and future. In time, continuity integrates change that applies the truth without altering it essentially.

This year’s Parish Mission will be a prayerful experience of The Old and the New. It is a “bridge” to understanding the wholeness of the Church and the holiness of our living Tradition.

1 Hermeneutics - method of interpretation and application. Sunday, March 20, 3:00 p.m.

Our keynote speaker, Reverend C. Frank Phillips, C.R. will share his understanding and experiences of “Catholic Continuity”.

Fr. Phillips received a Master of Divinity degree from St. Louis University. A member of the Congregation of the Resurrection, he was ordained a priest in January of 1977. He taught Music history and theory, choir, and religion at Weber High School for 11 years. In 1988 he was assigned as of St. John Cantius Parish.

Fr. Phillips has done much to restore a landmark Polish-American Parish and renew its sense of mission. St. John Cantius is a unique example of a parish that celebrates “The Old and The New.” Mass is offered in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, in and in English. John Cantius Parish is renowned for its commitment to classical Church Music.

In 1998 Fr. Phillips founded the of St. John Cantius, a Roman Catholic religious community of men dedicated to the restoration of the sacred in the context of parish ministry. Its mission is to help Catholics rediscover a profound sense of the scared through worship, art, and an appreciation of the Church’s heritage. Its mission is reflected in the community’s motto: Instaurare Sacra (Restoration of the Sacred)

Monday, March 21, 7:00 p.m.

We are honored to welcome the Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of . Bishop Perry will celebrate a Latin High Mass in the Extraordinary Form this evening. Music for the Mass will be traditional Gregorian Chant performed by the St. Lambert Schola under the direction of Andrew Perz.

Bishop Perry was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of in May of 1975. He served in the Milwaukee Archdiocese as an associate pastor, pastor, Seminary Law Instructor, member and Chief Judicial Officer of the Tribunal. He was named an for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1998. Since then, he has served Chicago as Episcopal Vicar (Vicariate VI), on numerous committees of the United States Conference of Catholic and as the Postulator for the cause for Fr. Augustus Tolton, the first American diocesan priest of African descent.

The St. Lambert Schola, a six man choral group, sings for St. Lambert Parish’s monthly mass in the Extraordinary Form. The Schola’s repertoire consists entirely of unaccompanied Gregorian Chant from the Liber Usualis. The Schola was formed in response to Pope Benedict’s permission to use the Extraordinary Form more widely. The Schola recognizes that Gregorian Chant is “a treasure that has come down to us from the earliest ages of Christianity … a vehicle of the text to lead souls to the path of sanctity.”

Tuesday, March 22, 7:00 p.m.


The Second Vatican Council inaugurated a renewal of the Liturgical life of the Church. This renewal has been “in process” for forty-nine years. The Third Edition of the Roman Missal in English is the latest development. The new translation of the Missal offers us challenges and enrichment. In itself, it is an example of “Catholic Continuity.” This evening, D. Todd Williamson will explore characteristics of the revised Missal that reveal how rooted we are in our tradition and how deeply the Church is in touch with its history. The “Old” and the “New” can be and are in harmony.

D. Todd Williamson is the Director of the Office for Divine Worship of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He is a speaker, author, and liturgist whose ministerial experience includes teaching and parish pastoral minister. He is co-author of Let the Mystery Lead You! Bringing Liturgy and Catechesis Together (Twenty-third Publications) and the author of two editions of Sourcebook for Sundays and Seasons: An Almanac of Parish Liturgy 2007 and 2008 (Liturgy Training Publications).

Wednesday, March 23, 7:00 p.m.


Bishop Perry will return to lead a reflection on Monday’s Latin High Mass in the Extraordinary Form. “Catholic Continuity” is a foundation for true reconciliation and harmony among us. What are hopeful signs for today and signs of hope for tomorrow? What is happening in the Archdiocese today to confirm our hope? What can strengthen the church, enrich its life of prayer, and repair the “rupture” that has sometimes divided God’s People?


Parish Mission Particulars

• Monday, March 21 – Thursday, March 24 a video of the previous day’s session will be shown at 9:30 a.m. in the Holy Family Room.

• Refreshments will be served after each presentation.

• Free will offerings will be gratefully accepted each day.